Maui County Energy Alliance Report
Page | 2 “Our precarious dependence on imported fossil fuel underscores the urgency for us to actively pursue renewable energy options.” ‐‐ Mayor Charmaine Tavares (2007) “Through the Clean Energy Initiative and our year‐round resources of wind, solar and waves, Hawaii is uniquely poised to become a global model for renewable energy." ‐‐ Governor Linda Lingle (2008) This report was prepared by the Maui Economic Development Board, Inc. (MEDB) in conjunction with County of Maui Office of Economic Development for the Maui County Energy Alliance (MCEA). We wish to acknowledge the leadership, support, and work of the members of the MCEA Oversight Committee: Mayor Charmaine Tavares, County of Maui; Sheri Morrison, Managing Director, County of Maui; Deidre Tegarden, Coordinator, Office of Economic Development, County of Maui; Dr. Victor Reyes, Energy Commissioner, County of Maui; Jeanne Unemori Skog, President, Maui Economic Development Board; Leslie Wilkins, Vice‐President and Director, Women in Technology, Maui Economic Development Board; Dr. Clyde Sakamoto, Chancellor, Maui Community College; William Parks, Jr., Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy (on assignment to the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism). MEDB and the County of Maui Office of Economic Development also wish to acknowledge the tireless contributions of the volunteer members of the MCEA Working Groups, and especially the Working Group Chairs. A listing of members is included in the Supplement of Supporting Documents. Summary of MCEA Working Group Recommendations ‐‐ Sustainable Energy: Strategies for Implementation 09/2009 Page | 3 Summary of MCEA Working Group Recommendations ‐‐ Sustainable Energy: Strategies for Implementation 09/2009 Page | 4 Summary of MCEA Working Group Recommendations ‐‐ Sustainable Energy: Strategies for Implementation 09/2009 Renewable Energy Action Plan: Recommendations from the MCEA Working Groups Table of Contents Page | 5 Overview 7 1.
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