Or \Roil/Oo< COOK's PAINTS^
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YU ESDAY—APRIL 18, 1944 MONITOR-LEADER MOUNT CLEMENS, MICH. 3 Youth Guidance Program Ready to Be Carried Out jBoys and Girls The International Labor Of- CONCEALED RATIONS Minimum Damage Governor Hails Progress Terrified fice reveals that an estimated Even the tin cans from which Week Planned Gen. Royce's 130.000.000 persons in the world our doughboys abroad get their by will be seeking employment af- rations are camouflaged, to pre- Caused Fire Plans are being worked out of Plan to Aid Children Mother Sees ter the war. Os these 25000,000 vent their being spotted by the Lest Moderate by Recreation Director Bernard Tells Women's Club Conference will be Americans. enemy. Ballantine, in conjunction with Wife in Fire on Roof i Program Must be Expanded Succumbs Girl Killed J Rotary Club officials, for ob- Was Wall CENTER LINE Fast action servance of National Boys’ and Known by Warren GRAND RAPIDS, April 18— He said 11 one-day youth UTICA Within sight of her the Township Fire Girls Week in this city com- ( in Mount Cltmens mother, Department evening Governor Kelly asserted guidance clinics four year-old Nan c y Monday mencing April will be held at t 29. today Michigan’s Lee Frye. Welsh Park trailer resulted in only minor loss when youth guid- ; Kalamazoo. Ann Arbor, Lan- Mrs. Ralph Royce, wife of The project was unfolded at ance program camp resident on Friday after fire threatened a residential is ready to be I sing, Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Major General Ralph Royce, last w'eek s Rotary meeting, at carried noon reportedly dashed into the property valued at SIO,OOO. into the communities Mt. Pleasant, Traverse City, Al- former Selfridge Field com- w'hich Walter J. Lehncr, local path of a car oh Van Dyke ave- Damage was less than S6OO. | and counties throughout the pena, Sault Ste. Marie, Esca- mandant, died early this week ' leader of the Child Guidance state. nue and suffered injuries which — The fire, by sparks naba and Houghten. in Walter ... caused Committee, described the inter- Reed Hospital, Wash- resulted in her daeth at St. from a chimney, damaged a roof j In an address prepared for ington, following a brief illness, national youth movement, orig- the Joseph Hospital late Friday ot the $7,000 residence of Mr. J annual convention of the according to published reports inally founded by Rotary in night. Mrs. Casper Kummer, 6253 I Michigan State Federation of received here today. ¦ end 1920. All local organizations, New Wildcat' The girl suffered a fractured 10 Mile road, near Mound, in Women's Clubs, the Governor Mrs. Royce. who was 45 years clubs, schools and mercantile skull, two broken legs other Warren Township. The contents j said: old, had made her and establishments are asked to join Termed Best home with injuries when she was struck by of the house, valued at $3,000 ‘ From the beginning of our her mother, at Hancock, Mich., in observing the week in some a car operated by Frank were slightly damaged. The endeavors in the youth guidance also Ewart. manner. Light Fighter the home town of her fa- 45. of 5733 Burton, near Utica, Mrs. Julie Vandcbrook. j field, we realized that any plan- mous owner. husband, now a key fig- whose wife was carried insurance, Fire Chief Ballantine Indicated that ning for children and youth NEW YORK, April 18— (&) with him at the '' has ure in the European theatre of time. r William Van Hulle stated. due to manpower restrictions would be successful only to the Production of anew “Wildcat” war. Fighter plane dercribed by Rear Ewart told Prosecutor Wilbur The roof fire was well started which limit the size of any com- extent it could reach the local Gen. Royce, (then a major) Admiral D. C. Ramsey as “the F. Held Monday that he was un- when firemen were called. They mittee, and warwork restrictions communities. ( was Sclfridge Field best light fighter we have,” was command- able to avoid striking the child quickly put it under control and ! in various respects, no elaborate “It w'as felt, however, that it ant for a number of years, and announced today by the General who ran from the roadside. then remained to insure against observance will be possible, but would be first necessary to put | many local families were close- s Motors Corp. Deputies Frank Bailor and Leon further outbreak. The entire fire efforts are being made to organ- the State s house in order by re- I ly associated with the popular The plane, known as the Kandt received the same state- run lasted 25 minutes. ize a parade or field day. vising our juvenile laws and couple during