Journal LIVE! at Kripalu Workshop Schedule

FRIDAY, MAY 13 7:30–9:00 pm Keynote Address with Meditation

Yoga’s Ultimate Path to Success and Empowerment: Tradition vs. Innovation Can yoga truly provide access to the heights of sublime experience? If so, how do you ensure that you or your students experience its depths and potential? On one hand, the authentic teachings of yoga have thrived from time immemorial thanks entirely to the unique relationship between master and student––an authentic guide illuminating otherwise uncharted terrain. On the other hand, in today’s world, innovation, not discipleship, is the leading edge of the popularization of yoga. So, where does that leave one desiring to reach the depths and most sacred goals in yoga? Skillfully navigating these two realities––ancient tradition and modern interpretation––is the key to unlocking yoga’s potential as the path to ultimate freedom and fulfillment. Talk followed by a meditation.

SATURDAY, MAY 14 8:30–10:00 am [choose one]

Tracking Transformation [SAT-AM-01] Ana Forrest What if you were able to track the process of transformation? This means becoming aware—during the actual process—of all the things that are happening to you during a transformational moment. In this workshop, you create a heightened sense of awareness through breath and to become aware of the quality of feelings that live inside. Tracking what is happening in your yoga poses can be applied to tracking and guiding transformation in other parts of your life.

Therapeutic Yoga for Feet, Knees, and Hips [SAT-AM-02] Nicki Doane and Eddie Modestini Just as a house cannot stand tall without a firm foundation, so the human body cannot stand tall and strong without healthy, strong feet and legs. Explore the general anatomy of the feet, knees, and hips and learn postures that open these areas safely and effectively. This work is absolutely essential for all yoga teachers.

Wave Rider: Flowing Through the Six Qualities of Consciousness [SAT-AM-03] Coby Kozlowski Interactive Lecture and Movement Every moment is a bold opportunity to align yourself with the intelligence of nature, known as the qualities of consciousness; and often when we don’t, we struggle. It’s time to awaken the internal wave rider—the part of us that knows how to flow with these different currents of life. An engaging mixture of lecture and movement, this workshop offers empowering yogic wisdom that enables you to take hold and take charge of your own existence.

Sun Vinyasa: Awakening the Vital Force [SAT-AM-04] Katie Silcox Yoga/Vinyasa Sun practices lead to the development and expansion of , orlife force energy and vital intelligence. These solar practices can awaken higher perception, enlivening your capacity to “see” the invisible and access Shakti, or boundless power. This workshop includes , lecture, and breath work.

10:30 am–12:00 pm [choose one]

The Shoulder Girdle : Unlocking the Power of the Upper Body [SAT-AM-05] Maty Ezraty Strong shoulders and proper alignment are essential to a healthy vinyasa flow practice. Focusing on key poses such as chaturanga, upward-facing dog, and downward-facing dog, this workshop examines common patterns of misalignment in the shoulders and imprints strong alignment habits that protect the shoulders from injury. Creating a solid new foundation, you learn powerful mini-sequences you can do every day to strengthen and open your shoulder girdle, deepen your sun salutations, and revolutionize your entire practice.

Maya Yoga Lunges [SAT-AM-06] Nicki Doane and Eddie Modestini Discover how Maya Yoga lunges are some of the most effective poses to open the hips. With special attention to cultivating awareness in the legs and feet, you learn to ground more deeply to the earth, allowing you to release tension in your hips without risk to the knees. The information learned in this workshop can be applied to standing poses, as well. Using the lunges of Maya Yoga to warm the body and open the hips, this workshop is a vinyasa class that includes Suryanamaskar A, B, and C.

Assisting the Forrest Yoga Basic Moves [SAT-AM-07] Erica Mather Forrest Yoga asana is locally founded on eight basic moves. In this hands-on-assisting workshop you learn the basic moves, how to assist all of them in relevant postures, and discover how using them in your classes can ground and empower your teaching, as well as your assisting.

Svatantrya: The Flow of Absolute Freedom[SAT-AM-08] Coby Kozlowski Lecture/Movement In this workshop, experience contemporary perspectives on time-honored yoga philosophy—the wisdom of the sacred text Radiance Sutras—and the dynamic movement of life force itself. Become acquainted with the potency of stillness and aliveness of movement, the dance between peace and passion, and expand into your deepest understanding of what freedom is, from the inside out. This workshop celebrates your body’s inherent wisdom, so you can savor each new moment as it arises with fresh possibilities and vibrant confidence.

