^A/ITEO NUMBER 225 Washington, Tuesday, November 20, 195J

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^A/ITEO NUMBER 225 Washington, Tuesday, November 20, 195J > ’ « ITTCn»\ WÆ VOLUME 16 ^A/ITEO NUMBER 225 Washington, Tuesday, November 20, 195J TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT the laws of the United States of America, and (2) works of citizens of Finland sub­ CONTENTS PROCLAMATION 2953 ject to renewal of copyright under the THE PRESIDENT C o p y r i g h t E x t e n s i o n : F in l a n d laws of the United States of America on or after September 3, 1939, there has Proclamation Pa€e BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES existed during several years of the time Finland: copyright extension.-.. 11707 OF AMERICA since September 3, 1939, such disruption A PROCLAMATION or suspension of facilities essential to Executive Order compliance with the conditions and for­ Creation of emergency board to WHEREAS the President Is author­ malities prescribed with respect to such ized, in accordance with the conditions investigate disputes between works by the copyright laws of the United Akron & Barberton Belt Railroad prescribed in section 9 of title 17 of the* States of America as to bring such works United States Code, which includes the Co. and other carriers and cer­ within the terms of the aforesaid title tain workers ._______________11709 provisions of the act of Congress ap­ 17, and that, accordingly, the time within proved March 4, 1909, 35 Stat. 1075, as which compliance with such conditions EXECUTIVE AGENCIES amended by the act of September 25, and formalities may take place is hereby 1941, 55 Stat. 732, to grant an extension extended with respect to such works for Agriculture Department of time for fulfillment of the conditions one year after the date of this proclama­ and formalities prescribed by the copy­ tion. See also Commodity Credit Corpo­ right laws of the United States of Amer­ It shall be understood that the term ration; Farmers Home Admin­ ica, with respect to works first produced of copyright in any case is not and can­ istration; Production and Mar­ or published outside the United States of not be altered or affected by this procla­ keting Administration. Notices: America and subject to copyright or to mation, and that, as provided by the Sale of mineral interests; area renewal of copyright under the laws of aforesaid title 17, no liability shall attach the United States of America, by na­ designation_________________ 11741 under the said title for lawful uses made tionals of countries which accord sub­ Alien Property, Office of stantially equal treatment to citizens of or acts done prior to the effective date of the United States of America; and this proclamation in connection with the Notices: WHEREAS satisfactory official assur­ above-described works, or in respect to Vesting orders, etc.: ances have been received that since the continuance for one year subsequent Barth, Teodoro C____________ 11756 January 1, 1929, citizens of the United to such date of any business undertaking Beier, Gerhard_______________11756 States have been entitled to obtain copy­ or enterprise lawfully entered into prior Haas, Marianne, et al_i ____11758 Hallerstede, Johann, et al____11758 right protection for their works in Fin­ to such date involving expenditure or Helmrath, William___________ 11757 land on substantially the same basis as contractual obligation in connection with Kitagawa, Wataru___________ 11757 citizens of Finland without the need of the exploitation, production, reproduc­ Loeper, Hermann, and Mrs. complying with any formalities, provided tion, circulation, or performance of any such works secured protection in the Emmi______________________ 11758 such work. United States; and Matsubara, Shinichi_________ 11757 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ WHEREAS, by virtue of a proclama­ Meyerhoff, Carmelita, et al___11758 unto set my hand and caused the Seal of tion by the President of the United States Osaki, Yozo___________________ 11756 of America, dated December 15, 1928 (45 the United States of America to be af­ Stat. 2980), citizens of Finland are, and fixed. Atomic Energy Commission since January 1, 1929, have been, en­ DONE at the City of Washington this Residential credit controls, proc­ titled to the benefits of the aforemen­ sixteenth day of November in the year essing and approval of excep­ tioned act of March 4, 1909, including pf our Lord nineteen hundred tions and terms for areas af­ the berfefits of section 1 (e) of that act: [ s e a l ! and fifty-one and of the Inde­ fected, Commission installations NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. pendence of the United States (see Housing and Home Finance TRUMAN, President of the United States of America the one hundred and seventy- Agency). of America, under and by virtue of the sixth. authority vested in me by the aforesaid H arry S. T r um an Civil Aeronautics Board title 17, do declare and proclaim: Notices: That with respect to (1) works