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GIBBON, John Introducilo ad latìnam blasoniam : an essay to a more correct blason in latine than formerly hath been used... / authore Johanne Gibbono... - London : Printed by J.M... : And are tobe sold by J. Crump... [et al.], 1682 [15], 165, [3] p., A-L8, M4 : il. ; g o Port, fileteada. — Esc. xil. intercalados en el texto 1. Heráldica 2. Heraldika I. Titulo R-7538 g.qs a ? / t' * £ iteratura, Heráldica pracipuè , necnon Hi* jiorica, admodum ftudiofis , fequens Tra= LBatus, cui Titulm, Introduco ad Latinam plafoniam, obnixé recommendatur per Gulielmum Dugdale, Eq. Aur. (Prinápalem Armorum $(egem, cognomento Garter. Hen. S. George, Eq. Aur. Clarenceux ${egem Armorum. J Tho. S. George, Eq. Aur. “Morroy I(egem Armorum. Eliam Afhmole Arnig. * { * * Quem, TraBatm Ordinis Georgiani An glicani (<vulgo Garteriani diBi) apud Europeos aterno nomine beaYtt, <£?* qui non ita pridem fuit fécialis Windjorienjìs. “ -T t- ■ * I N TR O D U CTIO AD Latinam Blafoniam. AN' Eflay to a more Correft BLASON In Latine than formerly hath been ufed.' COLLECTED Out o f Approved Modern Authors, and de- icribing the Arms of all the Kingdoms o f Europe, and of many ofthe greateft Princes! ■ and Potentates thereof: Together with many other Illuftrious and Ancient Houfes both of England and other Countries. No Work of this Nature extant in our Engliih Tongue, nor (abfit glorUri) of its Method and ; Circumftances in any Foreign Language what- foever. — -------------- -— — ----------------------------------------------------- 1— Authore J O H ANNE, (j IB BO NO Armorttm Servulo, quern a Mrnelio dicunt C&rnUo. LONDON, Printed by J. M, for the Author, and are to be fold by J. Crump] . at the Three Bibits in S. Yanis Church-yard , by £. Billlngfley at the Printing-prefs in Cornhill near the Royal Exchange ; arid by A* Churchill at the Blac£ Swan in Ave-Mary Lane. 168 2. “V #■ X * c 4 4 « % f 4 Obiliffimò ac Honòratiflimo Domino Domino Roberto Corniti AiLesburi- Nenfi, Corniti Elghinenfi, Vicecomiti Bruco de Ampthill, Baroni Bruce de Wborlton, de Skelton, & de KinloiTe, R egii Majeftati à Secretioribus Confiliis, in Comitatibus cum Bedfòrdià, tum Huntingtonià Régis Locum- tenenti, Ingenuarum Artium Fautori, Cùb tori Summo ; Rei Heraldic# & Genealogici Genio Tutelari, necnon (Rege ita ftatuènte) iìib IlluftriflSmo Principe Henrico Duce Nor- folciae, &c. per totam Angliam Yicécomiti Marelchallo : Hos fuos parvulos conatus, ut exile quidem, at devòtum tamen perpetui obfervantiae, & maximi obÌèquii Teftimcn nium D. D. D. m i Johanties Cibbctó Aj THE RMS are the Rewards of' meritormis Deeds, whe ther Military or Civil: which Deeds, as our Eng* A lifh Homer well obferves, ,------- Soon dye, however nobly done. 7lut the Rewards are lading, out-living the A ¿tors, and in their Honorary Symbols , continually from Age to Age accom panying and dignifying their Defcendents, Latine is that ujeful and univerfal Language, whereby the \Learned of flElirope have (of long time) and yet do , convey their Knowledge and Intelligence one to another, My bufinejs then, in this enfuing Treatife, hath been to endeavour (out of approved modern Authors) a more correCl Latine Blafon that,z our ancient Englifh Maflers (whom we wholly follow) have ex hibited in their publijhed Infractions. Learned Camden ( who addicted himfelf ¿¿Heraldry in his latter years) was fo out of conceit with their Terms (being for the moft part barbarous) that in his Patents (which were always Latine) when he came to the Defcription of the Arms themfelves, he made ¿¿French. And in his Britannia, where he now and then mentions a Coat, he follows"a Stile and Method of his own. From him, Chiffle- tius, and Vredus (a Learned Civilian) I principally ( though not wholly) have had my helps, and their particular THafons I have armext at the end of my Alphabetical Heads: where "they are wanting (for they meddle no further , than as the T )if tourfe they are uponf occafions the mention of an Armorial Bear ing) I have (quoad potui) fapplied my fe lf: And verily (as to the main) have done fo much, that the mof material and ufml Terms are not omitted, but handled. My defire being, Thathmeforth fuch as record and publijh to the World (in the The Preface. forefaid general Tongue) the H e r o ic A tti of men, ‘will bè pleafed aifo to dejcribe ( in the fame) the Symbolical Reward^ deferve dly given to their Virtues*, fitch Deicriptions being to the impreued Shield, as the faculty of Speech allowed to à TiBure, and-, taken both together, are at this day thè ufuat mans of transferring the memory of Merit to Poflerity , ac cording to the Definition of Blafon it felf\ Qnx quidem eft recitatio, vel comrnemoratio alicujus Vircutis, & queiii- piam fub quibufdam fignis abundè & verè