a n n e r “Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth” (Ps. 60:4). Volume VI, Number 8 SOUTH POINT, OHIO, AUGUST 15, 1985 Whole Number 80 fO tt A tth fo u r Stblp Modern Departures From By George W. Sherman N.T. Christianity South Point, Ohio By Roy Mason The Bible is the world's greatest (1894-1978) book. It is the supreme revelation of God to man, given in order that the CHANGING THE ORGANIZATION creature might know both his OF THE CHURCH Creator and himself. It explains the Many changes and innovations past, foretells the future, and is an have been made since Christ started unfailing counselor for present, every His church, and since the apostles day living. The Bible is peerless. It lived and wrote. We believe that Bap­ stands alone among all the books of tists more nearly adhere to the prim­ the world. It has no rival. To put any itive order than any others, but even other book in the same category they have come—especially in recent with it is to be ridiculously unfair times, to depart in a number of ways and utterly lacking in intellectual from the New Testament pattern. We and moral discernment. The Bible is wish to deal with some of these de­ God's own book and God's only partures in a series of articles. Our Book. Sir Walter Scott, when dying, purpose in this is not to merely be­ asked his son-in-law the future bi­ labor Baptists, but to seek to call Roy Mason ographer, Lockhart, to read to him. George Sherman them back to the ways of the New Lockhart asked, "What book shall I Testament—the Lord's ways, rather churches (to say nothing of others) read?" The dying master of litera­ Bible. The Bible stands alone in than man's ways. have changed and perverted the-NEW ture replied, "There is but one solitary grandeur, in a class by itself. First, we want to call attention to TESTAMENT PLAN OF CHURCH book." Of course he meant the (Continued on page six) the flagrant way in which Baptist (Continued on page four) jBfajzjzjzrajzjajajEJzrajzrarejgrgjzjajarefzrgrHJZJZjgraarajarararHraraajzjzfeiafZfZfazfi vwuinnnnjznmznnjuznnjzjuuuinsimuvzjwwzmziznmuvznnn An Able Minister By C. H. Spurgeon ed up your heart, and set it upon By J. M. Pendleton tensive and effective influence. It (1834- 1892) heavenly things? Has it lifted up (1811 -1891) has been said that "educated mind your hopes, to hope no longer for rules the world." I shall neither af­ things that are on earth, but for firm nor deny the proposition, but I (Continued from July issue) things that are above? Has it lifted (Continued from July issue) Another text. In Philippians, 3: up your tastes, so that they are no II. I refer secondly to the import­ 13-14, you find these words. "For- longer grovelling, but you choose the ance of an able ministry. Why things that are of God? Has it lifted should ministers of Christ be able up your desires, so that you are men? I answer (Continued on page three) 1. That they may be men of ex­ .... Stillness Before God ;; By Milburn Cockrell (Preached on the Berea Baptist Broadcast December 2, 1984) "Be still, and know that I am God: solute rule. Only those who bow I will be exalted among the heathen, down and worship Him shall escape I will be exalted in the earth" (Ps. His awful vengeance. 46:10). GOD IS GOD The words of my text are the According to the Bible, God is an words of Almighty God. In these absolutely and infinitely perfect words He requires stillness of mind Being. Jesus said: "Be ye therefore C. H. Spurgeon J. M. Pendleton of the children of men. This is the perfect, even as your Father which getting those things which are be­ first step in knowing anything about is in heaven is perfect" (Matt. 5: may say that while mental capacity, hind, and reaching forth unto those God. Here God Himself demands si­ 48). No perfection of deity is want­ learning and piety conjointly create 'which are before, I press towards the lent and adoring attention and sub­ ing in Him. Every attribute is ministerial ability, from that ability mark for the prize of the high cal­ mission from all creatures on earth. perfectly consistent with His nature great influence necessarily results. ling of God in Christ Jesus." Is then All should acknowledge and submit and being. He is omniscient or all- A man of talent, learning and piety your calling a high calling, has it lift­ to His universal, everlasting and ab- (Continued on page seven) (Continued on page two) Page 2 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER August 15, 1985 THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER required to exert a salutary influence great temple of Liberty erected by utterances. They have gone back to MHbum