CATIA FARIA Law Department, Philosophy of Law Group Pompeu Fabra University Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27, 08005 Barcelona, Spain Ca[email protected]

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CATIA FARIA Law Department, Philosophy of Law Group Pompeu Fabra University Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27, 08005 Barcelona, Spain Ca�Axfaria@Gmail.Com Ca#a Faria’s CV, September 2015 CATIA FARIA Law Department, Philosophy of Law Group Pompeu Fabra University Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27, 08005 Barcelona, Spain ca#[email protected] O AREAS OF RESEARCH AOS: Bioethics, Applied Philosophy, Moral Philosophy AOC: Poli#cal Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Meta-ethics O ACTUAL POSITION PhD Candidate, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain (2011 – present) Associate researcher, CEHUM, University of Minho, Portugal (2011 – present) O EDUCATION Master’s in Cogni#ve Sciences and Language, LOGOS – Grup de Recerca en Lògica, Llenguatge i Cognició, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain BA in Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Porto, Portugal O RESEARCH STAYS Uehiro Centre for Prac#cal Ethics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (Nov-Dec 2014). Logic and Moral Philosophy Department, Faculty of Philosophy, University of San#ago de Compostela, Spain (July 2010- Sept 2011). 2 PARTICIPATION IN SUMMER SCHOOLS Summer School in Applied Philosophy: Issues, Method and Nature. Central European University, Hungary (07-20/07/14). O PRIZES, SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS CEU SUN Scholarship, awarded by the Central European University and the Society of Applied Philosophy for the Summer School in Applied Philosophy, Budapest, Hungary (07-20/07/14). !1 Ca#a Faria’s CV, September 2015 Doctorate Scholarship, Founda#on for Science and Technology, Ministry of Educa#on and Science of the Portuguese Government (2011-2015). Master’s Scholarship, Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports of the Spanish Government (2009-2010). O ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS Faria, C. (2015) “Igualdad, prioridad y animales no humanos” [Equality, priority and nonhuman animals], in Gaitán, Iván Darío Ávila (ed.), Polí<ca Animal(ista), Desde Abajo Ediciones, Bogotá, forthcoming. Faria, C. (2015) “The lions and the zebras: towards a new ethics of environmental management in African na#onal parks”, in Ebert, Rainer y Roba, Anteneh (ed.), Africa and its Animals, Unisa Press, Pretoria, forthcoming. Faria, C. (2015) “Egalitarismus”, [Egalitarianism] in Ferrari, Arianna y Petrus, Klaus (ed.), Lexikon der Mensch/Tier-Beziehungen [Enciclopedia of human/animal rela#onships], Transcript, Bielefeld. Faria, C., Horta, O. (2015) “Wilde Tiere” [Wild animals], in Ferrari, Arianna y Petrus, Klaus (ed.), Lexikon der Mensch/Tier-Beziehungen [Enciclopedia of human/animal rela#onships], Transcript, Bielefeld. Faria, C. (2015) “Women, nature and nonhuman animals: natural allies?”, Review of Adams, Carol J., Gruen, Lori, Ecofeminism. Feminist Intersecons with Other Animals and the Earth (New York: Bloomsbury, 2014), Ethical Perspecves 22 (3): 469-473. Faria, C. (2015) “Dinámica de poblaciones y sus implicaciones para la é#ca de la ges#ón ambiental” [Popula#on dynamics and its implica#ons for the ethics of environmental management], Actas del I Congreso Internacional de la Red Española de FilosoQa 17: 15-24. Faria, C. (2015) “Disentangling obliga#ons of assistance. A reply to Clare Palmer”, Rela<ons 3 (2), forthcoming. Faria, C. (2015) “Making a difference on behalf of animals living in the wild: interview with Jeff McMahan”, Rela<ons 3 (1): 81-84. Faria, C., Paez, E. (2014) “Anthropocentrism and speciesism: conceptual and norma#ve issues”, Revista de Bioé<ca y Derecho 32: 82-90. Faria, C. (2014) “Equality, priority and nonhuman animals”, Dilemata 14: 225-236. Faria, C. (2013) “Differen#al obliga#ons towards others in need”, Review of Palmer, Clare, Animal Ethics in Context (New York: Columbia University Press, 2010), Astrolabio 15: 242-246. Faria, C. (2012) “Muerte entre las flores: el conflicto entre el ecologismo y la defensa de los