Advances in Engineering Research, volume 188 International Conference on Aviamechanical Engineering and Transport (AviaENT 2019) Safety of Railway Transport Facilities Operating in Extreme Climatic Conditions Struchkova G.P. Kapitonova T.A. geoinformatics department geoinformatics department V.P. Larionov Institute of Physical-Technical V.P. Larionov Institute of Physical-Technical Problems Problems of the North Siberian Branch of the Russian of the North Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science Academy of Science Yakutsk, Russia Yakutsk, Russia e-mail:
[email protected] e-mail:
[email protected] Levin A.I. Department of rhythmology and ergonomics of the northern technology Yakut Scientific Centre of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yakutsk, Russia e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract- Railway facilities in the Northern territories of and logistics center will be created on the basis of the Yakut Russia are built and operated in the areas of the cryolithozone transport hub with the organization of a year-round scheme of and low climatic temperatures. Railway transport in the rail-road and rail-river communication for the delivery of Republic has been operating since 1979. In 2004, a 360 km long cargo in most parts of the Republic. highway to Tommot was built. Passenger and cargo transportation to Tommot station has been carried out since Currently, a number of scientific papers are devoted to the 2006. In 2014, the Tommot - Nizhny Bestyakh section was built problems of reliability and safety in operation of railway lines with a length of more than 400 km. Currently, intensive built in the cryolithozone [2-11, 18].