L Cycle Superhighway 9 D H to town centre AWK

No right turn from R O T No left or right Chiswick High Road into H A E D turn into British Grove Heathfield Terrace for all A from King Street/ vehicles except buses and V E Turnham Chiswick High Road cyclists N U Green E D BR OA G N R IT N H AIREDALE AVENUERO Chiswick Duke Road G ISH O HI V R exit only K T Park IC E H W IS C Proposed route H C H C 5 I continues east to I 1 S R A3 D L A W C E Olympia V N U Turnham O IC L E (see separate map) . R N K A D O S R D Green R ROA R D U A H U KE I H E D R IG T R H K E O K D E R IC EL S O A ISW FI A D CH TH A D EA V H E N Cycle Superhighway 9 (CS9) U AD E Kensington Olympia to Brentford RO town centre AY No access to South Circular TORW LEY D

O S A from Wellesley Road for all M LE Duke's Avenue

L O 4 E entry only W R CS9 Brentford to vehicles except cyclists M

UTH O (subject to future consultation) OAD T S R A4 GREAT WEST ROAD R R U Segregated two-way cycle track replaces Bridge A O New signal-controlled pedestrian crossing L RDENS C traffic/bus lane and/or narrows footway U L GA outside Station C HAL N R STILE I O Segregated one-way cycle track replaces ANE C T L T ON D. Mini-roundabout traffic lane and/or narrows footway G U RA R K D converted to S E E N G W REE ID give-way junction Cyclists use 24-hour bus lane G R B B W R E E I A K D Cyclists use quieter road L No access to South Circular s IN G G E from Stile Hall Gardens Off-carriageway cycle facility R for all vehicles except cyclists

O A T D E K E E Brentford R W ST Westbound cyclists

use Watermans Park R We are also proposing changes to bus and coach stops, bus lanes, and loading and parking on (or close H O H to) the CS9 alignment (except Wellesley Road / Heathfield Terrace) including: A IG A L H D F - Bus stop bypasses A C R - Relocation of some bus stops E CS9 Brentford to - Relocation / removal of some bus lanes. Remaining bus lanes would operate 24-hours, New signal-controlled Hounslow (subject to 7 days when used by cyclists, otherwise 0700-1000 and 1600-2000, 7 days D pedestrian crossings future consultation) ET O E CK RD - Single yellow lines replaced with double yellow lines, no parking at any time except in marked bays TR S H - Changes to some parking and loading provision IG H Further details of proposed changes, including parking and loading maps are available at tfl.gov.uk/cs9

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew