Subject Index, Volume 84, 1999
American Mineralogist, Volume 84, pages 1985–1992, 1999 SUBJECT INDEX, VOLUME 84, 1999 Aenigmatite 257 andalusite 1727 ites and related rocks. By A.F. Aerinite 1467 Annealing 1213, 1224, 1235 Glazner 1210 AFM (SFM, STM) 620, 884 Anion-centered tetrahedra 1099 Coppens, P.: X-Ray Charge hematite 1061 Anomalous scattering 294 Densities and Chemical Bonding. ilmenite 1384 Arnhemite 193 By J.W.Downs 690 pyrite 1549 Apatite 581, 977, 1213, 1224, 1235, Dyar, M.D., McCammon, C. Akimotite 226, 233, 267 1346 and Schaefer M.W.: Mineral Al2SiO5 group 1152 dental 1406 Spectroscopy: A Tribute to Roger Albite 27, 333, 726, 746, 1144 Armenite 86, 92 G. Burns. By A. Treiman 211 melting 1830 Arsenides 639 Grew, E.S. and Anovitz, L.M.: ALH84001 1569 Ashanite 688 Boron: Mineralogy, Petrology Alkali basalt 357 Au, As in pyrite 1071 and Geochemistry. By E.E Allanite 1346 Auorthosites 806 Foord, J.T. O’Connor 1209 Almandine 374 Au2SbO2(OH) 197 Hughes, R.W.: Ruby and Sapphire. AlO6 octahedral chains 1152 Averievite 685 By J. Sinkankas 211 Aluminosilicates 152, 311, 345, 465, Awards Moore, D.M. and Reynolds, R. C., Jr.: 983 Distinguished Public Service X-ray Diffraction and the Identifi- Alunite-group minerals 1687 Medal, acceptance of 1207 cation and Analysis of Clay Miner- Amphibole 1, 86, 102, 1033, 1304 Distinguished Public Service als, second edition. By S.P. Altaner, Analcime 112 Medal, presentation of 1205 689 Analysis chem. (mineral) 1170 Mineralogical Society of America, Young, D.A.: N.L. Bowen and aenigmatite 257 acceptance of 1203 cystallization—differentation: amphibole 102 Mineralogical Society of America, The evolution of a theory.By bederite 1674 presentation of 1202 H.S.
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