animales no humanos” [Death among flowers: the conflict between environmentalism and the defense of nonhuman animals], Vientosur 125: 67-76. !2 Ca#a Faria’s CV, September 2015 Faria, C. (2011) “Sobre o bem de tudo e de todos: a conjunção impossível entre ambientalismo e libertação animal” [On the good of everything and everyone: the impossible conjunc#on between environmentalism and animal libera#on], Ágora 30 (2): 27-41. Faria, C. (2011) “Pessoas não humanas: a consideração moral dos grandes símios e outras criaturas” [Nonhuman persons: the moral considera#on of Great apes and other creatures], Diacrí<ca 25 (2): 35-50. Faria, C. (2010) “Especismo e libertação animal: a reconciliação possível” [Speciesism and animal libera#on: the possible reconcilia#on], review of Zamir, Tzachi, Ethics and the Beast: A Speciesist Argument for Animal Libera<on (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007), Telos 18: 109-120. As editor Faria, C., Paez, E. (2015) “Animals in need. The problem of wild animal suffering and interven#on in nature”, Rela<ons 3 (1): 7-13. Faria, C., Cabrita, M. J. (2013) “Equality, Democracy and Welfare”, Diacrí<ca 27 (2): 7-14. O TALKS “La é#ca de la intervención en la naturaleza y la intuición laissez-faire.” [The ethics of interven#on in nature and the laissez-faire intui#on], I Jornada Recerca en Sostenibilitat, Faculty of Communica#on, Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain), 5/06/15. “Dinámica de poblaciones y sus implicaciones para la é#ca de la ges#ón ambiental” [Popula#on dynamics and its implica#ons for the ethics of environmental management], I Congreso Internacional de la Red Española de Filosoa, University of Valencia (Valencia, Spain), 3-5/09/14 “Humanity and domes#city. Two versions of the same prejudice” (with Eze Paez), Humanity and Animality Conference, University College London (London, UK), 15-16/09/14 “Public reason and nonhuman animals” (with Eze Paez), MANCEPT Workshops, University of Manchester (Manchester, UK), 8-10/09/14 “Animal ethics going wild: interven#on in nature on behalf of wild animals”, Seminar of the Philosophy of Law Group, Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain), 12/06/14 “If you’re an egalitarian how come are you a speciesist?”, V Mee<ngs on Ethics and Poli<cal Philosophy, University of Minho (Braga, Portugal), 15-16/05/14 “Five comments on Anomalous”, Workshop on Abor<on: Recent Developments, with Jeff Macmahan, Victor Tadros y Sonia Ramos. Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain), 27/01/14 “The ethics of environmental management: should we help the Australian horses?, Seminar of the Philosophy of Law Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain), 3/07/13 “É#ca animal?” [Animal ethics?], III Jornadas de Filosofia “Filosofia, hoje”, University of Minho, (Braga, Portugal), 19/04/13 !3 Ca#a Faria’s CV, September 2015 “The problem of wild-animal suffering”, III Mee<ngs on Ethics and Poli<cal Philosophy, University of Minho (Braga, Portugal), 20-21/05/12 “Los límites de la consideración moral: oposiciones entre el ecologismo y la defensa de los animales no humanos” [The limits of moral considerability: tensions between environmentalism and the defence of nonhuman animals ] XX Congreso de Jovens Filósofos, University of Coruña, Galiza, Espanha, 26/04/12 “Resis#ng violence in nature” (with Beril Sözmen), The 2nd Annual European Conference for Crical Animal Studies, Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic), 15-16/10/ 11 “Pessoas não humanas: a consideração moral dos grandes símios e outras criaturas” [Nonhuman persons: the moral considerability of Great apes and other creatures], II Mee<ngs on Ethics and Poli<cal Philosophy, University of Minho (Braga, Portugal), 20-21/05/11 O RESEARCH PROJECTS Global constuonalism and global jusce: philosophical foundaons (DER2013-48066-C2-1-R), 2014-2016. Granted by: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innova#on. Main researcher: Josep Joan Moreso i Mateos. Posi#on: Par#cipant researcher Philosophy of Law Group (2014 SGR 626), 2014-2016. Granted by: AGAUR. Main researcher: Josep Joan Moreso i Mateos. Posi#on: Par#cipant researcher O TEACHING “The moral considera#on of nonhuman animals”, ETHICS I, Faculty