laudare, aüt De- eôrum dicere, as Feme. Heretofore this continuing of Fame and Renown was effected by Statues erected in Publicly places : But as Budæus fays, His reliitis, pofteriora tempora,Infignid Gentilitia habuerünt quæ Arma vulgò vocantur 3 qüæ ipfk quoque Virtutis præmia fuerunt, & rerum prætlarè geft^- rum décora. Thefe Statues gave place tè Arms : The firfl being difeontinued, the latter came up in their room *, and there~ fore of greater moment than this Unworthy Age makes account o f, and by no means to be flighted or little fet by, being the Re* - wards o f Virtue , and à vìfiblè commemoration of Things nob If done, & c. Gerard Leigh calls his Treatife of Heraldry, The Acitë- deuce of Armòry 3 and the Book, which initiates our Engliftt Touth into Latine, We commonly call the Accedence : But the true Title is, A Ihort Introduction of Grammar ( which t conceive had been better To Grammar.) Heûce L borrow my compellation to this prefent Eflay of mine. / know a private School-mafter in Suffolk thdt infiruBs his Scholars in this Science\ were it generally put in ufe, the effeéè Would be this : Such as are defigned for Ecclefiafticks Would ¿retain a Genius to Armory ( which I may truly fay, is thé Handmaid to the Love of Antiquity) and fo confequently bé curious in preferving the memorial of Monumental Infcriptioni and Arms, which adorn the Churches of their Incumbencies, And this perhaps not (privately) for fhetr own ufe, but in the publicly Church~booky which ufage had it begun 30 H. 8. ( When Church Regifier was inflit ut ed) the memory o f many Worthy Things of this nature had been happily preferved, m référencé . to which weare now greatly at alojs. A 4 Î havé The Preface. / have before been fo bold as to fay , That the mofi mate- rial Terms are not omitted, but handled» Perhaps a curious Obferver may objeli , In Letter B Buckles are omitted , m Let- ter C Chaplets, &C, FJJentials fo noble and figmficant, as Ge rard Leigh, fo l 95* 0 Macehab. iö. 89.) Virg, Æn. lib. 4. fieaking of Dido5; Apparel^ will have the fir fi7 Hey lins Geography in the Arms of Saxony ? Leigh again, fo l 3 7. and Mr. A ihm. Garter, pag. 657. mil have the laß to be. My Anfwer is, Thefe are not obfeure or rare Things, peculiar as it were to Heraldry; but fo ufual with Latine Authors, as need no place here , where my defign is only for fuch Terms as are mainly proper to that Art : Tet is not the ObjeUor left with out thefe two Blafbns , the firfi he finds in the fifth of Camdens, the fécond in that of Emmanuel Colledge. Secondly 5 it may be objected, Why I have not Cuts for every Title (Oculis commifla fidelibus— Segnius irritant animes aliter, as Horace phrafes it in his Ars Poetica) I anfwer, It would have much augmented the Charge : And again my defign fuppofes, That he that would learn a Latine Blafon, wants not jo much the Art as the Language (hath the mofi ufual Forms and Ideas ready in his head,) Befides , what he finds not in the very Title, he hath elfewhere exhibited ; or elfe fo plainly defertbed, as needs it not. For the firfi fort you have part? per ®enh5pag. 37, jlBiiiets 106. Boÿuire 30. per IFes, pag. 55. imagining the Palar line taken away, ¿fty chP72’ JFIeurp 73* tiUaröant^ p. 3 5 ^ 157. Unöenteö 62, a B^abel, p. 153* a Martlet,p. 153, pet ^ale, p. 16. ^a& fönt 35, ^ometté8j. a ¿Uiarter 55 .the firfi inVertfs ¿oat* Kagule&i p. 82, per S altire 59. making the ¿¡saltire only with fingle Lines. ÏKnÛp or 31®ab? is reprefented in the SWat 27, As to the Jecond^you have a Jli5at a H5aE tùtiand Mnüh Cbebetonnp, Compone or dBobone, Con« tenrompone Contergobonc, Couchant, Coupeö, 2D it? plapcû, ^auïiant, ^affoncö, IKegaröant, SUtippmg, fo jftlly defertbed, or fo obvious, that there needed no ocular re- prefentation. cAnd for in Benb, in Chief, in Crofs, in ireiTe» in ^altj in 0alttre5 it imports no otherwifethan things fo placed, as to reprefent thofe Qidharies by thdr Pofit ion, as Leigh, The Preface. Leigh, fol. 87, 88. which are either conjoyned or disjoyned (ejpecialiy in $9afctes , if uff I b , ilofenges, Slnneiets > iffountftBS, &c.) which conjundim or disjun<ftira fitly diftin- guiflies. For Carbuncle / have no excufiy Anglus ergo (qui- cunque) Ledor, apud me infauftior eft, quam Gallus ifte iEfopianus 3 namqi in hoc meo ftercorario gemmam car. bunculHni non inyemet. I have not fo precijely tyed my felf to my T e x t, bttt that l have made fome aigrejfions , and thofe perhaps upon occafion not unworthy of Remark.* as pag. 5,6, to, li, 12, 20, 33, 34, 35,40,47, 49, 57, 59)67,73, 82,86, 92, 93,107, 120, 123, 128, 137, 138, 139» IS0» l$2> jS4 j iSS» Ji6r l 60, I63- The enfiting Treatife conftfts in two Parts: The fir ft being Alphabetical Heads and Titles relating to the EfTentials of Heraldry ; The other certain feleli Bearings.