Contents of Periodical Publications
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202 Jan. Contents of Periodical Publications I. FEANCE Annalei da lUcola Libre del BdeneeB Markham's translation of Columbus's Politiquea, viii. 4. October—C. SOHE- journal during his first voyage 0. Downloaded from FEB : Louis XIV and Charles XII, DEJOB : Pasolini'B ' Caterma Sforna.' continued from April 1890 [showing T. DH L.: Gigas' edition of' Lettres how the attempts of French diplomacy des Benedictins de la congregation de from 1702 to 1706 to secure the support Saint-Maur' [1652-1700].= 42. 16 of Sweden in the war of the Spanish Oct.— F. T. PBBBKNB: Villari's succession proved without effect] ' Storia di Firen*e.'=A6. 6 Nov. P. MATTKB : Borne and the revolution —P. LEJAT : Le Blant's ' Les persicu- of 1848 [on the papal policy from the teurs et les martyrs aux premiers siicles accession of Pius IX in 1846 to the de notre tre.'=4B. 13 Nov.—L. commencement of the ministry of FABOBS : Hanotaux'' Bichelieu.'=4S. Rossi, September 1848] G. POUEIT: 27 Nov.—0. DH POMAIBOM : Lamartine The political results of the system of [on Beyssie and Deschanel's lives].= partial renewal as applied to legislative 49. 4 Dec.—G. MASPEBO : Spiegelberg's assemblies [tracing the introduction of ' RechtsxDesen des Pliaraonenreiches ' this system into the French constitu- [c. 1500-1000 B.C.] H. HADSEB: tion of 1793, and its effect on the his-' Boissonnade's ' Histoire de la reunion tory of the convention; and noticing de la Navarre a la Castille' [1479- how it retarded for four years the revo- 1521]. A. CHUQTJET : Pisani's ' La lution of 18 Brumaire, and thereby Dalmatie de 1797 a '«'5 ' Ml 11 at McMaster University Library on July 25, 2015 changed the character of the inevitable Dec.—L.FEEB: Strakosch-Grassmann's dictatorship] B. HBSWEQUDI : The 1 Der Einfall der Mongolen in Mittei- directories of departments established europa' [I24i-I242].=61. la Dec.— in 1789 [examining their origin and M. VEBNBS : Works on the later history aotion and concluding them to be to of Israel. A. CHUQUST : The memoirs some small extent' the ancestors of the of chancelier Pasquier, ii. departmental commissions of the pre- Kevue Hiitorique, fill. 1. September— sent day'] D. ZOLLA: Variations E. Mijinz: Religious feeling in Italy in the rent and value of land in France, during the sixteenth century [discussing continued [showing that from the be- the relations between the church and ginnning of the eighteenth century to the humanist movement, and the about 1738 the value of land steadily encouragement of art and artists at fell; from 1738 to 1763 it rose again, Home, and TnniTita.ining that religious but with some fluctuations; from 1763 feeling was by no means dead among to 1789 it roee steadily and rapidly]. the Italians of the sixteenth century; Xa Revolution Fiancaiie, xxv. 3. Sep- with illustrations from the works of tember—M. TOCBNIUX : The control of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo]. the press from 1789 to year VIII. X. MOSSMANN : The French in H. MONIK : Mirabeau's speech on the Alsace after the peace of Westphalia, public fites. 1. MANDOTO : The third article. H. Pnuaras: The Jacobin club of Carcassonne, continued. origin of town constitutions in the F. A. AULABD : The representatives middle ages, first artiole [examining the on m«non^=-4- October—E. CHABA- theories qf W. Arnold, Heusler, Nitzsch, VAY : General Hoche [printing letters, Wilda, Gierke, Hegel, Gross, G. L. von some of which have been only partially Maurer, G. von Below, Sohm, and others.] published, others not published at all]. 2. November—G. PAIUB: Jaufri J. MANDOUT, : The Jacobin club of Budel [the troubadour]. A. CABUL- Carcassonne, concluded. E. CASTXL : LUBI: Theaccession of Philip Augustus A primary assembly in 1792 [a doou- [1179-1180], continued from voL lii. 2 : ment relating to the elections in the the king under the influence of the canton of Bu, department Eure-et-Loir]. count of Flanders; the F.ngHwVi inter- The bill of grievances of the vention X. MossMANS: The French clergy of Paris in May 1789. in Alsace after the peace of Westphalia, Berne Critique d'Hlitoire at de Ltttars- fourth article H. HAUSEB : On the ture, 1893. 41. V Oct.—a. A. V.: authenticity of the' Discours poUtiques' 1894 CONTENTS OF PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS 208 of La Noue [maintaining against D. Napoleon; his character, genius, and d'Aussy thai their style is not due to historical position. P. FABBB and P. the publisher]. A. DI BOOHIS : The BATHTOL: On the disputed decretals archives of the war office and the cam- of Cataniaro. paigns of the Austrian succession Booie'te' de l'Hirtoire du ProtetUntinns E. WKLVKBT : Was the abbi Grigoire a Franf ill. Bulletin hlstorique et litte- regicide 1 [holding that his letter of 13 raire. xlli. 9. September—Notes and Jan. 1793, if correctly printed, contains documents concerning the protestants a regicide opinion, bat that in fact it and their churches at Saintes.