Challenges for Top Universities and Government Policies in Japan

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Challenges for Top Universities and Government Policies in Japan Transformation of University Governance Through Internationalization Challenges for Research Universities and Government Policies in Japan Akiyoshi Yonezawa, PhD [email protected] Graduate School of International Development (GSID) Nagoya University, Japan Yukiko Shimmi, PhD [email protected] Graduate School of Law Hitotsubashi University, Japan 1 This presentation is based on Yonezawa, A., & Shimmi, Y. (2015). Transformation of university governance through internationalization: challenges for top universities and government policies in Japan. Higher Education 70(2).173-186. in a special issue on world class universities in East Asia edited by Gerald Postiliglione and Akira Arimoto Characteristics of a World-Class University (WCU): Alignment of Key Factors ② ① ③ 4 Source: Created by Jamil Salmi Diversity in the balance of three key factors of WCUs among East Asian systems/universities: both in current status and policy agenda 1. Abundant resources: - Classification (e.g. California Master Plan -> Philippines and Vietnam) - Dual Systems (e.g. Polytechnics in Singapore) - Excellence Initiatives (the selection of competitive research units by performance) • Korea: BK21, WCU • China: 211, 985 • Japan: COE21, Global COE, WPI • Germany: Excellence Initiatives 2. Concentration of talent: • A domestic screening system of the students to top universities (all East Asia) • International student & faculty recruitment: Singapore, HK… • Brain circulation (returns of academics trained overseas): Korea, China 3. Favorable governance: (varies among East Asian systems/universities) • Supportive regulatory framework: Japan (in tradition), HK • Autonomy, academic freedom: Japan (in tradition), HK • Leadership team, Strategic vision: ???.. Japan (after incorporation)?? • Culture of Excellence: top among East Asian universities to some degree -> Trend to pursue WCU through excellence initiatives stimulated Japan 5 Purpose To examine the challenges of internationalization among the top universities in Japan, both for the government and the universities themselves • Reflect on the historical background of Japanese higher education that developed as an early front- runner in Asia, along with the dynamics of national identity and global trends • Examine a series of government-funded programs for research and internationalization by focusing on functions in governance reform 6 • Discuss that the construction of “world class universities” does not only implies concentrated financial investment, but also a comprehensive transformation of university governance in a global context both by university and government. • Point out the major challenges for top Japanese research universities, in terms of maintaining and improving their international presence. • Clarify the implications both for other East Asian economies and for mature economies facing demographic challenges. 7 Historical background: Japan’s top universities have achieved a distinguished status in Asia by 1990s through the strong protection of a national higher education system based on the national language and culture (not by “global”, “cosmopolitan”, or “English speaking”.. • by mid 19th Century: Only a selective exposure to foreign intellectual documents (Netherlands & China). • in the latter half of 19th Century: Constructed first university (University of Tokyo) and other HEIs by relying on foreign experts invited from the West, but were shortly replaced by Japanese academics trained in the West, and switched the language into the national language. • in the mid 20th Century: Though Japanese scholars were given opportunities to study in the West after the defeat of WWII, the impact of those scholars was much smaller compared with the impact in other new industrial countries in East Asian countries. 8 However… the strong national identity of Japanese universities has turned into a weakness with globalization • By the beginning of 21st century: Japan was facing a difficulty in maintaining a competitive place in a rapidly globalized research and HE community. • World University Ranking (QS): – University of Tokyo was ranked 19th in 2008 and 31st in 2014 – Japanese universities in top 200 remain stable (9 to 10) – Asian universities increased from 29 to 36 • Research & Publication • Japan’s total amount of publication is shrinking (Thompson Reuters 2010). • Japan is notably behind in the increase in international co-authorship when compared with UK, France, Germany (NISTEP, 2013). • Student Exchange • China and South Korea and other Asian countries have become competitors in recruiting international students • The number of Japanese students studying abroad is decreasing from 82,945 in 2004 to 57,501 in 2011 (MEXT 2014). 