Codex: Ornthon

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A Galaxy Lost The story of the Ornthon race did not begin in this galaxy. Once they were native to a galaxy far away. But that would all come to change with the arrival of a menace from the stars.

Scattered like chaff upon the wind, the Ornthon Heirs to a Galaxy race struggles to survive far from their true As far back as they have record, the Ornthon home. New aeries grow upon worlds here and race has always been filled with ambition. From there across the galaxy as survivors struggle to the first time they reached out to the stars, they rebuild glory now lost. The voices of ancestors knew themselves to be destined for greatness. cry out for vengeance even as voices from the This attitude permeates the entire racial deep whisper dreams of power. The Ornthon culture, and for a long time would seem to be race is in a fight for both survival in the galaxy, truth. and for control of a rapidly dividing culture. As they struck out into the larger galaxy the Once, things were not so. In time past and far race spread with a zeal that was unmatched by away the Ornthon knew peace and prosperity. their neighbors. The stories tell of battles, wars, Their race was first among equals and oversaw treaties, and assimilation. Heroes arose and fell vast swathes of the stars. In that time their race as an empire was forged. By the time the other was not divided, but acted as one for the great races had come risen up the Ornthon had betterment of all. They delved into the secrets already claimed a large chunk of the galaxy and of reality and physics, and along with other led a budding alliance. For a time it seemed as powerful races they created amazing works in though would overtake the stars as border space as a testament to their knowledge and skirmishes and proxy wars sprang up. However power. But in the end, they found themselves ill the Ornthon were ambitious, not bloodthirsty. prepared for the doom that would befall them. All their knowledge and power proved to be With time, a final treaty was drawn up and the inadequate when faced with the great hunger galaxy found itself at peace. The Ornthon had of from the stars. course managed to secure themselves a stronger position than the other races in the new ruling government. However, they now threw their ambition into great feats of discovery and engineering instead of warfare. For a time the various races knew only peace and prosperity.

The Ornthon with their brother races created lush worlds from deserts, harnessed the power of the physical world itself, and created many great superstructures among the stars. Others

took up architecture and holopainting to Voices of the Ancestors express the emotions of entire races. While the Ornthon do not believe in an afterlife, they do partake in a form of ancestor worship. With roots in tribal practice, it eventually Their greatest work was the Apodrapha, a became an expression of the destiny the megastructure in the center of civilized space Ornthon foresaw for themselves and a way to that housed their government. Over centuries remember great heroes of the past. The phrase of work from their greatest minds, the huge “Voices of the Ancestors” has great significance sphere was constructed around the chosen star, in Ornthon culture as a reminder of the creating a massive artificial structure. successes of the past, the solidarity of the race, and lessons to be learned. Many believe strongly in tracing back their ancestry and Power of the Biomancers honoring the lives of their ancestors. Although Perhaps one of the most important factors in their society has no formalized caste system, the rise to power of the Ornthon was due to many see it as important to follow in the steps their peculiar science of Biomancy. Although of those who came before them. Thus many the race put much effort into improving their great houses have become known for particular material sciences, moving from solid projectiles talents. This belief also leads to a great many to pure energy and eventually even wresting formalized grudges between ancestors that survive on for many generations, often creating control over gravity itself, they also poured complex political environments. their greatest minds into the realm of engineered biology. From micro to macro, this mix of biomancy and technology gave the Ornthon a distinct These Biomancers as they came to be known advantage. Space ships ate waste to produce unlocked the secrets of modifying and energy, while symbiotic implants gave literal empowering organic tissue. This came not only eyes in the back of your head. Many took to in the form of working to perfect their race, but living in massive living cities and orbiting also in many other advances. Many sub-species habitats known as aeries that integrated fully were created, some with slight variances for with their lives. Their greatest accomplishment, specific tasks while others had bodies that the Apodrapha was a final miracle of this wildly varied from the base form. However, technology. An incomprehensibly vast sphere from ancient decree to this day all Ornthon that encompassed part of a star system, the accept the different off-shoots as all being Apodrapha was a prototype of life to come. It equal. was the center of culture and government, while also housing the hub of their galactic Ornthon biomancy was also important them in transport system. creating many technological advances. Engineered neural cells created powerful Although not originally an Ornthon technology, computers, specially designed organs offered the great Displacement Engines could shoot new options for substems like sensors, and transports through the Deep from one Engine biological power generation revolutionized the to another, allowing incredible speed over way the races thought about energy. Soon traditional sleeper ships, with the downside of integration between material science and biomancy became the standard. only being able to transport for one engine to another with any accuracy. However the victory celebration was short lived. In their triumph they had still not yet Hunger from the stars realized the true extent of their foe. When an Unbeknownst to the races of the galaxy even larger force hit the opposite side of the however, a darkness was gathering in the void galaxy, it annihilated whole worlds before the between stars. In their triumph in unification, military forces could be brought to bear against they began to chase new pursuits. With no need this new threat. Even as they prepared to for a large standing military, most of their assault these new forces, reports were received forces were disbanded and their hardware re- of two smaller attacks in completely different purposed. When the threat from beyond the areas of the galaxy. edge of the galaxy appeared, they were woefully un-prepared. While the military prepared to launch into a series of counter-attacks, the finest scientific The first victims went unnoticed. Small colonies minds attempted to unravel the mystery of at the edge of known space went dark. Even their foe. It quickly became obvious that all the when the first larger colonies were destroyed, attacks were by different elements of the same few alarms were raised. Over time rumors of force, one that would come to be known as the mutants infecting the outer colonies arose. Tyranids. However, no means of Confusing reigned, with most ignoring the signs communication could be raised with them. They and some even wondering if it was some new came in many forms with strange powers form of biomancy from the Ornthon or a new unfamiliar to the researchers. Although they races rising up. also used organic replacements for technology, their strange biomorphs were just as alien to However, when the first full force of the the Ornthon Biomancers as to everyone else. invasion hit disastrously near the Ornthon home world, the face of their foe sent shocks of The races of the galaxy put up a strong fight. terror through the galaxy. No one was prepared New technology and material rolled out daily to for the fury and vastness of their foe.The the military as new recruits were raised from Tyranids had arrived to feed. every world. Great sacrifices were made, and great heroes arose. However, it wasn’t enough. The governing body immediately ordered an emergency mobilization of all military forces. Last Stand Untested troops armed with mothballed The war was not without its victories. On weapons were formed up and shot off to Bblagts a strike force took out an insidious reinforce the Ornthon home world. The bio- infestation, saving a critical Engine in the mechanical weaponry of the military proved Displacement network. Elsewhere at S’lussesu a effective against the Tyranids, but at the same experimental grav-bomb collapsed the core of a time seemed to draw their hunger. Many troops Tyranid fleet menacing the Uruush with died to the implacable foe, but eventually the extinction. weight of all the races proved enough to press them back. However, it was too little and too late. They There would of course be no Engine on the were fighting a foe too numerous, and with a other side to aim towards or catch them, and head start. Although military production was the distance was too far for a normal Engine, ramped up, it couldn’t outpace the Tyranid but the researchers reasoned they could threat. Even worse, the alien beasts seemed to repurpose the massive hub Engine at the center be able to adapt to counter their tactics. of the Apodrapha. With time, they could create a massive Diaspora Engine that would blast First one and then another race were devoured survivors across empty space to the nearest whole by the great maw. More would soon join galaxy. It would not be accurate, but it should them. Species that had not known war in be effective. centuries were cast into a fight for their lives. Even the Ornthon home world was devoured Many rejected the idea as the ultimate act of when the second half of the original fleet turning their backs on the ancestors and arrived. Moods began to change. It was no denying their racial destiny. Still more however longer a war to be won, but to be survived. saw nothing left to save and agreed to go. The With links in the Displacement Engine network former strove to complete their defenses while being devoured, travel and reinforcement the latter rushed to create the Diaspora Engine. became difficult. Feeling the agony of abandoning the accomplishments of their Completion came just a few weeks from the ancestors, the Ornthon ordered the move to fall final Tyranid invasion. Final calibrations were back. made, evacuees sorted, and baggage packed. As defenders fought and died all along the shell, In the shell of the unfinished Apodrapha they the Diaspora Engine primed and fired. A million would make their last stand. souls left the galaxy behind. The Ornthon were not alone in their escape, but they were the A final hope most numerous. Over the years, the Ornthon pulled back in the face of the Tyranid menace. Cut off and facing As the great Engine fired again and again a fleet extinction, they took refuge in the Apodrapha. of Tyranid swollen with the biomass of half a Here they prepared their greatest weapons and galaxy began to absorb the shell. Drawn to the erected great fortresses. But none truly organic components they tore into both the believed they would be able to stand forever. defenders and the structure. Eventually they breached the shell entirely and the Engine fired In that dying light though, their researchers its last. However before it was destroyed, it was devised a final plan: an escape route. They saw able to complete its final task. The last hope of that the Tyranids had come from another a galaxy had fled their home for a second galaxy, and reasoned that perhaps so too could chance, scattered across the stars of their the Ornthons travel to a new galaxy. Although nearest neighbor. the Deep had become more and more unstable over the generations, the Displacement Engines shoot ships from one to another in protective bubbles. Reforging an Empire Dispersed across unfamiliar stars, the remnants of the Ornthon work to recapture a lost destiny and honor ancestors forever left behind. However, just as their holdings have been split, their race has also begun to split.

The last ditch effort of the great Diaspora Engine was not in vain. The souls cast out into the Deep slowly but surely made their way across to the nearest galaxy. Some did not survive the journey, but many popped back into reality in the new galaxy. Due to the increasingly fickle nature of the Deep, the arrival of each group was spread not only across the stars, but across time itself. In the end though, the majority arrive at the same time in and a number of tight groupings.

Their journey though was not without its perils. Many who went through the vast ocean of the Deep came back out on the other end changed. Many reported voices and shapes calling out to them. Surprising numbers of children were born with innate connections to the Deep and the realm of sorcery. Many that experienced these things saw them as the voices of the ancestors calling out. Although a few were worried that the ancestors were upset with them An uncaring galaxy abandoning their home, most saw it as a sign Having successfully jumped out of the frying that the ancestors supported them and that pan, the Ornthon suddenly found that they had their destiny was not yet dead. jumped into the fire. Although they had escaped the hunger of the Tyranids, they now As newcomers to this galaxy, they were naïve to found themselves facing new foes. The great the influence of the Chaos gods in their lives. fractious mass of humanity seemed to respond Yet, there were still some that knew something differently every time they were encountered, was wrong. There were those that stood in with the only common themes being hatred and opposition to the idea that the ancestors were an unwillingness to cooperate. suddenly speaking out from the Deep, or that the new mutations showing themselves were Each different conglomerate of Ornthon star beneficial. Members of the military were systems soon faced a different set of foes. Some especially resistant. fought against implacable Necron warriors, others the green tides of the Ork, while some

even fought against the inscrutable Eldar or the The Biomancers expansionist Tau. Even long before they went through hell, the Biomancers of old were always curious and In each case the Ornthon learned a little more power hungry. With the predations of the Warp of their new home, and of the races populating already affecting them, the four Chaos gods it. Some colonies were destroyed completely, found the sorcerers of biology to be a useful but many held on or even managed to slowly prey. expand. With time, the scattered star nations of the Ornthon came in contact with each other as Colonies led by the Biomancers threw well. themselves into the realms of science and sorcery. Their creations became increasingly A race divided bizarre and unwittingly tainted by Chaos. There Unfortunately, when they met back with were those that searched for the strength to themselves, they found that they were no slay all who would strike their race down again. longer united in mind or purpose. As naturally Others looked for ways to escape the that happens in isolation, variations in culture had stalked them. Some sought to perfect their arisen. Small changes in dialect or preference form. Finally, a few simply wanted the inherent were common. However, the true divide was power available. much deeper than that. While the power afforded them is of course Over time the insidious influence of Chaos had effective, the end result might not that which touched members of the race, especially those they hope for. As they give in more and more to that were receptive to the voices of their Chaos, they unknowingly give up more and ancestors. more control.