Forest Bathing [SAT-AM-09] Mark Roule Lecture/Movement The practice of Forest Bathing, or Shinrin-Yoku, was developed in Japan in the 1980s as a way for city-dwellers to restore balance to body, mind, and spirit. Research has shown that forests expose walkers to naturally occurring chemicals called phytoncides—organic compounds given off by plants—which results in reduced blood pressure and cortisol levels and improved immune function. Explore the forest around Kripalu, and experience the nourishment of your senses and soul with a symphony of engaging outdoor stimulus brilliantly designed to root you in the present moment.

12:00–1:00 pm Kripalu YogaDance® with Toni Bergins

1:45–3:45 pm [choose one] Break Your Heart No Longer: Reclaim Your Divine Seat [SAT-PM-01] Todd Norian Are you overly critical of yourself and others? Do you find that in spite of your best efforts, you self-sabotage? Sourced from the deepest teachings of Swami Kripalu, learn how to release self-judgment and reclaim your divine heritage. Enjoy an inspiring flow of asanas guided with precise alignment of body, mind, and heart, taking you to the threshold of sublime states of meditative movement guided from within.

Kinesthetic Connection [SAT-PM-02] Ana Forrest Come learn and practice the power of intent combined with running energy. This hands-on assists workshop emphasizes incorporating what Ana calls Kinesthetic Connection. Through the hands-on assists, as a teacher, you generate and feel the energy within yourself while helping your student create and feel that same energy. The student empaths what the teacher is feeling, and there is cocreation between the student and teacher in the hands-on assist. This workshop consists of a 30-minute asana practice to warm up everyone’s bodies followed by 1.5 hours of hands-on assists.

Sattwa Vinyasa and the Principles of Enlightened Practice [SAT-PM-03] Rod Stryker The teaching of the Gunas––the three essential attributes or qualities of the natural world––may well be the yogic tradition’s most essential teaching on mastering both our inner and outer universe. Of the three, Sattwa is the quality of clarity and balance that leads to ultimate freedom and revelation––the recognition of Spirit’s light. Through lecture and practice, this workshop focuses on the yogic approach to higher stages of practice, allowing you to unlock awareness that leads to the vision and the power of soul. In addition to asana, , and , this workshop also includes chanting and kriya and tantric meditation techniques.

Unwind, Strengthen, and Protect the Lower Back [SAT-PM-04] Maty Ezraty Having a pain-free, healthy lower back is paramount not only to a strong yoga practice, but to a healthy lifestyle. In this workshop, you focus on the key principles of alignment for a healthy lower back and learn how to heal, strengthen, and protect this area of the body using a variety of poses and modifications including, standing poses, simple backbends, and seated, and supine poses. Come learn effective ways to address this common issue with students at every level.

4:15–5:45 pm [choose one]

Awaken Your Heart Through Deep Sadhana [SAT-PM-06] Todd Norian Sadhana means spiritual practice. Your body and mind are infused with the subtle energy of spirit and is the crystallization of the divine’s desire to know itself. During this workshop, you access this energy and engage with it in ways that open the doorway to “heaven on earth”. Practice a sequence of esoteric and deeply rejuvenating kriyas, , , , asanas, and meditation, ending with a sublime five elements savasana.

Unshielding [SAT-PM-07] Erica Mather Shielding is a coping mechanism used to handle the difficulties and emotional challenges of life. But shielding also locks you within the barriers you have created. Over time, these shields morph from protection into cages— exoskeletons. In this asana workshop, Erica guides you to use your breath, attention, and asana to alchemize a change in your shields. You don’t have to take them down entirely—just learn how to meld them and change them so that you can grow.

Vata-Balancing Yoga: Stretch, Rest, and Nourish with Ayurveda [SAT-PM-08] Larissa Hall Carlson Have continuous traveling and teaching agitated your vata dosha and left you feeling exhausted? Dive into a juicy, full-body yoga journey designed to relax the body, soothe the nerves, and restore tranquility to the mind. Harmonize vata with a nourishing asana sequence, lulling , and mindfulness meditation, all enveloped in educational Ayurvedic theory. Prioritize self-care and discover how much more energy, clarity, and motivation you can have to share teachings with your students.

