The International Encyclopedia of Ethics

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The International Encyclopedia of Ethics Dear Contributors to the International Encyclopedia of Ethics, We have now reached an important milestone on the road to completing the International Encyclopedia of Ethics (IEE). We now have authors for all topics! Congratulations to everyone on this achievement, and thanks to you for your participation in this monumental project. Contracts are still in the process of being sent out contributors, but as of now all topics have authors assigned to them. This is by far the biggest and likely most important project I've worked on in my 11 years with Blackwell / Wiley-Blackwell. Attention to the importance of ethics is rapidly on the rise. In a host of professional settings and academic disciplines there are calls for improved awareness of and adherence to ethical standards, and a solid understanding of ethical theory continues to be an increasingly important part of education and professional training. I am very pleased to be involved in the creation of this comprehensive and authoritative resource, and I'm impressed by and grateful to everyone who has committed to bringing this unprecedented project off. We now enter a new phase in the publishing process. Because of the magnitude of this project, the press has to muster the energy of our production, marketing, and sales staffs at least 24 months before the encyclopedia will appear. That requires that we all work within a realistic but firm timetable for submission, review, and revision of entries. Everyone’s effort is required to bring this important work to fruition. So I urge, implore — and even beg — you to deliver your essays on time. The success of this project depends on everyone playing her or his part. Below you’ll find a full list of the Editorial Board, Review Board, the topics, and the authors contributing to the IEE. I trust you’ll agree it’s an impressive line-up, and I thank everyone again for their dedication and hard work. I am sure that the final results will be well worth it. Best wishes, Jeff Jeff Dean, Ph.D. Executive Editor Wiley-Blackwell John Wiley & Sons (781) 388-8426 / Editors: Hugh LaFollette, Editor-In-Chief (University of South Florida St. Petersburg) John Deigh, Associate Editor (University of Texas at Austin) Sarah Stroud, Associate Editor (McGill University) Editorial Board: David Archard (University of Lancaster) Pauline Kleingeld (University of Leiden) Marcia Baron (Indiana University) Jeff McMahan (Rutgers University) Tom L. Beauchamp (Georgetown University) Wlodek Rabinowicz (University of Lund) Roger Crisp (Oxford University) Geoff Sayre-McCord (University of North Carolina) Garrett Cullity (University of Adelaide) Russ Shafer-Landau (University of Wisconsin) Derrick Darby (University of Kansas) Tamar Schapiro (Stanford University) James Dreier (Brown University) William Schroeder (University of Illinois) Marilyn Friedman (Vanderbilt University) Michael Selgelid (Australian National University) Thomas E. Hill, Jr. (University of North Carolina) Mark Timmons (University of Arizona) Thomas Hurka (University of Toronto) Sumner B. Twiss (Florida State University) Daniel Jacobson (University of Michigan) Ralph Wedgwood (Oxford University) Dale Jamieson (New York University) Christopher Heath Wellman (Washington University) Review Board: Kate Abramson (Indiana University) William McBride (Purdue University) Christian Barry (Australian National University) Joan McGregor (Arizona State University) Chris Bennett (University of Sheffield) Sean McKeever (Davidson College) Jeffrey Brand-Ballard (George Washington University) John McMillan (Flinders University) George Brenkert (Georgetown University) Katie McShane (Colorado State University) Samantha Brennan (University of Western Ontario) Susan Mendus (University of York) Gillian Brock (University of Auckland) Thaddeus Metz (University of Johannesburg) Krister Bykvist (Oxford University) Richard Miller (Indiana University) John Christman (Penn State University) Christopher Morris (University of Maryland) Rachel Cohon (University at Albany) Mark Murphy (Georgetown University) Bradford Cokelet (University of Miami) Justin Oakley (University of Monash) David Cummiskey (Bates College) Jonas Olson (Stockholm University) Michael Eldridge (University of North Carolina Charlotte) Ingmar Persson(Gothenburg University) David Enoch (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Christian Piller (University of York) Matt Evans (New York University) Douglas Portmore(Arizona State University) Cécile Fabre (Oxford University) Igor Primoratz(University of Melbourne) Stephen Finlay (University of Southern California) Michael Pritchard(Western Michigan University) William FitzPatrick (University of Rochester) David Rasmussen (Boston College) Helen Frowe (University of