Comparative Effectiveness Review Number 160 Effective Health Care Program

Management and Outcomes of Binge- Executive Summary

Background Effective Health Care Program Definition of Binge-Eating The Effective Health Care Program Disorder and Loss-of-Control was initiated in 2005 to provide valid Eating evidence about the comparative Binge-eating disorder (BED) is effectiveness of different medical characterized by recurrent episodes of interventions. The object is to help —i.e., eating episodes that consumers, health care providers, and occur in a discrete period of time (≤2 others in making informed choices hours) and involve the consumption of an among treatment alternatives. Through amount of food that is definitely larger its Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, than most people would consume under the program supports systematic similar circumstances. Other core features appraisals of existing scientific of BED are a sense of lack of control over evidence regarding treatments for eating during binge episodes, significant high-priority health conditions. It psychological distress (e.g., shame, guilt) also promotes and generates new about binge eating, and the absence of scientific evidence by identifying gaps regular use of inappropriate compensatory in existing scientific evidence and behaviors, such as purging, fasting, and supporting new research. The program excessive exercise. puts special emphasis on translating findings into a variety of useful In May 2013, the American Psychiatric formats for different stakeholders, Association (APA) recognized BED including consumers. as a distinct eating disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of The full report and this summary are Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5).1 available at www.effectivehealthcare. Previously (in the DSM-IV), BED had been designated as a provisional diagnosis. Table A presents the DSM-IV and DSM- to once per week and the duration criterion 5 diagnostic criteria for BED. In the shift from 6 months to 3 months, in line with from provisional to formal diagnosis for those for . BED, APA experts changed the criterion for frequency of BED from twice per week

Effective Health Care 1 Table A. DSM-IV and DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for binge-eating disorder

Criteria Set and Severity Grading Specific Definitions for Each Criterion

Criterion 1 Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode of binge eating is characterized by both of the following: a. Eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., within any 2-hour period), an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat in a similar period of time under similar circumstances b. The sense of lack of control over eating during the episode (e.g., a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating)

Criterion 2 Binge-eating episodes are associated with 3 or more of the following: a. Eating much more rapidly than normal b. Eating until feeling uncomfortably full c. Eating large amounts of food when not feeling physically hungry d. Eating alone because of being embarrassed by how much one is eating e. Feeling disgusted with oneself, depressed, or very guilty after

Criterion 3 Marked distress regarding binge eating is present.

Criterion 4 The binge eating occurs, on average— a. At least 2 days a week for 6 months (DSM-IV frequency and duration criteria) b. At least 1 day a week for 3 months (DSM-5 frequency and duration criteria)

Criterion 5 The binge eating is not associated with the regular use of inappropriate compensatory behavior (e.g., purging, fasting, excessive exercise) and does not occur exclusively during the course of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.

Severity Grading DSM-IV does not include a BED severity grading scale. Applicable to DSM-5 only, BED severity is graded as follows: Mild: 1 to 3 episodes per week Moderate: 4 to 7 episodes per week Severe: 8 to 13 episodes per week Extreme: 14 or more episodes per week

BED = binge-eating disorder; DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

A sense of loss of control (LOC) during binge episodes is The spectrum of those described as exhibiting LOC a core feature of BED. The term “LOC eating” is used to eating also includes individuals for whom diagnosis of describe these episodes, but it is also used more broadly threshold BED is challenging for unique reasons, such throughout the literature to describe binge-like eating as postbariatric surgery patients and children. Bariatric behavior accompanied by a sense of LOC that occurs across surgery significantly reduces the stomach size and capacity, a wide spectrum of individuals. That spectrum includes, effectively rendering it physically impossible for a patient among others, individuals who exhibit some features of to meet BED criterion 1a (Table A; i.e., to consume a BED but do not meet full diagnostic criteria for the disorder definitely large amount of food). In the (i.e., subthreshold BED) and individuals with other eating literature, LOC eating is used not only to describe binge- disorders (bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa binge-eating/ like behavior that falls short of meeting criterion 1a, but purge subtype). also to describe eating behavior that is contraindicated based on meal size and meal content. Children, especially young children, may not meet BED criterion 1a because

2 their parents or others limit the quantity of food they Assessing BED and LOC in children poses unique consume or because they are unable to provide accurate challenges, in part because neither the DSM-IV nor the quantification of the amount they eat. For the purposes DSM-5 established a minimum age for a BED diagnosis. of our review, LOC eating treatment and outcomes are As a result, when diagnosing adolescents, some clinicians limited to postbariatric surgery patients and children, and consider BED criteria and others consider LOC eating do not include individuals in other groups who may meet criteria. We included studies of LOC eating in children subclinical diagnosis of BED. ages 6–17 years. Prevalence of Binge-Eating Disorder and In the postbariatric surgery circumstance, defining LOC Loss-of-Control Eating eating is not straightforward; assessment methods are not standardized. Patients may report their disordered Prevalence estimates (and citations) are covered in more eating behaviors as a general subjective sense of lack of detail in the full report. In the United States, the prevalence control over their eating rather than in terms of specific of BED among adults is about 3.5 percent in women and overconsumption based on the amount of food. Also, LOC about 2 percent in men based on DSM-IV criteria and eating may manifest in the consumption of food types and 2,3 slightly higher based on DSM-5 criteria. BED is more patterns of intake that are contraindicated after surgery. common among obese individuals4,5 and slightly lower among Latino- and Asian-Americans (1.9% and 2.0%, Current Challenges and Controversies in respectively) than among the general population.6,7 Treating These Disorders BED is typically first diagnosed in young adulthood Treating patients with BED targets the core behavioral (early to mid-20s);8,9 symptoms often persist well beyond 10-12 features (binge eating) and psychological features (i.e., midlife. eating, weight, and shape concerns, and distress) of The prevalence of LOC eating is unknown. In postbariatric this condition. Other important targets of treatment surgery patients, it may be as high as 25 percent.13,14 In include metabolic health (in patients who are obese, have children at risk for adult because of either their , or both) and mood regulation (e.g., in patients own or that of their parents, prevalence may be with coexisting or ). Table B describes as high as 32 percent.15 commonly used approaches. Treatments for LOC eating for postbariatric surgery patients and children reflect BED Current Challenges and Controversies in treatment options; treatment of children may include a role Diagnosing These Disorders for parents. In diagnosing BED, assessing whether a patient is eating an atypically large amount of food is not wholly quantitative; it requires the clinician’s evaluation of the patient’s self-report. Assessment by a structured clinical interview is considered the gold standard. We included only studies in which participants were identified as meeting DSM-IV or DSM-5 criteria for BED as determined through a structured interview.

3 Table B. Treatments commonly used for binge-eating disorder

Intervention Type Treatment Description

Psychological and Cognitive behavioral that focuses on identifying relations among thoughts, feelings, and behavioral therapy behaviors, aiming to change negative thoughts about oneself and the world and, by doing so, reduce negative emotions and undesirable behavior patterns. Cognitive behavioral therapy is delivered is various ways—e.g., therapist-led individual and group sessions, self-help, and guided self-help.

Psychological and Dialectical Behavioral therapy that focuses on increasing mindfulness and developing skills to behavioral behavioral therapy improve emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal relationships.

Psychological and Interpersonal Psychotherapy that focuses on the role of interpersonal functioning in negative mood, behavioral psychotherapy psychological distress, and unhealthy behaviors.

Psychological and Behavioral weight Treatment that incorporates various behavioral strategies to promote , such behavioral loss as caloric restriction and increased physical activity.

Pharmacological Second-generation Treatment with a class of that works by selectively inhibiting reuptake and tricyclic of neurotransmitters involved in the regulation of mood and (i.e., dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin). Common examples include bupropion, citalopram, desipramine, duloxetine, , and sertraline, commonly indicated for patients with depression.

Pharmacological Treatment with a class of medications used to treat epilepsy, , major depression, and migraines; most commonly, .

Pharmacological Antiobesity Treatment with medications used to treat obesity. One example is orlistat, which inhibits pancreatic lipase, thereby decreasing fat absorption in the gut.

Pharmacological Central nervous Treatment with a class of medications generally used to enhance or accelerate mental system stimulants and physical processes, and specifically for treating patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and certain sleep problems. The only approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for binge-eating disorder () belongs to this class.

Scope and Key Questions Broadly, we included pharmacological, psychological, behavioral, and combination interventions. We considered This review addresses the efficacy and effectiveness of physical and psychological health outcomes in four major interventions for individuals meeting DSM-IV or DSM-5 categories: (1) binge behavior (binge eating or LOC eating); criteria for BED, for postbariatric surgery patients with (2) binge-eating–related psychopathology (e.g., weight LOC eating, and for children with LOC eating. (Hereafter, and shape concerns, dietary restraint); (3) physical health the term “effectiveness” refers to both efficacy and functioning (i.e., weight and other indexes of metabolic effectiveness, including comparative effectiveness.) We health—e.g., diabetes); and (4) general psychopathology also attempted to examine whether treatment effectiveness (e.g., depression, anxiety). Additional outcomes of interest differed in subgroups based on sex, race, ethnicity, sexual included social and occupational functioning and harms of orientation, (BMI), duration of illness, or treatment. coexisting conditions.

