City Remembers Former Councillor

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City Remembers Former Councillor Siakam The leads the Bulletin’s way for annual Aggies Legislative Page 22 Guide is now out $1.00 • © 2016 LAS CRUCES BULLETIN LOCAL NEWS AND ENTERTAINMENT SINCE 1969 • WWW.LASCRUCESBULLETIN.COM • FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2016 VOLUME 48 • NUMBER 44 State of the State City remembers *with purchase of a Queen or King Motion Power Base former councillor $ starting at 999 Silva died Sunday of apparent suicide Queen Size Motion Power Base Please see ad on Page A3 By Mike Cook “I sat next to Miguel *See store for details. Offer expires 1/28/16 and Brook Stockberger Silva for four years on 3299 Del Rey Blvd. Las Cruces Las Cruces Bulletin 575.523.3933 this council,” said former “He brought us laugh- City Councillor Dolores ter, he brought us joy, he Connor. “Miguel had a brought us support in big heart with lots of Las Cruces has many, many activities,” ideas and thoughts. Good- Las Cruces community bye to my good friend and activist Irene Oliver-Lew- to that guy who loved nearly 1,000 is said in memory of the being a public servant.” late Miguel Kari Bachman, coordi- G. Silva at nator of Doña Ana Place acres of parks the Tuesday, Matters, said she first met Jan. 19 Las Silva in 1994, when she Cruces City came to Las Cruces as a Editor’s note: This is the first of a se- Council student at New Mexico ries of stories about city parks in Las SILVA meeting. State University. Cruces. Silva, 55, “He and I had many dis- died Sunday, Jan. 17 of an agreements and many By Mike Cook apparent suicide. conversations about Las Cruces Bulletin He served on the city those, and I am forever We all know about Pioneer Women’s council from 2007 to 2015 enriched by them,” Bach- Park in downtown Las Cruces, Apodaca and ran for mayor in No- man said. Park, Young Park, Veterans Memorial vember 2015. He lost to She and other friends Park and a few other city parks in Las current Mayor Ken Miy- and colleagues of Silva’s Cruces. But local residents might be agishima. placed an altar in his surprised to learn there are 85 total Mayor Pro-Tem Greg memory on Tortugas parks and counting in the city — three Smith, who chaired the Mountain on Sunday, are in development in the Metro Verde BULLETIN PHOTO BY RICHARD COLTHARP meeting in the absence of Jan. 18. Bachman wore a area of northeast Las Cruces, City of With husband Chuck Franco listening, Gov. Susana Martinez Miyagishima, asked for cap to the Jan. 19 council Las Cruces Parks and Recreation Direc- delivers her 2016 State of the State address Tuesday, Jan. 19 in comments about Silva meeting in honor of Silva, tor Mark Johnston said. Santa Fe, signaling the beginning of the 30-day Legislative from the public and from who was known for his Some city parks have been around Session at the State Capitol in Santa Fe. To read excerpts from his fellow council mem- many hats. her address, see Page A3. To read the full address, go online to bers before beginning the SEE PARKS, PAGE A13 regular meeting. SEE SILVA, PAGE A11 WHAT’S INSIDE $ 1 Opinions ............................... A4 Sports ................................. A22 Sudoku ..................................B8 Homes .................................B16 8 8 Coming Up ...........................A8 Arts & Entertainment .... B2-B9, Brain Games .........................B9 Legals/Classifieds ................B22 Business .............................. A18 B12-B15 Religion ...............................B10 Health & Well Being ..........B28 “Why YouYo Don’t Have to Pay High Prices for Urgent Care Services! would you Onsite Lab and X-Rays pay more?” Walk-ins Always Welcome or Call 532-4427 for an appointment. ϯϬϯϬt͘WŝĐĂĐŚŽ;ǁĞƐƚƐŝĚĞŽĨŝƟnjĞŶƐĂŶŬͿ A2 | FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2016 NEWS LAS CRUCES BULLETIN Content brought to you by: Doña Ana County ‘Your Partner in Progress’ County celebrates fifth clean audit For the fifth consecutive year, Doña Ana Coun- In 2011, the New Mexico State Auditor’s Of- same period. ty’s annual outside audit has come back with zero fice bestowed its very first Accountability Award “Occasionally, department heads and elected findings of deficiencies in processes and protocols. for Large County Audit Achievement to Doña Ana officials complain about the budgeting and pro- “It’s unusual for a governmental entity of this County. The award was co-sponsored by the New curement processes that we have in place,” Brown size to get two consecutive clean audits,” said Do- Mexico Association of Counties. said. “The processes may be cumbersome at times, ña Ana County Manager Julia T. Brown. “To re- According to the county’s Finance Director, but they’re in place for good reasons, and this ceive five consecutive clean audits borders on be- Bill Noland, Doña Ana County is the