Statement of Work

for P eriodic Maintenance of Aybak-Sarbagh-Ruyi Du Ab Secondary Gravel Road (Ch: 40+700~ 55+800), Khuram wa Sarbagh District, , .

Background Under the RAIP phase IV activities, Periodic Maintenance of Aybak-Sarbagh-Ruyi Du Ab Secondary Gravel Road (Ch: 40+700~ 55+800), Khuram wa Sarbagh District, Samangan Province, Afghanistan, has been planned to implement in 2020. The subproject includes the mobilization of workers and equipment, environment management, required items such as preparation of subgrade, laying of sub-base and level of service would be improved.

Scope of work and Bill of Quantity:

Aybak- Khuram Wa Sarbagh- Ruyi Du Ab road connects Ruyi Du Ab district center to Khuram wa Sarbagh and Samangan Province Center. UNOPS intends to do periodic maintenance of existing single lane gravel roads to make it accessible for villagers in all seasons.

For this purpose, under this work package, major works consist of 15.13 km gravel road with 5.5 m carriageway and 0.75 m shoulders on both sides.

5.5 m wide and 150 mm thick sub-base course will be laid. To support the road surface, gravel shoulders with 0.75 m width are considered on both sides of the road. In specific locations, side drains are considered in order to guide water along the sides of a road and safely away from it, so the water does not flow over the road surface where it may cause damage.

The construction of this road will follow the technical specification published by Afghanistan Ministry of Public Works, NERAP- March 2012 for quality control and assurance during implementation in the field.

The major work consists of the following items: a) Environmental management: 1.00 Lump Sum b) Sub-Grade preparation: 120,270.07 Sqm c) Sub-Base laying: 18,040.51 Cum d) Road signs/speed limits 94 Each