4 We also examined the course of illness of BED and KQ 6. What is the evidence for the effectiveness of of LOC eating, particularly given their relatively high treatments or combinations of treatments for loss-of- with other medical and psychiatric conditions. control eating among bariatric surgery patients? In addition, clinical interest in understanding whether LOC KQ 7. What is the evidence for harms associated with eating reliably predicts poorer weight outcomes and new- treatments for loss-of-control eating among bariatric onset BED over time is considerable. Little is known about surgery patients? the temporal stability of BED in the community generally, and of LOC in postbariatric surgery patients and children KQ 8. Does the effectiveness of treatments for loss-of- specifically. control eating among bariatric surgery patients differ by age, sex, race, ethnicity, initial body mass index, duration Ultimately, the information produced in this review is of illness, or coexisting conditions? intended to contribute to improved care for patients, better decisionmaking capacity for clinicians, and KQ 9. What is the course of illness of loss-of-control more sophisticated policies from those responsible for eating among bariatric surgery patients? establishing treatment guidelines or making various KQ 10. Does the course of illness of loss-of-control eating insurance and related decisions. among bariatric surgery patients differ by age, sex, race, Key Questions ethnicity, sexual orientation, initial body mass index, duration of illness, or coexisting conditions? We addressed 15 Key Questions (KQs). Nine are about KQ 11. What is the evidence for the effectiveness of effectiveness of treatment (benefits and harms overall and treatments or combinations of treatments for loss-of- benefits for various patient subgroups)—three for BED, control eating among children? three for LOC eating among bariatric surgery patients, and three for LOC eating among children. The other six KQ 12. What is the evidence for harms associated with KQs deal with course of illness, overall and for various treatments for loss-of-control eating among children? subgroups, for BED or LOC eating. KQ 13. Does the effectiveness of treatments for loss-of- KQ 1. What is the evidence for the effectiveness of control eating among children differ by age, sex, race, treatments or combinations of treatments for binge-eating ethnicity, initial body mass index, duration of illness, or disorder? coexisting conditions? KQ 2. What is the evidence for harms associated with KQ 14. What is the course of illness of loss-of-control treatments for binge-eating disorder? eating among children? KQ 3. Does the effectiveness of treatments for binge- KQ 15. Does the course of illness of loss-of-control eating disorder differ by age, sex, race, ethnicity, initial eating among children differ by age, sex, race, ethnicity, body mass index, duration of illness, or coexisting initial body mass index, duration of illness, or coexisting conditions? conditions? KQ 4. What is the course of illness of binge-eating Analytic Frameworks disorder? The relationships among the patient populations, KQ 5. Does the course of illness of binge-eating disorder interventions, comparators, and outcomes are depicted differ by age, sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, body for each treatment KQ in Figure A and for each course-of- mass index, duration of illness, or coexisting conditions? illness KQ in Figure B.

5 Figure A. Analytic framework for binge-eating disorder and loss-of-control eating: effectiveness and harms of interventions

Binge-Eating Disorder Final Health Outcomes Subgroups: (Bullets are examples only) Age, sex, race, ethnicity, Behavioral sexual orientation, initial • Binge-eating frequency, abstinence BMI, duration of illness, a • Loss-of-control eating frequency, coexisting conditions KQ 1, KQ 6, KQ11 KQ 3, KQ 8, KQ13b abstinence Intervention Psychological • Weight and shape concerns, restraint, • Pharmacological KQ 1, KQ 6, KQ11a hunger, disinhibition • Psychological/behavioral KQ 3, KQ 8, KQ13b • Complementary and • Depression disorder and symptoms alternative medicine • Anxiety Loss-of-Control Eating • Treatment combinations Physical health and functioning Populations: Intermediate Outcomes • Obesity Bariatric surgery patients KQ 2, KQ 7, • Weight/BMI Children (6 years of age or KQ 12 • Blood pressure • older) • Glucose, hemoglobin A1c • Subgroups: • Blood lipids (cholesterol, • Dyslipidemia Age, sex, race, ethnicity, triglycerides) • GERD, sexual orientation (baratric • Leptin Social and occupational functioning surgery patients only), initial • Lost work or school days BMI, duration of illness, Harms coexisting conditions Other quality-of-life measures Health care costs and use

aEffectiveness of treatment. bDifferences between subgroups. BMI = body mass index; GERD = gastroesophageal reflux disease; KQ = Key Question.

6 Figure B. Analytic framework for binge-eating disorder and loss-of-control eating: course of illness (outcomes of the disorders)

Final Health Outcomes Binge-Eating Disorder (Bullets are examples only) Subgroups: KQ 4, Behavioral Age, sex, race, ethnicity, a • Binge-eating frequency, abstinence sexual orientation, initial BMI, KQ 5 • Loss-of-control eating frequency, abstinence duration of illness, coexisting conditions Psychological • Weight and shape concerns, restraint, hunger, KQ 4, disinhibition a KQ 5 • Depression disorder and symptoms KQ 9, • Anxiety KQ 14, Loss-of-Control Eating Intermediate Outcomes Physical health and functioning KQ 10a Populations: KQ 15a • Weight/BMI • Obesity Bariatric surgery patients • Blood pressure • Hypertension Children (6 years of age or older) • Glucose, hemoglobin A1c • Type 2 diabetes Subgroups: • Blood lipids (cholesterol, • Dyslipidemia Age, sex, race, ethnicity, sexual triglycerides) • GERD, irritable bowel syndrome orientation (baratric surgery • Leptin patients only), initial BMI, Social and occupational functioning duration of illness, coexisting • Lost work or school days conditions Other quality-of-life measures KQ 9, KQ 14, Health care costs and use KQ 10a KQ 15a

aDifference between subgroups. BMI = body mass index; GERD = gastroesophageal reflux disease; KQ = Key Question.

Methods Literature Search Strategy Topic Refinement and Protocol Review Search Strategy ® This topic and its KQs were developed through a We conducted focused searches of MEDLINE (via ® ® public process. The Binge-Eating Disorder Association PubMed ), Embase , CINAHL (nursing and allied health nominated the topic. The RTI International–University database), Academic OneFile, and the Cochrane Library. of North Carolina Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) An experienced research librarian used a predefined list of further developed and refined the topic with input from search terms and medical subject headings. The librarian Key Informants in the field. The Agency for Healthcare completed the searches for the draft report on June 23, Research and Quality (AHRQ) posted provisional KQs 2014; she conducted a second (update) search on January for public comment on January 13, 2014. We incorporated 19, 2015, during peer review. public comments and guidance from a Technical Expert We searched for relevant unpublished and gray literature, Panel into the final research protocol (posted on the AHRQ including trial registries, specifically Web site on April 4, 2014). and Health Services Research Projects in Progress. AHRQ requested Scientific Information Packets (SIPs) from the developers and distributors of interventions identified in the literature review. We also requested Technical Expert

7 Panel members’ and Peer Reviewers’ recommendations of treatment comparisons, placebo, nonintervention, wait-list additional published, unpublished, and gray literature not controls, or treatment as usual. identified by the review team. We included unpublished For psychological and behavioral interventions, we studies that met all inclusion criteria and contained enough evaluated evidence by modality separately: individual and information on their research methods to permit us to group therapy, and therapist-led and self-help approaches. make a standard risk-of-bias assessment of individual The modalities involve a different therapist-patient studies. This could include, but was not limited to, relationship and level of health care resources; and only conference posters and proceedings, studies posted on group therapy includes the influence of other patients the Web site, and U.S. Food and Drug suffering from the condition in the therapeutic process. Administration (FDA) medication approval packages. We included unpublished studies that met all inclusion criteria We specified a broad range of outcomes—intermediate and contained enough information to permit us to make a and final health benefit outcomes and treatment harms standard risk-of-bias assessment. We searched reference (Figures A and B). We analyzed five groups of treatment lists of pertinent review articles for studies that we should effectiveness and course-of-illness outcomes: binge-eating consider for inclusion in this review, including our earlier outcomes, eating-related psychopathology outcomes, review on this topic.16-18 weight-related outcomes, general psychological outcomes (e.g., depression), and other (e.g., quality of life). Potential Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria harms (also a broad range of minor to severe side effects or We developed inclusion and exclusion criteria with a adverse events) varied across intervention types. Outcome framework in mind that considered the relationship among differences for subgroups were evaluated for both the patient populations, interventions, comparators, treatment effectiveness and course of illness. We reported outcomes, timing of outcome assessments, and settings treatment outcomes at the end of treatment or later, but (PICOTS). We considered only trials or studies written in course-of-illness studies had a 1-year minimum followup English; additional evidence possibly available in non– from the diagnosis. English-language studies that had an abstract in English is We included studies with inpatient or outpatient settings. also discussed. We did not exclude studies based on geography. The populations of interest are (1) individuals meeting Study designs included meta-analyses, systematic reviews, DSM-IV or DSM-5 criteria for BED, (2) postbariatric randomized controlled trials (RCTs), nonrandomized surgery patients with LOC eating, and (3) children with controlled trials, prospective and retrospective cohort LOC eating. We excluded studies of individuals with co- studies, and case-control studies. We counted systematic occurring anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa and studies reviews only if they provided information used in the of children younger than 6 years of age. We excluded trials evidence synthesis. with fewer than 10 participants and nonrandomized studies with fewer than 50 participants. Study Selection Treatments of interest include pharmacological Trained members of the research team reviewed article interventions (e.g., antidepressants, anticonvulsants, abstracts and full-text articles. Two members independently attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD] reviewed each title and abstract using the predefined medications, and weight loss medications) and inclusion and exclusion criteria. Studies marked for interventions that combine various psychological possible inclusion by either reviewer underwent a full-text and behavioral techniques and principles to varying review. Two members of the team independently reviewed degrees (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy [CBT], each full-text article. If both reviewers agreed that a study interpersonal psychotherapy [IPT], behavioral weight did not meet the eligibility criteria, it was excluded; each loss [BWL], dialectical behavioral therapy [DBT], and reviewer recorded the primary reason for exclusion. If psychodynamic interpersonal therapy [PIPT]). We sought reviewers disagreed, they resolved conflicts by discussion evidence on complementary and alternative medicine and consensus or by consulting a third member of the treatments but did not find any, and such interventions review team. We screened unpublished studies and are not further discussed. Treatment combinations could reviewed SIPs using the same title/abstract and full-text involve psychological and behavioral interventions or review processes. The project coordinator tracked abstract psychological and behavioral with pharmacological and full-text reviews in an EndNote database (EndNote® interventions. Included studies had to have at least two X4). groups. Acceptable comparisons included one of the other

