RECOMMENDED OLD and NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARIES by the Biblical Studies Faculty of Princeton Theological Seminary (OT List Updated 2010; NT List Updated 2017)
RECOMMENDED OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARIES by the Biblical Studies Faculty of Princeton Theological Seminary (OT list updated 2010; NT list updated 2017) Recommending commentaries on biblical books is something like recommending restaurants in a large city. Possibilities are nearly endless and depend in large measure on one’s taste and interests. But given a commitment to excellent critical scholarship and interpretation that serves theological interpretation for the life of the church, here are a few recommendations. It needs to be said that there are many more very good options than we can list here so none of these recommendations should be taken as necessarily excluding other candidates. So let’s begin our restaurant tour of commentaries. COMMENTARIES/MONOGRAPHS ON INDIVIDUAL BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Genesis. For the book of Genesis, two excellent theological commentaries include Walter Brueggemann, Genesis, Interpretation (Westminster John Knox, 1982) and, more recently, Terence Fretheim, “Genesis” in The New Interpreter’s Bible, Volume 1 (Abingdon, 1994). I recommend Claus Westermann’s three-volume commentary on Genesis for those interested in a full range of discussion of critical issues, with emphasis on the European tradition of scholarship. Another example of a more in-depth critical and theological commentary is Gordon Wenham, Genesis 1-15 and Genesis 16-50, Volumes 1 and 2, Word Biblical Commentary (Word, 1987, 1994). Literary scholar Robert Alter’s Genesis, Translation and Commentary (Norton, 1996) offers a translation that seeks to keep close to the original Hebrew and a commentary with literary sensibilities. Exodus. A standard critical and theological commentary on Exodus remains Brevard Childs, The Book of Exodus, Old Testament Library (Westminster John Knox.
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