Carnation Grade a Pasteurized Milk--- Its Financial Institutions
THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1833, VASHON ISLAND NEWS-RECORD 5 Mre, Anna Dowling and famlily went ROBINSON ASKS FARM major commodities within the new on the Island excursion to Bremerton | BURTON NEWS ITEMS AGENCIES BE COORDINATED farm act have been taken by the mems- on the Fourth, | Mrs. A, Hunt bers of the proposed state advisory Island News of Interest Plans for close cooperation between commitiee. Besides those mentioned, The Heath family on Tuesday en- Mra, John P, Watson and daughter the state department of agriculture, members of the proposed committee Mrs, agricultural Prior, state supervisor Mr, and Mrs. Carl Edensword, of Mr, and Mrs, Howard Hansen and tertained Mr. and John Bauer, are here from Wenatchee for a couple the extension service and are Dr. Robert Knott, home, the agricultural station in of dalry and livestock, Olympia; O, Santa Barbara, Calif, arrived three children, of Olympla, spent the Donald Richmond and James of weeks at the Taylor experiment A. and Mr, Mrs, the administration of the new farm Adams, manager of the North Paclfic announced on the Fourth for a short Fourth with Mr. Hansen's mother, of Walla Walla and un-‘ SBeattle, discussed Grain W, Dabney adjustment Spokane, visit with Mr, Edensword’s sister, Mrs, Mrs, Katheran Hansen, Elmer and Harrill, of The Burton Bervice Garage changed act were In a Growers, Inc,, and July selling recent conference Pullman hetween E. Meyer, manager of the Federal John Metzenberg and famlily, hands Ist. Ed Woods to at In- Digby Willlams, Walter J, Robinson, newly appointed termediute Credit bank, Spokane, Mrs.
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