Before the COPYRIGHT ROYALTY JUDGES Washington, D.C. ) In the Matter of ) ) Docket No. 2012-6 CRB CD 2004-2009 Distribution of the 2004, 2005, 2006 ) (Phase II) 2007, 200S and 2009 ) Cable Royalty Funds ) ) In the Matter of Docket No. 2012-7 CRB SD 1999-2009 Distribution of the 1999-2009 (Phase II) Satellite Royalty Funds WRITTEN DIRECT STATEMENT REGARDING ALLOCATION OF THK MPAA-REPRESENTED PROGRAM SUPPLIERS VOLUMEIOF III 'RITTEN TESTIMONY AND EXHIBITS'RITTEN Gregory O. Olaniran D.C. Bar No. 4557S4 Lucy Holmes Plovnick D.C. Bar No. 4SS752 Alesha M. Dominique D.C. Bar No. 990311 .Mitchell Silberberg dk Knupp LLP goo1S1S msk.cornN Street NW, Sth Floor Washington, DC 20036 (202) 355-7917 (Telephone) (202) 355-7SS7 (Facsimile)
[email protected] amd msk.corn Attorneysfor MPAA-Represented Program Suppliers August 22, 2016 Before the COPYRIGHT ROYALTY JUDGES Washington, D.C. In the Matter of Docket No. 2012-6 CRB CD 2004-2009 Distribution of the 2004, 2005, 2006 (Phase II) 2007, 2008 and 2009 Cable Royalty Funds In the Matter of Docket No. 2012-7 CRB SD 1999-2009 Distribution of the 1999-2009 (Phase II) Satellite Royalty Funds WRITTEN DIRECT STATEMENT OF MPAA-REPRESENTED PROGRAM SUPPLIERS The Motion Picture Association of America, Inc. ("MPAA"), on behalf of its member companies and other producers andlor distributors of syndicated movies, series, specials, and non-team sports broadcast by television stations who have agreed to representation by MPAA ("MPAA-represented Program Suppliers"),'n accordance with the May 4 and August 2, 2016 Orders of the Copyright Royalty Judges ("Judges"), hereby submit their Written Direct Statement Regarding Allocation in the captioned matter.