Supporting Documents for Tufts-in- (UCL) Application Academic Year 2015-16

In order for an application to be complete, each applicant must submit to the Office of Programs Abroad by February 2, 2015 the following:

1. The Application for Admission (indicating on the front page the specific program- London UCL, full-year- to which you are applying); if completed electronically, the application must be printed and submitted in hard copy, with applicant signature on the last page and adviser signature on the second-to-last page; 2. Students from other universities applying to Tufts Programs Abroad need to include one official transcript of all college work showing fall semester grades (our office will obtain transcripts for applicants from Tufts); 3. Two letters of recommendation from faculty (at least one must be from the department through which you are seeking admission at UCL); 4. The Agreement and Release Form (signed by both applicant and parent/guardian if applicant is under the age of 21); 5. The UCL “Application for Admission as an Affiliate Student,” the “Disability and Ethnic Origin Monitoring Form,” and the “Supplementary Information for UCL” form; 6. A non-refundable $40 application fee in check or money order only (made payable to “The Trustees of Tufts College”); 7. A copy of the photo page of a current valid signed passport (which must be valid through six months beyond the END of the intended program).


TUFTS PROGRAMS ABROAD TUFTS UNIVERSITY MEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS 02155 (Chile, China, Ghana, Hong Kong, Japan, London, Madrid, Oxford, Paris, and Tübingen)

Notice: This is a two-page document. All pages contain important terms and conditions which affect your legal rights. READ BOTH PAGES CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING.

1. I am an applicant for the Tufts Programs Abroad in either Chile, China, Ghana, Hong Kong, Japan, London, Madrid, Oxford, Paris or Tübingen (hereinafter “the Program”) offered by Tufts University (hereinafter “Tufts”). I understand that the Program includes travel, living and study in foreign countries and can involve risk of injury, death, loss of or damage to personal property, accident, delay and expense resulting from participation in the Program, including, but not limited to, the use of any vehicle, the occurrence of strikes, war, insurrection, crime, governmental restrictions or regulations, disease or infection, weather conditions, limited medical care, the acts or omissions of any water carrier, airline, railroad, bus company, taxi service, hotel, restaurant, school, university, or any other firm, agency, company or individual and periods of unsupervised or independent travel. I further understand that each foreign country has its own laws and standards of acceptable conduct, including dress, manners, morals, politics, drug use and behavior. I recognize that behavior which violates those laws or standards could endanger my health and safety.

2. I have weighed the dangers inherent in foreign travel and study, the risks presented to my own health and well being, and my personal desire to further my educational experiences by traveling and studying in a foreign country. I have concluded that the risks are acceptable and are outweighed by my desire to participate in the Program.

3. In consideration of Tufts permitting me to participate in the Program, I hereby waive and release any rights against Tufts, its trustees, agents, employees and representatives to file a claim, demand or cause of action of any kind or nature whatsoever related to or arising out of my participation in the Program and I further agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Tufts, its trustees, agents, employees and representatives from any obligations or liabilities for which Tufts may become liable as the result of damage, death or injury to the person or property of others while participating in the Program.

4. During my participation in the Program, I hereby grant Tufts, its employees and agents full authority to take whatever actions they may consider to be warranted under the circumstances regarding the protection of my health and safety, and I hereby release each of them from any liability, claims, demands or causes of action of any kind or nature whatsoever, arising or resulting from any such decisions, actions, or omissions. The authority granted in the preceding sentence shall include the right to place me, at my own expense, and without further consent, in a hospital, within or outside the United States, for medical services and treatment, or if no hospital is readily accessible, to place me in the hands of a local medical doctor for treatment. If it is deemed necessary or desirable by Tufts, its employees or agents, I authorize them to transport me back to the United States, by commercial airline or otherwise, at my own expense, for medical treatment. I have arranged, through insurance or otherwise, to meet any and all needs for payment or medical costs while I participate in the Program. I understand that neither Tufts nor the Program has responsibility or liability, and I agree to hold Tufts and the Program harmless, for independent travel undertaken by me before the Program begins, after it ends, or on semester breaks, holidays, or week-ends. Nevertheless, the Program may restrict or urge reconsideration of independent travel based on current health or safety concerns.

