
Weather Forecast The Evening and Sunday star is Generally fair and slightly edder Sun- delivered in the and suburbs at day: moderate winds. Temperatures yes- re.r,3C pernpr monln-mnn»v, Tv,prne NlgntNiaht *lnalFinal terday-Highest, 50, at 12:30 p.m.; lowest. 39. at 8 a.m. Edition and Sunday Morning Star at From th* United State* Weather Bureau report. Per hflOnth. Full Details on Fate A-2.

Xo. 1,918—Xo. 35,670. WASHIXGTOX, 1). C., DECEMBER 28, 1941-112 PAGES. ** aJ&Es™^ TEN CENTS

-- ■ ■' ■ — — -- ■ ■ .... — ■ — ■ -.- ■ -- ■ JAPS NOW OFFER TO END MANILA BOMBINGS Filipino Surrender Is Condition; Parleys Bolster Allies' Heart of Left in Flames Position, Capital Roosevelt Says Reinforcements Are Rushed Japan Shall Pay British Place War Plans Shown To Defenders; Foe Less In Kind, Shocked Representatives Legislators Warn Burma Defense Of 33 Nations Than 80 Bv JOHN C. HENRY. Miles Away of Manila Bombing President Roosevelt and Prime By the Associated Press. Barbarism in Worst Minister Churchill, assuming MANILA, Sunday, Dec. 28.—The Japanese bombed unde- Form, Norris Says Under Wavell dramatic leadership of the world-wide war against Axis fended Manila savagely for more than three hours yester- By thy Asuoriatyd Pry**. aggression, spread before the day leaving the heart of the in flames, and then Shocked declared capital legislators grim- Indian Commander's accredited representatives of 33 belatedly offered to consider the on condition that ly yesterday that when the United nations the advanced city open Aide Is Named to yesterday the Filipino army "co-operate” with them and "cease all States has gathered the full force blueprints for marshaling every resistance.” of its offensive might Japan shall Dependency Post economic and fighting resource be made to pay in kind for the of this This manifesto was broadcast by the Tokio radio and addressed globe-encircling front— cruel and of un- By the Associated Press. bloody bombing a grand strategy already ac- to President Manuel Quezon of the Philippines as LONDON, Sunday. Dec. 28—Lt. bomb-pocked defended Manila. credited with strengthening im- Gen. T. J. Hutton, chief of the gen- Manila city of 600.000. heard the word that reinforce- the at- heartening Characterizing Japanese eral staff In India, has been ap- measurably the wartime posi- tack as “barbarism ia its worst ments have been dispatched to outnumbered defenders battling pointed officer commanding in tions of these associated powers. form.’’ Senator Norris. Independent, Burma in a move placing responsi- a day of momentous Japanese invaders bearing down from both the north and south. of Nebraska expressed what ap- Climaxing bility for defense of that dependencv international carefully peared to be a universal sentiment planning, (A C. B. S. broadcast from Manila said the Japanese offered under Gen. Sir Archibald P Wavell. concealed from in- when he asserted that the Nipponese any unfriendly commander in chief in India. terests and still in progressive by radio to consider Manila an open city on two conditions: had disregarded all rules of war- Gen. Hutton, 51. replaces 56-yeer- formulation, the President last fare and in turn could claim no im- old Lt. Gen. D. K. First, removal of all military camps and establishments from McLeod, a cav- night asserted his satisfaction with munity under such rules. alryman who has been general of- the and the "excellent progress” thus far city, second, that Filipino forces co-operate with "Their are open to attack, ficer in Burma since commanding and promised at a future date a when we are ready, that will burn 1938. the Japanese invaders and halt all resistance.) more detailed accounting of what them off the face of the earth and Far Fast Command Shake-up. that is what are has taken place in the Capital Filipinos Derisive of Tokio Broadcast. they coming to,” , The official announcement of his Senator Norris Massed Nazi Patent Office Shift to Richmond during the past week. said. appointment followed by 24 hours Troops The Tokio broadcast, which demanded that the "Much has been Filipino Army High officials, naturally, said noth- I another Far Eastern command accomplished this week.” he declared in a state- "Co-operate with the Japanese Army and cease all resistance” i See REACTION. Page A-9> shake-up in which Gen. Sir Henry Meets With General ment released last night by Stephen Pownall, 53-year-old artillery spe- Reported Moving Approval was greeted with scorn and derision by Filipino listeners. The relations cialist, assumed command of British T Early, press secretary, the manv Filipinos are taking a major role in defense of islands against the forces in the Far East, succeeding Most Persons Concerned Feel Move “through the medium of conferences held, in the meetings invaders. Nazis Rolled Back Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert Toward Spain Preferable to to New York of the supply and production offi- It came over the air in English. Brooke-Popham. Going Tagalog (Filipino dialect) Like Gen. Pownall, whose head- cials, in the sessions held by mem- and as Manila residents Spanish angrily watched red pyramids quarters are at Singapore. Gen. Illegal French Radio By OLIVER MrKEE. Route No 1. Some renovating and bers of the military and naval On 180-Mile will be be- and in the discussions with of fire rising into the skies from the heart of their bombed cap- Front, Hutton is an artilleryman who rose In a revision of the earlier de- reconditioning necessary groups, Trains of all nations ital. rapidly in the service since the Says Many centralization