The Avos the galaxy a terrible rumor spread. Within a Not all who went through the Diaspora Engine short period of time the rumor became horrible emerged corrupted or were seduced by the truth. The ancient enemy had returned. siren call of Chaos. Many still hold firm to their beliefs. Although all that they had achieved had Second Contact Day is observed throughout the been abandoned, they do not choose to take galaxy as a day of mourning and purpose. the easy route. The Avos faction is highly Whole Aeries had ground to a halt when they militarized and believes in forging a new home received word that Ornthon had made first without seeking help from the Deep. hand contact with a Hive Fleet. However for many this news brought anger and focus. Avos aeries are often more traditionalist and Wanderer warrior-poets called for a ordered than the rest of their race. Prowess in mobilization of the entire Ornthon race to warfare both physical and mental is highly regain their racial pride against their ancient prized, and much effort is put towards creating nemesis. Avos military ranks soon swelled with an attitude of brotherhood among the warriors. those eager to carry the fight to the foe while The Avos have become hardened by their race’s Biomancer holdfasts were awash with those misfortune and failure. These days they are looking for a greater power to turn against the more likely to use military force than kind Tyranid menace. entreaties. Wounded pride demands satisfaction, and with their race on the brink of So stands the Ornthon race. Their home and destruction they have vowed to fight to the last pride abandoned, they seek a chance to regain breath. what was lost even as they fight against extinction. Their most hated foe rears its many- In the grim darkness of the future, there is only featured head as a thousand other dooms stalk war. The Avos have come prepared for battle, them. Their salvation will only come through but it has yet to be seen if their strength will be power, but will it be the power of their unity or enough. When the time comes will they stick to the power of the Deep? Will their race stand their principles, or will they give into the siren’s united at the end or will they fracture among call of the Deep to avoid extinction? themselves? As the galaxy races towards destruction on all sides, who will they stand The Great Enemy returns with at the end? With wit and with power the Ornthon began to carve out a place far removed from the home they had once known. Many could not survive the new struggle, but others began to grow once again. With time the far flung Aeries discovered one another anew. Pacts were made, conflicts were born, and the race found new strength.

But that newfound hope would soon face a nearly unbearable test. On the Eastern fringe of Aeries of the Ornthon Across the galaxy a number of large aeries survive and even thrive. Some of them have grown large enough to make a name for them self that is becoming well known amongst both enemies and friends.

Aerie of the Great Skies Aerie of the Deep Song One of the first Aeries to establish a foothold in Deep Song was first established by a conclave the new galaxy, the Great Skies have grown to consisting of some of the greatest Ornthon become the largest Aerie of all. They are lead by minds. Originally a research outpost, they were the great leader Elek’Nath who seeks to unite the ones to first make contact with the Voices the entire Ornthon race. of the Deep. As this news spread many flocked to their Aerie for a chance to speak with lost Great Skies pledges itself neither to the Avos or ancestors or to seek out the power found there. the Biomancers as they seek to keep the race from splitting any further. Their tactics favor a Deep Song was also at the forefront of balanced force drawn from all walks of life. The developing the psychic potential of the race. Aerie always has its doors open to any Ornthon Many of the great experiments were done here, who wishes to join them. While this can create and the Aerie still clings most closely to the many problems for keeping order, the strong Path of Sorcery. The Chief Chemist Charekk who fist of Elek’Nath has kept her people under oversees the ruling council is hailed as a control thus far. personal envoy to the Voices.

Currently they are embarking on their greatest As of late, most of their experiments have project yet: recreating the Apodrapha’s great begun to deal with summoning and binding the sphere. They already have a prototype in Voices into the mortal realm. Yet each time Elek’Nath’s flagship, a massive battle sphere their power grows, so does their madness and that acts as a mobile base of operations. frequency of unintended mutation.

Aerie of the Dark Talon Aerie of Paradise Found Even among the Avos Dark Talon is known for Not all that escaped the destruction of their its great purity and martial discipline. Under the home were consumed by anguish. Some found rule of Strike Commander Barrak’ee they have this new galaxy to be a fresh start filled with waged warfare against all that would stand in new experiences and pleasures. their way, even their own kin. The greatest follower of this new path is Like most Avos Aeries Dark Talon is a place of Engineer Too’ka who leads the people to tradition. However, they elevate that above and indulge in every pleasure that life offers. Many beyond even the other Avos. They believe in of this Aerie sport body modifications, keeping the purity of the Ornthon, and hold no mutations, and brightly engineered feathers. mercy for those that would look to the Deep for Even Avos have been seduced into falling to the answers. They believe first and foremost in the pleasures of hedonism. superiority of striking fast and hard with the most well trained warriors in the Ornthon race. In their pursuit of new experiences this Aerie has even been known to work alongside the Dark Talon has always aimed to carve out an forces of Chaos. Where the call of the Voices of empire among the stars. However, the return of the Deep will lead them is a mystery even to the great nemesis demands vengeance. They them. can often be seen on battlefields where Tyranids appear, even hiring themselves out as mercenaries. Aerie of the Star Song Founded only recently, Star Song was originally Aerie of the Unbroken Forge a safe haven for pirates and Wanderers. With Founded by Biotech engineers, this Aerie boasts the return of the Tyranid, it has become a hub great numbers of armored vehicles and and meeting place for those warrior bards advanced weapons leading strike wings against the ancient foe. A Second Empire Surrounded by foes and with their ancient enemy on the rise, the Ornthon fight to survive and thrive

M-60,000 Perilous Warp Journey The Diaspora Engine sends a group of survivors 433.M37 An Unfortunate Surprise through the always fluctuating warp and spits While on the trail of Fallen Angel, members of them out before they were even born. They are the Dark Angels chapter chance upon the Aerie almost immediately crushed between armies of of the Unbroken Forge. Both sides are equally the Old Ones and the Necrons. surprised, but the marine’s heavy armor and arcane technology gives them the early lead. 500.M32-900.M32 Colonization Wave However, the tides quickly turn when Unbroken The main bulk of the survivors end their journey Forge unleashes its full armory. Graviton and in the new galaxy. Like scattered seeds, many Kinetic weapons make quick work of the heavily do not survive for long, but still more do. Most armored foe. of the greatest Aeries are founded during this period. 764.M38 The Wheeling Flock As the Ornthon race begins expand its territory 730.M34 A Dangerous Galaxy they encounter a spectrum of other races, most For the first few millenniums the Ornthon focus hostile. On the world of Targoltha the Avos face on growing and arming themselves. Their off against regiments of the Astra Militarum. presence is not widely known among the other Outnumbered and outgunned, the Strike Wing races. Tragedies still befall them though, such as is a blur of motion constantly striking and the destruction of an entire Aerie by a Black pulling back. Insertion pods and Squall Tactical Templar Crusade fleet. The Ornthon do not die Dropships place teams behind the enemy, without a fight however, and the bloodied ensuring that the battle line is constantly Crusade must turn back to lick its wounds shifting. After a daring team of Avos Veterans afterward. drop directly onto the Militarum Command Squad, the Strike Wing quickly disassembles the 546.M36 WAAAAGH Git-Wrecka human army. The edges of a Speed Freaks WAAAAGH rolls into a Biomancer held system. Speedy Silver 316.M39 Winged Warriors Blades and Delvers clash against Ork Bikes them An exploratory force of Biomancers meets into a trap. Carver Flocks loaded with Bio- disaster at the hands of the Blood Angels bombs the WAAAAGH’s cavalcade of vehicles. chapter. Although the Ornthon fight tirelessly, The Orks at first find the diminutive suicide they are surprised to find themselves bombers hilarious until they are left outmaneuvered by an entire force striking from dismounted and surrounded. The fighting still the skies. The Aerie stops all outgoing missions carries on for years until teams of the newly for a time out of a fear of being discovered. engineered Scourers are deployed to wipe away the Orkoid spores. 689.M40 Respected Foe A period of expansion begins for the Ornthon. After taking an Imperial world, the Avos holding 722.M41 Dragon’s Fire it are attacked by members of the Space Wolves Overwhelmed by the Salamander Chapter’s chapter responding to distress calls from the close range firepower, the invading Ornthon previous inhabitants. Might is matched against force must switch tactics. Cirrus Bombers drop might as the two forces clash. As the fight drags emplacement pods to cover retreating warriors, on both sides gain a grudging respect for the while Dragoons are deployed to encircle the stubbornness of the other. The Avos find enemy and massed Equalizer Batteries raid themselves unable to match the Wolves in close down death. The Ornthon eventually emerge combat, and instead take to the skies. The victorious and add another world to their marines are eventually repulsed, but the Avos expanding empire. are left only with a skeleton force to hold their prize. 743.M41 Second Contact Day The Ornthon confirm the re-emergence of the 949.M40 Divine Intervention Tyranid threat. Across the galaxy Aeries come to A combined arms Strike Wing lays siege to an a standstill at the news. Imperial Shrine world. The relentless zealotry of the Ecclesiarchy proves dangerous. It also 745.M41 The Behemoth Strikes proves their downfalls as the Ornthon use that Hive Fleet Behemoth strikes in full force. Any single-mindedness to draw the enemy away and doubts that the Tyranids had arrive were wiped force them to overextend. They are unable to away. Aerie of the Star Song becomes the first complete their victory however when the shrine voice calling for the destruction of the nemesis. of the Adeptus Sororitas erupts forth. Much less Mobilization across the Aeries kicks into easy to exploit, this new foe also seems to have overdrive. divine protection. The Ornthon forces pull back to the other worlds in the system to study this 860.M41 Enemy of My Enemy strange occurrence. Tau mobile warfare and advanced technology meets Ornthon mobile warfare and advanced 620.M41 Foul Sorcery technology on the hotly contested planet Drawn by reports of chaos tainted xenos, an Seebran. Both sides are forced into a stalemate Inquisitorial force backed by brethren of the until the arrival of an Adeptus Mechanicus Grey Knights arrives at a Deep Song colony exploration fleet. The Tau and Ornthon quickly world. They find the reports to be true as the set aside their conflict to viciously attack the world is bristling with strange bio-engineered new interloper. creatures in contact with the Dark Gods. Although each Knight proves remarkably 912.M41 A New Breed of Weapon resistant to the warp powers of the Death Upon an Imperial-held Knight World the forces Speakers, the Ornthon technology and numbers of Great Skies grind to a halt against the begin to overwhelm them. The lead Inquisitor combine might of the Astra Militarum and makes the decision to recall the Grey Knights Knightly Houses. To overcome this, they deploy and call an Exterminautus upon the entire a newly designed weapon bred from Avos might world. and Biomancer ingenuity. Two man Symbio-Suit teams lead strikes against the knight houses, The Craftworld forces arrive to find xenos under outmaneuvering and destroying them with their the sway of She Who Thirsts and unleash the enhanced strength and firepower. Other Aeries fury of the Swordwind upon them. Too’ka quickly beseech Great Skies for their blueprints. retreats, but not before his Syrens corrupt the World Spirit with strange pheromones that 928.M41 Raiders in the Night drive the Exodites mad within 6 cycles. A young warrior-poet named Nar’Keth answers the distress call of a small Aerie. Dark Eldar 978.M41 Cleansing of Oradmus pirates ravage the world, sending them towards After a warp that had cut off a young extinction. Nar’Keth brings 6 other Wanderers Ornthon colony finally subsides, Barrak’ee leads from Sky Song and together they rally the the Dark Talon in re-establishing contact. What people and lay ambush to the attacking Dark he finds there sickens him. Trapped, the Eldar. inhabitants had fallen to worshipping the Voices they could hear all around them. Barrak’ee 934.M41 Change and Decay proceeds to scourge the planet of life, both Deep Song is drawn into a squabble between daemonic and Ornthon. Death Guard and a Tzeentchian Sorcerer’s warband. The Voices of the Deep call Chemist 999.M41 Ancient Nemesis Charekk to lead their forces in support of Combined forces from Aeries the galaxy across Tzeentch’s eternal grudge. The combined unite behind Great Skies to wage a counter- sorcery leads them to defeat the Deathguard attack against the onslaught of Hive Fleet forces and sees the beginning of Charekk’s Leviathan. Factories and growth chambers work illustrious career. overtime to supply the war effort. Across the stars battles are won and lost against the 955.M41 Shar’kaa Campaign massive threat. The Ornthon are united in Elek’Nath becomes High Commander of Great hatred, but the fractures are beginning to show. Skies and leads a campaign against the Necrons Avos and Biomancer forces squabble and refuse forces awakening in the Shar’kaa system. All out to fight together. Other foes draw forces away apocalyptic war consumes the worlds. The from the Tyranid effort to defend their homes. unrelenting automatons prove difficult to overcome until the new flagship of Great Skies 999.M41 13th Black Crusade arrives. The pet project of Elek’Nath, the Out of the Eye of Terror a wave of Chaos is massive battlesphere is both a blueprint for unleashed on the galaxy. As battle lines are both the future of Great Skies and a heavily drawn for what may be the final war, the armed warship. Graviton bombardment of the Ornthon find themselves with a decision to be Tomb World eventually gives the Ornthon the made. Those that have taken the power of edge they need as they scour the system clean. Chaos now find the Voices calling them to battle alongside Abaddon. To the Avos this is a 960.M41 Gift of Pleasure complete subversion of their entire culture, and Engineer Too’ka follows the pull of his master to an affront to their honor. Across the galaxy an Eldar Maiden world. Paradise Found lays blood spills forth and the warp shifts. The fate siege to the world, attracting the ire of Biel-Tan. of the Ornthon hangs in the balance. The Warhost