Fire Vinyasa: Tapping into the Stream of Grace [SAT-PM-09] Katie Silcox According to , the ultimate goal of yoga is to awaken your inner fire––what the tradition calls Shakti. This fire is the endless force of spirit that lives within you, it is the dormant potential that contains your un- accessed power and love. This workshop features practices dedicated to brightening that sacred fire and the key theories to embodyit and thus, realize more joy, love, capacity, and freedom. This workshop includes asana, lecture, and breath work.


7:00–8:00 pm | Ojas-Boosting: Ayurvedic Self-Care for Yoga Teachers Larissa Hall Carlson Love teaching yoga but feeling worn down from all that you do? Take solace in Ayurveda! Abhyanga (self- massage) with organic oil from Banyan Botanicals, followed by peaceful is just the thing to refill your well and boost your ojas (nectar of immunity). Finish with a cup of warm spiced rice milk to support a restful night of sleep—a delicious ancient Ayurvedic remedy for deep nourishment and rejuvenation. Give yourself the gift of self-care, and emerge with a refreshed, relaxed afterglow. Note: Includes pranayama and yoga nidra. Please wear clothes that expose arms and most of legs for oil self-massage. Oils will be provided.

7:00–8:00 pm | Living Your Sadhana: The Four Aims of Life Coby Kozlowski Lecture/Movement Explore a contemporary perspective on the four aims of life (purushartas) and reveal the practice that your inner world is craving. Challenge your way of being, break the habit of committing crimes against wisdom, and discover a deeper understanding of your path, your truth, and a more intimate relationship with yourself and the world in which you live. Create and embody an individual practice (sadhana) that helps you thrive and flourish both on and off the mat.

7:00–8:00 pm | Prana Healing Kriya Katie Silcox Learn how to fall in love—not with anyone or anything outside—but with the inner core of who you are. Join this tantric practice of returning to the grace that flows through you naturally. Experience asana, breathing practices, and meditations designed to cleanse emotional blockages that keep you from being your most empowered, compassionate, and worthy self. Repattern your mind and build clarity in living a life of deep purpose.

8:15–9:15 pm | Yoga Nidra to Life Your Spirits Mona Anand Using a unique kriya approach, to tap into and bring inspirational intelligence through the and into your life. This practice begins with gentle, uplifting postures to open up energetic lines in the body. Then experience a guided meditation using a warm golden light to move awareness up from the feet through the center of the spine and into the body. Breathing techniques, visualizations, and sankalpa focus on bringing acceptance to yourself and the world around you.

8:00–10:00 pm | Concert Lobo Marino Lobo Marino's elegantly eerie chant-like intones soar over primal-vibing, world-fused folk music built primarily on harmonium, bass drum, and other unique instruments and voices. Named after the Pacific sea lion, their brand of experimental folk music draws from many international influences. Chaotic yet harmonious, Lobo Marino is both hypnotically spiritual and deeply soulful..


9:00–11:00 am [choose one]

Nourish Your Spirit [SUN-AM-01] Ana Forrest Take time to connect to and deepen your relationship with Spirit. Ana guides you through meditation, chants, and dharma talk to help you make a warrior’s choice to nourish your Spirit.

Moon Vinyasa: Deep Stillness, Healing Power [SUN-AM-02] Rod Stryker Activation of the lunar force invokes the power of steadiness, immovable resolve, and the qualities of self-knowing. In this practice, learn to stalk the inner moon and invoke its nurturing and sublime forces through a powerful, yet deeply soothing asana, pranayama, and meditation sequence for body and mind. Through experience and some theory, cultivate the forces that lead to calm in the midst of turbulence and that awaken peace, intuition, and courage.

How to Teach Backbends [SUN-AM-03] Nicki Doane and Eddie Modestini Many students today find the idea of studying backbends intimidating. There is an unfounded belief that they are dangerous poses for beginners. In truth, backbends are some of the most therapeutic poses in yoga. They extend the spine, align the body, restore sacral iliac imbalances, and can remove the pain from slipped discs. This workshop looks at a variety of students in different backbends and teaches you how to see the imbalances in the body and then bring symmetry to it with a variety of adjustments.

From the Ground Up: Standing Pose Lab [SUN-AM-04] Maty Ezraty Standing poses are the heart of yoga practice. Applying the science of looking and the art of seeing, you examine standing poses from the ground up in order to teach them effectively and safely. Explore how students get into trouble when these poses are practiced incorrectly and how dramatically they improve with the proper adjustments.

12:00–1:00 pm Kripalu YogaDance® with Megha Nancy Buttenheim

MASTER CLASSES (Additional fee to attend through Monday, May 16.)