8 Data Abstraction studies with high risk of bias in sensitivity analyses of our meta-analyses of treatment benefits and as allowable We developed a template for evidence tables using the evidence for both treatment harms and course of illness. PICOTS framework and abstracted relevant information into the tables using Microsoft Excel. We recorded Data Synthesis characteristics of study populations, interventions, For quantitative synthesis (meta-analyses to estimate comparators, settings, study designs, methods, and results. overall effect sizes using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis, Six trained members of the team participated in the data version 3.2), we had sufficiently similar evidence abstraction. One reviewer initially abstracted the relevant for placebo-controlled trials of second-generation data from each included article; a second more senior antidepressants and lisdexamfetamine and for wait-list– member of the team reviewed each data abstraction against controlled trials of therapist-led CBT. We did all other the original article for completeness and accuracy. analyses qualitatively, based on our reasoned judgment of Risk-of-Bias Assessment similarities in measurement of interventions and outcomes, and homogeneity of patient populations. We assessed risk of bias with three appropriate tools, described in more detail in the full report: (1) one for Strength of the Body of Evidence judging trials based on the Cochrane risk-of-bias tool We graded the strength of evidence based on the “Methods for RCTs and summary judgments corresponding with Guide for Effectiveness and Comparative Effectiveness EPC guidance; (2) one for evaluating risk of bias in Reviews.”19 This EPC approach incorporates five key non-RCTs and observational studies (modified from 2 domains: study limitations, directness, consistency, existing tools); and (3) AMSTAR (A Measurement Tool precision of the evidence, and reporting bias. Reviewers To Assess Systematic Reviews) for assessing the quality of may also consider three optional domains if relevant to a systematic review. Two independent reviewers rated the the evidence: increasing dose response, large magnitude risk of bias for each study. Disagreements between the two of effect, and an effect that would have been larger if reviewers were resolved by discussion and consensus or by confounding variables had not been controlled for in the consulting a third member of the team. analysis. Risk of bias is reported as a rating of low, medium, or Grades reflect the strength of the body of evidence to high. RCTs with a high risk of bias are those with at least answer each KQ. A grade of high strength of evidence one major issue that has the potential to cause significant indicates that we have high confidence that the evidence bias and thus might invalidate its results; such flaws reflects the true effect. Moderate strength of evidence include different application of inclusion/exclusion criteria indicates that we have moderate confidence that the between arms, substantial differences in arms at baseline, evidence reflects the true effect. Low strength of evidence high overall attrition, differential attrition across arms that suggests that we have low confidence that the evidence is not adequately addressed through analytic methods, or reflects the true effect. Insufficient evidence signifies that lack of control for concurrent treatment. An RCT may be the evidence is not available, that we are unable to estimate evaluated as medium risk of bias, in contrast to low risk an effect, or that we have no confidence in the estimate of of bias, if the study does not have an obvious source of the effect. significant bias but, while it is unlikely that the study is biased because of the reported conduct in relation to other Two reviewers assessed each domain independently aspects of the trial, information on multiple bias criteria is and also assigned an overall grade for comparisons for unclear because of gaps in reporting. A key consideration each key outcome; they resolved any conflicts through in evaluating the risk of bias of cohort and case-control consensus discussion. If they did not reach consensus, the studies (only for our course-of-illness analyses) was team brought in a third party to settle the conflict. control for critical potential confounding through design Applicability or statistical analyses. If critical information for making that assessment was not reported or was unclear, or if the We assessed the applicability both of individual studies conduct or analysis was severely flawed, we rated the study and of the body of evidence. For individual studies, as high risk of bias. we examined factors that may limit applicability To maintain a focus on interpretable evidence, we opted (e.g., characteristics of populations, interventions, or generally not to use trials with a high risk of bias in comparators). Such factors may lessen our ability to synthesizing treatment benefits. However, we did consider generalize the effectiveness of an intervention for use in

9 everyday practice. We abstracted key characteristics of for full-text review. We excluded 809 full-text articles applicability into evidence tables. During data synthesis, based on our inclusion criteria and retained 105 articles we assessed the applicability of the body of evidence using reporting on a total of 83 trials or studies and 1 systematic the abstracted characteristics. review. Because we used some abstractions from our 2006 systematic review on eating disorders to develop Peer Review and Public Commentary some BED treatment and course-of-illness results, we Experts in BED and LOC eating, specifically clinicians consider that review as included evidence.16-18 However, we and researchers specializing in pharmacotherapy treatment, reevaluated the risk of bias for all earlier included studies psychotherapy and behavioral treatment, pediatrics, and because we updated our assessment tools. evidence-based interventions, were invited to provide We did not use 19 studies in our main analyses of external peer review of the draft review. AHRQ staff (Task treatment benefits because of their high risk of bias. In Order Officer and EPC Program Director) and an Associate keeping with standard approaches, however, we included Editor also provided comments. Associate Editors are one of these studies, which compared an leaders in their fields who are also actively involved as medication with placebo, in sensitivity analysis of our directors or leaders at their EPC. The draft report was meta-analysis findings.20 This was the only study with high posted on the AHRQ Web site for 4 weeks to elicit public risk of bias that reported on a treatment comparison that comment. We responded to all reviewer comments and we evaluated through meta-analysis. We also used seven noted any resulting revisions to the text in the Disposition of the studies with high risk of bias in our assessment of of Comments Report. This disposition report will be made treatment harms.20-26 available 3 months after AHRQ posts the final review on its Web site. We used 52 studies (67 articles) in our main analysis of treatment benefits (both BED and LOC eating). Fifteen Results studies (23 articles) met inclusion criteria for course- of-illness KQs. We used all 15 studies in that evidence We report results by KQ, grouped basically by intervention synthesis, regardless of our risk-of-bias rating for the comparison (for treatment effectiveness and harms). study. We cover BED, LOC eating, and then course-of-illness Of the 20 fair- or good-quality studies on treatment for findings in that order. Tables C–E summarize key findings BED from our previous systematic review, 19 trials met the and strength-of-evidence grades. The full report contains inclusion criteria for this review. One study was excluded summary tables for results. Appendix D of the full report because it used sibutramine, a treatment method no longer documents risk-of-bias assessments; Appendix E presents available in the United States.27 Four studies20,24,28,29 that evidence tables for all included studies. we had rated as good or fair quality for the earlier review Literature Searches were newly rated as high risk of bias; we omitted them, therefore, from our main analyses. The earlier review also Figure C, a PRISMA [Preferred Reporting Items for included three studies on BED course of illness that we Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses] diagram, depicts have used here.30-32 our literature search results. We identified a total of 4,395 unduplicated citations and determined that 918 met criteria

10 Figure C. PRISMA diagram for binge-eating disorder treatment and course of illness

Records identified through database searching Records identified through other sources 4,435 16

Records after duplicates removed 4,395

Titles and abstracts screened Records excluded 4,395 3,477 Full-text articles excluded with reasons: 809 Not published in English: 6 Wrong population: 419 Wrong study design: 304 Full-text articles assessed Wrong sample size: 32 918 Not an intervention or comparison or interest: 7 Wrong timing: 19 Wrong or no outcomes: 17 Systematic review only used for hand search: 4 Article not available: 1

Review team’s earlier AHRQ Studies assessed for risk of bias: 83 systmeatic review on binge-eating (105 articles) disorder referenced for abstraction Systematic reviews assessed for quality: 1 information and not assessed for quality: 1 (3 articles)

Treatment of loss- Treatment of loss- Binge-eating Course of illness of Binge-eating disorder Course of illness of of-control eating in of-control eating in disorder course of loss-of-control eating treatment (KQ 1, 2, loss-of-control eating postbariatric surgery children (KQ 11,12, illness (KQ 4, 5) in postbariatric surgery 3) studies included in in children (KQ 14, patients (KQ 6, 7, 8) 13) studies included studies included in patients (KQ 9, 10) synthesis: 48 15) studies included in studies included in in synthesis: 4 synthesis: 10 studies included in (63 articles) synthesis: 3 (7 articles) synthesis: 0 (0 articles) (4 articles) (14 articles)a synthesis: 2 (2 articles)

aThree studies (3 articles) also included for binge-eating disorder treatment (KQ 1, 2, 3) synthesis. AHRQ = Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; KQ = Key Question; PRISMA = Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses.

11 Key Question 1. Effectiveness of benefit), and reduction in binge days per week (moderate Interventions for Binge-Eating Disorder strength of evidence for benefit). Antidepressants were also associated with greater reductions in eating- For treatment effectiveness for BED, we address related obsessions and compulsions (moderate strength three broad categories of treatment: pharmacological, of evidence for benefit). Weight reductions and BMI psychological or behavioral, and combination treatments. reductions were no greater with antidepressants (for both For medications, the 18 included trials involved second- outcomes, low strength of evidence for no difference). generation antidepressants, anticonvulsants, ADHD Lastly, antidepressants were associated with greater medications, an antiobesity drug, and a variety of other reductions in symptoms of depression (low strength agents, including one dietary supplement. Among the of evidence for benefit). The evidence was insufficient antidepressants were several selective serotonin reuptake to evaluate outcomes for any specific antidepressant inhibitors (SSRIs) and several agents that primarily inhibit medication. norepinephrine reuptake (i.e., norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor [NDRI] or selective serotonin- Pharmacological Interventions: Antidepressants norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor [SNRI]). Among Compared With Other Active Interventions the ADHD medications were lisdexamfetamine and One trial involved a head-to-head comparison of two atomoxetine. second-generation antidepressants (fluoxetine and sertraline).41 The evidence was insufficient for concluding In the category of psychological and behavioral treatments, anything about treatment superiority. the 23 included trials involved CBT, DBT, IPT, BWL, PIPT, and inpatient treatment. Pharmacological Interventions: Anticonvulsants Seven trials provided data on combination treatments, Compared With Placebo including pairings of CBT, BWL, hypocaloric , Three placebo-controlled RCTs provided evidence about and diet counseling with either an antidepressant or an treating BED patients with anticonvulsants; two involved antiobesity medication. Two of the seven trials paired topiramate42,43 and one lamotrigine.44 Topiramate was compound nonpharmacotherapy treatments (i.e., CBT plus associated with abstinence among a greater percentage of BWL, CBT plus diet counseling) with an antidepressant. participants and with greater reductions in binge eating, All trials testing a combination psychological plus obsessions and compulsions related to binge-eating, pharmacological treatment arm also included a comparable and weight (moderate strength of evidence for benefit); combination placebo-controlled treatment arm (e.g., CBT it also produced greater increases in cognitive restraint plus antidepressant compared with CBT plus placebo). and reductions in hunger, disinhibition, and (low strength of evidence for benefit). The evidence on Given the variability in outcome reporting and treatment the efficacy of lamotrigine was limited to one small trial comparisons, we were able to conduct meta-analyses (insufficient strength of evidence). only to measure the effectiveness on several outcomes of antidepressant treatments, as a class, compared with Pharmacological Interventions: Attention-Deficit placebo; lisdexamfetamine compared with placebo; and Hyperactivity Disorder Medications Compared With therapist-led CBT compared with wait-list. Placebo Pharmacological Interventions: Antidepressants The included evidence consisted of four placebo- Compared With Placebo controlled RCTs of pharmacological interventions that were originally formulated for ADHD and were Eight RCTs (all placebo controlled) examined the now being tested for treating patients with BED. One effectiveness of antidepressants for treating BED patients. trial investigated the norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor Of these, six involved an SSRI,33-38 and one each involved atomoxetine,45 which has been associated with weight loss; an NDRI39 or an SNRI.40 In the six SSRI trials, two the other three studied the stimulant lisdexamfetamine.46 studied fluoxetine,33,34 and one each studied citalopram,38 The effectiveness of atomoxetine was examined in one escitalopram,35 fluvoxamine,36 and sertraline.37 small RCT (insufficient strength of evidence). Based Assessments were conducted at the end of treatment. on evidence from three RCTs, lisdexamfetamine was As a class, antidepressants were associated with better associated with abstinence among a greater percentage of binge-eating outcomes than placebo: abstinence (high participants, greater reductions in binge episodes per week, strength of evidence for benefit), reduction in frequency decreased eating-related obsessions and compulsions, and of binge episodes per week (high strength of evidence for greater reductions in weight (high strength of evidence