==W. was without influence on the king's October—A. LOOT : Rabaut de Saint- fate.] Ittienne [1743-1793], his proscription, me dot Qnettioiu HistoriquM, liv. 8. arrest, and death N. W.: Minor October—A. J. DHATTBB : The Asiatic notes concerning Calvin.z=ll. No- correspondence of Amenophis HI and vember—H. GHLD< : Huguenot inscrip- Amenophis TV. A. DB BOISLISLB : tions in Poitou, Aunis, Saintongt, &c Downloaded from Paul Scarron and ifrancoistd'Aubigni, 0. BUD prints a letter of Bulhiire second article [on their married life]. on the questions of marriages au desert A. DH GAKNTEBS : Latare Canxot, [1698] and of toleration in the city of * the organiser of victory ' [claiming to Paris [1708] T. Mim-inn prints have exposed another legend of the the acts of the protestant synod of French revolution] M. SBPIT: Poitou [1744]. H. GERMANY AND AUSTEIA AroMv fttr OwtarreiohUeh* ttouhiehta ning the manuscripts and arriving at (Vienna), lnvtil 8.—E. WHBTHDHKB the conclusion that the chronicle of prints two memoirs of archduke Rai- Tolosanus was not arranged in a striot ner. I: On the organisation of the chronological order, and that, besides oouncil of state [1808]. n: Suggestions the continuation, it contains numerous for reforms and improvements in the interpolations and alterations which de- constitution of the Austrian monarchy prive it of the uniform character of a [December 1809] E. WEBTHKUCEB: contemporary authority], and Pttrus The stay of the archdukes John and Cantinelli [who is distinguished from Lewis in England [1815-1816], from un- the continuator of Tolosanus]. at McMaster University Library on July 25, 2015 published materials J. LOSEBTH : Byianttnlwhe Zeituhrift (Leipzig), 11 S, Anabappism in Tyrol from its begin- 4.—A. PAVLOVSTU : The decoration of nings to the death of Jakob Huter the ceiling of the Palatine chapel [im- [1526-1536], from the papers of Josef, portant for the history of Arab art in Bitter von Beck. = lxxix. 1.—A. southern Italy in the twelfth century], DOPBCH: The origin and character of with illustrations. E. PATZIJ : On ihe Austrian ' landrecht.' G. Wnc- the hypothesis in Dindorfs edition of the TBB prints the Ordo consiiii [for the Scholia on the Odyssey [a discussion of imperial aulic council] of 1550 [with the date of John of Antioch and other lists of the minutes of the council, Byzantine historians] G. SCHLOM- 1544-1556, so far as preserved]. J. BBBGKB : On a Byeaniine polycandilon, LOBXBTB : Anabaptism in Tyrol from illustrated K. PBABCHTKB : On the 1536 to its extinction. relation of the ' Romance of Barlaam BayeriMh* Aiademie der WiMenMhaftoi and Joasaph' to the 2x&i) (iaot\uch of (Munich). Abhandlungen der histo- Agapetus [of interest in connexion risohen Classa xx. S.—E. T. HSIOBL: with the newly discovered ' Apology ' of The surrender of Mannheim to the Aristides].—-J. DBASXXK: On Johan- French [20 Sept 1795] <*«<* '*• «*- nes Mauropus. S. Kainss: On prieonment of the ministers, count Greek and Latin lexicography from Oberndorff and SaJaiwi [28 Nov. 1795], rabbinical sources. J. PERLKB : -with letters and despatches M. Judaeo-Byuantine relations A. PA- LOSSZN : The question of precedence of FAsopnxos-KxauiBus: The life of the the administrator of Magdeburg at the hymn-toriter, S. Bomanus, from several diet of Augsburg of 1582, with docu- new sources P. LiKBBoe: The Dio- ments F. STIBVE prints letters from nysiut monastery on Athos. The princes of the house of Wittelsbach same writer contributes collations of [1590-1610]. VII: [July 1607-De- the gold bull of Alexius Comnenus of cember 1608], with an indez.^=Snp- Trebiaond, and two facsimiles of manu- plement F. VOK BBBIB : The elector scripts of Hermat preserved at Mount Maximilian I of Bavaria as a collector Athoe and Leipzig. of pictures, with inventories. DaiitMh* ZdUekrirt far QessMehtswi*- SHzungsberichte der philos.-pb.ilol. •e&sohaft (Freiburg), z. 1.—H. Ui> and hist. Olasse. 1898. 8.—H. Smoics- MAHV : Studies in the history of pop* TKLD : On the chronicles of Faensa by Leo X. I: The brief to nawftna] Tolosanus and hie cjntinuators [exami- Cajetanua [23 August 1518, concerning 204 CONTENTS OF PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS Jan. Lather; arguing, from a comparison of Hirtorlsehe Zeitichrift (Munich), lxxi. 1. the brief of the same date to Frederick —B. POHLMAKN : The romantic element of Saxony, in favour of ite genuine- in the communism and socialism of the ness] F. GOBBES-: Church and Greeks [based upon an ideal • state of stata in the Vandal kingdom [429-534], nature"]. H. VON SYBXL : Hans 1. JISTBOW: The proceedings Daniel Hassenpflug [with special refer- against the Welfs and the earlier yean ence to his policy in Electoral Hesse of the reign of Frederick Barbarotsa from 1850 to 1855]. M. L. prints a [1138-1156]. I: The forfeiture of ' if tmoire sur la conveyance et Its moyene Henry the Prond [1138].