ISO 14001: current status and future challenges

Dick Hortensius NEN Management Systems

Titel presentatie 1 Agenda

• Background and current status ISO 14000 series • Looking into the future: – ISO SAG-MSS and JTCG – Study group on future challenges for EMS and ISO 14001 • Some future challenges for ISO 14001: – Integration of management systems – Value chain management – Social responsibility • The ISO answer

2 The origin of ISO 14001

• 1990: Preparation of UNCED; The Business Council for Sustainable Development expressed a need for global standards for environmental performance • 1991-1993: ISO Strategic Advisory Group on Environment (SAGE) • 1993: Establishment of ISO/TC 207 Environmental management • 1996: 1st edition of ISO 14001 published

3 ISO 14001 is about….:

Environmental policy


Environmental performance Company Environment ….managing environmental aspects 4 Scope of ISO 14001

Plan Control

Act Do Influence Influence



5 Vision of ISO/TC 207

ISO/TC 207 is recognized as a leading world-forum for the development of International Standards that lead to improvements in environmental performance of organizations and their products, facilitate world trade and contribute to sustainable development

6 The ISO 14000 series 14046 14067 Water footprint 14064 Carbon footprint GHG monitoring Plan

14040 series Act Do14020 series LCA Environmental labelling

Check 14062 14063 14050 14006 Ecodesign 14015

7 ISO 14000 toolbox for environmental management

Description of Prioritizing env. The ISO 14040 – series aspects environmental Life Cycle Assessment performance of products ISO 14001 ISO 14001 Improvement of Integration of env. ISO 14062/14006 and 14004 Design for Environment environmental and 14004 aspects in design performance of and development products

The ISO 14020 series Environmental labels and Information about Act Plan Declarations environmental ISO 14067 on carbon FP aspects of products Communicating 14046 on water FP env. performance Check Do ISO 14063 Communication on Environmental environmental communication performance Monitoring env. performance ISO 14030 - series Description of environmental Environmental performance performance of Monitoring evaluation organizations ISO 14064 system performance Monitoring, reporting, Information about ISO 19011 verifying GHG data the performance of Environmental management the environmental systems auditing management system Information on GHG data 8 Trends in certification (I) ISO14001 – Worldwide




ISO 14001




1998 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

9 Just an example…

10 11 12 13 Trends in certification (II) ISO 14001 in Portugal Portugal





ISO 14001 ,300




1997 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

14 “Future challenges” study group of ISO/TC 207/SC 1

• Established in 2008; led by Dick Hortensius • The group looked into future challenges facing environmental management systems including stakeholder needs, since ISO 14001 was first published in 1996. • The group also considered new approaches and methods in the field of EMS. • The group provided its final report in 2010

15 Themes/challenges that have been considered

1. EMS as part of sustainability and social responsibility 2. EMS and (improvement of) environmental performance 3. EMS and compliance with legal and other external requirements 4. EMS and overall (strategic) business management 5. EMS and conformity assessment 6. EMS and the uptake in small organisations 7. EMS and environmental impacts in the value/supply chain 8. EMS and engaging stakeholders 9. EMS and parallel or sub systems (GHG, energy) 10. EMS and external communication (including product information) 11. Positioning of EMS in (inter)national policy agendas

16 Themes/challenges that will be highlighted

1. EMS as part of sustainability and social responsibility 2. EMS and (improvement of) environmental performance 3. EMS and compliance with legal and other external requirements 4. EMS and overall (strategic) business management 5. EMS and conformity assessment 6. EMS and the uptake in small organisations 7. EMS and environmental impacts in the value/supply chain 8. EMS and engaging stakeholders 9. EMS and parallel or sub systems (GHG, energy) 10. EMS and external communication (including product information) 11. Positioning of EMS in (inter)national policy agendas

17 Environmental management and social responsibility

• Social responsibility (ISO 26000): – responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical behaviour that > contributes to sustainable development, including health and the welfare of society; > takes into account the expectations of stakeholders; > is in compliance with applicable law and consistent with international norms of behaviour; and > is integrated throughout the organization and practised in its relationships (i.e. in its sphere of influence)

