Report on Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Territories, September
REPORT ON ISRAELI SETTLEMENT IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES A Bimonthly Publication of the Foundation for Middle East Peace Volume 12 Number 5 September-October 2002 NEW “OUTPOSTS” LEAD SETTLEMENT EXPANSION By Geoffrey Aronson of the road. the hilltops and to show the flag, after I visited Tal Benjamin in November which the government cleans up after A sidebar in the July 30, 2002, edi- 2001, walking the kilometer or so from them in triplicate, laundering all the tion of the Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv Ofra, up a dirt road and past Ofra’s new business, approving it ex post facto. No reported, “Tal Benjamin, a military out- residential development of tidy, red- one has the strength to do the right post established next to Ofra eighteen roofed homes before passing through thing, that is, to evacuate our good months ago after the murders by Pale- groves belonging to Ayn Yabrud resi- friends from the land.” stinian gunmen of Benjamin and Talia dents, who dared not try to tend to If Ofra symbolizes one end of the Kahane [the son of Meir Kahane and them in the months after the IDF’s scale of Israel’s dynamic settlement his wife], has been transformed into a arrival. Home sales at the new develop- enterprise and Tal Benjamin the other, civilian location. This week [Minister of ment have been slowed by the intifada then Emmuna lies somewhere in the Defense Benjamin Ben Eliezer] decided and by Israel’s recession. Even so, Ofra’s middle. Emmuna, situated on a hilltop to respond positively to the settlers’ population increased by 6 percent, to overlooking Ofra to the west, was request to civilianize the outpost.” 2,000, in 2001.
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