Ornthon Special rules Warrior Conditioning The Ornthon army uses a number of special The Avost faction trains fanatically to make rules that are common to several of its units, lightning fast skirmishes and never consider the which are collected here for your convenience. odds Special rules that are unique to particular units are presented in the relevant unit entry instead. A model with this special rule has the Hit and Other, more common rules are simply listed by Run special rule as well as the Stubborn special name – these are all described in full in the rule to represent their enhanced training Special Rules section of your Warhammer 40,000 rulebook

Paths of the Deep The Biomancer faction searches for power and beings from The Deep have offered it, giving them blueprints for new and strange forms of biological engineering.

Models with a Path of the Deep have one of the following rules representing which of the Voices of the Deep influences them:

Anger of the Flock: A model with this special rule has the Fearless special rule as long as another friendly unit from this Codex is within 12”. Furthermore, models with this special rule gain the Rage special rule if, after declaring charges during the Charge Sub-Phase, another friendly model from this codex with a Weapon Skill value is within 12” of this unit’s declared target and not charging a different target. Caller of Sorcery: A model with this special rule benefits from a 5+ Invulnerable save. In addition, once per game all models in a unit with this special rule may declare its activation at the start of the enemy Movement phase. For the duration of the turn models in the unit with this special rule may re-roll all failed saving throws of a 1. Bringer of Ruin: A model with this special rule has the Slow and Purposeful special rule. In addition, once per game all models in a unit with this special rule may declare its activation at the start of the enemy Movement phase. For the duration of the turn models in the unit with this special rule gain the Feel No Pain special rule. Elegant Warrior: A model with this special rule has +1 Initiative (included in their statline unless purchased separately) and may add +d3 inches to their Run move.

Warlord Traits Table

D6 Warlord Trait

1 Ancestral Paragon

Your Warlord honors their ancestors with their every action.

The Warlord has the Preferred Enemy: (Character) and (Monstrous Creature) special rules

2 Strike Wing

The Warlord strikes like lightning from the skies with Insertion Pods.

At the beginning of the game you may choose a single Infantry unit to gain the Deep Strike special rule

3 Night Hunt

The Warlord times their strikes perfectly to take their enemies by surprise.

You may choose for it to be Night Fight turn 1 without rolling.

4 Ancestral Guidance

The Ancestors call out from the Deep to guide your Warlord.

One use only at the start of your Shooting Phase or Assault phases. For the duration of the phase, the Warlord and all friendly models from this codex within 12” re-roll To-Hit rolls of a 1

5 Perfect Poise

The Warlord strives for physical perfection, allowing them to flow like quicksilver.

One use only. Declare your Warlord is using this ability at the start of an enemy Assault phase. For the duration of the phase, after Overwatch has been resolved, the Warlord and their unit may make a d3” consolidation move.

6 Will to Live

The Warlord refuses to suffer defeat, fighting on even after grievous wounds.

Your Warlord has +1 to their It Will Not Die rolls. You may re-roll this result if your Warlord doesn’t have this rule.

Psyker Powers

Voice of the Deep Primaris Power: Kinetic Focus…… Warp Charge 1 Kinetic Focus is either a blessing or a malediction power. If it targets an enemy, place kinetic tokens on the unit equal to the number of warp charges successfully harnessed. If it targets a friendly unit, the next time the unit successfully hits with a kinetic weapon it automatically generates extra kinetic tokens equal the warp charges successfully harnessed. 1: Corrode…… Warp Charge 1 The Psyker unleashes beams of entropic power that rapidly melts the target’s armor and flesh together Corrode is a is a witchfire power with the following profile: Range: 18” S 1 AP3 Assault 3, Poisoned (4+) 2 Implant Overcharge…… Warp Charge 1 Reaching into their own body, the psyker overcharges their implanted modules growing grotesquely larger. Implant Overcharge is a blessing that targets the psyker. When the power is cast the psyker takes a single S3 AP- hit. If the psyker survives the target gains +1 Toughness and Feel No Pain (4+) until the start of the next turn 3 Ecstasy Coil…… Warp Charge 2 The psyker reaches out with a whip of pure energy that wreathes their enemy’s minds in pure pleasure. Ecstasy Coil is a is a beam power with the following profile: Range: 12” S 9 AP- Assault 1, Ignores Cover, Ecstasy Ecstasy: This power rolls to wound against the highest leadership. In addition, for the remainder of the turn you may choose whether or not characters hit by this power accept challenges 4 Waves of Pleasure…… Warp Charge 1 The psyker emanates a field of elation that drives enemies into mad spasms. Ecstasy Coil is a is a nova power with the following profile: Range: 18” S 1 AP2 Assault 1, Ignores Cover, Pleasure Pleasure: Models hit by this power take a single hit at their own base Strength with AP- 5 Winds of Fate…… Warp Charge 1 The psyker weaves a path through the storms of fate following the voices in the Deep A blessing that targets the psyker’s squad. While in effect, the target may re-roll a single die per phase 6 Warp Siphon…… Warp Charge 3 The psyker opens a vortex of possibility in the warp that can replicate the powers of others. Warp Siphon is a malediction with 12” range. While the power is in effect, any time the target squad casts a psychic power, roll a single die. On a 4+ the psyker that cast Warp Siphon may cast the same psychic power

Strike Commander HQ

The military strike forces of Avos colonies and even those of some Biomancer colonies are traditionally led by these veteran warriors. Each has served in many roles across many battlefields until they have mastered all the Ornthon ways of war. This knowledge serves them not only on the battlefield, but in training and teaching their strike forces off the battlefield. Small colonies may only have a single Strike Commander in charge of the entire military, while larger ones may employ a number of them. Strike Commanders are expected to exemplify the honor and strength of their ancestors. Often the most storied ancestral lines will make a name for themselves in a certain aspect of combat. Some prove this in the thick of personal hand to hand, striking down their foes face to face with their favorite melee weapon. Others face their foe from afar, directing battle from the midst of their squads or from the harness of a Zephyr Command Module.

Strike Commander: 70 points Commander WS 5 BS 5 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 5 A 3 Ld 10 Sv 3+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 1 Commander Special Rules: Warrior Conditioning, Independent Character Wargear: Hardened Armor, Beastkiller Manacle, CCW, Tactical Shield, Spike Grenade Options:  May take items from the Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Special Issue Wargear, or Relics  May purchase a Zephyr Command Module as a Dedicated Transport

Master of the Strike Wing: At the beginning of your own deployment phase you may nominate one unit to gain the Scout special rule

Strike Commander Barrak’ee, Haunting the Stars HQ

The highest ranking member on the council for Aerie of the Dark Talon, Barrak’ee is a paragon of the Avos ideals. Hard and silent, he rules with an iron fist and cleaves to the traditions of his ancestors. His heart holds no room for excess and he eschews all but the most spartan of personal holdings even though his rank would earn him great riches elsewhere. He despises any Ornthon that would be weak enough to seek help from the Voices of the Deep, and will strike out to cleanse that fault. On and off the battlefield he honors only individual skill and ability. This has earned him great respect, and a zealous following of battle-tested veterans. More than anyone else in his Aerie though, he has earned his position through hard work and talent. Throughout countless battles he has proven his skill in leading his warriors and is perhaps most well known amongst his fellows for the effectiveness of his night raids. Avos tell stories of his legendary ability to move among the enemy like a spectre, striking at their heart

before they even know what hit them.

Strike Commander Barrak'ee, Haunting the Stars- 110 pts Commander WS 5 BS 5 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 5 A 3 Ld 10 Sv 3+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 1 (Unique) Special Rules: Warrior Conditioning, Independent Character, Stealth, Night Vision Wargear: Hardened Armor, Ghost Pike, Tactical Shield, Spike Grenade, Jump Pack Warlord Trait: Night Hunt Master of the Strike Wing: Before deployment you may nominate one unit to gain the Scout special rule Relic Lovingly handcrafted, this ancient Neuro-Pike has been specially modified and overcharged. When it unleashes its bio-energy discharge it seems to flow right through armor as though it wasn’t there. Range S AP Type Ghost Pike Melee - User 2 Melee, Two-Handed, Shred Ghost Pike Ranged 6” 4 2 Assault 1, Shred

Biomancer HQ

An entire galaxy was once the conquest of the Ornthon, a fact largely due to the art practiced by the Biomancers. Part scientist and part mystic, they excelled at crafting together flesh and technology. Their creations solved hunger and stopped wars. When that galaxy died at the hands of an implacable foe it was the Biomancers that helped design the great Diaspora Engine, and many of their number escaped to the new galaxy. Although the Deep was always an area of interest, it wasn’t until they heard the whispers on their long journey that they began to shift their focus to delving. Biomancer Aeries have made many great forays into the Deep which have lead to the creation of many new Ornthon forms. Often Biomancers themselves will lead such forces into battle like proud parents. Although they might not be as skilled as their Avos counterparts, the Biomancers have a massive arsenal of strange biotech to bring to bear on the field. After all, what better way to prove the power of the

Voices they serve than on the battlefield?

Biomancer- 55 pts Biomancer WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 9 Sv 4+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 1 Biomancer Special Rules: Independent Character Wargear: Tactical armor, Beastkiller Gauntlet, CCW Options:  The Biomancer may take items from the Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Special Issue Wargear, Relics, or Mark lists

Chief Chemist Charekk, Inscribing the Beyond HQ

Even among the storied researchers of Aerie of the Deep Song, Chief Chemist Charekk stands out among his peers. His devotion to the Voices of the Deep is such that he has been hailed as the personal envoy to them. He reverently seeks to bring their promise of a new Ornthon empire to fruition and reunite his people with their dead ancestors. He has carefully accepted gifts from many voices to show his race the great profit to be had by following their commandments. However, he holds a special place in his heart for those ancestral voices of change. As a fledgling he was granted a great vision of the Ornthon Empire rising from the ashes of both the old and new galaxies. He works tirelessly to bring the words and visions he is giving to his people. However, he also realizes that sometimes destruction is the only way to send that message. Although a researcher and priest at heart, when he channels the powers vested in him upon the battlefield, the foe is inevitably crushed.

Chief Chemist Charekk, Inscribing the Beyond- 150 pts Charekk WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 6 A 3 Ld 10 Sv 3+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 1 (Unique) Special Rules: Independent Character, Psyker Mastery Level 2, Furious Charge Wargear: Hardened Armor, Balegauntlet, Impulse Mace, Spine Grenade Warlord Trait: Ancestral Guidance Voices from Beyond: If Charekk is included in your army you gain +1 on the roll to determine who deploys first Psyker: Charekk generates his powers from Divination or Voice of the Deep Relic: This strange item taps into the energies of the Deep and unleashes an ever-changing torrent of destruction against Charekk’s enemies. It is said that strange whispers can be heard from it Range S AP Type Balegauntlet Template D3+1 3 Assault 1

Engineer Too’ka, Walking the New Path HQ

Always adorned in gaudy outfits and with garishly colored feathers, Engineer Too’ka doesn’t first appear very dangerous. But beneath that exterior lies a cold and deceitful mind. Time and time again he has used that frivolous front to lull his foes into a false sense of security. In truth he is one of the most powerful members of a new way of thinking. He has given himself up entirely to the power of the Voices, and even consorts with other forces controlled by the Voices. He realizes the Ornthon can’t survive another disaster like the last one, and seeks only to make the best of a bad situation by making it a personal goal to experience everything he can before death. So persuasive is his new path that even those from the Avos Aeries have been seduced. Too’ka has no interest in what may befall him after death, only what can be found in this life. His body and mind have been altered by the voice in increasingly outrageous ways, which he takes great pleasure in showing off on the battlefield.