18 Balanced and integrated approach


Planet Profit ISO 14000

ISO 26000 19 Stakeholder management in ISO 14001

Needs and concerns Act of interested parties Continual (stakeholders) improvement

Satisfaction of interested parties (stakeholders Environmental Management policy review Plan Check Planning Checking and corrective Implementation action and operation Do

External communication

20 Stakeholder involvement in ISO 14001

• When establishing objectives… shall also consider…the views of interested parties. • Procedures for receiving and responding to relevant communication from external interested parties • Decision on external communication and if so, implementation of methods • Input to the management review shall include….communications from external interested parties, including complaints

21 Stakeholder involvement ISO MSS

Policy and objectives input Consultation

Management system Plan

Act Do Communication

Stakeholders Check Accountability

Performance output 22 Conclusion SG on EMS and engaging stakeholders

• Current status: – ISO 14001 addresses interested parties (views to be considered, communication, input to management review) but not as comprehensive as e.g. in ISO 26000 • Recommendation regarding revision of ISO 14001: – Building upon the (draft) JTCG identical text introduce a more systematic approach for identification of, consultation and communication with stakeholders on environmental issues

23 Conclusion SG on EMS and external communication (including product information) • Current situation: – ISO 14001 addresses external communication. It does not require voluntary pro-active external communication. It does not contain any requirements related to providing information on environmental aspects of products/services to external interested parties.

24 Conclusion of SG on EMS and external communication (including product information) • Recommendation regarding revision of ISO 14001: – The future revision of ISO 14001 should address a requirement to establish an external communication strategy, including communication objectives, identifying relevant interested parties, description of what en when to communicate – Provide guidance in the Annex on information related to environmental aspects of products and services to external interested parties

25 Value chain management

Related to management of environmental aspects • ….environmental aspects that it can control and those that it can influence…. (4.3.1) • Consideration should be given to… (A.3.1): – Extraction and distribution of raw materials – Packaging and transportation – Distribution, use and end-of-life op products • Influence by e.g (A.3.1): – Changing input material – Communication of proper disposal mechanisms

26 What can we learn from quality management?

Continual improvement of the Quality management system

Management responsibility S a C t R Management I C u e Measuring, s of resources f u s q and improving a u s t c i t t o r I e o o m m n e m e n Product t e r s realization product r

Customer focus Supply chain focus Product focus

27 ISO 14001

Requirements of Act Continual stakeholders Satisfaction of improvement stakeholders

Environmental Management policy review Plan Check Planning

Control Do Implementation and operation Goods Process control Products/services (4.4.6)

28 Conclusions of SG on EMS and impacts of products and services (in the value chain) • Current status: – ISO 14001 addresses the environmental aspects of products and services, including those that it can influence and herewith provides a value chain perspective to EM. However, current practices vary to a large extent

29 Conclusion of SG on EMS and impacts of products and services (in the value chain) • Recommendations regarding revision of ISO 14001: – Adress life cycle thinking* and the value chain perspective more clearly in the identification & evaluation of environmental aspects related to products and services – Clear requirements/guidance related to strategic considerations, design&development, purchasing, market&sales activities * This does not mean imposing LCA

30 Compliance management as part of ISO 14001

• Commitment to compliance in the policy (4.2) • Identification and evaluation of requirements (4.3.2) • Input for establishing objectives (4.3.3) • Operational control (4.4.6) • Evaluation of compliance (4.5.2) • Corrective action (4.5.3) • Part of management review (4.6)

31 Conclusion of SG on EMS and compliance with legal and other external requirements • Current situation: – Compliance with (legal) requirements is a key concept of ISO 14001: > Commitment in the policy, > Identification & analysis of legal requirements, > Evaluation of compliance, corrective actions, > Part of management review; – Opinions differ on what can/should be expected from an organization with a (certified) EMS in this respect