Kent) Michael Ridge(University of Edinburgh) Stephen Gardiner (University of Washington) Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen(Lund University) Charles Goodman (Binghamton University) John Russon(University of Guelph) For more information and updates, please visit Hugh LaFollette’s IEE website at: Michael Green (Pomona College) Ronald L. Sandler (Northeastern University) Charles Guignon (University of South Florida) Mark Schroeder (University of Southern California) Matthew Hanser University of California Santa Barbara) William Schweiker (University of Chicago) Jennifer Herdt (University of Notre Dame) Michael Selgelid (Australian National University) Kathleen Higgins (University of Texas at Austin) Hugh Silverman (Stony Brook University) Paul Hurley (Claremont McKenna College) Ira Singer (Hofstra University) P.J. Ivanhoe (City University of Hong Kong) Anthony Skelton (University of Western Ontario) Agnieszka Jaworska (University of California Riverside) Tom Sorell (University of Birmingham) Karen Jones (University of Melbourne) Saul Smilansky (University of Haifa) Martin Kavka (Florida State University) Daniel Star (Boston University) Simon Keller (Victoria University of Wellington) Alan Strudler (University of Pennsylvania) Jeanette Kennett (Macquarie University) John J. Stuhr (Emory University) Simon Kirchin (University of Kent) David Sussman (University of Illinois) Anthony Laden (University of Illinois Chicago) Folke Tersman (Stockholm University) Matthew Liao (New York University) Suzanne Uniacke (University of Hull) Hallvard Lillehammer (Cambridge University) Peter Vallentyne (University of Missouri) Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (Aarhus University) Mark van Roojen (University of Nebraska) Michele Mason (University of Minnesota) Adrian Walsh (University of New England, AU) David Wong (Duke University) Topics: A Posteriori Ethical Knowledge Exploitation Parents' Rights and Responsibilities A Priori Ethical Knowledge Externalism, Motivational Particularism Abelard, Peter Fact-Value Distinction Patents Abortion Faith Paternalism Academic Freedom Falk, W. D. Pedophilia Accounting Ethics Family Perception, Moral Action Fatherhood Perfect and Imperfect Duties Addams, Jane Feinberg, Joel Perfectionism Addiction Feminist Bioethics Perry, R. B. Adoption Feminist Ethics Personal Relationships Adorno, Theodor Feminist Metaethics Personhood, Criteria of Adultery Fetuses Pharmacist Ethics Advance Directives Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas Phenomenology, Moral Adversarial System of Justice Fichte, Johann Gottlieb Plagiarism and Forgery Advertising, Ethics of Fictionalism, Moral Plato Aesthetics and Ethics Filial Duties Plea Bargaining Affirmative Action Firth, Roderick Pleasure African American Religious Ethics Forgiveness Plotinus African Ethics Foucault, Michael Police Ethics Age Discrimination Frankena, William Political Correctness Agent-centered Options Free Riding Political Ethics Agent-centered Restrictions Free Will Political Obligation Agent-Relative vs. Agent-Neutral Frege-Geach Objection Population Agricultural Ethics Freud, Sigmund Pornography and Obscenity Aid, Ethics of Friendship Potential Persons AIDS Functionalism, Moral Poverty in a Consumer Culture Al-Farabi Gadamer, Hans Georg Power Al-Ghazali Game Theory and Rational Choice Practical Conditionals Alienation Gender and Patriarchy in Religions Practical Reasoning Allocating Scarce Medical Resources Generosity Practical Virtue Ethics For more information and updates, please visit Hugh LaFollette’s IEE website at: Altruism and Biology Genetic Testing Pragmatic Ethics Amnesty Genocide Pragmatic Theory of Action Amoralist Glass Ceiling Praxis Analogical Arguments Global Business Ethics Precautionary Principle Anarchism Global Distributive Justice Predatory Pricing Ancient Ethics Global Health Ethics Preference Animal Cognition Global Media Ethics Prescriptivism Animal Experimentation Global Poverty Preventive and Preemptive War Animal Rights Global Warming Price, Richard Animals, Moral Status of Globalization Prichard, H. A. Anscombe, G.E.M. GMOs Pride Anthopocentrism Golden Rule Prima Facie / Pro Tanto “Ought” Anti-Moralism Good and Better Principlism Aquinas, Saint Thomas Good and Good for Privacy Arendt, Hannah Good Samaritanism Privacy and the Internet Aristotle Goodness, Varieties of Pro Attitudes Arrogance Gratitude Product Safety Arrow's Theorem Greatest Happiness Principle Professional Ethics Assassination Green, T.H. Profit Motive Association, Freedom of Grotius, Hugo Projectivism Associative Duties Groups, Moral Status of Promises Attention, Moral Guilt Propaganda Attitudes, Reactive Guise of the Good Properties, Moral Atonement Gun Control Proportionality (in War) Augustine, Saint Guo Xiang Prostitution Austin, J. L. Happiness Protestant
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