a n n e r

“Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth” (Ps. 60:4).

Volume VI, Number 8 SOUTH POINT, OHIO, AUGUST 15, 1985 Whole Number 80

fO tt A tth fo u r Stblp Modern Departures From

By George W. Sherman N.T. Christianity South Point, Ohio By Roy Mason The Bible is the world's greatest (1894-1978) book. It is the supreme revelation of God to man, given in order that the CHANGING THE ORGANIZATION creature might know both his OF THE CHURCH Creator and himself. It explains the Many changes and innovations past, foretells the future, and is an have been made since Christ started unfailing counselor for present, every His church, and since the apostles day living. The Bible is peerless. It lived and wrote. We believe that Bap­ stands alone among all the books of tists more nearly adhere to the prim­ the world. It has no rival. To put any itive order than any others, but even other book in the same category they have come—especially in recent with it is to be ridiculously unfair times, to depart in a number of ways and utterly lacking in intellectual from the New Testament pattern. We and moral discernment. The Bible is wish to deal with some of these de­ God's own book and God's only partures in a series of articles. Our Book. Sir Walter Scott, when dying, purpose in this is not to merely be­ asked his son-in-law the future bi­ labor Baptists, but to seek to call Roy Mason ographer, Lockhart, to read to him. George Sherman them back to the ways of the New Lockhart asked, "What book shall I Testament—the Lord's ways, rather churches (to say nothing of others) read?" The dying master of litera­ Bible. The Bible stands alone in than man's ways. have changed and perverted the-NEW ture replied, "There is but one solitary grandeur, in a class by itself. First, we want to call attention to TESTAMENT PLAN OF CHURCH book." Of course he meant the (Continued on page six) the flagrant way in which Baptist (Continued on page four) jBfajzjzjzrajzjajajEJzrajzrarejgrgjzjajarefzrgrHJZJZjgraarajarararHraraajzjzfeiafZfZfazfi vwuinnnnjznmznnjuznnjzjuuuinsimuvzjwwzmziznmuvznnn An Able Minister By C. H. Spurgeon ed up your heart, and set it upon By J. M. Pendleton tensive and effective influence. It (1834- 1892) heavenly things? Has it lifted up (1811 -1891) has been said that "educated mind your hopes, to hope no longer for rules the world." I shall neither af­ things that are on earth, but for firm nor deny the proposition, but I (Continued from July issue) things that are above? Has it lifted (Continued from July issue) Another text. In Philippians, 3: up your tastes, so that they are no II. I refer secondly to the import­ 13-14, you find these words. "For- longer grovelling, but you choose the ance of an able ministry. Why things that are of God? Has it lifted should ministers of Christ be able up your desires, so that you are men? I answer (Continued on page three) 1. That they may be men of ex­ .... . Stillness Before God ;; By Milburn Cockrell

(Preached on the Berea Baptist Broadcast December 2, 1984)

"Be still, and know that I am God: solute rule. Only those who bow I will be exalted among the heathen, down and worship Him shall escape I will be exalted in the earth" (Ps. His awful vengeance. 46:10). GOD IS GOD The words of my text are the According to the Bible, God is an words of Almighty God. In these absolutely and infinitely perfect words He requires stillness of mind Being. Jesus said: "Be ye therefore C. H. Spurgeon J. M. Pendleton of the children of men. This is the perfect, even as your Father which getting those things which are be­ first step in knowing anything about is in heaven is perfect" (Matt. 5: may say that while mental capacity, hind, and reaching forth unto those God. Here God Himself demands si­ 48). No perfection of deity is want­ learning and piety conjointly create 'which are before, I press towards the lent and adoring attention and sub­ ing in Him. Every attribute is ministerial ability, from that ability mark for the prize of the high cal­ mission from all creatures on earth. perfectly consistent with His nature great influence necessarily results. ling of God in Christ Jesus." Is then All should acknowledge and submit and being. He is omniscient or all- A man of talent, learning and piety your calling a high calling, has it lift­ to His universal, everlasting and ab- (Continued on page seven) (Continued on page two) Page 2 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER August 15, 1985

THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER required to exert a salutary influence great temple of Liberty erected by utterances. They have gone back to MHbum Cockrell, Editor on the world. They must command our fathers, and committed to our the origin of the world impugning the respect of men of the world if custody, will be undermined and fall, the divine record because it teaches THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER (UPS 546470) is published monthly tor $3.00 per year by the authority of the Berea Baptist they would do them good. There is scattering its illustrious ruins on that there was light before the sun Church, P. O. Box 552, South Point, Ohio 45680-0552. Second- great diversity in the operations of every side, as so many proofs of the was fixed in the heavens. Availing class postage paid at South Point, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE BEREA BAPTIST men's minds. Some respect minister­ fact that intelligence alone cannot themselves of the telescope, they BANNER, P. 0 . Box 552, South Point, Ohio 45680-0552. ial talent—others ministerial learning perpetuate a republican government. have explored the fields of space and PUBLICATION POLICIES: All matter for publication should be —and others still ministerial piety. I say without hesitation that virtue have found, as they supposed, in the sent to the editor. All manuscripts are to be typed and double spaced. All such material becomes the property of BBB and will It is evident, therefore, that those must be allied to intelligence in in­ magnitude of creation a valid ob­ not be returned unless requested by the writer. We reserve the ministers who combine these three dissoluble wedlock, or the sun of jection to the fact that Christ died right to edit and condense all materials sent to us for publication. requisites to an able ministry The publication of an article does not necessarily mean the our country's glory will set in dark­ for the salvation of this diminutive editor is in complete agreement with the writer, nor does it mean will be more influential than those ness if not in blood—a catastrophe planet. Returning from their tours he endorses all this person may have written on other subjects. who possess only two, or perchance which would create anguish coex­ of celestial exploration, they have COPYING PRIVILEGES: Unless otherwise stated any article published in this paper may be copied by other publications, pro­ but one of them. The probabilities tensive with the broad area of opened the bosom of mother earth, vided they give proper credit line stating that such was copied of ministerial success are regulated civilized humanity. and, bending the ear, have listened from this publication, and the date of publication; provided that by ministerial influence, and as a But how are our people to become to hear her say that the biblical ac­ such materials are not published for profit. If we are not on an ex­ change list with the publication copying, it is requested that a powerful ministry is vastly more possessed of the virtue to which I count of her creation is not true. copy of the issue containing the article be sent to our address. All influential than a weak one, the im­ refer? The pulpit must have the Earth has not said so, but they dis­ copyrighted materials may not be copied without written consent. portance of an able ministry cannot PUBLISHED MONTHLY with paid circulation in most states in most prominent agency in its pro­ pute the Mosaic narrative because the U. S. A. and some foreign countries. be denied. It may be said that the duction. they do not understand it. This is SUBSCRIPTION RATES minister's success depends on the "Must stand acknowledged while the a specimen of infidel objections to One year $3.00 operation of the Holy Spirit. I con­ world shall stand. the Bible, and every one sees that Two years $5.00 The most important and effectual Five years...... $12.00 cede it; but it is to be remembered they have great amplitude of range. PLANNING TO MOVE? Notify us three weeks in advance. The# that the Holy Spirit is not accus­ guard. Let a weak minister attack an expert post office does not forward second class mail unless the ad­ tomed to nullify the laws of influ­ Support and ornament of Virtue's infidel, and does he take him captive dressee guarantees the forwarding postage. They charge us $.25 cause." for each "change of address." Please save us this expense and ence, but to render them subservient If this is true, how important is an by refuting such objections as these? the post office time. to the accomplishment of his pur­ able ministry. Ministers are the re­ "Alas! Leviathan is not so tamed." BUNDLES TO ONE ADDRESS: These are sent for $2 per paper poses. God said of the ancient ­ for a year. An example: 10 papers for one year $20,20 papers for ligious teachers of the people, and Who does not perceive the necessity a year $40.00. ites, "I drew them with the cords of must keep in advance of them to of an able ministry? Who does not LOCATION OF PUBLISHING CHURCH: Our church is located a man"—that is did not deal with on county road 1 about two miles down river from South Point, secure their respect, and be instru­ feel grateful to God that thus far he Ohio, in a community called Sheridan. We are about two miles them as machines or brutes, but as mental in molding their moral has raised up men who have discom- from Ashland, Kentucky, on the opposite side of the river. rational beings. sentiments. The formation of cor­ fitted all the infidel phalanxes that Readers are always welcome to visit our services. have been marshalled against the EDITOR’S PHONE: 1-614-377-9429. 2. The rapid increase of know­ rect moral principle is in all cases, I A PAPER WITHOUT SUBSCRIPTION: Some time people write imagine, traceable either directly truth? Let the churches have an able to us and say that they did not subscribe for the BBB. They are ledge among the people suggests a ministry and they have nothing to .receiving our paper because someone else has paid for their second argument in proof of an able or indirectly to the influence of subscription. We trust the BBB will be received as an outstretch­ fear from the most violent and ranc­ ministry. Bible truth. Now it is the province ed hand to you. Take what you find helpful and discard what you of ministers to proclaim this truth— orous assaults of infidelity. Every cannot use. The masses, the bone and sinew of argument against the divine origin of If you do not want to receive such a gift subscription, please the nations, cannot be much longer to present it in all its varied combi­ write to us. We are happy to cancel such a subscription. We do nations—and to enforce its authority the Bible can then be conclusively re­ not want to go where we are not wanted. held in the shackles of ignorance. futed-every objection triumphantly Popular intellect is throwing off its upon the conscience. They preach the gospel which is emphatically neutralized, and the foundation of torpidity, while its activities are stim­ the Christian system shown to be as ulated by the genial rays of know­ the truth, and which supplies the AN ABLE MINISTER . only substantial basis of true moral­ immovable as the pillars of the Eter­ ledge. Kingcraft and priestcraft will nal Throne. (Continued from page one) ere long be placed in odious associ­ ity. The gospel is the power of God to salvation to every one who be­ 4. The inevitable collision between cannot be uninfluential. He puts in­ ation with witchcraft. The European Romanism and Protestantism in the to operation trains of influence masses are calling in question the di­ lieves it; and even over those who do not believe it so as to be saved by , is suggestive of the which extend not only to the day of vine right of Kings, while crowns are importance of an able ministry. his death, but through all time. It it, it exerts no little influence. The losing their sacredness---thrones to t­ I do not suppose that a large num­ tering—and sceptres held less secure­ propriety of those views being ad­ is self evident that an able ministry ber of native Americans are adher­ ly by the hands of royalty. No ob­ mitted, the importance of an able must exert a more powerful influ­ ents of the Romish faith; but mul­ ence than a feeble one. Ministerial server of European affairs can deny ministry will also be admitted. titudes of Europeans under papal ability creates ministerial influence, that the democratic element is 3. It is important to have an able influence have come, and are coming and that this influence is an import­ gaining strength. Under the prompt­ ministry to refute infidel objections to this goodly land. Nor do they ings of republican influences millions ant element of a ministers useful­ to the Bible. leave their superstitions behind ness is manifest from Paul's lang­ are coming to our shores invoking These objections are numerous and them. They come with "Ave Maria" uage to Titus: "Let no man despise citizenship. some of them can be met by none on their lips and but little gospel Among our own people knowledge thee." As if he had said, "establish but able men. The wickedness of the truth in their hearts. They are gen­ such a reputation that every man will is extensively diffused. The means human heart has done its utmost erally ignorant of the Bible, and are of obtaining it are multiplying. The feel a profound respect for you." to invalidate the truth of revelation. blindly led by their priests and bish­ The Apostle also says that a "bishop number of schools, academics, colle­ Some of the most powerful intel­ ops! A feeble ministry would assail must have a good report of them ges and universities is increasing. The lects of the world, controlled by di­ them in vain. There are few men so that are w ithout" that is must be issues of the press are almost incred­ abolical depravity, have expended all familiar in ecclesiastical history—so held in favorable estimation by men ible, including the ponderous volume their strength to discredit the in­ perfectly at home in the theological of the world. Why? Evidently that and the tiny sheet, with all inter­ spired volume. They have employed labyrinths of the dark ages—so pro­ the influence resulting from an un­ mediate grades of publications. The argument, and failing in it, have foundly versed in the affairs of na­ blemished reputation may be made people must become intelligent.— resorted to ridicule. They have in­ tions, and so richly embellished with subservient to usefulness in the Popular ignorance contains not the voked the aid of learning, and have the accomplishments of elegant lit­ cause of God. Ministers are required elements of perpetuity. dealt largely in criticism. They have erature. There are probably Jesuits to be examples to believers. What is But what if virtue, correct moral attempted to show the incredibility among them—another name for pre­ the philosophy of ministerial exam­ principle, does not keep pace with of miracles, and have pronounced varication and duplicity. So temp­ ple? and how are Christians bene­ intelligence? Then our people will prophecy fortunate guessing. They orizing are the principles of this fited by it? All the efficacy of ex­ be wise to do evil, and to do good have said that belief is involuntary, order—so fluctuating their morality- ample arises from the general fact will have no inclination. Then will and that no man is responsible for ~so hypocritical their wickedness, of man's susceptibility to influence. be demonstrated the fact that there his faith. They have misrepresented that Pascal himself a Romanist, once If the Christians are influenced by is no necessary connection between the teachings of mental philosophy felt called on to expose the followers the example of ministers, and if min­ intellectual improvement and moral in search of something to abet skep­ of Loyola. There was a most excit­ isterial influence is graduated by rectitude. Then will passion reign, ticism. They have boldly arrayed ing controversy. Europe beheld the the extent of talent, learning and and principle, if sought, will not be nature against the God of Nature, contest with the deepest interest. piety constituting a minister's abil-. found. Then will the contaminating and have represented her as speaking Pascal triumphed in his "Provincial ity, how important is an able minis­ maxim, "all is fair in politics," be a language which has never been Letters," and furnished the world try! But ministers are likewise so shamelessly acted out that the heard in any of her ten thousand (Continued on page three)- August 15, 1985 , . THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER Page 3 presupposes. It implies the demoli­ in the form of an Essay. At the request sinner, can be at all assured that he ill ABLE MINISTER tion of the strongholds of infidelity— of the Senior Editor of the Repository it has been called; and even he as he - the extirpation of the inveterate is now furnished as orginally delivered. gets older in grace must look for (Continued from page two) prejudices of the Jews against Jesus nunMnMnMnMnMnM those higher marks of the high heav­ with unrivaled specimens of satire. _ of Nazareth—the downfall of Mo­ enly and holy calling in Christ But to the matter before us. It re­ hammedanism—the overthrow of the Jesus. quires an able ministry to expose in multiform systems of pagan super­ PREDESTINATION As a further test,—keeping close to a proper manner the absurdities of stition—the abolition of idolatrous the Scripture this morning, for when Romanism. There must be an customs observed with immemorial (Continued from page one) we are dealing with our own state acquaintance with the conflicting de­ tenacity and veneration, while Baby­ panting not for earthly things, but before God there is nothing like cisions of Popes, and the irreconcil­ lon the great is to fall, like a m ill­ for the things that are not seen and giving the very words of Scripture, able decrees of councils. This w ill re­ stone into the sea, to rise no more. are eternal? Has it lifted up the —we are told in the first epistle of quire patient investigation, and an In view of these preliminaries to the constant tenor of your life, so that Peter, the second chapter, and the able ministry alone can engage in it. world's conversion, let no one talk you spend your life with God in ninth verse, that God hath called us Some think there is no danger to of a feeble ministry. Strong men prayer, in praise, and in thanksgiving, out of darkness into marvellous light. our country from Romanism. I hope are needed who can wield any sword, and can no longer be satisfied with Is that your call? Were you once this opinion is correct and yet I fear. and stand unappalled in the presence the low and mean pursuits which darkness in regard to Christ; and has Others entertain the sentiment that a of any foe. In short; exigencies will you followed in the days of your marvellous light manifested to you a tremendous collision between Ro­ inevitably occur in the prosecution ignorance? Recollect, if you are truly marvellous Redeemer, marvellously manism and Protestanism will occur of the missionary enterprise, which called, it is a high calling. A calling strong to save? Say soul, canst thou before the millenial age, and that will loudly call for an able ministry from on high, and a calling that lifts honestly declare that thy past life North America will be the theater of -—a ministry distinguished for talent up your heart, and raises it to the was darkness and that thy present the conflict. Much might be said in and learning—-"mighty in the Scrip­ high things of God, eternity, Heaven, state is light in the Lord? "For ye favor of this view of the matter- tures —strong in the Lord and in the and holiness. were sometime darkness, but now enough at least to show the necessity power of his might." In Hebrews 3:1, you find this are ye light in the Lord; walk as of having an able ministry to defend These, my brethren, are a few con­ sentence. "Holy brethren partakers children of the light." That man is the bulwarks of our Protestant Zion. siderations which show the import­ of the heavenly calling." Here is an­ not called who cannot look back 5. As the sublime enterprise of ance of an able ministry. Others other test. Heavenly calling means upon darkness, ignorance, and sin, evangelizing the world has been com­ might be named not however w ith­ a call from Heaven. Have you been and who cannot now say, that he mitted to the churches of Christ, it out causing the discourse to trans­ called, not of man but of God? knows more than he did know, and is important that they have an able cend reasonable limits. I close with Can you now detect in your calling, enjoys at times the light of know­ ministry. two the hand of God, and the voice of ledge, and the comfortable light The commission given by His REMARKS. God? If man alone call thee, thou of God's countenance. Messiah just before the ascension to 1. An adequate appreciation of art uncalled. Is thy calling of God? Yet again. Another test of calling the mediatorial Throne is unrepeal­ the requisites to an able ministry and is it a call to Heaven as well as is to be found in Galatians, the fifth ed. It is still obligatory on His dis­ would render many of our churches from Heaven? Can you heartily chapter, and the fifteenth verse ciples to execute it. That commis­ much cautious in granting ministerial say that you can never rest satisfied "Brethren, ye have been called into sion reads, "Go ye into all the world license. till you liberty." Let me ask myself again and preach the gospel to every It is a notorious fact that some ------"behold His face this question. Have the fetters of my creature." The churches of the men are licensed to preach who can­ And never, never sin. sin been broken off, and am I God's saints must see that the Lord's last not preach. God does not require But from the rivers of His grace, free man? Have the manacles of Drink endless pleasures in." command is obeyed. Ministers, the it of them, for He is not a hard mas­ justice been snapped, and am I deliv­ servants of the churches, must carry ter.-— He demands the performance Man, unless thou art a stranger here, ered—set free by Him who is the it into execution. And will a weak of no impossibilities. As God does and Heaven is thy home, thou hast great ransomer of spirits? The slave ministry do it? Unless God works a not require of His servants the im­ not been called with a heavenly cal­ is not called. It is the free man that miracle it cannot be done without provement of talents they do not ling, for those who have been so cal­ has been brought out of Egypt, who strong men. We have seen that talent possess, it is unreasonable in the led, declare that they look for a city proves that he has been called of is power—that learning is power— churches to do so. There are many which hath foundations, whose God and is precious to the heart of that piety is power. Little can be men who would be useful in speak­ builder and maker is God, and they the Most High. done for the world's evangelization ing and exhorting, in prayer, in con­ themselves are strangers and pilgrims And yet once more, another pre­ ference meetings who ought not to without these requisites to an able upon the earth. cious means of test in the first of ministry. "Dialects unheard at Ba­ be formally set apart for the minis­ There is another test. Let me re­ Corinthians, the first chapter, and try. By the way, there seems to have bel or at Jewish Pentecost" must mind you, that there is a passage in the ninth verse. "He is faithful by be acquired before there can be a been a class of men in apostolic whom ye were called in the times who had the gift of exhorta­ Scripture which may tend very much world wide diffusion of the gospel. to your edification, and help you in fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ tion. Where is that class now? All, This cannot be done w ithout mental your examination. Those who are our Lord." Do I have fellowship it seems, must preach. capacity. As preliminary to Christ's called, are men who before the cal­ with Christ? Do converse with Him, 2. It devolves on those who preach universal reign the Scriptures must ling, groaned in sin. What says commune with Him? Do I suffer the gospel to use all the means in be translated into the various lang­ Christ?—"I came not to call the with Him, suffer for Him? Do I sym­ their power to increase their minis­ uages of the earth. This cannot be righteous, but sinners to repent­ pathize with Him in His objects and terial improvement. Your stores of done without learning. Before the ance." Now, if I cannot say the first aims? Do I love what He loves; do I knowledge, literary and theological, jubilee triumph of the world's re­ things because of diffidence, though hate what He hates? Can I bear His will greatly facilitate this important demption is heard, thousands must they be true, yet can I say this, that reproach; can I carry His cross; do I object. Lay those stores under con­ 30 to the East and West, and North I feel myself to be a sinner, that I tread in His steps; do I serve His tribution. Never be satisfied with and South proclaiming the news of loathe my sinnership, that I detest cause, and is it my grandest hope your attainments. Aim at richer and salvation. And what but piety will my iniquity, that I feel I deserve that I shall see His kingdom come, more extensive acquisitions in know­ arompt the requisite effort to do all the wrath of God on account of my that I shall sit upon His throne, and ledge. But this? What but unreserved consecra­ transgressions? If so, then I have a reign with Him? If so, then am I tion to God will induce the churches "Let truth divine be your supreme delight hope that I may be among the called called with the effectual calling, Let Jacob's star shine brightest in your :o offer their sons for this great host whom God has predestinated. which is the work of God's grace, work? And what but zeal for the sight." and is the sure sign of my predestin­ Preach Christ crucified. Study to He has called not the righteous but Waster's glory will elicit from those sinners to repentance. Self-righteous ation. sons the declaration: "Here are we; show yourself approved to G od.- man, I can tell thee in the tick of a Let me say now, before I turn send us"? May you be an able minister of the New Testament and may your labors clock, whether thou hast any from this point, that it is possible The more we contemplate the be crowned with abundant success. evidence of election. I tell thee—No; for a man to know whether God has noral grandeur of the missionary Even so, Amen. Christ never called the righteous; called him or not, and he may know interprise, the more deeply shall we and if He has not called, thee, and if it too beyond a doubt. He may eel our dependence on God for its A sermon preached in Frankfort Ky., He never does call thee, thou art not know it as surely as if he read it with uccess, and the more evident will Nov. 17th 1849, at the ordination of the elect, and thou and thy self-righte­ his own eyes; nay, he may know it ippear the importance of an able Eld. Joseph W. Warder. It is proper for ousness must he subject to the wrath more surely than that, for if I read a ninistry. Let us think for a moment the author to say that the substance of of God. and cast away eternally. thing with my eyes, even my eyes what the evangelization of the world this discourse has been already published Only the sinner, the awakened (Continued on page four) Page 4 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER August 15, 198! them. I never knew a man yet, who flow from it. As sure as thou art PREDESTINATION! had a reason to believe that he him­ God's called child today, thy poverty (Continued from page thirteen) self was chosen of God, who hated shall soon be at an end, and thou Patience And may deceive me, the testimony of the doctrine of election. Men hate shalt be rich to all the intents of sense may be false, but the testi­ election just as thieves hate Chubb's bliss. Wait awhile; that weary head . Long-Suffering mony of the Spirit must be true. We patent locks: because they cannot shall soon be girt with a crown. Stay have the witness of the Spirit within, get at the treasure themselves, they awhile; that horny hand of labour bearing witness with our spirits that therefore hate the guard which pro­ shall soon grasp the palm branch. we are born of God. There is such a tects it. Now election shuts up the Wipe away that tear; God shall soon thing on earth as an infallible assur­ precious treasury of God's covenant wipe away thy tears for ever. Take ance of our election. Let a man once blessings for his children—for peni­ away that sigh—why sigh when the get that, and it will anoint his head tents, for seeking sinners. These men everlasting song is almost on thy lip? with fresh oil, it will clothe him with will not repent, will not believe; they The portals of Heaven stand wide the white garment of praise, and put will not go God's way, and then they open for thee. A few winged hours the song of the angel into his mouth. grumble and growl, and fret, and must fly; a few more billows must Happy, happy man! who is fully fume, because God has locked the roll o'er thee, arid thou w ilt be safely assured of his interest in the coven­ treasure up against them. Let a man landed on the golden shore. Do not ant of grace, in the blood of atone­ once believe that all the treasure say, "I shall be lost; I shall be cast ment, and in the glories of Heaven! within is his, and then the stouter away." Impossible. Such men there are here this very the bolt, and the surer the lock, the "Whom once he loves He never leaves, day. Let them "rejoice in the Lord better for him. Oh, how sweet it is But loves them to the end." alway, and again I say rejoice." to believe our names were on If he hath called thee, nothing can What would some of you give if Jehovah's heart, and graven on divide thee from His love. The wolf you could arrive at this assurance? Jesus' hands before the universe had of famine cannot gnaw the bond; the Mark, if you anxiously desire to a being! May not this electrify a fire of persecution cannot burn the know. If your heart pants to read its man with joy, and make him dance link; the hammer of Hell cannot title clear, it shall do so ere long. for very mirth? break the chain; old time cannot No man ever desired Christ in his "Chosen of God ere time began." devour it with rust, nor eternity, heart with a living and longing desire, Come on slanderers! rail on as dissolve it, with all its ages. Oh! be­ "Be patient in tribulation" (Rom, who did not find him sooner or later. pleases you. Come on thou world lieve that thou art secure; that voice 12:12). If thou pantest and criest, and in arms! Cataracts of trouble which called thee, shall call thee yet "Take, my brethren, the prophets, groanest after Christ, even this is descend if you will, and you, ye again from earth to Heaven, from who have spoken in the name of the His gift; bless Him for it. Thank Him floods of affliction, roll if so it be death's dark gloom to immortali­ Lord, for an example of suffering af­ for little grace and ask Him for great ordained, for God has written my ty's unuttered splendours. Rest as­ fliction, and of patience. Behold, we grace. He has given thee hope, ask name in the book of life. Firm as sured, the heart that called thee, count them happy which endure" for faith; and when He gives the this rock I stand, though nature reels beats with infinite love towards thee, (Jas. 5:10-11). faith, ask for assurance; and when and all things pass away. What con­ a love undying, that many waters "In your patience possess ye youi thou gettest assurance, ask for full solation then to be called: for if cannot quench, and that floods souls" (Luke 21:19). assurance, and when thou hast ob­ I am called, then I am predestinated. cannot drown. Sit thee down; rest in "My brethren, count it all joy tained full assurance, ask for enjoy­ Come let us wonder at the sovereign­ peace; lift up thine eye of hope, and when ye fall into divers temptations; ment; and when thou hast enjoy­ ty which has called us, and let us sing thy song with fond anticipation. Knowing this, that the trying of your ment, ask for glory itself; and He remember the words of the apostle, Thou shall soon be with the glori­ faith worketh patience" (Jas. 1:2-3). shall surely give it thee in His own "For ye see your calling, brethren, fied, where thy portion is; thou art appointed season. how that not many wise men after only waiting here to be made meet 111. I now come to finish up with the flesh, not many mighty, not for the inheritance, and that done, consolation. Is there anything here many noble, are called: But God wings of angels shall waft thee far MODERN DEPARTURES that can console me? Oh, yes, rivers hath chosen the foolish things of the away, to the mount of peace, and of consolation flow from my calling. world to confound the wise; and joy, and blessedness, where (Continued from page one) For, first, if I am called then I am God hath chosen the weak things "Far from a world of grief and sin. ORGANIZATION. In its plan of or­ predestinated, there is no doubt of the world, to confound the With God eternally shut in," ganization, the average Baptist about it. The great scheme of sal­ things which are mighty; And base thou shalt rest for ever and ever. Ex­ church of today bears little resem­ vation is like those chains which we things of the world, and things amine yourselves then whether you blance to the churches described in sometimes see at horse-ferries. which are despised, hath God have been called.—And may the love the New Testament. Right here we There is a chain on this side of the chosen, yea, and things which are of Jesus be with you. Amen. raise this question: DO WE HAVE river fixed into a staple, and the not, to bring to nought things that ninininininin* ANY MORE RIGHT TO CHANGE same chain is fixed into a staple at are: that no flesh should glory in his THE ORGANIZATION OF THE the other side, but the greater of the presence. But of him are ye in Christ THE DEVIL BROUGHT IT CHURCH THAN WE HAVE TO chain is for the most part under Jesus., who of God is made unto us Years ago an old lady had no CHANGE THE DOCTRINES OF water, and you cannot see it: you wisdom, and righteousness, and sanc­ money to buy food. She prayed, THE CHURCH? We challenge any only see it as the boat moves on, and tification, and redemption: that, ac­ "Dear Lord, please send me a side of one to say that we do. Yet, it seems as the chain is drawn out of the cording as it is written, he that glori- bacon and a sack of corn meal." to occur to very few that there is water by the force that propels the eth, let him glory in the Lord." Over and over again she prayed the anything wrong today about running boat. If today I am enabled to say I A second consolation is drawn same prayer aloud. One of the our churches in an entirely different am called, then my boat is like the from the grand truth, that if a man town's unscrupulous citizens decided way, with an altogether different set­ ferry-boat in the middle of the be called he will certainly be saved at to play a trick on her. He dropped a up, than that pictured for in the stream. I can see that part of the last. To prove that, however, I will side of bacon and a sack of corn Scriptures. chain which is named "calling", refer you to the express words of meal down her chimney. It landed in but blessed by God, that is joined to Scripture: Romans 9:29—"The gifts front of her as she knelt in prayer. DID JESUS KNOW? the side that is called "election", and and calling of God are without Did Jesus, the Founder of the I may be also quite clear that it is repentance." He never repents of Jumping to her feet, she exclaim­ church, know how He wanted His joined on to the other side, the what He gives, nor of what He calls. ed, "Oh Lord! You've answered my church organized? Surely He did. glorious end of "glorification." If I And indeed this is proved by the prayer!" Then she went all over And He didn't fill it full of clubs, be called I must have been elected, very chapter out of which we have town telling everyone the good news. societies and auxiliaries, did He? Will and I need not doubt that. God taken our text. "Whom he did pre­ This was too much for the scound­ some one argue that He didn't know never tantalized a man by calling him destinate, them he also called; and rel who dropped the food down her conditions that would exist down by grace effectually, unless He had whom he called, them he also justi­ chimney. He ridiculed her publicly here in the twentieth century? If so, written that man's name in the fied; and whom he justified, them he and told her that God didn't answer that some one has denied the full Lamb's book of life. also glorified," everyone of them. her prayer; he did. The old lady deity of Christ, localizing Him in the Oh, what a glorious doctrine is Now, believer, thou mayest be very replied, "Well the devil may have first century. That is absurd. Of that of election, when a man can see poor, and very sick, and very much brought it, but it was the Lord Who course Christ knew the first century, himself to be elect. One of the unknown and despised, but sit thee sent it!" for when He commissioned His reasons why many men kick against down and review thy calling this God answers prayer in many ways. church, He envisioned the whole it is this, they are afraid it hurts morning, and the consequences that — Pulpit Helps (Continued on page five) August 15, 1985 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER Page 5