12 for all of these outcomes). Depression measures were not Five small RCTs examined the effectiveness of guided or consistently reported across the three studies; one of the pure self-help CBT, but they differed in delivery format or studies found no difference from placebo (insufficient comparator, and therefore evidence was insufficient for all strength of evidence). Recently, lisdexamfetamine became comparisons and outcomes. the first medication approved by the FDA for treating BED Behavioral Interventions: Cognitive Behavioral patients.47 Therapy Compared With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Pharmacological Interventions: Other Medications Variants Compared With Placebo Seven trials compared CBT delivered in one format with Three placebo-controlled RCTs dealt with other CBT delivered in a different format.54,55,57,60-63 Variations pharmacological interventions. One trial each investigated across trials resulted in four therapist-led comparisons: the following: the sulfonic acid acamprosate, which exposure versus cognitive restructuring,60 CBT alone is a mixed GABAA receptor agonist/NMDA receptor versus CBT plus ecological momentary assessment,61 antagonist;48 the µ-opioid antagonist ALKS-33 (also known individual versus group,62 and fully therapist-led versus as samidorphan);49 and the dietary supplement chromium partially therapist-led interventions.54,55,63 Several self-help picolinate.50 The strength of evidence is insufficient to comparisons were also tested: one for guided self-help determine effectiveness of any of these treatments because versus pure self-help57 and two for therapist-led versus each was studied in a single, small sample trial. structured self-help.54,63 Behavioral Interventions: Cognitive Behavioral Only three of these comparisons were replicated in more Therapy Compared With No or Limited Intervention than one trial. Binge-eating outcomes did not differ across CBT can be delivered in various formats; approaches comparisons of variations in therapist-led CBT, with one include therapist-led, partially therapist-led, and self-help exception favoring therapist-led over structured self-help strategies (i.e., structured, guided, and pure). The two in one trial (low strength of evidence for no difference). therapist-led approaches can involve either individual BMI and depression outcomes did not differ across sessions (one-on-one) or group sessions. types of CBT (both moderate strength of evidence for no difference). Nine trials compared CBT with limited or no intervention.51-59 Of 12 comparisons (in 7 separate trials) Behavioral Interventions: Cognitive Behavioral involving CBT and wait-list controls, 5 involved therapist- Therapy Compared With Behavioral Weight Loss led CBT,51-55 2 involved partially therapist-led CBT,54,55 Four trials compared CBT with BWL approaches;59,64-66 2 used structured self-help CBT,54,55 2 used guided self- one also compared CBT and BWL (separately) with CBT help CBT including one Internet-based guide56 and one plus BWL.65 The CBT format varied across trials and in-person guide,57 and 1 used pure self-help CBT.57 Two included both therapist-led64,65 and guided self-help.59,66 For wait-list trials delivered CBT in an individual format56,57 comparisons with therapist-led CBT, results were mixed. and five delivered CBT in a group format.51-55 Binge frequency was lower in the therapist-led CBT arm Therapist-led CBT was related to various improved (low strength of evidence), and BMI reduction was greater outcomes, including abstinence, binge frequency, and in the BWL arm at the end of treatment (moderate strength eating-related psychopathology (high strength of evidence of evidence); the groups did not differ with respect to for all outcomes). In contrast, reductions in BMI and abstinence, eating-related psychopathology, or depression symptoms of depression were not greater (both moderate outcomes (low strength of evidence for no difference). strength of evidence for no difference). Similarly, partially Evidence on comparisons with guided self-help was therapist-led CBT was related to a greater likelihood of insufficient because all comparisons were limited to single, abstinence and reduced binge frequency (both low strength small trials. of evidence), but reductions in BMI and symptoms of Behavioral Interventions: Cognitive Behavioral depression were not greater (both low strength of evidence Therapy Compared With Interpersonal Therapy for no difference). Structured self-help was associated with Three trials compared CBT with interpersonal therapy reduced binge frequency (low strength of evidence) but no strategies in treating patients with BED.51,66,67 Two trials greater reduction in BMI or symptoms of depression (low compared therapist-led IPT with either therapist-led strength of evidence for no difference). CBT68 or guided self-help CBT.66 Another trial compared

13 therapist-led CBT with therapist-led PIPT.51 Because trials Pharmacological Interventions: Combination differed in the intervention types that were compared, Treatments Compared With Placebo and With Other we could not synthesize results across trials (insufficient Treatments strength of evidence for all outcomes). Evidence about combination interventions came from Behavioral Interventions: Cognitive Behavioral seven placebo-controlled RCTs. In all seven trials, Therapy Combined With Diet or Weight-Loss investigators combined a medication with a psychological Interventions treatment; in two, they combined a medication with two psychological treatments.34,76 Three trials used Three trials examined the use of CBT plus additional an antidepressant;34,76,77 one, an ;78 and interventions involving either diet or weight-loss strategies three, an antiobesity agent.79-81 The psychological (or both) in treating patients with BED. These involved interventions included CBT in three trials,34,78,80 BWL in two trials comparing CBT alone with CBT plus a diet or one trial,80 CBT plus BWL in one trial,77 hypocaloric weight-loss intervention65,69 and a single trial comparing diet in one trial,81 and group psychological support plus CBT plus a low-energy dense diet with CBT plus general diet counseling in one trial.76 The strength of evidence nutritional counseling. No significant differences were was insufficient to reach a conclusion concerning the found for virtually any outcomes (insufficient strength of effectiveness of any specific combination treatment evidence in all cases). because each combination was studied only in a single, Behavioral Interventions: Behavioral Weight Loss small trial. Two trials tested BWL interventions for BED patients. Key Question 2. Harms Associated With These compared guided self-help BWL with an active Treatments or Combinations of Treatments control59 and therapist-led BWL with therapist-led IPT.66 for Binge-Eating Disorder Strength of evidence was insufficient because each comparison was limited to one small trial. Virtually all harms were limited to pharmacotherapy intervention trials (reported in 33 trials). Harms associated Behavioral Interventions: Psychodynamic with treating BED patients and discontinuations from Interpersonal Therapy Versus Wait-List studies attributable to harms occurred approximately One small trial examined the effectiveness of therapist-led twice as often in patients receiving pharmacotherapy as in group PIPT.51 Strength of evidence was insufficient for all those receiving placebo. The number of serious adverse outcomes. events was extremely low. Topiramate was associated with a significantly higher number of events involving Behavioral Interventions: Dialectical Behavioral sympathetic nervous system arousal (e.g., sweating, dry Therapy mouth, rapid heart rate) and “other” events (moderate One trial evaluated therapist-led DBT against therapist-led strength of evidence), as well as a higher number of events active comparison-group therapy (insufficient strength of related to sleep disturbance (low strength of evidence). evidence for all outcomes).70-72 Fluvoxamine was associated with greater gastrointestinal (GI) upset and sleep disturbances (low strength of Behavioral Interventions: Inpatient Treatment Versus evidence). Lisdexamfetamine was associated with a Inpatient Treatment Plus Active Therapies significantly higher likelihood of insomnia and headache Three trials examined treatment in an inpatient setting.73-75 (high strength of evidence), as well as greater GI upset, In each trial, patients received a standard inpatient care central nervous system arousal, and decreased appetite program and were randomized to additional active (moderate strength of evidence). therapies. Two trials used virtual reality treatments that aimed to reduce body image distortions and food-related Key Questions 6 and 7. Effectiveness anxiety. However, these trials differed in several ways, so of Interventions (and Harms From results were all based on single, small studies (insufficient Interventions) for Loss-of-Control Eating in strength of evidence for all outcomes). Bariatric Surgery Patients We found no evidence meeting our inclusion criteria that examined treatments or combinations of treatments for LOC eating among bariatric surgery patients.

