Practice of Karma Yoga
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PRACTICE OF KARMA YOGA By SRI SWAMI SIVANANDA SERVE, LOVE, GIVE, PURIFY, MEDITATE, REALIZE Sri Swami Sivananda So Says Founder of Sri Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society A DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY PUBLICATION Sixth Edition: 1995 (4,000 Copies) World Wide Web (WWW) Edition: 2001 WWW site: This WWW reprint is for free distribution © The Divine Life Trust Society ISBN 81-7052-014-2 Published By THE DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY P.O. SHIVANANDANAGAR—249 192 Distt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttaranchal, Himalayas, India. OM Dedicated to all selfless, motiveless, disinterested workers of the world who are struggling hard to get knowledge of the Self by purifying their minds, by getting Chitta Suddhi through Nishkama Karma Yoga OM PUBLISHERS’ NOTE The nectar-like teachings of His Holiness Sri Swami Sivananda Saraswati, the incomparable saint of the Himalayas, famous in song and legend, are too well-known to the intelligent public as well as to the earnest aspirant of knowledge Divine. Their aim and object is nothing but emancipation from the wheel of births and deaths through absorption of the Jiva with the supreme Soul. Now, this emancipation can be had only through right knowledge. It is an undisputed fact that it is almost a Herculean task for the man in the street, blinded as he is by worldly desires of diverse kinds, to forge his way to realisation of God. Not only is it his short-sightedness that stands in the way but innumerable other difficulties and obstacles hamper the progress onward towards the goal. He is utterly helpless until someone who has successfully trodden the path, comes to his aid or rescue, takes him by the hand, leads him safely through the inextricable traps and pitfalls of worldly temptation and desires, and finally brings him to his destination which is the crowning glory of the be-all and end-all of life, where all suffering ceases and all quest comes to an end. This realisation is nothing but the knowing of the self as the real Self, the one without a second. This volume is, as the title will show, a book that has been carefully prepared for the benefit of those who are intricately placed in life that they cannot tread the path of renunciation or Sannyasa. Certainly, unless one cleanses the augean stables of his mind and expurgates all impurities through selfless and disinterested service while living amid the toil and moil of the world, he will find himself in a fool’s paradise, when he puts on the second orange-coloured garb to follow the path of renunciation. So one has to do Karma Yoga first ceaselessly and untiringly, and develop all noble qualities such as cosmic love, endurance, nobility and Brahmacharya, and thus equip himself for the great ensuing battle royal, and finally come out the victor. The present work, Practice of Karma Yoga, coming as it does, from the inspired and enlightened pen of Swami Sivanandaji, is, as usual, a safe and sound guide to reach the goal in view of the aspirant. Those who have had the good fortune to know of Sri Swami Sivanandaji and his writings—from the biggest volume to the sixteen-page pamphlet distributed free to those who ask and those who do not ask—will agree with us how infallible his writings are, how simple and lucid is the language he employs in order that what he writes may be accessible not only to the university graduate, but also to him or her who has a working knowledge of English, and how sincere and earnest the author is in his unquenchable thirst to be even a ‘particle’ of service to his brethren. Pregnant with the magnetism of a Jivanmukta or liberated sage, they cannot but uplift the seeker after Truth to ineffable heights of spiritual glory, bliss and peace. THE DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY iv PREFACE There are altogether eight chapters in this book. The first chapter treats of the Yoga of service. Such interesting and important subjects as what is poised reason, how to find out right and wrong action, what is Nishkamya Karma Yoga, the qualifications of a Karma Yogi, work is worship, the Yoga of equanimity, etc., are dealt with lucidly. The articles entitled ‘Health and Yoga’ and ‘Secret of Karma Yoga’ are of vital importance and interest. One should never forget the idea that work is worship of God. If one remembers this fact, all work will be found very interesting. The terms ‘menial service’, ‘this work is bad’, ‘that work is good’, will be obliterated from the mind. You will find that all work, when done with the right mental attitude or Bhava, will elevate your mind. The second chapter deals with universal laws. A knowledge of these laws of Nature will help the young aspirant to turn out more