worldly minded, world-dominated prayer meeting of any Baptist church times? spiritual cripples who are without in Florida. We don't disfellowship you! MODERN DEPARTURES power in prayer or power in testi­ 3. Elimination of the problem of We don't fall out with other pas­ (Continued from page four) mony before the world. people leaving after Sunday school tors and churches because they are period "unto the consumation of the 4. Promotes false conception of and young people's meetings. Few organized differently. Fellowship age." orthodoxy. Many today have actual­ leave after Sunday school, and sel­ ought to be in the great truths of ly come to think that a church is not dom do any young people leave be­ God's Word—not in methods. But we SMARTER THAN JESUS a Baptist church unless it is cluttered fore the evening preaching service. feel that we have a right to call at­ Modern church "experts" are up with this gang of auxiliaries. 4. Increased missionary giving. tention to the unscripturalness of smarter than Jesus (at least in their Orthodoxy as to doctrine is lost sight 5. Less friction. For years and this innovation in which complexity own esteem) for they have complete­ of, and orthodoxy as to method be­ years now we have had a peaceful, of organization is made to take the ly changed the organization of the comes all important. happy church, with only trifling dif­ place of the simplicity that charac­ church. (Speaking of it as an insti­ 5. Auxiliaries often run off faith­ ficulties. The only real trouble we terized the church as Jesus started it. tution.) New Testament churches ful preachers. We have known that ever had in our present pastorate of And we repeat: WE HAVE AS had two offices, pastor and deacon. to happen time and again, and we 18 years came from the auxiliary MUCH RIGHT TO CHANGE THE Modern churches have a string of have had them to try to run us off. system. DOCTRINES OF THE CHURCH AS offices as long as your arm. Superin­ Let the preacher begin to crack right 6. Lessened overhead. Auxiliaries WE HAVE TO CHANGE THE OR­ tendents, presidents of this, that and down on sin, and if the leaders of with their constant eating and drink­ GANIZATION OF THE CHURCH. the other, and on an infinitum New some of the organizations don't like ing and frolicking, are expensive. Think that over. If not true—why Testament churches were just it, they already have an organization Then they necessitate paid secre­ not? CHURCHES, but modern churches just ready to fight him. The writer of taries, church offices, educational nin*n*nin*n«n* have a whole string of auxiliaries this article once had an unspeakable directors, etc. We figure that we run such as Men's Brotherhood, Woman's condition of rottenness in a church a radio broadcast over the whole Missionary Union, with sub-auxili­ where he was pastor in Kentucky, state and preach the gospel to tens of PRINCESS MANTILLA IN NINE NEW aries such as Sunbeam Band, Y. W.- and was well on his way toward thousands for what the local over­ FASHION COLORS A., R. A., G. A. Then there are or­ cleaning it up, when the missionary head would cost us, if we had our Imported from France in delicate ny ganized classes with their "presi­ society actually had meetings to pray church filled with auxiliaries. Ion and rayon Chantilly lace, the prln cess mantilla stops short of the dents" and straw-boss jobs. Then in that the pastor would not succeed in 7. Increased church attendance. shoulder. A new graceful length that addition there are often various sorts his efforts! When we have served as For years we have had our large audi­ is ideal for church, dress, bridal par pastor of churches with auxiliaries, torium filled comfortably Sunday ties or gifts. In black, white, beige, of fellowship "clubs," the whole black with silver, black with cognac, thing ending with some church base­ we have ALWAYS found them ready morning and Sunday night, and dur­ navy, black with gold, ivory, brown. ball teams and a troop of boy scouts to oppose our effort to bring about a ing all season. This has been very A fine value and a fashion find at only meeting at the church ever so often. clean church. largely because of our emphasis on S8.00 THE PRACTICAL EFFECT DROPPING THE the proclamation of the Word of OF THESE ORGANIZATIONS God, rather than the "side shows" What is the result of this perversion We found the auxiliary system (the organizations). of Christ's simple plan of organi­ such a handicapping thing that fin­ 8. Less worldliness. We believe © zation? We mention several. ally the thought came, WHY HAVE that auxiliaries promote worldliness PRAYER CAP This is a nylon Chantilly lace cap in a 1. Auxiliaries come by "way the THESE ORGANIZATIONS? There of life-m ovie going, dancing, very pretty pattern. It has it's own at­ church." The church becomes a is no Bible warrant for them. petting, gossiping and such. tached comb to keep it in place and is trifling thing, and sometimes a thing Strange, we hadn't thought of that THE COST styled with a loveiy bow on top. Black, white, pink or beige, navy to be held in contempt. Hundreds before! Strange that many of our Along with the great blessings that blue, powder blue $3.00 each who attend the Sunday school, one brethren have never thought of it! have come from following New of the auxiliaries, go o ff home and For fifteen years and more now we Testament methods, it has cost us pay no attention to the church wor­ have had a church free of auxiliaries. the criticism and dislike of some of ship service. Similarly the B. T. U. The Bible school is not an auxiliary, our brethren, who somehow feel that crowd very largely treats the evening and has no "superintendent." The it is the rankest heresy not to have service in the same contemptuous chairman of our educational the organizations. But please way. (Pastors you know this is the committee performs most of the remember, brethren, that these are CHANTILLY LACE CHAPEL CAP truth!) duties usually performed by a "sup­ all of recent origin. If you would dis- A pretty import of lovely lace erintendent." We have no B. T. U., fellowship a church for not having Smartly styled for all occasions. A 2. Pastor's become mere "ma­ flattering chapel cap that fits all and chinists." The prophet of God is but instead Sunday evening study these, then you would disfellowship comes in a pretty case A lovely gift turned into a wheel greaser of classes, simply organized. We have no all of the Baptist churches from the for other or yourself. Choice of black, white. black modern church machinery. That's missionary society, but instead a mis­ days of Jesus down until just a few withgold. ivory $2.50 why it is hard to find a church in sionary committee of the church years ago. Just wiggle and twist and many communities where you can seeks to promote missionary interest squirm if you will, dear brethren, the hear a great Bible sermon. on the part of both men and women. changing of the New Testament plan NO DISCOUNT ON HEADCOVERINGS Honest, it has been the greatest relief of organization cannot be justified 3. A false standard is thrust upon (Ohio residents add 5% sales tax) the pastor. He comes to be a success imaginable to be free of these on Scriptural grounds, and you will barnacles, parasites, or whatever they have to admit it. Why should it be (Include $.50 postage for each Item ordered) or failure according to his ability to Berea Baptist Church Bookstore put in all of the recommended auxili­ should be called. We not only know considered a crime to try to run a aries and to bring them up to A-1 that the modern auxiliary system is church in the simple fashion that P. O. Box 552 standard. Just look in the denomi­ UNSCRIPTURAL-it is likewise in­ they were run back in apostolic South Point, Ohio 45680 national papers and read the write up efficient. We believe that churches concerning pastors. "Bro. So and So would get along far better without BARGAIN COUNTER has been pastor at such and such a them. Let us mention a few blessings church for six months. During that that have come from our dropping Ante-Nicene Fathers (10 volumes) time he has organized a Men's the organizations: (Include $5 for postage & handling) Brotherhood and put in all of the 1. Increased spirituality. Along Regular Price— $169.50 Our Price...... $90.00 other organizations that were lack­ this line we might quote one of the ing, and they will soon be A-1." best known and most successful pas­ Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers (14 volumes) (What about the spiritual life of that tors in the south—a man for years (Include $6 for postage & handling) people—are they as worldly as the pastor of the largest Baptist church Regular Price $237.30 Our Price—-$150.00 devil would have them? How many in his state—now retired. He said in people have been truly converted substance that he once believed that Young's Concordance (plain) there?) It is easy for a pastor to for­ one could maintain a spiritual church (Include $2 for postage & handling) get spirituality and to make organi­ and have all the organizations, but Regular Price.....$19.95 Our Price.....$10.00 zational success his criterion. Many a that following years of experience he pastor because of his success in had concluded such to be impossible. We have one set of each of the Ante-Nicene Fathers and Post-Nicene organizing is lauded when in truth he 2. Increased interest in prayer. Fathers for sale at this price, and five of the concordances. Order early. is pastor of a gang of movie-going, For years now we have had what we If the books are sold, your check will be returned to you. beer drinking, dancing, divorcing, believe to be the largest regular Page 6 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER . . August 15, 1985

