The Electronic Edition of +The Second Cryptographic Shakespeare+ Copyright 1990 by Penn Leary Permission Is Granted to Quote Up
The Electronic edition of +The Second Cryptographic Shakespeare+ Copyright 1990 by Penn Leary Permission is granted to quote up to 500 words, except for quotations from other writers for which I have received permissions. The GWBASIC pro- gram, shown near the end of this text, I have placed in the public domain. It is also available from Westchester House, Publishers, 218 So. 95th St. Omaha NE 68114. Cost is $5.00 postpaid on an MS-DOS DD 5 1/2" disk. The book itself is still available from the publisher, $15 postpaid. 313 pages, 16 photo illustrations, bibliography, index. Words marked with + indicate italic text. Title Page. Why how now gentleman: why this is flat knaverie to take upon you another mans's name. William Shakespeare: Taming of the Shrew, iv, 1, 127 +Wherefore let us come to+ CYPHARS. Their kinds are many as, +Cyphars simple; Cyphars intermixt with Nulloes+, or non-significant Characters; +Cyphers of double Letters under one Character; Wheele-Cyphars; Kay-Cyphars; Cyphars of words; Others.+ Francis Bacon: +The Advancement of Learning+ THE SECOND CRYPTOGRAPHIC SHAKESPEARE A MONOGRAPH WHEREIN THE POEMS AND PLAYS ATTRIBUTED TO WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE ARE PROVEN TO CONTAIN THE ENCIPHERED NAME OF THE CONCEALED AUTHOR, FRANCIS BACON BY PENN LEARY THE ENLARGED SECOND EDITION While supplies last, a copy of the book may be obtained from WESTCHESTER HOUSE, PUBLISHERS, 218 SOUTH NINETY-FIFTH, OMAHA, NEBR., U.S.A. 68114 Price $15 p.p. COPYRIGHT 1990 BY PENN LEARY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 90-90117 Quotations excerpted from +The Man Who Saw Through Time+ Copyright by Loren Eiseley, 1973, reprinted with permission of Charles Scribners Sons, New York City.
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