Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2018 No. 91 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 5, 2018, at 12 p.m. Senate MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2018

The Senate met at 3 p.m. and was The legislative clerk read the fol- Judge Wier has the intellect, skill, called to order by the Honorable JONI lowing letter: and experience to take on this role. I ERNST, a Senator from the State of U.S. SENATE, will proudly vote to advance his nomi- Iowa. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, nation later today. Washington, DC, June 4, 2018. Following Judge Wier, we will con- f To the Senate: sider Fernando Rodriguez for the PRAYER Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, Southern District of Texas and of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby Annemarie Axon for the Northern Dis- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- appoint the Honorable JONI ERNST, a Senator fered the following prayer: from the State of Iowa, to perform the duties trict of Alabama. Let us pray. of the Chair. In each case, the Senate’s work will Eternal God, we thank You that al- ORRIN G. HATCH, be upholding one of our most central though we plan our course, You deter- President pro tempore. constitutional responsibilities—to con- mine the success of our journey. We Mrs. ERNST thereupon assumed the sider and confirm high-quality can- praise You for the many amazing gifts Chair as Acting President pro tempore. didates. You provide for our pilgrimage. f f Lord, inspire our lawmakers to com- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY ECONOMIC GROWTH mit their plans to You, trusting the un- LEADER Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, folding of Your loving providence. May last week brought another set of en- they not depend only on persistent self- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. The majority leader is recog- couraging headlines about our growing reliance, but draw upon the super- economy. In the month of May, the natural strength and wisdom You de- nized. f U.S. economy generated 223,000 new sire to give them. Today, fill this jobs. Unemployment has fallen to 3.8 Chamber with Your presence and JUDICIAL NOMINATIONS percent, its lowest level since April of power. Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, 2000. The proportion of American We pray in Your strong Name. Amen. the Senate will begin this week by vot- adults who are employed is as high as f ing on three more of the President’s it has been at any point since the fi- well-qualified nominees for the Federal nancial crisis. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE judiciary. We know these economic indicators The Presiding Officer led the Pledge First on the slate is Magistrate can sometimes be noisy, but consider of Allegiance, as follows: Judge Robert Wier, selected by Presi- them alongside all of the other signs I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the dent Trump to serve as a district judge we have seen over the past year. Since United States of America, and to the Repub- for the Eastern District of Kentucky. President Trump was elected alongside lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Judge Wier’s sterling credentials and a Republican Congress, the number of indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the support he enjoys from the legal who say they are optimistic f community suggest that he will excel about finding a good job has jumped 25 on the Federal bench. He graduated at percentage points, and small business APPOINTMENT OF ACTING the top of his class at the University of owners report in record numbers that PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Kentucky, followed by a successful ca- they are optimistic about the prospects The PRESIDING OFFICER. The reer in private practice. In 2006, he be- of hiring new employees. clerk will please read a communication came a magistrate judge. In 2014, his The bottom line is clear: Under the to the Senate from the President pro colleagues unanimously reappointed policies of this unified Republican gov- tempore (Mr. HATCH). him to a second term. ernment, American workers, families,

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



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Madam President, I strategy with the resources necessary It is made possible by historic regu- ask unanimous consent that the order to implement it—the investments, the latory reform, which has leveled the for the quorum call be rescinded. policies, the authorizations—with the playing field for American consumers The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- new orientation articulated in that and small businesses. From farmers pore. Without objection, it is so or- strategy. and ranchers to community bankers, dered. The Secretary of Defense will re- the burdens of an out-of-control regu- NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT evaluate the highest priority missions latory state are being lifted. Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, this for the Department of Defense, the So after a decade of stagnation, Re- week, we will be taking up the Na- roles of the joint force, as well as the publican policies have gotten Wash- tional Defense Authorization Act, capabilities required to complete these ington out of the way and freed Amer- which Congress has passed for 57 con- missions. ican workers and job creators to do secutive years to support and guide our All told, in its current form, the De- what they do best—build a dynamic country’s military. Earlier this month, fense authorization will support $716 economy that is literally the envy of the Armed Services Committee voted billion for our national defense. To the world. overwhelmingly—25 to 2—to advance those who would think that the price is But as impressive as some of these this important legislation to the Sen- too high, I would say there is no op- statistics may be, I think it is impor- ate floor, so when I hear people say tion. There is no nation in the world tant to keep in mind that these stories that there is no bipartisan consensus that is as capable of keeping the peace are, at the end of the day, human sto- for anything in Washington these days, and deterring aggressors around the ries. More than 1 million new jobs have I think that is belied by the facts and world. In fact, the No. 1 responsibility been created just since we passed tax certainly in this case by our bipartisan of the Federal Government is to pro- reform last December. That is not an commitment to provide that support vide for our common defense. abstract number. That is 1 million op- and guidance for our Nation’s military. All of the rights that we enjoy in this portunities for young workers who are According to the Department of De- great country of ours flow from the just starting out and need to begin fense, there are 1.8 million Americans freedoms that are protected by our climbing the first rungs of the eco- around the world on Active Duty in the men and women in uniform. We have nomic ladder; for young fathers and U.S. military. The United States has seen what has happened in the last few mothers who can now leave a position 737 installations overseas, and the years when America has receded and where their pay has stayed flat for a DOD—the Department of Defense—is retreated from its leadership role. new opening in their industry; or for the world’s largest employer. Sup- We don’t have to fight all of these midcareer professionals who were side- porting all these people and the facili- fights on our own. As General Mattis lined by a tough economy and can now ties they occupy is a Herculean task, says, it is appropriate for Americans to suit up and check back in to the game. and the Defense authorization bill is fight by, with, and through our allies, These aren’t just economic statistics; one very significant way that we do which is the strategy we are using now they are American men and women just that. It is how we make sure that rather than placing boots on the who have new chances to support their all of our American servicemembers ground in many of these locations. families and build their lives that they are trained, equipped, and paid and One important piece of the bill is bol- simply did not have under the policies that our alliances are strengthened and stering recruitment, retention, and ef- of the previous administration. our military facilities are properly fectiveness of our Armed Forces. I am glad that we fought and won— modernized and maintained. We have A second important piece that was and will continue to win—major ac- an All-Volunteer military, and it is im- included in the committee markup of complishments for the middle-class portant for us to do all of these things the NDAA is legislation I introduced families we represent. in terms of quality of life, in addition called the Children of the Military Pro- to the basics, to prepare our warriors tection Act. This will close a jurisdic- f for hopefully an avoidable fight, but tional loophole affecting military in- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME when it is unavoidable, to prepare stallations when minors commit crimi- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- them for that conflict. nal offenses on base. Because it is a pore. Under the previous order, the In Texas, there are roughly 200,000 military base, the Federal Government leadership time is reserved. military men and women stationed in has the jurisdiction, but frequently places like Fort Hood, Joint Base San Federal prosecutors don’t have the f Antonio, the Red River Army Depot, time or the resources to prosecute the CONCLUSION OF MORNING and Ellington Field. These are the peo- cases, so they fall through the cracks. BUSINESS ple I think about as we take up this This legislation will allow Federal The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Defense authorization bill. They rely prosecutors to relinquish jurisdiction pore. Morning business is closed. on us to deliver what we have asked to the State in these instances, allow- them to do, to give them the tools, the f ing State-level authorities to take up equipment, and the training to do what the case when the Federal Govern- EXECUTIVE SESSION we have asked them to do. That goal is ment’s other responsibilities and finite increasingly difficult because the world resources prevent it from being able to is a very complex and dangerous place. do so. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR The array of national security threats I am proud to join with Senator The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- facing the United States is more com- KING, the junior Senator from Maine, pore. Under the previous order, the plex and diverse than at any time since in this effort. This is a bipartisan pri- Senate will proceed to executive ses- World War II. Our leadership at the ority that Members on both sides of sion to resume consideration of the fol- Pentagon says that the strategic envi- the aisle should rally behind. Our chil- lowing nomination, which the clerk ronment has not been this competitive dren on our military bases must be pro- will report. since the Cold War. Simply put, Amer- tected at all costs. When they are as- The legislative clerk read the nomi- ica no longer enjoys the competitive saulted, their assailant should not es- nation of Robert Earl Wier, of Ken- edge it once had over our competitors cape justice because of loopholes in the tucky, to be United States District and adversaries. law. Judge for the Eastern District of Ken- Secretary Mattis and the Depart- Although the Federal Government tucky. ment of Defense have admirably craft- maintains jurisdiction over military

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:23 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G04JN6.001 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE June 4, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2955 bases, as I have said, unfortunately, it from these sophisticated threats and that no one may be a judge in his own does not always assert its prosecutorial help us maintain our technological case, the President cannot pardon him- authority. Historically, Federal pros- edge in the national defense realm, but, self.’’ This is virtually indisputable. ecutors have pursued roughly 15 per- as I said earlier, the Defense authoriza- Does the President get to choose cent of juvenile sex offense cases, and tion bill is important for reasons that what he can pardon himself over— that is clearly not enough. We have to hit much closer to home. theft, murder, who knows? The Presi- address this black hole for juvenile jus- In years past, this bill has authorized dent does not have the right to pardon tice. We have to give local prosecutors needed improvements at our military himself. That is for sure. the authority they need to go after facilities. It has given our troops a Second, of course the appointment of these cases on our bases with the much needed and much deserved pay the special counsel is constitutional. agreement of the Federal authorities. raise and updated advanced aircraft, Never mind the fact that President I look forward to my legislation ships, and ground vehicles. These, too, Trump’s own Republican appointees being a part of the NDAA when we vote have implications in all of our States, made the appointment of the special on it perhaps as soon as next week. and Texas is no exception. counsel; this is far from the first spe- There is one final aspect of the De- So when I vote on the Defense au- cial counsel to investigate a serious fense authorization bill I would like to thorization bill, I will be thinking matter concerning the President. touch on, and it involves how we ad- about servicemembers back in my Again, if the President were beyond the dress future threats to our national se- State in addition to all those who serve reproach of any investigation, there curity. in remote locations overseas. We need would be no check on the President’s I have spoken quite a bit on the floor to get the Defense authorization bill conduct. The President could engage in about the threat China poses to the across the finish line for them and for rife corruption and self-dealing without United States, and they are not even our country. consequence. Surely, that is not what coy about it. They have told us what I yield the floor. our constitutional system envisions. their plan is. Their plan is to grow I suggest the absence of a quorum. That is not the structure of America their economy and to grow their mili- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- that the Founding Fathers set up and tary in a way that dwarfs the power pore. The clerk will call the roll. that we have followed for more than and economy of the United States. The bill clerk proceeded to call the 200 years. Let me talk a little bit about the roll. The President’s tweets are silly, far- threat. I have spoken about that Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I cical, and even absurd. They are not threat, but let me quote the chairman ask unanimous consent that the order legal arguments to be treated seri- of the House Armed Services Com- for the quorum call be rescinded. ously. Rather, they seem to reveal in- mittee, who recently said that it is ‘‘in The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- creasing desperation on the part of the the Indo-Pacific region [where] the pore. Without objection, it is so or- President. President Trump has esca- United States faces a near-term bellig- dered. lated his criticism of the Russia probe erent threat armed with nuclear weap- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER from smearing the special counsel and ons and also a longer-term strategic The Democratic leader is recognized. his team and hawking outrageous con- competitor.’’ Of course, my friend Con- WELCOMING EVERYONE BACK spiracy theories to attacking the very gressman MAC THORNBERRY is talking legal architecture of our country. about China, ‘‘the competitor,’’ and the Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, Special Counsel Mueller has already ‘‘belligerent threat’’ he identified was first, let me welcome you and all of my issued more than a dozen indictments. North Korea. colleagues back from another produc- That is why this year’s Defense au- tive State work period. I traveled a He has secured several guilty pleas thorization bill, among other goals, good deal around my State, spoke at a from top Trump campaign officials. prioritizes military readiness in the re- bunch of graduations, and found it fun The probe is not only legitimate; it is gion and strengthens our key partner- and productive. I learned a lot. I am finding violations of the law on the ships there. It promotes security and glad to be back but glad we were out in part of the Trump campaign and oth- stability in the Indo-Pacific through our States. ers. exercises with our allies and supports RUSSIA INVESTIGATION As wrong as President Trump was in improving Taiwan’s defense capabili- First, Madam President, let me ad- his tweets this morning, you have to ties. dress the President’s recent comments wonder, why is he asserting his right to Even more important, the Defense on the Russia probe, then our negotia- pardon himself? Why is he questioning authorization bill will include legisla- tions with North Korea, and then the constitutionality of an investiga- tion I coauthored, along with the sen- healthcare. tion in the first place? For a man who ior Senator from California Mrs. FEIN- This morning, the President tweeted constantly proclaims his innocence, STEIN, known as the Foreign Invest- that he has the ‘‘absolute right’’ to President Trump is doing an awfully ment Risk Review Modernization Act, pardon himself and that the appoint- good impersonation of someone who be- or FIRRMA. ment of the special counsel is totally lieves he has something to hide. It is This legislation will allow us to bet- unconstitutional. President Trump, hard to think of another explanation ter intercept threats to our national you went 0 for 2 on the Constitution for the increasingly ridiculous and far- security posed by China when its com- this morning. fetched legal theories peddled by the panies masquerade as normal corporate First, of course no President has the President and his lawyers. actors, but, in fact, they are an arm of power to pardon himself or herself. If The pundits and the analysts in the the Communist Party and the leader- they did, the Presidency would func- media are debating whether it makes ship in that country. tion above and outside the law, counter smart, strategic sense for President As has been well documented, China to the very founding principles of our Trump to sit down for an interview is intent upon, No. 1, stealing our intel- country. We don’t have a king. We are with the special counsel. They are ask- lectual property, and when they can’t a nation of laws, not men. That is why ing the wrong question. The Presi- do that, strategically investing to get the Founding Fathers created America; dent’s strategy and political interests access to both the intellectual property they didn’t like the monarchy. But if a shouldn’t be the basis for whether he and the know-how to be able to take President can pardon himself, it is vir- sits down with the special counsel. advantage of all the research and de- tually a monarchy, at least as far as If the special counsel requests an velopment expenditures we have made the President is concerned. If Presi- interview with the President as part of in our country and to short circuit that dents had the power to pardon them- his investigation, the President should in developing their equivalent. Our leg- selves, we would no longer be a democ- agree to provide testimony. If Presi- islation will modernize the review racy. dent Trump has done nothing wrong, as process of the Committee on Foreign As the Department of Justice legal he so often and so loudly claims, he Investment in the United States and counsel wrote 4 days before Nixon re- should have nothing to fear by sitting ensure that we are better protected signed, ‘‘Under the fundamental rule down with the special counsel.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:23 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G04JN6.002 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S2956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 4, 2018 NORTH KOREA are requesting an increase of 24 per- George III stations the revenue cutter On another matter, Madam Presi- cent, half of which they said is due to HMS Gaspee under the command of dent, North Korea, over the last few the Republicans’ repeal of the Lieutenant William Dudingston, in weeks, we have seen an on-again, off- healthcare coverage requirement. Rhode Island waters. The Gaspee’s mis- again routine from the Trump adminis- Following rate increases in Virginia, sion: to interdict smuggled goods and tration when it comes to the potential Maryland, Vermont, and Oregon, these enforce the payment of the Crown’s summit between President Trump and increases confirm what we already taxes. Kim Jong Un. Now that the meeting know to be a trend: The policies of the Lieutenant Dudingston was an arro- will seemingly proceed as planned, we Trump administration and congres- gant sort, who quickly became infa- want to make sure that the President’s sional Republicans are driving up mous for destroying fishing vessels, desire for a deal with North Korea healthcare costs for millions of Ameri- seizing cargo, and flagging down ships doesn’t saddle the United States, cans. only to harass, humiliate, and interro- Japan, and South Korea with a bad President Trump promised the Amer- gate the colonial sailors. According to deal. ican people that healthcare would be Gabriel Weis in his 1916 ‘‘Guide to New- We are all hoping the President suc- ‘‘far less expensive and far better’’ but port, Rhode Island,’’ ‘‘This unprinci- ceeds. We are all rooting for peace. We once again has failed to deliver. In- pled ruffian had ruthlessly ravaged the very much hope he will be able to stead of ‘‘far less expensive and far bet- Rhode Island coast for several months, achieve a strong and enduring agree- ter,’’ Americans have gotten health destroying unoffending fishing vessels ment because the danger of a nuclear- coverage that is far more expensive and and confiscating everything he could armed, ICBM-equipped North Korea is will be far worse, and it is a direct re- lay hands on.’’ very, very real to the United States. sult of Republican policies and Presi- Rhode Island seamen and traders But the President needs to be willing dent Trump’s actions. chafed at the harsh tactics of to take time to construct a good deal, President Trump has deliberately Dudingston. A number of them deliv- and if he finds that one is not achiev- sowed major uncertainty in the mar- ered a petition seeking relief against able, the President must be willing to ketplace. He will start offering ex- the Gaspee to Rhode Island Chief Jus- walk away from the table. panded junk insurance plans, and con- tice Stephen Hopkins, later a signer of In a letter to the President, Senator gressional Republicans repealed the the Declaration of Independence. On MENENDEZ and I strongly urged the ad- coverage requirement in their tax bill. this occasion, Hopkins provided a legal ministration to ensure that any agree- Each of those actions, taken sepa- opinion saying that British officers ment with North Korea meets five key rately, have destabilized our were obliged to present their orders principles. healthcare system. Taken together, and commission to Rhode Island’s Gov- First, North Korea must dismantle or these policies are causing chaos, sky- ernor before entering local waters, as- remove every single one of its nuclear, rocketing rates, and the return of dark serting a measure of colonial sov- chemical, and biological weapons. days in which people with preexisting ereignty. Second, North Korea must end the conditions faced higher premiums, de- Dudingston, of course, refused such production and enrichment of uranium nied care, and medical bankruptcy. an impudent notion and threatened to and plutonium for military purposes On healthcare, as on many issues, hang any man who tried to oppose the and permanently dismantle its nuclear President Trump made bold promises Gaspee. His first mistake, in the winter weapons infrastructure. That means but has failed to deliver the results of 1772, was to seize a sloop named test sites, all nuclear weapons research that middle-class Americans need and ‘‘Fortune,’’ along with its cargo of rum and development facilities, and enrich- expect. On healthcare, he has swung at and sugar, from Nathanael Greene, the ment facilities have to be destroyed. the ball and struck out. wealthy son of a Quaker minister. As Third, North Korea must continue to I yield the floor. Daniel Harrington wrote in the Provi- suspend all ballistic missile tests. I suggest the absence of a quorum. dence Journal last year, ‘‘the patriotic Fourth, North Korea must commit to The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- fervor . . . sweeping the colonies [had] anytime, anywhere inspections for pore. The clerk will call the roll. seemed to elude [Nathanael Greene] both its nuclear and ballistic missile The bill clerk proceeded to call the until Dudingston snagged his Fortune programs, including all nondeclared, roll. and ignited the righteous spirit of re- suspicious sites. If inspectors reveal Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Madam Presi- sentment that now consumed him.’’ any violation, we must be permitted to dent, I ask unanimous consent that the After first suing Dudingston for the implement snapback sanctions. order for the quorum call be rescinded. return of his ship—and winning—Na- Lastly, any agreement between the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without thanael Greene would join the Revolu- United States and North Korea must be objection, it is so ordered. tionary cause, ultimately commanding permanent. ‘‘GASPEE’’ DAYS Rhode Island’s army and then rising in If President Trump meets with Kim Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Madam Presi- General Washington’s ranks to become Jong Un and reaches a deal that meets dent, the night spanning June 9 and 10 the commander of the Southern Cam- these principles, he will have made the marks the anniversary of a key chapter paign of the Revolutionary War. Dur- world a much safer place. But if he in American history—one whose first ing the war, General Cornwallis wrote tries to reach a deal with Kim Jong Un shots spurred our Nation on toward to his wife: ‘‘That damned Greene is just for the sake of reaching a deal, and independence from Britain, yet one more dangerous than Washington.’’ if the agreement fails to live up to the that remains unfamiliar to most Amer- Thank you very much, Lieutenant principles we have laid out, then he icans today, which is why I come here Dudingston, for igniting Nathanael will have been bested at the negoti- each year to tell the tale of the Gaspee Greene’s righteous spirit. ating table yet again. Raiders. Dudingston’s various provocations These five principles are the lens I encourage my colleagues and all continued until they reached the through which Senate Democrats will students of history to explore this breaking point on June 9, 1772, when he evaluate any deal with North Korea. If chapter in more depth, in histories set his sights on the sailing vessel Han- the deal doesn’t live up to these stand- such as ‘‘An Empire on the Edge’’ by nah, traversing Narragansett Bay from ards, then the President should not ex- Nick Bunker or ‘‘The Burning of Her Newport to Providence. The Gaspee or- pect Democratic support in the Senate Majesty’s Schooner Gaspee: An Attack dered the Hannah to stop and allow a if he tries to lift sanctions to imple- on Crown Rule Before the American search. On board the Hannah, Captain ment an agreement. Revolution’’ by Steven Park. Benjamin Lindsey refused and contin- HEALTHCARE Here is the tale in brief form. ued on his course to Providence, ignor- Finally, Madam President, on It is 1772. Tensions between England ing warning shots fired by the Gaspee. healthcare, today, health insurers in and the Colonies have grown increas- Knowing that his Hannah was lighter the State of Washington proposed an ingly strained. Rhode Island is a sea- and had a shallower draft than the average rate increase of 19 percent. In faring, trading colony, without much Gaspee, Lindsey raced up Narragansett my home State of New York, insurers regard for His Majesty’s taxes. King Bay and over the shoals off Pawtuxet