been found at fault. Heischel, one of as 66 chapters, was one scroll or un­ of the Bible as a whole. It is only TOD AND TOUR BIBLE the greatest scientific thinkers in the broken narrative. thus that we can rightly divide the world's history, said, "A ll human We find that the breaking up of the entire Word of Truth. (Continued from page one) discoveries seem to be made only for Scriptures into chapters and verses Another point of interest in regard The Bible is fundamentally, radically the purpose of confirming more began about 1200 A.D. We shall also to the Bible is the Book of Isaiah. It and essentially different from all strongly the truths come from on find that the beginning of this break is called a "Bible within the Bible." other books. high, and contained in the sacred up of the Bible into chapters and The Bible contains 66 books. The In what respect is the Bible unique writings." Time and time again, verses can be traced to Cardinal book of Isaiah contains 66 chapters. and peerless? Wherein is it different those who have been seeking to dis­ Hugo who was the first to divide the The 39 books of the Old Testament from and superior to all other credit the Bible have cried, We have Old Testament into chapters for the are in the main prophetic, while the books? at last found a mistake here, "but in purpose of a Latin concordance he 27 books of the New Testament are 1. The Bible is different from and the ultimate outcome it has been prepared. The New Testament was for the most part Messianic. The first superior to all other books in its lit­ found that the mistake was in the similarly divided by Hugo De St. 39 chapters of the book o f Isaiah are erary excellence. Even in its earliest critic and not in the Bible." Cher about 1240. The division of considered prophetic while the last books, written nearly 3,500 years 4. The Bible is immeasurably Old Testament chapters into verses 27 chapters are considered to be for ago, we have set before us a concep­ superior to all other books in the came about 300 years later by Rabbi the most part Messianic. tion of God that is more profound, exact and minute accuracy of its Mordicai Nathan to assist in the The Bible is divided into two parts, exalted, inspiring, heart-thrilling and statements. The Bible is the only study of the Hebrew Bible and there­ the Old Testament and the New ennobling than is to be found in any book that always says all it means to by simplify his work. These divisions Testament. The Old Testament is or all the profoundest philosophies say. Other books, at least occasional­ were adopted by Robert Stephens, a comprised of 39 books, and the New of the past or present. There is not ly, overstate, or understate, or exact­ renowned French printer and Bible Testament 27 books. The Old Testa­ to be found outside the Bible, in all ly state what the writer wishes to publisher in his edition of the ment was written mostly in Hebrew the literature of all the nations and teach. The Bible never overstates or Vulgate Version in A. D. 1555 and with some Chaldee. The New Test­ ages, anything that even approaches never understates the truth. There is were transferred to the Authorized ament was written mostly in Greek the Bible statements of truth in ex­ not one word too many, and not one King James Version in 1611. with some Syriac. And, of course, quisite beauty, fair simplicity, word too few. The Bible always tells Stephens supplied the verses for the the Bible contains a total of 66 resistless force, and unparalleled sub­ the truth, the whole truth, and New Testament which were trans­ books. There are five divisions of the lim ity of expression. The Bible nothing but the truth. Much, much ferred to the English Version in books of the Old Testament. They stands out so immeasurably superior more could be said in this same vein Geneva in A. D. 1560. Until the end are Law, History, Poetry, Major Pro­ to all other books in its excellence about the "Most Excellent Word", of the 16th century the whole Bible phets, Minor Prophets. There are five merely as literature that no man has but we believe it to be profitable at was divided into chapters, but only books of the Law: Genesis, Exodus, a right to consider himself well ed­ this time to view the Bible from the Old Testament into verses. Leviticus, Numbers, and Deute­ ucated unless he is deeply versed in another view point. The two books of Samuel, Kings, ronomy. There are twelve books of Bible lore. and Chronicles were originally one History: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 2. The Bible differs radically, fun­ GENERAL INFORMATION book each with no chapters or Samuel, II Samuel, I Kings, II Kings, damentally, essentially, and entirely While I am not a proponent of con­ verses. Often the separation of these I Chronicles, II Chronicles, Ezra, from all other books, and it is im­ stant statistics and cold logic in the books in pairs is forced, and tends to Nehemiah, and Esther. There are five measurably superior to all other preaching and teaching of God's destroy the connection. A danger to books of Poetry: Job, Psalms, Prov- books, in the inexhaustible wealth of Word, I am, nevertheless, not op­ guard against in studying a chapter is verbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of truth therein contained. In the Bible posed to the same when it becomes that of dealing with it as being a Solomon. There are five books of are stored treasures of wisdom and apparently necessary to do so. I pray complete embodiment in itself. It is Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, knowledge that are unfathomable by that the following information shall but a part of the whole book, and Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. man. The Bible is unfathomable, not convey to us a greater appreciation must be dealt with as a part of the There are twelve books of the Minof because of any obscurity of style, for our Bibles as we compare its whole. Seldom do we find a theme Prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos, but because of the profundity of its present form with received text given exhausted in a single chapter. In Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, teachings. No other book is more to our forefathers in the unbroken Bible study any chapter considered Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, simple in its style than the Bible. roll. must be dealt with what precedes Zechariah, and Malachi. The Bible is inexhaustible in its First, the Bible was written over a and follows it, and also in the light (Continued on page seven) teachings. To quote Sir Walter Scott period of 1600 years by 40 different again, "The most learned and intel­ writers. Our present English Bible is ligent student cannot, in the longest made up of 1189 chapters and 773, life, obtain an entire knowledge of 746 words. The Old Testament has farmer Browtv'One this one volume." For centuries 929 chapters and the New Testament many of the greatest minds the has 260 chapters. tone ’tater out often! world has ever known have sought to We know that the longest chapter How can a man be sound its depths, but the bottom is is Psalm 119, having 176 verses. The not yet reached. Men of the greatest shortest chapter in the Bible is Psalm mean enough to intellectual keenness and power of 117, having two verses. It is interest­ penetration have devoted a lifetime ing to note also that Psalm 117 is the ^ t v e w s s ? * to the study of this Book, but no middle chapter of the Bible. It is not man who has really studied it has remarkable that in the book of ever dared to say, "I now know all Psalms we find the longest chapter in the Bible contains." The psalmist the Bible, the shortest chapter in the said thousands of years ago. "Thy Bible and the middle chapter in the judgments are a great deep" (Psa. Bible. We might also add that the 36:6). shortest verse in the Bible is John 3. The Bible is immeasurably 11:35. The chapters of the Bible superior to all other books in its vary considerably in length. The never-failing inerrancy. Other books, relative size of a book is indicated by it is true, contain truth, sometimes the number of pages rather than by most precious truth; but it is always the number of chapters. For in­ mixed with error. The Bible contains stance, Ecclesiastes has twelve chap­ nothing but truth. Time and time ters but only nine pages, whereas again through the centuries, great Daniel has 12 chapters and twice the scholars have fancied they found the number of pages (18), in our English Bible to be in error, but always by Bible. more thorough study of the Book, The original Scriptures were not or by new discoveries in history, divided into chapters. The first five archaeology or natural science, it has books of the Bible from Genesis to been found that the Bible was right, Deuteronomy comprised one roll, and the history, science or philos­ scroll, or book and are referred to as ophy that contradicted the Bible has "the Book of Moses". Isaiah, given !»»!*«• August 1 5 ,1 9 8 5 ^ THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER Page 7 them that fear thee, and of them hand, or say unto him, What doest know thee the only true God, and TOO TOUR BIBLE that keep thy precepts" (Ps. 119: thou?" The Sovereign Being has Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent" m 63). disposal of the whole universe and of (John 17:3; I John 5:20). The only reason why any person (Continued from page six) n in in in in in in i all the creatures in it. He has a sov­ Before we take a look at the New ereign right to do what He wills with knows God is because he was fore­ Testament we would draw your at­ His own. His will is irresistible and known of God. "And the LORD tention to the fact that between the STILLNESS BEFORE . His purpose unalterable (Isa. 14:27). said unto Moses. . .for thou hast last book of the Old Testament Therefore, it behooves us to be still found grace in my sight, and I know which is Malachi and the first book (Continued from page one) and to know that He is God! thee by name. . ." (Ex. 33:17). To of the New Testament which is Mat­ knowing. He has perfect knowledge KNOWING GOD Jeremiah the Lord said: "Before I thew, there is a four hundred year of Himself and all things He has God is so great that He is infinitely formed thee in the belly I knew thee period when no prophecy was given. created (Job 37:16). He is perfect­ above all human comprehension. . . (Jer. 1:5). Jesus Christ said: "I This period is called the "Four Hun­ ly immutable, for there is no varia­ Zophar said to Job: "Canst thou by am the good shepherd, and I know dred Silent Years" or the "Intra bleness, neither shadow of turning in searching find out God? canst thou my sheep, and am known of mine. . Biblical Period.” Him (Jas. 1:17). He is omnipotent, find out the Almighty unto perfect­ . .1 know them, and they follow me" THE NEW TESTAMENT or all-powerful. Nothing is impos­ ion? It is as high as heaven; what (John 10:14,27). I know God be­ The New Testament is composed sible to Him (Luke 1:37) or too hard canst thou do? deeper than hell; cause God knew me before I ever of 27 books and is divided into five (Jer. 32:17). He is perfect in holi­ what canst thou know? The measure knew Him. Paul expressed it in Gal­ parts. These five divisions are ness, for in Him is light and no dark­ thereof is longer than the earth, and atians 4:9 thusly: "But now, after Biography, History, Pauline Epistles, ness at all (I John 1:5). broader than the sea" (Job 11:7-9). that ye have known God, or rather General Epistles, and Prophecy. The Not only is God perfect in His All the investigations which have are known of G od.. . " biographical books are Matthew, person and attributes, but He is also been made of God has fallen short of One time an Arminian evangelist Mark, Luke, and John. The Histor­ perfect in all His works. Deuteron­ their goal. God cannot be put under asked an old sovereign-grace woman ical Book is Acts. Only One, the omy 32:4 says: "He is the Rock, his a microscope, or in some test tube in if she knew the Lord. The old lady book of Acts, is the only inspired ac­ work is perfect: for all his ways are a laboratory. The knowledge of God replied, "Yes, I know the Lord, but count of church history in existence. judgment: a God of truth and with­ is higher than the distant skies and I can tell you something better than Luke is its author. The Pauline Epis­ out iniquity, just and right is he." deeper than Sheol. that. The Lord knows me." tles are, Romans, I Corinthians, II The psalmist declared: "As for God, Puny man is a shortsighted worm MURMURING AGAINST GOD Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, his way is perfect" (Ps. 18:30). If of the earth that is but of yesterday Sometimes God's providential deal­ Philippians, Colossians, I Thessalon- God is perfect and all His works are and who knows in part. We may ap­ ings cross and conflict with our plans ians, II Thessalonians, I Timothy, II perfect, verily God Himself is the prehend God, but we cannot com­ and programs. But my text forbids Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and most only perfect Being in the universe. prehend Him. We may know that He quarrelling and murmuring against believe Hebrews also. Note, if Paul Often we hear the cry: Let God be exists, but we cannot know all that God. It is a dreadful thing to quarrel did not write Hebrews, then the God. This is a very foolish statement. He is. We cannot number His with the Almighty (Jude 16). The author is unknown. The General God is God whether men recognize it eternity, nor measure His immensity. children of Israel murmured against Epistles are James, I Peter, II Peter, I or not. No man nor angel can deprive We cannot fathom the depth of His God and paid a high price for their John, II John, III John, and Jude. the Supreme Being of His eternal wisdom, nor can we conceive the sin (Ex. 16; Num. 14,21). We must The Prophetic book of the New power and Godhead. greatness of His power. We cannot not draw rash conclusions about God's governmental dealings w ith us, Testament is Revelation. There is GOD IS SOVEREIGN describe the brightness of His glory, for "he giveth not account of any of only one Prophetic book in the New Quite often those of us who be­ nor reckon up the treasures of His Testament. grace. Well did the psalmist write: his matters" (Job 33:13). We read in lieve in the doctrines of grace speak Isaiah 45:9-10: "Woe unto him that CONCLUSION of the sovereignty of God. The plain "Such knowledge is too wonder­ striveth with his Maker! Let the pots­ The Bible is unique in all the truth is that if God is God His sov­ ful for me; it is high, I cannot at­ herd of the earth strive with the world. There is not another book ereignty must be presupposed. God tain unto it" (Ps. 139:6). It is not potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay like it. There have been more books is the only absolutely sovereign being in man's ability to understand God's say to him that fashioned it. What written about the Bible than any in the universe. A t times we speak eternal purpose or the proceedings makest thou? or thy work. He hath other book. The Bible is the most about the sovereignty of the church, of His providence (Eccl. 3:11; Rom. no hands? Woe unto him that saith widely read book in the world, yet or the sovereignty of the state, but 11:33-35). unto his father. What begettest thou? it is the most misunderstood and we are using the word sovereignty in It is an expressible privilege to or to the woman. What hast thou misinterpreted book in the world. It a limited sense. There is in the ab­ know anything of God. In the text brought forth?" It is wrong to ask is the only book that will tell us of solute sense no sovereign church or we are commanded to know God to God: "What doest thou" (Dan. 4: all our sins, faults, and failures. It is state; God only is sovereign. be God. Daniel 11:32 speaks of " . . . 35). Such a question is an insur­ the only book in the world that can In that He is God He is qualified to the people that know their God..." rection against Divine sovereignty! promise salvation and stand by that be the sovereign over all things. In The main business of a man in this Even if at no other time, we are promise. It is the only book in exis- that He is God, He w ill be sovereign world is to know God. "Thus saith prone to murmur against God when tance that can pronounce judgement, and will act as such. In Psalm 115: the LORD, Let not the wise man He corrects us for our errors. This is eternal judgement, upon the sinner 3 we are told: "But our God is in the glory in his wisdom, neither let the wrong. We ought to humble our­ and guarantee its fruition. The Bible heavens: he hath done whatsoever he mighty man glory in his might, let selves "under his mighty hand" (I is the only book whose essence shall hath pleased." Again in the Psalms not the rich man glory in his riches: Pet. 5:6). We ought to "hear. . .the never pass away. It is God's Word. we are told: "Whatsoever the LORD But let him that glorieth glory in Baptists of all people are known as pleased, that did he in heaven, and in rod, and who hath appointed it" this, that he understandeth and (Micah 6:9). We ought to be ready to "people of the book" (Bible). God's earth, in the seas, and all deep knoweth me, that I am the LORD cry: ". . .shew me wherefore thou Word was given unto them to take to places" (Ps. 135:6). Jehovah says in which exercise lovingkindness, judg­ contendest with me... .That which I the world. We must know it and love Isaiah 46:9-11: "Remember the for­ ment, and righteousness, in the see not teach thou me; if I have done it as no others do. May we have the mer things o f old: for I am God, and earth: for in these things I delight, iniquity, I will do it no more" (Job utmost respect for the Bible because there is none else; I am God, and saith the LORD" (Jer. 9:23-24). No­ 10:2; 34:32). Jeremiah well said: |1) it is the Word of God. (2) It is there is none like me. Declaring the thing gives God more pleasure than "Wherefore doth a living man com­ "The Revealed Will of God." (3) It end from the beginning, and from for His creatures to know Him: "For plain, a man for the punishment of is instrumental in our salvation. (4) ancient times the things that are not I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; his sins? Let us search and try our It is the only source of "Christian yet done, saying. My counsel shall and the knowledge of God more ways, and turn again to the LORD" growth." (5) It is the only source of stand, and I w ill do all my pleasure: than burnt offerings" (Hos. 6 :6; cf. (Lam. 3:39-40). Micah declared: " I "Knowledge of the Future." (6) In Calling a ravenous bird from the east, Jer. 22:16). this world of spiritual darkness, it is the man that executeth my counsel God is so completely imcompre- will bear the indignation of the "The only Light that we have." (7) from a far country; yea, I have hensive that we can know nothing of LORD, because I have sinned against In our battle against principalities spoken it, I w ill also bring it to pass; Him apart from His gracious reve­ him, until he plead my cause, and ex­ and powers, it is "The only Weapon I have purposed it, I will also do it." lation. Due to natural depravity, man ecute judgment for me. . ." (Micah that we have." May we say with the In Daniel 4:35 it is written: "And knows not God (II Thess. 1:8). Only 7:9). Psalmist: "Thy word is a lamp unto all the inhabitants of the earth are those who have their minds opened We must be still as to words. We my feet, and a light unto my path" reputed as nothing: and he doeth ac­ by the Holy Spirit truly know God must not speak against His sovereign IPs. 119:105). And may we never be cording to his will in the army of (Gal. 4:6-9; Eph. 1:17-18). To know providence by complaining of it. We ashamed to say as also said the heaven, and among the inhabitants God is to possess eternal life: "And must not darken counsel without Psalmist: "I am a companion of all of the earth: and none can stay his this is eternal life, that they might (Continued on page eight) Page 8 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER August 15, 1985 our days in restlessness and swiftness till death. As I look upon such a trust in God. His everlasting arms STILLNESS BEFORE of action. There are the ceaseless scene, I am reminded of our Savior's bear you up as you walk over the excitements and the ever increasing words (Matt. 6:25-34). Not a lily waves of the stormy sea. Be still, (Continued from page seven) responsibilities of life. Man and the blossoms, not a hair of the head, not fretful spirit, who despairs by the knowledge, or attempt to justify our works of man come between the a sparrow falls to the ground without delay of good and the seeming quarrellings by speaking great swell­ consciousness of God's presence and God's notice. How much more then triumph of evil, and fear not. Be ing words of vanity. When Aaron's works. Enslaved to the senses, it will He care for us! Come you doubt­ patient and wait, for the Lord sons were destroyed by the fire of seems to us there is nothing in the ers of God's goodness! See in nature God omnipotent reigns on high over God he "held his peace" (Lev. 10:3). universe except these human pro­ the reality of His providence! It all events and creatures on earth. Be Concerning the dispensations of shines in the light, it flows in -the still, guilty conscience, and when sin God's providence the psalmist wrote: jects and interests. Hence the need of the injunction: "Be still, and know bubbling streams, it bathes the forest tempts you, remember there is a God "I was dumb, I opened not my that I am God." in beauty, it proclaims in the who is judge of the living and the mouth; because thou didst it" (Ps. How we need to recall the’ ex­ motions and sounds of animal life, dead. 39:9). Job lost both his family and amples of the biblical characters. The the existence and goodness of God! his estate, but "in all this Job sinned From the shifting and shining clouds, not, nor charged God foolishly" (Job prophet Elijah sought his brook (I Kings 17:3-7) and cave (I Kings 19: from the depth of the blue sky, 1:22; 2:10; cf. Lam. 3:28-29). 9-15). Isaac went out into the fields come the cry: "Be still, and know SUBMISSION TO GOD at eventide to meditate (Gen. 24: that I am God." It is the duty of a born-again be­ 63). Jesus Christ found on the soli­ THE COMFORT OF THIS liever not only to be still in our HReip ~ j tary summit of the mountain a place There is comfort in the belief that outward actions under God's prov­ where He might be alone to pray there is a sovereign Creator and Sus- idential dealings but we are also to (Matt. 14:23). We need more than tainer of the universe. The heavens be still as to the inward frame of our The BEREA the patriarchs and prophets of old to are a symbol of His presence (Ps. 19: hearts. We must cultivate a calm and meditate and to seek in the quietness 1-3). The air and the rain are but the quiet submission of soul to the of the heart the presence of God. present manifestations of His eternal BAPTIST pleasure and the purpose of our Sov­ Psalms 4:4 says: "Commune with power and Godhead. He is the actual ereign. your own heart upon your bed, and Ruler and Disposer of all things. Let When young Samuel told the aged BANNER be still." us not murmur at trials, nor seek to Eli that the Lord would destroy his The text makes it crystal clear that make our wills sovereign. When family, the old man said: " It is the stillness of mind and retirement are everything seems to go wrong, may Lord; let him do what seemeth him Get necessary to appreciation of spiritual these events not make us despondent good"(l Sam. 3:18). The prophet truth. God's Word is always most and despairing. Let us believe in the Isaiah told Hezekiah, the king of Ju­ clear and vivid in the stillness of reality of God and His providence. The GOSPEL j dah, that his sons would be eunuchs mind. In calmness the soul feels and Our true good does not depend on in the palace of the king of Babylon knows the presence of God. In re­ worldly success or outward cir­ | Out! (Isa. 39:7). Hezekiah then said: tired hours the Divine Presence is cumstances. It depends on knowing "Good is the word of the LORD nearest and immortal truths are re­ God and realizing these things come I Subscription Special which thou hast spoken" (Isa. 39: vealed to mortal eyes. Stillness of not by accident. 8). The prophet Agabus warned Five Subscriptions mind is the first step to knowing In this changing world, amidst the Paul that if he went to Jerusalem the anything about the God of the Bible. crumbling pillars of human pride, Jews would bind him and give him to LEARN FROM NATURE and the blight of human policy, and the Romans (Acts 21:10-12). Paul While we are engaged in the stir the wreck of human hope, God re­ quickly replied: ". . .for I am ready and struggle of our daily business, mains a refuge and a helper for man. $5.00 not to be bound only, but also to die how hard it is to think on anything "God is our refuge and strength, a at Jerusalem for the name of the Berea Baptist Church beyond! Man is too near. The sounds very present help in trouble" (Ps. 46: Lord Jesus" (Acts 21:13). Paul's of the streets and the factories are in P. O. Box 552 friends then said: 'The w ill of the 1). Be still, thou sorrowful heart, and our ears. Man and the things of man know that it is God who sends sor­ South Point, Ohio 45680 Lord be done" (Acts 21:14). This is fill our eyes and thoughts, and they the kind of submission we need to row as He sends joy. Be still, tremb­ all but exclude any thought of God. ling and tim id soul, and put your God's w ill. I If we were always in a crowd we As Christians our wills must be would be prone to become atheists! swallowed up in the will of God. We Let us leave man and all his works. are to have no w ill of our own which I MET THE MASTER Let us go into the heart of the is. not God's will. Christ was our natural world and learn some of its great example in the midst of His I had walked life's way with an easy tread, lessons. In the retreat of nature there agonies in the garden of Gethsem- Had followed where comforts and pleasures led. is stillness and new sounds. We are ane: "Not as I will, but as thou Until one day in a quiet place introduced into a new world of wilt" (Matt. 26:39). Our Savior's life I met the Master face to face. sights and sounds. The birds of the was a life of total submission to His trees sing and the wind whistles in Father's w ill (John 5:30; 6:38). So With station and rank and wealth for my goal, our ears. As the mind pauses silently great was this submission that He Much thought for my body but none for my soul, before such a scene, it does not rea­ was "obedient unto death, even the I had entered to win in life's mad race, son or question, it feels and knows death of the cross" (Phil. 2:8). When I met the Master face to face. that there is a God. The visible crea­ In our text the Lord commanded tion declares the existence and us to be still and quiet before Him. I met Him and knew Him and blushed to see presence of the invisible Creator This does not mean to be still like a That His eyes full of sorrow were fixed on me, (Rom. 1:19-25). stone, or a dead man insensible to And I faltered and fell at His feet that day the circumstances of life, for we are The world of nature is a world of While my castles melted and vanished away. commanded to become conscious o f happiness. Songs begin with the the Divine Presence in the same morning and continue into the night. Melted and vanished, and in their place. verse. We are to be sensible of the All the variety of sounds in nature Naught else did I see but the Master's face; hand of God in all that happens to us are musical sounds of a happy exis­ And I cried aloud, "Oh, make me meet in this world. Know that He is God tence. All is bright and beautiful. To follow the steps of Thy wounded feet." and own His hand in all these things Though animate creation's life is (Job 23:14). The words "be s till" in short, it has little or no pangs and My thought is now for the souls of men; my text suggests composure of mind, pains—no dreadful forelooking of a I have lost my life to find it again, a calm and quiet submission under hereafter. The voice of weeping and E'er since one day in a quiet place the hand of God at all times. Our wailing comes only from human I met the Master face to face. language must be: " If the Lord will, houses where sinful men and women we shall live, and do this, or that" live. (Jas. 4:15; cf. I Cor. 4:19). The countless forms of animal life *This was the favorite poem of the editor when he was a young Christian. He ALONE WITH GOD cannot provide for themselves, yet thinks no less of it today. In this computerized age we spend God takes care of them from birth August 15, 1985 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER Page 9 among those who are strangers to and shame at having been exposed. our God we have a duty to acquaint This question was an awful rebuke, Catechised By The Crew them with our Sovereign. suggesting that Jonah as the prophet of Jehovah should have known manning the ship in this storm. He By the Editor Jonah's confession shows how a better than to have acted this way. might have lied and endeavoured to child of God may degenerate until "Why hast thou done this?" Why persuade them that he was entirely sin mocks his religious profession. have you disobeyed the true God? In our last study I left Jonah right innocent of any wrong doing. He Jonah stands in the midst of a How could you be so foolish as to after he was awakened by the skip­ could have cursed them in anger. heathen crew, fleeing God's think you could escape from the per of the ship enroute to Tarshish. presence, and yet he says, "I fear the Some men would have done so but God of the whole earth? How The crew had drawn lots and the lot not Jonah. He was not a bad man, al­ LORD." Poor old Jonah! He stands terrible is your sin! A servant fled had fallen on Jonah. These heathen though he had badly behaved in the there in bitter grief, recalling his for­ from his Master, a son from his sailors and the skipper believed this last few days. He did not dare to mer piety. He remembered the joy Father, a man from his God, a pro­ mighty tempest had come upon speak falsely or unkindly to men he once had when he obeyed God. phet from his divine calling! them because of the prophet's guilt. whose lives were imperiled by this Now he stands upon the deck of this Why had Jonah done this? The This conviction has not caused the storm. A true confession would be ship in a storm as a runaway pro­ answer is not given here, but I be­ storm to cease. The restless waves humiliating, but he will make it. phet. lieve it is later in the Book. In chap­ still roar and the wind continues to They not only asked about him be­ Many of us are like Jonah. We ter 4, verse 2, I read: "O LORD, was blow fiercely. What could they do to ing the culprit, but they also wanted make great pretence, but how little not this my saying, when I was yet in improve their plight? Jonah was a to know what business he was this is worth. Our Christian profes­ my country? Therefore I fled before stranger to the master and the mar­ engaged in: "What is thine occupa­ sion is contradicted by our conduct. unto Tarshish: for I knew that thou iners. They personally knew nothing tion?" Are you operating a sinful We profess to believe in God, but in about him good or bad, although the business? Does your work have the works we deny Him. We claim to be art a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, lot had pointed him out as the guilty approval of the gods? They also in­ alive when we are dead. We confess and repentest thee of the evil." party. quired of his country: "And whence to be concerned about the souls of Jonah did not anticipate the destruc­ Ordinarily, the crew did not inter­ comest thou? what is thy country? men and often we are little concern­ tion of Nineveh so much as its deliv­ rogate their passengers. To meddle and of what people art thou?" By ed about our own immortal souls. erance. He was afraid the Ninevites with someone's personal life was un­ the bombardment of all these ques­ We affirm our belief in the church would repent and the city would be necessary and imprudent. But the tions they sought to draw forth the and then forsake its services for the delivered. He feared if he went out present distress seemed to justify answer they sought. They wanted to most trivial things. We use church and preached that the city would not their examination of the prophet. know all about him. membership as a cloak for sin. When be destroyed. This would be in­ When a person's conduct endangers It was tragic for heathens to have suspicion falls upon us, we piously jurious to his professional pride. He the lives of others he forfeits the to ask a prophet of God his profes­ cry, "We fear the Lord." The unsav­ evidently thought more of his glory right of unquestioned conduct. The sion. The proof of his calling should ed ought to know that we are Chris­ than God's. seamen desired to know what he had have been always manifested. No one tians without having to be told. If Jonah would have preferred to be done that had created these ever asked Elijah or Elisha, "What is our lives were what they ought to be dangerous surroundings. From their your occupation?" Their connection we would not have to tell men we the instrument of Nineveh's de­ struction rather than its deliverance. point of view it seemed that Jonah with the Almighty was stamped are Christians. If God destroyed Nineveh it would himself was competent to counsel upon their every action and word. If THE SEAMEN ARE AFRAID be good for Israel, for they were them on this matter. Clinging to the people have to ask us if we are Chris­ The mariners were already afraid enemies. It was doubtless a patriotic ropes on the tossed ship, the crew tians, after being in our company for because of the mighty tempest. Now motive that prompted him to flee ■ shouted questions while the waves a time, it is proof enough we are they are in greater fear, knowing that from God's presence rather than to blew in their faces and the wind backsliders. the God that made the sea and the be the means of averting the doom seemed to snatch away their words JONAH'S CONFESSION dry land is angry. "Then were the of the great city. Are we sometimes from their mouths. In verse 9 the prophet made a full men exceedingly afraid, and said like Jonah? Do we talk about the A number of questions were put to confession of his guilt: "And he said unto him. Why hast thou done this? "balance of power" and pray that him by the sailors. But there were unto them, I am an Hebrew; and I For the men knew that he fled from other countries may fall to the ad­ three great questions put to him. fear the LORD, the God of heaven, the presence of the LORD, because vantage of our own? I greatly fear Jonah answered the first and the last, which hath made the sea and the dry he had told them" (Jonah 1:10). Per­ that we do at times. but not the second. land." He rightly said: "I am an Heb­ haps they reasoned that if the Lord "Why hast thou done this?" How A VOLLEY OF QUESTIONS rew; and I fear the LORD." He was was so severely punishing Jonah for do you excuse your conduct? Do "Then said they unto him, Tell us, of the privileged race which sprung this one sin, what would He do to you not see your folly? Why was not we pray thee, for whose cause this from Abraham. He held to the re­ them who had done many wrongs? the grace of God sufficient to keep evil is upon us; What is thine oc­ ligion of his fathers. He worshipped Before they had feared the tempest. you from the sin of rebellion? Why cupation? and whence comest thou? Jehovah, the God Who made the sea Now they fear God. They felt it did you become a runaway prophet, what is thy country? and of what and the dry land. would be a dreadful thing to fa!! into a backsliudsn preacher? The mari­ people art thou?" (Jonah 1:8). These The seamen may have reasoned, the hands of the living God. ners could not understand his incon­ questions may not have been con­ " I f you fear Jehovah, why have you A t first the sailors had felt the sistency. secutively asked. The sailors may not been calling upon Him during cutting wind upon their faces and have shouted them at him almost this storm? We have called upon our been splashed with the crested bil­ simultaneously. They wanted to Christians are often inconsistent. gods, why have you not called upon lows. They had hoped the hurricane The inconsistency of older believers know why the anger of the Lord fol­ yours?" The answer was simple: would soon go away. But the storm lowed him. They were earnest and is the marvel of young believers, and Jonah had sinned and had not yet grew fiercer until it exceeded any­ it confirms lost sinners in their sins. respectful in these questions: "Tell confessed his sin to God. Unconfes­ thing as yet known to the oldest sea­ us, we pray thee." Did the lot fall on If men really believe in eternity, how sed sin shuts the mouth in prayer. man. They were terror-stricken and can they be immersed in the things you rightly? Are you the occasion of their faces were pale. Jonah's testi­ this tempest? This is why multitudes of Christians of time? If they truly believe Christ do not pray much. Sin is in their mony about the God of the sea had died for them, how can they treat These sailors were men of self-res­ caused them to see that they had traint and good manners. They did conscience, they will not confess it, Him as they do? If they actually so they are unable to pray. been paying homage to dumb idols; think there is a judgment day com­ not fly outrageously upon him. their religion was a myth; their Rather, they mildly and calmly in­ ing, why do they live as if they shall Jonah is to be commended for w it­ deities mere phantoms; they never be judged? Faith without quired into his case. They believed a nessing to these heathen about his worshiped a delusion. For a moment measure of compassion was due even works, profession without posses­ God. He did not say within himself, they stood there without a god! The sion, knowledge without obedience, to offenders. There is a great lesson " If I knew they were God's elect, I dark clouds, the streaks of lightning, for us here. We must kindly deal conscious dependence and rebellion, would give the gospel to them. See­ the roar of the sea, is the true God to be favored by God and yet despise with those who have injured us by ing I have no proof they were chosen showing His power and anger at sin­ His favor, are the strange marvels of maligning our reputation or blighting of God, I cannot speak to them ners. Christendom. All nature and the un­ our hopes. about their souls, for God sent me to THE PIERCING QUESTION saved host seem to cry out against Jonah might have remained silent, feed the sheep." He rather tells the Knowing that Jonah had made a .unfaithful believers, "Why hast thou or pled the Fifth Amendment, or mariners about his God. He would flight from God, they say to him: done this?" And what a "why" this called his attorney. He might have cause them to forsake their idols and "Why hast thou done this?" The is! What answer can a backslider give severely rebuked the seamen for cast­ turn to the only true and living God. prophet gave no answer. Maybe he to this question? Alas! the lives of so ing lots when they should have been Here is a lesson for us. When we are was overwhelmed with confusion (Continued on page twelve) Page 10 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER August 15, 1985