Engineer Too'ka, Walking the New Path- 80 pts Too’ka WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 5 A 2 Ld 9 Sv 3+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 1 (Unique) Special Rules: Independent Character, Elegant Warrior Wargear: Hardened Armor, Neuro-Blaster, 2 Chakrams, Spike Grenade Warlord Trait: Perfect Poise Relic: Perfected Form Always striving to perfect every aspect of himself, Too’ka has made many radical self modifications This model counts as having the additional limbs upgrade and may fire two weapons in the shooting phase. In addition, at the start of the assault phase he may choose to halve his attacks rounded down to double his initiative.

Wanderer HQ

Those possessed of a heroic nature and an urge to walk among the stars in the sky may one day become renowned Wanderers. Tied to no single Aerie they move from world to world as adventurers, pirates, and mercenaries often with like-minded fellows. Those that earn the title of a true Wanderer also act as historian and story teller. As they move from Aerie to Aerie they sing the songs of the ancestors, reminding the Ornthon of past glories and grudges. They hold no allegiance to Avos or Biomancer either. They will join with any Ornthon and help settle old debts against enemies. Some Wanderers seek to make a great name for themselves, while others seek only to see their race ascendant once again. With the return of the great nemesis their ranks are swelling as they spread the word to Aeries across the galaxy to rise up and strike back.

Wanderer- 60 pts Wanderer WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 9 Sv 3+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 1 Wanderer Special Rules: Warrior Conditioning, Independent Character, Grudges Wargear: Hardened armor, Beastkiller Manacle, CCW, Spike Grenade Options:  May take items from the Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Special Issue Wargear, or Relics

Honor the Ancestors: units from this detachment within 12” may use this model’s leadership instead of their own

Remembrant Nar’Keth, Blade of the Ornthon HQ

Among Ornthon folk heroes, Remembrant Nar’Keth is one of the most lauded. In his long lifetime he has led numerous Strike Wings, felled countless foes, and warmed many a warrior’s heart with stories of the greatness of the Ornthon. A legendary duelist, he wields the ancient Blade of Memories that drank in Tyranid blood upon the Apodrapha and has been handed down by the Wanderers ever since. Many warriors have been drawn from all Aeries to his side just for the chance at one of Nar’Keth’s famous lightning raids. In constant motion, he still makes time to recount the tales of old to each Aerie he visits. In this way he has done his part to unite the Ornthon through their shared past. With the return of the great Nemesis however, he has been able to spend less time in the story halls. Although Aerie of the Star Song recognizes no formal leadership his wisdom is often deferred to. He knows that in his advanced age he doesn’t have much time, and hopes to see Star Song unite the Ornthon

against their ancient foe.

Remembrant Nar'Keth, Blade of the Ornthon- 90 pts Nar'Keth WS 6 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 5 A 2 Ld 9 Sv 3+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 1 (Unique) Special Rules: Warrior Conditioning, Independent Character Wargear: Hardened Armor, Beastkiller Manacle, Blade of Memories Warlord Trait: Strike Wing Honor the Ancestors: units from this detachment within 12” may use this model’s leadership instead of their own Paragon: This model has the Zealot rule, and when rolling To Wound in melee, results of a 5+ become AP2 Relics: Created in last days of the old empire, this weapon is anathema to any sort of flesh that Nar’Keth has yet encountered. Range S AP Type Blade of Memories - User - Melee, Poisoned (3+), Storied Storied: When rolling To Hit and To Wound with this weapon, you may re-roll results of a 1

Death Speakers HQ

In the wake of the destruction of everything they held dear, the Biomancer Aeries found a bright glimmer of hope in their new war-torn home. Here the Deep was rich and full with the Voices of their Ancestors calling out to them and offering help. Psykers became more than just an oddity as more and more were born with the gift. Although strict training was required to keep them alive, the Biomancers saw a great opportunity. Thus were the first Death Speakers born. Theirs is a solemn priesthood in service of their dead ancestors. However in their veneration they find great sorcerous power. Although they do not outrank the Biomancers themselves, they enjoy great power and respect. On the battlefield they lead their troops with a great fervor as they call down the Voices of their ancestors to strike the enemy down. They serve the Voices of knowledge, power, and sorcery above all, and find that their ancestors often see fit to bless them with changed flesh even beyond that of

the Biomancer’s craft. Death Speakers- 175 pts Speaker WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Infantry Priest WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 1 Priest and 4 Speakers Special Rules: Brotherhood of Sorcerers, Mastery Level 2, Caller of Sorcery Psyker: Death Speakers generate their powers from Biomancy, Daemonology, and Voice of the Deep Wargear: Tactical armor, Locus Staff, Chakram, Spike Grenade One Circle Many Minds: the unit counts as a single psyker for effects and targeting purposes. Fickle Winds of Sorcery: For each unit of Death Speakers on the table at the start of your Psychic Phase, add plus one to the result of the d6 to determine the number of random additional Warp Charges this turn. At the start of your opponent’s Psychic Phase, subtract one from the result of the d6 to determine the number of random additional Warp Charges this turn.

Warrior Cohort Troop Recruited to a Cohort at a young age, each Ornthon Warrior is rigorously trained for battle. These units represent the backbone of Avos fighting forces. Each member has had the ways of battle drilled into them until it is completely second nature. Leading each squad is a highly trained Squad Leader or a true Avos Veteran. These cunning survivors of numerous battles are trained to innately feel the ebb and flow of battle while directing their squad. Each is given a certain amount of autonomy in the larger battle while taking orders from the Strike Commander. They must be ready to lead their squad in any direction at a moment’s notice. In battle, Warrior Cohorts favor skirmishing tactics. On foot or with the aid of a Nimbus, they will rapidly advance forward to overload their weapons at the enemy. When the enemy attempts to engage the squad will simply fade back, trapping the enemy in overlapping fire.

Warrior Cohort- 60 pts Warrior WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 4+ Infantry Leader WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 4+ Infantry (Character) Veteran WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 4 Warriors, 1 Squad Leader Special Rules: Warrior Conditioning Wargear: Tactical armor, Neuro-Blaster, CCW, Neuro Grenades Options:  Take up to 5 additional Warriors- 12 pts/model  Upgrade Squad Leader to Avos Veteran- 10 pts  For every 5 models in the squad, one Warrior may take an item from the Special Weapons list  The Squad Leader or Avos Veteran may take items from the Ranged Weapons, Melee Weapons, or Special Issue Wargear lists  The unit may take a Nimbus Insertion Vehicle as a Dedicated Transport

Avos Veteran Cohort Elite

Among the Avos, the pinnacle of martial conditioning and service to the Aerie is that of the Veteran Cohort. As each fledgling seeks to serve in the warrior ranks, so does each warrior strive to attain Veteran status. Only those who have survived harsh battles and proved their dedication to their Cohort may advance on. There they will be trained to take on a broad variety of roles across the battlefield. Armed with twin gauntlets designed to fell even the greatest nemesis beast, they may find themselves soaring across the battlefield on jumpacks or deploying from a Nimbus to strike at the heart of the enemy. The most battle wise of the squad may even be granted access to special sidearms and melee weapons to make use of the breadth of their experience. These warriors often bring specialized knowledge to the field from previous battles against similar foes. The Avos Veterans truly embody the traditional fighting style as they surge forward to unleash their firepower before diving in and

out of melee with their foe. Avos Veteran Cohort- 85 pts Veteran WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Infantry

Squad WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Infantry (Character) Leader

Unit Composition: 4 Veterans, 1 Leader  For every 3 models one may Special Rules: Warrior Conditioning replace both Gauntlets with an Wargear: Tactical Armor, 2 Beastkiller item from the Special Weapons Manacles, Neuro Grenades list, or one of the following: Options:  2 Neuro-Pulse Pistols- 15 pts  Take up to 5 additional  2 Graviton Pistols- 30 pts Veterans- 17 pts/model  If not equipped with Jump  The whole squad may take Packs the unit may take a Jump Packs- 3 pts per model Nimbus as a Dedicated  The whole squad may take the Transport Grudges special rule- 15 pts

Dragoon Wing Fast

When the battle requires high mobility and firepower, the Avos turn to the Dragoon Wings. Crewed by members of the Warrior Cohorts, these two-man jetbikes speed across the battlefield unleashing fire into the enemy from constantly shifting angles. Although normally armed with a twin-linked version of the standard Neuro-Blaster, some bikes in a Wing can be deployed with various heavy weapons depending on the mission. Thus the Dragoons can keep pace with Nimbus mounted Warriors while also bringing heavy weapons to bare. As specially trained Warriors they can also hold their own in a fight. Their Dragoon jetbikes are designed to work as melee platforms, but can also be easily dismounted in a pinch. When so many of their battles take place outnumbered or outgunned, the Dragoon Wing provides a perfect mix of flexibility and speed that suits the Avos well. Working on their own or as outriders for other elements they can strike swiftly and decisively to take out critical targets as needed.

Dragoon Wing- 75 pts Dragoon WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 3+ Jetbike

Leader WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 3+ Jetbike (Character)

Vet. Leader WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 4 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 3+ Jetbike (Character)

Unit Composition: 2 Dragoons, 1 Leader Special Rules: Warrior Conditioning Wargear: Tactical armor, Dragoon Jetbike, TL Neuro-Blaster, Dragoon Blades (count as a single close combat weapon) Options:  Take up to 6 additional Dragoons- 25 pts/model  Upgrade the Leader to a Vet. Leader – 10 pts  For every 3 models one Dragoon may replace their TL Neuro-Blaster with an item from the Special Weapons or Heavy Weapons list

Symbio-suit Elite

One of the most recent and important additions to the Ornthon arsenal is the result of a combined research treaty between both the Biomancers and Avos. The brainchild of Great Skies, the Symbio-suit is the very pinnacle of Ornthon weapons tech. These mobile units are part machine and part living creature. Pilots train all their lives to be injected into the suits where they establish a neural-link with the symbiotic creation. Combining their skill with the suit’s tertiary organic processors and linked sensory systems the pilot becomes much more than the being they are outside of the suit. This harmonic relationship sends the Symbio-suits flying across battlefields as a whirlwind of destruction. Made primarily to counter the larger Tyranid beasts, the suits have also shown remarkable talent at countering the massive war machines of the other sentient races of the galaxy. However, the Symbio-suits are more than just stellar weapons. Their combination of Biomancer crafting and Avos skill also

represents the hope for a unified Ornthon race. Symbio-Suit- 150 pts

Symbio-Suit WS 4 BS 4 S 5 T 6 W 4 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 3+ Jet Pack Monstrous Creature

Unit Composition: 1 Symbio-Suit Special Rules: Stubborn Wargear: Symbio-Suit, 2 Beam Cannons, 2 CCWs, Spike Grenade Bonded Team: If this squad contains two Symbio-Suits, both Symbio-Suits in this squad gain +1 BS and +1 WS Options:  May take a second Symbio-Suit – 150 pts/model  May take a Regenerator Implant- 20 pts  May take an Enhanced Sensory package – 20 pts

Carver Flock Troop

When it comes to the creations of the Biomancers, none are as numerous as the small Ornthons known as the Carvers. One of the earliest and most easily duplicated designs; they are the front line troops of the Biomancers. Carvers are smaller and lither than the average Ornthon. However, they are not simple unthinking beasts. They are considered just as Ornthon as any other. Off the battlefield they are perfectly suited for repairs and maintenance on the aerie, bringing their same dedication to such tasks as the more gory ones. However, it is on the battlefield that they truly shine. In combat Carvers move in huge swarming groups, ducking and dodging enemy fire. As they are raised in large flocks at once, the presence of other Ornthons inspires them to greater heights. Surrounded by their brethren they will refuse to back down and become possessed of a powerful anger. This anger often builds up in those that survive until they are eventually only useful on the battlefield.

