Extensions of Remarks E1265 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
July 12, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1265 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE PRECISION AGRICULTURE RE- field histories that may also help increase land Members of the Committee on Agriculture SEARCH, EDUCATION, AND IN- values. Collectively, these and other emerging have a very important question to consider in FORMATION DISSEMINATION ACT technologies are being used in a holistic, site- the near future: Is this country's traditional ag- OF 1996 specific systems approach called precision ag- ricultural research system prepared for the riculture. Progressive-minded farmers are al- challenges the next century will bring? Let's HON. RON LEWIS ready using these technologies. In a decade be honestÐwith budget constraints, overlap- OF KENTUCKY they may be as common on the farm as air- ping authorities and competition between IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES conditioned tractor cabs and cellular phones. ARS, extension and competitive grant recipi- Of course, this is not the first technological ents, we must very carefully address that Thursday, July 11, 1996 advancement to revolutionize American agri- question. Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I rise culture. Farming has evolved from horsepower I look forward to this legislation becoming today to introduce legislation, with my good to mechanized power, from chemical tools in part of the reforms and reauthorization of the friend and colleague from Idaho [Mr. CRAPO] the 1950's to these new electronic tools in the research title of the farm bill. I'm a strong sup- and other members of the House Agriculture 1990's. American farmers in the next century porter of our research and extension pro- Committee, a bill entitled ``The Precision Agri- will need these new technologies and all the grams, and believe they must remain an im- culture Research, Education, and Information other available tools at their disposal to com- portant source of information for farmers and Dissemination Act of 1996.'' pete in tomorrow's global marketplace.
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