A New Dawn in Cancer Care

2015Annual Report Contents A New Dawn in Cancer Care... 1 Patients at a Glance 3 Cancer Center Highlights 3 Cancer Foundation Highlights 4 New Regional Cancer Center 6 Radiation Oncology 8 Staff Story: Sarah Sullivan & Tim Johnson Medical Oncology & Hematology 10 Patient Story: Dave Mochel Nuclear Medicine 12 Physician Story: David Carlson, MD Solvang Oncology 14 Physician Story – Jonathan Berkowitz, MD, PhD Research & Clinical Trials 16 Patient Story: Michael Russell Social Work 18 Staff Story: Mary Solis, , LCSW Oncology Supportive Care 20 Patient Story: Suzanne Danielson Patient Navigation 22 Staff Story: Karen Jorgensen, RN, BSN Hereditary Cancer Risk 24 Patient Story: Sara Kvaas Prevention, Education & Outreach 26 Patient Story: Rosalyn Collins Our Physicians 28 Annual Events 30 Stepanek Legacy Society 32 Named Endowment Funds 33 Funds Raised in 2015 34 Grant Making Report 35 Donor Acknowledgement 36 Board of Trustees 48 Volunteer Spotlight – Ellen Stein 49

Photography Credits throughout this publication: : Fritz Olenberger, Richard Salas, Rob Dunton A new dawn in cancer care is coming… I Radiation SafetyOfficer.YouwillfinddetailsontheseandalloftheCancerCenter’s2015accomplishmentsin pages. procedures andfalse-positives.OurRadiationOncologyteamwelcomedRobRice,PhD,DABRtoserveasourChiefMedicalPhysicist and providing newdetectiontechnologythatcanhelpprovideearlierofbreastcancerandreducethenumber ofinvasivetesting over 2014)for6,573lessfortunatepatients(a237%increase).Twonew3-Dmammographymachineswithtomosynthesiswereacquired between LosAngelesandPaloAlto.OurSocialServicesteamarrangedfor$3,512,652worthoffreeorsubsidizedcare (a69%increase of means.In2015,weagaincaredforarecordnumberpatientsandexpandedourGeneticCounselingprogram , nowthelargest Cancer FoundationofSantaBarbararemainsthesame:todeliversuperiorcancercareallpatientsinour communityregardless While constructionofthislandmarkprojectprogresses,themissionCancerCenterSantaBarbarawith SansumClinicandthe Massachusetts General,andJohnsHopkins. accelerators thatwillsooninhabittheseroomsbethefinestavailable,identicaltothosefoundatMDAndersonCancer Center, Report, cementtrucksdelivered3,000tonsofconcretefortwonewradiationtreatmentvaults.TheElektahigh-definitionlinear the latestclinicalresearch,andmostadvancedtechnologytoourcommunity.AsweputfinishingtouchesonthisAnnual Founded in1949onacommitmentofprovidingexceptionalcancercare,wehavecontinuedtobringthemosthighlytrainedphysicians, patients whoentrustuswiththeircare. medical community,thisnewCancerCenterwillallowustocentralizeoutpatientcancerservices,creatingaseamlessexperienceforour Sincerely, of uscanbeproud. finest qualitycancercareisavailableforpatientsandour community.Thiswilltrulyenableustodeliveralevelofcarewhichall We oweadebtofgratitudetoourtrustees,donors,volunteers, physicians,staffandpatients.Thankyouforhelpingusensurethe extraordinary generosity,andwelooktothecommunity for theirsupporttocompletethislandmarkproject. needed tocompletethisnewcenter.TheCancerCenterandthepatientsfamiliesweservearefortunatebe thebeneficiariesofsuch we receivedin2015thattotaled$19,445,592towardthenewcancercenterproject–anauspiciousstartourcampaigntoraisefunds a newstandalone,theater-styletrainingandeducationcenterthatwillcarrytheirname.Thesearejusttwoofthe many giftsandpledges building willbenamedinherhonor.WealsoreceivedagenerousgiftfromDickandNoelleWolfthroughtheirFamilyFoundationfor Lady LeslieRidley-Tree.Ridley-Tree’sincrediblevisionandgenerosityprovidedaremarkableboosttoourfundraisingefforts,the In ourearlyeffortstoraisefundsfornewregionalcancercenter,wereceivedlargestgiftfrombelovedfriendandphilanthropist, of SantaBarbara Cancer Foundation President, Rick Scott oncology teamunderoneroof.LocatedwithintwoblocksofSansumClinicandCottageHospitalintheheartSantaBarbara’s With this,ourvisionforthefutureofcancercaretookagiantsteptowardbringingtogetherallmembersSantaBarbara n Decemberof2015,aftertwelveyearsplanningandpreparation,webrokegroundonanewstate-of-the-artCancerCenter. Sansum Clinic Chief OperatingOfficer Chad Hine Sansum Clinic Chief MedicalOfficer, CEO and Kurt N.Ransohoff,MD,FACP black pms 637c pms 654c black 55 09 pms 100813513 black 75% gray 55% gray Sansum Clinic Board ofTrustees, Chair, Vicki Hazard of SantaBarbara Cancer Foundation Chairman, Frank Foster

1 David M. Carlson, MD and Nuclear Medicine Technologist Gregory Gonzalez confer with patient Cherry Post on the new Philips SPECT-CT diagnostic camera.

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pms 100 81 35 13 55 0 9 0 Patients at a Glance Highlightsblack 11,779 Unique cancer patients were treated Began construction and quiet phase of campaign for (an increase of 3.6% over 2014 – a record number of patients) 54,780 sq. ft. regional cancer center 69,864 Visits to our Oncology departments 48 28 8 8 7 1 (an increase of 4% over 2014 – a record number of visits) Cared for record number of patients: 11,779 unique patients pms 654c Commercial HMO with 69,864 treatments and consultations Average age: 67 66 pms 637c black County of Residence Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree made lead gift of $8.23 million toward new cancer center campaign 66% Southern Dick & Noelle Wolf contributed $2.5 million gift to SB County name new oncology education center 2% Outside CA

$3,512,652 worth of free or subsidized care (a 69% increase over 2014) 2 4% 18% San Luis Obispo Northern for 6,573 less fortunate patients (a 237% increase) County4 SB County Commercial HMO 48 Senior HMO4% Ventura4 County Installed two 3-D mammography machines with tomosynthesis, a new 6% Medicare Other CAFee for Service detection technology that results in potentially earlier detection of 6 Counties 18 Primary Insurance breast cancer, fewer false-positives and fewer invasive testing procedures

Commercial HMO Fee for Service Medicare Senior HMO Hereditary Cancer Risk/Genetic Counseling program expanded Untitled 1 Untitled 1 and its volume increased by 82% (from 294 to 535 patients) 48% Medicare

1% Transitioned to ICD-10, the medical classification, coding and Fee for Service billing system established by the World Health Organization (WHO) 28% 1 PPO 7% Commercial HMO Fee for Service 28 Rob Rice, PhD, DABR joined Radiation Oncology team 7 as Chief Medical Physicist and Radiation Safety Officer 8% Medi-Cal 8% Senior HMO (up from8 2%) Senior HMO Medicare 8

Commercial HMO Fee for Service Medicare Senior HMO Untitled 31 Untitled 1 Highlights Ensuring Excellence in Cancer Care... now and in the future

s the exclusive fundraising partner and financial backbone of the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara, the mission of the Cancer Foundation is to ensure superior cancer care for all citizens of Santa Barbara County regardless of means. The Cancer Foundation raises and distributes millions of dollars each year to the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara with Sansum Clinic allowing it to deliver a level of care that would otherwise Abe impossible in a community our size, on par with many renowned cancer centers in the United States. To this end, the Foundation is the leading fundraising and grant making non-profit dedicated to cancer in Santa Barbara and Sansum Clinic’s largest donor. The trustees of the Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara focus exclusively on fulfilling its mission and what will make the biggest impact on cancer care in this community. A minimum of 85% of the proceeds from the Foundation’s fundraising efforts and endowment are directed to the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara to support cancer diagnosis, treatment, research, technology and support programs. At the discretion of the Board of Trustees, the remaining 15% can used to provide additional support to the Cancer Center or to support other oncology programs in Santa Barbara County. During 2015, Frank Foster was elected Chairman, and Kim Schizas, Val Montgomery, Fred Kass, MD and Shane Cotter, MD joined the board of trustees. While celebrating these additions, our trustees mourned the loss of one of their newest members, Molly Dolle, who lost her battle with cancer last May. n

2015 Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara - Community Impact

Raised $6,768,580 in cash (an increase of 82% over 2014), the largest amount received through fundraising efforts in the Cancer Center’s history

With our partners at Sansum Clinic, launched the quiet phase of the Campaign for a New Cancer Center and raised $19,445,592 in cash and pledges toward the new Cancer Center Granted $2,222,153 to Sansum Clinic for Cancer Center patient programs (up 16% over 2014) Granted $577,245 to Sansum Clinic for Cancer Center capital projects, technology and equipment Granted $156,578 to support oncology related programs at Cottage Health, UCSB, and the Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation

With support from the RoKe Foundation and UCSB Arts & Lectures, brought New York Times best-selling author Michael Pollan to Santa Barbara to educate the public and CCSB physicians about the role of food in health Cost to raise a dollar: $0.08 (top performer in healthcare industry based on survey by Association of Healthcare Philanthropy) Return on investment (ROI) = $11.54 for every $1.00 invested in philanthropy 4 The Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 55% gray 75% gray 2015 Cancer Foundationblack of Santa Barbara Community Impact

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pms 654c Cancer Center of Santa pms 637c Cottage Health Camp Kesem UCSB Research Mentorship Teddy Bear black Barbara with Sansum Clinic The Cancer Foundation donated Camp Kesem UCSB, one of Program Cancer Foundation and Sansum Clinic over $90,000 towards the 62 chapters nationwide, is The Research Mentorship Teddy Bear Cancer The Cancer Foundation continues Grotenhuis Pediatric Multispecialty a non-profit organization Program at UCSB is a Foundation’s mission is to its tradition of providing major Clinic at Cottage Children’s Medical dedicated to providing a free competitive, six-week summer support families of children support to the Cancer Center. Center to help fund a Hematology- week of summer camp for program that engages with cancer. The Cancer The Foundation covered the Oncology Medical Social Worker and children affected by their qualified, high-achieving high Foundation of Santa Barbara cost of all 2015 construction and support the only pediatric oncology parent’s cancer. The Cancer school students from all over provided $45,000 to fund campaign expenses related to research program between the Bay Foundation of Santa Barbara the world in interdisciplinary, a new half-time Family the new Cancer Center, granted Area and Los Angeles. The impact donated $10,000 to help hands-on, university-level Resource Specialist , Merushka $2,222,153 to Sansum for of these services is significant. One jump start this program, held research. Students are paired Bisetty. This new employee Cancer Center patient programs, young girl diagnosed with a brain in its first year at Forest Home up with a mentor (graduate developed and implemented and provided $577,245 to tumor after surgery and treatment in Ojai. Camp Kesem reached student, postdoc, or faculty) a comprehensive intake Sansum for CCSB capital projects, had many complications and 21 local campers ranging from and choose a research project process which was used technology and equipment. Two side effects that required several 6-15 years of age, for a week from a large list of disciplines as a foundation to help key technology investments we hospitalizations in and out of town full of zip-lining, color wars, offered by the program each families prevent financial and contributed to included a 3-D and ongoing physical, speech and floating lanterns, friends, and year. The Cancer Foundation emotional distress caused Mammography System with occupational therapies. This young an empowerment ceremony. of Santa Barbara’s grant of by their child’s diagnosis. As tomosynthesis ($370,360) girl’s family relied on our pediatric Thanks to Camp Kesem UCSB, $10,000 allows two students a result, Teddy Bear Cancer that results in potentially earlier social worker for support. Now children of Cancer Center to participate in a cancer related Foundation saw a 70% detection of breast cancer, this young girl is talking, walking, patients had the opportunity to field of study with some of the increase in the number of fewer false-positives and fewer running and finally able to return to attend a camp with other kids most well known researchers individuals participating in invasive testing procedures, and school. Our support of the pediatric whose families were affected by in the field. Along with these family support groups. a General Electric AW Server PET/ oncology research program ensures cancer. The Cancer Foundation’s academic benefits, the students CT Visualization Workstation clinical research opportunities for contribution in 2015 helped are immersed in university ($92,700) that provides children are available close to home. launch this camp during its life and network with equally advanced visualization and Led by Drs. Daniel Greenfield and inaugural year in Santa Barbara. ambitious and curious peers. diagnostic capabilities from any David Slomiany, ten clinical trials remote location and facilitates are currently open, 7 children and image sharing with other adolescents are in active study medical professionals. treatment and 34 are in long-term follow-up.

26 Mountain View Infusion Suites 6” FLAP - folds inward

Major Benefits of the New Cancer Center

1. Save Lives and Enhance Outcomes The new Cancer Center will save lives and enhance outcomes with the newest technology, expanded capacity and enhanced collaboration.

2. Centralized Gateway By uniting three existing locations into one new building, the new Cancer Center will provide a single, convenient location where patients can access all aspects of multi-disciplinary care. It will allow us to offer diagnosis, treatment and supportive care programs in the same location: physicians, genetic counselors, patient navigators, oncology nutrition experts, support groups, educational resources, social services, financial and logistical support services, and wellness classes such as yoga, healing touch, and exercise classes.

3. Enhanced Collaboration The new Cancer Center will allow our expert medical professionals from various specialties to collaborate more closely, creating a seamless personalized experience for our patients.

4. Latest Technology Our medical team will provide access to the newest treatment technologies, like state-of-the-art Linear Accelerators for Radiation Oncology and new capabilities in Surgical Oncology.

5. Scaled to Meet the Growing Need for Care We care for more than 11,000 oncology patients annually. The baby-boomer generation, now in their sixties, makes up the largest segment of our population to be diagnosed with the disease, and a 35% increase in volume is projected to occur for patients 65+ over the next decade.

6. Research & Clinical Trials The Cancer Center is a regional leader in the effort to discover better ways to prevent, detect and treat cancer, and we are dedicated to the thoughtful introduction of promising new treatment methods. The new Center will enable us to provide more opportunities for clinical trials as our capacity to serve patients increases.

7. Designed to Attract and Retain Talent This modernized facility will help us continue to attract highly trained physicians and medical professionals from top academic institutions like UCLA, Stanford, Harvard and the National Institute of Health.

This new Cancer Center is a rare example of a project that benefits everyone – our patients, their families, the entire community, and all physicians in this area, whether they are part of the Cancer Center, Sansum Clinic or in independent medical practice. Our vision for the future of cancer care New is becoming a reality with a new building under Regional Cancer Center Building construction at 540 W. Pueblo Street: the largest, most comprehensive Cancer Center facility in Santa Barbara history. This new multidisciplinary center will bring all members of our Santa Barbara oncology team under one roof and enhance the lives of all those touched by cancer. By unifying the newest technology, physician collaboration and patient-centered care into one modern facility, we will provide the central coast with the full spectrum of cancer care in one location, aligned with the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) recommended best practices for cancer centers across the nation.

Located within two blocks of Sansum Clinic and Cottage Hospital in the heart of Santa Barbara’s medical village, the new Cancer Center will allow us to centralize all We need the outpatient cancer services, creating complete support a seamless experience for the of our community patients who entrust us with their to make this new center care. Today, with generous support a reality. Our public from our community, we will build campaign will launch in the finest regional Cancer Center August 2016. Naming in the nation as we deliver on our opportunities start as mission of providing superior, low as $2,500. personalized care to cancer patients Contact us now to learn in our community. more – (805) 898-2116. The new Cancer Center will be a regional destination for the diagnosis and treatment of Regional Cancer Center Building cancer on the South Coast. With tall windows, warm sandstone and coming in late 2017! creek side grounds, this new cancer center will merge three existing locations into one. For the first time, radiation oncology, medical oncology, surgeons, cancer research, wellness and support services will all be available under one roof to create better outcomes and enrich the patient’s experience.

The new Center will include two high-definition radiation treatment linear accelerators, the same found at MD Anderson and Johns Hopkins. Chemotherapy infusion suites will be located on the third floor with floor- to-ceiling windows and panoramic views of Oak Park, the Mesa and the Santa Ynez Mountains. Designed to blend seamlessly with the craftsman- style bungalows that surround it, the building will be warm and inviting, a home away from home for those fighting cancer in our community. This new facility will provide ample on-site parking, a serene half-acre healing garden along Mission Creek to soothe patients, their families and visitors, and a training center for the continuing education of physicians, nurses, other healthcare professionals and the community. Main Lobby Healing Garden

Cancer Resource Library Rooftop Outdoor Patio

Wellness Classroom Wellness Classroom (Yoga Setup) (Support Group Setup) Radiation Therapy Treatment Suite Radiation Oncology Patients Treated 28.5% Breast Cancer 25.5% Prostate & Other Male Cancers

Radiation Oncology 8.6% Head & Neck 7.2% Gastrointestinal Cancers 6.9% Lung Cancer 4.4% Gynecological Cancers The reward of our work is a successful outcome. As part of a team, 3.4% we all work for our patients toward cancer survivorship. 1,195 Lymphoma/Leukemia unique cancer TIM JOHNSON, RTT, CMD AND SARAH SULLIVAN, CMD patients treated 2.4% in 2015 Central Nervous System Tumors 23,511 1.5% “ total visits to Melanoma & Other Skin Cancers Radiation Oncology ” in 2015 * 1.3% +5.8% Urinary Cancers *Percentage increase of patients treated 10.0% from previous year Others | Radiation Radiation Oncology Sarah Sullivan, CMD Dosimetrist Oncology uses Tim Johnson, RTT, CMD | Senior Dosimetrist radiation to treat cancer and is one of three primary treatment methods along The goal of the entire Radiation Oncology math. That’s what Sarah has plus prior work with Medical Oncology and Surgery. As department is to target and destroy cancerous experience at UCLA. I’m the old guard. She’s the the sole provider of Radiation Oncology in tumors while sparing healthy tissue. Every day new. We complement each other perfectly.” Santa Barbara, the Cancer Center delivers the Cancer Center’s Radiation Oncologists, “Even with a degree in physics from the treatments using some of the finest Dosimetrists, Physicists and Therapists assess University of Redlands, I was determined to technology available including external each radiation treatment plan before it is further my formal education by attending Loma beam radiation therapy, stereotactic implemented. A critical part of each plan is Linda’s Dosimetry Program,” says Sarah. “There developed by Dosimetrists, a complex sub- radiosurgery and brachytherapy. The were 70 applicants for two spaces, so I was specialty that requires a thorough understanding Cancer Center takes extra care to treat fortunate. Tim and I plan treatments for our of medical physics, geometry, calculus, anatomy, cancer cells while sparing healthy tissue patients based on the ‘ALARA’ principle, meaning radiobiology, as well as computer science and using image guidance techniques while ‘As Low As Reasonably Achievable.’ It’s a delicate medical terminology. They are the masters process. Every organ has a dose tolerance and our patients receive compassionate care behind the curtain who define the optimal we take many factors into account – the tumor’s delivered by physicians and clinical staff. dosage and method of delivery in every radiation location, the patient’s age and specific anatomy, We conduct weekly peer reviews to assess patient’s treatment plan. previous radiation treatments... everything each treatment plan and our physicians Radiation is applied to a cancerous tumor comes into play.” received their training from renowned because of its ability to limit cell growth and “The reward of our work is a successful outcome,” institutions including Harvard, Dana- damage the DNA of cancerous tissue. Radiation says Tim. “As part of a team, we all work for our Farber and UCLA. therapy can be used with intent to cure or as patients toward cancer survivorship.” palliative treatment when cure is not possible and the goal is to provide pain relief. To spare “Our patients’ safety is of utmost importance In 2015, the 2015 Highlights surrounding healthy tissue and the organs that to us when we are shaping their treatments,” Radiation Oncology radiation must pass through to reach the tumor, explains Sarah. “I love collaborating with my department made significant investments colleagues to customize our patients’ treatments. shaped radiation beams are aimed from several in upgrading its treatment planning angles to intersect the tumor. It is these shaped This work is a joy for me.” software and hired Rob Rice, PhD, DABR beams that are designed by Dosimetrists. “We want to deliver the strongest therapy who joined our team as Chief Medical Sarah Sullivan and Tim Johnson are the Cancer with the fewest side effects, so we shine a Physicist and Radiation Safety Officer. spotlight on the tumor to find the best path Center of Santa Barbara’s Dosimetry team, an W. Warren Suh, MD, MPH, Medical effective pairing of new talent and seasoned to destroy it. We’re lucky. Through generous Director, continued to serve on the professional. Tim started at the Cancer Center contributions from the community, the Radiation Oncology panel of experts in 1988. “After years working as a Radiation Cancer Center has state-of-the-art equipment Therapist and Dosimetrist, I went to MD available for our patients.” n for the American College of Radiology Anderson for further training and certification,” in helping establish gastrointestinal Tim explains. “Those entering the field today and breast cancer radiation treatment need at least a Bachelor’s Degree in physics or appropriateness criteria nationwide. The department won Sansum Clinic’s

55% gray 75% gray President’s Award for highest black patient satisfaction from among Sansum departments. pms 100 81 35 13 9 55 0 9 0 A New Dawn in Cancer Care black 13

pms 654c pms 637c black Top 10 Diagnoses 29.9% Breast Cancer 18.5% Lymphoma/Leukemia Medical Oncology 9.4% Prostate & Other Male Cancers 9.3% Gastrointestinal Cancers 5.3% Hematologic Disorders 6,480 unique cancer 5.3% patients were Lung Cancer treated in 2015 +7.5%* 4.0% Gynecological Cancers 38,585 3.1% If we found out the most unwanted news, would we change how we live our lives? Urinary Cancers total visits to Having such a well-defined reason to seriously ask these kinds of questions was a gift. all Medical Oncology & 2.8% DAVE MOCHEL WITH ROXY Hematology Melanoma and Other Skin Cancers sites in 2015 +4.4%* 2.3% Head & Neck “ *Percentage increase # of patients treated 10.1% ” from previous year. Others The Medical Medical Oncology Oncology Dave Mochel’s Story department has attracted top medical scientists from the country’s In August of 2014 Dave Mochel, a mindfulness results confirmed Dr. Diener’s supposition. leading cancer programs to provide and leadership coach and consultant, had just From that point on, Dr. Newman continued to a wide range of therapies grounded returned from a trip to Japan. He had developed oversee Dave’s treatment. “From drilling for a cough that presented as flu-like symptoms. in the latest advances in molecular bone marrow and throughout my chemotherapy When he finally took himself to the emergency cancer medicine including targeted treatment, he was fantastic during the whole room, his lungs were filled with fluid. He was immunologic, chemotherapeutic process, positive and kind from the get-go,” admitted to the hospital and put on antibiotics and hormonal therapies while the explains Dave. “Dr. Newman answered all my for the infection and medications to boost his questions and related to me as a fellow human newest therapies are available through critically low white blood cell count. being. That was incredibly comforting.” As Dave our Clinical Research program. Our One of the first doctors he met was Dr. Ben Diener reflects on the experience he had, he can’t help physicians have adopted an integrative at Sansum Clinic who explained that a number but be impressed with the kindness and the approach to cancer treatment, of infectious diseases and cancers can cause a skill shown. “The care and the expertise – that personalized to individual needs. Our person’s white blood cell count to plummet. A was a winning combination,” he says. “If there’s comprehensive approach is available team of doctors continued to run tests to find any theme to my experience, it would be that. to every patient who walks in the door, out why his immune system was so run down. I was met with so much compassion, and I was regardless of the ability to pay. “In a way I felt lucky during those days, even reassured knowing that these people really know

though I wasn’t feeling all that well,” says Dave. what they’re doing.” “I had so many doctors working on my case and Doctors As a teacher of mindful meditation whose Tom 2015 Highlights all I had to do was rest.” personal mantra is to be “present, positive, and Woliver, Michael It was during those days when the diagnosis purposeful,” Dave easily could have credited Hogan and Anne Rodriguez, initiated hadn’t been confirmed that David and his wife much of his healing to his positive outlook. a gynecologic oncology program that Marnie had some valuable conversations. “We Instead he gives significant credit to modern included a multi-disciplinary conference talked about what’s most important to us,” Dave technology and the medical team he worked at which our patients’ cases are says. “If we found out the most unwanted news, with for diagnosing and curing his cancer. “My reviewed. Jonathan Berkowitz, MD lead would we change how we live our lives? Having doctors are lifesavers. One hundred years ago,” the neuro-oncology patient conference such a well-defined reason to seriously ask these he explains, “the outcome would have been and Dan Greenwald, MD lead the questions was a gift. Not many people get to do entirely different. I am incredibly grateful to be that in their lifetime.” alive in this century and to have received the Cottage Hospital Cancer Program care that I did.” n tumor board. Fred Kass, MD served Dr. Diener suspected Dave might have a rare as co-chair of the Cottage Hospital but treatable form of blood cancer called Hairy Medical Advisory Panel involved with Cell Leukemia. This cancer is rare – it affects only 500 people in the United States each lung cancer screening and population year. Dr. Gregg Newman, hematologist and health, and is a member of the EPIC oncologist shared that a bone marrow biopsy oncology leadership group focused on would be the only way to confirm the diagnosis. electronic health records. Mukul Gupta, He performed the procedure that day, the MD served as a physician-leader at 55% gray results were back within75% gray 24 hours, and the black Cottage Hospital in the development of their electronic health record focusing ” on oncology. # pms 100 81 35 13 11 55 0 9 0 black 13

pms 654c pms 637c black Top 10 Diagnoses 22.9% Breast Cancer

Nuclear Medicine 15.2% Prostate & Other Male 10.0% Lymphoma & Leukemia 9.9% Lung Cancer 9.7% Gastrointestinal Cancers 8.6% Endocrine Tumors We work as part of a larger medical team, and I particularly enjoy participating on 5.3% tumor boards – they build collaboration so we can best serve our patients. 4,104 Melanoma & Other Skin unique patients DAVID M. CARLSON, MD were seen in 2015 +7.5%* 5.2% Head & Neck 2.9% “ 7,768 Urinary Cancers total visits ” in 2015 +4.4%* 2.8% Gynecologic Cancers

*Percentage increase of patients treated 7.5% from previous year. Others Nuclear Medicine Nuclear Medicine plays a crucial role David M. Carlson, MD Nuclear Medicine in the diagnosis of cancer by capturing “I come from the all American town of Modesto treatments can begin as soon as possible and images that deliver important where the film American Graffiti took place,” be directed with precision for the best chance information about cancerous cells and Dr. David Carlson says with a smile. “My of success. In many centers, Nuclear Medicine major organs. A new SPECT/CT gamma father was a doctor who inspired me to go into images are superimposed on CTs or MRIs to camera (acquired in 2014) allowed us to medicine. After college and medical school, I produce image fusions, but the equipment Dr. move from 2-dimensional imaging to completed my residency in Nuclear Medicine at Carlson uses allows him to create both images 3-dimensional imaging that provides the University of California in San Francisco. It at the same time. This requires less scanning both functional (what the cells are was very exciting because they created a special time for the patient, and increases the doing) and anatomic (what the organs fellowship for me based on new technology that accuracy and detail in the images. was just coming on line. In fact, my professor look like) information with enhanced “When you look at PET scans or CT scans helped create the new generation of scanners accuracy and clarity. separately, they let you see a lot but they I was learning about. During my four year are not nearly as informative as when they fellowship at UCSF, I was able to develop a lot of are viewed together. That’s when the magic In 2015, we expertise in reading both CT and PET scans.” 2015 Highlights happens,” Dr. Carlson exclaims. “With collaborated Dr. Carlson is a charismatic physician in the experience in reading blended, simultaneous with the Cardiology department to Nuclear Medicine department, an important scans, we are able to see increased detail consolidate nuclear cardiac imaging branch of diagnostic and medical imaging that and patterns to determine what’s normal into one location which gave patients uses small amounts of radioactive material and what’s not, what’s arthritis or a bone the benefit of higher quality D-SPECT® to determine the severity of – and in some spur versus a cancerous lesion or tumor. We cases treat – a variety of medical ailments and work as part of a larger medical team, and images in a fraction of the time with diseases including many types of cancer. I particularly enjoy participating on tumor less radiation. PET/CT continues to be boards – they build collaboration so we can essential in diagnosing and staging Nuclear Medicine scans help doctors view best serve our patients. It’s very rewarding to many cancers. Dr. David Carlson is one how a patient’s body is functioning. The be able to diagnose someone early on so their imaging process “traces” the radioactive of the few Nuclear Medicine physicians chances of survival are greatly enhanced. I’m material’s journey through the patient’s body trained in both oncologic PET and so glad the Cancer Center had the vision to and eventually accumulates in the organ or diagnostic CT, and he teaches PET/CT as establish a Nuclear Medicine department area of the body being examined that are faculty at the UC San Francisco. He and and continues to outfit us with cutting later detected by a special imaging device Dr. William Pace started a molecular edge equipment.” n that produces three-dimensional pictures imaging fellowship program in Santa and provides doctors with detailed molecular Barbara with focus on PET/CT. 2015 also information. Because Nuclear Medicine saw a significant rise in the utilization procedures are able to pinpoint molecular of Xofigo, a therapy provided by leading activity, they have the potential to identify disease in its earliest stages. This means that expert Dr. Pace to reduce bone pain and extend life expectancy.