Carver Flock- 35 pts Carver WS 3 BS 2 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Infantry Carnoid WS 3 BS 2 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 4 Carvers, 1 Carnoid Special Rules: Anger of the Flock, Fleet Wargear: Tactical Mesh, 2 CCWs Options:  Take up to 15 extra Carvers- 5 pts/model  The Carnoid may take items from the Ranged Weapons or Melee Weapons list  The Carnoid may take the Additional Arms upgrade- 15 pts

Destructor Crew Elite

Even among the more scholarly Biomancer Aeries there are those who live for the martial pursuits. With the destruction of their home, the loss of much of their race, the indignity of fleeing, and the intolerance of their new neighbors there are many who give in to rage. For them the injustices visited upon their race are too much and the only answer is blood. These individuals give themselves up to the Biomancers to be remade into killing machines. Fast, strong, and agile the Destructor Crews live to exact their vengeance on any who would stand in their path. To this end they are armed with powerful impulse maces. These technological wonders redirect and store kinetic energy to be released in powerful melee strikes. A full crew can combine their stored power into a few explosive strikes that can level the heaviest tanks and buildings, or spread the energy out into a wave of killing enemy to kill smaller foes. Each act of destruction pushes the crew to further heights of rage, often requiring

them to be quarantined after the battle lest they strike out against even their fellows. Destructor Crew- 90 pts Destructor WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 3+ Infantry Demolisher WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 3+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 4 Destructors, 1 Demolisher Special Rules: Anger of the Flock, Hammer of Wrath Wargear: Tactical Armor, Impulse Mace Options:  Take up to 5 additional Destructors- 16 pts/model  The Demolisher may take an Impulse Hammer for 25 pts  The Demolisher may take items from the Melee or Special Issue Wargear lists

Scouring Team Elite

After their race was almost destroyed by calamity, certain Ornthon see the value in using the tools of ruin for themselves. After all, few things in the galaxy are more inevitable than decay. Thus, groups were formed on Biomancer Aeries to harness weapons of disease, poison, and toxicity. Although dangerous to handle, the groups quickly found that the Voices of Entropy had much to offer in helping them develop these new devices. Even better, they offered ways to modify the bearer’s body to be more resistant to not only their own weapon, but the weapons of their enemies. Thus the first Scouring teams were born. In the conflicts since then the teams have proven deadly against any being large or small. All are brought low by their deluge of blight. Even better, they are especially effective at clearing the remains of both Tyranid and Ork battles ensuring that neither foe can rise up later to threaten the Ornthon. Some Scourers may even be granted devices to tap directly into the power of the Voices they follow

and bring their foe low. Scouring Team- 85 pts Scourer WS 3 BS 3 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 4+ Infantry Waster WS 3 BS 3 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 4 Scourers, 1 Waster Special Rules: Bringer of Ruin Wargear: Tactical Armor, Blight Gun Options:  Take up to 5 additional Scourers- 15 pts/model  The Waster may take a Sapper- 30 pts  The unit may take a Nimbus Insertion Vehicle as a Dedicated Transport

Silver Blades Fast

Lithe and graceful, the Silver Blades are one of the stranger forms of the modified Ornthon. Not strictly a combat form, these lithe and graceful Ornthon are none the less effective fighters on the battlefield. Although even a normal Ornthon is far more agile than the average human, the Silver Blades seek to perfect the elegance of their race. Their lower bodies have been heavily modified into razor sharp piston-like devices that let them flow across the battlefield like quicksilver. Off the battlefield many of the Silver Blades are involved in high octane performance art. Their titular legs aren’t the only weapon they bring to combat however. They fight with Neuro-Pikes, two handed weapons that channel the same energy as the Neuro-Blasters. As they slash out at their foe, the weapons also discharge that energy to overload all manner of sensory systems. The Silver Blades find this to be a particularly fitting death.

Silver Blades- 105 pts Blade WS 3 BS 2 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 5 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Cavalry

Slayer WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 5 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Cavalry (Character)

Unit Composition: 4 Blades, 1 Slayer Special Rules: Elegant Warrior Wargear: Tactical Mesh, Neuro-Pike Options:  May take up to 10 additional Blades- 19 pts/model  The Slayer may take items from the Melee or Special Issue Wargear lists Quicksilver Chassis: Models with this special rule may re-roll dangerous terrain tests

Seeker Team Elite

Not all that follow the Voices of ambition are skilled in the sorcerous arts themselves. However they will always find ways to advance their position none the less. The two man Seeker Teams are a prime example of this. Although one member will always have some slight psychic potential, the other relies on more mundane abilities. But when combined with the power of a Fateseeker Rifle, these teams become an absolute terror on the battlefield. Before each battle the team is given a divination of targets that the Voices of fate have decreed must be severed. Through use of cunning and advanced technology the team will conceal itself upon the battlefield ahead of time and simply wait. Once their targets appear they will work to select them and sever their fate thread. Charged with psychic energy, their rifle will unleash pinpoint destruction upon the enemy. They delight to see the confusion wrought by each shot, and particularly the change to the battlefield brought by the death

of important leaders. Seeker Team-50 pts Seeker WS 2 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 4+ Infantry Unit Composition: 1 Seeker Team Special Rules: Caller of Sorcery, Shrouded, Infiltrate, Psyker (Mastery Level 1) Wargear: Tactical Armor, Fateseeker Rifle, Staves (counts as a single close combat weapon) Touch of the Ancestors: This unit doesn’t roll for psychic powers. However, it may make a single psychic test during the psychic phase. Each Warp Charge successfully harnessed increases the strength of this model’s ranged weapon by 1 if fired at a vehicle unit, or lowers the AP by 1 if fired at a non-vehicle unit. This effect lasts for the duration of the turn.

Syrens Fast

A relatively new path, the Syrens are a reaction to the new host of foes faced by the Ornthon race. Theirs is less of an outward modification, and more of an inward one. The Syrens are masters of chemistry and mind altering substances. At first their applications were strictly practical and related to enhancing the modifications already being done by the Biomancers. However, this was not enough to satisfy them and they quickly set their minds to perfecting their art. First were drugs to enhance workers and make up for the massive loss in workforce. They also began altering their own minds, and developing combat drugs. For many Aeries the Syrens produce a very important boost to both domestic and military efforts. One of their most developments however has been in offensive applications. Using their Phero-Phagic Rifles, squads of Syrens can completely overwhelm the minds of enemy warriors, causing them to fall under their sway for the brief moments needed for their fellow

Ornthon to strike them down. Syrens- 90 pts Syren WS 3 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 5 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 4+ Infantry

Temptor WS 3 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 5 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Infantry (Character)

Unit Composition: 4 Syrens, 1 Temptor Special Rules: Elegant Warrior, Scout Wargear: Tactical Mesh, Phero-Phagic Rifle Options:  May take up to 5 additional Syrens- 16 pts/model  The Temptor may take a Phero-Phagic Blaster- 10 pts  The Sergeant or Veteran may take items from the Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, or Special Issue Wargear lists  The squad may take a Nimbus Insertion Vehicle as a Dedicated Transport

Ruin Callers Heavy

Hearty and tough, the Ruin Callers are the heavy lifters of the Biomancer Aeries. The speed and agility they give up is instead replaced with the ability to take a hit and still keep moving. With all that the Ornthon have gone through it is no wonder that there are those who would volunteer for such a radical alteration. Though they may be bloodied, their race is not yet beaten. To answer the Voices that promise an answer to death is not so uncommon. Their entire body is changed into something tougher and larger, some would say even bloated. This makes them excellent workers on the Aerie, able to heavy support in the day to day work of the world. Their unrelenting attitude and biology also makes them highly prized in the rebuilding effort. But they also put those same skills to use on the battlefield. Their mutated forms allow them to wield even excessively large weapons with no issue. Their unrelenting march forward unleashing withering fire is a great boon to the Biomancer armies, and

precursor to ruin for their enemies. Ruin Callers- 115 pts Caller WS 2 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 1 Ld 8 Sv 3+ Infantry

Shouter WS 2 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 2 Ld 9 Sv 3+ Infantry (Character)

Unit Composition: 2 Callers, 1 Shouter Special Rules: Bringer of Ruin Wargear: Hardened Armor Options:  Take up to 2 additional Callers- 35 pts/model  All Callers must take a single item from the Heavy Weapons list  The Shouter may take items from the Heavy Weapons, Melee Weapons, or Special Issue Wargear lists

Equalizer Battery Heavy

Not all Ornthon battles are won with speed. When it comes to siege warfare, defensive formations, and stand up fights the Equalizer Battery is one of the Ornthon commander’s best weapons. These artillery pieces can be found on Aeries of all allegiances. Although they aren’t designed to keep up with a fully mechanized strike force, the batteries are still designed to be fairly mobile and are operated by a two man team. With one spotting and one firing the weapon still manages to be highly flexible. The Impulse cannon it fires uses highly specialized kinetic manipulation technology that has proved itself time and time again in battle. This strange Ornthon technology uses many tiny projectiles suspended in an energy charge to release massive blasts of kinetic potential at their impact site. By itself the Impulse cannon is deadly, but when combined with other kinetic weapons the release of energy can become tremendous. With the proper staggering of kinetic blasts the Equalizer Battery can demolish

even the strongest fortresses and toughest enemies. Equalizer Battery- 40 pts Gunner WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Artillery

Platform - - - T 7 W 2 - - - Sv 3+ Artillery

Unit Composition: 1 Platform, 1 Gunner Wargear (Platform only): Impulse Cannon Wargear (Gunners only): Tactical Mesh, Neuro-Blaster Options:  May take 2 additional Gunners for 9pts/model

Togrun Delvers Fast

Although the old empire was largely ruled by the Ornthon, theirs was not the only important race. When the Tyranid came and the Diaspora Engine fired they were also not the only race to escape to the new galaxy. Although not nearly as numerous, the Togrun were one such race. In fact, they pioneered much of the teleportation technology used by the Diaspora Engine to provide salvation from the Tyranids. The Togrun themselves are a strange species of tiny starfish-like creatures that bond together into a single “hive”, which each hive self identifying as a single sentient being. They are not normally a war-like race and even after arriving in their new home have not grown a military tradition like the Ornthon. Instead they tend towards introspection and slow evaluation living in separate enclaves within the Aeries. However, they also believe in each part doing what it can for the whole. With only unending war stretching out before them and the return of the ancient nemesis, they have seen no other

option but to offer their services on the battlefield to their Ornthon hosts. Togrun Delvers- 100 pts Delver WS 2 BS 4 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 8 Sv 3+ Infantry Clan Lead WS 2 BS 4 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 9 Sv 3+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 4 Delvers, 1 Clan Leader Special Rules: Move Through Cover Wargear: Hardened Armor, Impulse Carbine, Teleportation pack Options:  May take up to 5 additional Delvers- 18 pts/model

Graviton Induction Module Fast

Although the Ornthon do not make use of many completely unmanned drones, such devices do prove useful when every casualty matter. The Graviton Induction Module is one such drone. It is itself not particularly powerful in combat, armed only with its manipulator tentacles and is only as intelligent as a loyal pet. However it is an extremely useful tool in the Ornthon arsenal, particularly with the Biomancers. The key is its high output Graviton Inducer that it carries into battle. This device can be utilized to support infantry squads in a variety of ways by a cunning commander. Primarily it is used to decrease the local gravity for the squad, allowing the already light-footed Ornthon increased speed or maneuverability. It can also create an outer field of higher gravity to distort and soften the blows of incoming attacks at range or up close. These unique abilities can enable infantry to operate far afield without the support of a vehicle. It can also allow small teams to make fast stealthy strikes by forgoing

the inclusion of hard to hide transports. Graviton Induction Module- 40 pts Module WS 2 BS 2 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 3+ Infantry Unit Composition: 1 Graviton Induction Module Special Rules: Independent Character Wargear: Hardened Armor Options:  May take up to 2 additional Graviton Induction Modules- 40 pts/model Infantry Module: These models must join the unit that purchases them as a Dedicated Transport Graviton Induction: At the beginning of the movement phase you may choose one of the following effects for this model and any attached unit. This lasts until the beginning of your next movement phase 1: +2” to Run actions and one Induction Field per Graviton Induction model in this squad 2: Move Through Cover special rule and one Induction Field per Graviton Induction Module in this squad 3: Fleet and Move Through Cover special rules Induction Field: While active attacks targeting the squad in the Shooting and Psychic phases instead hit the Induction Field. The Induction Field has an Armor Value of 12. A glancing or penetrating hit (or any hit from a Destroyer weapon) scored against the Field causes it to collapse after the firing unit resolves its shooting. Nimbus Insertion Vehicle Dedicated