14 Key Questions 11 and 12. Effectiveness Key Question 9. Course of Illness Among of Interventions (and Harms From Bariatric Surgery Patients With Loss-of- Interventions) for Loss-of-Control Eating in Control Eating Children Two studies met our inclusion criteria but differed in Four small trials examined behavioral interventions for the criteria they used for defining LOC eating before children with LOC eating.82-85 One trial was a pilot for surgery.32,95 One study found that LOC eating before a larger trial by the same investigator group. The trials surgery was related to LOC eating following surgery but differed in the age range of participants (adolescents not to weight loss or weight regain (insufficient strength of only or both adolescents and younger children), the evidence across all outcomes because of a lack of clear and definition of LOC eating that the investigators used to consistent findings in more than 1 study.) determine participant eligibility, treatment comparisons, and measures used to evaluate binge outcomes. With Key Question 14. Course of Illness Among the exception of weight (low strength of evidence for no Children With Loss-of-Control Eating difference), strength of evidence was insufficient across all Evidence concerning the course of illness among children outcomes. with LOC eating behavior came from three longitudinal cohort studies.96-102 Early adolescent binge or LOC eating Key Questions 3, 8, and 13. Differences predicted similar behavior in later adolescence in two in the Effectiveness of Treatments or studies (low strength of evidence). Evidence of additional Combinations of Treatments for Subgroups outcomes was limited or inconsistent across studies We found no evidence on differences by age, sex, race, (insufficient strength of evidence). ethnicity, sexual orientation, initial BMI, duration of illness, or coexisting conditions in any of our three Key Questions 5, 10, and 15. Differences in populations of interest: patients with binge-eating disorder, Course of Illness for Subgroups bariatric surgery patients with LOC eating, and children We found no evidence examining differences in the course with LOC eating. of illness based on differences in sociodemographic or health characteristics (age, sex, race, ethnicity, sexual Key Question 4. Course of Illness Among orientation, initial BMI, duration of illness, or coexisting Individuals With Binge-Eating Disorder conditions) in any of our three populations of interest: Our evidence included 10 studies; all followed patients individuals with binge-eating disorder, bariatric surgery who had been identified through their earlier participation patients with LOC eating, and children with LOC eating. in a treatment study.30,31,62,66,67,86-93 Factors that individual studies identified as being related to better outcomes Discussion included more rapid response to treatment, improvement in eating-related psychopathology, and improvement in Key Findings and Strength of Evidence non–eating-related psychopathology. Studies differed in We limit our discussion to key findings, chiefly on the characteristics that the investigators had hypothesized effectiveness (KQ 1) and harms (KQ 2) of common might be related to better outcomes (insufficient strength therapies for BED patients. Tables document main findings of evidence). Binge outcomes were the most commonly and strength-of-evidence grades (arrived at following reported outcomes across studies. Four studies reported AHRQ guidance). Other treatment results for BED and weight outcomes (BMI), but results were mixed all treatment results for LOC eating can be found in the (insufficient strength of evidence). One study found an previous results section and in more detail in the full increased risk of miscarriage among women with BED report. We comment briefly on course of illness in this 94 (insufficient strength of evidence). Finally, one study section. (of attempted suicides)93 and a review article of three studies (of suicides)92 found no evidence of increased risk Key Question 1. Effectiveness of Treatments of suicide among BED patients 5 years after treatment or Combinations of Treatments for Binge- (moderate strength of evidence for no effect). Eating Disorder Commonly studied treatments for BED patients are pharmacological agents and therapies that combine psychological and behavioral approaches. For outcomes

15 of pharmaceuticals (compared with placebo) and BED patients. Antidepressants were 1.67 times as likely psychological and behavioral treatments (compared with as placebo to help patients achieve abstinence from wait-list or inactive controls), findings are limited to binge eating (high strength of evidence). They reduced outcomes measured at the end of treatment. In contrast, the weekly frequency of binge-eating episodes by patients enrolled in comparative effectiveness trials approximately two-thirds of a binge episode per week comparing two or more psychological and behavioral (high strength of evidence) and approximately one binge- treatments or two or more formats of the same intervention eating day (moderate strength of evidence). Even though tended to be assessed beyond the end of treatment, most patients improved, many did not achieve abstinence commonly less than 1 year but in some instances 2 years or with antidepressants; 41 percent of those receiving more. antidepressants and 23 percent of those receiving placebo achieved abstinence. Pharmacological Interventions Table C summarizes the pharmacological interventions For treating psychological aspects and correlates of on which we had low, moderate, or high strength of BED, antidepressants helped reduce obsessive thoughts evidence for clinical outcomes. Evidence based on meta- and compulsions related to binge eating and modestly analyses pertains to second-generation antidepressants and improved symptoms of depression (low strength of lisdexamfetamine; evidence based on qualitative synthesis evidence for benefit). pertains to topiramate and lisdexamfetamine. Overweight and obese patients treated with antidepressants As a class, second-generation antidepressants were did not lose significantly more weight during treatment superior to placebo for achieving BED-specific and than those who did not receive an antidepressant; BMI did related clinical outcomes; the magnitude of the benefits not differ between groups (low strength of evidence for generally was modest. Evidence was insufficient to no difference in both cases). Given the limited impact on demonstrate the effectiveness or comparative effectiveness weight and the short length of treatment (6 to 12 weeks), of specific second-generation antidepressants for treating finding no difference in the change in BMI at the end of treatment is not surprising.

16 Table C. Strength of evidence for pharmacological interventions to improve outcomes in binge-eating disorder

Intervention and Number of Studies Strength Comparator (Sample Sizes) Outcome and Results of Evidence

Second-generation MA of 8 RCTs Antidepressants increased binge abstinence: RR, 1.67 High for benefit antidepressants vs. (N = 416) (95% CI, 1.24 to 2.26; p = 0.001) placebo MA of 7 RCTs (N = 331) Antidepressants decreased the frequency of binge episodes High for benefit per week: mean difference, −0.67 (95% CI, −1.26 to −0.09; p = 0.024)

MA of 3 RCTs (N = 122) Antidepressants decreased the frequency of binge days: Moderate for mean difference, −0.90 (95% CI, −1.48 to −0.32; p = 0.002) benefit

MA of 3 RCTs (N = 122) Antidepressants decreased eating-related obsessions and Moderate for compulsions based on— benefit for total, • Mean difference in YBOCS-BE: total, −3.84 obsessions, and (95% CI, −6.56 to −1.12; p = 0.006) compulsions • YBOCS-BE obsessions: −1.53 (95% CI, −2.69 to −0.37; p = 0.010) • YBOCS-BE compulsions: −2.31 (95% CI, −3.85 to −0.76; p = 0.003)

MA of 4 RCTs (N = 182) No difference in weight: mean difference in kg, -3.91 (95% Low for no CI, -10.14 to 2.32; p = 0.219) difference

MA of 6 RCTs (N = 297) No difference in BMI: mean difference, −1.05 (95% CI, Low for no 2.64 to 0.55; p = 0.198) difference

MA of 3 RCTs (N = 142) Antidepressants decreased symptoms of depression: mean Low for benefit difference, −1.98 (95% CI, −3.67 to −0.28; p = 0.022)

Topiramate vs. 2 RCTs (N = 468) Topiramate increased binge abstinence Moderate for placebo benefit

2 RCTs (N = 468) Topiramate decreased the frequency of binge episodes Moderate for benefit

2 RCTs (N = 468) Topiramate decreased eating-related obsessions and Moderate for compulsions benefit

2 RCTs (N = 468) Topiramate decreased weight Moderate for benefit

1 RCT (N = 407) Topiramate improved general and eating-related Low for benefit psychological functioning, as indicated by increases in cognitive control of eating and decreases in symptoms of psychological distress, susceptibility to hunger, and disinhibition of control over eating

17 Table C. Strength of evidence for pharmacological interventions to improve outcomes in binge-eating disorder (continued)

Intervention and Number of Studies Strength Comparator (Sample Sizes) Outcome and Results of Evidence

Topiramate vs. 1 RCT (N = 407) Topiramate decreased impulsivity Low for benefit placebo (continued) 1 RCT (N = 407) Topiramate decreased disability in family and social Low for benefit domains

Lisdexamfetamine vs. MA of 3 RCTs (N = 966) Lisdexamfetamine increased binge abstinence: RR, 2.61 High for benefit placebo (95% CI, 2.04 to 3.33; p = 0.000)

3 RCTs (N = 966) Lisdexamfetamine decreased binge episodes per week High for benefit

3 RCTs (N = 966) Lisdexamfetamine decreased eating-related obsessions and High for benefit compulsions based on mean difference in YBOCS-BE total

3 RCTs (N = 966) Lisdexamfetamine decreased weight High for benefit

BMI = body mass index; CI = confidence interval; MA = meta-analysis; RCT = randomized controlled trial; RR = risk ratio; YBOCS- BE = Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale Modified for Binge Eating.

Topiramate reduced the frequency of binge eating by in the treatment arm, compared with 15 percent in the approximately 1 binge day per week more than placebo; it placebo arm, achieved abstinence. Patients treated with helped more patients (BED, 58%; placebo, 28%) achieve lisdexamfetamine also experienced a greater reduction in abstinence from binge eating (moderate strength of binge-eating days per week than those receiving placebo: evidence for benefit).Topiramate helped lower obsessive point estimates of the differences in two Phase 3 trials thoughts and compulsions related to binge eating by were 1.3 and 1.7 fewer days, respectively (high strength of approximately 30 percent more than placebo and reduce evidence for benefit). Lisdexamfetamine was associated greater general psychological distress symptoms by with superior eating-related psychopathology outcomes, as approximately 23 percent more than placebo (moderate measured through the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive strength of evidence for benefit). Among overweight and Scale Modified for Binge Eating (YBOCS-BE) (high obese patients, those treated with topiramate lost, on strength of evidence for benefit), and with weight reduction average, approximately 10 pounds more (equivalent to (high strength of evidence). However, data on depression ~4% more total body weight) than those who received and other psychological outcomes were too limited to be placebo (moderate strength of evidence for benefit). evaluated (insufficient strength of evidence). Compared with placebo, topiramate also decreased Psychological and Behavioral Interventions patients’ susceptibility to hunger as a trigger for binge eating, improved their general tendency to act less Table D summarizes the psychological and behavioral impulsively, increased their sense of cognitive control over interventions for which we had low, moderate, or high their binge eating, and decreased disruptions in their social strength of evidence for treatment benefits. We found and family life (low strength of evidence for benefit). evidence for all outcomes at the end of treatment and for some outcomes over periods as long as 6 years after Lisdexamfetamine improved binge-eating outcomes. treatment ended. Patients treated with lisdexamfetamine were 2.61 times as likely to achieve abstinence from binge eating as CBT reduced outcomes related to BED, measured as binge those who received placebo (high strength of evidence frequency and achieved abstinence, compared with those for benefit): across all study participants, 40 percent on wait-list. These benefits were apparent for four forms

