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WASEDA BULLETIN of COMPARATIVE LAW Vol. 23 136 EDA B VLLETIN OF COMPARATIVE LAW Vol. 23 10. Comparative Law I. The Japan Society of Comparative Law held its 66th General Meeting at Waseda University on June 7 and 8, 2003. First Day Symposium: Comparative Law in the 2lst Century, Chaired by lchiro Kitamura (Professor, University of Tokyo), and Toshio Morishita (Professor, Kobe University) 1 Introduction Tadashi Takizawa (Professor, Sophia University). 2 Western Law and East Asian Law ( 1) "The Universality and Particularity of Western Law" Takeshi Mizubayashi (Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University). DEvELOPMENT31N2003 ACADEMIC SOC盟丁肥s 137 (2)“The Comparative Overview of Japanese-and the United States Envhlonmental Laws and Regulations” Koichiro Fujikura(Professor,Doshisha University). 3The Reception ofLaw in Asia (1)“The Modemization ofJapaneseLaw andComparativeLaw” Jyuro Iwatani(Professor,Keio University). (2)“Comparative Law in Legal Assistance” MasanonAikyo(Professor,NagoyaUniversity). 4New S皿bjectsin Com口組ativeLaw (1)“Suggestions from the EU Experience ofComparative Law” Ta血o Nakamura(Associate Professor,University ofTokyo)。 (2)“What陥ndofComparativeLawDoWeNeedfor?” Hitoshi Aoki(Professor,Hitotsubashi University). 5Discussion 6 Condusion Tadashi Takizawa(Professor,Sophia University). Second Day 1.Anglo・AmericanLaw Section: (1)“Town Planning Law and Fair Thal in Great Bhtain:Focusing on the Alconbuly Case under the Human Rights Act1998” Hideo Horasawa(Graduate Student,Waseda University)。 (2) “Considehng the Concept of the ‘Thbuna1’: Based on Recent Developments in the Employment Thbunal System in the United Kingdom” HisaakiFujikawa(AssociateProfessor,AoyamaGakuinUniversity)。 (3)“TheSeller’sRighttoCureHisFailuretoPe㎡om:AnAttemptto Compare English and United States Laws” Gakuro Himeno(Lecturer,OsakaIntemationalUniversity)。 2. Continental Law Section: (1) “The Lawsuit for Changing the Fixed Judgment and the CountepLawsuitforExecution:DiscussionsinGemany” YasujiroMurakami(Lecturer,Tokyo University ofTechnology)。 1 38 WASEDA B VLLETIN OF COMPARATIVE LAW Vol. 23 (2) "The conflict de juridictions under the Ancien R6gime: The case of the juridiction consulaire" Emi Matsumoto (Associate Professor, Niigata University). (3) "The Conseil constitutional and the Regulations of the Assemblies" Michiko Katsuyama (Associate Professor, Doshisha University). 3. Socialist Law Section: ( 1) "The Change in the Representation-Concept during the Period of Perestroika in the USSR: Based on the Legislative Action of the 'Soviet Parliaments"' Fumito Sato (Research Associate, Waseda University). (2) " 'Internationalization' of Laws about the Protection of Consumers and the 'Bentuhua' of the System for the Protection of Consumers in East Asia: Focusing on the Chinese Model for the Protection of Consumers" Eiichi lchikawa (Graduate Student, Nagoya University). (3) "On Supervisory Rlghts in Chinese Civil Trials" Wang Zhu (School of Intellectual Property, Shanghai University). Mini-Symposium 1: The Birth of the Law School and the Positioning of Comparative and Foreign Laws, Chaired by Ken Suzuki (Professor, Hokkaido Univeristy) ( I ) "Some Issues in Educating Future Lawyers and the Expectation towards Comparative and Foreign Laws in Japan" Takeshi Kojima (Professor, Chuo University). (2) "The Law School System and the Future of Scholars of Comparative and Foreign Laws" Michiatsu Kaino (Professor, Waseda Univresity). (3) "Teaching Comparative Law or the Comparative Teaching of Law?: the Positioning of Comparative and Foreign Laws in Law School" Satoru Osanai (Professor, Chuo University). Mini-Symposium 2 : Re-Definition of the Family and the Role of the Law, Chaired by Fumio Tokotani (Professor, Osaka University) ( 1) "Netherlands, Germany" Yasuhiko Watanabe (Lecturer, Tokushima Bunri University). DEvELOP甑NTS IN『2003-ACADEMIC SOC盟丁丑3s 139 (2) “France” Atsushi Motoyama(AssociateProfessor,RitsumeikanUniversity). (3)“The United Kingdom” Teiko Tamaki(Research Associate,NiigataUniversity). (FromtheSu㎜町ofCon脚澱召∫lv6加w加nα1,No.65[2003]) ll.The J物pαn8s8A〃z67’cαn So6’8乏yゆ7∠βgαl S魏4∫6s held its40th General Meeting at Kwansei Ga㎞in University on September20 and21,2003. First Day MeetingfbrCaseStuα董es First Section: (1)“ALSScanInc.vRem鉦qCo㎜unitiesInc.239E3d619(4thCiL 2001)” Taro Komukai(ChiefResearcher,Infocom Research Inc.). (2)“Recent Trends in the Alien Tort Claims Act:Focusing on the UNOCAL Case” Masata血Otsuka(Attomey,Jones Day ShowaLaw F血1). (3)“Dardinger v.Anthem Blue Cross&Blue Shield,980hio St。3d77, 20020hio7113,781N.E.2d121,20020hio LEXIS3081(2002)” HironanMorooka(Lecturer,1byoUniversity). Second Section: (1)“Gebinv.Mineta,231FSupp2d971(CD.Cal。2002)” Keisuke Abe(Associate Professor,Seikei University). (2)“Robinsonv CityofDetroit,613N。