ed for her husband." Revelation 22: 17 says: "And the Spirit and the tUl{£ t ^aptiat fanner ,3[ o r u r a bride say come." Please notice the words single in number in these last Submit questions on any Bible topic three Scriptures: one husband—a chaste virgin—bride—husband- The Berea Baptist Banner P. O. Box 552 South Point, Ohio 45680 bride. All of these are singular words. Jehovah will have one bride. In the light of Isaiah 62:5, how many brides will Jehovah have? Was J. R. Graves a "sound" Landmark Baptist Was J. R. Graves a "sound" Land­ for teaching that Old Testament saints w ill help compose the bride o f Christ? (See The Work o f Christ Consummated mark Baptist for teaching that Old in Seven Dispensations, p. 461). — Illinois Testament saints will help compose the bride of Christ? In my opinion, This is a company apart from the continue to make this distinction in Bro. Graves was wrong on this issue. bride. In verse 7, "and his wife has I base this partially on John 3:29: HAROLD HARVEY my preaching until the sovereign Rt. 1, Box 162 made herself ready." The bride is dis­ God who made it is pleased to call "He that hath the bride is the bride­ Olmstead, KY 42265 tinguished from the great multitude. me home. groom, but the friend of the bride­ She is also distinguished from the I have the highest respect for Elder groom, which standeth and heareth Pastor guests for in verse 9 John said, J. R. Graves as a staunch defender of him, rejoices greatly because of the Olmstead "Blessed are they which are called the "Landmark" position, and an bridegroom's voice, this my joy Baptist Church unto the marriage supper of the able preacher of God's grace. I do therefore is fulfilled." This Scripture Olmstead, KY 42265 lamb." Three groups are seen, a mul­ not know all that he believed about necessitates not only saints who are titude of redeemed, the bride, and the church, but if his position was the bride, but also friends of the the guests. that Old Testament saints will help bride. If Old Covenant saints are not "For as a young man marrieth a I am not afraid of the term Land­ compose the bride of Christ, I would friends of the bride, then who might virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: mark, and I am not offended when have to say that our positions at this these friends be? and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over called one, if you mean that I believe point would be different. My I think God will choose His bride the bride, so shall thy God rejoice in a local New Testament Baptist position is that the bride of Christ from those who have actually ex­ over thee" (Isa. 62:5). Church with Christ as founder and will be made up of New Testament perienced blood-covenant relations The wife of Jehovah is composed head. That the bride of Christ will be church members. and not those who have lived and of the Old Testament saints. Israel is made up of faithful members of the JIMMIE B. DAVIS died under Old Covenant relations of considered the wife of Jehovah. kind of church that Jesus began dur­ types and shadows. Some Old Testament Scriptures ing His ministry. E. D. STRICKLAND teach this truth. Isaiah said, "For thy HAROLD J. HARVEY E. D. STRICKLAND 644 26 Ave. N .W . Maker is thine husband" (Isa. 54:5). i '1 ; Birmingham, Ala. Jeremiah said, "Turn, O backsliding # a 35215 children saith the Lord; for I am JIMMIE B. DAVIS JAMES GREEN 210 McGinley married unto you" (Jer. 3:14). "I 503 Benford Dr. Member Washington, III. 61571 was a husband unto them saith the Fulton, MS 38843 Philadelphia Lord" (Jer. 31:32). Israel is not re­ Baptist Church Pastor ferred to as a bride. She is now Pastor Birmingham, Ala. Beverly Manor Baptist viewed as a cast off wife because of Sovereign Grace 35215 Church Baptist Church 209 Vohland St. her spiritual adultery (Hosea 2:1-13; Washington, III. 61571 4:12). When Jehovah restores his Fulton, MS 38843 "For as a young man marrieth a wife, she will not be a bride, but as a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee, wife reconciled to her husband. It is and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over "Thou shalt no more be termed clear that Old Testament saints are "For as a young man marrieth a the bride, so shall thy God rejoice Forsaken; neither shall thy land any­ not a part of the bride of Christ. Any virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: over thee" (Isa. 62:5). more be termed Desolate: but thou Baptist that believes Old'Testament and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over Here is set forth a picture of the shall be called Hephzibah, and thy saints are in the bride of Christ is in the bride, so shall thy God rejoice relation between God and His people land Beulah: for the Lord delighteth error, regardless of their label. Any over thee" (Isa. 62:5). Israel. God rejoices in His relation­ in thee, and thy land shall be mar­ teaching of a universal bride will lead In Isaiah chapter 62 God makes ship between Himself and His earthly ried. For as a young man marrieth a to the teaching of a universal in­ known His relationship to Israel, and people. It is likened to the marriage virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee, visible church theory. v His deep concern for her, in that re­ covenant relative to husband and and as a bridegroom rejoiceth over "And the bridegroom rejoiceth lationship. The future glory of Zion wife. the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over the bride." The subject of the is foretold by the prophet as he As far as I can ascertain this has no oyer thee" (!sa: 62.4-5;. 1 bridegroom and the bride are men­ writes of her coming restoration. !n direct reference to the bride of the As I see this passage it is not deal­ tioned several times in the New Jeremiah 3:14 God speaks these New Testament which was held in ing with the eternal state of Israel, Testament. No mention is made of a words to Israel: "Turn, O backsliding mystery until the incarnation of but with the millennial restoration of church in the Old Testament. Christ children, saith the Lord; for I am Christ and the apostolic revelation. Israel back to her land, and to a state during the first year of his ministry married unto you." According to Since God is no longer dealing with of spiritual restoration as described organized His church. The New verse 8 of Jeremiah 3 God put Israel Israel as a nation (but I think He will in Zechariah 12-14. If you will read Testament church is the bride of away because of her backsliding in the future), then now there is no verse 4 with verse 5 you will note Christ. John the Baptist spoke of the which resulted in acts of adultery earthly bride of Jehovah, as in the that the passage is not talking about bride and bridegroom. He said, "He against Him. However, I do not days of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Joel. Jehovah marrying Israel, but about that hath the bride is the bride­ believe that this was an act of eternal As covenants of the Old Testament the reuniting of the people of Israel groom: but the friend of the bride­ reprobation, as some teach. The brought God's people into oneness to the land. "For the Lord delighteth groom, which standeth and heareth promise of God to them is found in of relationship, we can see how this in thee and thy land shall be married. him, rejoiceth greatly because of the verses 15-23. It does not negate led to referring to the relation as a For as a young man marrieth a vir­ bridegroom's voice: this my joy God's promise of receiving repenting marriage. But we are no longer under gin, so shall thy sons marry thee." therefore is fulfilled" (John 3:29). Israel back unto Himself when that the Old Covenant. Christ initiated Then Israel's marriage, or being John calls himself the friend of the time comes even though many may the New Covenant in His blood. joined to the land in restoration of a bridegroom, therefore, he does not be opposed to it. The Word of God Luke 22:20 says: "This cup is the proper spiritual relationship with include himself in the bride. John says, ". . .for I am (not will be) New Testament (covenant) in my Jehovah, is cause for His rejoicing said the bridegroom hath the bride, married unto you." blood, which is shed for you" (I over her as a bridegroom rejoiceth meaning Christ had organized a In Isaiah 62:4 God tells us that Corinthians 11:25. over the bride. The passage does not church out of the material prepared Israel shall be called Hephzibah. God Paul wrote to the church (local) at speak of a wedding between Israel by John the Baptist. Now John re­ uses the name Hephzibah (Heze- Corinth: " . . .1 have espoused you to and Jehovah. The preposition "as" joices to hear the voice of the bride­ kiah's wife, II Kings 21:1) to show one husband, that I may present you in the phrase "as a bridegroom re­ groom. His relationship to Zion and Jeru­ as a chaste virgin to Christ" (II Cor. joiceth over the bride" show the lan­ Another passage of Scripture salem. He, in my study o f His Word, 11:2). Revelation 21:2 says: "And guage to be comparative. He is not teaching that all the redeemed are always makes a clearly defined dis­ I John saw the holy city, new Jeru­ said to be rejoicing over Israel "as a not in the bride is Revelation 19:1-9. tinction between His wife, Israel, and salem, coming down from God out bridegroom rejoiceth over his bride." A great multitude is seen in verse 6. His Son's bride, the church. I will of heaven, prepared as a bride adorn­ (Continued on page eighteen) August 15, 1985 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER Page 11 shipping the devil and worshipping before the devil. In Matthew 6:13, tEfye ^aptist farmer Jjorum "Deliver us from evil" (KJV) is ren­ ' l dered "Deliver us from the evil one" Submit questions on any Bible topic in the New King James. The King James rendering would indicate a The Berea Baptist Banner P. O. Box 552 desire for deliverance from all that South Point, Ohio 45680 is evil, while the New King James rendering would indicate only What do you think about the accuracy o f the New King James Bible? — Kentucky deliverance from the evil one, the to cooperate with competent devil. In II Cor. 2:17, the King James scholars who are governed by the says: "For we are not as many, HAROLD HARVEY JIMMIE B. DAVIS first principle of divine authorship of which corrupt the Word of God." Rt. 1, Box 162 503 Benford Dr. the Holy Scriptures, as the Bible it­ The New King James reads, "For we Olmstead, KY 42265 Fulton, MS 38843 self attests. Therefore, all participat­ are not,as so many, peddling the ing scholars have signed a document Word of God." If this is meant to Pastor Pastor Olmstead of subscription to the plenary and clarify or make the statement plain­ Sovereign Grace er, it does not, as our present usage Baptist Church Baptist Church verbal inspiration of the original Olmstead, KY 42265 Fulton, MS 38843 autographs of the Bible." of the word "peddle" does not give The New King James Bible does the proper meaning to the Greek kapeleuo, which means to huckster- "Ye shall not add unto the word not seem to be a variation from the I do not have a copy of the New King James text, nor an interpreta­ ize. The word is often used in Greek which I command you, neither shall King James Bible and must confess writings to express the idea of adul­ ye diminish ought from it, that ye tion, but rather a substituting of cer­ that my knowledge of it is very tain modern word usage for words terating, and of making merchandise may keep the commandments of the limited. However, I have heard of anything for the sake of gain. Lord your God which I command used in the English language cen­ others read from it in Bible classes Both are implied in this verse. Hence, you" (Deut. 4:2). turies ago, but are now more or less and in some worship services. From obsolete, or have changed in mean­ the King James rendering "corrupt" I am always interested in all new what little I have heard read from it is the better and more clearly under­ translations and paraphrase versions ing. I would have to say that I have There may be instances where stood rendering. of the Bible. I don't have a copy of found nothing that would cause me the New King James Bible. There­ beauty of expression is sacrificed Again, in I Thess. 5:22 the KJV to question the accuracy of what I fore, I am not able to comment. If a for clarity of understanding. reads: "Abstain from all appearance heard. For myself, I still prefer the I like the "Thou's" and "Thee's" of evil," while the NKJV reads: "Ab­ person is interested in examining the Authorized (King James) Version in doctrinal content of this new ver­ referring to deity where TNKJ re­ stain from every form of evil." There my study and preaching of the Scrip­ fers to God as "yo u " which I find is a good deal of difference in these sion, I would pay close attention to tures, but before I could give an all verses concerning the virgin birth. hard in adjustment. In I Thessalon- two statements. honest answer to the question | ians 4:15 we have the Old King Note also, Jude 24: The KJV I will list a few: Luke 1:27; Matt. would need to make a diligent search 25:1; Rev. 14:4. The Devil would James "prevent," but the evident reads: "Now unto Him that is able to of all the word changes in the New meaning in modern usage would be keep you from falling," while the like to eliminate the doctrine of the King James. virgin birth of Jesus Christ. "precede" which the TNKJ trans­ NKJV reads: "Now to Him that is I am sure that some of the other able to keep you from stumbling." You must pay close attention to lates. Compare "suffer" and "le t" in brethren who write for the Forum There is considerable difference verses teaching the deity of Christ. Matthew 19:14. Also "fetched a have more closely examined the new between "falling" and "stumbling." Examine these verses: John 1:1; Ro­ compass" and "circled around" in version and will be of help in The latter would be much more mans 9:5; Col. 1:16; Eph. 3:9; Heb. Acts 28:13. And again: "leasing" answering your question. and "falsehood" Psalm 4:2. favorable to those who teach falling 1:8. Modernists and liberals deny the JIMMIE B. DAVIS from grace. miracle working power of Jesus With these and many other Scrip­ tures my grandchildren might find In I Tim. 6:5 the NKJV com­ Christ. Examine these Scriptures: E. D. STRICKLAND TNKJ Bible advantageous. If I used pletely changes the meaning of the John 2:11,23; 3:2; 4:54; 6:2,26; 7: 644 26 Ave. N.W . verse. The KJV reads: "Supposing 31 and John 12:37. Examine verses Birmingham, Ala. the same Scriptures in the pulpit, I that gain is godliness" while the that have the word begotten: John 35215 would take the obsolete words and NKJV reads: "Who suppose that 3:16,18; 1:14,18; I John 5:1. The explain their modern equivalent. godliness is a means of gain." Devil attempts to do away with the Member I do not see that there is any blood atonement of Christ. Examine Philadelphia attempt in liberalizing the Word of In Phil. 2:6 a quite serious Baptist Church God in TNKJ Bible. difference is found. The KJV reads: these verses: Acts 20:28; Rom. 3:25: Birmingham, Ala. I rejoice that theologies! terms, LfC!!!^ !B i ii.C .wifii ui VJUU, 5:9; Eph. 1:7; 2:13; Coi. 1:14,20; 35215 Heb. 10:19; 13:20; I Pet. 1:19. basic to the Christian vocabulary are thought it not robbery to be equal retained and kept intact as a guard with God," while the NKJV reads: The main attack of Satan is to des­ You see here the question is only against doctrinal misinterpretation. "Who being in the form of God, troy the Word of God. He doesn't asking for the opinions of the forum E. D. STRICKLAND did not consider equality with God care if the whole world has Bibles writers. There should be no criticism something to be grasped." The KJV that he has influenced men to write. if we answer sincerely. I may not clearly shows that the Lord Jesus These are a few things a person answer fully what the questioner ’' J i l l JAMES GREEN Christ is equal with God. The word­ should be aware of in any new trans­ hoped to receive but my answer will 210 McGinley Washington, III. 61571 ing of the NKJV is weak and would lation. In the early Seventies I was be without dissimulation. tend to cast doubt as to whether put off the Baptist Hour of WRUS All my Christian life and ministry Pastor for preaching against Good News for Jesus was really equal with God. of the gospel, Bible studies have been Beverly Manor Baptist In all fairness the New King James Modern Man, which is good news for largely in the King James translation. Church version is a much better version than evil men. I am skeptical of any new This has been my pulpit Bible. I sup­ 209 Vohland St. Washington, III. 61571 most recent ones such as the RSV, translation. pose I am prejudiced in liking its I look forward to reading the other TEV, New American Standard Ver­ sound as well as the message. This sion, etc., because it primarily fol­ forum answers. does not mean I do not refer to This is a question which I am not lows the majority text or the same HAROLD J. HARVEY really qualified to answer as I have other translations. I do consult them group of manuscripts as the Textus only recently seen a copy of this often. Receptus. However, having pledged translation. The New King James Bible is a allegiance to this group o f manu­ However, the very brief amount of very recent translation or revision of scripts, it then- proceeds to cast the Old King James Bible. I am not research which I have had the time doubt upon them with Its numerous to do has revealed the following at this time able to pinpoint so-called footnotes showing where the cor­ discrepancies that critics would not changes in the New King James. In rupted Alexandrian manuscripts dis­ find in the Old King James, if there Luke 4:7 the King James records agree. are any. Satan as saying: " I f thou therefore Hence, from my very brief The publishers of TNKJ Bible w ilt worship me." The New King research, I am left with considerable make the following comment: James changes Satan's words to: " I f reservations concerning the New you will worship before me." There "In faithfulness to our readers, it King James Version. has seemed consistent with our task is some difference between wor­ JAMES GREEN Page T2 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER August 15, 198

