FORECAST Served By Leased Wires ASSOCIATED PRESS North Carolina: Clear to partly cloudy ang the and continued hot Saturday and Sunday. UNITED PRESS afternoon Widely scattered and evening fflth Complete Coverage of thundershowers Saturday and Sunday. (Mate a„d National Newt

'^Tt^—NO.~228. WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1945 ESTABLISHED 1867 -I ^Gotham Vacationer Attorney Saves Day Enemy Loses For Eviction Client _. J aps Lash Out At Okinawa NEW YORK, Aug. 3.—(A>)-, An eviction suit against Bertha Sinning, Key Pappas was halted abruptly today when her lawyer becaj her landlord. One Yank Learning that the la? Sinking Vessel; Supply Base was willing to sell ment house, Jack tenant’s attorney, asl LINGLING IN DANGER court: “How much?-’ ARMY SHIPS COLLIDE Toll was —————— Mac me an Arthur “Make offer,” th$ Reports reply. ------¥- Chinese Forces Pressing “352,000.” Pan American C1 i p p er Toward Famed “Sold.” De Tiny Prayers For Daddy’s Return Flying The case was adjourned Sinks At Fort jSORROWING SWANS Tiger Field while the contract of sale was Martinique Nimitz being drawn. France, Says _\r_ DODGE SWAN SONG United Press War Correspondent BENNETTSVILLE, S. C., Aug. 3. GEORGE WANG By —UP)—Four men wer$ killed this -CHUNGKING, 3. — (U.R) — Aug. FRANCO SUMMONS ifternoon when two army planes Cleveland Bird Buries Her All Chinese troops in Western Hunan locked wings and crashed into a Nippon Province today seized the key sup- Meld, three miles Northeast of Dead Offspring Minus ply base of Sinning and hurled two MINISTER HOME here, Chief of Police John L, Wat- powerful spearheads toward the Mythical Aria famed Flying Tigers’ airfield at Ports Mined Watson said Army officers told Lingling. Dictator Calls CLEVELAND, 3. — — Spanish him six men may have lost their Aug. no swan for Eva About 300 miles to the East, Chi- Lives in the crash, but that the There were songs Urgent Confer ence three nese troops in Kiangsi Province in- number could not be determined and Anthony’s cygnets. HARBORS SEALED a check fliers was In a silent, sorrowful ceremony flicted 1,800 casualties in a vicious On Big 3 Note until of the made. The two planes wpre flying last night; three still-born swans battle near Kian. five-day en were carried their mother to Brief Gives MADRID, Aug. 3.— (U.R>—Foreign formation with other planes by Communique Crushing resistance, Generalissi- the last Minister Alberto Martin Artado route to Florence Army Air Base, watery graves without song No Details Of mo Chiang Kai-Shek’s Hunan Pro- death Enemy was summoned from a vacation Watson said. which mythically preceeds vince forces Scored a six-mile gain birds. today for an urgent conference Officers from the Florence base of the Air Attack and It has been V-* ■— captured Sinning. with Generalissimo Francisco were at the scene tonight investi- Since Eva’s nesting period began +Vin w\ nin Tanonoco cimnltr Kocn iri ol Franco as Spain, excluded from gating the accident. over six weeks ago, thousands , Saturday, Aug. 4.—(/P)— Western Hunan. Chinese troops ...:- the Museum whose home vmr*r membership in the United Nations Dan of Clevelanders visiting rhe Japanese, every j then Southeast toward Tun- Bryan, manager Flying pushed World a of Art’s awaited now is blocked with air-sown Star Jennifer Jones is Organization, awaited Service, was an eyewitness to the gardens hopefully port Screen gan, vital Kweilin-Hengyang rail When surrounded by luggage on. Big Three economic and pilitical hatching of her four eggs. mines, have lashed out at Oki- shown from crash. a city only 23 miies the old last week Amerlc i her arrival in New York City for “squeeze.” He said there were 12 planes—A one unfertile egg broke nawa and sunk bne light was Flying Tigers’ base. Tungan is 30 h short vacation. She winner of Artajo was en route to San Se- 26’s—flying in formation about 300 and the remaining failed to ha' vessel and damaged another In air award as the best miles from the Academy Sinning. bastian to join the diplomatic corps feet from the ground when two of at the end of the normal 42-day attacks on that island base where actress of 1944— and it was film Today’s communique said anoth- there when receiv- the hooked and incubation Museum atten- contend an Allied Invasion too. (International) vacationing he ships wings period, they her first movie, er column advanced to Chinese ed an urgent summons to return crashed to the ground. Wreckage Children of Capt. and Mrs. Carl Schultz in Chicago, Priscilla, 16 dants gave up hope. 17 miles west of Chunanh- scattered a wide area and