The Manual of Heraldry a Concise Description of the Several Terms

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The Manual of Heraldry a Concise Description of the Several Terms T H E 'MA N U A L O F H ER A L DR Y A C O N C I S E D E S C R I P T I O N O F T H E E E TE U E D A N D C T G S V RAL RM S S , ON AININ A D ICT IONARY O F E V E RY D E SI G NAT ION IN T H E S C I E N C E EDITED B Y R N I R T F A C S . N S A W. 'G , . ROTHESAY H ERALD N EW A N D R EV S ED ED T O N W TH I I I , I THREE HU N DR ED A N D FIFTY ILLU STRATIO N S E D IN B U R G H : 'O H N G R A N T 1 E E D G E 3 G O R G I V . B R I 1 9 1 4 P R E F A C E TH E great re v ival which has take n place in the study and re n e n e e r r and the e and app ciat io of the Sci c of H ald y, wid r r n l e nt n e e t now t e n in n e mo e i tel ig i t r s ak armory, has i duc d t he publisher to issue a new and revised editio n of this work . This Opportu nity has been taken to e nlarge and improve the n e r Te and Dictio ary of H aldic rms, to cut out much of the repetition which was co ntaine d in the ope ning chap n Th S d ters of the previous editio s . e pace thus gai ne has in the been used to give a larger and, light of modern n research , more correct view of the Origi of Arms, and to add chapters on the Law and Right to Arms and on the Ex H eraldic ecutive . The chapter formerly give n on Precede nce has be en e ntirely supersede d by i ns e rting the table s now in use in E n and n and n ngla d in Scotla d, the whole book has bee so e and e n w revis d r written as to form practically a e work . Though in the past the science has suff ered much from the absurd and pedantic origins assig ned not o nly to it nt but to the armorial achieveme s of various families, its use as an aid to historical research has bee n long proved n t and recognised . How ofte has the da e of the foundation of some ancient castle or abbey been discovered or a t nt the n n and por rait ide ified from armorial beari gs thereo , an t nt n many impor a point in ge ealogy elucidated, by the charges bor ne by t he individual members of the family e x n n n plai i g their matrimonial alliances, their positio as e cad ts, or even the origin of the house itself. v 4 1 8 3 6 8 P reface Although in the small compass of this volume it has n ot bee n fou n d practicabl e to e nt e r i nto an e laborate c ritici sm of the various a rms use d by differen t families in the n te n m E t e e Ma nu al U i d Ki gdo , the di or b li ves that this will b e fo u nd of service to the stude nt as we ll as to the ge neral reader who de sire s to acquire some correct knowl edge of “ ' What has been ju stly called The Shorthan d of History . The E t n e e Mr nst n er di or is i d bt d to Graham Joh o , H ald n e in the n f e the t r e e l u str t n the Pai t r Lyo O fic , for h i l a io s of o r s e e 1 1 and 1 . r yal a m which app ar at pag s 3 5 , 3 7 , 3 9 CON TE N TS C HAP TE R I ORIGIN OF C OATS OF AR M S C HAP TE R II TH E RIGHT To AR M S C HAP TE R III THE H ER A L D Ic EXECUTIVE C HAP TE R IV A D M ETC. T U S. F U R s. R M S OF O INION , INCT RE C HA P TE R V E . LIN ES USED IN PARTIN G TH E F I ELD . DIFFER ENC S E'TERNAL ORNAMENTS OF THE SHI ELD C HA PTE R VI MARSHALLING C HARGES ON ESCUTCHEONS BY THE RULES OF HERALDRY Conte nts CHAP TE R VII O R DER OF PRECE DENCY D ICTIONARY OF HERALDIC TER M S CHAP TE R VI II H ER A L DR v U . TH E ROYAL AR M S . NION 'ACK IN W S CONNECTION ITH HI TORY, ARCHITECTURE, D C S ETC . INTERIOR ECORATION , O TU M E, VIII MAN U AL OF HER A LDR Y CHAPTER I ORIGIN O F COATS O F AR M S HERALDRY is the science which teaches us how to blazon or describe in proper terms armorial bearings and their accessories . Modern writers have long discarded the fabulous origin attributed by m e di aeval authors to the assumption of arms . We n ow no longer put forward as ge nuine such arms as a Eve those alleged to belong to Ad m and , Noah , Judas e n te en t o Maccab us, Po tius Pila , or ev those attributed — mythical British kings and Anglo Saxon monarchs before the Norman Conquest . the In these earlier works on heraldry, science has ' suflered much from the foolish and pedantic attempts made by the writers to attribute its origin to the Greeks and n an d e e n fi nd Roma s , v to traces of it in Scripture in the marks or standards of the tribes of the Children of n Israel . It may safely be stated that its i ntroductio was in the e n coeval with the use of armour Middle Ag s, whe it became n ece ssary for men to be able to recognise each ’ T it other as friend or foe in the mé/ee of the battl e . hus came that warriors adorned their shie lds with marks to t n e dis i guish each oth r, and decorated the top of their helmets with crests . ' ‘ Manual O f H e raldry the e e t e s e e r From arli st im , how v r, va ious symbols, e mble m s and device s were use d on th ei r standards and s e s n e n n t n s the ee hi ld by a ci t a io , such as Gr ks and n e e e e t n and Roma s, whose shi lds w re d corat d wi h a imals oth er objects ; and at a later date we have such e nsign s as the te r e the xon e n N whi ho s of Sa s, the rav of the orse , n the n n and e s On the viki gs, lio of the Norma s, the devic shields of the k nights d epicte d in the r epre se ntation of the T e e n n e t n n t he e x T . Norma Co qu s , k ow as Bay u apestry h s e e ere e e n ot e e t in e re mbl ms w , how v r, h r di ary famili s, we n e t e n e e and t e e e nn cha g d by h ir ow ers at pl asur , h r for ca ot be h e ld to have bee n h eraldic in our modern s e n se of the r n t o n wo d . Similar customs are to be fou d this day amo g e e the and in the t e such p opl as Japanese, to ms of the Red n I ndia s and the now exti nct Aztecs in North America . ' r z in 7 72 6 . e R ou e C o x Mr J R Planch ( g ) his book, ' P u r suz w nt o A r ms e e e t the n f , cl arly stablish s hat at Norma t use r r n s te n n n Conques the of a mo ial beari g was qui u k ow , and that heraldry appear s as a sci enc e at t he beginni ng of the e e n ent t r n e thirt th c ury, al hough a ms had u doubt dly e n n s Th e n b e bor e for ome tim e previous .
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