9 Government-funded programs for research and internationalization Research funding Internationalization Excellence Initiatives • Strategic Fund for Establishing • 21st Century Centers of Excellence International Headquarters in (21COE) (2002-2009) Universities (SIH)(2005-2009) • Global Centers of Excellence • Global 30 (Project for establishing (GCOE) (2007-2014) university network for • World Premier International internationalization) (2009-2014) Center Initiatives (WPI) (2007- • Project for Promotion of Global 2012) Human Resource Development (2012-2016) Governance improvement • Reinventing Japan Project (2011-) • Program for Promoting the • Top Global University Project (2014 Enhancement of Research -2023) Universities (PPERU) (2014-2023) 10 Research funding Context: “Toyama Plan” in 2001 —> the idea of forming 30 WCUs Stimulated by BK21 in South Korea and Project 211 and 985 in China Excellence Initiatives (direct funding for research activities) 21COE (21st Century Centers of 2002-2009 271 units 100-500 million JPY/year Excellence) for 5 years GCOE (Global Centers of Excellence) 2007-2014 140 units 50-300 million JPY/year for 5 years WPI (World Premier International 2007-2022 9 units 700-1400 million JPY/year Research Center Initiatives) for 10-15 years Governance Improvement (not directly for research activities) PPERU (Program for Promoting the 2014-2023 22 400-200 million JPY/year Enhancement of Research universities for 10 years Universities) 11 Table 1: Universities that received funding projects for world-class research (five or more units in total) 21COE GCOE WPI 2002-2008 2007-2013 2007-2021 100-500 50-300 700-1400 annual budget (Japanese Yen) million million million N N Year Former Imperial University of Tokyo 28 18 2007 Kyoto University 23 13 2007 Osaka University 15 12 2007 Tohoku University 13 12 2007 Nagoya University 14 7 2012 Hokkaido University 12 7 Kyushu University 8 5 2010 National Tokyo Institute of Technology 12 9 2012 Kobe University 7 3 Chiba University 4 2 Hitotsubashi University 4 2 Hiroshima University 5 0 University of Tsukuba 4 1 2012 Kumamoto University 2 3 Private Keio University 12 7 Waseda University 9 8 12 Ritsumeikan University 4 3 Strategic Fund for Establishing International Headquarters in Universities (SIH) (2005-2009) • Context: Just after the incorporation of national universities in 2004 & achievement of 100,000 international student plan in 2003 • 19 universities (15 national including all former imperial, 1 local public & 3 private) & 1 inter-university research institute • 10-40 million JPY/yr • Purpose: To improve the strategic approach to internationalization on the 9 themes (Ota,2014) – organization and governance for internationalization – goal setting, action plans, and evaluation systems – attracting external funds for international education and research – participating in and utilizing cross-border inter-university partnerships and consortiums – expansion of international activities based on specific transnational research projects – training and recruiting administrative personnel for international programs – improving services and support for international researchers – expanding overseas study and research opportunities for young Japanese researchers – establishing and operating overseas bases • Planning and assessment: Case study approach (qualitative) 13 Global 30 (Project for establishing university network for internationalization) (2009-2014) • Context: Just after Asia Gateway Initiative (2007) & 300,000 International Student Plan (2008-2020) --> enhancement of research excellence & networks, accepting international students and international researchers • 13 universities (7 national including 6 former imperial & 6 private) • Purpose: To elevate the international competitiveness of Japanese HE with the focus on accepting international students and faculty members and developing networks. • Indicators for selection —> Related to world university rankings —> large universities – Granting of 340 or more post-graduate degrees (master or doctor) annually in the last three years – Acquisition of 130 or more Grants in Aid from JSPS annually in the last three years – Acceptance of 300 or more international students from more than four countries in 2008 – Sending of 50 or more students abroad in 2008 under official student exchange agreements – Employment of more than 45 international faculty members – Participation in international university consortiums – Having plans to establish at least one undergraduate and one post-graduate degree program in English, in addition to the existing programs – Establishment of offices abroad for recruiting students, and willingness to allow their usage by other Japanese universities; – Having plans to realize a share of international students of 20% (and at least
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