5. In the event that Tufts, its employees or agents shall advance or loan any monies to me or shall incur expenses on my behalf, while I am a participant in the Program, I hereby agree to repay any such advances, loans, or expenses immediately upon my return to the United States.

6. I hereby agree to comply with all rules, standards and instructions relating to student behavior which are promulgated by Tufts or the host college. I agree that Tufts, its employees and agents shall have the right to enforce appropriate standards of conduct, and that Tufts may, at any time, terminate my participation in the Program in the event of failure to abide by any such standard of conduct. If my participation in the Program is so terminated, I agree to return to the United States immediately thereafter, at my own expense, and Tufts shall be under no obligation to refund any portion of the fees and other charges which have already been paid or to afford me any credit against fees and charges which have accrued but have not then been paid.

7. When participating in group tours or other activities arranged by Tufts, I agree to accept the will of the majority whenever a matter of choice is presented to the group. I will also accept in good faith the supervision and instruction of Tufts or their agents (including the resident director) in all matters relating to the Program including the personal conduct of Program participants.

8. I understand that, from time to time, Tufts’ publicity materials may include statements by and/or photographs of Program participants and I hereby consent to such use of my comments or photographic likeness.

9. I hereby acknowledge that Tufts reserves the right to make cancellations, substitutions, or changes in the Program. In addition, I understand that Tufts’ fees are based upon costs currently in force and are subject to change. I agree that, if I leave the Program for any reason after the Program has begun, there will be no refund of any fees or charges already paid or any credit for fees and charges accrued but not paid.

10. All references to Tufts in this agreement shall include the trustees, officers, directors, staff members, campus directors, chaperons, group leaders, employees, agents and affiliates of Tufts, as the case may be.

11. I hereby acknowledge that I have read the terms of conditions set forth in the Release and Agreement for Tufts Programs Abroad, the Agreement Not to Use Motor Vehicles or Bicycles (where applicable), and the Tufts Programs Abroad brochure and I understand that the Agreement and the brochure constitute the entire agreement between Tufts and myself.

12. The Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Signed on this______day of______, 20______.

______Signature of Applicant

______Name of Applicant (please print)

CONSENT OF PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN * I certify that I am the parent/legal guardian of the applicant, that I have read the foregoing Agreement and Release for Tufts Programs Abroad, and the Tufts Programs Abroad brochure, and I hereby join in the agreements of the applicant contained in the foregoing, and agree to be bound by all the obligations of the applicant thereunder as if I were a party thereto.

Signed on this______day of______, 20______.

______Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian *

* Parent or guardian signature is required if the student is under 21 years of age or if the parent or guardian is responsible for paying tuition, fees, and charges. FACULTY RECOMMENDATION FOR TUFTS PROGRAMS ABROAD APPLICANTS

Please return form to: Office of Programs Abroad Programs: Dowling Hall Tufts University Ghana Medford, MA 02155 Hong Kong Deadline: February 1st London

Name of Applicant:

Name of Instructor:


Please comment on the student’s general intellectual ability and motivation for studying abroad; emotional maturity and stability; ability to function in a foreign environment, relate to others, work independently. (Please use the reverse side if you need additional space.)

Instructor’s Signature: Date:

Print Name:


Please return form to: Office of Programs Abroad Programs: Dowling Hall Tufts University Ghana Medford, MA 02155 Hong Kong Deadline: February 1st London

Name of Applicant:

Name of Instructor:


Please comment on the student’s general intellectual ability and motivation for studying abroad; emotional maturity and stability; ability to function in a foreign environment, relate to others, work independently. (Please use the reverse side if you need additional space.)