Cockrell, Editor on the world. They must command our fathers, and committed to our the origin of the world impugning the respect of men of the world if custody, will be undermined and fall, the divine record because it teaches THE BEREA BAPTIST BANNER (UPS 546470) is published monthly tor $3.00 per year by the authority of the Berea Baptist they would do them good. There is scattering its illustrious ruins on that there was light before the sun Church, P. O. Box 552, South Point, Ohio 45680-0552. Second- great diversity in the operations of every side, as so many proofs of the was fixed in the heavens. Availing class postage paid at South Point, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE BEREA BAPTIST men's minds. Some respect minister­ fact that intelligence alone cannot themselves of the telescope, they BANNER, P. 0 . Box 552, South Point, Ohio 45680-0552. ial talent—others ministerial learning perpetuate a republican government. have explored the fields of space and PUBLICATION POLICIES: All matter for publication should be —and others still ministerial piety. I say without hesitation that virtue have found, as they supposed, in the sent to the editor. All manuscripts are to be typed and double spaced. All such material becomes the property of BBB and will It is evident, therefore, that those must be allied to intelligence in in­ magnitude of creation a valid ob­ not be returned unless requested by the writer. We reserve the ministers who combine these three dissoluble wedlock, or the sun of jection to the fact that Christ died right to edit and condense all materials sent to us for publication. requisites to an able ministry The publication of an article does not necessarily mean the our country's glory will set in dark­ for the salvation of this diminutive editor is in complete agreement with the writer, nor does it mean will be more influential than those ness if not in blood—a catastrophe planet. Returning from their tours he endorses all this person may have written on other subjects. who possess only two, or perchance which would create anguish coex­ of celestial exploration, they have COPYING PRIVILEGES: Unless otherwise stated any article published in this paper may be copied by other publications, pro­ but one of them. The probabilities tensive with the broad area of opened the bosom of mother earth, vided they give proper credit line stating that such was copied of ministerial success are regulated civilized humanity. and, bending the ear, have listened from this publication, and the date of publication; provided that by ministerial influence, and as a But how are our people to become to hear her say that the biblical ac­ such materials are not published for profit. If we are not on an ex­ change list with the publication copying, it is requested that a powerful ministry is vastly more possessed of the virtue to which I count of her creation is not true. copy of the issue containing the article be sent to our address. All influential than a weak one, the im­ refer? The pulpit must have the Earth has not said so, but they dis­ copyrighted materials may not be copied without written consent. portance of an able ministry cannot PUBLISHED MONTHLY with paid circulation in most states in most prominent agency in its pro­ pute the Mosaic narrative because the U. S. A. and some foreign countries. be denied. It may be said that the duction. they do not understand it. This is SUBSCRIPTION RATES minister's success depends on the "Must stand acknowledged while the a specimen of infidel objections to One year $3.00 operation of the Holy Spirit. I con­ world shall stand. the Bible, and every one sees that Two years $5.00 The most important and effectual Five years........................................................................... $12.00 cede it; but it is to be remembered they have great amplitude of range. PLANNING TO MOVE? Notify us three weeks in advance. The# that the Holy Spirit is not accus­ guard. Let a weak minister attack an expert post office does not forward second class mail unless the ad­ tomed to nullify the laws of influ­ Support and ornament of Virtue's infidel, and does he take him captive dressee guarantees the forwarding postage. They charge us $.25 cause." for each "change of address." Please save us this expense and ence, but to render them subservient If this is true, how important is an by refuting such objections as these? the post office time. to the accomplishment of his pur­ able ministry. Ministers are the re­ "Alas! Leviathan is not so tamed." BUNDLES TO ONE ADDRESS: These are sent for $2 per paper poses.
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