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Solvang Oncology 33% Lompoc 24% Solvang 13% Santa Ynez 11% Buellton 834 6% unique oncology Santa Maria patients treated in 2015 We work as part of a larger medical team, and I particularly enjoy 3% participating on tumor boards – they build collegiality doctor-to-doctor Los Olivos 6,250 collaboration so we can best serve our patients. Solvang oncology 10% appointments Other JONATHAN BERKOWITZ, MD, PHD +8%* 38% male *Percentage increase “ of patients treated from previous year. 62% female ” # Jonathan Berkowitz, MD, PhD Medical Oncology, Neuro-Oncology, Hematology Solvang Staff “I lost my mother to brain cancer when I was “riding for the cure” in Solvang for years. Our a child,” reflects Dr. Jonathan Berkowitz, patients appreciate how close we are.” “so that had a significant impact on me. As “Providing excellent, compassionate care is our a Hematologist-Oncologist, my specialty priority,” continues Dr. Berkowitz. “Many of our is treating cancer and blood disorders such doctors serve on tumor boards, comprised of as breast, brain and lung cancer, anemia, The Solvang office doctors from different subspecialties, all focusing Solvang Office leukemia and lymphoma. During my Medical of the Cancer Center on the same type of cancer. We discuss what’s Oncology and Hematology fellowship at of Santa Barbara continues a 30 happening with the patient, look at the CT, MRI the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda and PET scans. We review the pathology and year commitment to the Santa Ynez Maryland, I visited a friend in Santa Barbara. I come to a consensus about treatment. It’s a Valley and areas north by offering fell in love with the area and was determined complicated process but it’s critical to our work, chemotherapy treatments and follow to live here. I’ve been with the Cancer Center of because the doctors have their own perspectives up closer to home. Medical Oncology Santa Barbara since 2012, and it’s been a great to draw from and together we create the best treatments provided in Solvang are place to work. I’m very fortunate.” treatment plans possible. the same as those provided in Santa “We believe a key part of patient-centered care “The Cancer Center’s robust Clinical Research Barbara, or just about any other is being available where and when our patients department offers additional treatment outpatient facility in this country. This need us most,” explains Dr. Berkowitz, “and a opportunities through clinical trials,” explains office is small by design, our staff is like growing number of our cancer patients live in Dr. Berkowitz. “This is important, because the the Santa Ynez Valley and areas to the north. It family, and the patients treated here best treatment may be one that hasn’t been became clear that having an office in Solvang receive exceptional compassionate and FDA approved yet. I’ve been caring for a woman would be vitally important to our patients. personalized care. with breast cancer who started to recover but “In Solvang we’re able to provide many of the then she was in pain. I placed her in a clinical same quality treatments that are offered in trial; she got the experimental agent and very In 2015, the Solvang 2015 Highlights big cities,” shares office manager Mary Fox. soon, her pain was gone. That’s one of the office added “Our cancer focus here is on chemotherapy reasons why we do clinical trials – they can Dr. Juliet Penn, a hematologist treatments. Our patients love the fact that offer early stage treatment and hope. Besides oncologist trained at UCLA, and Jenny they don’t have to travel to receive superb care helping many patients live longer, we’re also Honafius to our staff. The office space aligned with a stellar organization like the able to give them a better quality of life. That’s was expanded to serve the growing Cancer Center of Santa Barbara. Along with why I chose the field of medicine. For me, this outstanding doctors, nurses and equipment, isn’t just a job, it’s a calling.” n number of patients we care for. there is a nurturing, family feeling here. The Through our work with the Cancer pictures on our walls were taken in the area, and Center’s Research Department, we were the bronze horse statue in the lobby was donated able to offer numerous patients in our by the Rancheros Visitadores who have been office life-saving therapies months

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Clinical Research Cancer Types in Trials 23% Breast 23% Lung 20% Lymphoma 8% Prostate 8% Ovarian 6% I’m blessed because of the amazing care I’ve received at the Cancer Center, and I’m extremely Cancer Foundation Colorectal grateful to have access to the cutting edge treatment I’ve received, plus the added insight of of Santa Barbara genetics and cancer which could save members of my family for generations to come. contributed 6% MIKE RUSSELL WITH HIS WIFE – CAROLYN $251,644 Multiple Myeloma to support research and 6% # clinical trials in 2015 Other “ ” The Clinical Research Clinical Research Program advances the fight against cancer through Mike Russell’s Story involvement with clinical trials and basic Mike Russell is a popular, witty and engaging selected, and we have high hopes that something science research. In partnership with teacher who has taught math and coached track, that looks this promising will be successful in the industry leaders such as Amgen, UCLA and volleyball and tennis for more than 38 years in long run.” Genentech, the Clinical Research Program Ventura. Mike’s fortitude has helped him remain For the trial, Mike takes one little pill each day. keeps us on par with many major academic steadfast during his battle with cancer. His first After just a few months, some of his lesions medical facilities around the country. In diagnosis in 2009 was breast cancer, which in have almost completely disappeared, and the 2015, the CCSB Research team enrolled men is often linked to a genetic mutation. The lesions in his brain are shrinking. Mike recently more than 80 patients (59 new) in trials cancer quickly spread to his skin, lungs, liver met with oncologist Dr. Mukul Gupta, one of Dr. and studies, while 51 patients continue to and brain. Seeking alternatives, Mike sought Taguchi’s partners who is following the study. out clinical trials and learned of a trial being be followed. Fifteen patients were enrolled When he saw Mike, Dr. Gupta exclaimed, “You conducted at the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara. in a new chemo induced neuropathy and this drug were made for each other!” In spring of 2015, he met Dr. Julie Taguchi who program. Each week, patients are screened pursued the trial immediately. During his treatment, Mike also worked closely for open studies. Through our screening with the Genetic Counseling team to better Before being enrolled for an experimental efforts, over 200 patients were identified understand his extended family’s susceptibility drug called Talazoparib, Mike’s type of cancer, and underwent a more rigorous evaluation to cancer. “My dad died from lymphoma, my its stage of development and his overall for study participation. sisters have cancer, and all of us inherited the health had to be assessed and matched to BRCA gene from our father. While our heritage Our participation in Expanded Access this particular trial. “Mike was the perfect is mostly Irish Catholic, we also have Ashkenazi studies allowed us to treat patients with candidate,” recalls Dr. Taguchi. “The drug blocks Jewish genes in our background. My dad’s an enzyme used by cells to repair damaged DNA, several drug therapies before commercial parents were from Germany and we learned that and selectively targets tumor cells that have release including Tagrisso for Lung Cancer Ashkenazi men and women have an increased breast cancer gene mutations.” BRCA (BReast and Empliciti for Multiple Myeloma. risk of having breast cancer. CAncer susceptibility gene)1 and BRCA2 are Besides the two drugs mentioned, we are gene mutations associated with breast cancer, “I’m blessed because of the amazing care I’ve or have been involved in clinical trials with received at the Cancer Center, and I’m extremely and through genetic testing, Mike discovered 10 investigational products that received he carried the BRCA2 gene. grateful to have access to the cutting edge FDA approval in 2015. CCSB Research vetted treatment I’ve received, plus the added insight of “Once a patient is identified as a candidate genetics and cancer which could save members 144 clinical trial offerings this year several for a clinical trial, our research team goes into of my family for generations to come.” n of which are slated to open early 2016. action,” says Dr. Taguchi. Mike drives up to Santa Barbara every week to meet with a doctor or Clinical Research Coordinator like Every cancer 2015 Highlights Chelsea Herholdt. “In clinical trials that involve case that comes metastatic cancer patients like Mike, we never through the Cancer Center is reviewed use a placebo,” Ms. Herholdt explains. “While we for consideration for a trial, from which always offer quality treatment, being selected for 200 patients were identified for in-depth an experimental drug is random. Even though evaluation in 2015, 59 new patients were he was a perfect match, Mike only had a 50/50 enrolled in clinical trials and 51 earlier chance of being selected for the trial. He was patients continued to be followed. Clinical Research Team 1713# No one is ever turned away due to inability to pay. Because of our generous donors and foundations, we’re able to offer a full array of services. “ MARY SOLIS, LCSW ” Social Work

Families or Financial Patients Assistance Receiving Provided Financial $3,512,652 Assistance worth of free or subsidized care provided 6,573 Unique patients received $1,651,100 financial assistance worth of free or reduced cost medications was 2,620 obtained) Financial & Logistical Assistance & Support Programs Financial & Support & Logistical Assistance Patients received financial assistance for $114,300 housing, food, utilities was obtained for gas, & medical bills living expenses and uncovered medical care 204 Patients were assisted $635,300 with health insurance was obtained to cover coverage patient co-payments

90 $246,719 Patients were worth of care was assisted with co-pays provided free of charge for those who qualified for the Cancer Center’s 155 Patients received direct Patient Assistance Participants 5,951 236 53 205 Unique participants People participated Family, friends and Participants financial assistance Program in Support in diagnosis-specific in palliative from the Cancer Center, in various support caregivers attended education programs care program # through partially or fully- Programs programs support groups discounted medical bills Since its inception Social Work in 1949, the Cancer Mary Solis, LCSW Center of Santa Barbara has been committed to delivering quality and Manager Oncology Social Work Services compassionate care to every person As an Oncology Social Worker for 31 years, “When patients first see me,” Mary continues, diagnosed with cancer in Santa Barbara Mary Solis understands that knowledge is “they often feel overwhelmed and confused. regardless of means. The Cancer Center’s power. “It’s like putting a puzzle together”, says They’re fighting for their lives and I never forget Social Work team is dedicated to helping Mary. “Each patient is unique. I have to get to that. I have to build their confidence and trust. I patients with the psychological, social know each person’s situation and needs, then deal with the shattered lives of a young couple and financial stresses associated with the work on connecting them with services to ensure whose child has cancer, to elderly people with diagnosis and treatment of cancer. This the best possible outcome. We have a wide array no family support, to homeless people with no includes counseling, case management, of programs. In addition, my team has an in- place to go. I look beyond cancer to their lives support groups, assistance with home depth knowledge of what’s available for them overall – how can we help them keep their care and long term care, insurance, in the community. My work can be challenging,” jobs, their homes, and put food on the table? Mary says “But it’s also very rewarding. I love it!” When appropriate, we assist with free therapy transportation, finances and advocacy. Our drugs, Social Security disability applications, social workers help qualify cancer patients When Mary first meets a patient, she assesses health insurance, and more. We can arrange for assistance from private foundations, the psycho-social functioning and support for outside funding to help with rent, electrical needs of patients and their families. Through free medications from pharmaceutical bills, food, dental services related to their listening and exploring, Mary helps patients manufacturers, co-pay assistance treatment. The list is endless.” discover coping strategies so they can manage programs and other offerings. In 2015, two the emotional impact of cancer in their lives. “No one is ever turned away due to inability new social workers were added and the She considers the patient’s diagnosis, the to pay. Because of our generous donors and team increased the documentation of their drugs they’re taking, their financial situation, foundations, we’re able to offer a full array of work in Sansum’s WAVE electronic medical family relationships and psychological needs. services. Even in what might be considered a record system. This wide range of support Finding the right resource is critical. Offerings hopeless situation my goal is to help patients provided by the Cancer Center allows our such as counseling, support, advocacy, achieve some control, a sense of relief, whether patients to focus on healing. Many services referrals, and financial aid are just a few ways it’s financial, social, emotional or spiritual. So in which Mary and her team assist patients. many stories have touched my heart. “I feel so provided by the program are funded solely They collaborate with government agencies, fortunate to be working at the Cancer Center of through contributions, including financial patient advocacy groups, foundations, and Santa Barbara. This is not ‘just a job’ for me – it’s assistance to help patients in need pay for national oncology organizations whose my ‘reason for being.’” n their treatment and living expenses during primary focus is to improve quality care for treatment: over $3.5 million in free and cancer patients. subsidized care and support was provided in 2015 to 6,573 unique patients.

In 2015, $3,512,652 2015 Highlights Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara contributed worth of free or $803,170 to fund Financial and Logistical subsidized care was provided (70% increase Assistance & Support Programs +21% over 2014) for 6,573 unique patients (a $246,719 in direct financial aid +27% 400% increase over 2014). Social Services Team 19# $556,451 to fund social services +19% 13 Programs

Oncology Oncology Support Wellness Programs 400 unique patients attended 3,600 Oncology Wellness Programs including Yoga, Tai Chi, Healing Touch, painting, meditation, flower arranging, and massage There are a lot of people working here who have gone through this themselves and they truly understand. You honestly could never be under better care! 290 unique participants SUZANNE DANIELSON (RIGHT) WITH HER DAUGHTER AUDREY TOGNOTTI Cancer Foundation attended Nutrition of Santa Barbara counseling sessions contributed and classes “ $173,797 2,723 for oncology supportive care contacts, a 126% ” # programs in 2015. increase over 2014 We are proud to offer a wide array of Oncology Support Programs including Nutrition and Wellness Programs and classes. Suzanne Danielson’s Story We are committed to helping our patients take an active role in achieving a healthier Cancer can be daunting, even for a person with They helped her find the right wig when her hair a dancer’s discipline and experience working fell away and turned a difficult situation into a fun body, a calmer mind, a strengthened immune at Fortune 500 corporations and non-profit one. Since most of these services are not covered by system and a renewed capacity to cope. These organizations. insurance, the wellness programs and classes are programs are free for local cancer patients. offered free of charge to anyone fighting cancer in Suzanne Danielson grew up bouncing around Santa Barbara. As an important part of cancer care, Wellness Programs the world, the daughter of an Air Force officer. Wellness Programs patients often report that these programs not only During high school in Wiesbaden, Germany, are an essential part help them survive a cancer diagnosis, but thrive she danced with the German Opera Ballet, and of our whole-body, whole-patient approach during and after treatment. Suzanne appreciated after graduating, with the Ballet Russe de Monte to cancer care that help patients heal and the fact that each wellness class provided her with Carlo. “It was a different life,” she remembers, thrive. Offerings include Yoga, Cancer Well- a creative outlet and each experience gave her “but I decided I didn’t want my brains to be in my fit™ Exercise Program (during treatment), insight and encouragement to recover fully and get feet and went to college.” After graduating from back to living her life to the fullest. LiveSTRONG™ at the YMCA exercise program the University of Miami, running her own dance (after treatment). Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Exercise school, and selling Ferraris and Porsches in San For more than seven months, United Way of Santa Programs, Meditation, Painting, Flower Francisco (“Oh, that was fun!” she recalls), Suzanne Barbara County held Suzanne’s position for her in Arranging, Healing Touch and Massage. eventually settled into a career with IBM. Years Major Donor and Corporate Development, and she later, she moved to Santa Barbara to remain close is excited to be back at work. Sitting in her office In 2015, the Cancer Center doubled the to her daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren. she says with enthusiasm, “I think there are still number of its LiveSTRONG™ locations and plans for me. I wouldn’t want to trade places with developed a new Chemotherapy Induced After being diagnosed with breast cancer she anybody. I am grateful for the excellent care that realized, “When you’re sick like that, you have to Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) program where my doctors and nurses provided (and still provide), take the focus off the illness and find a way to do acupuncture is utilized to reduce the effects and the loving support of my family, friends and co- something positive for yourself,” Suzanne says of of chemotherapy on the nervous system workers. I am very blessed!” n the days she spent in chemotherapy. “I felt much (funded through a generous grant from the better when I was engaged in something creative We are proud to offer a wide array of free Support Cheeryble Foundation). and healthy.” To help her cope with the side Programs for local cancer patients. We are effects of her cancer treatment, Suzanne took committed to helping those with cancer take an Our resident nutrition Nutrition full advantage of the Cancer Center’s Supportive active role in achieving a healthier body, a calmer experts are Registered Care Programs ranging from Yoga, Qigong and mind, a strengthened immune system and a Dietitians (RD). They experienced a 126% Nutrition classes to Acupuncture for relief. “If you renewed capacity to cope. increase in patient contacts for a total of have to go through cancer treatment the Cancer Center in Santa Barbara is the best place to be!” 2,723 in 2015. In addition to individual patient she explains, “there are a lot of people working consultations, the monthly series “Your Life, here who have gone through this themselves and Your Foods” attracted record numbers of they truly understand. You honestly could never be participants. Our nutritionists also provided under better care!” support to our LiveSTRONG™ and CIPN Suzanne’s daughter, Audrey Tognotti, was right programs and helped ensure the quality there by her side all the way through, including dietary supplements that were recommended finding her the assistance she needed at the to patients. Beauty & Boutique services at the Cancer Center. 21# CCSB Nutrition Team 13 Patient Navigation Navigation Support 776 Breast Cancer Patients 126 Head, Neck & Multimodality Patients 32 I’m here to make the process more manageable and break down the steps they’ll be Gynecological Patients taking during their treatment. I show our patients around the Cancer Center and 1,017 introduce them to various staff members who’ll be involved in their care. unique patients were Cancer Foundation KAREN JORGENSON, RN, BSN assisted by our of Santa Barbara contributed Patient Navigation “ $486,215 4,928 to support patient Patient Navigation ” # navigation in 2015. Encounters Karen Jorgenson, RN, BSN Patient Navigation Patient Navigation Breast Care Nurse Navigator is offered as part Karen Jorgensen is cheerful, outgoing, and support group counselors, and our social of our Cancer Center’s Supportive empathic, characteristics that are perfect for workers who can provide support – there are Care Programs. All newly diagnosed assisting breast cancer patients “navigate” so many moving parts. ” Many of Karen’s breast cancer patients and those with between the different treatment providers, patients suffer from understandable complex treatment plans are referred departments and support services within and anxiety and have questions such as “Am to Navigation staff. Our navigators outside the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara. “All I going to die?” “What type of physical support their patients wherever of us are sensitive to how overwhelming cancer damage will I endure?” “How will I look after diagnosis and treatment lead them: can be, so we focus on making our patients feel surgery?” “Will I still be a woman if I don’t welcome and cared for,” says Karen. have my breasts?” “I try to personalize and from the surgeons to the radiation humanize the process in order to put them oncologist, medical oncologist, dentist, “As a nurse navigator, I’m here to reassure at ease,” Karen explains. “My message is dietitian, physical therapist, social our patients by letting them know they’re that I’m here with them throughout the services, even the wig boutique. Our not alone, and I’m here to help them journey, and they can always depend on me draw on their own strengths. The breast Navigators provide education, referrals for guidance and support. cancer survival rate in women is very good to needed services, and emotional nowadays, especially with early detection. “With multiple appointments and office support while assisting physicians to We have amazing equipment to help us locations, it can be difficult for patients to achieve the most timely outcome for discover malignancies early on. A lot of know where to go. We help with this, too, diagnostics and optimum appointment women in my family have had breast and are very much looking forward to the integration with other departments. cancer, so I’m very sensitive to what that construction of the new Cancer Center. can mean,” Karen explains. “I get very close Having all services under one roof will to each patient. I pride myself on providing simplify the treatment process considerably,” In 2015, Navigators 2015 Highlights compassion and comfort for each person I Karen shares. As a Nurse Navigator, Karen assisted with see. I help my patients understand what lies understands the importance of thorough several initiatives including: a new lung ahead and what to expect.” communication and coordinated, patient- cancer screening program launched at centered care. With the new Cancer Center, On a typical day, Karen meets with Sansum Clinic, monthly tumor boards, all a patient’s needs will be taken care of in patients as soon as possible after their support of gynecologic oncology one centralized location while allowing the diagnosis. “Learning you have cancer can patients, and participation in the Breast medical staff to be in closer proximity to be devastating,” she says. “I’m here to make Care Alliance Advisory Board. each other for collaboration. the process more manageable and break down the steps they’ll be taking during “I love the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara their treatment. I introduce patients to – the doctors, the nurses, the support staff various staff members who’ll be involved and especially my patients,” says Karen. in their care. I translate unfamiliar medical “They’re all amazing, and I feel very lucky to terms, and I take them to the library so be working here!” n they can learn about their disease. I may also introduce them to our genetics team, 55% gray 75% gray black

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pms 654c pms 637c black and Genetic Counseling

Hereditary Cancer Risk Counseling 535 Total patients seen for hereditary cancer risk counseling (up from 294 in 2014) 291 Pursued genetic testing when an in-depth review of their family history Hereditary Cancer Risk revealed susceptibility to certain cancers 43 Participants were counseled on results ordered by another provider I’m doing well now and I’m so grateful to the doctors and counselors at 41 Cancer Foundation Participants were the Cancer Center for their meticulous care. They are truly lifesavers! of Santa Barbara identified with breast contributed cancer gene mutations SARA KVASS AND HER DOG BARNEY $196,611 10 to support hereditary Participants identified (genetic) risk counseling with colorectal cancer “ # in 2015. gene mutations ” Sara Kvaas’ Story Genetic testing Hereditary Cancer Risk “It was serendipity that I went into veterinary the risks when thinking about reproduction. My and analysis medicine,” explains Sara Kvaas, who is now brother doesn’t have children, but my sister does enables the Hereditary Cancer Risk retired but continues to work part time at La so the only person who would be affected would Counseling Program to assist patients Cumbre Animal Hospital. ”I was in Washington be my nephew.” and families with a history of cancer to and about to graduate from college in health After living in Santa Barbara for 10 years, Sara better understand and manage their science education. A friend told me about an had a routine mammogram and the doctors risk for developing the disease. Referred internship in veterinary medicine in Michigan. found something suspicious. A biopsy by local patients in our community have a The position opened that very day! I was hired surgeon Dr. Ronald Latimer came back ‘normal. and moved to Hickory Creek, and I received my unique opportunity to meet with a “They did an ultrasound and found a bean-sized certification after two years. cancer genetic specialist to discuss their mass, so in an abundance of caution, Dr. Latimer concerns and determine their hereditary “How I met my husband, Bob, was also serendipity. did another biopsy. It turned out the tissue was I was on a 10-day cruise. On the eighth night, Bob an invasive carcinoma at an early stage and I cancer risk. Results of genetic testing and I struck up a conversation. He was in physics opted for a mastectomy. I went to the Cancer often directly affects the course of and engineering in Santa Barbara, and I had a Center of Santa Barbara and Dr. Gregg Newman treatment, and our Genetic Counselor’s career in Virginia. I didn’t see how it would work. analyzed the DNA of the tumor cells. involvement with our oncologists However, we traded information scribbled on “A test called the Oncotype-DX was used allows for the timely inclusion of cocktail napkins. After a year, we decided to marry to determine if I should go through chemo genetic information into a patient’s and I moved away from everything I knew – and after my diagnosis. The results showed an treatment plan. I’ve never regretted it.” intermediate risk of recurrence. It was unclear In 1994, Sara was diagosed with breast cancer at whether the benefits of chemotherapy would The Hereditary 38 years old. “I went through surgery, radiation outweigh the side effects, so I chose to opt out 2015 Highlights (Genetic) Counseling and chemotherapy. I had a blood panel done that of chemo. I had radiation therapy and now Program added two new genetic showed a mutation in the ATM gene, one of the 17 I’m “under surveillance.” genes they analyzed. It is considered a moderate counselors, reduced wait times for “It is important to stress that whatever risk gene and is estimated to confer a 24-48% appointments, and initiated genetic someone decides to do,” Sara confides, “there increased risk in women for breast cancer.” counseling clinics in Solvang on a bi- should never be guilt or blame attached to monthly basis. This growth also allowed “It’s likely I inherited the gene mutation from this. It simply is. I’m doing well now and I’m my mother’s side of the family,” Sara continues. so grateful to the doctors and counselors at us to launch the Lynch syndrome “My grandmother died of cancer and my mother the Cancer Center for their meticulous care. Education and Assessment Program and three aunts have all had cancer. While Bob They are truly lifesavers!” n (LEAP, funded through a grant from and I don’t have children, I’m a strong believer the Dr. Howard R. Bierman & Anthony in genetic testing. The question becomes what Granatelli Fund) which aims to do you do with the information? Some people educate and test for the most common want to know the results, while others don’t. hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome Some want the information so they can take while streamlining referrals to our preventive measures and some want to know 55% gray genetics team. 75% gray black

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Cancer Prevention & Treatment Inquires 2,304 Inquiries made regarding the prevention, treatment and/ or survivorship of cancer 750 Inquiries were made to the Resource Library by patients and family members 250 Inquiries were made to the Resource Library by physicians 573 Attended community educational and screening events 109 Cancer screenings were