Instructor’s Signature: Date:

Print Name:

Title and Department:

Tufts in London at UCL

Tufts in London is a full-year, fully integrated, study abroad program. You will become a registered UCL student and have access to every resource available to every other UCL undergraduate. In addition, the Tufts-in-London program offers support, events and resources exclusive to Tufts-in-London students. Tufts is in fact the only university to have an office on the UCL campus. A full academic year in London sounds like a daunting prospect, but returning Tufts students, almost without exception, say that a year is the only way to get the full experience and benefits of living and studying in a foreign country.

The best place to find information about life and programs at UCL is their website and Study Abroad Guide. Copies of this guide are available in the Programs Abroad office, or online. Links are listed below:

The “Study Abroad Guide” has information on student life and a PDF of the Study Abroad Guide, which lists the departments and courses available to you:

“Before you apply” contains useful information on British educational system, and language requirements and living in London:

Academic Department listings:

“Living in London”, UCL’s guide to making the most of the city: briefings/ukculture-londonlife


Tufts-in-London students are formally admitted to UCL through a specific department or (optionally) through two departments (“joint admission”). While regular British students must take all their course work in the department through which they are admitted, UCL understands that most Tufts students wish to fulfil Liberal Arts requirements as well. Therefore, Tufts students at UCL are expected to take at least half their course load (4 courses out of 8) in the department admitting them (and at least two courses in their second department, if joint admission is chosen). This leaves you with 4 “electives” if applying to a single department; 2 “electives” if applying to a second (joint) department.

NOTE: Although all courses taken at UCL will automatically count for credit towards your Tufts degree, you may need to petition for a UCL course to count for distribution, culture, world civilizations or major requirements. Check with the Programs Abroad office, as some courses have previously been approved. To find out if a course will count for major credit, consult your major advisor and, if appropriate, submit a request for equivalence through iSIS:

Most courses at UCL are classified as 1000, 2000 or 3000 level, corresponding to the three year degree program. Rule of thumb is that you will be most comfortable in the 2000 level classes. 1000 level are introductory, but keep in mind that they are introductory for students already specializing in that subject. 3000 level courses will be equivalent to graduate/100 level classes at Tufts. You will work with your affiliate tutor at UCL to determine the most suitable level classes for you.



To find out more information on the departments and courses that interest you, consult the UCL Study Abroad Guide. In addition to the information in the guide, here are some special cases:

ARCHITECTURE at UCL is studied through the Bartlett School of Architecture. The Bartlett School is a professional school and Students wishing to be considered for admission must submit a portfolio of design work. Applicants must take their entire load (8 courses) at the Bartlett. If you’re interested in Architectural History, then take a look at the History of Art department instead.

ART The Slade School of Art at UCL is, like the Bartlett, a professional school. Students wishing to be considered for admission must submit a portfolio of work. Applicants must take their entire load (8 courses) at the Slade.

ECONOMICS If you wish to take advanced (above intro level) Econ classes, then you need to be admitted into the Econ department. It is very important to talk to the Tufts Economics department when selecting your courses at UCL. If you are applying to the Economics Department at UCL, you should have a 3.5 GPA minimum and “A” grades in all related courses.

ENGINEERING UCL has excellent engineering departments and many engineering students have successfully completed the UCL program in recent years. However, because of the full-year nature of the Tufts-in- London program, it is very important that you start preparing for your year abroad well in advance and that you work closely with your Tufts advisor at every step.

ENGLISH You must be admitted to the English department to take departmental courses. However, Tufts in London employs its own English tutor (a professor) who can offer English literature courses to students not in the English department. At UCL, English means English literature. The English program will not include Creative Writing or Drama (performance).

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (IR) IR majors have several departmental options, including: • European Social & Political Studies (ESPS) • Geography • History • School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) • European Languages, Culture and Society • Political Science and International Relations

NOTE: It is very important to work with your IR advisor at Tufts to develop a plan of study, to ensure that you will be fulfilling as many IR requirements as possible.


