
Brentford & Locality Patient Participation Group Minutes of Meeting held on Friday 23rd September 1.30-3.30pm Committee Room, Health Centre

Present In Attendance Barbara Benedek – St Margaret’s (Vice Chair, Dilo Lalande ( CCG) chaired the meeting) Robert Flann (Hounslow CCG) Richard Eason - St Margaret’s Angela McKenzie (Hounslow CCG) Nigel Edwards - St Margaret’s Mystica Burridge (Healthwatch) Philomena Finnerty - Albany Stefan Vlajkovic (Healthwatch) Aston Jennings – Manor Practice Danny Rybowski – Thornbury Road Barbara Stryjak – Thornbury Road (minutes) Linda Green - St Margaret’s patient and LB Hounslow Councillor Apologies Not in Attendance Dr Julia Chalmers-Watson (GP) Sue Joyce – Cole Park Peter Goulding – Brentford Group (Chair) Colin Stacey – Cole Park Richard Baxter – (GP) Deborah Stevens – Isleworth Centre Sheelah Watson – B&I Development Ann Thomson – St Margaret’s Manager Tandeep Fairman – (CCG Head of Quality and Governance) Agenda Item Action 1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

BB welcomed members to the meeting. 2. Minutes and notes from last meeting The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

3. Feedback on Anti-Coagulation Pathway 3.1 The meeting was presented with a document showing the feedback so far (only Thornbury Road). Three members of the group had attempted to get feedback from their practices and it had not proved easy. DR had submitted feedback from Thornbury Road. BB gave verbal feedback to the meeting from St Margaret’s and would write up her findings. PF couldn’t get hold of the relevant people at Albany despite numerous efforts.

RF would resend the Anti-Coagulation Pathway and provide information on which practices provide Level 1 and Level 2 services

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Angela McKenzie (Locality Business Manager) explained that as part of the out of hospital services contracts, GPs are required to feedback patient information (KPIs) to the Federation. That information will give the LPPG and the CCG a clearer idea about how the introduction of services was going.

It was agreed that the GP Federation should provide information on what should be happening re anti-coagulation pathway and the group would find out what is actually happening at practice level eg which of the 19 services are being provided and do the practices provide information on them.

There was some discussion as to whether Healthwatch could help give access to patients for their feedback, but patient confidentiality must be maintained.

4. Phlebotomy Pathway 4.1 A document was provided which showed the two pathways depending on whether the practice did phlebotomy themselves or referred patients elsewhere.

RF would redraft for clarity and send the pathways to the group

The group would feed back the results to RF

5. Care Plans 5.1 Richard Baxter, who was due to speak at the meeting about Care Plans, had been unable to make the meeting at the last minute, and would be invited to speak at the next meeting.

6. STP Engagement Tool 6.1 DL updated the group on progress with the STP. He also mentioned the online feedback tool which had been widely distributed and encouraged all of us to participate. The draft had been issued in June, a large scale engagement meeting was to be held on 27 Sept for the Hounslow STP, information would be collated by mid-Oct.

7. Feedback from practice PPGs 7.1 RF would provide information on the number of practices in B&I with face-to-face and virtual PPGs

Thornbury Road – BS had contacted the practice on numerous occasions for a face-to-face PPG to be set up and had finally BS & DR received a response and would be meeting with DR to discuss how to progress it.

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BB said she would work with the Practice Manager at St Margaret’s BB to help restart the face-to-face PPG.

It was agreed that the aim should be to set up face-to-face PPGs in all practices and that they should meet every 2 months to tie in with the Locality PPG meeting.

8 Things to be raised with the Locality GP Federation 8.1 The Locality GP Federation should be informed of the existence and remit of the Locality PPG.

SW would be approached to ask if one of the group (Chair) could be invited to the Locality GP Federation meetings

Questions were asked how the GP Federation links in with HCCG, how conflicts of interest are managed (eg some members of these organisations could be both commissioners and providers).

Action: DL would prepare a document to explain what these various organisations did and how they related to each other.

Information the group thought should be publicised: Mental health – are the talking services being advertised Reminder that it’s time to get flu vaccines. DL informed the group that the nationwide flu jab campaign would be starting on 26 September. The group concluded that there is lots of information available for GPs but it is very fragmented, that GPs and GP practices are overwhelmed with paperwork, and that the information needs to be made easily accessible to doctors and also disseminated to patients; we can ask the GP Federation how the Locality PPG can help with access to the information for patients. DL informed the group that Your Voice had just been commissioned to provide volunteers to go into GP practices 2-3 times a week to help provide patients with information. There was some discussion about how Healthwatch could be used in its interface with patients and how it could raise awareness of its own existence and role with patients, but that the quality of its database needs to improve first. There was again discussion about the difficulty with phones and getting appointments at various practices. As this is a common concern of patients – it would be helpful to understand the reasons. In due course this should be discussed with PPE and the Federation.

9 Things to be raised through HCCGs Public & Patient Engagement Committee/Governing Body

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9.1 PG/BB/BS attended the last PPE meeting, which meets bi-monthly in public and travels to venues in each locality. Healthwatch also attend this meeting.

Any ideas for the items for the agenda to be forwarded to PG. All

RE reminded us that the whole healthcare system was very complex.

Once all 5 Locality PPGs have appointed chairmen, there will be meeting of all 5 of them.

10 AOB 10.1 Service Directory AS asked about the Hounslow Service Directory as had already published one, and that Hounslow and Ealing could co- operate on this project. LD said it was being prepared and would be sent out imminently.

10.2 West Hospital Open Day An open day was being held at West Middlesex Hospital on Sat 24 Sept and all were invited to attend. It was noted that the Open Day had not been well publicised in the local area. 10.3 Chelsea & Hospital Foundation Trust The group were encouraged to sign up to the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital Foundation Trust. For next meeting • Richard Baxter to talk through care plans • DL to report on progress with 7 day GP service proposal • invite someone to talk about the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme at a future meeting. • Need to allocate a member of the group to take the minutes at the next meeting

Date of the next meeting Date & Time: Friday 25th November 1:30-3:30pm Venue: Brentford Health Centre Room: Committee Room Future Meetings: 27th Jan 24th Mar

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