A new award for young writers Eureka Street is delighted to announce the inaugural Margaret Dooley Young Writers' Award One of the di These arguments ideally address peo pl e who own religious be li ef, and those whose view of the world is secu lar. To reflect ethical ly on public issues is a demanding discipline. h•s field. Margaret and Brendan Dooley have longstanding connection s to the Jesuits and Xavier Co llege . Margaret always appreciated the value of commun ication and education for young people, based on spiritual and personal val ues. She graduated from Sacre Coeur College in 1950, com menced nursing at St Vin ce nt's Hospital and, with Brendan, raised four chil dren. Margaret died in 2004. The Dooley family are pleased to support th is initiative. previously published or unpublished, under the age of 40. Entrants must submit two previously unpublished articles that offer: ethical reflection directed to a non-specialist audience on any serious to pic, appeal to humane values, such as those that are found within, but are not exclusive to, the best of the Christian trad ition , clear argument and elegant expression, and a generosity and courtesy of spirit animating forceful argument. One article shou ld be of no more than 800 words. The second shoul d be of no more than 2000 words. They may take up the sa me, or different, topics. Entries are to be submitted by 5pm Friday, 29 July 2005, to : Margaret Dooley Young Writers' Award, Eureka Street, PO Box 553, Richmond VIC 3121.
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