demands of the hour in heroic work they had already done, and we forsaken the house of God? Wh CATECHISED BY fashion. He will sacrifice his life for might have expected them to throw have you withdrawn from the fe the safety of others. More than ever him overboard that they might ob­ lowship of the saints? I know yc (Continued from page nine) before, he realized that his life was tain rest, but they did not. Rather, have your excuses, but these are tf many bear the mark of Cain, the not his own. Jonah has repented of they exerted themselves and risked Devil's lies dressed up to meet tf ' mark of those who have gone out his flight from God and urges these their lives to save the man who had general public. Your own conscienc from the presence of the Lord! men to open the portals of eternity almost brought them to a watery is not satisfied with these excuse THE VITAL QUESTION before him. He is ready to go into grave. "Nevertheless the men rowed Fellow Christians are not satisfiei “Then said they unto him. What the spiritland and to face his God. hard to bring it to the land; but they Worst of all, God is not satisfied. shall we do unto thee, that the sea Jonah had not intentionally plan­ could not: for the sea wrought, and I may be speaking to someone wh may be calm unto us? for the sea ned to harm these seamen. But his was tempestuous against them" has turned aside from the path of vi wrought, and was tempestuous" presence had caused them to lose (Jonah 1:13). tue. You were honest once, no1 (Jonah 1:11). I marvel at the kind their cargo and almost their lives. He The mariners set to work in an at­ you practice fraud and downrigf treatment Jonah received at the He knew he was the medium of tempt to save themselves without theft. You were sober once, now yo hands of these heathen sailors. How injury to others: "For I know that sacrificing their passenger. What have become a social drinker. Yo bright is their moral character in for my sake this great tempest is up­ noble conduct! What humane self- were chaste once, now you have b< such dark surroundings! Their on you." He has the moral courage restraint! Never has a finer group of come a whore. "Why hast thou dor religious privileges in that day were to confess his guilt and to advise sailors gathered together. It is a this?" You have fled the presence c few and far between. They did not the only remedy for its removal. He noble thing to risk life in an attempt the Lord. Come back to Christia want to harm the Lord's anointed. knew the storm would not get better to save the life of another. Heaven be virtue and service. Return to fellow They respected the God behind the until they threw him overboard. praised for the services of the Coast ship with God and His saints. Don Storm. Although he is a delinquent Better than anyone else, the pro­ Guard and other rescue squads that wait till you are called back by storr prophet, he is now a penitent one. phet knew the storm was the hand help people in distress. All honor to and tempest. These heathen shame modern-day of Divine vengeance. As a man of firemen who brave scorching heat 2. The sailors rowed hard to brin Christians who have little or no res­ God he could read the hand of Pro­ and suffocating smoke to effect the the ship to land. Their hard rowin pect for the man of God. vidence as few others could. He is rescue of some woman or helpless did not suffice when God demande< The lots had fallen on Jonah, and willing to offer himself as a sacrifice child. A round of applause for those a sacrifice. All the striving of mei he admitted he was the cause of the to the God of the sea that his com­ brave men who venture into the will not avert the tempest of God' storm. They have allowed him to be panions may be saved. He now mines, after an explosion has taken wrath against sin, there must be his own judge, as they felt he knew realizes that self-sacrifice is the way place, in hopes of aiding the sur­ sacrifice. We cannot defeat or chang best how to appease his God. They to true service. What a lesson to us. vivors! Three cheers for doctors and the purpose of God. Many wouh wanted him to solve the problem of Let us, like Jonah, be cast out for nurses who work around the clock to rather give God the sacrifice of thei their woe. They knew him to be God that we may be a blessing to preserve human life! hands than the sacrifice of a brokei God's prophet. They assumed that others. If we are guilty of bringing While the effort of these men was heart. If you are seeking to pull you they must do something to him, but others into trouble by our lack of commendable, it was futile for it was soul to Heaven apart from the sac they were uncertain just what to do. faithfulness to God, let us not add opposed to the will of God. They rifice of Christ, you are rowing ii Anxious to do right, they would do sin to sin by denying it. Let us have put their oars well and firm ly in the vain. nothing recklessly even though the the manliness to bear our guilt and sea and turned up the water, but it 3. Jonah was willing to die tha storm grew worse. to suffer for our sin. was all in vain. This was well-mean­ these men might be saved. He was « The storm has reached its peak by A NOBLE ATTEMPT ing but ignorant zeal, for they rowed type of Christ Who gave His life as i this time. Their plight was more These sailors have heard Jonah's against the winds of God's dis­ ransom for many. The greater that perilous. “ For the sea wrought, and confession. The prophet had pro­ pleasure and the tide of His counsel. Jonah died that sinners might b< was tempestuous." Literally, the sea nounced sentence against himself, It is always vain to contend with saved with an everlasting salvatior was going and whirling—acting like a and he had displayed the desire to God (Prov. 21:30). God always has a from death and destruction. It is thi: thing alive and obeying its Master's save their lives at the expense of his way of getting His way! blessed truth which has melted thi will. It was keeping rank, marching own. But they dared not to lay a PRACTICAL POINTS hearts of a multitude of sinner like a battalion, marshalled, arrayed hand upon this holy prophet. His I. Have you ceased to pray to across the centuries. Does it move for the end for which it was sent, heroic conduct has charmed them, God? Do you no longer habitually you to the tears of repentance anc pursuing and demanding this and they are struck with awe in his read and study the Scriptures? "Why the sigh of faith? To gratitude anc runaway prophet of God! It was presence. They were weary with the hast thou done this?" Why have you devotion of yoqr life to Him Whc moving as it was bidden by its Sov­ gave His life for you? "But God com ereign. Greater and greater surges mendeth his love toward us, in that were rising, showing the judgment Cf Tune In To while wc wars yst sinners, Chris) God cannot be delayed. died for us" (Rom. 5:8). THE PROPHET'S REPLY 111' '>9n iVA1 :\»x! tyf/j "And he said unto them, Take me The Berea Baptist Broadcast up, and cast me forth into the sea; ANNOUNCEMENTS so shall the sea be calm unto you: I rfcv; rfcft faS ifail rfrvi fov; foY.rfrv* fev, r^v, ,y«v, STATION TIME DIAL WATTS for I know that for my sake this The Living Stone Baptist Churcf great tempest is upon you" (Jonah WFTO, Fulton, M S ...... Sunday 1 :00-1:30 p.m.. . .1330...... 5,000 AM 1:12). Please note the prompt, pro­ near Barboursville, W. Va., anc WFTA, Fulton, M S ...... Sunday 9:30-10:00 a.m .. .101.7 ...... 3,000 FM Pastor Steve Cornett will have specia phetic and plaintive character of this WNDA, Huntsville, A L ...... Sunday 9:30-10:00 a.m .. .95 ...... 50,000 FM reply. It was manly. He was a con­ WANO, Pineville, K Y ...... Sunday 7:30-8:00 a.m____1230...... 1,000 AM services Aug. 12-16. Elder J. C victed criminal. He had been his own WYWY, Barboursville, K Y ...... Sunday 7:30-8:00 a.m.. . .950...... 1,000 AM Settlemoir of Jamestown, Ind., wil be the speaker. judge and jury. He now pronounces WGNT, Huntington, W V ...... Sunday 8:30-9:00 a.m____ 930...... 5,000 AM ****** his own sentence and appoints the WKAL, Rome, N Y ...... Sunday 7:30-8:00 a.m.. . .1450...... 1,000 AM sailors to be the executioners. Jonah KBMC, Eugene, O R ...... Sunday 1:00-1:30 p.m.. . .9 4 .5 ____ 100,000 FM The local Men's Fellowship (for felt these heathen seamen had dis­ WDZ, Decatur, I L ...... Sunday 9:00-9:30 a.m____1 0 5 0 ...... 1,000AM merly called Pastors' Meeting) will be charged their duty better than he WRNO, New Orleans, L A ...... Sunday 7:00-7:30 a.m.. . .49m ...... 3,000,000 with the Berea Baptist Church, (shortwave) (London time) (6110 KHZ) had discharged his own. They were South Point, Ohio, Aug. 10th, at more fit to live than he was. It would 8:30 a.m. Wives are urged to attend Time Conversion on WRNO to the British Isles and Europe: be well to save their lives by the sac­ also. GMT London, England time (also Ireland and Portugal) The monthly Fellowship Meeting rifice of his own. Jonah was willing (During Summer: GMT + 1 hour) to die that these men might be saved. GMT + 1 Western Europe and Poland, Yugoslavia, , E. Germany, of the churches in the tri-state will We are not to understand by this Albania (During Summer: GMT + 2 hours) convene with the Berea Baptist that he had rather die than go to GMT + 2 hours Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Greece. Church, South Point, Ohio, Aug. 24 at 7:00 p.m. Nineveh. It is not a request of de­ (During Summer: GMT + 3 hours). ****** fiance or despair, but of holy resig­ GMT + 3 Soviet Union (During Summer: GMT + 4 hours) nation to the will of God. He told GMT + 5 Eastern USA and Canada (During Summer GMT + 6 hours) The Johnstown Baptist Church, the sailors to pursue a course which GMT + 6 Central USA and Canada (During Summer GMT + 7 hours) Rock Camp, Ohio, and Pastor would result in his immediate death. George Sherman will ordain two deacons on Aug. 17, at 2:00 p.m. Here we see him rising to the ****** J August 15, 1985 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER Page 13 ■ ' to hostage-seizing fanatics. Will the convenience or interests of the ' m n 's murderers be employer or those of other em­ MT brought to justice? Should the U. S. ployees who do not observe a Sab­ * nss strike back at terrorists? Or, is di­ bath." plomacy more desirable than angry The sole dissenter from the words or military power? These are opinion, Associate Justice William i P E f t questions which demand answers. Rehnquist, did not file an opinion. ^>v£y O W 3 0 . 3 f lf a g « K Those involved in the hijacking The decision is expected to have were the Party of God, a pro-Iranian little impact. While 30 states have Readers of the BBB are urged to submit religious news items which they may read in their local Islamic fundamentalist movement laws requiring employers to paper or some other publication. In sending these please give the name of the publication as well as the date it was printed. We will not be able to print all which are submitted, but we welcome any item whose followers are rapidly gaining accommodate Sabbath observances you may feei we should read. Send to Berea Baptist Banner, P. O. Box 552. South Point, Ohio 45680. influence in this war-torn country. in some way, only Connecticut's ^>vi faY i ivsvi PTjvi rTsvi rT ivi rTyvi lYgvi rT svi r r i\i rTyvi iv t\i rrsv i rT svi rTyvi rygvi rT svi f/iv i iv iv i r ^ They are inspired by the successful statute makes that obligation revolution of Iran's Ayatollah absolute. Most other Sabbath laws THE BLOW UP AT DALLAS year's meeting. Khomeini. The main focus of Shiite follow the Federal law in this area, The Southern Baptist Convention Some 500 people, including about wrath is the United States—the which requires employers to make adjourned June 13, 1985, after 100 men (henpecked or surely given "great Satan," as Khomeini often "reasonable" accommodation of gathering the largest religious as­ to chicken-house ways) attended the puts it. These Arab extremists con­ Sabbath observers. In a concurring sembly in the history of our nation. Sunday morning worship service, demn the U. S. for helping create opinion joined by Associate Justice This year's meeting abounded with where Molly Marshall-Green, as­ and for arming the state of Israel. Thurgood Marshall, Associate Justice all the political push and pull of a sistant professor of theology at They also charge that American Sandra Day O'Connor said she political convention. Liberals and Southern Baptist Theological Semi­ materialism is undermining tra­ believed the Federal law would with­ conservatives battled it out with the nary and interim pastor at Deer Park ditional Islamic society. stand a constitutional challenge. conservatives winning but not by a Baptist Church, Louisville, preached. Only about 10 percent of the Americans United for Separation landslide. Following the theme "Voices of world's 900 million Moslems are of Church and State Executive The big moment came when it Hope from the Exile," speakers en­ Shiite, and most of them live in Iran, Director Robert L. Maddox said, came time to choose a new presi­ couraged women to continue on Iraq and Lebanon. The vast majority "The Court seems to have struck a dent. The conservatives were backing their pilgrimage despite the struggles. of Moslems, about 650 million, are reasonable balance. The Court has re­ incumbent Charles Stanley, 53, pas­ There were reports of illegal ballots Sunnis. affirmed past decisions which strictly tor of First Baptist Church, Atlanta, being distributed in hallways and in I am sure that the problem with uphold church-state separation. Yet Ga. Liberals were pushing for chal­ the parking garage. Liberals charged terrorism is a very complex one. I the justices have left the door open lenger Winfred Moore, pastor of First Stanley with "high-handedness and pray for'those in leadership roles in for protecting employees who want Baptist Church, Amarillo, Tex. manipulation," and with failing to our country, especially our Presi­ to observe their Sabbath." When the 44,248 acceptable recognize delegates who wanted to dent. How do you deal rationally The American Jewish Committee ballots were tabulated, Stanley had challenge the parliamentary with irrational terrorists who have no also hailed the decision. received 24,453 or 55.3 percent, decisions that brought Stanley's regard for human life? They believe "And he said unto them. The Sab­ Moore had received 19,705 or 44.7 slate to a vote. that if they die for terrorism, they bath was made for man, and not man percent. Stanley did not win by the After the smoke cleared the in­ will go straight to Heaven. My own for the sabbath" (Mark 2:27). landslide margin predicted by his errantists had elected their man in personal feeing is that it is time for ****** supporters before the election. the top post, but the liberals had put America to stand up and do what is THE HEAT ISON SMUT The inerrantists are still in control of their men in the second and third best for our country, even if it means PEDDLERS the Convention, the liberals are still posts. With Moore as the first vice shedding blood, and stop worrying The grass-roots war against a force to contend with in time to president and Huff in the third spot about reactions from allies, moderate America's multibillion-dollar porno­ come. the liberals control two of the three Arab states, and the Russians. The graphy industry appeared to be gain­ Moore took more than two-thirds main officers of the convention for time for speaking softly has passed— ing ground despite recent setbacks in of the total vote in defeating two the coming year. it's time to use the big stick. court. laymen, Zig Ziglar of Dallas, the in­ W. A. Criswell, the silver-haired "He teacheth my hands to war, so Under one new federal statute, in­ cumbent first vice president, and pastor of Southern -Baptists' largest that a bow of steel is broken by mine vestigators can search homes of per­ Henry Huff of Lousiville. The of­ congregation (26,000), addressed the arms" (Ps. 18:34). sons who order obscene literature by ficial vote for first vice president was packed 20,000-seat Dallas Conven­ ****** mail. A Customs Service official re­ Moore, 22,791; Ziglar, 10,957, and tion Center of the largest Southern HIGH COURT STRIPS WORKERS ported finding some recipients Huff, 301. Baptist Pastors' Conference. He OF SABBATH PROTECTIONS "molesting young boys iri their Although differing in doctrine, traced a pattern of decline he said WASHINGTON, D. C. (EP)-Work- houses at the time our agents ar­ both Stanley and Moore declared had befallen victims of neo-ortho- ers do not have an unqualified right rived." Customs agents last year their intention to work with each doxy and German higher biblical not to work on their Sabbath, the U. seized 4,266 batches of pornography other to bring healing, peace and criticism. The pattern led to the S. Supreme Court decided by an 8-1 shipped from abroad—up from 870 unity to the troubled denomination. downfall of British Baptists and the vote June 26. The Court invalidated seizures two years earlier (Adapted This went to prove once more that centuring of Charles Haddon Spur­ a Connecticut law that gave workers from U. S. News & World Report, the Southern Baptist Convention is a geon, Criswell said. He said there's a their Sabbath day off, declaring that July 1, 1985, p. 10). religion within itself. The idea lesson in this for Southern Baptists. the law imposed an undue burden on . .the candle of the wicked shall seemed to be that while one is a lib­ "Whether we continue to live or u lti­ employers and nonreligious em­ be put out" (Prov. 24:20). eral and the other a conservative mately die lies in our dedication to ployees. The Court also held the ****** they must keep the convention to­ the infallible Word of God," Criswell 1976 law ran counter to the First CHRISTIAN LEADERS CONDEMN gether. Keeping the convention to­ said. Amendment's ban on establishment TELEVISION BIAS gether is to them more important "Come out of her, my people. . . of religion because it had the A group of nearly 600 Christian than whether the Bible is an inerrant (Rev. 18:4). primary effect of advancing religion. leaders, including the heads of 54 ****** Book. The Connecticut law at issue stated denominations, have issued a State­ An expected move to renominate that "no person who states that a ment of Concern Regarding Network Jerry Gilmore, a Dallas attorney who THE MOSLEM MURDERERS particular day of the week is ob­ Television. The statement, sent to has served as chairman of the On June 14* 1985, Shiite Moslem served as his Sabbath may be re­ television networks, program spon­ Southern Baptist Home Mission terrorists hijacked a TWA jetliner quired by his employer to work on sors and production companies, re­ Board, did not materialize. Gilmore, with 104 Americans and 49 other such a day." quests more moral programs and an a member of C liff tem ple Baptist people on board and forced the pilot Writing for the majority. Chief end to "anti-Christian bias." The Church, was eligible for a second to fly from Athens to to Justice Warren Burger decreed that group says it is prepared to boycott term. But the committee said Algiers and back to Beirut, where the state requirement that "Sabbath products of offending sponsors if the questions were raised about Gil­ one American passenger was shot to religious concerns automatically con­ request is ignored. more's wife, Martha, who is an death and thrown from the plane. trol over all secular interests at the The statement expresses appreci­ ordained Methodist minister. Robert Stethem, a navy man, was workplace" violated the consti­ ation for positive contributions by The third annual Women in Min­ brutally murdered by the Shiite tutional principle that Government television, but expresses concern istry conference continued its rapid thugs and barbarians. "must take pains not to compel with "an unacceptable amount of growth, doubling its attendance over Although the hostages are now people to act in the name of any immoral sex, gratuitous violence and the 1984 meeting in Kansas City. free, there remains the problem of religion." Burger added that the Con­ profanity which downgrades the About 350 people registered for this what will America do to bring an end necticut law "takes no account of * (Continued on page fourteen) Page 14 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER August 15, 1985 tlements of Judaea and Samaria they News dream of the ancient kingdom. In J Jerusalem some of the priestly clan, (Continued from page thirteen) the Cohanim, study the archaic laws dignity of human sexuality and dis­ of animal sacrifice in preparation for rupts peaceful social human realtion- the rebuilding of the Temple. ship." "And the wheel has turned in the The statement also notes that, village of Zefat, where hundreds of "rarely is any person depicted as a ultra-Orthodox Breslov Hasidim have \ Christian presented in a positive moved back into the old Jewish manner. Modern Christians are quarter to await the coming of the Dear Brother Cockrell, usually shown as being im m oral- judged? We have to give account of Messiah. Each Friday at sunset the Greetings from India. I am getting liars, cheats, con artists, hypocrites, our work. I don't think that our pious ones gather in the synagogues Berea Baptist Banner every month Lord will ask what doctrinal stand adulterers, or in a similar negative to sing the 'Lekha Dodi—Come My manner—or as bungling, incom­ and enjoy its reading. I am not able you had but I am sure that He will Beloved,' to welcome the Sabbath. to understand some of the deep doc­ petent, and ill-informed individuals." ask how many souls you have earned And the first stars of evening glow trinal explanations published in your for me. He w ill never ask how many "For we can do nothing against the above the darkening sacred moun­ truth, but for the tru th " (II Cor. 13: paper. The reason may be that I am buildings you built for churches but tain, in the hills of Galilee, in the not a scholar in the Scripture. I feel He will be more concerned about 8). ****** nation of Israel." that it is good to make such deep how many local churches you have Doubters and rejectors of the pre- studies but one thing I would like to U. S. WOMAN IS INTERROGATED organized. So let us have a new millennial position have laughed and mention, is we have to give emphasis vision on evangelization. Pray for BY THE KGB, THEN EXPELLED sneered at us for years for saying on evangelization in this time. In the India. FROM THE SOVIET UNION that Israel will revive her Temple and MOSCOW, U.S.S.R.