Although their power over biology may allow them to repopulate their race quickly, the Ornthon are still often fighting against the odds. The horrors of their new home are numerous, and every advantage must be used. One of the more important parts of the Strike Team is the Nimbus Insertion Vehicle. This vehicle provides bulk of troop transport on the battlefield for the Ornthon. The antigrav technology allows the Nimbus be deployed in virtually any terrain while the armored prow allows it to operate directly on the front lines. With the suspension pods running down the side it can hold a full 10 man squad to quickly redeploy them as needed. However, the design of the pods also allows the troops inside to make their presence known without leaving the safety of their transport. The Nimbus itself is only lightly armed. However with a full squad it can also function as a short range gunboat while protecting the passengers inside. Although they are primarily used by the Avos, the Biomancers also use the Nimbus and

have often contributed their biological technology to its more typical hardware. Nimbus Insertion Vehicle- 70 pts Nimbus BS 4 Front AV 12 Side AV 11 Rear AV 10 HP 3 Vehicle (Transport, Fast, Skimmer) Unit Composition: 1 Nimbus Insertion Vehicle Transport Capacity: 10 models Firing ports: None Access Points: Five on each side Wargear: TL Neuro-Blaster Options:  May take items from the Vehicle Wargear list

Zephyr Command Platform Dedicated

Built on the same frame as the Monsoon Attack Platform, this Avos specific modification is often coveted by Strike Wing Commanders. Small and light, its enhanced shielding allows it to carry the commander onto the battlefield with unprecedented protection. From its ground- skimming height the commander is also afforded a unique vantage point to direct their forces from. Although it is itself lightly armed, the open design allows the commander to bring their own arsenal to bear. In fact, the platform has been specifically designed to allow the Zephyr and its passenger to bring the fight directly to the enemy. Although some commanders prefer to fight alongside their Cohorts, those that utilize the Zephyr believe in each battlefield element working at its most effective task. From the command platform they focus entirely on directing their forces against the spectrum of enemy forces, and flying into melee against weakened targets while the Warrior Cohorts can direct their skills

at skirmishing with the enemy before them. Zephyr Command Platform- 70 pts Zephyr BS 4 Front AV 11 Side AV 11 Rear AV 10 HP 3 Vehicle (Transport, Skimmer, Chariot, Open-Topped) Unit Composition: 1 Zephyr Command Module Transport Capacity: 1 Independent Character Wargear: TL Beam Gun, Lasher Tentacles Options:  May take items from the Vehicle Wargear list Reinforced Kinetic Shielding: This model only suffers a penetrating hit on a result of a 14 or higher. Results of 11 to 13 count as glancing hits.

Thunderhead Tank Heavy

Although much of the Ornthon focus is on infantry and mounted infantry, especially for the Biomancers, they aren’t without their heavier vehicles. The Thunderhead is the standard when it comes to Ornthon tanks. Like much of their arsenal it might not match the toughness of their enemies, but with its graviton drive it can easily outmaneuver many other battle tanks. Some versions also incorporate Biomancer technology making it surprisingly resilient and able to operate in even more environments. The base model comes with a twin-linked Beam Rifle able to quickly melt through even the thickest armor. However the more common load out uses the powerful Graviton Cannon. This powerful weapon still offers powerful anti-armor, but also gives it impressive anti-infantry capabilities. Blasts from this archaic weapon smash into the enemy and leave residual graviton emissions that drag down the enemy to make them easy targets. The Thunderhead is usually deployed in direct

support of the infantry warriors. Thunderhead Tank- 100 pts Tank BS 4 Front AV 12 Side AV 12 Rear AV 10 HP 3 Vehicle (Tank, Skimmer) Unit Composition: 1 Thunderhead Tank Wargear: TL Beam Rifle, 2 Neuro-Blaster Arrays Options:  May replace its Beam Rifle for a Graviton Cannon- 25 pts  May take items from the Vehicle Wargear list

Squall Tactical Dropship Fast

Due to the nature of their constraints, the Ornthon are often involved in orbital engagements as well as ground battles. Although they have other means to deploy larger forces, when it comes to accurately deploy specific warriors to specific locations they choose the Squall. This versatile small flier can operate in orbital, space-to-ground, and ground-to-ground engagements. Incredibly agile, the Squall Tactical Dropship can fly in low and fast while dodging enemy fire to deploy small squads behind enemy lines. Utilizing the same technology as the orbital insertion pods, the transported squad can actually be dropped directly into battle without slowing the Squall. The dropship is highly valued by Avos commanders for the ability to reach out and strike the enemy where least expected. In addition to the transported squad the Squall also comes with light anti-infantry armaments and can be upgraded with anti-vehicle and anti- air weapons.

Squall Tactical Dropship- 130 pts Zephyr BS 4 Front AV 11 Side AV 11 Rear AV 11 HP 3 Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport) Unit Composition: 1 Zephyr Transport Capacity: 6 models Special Rules: Vector Dancer Wargear: 2 TL Neuro-Blaster Arrays Options:  May take two items from the Heavy Weapons or Special Weapons list  May take any number of items from the Vehicle Equipment list Fast Insertion Pods: If the Squall moves passengers can still disembark, but they must do so as follows: Nominate any point over which the Squall moved that turn and deploy the squad as if it were deep striking onto that point. If they do so within 6” of the Squall they do not scatter. If the unit does scatter, every disembarking model must immediately take a Dangerous Terrain test. If any of the models cannot be deployed, the entire unit is destroyed. Models that disembark using Fast Insertion Pods cannot charge in the turn that they do so.

Cirrus Bomber Heavy

When Ornthon warriors move against the enemy on the ground, you can be assured that Cirrus Bombers will be supporting them from the air. An orbital strike may be powerful, but it can’t match the versatility of the Cirrus. Flying in rank with their fellow warriors, the bomber pilots can offer pinpoint strikes against a spectrum of targets at the word of their commander. The Graviton Bombs they carry unleash a string of small implosions that scatter infantry and punch holes in armor. They also have a light compliment of small anti-infantry guns to pick off targets of opportunity. In concert with ground troops they can suppress the enemy and open up new firing lanes all with their larger view of the battlefield. However, when it comes to directly supporting the infantry the Cirrus takes this a step further. When on the defensive or when pushing the front lines they can instead be equipped with emplacement pods. These obelisks can be shot into the ground where they deploy to provide

protective force barriers and support fire. Cirrus Bomber- 160 pts Bomber BS 4 Front AV 11 Side AV 11 Rear AV 11 HP 3 Vehicle (Flier) Unit Composition: 1 Bomber Wargear: 2 TL Neuro-Blaster Arrays, 3 Graviton Bombs Options:  May take items from the Vehicle Equipment list  May replace its Graviton Bombs with 3 Emplacement Pods- free

Monsoon Attack Platform Heavy

Utilized primarily by the Avos as mobile heavy support, the Monsoon none the less sees action in nearly every Ornthon army. Although it is not as heavily armored as the heavy guns of other races, it is in fitting with Ornthon warfare. The Monsoon offers much more speed and mobility than an infantry squad armed with heavy weapons, giving the Ornthon a better chance at choosing when and how engagements happen. It also provides more protection that would be afforded an Ornthon squad on foot at speed. The Monsoon comes in a variety of patterns with different specialties ranging from mowing down infantry, to quickly taking out high priority targets, to melting heavy armor. However, one mission all patterns share is air defense. As it shoots across the battlefield, the Monsoon can lay down a defensive line of floating aerial mines that ward away the wise and destroy the foolish. On top of all this, the Monsoon is cheap to produce, and so can be found in nearly every Ornthon arsenal.

Monsoon Attack Platform- 60 pts Monsoon BS 4 Front AV 11 Side AV 11 Rear AV 10 HP 3 Vehicle (Skimmer, Fast) Unit Composition: 1 Monsoon Attack Platform Wargear: 2 TL Neuro-Blasters, 2 Aerial Mines Options:  May replace either TL Neuro-Blaster with an item from the Heavy Weapons list  May take items from the Vehicle Equipment list  May take 4 additional Aerial Mines for 15 pts a piece

High Commander Elek’Nath, She Who Unites Lord of War

One of the most well recognized figures among Avos command structure, she is still deferred to the Ornthon, Elek’Nath is perhaps unique on the battlefield. From the Biomancers she has among her peers. Although she served time in been gifted the newest prototype Symbio-suit the Avos ranks, she does not officially hold the that can unleash its power at blistering speeds rank of Strike Commander. Instead she pursued across the battlefield. With it she has begun to further careers among the Wanderers and throw herself into the forefront of her crusade. diplomatic envoys. Seemingly disjointed as it Along with her massive flagship, she has also may have been, it was those varied experiences begun work on a new Apodrapha in the Great that made Elek’Nath the leader she is today. Her Skies home system in the hopes of inspiring her ability to listen when it is called for and strike race. Bringing the race together may prove to out when it is needed quickly gained her ranks be the best hope for Ornthon survival and hope in Aerie of the Great Skies. Her success at for tomorrow. But dark days are upon them, as uniting smaller Aeries under the Great Skies end times draw ever nearer. More and more banner eventually saw her become the premier Ornthon give themselves wholly to the Voices, leader in her Aerie. There she helped push while the Avos throw themselves into forward support to Sky Song in fighting the destructive battle. She knows she cannot save Tyranids, measures to integrate Biomancer all of her race, but she also cannot bring herself Aeries with Great Skies Avos forces, and the to abandon her fellow Ornthon after all they perfecting of the Symbio-Suit project. Although have been through. only time will tell if her unending drive to see her race united will prove fruitful, it has garnered her much support and respect from all

sides. Although she is technically outside the High Commander Elek'Nath, She Who Unites- 220 pts Elek'Nath WS 6 BS 5 S 5 T 6 W 5 I 5 A 3 Ld 10 Sv 3+ Flying Monstrous Creature (Character) Unit Composition: 1 (Unique) Special Rules: Stubborn, Independent Character Wargear: 2 Beam cannons , 2 Power Gauntlets, Spine Grenade, Regenerator Module Warlord Trait: Ancestral Paragon Mender of Schisms: During deployment, d3 units of your choice gain Objective Secured Relic: Master Symbio-suit Crafted as the ultimate in Symbio-suit technology,this unit boasts unprecedented speed Elek’Nath commissioned it as a “flagship” for the technology and wears it personally to show her dedication This model gains a 3+ armor save, the Feel No Pain special rule, and the already calculated bonuses of +1 strength, +2 toughness, and +2 wounds. It also gains the Flying Monstrous Creature unit type as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Wargear List

Ranged Weapons Regenerator Implant- 20 pts Graviton Pistol- 15 pts Beastkiller Manacle- 3 pts Marks Anger of the Flock- 10 pts Melee Weapons Bringer of Ruin- 15 pts Power Weapon- 15 pts Caller of Sorcery- 15 pts Power Gauntlet- 15 pts Elegant Warrior- 10 pts Beastkiller Blade- 5 pts Neuro-Pike- 10 Relics Impulse Mace- 15 Tactical Network Uplink- 30 pts Chakram- 10 Graviton Beamer- 25 pts Swarmkiller- 20 pts Heavy Weapons Monsterslayer- 35 pts Beam Rifle- 10 Ar’Ko Implant Swarm- 30 pts Beam Cannon- 15 Fallen Balegun- 20 pts Neuro-Pulse Cannon- 10 Ripper- 30 pts Quicksilver Form- 20 pts Special Weapons Graviton Blaster- 10 Vehicle Equipment Graviton Pulser- 10 Regenerator Module- 35 Photon Designator- 5