Frederick send a that their tired of her points immediately. was over months, Carl, 3, up prayer father, Last night Eva, too, Nimitz announced today sien, on the Kweilin-Hengyang line Spain was informed by radio, and the bodies were found man- now in Germany, will come back to them. The marriage in Berlin of and deliberately she vigil. Slowly that the ship loss occurred on July 40 miles Southwest of Lingling. word of mouth and the of an officer of the same name and rank and home town has caused and brown ANGLO-AMERICAN press, gled. broke the grey-green the first time in ten days that of and an official investigation by Army authorities (International Sound- 29, The capture Tungan the Big Three declaration that the The A-26 has * crew of revealing three life- usually photo). speckled eggs, the enemy has made any offensive Chuanhsien would trap untold Franco been Iacc hftdips. government, “having three, pilot and two gunners, Bryan at Okinawa and the first thousands of remnant with gesture ACCORD REACHED enemy founded the support of the said. as Anthony Swan watched <, Then, a has been hit there since ___ time ship groups to the South and pave the Axis powers does not. .possess The fell a short the of the two planes only motionlessly from edge when two units were for a June 22, light way double all-out assault the qualifications necessary” for distance from the air field used took one of the Iron Out Frenchmen Jeer Laval lake, Eva silently sunk and three were damaged. Truman, Attlee against Lingling. membership in the United Nations by Bryan’s Flying Service. in her beak and swam to bodies Nimitz’s brief communique gave For The capture of Lingling would Organization. the center of the lake where she Command Shifts the no details. The designation of light make it the 10th U. S. Air base Newspapers today splashed 3.—(£)—Four to the swan. In a mo- MIAMI, Fla., Aug. dived bury includes liberated Chinese in re- Potsdam announcement on the Before Court returned units, however, usually War by troops were killed and 10 oth- she surfaced and Pacific passengers Testimony ment cruis- cent montsh. From the front pages and carried a summary similar vessels up to the size of light Lingling er persons—including the crew of + to the nest to conduct a ear- of the communique, the ers. While he did not say whether the famed including — birds. ABOARD USS AUGUSTA WITH base, Flying Tigers four and a five-months-old baby- PARIS, Aug. 3 — (U.R) Pierre ritual for the other two in the war with reference to Spain. However, the com- the attack was by suicide planes, PRESIDENT TRUMAN, Aug. 3.— ly played havoc rescued when a Pan American Marine Commandant When her solemn work was headlines such t aval, swarthy former premier re- that has been the enemy’s general Truman and Brit- enemy strongpoints and aircraft. emphasized points Clipper crashed and sank while Eva called to Anthony who (U.R)—President as pleted, Attlee On the Eastern flank of as the destruction of the German on the water Fort De & arded by most Frenchmen the method in recent months. ish Prime Minister Clement Japan’s alighting at Seeks Camp Davis swam quickly to her. Together in Al- Chinese in High Command and military po- about 10 a. m. -t 1 told a French weather forc- discussed at Potsdam shi.ts corridor, troops Kiangsi France, Martinique, ieir No. traitor, swans returned to utter mournful While unfavorable Province continued relentless at- tential, the promise of freedom cf of most air lied commands in the Southwest today. The Commandant of the U, c ourt today that Marshal Henri over the empty nest. ed cancellation planned and and the cries a tacks enemy columns batt- press, speech religion, It was not immediately learned service on the 20th Air Pacific and Southeast Asia, joint against S. Marine Corps yesterday j 'hilippe Petain, his nominal chief Witnesses to the unique attacks Japan, formation of a Council of Foreign there were serious in- announcement dis- ling toward Nanchang. whether any that ■ assistant sup- Force announced that Superfor- U. S.