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:23 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G04JN6.005 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE June 4, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2957 Cove. The heavier Gaspee kept up its spread through pulpits and pamphlets they never even heard this story. chase of the Hannah but ran aground in up and down the Colonies, stoking the Maybe it is because Massachusetts had the shallow waters off Namquid Point. flames of revolution. The furious King two of our first Presidents, the Adams’ The Gaspee was stuck fast on the shoal George offered huge rewards for the father and son, and they talked it up. in a falling tide. capture of the insolent rebels. A trial Maybe after the war, Rhode Islanders Captain Lindsey sailed on to Provi- in England was announced, but in char- just went home to their farms and dence and, with the prominent mer- acteristic, impressive solidarity, not boats and businesses while Massachu- chant John Brown, later the founder of one Rhode Islander would step forward setts wrote the early history books. Brown University, rallied local patriots to identify a single one of the raiders. Whatever the reason, the seizing and to a meeting at Sabin’s Tavern, in The royal threats broke vainly against burning and blowing up the Gaspee de- what is now Providence’s East Side. the silent solidarity of the Rhode Is- serves a more prominent place in Revo- The Rhode Islanders gathered there landers. The royal nooses hung empty. lutionary history. made a fateful decision. The story of the Gaspee is just one part We are the State that first enshrined The British Navy was the most pow- of a daring Rhode Island resistance, separation of church and State in the erful military force on the planet. The stretching across the years and months New World. Samuel Slater sparked British Crown was the most powerful before the Gaspee incident, into that America’s Industrial Revolution with political force on the planet. The explosive night on Narragansett Bay, his mill in Pawtucket, and we drew Rhode Islanders had managed to strand and on throughout the Revolution. first blood in the fight for American one of His Majesty’s vessels, a symbol His Majesty’s Navy had not heard the independence that night on Narragan- of their oppression, helpless in an out- last of Abraham Whipple, for instance. sett Bay. The Gaspee Affair is not a pe- going tide. In 1775, Abraham Whipple was in com- culiar, drunken anomaly; it is part of a They resolved to attack. mand of a small fleet facing off against robust and early resistance by a proud In the early moonless hours of June the British frigate the HMS Rose. The colony, now a proud State. 10, several dozen men—perhaps bene- captain of the British ship sent a men- I thank the Presiding Officer. fiting somewhat from the refreshments I yield the floor. of Sabin’s Tavern—led by John Brown acing and accusatory note to Captain Whipple: I suggest the absence of a quorum. and Abraham Whipple, shoved off in The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- longboats from Providence, with black- From Captain Sir James Wallace of the pore. The clerk will call the roll. ened faces and muffled oars, to row Rose: You, Abraham Whipple, on the 10th of June The senior assistant legislative clerk through 6 miles of dark waters for the 1772, burned His Majesty’s vessel, the Gaspee, proceeded to call the roll. Gaspee. and I will hang you at the yard-arm.—James Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I As the boats surrounded the Gaspee, Wallace. ask unanimous consent that the order Whipple called out and demanded Lieu- To which note Whipple replied with for the quorum call be rescinded. tenant Dudingston surrender his ship. acerbic brevity: The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. One witness later recounted his de- To Sir James Wallace, Sir: MORAN). Without objection, it is so or- mand in this form—forgive me for the Always catch a man before you hang dered. language involved, but it is historically him.—Abraham Whipple. correct. CLOTURE MOTION By the way, Rhode Islander John Pursuant to rule XXII, the Chair lays I am the sheriff of the county of Kent, God Millar, two centuries later built a rep- damn you. I have got a warrant to apprehend before the Senate the pending cloture you, God damn you; so surrender, God damn lica of the HMS Rose which obtained a motion, which the clerk will state. you. starring role in the movie ‘‘Master and The legislative clerk read as follows: Dudingston refused this polite offer Commander’’ as Captain Aubrey’s war- CLOTURE MOTION and instead ordered his men to fire ship, the Surprise. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- upon any men who attempted to board. Rhode Island is proud of our role in ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the The determined Rhode Islanders then sparking our Revolution. We have Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby forced their way aboard the Gaspee, and made a tradition of celebrating the move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- a struggle ensued. In the melee, Lieu- Gaspee incident with our annual Gaspee nation of Robert Earl Wier, of Kentucky, to tenant Dudingston was shot in the Days celebration and parade in War- be United States District Judge for the East- wick, just ashore of where the Gaspee ern District of Kentucky. groin and arm by musket balls. Gabriel Mitch McConnell, John Hoeven, John Weis wrote: ‘‘The attack on the was led aground. This year, the Rhode Island State Ar- Kennedy, Johnny Isakson, Jerry ‘Gaspee’ caused the first bloodshed in Moran, Cory Gardner, John Cornyn, the struggle for American independ- chives is staging a new exhibit called Thom Tillis, James E. Risch, Pat Rob- ence, and was the first resistance to ‘‘Gaspee Raiders: Pirates or Patriots.’’ erts, David Perdue, Mike Rounds, John the British Navy.’’ King George was pretty clear about Thune, , Richard Burr, Tom Brown and Whipple’s men soon over- which, but we are pretty clear also Cotton, Jeff Flake. powered the British crew and took con- about which. There, visitors can learn The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- trol of the ship. Brown ordered one of about the events of June 1772 and even imous consent, the mandatory quorum his Rhode Islanders, a physician named experience the entire Gaspee Affair in call has been waived. John Mawney, to tend to Dudingston’s virtual reality. The question is, Is it the sense of the wounds. He survived. They transported Much of the world does not remember Senate that debate on the nomination the captive Englishmen safely to shore the burning of the Gaspee, but we do of Robert Earl Wier, of Kentucky, to be and then returned to the abandoned not forget. Beyond our State borders, United States District Judge for the Gaspee for one final act of defiance to most Americans think of other events Eastern District of Kentucky, shall be the Crown and riddance to the ship: as catalysts of the Revolutionary War. brought to a close? The Rhode Islanders set the Gaspee More than a year after the Gaspee inci- The yeas and nays are mandatory afire. dent, up in Massachusetts, some Bos- under the rule. Now, the Gaspee was a gunship, and ton worthies fortified their courage The clerk will call the roll. gunships store gunpowder, and the gun- with strong drink and pushed tea bales The legislative clerk called the roll. powder is kept below decks in a powder off the deck of a British vessel. That is Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators magazine. The Gaspee burned until— not bad—I guess it ruined the tea—but, are necessarily absent: the Senator wham—its powder magazine exploded, personally, I think it is more impres- from Arizona (Mr. FLAKE), the Senator blasting into the Rhode Island night sive more than a year earlier to have from Arizona (Mr. MCCAIN), and the what remained of His Majesty’s med- blown up the British ship and shot its Senator from Indiana (Mr. YOUNG). dlesome ship, her debris flying across captain, but, for whatever reason, the Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the the blast-lit waters of Narragansett Boston Tea Party is the better known Senator from Delaware (Mr. COONS), Bay. historical event. the Senator from Illinois (Ms. Word quickly spread of the Rhode Is- In fact, many of my colleagues, hav- DUCKWORTH), the Senator from New landers’ daring raid. The news was ing heard me give this speech, tell me Mexico (Mr. HEINRICH), the Senator

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G04JN6.009 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S2958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 4, 2018 from New Jersey (Mr. MENENDEZ), the in Congress, and we are seeing it at the It is not as if the banks are suffering Senator from Florida (Mr. NELSON), agencies that are supposed to be polic- under this rule. Think about how the and the Senator from New Hampshire ing our financial industry. banks are doing now. The FDIC re- (Mrs. SHAHEEN) are necessarily absent. Last week, the Federal Reserve an- leased new data last month that banks The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. nounced proposed changes to what is increased their profits by 13 percent PERDUE). Are there any other Senators known as the Volcker rule. We put this last year, and that is before accounting in the Chamber desiring to vote? rule in place after the crisis to stop big for the windfall from the tax bill. When The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 90, banks from taking big risks with you add in the tax bill, banks’ profits nays 1, as follows: Americans’ money. Those complicated, went up 28 percent last year on top of [Rollcall Vote No. 112 Ex.] risky bets were a big reason for the fi- the double-digit percent almost every YEAS—90 nancial crisis that devastated our econ- year from 2010 and 2011 and 2012 and Alexander Gardner Murray omy, cost millions of Americans their 2013 and 2014 and 2015 and 2016 and 2017. Baldwin Gillibrand Paul jobs, cost millions of Americans much The banking sector bought back $77 Barrasso Graham Perdue of their savings, and left taxpayers on billion worth of stock last year. Last Bennet Grassley Peters the hook to clean up Wall Street’s year, the CEOs of the six largest banks Blumenthal Harris Portman Blunt Hassan Reed mess. got an average raise of 22 percent. Booker Hatch Risch Lehman Brothers invested heavily in These were CEOs who were already Boozman Heitkamp Roberts toxic mortgage-backed securities, making millions and millions of dol- Brown Heller Rounds Burr Hoeven Rubio eventually leading to $32 billion in lars. Keep in mind that the average Cantwell Hyde-Smith Sanders trade losses and the biggest bank- bank teller in this country makes Capito Inhofe Sasse ruptcy in U.S. history. They took bank about $12.50 an hour. Yet the CEOs of Cardin Isakson Schatz deposits, putting the U.S. taxpayer on these banks—some of them already Carper Johnson Schumer Casey Jones Scott the hook for those losses. making $10 million and $20 million a Cassidy Kaine Shelby Hedge funds sponsored by Bear year—got a 22-percent increase. Collins Kennedy Smith Stearns, which also took Americans’ This is not some dying industry that Corker King Stabenow individual deposits, suffered massive Cornyn Klobuchar Sullivan is crying out for help. If anything, it is Cortez Masto Lankford Tester losses on complex bets based on exotic an industry that needs a more watchful Cotton Leahy Thune subprime mortgages. During the crisis, eye. The largest banks paid $240 billion Crapo Lee Tillis Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, and worth of fines 10 years ago after the Cruz Manchin Toomey Daines Markey Udall Citigroup also lost big on bets backed collapse. Wells Fargo can’t go more Donnelly McCaskill Van Hollen by subprime mortgages, and Goldman than a few months without having a Durbin McConnell Warner Sachs had to bail out a hedge fund. scandal. Deutsche Bank is struggling Enzi Merkley Warren Congress instructed the Federal Re- Ernst Moran Whitehouse with poor risk management and inad- Feinstein Murkowski Wicker serve to write strict rules to prevent equate capital. Fischer Murphy Wyden that from ever happening again—to So why put taxpayers and bank cus- NAYS—1 make sure that banks use the taxpayer tomers at risk? We have a pretty good safety nets to serve their customers, idea why. Hirono not bet against them. Just take a look who this adminis- NOT VOTING—9 Banks should be in the business of tration has put in charge. The White Coons Heinrich Nelson making investments in the real econ- House looks like a retreat for Wall Duckworth McCain Shaheen omy, not casino-style trades using fam- Street executives. We have former Flake Menendez Young ilies’ checking and savings accounts. It OneWest banker Joseph Otting running The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this took agencies more than 3 years to fi- the Office of the Comptroller of the vote, the yeas are 90, the nays are 1. nalize the Volcker rule, which was Currency. As if the Volcker rule roll- The motion is agreed to. completed in 2013 after the consider- back were not bad enough, he an- The Senator from Ohio. ation of thousands upon thousands of nounced last week that he wants to get VOLCKER RULE public comments. Now they want to banks into the business of financing Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, last win- undo it all? payday loans. Otting has other plans to ter, this body passed a $1.5 trillion def- The rollbacks announced last week gut the Community Reinvestment icit-financed tax cut for millionaires, would gut core components of the Act—a 40-year-old law that ensures for billionaires especially, and for cor- Volcker rule. They would make it easi- that banks serve their communities. porations that ship jobs overseas. More er for banks to take speculative bets. Fed Vice Chair Randal Quarles re- than 80 percent of the benefits will go stated that the cently gave a speech, saying that, just to the top 1 percent of the wealthiest balance of power will tip immediately as we predicted, the Federal Reserve people by the end of this decade. to traders from regulators. It will shift wants to loosen rules on foreign Two weeks ago, Congress passed an- the power from watchdogs to the big megabanks—these banks that are in other big giveaway to Wall Street, banks themselves, from public servants this country, like Deutsche Bank and loosening taxpayer protections on big who are looking to protect the public’s Santander and some of these big banks that had received a combined interests to executives who are making banks—that have, clearly, from time to $239 billion in taxpayer bailouts. We tens of millions—occasionally, hun- time, abused the public trust. We are know Wall Street can never get enough dreds of millions—of dollars in their going to loosen the rules that regulate handouts. Too many people in this trading. foreign banks in this country? He said body, too many people down the hall in Instead of establishing strict limits last week’s changes to the Volcker rule the House of Representatives, too on banks, the proposed rule changes were just the start. He said it was the many people in the Oval Office, too will ask us to trust the banks to guard first effort to weaken the rule. many people in Washington never get against risky trades. It says: Go ahead People like Randal Quarles—people tired of giving these handouts away. and police yourselves. Yet we know who didn’t spot the crisis the last time From the day President Obama, almost how well that turned out the last time. they were watchdogs, when they were a decade ago, signed Wall Street re- The rule changes will allow banks to in government 15 years ago, people who form into law, a top Wall Street lob- more easily place bets under the guise profited off the very crisis they failed byist said that it was halftime, mean- of so-called hedging. This increases the to prevent—may have forgotten what ing the game was not over, and they chances of yet another scandal like the these risky bets did to so many fami- were going to keep fighting back. London Whale episodes of 2012 when lies in this country. Maybe they have Before the ink was dry on his signa- JPMorgan lost $6 billion in one bad succumbed to the collective amnesia ture, those lobbyists went to work try- bet. Do we want to make it easier for that affects more and more people in ing to undo the rules we put in place to them to do it again with Americans’ this town. Families in my State protect taxpayers and consumers. We savings accounts? Why weaken the haven’t forgotten. Workers’ savings are seeing the result of that lobbying rules now? were wiped out. They watched college