efficient and solid work within a short space of time; it will infuse discrimination and force him to do virtuous actions, always taking care to avoid all evil actions. He will clearly understand that there is perfect order in the universe in everything. Even a rank materialist will be induced to realise the glory of the Lord, the Law-giver, who is hidden in these names and forms. The third chapter deals with what is known as Svadharma. The practice of Svadharma brings one Moksha and exaltation. A fine description of the three Gunas or qualities of Nature and their operation is given here. An understanding of these Gunas will be of inestimable value to the practitioner of Karma Yoga. He can develop Sattvic virtues and eradicate Rajas and Tamas. The article ‘Instructions for Aspirants’ contains many valuable practical hints. Every aspirant should study these instructions very carefully daily in the morning before he starts his work. This will enable him to equip himself for the ensuing battle of daily life. He will indeed be better armed with wisdom, spiritual force and discrimination; he can thereby ward off very many obstacles that stand in the way of his daily work. Though man feels he is weak and helpless at times, he is in reality the master of his own destiny. He can counteract dark forces of evil tendencies and can command Nature through right exertion or Purushartha. The subject is dealt with in the fourth chapter. ‘Karma and Reincarnation’ is the title of the fifth chapter. Here there is a description of the various kinds of Karmas. I would like you to understand that sin is nothing but a mistake only. There is no such thing as ‘horrible crime’ or ‘heinous sin’ in the light of knowledge or higher philosophy. Many people worry themselves that they have committed serious crimes and consequently become prey to the haunting thoughts of the so-called sin. One should never say: “I am a great sinner.” On the contrary he should assert: “I am eternally the pure Atman.” Purity is your birthright. In essence thou art the most sacred Atman. Feel this, feel this! The article on the doctrine of reincarnation contains convincing, cogent, logical, forcible and sound arguments in support of rebirth. In the sixth chapter I have stated that neophytes should combine action and meditation and that those who can meditate for twenty-four hours are very, very rare, and that such people should take to exclusive meditation in the solitary caves of the Himalayan jungles. I have made a sincere v and whole-hearted appeal to whole-timed Sannyasins to organise their order of life and start doing service to the country in various forms according to the temperament, taste and capacity of the individual. This is the dire need of the present hour. Not very long ago Mahatma Gandhi himself once appealed to the Sannyasins at Hardwar in this regard and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the then President of the Indian National Congress addressed a mammoth meeting of Sadhus and Sannyasins last year at the same place and in a similar strain. As no real service can be done without Brahmacharya, I have added a small article on this subject towards the end of the chapter. The seventh chapter is allotted to ‘Karma Yoga in the Gita’. The articles ‘Prakriti does Everything’, ‘Action and Inaction’, ‘Scope for Personal Exertion’, ‘Action and Actor’, ‘Self-surrender’, and ‘Karma Yoga is better than Renunciation of Action’, make the chapter complete. I want my readers to read this chapter over and over and understand the full significance of Karma Yoga. The eighth chapter makes the book really useful. You have some very illuminating and inspiring stories which have been chosen with care and added in the hope that the book will be of practical utility to the readers. These stories inculcate the principles of self-sacrifice and present to the householders some really elevating and inspiring ideals. As the maintenance of the spiritual diary is nowhere more needed than when practising Karma Yoga, I have added a brief note on how such a diary should be maintained, together with the table which has also been appended therewith. I appeal with folded hands to the readers of this book to start practising Karma Yoga in right earnest after digesting and assimilating the truths and ideals that are inculcated herein. May the indweller of our hearts, the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent Isvara grant you all strength, peace, spiritual power, discrimination, alertness, far-sightedness to practise Karma Yoga and to realise the grand truths of the Upanishads after getting Chitta Suddhi through incessant and untiring selfless service, is the humble and earnest prayer of thy sevak and comrade. Sivananda ONLY GOD I SAW When I surveyed from Ananda Kutir, Rishikesh, By the side of the Tehri Hills, only God I saw.