
Brentford & Isleworth Locality Patient Community Group Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 27th January 1-2pm Committee Room, Health Centre

Present In Attendance Julia Chalmers Watson: GP / Locality Chair Sue Jeffers: HCCG Managing Director Sue Joyce: Patient Clive Chalk: HCCG Lay Member Nigel Edwards: Patient Dilo Lalande: HCCG Engagement & Comms Barbara Stryjak: Patient Manager Sarah Felstead: Patient Danny Rybowski: Patient Barbara Benedek: HCCG PCRG Chair George Foster: Patient Alma Chisholm: Practice Manager Mystica Thiruchelvam: Healthwatch Kusum Joshi: Healthwatch

Apologies Not in Attendance Robert Flann: HCCG Patient Engagement Officer Agenda Item Action 1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

JCW welcomed members to the meeting and apologies were noted.

PPG INFO FOR BB introduced herself as the chair of ’s PCRG and LPPG.pptx explained briefly what this entails. She went on to ask how the group feedback. It was explained that a member of the LPPG will sit on the CCGs public and patient engagement committee.

SJ introduced herself and explained that she was attending at least one PPG in each locality to gain feedback on the PMS review

CC described his role within the CCG, explaining that he was there as a critical friend of the CCG to ensure that quality, complaints and engagement involvement are rigorous and the work that we do is joined up and always benefits the patient.

ACTION – Robert to distribute to the group – PMS presentation, map of localities and diagram of accountabilities, where PPGs sit.

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2. Personal Medical Services (PMS) Review

Sue Jeffers Managing Director for Hounslow CCG and Clive Chalk PMS indicators for Engagement Lay Member for Hounslow CCG presented the PMS patient engagement.pp review (see attached) to the group.

NHS who hold the contracts with GPs are carrying out the review. It is the CCGs role to agree the list of services that we want to commission in Hounslow.

The point of the review is that practices are currently on different contracts and deliver slightly different services. With this review taking place, GPs will deliver the same services across Hounslow. There are some indicators of the new contract which will be mandatory and others which are optional, the CCG is currently asking patients for their feedback so it can make a patient informed decision on which optional indicators should be included in the contract.

GPs on governing body wanted to add bowel screening (cancer) for an additional push as only 47% reporting rate in Hounslow

More importantly, by having a similar contract as the 8 CCGs in North West , will produce a reduction in the costs the money saved and can be re-invested in Primary Care.

SJ and CC will be attending one PPG in each locality to update about PMS

See questions and answers below

Q. Should patients know what kind of contract their practice holds? A. No – this should not now make a difference.

Q. Is there likely to be the closure of some practices due to less funding available?

A. The contract was negotiated in 2010 and the reduction in funding agreed – the practices who will see a reduction in funding will receive transition relief funding for two years to assist with the funding gap the new contract will cause.

At the moment the APMS is not included within this review Q – is this something you have had to agree with the PMS practices A – Yes, through contract negotiation

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The London offer from NHS England have gone out to patients to see what services they wanted to see in London – these are the patient indicators NHSE – London have asked CCGs to choose 2 mandatory indicators from the list & the CCG is expected to commission the decision

General discussion

CC – A Letter has been sent out to all Hounslow residents with new healthcare messages. Next newsletter – get people engaged and to tell them about services CC – The PPE committee would like a LPPG rep from each locality to join the PPE committee CC - Healthwatch sit on governing body and also belong to the PPE committee and we are engaging with Healthwatch on the PMS review MT - Healthwatch – Our patient experience review has not seen a great demand in attendance at Saturday and Sunday clinics CC – difficult for us to gauge the demand JCW - Isleworth advertised 7/7 & has increased demand

Q how long does the rate of demand show up in diagnosis, very easy to value what you can manage A could put two services together – i.e. see who goes for cervical screening if more demand put screening on a Saturday Q if you have weekend opening at all are you seeing new people? A difficult to know -111 has changed this. Hub practice in each locality 10 practices – vol or APMS) and 5 practices open Saturday and Sunday on rota basis. If you ring 111 they will refer you to the nearest open practice Opening on Saturdays and Sundays has surely increased demand how do we ensure this does not happen? The concern is it makes people less self-caring. GP WEB - Evaluation needed of GP web and can it be embedded as one of the PMS/GMS options? Can we get nurses into GP practices to provide Saturday appointments? Data collection for 6 months who is using the services and why? Needs to be evidence based.

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Renew in six months of Saturday opening if it works and evaluate cost Do we have stats on what patients come in with on Saturdays? ACTION – identify out of B&I practices which have GP web up and running. Look at practices that do not have GP Web and see why they haven’t got this. ACTION - TOR for next meeting in 2 months on Tuesday or Wednesday send date range Q - How do we record how long it takes to get a routine appointment - so we can access this? The CCG will work with Healthwatch to go out to practice to evaluate this 3. Terms of Reference

3.1 To be covered in next meeting

Locality PPG Group ToR B&I.docx 4.1 AOB

5. 5.1 Future Meetings: the group discussed future meetings and the times that participants felt they would be able to attend, the group agreed that a Wednesday or Thursday lunchtime 1-1.5 hours would suit best at Brentford Health Centre. However due to the need of the next meeting being facilitated to achieve specific outcomes for the TOR and objectives for the group, the group agreed the next meeting date should be Tuesday 15th December 1-3pm venue TBC. Date of the next meeting Date & Time: TBC Venue: TBC Room: TBC

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