W.2d307(Mich.2000)” Aiko Wakasa(Graduate Student,Kansai University). Second Day Symposium:TheDevelo”mentofCorporative GovemanceinJapan and the Unite(l States 《luring the Period of Change,Chaire(l by Zenichi Shishido(Professor,Seikei Univensty) (1)“‘WhatareThesePeopleThinking?’:ComparativeColporateGov- emancefromtheLegalAdviser’s Perspective” Anthony Zaloom(Of Counsel,Moh Hamada&Matsumoto Law 1 40 WASEDA ~ ULLETIN OF COMPARATIVE LAW Vol. 23 Firm) . (2) "Catalyzing Corporate Governance: The Evolution of the U.S. System in the 1980s" Ronald Gilson (Professor, Stanford Law School & Columbia Law School). (3) "Outside Director" Keinichi Osugi (Associate Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan Uni- versity). (4) "The Legal System for the Capital Market after the Enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act: The Reinforcement of Disclosure Regulations and its Influence in the Comparison between Japan and the United States" Etsuro Kuronuma (Professor, Kobe University). (5) "Who Bears the Cost by the Exercise of Voting Rights in Stock Index Employment?" Hidetaka Kawakita (Professor, Chuo Graduate School of Accounting) . III. Die Japanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Rechtswissenschaft held its Symposium at University of Tokyo on September 20, 2003. "Verwaltung durch Vertrag" Hans Christian Rohl (Professor, University of Konstanz). IV. La Soci~td franco-japonaise de Science Juridique held its 2002 General Meeting at the Annex of Gakushi Kaikan on March 29, 2003, and its 2003 General Meeting at University of Tokyo on October 25, 2003 . 2002 General Meeting ( I ) "L'arrangement 16gal de la soci6t6 par actions simplifi6e comme droit fran9ais de soci6t6 fenn6e" Chikako Suzuki (Professor, Keio University). (2) "La juridiction consulaire en justice sous 1'Ancien Regime: opposi- tions et conflits de juridictions" Emi Matsumoto (Associate Professor, Niigata University). DEVELOPMENTS nv 2003 ACADEMIC SOCIETIES 1 4 1 2003 General Meeting (1) "Consid6ration sur l'aspect fonctionnel du principe de dignit6 de la personne humaine : jurisprudence judiciaire en France" Maki Kobayashi (Associate Professor, Aichi University). (2) "La d616gation de service public en droit fran9ais de contrat adnilni- stratif " Tadasu Watari (Professor, Hokkaido University). V. The Association for "Societal System & Law " Studies held its 5th General Meeting at Waseda University on June 6, 2003 . Symposium: 'Modern Experience' and the Reception of Law, Chaired by Osamu Takamizawa (Associate Professor, Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo). (1) "Introduction" Shigeru Kodama (Professor, Mie University). (2) "Modern Experience under the Russian Empire: A Case Study of Matrimonial Law" Kazuhiko Takahashi (Associate Professor, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies). (3) "The Reception of the Code and the Traditional Laws in Southern Slavic Nations" Tomoyoshi Ito (Professor, Hokkai Gakuen University). (4) "Discussion" Toshio Morishita (Professor, Kobe University). Teruj i Suzuki (Professor, Tokai University) . VI. The Japanese Association ofAsian Law held its Foundation Meeting at Senshu University on November 29, 2003 . Special Message : "In Celebration of the Foundation of the Japanese Association of Asian Law" Masaji Chiba (Honorary Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University). Memorial Lecture : "East Asia: Issues and Viewpoints" Suh Won Woo (Honorary Professor, Seoul National University). 142 WASEDA BULLETIN oF COMBへRATlvE LAw%乙23 Symposium:Issues in the Stuαy ofAsian Law:On the Occasion of the Foundation ofthe JaOanese Association ofAsian Law (1)“History ofthe Study ofAsian Law in Japan” Kozo Kagawa(Professor,Kobe University)。 (2)“AsianLawTakes a∫apanese Tum” V¢ronica Taylor(Professor ofLaw and Director,Asian Law Center, University ofWashington). (3)“Legal Assistance and the Study ofAsian Law” Temtoshi Yamashita(Pmfessor,Intemational Cooperation Depart- ment,ResearchandTrainingInstitute,MinistryofJustice), (4)“The Signi血cance and the Meaning of the Study of‘Asian Lawラ: AStudyoftheEffectiveStnlctureoftheConceptandtheProtection ofHuman Rights” Nobuo Kochu(Professor,Kansai University). Vll.The Eμηρ6αn Un’on S航漉s Asso6娩∫on一ノ4ραn held its24th Amual Conference at Hokkaido University on November l and2,2003。 Common Subject3TheExpansion oftheEU SectionMeetingA: (1)“The Entry ofCyprus into the EU and its InHuence on the Problem ofNorth and South Cyprus” Yasuyuki Ko㎞bo(Profbssor,Shizuoka University). (2)“The‘Rapid Expansion’ofthe EU and Turkey” Machiko Hachiya(Lecturer,Kyushu University). (3)“Russiain the Expanded EU:The Problem ofKaliningrad” YU Hasu血(Associate Professor,Rissho University). SectionMeetingB: (1)“The Strategic AspectofthePolicy ofControlling‘People’s Move- ment’in the EU” MidonOkabe(Graduate Student,UniversityofTokyo). (2)“Cooperation in the Boundary between Italia and Slovenia:An Analysis of‘Gorizia,Nova Gohca,and
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