the field s i FM-2, has been rolling out of forma- ment from Ewart. facilities.” j tive years. A son, company’s plant at now Major Held said that a Road Com- With the completion of the the Linden. Royce, I R. Scott who up : N. J. for some time and already grew’ mission truck was standing near legislative program and further here as a youth and made many has seen action with the Pacific the park, on Van Dyke, at the studies by civic committees, i friendships with local boys, fleet. It is a successor sur- lime of the accident, and he will Kelly said, the program is ready i to the vives his mother. Major Royce original Grumman Wildcat question such witnesses as are lor the next step. j is stationed at Wright which General Motors Field. available. He also plans to take He announced he was calling has been Dayton. O. C(olleS making for more year at a statement from Mrs. Marie -deq uainlance together the State Youth Guid- 1 than a Funeral its Eastern services were set for Frye, the child's mother. The ance Committee, composed Aircraft division Wednesday, of plants. Grumman production with burial in Ar- father, Raymond Frye, did not representatives of 60 organiza- is lington National Cemetery. now' concentrated on the heavier witness the accident. tions, to hear the further pro- The injured child was first gram. ‘‘Hellcat.’* The company announced the taken to the office of Dr. D. B. AKE a from nature. See It will, he said, follow these r tip new Wildcat is powered by a Wiley, in Utica, by road com- lines of attack; creating and de- “hitherto unannounced Wright Richmond mission employes, and then how all nature is veloping home school, church to perfectly engine with a number of new RICHMOND —The Richmond rushed the hospital in the and recreational activities for features including forged cylin- High Schwarzkoff ambulance. She youth, safeguarding School Alumni Association dressed. Then compare your children der heads in place of the usual will sponsor a cake in died at 11:30 p.. m Friday. against waywardness by devel- party the cast variety.” Roosevelt Civic Auditorium on The child’s lather is a war own ideas and efforts. oping and strengthening pro- The plane can climb faster Thursday evening, April plant worker, and besides her grams I 27. for children in over- , than its predecessor, and is cap- parents, she is survived by a crowded areas, m employ e and able of considerably shorter The members of the Richmond two-year-old sister. M I m? iw youth, handicapped children I take-off and lower landing Rotary club will hold a Farmers’ Funeral services were hold and those in poor am., families, in- speed, both valuable assets for meeting on Tuesday noon, April Monday at 9:30 from the creased control by police and use on the Navy’s small carriers 18. Each member will invite Schwarzkoff funeral home, with organizations a commercial of in- for which the plane is designed. farmer as a guest. services at 10 am., at St. Law- & fluences detrimental to youth, Admiral Ramsey, Chief of the rence Catholic Church. Utica. Teck Marks and and coordination of services for Bureau of Aeronautics, disclosed Mrs. Frank J. Gehringer will Rev. Fr. Ed w ar STREAMLINED NEW MODELS MOUNT CLEMENS delinquency children through that officiated, and burial was in SI. 300 of the new Wildcats entertain for the members of the Trim, modern lee refrigerators that juvenile courts, law Lawrence Cemetery. enforce- were produced at the Linden 10-A club in her home on Thurs- combine good appearance with ment schools agencies, and so- plant last month and that total day evening, April 20. amazing efficiency and economy of cial agencies. production at Linden and Tren- Damaged operation. Exterior of snowy white S/|fl9s ton is more than 4400. The Tren- Mrs. C W. Beier will entertain House is enamel; generously sized food and ton plant formerly turned out the members of her 500 club in ice compartments. They're real B«4j fl Tfrmi by Fire at Romeo Arrang'd automobile hardware, while her home on Tuesday evening. values! Gladly Linden was an assembly plant. ROMEO—Fire which appar- Mrs. Lynn Emmer accompan- ently started in a chimney Sun- Purchasers Will Be Entitled to Trade-In ied her sister, Mrs. Hazel Bren- day evening caused SI,OOO dam- nan, to Lansing on Thursday age to a residence owned by Dr. and Priority on New Mechanical Refrigerators! j Obituaries where they are guests of their J. M. Graff, of Detroit, located brother, William Rockwell. at 1540 Mack road, north of Ro- Mr*. Mary Zoladz meo. j Funeral services w’ere held in Members of the Eta Zeta Pi The fire started about 9 30 p. club were entertained j Toledo Monday for Mrs.