Portland Daily Press: June 13, 1898

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Portland Daily Press: June 13, 1898 PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. • ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1882-VOL. 35._ PORTLAND, MAINE, MONDAY MQRRiNQ< JUNE 13. 1898. fSSfE&’raffii PRICE THREE CENTS. TV? T StlF-.l-.r.V XBOP3. t ‘XFUS CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK oil Portland, Maine. FOUGHT FOR 13 HOURS. CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits, $25,000.00 Solicits tho accounts of Banks,Mer- cantllc Firms, Corporations and Individuals, and is prepared to fur- nish its patrons tho best faciltiies and liberal accommodations. Attack United States Marines Intaiest Paid on Deposits. Spaniards SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS. Interviews and Correspondence Invited. CULLEN C. CHAPMAN, President. at Killed THOMAS H. Cashier. and EATON, Guantanamo Four, -DIRECTORS: *” CULLEN C. SETH L. ■ -----• CHAPMAN, LARRABEE, =---:-- ■ —- .. .J..M .—l E. M. STEADMAN, CHARLES J. CHAPMAN, BRICE M, EDWARDS, PERLEY P. BURNHAM THE SHIPS THE INVADING FORCE. HENRY S. OSGOOD, JAME3 F. HAWKES, TROOP START. WILLIAM M. MARKS. Continued _ for Thirteen Hours Until Rein* jet M,W&Ftflstp Fight .<r,ir Tampa, Fla., June The expedition hat sailed from here t6 Key West {irior to First Armed Off For Santi- to foroements Came From Expedition ;oing Santiago was made of nearly Marblehead. OUR TROOPS I up :0 of of from regiments regular Infantry i ago de Cuba, >00 to 559 men each, eaoh including he- ARE OFF TO WAR! lides the regiments of the fifth army corps our of But wa have left some excellent regiments Infantry that have been styles in various sizes of Yici Kid n camp at Mobile and which formed Shoes for Ladies’, Children and part of Major General Coppinger's com- Men’8 wear. mand at that rendezvous, djhe total forces Just come into our store and look if regular infantry was about 11,000 men. over our trade—the best made great There were also two regiments of volun- Shoe for the in Portland. money teer infantry, about 8000 men al- See our Shoe. $3.50 gether, the second of cavalry regiment t *4 :rom Moblile, 500 men and two squadrons sach from the first, third, sixth, ninth center & mcdowell, and tenth cavalry, about 2000 men, eight troops of volunteer cavalry from Boose- 588 Brown Block. Congress St., 560 four bat- may2s dtllstp velt’s rough riders, men; teries of light artillery, 300 men and 16 guns; two batteries of heavy artillery, •FECIAL MO TICSSc 200 men and 16 guns; two batteries of heavy artillery, 800 men and 16 guns; the battalion of engineers, 20 men; signal AMERICA AHEAD and hospital corps, etc., about 300 men, a grand total of 17,000 men. Some people use the words “French The fleet the men Dyeing and Cleansing” as catchwords, | conveying consisted but MR. FOSTER, just home from of S3 transports, the hospital ship State Paris, says our work is done better than of Texas, Bessie and Martha and it is done there, barges the tug Capt. Sam. American Dyeing; and Cleansing; for Americans! FEW TOO MANY. ■ H> n ■ n.. Y Tai^-.. *■,«■■, ... CSICTCD’P Forest City Dye House and Steam tN/u uw ■I LMfall wA Carpet Cleansing Works, Cape Haytien, Hayti, June 12—10.30 18 Preble St., opp. Preble House. p. m.— Eight thousand Americans,accord- Pickets Are as Yet Unaccount- to a The GEN. ALGER’S STATEMENT. ing private despatch from Port au American Prince, have landed very near Santiago Immense Amount of Work Done Prepar- nAJOR-GENERAL SHAFTER. de Cuba. ing For War. Washington, June 18.—Under oom-' most numerous gathered In American The U. S. auxiliary cruiser St. and Be Killed Also- Louis, ed for May Washington,! June 12.—Secretary Alger mand of Major General Shatter, the first waters sinoe the Civil war. The troops arrived at Mole St. Nicholas today. gave out.for publication a statement show- division of the United States army will should arrive off Santiago by Wednesday with exactness just what has been NO NEWS AT WASHINGTON. ing sail tonight from Key West for Santiago night, supposing 'the fleet proceeds at done by the war department up to this deCuba to besiege and capture that town. knots speed and landing operations moment in preparing for the United eight the Associated 30 in for General (Copyright 1898, Paess.) States army for war. The secretary said The army transports, number, left should begin by Thursday, had been care- men via Mole that this matter, which Port Tampa yesterday and are now at Shatter will not keep his cooped up Washington, June 13.—Up to 12.30 this On Board the A. P. Despatch Boat Dauntless, Off Guantanamo, Sunday Morning, June 12, St, Nicholas, fully prepared by the heads of the various noo- Key We3t. The convoying warships, be- on shipboard a moment longer than morning no news had reached thS officials 11—8 P. M.