Special Issue Wargear 3Sky Missile- 15

1Jump Pack- 15 4Dispersion Shielding- 10 pts

2Graviton Ball- 10 pts Feeler Tentacles- 5 Tactical Shield- 15 pts Lasher Tentacles- 10 Additional set of arms- 15 pts

1: May only be taken by Independent Characters

2: May not be taken by Independent Characters

3: Non-flyers can take a maximum of 1

4: Only non-flyers may take this

Ornthon Attack Wing Detachment Seasoned Commander If this Detachment is chosen as your Primary Detachment, you can choose to re-roll the result on the Warlord Trait table Insertion Pod Strike Before deployment roll a d6 for each unit with the Infantry type in your army. If the unit numbers 10 or fewer models add +1, and if it numbers 5 or fewer add +2. On a 6+ that unit gains the Deep Strike special rule. Choose a Side Avos Biomancers Core: 1-3 Wing Squadrons Core: 1-3 Blood Squadrons Command: 1 Wing Commander, 0-1 Star Haunter, Command: 0-1 Scribe of the Beyond, 0-1 Path 0-1 United Command Herald, 0-1 Death Speakers 0-1 United Command Auxiliary: 0-10 of any of the following: Veteran Auxiliary: 0-10 of any of the following: Chosen of Squadron, Fire Support Squadron, Sky Squadron, Blood, Chosen of Beauty, Chosen of Undying, Delver Team, Equalizers, Bio-Bonded Chosen of Ambition, Delver Team, Equalizers, Bio- Bonded Wing Squadron 0-1 Avos Veteran Cohort Commando Team Required Every model in the Avos Veteran Cohort gains a 1-3 Warrior Cohorts Spike Grenade and can replace either pistol 1 Dragoon Wing or Monsoon Attack Platform with a Tactical Shield for 10 pts or an item from Blood Squadron the Melee Weapons list. The squad must take Jump Packs Required 1 Biomancer (or Chief Chemist Charekk, or Scribe of the Beyond Engineer Too’ka) Required 1-6 Carver Flock 1 Chief Chemist Charekk Master of Bio-Engineering 0-1 Death Speakers Units of Carver Flocks in this formation may replace both CCWs with a Bio-Bomb Path Herald Shield the Flock Required This unit may take a Graviton Induction Module 1 Engineer Too’ka as a Dedicated Transport 0-1 Warrior Cohort Fallen From Grace Wing Commander This Warrior Cohort gains one of the following Required rules at no cost: Rage, Re-roll saves of a 1, 1 Strike Commander Relentless, or +1 Initiative 0-1 Wanderer or Remembrant Nar’Keth United Command Star Haunter Required Required 1 High Commander Elek’Nath 1 Strike Commander Barak’ee 0-1 Wanderer or Remembrant Nar’keth 0-1 Warrior Cohort Required 0-1 Carver Flock 1 Silver Blades Veteran Squadron 0-1 Syrens Required Chosen of Undying 1 Avos Veteran Cohort Required Fire Support Squadron 1 Ruin Callers Required 0-1 Scouring Team 2 Thunderhead Tanks 1 Monsoon Attack Platform Chosen of Ambition Required Sky Squadron 1 Seeker Flock Required Delver Team 1 Squall Tactical Dropship 0-1 Cirrus Bomber Required 1 Togrun Delvers Chosen of Blood Equalizers Required 1 Destructor Crew Required Shield the Flock 2 Equalizer Batteries This unit may take a Graviton Induction Module Bio-Bonded as a Dedicated Transport Required Chosen of Beauty 1 Symbio-Suit unit with 2 models in the squad

Avos Strike Wing Formation Required 1 Strike Wing Commander 2 Avos Veteran Cohort 4 Warrior Cohorts 1 Dragoon Wing 1 Squall Tactical Dropship 1 Thunderhead Tank 1 Monsoon Attack Platform

Seasoned Commander If this Detachment is chosen as your Primary Detachment, you can choose to re-roll the result on the Warlord Trait table

Insertion Pod Strike Before deployment roll a d6 for each unit with the Infantry type in your army. If the unit numbers 10 or fewer models add +1, and if it numbers 5 or fewer add +2. On a 6+ that unit gains the Deep Strike special rule.\ Well Conditioned As long as the Strike Wing Commander is alive, all models in this formation add +1 to Sweeping Advance rolls and -1 to Initiative tests.

Heroes of Ancestral Vengeance Formation Required 1 Wanderer (or Remembrancer Nar’Keth) 0-3 Strike Commanders (including Strike Commander Barak’ee) 1-3 Avos Veteran Cohorts 0-1 Destructor Crew 0-1 Symbio-Suits 0-3 Squall Tactical Dropships Swift Vengeance Units in this formation must take Jump Packs if able, but gains them for free. The Destructor Crew must instead take Insertion Pods for free (gaining the Deep Strike Rule). Units that Deep Strike scatter 1d6” less. Honor the Ancestors As long as this formation’s Wanderer (or Remembrancer Nar’Keth) is alive, all units in the formation gain +1 WS

Ornthon Tactical Objectives If your Warlord has the Ornthon Faction, these Tactical Objectives replace the Capture & Control Tactical Objectives (Numbers 11-16) described in the Warhammer 40,000 rule book. If the mission has the Tactical Objectives special rule, players use the normal rules for using Tactical Objectives with the following exception: when an Ornthon player generates a Capture & Control objective (numbers 11-16) the Ornthon player instead generates the corresponding Ornthon Tactical Objective, as shown in the table below. Other numbers are generated normally. 11 Destroy the Great Nemesis Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one Monstrous Creature, Flying Monstrous Creature, or Gargantuan Creature was killed. If one or more had the Character Type, instead score d3 12 Scour the Enemy Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy unit was completely destroyed during your Shooting phase. If 3 to 5 enemy units were completely destroyed during your Shooting phase, score d3 Victory Points instead. If 6 or more enemy units were completely destroyed during your Shooting phase, score d3+3 Victory Points 13 Own the Skies Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy unit was completely destroyed by an Ornthon unit that arrived from reserves this game. If the Ornthon unit completely destroyed one or more enemy units the turn it arrived from Reserves, instead score d3 Victory Points 14 Recapture the Ancient Glory Choose an objective outside of your deployment zone. Score 2 Victory Points at the end of your turn if you have held it for two turns in a row. 15 Scatter the Foe Score 1 Victory Point at the end of the turn if one or more enemy units were completely destroyed in your Assault phase. 16 Sweep of the Wing Score 1 Victory Point at the end of the turn if at least 3 or Ornthon units moved more than 12” in total this turn. Ally Chart Battle-Brothers Ornthon Allies of Convenience Tau Chaos Space Marines Chaos Daemons Desperate Allies Armies of the Imperium Orks Dark Eldar Eldar Necrons Come the Tyranids

Ranged Weapons

Beam Weapons:

These directed energy weapons unleash a hail of hard hitting fire, or can be concentrated into tight beams that cut through the toughest armor

Range S AP Type Beam Gun 24” 6 6 Heavy 3 Beam Rifle 36” 6 1 Heavy 1, Melta, Lance Beam Cannon 24” 7 3 Heavy 1+d3

Beastkiller Manacles

Designed specifically to combat the most monstrous of Tyranid creatures, this weapon has proved invaluable in a number of engagements. Designed to clamp onto the wearer’s wrist, these small guns still allow the bearer to keep their hands free while firing it with embedded bio-links

Range S AP Type Beastkiller Manacle 12” 1 5 Pistol, Poisoned (4+)

Blight Gun

Gifts from the Voices of biology both beneficial and detrimental, these weapons unleash a toxic deluge on their targets. No creature small or large is entirely safe from the potent torrent

Range S AP Type Blight Gun Template 3 5 Assault 1, Poisoned (5+), Toxic Toxic: If the strength of this weapon is equal to or greater than the toughness of the victim, to-wound rolls must be re-rolled.


See Melee Weapons

Fateseeker Rifle

Somewhere between a sniper rifle and a recoilless rifle, these arcane weapons fire unique crystal shards attuned to the pull of the Deep. Already quite dangerous on their own, these shards can be filled with the energies of the Deep to seek out and sever the very fate lines of their enemies

Range S AP Type Fateseeker Rifle 36” 6 6 Heavy 1, Pinning, Fated Fated: Shots from this weapon are always precision shots

Graviton Weapons

An ancient technology from the old empire, these weapons fire tiny spheres that conduct graviton particles into the target. This lets them unleash incredibly powerful blasts, but also create a localized area of increased gravity that creates incredible strain on the target

Range S AP Type Graviton Pistol 12” 8 2 Pistol Graviton Blaster 18” 9 1 Assault 1, Strikedown Graviton Pulsar Templace 4 5 Assault 1, Strikedown Graviton Cannon Dispersed 48” 6 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast, Focused 48” 9 2 Heavy 1, Strikedown Graviton Bomb - 7 4 Heavy d3, Blast, Barrage, Strikedown

Kinetic Weapons

Curious bits of arcane technology, these weapons create virtual fulcrums to manipulate kinetic energy in and around the target. This allows the weapon to unleash a much larger release of energy than would be implied by their size. However, they can also siphon kinetic energy in concert with other kinetic weapons to focus the release into a single point unleashing terror.

Range S AP Type Impulse Carbine 12” 3 - Heavy 1, Kinetic Charge Impulse Rifle 36” 3 - Heavy 1, Kinetic Charge Impulse Cannon 48” 5 5 Heavy 1, Barrage, Large Blast, Kinetic Charge Kinetic Charge: For every successful To Hit roll from a weapon with this rule, place a Kinetic marker next to the hit unit. For the duration of the current turn any weapon with the Kinetic Charge rule may spend any number of tokens after rolling to hit, but before rolling to wound the unit, to increase its Strength by +1 and AP by -1 to a maximum of S10 AP1.

Neuro Weapons:

The most standard weapon in the Ornthon arsenal, these weapons use strange biotech to create energy charges that overload the target’s systems

Range S AP Type Neuro-Blaster 18” 4 5 Assault 2, Overload Neuro-Blaster Array 18 4 5 Assault 2, Overload, Array Neuro-Pulse Pistol Template 3 6 Pistol Neuro-Pulse Cannon 36” 5 2 Heavy 1, Blast, Overload Neuro-Pike See Melee weapon section Overload: Models firing a weapon with this special rule may choose for the weapon to gain the Shred special rule, but will count as having fired a heavy weapon in the following assault phase.

Phero-Phagic Weapons

A new invention of the Syren flocks, these weapons project a powerful concoction of psychogenic drugs and powerful pheromones. Although they do not cause extreme bodily harm, they do overwhelm the target putting them into a trance that greatly reduces their effectiveness

Range S AP Type Phero-Phagic Rifle 18” 3 - Rapid Fire, Pheromone Phero-Phagic Blaster 18” 3 - Assault 2, Pheromone, Blind Pheromone: For every successful To Hit roll from a weapon with this rule, place a Pheromone token next to the hit unit. Every two markers reduce the hit unit’s BS by 1 till the end of their next turn. If they would be reduced to less than one, they are instead reduced to 1 and cannot fire snap shots. Remove any unspent tokens at the end of the phase.

Sky Missile

These missiles have specialized targeting systems designed specifically for fast moving flyers. They are also designed to be modular so that they can be integrated into most any platform.