-British signed a letter requesting his were Joseph Krynak, The es- Ministers. the crew and six l the Vichy regime, approved closed today. enemy force, originally juries among facilities at Davis be of the museum, and his tresses have plugged every majcr a Camp erintendent timated at 20,000 soldiers and civi- Officials had expected denun- saved. r otorious statement in Jan- com- issued the an- passengers transferred to the Marine public were walking in the harbor with mines, Mr. Truman ciation. Their reaction wife who Japanese lians, early last month fled from immediate Civil' Aeronautics Authority and i that he for” a Nim- en route home from according to an an- ary, 1942 ''hoped when the rites began. the strangulation ring. nouncement was one but Corps, gardens pleting Kanhsien, an American air base of extreme seriousness, Pan American officials will leave ( ierman Ameri- the Three conference. Russia nouncement from Representa- victory. itz announced land-based Big there was no scene of the crash release city, some 150 miles south of the panic. for the early Barden from His testimony aroused the 89- sank a did not participate in the to the tive Graham A. can naval planes yesterday present battle sector. One enemy From the highest quarters tomorrow to conduct an investiga- Petain to out in his because she is not at war with Ja- New Bern last night. 3 ear-old speak TROPICAL STORM 700-ton Japanese freighter in Sag- column to enter Kian man in the street, Spain was won- tion. few attempted There was no reference in the ( wi} defense for one of the Gulf Southwest of Tokyo. pan. if the Potsdam denunciation ami but was driven out in a five-day dering The dead: t imes thus far in his trial on trea- CROWING IN FORCE, announcement to the uncon- Naval were attacked "During the Berlin conference,” battle that ended 30. would be followed by deeds. Some Mrs. Susan Mendes, 29, and her The planes July firmed that the Marine s on charges. SAYS and five the statement said, “the Ameri- economic may start short- two. report REPORT by five enemy fighters Three hundred enemy junks ar.d pressure son, John, Davis The old Marshal not only denied SPEED, British chiefs of staff held less De Corps will use Camp bombers, but shot can and rafts were on the Kan ly with less coal from England, Judith Johns. 60, of Fort but reconnaissance destroyed for the of Netherlands < pproving Laval’s statement Aug. 3.— OI.R) —A to perfect details and cotton from the United France. training MIAMI, Fla., down two of the reconnaissance daily meetings river in the Kian area that gasoline : he advocated its i^> ,1. _«t T3 +■! e'i during Marines, although Representa- aid that suppres- storm in the Caribbean period.. States and less wheat from Ar^i- Cyril John, 46, of Port of Spain, in tropical planes and damaged one fighter tive Barden’s announcement '■ ion at the time and “jumped in force and speed, it was American forces in accomplish- tinatina. Should this occur, some Span- Trinidad. growing without damage to themselves. has not '■ when he heard it on the a weather defeat of the said that final action urprise” late today in ing a total Japanese- iards expected severance of diplo- The rescued: reported seven Mus' -.ngs not been taken. ] adio. issued at San Ninety Army to follow. Dr. William 76, and Bureau advisory < occupied territory. matic relations McDonald, More than three hours’ testimony from Iwo strafed “targets f op- "The British will to bear a Puerto Rico. bring EMPLOYES GIVEN Government circles expected his Hilda, 63, Henry Keyzer- Juan, v wife, Laval was his Ail a. ^- >y highlighted by had shifted its North pUiLUin all of their naval, denunciation when the British La- Andre, 38; Robert Wilson, 40; The storm two the against. Japan ■ daims that he strove to prevent terday and shot down of can be Men- direction to Westward land and air forces which bor victory retired Y’T-.ston Julia Haskel, 68; and Diana westerly rose to party PRESIDENT MAKES he European war for five years ten Japanese fighters that advantageously used.” 25-YEAR AWARDS Churchill from the Big Three. They des, five-months-old, all of Port during the day. Defore it began in 1939; that he meet them. They damaged another Then the brief document took up believed that had Churchill remain- of Text of the latest advisory: Spain. a with and eight and lad secret agreement Italy is now of interceptor destroyed the discussion of reallocation of of a Members of the crew were Capt. “The tropical storm Fourteen civilian employes ed in power, such strongly NO SECRET TRADE Germany; that to save de- six enemy First Of- igainst intensity damaged grounded Pac'fic areas and commands and worded condemnation would have Sherrill T. Shaw, 37; further harm moderate and increasing *.ir the Wilmington district of the U. feated France from a the U. S. Strategic added that ‘‘consideration was giv- been ficer Charles T. Hawkins, 25, with winds of 60 m. p. h. over planes, impossible. AUGUSTA WITH ! le tried to give the Germans the S. Corps yester- ABOARD USS n Forces announced. en to the employment in the war Army Engineer both of Port of