Treatise on International Criminal

Volume III: International

Kai Ambos


CHAPTER 1 Acquaviva, G., ‘Human Rights Violations before International Tribunals – Reflections on Respon- sibility of International Organizations’, LJIL, 20 (2007), 613–636; Acquaviva, G., ‘Was a Residual Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals Really Neces- sary?’, JICJ, 9 (2011), 789–796; Acquaviva, G., ‘Single and Bifurcated Trials’, in Sluiter et al, International Criminal Procedure (2013), 534–543; Acquaviva, G. and Heikkilä, M., ‘Protective and Special Measures for Witnesses’, in Sluiter et al, International Criminal Procedure (2013), 818–859; Akhavan, P., ‘Justice in The Hague, peace in the Former Yugoslavia? A Commentary on the War Crimes Tribunal’, HRQ, 20 (1998), 737–816; Alamuddin, A., ‘Collection of Evidence’, in Khan, K. A. A., Buisman, C. and Gosnell, C., eds. Principles of Evidence in International Criminal Justice (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 231–305; Ambach, P., ‘Laufen hybride ad hoc-Gerichte dem IStGH den Rang ab?’, HuV-I, 18 (2005), 106–118; Ambos, K., The Right of Non-Self-Incrimination of Witnesses before the ICC, LJIL, 15 (2002), 155–177; Ambos, K., ‘Europarechtliche Vorgaben für das (deutsche) Strafverfahren – Teil II – Zur Re- chtsprechung des EGMR von 2000–2002’, NStZ, 23 (2003), 14–17; Ambos, K., ‘International Criminal Procedure –“Adversarial”, “Inquisitorial” or Mixed’, ICLR,3 (2003), 1–37; Ambos, K.,‘Möglichkeiten und Grenzen völkerrechtlichen Rechtsguterschutzes̈ ’, in Neubacher, F. and Klein, A., eds, Vom Recht der Macht zur Macht des Rechts? (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2006), 111–116; Ambos, K., ‘The Structure of International Criminal Procedure –“Adversarial”, “Inquisitorial” or Mixed?’, in Bohlander, International Criminal Justice (2007), 429–503; Ambos, K., ‘The Transnational Use of Torture Evidence’, IsrLR, 42 (2009), 362–397; Ambos, K., Beweisverwertungsverbote – Grundlagen und Kasuistik – Internationale Bezüge – Ausgewählte Probleme (Berlin: Dunkler & Humblot, 2010); Ambos, K., ‘Book Review – International Courts and Their Judges – Ruth Mackenzie, Kate Malleson, Penny Martin and Philippe Sands, Selecting International Judges: Principle, Process, and Politics (Oxford: OUP, 2010)’, CLF, 23 (2012), 223–228; Ambos, K., ‘Prosecution of Former Nazi Camp Guards: About Restoring Society’s Trust in Law and Participation in a Criminal Enterprise’, EJIL: Talk!, 20 May 2013, available at http://www.ejiltalk. 2 Bibliography

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