18 of CBT (therapist led, high strength of evidence; partially (high strength of evidence); guided self-help CBT helped therapist led, structured self-help CBT, and guided self- patients reduce global eating-related psychopathology (low help CBT, all low strength of evidence). Evidence of the strength of evidence). However, across the various forms benefits of therapist-led CBT was particularly compelling; of CBT, treatment was generally no better than wait-list for meta-analyses estimated a 4.95 times greater likelihood reducing weight or symptoms of depression (low strength of abstinence (59% CBT; 11% wait-list) and a reduction of evidence for no difference). Collectively, this body of of 2.3 binge episodes per week. For reducing general and evidence suggests that some forms of CBT help patients eating-related psychological symptoms, therapist-led with BED improve in several key behavioral and eating- CBT reduced patients’ susceptibility to hunger and eating specific psychological domains. concerns and improved their sense of control over eating Table D. Strength of evidence for psychological or behavioral interventions to improve outcomes in binge-eating disorder

Number Intervention of Studies Strength of and Comparator (Sample Sizes) Outcome and Results Evidence

Therapist-led CBT MA of 4 RCTs CBT increased binge abstinence: RR, 4.95 (95% CI, 3.06 to High for benefit vs. wait-list (N = 295) 8.00; p = 0.000)

MA of 3 RCTs CBT decreased the frequency of binge episodes per week: High for benefit (N = 208) mean difference, −2.32 (95% CI, −4.56 to −0.09; p = 0.04)

5 RCTs (N = 344) CBT decreased eating-related psychopathology High for benefit

5 RCTs (N = 344) No difference for BMI Moderate for no difference

5 RCTs (N = 344) No difference for symptoms of depression Moderate for no difference

Partially therapist-led 2 RCTs (N = 162) CBT decreased binge frequency Low for benefit CBT vs. wait-list 2 RCTs (N = 162) CBT increased binge abstinence Low for benefit

2 RCTs (N = 162) No difference for BMI Low for no difference

2 RCTs (N = 162) No difference for symptoms of depression Low for no difference

Structured self-help 2 RCTs (N = 162) CBT decreased binge frequency Low for benefit CBT vs. wait-list 2 RCTs (N = 162) No difference for BMI Low for no difference

2 RCTs (N = 162) No difference for symptoms of depression Low for no difference

Guided self-help 2 RCTs (N = 122) CBT increased binge abstinence Low for benefit CBT vs. wait-list 2 RCTs (N = 122) CBT decreased binge frequency Low for benefit

2 RCTs (N = 122) CBT decreased eating-related psychopathology Low for benefit

19 Table D. Strength of evidence for psychological or behavioral interventions to improve outcomes in binge-eating disorder (continued)

Number Intervention of Studies Strength of and Comparator (Sample Sizes) Outcome and Results Evidence

Therapist-led vs. 2 RCTs (N = 158) No difference in binge frequency or abstinence Low for no difference partially therapist-led CBT 2 RCTs (N = 158) No difference in eating-related psychopathology Low for no difference

2 RCTs (N = 158) No difference in BMI Low for no difference

2 RCTs (N = 158) No difference in symptoms of depression Low for no difference

Therapist-led vs. 2 RCTs (N = 158) No difference in eating-related psychopathology Low for no difference structured self-help CBT 2 RCTs (N = 158) No difference in BMI Low for no difference

2 RCTs (N = 158) No difference in symptoms of depression Low for no difference

Partially therapist- 2 RCTs (N = 164) No difference in binge frequency or abstinence Low for no difference led vs. structured self-help CBT 2 RCTs (N = 164) No difference in eating-related psychopathology Low for no difference

2 RCTs (N = 164) No difference in BMI Low for no difference

2 RCTs (N = 164) No difference in symptoms of depression Low for no difference

Therapist-led CBT 2 RCTs (N = 170) CBT decreased binge frequency more than BWL at end of Low for benefit vs. BWL treatment and up to 12-month followup

2 RCTs (N = 170) No difference in abstinence Low for no difference

2 RCTs (N = 170) No difference in eating-related psychopathology Low for no difference

2 RCTs (N = 170) BWL decreased BMI more than CBT at end of treatment Moderate for BWL benefit

2 RCTs (N = 170) No difference in symptoms of depression Low for no difference

BMI = body mass index; BWL = behavioral weight loss; CBT = cognitive behavioral therapy; MA = meta-analysis; RCT = randomized controlled trial; RR = risk ratio.

20 We examined the comparative effectiveness of three related psychopathology, or symptoms of depression at end different forms of CBT with each other: therapist-led CBT, of treatment or at 12-month or 6-year followup. partially therapist-led CBT, and structured self-help CBT. These comparisons are of interest, as they provide insight Key Question 2. Evidence for Harms about the relative importance of therapist involvement Associated With Treatments for Binge-Eating in the effectiveness of CBT. Across comparisons, we Disorder found virtually no differences in binge-eating, BMI, We identified potential harms or side effects only for or depression outcomes (low strength of evidence for pharmacotherapy trials (comparisons with placebo). no difference). All three of the CBT approaches were Table E summarizes the interventions for which we had generally effective at helping patients both achieve binge low, moderate, or high strength of evidence for harms. abstinence and reduce binge frequency, most notably at Symptoms of sympathetic nervous system arousal were end of treatment but throughout both short-term (6 month) more common among patients who received topiramate and long-term (12 month) followup. Thus, although than those who received placebo (moderate strength of CBT variations generally did not differ in their ability to evidence). Topiramate was also associated with headaches improve outcomes related to binge eating, they produced and sleep disturbances (low strength of evidence) and significant improvements in core outcome domains with a collection of other symptoms, including rash, (regardless of treatment arm) over time. high blood pressure, confusion, and taste aversion We compared therapist-led CBT with therapist-led BWL (moderate strength of evidence). Patients treated with treatment on outcomes assessed at the end of treatment fluvoxamine reported symptoms of GI upset and sleep and, in limited studies, for up to 6 years after treatment disturbances more frequently than patients who received ended. CBT was superior to BWL for decreasing binge placebo (low strength of evidence). Patients treated with frequency at end of treatment and up to 12-month followup lisdexamfetamine more commonly experienced GI upset (low strength of evidence for benefit). BWL produced (moderate strength of evidence), sympathetic nervous better BMI outcomes than CBT at end of treatment system arousal (moderate strength of evidence), insomnia (moderate strength of evidence), but BWL patients tended (high strength of evidence), headache (high strength of to regain the weight they had lost during treatment. evidence) and decreased appetite (moderate strength of However, groups did not differ in abstinence, eating- evidence).

Table E. Strength of evidence for harms of pharmacological interventions to improve outcomes in binge-eating disorder

Number of Studies (Sample Intervention and Sizes, Number of Strength of Comparator Reported Events) Outcome and Results Evidence

Topiramate versus 2 RCTs (N = 468, 94) Topiramate and placebo: no difference related to GI Low for no placebo upset difference

2 RCTs (N = 468, 243) Topiramate: higher number of events related to Moderate for harm sympathetic nervous system arousal

2 RCTs (N = 468, 89) Topiramate: higher number of events related to sleep Low for harm disturbance

2 RCTs (N = 468, 73) Topiramate: higher number of headaches Moderate for harm

2 RCTs (N = 468, 179) Topiramate: higher number of other eventsa Moderate for harm

21 Table E. Strength of evidence for harms of pharmacological interventions to improve outcomes in binge-eating disorder (continued)

Number of Studies (Sample Intervention and Sizes, Number of Strength of Comparator Reported Events) Outcome and Results Evidence

Fluvoxamine vs. 2 RCTs (N = 105, 24) Fluvoxamine: higher number of events related to GI Low for harm placebo upset

2 RCTs (N=105, 22) Fluvoxamine higher number of events related to Low for harm sympathetic nervous system arousal

2 RCTs (N = 105, 57) Fluvoxamine: higher number of events related to Low for harm sleep disturbance

Lisdexamfetamine vs. 3 RCTs (N = 938, 119) Lisdexamfetamine: higher number of events related Moderate for harm placebo to GI upset

3 RCTs (N = 938, 342) Lisdexamfetamine: higher number of events related Moderate for harm to sympathetic nervous system arousal

MA, 3 RCTs (N = 938, Lisdexamfetamine: higher likelihood of insomnia High for harm 78) (RR, 2.66; 95% CI, 1.63 to 4.31; p = 0.00)

3 RCTs (N = 938, 111) Lisdexamfetamine: higher likelihood of headache High for harm (RR, 1.63; 95% CI, 1.13 to 2.36; p = 0.009)

3 RCTs (N = 938, 66) Lisdexamfetamine: higher number of events related Moderate for harm to decreased appetite aIncludes confusion, depression, eructation, high blood pressure, language problems, rash or itching, respiratory illness, rhinitis, sinusitis, taste aversion, urinary hesitancy, bone fracture resulting from accidental injury, and other problems. CI = confidence interval; GI = gastrointestinal; MA = meta-analysis; RCT = randomized controlled trial; RR = risk ratio.

Key Question 4. Course of Illness Among evidence of increased risk of suicide among BED patients 5 Individuals With Binge-Eating Disorder years after treatment (moderate strength of evidence for no effect.) Ten studies (trials or observational studies, including 3 rated high risk of bias) provided information on outcomes Findings in Relation to What Is Already of BED patients 1 year or longer after their diagnosis; all Known involved only individuals who had participated in BED Our 2006 review, “Management of Eating Disorders,”16-18 treatment studies. Investigators commonly reported binge included evidence on treatment and course of illness for outcomes, but they tended to offer different hypotheses BED. Based on our qualitative analysis of eight RCTs, we about what factors might be related to better outcomes; concluded that medications improved clinical outcomes. these variables included more rapid response to treatment, Two later meta-analyses reached a similar conclusion. improvement in eating-related psychopathology, and Stefano and colleagues103 included seven (of our 8) RCTs improvement in non–eating-related psychopathology. and focused specifically on antidepressant medications; One study found that the odds of miscarriage were higher Reas and Grilo104 included six of those RCTs and two new among women with BED (1 study, insufficient evidence); a trials of SSRIs, and focused specifically on SSRIs. Those review article (3 studies) and an additional study found no studies estimated similar effect sizes for abstinence (risk