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:23 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04JN6.023 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE June 4, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2959 accounts and retirement savings More workers have no control over nounce that they are fleeing persecu- shrink and shrink. Hopes and dreams their own schedules. They work odd tion and wish to seek asylum in the were dashed. hours. They have no paid sick leave United States of America. They are Americans can’t afford to go back to and no overtime pay. Companies use then given a court date to appear to the days when Wall Street gambled temporary workers and independent present their case. Their case has to be with their hard-earned money. The cri- contractors to pay people less for the substantial, it has to be documented, sis has cast a long shadow over these same work. Workers on the traditional and the court will decide whether it families. Today, 4 out of 10 adults can’t payroll have often seen their wages and meets the test of whether they are le- afford an emergency expense of $400. If benefits stagnate and their job security gitimately in fear for their lives or for your car breaks down and it costs $500 whittled away. That is what happens their children’s lives should they re- or $600, you don’t have the money to do when workers have no voice and no turn to their homeland overseas. That that if you are much of the American power in the workplace. We have to is the process. public. You go to a payday lender who change that because it is not corpora- But we have a new policy that was charges you exorbitant interest rates. tions that drive the economy; it is announced just in April and amplified You go back and go back because you workers. in a speech by the Attorney General in can’t get ahead. We know it from the way we write May, last month. This new process says One in four renters pays more than 50 tax bills here. When we write a tax bill that when those families come to the percent in income to keep a roof over- that focuses on the middle class and United States fleeing persecution, we head. One in four renters pays 50 per- gives tax breaks to them, the economy are going to proceed to take the chil- cent in income or more to keep a roof grows because you build the economy dren away from the parents while they overhead. One bad thing happens in up. When we pass a tax cut here, over- are awaiting adjudication—the day to their lives—a child gets sick; they miss whelmingly, it goes to the wealthiest come before a judge to present their work for a few days; they can’t make people and the largest corporations. case on their affliction abroad. payments because they have had bro- The trickle-down effect creates very, Let me explain this in more signifi- ken-down cars. All kinds of things can very few jobs. When workers can bar- cant terms. Families who have experi- happen. They can be evicted, and many gain for higher pay and better benefits enced trauma abroad are then sub- of them are. More and more workers that reflect the dignity of work that jected to trauma when they arrive at have irregular schedules and incomes they do, we are all better off. That is our border. This is the new policy that that vary up and down from month to how you grow the economy. Jeff Sessions announced in April and month. It is those Americans we are This victory for Boeing’s workers is a gave a speech about in May. He called sent here to serve. small but important step in the right it ‘‘zero tolerance’’ because he wanted It also comes back to whose side you direction. Now we need to give workers to put a positive spin because somehow are on. Are you going to stand with all over this country the same power in those words carry positive weight. But hard-working Americans or with risky their own workplaces. let me state this: There is nothing Wall Street traders? We need to go I suggest the absence of a quorum. positive about subjecting children to home and listen a little more to the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. trauma who are fleeing trauma abroad. people we serve and a little less to spe- LANKFORD). The clerk will call the roll. It is un-American. It is inhumane. It is cial interests. That is how we create an The senior assistant legislative clerk absolutely in every moral sense wrong, economy that values work and that proceeded to call the roll. and the administration knows it. serves the common good, not by falling Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, I ask They first started debating this pol- all over ourselves in this body to serve unanimous consent that the order for icy when the President came into of- Wall Street. the quorum call be rescinded. fice early last year, in January and UNION ORGANIZING The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without February. They held these conversa- Mr. President, last week, American objection, it is so ordered. tions and decided that it was way inap- workers had a victory. Boeing flight IMMIGRATION propriate for America to treat children technicians in South Carolina voted to Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, I am in this fashion, subject these children join a union for the first time, giving coming to the floor tonight to talk fleeing persecution to trauma upon ar- them a voice in their workplace and about the issue of immigration here in rival in the United States of America, the freedom to bargain for the pay and the United States of America. so they put it on hold for the better the benefits they have earned. This will I think all of us are very familiar part of a year. Then last summer they make a tremendous difference in the with the Statue of Liberty—a symbol decided they would experiment with it lives of those workers, but we know far we know about from the time we begin and have a pilot project. So at a few lo- too many Americans aren’t so lucky. to talk, a symbol that represents much cations, they started this process of Tens of millions of Americans have no of the history of our country, where so taking a family seeking asylum and voice in the workplace, and when they many of us coming from every corner ripping the children out of their par- try to organize a union, they are al- of the globe have family histories that ents’ arms and sending them off to who most always met with resistance from involve parents or grandparents or knows where. The children didn’t know corporations at every turn. great-grandparents or, generations ago, where, the parents didn’t know where, Boeing fought these workers’ efforts people fleeing persecution from around and the American people didn’t know tooth and nail. The corporate leaders the world. where, because when stories started to used every trick in the book to try to That welcoming sign—‘‘Give me your come up about this, the administration prevent these workers from organizing tired, your poor, your huddled masses denied it was happening. and from standing up and speaking yearning to breathe free’’—those words More and more stories started com- with a collective voice. It took three inscribed on the base of the Statue of ing out. Then the administration said: tries for workers to finally overcome Liberty represent the fact that when it We have a policy of, in some cases, tak- that corporate obstruction. Their fight comes to people fleeing persecution, ing children away from their parents in is not over. Boeing is appealing the re- America is a place ready to receive order to protect them from smugglers. sults of the election in a last, desperate them. Now, I ask, does that make any sense attempt to silence these workers. This isn’t just something that is to anyone? A family here in the United For too many workers, hard work woven into the history of our country. States, a family who is together—the doesn’t pay off. They are paid less, and It is not just something woven into the children have the stability and secu- they have little economic security. DNA of our souls as Americans. It is rity of being with their parents. They Corporate profits have gone up. The also woven into our laws—our national are no longer abroad. They are no GDP has gone up. Executive compensa- laws and our international treaties— longer in danger of a smuggler grab- tion has gone up. Executive salaries for how to treat refugees fleeing perse- bing them or kidnapping them. And the have skyrocketed. Workers, simply, cution. It works like this: A family administration says: We are protecting haven’t shared in the wealth they have who has been in horrific circumstances the kids from smugglers by ripping created. can come to the U.S. border and an- them away from their parents.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:23 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G04JN6.015 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S2960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 4, 2018 It is obviously such an incredibly operated by the Department of Health my team had contacted the Depart- phony story that no one would believe and Human Services. ment of Homeland Security to visit the that story, so the administration start- Let’s take a look at Homeland Secu- processing center. The processing cen- ed to wrestle with how to present this rity first. I was given permission to ter said yes. This detention center for story. They came up with this zero tol- visit this facility. I very much appre- children said no. I thought, well, you erance. They really had to explain ciate being given that permission. This know, as long as I am down in the vi- what they were doing. Here is the idea. is not a picture that I took because I cinity, I am going to go by and just ask They said: We believe that if we impose wasn’t allowed to take in a camera. again because why would a facility this kind of affliction on the children This isn’t a picture of the facility that want to have a policy of preventing and the parents, families won’t come I visited, nor is this a recent picture, Members of Congress from seeing what here seeking asylum. So that is what but I am presenting it here because is going on inside? My understanding is this is about. This is about hurting this is what the big warehouse looked that everyone has been turned down as children in order to dissuade families like that I visited. This is a general far as seeing what is inside of this pursuing their rights under American picture of what I saw. building. and international law to ask for asy- I saw a smaller room—maybe about It is reported that there are 1,000 lum here in the United States of Amer- the size of the Senate Chamber—di- children inside this Walmart without ica. This asylum is not granted to just vided into a series of cages. Just to their parents. I think the American anyone. People have to prove persecu- give you a rough approximation, these people have a right to know what is being done with their taxpayer dollars tion abroad and a huge likely threat of cages may be 15 feet by 15 feet with in treating children. Maybe if you go injury, damage, and persecution should tons of people jammed in, so that if inside, you would see very clean mat- they return. they all tried to lay down, there tresses and children playing games. It So now we have it. This is not a zero- wouldn’t be room for them to do so. is a reputable nonprofit, as I under- tolerance policy; this is a zero-human- They have space blankets like the stand it, that is operating this place. ity policy. space blankets in this picture. In this But what are the stories behind those When I say that we are subjecting room I am describing, there weren’t children, and how long are those chil- these children to trauma, let me paint mattresses, but in this picture, there dren there before they are shipped the picture for you. A family some- are. I will get to that in a moment. somewhere across the country to a fos- where in the world has stood up to the Some of the women crowded into some ter home? They have no idea where local drug cartel. The local drug cartel of these cages had children in their they are going. They have no idea how has killed one or two of the members of arms. Others were by themselves. they will be treated. They have no idea that family and threatened the rest or This is a processing facility. Next to when they will see their parents again. gang-raped a daughter in the family this particular room is a much bigger This is significant, unnecessary trau- and threatened to kill her and then to warehouse room that looks more like ma being inflicted on children, and it is burn down the family’s house. That is this—a massive room. It has bigger wrong. For the Trump administration the type of trauma we are talking cages that look like these cages made to try to keep what is going on inside about. out of fencing. here a secret is unacceptable. Members The family says: We have to escape. I think about this one particular of Congress need to be able to visit— We will flee. And they know that cage that I stood next to for a little not with 2 and 3 weeks’ notice so the America has a Statue of Liberty. They while that was full of young boys. They children can be shipped out and maybe know that America has received fami- were having them line up to prepare to the place can be cleaned up. You should lies over generations fleeing persecu- get food. They had them line up by the have some chance to visit to see what tion, that this is in our tradition. shortest to the tallest. The littlest it really looks like. How are the chil- These children who have already tyke must have been about as tall as dren really being treated? When it is been through so much knock on our this desk right here—I don’t know, rearranged, it can give you a false im- door. They probably left their home- maybe 4 or 5 years old, something like pression. town and their house and just ran as that, on up through 16 and 17 years old. Members of Congress need to be able fast as they could to escape before they What you have to realize is that to talk to the children, to hear their suffered the injury they feared. They some of these folks arrived as unac- stories to understand what they are arrive here and they think: Wow, we companied minors, but many of them going through. So I am calling on the made it. We made it through the var- came with their families as they administration to end this secrecy at ious challenges of fleeing halfway sought asylum, and they had been sep- these child detention centers. Appar- across the world to come to America. arated from their parents. Their par- ently, there are a number of these Here, we can be treated well, be safe ents might have been in another cage across the country, but we don’t even and sound. somewhere across this facility, but have that information. We don’t know They know that if they can prove they wouldn’t necessarily be able to for sure how many children are in this their case, they can get asylum, and see them. They wouldn’t necessarily be former Walmart. We are told there are they have come to present their case. able to know where they are. They cer- approximately 1,000. Then what happens? These children tainly didn’t know what was going to Here is one thing we know: We know, who don’t know our country, who don’t happen to them. because the Department of Homeland know the language, who don’t know So that is the processing side of this. Security told us this, that they sepa- anything about how our systems work, After the children are separated, they rated 658 children from their parents at are with their parents, and then up are sent to a child detention center. processing facilities in a 12-day period comes an official who says: I am taking That is the second step. in May. That is over 50 times a day the children away. The parents have no Let me go to another picture. I was that children are being ripped out of knowledge of where they will go. When standing here yesterday in front of a the hands of their parents, producing will they be reunited? They have no former Walmart. Above up where the enormous trauma—and trauma not knowledge of when they will be re- Walmart sign would be, it instead says just for the child but trauma for the united. What will happen to my chil- ‘‘Southwest Key Program.’’ Then it parent. dren? Then the parents and the chil- says ‘‘Casa Padre.’’ There is irony in I am a parent. I have two children. dren start screaming because they are that name, ‘‘Casa Padre.’’ ‘‘Casa’’ They are no longer small tykes, but I terrified of being separated. means ‘‘house’’ in Spanish. ‘‘Padre’’ can only imagine having escaped hor- Well, we are putting these children means ‘‘father,’’ but there are no fa- rors overseas and then coming and hav- through this trauma. So yesterday I thers there. There are no parents ing my children torn away from me, went to Texas to try to see the facili- there—or so we are told; I wasn’t able out of my arms, having my children ties that are involved with this new to get inside to see. snatched by an unknown force and sent policy. Specifically, there are two key My team had contacted the Depart- to an unknown place. places. One is operated by the Depart- ment of Health and Human Services It is important for Members of Con- ment of Homeland Security, and one is and asked permission to visit, just as gress, on reasonably short notice, to be

