Smith's Report

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Smith's Report SMITH’S REPORT On the Holocaust Controversy No. 157 January 2009 See Back Issues at: Challenging the Holocaust Taboo Since 1990 The Growing Self-Accusation Movement In Germany By Kevin Käther Translated by J. M. Damon [Translator’s note.] Truth Is Coming to the In the tradition of Henry Tho- Reich Capitol Day 2 of the of the Self- reau and Mahatma Gandhi, the Accusation Trial of Kevin new activists demand that they be Kevin Käther Käther tried and punished for their crimes. My self-accusation trial con- r. Kevin Käther is a rep- tinued on 18 November 2008, and M resentative of the grow- let me begin by saying that it was ing "Self-Accusation" movement, the best trial day so far! Court re- or citizens’ demanding that they be sumed shortly after 1 pm, at which charged and tried for crimes of time I continued submitting my opinion. evidentiary motions, namely the The following trial report re- body of facts establishing the sci- flects the growing courage, enthu- entific validity of Germar Rudolf’s siasm and freshness of vision analyses of the so-called “gas among patriotic young Germans as chambers” at Auschwitz. they answer the call for a new kind Today I submitted the Rudolf of civil disobedience. They are Kevin Käther Expert Report on the ‘Gas Cham- publicly “confessing” the “crime” bers’ of Auschwitz, making clear to of expressing opinions critical of Growing numbers of judges the Court that Rudolf’s critics have their government’s inquisitorial and public officials are also ex- been unable to disprove it. enforcement of official historiog- pressing their opposition to gov- For this reason, it is particularly raphy, as well as their govern- ernmental tyranny. How long will well suited to disprove the lies and ment’s slavish adherence to the the present regime be able to resist atrocity propaganda concerning the outrageous conditions imposed on popular pressure for human rights, alleged murders of millions of Germany by the victors of World a constitution and an end to mili- Jews and other races. Wars I and II in clear violation of tary occupation by the USA? In order to emphasize the scien- international law. Continued on page 2 tific validity of the Report, I also the German defendants were dictive “victor’s justice” in legal read the opposing report of the charged had actually occurred— disguise, which acted in defiance court-appointed expert Prof. Dr. Trans.] of international law and was there- Henri Ramuz, which he forwarded The “Manifest Obviousness” of fore criminal in nature. to the Third District Court in Châ- “Holocaust” was constructed on 3. The accused German pris- tel-St. Denis on 18 May 1997. the phony “determination of facts” oners and their defenders were not The Ramuz report further es- presented at the International Mili- allowed to present exonerating tablishes the scientific validity of tary Tribunal in Nuremberg and evidence and, in addition, the de- Rudolf’s work. the subsequent Auschwitz show fense was hindered, bullied and The Berlin District Attorney trials staged at Frankfurt by the harassed by monstrous stipulations has said that he considers Rudolf’s vassal BRD (Bundesrepublik or that made defense impossible. conclusion in his Lectures on the Federal Republic of Germany). 4. The defendants were subject Holocaust to be a criminal act. It is I made clear to the Court that to torture, as described by the Na- a quotation from Prof. Norman the “determinations of fact” made tional Socialist author and pub- Finkelstein’s book The Holocaust by the Allied military tribunal lisher Julius Streicher, before be- Industry: “Certain Jews falsify and could not be used in a legitimate ing forced to sign statements that exaggerate the Holocaust for fi- court of law because, as has been had already been prepared by the nancial and political advantage.” definitively proven, they were victors. [Prof. Finkelstein has familiar- based upon or obtained through 5. The Allied prosecutors ity with the subject of Auschwitz extortion, falsification of docu- committed widespread falsification Concentration Camp that is unex- ments, suppression of exonerating of documents, while burning tons celled among members of his gen- evidence, torture, false testimony of documents that would have ex- eration, since both his parents were and lying under oath. onerated the defendants against interned there during World War In a legitimate court, these “de- charges of “war crimes.” II. He grew up hearing his parents terminations of fact” could not 6. Disguised as a “commis- discuss Auschwitz with each other possibly be used to support “Mani- sion,” the Prosecution had inter- as well as with numerous friends fest Obviousness.” viewed and coached the witnesses who had also been interned As supporting evidence for my in the absence of the Defense, pre- there.