Pharmacognostical Study of Coleus Rotundifolius L

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Pharmacognostical Study of Coleus Rotundifolius L European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience ISSN: 2321-9122; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.44 Received: 23-04-2019; Accepted: 26-05-2019 Volume 7; Issue 4; July 2019; Page No. 48-49 Pharmacognostical study of Coleus rotundifolius L Pratima Patel1, M Salim2, Jay Singh Patel3 1, 3 Research Scholar, Department of Botany, S.G.S. Govt. P.G. College, Sidhi, A.P.S. Univ, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India 2 Professor, Department of Botany, S.G.S. Govt. P.G. College, Sidhi, Madhya Pradesh, India Abstract Coleus rotundifolius L. belonging to the family Lamiaceae commonly known as Patharchur in Hindi, It is a large succulent aromatic perennial herb. The leaves of this plant have been used in malarial fever, hepatopathy, renal and vesicle calculi, cough, chronic asthma, hiccough, bronchitis, anthelmintic, colic and convulsions. This paper deals with the pharmacognostical evaluation of leaves, stems and roots of Coleus rotundifolius by using different parameters. Keywords: Coleus rotundifolius, Phytoconsituents, carbohydrates, leaf extract, traditional Introduction Preliminary phytochemical screening It is a large succulent aromatic perennial herb. Much Preliminary phytochemical screening was carried out by branched, fleshy highly aromatic pubescent herb with using standard procedure described by Kokate et al. (1986) distinctive smelling leaves. The plant is distributed through [11]. Total phenol content of the extracts was determined by out India, cultivated in the gardens. It is a folkloric using the Folin-Ciocalteu method (Sadasivam snd Manikam, medicinal plant used to treat malarial fever, hepatopathy, 1992) [12]. Total flavonoid content was determined as (Kirtikar and Basu, 1971) [1] renal and vesical calculi, described by Singleton & Rossi (1965) [13]. The amount of cough, chronic asthma, (Nadkarni, 1996) [2] hiccough, total alkaloids and total saponins was determined according bronchitis, helminthiasis, colic, convulsions and epilepsy to method given by Rajpal (2002) [14]. (Gil-Otaiza, 1997) [3]. It is used to treat colds and cough as well as arthritic inflammations (Gomez-Rodriguez, 1982) [4]. Results and discussions Its insect repellent properties have been tested (Kathiresan, Determination of physicochemical parameters 2000) [5] and another member of the Coleus genus. Studies Various physicochemical parameters were evaluated for the performed in India demonstrated the “fungistatic” properties leaf, stem and root parts as per WHO guidelines. Significant of the essential oil of this plant (Rastogi and Mehrotra, amount of acid insoluble ash had been detected which 1979) [6]. The Phytochemical study reveals the presence of indicates presence of various silicacious substances. various flavonoids like quercetin, apigenin, luteolin, Cellulosic substances also contributed significantly in total salvigenin, genkwanin and volatile oils in the leaves ash as indicated by water soluble ash. (Buznego and Perez-Saad, 1999) [7]. Ethanolic and aqueous The plant contains fewer amounts of non-polar substances leaf extracts of the plant has been found possess significant in comparison to polar substances, as extractive value diuretic activity (Patel et al. 2010) [8]. The plant is also increases with the increase in the polarity of solvents. known to contain the constituents responsible for However, alcoholic and aqueous extractives showed cytotoxicity and anti bacterial activity (da Costa et al. 2010) significant yields. Significant amount of moisture had been [9]. also found in air-dried materials (Table-1 & Fig 1). Material and methods Plant material Coleus rotundifolius was collected from the surrounding Sidhi city, Madhya Pradesh and authenticated by Prof. M. Salim, Dept. of Botany, S.G.S. Govt. P.G. College, Sidhi. The collected plants are washed thoroughly with water, all the three parts i.e. leaves, stems and roots were separated and dried in shade at room temperature and powdered using hand mill to make a coarse powder. Then they are stored in well closed light resistant container until further use. Fig 1: Figics analysis of Physicochemical parameters of leaves stem and