only county string of clean audits demonstrates that they’re ing unprecedented, and it’s a sparkling tribute to in the State of New Mexico to receive no findings working as they should.” the county’s Finance Department for managing the over the five-year period, and only one municipali- The county’s external audits have been con- strong financial protocols that have been put in ty – the tiny Village of Causey, population 104, in ducted by Hinkle and Landers, PC, of Albuquer- place to safeguard the integrity of taxpayer funds.” Roosevelt County – received no findings over the que. Pack 316 Cubs tour fire facility Commission to Doña Ana County Attorney fete Lou Henson Nelson Goodin spends much of his Former New free time working with young peo- Mexico State ple involved in the local Cub University head Scouts of Pack 316. This month, basketball he arranged a tour of the Doña Coach Lou Ana County Fire and Emergency Henson will be Services Department’s training honored Tues- facility and fire-simulation trailer day, Jan. 26, by for 32 of the wide-eyed young- the Doña Ana LOU HENSON sters. County Board of Commissioners. Located at 1430 Portland Dr., District 3 Doña Ana County in Las Cruces, the facility is a state Commissioner Benjamin L. Raw- -of-the art training building for son is sponsoring a proclamation both volunteer and paid firefight- designating Jan. 26 as Lou Henson ers serving Doña Ana County’s 16 Day to honor the 2015 National Volunteer Fire Districts. The sim- Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame ulation trailer is used for both on- inductee, who posted 779 wins site and off-site demonstrations of during his career. how to properly respond to a “Coach Henson is a local leg- kitchen or house fire. Firefighter Edgar Piñon of the Doña Ana County Fire and Emer- end and a personal hero of mine,” The 2015 BullEx Fire Safety gency Services Department educates Cub Scouts about fire safety. Rawson said. “I join my col- Trailer is a mobile classroom that PHOTO: Nelson Goodin leagues on the Commission in staff uses to teach firefighting honoring his amazing career.” skills and fire-prevention training throughout the coun- asking questions and getting to interact with the fire- Henson coached at NMSU for a ty. Some of the training scenarios include teaching fighting personnel.” total of 16 seasons (1966-1975 and adults how to extinguish kitchen fires with simulated “We’re grateful for every opportunity to show these 1997-2005), and before that, he led fires that are intense and true-to-life, but are completely assets to the community,” Crespin said. “People of all the Las Cruces High School Bull- safe. It can also teach children what to do in case of a ages can benefit from the life-saving lessons we can dogs to state championships in fire emergency. demonstrate, and these kids were attentive and en- 1959, 1960 and 1961. Goodin said the children ‘absolutely loved’ getting gaged.” The Jan. 26 meeting begins at 9 to spend time visiting with Interim Doña Ana County To arrange a group tour of the training building, or a.m. in the Commission Chambers Fire Chief Eric Crespin and his training staff. to arrange a demonstration of the simulation trailer, call of the Doña Ana County Govern- “The tour and the demo trailer were clear highlights the Doña Ana County Fire and Emergency Services ment Center, 845 N. Motel Blvd., for them,” he said, “but they also very much enjoyed Department at (575) 647-7921. in Las Cruces. JOIN US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! January 22, 2016 Visit our Award-Winning Website at or Contact Us at (575) 647-7200 LAS CRUCES BULLETIN NEWS FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2016 | A3 Martinez talks crime, education in State of the State Bulletin report online at www.lascruces- not specifically of our whatever. We have vi- lic’s frustration is not and history of defendants Gov. Susana Martinez making. In some cases, cious, heinous criminals misplaced. Our laws are who appear in their court- delivered her State of the Overview they have been decades in among us who are willing too lax, our justice system rooms — so that sentenc- State address to both the making. But they are to take the lives of our too weak — particularly ing and bail decisions can houses of the New Mexi- “Our call and purpose what is in front of us, and greatest heroes, and who when it comes to violent, be made with that infor- co Legislature on Tues- will be to confront violent for the sake of future gen- have no business being dangerous offenders. It’s mation. day, Jan. 19 as the govern- crime, demand more than erations, it is our respon- out on our streets.” our job to fix it and there’s “And we need to amend ing bodies opened up this mediocrity in education, sibility to address them.” “Communities, par- a lot we can do.
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