of Philosophy, University of San#ago de Compostela (Spain), 8/11/12 “The Ethics of Interven#on”, Applied Ethics Seminar, University of San#ago de Compostela, (Spain), 23/11/11 O SERVICES TO THE PROFESSION Scienfic Commiee of ENFA6 (Sixth Na#onal Mee#ng In Analy#c Philosophy), University of Azores, Ponta Delgada, S. Miguel island, Azores (Portugal), 2015 Organizer (with Eze Paez) of the Simposium “Intervención en la Naturaleza: el conflito entre la consideración moral de los animales y la é#ca ambiental”, I Congreso de la Red Española de FilosoQa, University of Valencia (Spain), 2014 Organizer (with Maria João Cabrita) of the Interna#onal Conference IV Mee<ngs on Ethics and Poli<cal Philosophy, University of Minho (Portugal), 2013 Organizing Commi}ee of the III Simposio “FilosoQa y Sociedad”, University of San#ago de Compostela (Spain), 2011 !4 Ca#a Faria’s CV, September 2015 Referee work: Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics Revista de Bioé<ca y Derecho Ágora Diacrí<ca O MEDIA Commissioned arcles Should we intervene in nature to prevent animal suffering? Aeon, 15 July 2015. Other arcles PraccaL Ethics BLog, University of Oxford (UK) The immorality of fox hun#ng (July 17, 2015) Why isn’t the world going vegan? (June 3, 2015) Turning 40: Animal Libera#on in perspec#ve. (April 2, 2015). Picked up by the BBC’s “best long reads in technology and science”. If you’re an egalitarian, how come you’re a speciesist? (February 3, 2015) Should we intervene in nature to help animals? (December 21, 2014) El Caballo de Nietzsche Blog, (Spain) Liberación Animal, de Peter Singer: 40 años de controversia. (April 22, 2015) Daños en la naturaleza: ciencia y é#ca de la ges#ón ambiental. (December 5, 2014) Heridos, hambrientos, ateridos: ayudando a los animales en la naturaleza. (September 5, 2014) Pensata AnimaL, OLhar AnimaL & ÉJca da Intervenção, ANDA (BraziL) Ecologismo e an#especismo: discrepância cien•fica ou moral? (March 24, 2015) Deixá-los em paz? Ajudando os animais na natureza. (September 25, 2014) A rainha ferida: o caso da leoa Siena e o sofrimento dos animais selvagens (May 4, 2014) Sofrimento distante e a abordagem relacional à é#ca animal.
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  • La Argumentación De Singer En Liberación Animal: Concepciones Normativas, Interés En Vivir Y Agregacionismo
    La argumentación de Singer en Liberación animal: concepciones normativas, interés en vivir y agregacionismo OSCAR HORTA Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología/ Rutgers University [email protected] Resumen: Este artículo examina los presupuestos metodológicos, axiológicos y normativos en los que descansa la que posiblemente sea la obra más co- nocida de Peter Singer, Liberación animal. Se exploran las tensiones entre la posición normativa, de compromisos mínimos, que se intenta adoptar en esa obra, y las posiciones de Singer acerca del utilitarismo de las preferencias y el argumento de la reemplazabilidad. Se buscará elucidar en particular el modo en el que surgen tales tensiones al abordarse la consideración del agregacio- nismo y el interés en vivir en relación con el uso de animales no humanos. Palabras clave: especismo, principio de no maleficencia, utilitarismo, valor de la vida Abstract: This paper examines the methodological, axiological and normative assumptions on which Animal Liberation —arguably the most poular work by Peter Singer— rests. It explores the tensions between the normative position this book intends to adopt, which tries to compromise as little as possible with any specific normative theory, and Singer’s views on preference utilitarianism and the replaceability argument. In particular, the paper tries to assess the way in which such tensions arise when aggregationism and the question of the interest in living are considered in relation to the use of nonhuman animals. Key words: speciesism, principle of nonmaleficence, utilitarianism, value of life 1 . Introducción Las posiciones defendidas por Peter Singer en Liberación animal1 han alcanzado una notable popularidad. De hecho, aunque a menudo se olvide, fue esta obra la que catapultó inicialmente a Singer al primer 1 P.
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