Prevention, Education & Education Prevention, provided to un/under- Through it all I’m grateful for the continual support of my family insured who’s been there from day one and the friends I’ve made at the 171 Cancer Center who are always there when I need them. Adults attended cancer prevention and education ROSALYN COLLINS Cancer Foundation programs of Santa Barbara contributed 342 “ Children, teens and $118,333 young adults attended to fund prevention, cancer prevention and ” #education and outreach education programs programs in 2015. (up from 271) Rosalyn Collins’ Story Prevention, Education Cancer & Outreach “The truth is, even though I was diagnosed back could help me, but I’m very independent so I prevention, in 1999, I still struggle with health issues and returned to Santa Barbara.” education and outreach are three areas pain,” explains Rosalyn Collins, “but from my While in treatment, Rosalyn was relieved where we help to reduce the incidence and first appointment at the Cancer Center, I felt not to lose her hair but was shocked one impact of cancer in our community. Public understood. Cared for. I’ve spent hours in the day to see one of her braids lying on the lectures, cancer screenings, continuing library with librarian and patient navigator Sam floor. “My hair didn’t fall out, it broke!” education for our medical staff, and the Howland. She was always kind and helped me Rosalyn reflects. “The radiation treatments operation of our onsite Cancer Resource learn about what I was going through. She is an affected my salivary glands so I have dry example of all the amazing people who cared for Library support these efforts. mouth. Sound bothers me more, and my me at the Cancer Center.” sense of taste and smell has been affected. Rosalyn Collins is a vivacious, inquisitive person This cancer has forced me to reevaluate my In 2015, we brought life’s plans, yet through it all I’m grateful for 2015 Highlights with enough smiles to fill a room. Throughout New York Times her cancer journey, the staff at the Cancer the continual support of my family and my best-selling author Michael Pollan to Center will tell you that Rosalyn always radiated Cancer Center friends. I’ve spent many days enthusiasm – so much so that they awarded her over the years behind closed blinds except for the Granada Theater. Co-presented the Julie Main Inspiration of Hope Award at the medical appointments, church, and volunteer by the Cancer Foundation, Sansum Cancer Center’s Walk/Run in 2013. opportunities. The Cancer Center has given Clinic, the RoKe Foundation and UCSB’s me a place I can always go to feel like Arts & Lectures, Mr. Pollan spoke to Diagnosed almost 17 years ago, Rosalyn is myself, a home away from home. I’ve taken considered a survivor. “It’s not always easy to the public and our oncologists on advantage of many of the free classes such as live after one hears they have cancer,” Rosalyn the relationship of diet on health painting, flower arranging, tai chi and yoga. shares. “When someone is declared ‘cancer free,’ and cancer. This year’s Colon Cancer The exercise classes are great because they’re people think things go right back to normal. Screening & Education program was sensitive to people who barely recognize their Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Things expanded to reach all county residents bodies. It’s nice to come to a place where they are never quite the same.” understand you. No matter how many times over age 50 and included lectures by a Rosalyn attended UCSB and majored in Black I smile and share words of kindness, inside local gastroenterologist, an oncology Studies and Sociology. “Besides two majors, I struggle with where I fit, in a world that I dietitian and tours of our endoscopy I was holding down two jobs when suddenly never envisioned. Yet, I’m grateful and full of lab while Spanish speakers listened I became fatigued. My lymph glands were joy, because as long as I’m breathing, I have via simultaneous translation. Our swollen, my skin itched terribly and it hurt to the opportunity to help others experience joy Skin Cancer Screening & Education take a shower or a bath. I saw a dermatologist in their lives, much like the joy and peace that program screened 86 people. Our who said ‘I want you to see an oncologist.’ I feel each time I walk into the Cancer Center youth skin cancer prevention program A what? I had no idea what that was! I saw of Santa Barbara.” n Dr. Julie Taguchi and she was fabulous! A RAYS – Raising Awareness Yields Sun biopsy was done on my neck, and it turned Safety – enrolled 342. We invited noted out I had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I stayed with oncologists to keep our medical staff my parents in Los Angeles for a while so they on the cutting edge. 55% gray 75% gray black

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pms 654c pms 637c black (Pages 28-29)

Radiation Oncology Medical Oncology & Hematology

Lindsay Blount, MD George C. Cheng, MD, PhD W. Warren Suh, MD, MPH Shane Cotter, MD, PhD Mark Abate, MD Jonathan Berkowitz, Mukul Gupta, MD MD, PhD Dr. Blount completed Dr. Cheng completed his Dr. Suh completed a joint Dr. Cotter earned his Dr. Abate has practiced Dr. Gupta has practiced his residency at UCLA’s medical education and 5-year Medical Degree/ Doctorate in Molecular Medical Oncology & Dr. Berkowitz joined Medical Oncology Department of Radiation residency at Harvard Masters of Public Health and Cellular Biology and Hematology at Sansum Sansum Clinic’s Oncology & Hematology with Oncology after receiving Medical School where in Outcomes Research his medical degree from Clinic since 1988. He department in 2012. He Sansum Clinic for twelve his medical degree from he graduated Summa at the University of Washington University in attended the University completed his medical years. He completed the Medical College Cum Laude. Dr. Cheng Chicago’s Pritzker School St. Louis. He completed of Connecticut’s School degree at the State his medical education of Wisconsin. He then also completed two of Medicine and Harvard an internship at Santa of Medicine followed University of New York at the University of joined the faculty at fellowships at Harvard: University T.H. Chan Barbara Cottage Hospital by an internship in at Buffalo School of Zambia in southern UCLA as an instructor Research Fellow at School of Public Health. and a radiation oncology Internal Medicine at Medicine, and residency Africa. His internship in and Assistant Clinical the Joint Center for He completed his two residency at Harvard Dartmouth College/ in Internal Medicine at Internal Medicine was Professor in Radiation Radiation Therapy residency programs: Medical School where Hitchcock Medical Mount Sinai School of at Los Angeles County/ Oncology until his move and Clinical Fellow Internal Medicine he also served as Chief Center. He completed Medicine in New York, University of Southern Our Physicians Our to the Cancer Center at Harvard Medical at Mayo Clinic and Resident. Dr. Cotter then fellowships in Oncology followed by a fellowship California Medical Center, in 1991. Dr. Blount School. He has a strong Radiation Oncology at the joined the faculty at and Hematology at in Medical Oncology and fellowship in Medical started the Stereotactic interest in research University of Michigan, Harvard Medical School Stanford University and & Hematology at the Oncology & Hematology Radiosurgery Program at and has completed the where he also served and the Dana-Farber UCLA. He has served National Cancer Institute at the University of the Cancer Center over National Institutes of as a Chief Resident. Dr. Cancer Institute, and as the President of the in Bethesda, Maryland. Southern California. 20 years ago. He also Health Medical Scientist Suh subsequently joined Brigham and Women’s Department of Internal Dr. Berkowitz has a He is an accomplished has a special interest in Training and has received the faculty at Harvard Hospital as an instructor Medicine at Santa special interest in neuro- researcher and in prostate cancer having several distinctions for Medical School/Dana- in Radiation Oncology Barbara Cottage Hospital oncology and practices addition to English, he performed over 500 his research. Dr. Cheng Farber Cancer Institute/ until his move to the and was a member of primarily in the Cancer speaks Spanish, Hindi prostate seed implants has practiced Radiation Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center in 2012. the Oncology Advisory Center’s Solvang office. and Nyanja. during the past 13 years. Oncology at the Cancer Hospital for 5 years, being Committee for Health Center since 2004. successfully promoted Net. Dr. Abate has a from Instructor to special interest in Assistant Professor in breast care. Radiation Oncology. Nuclear Medicine

Dan Greenwald, MD Fred Kass, MD Gregg Newman, MD Juliet Penn, MD Julie Taguchi, MD Thomas Woliver, MD David Carlson, MD William Pace, MD

Dr. Greenwald joined Dr. Kass is a medical Dr. Newman has been Dr Penn joined Dr. Taguchi attended Dr. Woliver has Dr. Carlson is the only Dr. Pace is the Medical the Cancer Center in oncologist and medical part of Sansum Clinic’s Sansum Clinic’s the University of South- practiced medicine in Santa Barbara physi- Director for the Cancer 2007 after completing director of the Cancer Medical Oncology Medical Oncology ern California’s Keck Santa Barbara since cian expertly trained Center’s Nuclear his medical education, Center’s Research and & Hematology & Hematology School of Medicine and 1983. He completed in both PET and CT, he Medicine department. internship, residency Wellness Department. department since 1999 department in 2015. graduated Summa Cum his medical education joined the Cancer Cen- He attended medical and fellowship at He has practiced after completing his After pursuing her Laude and valedictorian at the University of ter’s Nuclear Medicine school at the Stanford University. medicine since 1985. medical education at medical education of her class at Mount Cincinnati College of department in 2011. He University of Iowa In 2013, he received After receiving his Mount Sinai Medical at Sackler School St. Mary’s College. She Medicine, his residency completed his medical followed by a general Cottage Hospital’s medical education School in New York of Medicine in Tel joined Sansum Clinic’s and internship at education at the Uni- surgery internship “Physician of the at Tufts University, City, a fellowship at Aviv she underwent Medical Oncology & Santa Barbara Cottage versity of Oklahoma, at Cottage Hospital. Year” award and was he completed his Cornell University an Internship at Hematology depart- Hospital and was followed by a surgical He completed his recognized in 2010 internship and and internship at the Cottage Hospital and ment in 1993 after a fellow at UC San internship at UCLA, and residency at Stanford with the “Teacher of residency at Yale University of California then completed her completing her intern- Diego in Hematology a three-year nuclear University, where the Year” award from New Haven Hospital, Davis. Dr. Newman is a residency in Internal ship and Hematology & Oncology. Dr. medicine residency at he also underwent Housestaff and in followed by an principle investigator Medicine and Radiology fellowship at Kaiser Woliver is certified in UCSF. As part of a new fellowship training in 2009 as the “Physician oncology fellowship for research studies and fellowship in Foundation Hospital in Medical Oncology and training pathway in Nuclear Cardiology. of the Year” by Santa at Harvard’s Dana- for GI and GU cancers Hematology and Los Angeles, a Medical Internal Medicine by nuclear medicine, his He maintains a strong Barbara Visiting Nurse Farber Cancer Institute. and was presented Oncology at University Oncology Fellowship the American Board residency included a interest in treatment & Hospice Care. He Dr. Kass is especially with Visiting Nurse & of California Los at USC, and then two of Internal Medicine. year of diagnostic CT and is among currently serves on the passionate about Hospice Care “Physician Angeles. Dr Penn has years at City of Hope As a result of his training. Dr. Carlson California’s most Board of Governors of research, nutrition of the Year” award an interest in breast in the department of collaborations with Drs. then stayed at UCSF for prolific radionuclide the alumni association and supportive care in 2010. cancer and strives Hematology and Bone Kass and Greenwald an additional year as a therapists. He has of the Stanford of patients and their to focus on patients’ Marrow Transplanta- at the Cancer Center clinical instructor, and been working in Santa University School of families. He is also physical and emotional tion. Dr. Taguchi is a of Santa Barbara, their completed a fellowship Barbara since 2002. Medicine. He maintains co-chair of the Cottage healing throughout firm believer in overall research has been in CT at UCSF. He re- a clinical interest Hospital Medical their cancer treatment. well-being throughout published in several mains a member of the and research focus Advisory Panel and is treatment and into medical journals. Dr. clinical faculty in the in the treatment of on the Cottage Hospital survivorship, and she Woliver was awarded UCSF Department of lymphoma. population health has a special interest the Preceptorship Radiology and Biomed- task force. in breast care. She is a Award from American ical Imaging. Having Clinical Assistant Pro- College of Physicians read thousands of PET/ fessor of Medicine at for Community-Based CTs and diagnostic CTs the University of South- Teaching of Medical during residency and ern California Keck Students and Residents. fellowship, he brings School of Medicine, has an unparalleled level of been at Principal Inves- expertise to the inter- tigator for TORI for 18 pretation of fused PET years, and has lectured and CT images. around the world on the topic of hormones and breast cancer. 29 (Pages 30-31)

Annual Events 2015

Barbara Ireland Walk for Tough Enough to Wear Viva La Vida Breast Cancer (March) Rancheros Ride (May) Annual Celebration of Life (June) The 15th annual Barbara Ireland Walk for Breast Cancer Wrangler Jeans and the Rancheros Visitadores hosted Over 1,000 patients, survivors, family members, raised $57,271 in 2015. For the fourth year running, a kick- this colorful event for the fourth consecutive year to raise friends and staff joined us for this free event off event was held at Dargan’s Irish Pub & Restaurant. awareness of breast cancer. In celebration of this year’s which honors our community’s patients and Fitness with Rachel was recognized as the team that raised ride, the club’s members contributed $125,775 to fund survivors and coincides with National Cancer the most money ($7,445) as well as the team with the research and support programs for breast cancer patients Survivors’ Day. greatest number of participants (22 members). (This event at the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara. (This event has has raised $555,210 since its inception.) raised $411,136 since its inception.) Community Events Each year, the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara is Cancer Center Michael Pollan (April) honored to have a variety of individuals and groups Walk/Run (October) host fundraising events to support our patients Sansum Clinic, the CancerFoundation of Santa Barbara and local cancer care. We gratefully acknowledge The 2015 Walk/Run was the second most successful in with support from the RoKe Foundation partnered the work and generosity of those involved with our history – raising $210,044 in support of the Cancer with UCSB Arts & Lectures to present “An Evening with the many independent fundraising events held in Center’s research and supportive care programs. We Michael Pollan,” featuring bestselling 2015: Martin Brown and Kalyra Winery for their golf celebrated the 23rd anniversary of this annual event with author at the Granada Theatre. The event featured a tournament, Caelyn Linane and the 8th grade class 1,068 participants and 46 teams. This year, Sue Suttner conversation with ethical eating guru and sustainable at Solvang Elementary School for their Pink Out and received the Julie Main Inspiration of Hope award. (This living advocate Michael Pollan in conversation with Kurt Davia Lee and the Old Spanish Days Rodeo team for event has raised $3,087,291 since its inception.) Ransohoff, MD and Fred Kass, MD. their Tough Enough to Wear Pink event.

If you are interested in raising money for the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara, please contact us. We would be delighted to assist you in getting publicity and social media to help support your efforts. (805) 898-2116. Peter & Rebecca Adams Mr. Lloyd E. Cox, Jr.* Ms. Alvah M. Kaime* Mrs. Kathleen Mayes Mr. & Mrs. Rick Scott Mr. & Mrs. William H. Allaway* Tom & Nancy Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Kendall Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Merovick Mr. & Mrs.* Peter Simeth Mrs. Karine Anderson Mr. Michael Daly Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kickliter Mrs. Jane Merovick* Judge & Mrs. C. Douglas Smith* Anonymous Mr. Wallace T. Drew* Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kimsey Janet Millar Mack* & Judy Stanton Ms. Jeano Bailard* Ms. Jan Everote Henry & Heidi Kirkwood Gary & Anna Nett Mr. Charles Storke* Mr. & Mrs. William J. Bailey* Janice Bahler Fitzgibbons Mrs. Gregorio Kogan* Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Noh* Dr. & Mrs. H.T. Thoreson Mr.* & Mrs. Eugene C. Baum Mr.* & Mrs. George C. Goranson Mr. Otto Korntheuer* Mr. Austin H. Peck, Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tilton Dr. Richard A. Baum Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Green Ms. Mary Ann Kriebel* Barbara Pieters Mr. Harold L. Votey, Jr. Betsy Bertero* Mr. & Mrs. John Haigh* Shirley & Seymour Lehrer Mr. Mickey M. Plaut Jean & Davis H. Von Wittenburg The Elaine & Mr. D. Craig Bigelow* Ms. Eva P. Harris* Chris & Mark Levine Cherry Post Ms. Jennifer Wells Mr. Joe Bleckel Mr. Byron Haskin* Mr.* & Mrs. Thomas N. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Hal Rich Mr. Otis Williams* Edward Stepanek Mr. & Mrs. Dean Brown* Ms. Yvonne Baker Heltman Mr.* & Mrs. Jim Lindsey Ms. Penny Ridgeway Ms. Marie A. Wolford* Ms. Helen J. Brown Bob Hodges Mr. Jonathan Lipsitz Mr. & Mrs. William Samson* Les & Zora Charles Grethe and Henning Jensen Julie Lopp Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Sattler* * Deceased Legacy Society Mr. John L. Courtois* Kenneth & Frances Jewesson Barbara S. & Robert Kathleen D. Schepanovich Stanley MacLean*

The Elaine and Edward Stepanek Society honors those who have included the Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara in their estate plans through Planned Gifts. Membership is conferred upon those who have communicated to the Center their intention to make a gift through their will, living trust or other planned agreement. Please let us know if you have remembered the Cancer Center in your plans so that we can acknowledge your support and say thank you.

Peter & Becky Adams Peter and Becky Adams are loyal supporters of the Cancer Center of Santa neck dissection surgery to remove the dead nodes. “It was difficult,” Barbara. They met while attending college in Claremont, married a year Peter said. “During radiation therapy, my head was secured so I couldn’t after graduation and have two daughters. After college, Peter started his move. I learned to take my mind to a faraway, peaceful place. I’m own business that designs and manufactures control systems for heavy- thankful for them destroying my cancer and for giving me the ability to duty work vehicles. “I was using borrowed money and doing things on a find the peace of mind I gained through the process.” shoestring but I had a dream and a healthy fear of failure,” Peter said. “I “The Cancer Center always impressed us with their warm and had to be a ‘jack of all trades,’ from engineering to production to selling personalized care, but one event – unrelated to cancer – reminded us of and dealing with all the financial aspects of the business.” how they go above and beyond,” recalls Peter. “Years after our cancer After 25 years, Peter also took charge of the family business that treatments, we took a trip to Egypt and the Holy Land in 2009. Upon produced hardware for the European-style mansions then being built arrival in Israel, Becky collapsed after contracting Shigela, an infectious in Southern California. The aircraft hardware company manufactured disease that causes severe diarrhea and stomach cramps. She was taken an array of products. Among Peter’s favorites are the “Vacant/ to the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem but they refused to admit Occupied” locks used on lavatory doors. The company makes those her since she didn’t have her medical records with her. I called home to locks in 40 languages and 60 colors. After running two successful get Becky’s records but it was Sunday night and the clinic was closed. On businesses for almost 45 years, Peter decided to sell both companies. a hunch, I called the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara’s offices and He and Becky then founded the Adams Legacy Foundation to share Dr. Dan Greenwald was on duty. He immediately secured Becky’s records the gifts they’d been blessed with. and faxed them to the hospital. They admitted Becky and immediately placed her in isolation for six-days. Once Becky was well enough, I had to With such success, one might think Peter and Becky have led charmed get a special release to get her onto the plane to take her home.” lives – and in many respects, that would be true. However, they’ve both been deeply affected by cancer. “We try to do everything together,” Since returning to Santa Barbara, Peter and Becky continue to receive Becky joked. “Once I had cancer, Peter wanted to have it, too!” She was outstanding medical care and live healthy, fulfilling lives. They say diagnosed with lymphoma in 2004 and Peter was diagnosed with they’ll always be grateful to the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara and squamous cell carcinoma of the ear in 2006 and it metastasized to his its dedicated doctors. Without them, the Adams might not be the lymph nodes, Dr. Tom Weisenburger at the Cancer Center treated him humble – and generous – survivors they are today. n with radiation five days a week for six and a half weeks, followed by Named Endowment Funds require a minimum of $100,000 to be established. The principal in a named Named endowment remains protected and grows over time, while annual distributions ensure that the Cancer Center receives a perpetual source of philanthropic support for the purpose designated by the Endowment Funds donor. To learn more, contact Rob Dunton, Director of Philanthropy, at (805) 898-3620.

Nan Cox Endowment for Lung Cancer Research Arthur J. Merovick Endowment for Patient Assistance The Nan Cox Endowment is for lung cancer research protocols performed by To honor Art Merovick’s extraordinary contributions to the Cancer Center as its Director the Cancer Center, often in collaboration with other research institutions. of Development for 17 years, the Cancer Center Board of Trustees approved the creation Created by Wilbur K. “Bill” Cox, the fund was established in memory of his of the Arthur J. Merovick Endowment for Patient Assistance in 2011. A generous gift of wife Nancy Clare Finch Cox (“Nan”) who was a Cancer Center patient who $200,000 from the Merovick family launched the fund. passed away from lung cancer in June of 2000. FOUNDED: In 2011 with a gift and match from general endowment totaling $400,000 FOUNDED: In 2000 with a gift of $10,000 VALUE: $1,362,223 ($63,818 distributed in 2015) VALUE: $324,062 ($15,603 distributed in 2015) NEW DONATIONS IN 2015: $89,370

Elvira Broome Doolan Endowment Fund Toby Ann Parisse Memorial Education Fund The Elvira Broome Doolan Endowment Fund was established in 1991 from the Richard Parisse and his three children honored their wife and mother, Toby Ann Parisse, estate of Elvira Broome Doolan and is restricted for research. She was a patient with a memorial gift dedicated to benefitting the patients at the Cancer Center by at the Cancer Center and her husband, Jerome Doolan, was a trustee. funding continuing education for physicians, nurses and staff. The creation of the fund FOUNDED: From 1991 to 1995 with gifts totaling $2,274,850 was an expression of gratitude to the medical teams who cared for Toby throughout her valiant 21-year battle with breast cancer. VALUE: $9,956,336 ($479,389 distributed in 2015) FOUNDED: In 2011 with a gift of $100,000 Elizabeth McEwen Jacobs Endowment Fund VALUE: $138,482 ($7,194 distributed in 2015) The Elizabeth McEwen Jacobs Endowment Fund is dedicated to medical or NEW DONATIONS IN 2015: $6,050 scientific research related to genetic cancer with a primary emphasis on brain cancer, equipment and research of brain cancers in the Tri-Counties. Scott D. Smith Memorial Fund The fund was created in memory of Beth Jacobs by her family and friends The Scott D. Smith Memorial Fund is restricted for colorectal screening and prevention after she lost her battle with brain cancer. programs. The fund was created in memory of Scott Smith by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. FOUNDED: In 2004 with gifts of $67,992 Gene Smith, and their family through the donation of real estate in Fallbrook. Scott lost his battle with colon cancer and his family wanted to support early screening and detection. VALUE: $149,410 ($7,194 distributed in 2015) FOUNDED: In 1999 with a gift of $946,224 Julie Main Endowment Fund VALUE: $ 1,626,053 ($78,293 distributed in 2015) The Julie Main Endowment Fund is restricted for wellness exercise programs for patients. The fund was created in 2009 with proceeds from Thomas H. Weisenburger, MD Fund the The Main Event, a celebration of Julie’s life. The Thomas H. Weisenburger, MD Fund was created to recognize Dr. Weisenburger’s retirement in 2012, after 28 years of extraordinary service at the FOUNDED: In 2009 with gifts of $61,181 Cancer Center of Santa Barbara. In line with Dr. Weisenburger’s work in Radiation VALUE: $123,736 ($6,067 distributed in 2015) Therapy and his passion for teaching, proceeds from this endowment will support, NEW DONATIONS IN 2015: $1,100 in perpetuity, the education of highly trained medical personnel and the timely acquisition of radiological equipment for the purpose of keeping Cancer Center in the vanguard of cancer care. FOUNDED: In 2012 with gifts of $96,473, plus match from general endowment of $96,473 VALUE: $219,504 ($10,726 distributed in 2015) NEW DONATIONS IN 2015: $5,630 n 33 Funds Raised by the Cancer Foundation in 2015

Gifts Given To Support Designation 2015 2014 Difference % Fundraising General Support $ 406,194 $ 707,310 $ (301,116) -43% Summary Capital Projects/New Cancer Center $ 4,434,640 $ 560,000 $ 3,874,640 692% Raised $6,768,580 in Research $ $116,564 $ 146,602 $ (30,038) -20% contributions (an increase of 82% Patient Assistance $ 72,006 $ 150,522 $ (78,516) -52% over 2014), the largest amount raised through fundraising efforts Endowment* $ 1,162,963 $ 124,728 $ 1,038,235 832% in Cancer Foundation history. Patient Navigator $ $195,100 $ 173,245 $ 21,855 13% With our partners at Sansum Oncology Supportive Care Programs/Wellness $ 108,535 $ 94,843 $ 13,692 15% Clinic, we raised $19,445,592 Equipment $ 26,715 $ 1,508,405 $ (1,481,690) -98% in gifts and pledges toward the Event Sponsors $ 27,695 $ 25,472 $ 2,223 9% $68 million project cost of the Lectures/Speakers $ - $ 72,778 $ (72,778) -100% new cancer center. Other $ 218,168 $ 152,822 $ 65,346 43% TOTAL $ 6,768,580 $ 3,716,727 $ 3,052,353 82% * All undesignated gifts over $100,000 were directed to the Endowment in 2015. (Note: these figures do not include pledges)

34 Grants Made by the Cancer Foundation in 2015

Funds Granted by the Cancer Foundation for CCSB Patient Support Programs Grant Making Social Work/Support Programs $556,451 (up from $467,782) Summary

Navigation $486,215 (up from $435,448) In 2015, the Cancer Foundation of Santa Community Health $48,324 (up from $42,891) Barbara granted a total of $2,799,398 to Genetic Counseling $196,611 (up from $78,737) the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara with Oncology Supportive Care /Wellness $173,797 (up from $150,784) Sansum Clinic: $2,222,153 (up 16% from Financial Assistance & Charity Care $246,719 (up from $194,604) $1,915,466) for patient programs, and for capital projects and equipment. Education/Outreach/Resource Library $64,333 (down from $65,142) $577,245 Nutrition $198,060 (down from $202,355) Additionally, the Foundation provided Research $251,644 (down from $277,723) $156,578 to support additional oncology Total Programmatic Support $2,222,153 (up 16% from $1,915,466) programs in Santa Barbara: pediatric oncology research and social services at

Funds Granted by the Cancer Foundation for CCSB Equipment & Capital Improvements Cottage Health, UCSB’s Camp Kesem and Research Mentorship programs, and the 3-D Mammography System with tomosynthesis, a 3-D breast cancer detection technology that results in potentially earlier detection of breast cancer, Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation. fewer false-positives, and fewer invasive testing procedures $370,360 General Electric AW Server (PET/CT Visualization workstation). Provides advanced visualization and diagnostic capabilities from any remote location and facilitates sharing images with other medical professionals $92,700 DR Systems remote workstations $89,563 Vital Sign monitors with printers & stands $24,622 Total Capital Support $577,245

Funds Granted by the Cancer Foundation to Other Organizations Cottage Health - Clinical Research Coordinator for Pediatric Oncology $53,333 Cottage Health - Hematology-Oncology Medical Social Worker $38,245 Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation - Family Resource Specialist $45,000 UCSB – Camp Kesem – camp for children whose parents have cancer $10,000 UCSB – Research Mentorship Program – cancer related research $10,000 Total Support to Other Organizations $156,578 Donor Acknowledgement We have made every effort to represent gifts accurately. We apologize for any errors or Thank you, to each of our 4,300+ donors – Your support makes a world of difference to our patients. omissions and invite you to bring them to our attention by calling (805) 898-2116. Thank you.