plan which provided fore the building will be ready for the chiefs of missions of World War. He attained the rank of Men Flow South 1 for transfer of the Patent Office to use by its new tenant. The Patent at war with the common enemy. The Japanese airmen, waiting until the city had been stripped Russians Announce major general at the age of 48. New York City, the organization Office will start moving early in Position Declared Strengthened. of ■ its anti-aircraft guns and other defenses in accordance with Gen. will be with some divisions Hutton's selection was re- By the Associa:<*d Press. split up, January. "Included were conferences with Gen. here as the and a of the fn addition to the headquarters of Douglas MacArthur's declaration of Manila Friday as an of Likhvin garded having general NEW YORK. Dec. 27—An anti- major part personnel the Russian and Chinese Ambas- Reoccupation effect of the India to Richmond, and the head- the Patent Office, the following will open city, swarmed overhead shortly before noon yesterday and unifying and Nazi. anti-Vichy radio station oper- moving sadors. the Canadian Prime Minis- Burma and units remain here in the Commerce in Breaches Line Where military.establishments un- from a secret place in France quarters many remaining ter. and the Netherlands Minister. an almost leisurely assault—lasting 3 hours and 17 minutes— ating search der Gen. Wavell. mass move- in Washington. Budget Director Department Building—the laid broadcast tonight that •'As a result of all of these meet- waste entire blocks of the historic walled town of Spanish Gen. Pownall. who is 53 and one D. Smith announced room, scientific library, patented Foe Attempted Stand ment of German troops was under Harold yester- ings. I know tonight that the posi- churches and. of the commonwealth of Britain's was About of the Patent files, soft of patents, filing schools, buildings government youngest generals, way toward the Spanish frontier. day. 1,230 copies tion of the United States and of all the the rank of full 1.460 will be shifted and mosts of the files the Associated Press. j HONOLULU. Dec. 27.—The 14th still are operating in the West Coast to will be decided in fhe near 1 The order up the the The radio equipment would be authorized hold their probably j an- lanes, but due to “effective setting rationing ! ployes were locking up for night prohibited Naval District headquarters shioping to MANILA. Dec. 27.—Maj. future, horsemen program was approved yesterday by a with a must be surrendered local police meetings at the State's other two believe, although nounced that 12 survivors from the counter measures.” they are experi- j when bandit appeared Generoso Reyes of the Philip- and Pim- it was understood conversations with William S. Kundsen and Sndney The authorities. It includes not only full-sized tracks—Bowie Manini, sunk about De- encing great difficulty in making sawed-off shotgun. gunman withdrew freighter and asso- transmitters, but home receiving pine Army 65,000 pe- lico. Havre de Grace has a spring the Racing Commission have been attacks. Hillman, director general waved the employes back into the cember 17, were brought to Pearl their 1 sos (about $32,500) for army of a nature. ciate director respectively, the sets with short-wave bands. Large and a fall session each year, while preliminary Harbor this The communique declared also general, store and fired through glass, use from the morning. of the Office of Production him- studio cameras need not be turned treasury building Laurel takes its full allotment of Mayor Edward F. Tolson of Lau- measures Manage- police said, as Mr. Croce armed | that counter against be and and put it into his car. rel said businessmen there ment: Under Secretary of War a behind a in, but they must registered racing days in October. probably The Manini, formerly known as enemy submarines patrolling in the self with pistol kept A few Robert P. Patterson and Under Sec- in a may not be used except by specific minutes later the si- It was that the Govern- could care for the daytime needs the was owned the were counter. The gunman fled explained Susherico, by Hawaiian area being vigor- at- rens started and the of workers who retary of the Navy James Forrestal, a confederate permission of United States bombing ment was exploring possibilities of might be shifted to Matson Navigation Co. Her home ously car operated by of Manila prosecuted. in addition to President Roosevelt. torneys. began. moving some office personnel to Laurel Park. All available living port was San Francisco. The ship, without obtaining any money. They Price Administrator Leon Hen- Radio sets of receiving Maj. Reyes' car was com- Laurel and Havre de Grace because quarters in and near the town, how- built by the Submarine Boat Corp., were pursued by an employe of the capable derson last announced that of 1.760 or greater, pletely burned and the money of the ease with which space at ever, are occupied, he said, princi- Newark. N. J., in 1920, was 324 feet Radio C-9 night store. signals kilocycles in it Programs Page retail are or 540 or less, are consid- charred to ashes. the race tracks could be adapted pally by the families of officers sta- long and had a 46.2-foot beam. Her price ceilings being placed The Croce brothers live at 3835 kilocycles within the for office use. tioned at Fort George G. Meade. registered gross tonnage was 3,252. Complete Index Page A-2 (See TIRES, Page A-6.) Massachusetts avenue N.W. ered prohibited range.

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