Spain; Communi- small area near me cmiu, 3— mpression he was working with of the Mustangs were lost, of the oth- were emblems in cations Officer Victor Vasileski, PRESIDENT TURMAN, Aug. 16 45 minutes Six against Japan of forces day presented hem. centered at degrees LIFE RAFT but one was rescued. er Allied nations that are at war of faith- NAZI SUB 26, of Miami Springs, Fla., and — President Truman told re- 67 45 minutes pilot recognition of “25 years OB He described an inter- North and degrees three elec- Michael of alleged oi Eleven locomotives, with Japan.” Steward Miguel, 28, or about 90 miles South ful and satisfactory service,” at DISCOVERED IN GULF porters aboard this warship today view with the then Prince of West, two gun emplace- of Miami. and is mov tric locomotives, "The proposals the combined “no secret later Edward at Cabo Rjo, Puerto R'co, a ceremony at the Engineer yard. Sikor- he made agreements Wales, King VII, ments and electric transformers chiefs of staff were approved by OFFICERS The plane—a twin-engined westward about 16 m. p. h. I BY ARMY kind’’ in his conference with Pairs in 1943, and implied that as ing the strafers, the President Prime Min- In making the presentation, sky—opened a seam in the hull as of any Soulh of Ciudac were destroyed by and the i result of that he enlisted will 120 miles GORDAN JOHNSON, and Prime meeting pass six locomotives, ister,” the statement concluded. which was attended by about 50 CAMP Generalissimo Stalin about Removi who also damaged officials (Continued on Page Two; Col. 4) he aid of George V, Edward’s Trujillo midnight. several It of the District Engineer Fla., Aug. 3.—VP)—Army Minister Attlee at Potsdam. I a hangar, 50 railroad cars, was released simultaneously employees father, in the Hoare-La- small craft warnings from Virgi Col. announced that a raft from is on a na- effecting and lines and 12 aboard ship, in Washington and in offices at the customhouse, today Mr. Truman working Island Eastward and maintaii factories power was dis- yal agreement which gave Mussoli- E. District a German submarine ne wui and fishing boats. London. E. Haring, Engineer, tionwide radio report in of Puerto Rico, Domin luggers Gulf of ni a free hand Ethiopia. them South an- ‘‘I feel that it is quite an covered floating in the make to the of the United The previously had 'The announcement recalled that said, JAPANESEADMIT people calm but at times lash- ican Republic and Haiti.” Japanese to Mexico six miles off Carrabelle return to Mostly without descri j» one of the Potsdam con- honor for me to be privileged States shortly after his nounced the raid military ing out in anger, the pale and these emblems. The De- Sunday. next week. results. i ferees was Lord Louis Mountbatl- present Washington Laval appeared as the ing on grim-faced ■ — the services Inspection dates equipment With James F. his Sec- OPA ADVANCES PR1CI -- en, supreme commander of the partment appreciates AIR FORCE LOSS Byrnes, sensational witness of Pe- Without the and aboard the raft in- the President was most Southeast Asia Command. At the you have rendered. supplies retary of State, trial. Jurors and ! Mac ARTHUR ANNOUNCES the articles had been issued into tain’s spectators FOR COAL PRODUCER! SHIPS and services dicated as gone in oil an n o Ki*f ov TOLL OF JAP time it was speculated that the loyal cooperation 3. —(U.P.)— represented having no later than Decem- WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.— which you have the ex- in Germany the Conference armed with a se- Saturday, Aug. United States and Britain might be rendered, admitted she no and hooted when Laval IN 13 DISTRICTS , District ber 28, 1944, Camp Gordon Johns- Japan today long- for sub- jeered of the Far a over cellent record made by this ries of proposals prepared OI.R)—U. S. warplanes planning single command er could afford to send her air shouted: not be ton said. to the British and Russians Force have sunk or of the after would possible.” mission am not a WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. —(JP)- Eastern Air Pacific, modeled said evidence in- force against the Allied fleet on a ‘‘I am not a Nazi! I Gen, Due to the fact that they wrere Investigators in advance of the parley. The OPA tonight announced an im Dwight D. Eisenhower’s su- been basis. Fascist! I love the republic!” Col. 5) in other of the district, dicated the derelict had “plane-for-a-ship” establishment of a Council increase of 3.4 f (Continued on Page Three; preme command in parts ’1 The when he said mediate average Europe.) not far from Camp Gor- Radio