JANUS on JUICE: a Camera to Investigate Ganymede, Europa, Callisto and the Jovian System
JANUS on JUICE: A Camera to Investigate Ganymede, Europa, Callisto and the Jovian System. N. Schmitz1, P. Palumbo9, R. Jaumann1, V. Della Corte2, M. Zusi3, J. M. Castro4, M. Leese5, S. Debei6, D. Magrin7, H. Michalik8, G. Cremonese7, H. Hoffmann1, A. Holland5, L. M. Lara4, B. Fiethe8, E. Friso6, D. Greggio7, M. Her- ranz4, A. Koncz1, A. Lichopoj1, I. Martinez-Navajas4, E. Mazzotta Epifani3, H. Michaelis1, T. Behnke1, R. Rag- azzoni7, T. Roatsch1, J. Rodrigo4, E. Rodriguez4, P. Schipani3, M. Soman5, M. Zaccariotto6, & the JANUS team. 1 DLR-Institute for Planetary Research, Berlin, Germany; 2 INAF-IAPS, Rome, Italy; 3 INAF-OAC, Naples, Italy; 4 IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain; 5 CEI-Open University, Milton Keynes, UK; 6 CISAS, University of Padova, Pado- va, Italy, 7 INAF-OAPd, Padova Italy; 8 IDA, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany; 9 DIST, Partheno- pe University, Napoli, Italy. Introduction: The detailed investigation of three of response of ices and ice/salt/clathrate mixtures w.r.t. Jupiter‘s Galilean satellites (Ganymede, Europa, and tectonic stress? To what extent are surfaces altered by Callisto), which are believed to harbour subsurface cosmic weathering and what are the major exogenic water oceans, is central to elucidating the conditions surface alteration processes (micrometeorites, radia- for habitability of icy worlds in planetary systems. The tion, charged particles)? What are the fine-scale char- study of the Jupiter system and the possible existence acteristics of non-ice materials on Callisto? By which of habitable environments offer the best opportunity intriguing mechanisms is CO2-replenishment taking for understanding the origins and formation of the gas place on Callisto? giants and their satellite systems.
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