22 ratio of nonabstinence from binge eating: 0.77 and 0.81, Implications for Clinical and Policy respectively), but they reached different conclusions about Decisionmaking weight and depression outcomes. We had hoped to comment on the effectiveness and For the current review, we excluded two of the eight RCTs harms of specific pharmacological and psychological or from our earlier review (one because it was newly rated as behavioral treatments for BED and on the comparative high risk of bias and a second because it used a medication effectiveness of specific treatments for BED. no longer available in the United States). Also, we included Unfortunately, the heterogeneity in approaches precluded two newer antidepressant trials,39,40 one anticonvulsant offering much in the way of implications for clinical trial,44 one trial of atomoxetine,45 and three new trials of practice or policy decisionmaking. Key conclusions with lisdexamfetamine46,105-107 not included in either the 2008 or meaningful ramifications for either clinical applications or 2009 meta-analyses. policymaking follow. Based on this additional evidence, we confirmed our earlier For several key outcomes, we found clear evidence of conclusion about the effectiveness of second-generation benefits with second-generation antidepressants; however, antidepressants for binge abstinence and binge frequency. we cannot comment on the effectiveness of any specific We also provided new findings regarding the effectiveness second-generation antidepressant. We confirmed previous of second-generation antidepressants for eating-related observations of benefit with topiramate and presented new obsessions and compulsions, weight, and depression evidence of clear benefit from lisdexamfetamine. We also outcomes. In the current review, we included one found strong evidence of benefit with therapist-led CBT additional anticonvulsant RCT but were not able to add for several key outcomes and support for the effectiveness new information regarding effect size for anticonvulsant of other forms of CBT (i.e., partially therapist-led CBT medications because of high variability among studies. and guided self-help CBT). With regard to psychological and behavioral interventions, Harms of psychological and behavioral treatments were our previous review concluded that CBT effectively rarely reported but commonly known side effects with reduces binge frequency and increases binge abstinence, topiramate, fluvoxamine, and lisdexamfetamine were based on a qualitative synthesis of eight RCTs. For the reported. The FDA has determined that these three drugs current review, we excluded 2 of the 8 RCTs from our are associated with potential risk during pregnancy; in earlier review (newly rated as high risk of bias28,29) and particular, topiramate is associated with increased risk of added 16 new RCTs.51-53,56,58,59,61,62,64-66, 69,70,74,75,108 Based oral clefts in newborns.109 No pregnancy-related harms on this newer body of evidence, we confirmed our earlier occurred in the included studies, in which women of conclusion establishing CBT as an effective treatment for childbearing age were overrepresented.8 Nonetheless, improving binge abstinence and reducing binge frequency; clinicians may want to counsel women patients of we also reported its effectiveness at reducing eating-related childbearing age about the pregnancy risks of these psychopathology. We provided new findings about the medications in determining their long-term treatment effectiveness of different forms of therapist involvement in plans. CBT interventions and for promising interventions such as Overall, based on the available evidence for both benefits IPT and DBT. and harms, clinicians may find second-generation For BED course of illness, our earlier review identified antidepressants, topiramate, medications formulated for only three studies. Although the evidence base is larger for ADHD (notably lisdexamfetamine), and a few forms of this review, the new studies provide little additional insight. CBT to be reasonable choices for the treatment of BED. They are mostly case series designs without comparisons The superiority of a few CBT formats was determined for or controls for potential confounding factors associated efficacy but not for comparative effectiveness; outcomes with outcomes, and they are limited to patients followed from CBT interventions were assessed in comparison after treatment. with no intervention at all (wait-list control). Limited Our review is the only one that we have identified that data emerged on the comparative effectiveness of various has summarized the evidence on treatment and course of formats of CBT or comparisons between CBT formats and illness for bariatric surgery patients and children with LOC other approaches. Although virtually none of the available eating. evidence showed superiority of one approach over another, we caution readers not to conclude that this implies that the various behavioral and psychological intervention

23 formats are identical in terms of outcomes; the point is that for children and nonexistent for bariatric surgery patients. they are not significantly different. None of the included Thus, generalizing to child patient populations is probably comparative effectiveness studies was designed to examine inappropriate, and generalizing to bariatric surgery patients the equivalence or noninferiority of approaches.110 These is impossible. A key drawback is that appropriate and findings have implications for decisionmakers who may consistent diagnostic criteria that clinicians might reliably be considering the resources needed for therapist-led use to identify LOC eating have not been established. interventions relative to those for other, less therapist- For BED course of illness, generalizing our findings to intensive forms of CBT or other behavioral interventions. an untreated population would be inappropriate. We can, These considerations may be particularly relevant for however, offer hypotheses about several ongoing concerns. broader community settings, such as rural areas that may In particular, untreated BED could likely become a chronic have limited availability of specialized treatment for BED condition that might, in turn, result in deleterious mental or LOC eating. and physical health effects. Left untreated, the condition Data on other promising treatment options, such as IPT may lead to or worsen other mental health concerns (e.g., and DBT, were limited to single trials because investigators depression or anxiety) or physical health conditions (e.g., used a wide array of delivery formats. Clinicians may want diabetes or irritable bowel syndrome). to consider these treatments for some patients. The effect Interventions and Comparators of IPT on binge abstinence may be particularly durable; one study found that at 4-year followup, binge abstinence In general, we believe that the findings about selected was greater in IPT than CBT patients. second-generation antidepressants, topiramate, ADHD medications, and a few forms of CBT are applicable to the We had wanted to examine the potential impact of the BED patient populations studied. Only lisdexamfetamine DSM-5 changes to make the BED diagnostic criteria less has FDA approval for treating BED (presumably taking stringent: the binge frequency criterion was lessened and both benefits and adverse events into account). the duration of illness shortened. Clinicians, patients, and policymakers might have considerable interest in For most treatments, tested in only a single study, we knowing whether effective treatment options may differ cannot draw any clear implications for clinical or policy in this newly included group of patients. Unfortunately, decisionmaking. This is true for classes of interventions no study provided separate results for a patient population and single agents, such as individual antidepressants. No diagnosed according to DSM-5. evidence is available on complementary and alternative medicine approaches for either BED or LOC eating, We also sought to provide useful evidence concerning effective treatments for two specific populations of Outcomes individuals with LOC eating. Given the complete lack of Although we cast a wide net for outcomes, our primary studies for bariatric surgery patients and only inconclusive focus was on reductions in commonly measured BED or inconsistent information about children, we cannot pose symptomatology, including binge frequency, eating-related any definitive implications for clinicians or policymakers obsessions and compulsions, restraint, shape and weight at this time. concerns, weight, and depression. Investigators used a Applicability considerable array of different measures or instruments to assess these outcomes; this heterogeneity constrains our Population ability to conclude that findings can be generalized with Findings about BED treatment interventions are likely confidence across all outcome categories of interest. We to be applicable to all adults age 18 and older with the did not find sufficient information to draw any conclusions disorder, but chiefly to overweight or obese women. We about treatment effectiveness for more global measures, cannot comment on the applicability of treatment findings such as quality of life or lost productivity; neither did we for specific subgroups of adults (even among women) or find evidence about treatment effectiveness as it relates whether findings extend to BED patients diagnosed based to final health outcomes such as diabetes, gastric reflux, on DSM-5 criteria (which are less stringent than those for and irritable bowel syndrome. Given the scarcity of DSM-IV). Also unclear is whether our findings apply to information about LOC eating, we can conclude little or adolescents with BED or to various minority groups. nothing about the applicability of these trials to proposed or potential outcomes of treatment among bariatric surgery The evidence base about treating LOC eating was small patients or children.

24 Timeframes the literature that would be missed through this approach. All trials of medications measured outcomes at the end Based on this exercise, we concluded that by limiting our of treatment, but many of these trials were relatively review to English-language studies only, we may have short; only two trials reported followup beyond the missed only one systematic review of exercise as treatment end of treatment.111,112 Similar studies examining the for BED patients. efficacy of psychological and behavioral interventions Limitations of the Evidence Base measured outcomes at the end of treatment. Comparative effectiveness studies on different psychological or For all medications except fluoxetine, topiramate, and behavioral interventions or different intervention formats lisdexamfetamine; many psychological and behavioral were more likely to include both short- and long-term studies; and all combination treatment studies, the followup; one trial extended to 6 years after the end of evidence base for treatment efficacy comprised only single treatment. Generally, the applicability of these trials studies. The evidence base was extremely limited in scope for understanding the long-term impacts of treatment and volume for treatment of LOC eating in children and (benefits or harms) is relatively limited because the long- nonexistent for bariatric surgery patients after surgery. term efficacy of the individual treatments has not been Evidence about harms was limited because adverse events, established; the applicability of these studies (especially serious adverse events, and study discontinuations clearly the pharmacological trials) for short-term benefits may be attributable to adverse events were not uniformly collected somewhat stronger. or reported in studies. Settings We also encountered a nontrivial number of trials or other studies with substantial drawbacks in methods. The evidence base for both BED and, in children, LOC The problems involved randomization and allocation eating was largely outpatient care, which is the standard of concealment, masking of outcomes assessors, attrition (or care in the United States. We found very limited evidence differential attrition), and questionable analytic techniques about inpatient therapies, and the patient populations in (e.g., no intention-to-treat analyses). Other issues in the studies of inpatient care (all conducted in Italy) would overall evidence base included small sample sizes (and be unlikely to be eligible to receive inpatient care in the thus lack of power for determining intended effects), lack United States. Of all the trials we included for either BED of clarity in defining the conditions (or not reporting data or LOC, most were conducted in clinical settings in North separately for DSM-IV and DSM-5 patients), short studies America (mainly United States but also Canada); evidence (e.g., outcomes measured only at end of treatment, which also came from studies conducted in Scandinavia or could be just a matter of weeks), and lack of information elsewhere in Europe. on statistical methods (or data on confidence intervals or Generally, apart from considerations relating to health similar information on statistical tests). systems and insurance for the few investigations done outside North America, results are applicable to U.S. Research Gaps patient populations. However, most studies were conducted Subgroups Studied in supervised settings generally associated with academic No study addressed differences in treatment outcomes research and medical centers, where medication treatment among important subgroups defined by age, sex, race, was likely managed by a , and psychological ethnicity, or other relevant patient characteristics. and behavioral treatments were likely delivered by highly Observational and cross-sectional studies have shown that trained personnel. It is unclear whether our findings apply binge eating may be more common among certain racial to the real-world settings in which individuals seek and minorities, yet treatment studies have failed to address receive treatment in their local community through contact whether outcomes differ between groups defined by race. with their primary care physician or other community- These gaps limit applicability to these important groups. based providers who do not have specific expertise in BED treatment. Secondary analyses of data from treatment studies have shed some light on factors that may be important for Limitations of the Review Process future consideration, including age and sex. Nevertheless, For this review, we excluded non–English-language the specific analyses that were conducted did not address studies based largely on limitations of time and resources. whether treatment effectiveness was the same or different However, we examined English-language abstracts of non– in these subgroups. For instance, as in our earlier English-language studies to assess the potential size of systematic review of eating disorders, we identified very