—Regina first century the disciples and Paul In His Glorious Service, ancient sacrifical worship. Daniel 9: the apostle were spreading the gospel India Sipple will never forget Mother's Day 27 plainly teaches that these things (Sunday, May 12) 1985. On that day at any cost. They wrote letters to the shall come to pass as we near the end churches and now we are making ****** she was arrested at Moscow airport, of this age and after the Rapture of Dear Sir: interrogated for more than six hours, those letters as our standard of living the saints. Daniel (9:24-27; 12:10- because it is inspired of the Spirit of I just happened to hear your pro­ strip-searched and later expelled 11), our Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 24: gram on the radio last night. You from the Soviet Union. Her crime? God. I believe the infallibility of the 15-16), the Apostle Paul (II Thess. Word of God. So on the sure foun­ said we could write for a one-year Wanting to give gifts to Russian 2:4), and the Apostle John (Rev. 11: dation of that Word of God we free subscription to your paper. I Christians—Bibles, copies of the Ser­ 1-2) speak of a tribulation Temple know nothing about your beliefs but mon on the Mount, Christian music should have the vision of evangel­ which will be desecrated by the final izing the whole world. I read your I could become acquainted through tapes, and clothing. Antichrist. Missionary News and thank God for the paper. Please place me on your Sipple, whose story made world­ "For I am with thee, saith the your concern on missions. But your mailing list for a while. Thank you wide headlines, is now safely home LORD, to save thee: though I make area of vision, it seems limited in very much. in Sandy, Utah. After the United a full end of all nations whither I USA. Our Lord gave commission to Sincerely, States had made a formal protest have scattered thee, yet will I not His disciples to go to the uttermost Virginia about the treatment of this evan­ make a full end of thee: but I will part of this world to preach the gos­ gelical Christian, Sipple told Open * *-* * * * correct thee in measure, and will not pel. Paul the apostle had the vision Doors News Service what actually leave thee altogether unpunished" of going 'in the regions beyond you' Brother Cockrell, happened to her in Russia. (Jer. 30:11). ***#«-*• II Cor. 10:16. Greetings to each o f you the in ******- I am writing this because you have wonderful name of names, the Lord A REPORT ON ISRAEL AN ABORTION UPDATE in America several churches Jesus Christ. I trust all is well and The July 1985 issue of National Swiss voters recently defeated by established and now you are more that each of you are enjoying the Geographic has an excellent article more than 2 to 1 a proposed con­ concentrated on theological dis­ blessings of our Most High and sov­ about the nation of Israel. According stitutional amendment that would courses and doctrinal divisions etc. ereign God. to the article, Israel has 8,302 square have drastically limited abortions but in several countries like India Enclosed find fifty names for sub­ miles of territory and a population and banned some contraceptives. thousands and even millions are scription to BBB. Some may or may of 4.1 million, of which three million Since 1942 abortions have been legal perishing without hearing the Gospel not be for renewal. Probably most are Jews. Her GNP for 1984 was in Switzerland only to avert "grave of Jesus Christ once in their lifetime. have run out or are about to. 22.3 billion dollars. Her per capita damage" to the health of the What responsibility we have to reach Thanks for allowing these at $1 each. income is $5,320. Her inflation rate mother, but abortions have become such people with the Gospel. I have Enclosed find check for $50 for in 1984 was 445 percent. In .1984 prevalent in most of the 26 cantons. read that in Russia church leaders same. Greet the brethren there for us Israel exported 6.t billion dollars' Red China has murdered 53 mil­ were discussing about the color of here a t . . . . worth of polished diamonds, citrus, lion babies by abortion in the past their garments when the communists Unworthily, electronics, and arms and amuni- five years as part of a national cam­ took hold of the ministry. The same Indiana paign to limit population growth. tions. is happening now in several ****** Israel's dependence on the United Stephen W. Mosher, writing for the countries. I understand from the States is not as severe as Cuba's de­ Wall Street Journal, estimated that newspapers that this communist in­ Dear Friend in Christ, pendence on the Russians. Israel 90 percent of the abortions per­ fluence is taking hold of several Many of my friends have been meets between 80 and 85 percent of formed in China violate the wishes of Americans. In India they are growing telling me about your ministry on its own needs. World Jewish contri­ the women. Mosher said some like anything. Here the Christians are WRNO Worldwide shortwave radio. butions amount to only 1.5 percent, children are killed during birth by an below 1 percent. Thank God for I recently bought a shortwave radio, and the rest ($2.6 billion in 1985) injection while still in the birth there are several Christians here to as shortwave listening is very popular comes from the U. S. government. canal, or by strangling when they sacrifice their lives for the now in England. Your programme The article goes on to say that emerge. furtherance of the Gospel. In your and WRNO worldwide was very "Jerusalem is a citadel of faith and This program is financed in China paper you have published a news clearly received. Your words were so fanaticism. On any given day half a by money given to them by the item about a Baptist pastor was held inspiring, that I wanted to write and dozen self-styled Messiahs wander United Nations Fund for Population captive by RSS. Such things are not thank you for your programme. her streets." Activities. The U. S. government sup­ few here in India. What action you If you can send me some New The Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem ports this campaign. and your associated churches can Testament literature for my personal purchase chickens for a Yom Kip- "One of every four pregnancies in take to help the Christian work here study. I would be very grateful. Your pur-eve ritual in which they wave a the United States in 1981 ended in in India. It is my request to you all teaching ministry means very much. bird over themselves and their abortion, according to a report from to pray and consider this matter If you do not publish Bible tracts, families, believing that their sins will the Alan Guttmacher Institute, says seriously. then a tape recorded copy of your thus be transferred to the chicken, a recent article in the Washington Our Lord is at hand. That is what programme dealing with New Testa­ according to the article. Post. The rate slightly increased in we believe and we sometimes argue ment themes would be most ap­ It concludes with these important 1983 to 26 percent—1,577,340 re­ on some theories on the second com­ preciated. Thank you, again, my new words: "B ut a new, unapologetic age ported abortions out of 6.1 million ing of Christ. What is our responsi­ friend in Christ. stirs as Israelis return to the strength pregnancies. bility? When He comes we will be England of their Jewish past. In the rough set­ (Continued on page fifteen) caught up with Him and will be (Continued on page fifteen) August 15, 1985 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER Page 15 Letters From praise Him for all His doing in our Sandinistas so much help they did midst and in His New Testament News not need to make concessions to the (Continued from page fourteen) churches throughout the world. (Continued from page fourteen) democratic opposition." Thank you Jimmy and Tip (The Review O f The Dear Sir: May God richly bless you, your Further information given in the News, June 12, 1985). I have been listening to your pro­ ministry, family and Church till the report included the following: gram on shortwave radio and enjoy it Lord comes for us in the air. Please *85 % of abortions were by "Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of very much. I listen to you on WRNO extend my sincere regards to every suction vacuum aspiration) iniquity, which speak peace to their 6.18 at 1:00 a.m. Central time. Will family member and fine people at ‘ about 51% were performed with­ you please put me on your mailing Berea Baptist Church. We love you in the first eight weeks of pregnancy. neighbors, but mischief is in their hearts" (Ps. 28:3). list for publication Baptist Banner. all in Christ. *91% were performed within three ****** Thank you very much. In God's Sustaining Grace alone, months AGCA REPEATS CLAIM TO BE God Bless you, Edwin Imperial *81% of abortions were obtained Missouri 1203-A E. De Los Santos Ave. by unmarried women CHRIST, OFFERS TO PERFORM Quezon City 3008 *35% had had previous abortions A RESSURECTION ****** Philippines "Their feet are swift to shed ROME, Italy (EP)—Mehmet Ali Dear Bro. & Sis. Cockrell, ****** blood" (Rom. 3:15). Agca, convicted assailant of Pope Warm greetings in Jesus name from Dear Bro. Cockrell: ****** John Paul II, is continuing on the the saints of the Calvary Baptist My subscription has expired (I am CATHOLICS AND THE N.C.C. witness stand in a trial involving a Church of Quezon City. I trust all is almost in the same shape). My wife SUPPORTS THE COMMUNISTS possible conspiracy to assassinate the Pope. well at your end as it is also here by made me set down and $end the last While claiming to oppose com­ the grace of God. three dollars that we possess. munism, powerful religious groups Agca, who is the state's key w it­ Kindly remember our country in Seriously, if it were the last three have conducted an intense lobbying ness in a case against seven other your prayer especially the Lord's dollars we possessed, it would be a in favor of the communist regimes. men in the alleged conspiracy, re­ work with us. The communist threat worthy thing. The Wall Street Journal reports, peated claims June 24 that he was is so strong now that several areas are I know running a paper is like "Church groups in general, and the Jesus Christ, and added that he was now under their control. The New walking on egg shells because of the Catholic Church in particular, have prepared to prove it by raising a body from the dead in the presence, People's Army, the military arm of many different people that you need become the most vocal and persist­ of President Reagan and Javier Perez the Communist Party of the Philip­ to support you. Though you receive ent opponents of the adminis­ de Cuellar, the Secretary General of pines have come to our city and re­ a lot of criticism, I am sure that few tration's anti-communist strategy in the United Nations. cently a clash between their sparrow of your critics could do a better job. Central America." Agca said that he would "raise up unit (liquidation squad) had an en­ I only hope you will keep on keeping "Support for the pro-Sandinista some man who is scientifically dead" counter very near us. A soldier was on. network in Nicaragua and the United in the presence of Reagan and de killed and likewise one communist. So, looking forward to many more States has come from money col­ Cuellar, "provided the Vatican tells Even pastors are now being assassi­ editions of the BBB, I remain. lected every Sunday in U. S. the absolute truth that I am Jesus nated by these communist. Oh, that Your brother in Christ, Churches," reports the independent Christ." God would intervene in the affairs Arkansas Institute for Religion and De­ Agca insisted that he was "not of our country and cause a mighty ****** mocracy. shaking that both our government This support is primarily coordi­ crazy" and threatened to cause the and these communists/rebels be Best wishes from the Bahamas, "collapse of all Christendom and where we enjoy your broadcast on nated by the National Council of brought to their knees and fear God. Churches representing 32 major Prot­ Western civilization." Corruption has brought so much WRNO shortwave. "For many shall come in my name, Regards to your labourers in estant and Eastern Orthodox sufferings to our people. denominations and the U. S. saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive Believing that the Gospel and the Christ! many" (Mark 13:6). Bahamas Catholic Conference administrative grace of God alone can change a agency of some 300 bishops (Battle ****** soul and our nation, we spread the n*nM nM n*nwn*n*' Cry, July/August, 1985). NEWS SHORTS Word of God by lips, life, and litera­ "Whose mouth speaketh vanity, ture. We need your help to uphold us BEREA BAPTIST BROADCAST and their right hand is a right hand JERUSALEM, Israel (EP)--lmmi- as we sow the Word and you can be FINANCIAL REPORT of falsehood" (Ps. 144:8). gration has helped boost Israel's sure that whatever result we reap by June -1 9 8 5 ****** Christian population by 30 percent during the last decade, according to the Spirit's doing, you will have a Beginning Balance $2,713.47 HEROINE OF TWA 847 definite part. Likewise, do mention Receipts 1,284.23 Not all of the passengers on TWA recent census figures. More than 94, Anonymous 25.00 our need for a property and building Flight 847 comported themselves 000 Christians live in Israel; some Berea B. C., South Point, OH 267.15 11,700 of them live in Jerusalem. too in your prayer, and to our kind Sovereign Grace B. C., Orange, TX 50.00 with the dignity befitting American of Baptist people there. We are trust­ Rollynsburg B. C., Talcott, WV 50.00 Philadelphia B. C., Decatur, AL 50.00 citizens while they were hostages of ****** ing the Lord for all these but we do Jack Henry Ray, Memphis, TN 100.00 Shi'ite Moslem cutthroats. Which not fail to give all that we can. Living Stone B. C., Barboursville, WV 203.76 makes us all the prouder of Uli EDINBURGH, Scotland (EP)— Our Church Bible College will start Members East Corbin B. C., Corbin, KY 269.16 More than 83 percent of Scots over Deposited to divide checks 269.16 Derickson, the TWA hostess whose classes this June 25. We may only Repayment of loan from official position made her predica­ age 15 do not attend church, accord­ have 12-15 students as we separated Berea Bookstore 200.00 ment all the more difficult. When ing to a recent census by the TOTAL 4,197.70 from the brethren that succumbed to ordered to identify the passengers National Bible Society of Scotland, the Sinless Perfection Theory. I will EXPENDITURES: who might be Jewish, Uli Derickson and the Missions Advanced Research betaking most of the load again with Pierce Communications and Communications Center-Europe. WRNO - Foreign 528.00 refused, knowing that such a selec­ 8 subjects and 4 of our past grad­ WFTO-WFTA, MS 125.00 tion could well result in their mur­ The Catholic Church and most Prot­ uates which are also members of our WYWY, KY 125.00 ders (The Review O f The News, July estant denominations experienced church will assist me. It is sad but WANO, KY 95.00 declines from 1980 to 1984; the WKAL, NY 175.00 17, 1985, p. 50). the truth must never be compro­ Berea Banner - dividing check 134.58 "Deal courageously, and the Scottish Episcopal Church was the mised. A t least we can look up to Robert Fisher Missions - dividing check 134.58 LORD shall be with the good" (II only major denomination showing an God for a better year than last year Berea Baptist Bookstore 272.16 Chron. 19:11). increase, with attendance up nine (Postage to UPS for mailing radio tapes from ****** with all the troubles that these 12-14-84 to 6-17-85) percent. eradicationists have caused both our TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,589.32 2 , 6 0 8 . 3 8 ****** church and school. Bank Service Charge 4.00 THE LIBERALS DON'T WANT Brother, thank you very much for Balance 6-30-85 2,604.38 YOU TO KNOW SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (EP)— all the assistance that you have ex­ (Of this amount $1,375.07 is designated for our A Latin American U. N. delegate Joseph Smith, founder of the Church Kentucky Stations) tended to me and our church. We was heard remarking, "A fter the San- of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will always be indebted to God for CORBIN, KENTUCKY REPORT dinistas took power, your govern­ (Mormon), was linked to folk magic, you and your ministry that played a ment gave $118 million in aid to the according to a letter he presumably Beginning Balance 1 ,4 6 0 . 4 9 Sandinistas, which was more than wrote in 1825. The letter, recently big part in the work here. Our R e c e ip ts 1 3 4 .5 8 church is being blessed by the Lord (Members of East Corbin B. C., Corbin, KY) your total aid to Nicaragua for the released by the church, discusses and we are overcrowded each Sun­ T o ta l 1 ,5 9 5 .0 7 previous 20 years! Your government digging for treasure that Smith said was guarded by "some clever spirit." day as well as our people alone are EXPENDITURES: also underwrote $292 million in enough to fill the apartment where W YW Y - June 1 2 5 .0 0 international loans. It is the United Mormon officials say the letter does we are housed. In this dying age the WANO - June 9 5 . 0 0 States that established the Marxist not undermine their belief in Mor- Total Expenditures 220.00 Lord has never once failed us. We Balance 6-30-85 $ 1 ,3 7 5 .0 7 regime at an early stage and gave the monisms divine origins. Page 16 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER August 15, 1985 ------give another application of chemo­ Calvary, Arlington, KY 3 5 .2 7 Sovereign Grace, Mansfield, OH 5 0 . 0 0 therapy and then perform surgery. liberty Miss., Paducah, KY 3 0 0 .0 0 Calvary, Logansport, LA 5 0 . 0 0 Bryantsville Miss., Lancaster, KY 5 0 . 0 0 M issionary New s Covenant, Romeo, Ml 1 2 0 .0 0 Bible, Harrisburg, IL 8 0 .3 1 Northside, Elkton, KY 2 0 .0 0 ■ ■■■ — > Central Avenue, Tampa, FL 3 5 .0 0 Grace Miss., Wyandotte, Ml 3 0 .0 0 o f Blood booklets. These are going Bible, Clarksville, TN 6 0 .0 0 to be a real help as we witness about Berea, South Point, OH 2 0 .0 0 Fellowship, Lexington, KY 6 3 .5 0 the church here. Any of you Independence, Foristell, MO 2 9 0 .5 1 brethren who have tracts to spare we Maranatha, Louisville, OH 6 7 .7 9 will certainly be pleased to have Shady Grove, W ickliffe, KY 1 1 5 .4 7 Central, Marlon, KY 1 0 0 .0 0 them and I know the Lord will bless Stephens Branch, Manton, KY 1 0 0 .0 0 you for the gift. We would especially First, Alexandria, KY 5 0 .0 0 Olmstead, Olmstead, KY 6 0 .0 0 like to have some "salvation" tracts East Corbin, Corbin, KY 1 1 7 .2 3 and that tract by Bro. Berlin Hisel, Home Miss., Mt. Morris, Ml 3 3 9 .2 2 The Historical Baptist Position on Faith Miss., Streamwood, IL 2 1 5 . 0 0 Muddy Ford, Georgetown, KY 1 5 .0 0 Baptism. Morris St., Hobbs, NM 3 0 0 .0 0 We want to thank those churches Faith, Girdler, KY 1 0 9 .9 4 who have begun supporting the work Jordan, Portage, IN 2 0 0 .0 0 New Hope, Mt. Morris, Ml 3 5 0 .0 0 here this past month. May the Lord Immanuel, Monticello, KY 5 0 .0 0 truly bless you for this. And also, Dempsey Henderson Northside, Mayfield, KY 1 0 0 .0 0 those brethren and churches who Ashalnd Ave., Lexington, KY 1 1 0 .0 0 This serious condition has caused us Julien, Gracey, KY 2 5 5 .2 5 have been faithful to continue to some anxiety but after much prayer Fellowship, Mt. Sterling, KY 4 0 .0 0 Meadowthorpe, Lexington, KY 1 1 0 .0 0 support us we truly appreciate. Your we now have peace in heart and love and thoughtfulness and prayers Members East Corbin, Corbin, KY 7 5 .0 0 mind. Cornerstone, M t. Clemens, Ml 1 0 0 .0 0 are precious to us here. We ask God Grinter Heights, Kansas City, KS 2 8 7 .3 0 MISSIONARY We certainly need your prayers to bless you always. Grace Miss., Kirksville, MO 1 0 0 .0 0 ROBERT P. MYERS that the Lord would give us strength TOTAL 8 ,8 4 6 . 3 6 Brethren, pray that the Lord will July - 1985 that we might continue on in our E xpenses 5 ,1 4 3 .4 1 build a Baptist stronghold in the Lord's work He has given us. We plan Balance Brought Forward 1 1 5 .6 1 Northwest, that when He appears a NEW BALANCE 3 ,8 1 8 .5 6 Dear Brethren: as soon as possible to go home to great host may rise and meet Him Greetings to all of you in the name Sao Luis and get back in the work □inM ninM n*n*nM from this place also. of Jesus Christ our supreme Lord there. When we arrive there we will May the Lord bless each one of, and Savior. need some kind of personal trans­ you and cause Christ to become We trust that this newsletter finds portation since we no longer have a more and more precious to you day all of you enjoying God's blessings. car. A missionary who is leaving by day. How great our Lord is! What a Brazil has a vehicle (a type of land Yours in Him, privilege it is to have His watchful rover) that is excellent for our needs. eye and guiding Spirit upon us. Bob Myers and Family It will provide us with economical This has been a busy month for us transportation and also can be used here. I have been working at two dif­ OFFERINGS FOR JUNE 1985 to transport people to and from ferent locations with the remodeling REGULAR OFFERINGS: church. The missionaries' home and painting I've been doing. Also, Bryan Station B. C., Lexington, KY 50.00 church has offered to let us have the Faith B. C., Lone Oak, KY 100.00 the car had to have repairs. We spent Harmony B. C., Alton, IL vehicle at a very good price. We can about $225.00 fixing it. I had to pull May, June, special 50.00 purchase this $17,000.00 vehicle for the engine to do some work on the Hopewell B. C., Mayfield, KY 25.00 $10,000.00. We are certainly thank­ Faith B. C., Sacramento, KY 37.50 manifold. We've been driving the old Regular B. C., Craigsville, WV 75.00 ful for this price but the problem is pick-up truck we bought and it is not Faith B. C., Streamwood, IL 35.00 that we don't have this much money Independence B. C., Foristell, MO 20.00 at this time. We have stepped out by in very good shape, but it has been Salem B. C., Willow Hill, IL 40.00 real faithful and hasn't failed us. Bible B. C., Portland, OR 59.00 faith and paid $ 1,000.00 down on Then, besides the construction and South Park B. C., Seattle, WA 200.00 the vehicle. We would appreciate you Otis Andersons, New Concord, KY 25.00 working on the car, we've been praying about this and if the Lord working on the church building and Special & Love Offerings: leads we would be thankful for any John Tweet, Eatonville, WA 70.00 help you could give. MISSIONARY doing some visiting and cutting wood Tony Albritten, Eatonville, WA 50.00 for winter—we've been busy! Regular B. C. Kindergarten class W V The work in Sao Luis is going well ROBERT FISHER The Lord has blessed in the (for the children) 12.50 and we thank the Lord for this and July - 1985 Karate Association 20.00 also for your continued prayerful mission work. We put up a sign be­ Grace B. C., Cairo, IL 100.00 cause the building was a former and financial support. May the Lord Dear Brethren, Catholic Church building and many □*n in*nininiD « richly bless you all. Greetings in the name of the Lord people here have a certain con­ For the glory of our blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, the eternal I AM of the ception about "missions" we put MISSIONARY Dempsey Henderson Bible. We trust this report finds you "Preaching Services Of The Grace DEMPSEY HENDERSON serving the Lord in truth and enjoy­ Baptist Church" on the sign. May and June 1985 FINANCIAL REPORT ing the great blessing of salvation by We had a lady who saw the sign to His free grace. Edmond E. Jones, Noblesville, IN 4 0 .0 0 As God has given us grace and op­ call us about services—she came one Dear Friends in Christ, James H. Sims, Hattisburg, MS 5 0 .0 0 time after that, but hasn't been back. How wonderful and precious the John A. Whitaker, Richmond, KY 1 5 0 .0 0 portunity we have enjoyed another We have, however, had new visitors Lord is to give us the promise of Ruth Shores, Cannelton, IN 1 0 . 0 0 month of service here in Eugene. We Ernest & Effie Harper, Berea, KY 1 2 7 .0 0 every week for the past few weeks. Romans 8:28. We are also truly Ruby Saunders, Richmond, KY 200.00 thank the Lord that He has seen fit We praise the Lord for this. thankful that He has given us faith to Willard & Roy Mitchell, Corbin, KY 3 0 0 . 0 0 to grant my wife and I several good The June Fellowship service we Grace Miss., Ontario, CA 5 0 .0 0 opportunities to share the truth with believe that promise. Faith, Sacramento, KY 5 5 .0 0 had was a real blessing. Several from We arrived in Sao Paulo and went Grace, New Port Richey, FL 8 5 . 0 0 many different people. We have been the other churches came. It was a to Bro. Ed Kittle's house to stay Hopewell, Mayfield, KY 100.00 able to witness to Mormons, Jehovah North Ballard, W ickliffe, KY 3 2 3 .0 6 Witnesses, followers of the Bhaguan good time of fellowship and preach­ until we are able to go on home to Richland, Livermore, KY 1 2 7 .2 5 ing. Next month the fellowship will Sao Luis. Big Creek, Wayne, WV 200.00 Shree Rajneesh, as well as individuals be at South Park Baptist Church, the Dorothy went to her doctor for Calvary, Ashland, KY 6 0 . 0 0 from several "mainline Christian de­ Beech Grove, Bard well, KY 8 6 .2 5 last Friday night of the month. We treatment of the tumor the doctors Zoar, Cunningham, KY 1 2 0 .6 2 nominations." More and more we are truly hope to see these meetings con­ in the States had found. Her doctor Sunnyview, Clarksville, TN 3 0 . 0 0 amazed at the varied and false tinue and many of the brethren who here treated the tumor and by Berea, Clarksville, TN 20.00 doctrines that men profess to be­ Bryan Station, Lexington, KY 1 ,3 4 5 .0 0 attended expressed the same desire. further tests discovered a large mass Southslde, Fulton, MS 4 1 .7 7 lieve. It is a shame that the varied We want to thank Pastor Roger in the pelvic area. The doctor has Edgelawn, Lexington, KY 20.00 cults have used their damnable Briar Creek, Williamsburg, KY 3 5 0 .0 0 heresies to lead so many astray. Jones and Faith Church at Sacra­ prescribed an application of chemo­ Citrus Miss., Inverness, FL 6 3 .0 0 mento for the good supply of Trail therapy, wait three weeks, and then Calvary, CaVinel'Clty, KY' *•' ' ■ ■ c c 2 4 . 0 0 - - ’ (Continued on page seventeen) August 15, 1985 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER Page 17