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:38 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G04JN6.016 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE June 4, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2961 able to see what is going on in this something is wrapped in secrecy like resentative to the United Nations and building. So I knocked. There was a that, you know it is wrong. The admin- as Jordan’s Ambassador to the United sign up here. This is probably what ap- istration knows it is wrong. States. pears in this picture. It says: If you I call on my fellow Members here in The High Commissioner has held his want to go inside, call this number. I the Senate to make it very clear to the post since September 1, 2014, and his asked people coming out: Can I come in administration that this is unaccept- term will end on August 31, 2018. He has and talk to a supervisor? They pointed able. Every Member of this body and carried out his responsibilities with ex- to this sign. I called up, and they said the House has every right to visit de- ceptional courage, compassion, com- they would send out a supervisor to tention centers or any other immigra- mitment, and even humor, qualities talk to me. I waited 10 minutes and tion facility to see what is happening that are indispensable for any success- called again. They again said a super- so that we can debate it here. We ful U.N. High Commissioner. In so visor would come out. I waited, and a should hold a hearing in our HELP doing, he has been the target of relent- supervisor did come out, but he didn’t Committee—Health, Education, Labor less attacks by government officials want to talk to me, he wanted to talk and Pensions Committee—about what who abuse their authority by manipu- to the policemen he called. is going on with the organization for lating their countries’ electoral proc- Cop cars pulled up. He explained to refugee resettlement and what they are esses and security forces to arrest, im- the cops that he didn’t want me on the doing detaining these thousands of prison, abuse, and even assassinate property. I explained that when I had children. their critics, whether independent jour- called, they said the supervisor would The reported numbers of children de- nalists, members of political opposi- be happy to talk to me. I had been tained by our government—ripped out tion parties, or civil society activists. waiting for him, and in that sense, it of the arms of families seeking asy- In a speech delivered Tuesday at an was an invitation to be there. I pointed lum—have gone up 20 percent in 1 international conference marking the out that nobody asked me to leave the month. Some 10,000-plus children are 25th anniversary of the Vienna Dec- property, but that invitation to leave being held at centers like this, foster laration and Programme of Action, the property came soon enough there- homes, other halfway houses, and so adopted on June 25, 2003, in response to after. forth around this country. the atrocities committed in the former Clearly the supervisor is under in- We have a responsibility in this Yugoslavia, the High Commissioner structions not to share anything about Chamber to get to the bottom of what warned that human rights are under how many children there are or about is going on and to put an end to it. siege in many parts of the world, in- what is going on inside or any kind of Thank you. cluding Europe. activity. This is coming from the high- I suggest the absence of a quorum. He said, ‘‘This anniversary could be est levels. When I was at the processing The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the occasion for a polite celebration of center, they told me that they were clerk will call the roll. the achievements of my Office over the simply doing what they are being or- The senior assistant legislative clerk past two and a half decades—and they dered to do from DC. proceeded to call the roll. are many. But today is not a time for So there it is. The Attorney General Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I soporific complacency. Human rights and the President have created a new ask unanimous consent that the order are sorely under pressure around the policy—a policy we have never seen in for the quorum call be rescinded. world—no longer a priority: a pariah. the United States of America of abus- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The legitimacy of human rights prin- ing children, causing trauma to chil- objection, it is so ordered. ciples is attacked. The practice of dren as a way to dissuade people from Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I human rights norms is in retreat. Here actually exercising their rights under ask unanimous consent that notwith- in Europe, ethno-populist parties are in our laws and under international laws standing rule XXII, at 11 a.m. on Tues- the ascendant in many countries—fuel- to present their case for asylum. day, June 5, all postcloture time on the ing hatred and scarring their societies Here are the policemen coming to Wier nomination be considered expired with deepening divisions.’’ talk to me. Here is the supervisor sug- and the Senate vote on the confirma- No one should be surprised by this. gesting to them that perhaps he didn’t tion of the nomination; further, that if We see the consequences every day, in- want to have a conversation with a confirmed, the motion to reconsider be cluding in countries that are friends Senator trying to understand what was considered made and laid on the table and allies of the United States. Legiti- going on inside. and the President be immediately noti- mate dissent is labeled ‘‘terrorism.’’ We have had various cases in our his- fied of the Senate’s action. Those who defend human rights are tory of child-snatching. There was an The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without themselves maligned and targeted. Dic- article today in the New York Times objection, it is so ordered. tators are feted, and their crimes are that was about child-snatching during ignored. Xenophobia and racism are f slavery, where children were ripped out treated as legitimate responses to do- of the arms of their parents and sold to LEGISLATIVE SESSION mestic problems. far-away plantations, never to be seen As the High Commissioner noted, it again. The article went on to talk is incumbent on each of us to defend about child-snatching with Native MORNING BUSINESS human rights and to counter those who American Tribes, where children were Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I promote hatred and intolerance. What ripped out of the arms of their parents ask unanimous consent that the Sen- is the alternative? Despotism. Fascism. to be sent off to who-knows-where. ate resume legislative session for a pe- Isolationism. Forces and ideologies we It is not an acceptable practice of riod of morning business, with Sen- have resisted and fought against for any kind. It is morally bankrupt. It is ators permitted to speak therein for up generations. We owe it to past and fu- harmful. We do not harm children in to 10 minutes each. ture generations, as the High Commis- the United States of America in order The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sioner said, ‘‘to stand by our achieve- to increase our leverage, to dissuade objection, it is so ordered. ments and the advances which have people from asserting their asylum f been made.’’ This is not only a moral rights and getting an asylum hearing. imperative for upholding the values We do not do this—until now. It is mor- TRIBUTE TO HIGH COMMISSIONER our country stands for and preserving ally bankrupt. It is so beyond wrong FOR HUMAN RIGHTS ZEID RA’AD our international reputation, but a that the administration is wrapping it AL HUSSEIN pragmatic necessity for protecting our in secrecy, not allowing the press to Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I want to interests at home and abroad. see it. I am talking about without cam- take a moment to pay tribute to the I want to thank the High Commis- eras—not something to violate the United Nations High Commissioner for sioner for his extraordinary efforts dur- children’s rights but to see what is Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, ing the past 4 extremely challenging going on inside. And they will not who some here also know from his years. He has been a tireless, principled allow policymakers to see it. When service as Jordan’s Permanent Rep- defender of universal human rights,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:38 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G04JN6.018 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S2962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 4, 2018 and in doing so, he has set a high bar ence of the judiciary and silence many crit- members of the Communist party of for those who follow in his footsteps. ical voices in the independent media and the Philippines, CPP, and the New Peo- I ask unanimous consent that the civil society. They have propagated distorted ples Army, NPA, two groups designated High Commissioner’s remarks be print- and false views of migrants and human by the United States as foreign ter- rights activists. Almost everywhere, across ed in the RECORD. Europe the hatred they direct at migrants rorist organizations. The list was pub- There being no objection, the mate- has infiltrated the mainstream parties and lished after the collapse of the peace rial was ordered to be printed in the skewed the political landscape towards negotiations between CPP-NPA and RECORD, as follows: greater violence and suffering. the Philippine Government last year. STATEMENT BY UN HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR In this country—which more than most By itself, that might not be objec- HUMAN RIGHTS ZEID RA’AD AL HUSSEIN ON should be aware of the dangers of ethnically tionable. There are terrorists in the THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE VIENNA DEC- divisive rhetoric, given the historical role of Philippines. The problem with this LARATION Karl Lueger—false and incendiary state- ‘‘terrorist list’’ is that the government ments have been recently made which are MINISTER KNEISSL. fundamentally at odds with the Vienna Dec- is apparently using it to persecute peo- EXCELLENCIES, COLLEAGUES, FRIENDS. ple who have nothing to do with ter- Twenty five years ago, it was here, in this laration. Minister Kneissl, Excellencies, rorism, but who have engaged in legiti- city of confluence and cultural connection As Viktor Frankl so often wrote, it is com- mate, peaceful dissent and protests in that the Vienna Declaration and Programme passion, and contribution to the lives of oth- of Action was adopted—and with its crucial opposition to government policies that ers, which form the anchor of an honourable description of human rights as ‘‘universal, threaten their way of life. life. And the way to honour the Vienna Dec- indivisible, interdependent and inter- The list includes a number of indige- laration and Programme of Action is to act related’’, cut through the artificial division nous rights defenders who, as far as I on it. Human rights are not just words to be of civil and political rights from rights that am aware, are not at all affiliated with nodded at sagely at anniversaries. They are are cultural, economic and social. meant, above all, to be put into practice, and the CPP-NPA. These individuals are The Cold War had ended, and the first anchored especially in the daily experiences known and respected nationally and words of the preamble marked a great hope of the poorest and most marginalised peo- internationally for their consistent, for a new era, with interdependent countries ple—such as those who flee the destruction lawful efforts to protect human rights engaging in a common approach to the of their hopes by conflict and deprivation. causes of human suffering: for the most vulnerable and There will be no peace for any country ‘‘Considering that the promotion and pro- marginalized populations in the Phil- until there is respect, and justice. There will tection of human rights is a matter of pri- ippines. By criminalizing their work be no sustainable prosperity unless all can ority for the international community.’’ and including these activists on an offi- benefit. Human equality and dignity are the It was here that the world unanimously re- path towards peace in the world: the path of cial terrorist list, the administration affirmed that every refugee from persecution real patriotism, building societies grounded of President Duterte is endangering the is entitled to asylum, and called for effective in harmony, not divisiveness and hate. lives of these and other human rights protection for all those who are compelled to So it is time to stand up for what the Vi- become migrants. defenders and community leaders. It is enna Declaration truly represents. It was here that States urged immediate a misuse of the justice system to deny We need to use this anniversary to begin to and strong measures to combat racism, xeno- their rights to free expression, associa- mobilize a much broader community to de- phobia and religious hatred, and to ensure tion, and assembly—rights we take for fend human rights with our fierce, and pas- participation by the poorest people in deci- sionate commitment. We need to make clear granted and that are enshrined in the sion-making. the vital, life-saving importance of human Universal Declaration of Human It was here in Vienna that States rec- rights for the daily lives and global future of Rights. ommended the creation of the mandate our fellow human beings. The affected individuals are now sub- which I am honoured to occupy: the UN High Many of us do still have space to voice our ject to warrantless arrests, surveil- Commissioner for Human Rights. concerns. We need to stand by our achieve- But today we seem to be headed in another lance, and freezing of assets. Their ments and the advances which have been direction. lives and the lives of their families are made. Backwards. To a landscape of increasingly in danger. Human Rights Watch has de- We need to push back against the haters, strident, zero-sum nationalism, where the scribed the petition as ‘‘a virtual gov- the destroyers, the isolationists and ethno- jealously guarded short-term interests of in- nationalists. ernment hit list,’’ noting the ‘‘long his- dividual leaders outweigh the search for so- We need to move forward, defiantly, to en- tory in the Philippines of state secu- lutions to our common ills. Backwards, to an sure that those indivisible, universal, inter- rity forces and pro-government mili- era of contempt for the rights of people who dependent and interrelated rights are able to tias assassinating those labeled as NPA have been forced to flee their homes, because build on each other to shape a world of well- the threats they face there are more dan- members or supporters.’’ In March 2018 being and safety. gerous even than the perils of their voyage. alone, there were reportedly at least There is no time to lose. Let this be a turn- Backwards, to a time of proxy regional and three cases of extrajudicial killings of ing point, so that the Vienna Declaration global warfare—a time when military oper- can stand proud—not as a decaying museum indigenous leaders, all known for their ations could deliberately target civilians and piece, but as the flag-bearer for a resurgent work to organize communities for the civilian sites such as hospitals, and chemical movement to build peace and progress. protection of indigenous lands. gases were openly used for military purposes. Thank you. Two of the more high-profile targeted Backwards, to an era when racists and activists, Joan Carling and Victoria xenophobes deliberately enflamed hatred and f discrimination among the public, while care- Tauli Corpuz, were fortunate to have INDIGENOUS ACTIVISTS IN THE been out of the country when the list fully cloaking themselves in the guise of de- PHILIPPINES mocracy and the rule of law. was published. Carling is an indigenous Backwards, to an era when women were Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I want to activist from the Cordillera region in not permitted to control their own choices speak about a subject that other Sen- the Philippines. She has been working and their own bodies. An era when criticism ators should be aware of. on indigenous issues at the grassroots was criminalised, and human rights activism Many Members of Congress have vis- and international levels for more than brought jail—or worse. ited the Philippines, a country with 20 years. Ms. Carling has been elected So this anniversary could be the occasion which we share a long history of stra- for a polite celebration of the achievements twice as the Secretary General of the of my Office over the past two and a half dec- tegic, economic, cultural, and other in- Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact, AIPP, ades—and they are many. But today is not a terests. We also know that, for many representing AIPP’s 47 member-organi- time for soporific complacency. Human years, the Philippine Government has zations in 14 countries. She was ap- rights are sorely under pressure around the been fighting an extremist insurgency pointed by the U.N. Economic and So- world—no longer a priority: a pariah. The le- in Mindanao. The United States has cial Council as an indigenous expert- gitimacy of human rights principles is at- been supporting the Philippine Govern- member of the U.N. Permanent Forum tacked. The practise of human rights norms ment in that effort. on Indigenous Issues for 2014–16. is in retreat. Here in Europe, ethno-populist According to information I have re- Victoria Tauli Corpuz was appointed parties are in the ascendant in many coun- tries—fuelling hatred and scarring their soci- ceived, on February 21, 2018, the Phil- as the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the eties with deepening divisions. ippines State Prosecutor filed a legal rights of indigenous peoples by the Where these parties have achieved power, petition to declare over 600 persons as U.N. Human Rights Council in 2014. She they have sought to undermine the independ- ‘‘terrorists,’’ alleging that they are is an indigenous leader from the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:38 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G04JN6.006 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE June 4, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2963 Kankana-ey Igorot people of the Cor- preventing terrorism has too often to the courageous efforts of CICIG and dillera region in the Philippines. As an made the problem worse, especially its commissioner, Ivan Velasquez, a re- indigenous activist, she has worked for when the result is the curtailment of spected Colombian jurist, and the re- over three decades to protect indige- basic freedoms. Labeling as ‘‘terror- cently retired attorney general, Thel- nous rights and as an advocate for ists’’ political opponents or civil soci- ma Aldana, who carried on the tradi- women’s rights. ety activists who do not advocate or tion of independence and integrity es- As a consequence of the Duterte ad- engage in violence and who, to the con- tablished by her predecessor, Claudia ministration’s action, these women trary, have been threatened and at- Paz y Paz. These prosecutors have suddenly have no home to return to. tacked for defending their rights is one given hope not only to victims who They cannot risk going back to the example of this, and it is an increas- long ago lost faith in Guatemala’s dys- Philippines. Still, they are fortunate ingly common tactic of governments; functional justice system, but also to compared to those targeted leaders yet there are few if any ways more many members of the business commu- who remain in the country. The ter- likely to cause people to resort to vio- nity who recognize that, without an rorist list also includes members of in- lence than by misusing government independent judiciary and confidence digenous communities in Mindanao power to suppress legitimate dissent. that the rule of law will be enforced, who were displaced from their lands in Far from stopping terrorism, adopting Guatemala will never attract the for- President Duterte’s antiterrorism such abusive tactics sets back our col- eign investment it needs to develop. sweep and now live precariously in lective efforts against terrorism. Predictably and throughout its his- evacuation camps. f Much of this reportedly has to do tory, CICIG has come under attack with powerful business interests in col- INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION from those who have enriched them- lusion with corrupt officials in the gov- AGAINST IMPUNITY IN GUATE- selves at public expense and escaped ernment. In the recent past, the Phil- MALA justice, including for heinous crimes. ippine Government has fast-tracked Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, many of Fearing prosecution, they have sought priority infrastructure development us here are familiar with the Inter- to challenge CICIG’s legitimacy and projects. Some of these projects are re- national Commission Against Impunity impugned the character and conduct of portedly planned to be built on ances- in Guatemala, known as CICIG. The its commissioner. Each time, CICIG tral indigenous lands, despite opposi- U.S. Congress and Republican and has survived, thanks to the support of tion from indigenous communities and Democratic administrations have sup- the international community. the failure to secure indigenous peo- ported it for years, and with few excep- Today, CICIG is once again being at- ples’ free, prior, and informed consent tions, it is strongly supported by the tacked, including by some senior offi- as required by Philippine law and as Guatemalan people. That is because cials, who have sought to exploit fac- contained in the 2007 U.N. Declaration CICIG, working closely with the Office tual misrepresentations, including on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. of the Attorney General, has proven those echoed in the Guatemalan and Indigenous leaders have objected to what many Guatemalans thought im- U.S. media, about a troubling case in- these projects, insisting that the gov- possible, that even the most powerful volving members of a Russian family ernment respect their rights and ob- government officials who commit who entered Guatemala with fraudu- tain their consent for projects that af- major crimes believing they are above lent passports. This has even resulted fect them. the law can be brought to justice. in a portion of the funds appropriated The United States has long supported CICIG was created in December 2006, by Congress for CICIG to be tempo- efforts of the Philippine Government when the United Nations and Guate- rarily blocked from disbursement. and civil society to unlock the coun- mala signed a treaty-level agreement Without recounting the bizarre facts try’s potential to achieve inclusive, setting up CICIG as an independent of that case, suffice it to say that not sustainable economic growth. As rank- body to support the Office of the Attor- a shred of credible evidence has been ing member of the Appropriations Sub- ney General, the National Civilian Po- presented to support the allegations of committee on the Department of State lice, and other Guatemalan Govern- abuse of authority leveled at CICIG and and Foreign Operations, I have sup- ment institutions in the investigation in particular at Commissioner ported programs to help the Phil- and prosecution of particularly sen- Velasquez. That, however, does not ap- ippines combat poverty, strengthen sitive and difficult cases. I vividly re- pear to matter to those who have long democratic institutions, enhance mari- member that time, when impunity for sought an excuse to replace Velasquez time security, and protect the rights of even the worst crimes was a virtual with someone who is susceptible to in- its people. certainty in Guatemala. timidation. The Bitkov case, which has Criminalizing these indigenous rights During more than 35 years of internal all the makings of a made for TV trag- defenders would reverse progress the armed conflict an estimated 200,000 edy, should be appropriately resolved country has made and threaten the Guatemalans, mostly rural Mayan vil- in the Guatemalan courts. The family functioning of civil society which is lagers, were murdered—the vast major- should be treated justly and humanely. fundamental to any democracy. Joan ity by the army. Many were rounded up But CICIG is not the problem. Carling, Victoria Tauli Corpuz, and and never seen or heard from again. It is important to reiterate what the other indigenous leaders and activists Thanks largely to the efforts of the Guatemalan people know: CICIG is an who from all indications are guilty of Guatemala Forensic Anthropology absolutely essential institution that nothing more than defending their ter- , the tortured remains of has enabled the office of the attorney ritories and cultures do not belong on a many hundreds have been found in un- ‘‘terrorist’’ list. Instead, the govern- marked mass graves, some on former general to break through the wall of ment should be defending their rights military bases. Hardly anyone has been impunity in ways that would never and protecting their safety and the punished for those atrocities, and past have been possible without CICIG’s safety of other indigenous leaders and attempts to investigate and prosecute support. It is that simple. Without human rights activists. some of the individuals responsible CICIG, there is no reason to believe Our own government, the Depart- were stymied. that any case involving high-ranking ments of State and Defense and the Even in the years since that dark pe- officials or members of organized crime U.S. Agency for International Develop- riod, almost anyone, especially those networks with the ability to intimi- ment, as well as international financial in positions of authority, got away date and bribe prosecutors and judges institutions we support, should ensure with anything, including assassina- and threaten or assassinate witnesses that development activities are carried tions and robbing the public treasury. will be brought to justice. out in accordance with the rights of Today, few crimes involving official It is also a fact that CICIG is only as local communities, including the right corruption and violations of human effective as its commissioner and that, of indigenous peoples to free, prior, and rights are prosecuted, and even fewer while even those who want to rein in informed consent. result in conviction and punishment. CICIG publicly claim to support it, We all oppose terrorism wherever it But those that have been credibly in- they make little secret of their goal to occurs, but our collective approach to vestigated and brought to trial are due get rid of Velasquez.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:38 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G04JN6.008 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S2964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 4, 2018 Commissioner Velasquez is an experi- Strzok-Page texts and will need to ob- and the demise of the USSR, Azer- enced, courageous jurist with integ- tain further context from him and the baijan once again achieved its inde- rity. That is why he was hired for the Justice Department in order to do so pendence on August 30, 1991. Our coun- job, and by all indications, he is guilty before I could consent to proceeding to try recognized Azerbaijan’s independ- of nothing more than doing the job he consider his confirmation. ence that same year and established was hired to do. The more he does so, The committee has recently experi- diplomatic relations with the Republic the more those who fear prosecution enced increasing difficulty in obtaining of Azerbaijan on February 19, 1992. will try to find ways to stop him. It is relevant documents and briefings from Azerbaijan is a key security partner therefore very important at this time the Justice Department and the Office of the United States. For example, Az- that the international community, in- of the Director of National Intel- erbaijani troops have served in Afghan- cluding the United States, reaffirms its ligence, ODNI. For example. Deputy istan since 2002 to assist the United support for Velasquez and the fight Attorney General, DAG, Rod Rosen- States and our partners in NATO. Addi- against corruption and impunity in stein personally assured me that the tionally, the country supports the Guatemala. Senate Judiciary Committee would re- United States through the Northern It is noteworthy that the former at- ceive equal access to information pro- Distribution Network, which allows for torney general has consistently voiced vided to the House Permanent Select the transit of nonlethal supplies her support for Velasquez because, if Committee on Intelligence, HPSCI, through Azerbaijan’s territory to our anyone should know if there is a grain with regard to any concessions in its forces in Afghanistan and permits the of truth to the allegations against him, negotiations regarding pending sub- overflight through its airspace of U.S. it would be her. She knows from expe- poenas from that committee. Two military personnel heading to Afghani- rience the motivations of those who weeks ago, the ODNI and the DAG pro- stan. are aligned against CICIG because they vided a briefing in connection with a Azerbaijan also stands as an example have also tried to intimidate her. pending HPSCI, subpoena to which no of a secular, Muslim-majority country In order for CICIG and Commissioner Senate Judiciary Committee member that has excellent relations with its Velasquez to effectively carry out was invited. Thus far, the committee’s own Jewish community and has main- CICIG’s mandate through the reminder attempts to schedule an equivalent tained diplomatic relations with our of its current term that ends in Sep- briefing have been ignored. strong ally, Israel, for over 25 years. tember 2019, he needs the support of Additionally, beginning November 29, Through the Southern Gas Corridor, the Guatemalan Government, the 2017, I made requests for information Azerbaijan will provide energy to our United Nations, the United States, and from the inspector general of the Intel- allies in Europe, thus lessening the other governments that support justice ligence Community and ODNI regard- continent’s reliance on Russia for gas. in Guatemala. I commend the Depart- ing the diffusion of the IC whistle- For this and many other reasons, I ment of State and U.S. Ambassador blower program and the highly unusual commend the Republic of Azerbaijan Arreaga for recognizing what is at and problematic termination of the IC and its people on this significant anni- stake and for seeking ways to ensure IG’s former Executive Director for versary. that CICIG and Commissioner Whistleblowing and Source Protection. f Velasquez can carry out their respon- In March, having received none of the ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS sibilities transparently and effectively. information I asked for, I formally and I also know that a majority of Demo- publicly objected to the confirmation crats and Republicans respect Commis- of the ODNI general counsel nominee. BICENTENNIAL OF MADISON, sioner Velasquez and want CICIG to re- To date, I still have received nothing. NORTH CAROLINA ceive the funds it needs. I am confident Therefore, I also object to Mr. ∑ Mr. BURR. Mr. President, today I that the funds will be released, that Evanina’s confirmation until and un- wish to celebrate with the citizens of CICIG and the role of the Commis- less the ODNI provides a fulsome re- Madison, NC, the town’s 200 years of sioner will be enhanced, and that the sponse to my letters. Additionally, I rich history. Named for President cause of justice for the Guatemalan understand that Mr. Evanina was re- James Madison, the town was acquired people will be served. sponsible for developing policies and at auction in June 1818. f procedures to address retaliatory secu- In Madison’s infancy, tobacco was a rity clearance actions pursuant to a high-demand commodity and employer NOMINATION OBJECTION statutory directive, but that it is not in town due to its location on the Dan Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I in- clear whether such policies and proce- and Mayor Rivers, which offer fertile tend to object to any unanimous con- dures have been implemented. I would soil for cultivation. By the late 1800s, sent request relating to the nomina- like for Mr. Evanina to explain the sta- Madison was home to more than 40 to- tion of William R. Evanina, to be Di- tus of those efforts. bacco factories, 1 reported to have been rector of the National Counterintel- Thus, unfortunately, I must object to the largest grower of tobacco in the ligence and Security Center, PN1548. any consideration of this nomination. world at that time. In the early 1900s, During the course of the Judiciary My objection is not intended to ques- Madison reaped the benefits of a Committee’s inquiry into how the Jus- tion the credentials of Mr. Evanina in growth in the textiles industry when tice Department and FBI handled the any way. However, the executive Gem Dandy, Inc., opened for business Clinton and Russia investigations, branch must recognize that it has an in town. It remains headquartered committee staff have reviewed text ongoing obligation to respond to con- there today. Madison gained another messages between Peter Strzok and gressional inquiries in a timely and employer in the mid-1990s when Rem- Lisa Page. In some of the text mes- reasonable manner. ington Arms made Madison home to its sages, an individual named ‘‘Evanina’’ f headquarters. is mentioned in the context of govern- Today Madison boasts two historic REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN ment officials having briefed then Vice districts and several landmarks listed President-Elect Pence on national se- Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, I rise on the National Register of Historic curity related issues and planning to today to pay tribute to the Republic of Places. brief him a second time. The name was Azerbaijan, which celebrated the 100th I am proud to offer my congratula- redacted from text messages initially anniversary of its declaration of inde- tions to the citizens of Madison, NC on provided to Congress. pendence on May 28. the occasion of their bicentennial.∑ ‘‘Evanina’’ most likely refers to the The United States was one of the f nominee who is and was at that time first countries to recognize Azer- Acting Director of the National Coun- baijan’s independence. The country REMEMBERING KATE KENNEDY terintelligence and Security Center. faced horrific challenges when it was ∑ Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, The committee needs to more fully un- invaded by the Bolsheviks in 1920 and today I wish to honor Kate Kennedy, a derstand the meaning of the apparent later incorporated into the Soviet pioneering and inspiring San Francis- references to Mr. Evanina in the Union. With the end of the Cold War can.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:38 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G04JN6.007 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE June 4, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2965 Kate Kennedy was born in County Charlie served his country in the U.S. He credits his longevity to good Meath, Ireland, in 1827, the second of Navy during World War II with the genes, good luck, and a great wife and seven children. After her father’s death Navy Seabees in Guadalcanal and on a very supportive family, associates, and in 1841, she cared for her five younger mine sweeper as an engineering officer friends. Charlie and his wife, Mary sisters, even overseeing their education off the coasts of Japan and the Phil- Ellen, have been married for more than at home. During Ireland’s Great Fam- ippines. The sense of service and duty 45 years. He has four children: Laura ine, Kate immigrated to the United he demonstrated while in the military Jones Pray, C. Tandy Jones, Jennifer States. She worked as a seamstress in is still something he carries with him Jones, and the late O. Nelson Jones. He New York Before moving with the rest to this day. is a member of the Oak Hill Baptist of her family to California in 1856. After the war’s end, Charlie went to Church and the St. Matthew’s Epis- Shortly after arriving in California, work for his family’s coking coal busi- copal Church in Charleston. she began teaching in San Francisco’s ness, Star Coal and Coke Company, I know I speak for all West Vir- public schools. She rose to become the which later became Amherst Coal Com- ginians when I wish Charles T. ‘‘Cap- principal of the North Cosmopolitan pany, in 1946. The company was started tain Charlie’’ Jones a Happy 100th Grammar School, but was only paid by his grandfather in 1893. Due to the birthday and wish for many more.∑ the salary of a primary school prin- downturn in production and demand of cipal because she was a woman. In re- coking coal, out of necessity, the com- f sponse to this injustice, she began a pany ventured into river transpor- campaign for equal pay all school tation. In 1951, the family bought the RECOGNIZING SILVER CREEK teachers. Her efforts were rewarded in Hatfield-Campbell Creek Coal Com- MIDDLE SCHOOL 1874, when the California Legislature pany, a business that operated steam- ∑ Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, I passed a law requiring female public boats, barges, and river terminals rise to celebrate the dedication of Sil- school teachers paid the same as male along the Kanawha and Ohio Rivers. He ver Creek Middle School, SCMS, in counterparts. took over the river operations of the Kensington, MD as it completes its in- Following her landmark victory, company and renamed them ‘‘Amherst augural year. SCMS opened on Sep- Kate continued to teach while advo- Barge Co.’’ Along the way, the com- tember 5, 2017, for 550 students in sixth cating for other social issues like labor pany became Madison Coal and Supply and seventh grade. and tax reforms. She eventually ran for Co. and is now known as Amherst Students from Chevy Chase Elemen- state superintendent of public instruc- Madison and still specializes in marine tary, North Chevy Chase Elementary, tion, becoming the first woman to run services, like towing, construction, and Rock Creek Forest Elementary for Statewide office in California. shipping, and equipment repairs. Am- now attend SCMS. In recognition of Although she didn’t win, she contin- herst and its affiliated companies have the combination of students from three ued to leave a mark on her adopted proudly employed thousands of West different elementary schools, SCMS State. After being transferred for polit- Virginians over the past 70 years. dedicated its inaugural year to commu- ical reasons to a smaller school with a Charlie is one of the most hard-work- nity building and has worked hard to lower salary, Kate fought the demotion ing, humble, and giving people West create a strong sense of unity and com- and was ultimately fired in retaliation Virginia has ever known. He is a long- mon purpose. by the schoolboard. She sued the board, time supporter of many business and Before the 2017–18 school year began, taking her case all the way to the Cali- charitable and community organiza- SCMS organized three community fornia Supreme Court. The court sided tions throughout the Kanawha Valley. summer socials at parents’ residences. with Kate, delivering an opinion that Over the years, he has served or cur- More than 200 parents participated in still serves today as the foundation of rently serves on numerous boards and these events and helped cultivate a teacher tenure in California. committees including Yeager Airport supportive network before their stu- Shortly after the court’s ruling, Kate Authority Board, board of trustees for Kennedy passed away in Oakland, CA, dents had even arrived at school. In ad- the University of Charleston, chairman and was buried in San Francisco’s Lau- dition, SCMS students and parents emeritus of the Inland Waterways User rel Hill Cemetery in 1890. have organized two cleanups of nearby Kate Kennedy’s commitment to jus- Board, trustee emeritus of the WV Silver Creek, for which the school is tice and willingness to fight for her Chapter of the Nature Conservancy, di- named. Students, teachers, and parents rights is truly inspirational. As the rector emeritus of the Mariner’s Mu- collaborated in these efforts to protect first woman to represent California in seum, past chairman of the WV Mining our environment. the U.S. Senate, I am proud to honor and Reclamation Association, former In addition to community building, her legacy and the historic role she director of the Charleston Area Med- SCMS focuses on a global and holistic played in the ongoing struggle for ical Center Foundation, One Valley education. SCMS is an International equality.∑ Bancorp, and the Western Pocahontas Baccalaureate, IB, school with a Mid- Corporation, Ohio Valley Improvement dle Years Programme. This program al- f Association or DINAMO, and so many lows students to engage across cultures TRIBUTE TO CHARLES T. JONES more. and subject areas to develop their self- ∑ Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, today His lifelong contributions have not understanding and a sense of their rela- I wish to celebrate the 100th birthday been overlooked. Just last year, Char- tionships to others and our society. of Charles T. Jones, or better known to lie was honored as a Distinguished I am proud that Silver Creek Middle the people who love him as Captain West Virginian by the Governor, en- School is committed to a quality edu- Charlie, a proud West Virginian, mili- tered into the Honorable Order of Ken- cation and a collaborative educational tary veteran, legendary businessman, tucky Colonels by the people of the environment for all of its students. I servant of the community, and a dear Commonwealth of Kentucky, and in- commend the dedicated faculty and friend. Throughout his century of life, ducted into West Virginia University staff at SCMS for all they do to help Charlie has often been referred to as a College of Business and Economics’ each of their students achieve his or coal miner, farmer, riverboat captain, Business Hall of Fame, and recognized her full potential. The Silver Creek and a Renaissance man. as a West Virginia ‘‘Who’s Who’’ by the Middle School community has my best While he grew up on the banks of the State Journal. Additionally, he has re- wishes for a productive learning experi- Kanawha River in West Virginia, Char- ceived previous honors such as the ence for many years to come.∑ lie attended school in New Jersey, Charleston YMCA’s Spirit of the Valley where he spent many afternoons row- Award, induction into the Coal Mining f ing on Lake Carnegie. This is where he Hall of Fame, Charleston Gazette- met Albert Einstein, who would ob- Mail’s West Virginian of the Year, Sea- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT serve his rowing each afternoon. He men’s Church Institute Lifetime Messages from the President of the would later earn a degree in business Achievement Award, and the National United States were communicated to from Babson Institute in Massachu- Rivers Hall of Fame Achievement the Senate by Ms. Cuccia, one of his setts. Award, to name only a few. secretaries.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:38 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04JN6.027 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S2966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 4, 2018 EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED from the Requirement of a Tolerance’’ (FRL Acquisition Policy, Department of Defense, No. 9977–62) received during adjournment of transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of In executive session the Presiding Of- the Senate in the Office of the President of a rule entitled ‘‘Defense Federal Acquisition ficer laid before the Senate messages the Senate on May 25, 2018; to the Committee Regulation Supplement: Micro-Purchase from the President of the United on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Threshold’’ ((RIN0750–AJ34) (DFARS Case States submitting sundry nominations EC–5329. A communication from the Con- 2018–D027)) received in the Office of the which were referred to the appropriate gressional Review Coordinator, Animal and President of the Senate on May 23, 2018; to committees. Plant Health Inspection Service, Department the Committee on Armed Services. EC–5338. A communication from the Direc- (The messages received today are of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘National tor of Defense Pricing and Procurement and printed at the end of the Senate pro- Environmental Policy Act Implementing Acquisition Policy, Department of Defense, ceedings.) Procedures’’ (RIN0579–AC60) received in the transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of f Office of the President of the Senate on May a rule entitled ‘‘Defense Federal Acquisition 24, 2018; to the Committee on Agriculture, Regulation Supplement: Repeal of DFARs MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Nutrition, and Forestry. Provision ‘Alternative Line Item Struc- RECEIVED DURING ADJOURNMENT EC–5330. A communication from the Under ture’ ’’ ((RIN0750–AJ67) (DFARS Case 2018– Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and D045)) received in the Office of the President ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED Sustainment), transmitting, pursuant to of the Senate on May 23, 2018; to the Com- Under the authority of the order of law, the Department of Defense Biennial mittee on Armed Services. the Senate of January 3, 2017, the Sec- Core Report to Congress; to the Committee EC–5339. A communication from the Direc- retary of the Senate, on May 29, 2018, on Armed Services. tor of Defense Pricing and Procurement and EC–5331. A communication from the Senior Acquisition Policy, Department of Defense, during the adjournment of the Senate, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of received a message from the House of Official performing the duties of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readi- a rule entitled ‘‘Defense Federal Acquisition Representatives announcing that the ness) transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Regulation Supplement: Repeal of DFARS Speaker pro tempore (Mr. MOONEY) had relative to Reserve Component Equipment Provision ‘Alternate A, System for Award signed the following enrolled bills: Procurement and Military Construction for Management’ ’’ ((RIN0750–AJ54) (DFARS H.R. 3663. An act to designate the medical fiscal year 2018; to the Committee on Armed Case 2018–D044)) received in the Office of the center of the Department of Veterans Affairs Services. President of the Senate on May 23, 2018; to in Huntington, West Virginia, as the Hershel EC–5332. A communication from the Direc- the Committee on Armed Services. EC–5340. A communication from the Gen- ‘‘Woody’’ Williams VA Medical Center. tor of Defense Pricing and Procurement and eral Counsel, Government Accountability Of- H.R. 4910. An act to amend title 38, United Acquisition Policy, Department of Defense, fice, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report States Code, to provide outer burial recep- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of relative to the Impoundment Control Act of tacles for remains buried in National Parks, a rule entitled ‘‘Defense Federal Acquisition 1974 and the Release of Certain Withheld and for other purposes. Regulation Supplement: Repeal of DFARS Clause ‘Right of First Refusal of Employ- Amounts; to the Committees on Appropria- f ment-Closure of Military Installations’ ’’ tions; and the Budget. EC–5341. A communication from the Gen- ((RIN0750–AJ54) (DFARS Case 2018–D002)) re- MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE eral Counsel, Government Accountability Of- ceived in the Office of the President of the fice, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report At 3:02 p.m., a message from the Senate on May 23, 2018; to the Committee on relative to the Impoundment Control Act of Armed Services. House of Representatives, delivered by 1974 and a Review of the President’s Special Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- EC–5333. A communication from the Direc- tor of Defense Pricing and Procurement and Message of May 8, 2018; to the Committees on nounced that the House has passed the Appropriations; and the Budget. Acquisition Policy, Department of Defense, EC–5342. A communication from the Sec- following bill, in which it requests the transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of concurrence of the Senate: retary of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant a rule entitled ‘‘Defense Federal Acquisition to law, a report relative to violations of the H.R. 5515. An act to authorize appropria- Regulation Supplement: Repeal of DFARS Antideficiency Act; to the Committee on Ap- tions for fiscal year 2019 for military activi- Provision ‘Representation Regarding Com- propriations. ties of the Department of Defense, for mili- bating Trafficking in Persons’ ’’ ((RIN0750– EC–5343. A communication from the Sec- tary construction, and for defense activities AJ67) (DFARS Case 2018–D003)) received in retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- of the Department of Energy, to prescribe the Office of the President of the Senate on ant to law, a six-month periodic report on military personnel strengths for such fiscal May 23, 2018; to the Committee on Armed the national emergency with respect to year, and for other purposes. Services. North Korea that was declared in Executive The message also announced that EC–5334. A communication from the Direc- Order 13466 of June 26, 2008; to the Com- pursuant to section 50802 of the Bipar- tor of Defense Pricing and Procurement and mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- Acquisition Policy, Department of Defense, tisan Budget Act of 2018 (Public Law fairs. transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of EC–5344. A communication from the Sec- 115–123), the Minority Leader appoints a rule entitled ‘‘Defense Federal Acquisition retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- the following individual to serve as a Regulation Supplement: Repeal of Restric- ant to law, a six-month periodic report on Commissioner to the Commission on tions on Chemical Weapons Antidote’’ the national emergency with respect to the Social Impact Partnerships: Ms. Anne ((RIN0750–AJ70) (DFARS Case 2018–D006)) re- Western Balkans that was declared in Execu- Wilson of San Rafael, California. ceived in the Office of the President of the tive Order 13219 of June 26, 2001; to the Com- Senate on May 23, 2018; to the Committee on mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- f Armed Services. fairs. EC–5335. A communication from the Direc- EXECUTIVE AND OTHER EC–5345. A communication from the Assist- tor of Defense Pricing and Procurement and ant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, De- COMMUNICATIONS Acquisition Policy, Department of Defense, partment of the Treasury, transmitting, pur- The following communications were transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of suant to law, a report relative to material laid before the Senate, together with a rule entitled ‘‘Defense Federal Acquisition violations or suspected material violations accompanying papers, reports, and doc- Regulation Supplement: Delegation of Spe- of regulations relating to Treasury auctions cial Emergency Procurement Authority’’ and other Treasury securities offerings for uments, and were referred as indicated: ((RIN0750–AJ86) (DFARS Case 2018–D024)) re- the period of January 1, 2017 through Decem- EC–5327. A communication from the Chair- ceived in the Office of the President of the ber 31, 2017; to the Committee on Banking, man and Chief Executive Officer, Farm Cred- Senate on May 23, 2018; to the Committee on Housing, and Urban Affairs. it Administration, transmitting, pursuant to Armed Services. EC–5346. A communication from the Sec- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standards EC–5336. A communication from the Direc- retary of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant of Conduct and Referral of Known or Sus- tor of Defense Pricing and Procurement and to law, a report relative to the continuation pected Criminal Violations; Standards of Acquisition Policy, Department of Defense, of a national emergency declared in Execu- Conduct’’ (RIN3052–AC44) received in the Of- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of tive Order 13222 with respect to the lapse of fice of the President pro tempore of the Sen- a rule entitled ‘‘Defense Federal Acquisition the Export Administration Act of 1979; to the ate; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutri- Regulation Supplement: Modification of Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban tion, and Forestry. DFARS Clause ‘Riding Gang Member Re- Affairs. EC–5328. A communication from the Direc- quirements’ ’’ ((RIN0750–AJ88) (DFARS Case EC–5347. A communication from the Acting tor of the Regulatory Management Division, 2018–D026)) received in the Office of the Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy Manage- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- President of the Senate on May 23, 2018; to ment, Department of the Interior, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- the Committee on Armed Services. ting, pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Re- titled ‘‘Defensin Proteins Derived from Spin- EC–5337. A communication from the Direc- port to Congress: The Comprehensive Inven- ach in Citrus Plants; Temporary Exemption tor of Defense Pricing and Procurement and tory of U.S. Outer Continental Shelf Oil and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:38 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04JN6.004 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE June 4, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2967 Natural Gas Resources—2018 Update’’; to the Committee on Environment and Public journment of the Senate in the Office of the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Works. President of the Senate on May 29, 2018; to sources. EC–5355. A communication from the Acting the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, EC–5348. A communication from the Gen- Assistant Secretary for Legislation, Depart- and Pensions. eral Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory ment of Health and Human Services, trans- EC–5365. A communication from the Acting Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, mitting, pursuant to law, a report entitled Director, Office of Communications and Leg- the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Reform of Gen- ‘‘Child Welfare Outcomes 2015: Report to islative Affairs, Equal Employment Oppor- erator Interconnection Procedures and Congress’’; to the Committee on Finance. tunity Commission, transmitting, pursuant Agreements’’ ((RIN1902–AF33) (Docket No. EC–5356. A communication from the Chief to law, the Commission’s Annual Sunshine RM17–8–000)) received in the Office of the of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Act Report for 2017; to the Committee on President of the Senate on May 24, 2018; to Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Homeland Security and Governmental Af- the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the fairs. sources. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Indexing Adjust- EC–5366. A communication from the Fed- EC–5349. A communication from the Direc- ments for Certain Provisions under Section eral Co-Chair, Appalachian Regional Com- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, 36B of the Internal Revenue Code’’ (Rev. mission, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Proc. 2018–34) received in the Office of the Commission’s Semiannual Report of the In- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- President of the Senate on May 24, 2018; to spector General for the period from October titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Michigan; Re- the Committee on Finance. 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018; to the Com- gional Haze Progress Report’’ (FRL No. 9978– EC–5357. A communication from the Chief mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- 61–Region 5) received during adjournment of of the Publications and Regulations Branch, mental Affairs. the Senate in the Office of the President of Internal Revenue Service, Department of the EC–5367. A communication from the Sec- the Senate on May 25, 2018; to the Committee Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the retary of Agriculture, transmitting, pursu- on Environment and Public Works. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Guidance on Cer- ant to law, the Semiannual Report of the In- EC–5350. A communication from the Direc- tain Payments Made in Exchange for State spector General for the period from October tor of the Regulatory Management Division, and Local Tax Credits’’ (Notice 2018–54) re- 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018; to the Com- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ceived during adjournment of the Senate in mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- the Office of the President of the Senate on mental Affairs. titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; New Hampshire; May 25, 2018; to the Committee on Finance. EC–5368. A communication from the Ad- Nonattainment Plan for the Central New EC–5358. A communication from the Chief ministrator of the U.S. Agency for Inter- Hampshire Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment of the Publications and Regulations Branch, national Development, transmitting, pursu- Area’’ (FRL No. 9978–27–Region 1) received Internal Revenue Service, Department of the ant to law, the Semiannual Report of the In- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the spector General for the period from October fice of the President of the Senate on May 25, report of a rule entitled ‘‘Credit for Renew- 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018; to the Com- 2018; to the Committee on Environment and able Electricity Production and Refined Coal mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- Public Works. Production, and Publication of Inflation Ad- mental Affairs. EC–5351. A communication from the Direc- justment Factor and Reference Prices for EC–5369. A joint communication from the tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Calendar Year 2018’’ (Notice 2018–50) received Chairman and the General Counsel, National Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Labor Relations Board, transmitting, pursu- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- fice of the President of the Senate on May 29, ant to law, the Office of Inspector General titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air 2018; to the Committee on Finance. Semiannual Report for the period of October Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland; EC–5359. A communication from the Chief 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018; to the Com- Continuous Opacity Monitoring Require- of the Publications and Regulations Branch, mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- ments for Municipal Waste Combustors’’ Internal Revenue Service, Department of the mental Affairs. (FRL No. 9978–56–Region 3) received during Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the EC–5370. A communication from the Chair- adjournment of the Senate in the Office of report of a rule entitled ‘‘Update of 2018 person of the District of Columbia Judicial the President of the Senate on May 25, 2018; Standard Mileage Rates Notice’’ (Notice Nomination Commission, transmitting, pur- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- 2018–42) received during adjournment of the suant to D.C. Code 1–204.34(d)(1), the nomina- lic Works. Senate in the Office of the President of the tion of Melissa Felder Zappala to be an Asso- EC–5352. A communication from the Direc- Senate on May 29, 2018; to the Committee on ciate Judge for the Superior Court of the tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Finance. District of Columbia; to the Committee on Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- EC–5360. A communication from the Assist- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ant Secretary for Legislation, Department of fairs. titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air Health and Human Services, transmitting, EC–5371. A communication from the Dep- Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Report in uty Archivist of the United States, National Emissions Statement Rule Certification for Response to the Sunscreen Innovation Act Archives and Records Administration, trans- the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality (P.L. 113–195) Section 586G’’; to the Com- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule Standard’’ (FRL No. 9978–57–Region 3) re- mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and entitled ‘‘National Industrial Security Pro- ceived during adjournment of the Senate in Pensions. gram’’ ((RIN3095–AB79) (32 CFR 2004)) re- the Office of the President of the Senate on EC–5361. A communication from the Assist- ceived in the Office of the President of the May 25, 2018; to the Committee on Environ- ant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Senate on May 24, 2018; to the Committee on ment and Public Works. Affairs, Department of Justice, transmit- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- EC–5353. A communication from the Direc- ting, pursuant to law, a report relative to a fairs. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, fiscal year 2019 estimate for the Volunteers EC–5372. A communication from the Direc- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- at Federally Supported Health Centers As- tor, Administrative Office of the United ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- sistant Act; to the Committee on Health, States Courts, transmitting, pursuant to titled ‘‘Approval of California Air Plan Revi- Education, Labor, and Pensions. law, an annual report on crime victims’ sions; Butte County Air Quality Manage- EC–5362. A communication from the Assist- rights; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ment District; Stationary Source Permits’’ ant Attorney General, Office of Legislative EC–5373. A communication from the Assist- (FRL No. 9978–18–Region 9) received during Affairs, Department of Justice, transmit- ant General Counsel, Office of Justice Pro- adjournment of the Senate in the Office of ting, pursuant to law, a report relative to a grams, Department of Justice, transmitting, the President of the Senate on May 25, 2018; fiscal year 2019 estimate for the Free Clinic pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled to the Committee on Environment and Pub- Program; to the Committee on Health, Edu- ‘‘Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Program’’ lic Works. cation, Labor, and Pensions. (RIN1121–AA85) received during adjournment EC–5354. A communication from the Direc- EC–5363. A communication from the Dep- of the Senate in the Office of the President tor of the Regulatory Management Division, uty White House Liaison, Department of of the Senate on May 29, 2018; to the Com- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Education, transmitting, pursuant to law, mittee on the Judiciary. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- two (2) reports relative to vacancies in the EC–5374. A communication from the Ad- titled ‘‘Delegation of Authority to the States Department of Education, received in the Of- ministrator of the General Services Adminis- of Iowa; Kansas; Missouri; Nebraska; Lin- fice of the President of the Senate on May 23, tration, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- coln-Lancaster County, NE; and City of 2018; to the Committee on Health, Education, port entitled ‘‘GSA Fiscal Year 2017 Goaling Omaha, NE, for New Source Performance Labor, and Pensions. Without Exclusions Report Required by Sec- Standards (NSPS), National Emission Stand- EC–5364. A communication from the Regu- tion 15(h)(3)(A)(ii) of the Small Business ards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) lations Coordinator, Centers for Disease Con- Act’’; to the Committee on Small Business Including Maximum Achievable Control trol and Prevention, Department of Health and Entrepreneurship. Technology (MACT) Standards ‘‘(FRL No. and Human Services, transmitting, pursuant EC–5375. A communication from the Dep- 9978–80–Region 7) received during adjourn- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Control uty General Counsel, Office of Financial As- ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- of Communicable Diseases; Technical Cor- sistance, Small Business Administration, dent of the Senate on May 25, 2018; to the rection’’ (RIN0920–AA63) received during ad- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:38 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04JN6.013 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S2968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 4, 2018 a rule entitled ‘‘Debt Refinancing in 504 ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office vania’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. USCG– Loan Program’’ (RIN3245–AG79) received in of the President of the Senate on May 25, 2018–0224)) received during adjournment of the Office of the President of the Senate on 2018; to the Committee on Commerce, the Senate in the Office of the President of May 23, 2018; to the Committee on Small Science, and Transportation. the Senate on May 25, 2018; to the Committee Business and Entrepreneurship. EC–5384. A communication from the Attor- on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. EC–5376. A communication from the Attor- ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department EC–5392. A communication from the Attor- ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Safety Zone; Bay-Rama Fish Fly Festival, ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Spe- ‘‘Safety Zone; Tuskegee Airmen River Days Lake St. Clair, New Baltimore, MI’’ cial Local Regulation; Monongahela, Alle- Air Show, Detroit River, Detroit, MI’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. USCG–2018– gheny, and Ohio Rivers, Pittsburg Pennsyl- ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. USCG–2018– 0425)) received during adjournment of the vania’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. USCG– 0368)) received during adjournment of the Senate in the Office of the President of the 2018–0320)) received during adjournment of Senate in the Office of the President of the Senate on May 25, 2018; to the Committee on the Senate in the Office of the President of Senate on May 25, 2018; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. the Senate on May 25, 2018; to the Committee Commerce, Science, and Transportation. EC–5385. A communication from the Attor- on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. EC–5377. A communication from the Attor- ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- f of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Safety Zone; Ohio River mile mark 27.8 to ‘‘Safety Zone; Algonac Fireworks, St. Clair mile marker 28.2, Vanport, PA’’ ((RIN1625– The following reports of committees River, Algonac, MI’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket AA00) (Docket No. USCG–2018–0441)) received were submitted: No. USCG–2018–0248)) received during ad- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- By Mr. GRASSLEY, from the Committee journment of the Senate in the Office of the fice of the President of the Senate on May 25, on the Judiciary: President of the Senate on May 25, 2018; to 2018; to the Committee on Commerce, Report to accompany S. 2559, A bill to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Science, and Transportation. amend title 17, United States Code, to imple- Transportation. EC–5386. A communication from the Attor- ment the Marrakesh Treaty, and for other EC–5378. A communication from the Attor- ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department purposes (Rept. No. 115–261). ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled f ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Safety Zone; Laguna Madre, South Padre INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND ‘‘Safety Zone; Neches River, Beaumont, TX’’ Island, TX’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. JOINT RESOLUTIONS ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. USCG–2018– USCG–2018–0444)) received during adjourn- 0376)) received during adjournment of the ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- The following bills and joint resolu- Senate in the Office of the President of the dent of the Senate on May 25, 2018; to the tions were introduced, read the first Senate on May 25, 2018; to the Committee on Committee on Commerce, Science, and and second times by unanimous con- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Transportation. sent, and referred as indicated: EC–5379. A communication from the Attor- EC–5387. A communication from the Attor- By Mr. CRUZ: ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department S. 2985. A bill to require a report on impris- of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- onment of political prisoners in China; to the ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ant to law, the report of a rule entitled Committee on Foreign Relations. ‘‘Safety Zone; Ohio River, Metropolis, IL’’ ‘‘Safety Zone; Ohio Street Beach Swim By Mr. CASEY (for himself, Mr. BOOK- ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. USCG–2018– Course, Lake Michigan, Harbor, Chi- ER, and Mr. KAINE): 0077)) received during adjournment of the cago, IL’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. S. 2986. A bill to award grants to States to Senate in the Office of the President of the USCG–2017–1066)) received during adjourn- support efforts at institutions of higher edu- Senate on May 25, 2018; to the Committee on ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- cation to increase degree attainment, and for Commerce, Science, and Transportation. dent of the Senate on May 25, 2018; to the other purposes; to the Committee on Health, EC–5380. A communication from the Attor- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Education, Labor, and Pensions. ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department Transportation. of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- EC–5388. A communication from the Attor- f ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department ‘‘Safety Zone; Upper Mississippi River, St. of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS Louis, MO’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. ant to law, the report of a rule entitled S. 177 USCG–2018–0430)) received during adjourn- ‘‘Safety Zone; Bath Creek, Bath, NC’’ At the request of Mr. LEE, the name ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. USCG–2018– of the Senator from Pennsylvania (Mr. dent of the Senate on May 25, 2018; to the 0416)) received during adjournment of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Senate in the Office of the President of the TOOMEY) was added as a cosponsor of S. Transportation. Senate on May 25, 2018; to the Committee on 177, a bill to provide for congressional EC–5381. A communication from the Attor- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. review of the imposition of duties and ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department EC–5389. A communication from the Attor- other trade measures by the executive of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department branch, and for other purposes. ant to law, the report of a rule entitled of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- S. 256 ‘‘Safety Zone; Navy Underwater Detonation ant to law, the report of a rule entitled (UNDET) Exercises, GU’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) ‘‘Safety Zone; Corpus Christi Ship Channel, At the request of Ms. HEITKAMP, the (Docket No. USCG–2017–0651)) received dur- Corpus Christi, TX’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office No. USCG–2018–0339)) received during ad- WYDEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. of the President of the Senate on May 25, journment of the Senate in the Office of the 256, a bill to establish the Stop, Ob- 2018; to the Committee on Commerce, President of the Senate on May 25, 2018; to serve, Ask, and Respond to Health and Science, and Transportation. the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Wellness Training pilot program to ad- EC–5382. A communication from the Attor- Transportation. dress human trafficking in the health ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department EC–5390. A communication from the Attor- of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department care system. ant to law, the report of a rule entitled of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- S. 821 ‘‘Safety Zone; St. Clair Shore Fireworks, ant to law, the report of a rule entitled At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the Lake St. Clair, St. Clair Shores, MI’’ ‘‘Safety Zone; SF State University Gradua- name of the Senator from New Jersey ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket No. USCG–2018– tion Fireworks Display, San Francisco Bay, (Mr. MENENDEZ) was added as a cospon- 0384)) received during adjournment of the San Francisco, CA’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) (Docket sor of S. 821, a bill to promote access Senate in the Office of the President of the No. USCG–2018–0420)) received during ad- Senate on May 25, 2018; to the Committee on journment of the Senate in the Office of the for United States officials, journalists, Commerce, Science, and Transportation. President of the Senate on May 25, 2018; to and other citizens to Tibetan areas of EC–5383. A communication from the Attor- the Committee on Commerce, Science, and the People’s Republic of China, and for ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department Transportation. other purposes. of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- EC–5391. A communication from the Attor- S. 1022 ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department ‘‘Safety Zone; Grosse Point War Memorial of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- At the request of Mr. ISAKSON, the Red, White, and Blue Gala Fireworks, Lake ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Spe- name of the Senator from New Jersey St. Clair, Grosse Pointe’’ ((RIN1625–AA00) cial Local Regulation; Monongahela, Alle- (Mr. BOOKER) was added as a cosponsor (Docket No. USCG–2018–0266)) received dur- gheny, and Ohio Rivers, Pittsburg Pennsyl- of S. 1022, a bill to amend the Public