—Lieut. Col. R. W. battalion of marines which landed from the Panther departments, of oourse committed thous- Hayti, June Huntington’s transport lieved to number between 13 and 19, will essary. It is not believed that they will concerning the light at Guantanamo. ands of details but still it might convey on and on the hill the abandoned cable station at the entrance to the outer harbor of Guan- the of Friday encamped guarding to the American people soms idea of the be ready for the voyage by nightfall and be landed at Caimanara, point The report that 8000 American troops had vast work by the this force there where the American has been in off a bush attack and since 3 o’clock after- accomplish!! warjdepart- with powerful is no Guantanamo bay landed near Santiago cannot be con- tanamo, engaged beating by Spanish guerillas regulars Saturday mefit up to this time in assembling and longer reason for apprehension that the flag now flies over the heads of Sampson’s firmed and it is believed here that the noon. The was almost continuous for thirteen hours until six o’clock this morning, when reinforcements were equipping the mighty army which is now fighting attaoked while well ready to oarry Out the will of the country transports can be successfully by marines, as.that place, adapted troops have not reached these waters. landed from the Marblehead. Four of our men were killed and one was wounded. The advance pickets under in driving Spain irom her last foothold any Spanish warships even if suoh should to serve as a naval base, and as a harbor i n the western GERMANY Lieuts. Neville and Shaw are unaccounted for. henjifihpere. have escaped the vigilant search of the of ; refuge for American vessels, is not WILL~MEDDLE. Since May the subsistence department Gibbs of the who fell in the bits loaded 12 solid miles of freight cars naval commanders at Key West and off particularly well suited for the beginning Among the killed is Assistant Surgeon John Blair Gibbs, son of Major regular army with provisions lncrndlng 29,123,945 ra- Havana. It is believed here that the Sally of military operations. His home was at in New York and he entered the service tions, weighing 82,130 tons. London June 13.—A despatoh to the Custer massacre. Richmond, Va., but he had been practising Sixteen volunteer batteries have been out of Havana of the three In 10 unless unforseen obsta- Spanish gun- days time, Mail from either in whole or in Daily Nagasaki, Japan, says: when the war He was a officer. The others killed are Charles H. Smith of Smallwood, supplied part. to create the the movement began. very popular Sargeant Sinew the of hostilities the boats was intended impres- cles are encountered, upon beginning “X have trustworthy information that of and of Mass. department has sent to the field a large sion that they were prepared to attaok Porto Rico will begin. Private William Dunphy Gloucester, Mass., Private James Mr.Colgan Stoneham, number of five inch guns and seven inch Germany is determined to prevent albom- If the has been in close but it was con- uuwiDbDia. the so, plan mis- The war Glass was wounded in The loss is unknown, ooigjo transports. department bardment of Manila." Corporal accidentally the head. Spanish probably of ammunition of Immense supplies carried for the craft were detected imme- communication by telegraph with Gen. indicate but their all kinds have been sent out. Forty-one siderable. The splashes of blood found at daylight at the positions the Spaniards occupied fatalities, ve ssels have been chartered as transports. diately by Commodore Watson’s cruisers Miles at Tampa and all of the necessary All had to be fitted for the THE TERROR USELESS. carried off the killed and wounded. purpose. and driven back pell mell into Havana instructions have been given to the com- comrades It has been difficult to get transports ■ ■ ■ —1 —* ■ — ■■■—■ 1 ■ 1 on the Pacific coast but enough will even- harbor under the protection of the guns manding general for tne preparation oi --- ■ ■■_—— tually be secured. of shore batteries. Even if these boats forces to be used in this part was which could not be used the £ The movement of troops to rendezvous the tho military Porto Kico Will Soon be on Verge md Impenetrable. The Spanish squads. came so close,’that at points there during night) points was a vast undertaking. could have done no dam- Gen. Miles in tarn has 'or of our own had escaped they of the campaign. :oncoaled in the cbapparel, had the ad- almost a hand tojhand struggle. The fearing hitting men, Altogether the troops transported, regu- ftf Ktarviiiian size or tne rurnisnea Generals and lar and volunteer, was 126 regiments in- age as the convoy been consulting Coppinger DETAILS OF rantage, the Americans on the ridge fur- offloers usedltheir revolvers.
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