root parts. Physico-chemical analysis Air dried plant material was used for the quantitative Preliminary phytochemical screening determination of ash and extractive values were determined The preliminary phytochemical screening revealed the as per the WHO guidelines (Anonymous, 1998) [10]. presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, triterpenoids, 48 European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience saponins in all the three extracts and carotenoids were Mumbai: Popular Prakashan, 1996, 371. detected in leaf and stem extracts. The total polyphenols, 3. Gil-Otaiza R. Plantas usuales en la medicina popular total flavanoids, total alkaloids and total saponis in the venezolana Edición C.D.C.H.T-ULA (Mérida). 1997; different parts of the plant are given in the table 2 & Fig 2. 52-54. The fluorescence analysis is a tool for the determination of 4. Gomez-Rodriguez A. Margarita. Medicina popular, constituents in the plant that gives a definite idea of the Ediciones de la Federación Farmacéutica Venezolana, chemical nature. Series 3 (Caracas). 1982; 1:119. 5. Kathiresan RM. Allelopathic potential of native plants against water hyacinth. Crop Protection. 2000; 19(8- 10):705-708. 6. Rastogi RP, Mehrotra BN. Compendium of Indian Medicinal Plants. Lucknow: CDRI; and New Delhi: Publication and Information Directorate, 1979, 201. 7. Buznego MT, Perez-Saad H. Anti-epileptic effect of Plectranthus rotundifolius (lour.) Spreng. (French marjoram), Rev Neurol. 1999; 29(4):388-389. 8. Patel R, Mahobia NK, Gendle R, Kaushik B, Singh SK. Fig 2: Figics analysis of Amount of various active constituents in Diuretic activity of leaves of Plectranthus rotundifolius different part of Coleus rotundifolius (Lour) Spreng in male albino rats. Pharmacog Res. 2010; 2(2):86-88. Table 1: Physicochemical parameters of leaves stem and root 9. Da Costa JGM, Campos AR, Brito SA, Pereira CKB. parts. Erlânio O Souza. Rodrigues FFG. Biological screening of araripe basin medicinal plants using Artemia salina Parameters Leaf Stem Root Extractive Values Leach and pathogenic bacteria. Ph Cog Mag. 2010; Water soluble extractive value 30.36±0.32 14.92±0.15 11.14±0.22 6(24):331-334. Alcohol soluble extractive value 13.09±0.33 7.01±0.21 4.41±0.18 10. Anonymous. Quality Control Methods for Medicinal Ether soluble extractive value 3.49±0.18 1.09±0.08 0.87±0.12 Plant Materials. World Health Organization (WHO), Ash Values Geneva, 1998, 22-34. Total ash 21.02±0.04 11.42±0.03 9.23±0.02 11. Kokate CK. Practical Pharmacognosy, (1st edition). Water soluble ash value 7.89±0.14 5.86±0.23 8.04±0.32 Vallabh Prakashan, New Delhi, 1986, 111. Acid insoluble ash value 2.06±0.22 0.96±0.16 1.76±0.12 12. Sadasivam S. Manikam A. Biochemical Methods for Loss On Drying 11.95±0.14 9.31±0.12 8.28±0.52 Agricultural Sciences. New Delhi, Wiley Eastern * Values are in mean± Standard deviation, where as n=6. Limited, 1992, 187. 13. Singleton VL, Rossi JA. Colorimetry of total phenolics Table 2: Amount of various active constituents in different part of with phosphomolybdic acid-phosphotungtic acid Coleus rotundifolius reagents. Am J Enol Viticult. 1965; 16:44-158. Amount of major active constituents (% w/w) 14. Rajpal V. Standardization of Botanicals, Eastern Extract Total Phenolics Flavonoids Alkaloids Saponins publishers, New Delhi, 2002, 256. CRLE 19.63±0.84 4.20±0.38 4.3±0.74 2.08±0.34 CRSE 14.31±0.48 3.60±0.42 1.27±0.51 0.83±0.16 CRRE 12.92±0.60 1.55±0.26 0.59±0.18 0.53±0.15 Values represent the mean ± SD of five readings CRLE - Coleus rotundifolius leaf extract, CRSE - Coleus rotundifolius stem extract, CRRE - Coleus rotundifolius root extract Conclusion The data generated from the present studies would help in the authentication of various parts of Coleus rotundifolius. The pharmacognostic aspects of different parts of the plant were studied and described along with phytochemical and physicochemical studies in authentication for quality control. Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to the authority of SGS Govt. P.G. College, Sidhi (M.P.) India to carried out this work. References 1. Kirtikar KR, Basu BD. Indian medicinal plants (2nd edition). Dehradun: International Book Distributors. 1975; 1971. 2. Nadkarni AK. Indian materia medica (2nd edition). 49 .
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