Range S AP Type Sky Missile 36” 8 2 Heavy 1, Skyfire

Melee Weapons

Beastkiller Blade

Like the Beastkiller Manacles, these weapons were originally designed to combat fearsome Tyranid beasts. The specially engineered biology of the blade is incredibly deadly to living tissue

Range S AP Type Beastkiller Blade - User - Melee, Poisoned (3+)


Disk like and razor sharp these elegant weapons have been with the Ornthon for as long as any can remember. Traditionally the weapon of the stylish and high ranking, they are non-the less quite deadly at close range. The monomolecular edge lets it cut through nearly all but the toughest targets in the right circumstances

Range S AP Type Melee - User - Melee, Rending, Keen Ranged 12” 4 - Assault d3, Rending, Keen Keen: Weapons with this special rule re-roll To Hit and To Wound rolls of a 1

Impulse Weapons

Close range versions of the kinetic guns, these weapons work on similar principles. They generate a kinetic field that increases their impact or combines with the field of other weapons to create even stronger blasts. The largest of these even generate a field when being drug across the ground to “pre- charge” their field

Range S AP Type Impulse Mace - User - Melee, Two-Handed, Concussive, Kinetic Charge Impulse Hammer - User - Melee, Two-Handed, Kinetic Charge, Kinetic Generator, Concussive Kinetic Charge: For every successful To Hit roll from a model with this rule in the assault phase, place a Kinetic marker next to the hit unit. For the duration of the current turn any weapon with the Kinetic Charge rule may spend any number of tokens after rolling to hit, but before rolling to wound the unit, to increase its Strength by +1 and AP by -1 to a maximum of S10 AP1.

Kinetic Generator: After the unit this weapon is in rolls for charge distance, if they are successful, add a Kinetic Charge marker to the primary unit charged for every two inches of distance.

Locus Staff

These curious creations are the brainchild of the Voices of sorcery. With swirling eldritch energies they both strengthen the minds of the bearer, and also cause curious effects within the warp. Enemy psykers may find their own sorcery drawn towards and into the staff.

Range S AP Type Locus Staff - +1 - Melee, Locus Locus: Models with this special rule gain the Adamantine Will special rule, and when a psychic power targets a friendly unit within 6” of the bearer you may roll a die. On a 4+ the power instead targets the bearer’s squad.

Neuro Pike

Like their ranged brothers, these weapons discharge biological energy into their targets, which proves especially effective against biological targets and small artificial constructs

Range S AP Type Neuro-Pike Melee - User - Melee, Two-Handed, Shred Neuro-Pike Ranged 6” 4 5 Assault 1, Shred

Power Gauntlets

Somewhat resembling Imperial powerfists, these rounded gauntlets greatly increase the power of the bearer’s melee strikes allowing them to engage a wider array of targets

Range S AP Type Power Gauntlet - +3 4 Melee, Specialist Special Issue Wargear

Additional set of arms: weapons. If equipped with the additional close combat weapon, it also ignores the attack With the Biomancer’s mastery of the biological, penalty for two handed weapons it is child’s play for them to graft additional limbs onto the willing

This model counts as having an additional close combat weapon. It may trade that additional weapon just like any other weapon it is equipped with. This model can gain an extra attack for having more than two close combat Bio-Bomb Grudges

Some Biomancers will remove the “extraneous” Some warriors have developed a special organs of their underlings to replace them with animosity towards certain enemies that have powerful biological explosives wronged the Ornthon

Models equipped with a bio-bomb count as After deployment choose a codex. This models being equipped with a Melta-Bomb as and any squad it joins gain Hatred (the selected described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. codex) for the duration of the game. If it uses the Melta-Bomb in close combat it is removed as a casualty at the end of that combat with no saves of any kind allowed. Jump Pack

These packs allow the wearer to quickly across the battlefield or up large obstacles. They also Emplacement Pod enable deployment from the sky These Ornthon sized obelisks can be dropped Models equipped with jump packs gain the onto the battlefield to project out a protective Jump unit type as described in the forcefield Warhammer40,000 rulebook Models within 6” of an Implacement Pod gain a 5+ invulnerable save against shooting attacks. The Pod is also equipped with a single TL Neuro- Neuro Grenades- Blaster These fleshy grenades utilize the same technology as the other Neuro weapons. When thrown they overload the enemy’s systems, Enhanced Sensory Package causing them to stumble With a myriad of extra sensory organs and secondary processing brains, the enhanced Models equipped with neuro grenades count as being equipped with defensive grenades as sensory package lets nothing escape its gaze described in the Warhammer 4,000 rulebook. Models equipped with an enhanced sensory package make snap shots on a 5+

Regenerator Implant Ornthon technology is innately tied to the

biomantic arts. Damage to Ornthon technology can often be regenerated by specialized biological implants

Models equipped with a Regenerator Implant

gain the It Will Not Die special rule

Sapper Tactical Shield

These arcane devices contain bioengineered These archaic bucklers are fitted with forcefield brain tissue that allow a non-psyker to tap into projectors that have proven their worth on the the power of the Deep ever so lightly. melee battlefields of the new galaxy

At the beginning of your turn, you may choose Models equipped with a tactical shield gain a for the bearer of a sapper to become a psyker 4+ invulnerable save with Mastery Level 1 and the Enfeeble power. This effect last until the end of the current turn, as well as the effect of the psychic power. Teleporter Pack

These arcane packs allow the wearer to dive through the deep to emerge in new and unusual Spike Grenade locations to surprise the enemy Resembling a tiny ball on the end of a stick, these grenades explode outward with a hail of Models equipped with a teleporter pack gain the Jet unit type as described in the spines when thrown Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. They may also Models equipped with a spike grenade count as move an additional d6” in the movement phase being equipped with a frag grenade as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Armor

Bio-Suit Hardened Armor

The very heights of Ornthon protective The heaviest standard armor available to the technology, these suits are a perfect blend of Ornthon, these suits have been reinforced and technology and biology that turn the wearer are supported by artificial musculature into a walking monster of destruction Models equipped with hardened armor gain a Models equipped with a bio-suit gain the 3+ armor save Monstrous Creature unit type as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. They also gain a 3+ armor save, the Feel No Pain special rule, and the already calculated bonuses of +1 strength, +2 toughness, and +3 wounds.

Tactical Armor Tactical Mesh

The standard for the Ornthon race, this armor In some situations, speed wins out against provides the utmost in protection while offering armor. It is for this that the tactical mesh was a wide range of movement designed.

Models equipped with hardened armor gain a Models equipped with hardened armor gain a 4+ armor save 5+ armor save

Vehicle Equipment

Aerial Mines Dispersion Shielding

Compact spheres utilizing anti-grav technology, These specialized shields work to disperse these mines are attracted to fast moving aerial incoming energy and kinetic fire targets Models equipped with dispersion shielding gain During the shooting phase you may expend up +1 to their cover save to two Aerial Mines, even if you moved Flat Out. To do so, pick any point at which the vehicle has moved over this turn and place a Feeler tentacles token. If, during the opponents turn, a Flyer, Flying Monstrous Creature, or Skimmer would These wispy tentacles beneath the vehicle move over a token or end its movement within enable it to literally “feel” its way across the 6” of a token it suffers a single S8 AP1 hit with battlefield the Armorbane special rule at the end of the Models equipped with feeler tentacles gain the current phase. Move Through Cover special rule

Lasher Tentacles Photon Designator These powerful tentacles lash out at anyone A combination of enhanced sensors and infrared foolish enough to approach the vehicle projectors cut through the deepest night During the assault phase, models equipped with Models equipped with a Photon Designator gain attack tentacles generate d6 S4 AP- hits at the Night Vision special rule initiative 5. If the model is a flyer, it also gains the Vector Strike special rule but at S4 and AP-

Regenerator module Models equipped with a Regenerator Implant gain the It Will Not Die special rule Ornthon technology is innately tied to the biomantic arts. Damage to Ornthon technology can often be regenerated by specialized biological implants Relics

Tactical Network Uplink

This experimental set of devices tap into multiple battlefield feeds and use engineered neural tissue to generate a tactical outline and then relay that to the Strike Wing

Once per turn at the beginning of any phase the bearer of this Relic may choose to take a Leadership test. If it is failed this Relic cannot be activated next turn. If it is passed one unit within 12” may choose to re-roll to hit rolls for the duration of the phase.

Graviton Beamer

An ancient relic from the glory days of the Ornthon, this is no ordinary graviton weapon. It represents what the Ornthon were once capable of. Smaller even than the modern graviton pistol, it still packs more punch than even the most powerful graviton weapon. However, it also can’t be recharged on the battlefield. To carry one into battle is a great honor for any Ornthon.

Range S AP Type Graviton Beamer 12” 10 1 Pistol, One shot


One of the famed Living Blades, Swarmkiller is an ancient and revered weapon. More than just a blade, it has been infused with living tissue and taught to hunger for flesh. While bearing it, even the weakest Ornthon becomes a blur of motion, tearing into the enemy ranks like a tornado. Itself a veteran of the first fight against the Tyranids, Swarmkiller has been brought back to life to fight the second coming of the most hated foe.

Range S AP Type Swarmkiller - +1 5 Melee, Swarmkiller Swarmkiller: This model gains the Rampage special rule and on a 6 to wound generates an extra hit.


The most revered of the Living Blades, Monsterslayer has ever lived up to its name. Throughout the ages it has taken a terrible toll against the largest of the nemesis beasts. Its hunger has only increased in this new galaxy as it is filled with even more massive beasts to fell. It holds the ability to cut through the thickest armor and harm even the mightiest creatures and it holds vast knowledge pertaining to overcoming such foes.

Range S AP Type Monsterslayer - User 5 Melee, Monsterslayer Monsterslayer: This model gains the Monster Hunter special rule, the Hatred (Monstrous Creature) special rule, and gains Rending on a 4+ to wound

Ar’ko Implant Swarm

From the Voices of Entropy, the Biomancer Ar’ko developed this rare suit of armor. Strong and resistant, it also contains a swarm of engineered microbial agents that it fills the air with. These agents boost the implants in nearby Ornthon, and sap the defenses of their foes.

Models equipped with the Ar’ko Implant Swarm have a 3+ armor save. In addition, it and friendly models within 6” gain Feel No Pain (5+), while enemy models within 6” must re-roll Armor saves of a 6.

Fallen Bale-gun

From the Voices of sorcery comes a twisted gun that taps directly into the power of the Deep. From this energy source it gains incredible strength that it unleashes at range into the enemy. The strange energy always has a different effect on the foe, sometimes tearing them apart, other times lighting them ablaze, or even just disintegrating them. Although created only recently, it has changed hands a surprising number of times as it seems to move with the tides of rank among the Biomancers

Range S AP Type Fallen Bale-gun 18” 5 D6 Assault d3, Soul Blaze


From the Voices of blood comes this gore drenched weapon. Said to have been born upon the battlefield, it seems to come alive a little more each time it is plunged into flesh. It has brought so much death to the enemies of the Ornthon it exudes an aura of pure wrath. Those that hold it fall into a blood frenzy at a moment’s notice and even those in the vicinity can feel the rage overtaking them.

Range S AP Type Ripper - +1 3 Melee, Rip Rip: This model gains the Fearless special rule, and when engaged in a challenge gains the Rage and Hatred special rules.

Quicksilver Form

In their search for perfection, certain Biomancers have developed a way to change one’s skin so that it shimmers and flows in truly delightful ways. Upon the battlefield such an individual would be nearly impossible to land a blow upon.

During a challenge, enemies striking at a model with Quicksilver Form must re-roll To Hit and To Wound rolls of a 6. In addition, a model equipped with Quicksilver Form automatically passes Look Out Sir rolls.

Proxy Guideline To facilitate playing an army that doesn’t exist, you can use the following guidelines. Note that these are rough estimates in some cases. 25mm infantry (Tyranid gaunt size) 40mm infantry (Terminator size) Carver Flock Ruin Callers 25mm infantry (Standard size) 55mm clear (Large jetbike size) Strike Commander Dragoon Wing Strike Commander Barak’ee 60mm base (Heavy Weapon Team size) Biomancer Seeker Team Chief Chemist Charekk 60mm base (Monstrous Creature size) Engineer Too’ka Biosuit Wanderer High Commander Elek’Nath Remembrant Nar’keth Vehicle (DE Venom size) Death Speakers Zephyr Command Platform Warrior Cohort Monsoon Attack Platform Avos Veteran Cohort Vehicle (backwards Necron Arc size) Destructor Crew Nimbus Insertion Vehicle Scouring Team Vehicle (Tau Devilfish size) Syrens Thunderhead Tank Equalizer Battery Gunners Flyer (SM Stormtalon size) Togrun Delvers Squall Tactical Dropship 30mm clear base (Larger Tau drone size) Flyer (IG Vendetta size) Graviton Induction Module Cirrus Bomber Cavalry Base (Standard Size) Non-standard (Artillery size) Silver Blades Equalizer Batter Platform