—Trans.] presentation of facts I submitted vious to their appearance before In order to establish that Rudolf Carlos Porter’s book Not Guilty at the Tribunal. is correct in his evaluation, and Nuremberg, which is particularly 7. The charges made during the that I too am convinced of its va- informative and well documented. Nuremberg Show Trials of boiling lidity, I submitted Finkelstein’s I made the legal motion that the and roasting Jews were total fabri- book with the legal motion that it Court also take his book into con- cations made by biased witnesses. be read by the Court in Selbstle- sideration through Selbstlesever- 8. The charges made during the severfahren (in which members of fahren. Nuremberg Show Trials of making the Court read the evidence for Along with this motion, I also soap from the corpses of Jews themselves). requested an expert witness in the were likewise total fabrications My next point was to describe field of contemporary history, who made by biased witnesses. the origins of the Allied legal doc- will explain Porter’s findings con- 9. The charges made during the trine of “Manifest Obviousness” cerning the following. Nuremberg Show Trials of mur- (of “Holocaust”). 1. Carlos Porter’s study Not dering Jews with steam were total I pointed out that the source Guilty at Nuremberg is a histo- fabrications made by biased wit- and basis of “Manifest Obvious- riographical work of highest qual- nesses. ness” cannot even be mentioned in ity that adheres to professional 10. The charges made during German courts today. standards of historical research in the Nuremberg Show Trials of [The Allies borrowed this in- its academic development as well tanning human skins and making famous propaganda concept from as in its determination and evalua- lampshades of them were total fab- the Soviet show trials staged in tion of reliable sources rications made by biased wit- Moscow during the 1930s, in order 2. The International Military nesses. to avoid the burden of having to Tribune was not a legitimate court 11. The charges made during prove that the crimes with which of law, but rather a vehicle for vin- the Nuremberg Show Trials of 2 weaving stockings of human hair number of reparation suits filed by myself further commentary. Be- were fabrications made by biased alleged victims of “Holocaust.” sides, I have used all my eviden- witnesses. According to the Finance Ministry, tiary motions for the day. In the 12. The charges made during this number comes to course of this trial there will cer- the Nuremberg Show Trials of 5,360,710. This brings up an tainly be more to follow murdering Jews with electricity interesting question: if we go along Then came the big moment! were fabrications made by biased with the number of 6 million mur- The judge ruled that two of my witnesses. dered Jews, how can 5,360,710 of evidentiary motions for Selbstle- 13. The charges made during them be demanding compensation? severfahren (reading by members the Nuremberg Show Trials of This absurd situation inspired the of the Court) would be accepted. murdering Jews by means of a va- following motion: These motions concerned Germar cuum were fabrications made by In my Show Trial AG Berlin Rudolf’s Lectures on the Holo- biased witnesses. (275 Ds) 81 Js 3604/07 (157/08), I caust as well as Horst Mahler’s 14. The charges made at the hereby move to call an expert wit- motions on Judaism that were Nuremberg Show Trials of evapo- ness in Pathology. submitted during his trial before rating mountains of corpses with My Reason for this Motion: Berlin District Court in 2004. atomic bombs were fabrications According to a written notifica- The Judaism motion, which is made by biased witnesses. tion by the Federal German Fi- 511 pages long, develops the thesis 15. Therefore, these claims of nance Ministry of 10 Jan 1980 (VI that in its relationships with non- the “Manifest Obviousness” of the 6 -01478-P27/79), 5,360,710 Jews, Jewry is governed by a con- genocidal murders of millions of claims for “Holocaust” reparations cept of humanity that does not ac- Jews could never be accepted by a had been approved as of 1 July knowledge non-Jews’ claim to legitimate court of constitutional 1979. This figure gives rise to ex- freedom. law. tremely serious doubts about the The judge’s acceptance is sig- My next submission was a number of six million Jewish vic- nificant because until now, such comprehensive evidentiary motion tims. It has prompted the mother of evidentiary motions have always 105 pages long, covering all the Prof. Finkelstein, a Jewish woman been disallowed as “meaningless” relevant facts about “Holocaust” who with her husband was in- and rejected for reasons that were with reference to an expert witness terned at Auschwitz, to ask this “obvious.” for every fact.
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