transmitted in i They jeered again attendance impracticable, launched Tokyo of Ministers to deal with cents a ton in —-y- making ruled Foreign he human life, when he producers’ ceilinj receiv- don Johnston. a newspaper editorial which collabora- respected seven of the 14 employes various phases of future ‘‘reasonable prices for soft coal mined in li ' The advanced no out continued suicide attacks by asked whether any Mollinson Heads AAF ing the awards were not present. Army theory tion to smooth the path to peace districts. raft's (Kami- man” could have belived in Allied LEADERS PRAISE The 14 all of whom have as to the likelihood of the the “special attack corps” has been an American objec- The which employes, long in 1940 and when increase, rangi In ■ but said it sacrifice of pi- victory October, Mediterranean Ares each seen more than 25 years of crew being at large, kaze) after a heavy tive. The ability to deal quickly from three to 20 cents a ton, wil the raft had reached he claimed he had acted always duty with the Corps, represented was possible lots and planes. with arising problems, it is believ- be passed on to consumers. The; ! U, S. COAST GUARD shore and been back to sea. the first ad- in France’s interests. ROME, Aug. 3.—(fP)—Brig. Gen a total of about 315 years service swept This was Japanese may obviate the necessity for were OPA said, to pro ed, end of the session, granted, James A. Mollinson was Those -V- that the Kamikaze suicide Near the appointee w-ith the mission future Three meetings. vide each of these districts witl — Army Engineers. Big — (U.B to achieve which lasted four hours with La I WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. commanding general of the U. S who were awarded the emblems, GOES TO WASHINGTON fliers were failing Judge Samuel I. Rosenman, the standard earnings margin o 1 Air 3.—Col. Henceforth, the val as a witness for nearly all the High military leaders tonight paid Forces in the Mediterraneai 1 those who were not pres- CAMP LEJEUNE, Aug. results anticipated. snecial counsel to the President, 15 cents a ton or the 1942 margin including time, Pierre Mongibeaux tribute to the Coast Guard on the L. who was the Kamikaze pilots on Au- Judge •J^oater today, succeeding Maj ent, were: Harvey Miller, USMC, editorial said, is among those board the whichover is greater. cUing re- on asked him about his 1942 statement eve- of its 155th anniversary, Gen. James M. who wa: : Mart E. Horace V. for some time on duty here, has would be reserved for attacks The boosts are in additioi Bevans, Bloodgood, gusta. that he for German price and gallant role in f 1 VPn o >-> ,j _3_• _a from in the Pacific th^ r hoped victory its important Thomas J. Hewitt, Guy F. turned duty ships instead of making to increases allowed May 1 to com | Conly, large As in all of his test'mony, Lava! victory in Europe and its Mollinson E. William H. and will be assigned to a post at into smaller vessels. for winning was succeeded as com- Jones, John Olsen, death plunges pensate producers highe: service in the Pacific war. Marine Corps headquarters ir heard by gi who Survived untiring of the U. S. 15th Air Force All Tokyo broadcasts, (Continued on Page Two; Col. 5) wages authorized for miners. baseball, meanwhile, jr.snder (Continued on Page Three; Col. 4) Washington. Organized Brig. Gen. _ United Press listening post William L. Lee, the MARCH OF DEATH IS honored the Coast Guard with • l0™er commander tne 15th’s and the Federal Communications of scroll presemeu 4inh said was pre- DOUBLE TB Bombardment Wing. Commission, Japan VICTIM OF mandant Rear Admiral L. T. for invasion now or at any Powers Virtually Agree at the dou- Council Gives Tentative pared Chalker in a ceremony 3.—(JP) future time. FORT WORTH, Tex., Aug. ble-header here between the Wash- have been whosp WEATHER^ Tokyo said industries —Cpl. James Newman, 25, Senators and the on Trials ington or inland both started moved underground long, hard fight for life On War Crimes Red Sox. (Eastern Standard Time) To 1945Budget Approval islands and along t..e Bataan’s march, died todav. Eisenhower said (By u. S. Weather Bureau) in the home death Gen. Dwight D. — U. S. would insis : Kus- the LONDON, 3 Ufl—A four- mand that the •rtA; eoIological data f°r the 24 hours the contended that th< China Coast. Lt. Gen Snetaka The young soldier survived Aug. Coast Guard "Helped us finish *n° ng 7:30 Wilmington City budget for special hearing the p.m., yesterday. ■ of the of starva- agreement within a matter action and fewer ar a tax assessment actually was rais