Parliamentary Internships Tufts in London currently offers opportunities for 3 to 4 students to register for internships in Parliament. The Internships offer students the possibility of working closely with a British Member of Parliament (MP), during the second term of the academic year. As a pre-requisite, all Parliamentary Interns must take the Contemporary British Politics and Society course, exclusive to Tufts students offered in the first term. Students may take the CBPS class and not take the internship, but not vice versa.

MATHEMATICS Applicants to the mathematics department should have a minimum 3.5 GPA and “A” grades in all math courses taken at Tufts. It is important to talk to your math advisor at Tufts about courses and course equivalents at UCL.

NATURAL SCIENCES Due to the structure of the British undergraduate system, there are no equivalents to the introductory natural science courses offered at Tufts. Introductory chemistry at UCL is introductory chemistry for chemists. Don’t plan to satisfy your natural science requirement in London. The UCL biological sciences department does have an excellent range of courses for pre-med students.

Further information

For more information, contact the Programs Abroad office in Dowling Hall, or the Tufts-in-London office at UCL:

Melanie Armstrong Office of Programs Abroad, Dowling Hall Tufts University Medford MA 02155 [email protected] ph: 617.627.5871

Dr. Simon Steel Tufts in London Office University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT UK [email protected] ph: 011-44-20-7679-7201



Please read all the information in the application packet carefully. Return all completed forms to the Office of Tufts Programs Abroad in Dowling Hall by February 1st.

In addition to the application materials for all Tufts Programs Abroad, each applicant to the Tufts- in-London program at University College London (UCL) is required to submit to the Office of Programs Abroad a completed UCL “Application for Admission as an Affiliate Student” and a UCL “Disability and Ethnic Origin Form.” *Applicants may either complete the included application form in writing or may complete it electronically via study/PDF_Documents/UCL_Affiliate_Application_Form.pdf and then print it off (A4 sizing of electronic version may require that you reduce it when printing) and sign it. Most of the form is self- explanatory, but here are a few guidelines. PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN AND DATE THE FORM!!!

Item 4: Date of Birth MUST be completed in Day-Month-Year order.

Item 6: Nationality means citizenship (i.e.: American, Canadian), not ethnicity.

Item 10: Correspondence address write: c/o Tufts in London Office, UCL Tel: x37201

Item 11: Check “Undergraduate”

Item 12: Check “Full-Time”

Item 13: (a) Enter the name of the department to which you are applying. Your application will be sent to this department.

(b) Enter a second department, if seeking joint admission. Remember that, in so doing, you are committing to at least 2 of your courses in this secondary department. Also, the second department will only review your application after your primary department passes it on. This slows down (but does not jeopardize) your application.

Item 14: Your second choice (back-up) of admitting department(s), should those in Item 12 reject your application.

Item 15: Check “Full Year”

Item 16: September 2015

Item 18: If you are bilingual (e.g. Spanish and English) write: Bi-lingual and give details.

Item 19: Write: “All fees for Tuition/Accommodation will be paid through the Tufts-in-London Office.”

Item 20: Indicate some of the courses that you have selected or may be interested in taking. You are not bound to anything you write here, but it gives the department an idea of your interests and your planning. Note: the selection of advanced courses in Item 20 will be compared against your Tufts transcript to judge whether you have adequate preparation for the course. If in doubt, talk to your advisor at Tufts.



PERSONAL DETAILS FOR 1. Surname/Family Name (as in passport) 2. First Names (as in passport) 3. Title (Mr/Miss etc.) OFFICE USE Applic. No.