Lillian T. Converse Mentor Worldwide, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Hardin, Jr. Stefanie L. Lancaster Charitable Dr. Bret E. Davis** Mon-Nat Foundation Mr. Robert F. Alsworth Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Merovick Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Harper Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Denison Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Moseley Anonymous $10,000 + Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Metzinger Mr. & Mrs. Chad E. Hine Ms. Patricia MacFarlane Mrs. Louis A. DePonce Mr. & Mrs. Gary Nett Ms. Patricia Aoyama & Anonymous Mr. Gene I. Miller & Ms. Mr. & Mrs. T. Dennis Jorgensen Mr. John S. Mason Katherine Bullard Dougherty Trust New Day Marketing, Ltd. Mr. Christopher Kleveland Avon Foundation for Women Sharyne Merritt Karl Storz Imaging, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Miller Col. & Mrs. Clelland R. Drs. Gregg & Marjorie Newman** Mr. James N. Arabian & Ms. Mary Mr. Steve Beneto The Minneapolis Foundation The Lehrer Family Foundation Moiso Living Trust Downs, Ret. Ms. Devon G. Nielsen B. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Bernstein John C. Mithun Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Peter R. MacDougall** Mr. & Mrs. Charles Morse** Mr. & Mrs. James E. Drasdo Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Nixon Mrs. Patricia Azain Elisabeth Anne Bertero Estate Montecito Bank & Trust Mrs. Kathleen Mayes*** NeckKandy Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Drew Mr. & Mrs. Richard Olivas Bank of America United Way Campaign Dr. Howard R. Bierman & Anthony Ronald & Susan Morrow Mr. Arthur E. Nicholas Mrs. Marjorie M. Nelson Mrs. Patti Earnshaw Ms. Belita Ong & Mr. James G. Bartlett, Pringle & Wolf, LLP Granatelli Fund / Richard Gunner Mosher Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Mike Nissenson Dr. & Mrs. William M. Pace Mrs. Elizabeth H. Edwards Auchincloss Dr. Betsy Bates Freed - Trustee Mr. & Mrs. William Nasgovitz Old Spanish Days in Hon.* & Mrs. James L. Pattillo Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ekegren Mr. & Mrs. Tom Orlando Dr. & Mrs. Edward E. Birch Mr. & Mrs. Keith Orso Santa Barbara, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Ribble Mr. Kenneth E. Falstrom Mr. Jeffrey A. Overeem Ms. Mary P. Baum Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Boss Mr. Walter Orso Omaha Community Foundation Mr. Peter G. Simeth Mr. Sylvester J. Fior Mr. Michael Parisse Mrs. Sandra R. Baum Change a Life Foundation Outhwaite Charitable Trust Mr. Richard F. Parisse & The Jean R. Stanley Living Trust Mr. John T. Fodor *** Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Peeler Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Beaver Cheeryble Foundation Patton Air Conditioning Ms. Martha J. Levy Dr. Justin Steinfadt Four Seasons Biltmore Mr. & Mrs. Bill Perrone Beneflex Insurance Services, Inc. Clark Pacific Mrs. Elizabeth H. Rand Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Pearson Mr. Hank F. Weeks Ms. Sheri C. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. James M. Pollak Mr. & Mrs. Steve J. Bernstein Lauretta Y. Cole Estate Dr. & Mrs. Kurt N. Ransohoff*** The H. Smith Richardson Jr. Ms. Debra P. Geiger & Mr. Rotary Club of Carpinteria Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Borneman Mr. & Mrs. C. Michael Cooney Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Chairman’s Circle Eliot Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rowland Mr. Robert L. Brooks Cottage Health The RoKe Foundation, Inc. Mr. Kurt W. F. Rumens Mr. & Mrs. Elbridge Gerry Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Rubin Mr. & Mrs. John M. Bury Lloyd E. Cox, Jr. Estate Rosenblatt Family Foundation** Santa Barbara Nuclear $1,000 + Mrs. Marilyn E. Gevirtz* Santa Barbara Fit Body Mr. Charles W. Cappel Medicine, Inc. Mr. John M. Campbell** The William Stamps Farish Fund - Mr. & Mrs. George Rusznak** Ms. Patricia J. Acton** Mr. Paul F. Glenn & Ms. Boot Camp The Merovick Family Mrs. Kate Schepanovich Nancy Lessner Mr. & Mrs. John S. Carter Ms. Diane Saglio Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Adams Santa Barbara Tennis Club** Hugh & Hunter Foster Family Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Stinson Mr. Mario M. Gonzales Ms. Marie Cattoir Sansum Clinic Mr. & Mrs. Ross D. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Scalapino Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Selby W. Sullivan Ms. Reba E. Gonzales Ms. Catherine G. Cavaletto Santa Barbara Foundation Agilent Technologies Mr. Stephen P. Schaible G.L. Bruno Associates, Inc. Mrs. Jean K. Svoboda** Drs. Mukul Gupta & Bindu Kamal Cearnal Collective Daniel & Edna Sattler Trust American Endowment Foundation Mrs. C. William Schlosser Caroline & Albert Gazin Mr.* & Mrs. George Turpin Mr. & Mrs. George Hagerman Ms. May Coors Ms. Caryn Schall Mr. & Mrs. Chris H. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Scroggs Foundation UniHealth Foundation Mr. William T. Hammond Drs. Silvia G. Corral Mr. & Mrs. David Schall Anonymous Skinner Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Howard N. Gilmore Ms. Jennifer B. F. F. Walton Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hirsch Cowpoke Foundation Maryan L. Schall*** Mr. & Mrs. Ugo P. Arnoldi Solvang Elementary School Parent Goldman Sachs Westgate Resorts Las Vegas Mr. Bobby E. Hodges & Ms. Teacher Organization Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Cullen Ms. Kimberly Schizas B & B Foundation Philanthropy Fund Don and Elinor Wilson Foundation Barbara Burket Steele Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cusack Mr. & Mrs. Eric F. Schulte Mr. & Mrs. Robin Baggett Mr. & Mrs. Geoff Gothro Ms. E. Gage Foster Woodard Amb. & Mrs. Glen A. Holden Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Talarico Ms. Edith Dartanner Mr. & Mrs. Rick W. Scott Mrs. Robbin Behrens Esther Kiefer Greene Foundation International Sports Tecolote Research, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John Davies The Sence Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Bennett Dorothy M. Harchalk Trust Sciences Association Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Toledo Mr. & Mrs. James D. Dixon Mr. & Mrs. George W. Serpa*** Founder’s Circle Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Hartloff, Jr.** Johnson & Johnson Ms. Stacy Trigler Dr. & Mrs. Scott H. Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. M. Robert Sinclair*** $2,500 + Ms. Barbara Benon Family of Companies Vicki & Bob Hazard Mrs. Paul H. Turpin Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Todd Smith Drs. James & Lurleen Benzian Ms. Gertrude B. Johnson Mr. Stephen T. Hearst Dr. & Mrs. Mark S. Abate Union Bank Dr. & Mrs. Norman C. Enriquez** Florence & Laurence Spungen Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Bernstein** Ms. Edna Johnston Howe Electric Construction, Inc. Mr. Gilbert G. Aguirre Valley Penning Association Mr. & Mrs. Bill Evenden Family Foundation Bio SB, Inc. Ms. Laurie Kavara J & J Family Foundation** Mr. & Mrs. Kent N. Allebrand Mr. & Mrs. William Vandever Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Eversoll Elaine F. Stepanek Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John C. Bishop, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William L. Kimsey Ann Jackson Family Foundation Area 5.1 Wine Company Inc. Vanguard Charitable Mr. Christopher Field Tarlton and Son Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy K. Bliss Ms. Terry Kleid Mr. & Mrs. James H. Jackson Ms. Diane Baskin Endowment Program Mrs. Dorothy Flaster Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brant The Konopisos Trust Mr. & Mrs. Palmer G. Jackson Weisenburger Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Berti Volentine Family Foundation Mr. Stephen G. Flowers Mr. James M. Breyman Lappen Family Foundation Elizabeth Bixby Janeway Williams-Corbett Foundation Boulder Associates, PC Ms. Elizabeth A. Vos Dr. Kathleen Foltz & Dr. Foundation Ms. Nancy C. Britton* Dr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Latimer** Wrangler Jeans Dr. & Mrs. David Carlson Mr. & Mrs. W. Wright Watling Stuart C. Feinstein Dr. & Mrs. Frederic C. Kass*** Dean & Katherine Brown Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Lepkowsky Celgene Mr. William L. Wayne** Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fonte** Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Kaye Charitable Trust Mrs. Anita M. Lewis Drs. George & Annie Cheng Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas N. Weber Mr. James D. Freeman Mr. David W. Keller Catalina Barber Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Joel Lopate Evans S. Pillsbury Drs. Shane Cotter & Jessica Sexton Mr. & Mrs. Sean Wilder Dr. & Mrs. J. Greg Gaitan Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Kendall Mr. & Mrs. Glen Charles Mrs. Ann Lorimer $5,000 + Mr. & Mrs. Lue D. Cramblit Wilkie Brothers Foundation Ms. Diana Garcia Mr. Thomas J. Kenny & Ms. Susan Mr. & Mrs. Alan Christ Mrs. Lavere G. Lund Anonymous Mr. Gordon B. Crary, Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. W. Dodd Geiger, III McMillan** Dr. Louise B. Clarke & Dr. John Ms. Carole E. MacElhenny Carolyn M. Bedard Estate Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Dunton A. Carbon Mr. Robert H. Winkler Dr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Greenwald Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Mairs Ms. Jan D. Everote & Mr. & Mrs. E. David Yossem Mr. & Mrs. Norman N. Habermann Mr. Donald Logan Dr. Lindsay H. Blount Mrs. Bernadette K. Cohen Mrs. Robert Claycomb Mr. & Mrs. Bob Manger Mr. & Mrs. Dick Zylstra Ms. Dru A. Hartley** Mr. & Mrs. Don K. Louie California Community Foundation Combined Jewish Philanthropies Mrs. Noelle Gambill Markstein Beverage Co. Mr. & Mrs. Warren Hayford Mrs. Lillian P. Lovelace** Canterbury Consulting, Inc. The Condon Family Foundation Ms. Janet A. Garufis Mr. Dale J. Marquis Mr. & Mrs. Stefan Hearst Mr. & Mrs. James G. McFarlane Mr. & Mrs. David R. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. John A. Cowden C.P. Dubbs Club Golden State Steel Mr. & Mrs. William Meeker Mr. & Mrs. Montgomery R. Hester The Deborah McGerry Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Coates** The Cramblit Family Foundation HUB International Mrs. Janet C. Millar $500 + Revocable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Roger Craton** Ms. Lillian Cross-Szymanek Mr. Michael Honer Mr. & Mrs. Henning Jensen Dr. & Mrs. Sanjit K. Mitra Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. McGovern*** Ms. Adelaide Foster Mr. William Curran & Ms. Mr. & Mrs. Leo E. Acquistipace Mr. & Mrs. Bob Howard-Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Sean Johnson*** Mr. & Mrs. Richard Moncrief 36 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. McHugh Mr. Hugh K. Foster, Jr. Mara E. Hochman Mr & Mrs Bruce G. Allbright

*Deceased **Donation made to Sansum Clinic to support oncology programs and services ***Donations made to both Sansum Clinic and the Cancer Center to support oncology programs and services Ms. Sam Howland & USAA Investment Deckers Outdoor Corporation Mr. Desmond McGuire & Dr. Michael H. Freedman Management Company Ms. Vanessa DeFord Mrs. Cory Brame Kelly John Wagyu Endless Sky Cattle Mr. & Mrs. Bob Del Mese Mr. & Mrs. Gordon D. McKay Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Johnson Ranch, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. DeRegt Mr. John F. Meaney Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Kastner Mr. Karl Weis & Ms. Kristen Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Doheny Meridian Group Rem, Inc. Klingbeil-Weis Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Kates Mr. & Mrs. Allan Dougherty Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Ms. Ann White Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Kendall Mr. Matthew J. Doyle & Ms. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Milham Mrs. Carroll Ketchpel** Mr. Paul Wilson** Cindy LeClaire Mr. & Mrs. Keith E. Miller Ms. Christine Knight Mr. & Mrs. William S. Wise Ms. Deidra A. Dykeman Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Miller Ms. Lee Koranda Dr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Woliver Mr. Nicholas Elsishans Mr. Kenneth F. Miranda Ms. Deborah Kotulich Mr. Charles S. Young Mr. & Mrs. John E. Erwin Mrs. Claudia Mitchell Interactive nutrition lecture “Your Life, Your Foods” Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kravetz Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Zucherman Fast Response On-Site Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Mitchell Ms. Talli Larrick Testing, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. David Mojarro attracted record numbers of participants in 2015. Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Linane, Jr. Henry Ullmann Club Mr. & Mrs. Schuyler H. Fauver Mr. & Mrs. Martin S. Morehart Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Little $250 + Mr. Kyle Feighner Mount Carmel School Doug Lorch & Martha Mr. Eldon Ford, Jr. Mr. John Nadaskay Ms. Hala Adam Inman Lorch Forever Posh Mr. & Mrs. James Neary** Ms. Kristi Lupoli Aetna Foundation, Inc. Fresco Cafe Ms. Katy Nielsen Mr. George W. Scott, Jr. Mr. Arnold Adams Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Barker Mr. Michael D. Main Mr. David F. Allred Mr. & Mrs. Joe P. Gallegos Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Oliver Mr. Lee Shirvanian Adobe Systems, Inc. Mr. John Barletta Mrs. Elizabeth A. Mann Ms. Barbara Alpert Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Gerry, III Ms. Lynne Onak Mr. & Mrs. Emery Skarupa Ms. Joyce Adriansen Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Barnard Mr. & Mrs. Warren E. Manning Altschul Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf Goldflam Mr. & Mrs. Desmond O’Neill Mrs. Gary L. Spencer Aguiar Brothers Mr. Ted B. Barnard Mr. & Mrs. Tom C. Martella American Riviera Bank Mr. Mark Goldman Ms. Kathryn Ortiz Mrs. Tanya Steenerson Mr. Danny Aijian Ms. Carly Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Brian McGrath Anonymous Ms. Jennifer Greene Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Ortiz Mr. Philip A. Stein Ms. Patty Aijian Mr. & Mrs. Dan Barnett Dr. & Mrs. James V. McNamara** Ms. Virginia K. Ashlock Mr. Ian M. Guthrie Mrs. Dorothy L. Parker*** Mr. & Mrs. David Stern Ms. Amber Alexander Ms. Nancy Baron Ms. Jennie P. Merovick Ms. Virginia H. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Steven Handelman Ms. Rikki Parry Ms. Jacqueline J. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Allard Mr. Oscar Barreto Mr. & Mrs. Hank Mitchel Ms. Doris J. Batastini Mr. Leo Hanly Mr. & Mrs. Steven Pedersen Mr. Spencer Stevens Mr. Robert A. Alleborn Mr. & Mrs. John C. Barrison Reverie Moon Mr. Timothy G. Behunin Mr. Joseph Hansberry Mr. Sam Perricone, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. David Alpert Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Bartlett Ms. Ann Moore Dr. & Mrs. Edward S. Bentley Ms. Irene Hanson Ms. Nancy A. Peschek Dr. & Mrs. Russell B. Stokes Mr. Peter Alpert Dr. & Mrs. Laurence A. Basham Mr. & Mrs. J. Roger Morrison Mr. W.H. Bogue Ms. Susan F. Harmon Mr. Eugene E. Peterson & Surfing For Life Foundation Mr. Abel Alvarez Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Rene Basle Mr. Craig Mulford Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Brittingham Harvard Investments Inc. Ms. Nancy E. Darrow** Mr. & Mrs. Fred D. Sutphen America’s Charities Mr. & Mrs. Jon G. Bassett Mrs. Brenda Nancarrow-Garrison Mr. & Mrs. John Britton Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Hays Ms. Jane Petrich The Gulley Family Mrs. Eileen Amyx Dr. Richard A. Baum Ms. Jean W. Ogle Mr.* & Mrs. Tom Brown Mr. & Mrs. James E. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Petty Mr. & Mrs. Michael Theobald*** Ms. Cindy Anderson Mr. Larry Baumeister Mrs. Kathleen O’Leary Ms. Aimee A. Buell Hightower Ranch Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Polizzi Mr. & Mrs. Alex Thomson-O’Reilly Ms. Evelyn Anderson Mr. James Baushke Mr. & Mrs. Pete Overgaag Mr. Karl & Dr. Katherine Mr. & Mrs. Tom S. Hilzer Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Polster Burrelsman*** Mrs. Cali Turner-Alpert Dr. Jodi Anderson Ms. Kathleen Baushke Mr. & Mrs. Crosby Z. Panoyan*** Thomas Holt & Myra Mr. Richard L. Pool California Pizza Kitchen, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Ullman R. K. & M.N. Anderson Mr. Michael Baushke Mr. David Paredes Fujimoto-Holt Ms. Cherry S. Post Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Carter Ms. Carol A. Van Fossen Knight & Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. John A. Baxter, Mr. William P. Patrizzi Mr. Matthew S. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Prendiville Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Carter Mr. Timothy J. Knight Mr. Robert B. Anderson USN Ret. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Patton Mrs. Nancy Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Jeff A. Pullen Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Castillo Mrs. Rebecca VandenBerghe Ms. Rosemma Anderson Ms. Nasrin Bayat Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Payatt Mr. & Mrs. David M. Jewell Mr. Blake Quinn Christos Celmayster Mr. W.G. Weddington Mrs. Sheila A. Anderson Mr. Dennis B. Bean, III Mr. & Mrs. Henk Peeters Ms. Billye Jobe Mr. & Mrs. Robert Quinn Dr. & Mrs. Stebbins B. Chandor Mrs. Patricia A. Weeks Ms. June R. Andron Mrs. Diane Beane Miss Souksakhone Phonthongsy Mr. Mark Jobe Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rau Mr. & Mrs. George Chelini Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Weiss Mr. David Anduri Ms. Wilma L. Beanway Mr. & Mrs. Elmer L. Prinslow Mr. & Mrs. Brian Johnson Raytheon Charitable Chipotle Mexican Grill Mr. & Mrs. William H. Werts Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Angulo Mr. Phillip A. Beautrow Dr. & Mrs. David A. Raphael** Mr. & Mrs. Gifford S. Johnson Giving Program Mr. & Mrs. Ri-Pen Chou Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey White Anonymous Mrs. Mary Bebereia Ms. Carole M. Rappeport Mr. Brian Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Mort Reinhart Chuck’s of Hawaii** Mr. Travis Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Mike V. Antle Mr. & Mrs. James Becker Mr. & Mrs. Ventura Rebello Ms. Adrianna Kezar Poppop Reinhart Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cirone Ms. Anna Wolfe Ms. Leila Antonio Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Beechinor Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reeder Mrs. Vandana Khare Mr. Daniel Reyes Mr. Peter G. Clark Ms. Catherine Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Brooke Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Bennett Mrs. Donald Richling Mr. Timothy J. Knight Dr. Ronald G. Robertson, Jr. Class of 1968 Classmates of Rev. Michelle Woodhouse Mr. & Mrs. Edward Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Bergquist Ms. Mary B. Rogers & Ms. Inge Kreyssig Mrs. Tommie Romeo Cynthia Bebereia Mr. & Mrs. J. Taylor Woodward Mr. & Mrs. Jack Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bennett** Mr. James N. Arabian Mr. David A. Lamb Mr. Scott Romesser Ms. Heather Clenet Mr. & Mrs. Roy K. Yamauchi Ms. Rebecca Arredondo Ms. Tamara Berndt Mr. & Mrs. Steve Roth Mr. John B. Lamb Dr. & Mrs. Joel H. Rothman Mr. & Mrs. Neil M. Cline Chancellor & Mrs. Henry T. Yang Mr. Eric Ashley Ms. Donna Berns-Goulet RPM Mortgage Mr. William D. Lascurettes Ms. Susan Rudolph Mr. & Mrs. James H. Coffman Mr. Joe Zender Ms. Anu Atre Ms. Dene K. Bernstein Ms. Annalee Salcedo Power Mrs. Ruby Lessley Mrs. Conchita Sanchez Ruess Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Colzani Paulie Zessau Ms. Anu Atre Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Bernstein Schafer Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Lew Alison Wrigley Rusack & Geoffrey Ms. Clarinda M. Conger Ms. Jane Zonka Mr. Garland D. Austin Ms. Rhonda Bernstein Ms. Sheri Shields-Hanson Ms. Barbara Ling Claflin Rusack Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Connolly Mr. Sam Avila Mrs. Rosemary F. Bertka Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Slaught Mr. Jonathan Lipsitz Mr. & Mrs. Royden R. Rutherford Mr. William F. Coultas B.I.C. Realty Mr. & Mrs. Maris P. Berzins Mrs. Marit Rae Steenerson Mr. Michael Macelhenny Ms. Jeffrey Salt Associates Mr. George Crawford Ms. Sally Bailey-Gates Kum-Kum Bhavnani Mrs. Sandra K. Stevens Mr. Mark MacGillvray Mr. & Mrs. John H. Sanger $100 + Mr. & Mrs. Ian Cronshaw Mr. & Mrs. John B. Balch Ms. Melissa Biamonte Ms. Gail Suttner Madonna Del Grappa Fund Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sanguinetti Mrs. Katherine Cusimano Masoud Abounorinejad Ms. Linda Ballinger Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bianchi Ms. Jean Thomson* & Mr. Ms. Marilyn M. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Sanov 55% gray Mr. Donald Daley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Abramson Ms. Helena Barbour 75% grayMr. & Mrs. H. Gerald Bidwell David Ramsthaler Mr. & Mrs. David L. Mastropieri Ms. Lynne Saylor black Ms. Catherine Binger Mr. & Mrs. Michael Towbes Damitz, Brooks, Nightingale, Mr. Robert Schwager Ms. Rose M. Adair Mr. Charles S. Bargiel Turner & Morrisset Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McDonald

pms 100 81 35 13 55 0 9 0 A New Dawn in Cancer Care black 37

*Deceased **Donation made to Sansum Clinic to support oncology programs and services ***Donations made to both Sansum Clinic and the Cancer Center to support oncology programs and services

