Response ID: BHLF-33PK-2YXC-7 Submitted to 2018 Review: Secondary Consultation

Postal area: BT78

Name: Ross Hussey


Organisation - please enter 'None' if this does not apply: None


Dear Sir,

I am writing regarding the ongoing consultation regarding the BCNI’s proposals for new Parliamentary boundaries for West Tyrone. I am the former MLA for West Tyrone and have also been a councillor on the old District Council, so I feel I have a good understanding of the local area. I simply cannot understand the Commission’s proposals for the Omagh area. It makes no sense to transfer the wards of Newtownsaville, Fintona, Dromore, Drumquin into Fermanagh & South Tyrone. These form Omagh’s natural southern hinterland and they all look to Omagh as their county town they most certainly do not look to Fermanagh. Furthermore, the idea that the wards around Castlederg should join Femanagh & South Tyrone is another complete non-starter. Castlederg looks north to Strabane and east to Omagh. The Commission’s proposals cut it off from both towns and have it in the northern fringe of a constituency that stretches as far east as the western edge of Dungannon. The Commission’s proposed North Tyrone constituency which would stretch from Strabane and the border to Cookstown and Lough Neagh must be abandoned. Both it and the Commission’s proposed Fermanagh & South Tyrone constituency would have a hugely detrimental effect on local community identities and ties and I urge the Commission to reconsider its proposals with a view to retaining a West Tyrone constituency base on the existing boundaries and with Omagh at its core. I therefore urge the Commission to reconsider its proposals and to retain a West Tyrone constituency based as closely as possible on the current boundaries.

Yours faithfully

Ross M Hussey Omagh County Tyrone BT78

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