Refs 4. Date of Birth (e.g. 07 Aug 87) 5. Sex ( ) 6. Nationality (as in passport) 7. Country of Permanent Residence Trans

Day Month Year Male Female 8. Country of Birth H/O/E/X JYA Agreement 9. Home Address 10. Correspondence Address (if different) English Language Requirement

Postcode/Zip Postcode/Zip Y/N Tel Tel Fax Fax Initials Email Email Dates when address is valid From: To:


11. L e v el o f Study ( ) Note: Graduate Affiliate Research students should NOT use this form. Instead they should complete the Visiting Undergraduate Graduate (taught) Research application form.

12. Category of affiliate study ( )

Full-Time Part-Time

13a. UCL department to which you wish to be admitted 13b. Second (joint) department (please refer to UCL’s Study Abroad Guide)

14. Alternative UCL department(s) you wish to be considered for if your application to the department(s) shown above is unsuccessful a) b)

15. Duration of Study ( )

Full academic year September - December only January - June only

16. Proposed Starting Date

Month Year



Undergraduate Graduate (taught) Full-Time Part-Time Start date

Signature Date Department

Signature Date Department


Signature Date Department

Signature Date Department EDUCATION

17. Please provide details of your education since the age of 18, starting with the most recent. Include details of qualifications to be awarded.

Name of College/University/ Start date End date Qualification Overall class/ Main/minor subject(s) studied Awarding Body (Month/Year) (Month/Year) (e.g. BA, BSc) grade/GPA


18. Is English your first language? ( )

Yes No

If “No”, detail the grade(s) achieved in the most recent English language test you have taken and/or any work experience or education that you have undertaken in English. A copy of the test certificate should be enclosed with this application or forwarded later.


19. Who will be paying your tuition fees at UCL? If you are a sponsored student, please enter in the box below the name and address of your sponsor who will be responsible for paying your tuition fees. Please also indicate if the sponsor should be invoiced directly. If you are paying your own fees, please write ‘SELF’.


20. Please provide a preliminary selection of the individual courses you wish to take as part of your programme of study in the department(s) indicated (overleaf). Acceptance on individual courses cannot be confirmed before arrival at UCL. For course descriptions please see the UCL Study Abroad Guide. Please indicate with an asterisk (*) any courses you are REQUIRED to take in order to get credit for your studies at your home institution.

Department Code Course title Department Code Course title


21. Please attach a separate sheet with a personal statement describing your academic interests and reasons for applying to UCL.


22. Please include two academic references (these can be submitted to us directly by your referees if they wish), a transcript relating to your recent studies, the Disability and Ethnic Monitoring Form and, where appropriate, an English language test certificate.


23. Our preferred method of receipt for all applications and documentation, including references and transcripts, is by email to [email protected]. If it is not possible to send certain documents by email please arrange for them to be posted to: ADMISSIONS, STUDENT AND REGISTRY SERVICES, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON, GOWER STREET, LONDON, WC1E 6BT,

24. Criminal Convictions. You are required to declare whether or not you have any criminal conviction(s). If you answer “yes”, you are required to provide further information about the relevant conviction(s). Please note that for the purposes of this exercise a criminal offence excludes minor motoring offences. All information will be treated as strictly confidential.

Do you have any criminal convictions? ( )

Yes No


25. UCL’s decisions are made in good faith on the basis that all of the information provided by applicants is accurate and complete. UCL reserves the right to refuse admission or to terminate a student’s attendance, should it be discovered that he/she has made a false statement or has omitted significant information. Your signature confirms that to the best of your knowledge, the information on this application form is accurate and complete.


Please note that this form will not be passed to any admissions tutor. UCL is required to supply this personal information to the Higher Education Statistics Agency.