pms 654c pms 637c black Associates continued Mr. & Mrs. James F. Carberry Ms. Karin Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Duncan Ms. Leeanne French Ms. Le Anne Hagerty Ms. Jan Hill & Ms. Margaret Ms. Michele Carbone Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Coyne Mr. Matthieu Duncan Dr. Monica M. & Ms. Jaclyn Hahn Cafarelli Ms. Linda C. Bishop Ms. Ellen Card Ms. Brenda Craig Mr. & Mrs. David S. Dwelley Dr. Jeffrey C. Fried Mr. Earl J. Hajic Mr. Kenneth H. Hill, II Mr. & Mrs. Tad Bixler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Carey Mrs. Wendy Crandall Mrs. Jane Eagleton Mr. & Mrs. Jack Friedlander Mr. Tim Hale Danna Hinderle Mr. John B. Blackburn Robin Carrier Mr. & Mrs. Theodore F. Craver, Jr. Jovanka Econoff Ms. Carol Fritz Mr. & Mrs. James Hall Mrs. Yvonne A. Hindmarsh Mr. & Mrs. John Blair Mr. Daniel Carson Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Crawford Mr. & Mrs. David Eddy*** Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Fritz Mrs. Jean Gates Hall Mr. Troy Hinshaw Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Blake Mr. Jay J. Carty, Jr. Ms. Matthea Cremers Mrs. Joyce Eggers Ms. Valerie Froscher Ms. Rosalie A. Hallock Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hoaglund Ms. Celia M. Blanchet & Mr. Ms. Ani J. Casillas Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Crockett Eggert Family Trust Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Fry Ms. Carol Halverson Mr. Lonnie P. Hocker Peter L. Chua Mr. & Mrs. Richard Castaneda Mr. William B. Cuddeback Mr. Dennis Ehrhardt Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Fry Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. William M. Hollowell Ms. Judith Blankenship Mr. Martin N. Cepkauskas Mr. Louis Cunningham Ms. Maryann Elder Ms. Jennifer Fullerton Mr. Guy D. Hamilton Mrs. Cindy A. Holoien Mr. & Mrs. Stan Bloom Ms. Karen Chackel Curtimade Dairy, Inc. Ms. Jennifer Ellison Dr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Furuike Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Hamilton Mr. George Hopwood Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey L. Mr. & Mrs. Hewson L. Gadsby Mr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Hueter Bloomingdale Mr. & Mrs. George Chalmers Ms. Karen Curtis Mrs. Anne Elwell Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hammond Ms. Lisa Gaede Mr. James W. Hughes Bob Holzer Towing & Storage Ms. Barbara K. Chaney Cushing Tractor Mr. Michael Embury Hampton Farming Company Ms. Bonnie L. Gaines Ms. Kathy Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Juergen Boehr Ms. Carrie E. Chase Ms. Jennifer A. Cushnie Ms. Jane E. Endacott Ms. Margo H. Handelsman & Mr. Scott Gaitan Mr. Barry V. Kaufman Mr. David L. Hunsicker & Ms. Mr. & Mrs. Kit Boise-Cossart Mr. & Mrs. Joe Chaves Mr. Mark Dacey Ms. Nancy Englander & Mr. Harold M. Williams Mr. Bruce L. Gale Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Hansen Nancy Eklund Ms. Falo E. Booth Mrs. Carol Chin Mr. John H. Daley Mr. Edward W. Engs III Mr. Paul Galleberg Mrs. Julie Hanson-Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Huthsing Mr. David Borden Mr. Andrew B. Chorlton Mr. James T. Dana Equity Commercial Mr. & Mrs. Burt Gambill Ms. Karen M. Harding Mr. & Mrs. Bart Hutton Ms. Sherri A. Borden Mr. Douglas A. Christ Ms. Suzanne M. Danielson Ms. Lorelle Espinosa Mrs. Jennifer Gamboa Dr. & Mrs. Marvin D. Harrah Mrs. Houghton Hyatt Mr. & Mrs. Tony Borek Mr. Ken Christ Mr. Oswald J. DaRos Mr. & Mrs. Leslie V. Esposito, Jr. Mrs. Lizette Garcia Ms. Eydie M. Harridge Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ingalls Mr. & Mrs. David J. Borgatello Mr. John Chu Mr. & Mrs. G.A. Dascanio Dr. & Mrs. Aaron Ettenberg Mr. Ruben M. Garcia Ms. Angelina Harris Mr. Robert F. Ingold, Jr. Ms. Karen Boris Mr. Peter L. Chua & Ms. Celia Mr. Charles V. Daugherty M. Blanchet Ms. Julie Evans Mr. & Mrs. Doug Garrison Ms. Jill Harris Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. Ingram Mrs. Barbara M. Bortolazzo Mr. & Mrs. Steve C. Davee Ms. Joan Churchill Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Evans Ms. Joyce Gauvain Mr. & Mrs. Lee M. Harris Ms. Cynthia Ireland Mr. Victor H. Boyd, II Ms. Tracy Davis Bradley Ms. Kerri L. Churchill Mr. & Mrs. Edward Everett, III Mr. Jim Gavin Mrs. Sherri Harris Mr. & Mrs. John Ireland Ms. Karen Boysel Ms. Deanna Davis Ms. Rosanne Cisney Mrs. Leah Evert-Burks Ms. Elvina Geauque Ms. Yonie Harris Ms. Kathy M. Ireland Ms. Brooke Bradley Ms. Margaret J. Dawes Citrix Systems, Inc. Mrs. Barbara Fabian Ms. Arlene Geeb Mr. David Harter Ms. Nathalie Ireland Ms. Wendy Brady-Posjena Mrs. Gwen T. Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Clark Mr. Guy Fadler Mrs. Lori Geis Mr. Gerald W. Harter Ms. Nancy M. Irvine Mr. Mitchell Bragg Ms. Jennifer Jordan Day Mrs. Barbara A. Clark Ms. Lesley Fagan Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. Genco Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hartoch Ms. Zoe A. Iverson Mr. & Mrs. James Brakka Ms. Rachael Dealba Ms. Carnzu A. Clark* Mr. Paul Falvey Mr. & Mrs. Ben Georges Mr. & Mrs. H. Douglas Harvey Mr. & Mrs. William H. Ivey Ms. Nancy Brandt Mr. Paul R. Deats Ms. Cindy Clark Faria & Sons Mr. & Mrs. George Georgiades Byron Haskin Estate J.G. Milne Builders Mr. & Mrs. John A. Branquinho Mr. Nick Debnam Ms. Colleen Clark Ms. Kimberly D. Faulkner Ms. Ellen Gerber Ms. Elizabeth S. Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Jackman Ms. Danette Braun Ms. Mary Lu Debolt Mr. Norman Clark Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Fawcett Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Geremia Mr. & Mrs. Hill Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Jackson** Mr. & Mrs. Donald Briggs Ms. Judith Debs Ms. Susan Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Joe Fazio Mr. & Mrs. John T. Gerig Mrs. Sandra Hastings Ms. Elaine Jacobs Mrs. Melissa Brooks Ms. Michele DeCant Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Clauss Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Feliciano Mr. & Mrs. Alan Gewant Mr. & Mrs. Stan Hatch Mr. & Mrs. Todd Jacobs The Brotherhood of Carpinteria Mr. Jef Dell Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence O. Jacobson Motocycle Club, Inc. Mrs. Christi Clayton Ms. Cherie Demopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fennell Mr. & Mrs. Mike Giacopuzzi Ms. Lisa Hauser Mr. Mark Jaconski Ms. Barbara Brown Mr. & Mrs James T. Cochran Ms. Kathleen Demourkas Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. J. Stephen Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Hausner Ms. Renee K. Jaimes Mr. David L. Brown Ms. Gina Cody Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dependahl Mr. Darin B. Ferguson Ms. Anna Gil Dr. Thomas Z. Hayward, III Linda Jalaba, PT Ms. Helen J. Brown Mr. Willi H. Coeler Kim Dependahl Mr. & Mrs. Terry P. Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. David Gill Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Z. Hayward, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jerry J. Jamison Mr. Lance H. Brown Ms. Julie Cohen Mr. & Mrs. David Deselm Ms. Marie Ferris Ms. Joan Gilles Mr. Robert A. Hazard Mr. & Mrs. Terrall J. Janeway Mr. & Mrs. Joel Browning Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Coker Mr. Loren DeVilbiss Ms. Cami Ferris-Wong Ms. Danelle L. Gin Mr. & Mrs. John Hecht Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Jansen Bryant & Sons, Ltd. Coleman Carpet Cleaners, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jeff DeVine Fidelity Investments Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Gleason Ms. Stephanie Hedden Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Jean Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Collins Mr. Timothy Devine Ms. Michelle Figueroa Ms. Lisa Glenny Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heffner Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Jenkins Ms. Rhonda Bucci Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Colman Ms. Ann Devitt Figueroa Mountain Mr. & Mrs. James D. Glines Mr. Ronald E. Heithoff Brewing Company Mr. & Mrs. D. W. Jensen Dallas Buchanan Community West Bank Ms. Rhea B. Diamantis Goggia Family Mr. Douglas Heitkamp Mr. Dan Filippini Ms. Kathleen Jensen Ms. Alison Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Richard Condit Ms. Sandra Diaz Ms. Rosa Gomez Mr. Frank Heitkamp Mr. & Mrs. Frazier J. Findlay Ms. L. Jessica Jensen Chris Buckley Ms. Alisa Cook Scott Mr. & Mrs. Clay Dickens Mr. Dane Gonzales Ms. Sandra Helps Fine Wood Interiors Inc. Ms. Diana Jessup Lee Ms. Connie Buckley Mr. James G. Conger, Jr** Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dietsch Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gopalan** Ms. Rita Hendershot Ms. Maria Fink Jim Vreeland Ford Mr. & Mrs. Ed Burba Mr. Arnold B. Cooper Mr. Timothy C. Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Gordon Ms. Denise Hengels First American Title Insurance Mr. Carlos Jimenez Ms. Kathy Burba Mr. William P. Corette Ms. Kathleen Dolin Mr. Jeff Graham Mr. Philip D. Henius Company Ms. Barbara C. Johnson Mr. Donald Burg Mr. & Mrs. Dan M Cornet Mr. Harry Domicone Mr. & Mrs. Les Graulich Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Henry Mr. James M. Flagg Dr. & Mrs. Bert D. Johnson Ms. Florence Burgess Ms. Selma Cornet Dondra Mr. & Mrs. Erik A. Gregersen Hentschke Plumbing Ms. Deborah Fleming Ms. Dorothea M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Steven F. Burson Mr. Chris Corpuz & Dr. Mr & Mrs Merrill E. Donoho Mr. Michael Gregg Mr. & Mrs.* Bill W. Hepp Donna L. Kell** Ms. Regina A. Fletcher Mr. J. Patrick Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Burtness Mr. Donovan Dorr Mr. & Mrs. Kirk G. Grier Mr. Roy Hepp Ms. Karen Corral Mr. David Flitner Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Bury*** Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Dorris Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Grimm Mr. Robert S. Herdman Mr. Greg R. Corso Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fly Mr. Robert G. Johnson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Buzerak Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Doty Mr. James J. Grogan Mr. M. Herman Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Corso Flying T Cattle Co. Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Howard Byers Ms. Maureen Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. Mark Groves Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Hernandez Mr. Jose Cosio Diane & Russell Foltz-Smith Chris Jones Mr. & Mrs. Scott Caldwell Mr. John B. Douglas Growney Brothers Rodeo Co, LLC Mr. Jorge Herrera Ms. Carol Cossa Mr. & Mrs. Frank Forsyth Ms. Jennifer Jones Ms. Margaret H. Calta Ms. Daune Dowell Mr. Ryan M. Growney Mr. Troy Herthel Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Cossa Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Rick W. Jones Ms. Francoise Y. Cambern Ms. Michelle Doyle Mr. Daryl Grummitt Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Hess Mr. & Mrs. Tony Cossa Mr. & Mrs. Don Foxen Ms. Sheree Jones-Pistol Ms. Jean Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Richard Drew Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Guerra Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hetfield Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Costello Mr. John M. Frank Mr. Brian Jordan Ms. Rebecca H. Canavan Ms. Rochelle Dube Simar Gulati Mr. Gary Hickman & Ms. Ms. Lynda C. Courtney Mr. Brian Fraser Andrea J. McNeill Mr. & Mrs. John Jordan Ms. Dorothy Canfield Ms. Barbara E. Dunaway Mr. Juan Gutierrez Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Couture Mr. & Mrs. Scott Free Mr. & Mrs. José Higueras Ms. Lynn Jordan Ms. Michelle Cantor Mr. David Dunbar Mr. James J. Hagan 38 Kelly Cox Mr. & Mrs. William A. Freed Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hagen Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hill Ms. Annette Jorgensen

*Deceased **Donation made to Sansum Clinic to support oncology programs and services ***Donations made to both Sansum Clinic and the Cancer Center to support oncology programs and services Ms. Renee Judycki Mr. & Mrs. John M. Krambeer Miss Marlen E. Limon Mr. Mark Markline Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mouradian Mrs. Eleanor M. Orstad Mr. & Mrs. Gale Poyorena Mr. John E. Jumonville, Jr. Ms. Christine Krieg Ms. Darcy Limosnero Ms. Vicki Marotto Mr. James W. Mozley Ms. Missy Ortega Ms. Lisa Pozarich Mr. & Mrs. Roland R. Jurgens Mr. & Mrs. David M. Krieger Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lindstrom Mr. Manuel Marquez, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth N. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. John G. Orton Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Pratt Anshuman Kanwar Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Kriewald Mr. Chris Lippincott Mr. & Mrs. Fred B. Marsh Mr. & Mrs. Bob Muller Mr. & Mrs. Alvin R. Paden Ms. Pam Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Karas Mr. Mike Krupa Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lippman Mr. & Mrs, Alan Marshall Ms. Katheryn A. Mullins Ms. Deanna Painter Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Preble Dawn & Joel Kaufman Mr. Henry N. Kuechler, IV Mr. & Mrs. Louie Y. Liu Mr. & Mrs. Larry Martel Mr. & Mrs. Ted Muneno Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy D. Paley Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Presler Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kaufman Mr. Michael J. Kullik Mr. & Mrs. William R. Livingstone Ms. Peggy Martens Miss Patricia Murdy Mr. & Mrs. William Palladini Ms. Katherine Price Mr. & Mrs. Eric Kaufmann Ms. Mary Ellen Kullman Ted Llewellyn Painting Ms. Ellen Martin Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Palumbo Ms. Kristin Price Ms. Penny Kay Mrs. Marguerite G. Laflamme Ms. Nancy Locke & Ms. Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas E. Martin Mr. John Murphy Ms. Cathie Pare Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Priest Ms. Carol Anne Kaye Ms. Lucia Lahr Meredith Baxter Mr. Miguel Martinez Ms. Kathleen Murphy Ms. Amber Paresa Mrs. Judy Prutzman Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R Keeler Mr. & Mrs. John W. Lake Ms. Colette Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Victor Martinez Ms. Jennifer Murray Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Pasternack Mr. & Mrs. Keith J. Puccinelli Ms. Elaine M. Keenan Mr. Raymond Lam Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Love Mr. & Mrs. Chris Martinich Ms. Jill Mussell Ms. Elberta L. Pate-Mosely The Quadrex Foundation Mr. Gary Keenan Mr. & Mrs. Monte C. Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Love Ms. Ann Martinov The Nadel Foundation** Rajni Patel Mr. Robert Radin Ms. Kalai Kennedy Mr. Brett Larsen Mr. Greg Lowe Mr. Michael Martz Mr. & Mrs. Matthew E. Naftaly Ms. Pamela J. Patolo Mr. Frank Randall Mr. Greg Kenney Ms. Janet Larsen Ms. Peggy J. Lubchenco Ms. Kathleen E. Marvin Ms. Cheri Nagle Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Patterson Randolph Electric LLC Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kenney Ms. Sharon A. Larson Mr. Robert G. Luna M.R. Masonheimer Ms. Gayle Nagy Ms. Stacia Paukey Ms. Margaret E. Rankin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Johannes Lauridsen Mr. & Mrs. Erik K. Lundring Ms. Melinda Masson Ms. Carol A. Nalevanko Mr. Jay R. Paxton Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. John F. Kestel Mr. Harris Laurie Dr. Jeremy Lurey Mr. Allen May Ms. Janet V. Napier Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Pecht Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Kester Lawrence Dairy Mr. & Mrs. William F. Luton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce McBroom Mr. & Mrs. Neal R. Narkis Mr. Joe E. Pedigo Rasmussen Ranch Ranoo Khare Michael Lawson, PT & Barbara Mr. Charles M. Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Craig R. McCollum National Security Technologies Ms. Merrily Peebles Raytheon Employees-Goleta Manoj Khatore, MD McCoy-Lawson, PT Mr. Graham Lyons & Ms. Mr. Tyler McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Frank Takahashi Mr. & Mrs. Russ S. Penniman Mr. & Mrs. Greg Reardon Mr. Daniel Kilstofte Ms. Leane C. Ledbetter Mindy A. Wolfe Ms. Dianne McCullough Ms. Clara Navarrete Mr. & Mrs. Javier Perales Mr. & Mrs. Larry Redfern Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Kim Ms. Phyllis Lee Ms. Barbara L. MacCallum Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. McDonald Ms. Carole Neal Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph C. Perez Mr. & Mrs. Talmadge L. Reed Ms. Eileen King Mr. & Mrs. Shen Lee Ms. Heather MacDonald Mr. James V. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Nebergall Ms. Yesenia Perez Mr. Dan Reicker Kings County Board of Realtors, Inc. Ms. Mary W. Leibman Mr. & Mrs. William MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDonald Mr. G. Rives Neblett Mrs. Jean M. Perloff, Esq. Ms. Katie Reinert Ms. Sally Kingston Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leighty Ms. Joleen MacEachern Mr. Steven D. McDonald Ms. Catherine Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Perry Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Reinhart Miss Susan J. Kipp Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Leite** Ms. Heather MacGillvray & Mr. Mr. Chas McFeely Mr. James C. Nelson Pete ‘N Peters, Inc. Ms. Kristy Renteria Harvey L. Myman Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Kirby Ms. Lubi Lenaburg Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McGough Ms. Nadine C. Nelson Mrs. Rosemary K. Peters Ms. Sandra Resnik Mr. & Mrs. Stephen MacGillvray Ms. Lynn P. Kirst Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Lenhard McGowan Guntermann Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Neves Mr. & Mrs. James C. Peterson Mr. Frank Reyes Mr. Ted Mackie Mr. & Mrs. Bernard W. Kirtman Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Lenvik Mrs. Dorothy McKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Newman Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Peterson Reyes Market, Inc. Mr. Preston Madden Mr. Richard M. Kleberg, III Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Leopold Ms. Bonnie McLennan Mr. John P. Newton Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Peus Mr. & Mrs. M. Eric Rheinschild Mr. & Mrs. Keith Maddox Mr. Mark Klopstein Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Lerner Mrs. Kathryn S. McMurry** Miss Quyen Nguyen Pfizer Foundation Matching Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Rhodes Madonna Ranch Mr. & Mrs. Jim Knight Mr. James Leslie Ms. Lindsay McTavish Nick’s Telecom Gifts Program Mrs. Lisa Rice Ms. Jean Maguire Mr. Jason Knight Mr. Chew Leung Mr. Bill McTomney Ms. Mona M. Nicoll & Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Phillippi Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Rice Mr. & Mrs. William T. Mahan Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Knudsen Ms. Marci Levins Mr. Bill Keese & Mrs. Lee Anne Thomas Garner Mr. & Mrs.* Llad Phillips Ms. Marni Richards Ms. Ursula R. Mahlendorf Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Kolb Mr. Stephen B. Lewallen Meinhold-Keese Mr. Coleman W. Nieblas Dr. Lois Phillips Mr. & Mrs. George D. Riemer Ms. Brigid Makiri Mr. Chris Kolendrianos Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Lewis Ms. Wendy Meiring Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Niehaus Mr. Richard I. Phillips Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Martin C. Riessen Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Maloney Mr. & Mrs. David Konieczny Mr. Peter Lewis Mr. & Mrs. William G. Menchen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Niemann Dr. & Mrs. John H. Phreaner Ms. Marlene Rifkin Mr. Mark Manning Mr. Lawrence Koppleman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Liechti Mesa Verde Trading Co., Inc. Ms. Dee Nierzwicki Ms. Brenda Pichardo Mr. & Mrs. Clark R. Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Marasco Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kostruba Mr. & Mrs. Ed Light Ms. Linda Meyer Mr. Phillip Nigh Ms. Susan Pico Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Ritchie Margerum Wine Company Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Kovol Mr. & Mrs. Martin Lilly Ms. Patti Michaels Edie Nixon Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Pies Mr. & Mrs. Joel Rivlin Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Marini Mrs. Nancy E. Kozak Ms. Charlene Lim Ms. Patricia Mickelson Dr. & Mrs. Pierre M. Nizet Mr. Trey Pinner Mr. Paul E. Robillard Mr. & Mrs. James W. Markham Ms. Marisa Miller Ms. Barbara Noack Ms. Harriet Pitman Mr. & Mrs. Bert Robinson Mr. Michael Miller Mr. & Mrs. Dustin W. Noblitt Ms. Meriann Z. Plamondon Mr. David J. Rockey Dr. & Mrs. Peter K. Miller Mr. & Mrs. James C. Nonn Ms. Elise Poindexter Ms. Evalyn Rockwell Mr. Samuel J. Miller Mr. & Mrs. James B. North, III Mr. & Mrs. James V. Policelli Mr. & Mrs. Jack Roddy Ms. Sandy Miller Mr. Stan Nunn Mr. Matthew A. Polk The Rodriguez Family Mr. & Mrs. Chris Mkpado Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. James E. Ponchetti Jr. Mrs. Angelica Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Tom Modugno Mr. & Mrs. Douglas O’Daniel** Poor Man’s Cattle Company Mr. Devin A. Rodriguez Ms. Lisa Moeller Mr. & Mrs. David W. Odell Ms. Marjorie Popper & Mr. John V. Mr. Fernando Rodriguez Ms. Stephanie Monroy Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Odell Evarts Mrs. Evelyn Rodriguez Mesa Monterey Transfer & Storage, Inc. Mr. Flint Ogle Ms. Judith W. Porter Mrs. Susan Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Alex A. Mook Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Ohrtman Ms. Laurel Posey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Edwin M. Moore Mr. Jeff Olsen Ms. Marian Posey Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rohe Ms. Jeanette M. Moore Mr. Rob Olson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Potter Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rohrback Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Moore Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Olson Ms. Elizabeth Pouliot Ms. Janet Rohrbaugh Mr. Matthew Morehart Mr. & Mrs. James O’Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Power Mr. & Mrs. Tom Romesser Mr. Ronald M. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Rod J. Ontjes Mrs. Robert Power Mr. Steven Romofsky 55% gray Gale Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Michael Orman Mr. Gerard R. Powers 75% gray black Mrs. Brenda Rosales Ms. Christy N. Morse Mr. Peter Orradre Mr. Michael Powers Mrs. Mari Rosas Ms. Rosalie Powers

pms 100 81 35 13 Volunteers feel the joy of serving cancer survivors at Viva la Vida. 55 0 9 0 A New Dawn in Cancer Care black 39

pms 654c pms 637c black Mr. & Mrs. Ken E. Steelman Mr. & Mrs. C.S. Tomlin Mr. & Mrs. Kris Wieland Hye Eun Ahn Mr. Chad Steenerson Top Shop Automotive, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ben Wiener Dr. & Mrs. Paul S. Aijian Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Stein Mr. & Mrs. Ben Torres Mrs. Tina Wietstock Mr. Eric Alan Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stein Ms. Gloria Torres Mr. Jeffrey Williams Lee Albertson Mr. Jason Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Mike Toubbeh Mr. & Mrs. John Williams Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Alcaino Mr. & Mrs. George Stevenson Dr. Carrie L. Towbes & Dr. Ms. Kelly Williams Dr. & Mrs. Ramon Alcerro Mrs. Penelope Stirling John Lewis Mr. Russell Williams Ms. Kari Alexander Ms. Liz Stockdill The Towbes Group, Inc. Mr. Scott Williams Mrs. Bella Alfaro Ms. Ashly Stohl Toyota of Santa Maria Mrs. Leonida Williamson Mrs. Arline Allen Mr. & Mrs. Al Stokke Mr. & Mrs. John R. Tracy Ms. Cheryll Willin Mr. Jerry Allen Mr. Eric Stokke Mr. & Mrs. Jack Trigueiro Ms. Lori Willis Mr. & Mrs. Ray Allen Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Stone Tri-T Farms Ms. Kayleen Willits Rene Allen Members of the Medical Oncology team Ms. Julie Strand Mr. & Mrs. Niva Tro Ms. Anne Wills Ms. Stacy Allison Mrs. Penny B. Strand Dr. & Mrs. Vincent C. Tubiolo Ms. Cristina Wilson Mrs. Anabel Almeida collaborate to deliver superior care. Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Strathy Mr. George Tucker Mr. & Mrs. John K. Wilson Ms. Casey Alpert Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Streiff Mr. Roby Turner Jonnie Wilson Ms. Lauren Alpert Ms. Maxyne Strunin Mr. George Turpin Ms. Karen Wilson Ms. Denise Alpine Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Suarez Mr. Caleb Twisselman Mr. & Mrs. Randall L. Wilson Ms. Brenda Altavilla Ms. Tomoko Sugano Mr. & Mrs. Steve Twisselman Ms. Joy H. Winer Ms. Olga Altomare Ms. Ann M. Sullivan & Mr. Ms. Wendy Ullrich Dr.* & Mrs. David K. Winter Mrs. Judy Alvara Associates continued Mr. Eric Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Siever Edward De Caro Mr. & Mrs. George H. Umezawa Mr. & Mrs. David D. Winters Mrs. Mary E. Alvarado Mr. Lars Schmidt Ms. Cristi Silva Ms. Melissa Suttner United Way of Santa Barbara Mr. & Mrs. Randall L. Rosness Mr. & Mrs. William T. Wiswall Ms. Tania Alvaradoi Schmidtchen, Alvarado Ms. Stacy Silver Mrs. Sue Suttner County - Fun in the Sun Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Woehle Mr. Adan Alvaro Cissy & Richard Ross & Company Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Silverman Mrs. Miki F. Swick Mr. Scott Uradnicek Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Wolfe, III Mr. Joseph Alvaro Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Rosser Mr. & Mrs. Eric Schmirler Mrs. Halina W. Silverman Drs. Julie A. Taguchi & Mr. Mark Urish Mr. Andy Wood Mr. Ben Amboy Mr. Reno Rosser Mr. & Mrs. Eric Schmitz Mr. Gregory M. Simon Robert M. Nagy*** Ms. Charlotte Valentine Mr. David E. Wood Miss Ceci Amboy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rothenberg Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Schneider, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Simonson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Takahara Valley Improvement Company Ms. Angela Wormser Ms. Kathleen Amboy Dr. & Mrs. Robert Rottenberg** Ms. Michele Schneider Ms. Roma L. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Frank Takahashi Mr. & Mrs. Paul van Gool Mr. Rod Rottinghaus Mr. & Mrs. Chris Wright Ms. Cindy Ambriz-Gasser & Mr. Ms. Beryl Schoenfelder Mr. & Mrs. Jack Sinton Mr. & Mrs. Warren Takaya Mr. & Mrs. Jerry C. Van Wingerden Victor Gasser Dr. Anne Roundy-Harter Mr. Ralph Wright Mrs. Joan M. Schuld Mr. Rush Skakel, II Mr. & Mrs. James Takayesu Ms. Kirsten Vanbrunt Mr. & Mrs. Tom Andaloro Ms. Jan C. Rowe Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Wunsch Mrs. Richard H. Schutte Mr. & Mrs. Phillip A. Skeen Ms. Yannick Tanguy Ms. Patricia VanCamp Ms. Barbara Anderson Ms. Janet Rowse Ms. Judith Wyle Mr. Leonard Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Slauterbeck Taqueria Cuernavaca Mr. & Mrs. J. Bernard VanderArk Mrs. Danielle Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Roylance Mr. & Mrs. Masen Yaffee Mr. & Mrs. Aaron D. Schwarzwalter Mr. & Mrs. Dale W. Slowik Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo Tasca Mr. & Mrs. David W. VanHorne Mr. David C. Anderson Mr. Jerry Rozenburg Mr. & Mrs. Brian Yager Ms. Kim F. Scoggins Ms. Helen V. Smart Ms. Linda Tasker Mrs. Olga Vargas Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Anderson Mr. Parker Rozenburg Dr. & Mrs. Edward Yoon Mr. David J. Scott & Mr. & Mrs. Scott B. Smigel Mr. & Mrs. Barry Taugher Mrs. Dwight G. Vedder Mr. George Anderson Ms. Elissa B. Rubin Ms. Leslie M. Perry Mr. Robert C. Yost Mr. & Mrs. Marron I. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Tavarez, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Velez Ms. JaiJai / Deborah Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph V. Ruegsegger Mr. Stephen L. Scribner Ms. Marcella Young Mr. Dave Smith Ms. Karen Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Don H. Vickers Ms. Karine Anderson Ms. Phyllis E. Ruiz Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo Sebastian Mr. & Mrs. Ben Youngblood Ms. Evelynn Smith Ms. Lovisa Taylor Mrs. Robert A. Villines Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. David Russell Ms. Janine K. Seebeck Ms. Nancy Zacky Mr. Jason Smith Ms. Michelle Taylor Ms. Claudia Vinsonhaler Mrs. Mimi Anderson S.P. Rutherford Mr. Danny Seigle Mr. Keith Zalkin Ms. Mary Smith Ms. Patricia M. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Vinsonhaler Mr. Timothy Anderson Mr. Edward T. Ryan, Jr. Ms. Ashley Self Mr. & Mrs. Joe Zamora Dr. & Mrs. Scott A. Smith Ms. Angie Ted Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wageneck Mr. Todd Anderson Ms. Martha E. Saatjian Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Sellas Mr. & Mrs. Don H. Zimmerman Ms. Virginia L. Smith Mr. Glenn Teixeira Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Trevor A. Anderson Mrs. Cathie Sadler-Pare Mr. & Mrs. Jack Sellati Mr. Eric Zimmerman Ms. Linda J. Snider Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell E. Telson Mr. Richard S. Walden Ms. Liza Andrade Ms. Joanie Saint Denis Ms. Nicola A. Selley Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Zoll Ms. Lucia W. Snowhill Ms. Anna Tetherow Mr. Jimmie D. Walker Ms. Victoria Andrade Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sales Mr. Jon M. Semper Dr. Rebecca Zwick Ms. Jennifer Snyder Ms. Katie Thatcher Ms. Sandra S. Wallis Mr. Marc J. Andreini Mr. Ron Sali Ms. Judy P. Senning-Brown & Ms. Mary Zychowski Ms. Donesa Sobelman Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Thede Ms. Donna Waltmann Miss Hannah Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Andre M. Saltoun Mr. Willie Brown Ms. Patty Zylstra Mrs. Mary Solis Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Thiebaud Sarah U. Washburn, MS, RD, CSO Ms. Carol Zan Angeli Samaritan Commercial Services Mr. Frank V. Setaro Mrs. Alicia E. Sorkin Mr. Wayne Thiem Ms. Laurie Way Anonymous Ms. Patricia San Filippo Ms. Emily Seto Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Sourmany Ms. Amanda Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Weaver Friends Mr. Claudio Anunan Mr. Tony San Juan Mr. & Mrs. David L. Sever Ms. Sandi L. Souza Ms. Donna A. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Joel Weiss < $100 Ms. Tara Anuskewicz Ms. Susan San Marco Ms. Beth Sexsmith Mr. Ken Spain Ms. Grace H. Thomas Mrs. Heather Weitzel Mr. & Mrs. Earl N. Aoki Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Sanchez Mrs. Lynn Shafer Ms. Judy Aakhus Ms. Beth Sparkes Mr. & Mrs. Les Thomas Mr. Lance P. Welch Ms. Cheri Aquilon Mr. Rodney B. Sangster Mr. Buzz Shahan Mr. Dustin Abbott Mr. & Mrs. Carlos J. Spencer Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Welch Ms. Connie K. Arevalo Santa Barbara Axxess, LLC Mr. Richard R. Shallberg Mr. & Mrs. Richard Abrams Mr. John F. Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Paul Thomas Ms. Erica Wellington Ms. Catalina Arguiles Mr. Pablo C. Santos Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Shand Ms. Cynthia Acosta Ms. Julie A. Spencer Ms. Peggy Thomas Dr. & Mrs. Fred Werber Ms. Sholeh Arjomand Mr. & Mrs. Augustine J. Saragosa Ms. Gail L. Shannon*** Ms. Marisa Acosta Dr. Tim M. Spiegel Thomas Properties, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Dean White Mrs. Barbara Armstrong Dr. Stuart J. Sato & Ms. Ellen Wall Mr. Michael L. Shannon Ms. Tatum Adair** Mr. & Mrs. William Spiewak Mr. Addison S. Thompson Mr. Jerold R. White Mr. & Mrs. Joe W. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Howard S. Scar Ms. Gerrie Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Larry Adams Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Spinelli Mr. Chuck Thomson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald N. White Ms. Laurie Arnold Ms. Jennifer Scarbrough Mr. & Mrs. Kemper Shaw Ms. Antoinette Addison Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Spinner Ms. Barbara Thorne Dr. Stewart E. White Ms. Paloma Arnold Mr. Mike Scavone Ms. Mary-Carol Sheard AGIA Inc. Ms. Lynne G. Sprecher Ms. Patricia Thrift Mr. William T. White, III Ms. Jeanette Arnoldi-Schall Richard L. Schall Memorial Fund Mr. Homer G. Sheffield, Jr. Carmen Aguayo Mr. & Mrs. Dana St. Oegger Ms. Sara Tidd Ms. Winifred White Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Arroyo Mr. Richard T. Schiada Mr. & Mrs. Karim Sheikhan Mr. Juan A. Aguilar Mr. & Mrs. Shane Stark Mr. & Mrs. Brian B. Tillemans Mr. & Mrs. David L. Whitefoot Ms. Marie S. Arroyo** Ms. Chelsea Schmid Mr. & Mrs. Craig Shelburne Mrs. Marisela Aguilar Ms. Catherine Statucki Mr. Ralph J. Tingle Ms. Carol L. Whitehurst Mrs. Lisa Arroyo Ms. Susan S. Schmid Ms. Barb Shults-Lagerquist Ms. Melissa Aguilera 40 Ms. Judith M. Stauffer Ms. Bahar Tolu Ms. Jennifer Whitley Ms. Deborah Arts