Central B. C., Marion, KY 50.00 Africa." divorce rate rose. Sexual promiscuity Mrs. O. C. Whitaker, Cushing, TX 10.00 M i s s i o n a r y Grace Memorial B. C„ Memphis, TN 200.00 A spokesman for Open Doors said, was rumored at all levels of society. First B. C. of Ojus, N. Miami Bch., FL 25.00 "Khadafy's call for a Holy War More base forms of sexual perversion (Continued from page sixteen) Living Stone B. C., Berboursville, WV 111.80 against Christians was made despite arose out of long hours of leisure. .Equally sad is the total ignorance of Sovereign Grace B. C„ Mansfield, OH 25.00 New Hope B. C., Mt. Morris, Ml 50.00 the fact that only one percent of Sometimes horrible sexual orgies the Bible that is found among most 1-20 B. C., Darlington, SC 25.00 Rwanda is Muslim. The majority are were reported. Homosexuality in­ who claim to be Christians. The Subtotal 2,732.58 creased sharply. Men became more TOTAL 8,013.52 Christian and the government is Bible fitly describes these days when headed by devout Roman Catholics. open in their filthy practices. It was it states, "Now the Spirit speaketh EXPENDITURES: Archbishop Vincent Nsengiyumane dangerous for decent women to walk expressly, that in the latter times Salary 900.00 even has a seat on the ruling party's the streets. Some voices of protest some shall depart from the faith, giv­ Housing Allowance: House payment 387.97 Central Committee. were raised, but law enforcement ing heed to seducing spirits and doc­ Utilities • 164.13 "B ut few Rwandese knew much was ineffective. trines o f devils" (I Tim. 4:1). "This Supplles/Misc. 125.45 Auto Expenses 228.45 about the anti-Christian remarks be­ _ The nation was not anti-religious. know also, that in the last days Insurance 119.40 cause the state-controlled media—an Increased attendance at worship was perilous times shall come. For men Postage/office supply 18.36 FM radio station and a weekly news­ part of the Great Society. But people shall be lovers of their own Advertizing 46.50 Radio Program 150.00 paper-censored most of Khadafy's were modern. They did not feel that selves. . (II Tim. 3:1-2). Please Sunday School Supplies 30.94 remarks, a move that infuriated their actions were inconsistent with continue to pray for the Lord's work Airline Tickets to Conference 411.00 Libyan officials." their faith. After all, a new age de­ in the Pacific Northwest, it is a vast TOTAL 2,582.20 Ending Balance 7-15-85 $5,431.32 A Western European ambassador, mands a new morality. Their church and open mission field. leaders pleased them by being rele­ nmnMnMnMnMnMnM who asked not to be identified, said Services are still being conducted the Libyan leader is believed to have vant to the times. in our home three times a week. We Dear Brother Milburn, reduced his expectations of promot­ One morning as the sun rose all are praying about locating a public Last February I wrote you in re­ ing Islam and expanding his in­ was normal. A few were about their meeting place and ask that you also gards to our mission work in Port fluence in this country of 5.5 million jobs, but most were late risers. This make this a matter of prayer. The Orchard, Washington. You graciously people. made sense after a late night of fun, Lord is continuing to bless the radio printed my letter in the BBB as I "Khadafy's remarks made the visit and then the day's work would not program and we are thankful to be solicited support from any mis­ go down badly in every way," com­ be too long. But suddenly the land able to proclaim the truth in this sionary minded Sovereign Grace, mented the diplomat. "He embarras­ was engulfed in flame! The country manner. I get both positive and neg­ Landmark Baptists who might be able sed the government and accentuated was utterly destroyed in a dreadful ative response from the radio pro­ to help us a little, especially with our the Arab-Black split we have in holocaust. Only three citizens of the grams. To some they are a blessing missionary's moving expenses from Africa. Rwandan Muslims, who were large population survived. The beau­ and to others a -curse because it Klamath Falls, Oregon, to the field happy at first, began to feel ridic­ tifu l land became a barren waste­ points out the errors in their doc­ here in Washington. ulous when they realized how land. God had finally had His fill of trine and they refuse to repent. Most We received no response from this Khadafy was joked about." impudent rebellion against His Law of the negative response comes when letter but God has given grace and by His creatures. we broadcast a message dealing with the mission continues to stand for □«nin«nin*nin* THIS IS A TRUE HISTORY! The Landmark church doctrine or the the truth today because of the stead­ name of the society was SODOM doctrines of grace. fast perseverance and personal THE GREAT (Gen. 13-19; Ezek. 16). It is rumored Once again I thank all of you for sacrifice of a few faithful saints here that she has a younger sister-nation your support. Your spiritual and fi­ in the northwest. Brother Jim SOCIETY —America! nancial contributions to this ministry Turner, our missionary, was able to are a great blessing and encourage­ get a job as a carpenter for a while ment to us. We further appreciate the By Walter J. Chantry but now has been layed off. The Carlisle, Pennsylvania many personal letters we receive need is real, brother. Sound preach­ THE WISDOM OF GOD each month. Write us as you have ing is few and far between out here. time and opportunity. So, once again I am asking you to Once there was a great society. It "Thou hast hid these things from Proclaiming the gospel of the grace please print this plea for help and was the envy of its neighbors. The the wise and prudent" (Matt. 11:25). of God. pray that many of our sister citizens of this region were quite The keenest intellect and most cul­ Robert Fisher and Family churches back yonder would feel the proud that they had excelled all tured mind are unable to understand burden to add this mission endeavor known civilizations. No one could the mystery of redemption, and to their list of works worthy of sup­ criticize the land without great re­ therefore cannot explain it to others. FINANCIAL REPORT sentment arising from community 6-16-85 to 7-15-85 port. Whoever can say light has broken We would be glad to answer any pride. upon the Cross, and the eternal Beginning Balance $5,280.94 questions anyone might have in re­ The land was situated in the most morning has dawned, is able to do so RECEIPTS: productive area of the world. Natural Regular Support: gard to doctrine or what ever. Our through the direct illumination of Alton Crapps, Batesburg, SC 5.00 address and phone numbers are list­ resources abounded. There was the Holy Spirit; and apart from that, Grace Mis. B. C„ Holly, Ml 30.00 plenty of land and water. Natural there can be no witness and no Calvary Mis. B. C., Springfield, OR 50.00 ed as follows: Elder Larry J. Killion, Dean Road B. C., Union Park, FL 25.00 (206) 537-0129; Elder Jim Turner, beauty marked the nation's borders. service. Alton Crapps, Batesburg, SC 10.00 (206)-875-1305; The Lord's Baptist The people believed that God had —- William Ross Covenant B. C„ Troy, Ml 20.00 smiled upon them in a special man­ The Lord's B. C., Puyallup, WA 25.00 Church, 8423 So. "G " Street, Mem. East Corbin B. C., Corbin, KY 59.58 Tacoma, WA 98444. ner. And indeed He had. Olmstead B. C., Olmstead, KY 30.00 Yours in the old landmarks Most plentiful were the riches of South Park B. C., Seattle, WA 50.00 this fortunate nation. Almost every I-20 B. C„ Darlington, SC 25.00 by Sovereign Grace, Morris Street B. C., Hobbs, NM 200.00 Larry Killion, Pastor family was well-fed. Eating held a HUMANITY IN ITS FIRST AND Midland B. C., Franklin Furnace, OH 15.00 great deal of attention, and no one FALLEN CONDITION Independence B. C., Foristell, MO 40.00 DMnMnMnMnMnMnM Mt. Pleasant B. C., Chesapeake, OH 50.00 can deny that the people of this Briar Creek B. C., Williamsburg, KY 75.00 region ate more than enough. Some The philosopher being asked which Zoar B. C., Bardwell, KY 43.66 KHADAFY URGES 'HOLY WAR' suggested that the indulgence in food Bible Baptist Church, Plant City, FL 50.00 was the best member of the body and wine was excessive. Others used Berea B. C„ South Point, OH 100.00 AGAINST CHRISTIAN FAITH answered, "The tongue," and being Big Creek B. C., Wayne, WV 100.00 KIG ALI, Rwanda (EP)—Libyan the word "gluttony." At any rate, asked about which was the worst, Beverly Manor B. C„ Washington, IL 25.00 many were fat. Faith Mis. B. C„ Madison Heights, Ml 100.00 leader Muammar Khadafy called for answered, "The tongue"—if good, Bryan Station B. C., Lexington, KY 70.00 a "Holy War" against Christians dur­ Prosperity began to mark the great the only trumpet of God's glory; if Philadelphia B. C„ Decatur, AL 100.00 ing a recent visit to this East Central society. So copious was the do­ bad, a very firebrand of Hell. So, if it Faith B. C., Seffner, FL 25.00 minion's wealth, that no one had to West Milton B. C., West Milton, OH 30.00 African country. Khadafy, who visit­ were asked, "Which creature of God Grinter Heights B. C., Kansas City, KS 31.00 work long hours to earn a living. ed Rwanda May 16-18, urged a Mus­ was the best?" the answer would be, Concord B. C., Leesville, SC 25.00 lim victory over Christianity, claim­ Everyone had many leisure hours. Bethany B. C. Rushtown, OH 191.54 "Man in honor before his fall"; and Entertainment and recreation began Temple B. C., Ocala, FL 50.00 ing the Christian faith was "un- "What the worst creature?" "Man in The Lord's Church, Goose Creek, SC 25.00 to command a larger portion of each African" and "colonial." his fall, who hath not understanding, Bethel B. C., Phillipsburg, KS 330.00 day. Relaxation and ease were a way Grace Bible B. C., Denham Springs, LA 50.00 Khadafy declared, "Africa is not but is compared to beasts that Claude Creech, New Port Richey, FL 10.00 Christian. Christians are intruders to of life. perish." Nellie Creech, New Port Richey, FL 10.00 Africa. Christians are agents of But with the advent of luxurious Memorial Heights B. C., Perry, GA 100.00 Philadelphia B. C., Birmingham, AL 50.00 colonialism. You must wage a Holy ease, immorality began to increase. Central Avenue B. C„ Tampa, F.L 10.00 War so that Islam may spread in The crime rate was a problem. The •’O Y s CV. k V jOOTj CT / V-T j r i'if .i Page 18 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER August 15, 1985 address is 6935 Dexter St., Commerce City, Colo. 80022. Russian Court Room Echoes ****** Arrested in Mozdok August 1983, Natalia Chervyakova want to say, the deeper the sorrow, The Harmony Baptist Church (Mis­ Natalia, Dina and Anna were put on komend. 1, obsch. 1,k.17 the closer is God. You cannot sion), Alton, III., and Missionary trial November 15-17, 1983. The fol­ pos. Kalinina destroy God's love with prison or Pastor Howard Carter will have a lowing excerpts were translated from Krasnodarsky krai 372562 anything else. Rather, God comes weekend meeting Sept. 5-8. Elder a record of the proceedings provided SOVIET UNION closer to u s .". Parvin Hall, pastor of Grace Baptist by the Council of Prisoners' Rel­ On the third day of the trial all Church, Cairo, III., will be the Natalia Chervyakova (b. 1952): atives Bulletin 117. relatives and friends who could fit speaker. "First, I thank God for all that this As an amazing answer to many into the courtroom were allowed in. On Saturday afternoon, Sept. 7th, day holds for me! I want to thank prayers, these girls were sent to the The rest waited in the corridor. The at 1:30 p.m. the mission will be my relatives and friends who uphold same prison camp. Pray for them and judge read the sentence: Natalia organized into a New Testament us in prayer to God and are here let them know of your care and sup­ Chervyakova—4 years prison camp; Baptist Church by the mother today to support us with your port. Why not send a note or card? Dina Shvetsova—4 years; Anna church. Independence Baptist Public prosecutor: "Today we are presence. I also thank all visitors for Church, Foristell, Mo., and Pastor not ignoring us but coming to listen Shevtsova—31/z years. analyzing an unusual criminal case The judge announced the con­ Jerry Asberry. to our case." ****** regarding a violation of the Soviet clusion of the trial and took his legislation on religious cults. Statute leave. Friends immediately showered The New Hope Baptist Church, 52 of the Soviet constitution permits the girls with flowers right there in 8126 Clio Rd., Mt. Morris, Mich., professing or not professing one's the courtroom, then out in the hall, and Pastor Luther M. Rogers will religion. But they are violators of onto the street and through the conduct its annual Bible Conference this article; they are criminals. fence where the girls were led to the Aug. 12-14. Services will begin on "Since 1983 Chervyakova and the "voronok" (Trans, note: raven, a Monday night at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday Shvetsova sisters have attracted black police vehicle waiting in the at 10:00 a.m. and Wednesday at the minors into their religion, specifical­ fenced-in yard). Everyone was sing­ same. Supper will be served Monday ly by holding music circles, teaching ing hymns. at 5:00 p.m. for the out-of-town poetry, putting on plays, and follow­ (This information was taken from guests. The noon and evening meals ing directions of the CEBC. These the Prisoner Bulletin, summer of will be served Tuesday and Wednes­ activities were held in various lo­ 1985, which is published by Georgi day. There will be homes to stay in cations five times a week: Wednes­ P. Vins, P. O. Box 1188, Elkhart, IN for as many as they can accom­ days, Fridays, Saturdays, and twice 46515-1188). modate. For more information con­ on Sundays (morning and evening). tact Pastor Rogers at 1-313-686- "I think there have been enough ninininM niD inM 0670. The LK Motel at exit 131 will witnesses to prove the guilt of the give a 10% discount to anyone at the accused and also adequate evidence, F o r u m conference. Call 1-313-687-2240. this reactionary literature. I believe (Continued from page ten) that Chervyakova took part in print­ So I do not see Christ as having more BEREA BAPTIST BANNER ing and distributing illegal literature FINANCIAL REPORT Anna Shvetsova than one bride, nor that national since her fingerprint was discovered June - 1985 komend. 1, obsch. 1 ,k. 17 Israel will be His bride. I see the on glass exhibit No. 1 and another Bible as teaching that only Scriptural pos. Kalinina Beginning Balance 3 2 5 .0 5 on glass exhibit No. 6. R e c e ip ts 3 ,0 0 9 . 8 9 Krasnodarsky krai 372562 New Testament churches will consti­ "Baptists consider our homeland tute the Bride of Christ. A n o n y m o u s 5 8 .0 0 SOVIET UNION Subscriptions 2 7 3 .5 0 decadence. Their homeland is in Now, to deal with the question Morris Street B. C„ Hobbs, NM 100.00 Heaven, they disdain all that is Anna Shvetsova (b. 1962): "On concerning Bro. J. R. Graves. Was he M t. Pleasant B.C., Chesapeake, OH 200.00 the day I first believed I* gave God a Baptist Ch. of Brlmfield, Brimfield, IL 3 7 . 0 0 earthly. Witness Konstantinov saw a "sound" Landmark Baptist for Leroy Bullard, Albuquerque, NM 20 0.00 children of all ages, from babes in promise, that if anybody asks me teaching that Old Testament saints William Lowe, Holden, MO 1 5 .0 0 diapers up to eighteen-year-olds, at about God I will tell about Him and will help compose the bride of Elmo Woodsom, Sheridan, AR 3 0 .0 0 His love to all people, so everyone Southside B. C„ Fulton, MS 2 1 . 7 7 their worship services. This work was Christ? Mem. East Corbin B. C., Corbin, KY 1 9 2 .2 3 done by the three defendants. can know about God, my loving Graves did indeed teach at one Noel Davis, Harmony, KlC 2 5 .0 0 "They should be punished accord­ Lord. Therefore, I spoke about Him point in his ministry that "those re­ Floyd Williamson, Philpot, KY 2.00 and I will always speak about Him Berea B. C., South Point, OH 1 7 0 .0 0 ing to two articles: 227-1 and 142-2. deemed from among men from the Big Creek B. C., Wayne, W V 1 0 0 . 0 0 I recommend the most stringent no matter what happens, so that no days of Abel until the day of the rap­ The Lord's Church, Goose Creek, SC 1 0 0 . 0 0 Hillcrest B. C., Winston-Salem, NC punishment—5 years imprisonment one will perish!" (She broke into ture" would constitute the bride of 3 0 .0 0 tears and sat down.) Sov. Grace B. C., Birmingham, AL 5 0 . 0 0 and confiscation of property for all Christ. As to whether or not he was George Crawford, Summerlee, WV 20.00 three." right in the above statement, I leave Sov. Grace B. C., Mansfield, OH 2 5 . 0 0 Nellie Creech, New Port Richey. FL 1 0 . 0 0 Natalia and Dina spoke briefly of it to Mr. Graves to answer for him­ Sov. Grace B. C., Orange, TX 5 0 . 0 0 their innocence. Anna refused to say self. This he does in a later work en­ John B. Wild, Breaks, VA 10.00 a word in her own defense. Finally, Landmark B. C., Elida, OH 100.00 titled The Parables and Prophecies o f Rollynsburg B. C., Talcott, WV 5 0 .0 0 the trial was drawing to a close. The Christ Explained, pp. 249-255. Here­ Clearview M. B. C., Maceo, KY 2 0 .0 0 girls were given a last opportunity to in he emphatically declares that not Sov. Grace B. C., Raleigh, NC 2 0 .0 0 speak. Dempsey Henderson, Brazil 2 5 .0 0 even all New Testament saints will Paul Rosbough, Mansfield, OH 100.00 compose the bride of Christ. So Philadelphia B. C., Decatur, AL 5 0 .0 0 Graves in his later writings does not Central Ave. B. C., Tampa, FL 2 5 . 0 0 Sov. Grace B. C., Fulton, MS 5 0 . 0 0 agree with Graves in his earlier w rit­ Philadelphia B. C., Birmingham, AL 1 0 0 . 0 0 ings on this matter. Ronald D. Street, Greystone Park, NJ 5 .0 0 JAMES GREEN Estlll Frazier, Colfax, NC 2 5 0 . 0 0 Faith B. C., Lawtey, FL 2 5 . 0 0 tlJ ivgAi W. E. Bruton, Austin, TX 1 0 .3 9 Milner Victory B. C., McNeil, AR 1 0 5 .0 0 Marie Sutherland, Longwood, FL 1 0 0 . 0 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS Berea B. C., Bloomfield, NM 5 0 . 0 0 Johnstown B. C., Rock Camp, OH 20.00 Kenneth Long, Deer Creek, IL 4 0 .0 0 The Victory Baptist Church, 9601 South Park B. C., Seattle, W A 5 0 . 0 0 Calvary B. C., McLeansboro, IL 20.00 Blue Ridge, Kansas City, Mo., and Calvary B. C., Paris, TN 2 5 . 0 0 Pastor Harold Leasure will host a TOTAL 3 ,3 3 4 . 9 4 Sovereign Grace Bible Conference EXPENDITURES: Dina Shvetsova Aug. 6-8. For more information con­ Printing - (2 months) 1 ,1 2 3 .8 4 komend. 1, obsch. 1,k.17 tact Pastor Leasure at (816) 765- Postage 3 3 0 .0 0 S u p p lie s 7 5 . 5 0 pos. Kalinina Wages 8 6 9 .3 3 Krasnodarsky krai 372562 Dividing Checks 1 2 5 .0 0 SOVIET UNION Elder John Alber has resigned the S a n ita tio n 1 4 .0 0 pastorate of the Providence Baptist Service Agreement on Canon Copier 4 2 5 .0 0 Total Expenditures 2 ,9 6 2 .6 7 Dina Shvetsova (b. 1961): " I only Church, Kountze, Texas. His new BALANCE 6-30-85 3 7 2 .2 7 August 15, 1985 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER Page 19 and any other young people in your situation will seek to do the right thing according to the Word of God. May God help you. “peoA/ *B/u> • 'PotteA