32 Conclusionof SG on EMS and compliance with legal and other external requirements • Recommendations regarding revision of ISO 14001: – Clearly describe and communicate the approach/mechanism of achieving legal compliance in ISO 14001 (e.g. in the Annex) – Address the demonstration of the commitment to legal compliance – Consider the notion of demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the organization‟s compliance status

33 Development of Management system standards ISO 9001 th Q 4 edition

ISO 14001 E 2nd edition

OHSAS 18001 OHSAS 18001 ISO? OHS 2nd edition ILO OHS 2001 ISO 22000 ISO 31000 ISO 26000 Other ISO 28000 Guide 73 ISO 27001

2000 2005 2010 2015 34 ISO 14000 Environment ISO 22301 Continuity management ISO 9000 Quality OHSAS 18001 OH&S

ISO 27001 ISO 31000 Information Risk security Management

COSO HACCP/ISO 22000 Risk/finance Food safety PAS 28000 Supply chain SA 8000/ISO 26000 security Social responsibility 35 Development of Management system standards ISO 9001 th K 4 editie

ISO 14001 M 2nd edition

OHSAS 18001 OHSAS 18001 ? A 2nd edition ILO OHS 2001 ISO 22000 ISO 31000 ? Risk management ISO 26000 Guide 73 ISO 28000 ISO 27001 Integration Guide 72 handbook

2000 2005 2010 2015 36 Development of Management system standards ISO 9001 th K 4 editie

ISO 14001

M 2nd edition JTCG OHSAS 18001 OHSAS 18001 ? A 2nd edition ILO OHS 2001 ISO 22000 ISO 31000 ? Risk management ISO 26000 Guide 73 ISO 28000 ISO 27001 Integration Guide 72 SAGMSS handbook

2000 2005 2010 2015 37 Two groups on future of MSS

• SAG MSS: strategic advisory group, users, future of management system standards

• JTCG: practical co-ordination, representatives of ISO/TC/PC/SC, alignment of management system standards

38 SAG MSS „plug in model‟

39 NEN Flowermodel Quality

Environment OH&S

Generic core with basic requirements for a Hortensius management system

Other Safety

40 SAG MSS „plug in model‟


Realization of a „plug in‟ MS requires:  High level structure  Identical definitions JTCG work  Similar requirements  Comparable text

41 Proposed „High Level Structure‟ for ISO MSS

1. Scope In addition: 2. Normative references • identical subclauses • identical text (core 3. Terms and definitions requirements) 4. Context of the organization • common terms and definitions 5. Leadership 6. Planning 7. Support 8. Operation 9. Performance evaluation 10. Improvement

42 Visualization of HLS

input Context of the organization

leadership Stakeholders Society

planning improvement

Society Stakeholders performance support evaluation

operation output

43 Path forward with HLS

• October 2010: identical text and common terminology finalized by JTCG • December 2010: submission of final deliverables to ISO/TMB • 1st half 2011: Confirmation process in ISO • 2nd half 2011: Start implementation

44 Some early adopters of HLS/identical text

• ISO/TC 223 – ISO/DIS 22301 “Continuity management systems” • ISO/TC 46/SC 11 – ISO/DIS 30301”Management system for records” • ISO/IEC JTC 1 – Revision ISO 27001 “Information security management” • ISO/PC 250 “Sustainable event management” – ISO 20121”Event sustainability management system” • ISO/PC 251 “Asset management”

45 Future of ISO 14001 and ISO 14004

• Conclusion systematic review in 2008: confirmation of the 2004 editions • 2008-2010: – Study group on future challenges – Finalization of work by JTCG and SAG MSS • 2010: – Establishment of task forces to prepare scope of potential revision of ISO 14001 and ISO 14004 • 2011-2014: – Revision process 2015: 3rd editions of ISO 14001 and ISO 14004?

46 Final remarks

• ISO 14001 provides a sound basis for implementing sustainability management – Stakeholder orientation – Value chain management – Compliance management • This will be enhanced during the next revision • Integration of ISO 14001 within the overall business management system and with other ISO MSS will improve via implementation of HLS and identical text • ISO 14001 will maintain its global relevance!

47 Any questions?

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