*Deceased **Donation made to Sansum Clinic to support oncology programs and services ***Donations made to both Sansum Clinic and the Cancer Center to support oncology programs and services Mr. Mario Arzate Ms. Barb Beainy Mr. W.R. Scott Borie Ms. Heather A. Burns Ms. Patricia Catalan Ms. Jennifer Colegrove Robin Cudahy Ms. Lara Ashbrook Pascale Beale Ms. Mary Borland Ms. Vera Burns Ms. Mary Cathcart Ms. Martina Collier Ms. Nancy Cullinan Mr. Ronald A. Atinsky Mr. Davey Beard Mrs. Patricia Borrayo Ms. Sherry Bushman Ms. Margaret A. Ceccarelli Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Collins Ms. Michele Curnow Miss Rebecca Atwater Ms. Leesa Beck Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Bourbeau Mr. Leonard W. Butler, III Ms. Deirdre Cecil Ms. Shana Collins Mr. & Mrs. George R. Curry Ms. Angie N. Au Ms. Thomasa Becker Ms. Callie Bowdish Mr. & Mrs. James Bybokas Mr. Vince Cerda Ms. Sally Colman Ms. Amy Curti Mrs. Martha M. Aubin Ms. Helen Beckstead Ms. Ruth Ann Bowe Mr. Michael Cabezudo Mr. Damian Cervantes Ms. Melissa Compton Mr. Leonardo Curti Mrs. Don R. Aubrey Ms. Torrey Beckstrand Mr. Justin Bowers Ms. Georgia Caesar Ms. Erma Leticia Cervantes Mrs. Cynthia R. Comstock Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Curzan Mr. & Mrs. David Avrick Ms. Kelly Bedard Ms. Janice Bowie Mr. Andrew Cain Mr. Everardo Cervantes Ms. Jenna Comstock Ms. Judy Cushing Mrs. Sarah Ayala Mr. Brian G. Beebe Ms. Kim Bracher Ms. Jeanette Cain Miss Jacky Cervantes Ms. Shannon Comstock Ms. Shannon Cushman Mr. William Ayala Ms. Madeleine Beebe Ms. Evelyn I. Bradford Mrs. Julie Cain Mrs. Maria Cervantes Mr. Jonathan Confar CustomInk LLC Mr. Lee A. Ayers Ms. Grace Beer Mr. James B. Brady, Jr. Ms. Maria Calabrese Ms. Mia Cervantes Ms. Paula Congleton Ms. Maria D’Addario Ms. Ashleigh Backman Mrs. Brooke Bees Ms. Anna Bragg Ms. Cathy Calabro Mrs. Miriam Cervantes Ms. Heather Conklin Ms. Sandy D’Addario Mr. Randall Badat Mrs. Michelle Begg Mr. Philip Brainard Mr. Steven Calderon Ms. Noelia Cervantes Lou Conkling Ms. Yvette Dahlhoff Ms. Deborah Badger Mr. Phil Bell Mr. & Mrs. James R. Brass Mr. Mark L. Cali Mrs. Teresa Cervantes Mrs. Cherryl Connally Ms. Carol A. Dailey Ms. Elizabeth Badillo Mr. Irving Beltran Mrs. Liz Breckenridge Mr. Andrew Calles Ms. Betty K. Chackel Mrs. John B. Connors Mr. Matthew Daines Ms. Stephanie Bagish Ms. Tina Benavides Ms. Zoe Breen Mr. Anthony Calles, Jr. Mr. Eric Chambers Mrs. Angelica Contreras Ms. Dana Dalsemer Mrs. Arlene J. Bailey Ms. Evangeline Benchek Mr. Mike Brelje Mr. & Mrs. Tony Calles Mr. C. William Chandler Mr. Augie F. Contreras & Ms. Missy Daly Ms. Mindy Bailey Dr. Lynda Benedetto Mr. & Mrs. Bob Brenkus Ms. Vanessa Calles Mr. Elliot Chang Ms. Guangyi Sun Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Dame Mrs. Geesina Baker Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Bennett Mr. Michael Brenkus Mr. Aaron J. Calvert Mrs. Dani Chard Yoli Contreras Ms. Natalie Damjanovich- Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson S. Baker Mr. Don Bensen Ms. Fran Bridge Ms. Christina Camacho Mr. & Mrs. Michael Charest Mr. John J. Conway Napoleon Ms. Delia Balderas Ms. Victoria Bentley Mr. Arnold Brier Mr. Kasey A. Camacho Mr. & Mrs. John Chaves Mr. Cascade Cook Mr. Donald A. Dancer Mr. Steve Balfour-Ritchie Ms. Chloe Bergan Ms. Sarah Briggs Miss Isabella Camarena Mrs. Lynett Chen-Esau Ms. Sara Cook Ms. Sarah C. Dandona Ms. Stephanie Ball Ms. Eileen Bergan Ms. Skona Brittain Ms. Jaquelyn Camarillo Chris Cheshire Ms. Donna Coolidge Mr. Richard Danehy, Sr. Miss Tiffany Ball Mrs. Jessica Bernardino Mr. Jim Brock Ms. Monika Campbell Chocolate Gallery Mr. & Mrs. Reine J. Corbeil Ms. Phyllis Daniels Miss Danielle Ballard Mr. & Mrs. Howard Berry Ms. Linda Broderick Ms. Shirley Campbell Mr. Elvin Chou Mrs. Jana Corbin Mr. David Danon Ms. Lauren Hope Ballard Ms. Nathalie Bertat Ms. Renee L. Brooke Mrs. Wendy Campbell Mr. Eric Chowanski Ms. Karen Corcoran Robeson Darcus Ms. Teresa Ballesteros Ms. Mechelle Best Ms. Ruth Brooks Mr. Dan Campos Ms. Wanda Chowanski Mrs. Patricia Cordero Mr. Bud Dardi Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Baltadano Mr. Mike Best Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Brophy Ms. Rosario Campuzano Mrs. Catherine Christ Miss Kristyn Cordes Ms. Patty DaSilva Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Banko Mrs. Kerry Bierman Ms. Millie Brother Ms. Stefani Canin Mullen Mr. Craig Christ Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Corlett Ms. Stacia Davidson Ms. Sara Barbour Ms. Amy Bigelow Ms. Karen Broumand Ms. Ana Cano Mrs. Jill Christ Mr. Bryan Cornet Ms. Cheri Davis Mr. Bernard Barcos Mr. Randy Bish Ms. Carol Brown Mrs. Columba Carbajal Mr. & Mrs. Jon Christensen Chris Cornett Mr. & Mrs. Rich Davis Mr. & Mrs. Bruno G. Bardini Mr. & Mrs. Val Bisoglio Mr. & Mrs. David H. Brown Mr. Matthew Carbajal Ms. Judith Chumlea-Cohan Mr. Adolfo Corral Mr. Robert Davis Mr. Christopher J. Barger Mrs. Anna K. Bissell Ms. Emily Brown Ms. Vanessa Cardenas Ms. Ofelia Churta Ms. Ann G. Corselius-Willson Mr. Stephen Davis Mr. & Mrs. Rich Barker Ms. Heather Bjerke Ms. Jennifer Brown Mrs. Veronica Cardenas Ms. Leslyn M. Cicekli Ms. Megan Cotich Mr. Vinny De Dios Ms. Frances J. Baron Mrs. Dianne Black Ms. Kate Brown Mr. & Mrs. Danny W. Cardoza Dr. & Mrs. Paul L. Cisek Mrs. Sara Courtney Emiliano De Los Rios Baroncelli Linens & Accessories Mr. & Mrs. James F. Blackstock Ms. Kathleen E. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Cardoza Mr. & Mrs. AJ Cisney Ms. Christine S. Cowles Ms. Laura A. Decker Mrs. Gabriela Barreto Ms. Sabrina Blankenship Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Brown, Jr. Mrs. Marlene Carlyle Ms. Nina Ckaytor Ms. Bonnie Cox Ms. Su DeCoste Ms. Maribel Barreto Ms. Nancy Blasnik Ms. Rachel Brown Mr. & Mrs. Tom Carlyle Ms. Lita Clapper Ms. Darlene Cox Ms. Lisa Deffenbaugh Mr. Mateo Barreto Mr. Joseph F. Bleckel Mr. Robert Brown Mrs. Jennifer Carmona Mr. Barry L. Clark Mrs. Donna Craig Ms. Susan Del Real Mr. Moises Barreto Ms. Darian Bleecher Mr. Robert E. Brown Ms. Viral Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Larry Clark Mr. Michael Craig Ms. Angelic DelCampo Mrs. Victoria Barreto Ms. Madeline Blickley Ms. Susan Brown Ms. Lisa Carr Miss Esther Clark Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Craig Mr. Lewis Delivett Ms. Carolyn E. Barrett Ms. Amy Blomgren Ms. Evelyn Brownfield Mr. & Mrs. Joe Carrillo Ms. Pamela E. Clark Mrs. Heather Craigie Ms. Rose Delkner Ms. Janet Barrett Ms. Mandy Blumenfeld Mr. Douglas Bruce Mr. Brendan Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Rand K. Clarke Mrs. Lisa Cram Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Dellar Ms. Jodi Barrett Ms. Cynthia Boche Ms. Pam Bruckner Mr. Tim Carter Mrs. Christina Clayton Mr. Michael Cramer Mr. & Mrs. Michael DeMonbrun** Mr. Jeffrey Barteet Ms. Lauren Bodden Ms. Carol Sue Bruns Mrs. Marybeth Carty Ms. Nina Claytor Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Crandell Ms. Lexi Dentzel Mr. & Mrs. Doug Barteld Mr. & Mrs. Richard Boden Ms. Anna Bucholz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carty Mr. & Mrs. Dean Clement Mrs. Jill Crang Mr. Mario Denys Ms. DeeDee Barthelmess Mr. & Mrs. Roy R. Bognuda, Jr. Ms. Elisabeth Claudine Bucy Mrs. Jessica Caruso Ms. Ruth Clincy The Crasnick Family Mr. & Mrs. Gerald DeRose Mr. & Mrs. Victor Bartolome Miss Jenny Bohlinger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Buenger Mr. Mauricio Carvalho Ms. Sarah L. Cline Mrs. Gina Crawford Mr. & Mrs. John G. Derrick Ms. Kara L. Barton Ms. Joy Bohlinger Mr. Timothy Bullock Ms. Charlotte Carver Mr. & Mrs. Joel Clinkenbeard Mrs. Kathleen Cretti Ms. Vaishali Deshpande Ms. Lorie Bartron Mr. Jonathan Bohlman Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Bumpas Casa Blanca Restaurant Ms. Grace Coash Ms. Joan M. Crippa Mr. Michael Desjardins Hon. Ernad Basic Ms. Baret Boisson Mrs. Lisa Buntin & Cantina Ms. Berneda Cochran** Mr. Mark Cripps Mr. Ralph Destino Mrs. Mimi Basic Mr. Mike Bolduc Mr. Richard Buntin Mr. Luis Andres Casanueva Mr. Sean Cochran Mr. Jon-Westley Crist Mr. & Mrs. John Detrick Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Batastini Mr. Jonathan Bollag Mr. Rick Buntin Ms. Treacy Casciani Ms. Linda Coen*** Ms. Rhonda Cronwell Mr. & Mrs. Joe Devreese Mr. Mark Bates Ms. Susan Bonanno Ms. Marge Burba Ms. Alissa Casey Kerryn Coetzee Mr. Frank L. Crowley & Ms. Mr. Aurelio P. Di Amico Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Bates Ms. Cherie L. Bonazzola Mr. & Mrs. Jerrad D. Burford Ms. Alicia Cast Mr. Aryeh Cohen Maria Chan Ms. Sharon A. Di Ubaldo Ms. Olivia Bates Ms. Beverly G. Bonnheim Mr. Bruce Burk Ms. Elizabeth Casteel Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Cohen Ms. Anita Cruse Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Diani Ms. Rachael Battle Ms. Princess F. Bookout** Mr. & Mrs. William Burk Mrs. Sonya Castillo Ms. Joanne L. Cohen Ms. Carol Crute Mr. & Mrs. Kevin N. Dickson Ms. Bette Bauer Ms. Brittany Boon Mr. & Mrs. John Burket Mr. Isaac Castro Mr. Sean Coker Mrs. Maria Cruz Miss Tessa Dinning Mr. Gene Cubbison & Ms. 55% gray Mr. Duane C. Baxley Mr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Borden, III Mr. & Mrs. Rick Burket Ms. Liz Castro Ms. Nancy K. Cole 75% grayMrs. Nicole Dion Janet Hudson black Mr. & Mrs. Jasper N. Baysinger, Jr. Mrs. Sue A. Borgess Ms. Janet Burki Ms. Samantha Castro Ms. Wendy Cole Mr. Robert Djergaian Miss Jessica Cubitt

pms 100 81 35 13 55 0 9 0 A New Dawn in Cancer Care black 41

*Deceased **Donation made to Sansum Clinic to support oncology programs and services ***Donations made to both Sansum Clinic and the Cancer Center to support oncology programs and services

pms 654c pms 637c black Friends continued Ms. Cindy Ensworth Ms. Charissa Franklin Mr. Lyle P. Gibson Ms. Carol Greeby Mr. Matthew Haas Ms. Carolyn Healey Ms. Cheryl Eppink Ms. Erika Franklin Ms. Rachel Gibson Ms. Helen R. Greenberg Mr. Brian Hahn Ms. Denise Hebert Mrs. Nan F. Djordjevic Ms. Kimberly R. Equinoa Mr. James Franzen Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Giddings Ms. Diane Greenlaw Mrs. Cindy Hahn Mr. Gayatri Heesen Carol Dodero, NP Dr. Silvia Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Franzen Mr. David Gildner Mr. & Mrs. Cary Greer Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Hair Ms. Myndi Hegeman Mr. Rusty Dodson Ms. Jackie M. Ericson Ms. Elizabeth C. Frech Ms. Jennifer Gildner Ms. Elise Greganti Mr. Steven Hajic Mr. Richard Hegeman Ms. Michelle M. Doetch Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ericson Mr. & Mrs. John Free Mr. & Mrs. G. Mark Giles Ms. C. A. Gregory Ms. Kathleen A. Haklai Mr. Eric Heindl Ms. Tracey Doherty Ms. Amy Esau Mr. & Mrs. Bob Freeman Ms. Tammy Gillen Ms. Allison Griffin Ms. Kathleen Halloran Mr. Jon Heinrich Ms. Allison Domicone Miss Isabelle M. Esau Mr. & Mrs. Mason T. Freeman Mr. Kenny Gilliland Ms. Jennifer Griffin Ms. Nancy Hampton Ms. Maggi Heinrich Faustin Dominguez Mrs. Larissa Escobar-Manlulu Ms. Sabine Freistuhler Ms. Roberta Gilman Ms. Kimberly Griffin Ms. Sharon Hampton Marty Heinrich Ms. Joyce Donehue Mr. Adair Escobedo Mr. & Mrs. Brian Frick Ms. Jennifer Gimblin Mr. James S. Griles & Ms. Sue Ellen Mr. David Hand Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hemming Ms. Sheila Doolan Ms. Andra Escola Mr. Larry Frierson Mr. Alan Giovanacci Woolridge Mr. Roy Handelman Mr. & Mrs. James Hendershot Ms. Lisa Dosch Mr. Jeff Escola Ms. Stephanie Fronk Ms. Diana Girard Mr. Anthony Grimes Mrs. Teri Hanmer Mr. Adam Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Doud Mrs. Petra Espinoza Mr. & Mrs. John R. Frontado Ms. Maryanna Giuliani Ms. Emilie Gronholt Ms. Joan Hanna Mr. & Mrs. David B. Henderson Mrs. Diana Dowd Mrs. Ruth Esqueda Ms. Stephanie Frost Glamour House Mrs. Nasheli Guendulain Ms. Carolyn J. Hanretta Mr. & Mrs. Max E. Henderson Ms. Emily Downey Ms. Cherie Eulau Mr. & Mrs. Gary Fruin Mr. & Mrs. Russ Glaser Ms. Elizabeth Guerrero Ms. Reggie Hanson Mrs. Nancy A. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. James S. Downey Harold “Grandpa” Evans Ms. Kathleen Frye Drs. Naftaly S. & Lynette Ms. Teresa Guerrero Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hanson Ms. Chelsea Herholdt Mr. James Downing Mr. & Mrs. Robin Evans Ms. Teresa Fryklund D. Glasman Ms. Karen Guevara Mr. & Mrs. Earl Hardekopf Ms. Laurel Hermanson Ms. Lori Dreher Ms. Susan Evans Ms. Sandra Fuhring Mr. & Mrs. George T. Glass, Sr. Ms. Maribel Guevara Ms. Casandra Harper Ms. Alma Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dreifuerst Ms. Rebecca Faanes Mrs. Naomi Fujioka Mr. & Mrs. Bob Glatter Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Guillen Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Harper Ms. Ana Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Dufau Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Failing Ms. Lisa Fukunaga Ms. Lynne Glazer Mr. Pedro Guillen Miss Chloe Harrah Ms. Carmen Hernandez Mr. Nick Duggan Mrs. Tasneem Faizullabhoy Ms. Linzie Fukushima Ms. Olivia Gleser Ms. Mayra Guinto Mr. & Mrs. Scott N. Harrah Ms. Elva Hernandez Ms. Patrice Duhau Dr. & Mrs. Ryan Fante Ms. Mary P. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Brian Godlis Mr. Dax H. Gulje Ms. Rosemarie Harris Ms. Erica Hernandez Mr. Greg Duimovich Dr. Ajang Armin Farid Mr. Kurt Fults Ms. Leanne B. Goering Ms. Kathy Gulje Ms. Amadie Hart Ms. Marissa Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Duncan Mr. Frank Farwell Mr. & Mrs. Tim Funderburke Ms. Julie Gold Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Gulje Mr. Jeff Hart Mr. Salvador Hernandez Ms. Dawn M. Dunn Mrs. Katherine Fawcett Mr. & Mrs. R. Lorne Gadway Miss Sara Goldberg Ms. Amy Gunderloy Mr. Terence Hart & Ms. Mr. Tony Hernandez Dr. Mrs. James T. Dunn Ms. Kira Fay Mr. & Mrs. Terzino Gaeta Mrs. Kim Golden Ms. Christine Gunlogson Kathleen Werner Ms. Edna Herrera Mrs. Ronda V. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fead Mr. Arturo Gaitan Ms. Samantha Golden Ms. Deborah Gunther Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hartman Mrs. Nakisa Herrick Ms. Ellen Durham Phil F. Fee DDS Ms. Devin Gallagher Mr. Daniel E. Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Ramon R. Gupta Ms. Jennifer Harvey Ms. Deena Hetfield Mrs. Margot C. Durham Ms. Karen Feeney Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Gallant Ms. Danielle Gomez Murat Guruz Ms. Martha Hashida Mr. Kyle Hetfield Sumru Dursun Ms. Tiffiny Felix Mrs. Diana Gallegos Ms. Marina Gomez Miss Alejandra Gutierrez Ms. Cheryl Haskell Mr. Jerry W. Higgins** Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Dutcher Ms. Deborah Ferguson Mr. Fred T. Gallo Ms. Nancy Gomez Mr. Chase Gutierrez Mr. Alan Hathaway Kelly Hildebrand Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Dutra Ms. Monica Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Galsterer Mr. Raully Gomez Mrs. Christine Gutierrez Mr. Steve Hausz Mrs. Constance Pappas Hillman Ms. Karen Dutton Mr. Chris Field Mrs. Joni Galvan Ms. Veronica Gomez Mrs. Christy Gutierrez Ms. Phillipa Rankin Hawker Ms. Holly Himes Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Duzinski Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Fields Mr. & Mrs John Galvez Ms. Lucero Gongora Mr. George Gutierrez Ms. Judy Hawkins Ms. Susan Hiranandani Ms. Kimberly Dwire Ms. Rachel Fierro Mr. Kevin Gambill Ms. Deanna Gonzales Ms. Hester Gutierrez Ms. Joan Haws Ms. Danielle Hirschey Ms. Kelley Dyer Mr. Frances Fierros Miss Alli Gamboa Ms. Gina Gonzales Ms. Jennifer Gutierrez Ms. Jean Hawthorne Mr. Caesar Ho Mr. Louis Earlabaugh Ms. Juanita Fierros Miss Maya Gaona Ms. Leah Gonzales Mr. Mark Gutierrez Ms. Nicole Hawthorne Ms. Mary Hoehn Ms. Karen Earp Ms. Maria Eugenia Figueroa Mr. Bob Garcia Ms. Natasha Gonzales Ms. Sylvia Gutierrez Ms. Julie Hayes Mr. Lance Hoeltke Earthform Design Mr. & Mrs. Doug Filipponi Ms. Cherisse Garcia Ms. Bianca Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Victor Gutierrez Ms. Bella Hays Ms. Kathy Hoffman Ms. Dorian Easbey Robbie Fischer Mr. Kent E. Garcia Mr. Isaias Gonzalez Kym Guy Ms. Kimberly S. Hazard Mr. Wally Hofmann Mrs. Mom Easbey Mr. & Mrs. David L. Fishback Ms. Nora Garcia Miss Kailu Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gwerder Ms. Danielle Hazarian Ms. Andriana Hohlbauch Mr. Randy Eaton Mr. Richard Flora Ms. Amanda Gardner Mr. Koa Gonzalez Mr. Blake Echler Ms. Diana Flores Ms. Gretchen Garnett Ms. Laura Gonzalez Ms. Elizabeth Eckert Mr. & Mrs. Donny R. Flores Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Garrett Ms. Stephanie Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Jack Eddy Emelin Flores Mr. Craig B. Garvin Ms. Melinda Goodman Kemp Ms. Leslie A. Edwards Ms. Gabriela Flores Mrs. Georgia Gastouniotis Mr. & Mrs. John Gorman Mr. Stephen Egnatchik Mr. Joel Flores Ms. Silvia Gaytan Ms. Marilyn Gosz Mr. & Mrs. Jason Ehret Mrs. Magda Flores Mr. Zachary Gee Ms. Lori Goudeau Ms. Beth Eisele Ms. Monica Flores Gellert Riggs & Co. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Grabowski Mr. Nathan Eisler Ms. Nancy Flores Ms. Elaine Georges Miss Cindy Gradias Mr. John Eksterowicz Mr. Tim Florez Mr. Greg Gerakos Ms. Jean Gradias Ms. Karen Ekstrom Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Flynn Mr. Rick Gerard Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Graham Ms. Carrie Eller Ms. Suzanne Foley Mrs. Candice Gerber Mr. & Mrs. Michael Graham Ms. Caitlin Elmes Ms. Mia Marie Fonseca Gerda’s Iron Art Gift Shop Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Graham Mrs. Lisa Embury Ms. Zari Foosherian Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gerken Grainger Matching Charitable Mr. Les Emery Mr. & Mrs. John Forbyn Mr. & Mrs. Allen Gersho Gifts Program Mr. Bruce Emmens Beverly & Cheryl Ford Ms. Lori Geuder Ms. Felicia Granlund Mr. & Mrs. Carl Endo Mr. Brice Ford G-Force Construction Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Grant Mr. Craig Engel Mr. Matthew Fore Ms. Gina Gheno Ms. Becky Grantham Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Engel Mr. Matt Fossati Ms. Carmen Ghio Charlee Graves Ms. Nancy Enholm Ms. Danielle Fox Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Giacomini Ms. Betsy Gray Mrs. Deanna Enriquez Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Fox Mr. B.E. Gibbons Ms. Christa Graybill Old Spanish Days Rodeo Tough Enough to Wear Pink event. Kayla Mae & Hendrix Enriquez Ms. Mayra Franco Mr. Joseph A. Gibbs Miss Megan Graybill 42 Ms. Rosie Enriquez Ms. Rachel Graziani