umoto, minister in charge ordeal, but three years power upon more the European phase of global Temperature fiscial was tenta- i.30 current year but that th< i at Peiping, said tion in caused tu- of days on a plan for the mass or would go ahead wit] 1 the Armies to the a.m. 76; 7:30 a.m. 80; 1:30 p.m. 81; ed by about 35 cents, Japanese Embassy Japanese camps guments war,’’ going with P.m. 80. by the taker throat and trial of Germany’s arch war crim- own trial of war criminals. H e is with tively adopted yesterday City was covering it by using las necessary steps were being berculos of the lungs, its beachheads. "It still us, 85; Minimum Mean was 76’ 80; four > Man inals vitually assured to- for mos 3 and Normal"1?™ City Council with a vote of year’s surplus of $146,000 toward; to “integrate North China, stomach. held the trump hand, safeguarding the harbors J. E. a solid de case as a result of Supreme Court the Nazis are in custod; for HUMIDITY to one, with Councilman this year’s budget. chuquo and Korea into Army doctors told him his night of major ships as we embark again a-m. Justice Robert H. Jackson’s "act- ,.V° 91; 7:30 a.m. 89; 1.30 p.m. 86; L. Wade his vote until All under the nev was wouldn’t up. of American forces. home for new theaters of action, 7-°0 P.m. reserving City employes fensive bulwark.” hopeless. He give 81. for tha or-else” demand, backed by the remain before 5 final action, which is scheduled which will be formall: said in one broadcast He to go back to the little Two steps plan he said. T Precipitation budget, Tokyo wanted a ? vote was the Three’s call for for the in a tor 24 hours 7:30 Yesterday’s at 10 a. m. 27 1 bombing of left for the Big speedy justice. are announced trial—prol Gen. MacArthur. U11ni, ending p.m.— Monday. adopted August American strategic white cottage he had Douglas inches. a arc 1 said: taken immediately following ,»fter remaining in the hands o ^ was a “complete failure’ wars and “eat some of mom’s hot From an American source close ably at Nuernberg—when statement from the Pacific, the first of the month— homeland U ,since with Real Estate Board, R. Benson for 2 ’ that '< chief United States war criminals such as Hermann Goe! their inches. conference City Clerk J. but in another admitted biscuits.’’ to the "Coast Guardsmen, proving a an 3 Tides For who asked for for wil 1 crimes it was learned Joachim Von Ribbentrop and valor in diversifi- ,p Today representatives days public inspection, number of scientific laboratories “He died from sheer exhaustion, prosecutor, ing, seamanship tr°m the Tide Tables U. rate of will be herded into 1 published by reduction in the tax $1.35 receive $5 monthly salary in in the ‘‘fierce his doctor that representatives of Britain, Rudolf Hess ed tasks, are contributing a proud Loast and Geodedto Survey) had been destroyed said. valuation. the S. comman dock for arraingment b< ths war, a add!- High Low per $100 creases. Newman had an unevent- France, Russia and U. have record in fitting Um includes raids. spent tr Wilmington 6:29 a.m. 1:25 a.m. The new budget In the face of some criticisn said their and that fore an international' military tion to a tradition of service.” City’s But the scientists, Tokyo ful night, but this morning suffer- stepped up procedure t>ac 7:10 p.m. 1:33 p.m. Fund of has been of bunal. Ernest J. Com- General appropriations which made the presen huts made o ^ ed an the draft of the trial plan likely Admiral King, oasonboro Inlet 4:25 a.m. 10:36 a.m, are working again in asthmatic soasm. and Water Depart- tax tax records dis next The first centers around th s of the Fleet, said 5:01 p.m. 11:27 p.m $1,293,417.96 rate, City sheet continuing His doctor relieved this with more would be completed Monday mander-in-Chief thatch and zinc, int 0 «lver stage 10. 9 feet, ment allocations of $351,424.08, the tax i translation of phrases Coast Guard has carried out close that present rate “the bio The or Tuesday. legal the unrise 1:54 to their research to fashion oxygen and a stimulant. young 1 5:25; Sunset 7:10; Moonrise which brings the total budget the lowest for in th ! achieved his pur- four languages—purely a technics “•m.; Wilmington the enemj silder went a slumber. Jackson thus Moonset 4:41 p.m. that will strike back at into sound (Continued on Page Three; Col. well above $1,600,000. with his plain-spoken de- procedure. 6), scientists.” He did not recover consciousness. pose (Continued on The realtors at yesterday’s (Continued on Page Three; Col. % Page Three; Col. 1) a t

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