IINNTTEERRMMIISSSSIIOONN ##111100 E-zine by Ahrvid Engholm,
[email protected] for EAPA, N'APA and some other Homo Fiawolensis. Follow @SFJournalen's newstweets on Nordic sf/f/h&fandom. SFJ is 6 decades of sf news! We demand a vote of No Con-fidence, no confidence in all typos! Early July, 2021. Editorially: Down with the Socialists... As the pandemic is approaching rock bottom,from vaccine, warm weather and rising natural immunity, I'll leave that subject for now. Something more interesting is brewing. The Swedish parliament (called the Riksdag) June 21st voted for no confidence in Prime Minister Stefan Lövfen, of the Social Democrats. (They are a sort of Socialists Light...or Dark or something) It's the first time in "modern times" a sitting government has been kicked in the ass this way. (Not counting 1990 when the then S government proclaimed an economic package as a "cabinet question", ie a proposition so important that the government would resign if it wasn't voted through. It fell, the government resigned...but came back a couple of weeks later!) The reason the Löfven government was kicked out is that their "passive support" from the Left Party (formerly the Communists) was withdrawn. And with that, there was enough support from the parties to the centre-right to oust Löfven - despite that they're not generally too fond of former Communists. The reason the Left Party left (no pun intended) Löfven is that the government to get support from two centre parties was to suggest investigating "market rents" for new housing (but not old).