By Phillip R. Potter, Leighton, Alabama f M e p . ( ? .

Send questions in care of this column to: Berea Bap­ tist Banner, P. O. Box 552, South Point, Ohio 45680.

Dear Brother Potter: the baby, regardless of the personal Pedobaptists Immersions My girlfriend is pregnant. I want to sacrifice involved. FIRST, have you marry her and make a home. She has and your girlfriend been born of the refused to get married and plans to Spirit and believed upon Jesus as have an abortion. What should I do Lord and Saviour? This is foun­ Invalid about this? Is abortion murder? dational to getting everything else in In Trouble perspective. If you are saved, you By Jesse Mercer GOSPEL CHURCH. Dear Friend: must know by now that the forni­ (1769-1841) The truth of this proposition is not First let's consider your question, cation you were involved in was only frequently intimated, but "Is abortion murder?" This is really wrong in God's eyes and you need to From our earliest connection, we strongly affirmed by the prophets. the crux of the matter. If abortion is confess it to Him and receive His have studiously selected for the sub­ They speak of a glorious state of lot murder, then the so-called "in ­ forgiveness as found in I John 1:6- jects of our addresses to you, those religious affairs to take place on the terruption" of a pregnancy is no 10. Then you and she need to con­ doctrines and duties which seemed coming of the Messiah, which they more than a simple medical proce­ fess your sinfulness to each other the best suited to confirm and in­ say, shall continue or endure, as the dure which helps folks get out of and to the church (if you are mem­ crease your faith in Christ; to edify sun, or days of Heaven (Ps. 89:29, troublesome situations. However, if bers of a church) since you have sin­ and comfort your hearts, being knit 36,37)—Shall never be cut o ff (Isa. together in love; and to lead you on abortion is indeed murder, then ned against the Lord's body. Then 55:13—And shall stand forever, lothing could be more horrendous you need to confess your wrong­ to that light and perfection, which (Dan. 2:44). Christ affirms nothing than to kill a helpless, defenseless doing to the girl's parents as well would honor and commend the shall prevail against His church, no, :hild. since your sin has hurt them as well. not the gates of Hell (Matt. 16:18). What does the Bible say? In Psalm These steps are hard on the flesh but But John puts this point beyond all 139:13-16 David says: "For thou... are necessary for you to prove your contradiction in his prophetic his­ tas covered me in my mother's desire to do God's will and to face tory of the church, in which tho' he womb." (Thus David refers to him- up to your sin. Proverbs 28:13 says, admits of various outward modifi­ :elf as a person before birth.) "My "He that covereth his sins shall not cations, he maintains as uninter­ iubstance was not hid from thee, prosper: but whoso confesseth and rupted succession from the Apostolic vhen I was made in secret. . .thine forsaketh them shall have mercy." age, till the world shall end. (yes did see my substance, yet being Now that you've dealt with the \\. Of this church, CHRIST is the imperfect: and in Thy book all my past, you must put those things be­ only HEAD, and true source o f all members were written, which in con- hind you and deal with the present. ecclesiastical authority. inuance were fashioned, when as yet (Phil. 3:13,14) If both of you come Although the Scriptures are illu­ here was none of them." David was to agreement thus far, then your mined by this truth yet it may not :onfident that God saw him as an in- desire to marry is in accordance with be impertinent to cite a few passages lividual within the womb before he Biblical principles (See Ex. 22:16). in point. To me, says Christ, is vas formed maturely enough to be You need to face the fact that your authority given (John 5:22,27). And lorn. past sins are forgiven but they will knowing the love of power, and the In Jeremiah 1:5, God said to Jere- continue to have consequences in strong propensity to rule, in the niah, "Before thou earnest forth this life. Commit yourself, your mar­ human heart. He frequently and em­ rom the womb I sanctified thee." In riage, and your child to the Lord and phatically, declares Himself, to His ixodus 21:22-25 the law required seek to know and to do His will. Apostles, to be their only LORD hat danger be assessed against a man If your girlfriend persists in reject­ AND MASTER (Matt. 23:8,10). The f he caused a woman to bring forth ing marriage and wanting an Jesse Mercer Apostles concur in ascribing this er child prematurely, even if child abortion, you will have to pray cause in which you have embarked, honor to Him; and transmit it to all nd mother were both okay. If fervently for God to work in her life. and reflect the highest praise and after ages of the church (Acts 2:36; ither were hurt, then life for life You need to discuss with her the glory of God who has called you into Eph. 1:22; 5:23; Col. 2:10). But the /as to be exacted. Therefore, under above: abortion is murder, salvation His marvellous light. But while you commission of the Apostles, the iod's law, an abortionist is a mur- and forgiveness in Christ, marriage is have endeavored to keep yourselves matter, manner, and majesty of erer and should be given the death proper, etc. You need not nag; strive unmixed with, and unspotted from which are enough to make a saint enalty. to prove your loving concern by the world as a chaste virgin to Christ, triumph, an angel rejoice, and a devil How then can we consider the your actions. If she persists, you you have excited some unpleasant­ tremble, caps the whole (Matt. 28: jking the life of an unborn child must do all within your power to see ness among the religious denomi­ 18-19). (hen it is completely dependent that an abortion does not occur. Sug­ nations around you, because you III. Gospel ministers are servants pon its mother for support? Surely gest she talk with your pastor (I have not found it consistent to admit in the church, are all equal, and have i God's eyes Hitler's attempts to assume he takes the Biblical stand them and their administrations as no power to lord it over the heritage estroy the Jews are no more ghastly against abortion), or with some of ORDERLY AND VALID. We there­ o f their Lord. lan the 10,000,000 unborn babies the programs designed to help unwed fore propose as the subject of this By the examples of a little child in lurdered by abortionists since 1973. mothers see the need to have their letter, the reasons, briefly, which the midst, and the exercise of do­ he death count continues to rise at babies instead of aborting them. If lead us to deem Pedobaptist admin­ minion over the Gentiles by their le rate of about VA million per she is adamant in her plans to get an istrations, though in the proper princes, our Lord teaches humility, ear. Every day an average of 4,257 abortion, you must, for the child's mode, invalid. That this subject may and denies to His Apostles the abies are killed in the United States sake, seek to prevent that. If need be as clear as our epistolary limits exercise of lordship over His chunli y abortion. That's 177 per hour; be, contact a Christian lawyer who will admit, we propose to lay down a (Matt. 18:2,6; 20:25-26). He cats tree per minute; one every 20 will seek to halt the abortion pro­ few scriptural propositions, whose le­ them brethren, and directs that they iconds! ceedings on the grounds that you gitimate inferences will, we trust, should not be called masters, but ser­ Now then, let's consider your have rights as the father of the child bring into, tho' a concise, yet suf­ vants (Matt. 22:8,11). The Acts and ther concerns. Your desire to marry and the child's own constitutional ficiently clear view, the reasons in Epistles of the Apostles show their aur girlfriend is proper provided rights to life as guaranteed by the question. observance of their Lord's com­ au are both saved and are com- U. S. Constitution. I. The APOSTOLIC CHURCH mands. Here we see them the MES­ itted to the Lord, to each other Hopefully, it will not come to that. continued through all ages to the end SENGERS AND SERVANTS, of the id to providing a godly home for However, I will be praying that you of the world, is the only TRUE (Continued on page twenty) * f • • • • • - • THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER ______August 15, 1985 but are amendable only to, or among themselves. FED0B1FTISTS IIH L IB IV. That they all, as we think, ad­ (Continued from page nineteen) BIBLE CONFERENCE minister contrary to the pattern of churches, which proves the power to the Gospel, and some, when occasion Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church requires, w ill act contrary to their be in the churches and not in them CHESAPEAKE, OHIO (Acts 6:5; 15:4,22; II Cor. 8:23; own professed faith. Now as we know of none implicated in this case, Phil. 2:25; II Cor. 4:5). Timothy is instructed how to behave himself in August 30 - September 1,1985 but are in some or all of the above the church, which is the pillar and defects, either of which we deem suf­ ficient to disqualify for meet gospel ground of the truth; but if the power FRIDAY EVENING had been constituted in him, the ad­ administration, therefore we hold vice should have been given the 'Identifying Truth" Eld. Don Titus their administrations invalid. church, that she might have known 'Identifying Liberalism" Eld. Milburn Cockrell But if it should be said, that the how to behave herself in the 'Identifying Neo-Orthodoxy' Eld. E. D. Strickland apostolic succession cannot be as­ presence of her BISHOP (I Tim. 3: certained, and then it is proper to act 15 compared with Matt. 18:17). SATURDAY MORNING without it; we say, that the loss of IV. A ll things are to be done in the succession can never prove it FAITH, according to the gospel "Premillennialism vs Amillennialism' Eld. Garner Smith futile, nor justify any one out of it. pattern. "The Great Tribulation Period" Eld. Harold Harvey The Pedobaptists, by their own his­ Faith is made capital in the Scrip­ "The Second Coming of Christ" Eld. Charles Salmon tories, admit they are not of it; but tures, and the want of it equals un­ we do not, and shall think ourselves belief. The house of Israel is often SATURDAY AFTERNOON entitled to the claim, until the re­ complained of for the lack of it; the verse be clearly shown. And should apostles are admonished to have it, "The Christian and God's Law" Eld. J. C. Settlemoir any think authority derived from the and upbraided for their unbelief "The Christian and Civil Government" Eld. Steve Cornett MOTHER OF HARLOTS, sufficient (Deut. 32:22; Mark 11:22; 16:14). "Who Are We Following?" Eld. Al Gormley to qualify to administer a gospel or- , The apostles, and Paul declares dinance, they will be so charitable as without it, it is impossible to please SATURDAY EVENING not to condemn us for preferring God, and that he that doubts of that derived from Christ. And should what he does is damned in doing it "Identifying Hardshellism" Eld. Gerald Price any still more absurdly plead that ordination, received from an individ­ because he acts without faith (I Cor. "Identifying Nominal Baptists" Eld. Vilus Peevy ual, is sufficient; we leave them to 4:13; Heb. 11:6; Rom. 14:23). "Identifying A True Baptist Church" Eld. Jerry Asberry From these propositions, thus show what is the use of ordination, established, we draw the following SUNDAY MORNING and why it exists. If any think an inferences, as dear and certain administration will suffice which has truths. "Identifying Paganism" Eld. Walter Cade no pattern in the gospel; they will I. That all churches and ministers, "Identifying A Cult" Eld. James Green suffer us to act according to the who originated since the apostles, "Identifying the Works of the Spirit and the Flesh" Eld. Robert Fisher divine order with impunity. And if it and not successively to them, are not should be said that faith in the sub­ in gospel order; and therefore cannot SUNDAY AFTERNOON ject is all that is necessary, we beg be acknowledged as such. leave to require it where the Scrip­ II. That all, who have been or­ "Angels" Eld. George Sherman tures do, that is every where. But we dained to the work of the ministry "Fasting" Eld. Harry Balmer must close: we beseech you brethren without the knowledge and call of "The Home" Eld. Dan Stepp while you hold fast the form of your the church, by popes, councils, etc. profession, be ready to unite with are the creatures of those who con­ SUNDAY EVENING those from whom you differ, as far stituted them, and not the servants as the principles of eternal truth will of Christ, or His church, and there­ "Identifying True and False Preachers" Eld. Clyde Hancock justify. And while you firmly oppose fore have no right to administer for "Identifying A Proper Christian Example" Eld.Jacob Bagby that shadowy union, so often urged, them. be instant in prayer and exert your­ III. That those who have set aside selves to bring about that which is in the discipline of the gospel, and have LOCATION heart, and after godliness. Which the given law to, and exercised dominion Lord hasten in its season. Amen and The church building is located on Buffalo Creek Road, approximately over the church, are usurpers over Amen. the place and office of Christ, are VA miles o ff Highway 52. This is just o ff I-64, and about 4 miles from against Him; and therefore may not the 6th Street Bridge and about 3 miles from the 17th Street Bridge, EDITOR'S NOTE: coming from Huntington, W. Va. The telephone number at the parson­ be accepted in their offices. IV. That they, who administer age is 614-894-6546. Meals will be served to all guests. All are welcome Jesse Mercer was the most distinguished and influential Baptist minister ever reared contrary to their own, or the faith of to attend. Services begin at 10:00 a.m. each morning, at 2:00 p.m. each afternoon and at 7:00 p.m. each evening. in the State of Georgia. It is also to be the gospel, cannot administer for doubted if any man ever exerted more in­ God; since without the gospel faith fluence over Baptists in that State than he he has nothing to minister; and with­ did. For several years he was the editor of the Christian index (1833-1840). Mercer out their own he accepts no service; INDEX therefore the administrations of such J V University was named after him. "How is Mr. Mercer?" asked Dr. are unwarrantable impositions in any An Able Minister by J. M. Pendleton...... p. 1 Staughton of a gentleman from Georgia. way. Catechised By The Crew by Milburn Cockrell...... p. 9 "He is well," was the answer. "He exerts Our reasons, therefore for rejecting Dear Bro. Potter ...... p. 19 a great influence in your State," continued baptism by immersion when admin­ Forum...... PP- 10-11 Dr. Staughton. "His word is law," the Humanity in Its First And Fallen Condition...... p. 17 istered by Pedobaptist ministers, are, other replied. "I am sure," said the doctor, / Met The Master...... P- 8 I. That they are connected with in return, "it is gospel." Letters From Our Readers...... p. 14 churches clearly out of the apostolic The above article was the circular letter Missionary News...... pp. 16-17 succession, and therefore clearly out of the Georgia Baptist Association in 1811. Modern Departures From N. T. Christianity by Roy Mason...... p. 1 That year A. Marshall was the Moderator of the apostolic commission. Pedobaptists Immersions Invalid by Jesse Mercer...... p. 19 and Jesse Mercer the Clerk. Liberal Baptists II. That they have derived their Predestination by C. H. Spurgeon...... p. 1 tell us that no one ever held to Landmark authority, by ordination, from the Russian Court Room Echoes...... p. 18 principles concerning false churches and bishops of Rome, or from indi­ Stillness Before God by Milburn Cockrell...... p. 1 baptism before the time of J. R. Graves. viduals, who have taken it on them­ The Bible And The Newspaper...... p. 13 Young preachers don't believe that. Some­ selves to give it. The Devil Brought It ...... p. 4 one has lied to you. This article was The Great Society by Walter J. Chantry...... p. 17 III. That they hold a higher rank written nine years before J. R. Graves was The Wisdom o f God...... p. 17 in the churches than the apostles did, even born! The original copy of this can be You And Your Bible by George Sherman...... p. 1 are not accountable to, and of con­ found in A History o f the Georgia Baptist sequence not triable by the church; ------f Association, pp. 196-201.