If you have a disability that may require adjustments to be put in place, you must contact UCL’s Disability Co-ordinator, email: [email protected] telephone: +44 (0)20 7679 0100; fax: +44 (0)20 7916 8530; address: Student Disability Services, Student and Registry Services, University College London, Gower Street, WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom

For further information, please see


DISABILITY Please ( ) one box You have a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, A No disability G dyspraxia or AD(H)D

You have a social/communication impairment such as You have physical impairment or mobility issues, such as B H asperger’s syndrome/other autistic spectrum disorder difficulty using your arms or using a wheelchair or crutches

You have a disability, impairment or medical condition C You are blind or have a serious visual impairment uncor- I rected by glasses that is not listed above

You have two or more impairments/and or disabling med- D You are deaf or have a serious hearing impairment J ical conditions

You have a long standing illness or health condition such E 97 Information refused as cancer, HIV, diabetes, chronic heart disease or epilepsy

You have a mental health condition such as depression, F schizophrenia or anxiety disorder

Are you currently or have you previously been in receipt of a UK disabled student’s allowance? Please ( ) one box

Yes No

ETHNICITY Please ( ) one box

10 White 34 Chinese

14 Irish Traveller 39 Other Asian background

21 Black or Black British – Caribbean 41 Mixed – White and Black Caribbean

22 Black or Black British – African 42 Mixed – White and Black African

29 Other Black background 43 Mixed – White and Asian

31 Asian or Asian British – Indian 49 Other Mixed background

32 Asian or Asian British – Pakistani 80 Other Ethnic background

33 Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi 98 Information refused

Please return this form along with your application, but as a separate attachment, by email to [email protected]


Supplementary Information for University College London application:

Name of applicant: ______

Please list university-level courses you have taken in the subject you wish to study at UCL (including year and semester taken, department, number, title, and grade you earned):







Please list related courses you plan to take/are taking in Spring 2015 (including department, number, and title):





Please list related courses you plan to take/are taking in Summer 2015 (including department, number, and title), if applicable:






Housing and Living

All Tufts-in-London students get a single room in self-catering student halls of residence, and are integrated with British undergraduates. All residences are within walking distance of the main campus and classrooms. Students can remain in residence between terms (Christ- mas and Easter breaks).

Tuition and accommodation are paid directly by Tufts. A stipend to cover meals and other expenses (£3450 per year, 2014/2015) is paid directly to students.


Full enrollment at UCL, SOAS and RHUL. Access to all facilities available to full-time undergraduates. You will be issued a student ID and get a university email account.

Special optional courses for Tufts students in English literature and British Politics. The politics course includes the opportunity (depending on availability) to serve as a Parliamen- tary intern. (Currently, these options are not available for RHUL students).

Use of the resources of the Tufts-in-London office, including a well stocked library, copier and printing.

Academic advising from Tufts-in-London Director who is well-acquainted with both Tufts and British the universities.

Class trip expenses met by the Program.

All credits and grades appear on Tufts transcript and count towards graduation and honor awards.


Throughout each session a selection of plays, concerts, operas, group meals and excursions is organized for the Tufts-in-London students and offered free of charge or at a highly sub- sidized cost.


Subsidized optional day & weekend trips (past trips have included: Oxford, Stratford upon Avon, Stonehenge, Edinburgh and Brighton).

All activities, clubs, societies and sports teams organized at/by UCL/SOAS/RHUL are open to Tufts-in-London students. You will also have access to the broader facilities of the University of London, of which all three universities are constituent members. Students will receive a Clubs & Societies supplement of £120 for the year.


The Tufts-in-London office is centrally located on the UCL campus. It is staffed by the Director and open to the students on weekdays during office hours. Students may come to discuss matters with the Director, borrow books from the TiL Library Collection, and read news magazines and journals over a cup of tea!

A comprehensive orientation program introducing the students to life in London. This includes help with setting up of bank accounts and the purchase of mobile phones.

Students are registered free of charge at the university health centres, which are staffed by doctors and nurses. As full-year students, you are automatically covered by the British National Health Service (NHS) which guarantees free medical attention at the Health Unit and in hospital. For one semester RHUL students, talk to the Programs Abroad office about health coverage. If you wish to attend a private medical practice or a private hospital you must take out the appropriate insurance coverage before coming to the UK; you should take out personal travel insurance for the duration of your studies.

Tufts in London Document October 2014