*Deceased **Donation made to Sansum Clinic to support oncology programs and services ***Donations made to both Sansum Clinic and the Cancer Center to support oncology programs and services Ms. Sophia Hohlbauch Ms. Jennyy Jayy Ms. Chloe Kendall Mr. Lincoln G. Lageson Ms. Jessie Lilja Ms. Laurie A. MacMillan Dr. Jane D. McClenahan Ms. Annette Holdman Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Jeffcoat Ms. Angelina Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Laguette Mr. Sten Lilja Mrs. Fahi Madadi Ms. Diana K. McClintock Ms. Jody D. Holehouse Mr. & Mrs. Rufus R. Jeffris Ms. Carole Kent Mrs. Robyn Laguette-Rivera Ms. Michelle Limb Mr. & Mrs. Fred Madrigal Ms. Karen L. McConaghy Mr. Andy Holland Ms. Danielle Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Chris Kent Mr. Juan C. Lagunas Ms. Victoria Lindenauer Ms. Jo Ann Magistad Ms. Jennifer McConnell Mrs. Myriam Holland Ms. Marilyn Jenkins Mrs. Lelia Kephart Mr. Brandon LaLone Ms. Martha Lindsey Ms. Patti Mahota Ms. Suzette McCormick Terry Holland Mr. Jared Jennings Mr. Ryan Kerch Ms. Kathleen Laman Mr. Ron Linfesty Ms. Kristine Mainland White Ms. Catherine McDavid Smith Ms. Amber Holmer Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Jensen Dr. Kishan C. Khemani Mrs. deEtte Lamar Mr. & Mrs. Mark Link Ms. Lucrecia Malarkey Mr. & Mrs. Brian McDonald Mr. Keith Holt Ms. Joan Jensen Ms. Ann Kilcullen Ms. Jackie Lambert Ms. Mary Linthicum Miss Holly Malmstem Miss Kira McDonald Mr. Brett Holthe Ms. Joyce Jerge Ms. Deziree Killgore Ms. Lois Lambert Ms. Marla Lipkin Miss Jayna Malmstem Mrs. Valerie A. McDonald Ms. Dee Honer Ms. Allison Jewell Ms. Esther Kim Ms. Sheila Lambert Ms. Diana Lippert Miss Maddie Malmstem Ms. Mary McDonnel Mr. & Mrs. Michael Honeyman Ms. Kathy Jimenez Miss Molly Kindelon Ms. Sonja Lamoreaux Mr. Marc Lippincott Miss Riley Malmstem Mr. & Mrs. Willard W. McEwen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Leo Jimenez Ms. Lyndsi King Mr. & Mrs. James Landeros Ms. Juli Lippire Sage Malmstem Mr. & Mrs. Louis T. McFadden Ms. Elizabeth Hopkins-Kurz Mr. Moe Jimenez Mrs. Shellye M. Kingsbury Mr. & Mrs. John P. Landfried Ms. Kim Liscombe Ms. Laura Mancuso Ms. Laura McFarland Ms. Anne Hopp Ms. Sarah Jimenez Miss Kiera Kinsella Ms. Claire Landry Mrs. Gail Lobdell Ms. Rene Mandala, MA Ms. Kathleen McGuinness Mr. & Mrs. Doug Howard Mrs. Vicky Jimenez Ms. Charleen L. Kirkman Ms. Pam Lang Ms. Hanna Lockman Mr. & Mrs. George W. Manges Mrs. Melinda McKenna S.K. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Jochim Mr. Dan Kitei Ms. Barbara Langathianos Mrs. Karen Lockman Manjula Manjunath Ms. Karen McKernan Ms. Linda Howell Joe Olla Enterprises, Inc. Ms. Lorraine Klein Ms. Kristie Lanouette Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas E. Loes Mr. Julius Manlulu Riva McLernon Megan Hubbs, PA-C Jan Johansen Mr. & Mrs. Wayne J. Kliman Ms. Linda LaPaglia Ms. Valerie Logan Miss Amanda Mann Ms. Laurie McMahon Ms. Connie Huber Ms. Shannon Johansen Miss Kiyomi Klonowski Mr. Augustine Lapiz Ms. Christina Lomeli Mr. Benyamin Mann Ms. Melinda McMahon Mr. Nick Hudson Ms. Arianne Johnson Mrs. Roberta Klusacek Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Larsen Ms. Rosa Lomeli Mrs. Dianna Mannheim Ms. Rebecca McMillan Ms. Pamela Hudson Mr. & Mrs. James C. Johnson Ms. Baruska Knight Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Laubacher Ms. Elizabeth C. Loomis Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Manriquez Ms. Caroline McMillen Mrs. Esperanza Huerta Ms. Mary K. Johnson Ms. Linda Knight Ms. Susan Laughlin Mr. Evandro Lopes Mr. & Mrs. Ray Mantooth Ms. Meredith McMinn Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hughes Mrs. Susie Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Greg Knowles Mr. Ralph Lausten Ms. Arleen Lopez Miss Amanda Manuela Mr.* & Mrs. Glenn A. McMurry** Mr. & Mrs. Jason Hughes Ms. Jana Johnston Mr. Jim Knowlton Ms. Christina M. Lavino Ms. Diana Lopez Mr. Juan Manzo Ms. Carol McNamara Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hulihan Mr. & Mrs. Desmond Jones Ms. Jennifer Koesling Mr. Gary Lawrence Mr. Efrain Lopez Mr. David Maples Ms. Elizabeth McNamee Mr. Patrick Cha Hund Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Jones Dr. Susan Kohl Mr. Ted Lawrence Mr. Guillermo Lopez Miss Yaneve Maravilla Mr. Brian McShane Ms. Margie Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Jones Mr. Frank Kohus Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Lawrence Mr. Isaac Lopez Ms. Amanda Marble Mr. & Mrs. Brad McVay Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Hunt Mrs. Margaret C. Jones Dr. & Mrs. Ernest T. Kolendrianos Pachel Lawrence-Pack Ms. Karina Lopez Ms. Deanna L. Marchiando Ms. Mary Medina Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Konkel Mr. & Mrs. Otto Layman Lalo Lopez Ms. Melissa Marcois Mr. Lester Medvene Mr. John B. Hunter Ms. Tamara Jones Mr. Konrad Konrad Mr. Andrew Lazenby Mrs. Maria Lopez Ms. Tanya Marcus Ms. Kimberly Meinberg Mr. Roger L. Hunter Mr. Aidan Juan Mr. Cliff Korn Mr. Gregg Leach Ms. Olga Lopez Miss Liz Mares Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Meisel Ms. Alicia Hurtado Ms. Anselma Juan Mr. Robert Kotkin & Ms. Deborah Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Lee Miss Zelia Lopez Ms. Karen Markot Mr. Bob Meloy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Hussey Mr. Avery Juan & L. Umansky Ms. Jenny Lee Mr. Fred Loquasto Ms. Irene Marquez Mrs. Janis S. Meloy Mr. Billy Hutton Ms. Naomi Fujioka Ms. Barbara Koutnik Ms. Michelle Lee Ms. Shari Lorden Ms. Katie Marrie Ms. Maureen Mendoza Mr. & Mrs. David Huyck Ms. Kristen Kalkbrenner Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kovach Ms. Breanne Leeson Los Olivos Motors, Inc. Mr. Michael Marrie Ms. Marie C. Meng Mr. Gerald R. Hyde Ms. Carol Kallman Ms. Marta Kovacs Ms. Carol S. Leidner Ms. Agatha Louie Mr. & Mrs. James G. Marshall Mr. John C. Menudier Mr. Aaron Ide Mr. Mark Kandola Ms. Deborah Kovanda Mr. John Leis Mr. Elliot Lowndes Mr. Justin Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Merchant Ms. Laura Imazu Ms. Melissa Kannegieter Dr. Scott Kozak Miss Eleanor Lemon Dr. Julia Lowndes Mrs. Cindy Martin Ms. Diane Meredith Ms. Deborah Ingersoll Mr. Leonard & Dr. Barbara Kaplan Mr. Robert A. Kramer Mr. Everett Lemon Cris Loy Ms. Cindy Martin Terry Merlo Miss Olivia Inks Ms. Nancy Kaplan Mr. Andrew Kröes Chawn Lemons Ms. Rosa Lua Mrs. Heather Martin Mr. John C. Merrill Mrs. Mayra Interiano Mrs. Andrea Karle Kroger Mr. & Mrs. C.A. Lentz Ms. Sarah Lubeck Mr. & Mrs. James W. Martin Ms. Anne Merritt Ms. Natalia Interiano Ms. Rebecca Karnes Mr. Andrew Krupa Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert W. Lentz Ms. Anna Lubin Ms. Julie M. Martin Ms. Leanna Merritt Iolani Islander, LLC Ms. Hannah Katan Ms. Kathleen Krupa Mr. Christian Leon Ms. Arica A. Lubin Mr. & Mrs. Caesar Martinez Ms. Olga Z. Mesa Mrs. Jill Ireland Van Allen Ms. Ginger Kaufman Mrs. Tiffany Krupa Ms. Nancy J. Leonard Miss Megan Lucey Mrs. Gloria L. Martinez Mrs. Nicole Messick Ms. Sandra L. Isa Mr. Richard Kaufmann Mr. George Kubinyi Yerania Lerma Mr. & Mrs. John Luera Ms. Martha Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Metsch T. Isaacson Ms. Tawny Kauka Mr. & Mrs. James S. Kuga Kinji Leslie Ms. Jessica Lui Ms. Claudia Martinez-Plancarte Mrs. Gail Metzger Ms. Roberta O. Issaris Ms. Leah Kaviani Seabass and Julian Kuhr Mrs. Mary Leslie Mr. Miguel Luna Mrs. Audrey E. Martinson Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Meyer Mr. Grant W. Ivey Ms. Mary Jean Keagan Mr. & Mrs. David Kujan Mrs. Vivian J. Leslie Ms. Jennifer Lunsford Mr. & Mrs. Ernest L. Marx Ms. Linda Michalowski Ms. Emily Izmirian Ms. Liz Keate Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Kulchin Janique Leslie-Calderon Ms. Darcey Lunski Ms. Vicki J. Mascorro Ms. Cynthia Michaud Mr. Don Jacklin Ms. Linda Kay Keating Manabu Kumakura Mr. Marc Lester Mrs. Fred Lynch Ms. Patricia R. Massette Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Micheel Ms. Shelly Jackson Ms. Natasha Keck Ms. Jane M. Kuwata Ms. Elaine LeVasseur Mr. Gary Lynd Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Massey Ms. Christina Milbrect Ms. Carolyn Jacob Ms. Sharon Keeling Kin Kwan Mr. Philip LeVasseur Mr. Melvin E. Lyon Miss Sofia Mastrangelo Miss Andrea Miller Ms. Mary Jacob Mr. Gregory A. Keenan Ms. Ami Kyle Ms. Barbara F. Levenstein Ms. Paige Lyon Ms. Kaitlan Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Burke Miller Ms. Shannon Jacoway Ms. Christine Kelley Ms. Suzan Labadie Ms. Lubella Levi M.F. Rosa Dairy Ms. Cheri Mattuci Ms. Julie Miller Ms. Patricia Jacquemin Ms. Dorothy Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Mrs. Sonya Levy Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Macaulay Mr. John Matulich Mr. Larry Miller Ms. Shannon Jaffe Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Kelly W. Labbe Mr. & Mrs. Leon Lewandowski Ms. Lynne MacDonald Ms. Lucy Maxxym Ms. Lillian Miller Mr. David R. James Mrs. Michelle Kelly Ms. Lisa LaBouve Ms. Alycia M. Lewis Ms. Diana MacFarlane Mr. & Mrs. Russell McCandlish Ms. Margaret Miller Ms. Amy Janes Ms. Nola Kemp Mr. & Mrs. John W. Lacey Ms. Lori A. Lewis Mrs. Rose M. Machado Ms. Tanner McCandlish Mrs. Gail Milliken 55% gray Mr. Robert Kemp Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lacks 75% gray Ms. Brandee Jankoski Mrs. Nora Lieber Mr. & Mrs. Martin Machuca Mr. & Mrs. John H. McCarthy black Ms. Tamarah T. Millington Ms. Elizabeth Jaramillo Mr. Walker Kemp Ms. Cindy Lafond Mr. Perry Lieber Mr. Jim MacKinley Mr. Paul McCarty Ms. Diana Mina Ms. Nikki Lagerquist

pms 100 81 35 13 55 0 9 0 A New Dawn in Cancer Care black 43

*Deceased **Donation made to Sansum Clinic to support oncology programs and services ***Donations made to both Sansum Clinic and the Cancer Center to support oncology programs and services

pms 654c pms 637c black Friends continued Ms. Alisa Murguia Ms. Mairia Olivio Ms. Tanya Paye Ms. Rachel Powers Mr. Rob Reihs Ms. Sherry Robin Ms. Allison Murillo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Olla Ms. Shannon Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Power, III Ms. Yvonne Reijnaert Ms. Alberta Bertsy Robinson Ms. Linda Miner Mr. Ron Murna Mrs. Phil Olsen Ms. Rose M. Peeler Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Poyourow Mr. Bill Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Billy Minick Yasser Muro Olsen’s Danish Village Bakery Mr. & Mrs. Matt Pellerin Mr. & Mrs. Don Pratt Mrs. Yeni Reiman Ms. Lisa Rocci Ms. Terri Minshull Mr. & Mrs. Murphy Ms. Kathleen Olson Mr. David Pellow Ms. Marissa Pratt Ms. Janet Reineck Mr. Dennis Rodericks Ms. Irene Miranda Ms. Joanna Murphy Ms. Jeri O’Mahoney Ms. Beverly A. Pelton Mrs. Karen Prechtel Ms. Dana Reinhart Mr. & Mrs. Marc J. Rodrigue Mr. John Miranda Mr. Melvin Murphy Mrs. Holly Onak Mrs. Amy Pena Mrs. Katie Prerost Mr. Glenn Reinhart Ms. Elaine Rodriguez Ms. Jan Mitchell Tracy Murphy Ms. Amber O’Neill Mr. Jay Pena Mr. & Mrs. Mark Preston Ms. Shauna Reisewitz Mrs. Erika Rodriguez Ms. Savannah Mitchison Ms. Veronica Murphy Ms. Marianne O’Neill Barker Ms. Lidia Pena Ms. Medina Price Mr. Dennis Reitz Gabriel & Alina Rodriguez Ms. Sonya Mitchum Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Murray Mrs. Debra S. Oquist Ms. Michelle Pena Ms. Laurie Proia Mr. Dindo Rengel Ms. Gloria Rodriguez Ms. Margaret Mixsell Mr. & Mrs. Craig Murray Angeles Ordaz-Guendulain Mrs. Katherine Penner Mrs. Marsha L. Prudden Mrs. Honey Rengel Ms. Janet Rodriguez Ms. Esther Mizzy Mr. Ron Murtha Mr. Roman Orestano Mr. Martin Penney Ms. Lisa Przekop Ms. Loura Renick Mr. Joe Rodriguez Mrs. Marie Mlodzik Ms. Melissa Musgrove Mr. Gus Oropeza Ms. Nadya Penoff Ms. Rosie Puff Ms. Paty Renick Mr. Jose Rodriguez Mrs. Yvonne Moccardini Ms. Erin Muslera Ms. Michelle Orozco Ms. Alisa Pepper Ms. Rebecca Pullen Mr. Steven Renick Ms. Linda Rodriguez Mr. Geoff Mohun Mr. Leroy Muysenberg Mr. John Orradre Mrs. Avelina Perez Mr. Steve D. Pulliam Mr. & Mrs. Ken Reuter Ms. Pauline Rodriguez Mr. Brian Mojarro Mr. & Mrs. John Myslak Ms. Adriana Ortega Miss Bella Perez Mr. & Mrs. Loren B. Pulver Ms. Michelle Revilla Mrs. Sarah Rodriguez Ms. Brooke Mojarro Ms. Elena Naggi Ms. Leah Ortega Mr. Benny Perez Mr. & Mrs. Clifden G. Purcell Rexnord Foundation Inc. Ms. Anna Rogers Mr. David Mojarro Ms. Denise Naguib Miss Susana Ortega Miss Carla Perez Ms. Mimi Putnam Ms. Karlyn Reyes Ms. Madeline Rogers Miss Kate Mojarro Nail Em Tight Inc. Ms. Cindy Ortiz Ms. Cheryl Perez Mrs. Rebekka E. Putnam Mrs. Laura Reyes Mrs. Jamie Romero Jesse Moline Ms. Lisa Nakama Mr. & Mrs. David L. Ortiz Ms. Cristina Perez Mrs. Phyllis Quinn Ms. Lucy Reyes Mrs. Lisa Romesser Ms. Joanne Molitor Ms. Melissa Nam Mr. Enrique Ortiz Mrs. Esmeralda Perez Mr. David Quintero Mr. Mike Reyes Ms. Kalia Rork Ms. Diane Moller Mr. Christian Napoles Ms. Phyllis Ortiz Mr. Gregorio Perez Mrs. Maggie Quintero Miss Mily Reyes Ms. Brandi Rosander Mr. Peter Moloney Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Naretto Mr. & Mrs. Remey Ortiz Ms. Guadalupe Perez Mrs. Mayte Quintero Miss Nicole Reyes Ms. Adriana Rosas Mr. R.C. Monahan Mr. Erik Nasarenko Mrs. Charles R. Otey Mr. Javier Perez R. A. Atmore and Sons, Inc. Mr. Pedro Reyes Mr. Javier Rosas Ms. Kelly Moncur Ms. Wendy Navarrete Terre Ouwehand Mr. Jose Perez R.P. Schmitz & Assoc., Inc. Mr. Roman Reyes Ms. Joanna Rosas Mr. Jesse Monroy Mr. Israel Navarro Miss Kelly Ovieda Mr. Santiago Perez Mrs. Arlene Radasky Mr. Salvador Reyes Ms. Liz Rosas Ms. Deborah Montag Ms. Sandra Navarro Ms. Elizabeth Owen Mrs. Teresa Perez Ms. Karen R. Raders Ms. Syanna Reyes Mr. Mathew Rosas Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. Montgomery Mr. Arthur W. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. James Owens, III Miss Veronica Perez Ms. Gabriela Radu Ms. Arlene Reynoso Miss Alissa Rose Ms. Rose Marie Mook Carol A. Nelson, NP Mr. & Mrs. Allan Pacela Ms. Suzanne Perkin Ms. Megan Ragland Mr. Guadalupe Reynoso Ms. Linda Rose Ms. Emma Moore Mrs. Larissa Nelson Mr. Michael Padilla Mrs. Irene Perkins Mrs. Julie Rago Mrs. Anne Rhine Ms. Rochelle D. Rose Mr. & Mrs. Vernon F. Moore Ms. Michelle Nelson Ms. Deborah Paeper Kaise Permanente Ms. Michelle N. Rainville Mr. Matt Rhodes Mr. Gary Rosenfeld Mr. Ernesto Mora Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Chris Page Mr. & Mrs. Terry Perrin Mr. & Mrs. Jai Raisinghani Ms. Mallory Rice Mr. & Mrs. Stan Rosenfield Ms. Diana Morales Ms. Susan Nelson Ms. Lillian Palermo Ms. Pam Perry Ms. Selvi Raju Ms. Janine Richard Ms. Elizabeth Ross Mr. & Mrs. Joel Morelos Mr. Trevor Nespor Ryann Palermo Ms. Monica Pessino Shruti Ramaker Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Richards, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Ross Ms. Brandii Moreno Ms. Carolyn Nichols Ms. Jennifer Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Leif Petersen Ms. Blanca Ramírez Ms. Joyce Richards Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Rosser Miss Graciela Moreno Ms. Kelly Nielsen Ms. Christie Paloczi Mr. & Mrs. Tom Petersen Mr. Miguel Ramirez Mr. Chuck Richardson Mrs. Sharon M. Roth Mr. Phillip Moreno Mr. Joe Niemann Ms. Kari Palutis Ms. Heather Peterson Mr. Eusebio Ramon Ms. Michelle Richardson Ms. Ashley Rounds Chris Morgan Mrs. Melinda Niemann Mrs. Yolanda Pandolfi Hopkins Ms. Christine Petti Ms. Gisela Ramon Mr. & Mrs. Cory H. Richman Ms. Genny Rouse Taylor Morgan Ms. Lenore Nier Mr. Allen Paneral Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Peyrat Mr. & Mrs. Harold C. Ramser, Jr. Mr. Brian Rico Ms. Victoria Rouse-Webb Mr. Dave A. Morley Ms. Stefani Niesen Mrs. Frances S. Pangburn Mr. Dan Phillips Ms. Lisa Ranjel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ridenour Mrs. Narda Roy Ms. Ida Morodome Luz Nieto Mr. & Mrs. Paul Panossian Mrs. Linda Phillips d’Artagnan Rankin Mr. Walter I. Ried Adrian Rubi-Dentzel Mr. Bruce Morris Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Nilmeyer Mr. & Ms. Michael Pantalony Ms. Roberta S. Piatt** Mr. Douglas Rankin Mr. William A. Rigsby Ms. Teri Ruchel Mr. George A. Morris Mr. Josh Nissan Ms. Jen Paravato Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Piacente Ms. Jude Rankin Mr. J. Kelly Riley Mr. Tony Rucker Ms. Jacqueline Morris Mr. Andrew Nixon Mr. & Mrs. Marty Paravato Mr. & Mrs. William L. Picciano Ms. Suzanne Rankin Mr. John W. Rinaldi Ms. Sally Ruhl Mr. Jordan Morris Ms. Elyse Norton Mr. & Mrs. Henri Pare Mr. Scott C. Pickering Ragamuffin Rankin-Corbett Mr. & Mrs. Ron Rink Mr. Audel Ruiz Ms. Linda Morris Mr. & Mrs. Gaylen J. Norton Mr. Leonard Paredes Ms. Ellen Pickman Mr. Hugh Ranson Mr. Cairo Rios Mr. Gabriel Ruiz Mrs. Nancy Morris Ms. Sharone Norwood Ms. Marquel Paredes Ms. Christine Pieton Ms. Marybeth Ray Ms. Jessica Rios & Ms. Naomi Ruiz Ms. Sandy S. Morris Ms. Kim Novak Mr. Ricardo Paredes Ms. Cathy Pitoun Ms. Mary Kathleen Rayburn Ms. Maria Rios Mrs. Erika Ruiz Santillan Ms. Whitney Morris Mr. Jay Nubla Shreya Parikh Yartza Planell Ms. Elena Raymond Ms. Norma Rios Mr. & Mrs. Bill Rule Ms. Tina Morrison Ms. Gloria Nuno Ms. Kim Park Ms. Linda Plant Ms. Nicole Rayner Mr. Victor Rios Ms. Susan Rungren Ms. Holly Mosher Ms. Robin Nussear Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Parker Miss Alexandra Platt Raytheon Employees-Point Mugu Ms. Laurie A. Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. John R. Runjavac Ms. Diane Mouradian Ms. Lucy K. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Randy Parreira Mr. & Mrs. Peter Platt Miss Alejandra Razo Mr. Javier Rivera Mr. & Mrs. Chris Runyen Mr. Joel Mouradian Mr. & Mrs. John O’Daniel** Mrs. Elizabeth Parrish Mr. & Mrs. Jerry N. Plier Mrs. Patty Razo Ms. Lolita Rivera Ms. Colleen Russell Ms. Rose Mouradian Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy O’Daniel** Mr. & Mrs. James L. Parsons Ms. Joanna Ploof Ms. Esmeralda Rea Ms. Maria Rivera Mr. Daniel Russell Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Moy Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. O’Dea Mrs. Janelle Parsons Mr. & Mrs. Reilly R. Pollard Ms. Kim Reale Ms. Maria Rivera Ms. Diane Russell Mr. Aidan Mullen Mr. Shawn O’Dett Mr. & Mrs. John Pasini Ms. Cathy E. Pollock Mr. & Mrs. John C. Reardon Ms. Sonia Rivera Ms. Elizabeth Rutherford Mrs. Barbara Mullen Ms. Delainy Ogan Mrs. Marisa Pasquini Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Pontifex Ms. Kailey Reardon Mrs. Vittoria Rivera Ms. Christie Ryan Mr. Luke Mullen Ms. Jill O’Gorman Mrs. Noni K. Patchell Dr. Pamela L. Post** Mr. & Mrs. Russell Reas Ms. Kathleen M. Robb Dr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Ryan Ms. Deborah Mullin Miss Sapir Ohayon Ms. Shelly Patriquin Mr. Eric Powell Mr. Justin Redmond Mr. & Mrs. Kit A. Robbins Mr. Brandon Ryker Ms. Lois Mumford Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Olenberger Ms. Kim Patterson Ms. Rita Powell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Reese Hitomi Roberson Ms. Patricia Salaiz Mr. & Mrs. Keith Mundee Mr. Mick Olguin Mr. Mark Pattiz Mr. & Mrs. Fred Powell Ms. Barbara Regis Ms. Kimberly Roberson Ms. Monica Salas Ms. Angela Munoz Miss Michelle Oliner Mr. Walter T. Paullin Ms. Carina Powers Ms. Trudie Reich Mr. Jay Roberts Ms. Erika Salcedo Miss Lauren Munoz Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Oliver Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Paulsen Ms. Jennifer Powers LCDR A.J. Reichel, Jr. Ms. Kathleen Roberts Ms. Joyce Salda 44 Mrs. Sandra Munoz Ms. Teresa Robertson