1:45–4:45 pm

Immersion in the [SUN-PM-01] Rod Stryker Explore and experience the richness of tantric —and some of its secret teachings—in this three hour master class. Drawing from the Gheranda Samhita, one of the essential texts of the hatha tradition, Rod share wisdom and leads practices that shed light on how to deepen your experience and expand your understanding of what yoga is and can be.

1:45–3:45 pm

The Fundamentals of Flow [SUN-PM-02] Nicki Doane and Eddie Modestini Vinyasa yoga is a free form, open, creative system of yoga with no particular set of rules a besides a propensity to flow. This educational workshop covers some highlights of ’s Vinayasa 101 course, and includes a detailed exploration of Suryanamaskar, why intelligent sequencing is so important, and why vinyasa yoga is such a dynamic and fun practice to share with your students!

Walk in Beauty, Part 1 [SUN-PM-03] Ana Forrest To walk in beauty means to walk in harmony with all things—not only physically, but also emotionally. Thinking and acting in a “beauty way” can completely shift your perception of life. In this workshop, learn to live more authentically, in a way that your Spirit dictates. Come discover how to free yourself from whatever entraps you, create beauty in your own life, and open up your receptors to perceive the beauty in and around you.

Reading Bodies and Giving Adjustments: Backbend and Inversions [SUN-PM-04] Maty Ezraty The dual art of reading bodies and doing hands-on adjustments is fundamental for teaching yoga. In this partner- oriented workshop, you start with a warm-up to embody the work, then move into simple inversions and backbends with an emphasis on the shoulders and lower back. This workshop also covers variations and modifications, giving safe adjustments, and when to use props and why. Putting it all together, you learn to strengthen your ability to see clearly and to adjust your students safely—all with precision and compassion.

3:45–5:45 pm

The Art of Masterful Living: Embodying the Five Elements Through Yoga [SUN-PM-05] Todd Norian Masterful living is achieved when the five elements are balanced within. When out of balance, you may feel contracted, emotionally stressed out, and unmotivated, or over worked, scattered and fearful, or spacey and ungrounded. Yoga practice brings about a flowing integration of all five elements that leaves you feeling strong, confident, peaceful, openhearted, and ready to engage with life. Come immerse yourself in the experience of asana as a way to embody the five elements and bring about inner harmony.


7:30–9:00 pm | Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Sleep | Mona Anand This practice is designed to help you deeply relax or fall asleep. Beginning with gentle poses to release tension from the body, breath, and mind, you then use the visual of a flame—based on an ancient tantric technique called nyasa—to bring consciousness to different parts of the body. Each step in this guided meditation—including the rotation of awareness through the body, the pairing of opposite sensations, and pranayama and visualizations— lead you into a profound state of stillness or sleep.

7:30–9:00 pm | Kirtan | Lobo Marino | More information coming soon. Lobo Marino’s elegantly eerie chant-like intones soar over primal-vibing, world-fused folk music built primarily on harmonium, bass drum, and other unique instruments and voices. Named after the Pacific sea lion, their brand of experimental folk music draws from many international influences. Chaotic yet harmonious, Lobo Marino is hypnotically spiritual and deeply soulful


8:30–11:30 am [choose one]

The Flame of the Heart: Tapping into [MON-AM-01] Todd Norian Tapas is the heat of transformation that comes from the intense longing of the heart for freedom. Deep practice is about tapping into the infinite light of the universe deep in your heart in order to source your true passion and vision for your life. During this workshop, you learn the alchemical transformational practice of Tantra Yoga through a spiritually uplifting sequence of postures that reconnects you to your hear,t where you recognize that you are already whole and complete.

Adjustments for Popular Vinyasa Poses [MON-AM-02] Nicki Doane and Eddie Modestini To be a truly effective yoga teacher, it is important to teach from many different perspectives. One important goal for a yoga teacher is to reach everyone in the class. Come learn how to unify your classes and teach a group collectively, as well as individually at the same time. This workshop includes a lecture and hands-on adjustments used in vinyasa yoga.

Walk in Beauty, Part 2 [MON-AM-03] Ana Forrest To walk in beauty means to walk in harmony with all things—not only physically, but also emotionally. Thinking and acting in a “beauty way” can completely shift your perception of life. In this workshop, learn to live more authentically, in a way that your Spirit dictates. Come discover how to free yourself from whatever entraps you, create beauty in your own life, and open up your receptors to perceive the beauty in and around you.