Музеи И Этнокультурный Туризм Museums and Ethnocultural Tourism

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Музеи И Этнокультурный Туризм Museums and Ethnocultural Tourism Международный совет International Counsil музеев ЮНЕСКО for Museums UNESCO Комитет музеологии International Committee Международного совета музеев for Museology Сибирское отделение Siberian branch Российской академии наук of the Russian Academy of Sciences Научный совет по музеям Scientifi c Counsil of Museums Институт истории СО РАН Institute of History of SB RAS Комитет музеологии International Committee Сибири for Museology of Siberia МУЗЕИ MUSEUMS И ЭТНОКУЛЬТУРНЫЙ AND ETHNOCULTURAL ТУРИЗМ TOURISM III Ежегодный симпозиум ИКОФОМСИБ III Annual Simposium ICOFOMSIB Шанхай, Китай Shanghai, China 7–12 ноября 2010 7–12 November 2010 Novosibirsk 2010 ББК 79.1 УДК 069.01 М 89 Approved for publishing by Scientifi c Council of Institute of History SB RAS Reviewers: М. А. Demin, Doctor of Science, Professor, Dean of History Department of Altai State Pedagogical Academy, N. M. Shcherbin, Candidate of historical sciences, manager of Museum department of SB RAS, G. М. Zaporozhchenko, Candidate of historical sciences, chief scientifi c associate of Museum department of SB RAS. Museums and Ethnocultural Tourism: collection of materials of the IIId Annual International Sympo- sium ICOFOM SIB / Under the editorship of О. N. Truevtseva, О. N. Shelegina. Novosibirsk, 2010. 168 p. ISBN 978-5-94356-868-8 The collection includes articles of the participants of the 3d Annual International Symposium of ICOFOM SIB and International Committee of Museum of UNESCO on the topic “Museums and Ethnocultural Tour- ism”. The symposium is organized and held within the framework of the XXIInd General Conference of ICOM “Museums for harmonious society” on November 6–12, 2010, Shanghai, China. The authors pay considerable attention to studying the history of museology in Siberia, integration of museums into tourist business, develop- ment and strengthening of international cooperation, studying cultural heritage of Siberian peoples, adaptation of museums to the conditions of globalization and searching for new forms of activity. Articles of foreign scientists are included in the collection. The materials are addressed to researches, scientifi c workers and lecturers of higher educational institu- tions, as well as to museum stuff and students studying history, archeology, ecology, art history, museology, tourism, heritage. These publications are prepared in accordance with the program of development of international coopera- tion of ICOFOM and ICOFOM SIB, Scientifi c Council of SB RAS. The translation is made by the students of Linguistic Institute of Altai State Pedagogical Academy. Publication is made with fi nancial support of the Presidium of SB RAS. ISBN 978-5-94356-868-8 © Institute of History of SB RAS, 2010 © Altai State Pedagogical Academy, 2010 ББК 79.1 УДК 069.01 М 89 Утверждено к печати Ученым советом Института истории СО РАН Рецензенты: д-р ист. наук М. А. Демин, канд. ист. наук Н. М. Щербин, канд. ист. наук Г. М. Запорожченко Музеи и этнокультурный туризм: Сборник материалов III Ежегодного международного симпозиума Комитета музеологии Сибири / Под ред. О. Н. Труевцевой, О. Н. Шелегиной. Новосибирск, 2010. 168 с. ISBN 978-5-94356-868-8 Сборник включает статьи участников III Ежегодного международного симпозиума Комитета музеоло- гии Сибири Международного совета музеев ЮНЕСКО по теме «Музеи и этнокультурный туризм». Сим- позиум организован и проведен в рамках XXII Генеральной конференции Международного совета музеев «Музеи для гармоничного общества» 6–12 ноября 2010 года, г. Шанхай, КНР. Значительное внимание ав- торы уделяют изучению истории музейного дела в Сибири, интеграции музеев в туристический бизнес, развитию и укреплению международного сотрудничества, изучению культурного наследия народов Сиби- ри, адаптации музеев к условиям глобализации, поиску инновационных форм работы. В сборник включе- ны статьи зарубежных ученых. Материалы сборника адресованы исследователям, научным сотрудникам и преподавателям вузов, практическим музейным работникам, студентам, изучающим историю, археологию, экологию, искус- ствоведение, музеологию, туризм, наследие. Работа выполнена в соответствии с программой развития международного сотрудничества Коми- тета музеологии Международного совета музеев и Комитета музеологии Сибири, Научного совета по музеям СО РАН. Перевод статей осуществлен студентами Лингвистического института Алтайской государственной педагогической академии. Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Президиума СО РАН. ISBN 978-5-94356-868-8 © Институт истории СО РАН, 2010 © Алтайская государственная педагогическая академия, 2010 CONTENTS Annual Symposium of ICOFOM SIB 2010 .............................................................................................................8 S. A. An Humanistic and social meaning of a museum ..........................................................................................................10 V. V. Barmin Museums as centers of cultural heritage of Russian Germansin Siberia and tourism .............................................12 L. V. Belkova Formation of Ethnoсultural Space in Modern Society .............................................................................................14 G. D. Bulgayeva On Dismantling of Iconostasis Complexes ..............................................................................................................17 A. Kh. Khussainova Etnocultural heritage of the muzejno-memorial complex of victims of political reprisals end totalitarism “ALGER” .......................................................................................................................................18 E. A. Koveshnikova Prpospects of development of cultural-educational tourism in Kuzbass ................................................................21 E. А. Koveshnikova, A. I. Martynov Functions of a museum at the heart of museum and society interaction ..................................................................23 A. M. Kulemzin What is museum: view from Siberia ........................................................................................................................29 Kuo-ning Chen Ethnoсultural Heritage Museology and History in Taiwan ......................................................................................30 V. A. Lamin, O. N. Shelegina, I. A. Kraineva SB RAS Museum Council: an Experience in Museum Management ......................................................................33 Vieregg Hildegard K. Ecomuseums with Community ................................................................................................................................36 L. V. Malinovskiy The pioneers of the clock production in Russia .......................................................................................................39 L. Maranda Museums and (ethno)cultural tourism ......................................................................................................................41 O. E. Mishakova Ethnocultural heritage, museums and tourism in the sample of socio-economical Strategy the development of the Republic of Buryatia ..........................................................45 D. A. Miyagashev “City of Xiongnu” — an interactive platform in territory of the Ethnographic museum of people of Transbaikal area: to a problem of preservation Xiongnu fortifi ed settlement in Ivolga ...........................................................................................................................................48 N. D. Nagaitceva Museum animation as a resource for development of a modern museum ...............................................................49 G. M. Patrusheva Development of the regional excursion and tourism service systemin Omsk and Omskaya oblast at modern time ..............................................................................................................53 E. V. Semenov Interaction museums in Ulan-Ude and public non-profi t organizations in the development of tourism (example NGO National Cultural Autonomy of the Poles, Ulan-Ude “Nadzheya”) .......................................................................................................................55 O. A. Shaglanova Ethnographic museum of people of Transbaikal area as model of preservation of ethnocultural heritage of indigenous peoples and ethnic groups of the Baikal region ........................................57 T. K. Shcheglova Oral History and Museology: Ways and Forms of cooperation ...............................................................................59 O. N. Shelegina The Role of Museums in the Sociocultural Adaptation of People in the Globalization Epoch .......................................................................................................................62 A. G. Stepanskaya Ethnocultural traditions as the basisof the renewal of nations .................................................................................65 N. A. Tomilov History of Siberian museums in the researches of Russian scientists ......................................................................67 N. V. Truevtsev ICOFOM history as a glance in future .....................................................................................................................69 O. N. Truevtseva Role of museums in integration of siberian aborigines culture into multicultural environment .................................................................................................................................71 S. S. Zharnikova The existence
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