*Deceased **Donation made to Sansum Clinic to support oncology programs and services ***Donations made to both Sansum Clinic and the Cancer Center to support oncology programs and services Mrs. Lisa Salgado Ms. Kimberly Selkoe Mr. Randy Solakian Mr. Tony Suhrer Ms. Tamberlyn Thurman Ms. Louise Salgado Ms. Patricia Sell Mr. Freddy Solano Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sullivan Mr. Jose Manuel Tierrablanca Mr. Thomas Salgado, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Semenza Jayden Solano Ms. Katelyn Sullivan Miss Paulina Tierrablanca Mr. Alvin A. Salge Ms. Lyn Semenza Mr. Jose Solano Mrs. Margie Sullivan Dr. James Tinsley Ms. Shelly Salinas Miss Nikki Seppala Kurnick Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Soltysik Ms. Rosie Sullivan Miss Claire Tipich Mr. & Mrs. Paul Salmonsen Ms. Xochitl Serrano Ms. Alexa Sorenson Ms. Sylvia Sullivan Mrs. Vanessa Tobis Mr. David Sample Mr. Justin Shane Mr. & Mrs. Greg Sorenson Ms. Thaciane Sullivan Mr. Erik Tomlin Ms. Theresa Sampson Ms. Deborah Shaner Ms. Ana Soto Ms. Gina Sunseri Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Toone Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Joel Samuels-Shawn Mahendra Sharma Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Soto Ms. Melissa Survick Mr. Tom Topinka Homan Sanaie Ms. Phyllis Shaurette Ms. Cristina Soto-Balderas Mr. Andrew Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. Fred Tormohlen Rezvan Sanaie Ms. Barbara Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Tom Spadoro Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Sutherland Mrs. Lisa Torrence Mrs. Anayeli Sanchez Ms. Jodi Shaw Ms. Kity Sparklette Ms. Layne Sutien Ms. Cindy Torres Ms. Blanca Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shecterle Mr. Jack Sparrowk Mr. Dylan Suttner Mrs. Cynthia Torres Mrs. Carmen Sanchez Flores Mr. John C. Sheldon & Mr. Tony Spataro Ms. Chiyoko Suzuki** Mr. Edgar Torres Mr. Hector Sanchez Mrs. Gayle H. Lynds Spectrum Realty Ms. Mary Swan Ms. Karla Torres Ms. Karissa Sanchez Dr. Cristopher Shepard Ms. Sally A. Spence Ms. Kimberly L. Swann Ms. Lori Torres Ms. Kimberly Sanchez Ms. Linda Sherrill Mrs. Pollock Spiegel Mr. & Mrs. Fred Sweeney Miss Mercy Torres Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Sanchez Ms. Rita Sherwin R. Spitzer Ms. Sachi A. Swick Mr. Joe Torti Ms. Laura Sangas Mr. & Mrs. Mike Shinn Ms. Dana L. Spoonerow Mr. & Mrs. John S. Swift Ms. Kimberly Tosatto Ms. Sandra Sanger Ms. Kate Shipley Mr. & Mrs. Shaw Sprague Mr. & Mrs. John C. Switzer Mr. & Ms. Douglas Totten Ms. Judy Sanregret Mr. & Mrs. Josh Shirvanian Ms. Liz Sprouse Ms. Brianna Sykes Town & Country Women’s Club Ms. Margaret Santamaria Miss Erica Short Ms. Angelica St.Clair Mr. Steven Szabo of Santa Barbara Mr. Robert Santana Jimenez Mr. James M. Shoughro Ms. Christine Stancill Ms. Catherine Szegda Ms. Connie Towne Ms. Maria Santana Mr. James Shupe Ms. Lisa Standring CJ Szegda Mr. & Mrs. Mark Townes Mr. Paulie Santana Miss Sofia Shuster Ms. Barbara Stangl Mr. & Mrs. Alexander S. Ms. Catherine Townson Mr. Roberto Santana Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shutt Mr. & Mrs. Gary Staniforth Szymanski, III Mr. & Mrs. Art Tracewell Ms. Hilary J. Santee Ms. Tori Smith Shyrock Ms. Kimberly Stanley Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Tabala Mr. Alan E. Trager Miss Jessica Santillan Ms. Susan Sicilia Ms. Tamara Starczak Ms. Sharon Talkington Mr. Mark Tram Ms. Karina Santillan Ms. Christa Siddy** Ms. Ruth K. Stark Mr. Angel Tamayo Ms. Anh Tran Ms. Patricia Saraca Miss Brittany Siegel Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stark Mr. Brian Tan Mrs. Ofelia Trancoso Ms. Carol Sauceda & Mr. Max Siegel Mrs. Laurie Starks Ms. Sarah Taniyama Mr. Rafael R. Trancoso Mr. James D. Macari Ms. Pamela Sillix Mr. & Mrs. Terry M. Staten Mr. & Mrs. William R. Tanner Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Travis Mr. Dietrich Sauer Ms. Elizabeth Silva Ms. Regine Staufenberg Ms. Carissa Tapee Ms. Angela Tremaine Mr. & Mrs. Hal M. Saunders Mr. Matthew Silverman Mrs. Isabelle Ste. Marie Ms. Jennifer Tatro Mr. Charles Trenbeth Mrs. Jenifer Sautot Mr. & Mrs. Mark Silverstein Loren Stecker Mr. Christian G. Taylor Ms. Nancy Trevino Mr. Julien Sautot Ms. Lisa Simkins Ms. Ann Steele Mr. Eric Taylor TRK Playground Safety, LLC. Mr. Philippe Sautot Mr. John Simmons Ms. Dorothy Steenland Mr. Marq Taylor Ms. Elisa Trowbridge Romain Sautot Ms. Michelle Sinclair Mr. Randy Stein Ms. Cheryl Tedesco Mr. & Mrs. Walter Trower Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Savage Ms. Irma A. Singer Mr. William L. Stephens Mr. Thomas Teicholz & Ms. Ms. Sandra Trujillo Ms. Judith Scarbrough Ms. Susan Singer Ms. Delores A. Sternot Amy Rappeport Ms. Kathryn Tucciarone Dr. Gregory Scarcello Sapna Singh Mr. John J. Sternot* Ms. Jo Tejada Ms. Whitney Tully Mr. & Mrs. Sanford H. Schatz Viran Singh Mr. Brent Stevens Mr. Dan Tenoso Ms. Irene Tunnacliffe Mr. Scott T. Scheller Mr. & Mrs. Rich Sinykin Ms. Jessica Stevens Ms. Patricia Terrell Ms. Elizabeth Turner Ms. Cara Schipper Ms. Britney Sirois Ms. Nancy Stevens Ms. Lauren Thal Hill Mr. & Mrs. Jim Turner Mr. & Mrs. Otto A. Schleich Ms. Cynthia Sirois Ms. Karen Steward Ms. Patty Thayer Mr. Gary Tutte Ms. Tara Schlener Ms. Victoria Sjollema Mr. Patrick Stewart Ms. Amy Thomas Twin Cities Community Hospital Ms. Kristine Schmidt Mr. Reid Skei Mr. Scott Stewart Ms. Jennifer L. Thomas** -Rad Dept. Ms. Kristy Schneider Ms. Mary Jane Skinner Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stichler Mr. & Mrs. John E. Thomas Ms. Valerie Tyler Ms. Alexandra Schoenwetter Mr. Zachary Sklar Ms. Karen M. Stiny Mr. George A. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Uhl Mr. & Mrs. Edward V. Schroeder Miss Puk Slewe Ms. Shirley Stockero Mr. & Mrs. John S. Thompson Dr. Lisa Uhl Mr. & Mrs. Stanley E. Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Smith Ms. Jean Stoiberg Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Thompson Ms. Emi Umezawa A participant gets in the spirit for the 15th Mr. & Mrs. John J. Schwasnick Mr. & Mrs. Chet Smith Mr. Matt Stokke Mr. Mark Thompson Mrs. Emily Unzueta Ms. Mary Schweickert Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Smith Mr. Joe Stone Mr. Rawles Thompson Miss Sophia Vaca annual Barbara Ireland Walk for Breast Cancer. Ms. Carol Schwyzer Ms. Margaret Smith Ms. Julia Stone Mr. & Mrs. Sidney R. Thompson Ms. Ashlain Valencia Mr. & Mrs. Bill Scott Dr. Michael C. Smith Ms. Andrea K. Stouffer Ms. Cassandra J. Thomsen Mr. David Valle Mr. Kevin Scott Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith Mrs. Victoria Strum Mrs. Barbara A. Thornburg Mr. Jesus Valle Mr. James Scrafford Ms. Mary Snelling Ms. Toni Stuart Ms. Teresa Thornburgh Ms. Maria Valle Ms. Nanette Secor Mr. Stephen Sobolewski** Ms. Angela Sturgeon Ms. Letty Thornton Ms. Tina Valle 55% gray Mr. Robert Sedivy Mrs. Anita Soderborg Ms. Monica Thornton 75% gray Mrs. Rosa Valle-Rico Ms. Kathy Sugiyama black Mr. Jon Sefton Ms. Tawnia Sodergren Mr. Cristopher Sugleris Ms. Erika Thost Mrs. Ernestina Valle-Ruiz Ms. Sandra Thrapp Mr. & Mrs. Mark Vampola

pms 100 81 35 13 55 0 9 0 A New Dawn in Cancer Care black

*Deceased **Donation made to Sansum Clinic to support oncology programs and services ***Donations made to both Sansum Clinic and the Cancer Center to support oncology programs and services

pms 654c pms 637c black 5k & 10K runners at the 23 Annual Walk/Run. This event raised $210,044 to support local cancer care.

Friends continued Mr. Elias Villanueva Ms. Lynn Weddle Ms. Nicole Wirtz In Kind Fitness with Rachel Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Ms. Patricia Villarreal-Seyle Ms. Lois Weeks Ms. Lisa Wolfe Mr. Danny Giorro Santa Barbara Maritime Museum Ms. Anneke Van Bastelaar Mrs. Briana Villasenor Ms. Renee Weider Mr. Terrace Wong Ablitt’s Fine Cleaners Mrs. Mandy Gocong Santa Barbara Museum of Art Mr. & Mrs. Mike Van Camp Ms. Susan Villegas Mr. Stephen Weinbach Mrs. Bethany Wood Acupuncture Integration Golf N’ Stuff Family Fun Park Santa Barbara Musuem Ms. Sally Van Der Kar Mrs. Jacquelyn M. Vinckier Mr. Kenneth Weiss Mr. Bob Wood Ms. Karine Anderson Granada Theatre of Natural History Mr. & Mrs. Scott Van Der Kar Mr. & Mrs. Herman J. Visscher Ms. Wendy Weiss Ms. Kristine Wood Anna’s Bakery Ms. Kathleen Greco Santa Barbara Polo Mr. & Mrs. Rick Van Hoorn & Racquet Club Ms. Lisa A. Volmar Mr. & Mrs. Everett Welch Ms. Leilani Wood Aquarium of the Pacific Halper Fine Art Mr. William P. Van Horn Santa Barbara Running Ms. Ruth Vomund Ms. Karen Welch Ms. Yvonne Wood Ms. Mary Lou Ardohain & Friends Harbor View Inn Ms. Kristin van Niekerk Santa Barbara Yoga Center Ms. Shauna Vose Ms. Mary Welch Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Woodburn Art Essentials Ms. Mary Anne Harrison Ms. Rae Van Seenus Santa Barbara Mr. Tony Vultaggio Ms. Deborah Wells Ah-Tye Ms. Kara Woods Artiste Winery & Tasting Studio Ms. Bonnie Hope Ms. Joyce Van Wagoner Zoological Gardens Mrs. Jan Wagener Wells Fargo Community Mr. Cody Worland Aveda Experience Centers, Inc. Ms. Trenna Hunter Ms. Mary Vanatta Santa Ynez Valley Marriott Mr. Bill Wagner, Jr. Support Campaign Ms. Janet Wruck Ms. Doris J. Batastini Island Packers Ms. Cindy Vande Woude Ms. Jenny Schatzle Ms. Diana G. Wagner & Ms. Connie Ms. Jennifer C. Wells Ms. Jeanie C. Wulff B. Bronson Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Jacobs Ms. Carol A. Vandenberg & Sea Landing K. Arevalo Mr. Bob Welly Ms. Cynthia Wyatt Jeanine’s Bakery Mr. John M. Engle Beachside Bar & Cafe Sea Venture Resort & Restaurant Ms. Leah Wagner Ms. Elizabeth Wenke Mrs. Alan J. Wyner Jonathan & Sylvia Ms. Amy VandenHeuvel Blenders in the Grass Segway Tours of Santa Barbara Ms. Judith Wahler Ms. Carla Whitacre Mrs. Samantha Wynns Jordano’s Inc. Ms. August Vanderbeek Bragg Organic Farm Simpson House Inn Mr. Mark Waldinger Miss Abby White Casey Yamada Ms. Jaelynne C. Lay Ms. Pamela Vandervort Brander Vineyard Sly’s Seafood-Steak-Cocktails Mr. Brian E. Walgenbach Mr. Andy White Ms. Donna Yamasaki Let It Go Yoga Ms. Dionne J. Vanmeter Ms. Machelle Brazeau Ms. Shari L. Smith Darby Walker Miss Kylie White Ms. Janet Yanet Lucy Mr. Ron Varenchik Ms. Tina Breitzmann Mr. & Mrs. Tom Smith Mr. Steve Walker Mr. Albert Whitney Ms. Robbie Yartz Lunchbox Mr. & Mrs. David T. Varesio Brighton Collectibles SOhO Restaurant & Music Club Ms. Patricia Wall Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Wiesen Ms. Holly Yee Meli’s Mobile Carwash Mrs. Donald S. Varner Mrs. Nettie J. Broska South Coast Church Mrs. Lee Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Wignot Ms. Shany Yeshanov Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Merovick Mr. Alex I. Vasquez Calypso St. Barth South Coast Karate Ms. Linda Walters Mr. Jason Wiley Bee Jay Yokoi Metropolitan Theatres Corp. Mr. Fredy Vasquez Cambria Estate Vineyards Mr. & Mrs. Ben Spalluto Ms. Sue Wang Mr. & Mrs. John Wiley Mr. Andy Young & Winery Metropulos Fine Foods Merchant Ms. Jasmine Vasquez SWELL/Santa Barbara Ms. Jane Ward Ms. Cathey Wilkins Ms. Caity Young Cashmir Beauty Lounge Meun Fan Thai Cafe Ms. Mary Vasquez Athletic Club Ms. Maxine Ward Mr. & Mrs. Rory Willett Ms. Kate Young Celgene Mr. Richard Nathan Mr. Philip Vasquez Sysco Mr. Mark Warren Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Williams Ms. Nellie Young Chateau St. Michelle Winery National Watercolor Society Ms. Yesenia Vasquez Taco Roco Ms. Carmen Wartenberger Ms. Mary Anne Williams Ms. Suzanna Young Chaucer’s Books Natural Cafe Ms. Barb Vassios Taffy’s Pizza, Inc. Ms. Kim Warwick Ms. Terri Williams Mr. Jonathan Zaid Chico’s Ms. Teri Nodolf Ms. Mary Vazquez The Joy Agency Mr. Laury WasoffL Mrs. Paul C. Willis Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Zaida Chuck’s Waterfront Grill Ms. Tina Oglesby Mr. Xavier Vazquez The Painted Cabernet Ms. Carole Wasserman Ms. Cathy Wills Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Zamora Circle Bar B Guest Ranch Resort Olio E Limone Ristorante Agnes Veith The Pantry Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Waters Ms. Grace Willson Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Zandona Citrix Systems, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Pete Overgaag Mr. Don Veith The Upham Hotel and Ms. Amanda Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wilson Ms. Mary Zaragoza Clif Bar & Company Pacific Beverage Company Ms. Adriana Velazquez Country House Ms. Ashley Watkins Mr. John D. Wilson Ms. Nancy Zaragoza Cottage Health Pacific Coast Produce Ms. Elizabeth C. Velazquez Toma Restaurant & Bar Ms. Joan Watson Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Wilson Mr. Diegas Zavala Cottonwood Canyon Vineyard Paradise Cafe Mr. Fernando Velez Trader Joe’s Ms. Juli Watt Mr. Robert Wilson Ms. Jean Zeibak and Winery Mr. Richard F. Parisse Ms. Winnie Velner Tri-County Produce Co. Ms. Deborah Watts Mr. & Mrs. Travis Wilson Mr. Adam Zeise Crimson Aromatherapy Day Paul Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Armando G. Veloz The Walking Co. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth S. Waxman Windmill Ranch & Vineyard Mr. Bill Zeise Spa & Boutique Cosmetology Academy Venoco, Inc. Water Store Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Wayne Mrs. Stamatina Winford Mr. Nathan Zempel Ms. Moira Cullen-Crowe Ms. Kathy Polischuk Ms. Gigi O. Vidales Westerlay Orchids Ms. Carol Weathers Mr. Ernest Wing Ms. Sharon Zertuche Curves Goleta Presidio Vineyard & Winery Ms. Christal Vierra Woody’s Bodacious BBQ Ms. Debra Weaver Ms. Irene B. Winsauer Ms. Barb Zirretta Debbie’s Delights Renaud’s Patisserie & Bistro Mr. & Mrs. David J. Vierra Yoga Soup Mrs. Doris Webb Ms. Amy Winslow Mr. David Zogg Ms. Christine Dicey San Ysidro Ranch Mrs. Joan M. Vignocchi Your Cake Baker, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Webb Ms. Tracie Winstrom Ms. Mona D. Zozos Ensemble Theatre Company Sansum Clinic - Facial Plastic Mrs. Kristine Villa Zodo’s Bowling & Beyond Dr. & Mrs. Vaughn F. Wipf Mr. John J. Esparza Surgery & Aesthetics 46 Fairview Car Wash Sansum Clinic Dermatology

*Deceased **Donation made to Sansum Clinic to support oncology programs and services ***Donations made to both Sansum Clinic and the Cancer Center to support oncology programs and services Connie Burns Dan & Carolyn Creasey Joseph S. Hardin Sharon H. Metcalf Ruth Reck Joanne R. Uhl In Honor Of Sylvia Camiel Bert E. Davis Rosemarie Harris Kevin Moriarty H. Smith Richardson, III David W. Van Horne Cancer Center Medical Mike DePonce H. Douglas Harvey Sabrina Mueller Phillippe Sautot Shelly Vizzolini Dr. Mark S. Abate Oncology Staff Mary K. Devoy Beatriz Hyp Dr. Gregg Newman Kimberly Schizas Weeks Family Dr. Cheryl Almeida Cancer Center Radiation David L. Fishback Dr. Fred Kass Liv Paffrath Rick W. Scott Dr. Thomas H. Weisenburger David Austin Oncology Staff Hunter Foster Kaile Katsumoto Donna Payne Mike Singer Janet Wieting Melinda M. Becker Donna Cannady Cindy Gasser David W. Keller Leanna Pearson Janet Smith Leslee A. Willingham Dr. Lindsay Blount Stephanie Carlyle Rachelle B. Geiger Jean Kienzle Jenni-Marie Peterson Dr. W. Warren Suh Jan Winford Hugh M. Boss Les Charles Dr. Dan Greenwald Martha Levy & Richard Parisse Denise Pullen Dr. Julie Taguchi Dr. Thomas Woliver Briggs Boss Dr. Rosa Choi Dr. Gloria Hadsall Arthur J. Merovick Dr. Kurt N. Ransohoff Donna Talarico Dr. Edward Yoon Mackenzie Boss Dr. Shane Cotter Susanne Hall Carolyn Merovick Jean L. Thomson George Zulkofske Belinda Burns Gordon B. Crary, Jr.

In Memory Of Colin Day King C. Lew Jinger F. Robinette Dr. George E. Scott Gary L. Spencer Eleanor Van Horn Novella de Ponce Jill Lewis Sharry Rose Howard M. Shannon, Jr. Ruthanne K. Stauffer Catheryn J. Vargen Carlos Aguirre Sharon Divorty Thomas D. Lewis Francis W. Rowbottam Trudi Shoughro Hon. Ronald C. Stevens William L. Wagner Janice L. Allscheid Molly W. Dolle Theresa M. Livingstone Jackie Sant-Myeroff Dr. Albert Silverman Theresa A. Strickler Donald A. Walker Dr. Reza Amini Patricia A. Duncan Mike Lorimer Neill Sargent Peter E.Sjolander Laurie Styles Alan Wallace Elinor Aparicio Arthur F. Dykeman Norma Lytle Richard L. Schall Kevin T. Smith Dr. Mananya Tantiwiwat Elizabeth B. Whaley Elise Arabian Roy S. Edwards, Jr. Joseph F. Maguire Bill Schlosser Richard C. Smith Albert Torres Sandra Whittington Don R. Aubrey Harry & Vi Ellis Ray Malott Norma R. Schlosser Heidi Snow Gilbert J. Torres, Sr. Elizabeth A. Yossem-Guy Hoilda S. Baird James G. Evans, Jr. Donald R. Manning Eric Schuld Marie J. Souza Paul Turpin Catherine Zitzer Lillian Baranowski Stuart Farber Jan F. Martinez Burton Barnes Paula Fitzgerald Marty L. Mason Louis T. Barragan Mary J. Fodor Deborah McGerry Eugene C. Baum Ronald E. Fuller John R. McGibbon Cindy L. Bebereia Arlene Gersenheimer Erie E. McKinnon Martha Bernhardt Marilyn J. Hagerty Glenn McMurry Darrell Bever Winifred Hajic Thomas F. McNamee, Jr. Patricia D. Bliss Rick D. Hardin Phillip Mitteldorf Charles H. Borgess Constance G. Harvie Keiko Mizuhara Jack Bradshaw David Hayes Eulalio Mosqueda Betty E. Broscious Paula Hayes John Murray Tom Brown Helene P. Heinz Ray Navarro Graham S. Bury Kathleen Hendrix Dana O’Neill Chris Cahill Regina M. Hepp Mike Orozco Patricia P. Cappel Kathleen Hines Nancy J. Orso Claudia Castaneda Alan R. Hopkinson Charles Otey Louisa Chambliss Richard Hubbard Arthur Overeem Sujata R. Chaudhury Marilyn Hudson Muriel Palumbo Dr. Pi-Yu B. Cheng Caleb Wheeler Ibsen Gus Parker Dr. Beverly J. Chu Joyce Innes Judy Patrizzi Kenneth A. Clark Fuji Iwata Patricia A. Patton-Caldwell Maxine Cohen Elizabeth McEwen Jacobs Monroe Peaston Joyce Collins Deanna Jacobsen George Peters Karen Conger Margaret James Diane M. Peterson-Jahadhmy Edwin Cook Helen Jameson Sharon Pomerantz Lillian Cota Morse K. Jeffers Margaret Popper John J. Couch Ann Jensen Mary Dell O. Pritzlaff Laura J. Creasey Mary H. Jimenez Lynn S. Rabinowitz Evelyn Curtis Arthur J. Karle Margaret Rantanen Helen Dale Bethel Keeton James W. Reed Elnora H. Danley Burl Keeton Jean M. Reese Peggy Davee Dorothy M. Kestel Doris V. Reichel Wendy Davee Stephen King Esther Reyes Mary, Cynthia, John, Barbara and at The 15th annual Carol Davis David C. Kogel Donald Richling Barbara Ireland Walk for Breast Cancer Research. Zeb Davis Jaime Laguette-Stevens Nancy P. Ried Debby Davison Phelps Wayne Lessley Sharon Rind

*Deceased **Donation made to Sansum Clinic to support oncology programs and services ***Donations made to both Sansum Clinic and the Cancer Center to support oncology programs and services Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara Staff

Rick Scott Rob Dunton Stephanie Carlyle Lori Willis Jenni-Marie Peterson Ann Moore Kaile Katsumoto President Director of Philanthropy Philanthropy Manager Major Gifts Officer Administration & Planned Giving Officer Philanthropy Assistant Human Resources

Cancer Foundation of Santa Cancer Foundation of Santa Sansum Clinic Board of Trustees Sansum Clinic Oncology Administration Barbara Board of Trustees Barbara Administration Officers Physician Trustees Kurt N. Ransohoff, MD, FACP Frank Foster, Chairman Rick Scott, President Vicki Hazard, Chair Bret E. Davis, MD, FACP CEO and Chief Medical Officer Hugh Boss, Vice Chairman Rob Dunton, Director of Philanthropy Edwin Rosenblatt, David A. Raphael,MD Chad Hine Vice Chair Gene I. Miller, Treasurer Stephanie Carlyle, Philanthropy Manager Michael Bernstein, MD Chief Operating Officer Arthur Merovick, Secretary Janet A. Garufis W. Warren Suh, MD, MPH Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara Sue Birch Chad Hine Honorary Trustees Medical Director of Radiation Oncology 601 West Junipero Street Les Charles Kurt Ransohoff, MD, FACP Wilton Doane, MD Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Fred Kass, MD C. Michael Cooney Public Trustees J. Thomas Fly Medical Director of Research Shane Cotter, MD, PhD & Wellness Elizabeth (Beth) Vos Maryan Schall Molly Dolle (passed away 5/13/2015) Julie McGovern William Wayne Gregg Newman, MD Vicki Hazard Chair, Oncology Department Paul Hartloff James H. Jackson Roger P. Craton William Pace, MD Fred Kass, MD Medical Director of Chris Corpuz Steve McHugh Nuclear Medicine Kenneth Coates Timothy E. Metzinger Jill R. Fonte, MBA Chuck Kaye Val Montgomery Public Information Officer and James McNamara, MD Joel H. Rothman, PhD Director of Marketing George Rusznak Kimberly Schizas Dru Hartley Arthur Merovick Thomas H. Weisenburger, MD, FACR Director of Philanthropy Ronald Latimer, MD Steve McHugh Tom Kenny 48 Ellen Stein Together the Cancer Center and the Cancer Foundation rely on dozens of volunteers to help ensure a wide variety of patient and staff needs are met. Escorting patients to their appointments, serving coffee, providing clerical and event support, and offering Healing Touch are just a few of the ways that volunteers assist at the Cancer Center each day. In 2015, more than 20 regular volunteers contributed more than 1,900 hours. Both organizations are tremendously grateful to each and every volunteer for sharing their time and talent.

One particularly devoted volunteer is Ellen Stein. After registering for the Barbara

Volunteer Spotlight Ireland Walk in 2012, Ellen knew she wanted to do more to help at the Cancer Center where she had been successfully treated for breast cancer. After giving the Philanthropy Office a call, she arranged to begin work in late March. Since then, Ellen has volunteered every week in the Cancer Foundation’s Philanthropy office on a variety of tasks —from updating donor records, preparing events and assisting with mailing projects, she has done it all. Ellen says, “I felt that by being a patient at the Cancer Center and receiving the best care ever, I could give a little back by volunteering my time.” I felt that by being a patient at the Cancer Center and receiving the We are grateful for the hundreds of best care ever, I could give a little back by volunteering my time. hours Ellen has donated to the Cancer ELLEN STEIN Foundation to support the patients and programs we serve. “ ” 49 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Cancer Center of Santa Barbara U.S. POSTAGE 300 West Pueblo Street PAID SANTA BARBARA, CA Santa Barbara, California 93105 PERMIT NO. 367 (805) 682-7300 www.ccsb.org (805) 898-2116 www.cfsb.org

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A partnership of the Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara and the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara with Sansum Clinic

The Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara and the Cancer Center of Santa cancer care, this partnership invests in cutting-edge medical equipment, the pms 654c Barbara with Sansum Clinic work in partnership to deliver exceptional cancer recruitment of highly trained medical personnel,pms 637c active participation in clinical black care to everyone in Santa Barbara County regardless of means. research, the integration of oncology services, and the thoughtful introduction of promising new methods of treatment. The combined mission of the Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara and the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara with Sansum Clinic is to provide a With your help, we will continue to be the regional resource that the comprehensive diagnostic, treatment, prevention and research program that public and medical community can count on for education, prevention and allows cancer patients to receive the highest level of care without having to leadership in the field of cancer while providing ongoing support to cancer leave Santa Barbara. To keep the Central Coast on the vanguard of modern patients and their families – regardless of means. Thank you.

The Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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