25 little information about the impact of treatments on either or behavioral interventions that have shown promise (IPT men or boys. and DBT). In addition, they should be adequately powered Moreover, despite the high comorbidity between BED to test for differences in outcomes across key subgroups and depression and between BED and obesity, no studies (e.g., groups defined by age, sex, race, ethnicity, mental specifically compared outcomes in groups of patients health , and weight), for which a dearth of defined either by baseline level of depression or by information still exists. baseline weight status. Second-generation antidepressants Second-generation antidepressants were beneficial in have a small but significant impact on symptoms of reducing symptoms of depression, and topiramate was depression in BED patients with low levels of depressive beneficial for reducing symptoms of impulsivity. A symptoms. Whether the small benefit of second-generation head-to-head comparison of the effectiveness of these antidepressants is meaningful, or perhaps amplified, in two treatment options on mood and impulse regulation BED patients with higher levels of depression warrants outcomes might help clinicians and patients make first-line further study. pharmacotherapy treatment choices based on individual In light of growing awareness of LOC eating in children patients’ needs and preferences. Further examination of and concerns that LOC eating has negative health effects lamotrigine may also be warranted, despite the negative and predisposes to BED later in life, treatment studies findings for abstinence in one small trial; in that trial, focusing on children are needed. the lamotrigine response rate (50%) was similar to that of topiramate (58% percent), but the placebo response Outcomes Measured (Benefits or Harms) rate was extremely high (71%). Further examination of The evidence base was deficient for outcomes related to lamotrigine may also be justified because, owing to its social and occupational functioning or quality of life more unique biochemical structure and function relative to generally. It was similarly poor in relation to final health topiramate, it may be associated with fewer sympathetic 113,114 outcomes such as glucose intolerance or dysregulation nervous system and other side effects. that may predispose patients to diabetes and other chronic Head-to-head comparisons involving pharmacological conditions. Also lacking is evidence of harms associated treatment, psychological treatment, and combination with psychological or behavioral treatments. A fourth treatments are also needed to determine whether, as critical gap concerns longer term benefits and harms for all one study suggests,34 gains persist longer following single and combination treatment modalities. psychological (CBT) or combination (CBT + fluoxetine) Interventions treatment than following pharmacological (fluoxetine) treatment alone. This information would help patients and We found strong evidence that CBT is beneficial for providers optimize their plans to address both short- and patients with BED; however, that conclusion was limited long-term goals of treatment. largely to therapist-led CBT because of insufficient information regarding other CBT formats. At present, CBT comparative effectiveness evidence has focused on the body of evidence for CBT constitutes a collection of whether less specialized care can be as effective as more disparate studies testing variations in format; furthermore, intensive services (e.g., those with substantial involvement the rationale for comparing different formats is not of therapists); more studies of these comparisons are consistently grounded in an a priori mechanism of action. needed. In addition, studies of stepped-care models can elucidate whether and when a combination treatment or The number of therapists with expertise in CBT for a shift to higher levels of care (e.g., intensive outpatient, BED is limited. This limitation poses a challenge for partial hospitalization, residential treatment, or inpatient) is implementation of our findings. One useful step might be warranted for patients who are not responding adequately to compare directly, in adequately powered head-to-head to conventional outpatient treatment. trials, whether therapist-led CBT is superior to other CBT formats. If modified versions that require less therapist Despite current interest in complementary and alternative involvement can be shown to be as effective as therapist- medicine, neutraceuticals, and mindfulness-based led CBT through equivalence or noninferiority trials, interventions for regulating appetite, eating behavior, and such information could help make CBT more scalable weight, the literature is deficient regarding these types of than it has been to this point. Findings might then guide interventions for BED. We searched clinical trial registries the next generation of studies that are needed to move the to determine whether additional evidence was available field closer to an individualized approach to treatment. from newly completed but as- yet unpublished studies. We Those future studies should consider other psychological also checked for evidence of studies that were selectively

26 withheld from publication because of unfavorable of psychological, behavioral, and physiological outcomes. outcomes (possible publication bias). Based on these Standard definitions of remission and recovery should activities, we did not determine that reporting bias was a consider a continuum approach rather than focus on just a concern. fixed point in time. We included as evidence a report of a Phase 2 trial of We have two recommendations for improved designs. First, lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (Vyvanse®), one of two studies should implement a minimum 1-year followup included medications originally formulated to treat patients period. Even longer periods of followup may be warranted with ADHD. In this trial, separate study arms compared to capture the remissions and improvements in illness that dosages of 30 mg/day, 50 mg/day, and 70 mg/day with can occur long term. Similarly, longer trials might help placebo. The FDA approved this medication for treatment clarify what treatments provide better outcomes with fewer of BED in January 2015, expanding significantly our side effects and are better for patients who do not fully earlier evidence base. The FDA approval was based on the recover but live with a chronic illness. results of two Phase 3 trials, limited to lisdexamfetamine Second, future studies should include a reasonably limited dimesylate dosages of 50 or 70 mg/day (N = 773). We set of eating-specific instruments (such as the Eating obtained data on these trials through the gray literature. Disorder Examination questionnaire, the Three-Factor Peer-reviewed publication of the Phase 3 trials would Eating Questionnaire, or the YBOCS-BE) and general add to our confidence about the conduct and outcomes psychological symptom (depression, anxiety, negative of these studies. In addition, the mechanism of action of body image) self-report instruments. Adaptations of lisdexamfetamine for treating BED patients is unknown, so existing reliable and valid instruments40 that are specific whether similar results would emerge for other stimulants to binge eating might help to move the field closer to an or other medications currently used to treat ADHD patients understanding of the core determinants of recovery and is unknown. relapse, but such adaptations should be used only if they Deficiencies in Methods are clearly described so that others can replicate their use. Our 2006 review, “Management of Eating Disorders,”16-18 Such descriptions should include basic information on identified several methodological issues within the BED the reliability, validity, and reproducibility of these newer treatment literature and recommended changes for future instruments. studies. Some of these deficiencies persist; they include Additionally, considering the perspective of the patient inadequate reporting of randomization and allocation in defining remission and recovery is crucial. Using such concealment and insufficient attention to treatment group preferences or values in developing consistent definitions differences in the use of cointerventions. These and other of these types of patient-centered outcomes would be factors led us to change our risk-of-bias ratings (e.g., to a major advance in this clinical area. Interweaving this high risk of bias) for some studies and, in turn, reduced the information with reliable, validated measures would allow strength of the evidence for the current review. researchers and clinicians to generate a comprehensive The 2006 review also highlighted several critical needs for set of parameters by which remission and recovery could advancing the field. Our suggestions included conducting be measured. Consistent and thorough reporting of these replication studies, doing longer term followup studies, outcomes (e.g., fully descriptive data at each major and streamlining and standardizing outcome measures to assessment point) would help improve calibration of these eliminate reporting of false discoveries. Unfortunately, instruments against each other, which is ultimately needed with few exceptions,42,43,54,55 replication studies do not exist; for future efforts to use meta-analysis to evaluate treatment thus, the evidence base remains insufficient to address effect size. whether gains achieved during short-term treatment Further, there are several etiological and treatment persist after treatment ends. This gap is especially critical considerations that might merit further study to better for pharmacological treatments, as patients and their elucidate the onset, maintenance, and treatment of providers seek to understand the need for ongoing medical BED. For example, given the prevalence of underlying management to maintain treatment gains. metabolic disorders (e.g., diabetes mellitus, polycystic The field would benefit from the development of ovary syndrome) in patients with BED, it would be useful universally accepted definitions of remission and to more fully examine the role of these disorders in the recovery.115 To reach this goal requires longer term development and maintenance of BED. With regard to followup periods with periodic reevaluation of a core set treatment, there may be utility in evaluating treatment

27 interventions originally developed for post-traumatic stress important clinical and policy aspects of the role of early disorder, given the incidence of BED in those with trauma LOC eating on future risk of obesity and BED. The histories. strength of conclusions that we could draw were limited Finally, we recommend that studies continue to measure by the diversity of definitions of LOC eating across both and report binge frequency as both discrete binge episodes treatment trials and the longitudinal cohort studies. In and binge days per week. More data are needed to resolve particular, studies differed in the length of time that whether one or the other is the better choice for assessing the adolescent or preadolescent respondents needed to treatment effects. manifest the behavior, varying from occurrence in the past year, at least once in the past 3 months, or at least weekly Conclusions during the past year. Overall, we found the body of evidence to be small; Several studies considered the relative role and importance often uneven across treatment types and comparisons; of objective or subjective binge episodes. Distinguishing and, in some areas of interest, nonexistent. Nevertheless, between these two constructs may be an important step for we can conclude that antidepressants as a class, improving clinical understanding of the course of illness, lisdexamfetamine, topiramate, and CBT effectively address in part because the frequency of subjective binge-eating major characteristics of binge eating, On the other hand, behavior can be highly distressing for bariatric surgery and we were able to draw few conclusions regarding the other patients. Furthermore, developing a common core comparative effectiveness of interventions or combinations of outcomes and a convention for reporting and analyzing of interventions. In addition, we found that harms were those outcomes would greatly improve the capacity to measured in only pharmacotherapeutic treatments. In light compile aggregate data, compare findings across trials, of the timing of this report so soon after publication of the and combine data from different treatment trials. These DSM-5, the body of evidence may reasonably be expected enhancements would in turn improve the ability of clinical to grow over the next few years. and policy decisionmakers to understand risk factors more clearly and to develop treatment guidelines in these patient Our meta-analyses provided strong evidence that second- populations. generation antidepressants, lisdexamfetamine, and therapist-led CBT increase the likelihood of achieving abstinence. Meta-analyses also provided strong evidence References that CBT and second-generation antidepressants 1. American Psychiatric Association. 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AHRQ Pub. No. 15(16)-EHC030-1-EF December 2015