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:38 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04JN6.015 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE June 4, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2969 Health Service Act to facilitate assign- 2060, a bill to promote democracy and S. 2404 ment of military trauma care providers human rights in Burma, and for other At the request of Mr. CASEY, the to civilian trauma centers in order to purposes. name of the Senator from Wisconsin maintain military trauma readiness S. 2076 (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- and to support such centers, and for At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the sor of S. 2404, a bill to amend the Food, other purposes. name of the Senator from Nebraska Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade S. 1050 (Mrs. FISCHER) was added as a cospon- Act of 1990 to reauthorize the organic At the request of Mr. WARNER, his sor of S. 2076, a bill to amend the Pub- agriculture research and extension ini- name was added as a cosponsor of S. lic Health Service Act to authorize the tiative. 1050, a bill to award a Congressional expansion of activities related to Alz- S. 2501 Gold Medal, collectively, to the Chi- heimer’s disease, cognitive decline, and At the request of Mr. BENNET, the nese-American Veterans of World War brain health under the Alzheimer’s Dis- name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. II, in recognition of their dedicated ease and Healthy Aging Program, and CORTEZ MASTO) was added as a cospon- service during World War II. for other purposes. sor of S. 2501, a bill to amend the Omni- bus Parks and Public Lands Manage- At the request of Ms. COLLINS, her S. 2105 ment Act of 1996 to provide for the es- name was added as a cosponsor of S. At the request of Mr. BOOZMAN, the 1050, supra. tablishment of a Ski Area Fee Reten- name of the Senator from New Jersey tion Account. S. 1112 (Mr. BOOKER) was added as a cosponsor S. 2559 At the request of Ms. HEITKAMP, the of S. 2105, a bill to modify the presump- At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. tion of service connection for veterans name of the Senator from Washington DURBIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. who were exposed to herbicide agents (Mrs. MURRAY) was added as a cospon- 1112, a bill to support States in their while serving in the Armed Forces in sor of S. 2559, a bill to amend title 17, work to save and sustain the health of Thailand during the Vietnam era, and United States Code, to implement the mothers during pregnancy, childbirth, for other purposes. Marrakesh Treaty, and for other pur- and in the postpartum period, to elimi- S. 2109 poses. nate disparities in maternal health At the request of Mr. CARPER, the S. 2578 outcomes for pregnancy-related and name of the Senator from New Jersey At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, the pregnancy-associated deaths, to iden- (Mr. BOOKER) was added as a cosponsor name of the Senator from Colorado tify solutions to improve health care of S. 2109, a bill to count revenues from (Mr. BENNET) was added as a cosponsor quality and health outcomes for moth- military and veteran education pro- of S. 2578, a bill to amend title 13, ers, and for other purposes. grams toward the limit on Federal rev- United States Code, to require the Sec- S. 1328 enues that certain proprietary institu- retary of Commerce to provide ad- At the request of Mr. KAINE, the tions of higher education are allowed vanced notice to Congress before names of the Senator from Illinois (Ms. to receive for purposes of section 487 of changing any questions on the decen- DUCKWORTH) and the Senator from the Higher Education Act of 1965, and nial census, and for other purposes. Delaware (Mr. CARPER) were added as for other purposes. S. 2637 cosponsors of S. 1328, a bill to extend S. 2141 At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the the protections of the Fair Housing Act At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. to persons suffering discrimination on the name of the Senator from Min- DURBIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. the basis of sexual orientation or gen- nesota (Ms. SMITH) was added as a co- 2637, a bill to amend title XI of the So- der identity, and for other purposes. sponsor of S. 2141, a bill to amend title cial Security Act to improve the qual- S. 1358 10, United States Code, to reform pro- ity, health outcomes, and value of ma- At the request of Mr. CASSIDY, the cedures for determinations on disposi- ternity care under the Medicaid and name of the Senator from Nebraska tion of charges and the convening of CHIP programs by developing mater- (Mrs. FISCHER) was added as a cospon- courts-martial for certain offenses nity care quality measures and sup- sor of S. 1358, a bill to amend the Inter- under the Uniform Code of Military porting maternity care quality nal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for Justice, and for other purposes. collaboratives. the treatment of certain direct pri- S. 2252 S. 2652 At the request of Mr. CASSIDY, the mary care service arrangements and At the request of Mr. TESTER, the periodic provider fees. name of the Senator from Delaware names of the Senator from Kentucky (Mr. MCCONNELL), the Senator from S. 1596 (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Mr. PETERS, the of S. 2252, a bill to amend the Animal Wyoming (Mr. ENZI), the Senator from Indiana (Mr. YOUNG), the Senator from name of the Senator from Maine (Mr. Health Protection Act to support State Pennsylvania (Mr. TOOMEY) and the KING) was added as a cosponsor of S. and Tribal efforts to develop and im- Senator from Oregon (Mr. WYDEN) were 1596, a bill to amend title 38, United plement management strategies to ad- added as cosponsors of S. 2652, a bill to States Code, to increase certain funeral dress chronic wasting disease among award a Congressional Gold Medal to benefits for veterans, and for other pur- deer, elk, and moose populations, to Stephen Michael Gleason. poses. support research regarding the causes S. 2667 S. 1870 of chronic wasting disease and methods At the request of Mr. MCCONNELL, At the request of Mr. HOEVEN, the to control the further spread of the dis- the names of the Senator from New name of the Senator from Illinois (Ms. ease, and for other purposes. York (Mrs. GILLIBRAND), the Senator DUCKWORTH) was added as a cosponsor S. 2269 from Wisconsin (Ms. BALDWIN) and the of S. 1870, a bill to amend the Victims At the request of Mr. CASEY, the Senator from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS) of Crime Act of 1984 to secure urgent name of the Senator from New Jersey were added as cosponsors of S. 2667, a resources vital to Indian victims of (Mr. BOOKER) was added as a cosponsor bill to amend the Agricultural Mar- crime, and for other purposes. of S. 2269, a bill to reauthorize the keting Act of 1946 to provide for State S. 2047 Global Food Security Act of 2016 for 5 and Tribal regulation of hemp produc- At the request of Mr. MURPHY, the additional years. tion, and for other purposes. name of the Senator from California S. 2365 S. 2802 (Ms. HARRIS) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the At the request of Mr. BLUNT, the of S. 2047, a bill to restrict the use of name of the Senator from Delaware name of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. funds for kinetic military operations in (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor GRASSLEY) was added as a cosponsor of North Korea. of S. 2365, a bill to impose additional S. 2802, a bill to amend the Internal S. 2060 sanctions with respect to serious Revenue Code of 1986 to provide the op- At the request of Mr. PETERS, his human rights abuses by the Govern- portunity for responsible health sav- name was added as a cosponsor of S. ment of Iran, and for other purposes. ings to all American families.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:38 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04JN6.009 S04JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S2970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 4, 2018 S. 2863 ernments of the United States of Amer- (1)(A) Military Value Analysis training at- At the request of Mr. BLUNT, the ica and Nigeria to swiftly implement tribute data and scoring for contiguous and name of the Senator from Connecticut measures to defeat the terrorist orga- non-contiguous training areas, including air- space, according to the associated installa- (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- nization. tion, as separate and distinct training areas sponsor of S. 2863, a bill to require the f measured by average daily use and the cost Secretary of the Treasury to mint a AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND of use. coin in commemoration of the opening (B) For purposes of determining training PROPOSED of the National Law Enforcement Mu- areas pursuant to this paragraph, non-con- seum in the District of Columbia, and SA 2269. Mr. MORAN (for himself and Mr. tiguous training areas owned by the Na- for other purposes. ROBERTS) submitted an amendment intended tional Guard or other government agencies to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 5515, with formal agreements with the Army may S. 2878 to authorize appropriations for fiscal year be considered under the Military Value Anal- At the request of Mr. GRAHAM, the 2019 for military activities of the Depart- ysis training attribute as a separate and dis- name of the Senator from Missouri ment of Defense, for military construction, tinct training area measured by average (Mr. BLUNT) was added as a cosponsor and for defense activities of the Department daily use and the cost of use. of S. 2878, a bill to improve the track- of Energy, to prescribe military personnel (2) A standardized explanatory statement ing of data on, and benefits paid to, strengths for such fiscal year, and for other for each associated installation with a non- contiguous training area attribute that in- public safety officers who are killed or purposes; which was ordered to lie on the table. cludes a justification for its use as it relates disabled in the line of duty. SA 2270. Mr. MORAN submitted an amend- to the specific change in force structure S. 2916 ment intended to be proposed by him to the under consideration and the cost and benefit At the request of Mr. WICKER, the bill H.R. 5515, supra; which was ordered to lie to access a non-contiguous training area due name of the Senator from Pennsyl- on the table. to geographic separation, as described in De- partment of the Army Pamphlet (DA PAM) vania (Mr. CASEY) was added as a co- f 5–13. sponsor of S. 2916, a bill to require a TEXT OF AMENDMENTS (3) Military Value Analysis investment at- certain percentage of liquefied natural SA 2269. Mr. MORAN (for himself and tribute data and scoring for infrastructure gas and crude oil exports be trans- surrounding each associated installation, in- Mr. ROBERTS) submitted an amendment ported on United States-built and cluding housing, schools, and transportation, intended to be proposed by him to the United States-flag vessels, and for funded by State or local governments and bill H.R. 5515, to authorize appropria- other purposes. communities measured by the last five fiscal tions for fiscal year 2019 for military years. S. 2937 activities of the Department of De- (4)(A) Programmatic Environmental As- At the request of Ms. SMITH, the fense, for military construction, and sessment data and scoring for the projected name of the Senator from Pennsyl- for defense activities of the Depart- cost of military construction and vania (Mr. CASEY) was added as a co- ment of Energy, to prescribe military sustainment, restoration, and maintenance sponsor of S. 2937, a bill to protect chil- personnel strengths for such fiscal requirements, according to each associated installation, as separate and distinct meas- dren affected by immigration enforce- year, and for other purposes, which was ment actions. urements projected by the Future Year De- ordered to lie on the table, as follows: fense Program planning to meet change in S. 2957 At the end of subtitle D of title XXVIII, force structure mission requirements. At the request of Mr. WARNER, the add the following: (B) For purposes of this paragraph, names of the Senator from Minnesota SEC. ll. NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES IN FORCE relocatable buildings or structures des- (Ms. KLOBUCHAR), the Senator from STRUCTURE OF THE UNITED STATES ignated as temporary that are not eligible to ARMY. Rhode Island (Mr. REED) and the Sen- receive sustainment, restoration, and main- (a) NOTIFICATION.—Consistent with notifi- tenance funding, shall be measured as sepa- ator from New Jersey (Mr. BOOKER) cation requirements set forth under section were added as cosponsors of S. 2957, a rate and distinct buildings or structures for 993(a) of title 10, United States Code, the each associated installation. bill to amend the Horse Protection Act Secretary of the Army shall, as provided (5) Projected cost savings or cost avoidance to designate additional unlawful acts under subsection (b), notify the congres- to the Army that may impact the long-term under the Act, strengthen penalties for sional defense committees and congressional total cost of the change in force structure, violations of the Act, improve Depart- members of the affected States of changes in including total lifecycle cost factors of in- ment of Agriculture enforcement of the force structure of a battalion-size unit or stallation energy and utility costs, installa- other units of approximately 500 members Act, and for other purposes. tion operating cost, installation renovation assigned at a military installation. In deter- and maintenance cost, and the rate of basic S. 2979 mining the change in force structure of a lo- allowance for housing. At the request of Mr. LEE, the name cality, the Secretary shall take into consid- (6) Projected cost savings to the Army and of the Senator from Texas (Mr. CRUZ) eration both short-term and long-term cost force structure unit members and their de- was added as a cosponsor of S. 2979, a factors. pendents measured by State and local ex- bill to rescind certain budget authority (b) NOTICE REQUIREMENTS.—No action may emptions in the form of a tax credit, State be taken to effect or implement a change in professional license reciprocity, education, proposed to be rescinded in special force structure described under subsection messages transmitted to the Congress employment, or other benefits as determined (a) until— by the Secretary. by the President on May 8, 2018, in ac- (1) the Secretary of the Army— cordance with title X of the Congres- (A) submits to Congress a notice of the SA 2270. Mr. MORAN submitted an sional Budget and Impoundment Con- proposed change in force structure, including amendment intended to be proposed by trol Act 1974. the detailed scoring data analyzed by the him to the bill H.R. 5515, to authorize Army and a justification for any changes to S. CON. RES. 7 appropriations for fiscal year 2019 for the methodology, attributes in the Military At the request of Mr. ROBERTS, the Value Analysis, and other categories military activities of the Department name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. weighed at the direction of the Secretary; of Defense, for military construction, DONNELLY) was added as a cosponsor of and and for defense activities of the De- S. Con. Res. 7, a concurrent resolution (B) includes in the notice a report on the partment of Energy, to prescribe mili- expressing the sense of Congress that change in force structure as described under tary personnel strengths for such fiscal tax-exempt fraternal benefit societies subsection (c); and year, and for other purposes; which was have historically provided and con- (2) a period of 90 days expires following the ordered to lie on the table; as follows: day on which the notice is submitted to the tinue to provide critical benefits to the At the end of subtitle D of title III, add the congressional defense committees and con- following: people and communities of the United gressional members of the affected States as SEC. 340. PROHIBITION ON THE REDUCTION IN States. appropriate. FORCE CAPACITY OR CAPABILITY S. RES. 460 (c) REPORT ON THE CHANGE IN FORCE STRUC- OF THE ADVANCED TURBINE EN- TURE.—The report referred to under sub- At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the GINE ARMY MAINTENANCE OF THE section (b)(1)(B) is a report from the Sec- ARMY NATIONAL GUARD. name of the Senator from New Jersey retary of the Army on the changes in force (a) IN GENERAL.—No action may be taken— (Mr. BOOKER) was added as a cosponsor structure, including updates to the Proce- (1) to reduce the capacity or capability of of S. Res. 460, a resolution condemning dures for Army Stationing related to the the Advanced Turbine Engine Army Mainte- Boko Haram and calling on the Gov- changes in force structure, as follows: nance (ATEAM) of the Army National Guard