of citi­ By the President:w Hearings, etc.: zens of Finland which were first pro­ J am es E. W ebb, Northwest Airlines, Inc.; duced or published outside the United Acting Secretary of State. cargo case_________________11745 States of America on or after September [F. R. Doc. 51-13950; Filed, Nov. 19, 1951{ West Coast common fares 3, 1939, and subject to copyright under 12:12 p. m.J case---------------------------- 11745 11707 11708 THE PRESIDENT V CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Defense Mobilization, Office Pa®e Interior Department paSe federaiM register of— Continued See Fish and Wildlife Service; * Oto1534ITFO ^¿ y Notices— Continued Land Management, Bureau of. Determination and certification Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, of a critical defense housing International Trade, Office of and days following official Fédéral holidays, area—Continued Notices : by the Federal Register Division, National Marietta, Ga_______________ 11747 Siegel Chemical Co. Inc.; revo­ Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Tucson, Ariz________________ 11747 ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ cation and denial of license thority contained in the Federal Register Findings and determination of privileges_____________________ 11742 Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as critical defense housing areas Rules and regulations: ' amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8 B ), under regula­ under Defense Housing and Positive list of commodities and tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Community Facilities and related matters; miscellane­ mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Services Act of 1951_________ 11745 the President. Distribution is made only by ous amendments________ 11713 the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Economic Stabilization Agency ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. See Price Stabilization, Office of; Interstate Commerce Commis­ The regulatory material appearing herein Rent Stabilization, Office of. sion is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Notices : which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Executive Office of the President to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as See Defense Mobilization, Office of. Applications for relief: amended June 19, 1937. Farmers Home Administration Automobile parts from Wayne, The F e d e r a l R e g is t e r will be furnished by Rules and regulations: Mich., to trunk-line and mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 New England territories__ 11754 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Farm ownership loans, average advance. The charge for individual copies values of farms and invest­ Brick from Locher, Va., to (minimum 15^) varies in proportion to the ment limits; Florida________ 11712 southern territory__________ 11755 size of the issue. Remit check or money Coal, fine, to Acme, N. C_____11754 order, made payable to the Superintendent Federal Communications Com­ Com, whole, from Kansas, of Documents, directly to the Government mission Nebraska, and Wyoming to Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Notices: Colorado___________________ 11754 There are no restrictions on the republica­ iiuai uigo, ctu. Distillate and residual fuel tion of material appearing in the F e d e r a l Amateur radio licenses._____11752 R e g is t e r , oil from Savannah and Port Garfield Medical Apparatus Wentworth, Ga., to Wil­ Co_____________ 11752 mington, N. C_________ 11754 Now Available W. H. Greenhow Co. (WWHG) and Hornell Iron, pig, from Troy and Broadcasting Corp. Green Island, N. Y., to HANDBOOK OF EMERGENCY (WLEA)___________________ 11752 Greensboro, N. C___________ 11753 Proposed rule making: Organization and assignment DEFENSE ACTIVITIES Citizens radio service_________ 11738 of work_______________________11753 OCTOBER 1951-MARCH 1952 EDITION Rules and regulations: Public safety radio services; fre­ Justice Department Published by the Federal Register Division, quencies available to police See Alien Property, Office of. the National Archives and Records Service, radio service_________________ 11737 General Services Administration Labor Department Federal Maritime Board See Wage and Hour Division. 125 PAGES— 30 CENTS Notices: Grace Line, Inc.; postponement Land Management, Bureau of of hearing___________________ 11741 Order from Superintendent of Documents, Notices : United States Government Printing Office, Federal Power Commission Arizona; opening of public lands Washington 25, D. C. Notices: restored from Colorado River Hearings, etc.: Storage and Yuma Projects_11740 Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Co_^__________________ 11753 National Production Authority CONTENTS— Continued South Carolina Electric & Gas Rules and regulations: Co_________________________ 11753 Civil Service Commission PaSe Southern California Gas Co. Copper raw materials,
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