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To be major To be colonel IN THE MARINE CORPS


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SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS 2:30 p.m. Wyrick, to be United States District Committee on Commerce, Science, and Judge for the Western District of Okla- Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, Transportation homa. agreed to by the Senate of February 4, Subcommittee on Space, Science, and SD–226 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- Competitiveness 10:30 a.m. To hold hearings to examine the future tem for a computerized schedule of all Committee on Appropriations of the International Space Station, fo- Business meeting to mark up an original meetings and hearings of Senate com- cusing on stakeholder perspectives. bill entitled, ‘‘Transportation, Housing mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- SR–253 and Urban Development, and Related tees, and committees of conference. Committee on Homeland Security and Agencies Appropriations Act, 2019’’, This title requires all such committees Governmental Affairs and an original bill entitled, ‘‘Military to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Subcommittee on Federal Spending Over- Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Re- sight and Emergency Management Digest—designated by the Rules Com- lated Agencies Appropriations Act, To hold hearings to examine war powers 2019’’. mittee—of the time, place and purpose and the effects of unauthorized mili- SD–106 of the meetings, when scheduled and tary engagements on Federal spending. 2 p.m. any cancellations or changes in the SD–342 Select Committee on Intelligence meetings as they occur. Committee on Indian Affairs To receive a closed briefing regarding Business meeting to consider the nomi- certain intelligence matters. As an additional procedure along nation of Tara Sweeney, of Alaska, to SH–219 with the computerization of this infor- be an Assistant Secretary of the Inte- 3 p.m. mation, the Office of the Senate Daily rior. Joint Economic Committee Digest will prepare this information for SD–628 To hold hearings to examine the poten- 2:45 p.m. printing in the Extensions of Remarks tial for health care savings accounts to Committee on the Judiciary engage patients and bend the health section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Subcommittee on Border Security and Im- care cost curve. on Monday and Wednesday of each migration SH–216 week. To hold hearings to examine student visa integrity, focusing on protecting edu- JUNE 11 Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, cational opportunity and national se- June 5, 2018 may be found in the Daily curity. 2 p.m. Digest of today’s RECORD. SD–226 Committee on the Judiciary To hold hearings to examine the Inspec- JUNE 7 tor General’s first report on Depart- MEETINGS SCHEDULED ment of Justice and Federal Bureau of 10 a.m. Investigation actions in advance of the Committee on the Judiciary 2016 presidential election. JUNE 6 Business meeting to consider S. 2837, to SH–216 10 a.m. improve the systems for identifying Committee on Appropriations the diversion of controlled substances, JUNE 12 Subcommittee on Department of Defense S. 974, to promote competition in the To hold closed hearings to examine de- market for drugs and biological prod- 10 a.m. fense innovation and research funding. ucts by facilitating the timely entry of Committee on Energy and Natural Re- SVC–217 lower-cost generic and biosimilar sources Committee on Homeland Security and versions of those drugs and biological To hold an oversight hearing to examine Governmental Affairs products, S. 2245, to include New Zea- the Federal Energy Regulatory Com- To hold hearings to examine countering land in the list of foreign states whose mission. malicious drones, including S. 2836, to nationals are eligible for admission SD–366 assist the Department of Homeland Se- into the United States as E–1 and E–2 Committee on Health, Education, Labor, curity in preventing emerging threats nonimmigrants if United States na- and Pensions from unmanned aircraft and vehicles. tionals are treated similarly by the To hold hearings to examine the cost of SD–342 Government of New Zealand, and the prescription drugs, focusing on exam- Committee on the Judiciary nominations of Ryan Wesley Bounds, of ining the President’s blueprint ‘‘Amer- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Oregon, to be United States Circuit ican Patients First’’ to lower drug tions of David James Porter, of Penn- Judge for the Ninth Circuit, J. Camp- prices. sylvania, to be United States Circuit bell Barker, and Jeremy D. Kernodle, SD–430 Judge for the Third Circuit, Holly A. both to be a United States District Brady, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of JUNE 13 Judge for the Northern District of Indi- Texas, Susan Brnovich, to be United 10 a.m. ana, Andrew Lynn Brasher, to be States District Judge for the District Committee on the Judiciary United States District Judge for the of Arizona, Chad F. Kenney, to be To hold hearings to examine confronting Middle District of Alabama, James United States District Judge for the sexual harassment and other workplace Patrick Hanlon, to be United States Eastern District of Pennsylvania, misconduct in the Federal judiciary. District Judge for the Southern Dis- Maureen K. Ohlhausen, of Virginia, to SD–226 trict of Indiana, David Steven Morales, be Judge of the United States Court of 2:30 p.m. to be United States District Judge for Federal Claims, Britt Cagle Grant, of Committee on Indian Affairs the Southern District of Texas, and Georgia, to be United States Circuit To hold an oversight hearing to examine Lance E. Walker, of Maine, to be Judge for the Eleventh Circuit, Allen the Government Accountability Office United States District Judge for the Cothrel Winsor, to be United States high risk list, focusing on turning District of Maine. District Judge for the Northern Dis- around vulnerable Indian programs. SD–226 trict of Florida, and Patrick R. SD–628

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:43 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M04JN8.000 E04JNPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS Monday, June 4, 2018 Daily Digest Senate Commission for the remainder of the term expiring Chamber Action October 26, 2019. Routine Proceedings, pages S2953–S2972 Karen Dunn Kelley, of Pennsylvania, to be Dep- Measures Introduced: Two bills were introduced, uty Secretary of Commerce. as follows: S. 2985–2986. Page S2968 Geoffrey Adam Starks, of Kansas, to be a Member Measures Reported: Report to accompany S. 2559, of the Federal Communications Commission for a to amend title 17, United States Code, to implement term of five years from July 1, 2017. the Marrakesh Treaty. (S. Rept. No. 115–261) Brian A. Nichols, of Rhode Island, to be Ambas- Page S2968 sador to the Republic of Zimbabwe. Wier Nomination—Agreement: Senate resumed Michael Pack, of Maryland, to be Chief Executive consideration of the nomination of Robert Earl Wier, Officer of the Broadcasting Board of Governors for to be United States District Judge for the Eastern the term of three years. District of Kentucky. Pages S2954–61 3 Air Force nominations in the rank of general. During consideration of this measure today, Senate 5 Army nominations in the rank of general. also took the following action: 1 Navy nomination in the rank of admiral. By 90 yeas to 1 nay (Vote No. 112), Senate Routine lists in the Army and Marine Corps. agreed to the motion to close further debate on the Pages S2971–72 nomination. Pages S2957–58 Messages from the House: Page S2966 A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- viding that notwithstanding Rule XXII, at 11 a.m., Executive Communications: Pages S2966–68 on Tuesday, June 5, 2018, all post-cloture time on Additional Cosponsors: Pages S2968–70 the nomination be considered expired, and Senate Additional Statements: Pages S2964–65 vote on confirmation of the nomination. Page S2961 A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- Amendments Submitted: Pages S2970–71 viding for further consideration of the nomination, Record Votes: One record vote was taken today. post-cloture, at approximately 10 a.m., on Tuesday, (Total—112) Page S2958 June 5, 2018. Page S2971 Adjournment: Senate convened at 3 p.m. and ad- Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- journed at 7:06 p.m., until 10 a.m. on Tuesday, lowing nominations: June 5, 2018. (For Senate’s program, see the remarks Veronica Daigle, of Virginia, to be an Assistant of the Majority Leader in today’s Record on page Secretary of Defense. Casey Wardynski, of Alabama, to be an Assistant S2971.) Secretary of the Army. Elad L. Roisman, of Maine, to be a Member of the Securities and Exchange Commission for a term ex- Committee Meetings piring June 5, 2023. (Committees not listed did not meet) Peter A. Feldman, of the District of Columbia, to be a Commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety No committee meetings were held.


VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D04JN8.REC D04JNPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST D612 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST June 4, 2018 House of Representatives Chamber Action COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 2018 The House was not in session today. The House is scheduled to meet at 12 noon on Tuesday, June (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) 5, 2018. Senate Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Transpor- Committee Meetings tation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies, business meeting to markup an original bill en- No hearings were held. titled, ‘‘Transportation, Housing and Urban Develop- ment, and Related Agencies Act, 2019’’, 10 a.m., SD–192. Joint Meetings Subcommittee on Departments of Labor, Health and No joint committee meetings were held. Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies, to hold hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and f justification for fiscal year 2019 for the Department of NEW PUBLIC LAWS Education, 10:15 a.m., SD–124. Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans (For last listing of Public Laws, see DAILY DIGEST, p. D601) Affairs, and Related Agencies, business meeting to mark- S. 35, to transfer administrative jurisdiction over up an original bill entitled, ‘‘Military Construction, Vet- certain Bureau of Land Management land from the erans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of Veterans 2019’’, 2:30 p.m., SD–124. Affairs for inclusion in the Black Hills National Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Gov- Cemetery. Signed on May 25, 2018. (Public Law ernment, to hold hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2019 for the 115–175) Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Securi- S. 204, to authorize the use of unapproved med- ties and Exchange Commission, 3:30 p.m., SD–138. ical products by patients diagnosed with a terminal Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Sub- illness in accordance with State law. Signed on May committee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast 30, 2018. (Public Law 115–176) Guard, to hold hearings to examine a decade of the Dig- H.R. 3562, to amend title 38, United States ital Coast Partnership Program, focusing on successes and Code, to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs opportunities, 10 a.m., SR–253. to furnish assistance for adaptations of residences of Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, veterans in rehabilitation programs under chapter 31 Insurance, and Data Security, to hold hearings to examine of such title. Signed on June 1, 2018. (Public Law preventing abuse in Olympic and amateur athletics, fo- 115–177) cusing on ensuring a safe and secure environment for our athletes, 3 p.m., SD–G50. H.R. 4009, to authorize the Board of Regents of Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: to hold hear- the Smithsonian Institution to plan, design, and con- ings to examine the 2018 wildland fire outlook and the struct a central parking facility on National Zoolog- wildland fire management programs at the Department of ical Park property in the District of Columbia. the Interior and the Forest Service, 10 a.m., SD–366. Signed on June 1, 2018. (Public Law 115–178) Committee on Foreign Relations: Subcommittee on East S. 1285, to allow the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, the Confed- to hold hearings to examine next steps on United States erated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of policy toward North Korea, 10 a.m., SD–419. Oregon, the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Full Committee, to hold hearings to examine the Oregon, the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, nominations of Georgette Mosbacher, of Florida, to be Ambassador to the Republic of , and Stephen the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians, Akard, of Indiana, to be Director of the Office of Foreign the Klamath Tribes, and the Burns Paiute Tribes to Missions, with the rank of Ambassador, both of the De- lease or transfer certain lands. Signed on June 1, partment of State, and Mark Rosen, of Connecticut, to be 2018. (Public Law 115–179) United States Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund, 2:30 p.m., SD–419. Select Committee on Intelligence: to hold closed hearings to examine certain intelligence matters, 2:30 p.m., SH–219.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:46 Jun 05, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D04JN8.REC D04JNPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST June 4, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D613 House tions Act, 2019’’, and an original bill entitled, ‘‘Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Ap- Committee on Rules, Full Committee, hearing on the Senate amendment to H.R. 3249, the ‘‘Project Safe propriations Act, 2019’’, 10:30 a.m., SD–106. Neighborhoods Grant Program Authorization Act of Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: June 2018’’; H.R. 8, the ‘‘Water Resources Development Act 5, Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and of 2018’’; and H.R. 5895, the ‘‘Energy and Water Devel- Coast Guard, to hold hearings to examine a decade of the opment and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2019’’ Digital Coast Partnership Program, focusing on successes [Energy and Water, Legislative Branch, and Military and opportunities, 10 a.m., SR–253. Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act, June 5, Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Prod- 2019] [General Debate], 5 p.m., H–313 Capitol. uct Safety, Insurance, and Data Security, to hold hearings to examine preventing abuse in Olympic and amateur f athletics, focusing on ensuring a safe and secure environ- CONGRESSIONAL PROGRAM AHEAD ment for our athletes, 3 p.m., SD–G50. June 6, Subcommittee on Space, Science, and Competi- Week of June 5 through June 8, 2018 tiveness, to hold hearings to examine the future of the International Space Station, focusing on stakeholder per- Senate Chamber spectives, 2:30 p.m., SR–253. On Tuesday, Senate will continue consideration of Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: June 5, to the nomination of Robert Earl Wier, to be United hold hearings to examine the 2018 wildland fire outlook States District Judge for the Eastern District of Ken- and the wildland fire management programs at the De- tucky, post-cloture, and vote on confirmation of the partment of the Interior and the Forest Service, 10 a.m., nomination at 11 a.m. SD–366. Following disposition of the nomination of Robert Committee on Foreign Relations: June 5, Subcommittee on Earl Wier, Senate will vote on the motion to invoke East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity cloture on the nomination of Fernando Rodriguez, Policy, to hold hearings to examine next steps on United Jr., to be United States District Judge for the South- States policy toward North Korea, 10 a.m., SD–419. June 5, Full Committee, to hold hearings to examine ern District of Texas. the nominations of Georgette Mosbacher, of Florida, to be During the balance of the week, Senate may con- Ambassador to the Republic of Poland, and Stephen sider any cleared legislative and executive business. Akard, of Indiana, to be Director of the Office of Foreign Senate Committees Missions, with the rank of Ambassador, both of the De- partment of State, and Mark Rosen, of Connecticut, to be (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) United States Executive Director of the International Committee on Appropriations: June 5, Subcommittee on Monetary Fund, 2:30 p.m., SD–419. Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Related Agencies, business meeting to markup an origi- June 6, to hold hearings to examine countering malicious nal bill entitled, ‘‘Transportation, Housing and Urban drones, including S. 2836, to assist the Department of Development, and Related Agencies Act, 2019’’, 10 a.m., Homeland Security in preventing emerging threats from SD–192. unmanned aircraft and vehicles, 10 a.m., SD–342. June 5, Subcommittee on Departments of Labor, June 6, Subcommittee on Federal Spending Oversight Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related and Emergency Management, to hold hearings to examine Agencies, to hold hearings to examine proposed budget war powers and the effects of unauthorized military en- estimates and justification for fiscal year 2019 for the De- gagements on Federal spending, 2:30 p.m., SD–342. partment of Education, 10:15 a.m., SD–124. Committee on Indian Affairs: June 6, business meeting to June 5, Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies, business meeting consider the nomination of Tara Sweeney, of Alaska, to to markup an original bill entitled, ‘‘Military Construc- be an Assistant Secretary of the Interior, 2:30 p.m., tion, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropria- SD–628. tions Act, 2019’’, 2:30 p.m., SD–124. Committee on the Judiciary: June 6, to hold hearings to June 5, Subcommittee on Financial Services and Gen- examine the nominations of David James Porter, of Penn- eral Government, to hold hearings to examine proposed sylvania, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Third budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2019 for Circuit, Holly A. Brady, to be United States District the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Se- Judge for the Northern District of Indiana, Andrew Lynn curities and Exchange Commission, 3:30 p.m., SD–138. Brasher, to be United States District Judge for the Mid- June 6, Subcommittee on Department of Defense, to dle District of Alabama, James Patrick Hanlon, to be hold closed hearings to examine defense innovation and United States District Judge for the Southern District of research funding, 10 a.m., SVC–217. Indiana, David Steven Morales, to be United States Dis- June 7, Full Committee, business meeting to markup trict Judge for the Southern District of Texas, and Lance an original bill entitled, ‘‘Transportation, Housing and E. Walker, of Maine, to be United States District Judge Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropria- for the District of Maine, 10 a.m., SD–226.

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June 6, Subcommittee on Border Security and Immi- parency and Accountability at the Bureau of Consumer gration, to hold hearings to examine student visa integ- Financial Protection’’, 2 p.m., 2128 Rayburn. rity, focusing on protecting educational opportunity and Committee on Foreign Affairs, June 7, Subcommittee on national security, 2:45 p.m., SD–226. Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and Inter- June 7, Full Committee, business meeting to consider national Organizations, hearing entitled ‘‘A Bad Year for S. 2837, to improve the systems for identifying the diver- Human Rights in Vietnam’’, 2 p.m., 2200 Rayburn. sion of controlled substances, S. 974, to promote com- June 7, Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, petition in the market for drugs and biological products hearing entitled ‘‘Advancing U.S. Business Investment by facilitating the timely entry of lower-cost generic and and Trade in the Americas’’, 2 p.m., 2172 Rayburn. biosimilar versions of those drugs and biological products, Committee on Homeland Security, June 6, Full Committee, S. 2245, to include New Zealand in the list of foreign markup on H.R. 4627, the ‘‘Shielding Public Spaces from states whose nationals are eligible for admission into the Vehicular Terrorism Act’’; H.R. 4991, the ‘‘Supporting United States as E–1 and E–2 nonimmigrants if United Research and Development for First Responders Act’’; States nationals are treated similarly by the Government H.R. 5206, the ‘‘Office of Biometric Identity Manage- of New Zealand, and the nominations of Ryan Wesley ment Authorization Act of 2018’’; H.R. 5207, the ‘‘Im- Bounds, of Oregon, to be United States Circuit Judge for migration Advisory Program Authorization Act of 2018’’; the Ninth Circuit, J. Campbell Barker, and Jeremy D. H.R. 5729, the ‘‘Transportation Worker Identification Kernodle, both to be a United States District Judge for Credential Accountability Act of 2018’’; H.R. 5730, the the Eastern District of Texas, Susan Brnovich, to be ‘‘Transportation Security Technology Innovation Reform United States District Judge for the District of Arizona, Act of 2018’’; H.R. 5733, the ‘‘DHS Industrial Control Chad F. Kenney, to be United States District Judge for Systems Capabilities Enhancement Act of 2018’’; H.R. the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Maureen K. 5762, the ‘‘Joint Task Force to Combat Opioid Traf- Ohlhausen, of Virginia, to be Judge of the United States ficking Act of 2018’’; H.R. 5766, the ‘‘Securing Public Court of Federal Claims, Britt Cagle Grant, of Georgia, Areas of Transportation Facilities Act of 2018’’; and H. to be United States Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Cir- Res. 898, directing the Secretary of Homeland Security to cuit, Allen Cothrel Winsor, to be United States District transmit certain documents to the House of Representa- Judge for the Northern District of Florida, and Patrick tives relating to Department of Homeland Security poli- R. Wyrick, to be United States District Judge for the cies and activities relating to homeland security informa- Western District of Oklahoma, 10 a.m., SD–226. tion produced and disseminated regarding cybersecurity Select Committee on Intelligence: June 5, to hold closed threats posed by the ZTE Corporation, headquartered in hearings to examine certain intelligence matters, 2:30 Shenzhen, China, 10 a.m., HVC–210. p.m., SH–219. Committee on the Judiciary, June 8, Subcommittee on the June 7, Full Committee, to receive a closed briefing re- Constitution and Civil Justice, hearing entitled ‘‘Ques- garding certain intelligence matters, 2 p.m., SH–219. tions Regarding the U.S. Census’’, 9 a.m., 2141 Rayburn. Committee on Natural Resources, June 6, Full Committee, House Committees markup on H.R. 3777, the ‘‘Juab County Conveyance Act of 2017’’; H.R. 4528, to make technical amendments Committee on Appropriations, June 6, Full Committee, to certain marine fish conservation statutes, and for other markup on the FY 2019 Interior, Environment and Re- purposes; H.R. 482, the ‘‘Rural Broadband Permitting lated Agencies Appropriations Bill, 11 a.m., 2167 Ray- Efficiency Act of 2018’’; H.R. 5597, the ‘‘Desert Tortoise burn. Habitat Conservation Plan Expansion Act, Washington June 7, Subcommittee on Defense, markup on the FY County, Utah’’; H.R. 5751, the ‘‘Golden Spike 150th 2019 Defense Appropriations Bill, 12 p.m., H–140 Cap- Anniversary Act’’; and H.R. 5875, to amend the Pitt- itol. This markup will be closed. man-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell- Committee on Education and the Workforce, June 6, Full Johnson Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act, to Committee, hearing entitled ‘‘Examining the Policies and provide parity for United States territories and the Dis- Priorities of the U.S. Department of Health and Human trict of Columbia, to make technical corrections to such Services’’, 10 a.m., 2175 Rayburn. Acts and related laws, and for other purposes, 10:15 a.m., Committee on Energy and Commerce, June 6, Sub- 1324 Longworth. committee on Health, hearing entitled ‘‘Examining the June 6, Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Re- Reauthorization of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Pre- sources, hearing on legislation to authorize the Secretary paredness Act’’, 10 a.m., 2123 Rayburn. of the Interior to recover the cost of processing adminis- June 7, Subcommittee on Energy, hearing entitled trative protests for oil and gas lease sales, applications for ‘‘Improving the Hydropower Licensing Process’’, 11 a.m., permits to drill, and right of way applications, and for 2123 Rayburn. other purposes; legislation to clarify the categorical exclu- Committee on Financial Services, June 6, Subcommittee on sions authorized by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and Housing and Insurance, hearing entitled ‘‘Legislative Re- authorize additional categorical exclusions to streamline view of H.R. 1511, the ‘Homeless Children and Youth the oil and gas permitting process, and for other pur- Act of 2017’ ’’, 10 a.m., 2128 Rayburn. poses; legislation to amend the Mineral Leasing Act to June 6, Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and authorize notifications of permit to drill, and for other Consumer Credit, hearing entitled ‘‘Improving Trans- purposes; and legislation to clarify that Bureau of Land

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Management shall not require permits for oil and gas ac- ination of VA’s Resources for Veteran-Owned Small Busi- tivities conducted on non-Federal surface estate to access nesses’’, 2 p.m., 2360 Rayburn. subsurface mineral estate that is less than 50 percent Fed- Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, June 7, erally owned, and for other purposes, 2 p.m., 1324 Long- Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transpor- worth. tation, hearing entitled ‘‘Maritime Transportation in the June 7, Subcommittee on Federal Lands, hearing enti- Arctic: The U.S. Role’’, 11 a.m., 2167 Rayburn. tled ‘‘Wildfire Risk, Forest Health, and Associated Man- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, June 7, Subcommittee on agement Priorities of the U.S. Forest Service’’, 2 p.m., Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs, hearing enti- 1324 Longworth. tled ‘‘Honoring Heroes: Memorializing our Nation’s Vet- Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, June 6, erans’’, 10:30 a.m., 334 Cannon. Subcommittee on National Security hearing entitled June 7, Subcommittee on Health, hearing entitled ‘‘An ‘‘Protecting America from a Bad Deal: Ending U.S. Par- Assessment of the Potential Health Effects of Burn Pit ticipation in the Nuclear Agreement with Iran’’, 2 p.m., Exposure among Veterans’’, 3 p.m., 334 Cannon. 2154 Rayburn. Committee on Ways and Means, June 6, Subcommittee on Committee on Rules, June 6, Full Committee, hearing on Health, hearing entitled on ‘‘Lowering Costs and Expand- H.R. 5895, the ‘‘Energy and Water Development and ing Access to Health Care through Consumer-Directed Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2019’’ [Energy and Health Plans’’, 11 a.m., 1100 Longworth. Water, Legislative Branch, and Military Construction and June 7, Subcommittee on Social Security, hearing enti- Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act, 2019] [Amendment Consideration], 3 p.m., H–313 Capitol. tled ‘‘Examining Social Security’s Solvency Challenge: Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, June 7, Sub- The Status of Social Security’s Trust Funds’’, 11 a.m., committee on Energy, hearing entitled ‘‘The Electric 1100 Longworth. Grid of the Future’’, 1 p.m., 2318 Rayburn. Joint Meetings Committee on Small Business, June 6, Full Committee, hearing entitled ‘‘Millennials and the Gig Economy’’, 11 Joint Economic Committee: June 7, to hold hearings to ex- a.m., 2360 Rayburn. amine the potential for health care savings accounts to June 7, Subcommittee on Investigations, Oversight, engage patients and bend the health care cost curve, 3 and Regulations, hearing entitled ‘‘Vets First? An Exam- p.m., SH–216.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m., Tuesday, June 5 12 noon, Tuesday, June 5

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Tuesday: Senate will continue consider- Program for Tuesday: To be announced. ation of the nomination of Robert Earl Wier, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Kentucky, post-cloture, and vote on confirmation of the nomination at 11 a.m. Following disposition of the nomination of Robert Earl Wier, Senate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Fernando Rodriguez, Jr., to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Texas. (Senate will recess from 12:30 p.m. until 2:15 p.m. for their respective party conferences.)

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