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(No. 1522.; Garland Genealogy.



— OF —



Charlestown, Massachusetts Bay,

y^ IN 1637.


• •

' , . , ••**.- • ! BIDDEFORI), MAINE : 4 «• }••«)•• WATSON'S ILLUMINATOR PRINT.


Of tlie EiigUsli Aiico.-try of the

ItAKLANI) Famil'^

of V. S.


A l)old faced number before m name indicatevS that person's full family record is to be found further on under that overhead number in regular order. One star (*) before a name indicates he was in Revolutionary War. Two stars (**) before a name indicate he was in . Three stars (*••) before a name indicate he was in Civil War 1861-5.

A section mark (§) before a name indicates he was in Colonial military service. b. for born. ^ d. for died. m. for married.

bap. for baptized. wid. for widow. ad. for admitted.

prob. for probably. res. for residence. eh. for children. CORRECTIONS.

riuif art- sonic errors in dates as first r«:c()r(Ic(l. 'I"h<»sc in connecti<»n

N\ it'll names having holcl-faced nunihers have heen corrected in the lull family record further on. under the headinj;^ of its hold-faced nuniber.

.Numbers v '*^5- -77- -"^^ should have been i>old-faced numbers.

Numbers 79. 95. 112. 1.S6. 2.S2 should itot have been bold-faced numbers.

Jonathan. No. 2«> pa«i:e 1 r. is .son of I'eter. No. 7, not No. 6.

John. .No. ^o. pa^e \2. is son of I'eter. No. 7. not No. 6. in i'.irsons John. .No. 4.S3. pa^e 51. has note at bottom of paLi:e Joseph died iSTt^: should be died ir>.S3. •'should .Samuel. No. VM- P'^f^<-' 'Av read, born .\pril 4. i7').t.

iJet.sey. No. 1073. paj^e 1S3. should be No. 157;,. Clarissa. No. 773. paj;e 1S3. should be No. 733. \\ David .. No. .S65/'. paj^e 1S5, should be No. .S75A.

David. No. 1104. pa^e 1X5. should be No. 1105.

Frank T.. .No. ^^Y^Y\ pa^e 1.S7. should be No. 6<>iv.

Henry D.. No. i.v>4''- P'l^^^ ">o- sliould be No. 1 >3.V'-

Josephine. .No. iS7S^'7- P«i^^' "'.v shoulil l)e No. 1575M.

I.oren/.o I.. NO. 144.S. pa^Je hm- should be l.oren/.o J. INTRODUCTORY.

This record of the Northern branch of the Garland family in the begins with Peter Garland, mariner, first found as a resident of Charlestown, Massachusetts Bay, in 1637. It is believed he is the ancestor of all the early settlers named Garland in both the Northern and Southern States. His name is not found in any of the passenger lists of early days, which may be accounted for by the fact that he was a "mariner" and probably came as seaman in a to from \ vessel coming America England. Peter, with his wife, several sons and perhaps daughters, came from Wales between 1620 and 1627. Several of the sous remained

in the North, settling in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and others settling in the South, in Maryland and Virginia. They were of the Sussex branch of the Garland family in England and moved into AVales. The other branches being one in York and one in Lan- cashire, It is believed that an ancester in the Sussex branch was

John Garland, AVarden of the Cinque Ports in the 15th century. 7 Mrs. Sally Garland Christian, daughter of the late Judge James Garland, of Lynchburg, Va., says: "The Garlands who came to America, some settling in the North, a portion going thence to Vir- ginia, are of the Sussex branch of the Garland family in England." Of the Garlands who settled in the South, John S. Garland, Esq., " of Washington, says : Peter Garland was the son of John, a Welch ^ emigrant who settled in New Kent Co., Va. Said John had six sons and three daughters. One Peter Garland was an officer in the Revo- lutionary War and had land warrants and was given a pension." The John Garland above mentioned was probably a grandson or descendant of Peter, the mariner, of Cliarlestown, Massachusetts Bay.

Joseph Dow, Esq., in his history of Hampton, says : "The an- cestor of all the Hampton families bearing the name of Garland was John Garland, who was in Hampton, N. H., as early as 1654. 2 CAR LAX I) (;ENKAL()(;V.

There was about tliis time a Peter Garland living in Boston, :Ma8«. We do not know what relation these sustained to eat-.h ollur, but are led to think that they were brothers." I have found tlie family nam*' of (iarland sometimes erroneously as spelled in (Jovernment, Slate, Town and other records Gaklon, Gaklin, Gaklkn and (iAULiNc; A very few of this family now spell their name (jarlin, although others of tiie same immediate pa- rentage spell their name Garland. The name of (iarland is said to have been of Saxon origin, the German signifying ''gleaned from the land*'. Dilligent and persevering etfort has been made to have this record correct and reliable. In a few instances marked ''prob." (proba- In such cases bly), my information may not be reliable and correct. parentage and descendants have been determined by the best means at hand.

I am under great obligation to the late Joseph Dow, Escj., histo- rian of Hampton, N. H., and to the late Thomas J. Parsons, Esq., of Kve, N. H., for access to their valuable records and extracts therefrom; and also to Dr. John R. Ham, of Dover, N. H., for ruuch assistance.

^!k>l5fl A. Garland, Jr., Esq., of Chestnut Hill, Mass., is compiling a Genealogy of the Southern branch of the Garland family. JAMES G. GAKLAND (No. 1522). Biddeford, Maine, I^IMk GARLAND GENEALOGY.


PETP:R garland^, mariner. Born in England. Married Eliz- died in 88 abeth , who 1687, aged years. Residence, Charles- " " town, Massachusetts Bay. He owned vessels and coasted between " " Massachusetts Bay and Virginia and the Dutch plantations." He died in the South while on a voyage." Before his death he requested his sons to take his body to the North for burial, where he had sons, and perhaps daughters. While his body was being brought North in one of his vessels, a storm arose and the coffin containing his body was washed overboard. *' He was admitted inhabitant to Charles-

town, Massachusetts Bay, in 1637, with seventeen others, including John Harvard, founder of Harvard College." He was allotted in " 1637, as inhabitant of Charlestown, five acres of a ten acre lot in " 1st Mystic Side, No. 13," and permitted to purchase Mr. Wainwright's house that he bought of Robt. Molton, and to have a meadow between Whitehead's land and Capt. Sedgwick's, in 1638." Extract from Thomas Letchford's Note Book, in Massachusetts 1638-1641, as follows: — \ Bay,

'' Thomas Beech, I pray you to pay unto my good tfriend, Mr. Isaac Allerton, the above somme of thirty-three pounds four shillings and six pence. And I further desire you to demand, recover and re- ceive for me the above somme £6 3s 6d of the same partys, who owe the same unto me, and upon payment, give them acquittance, which when you have received, pay over to my said fifriend, Mr. Isaac Al- lerton, according to my Letter of Attorney to him made the Date hereof in that behalf." Witness my hand the twenty-nynth of March, Anno Dni., 1639. (Signed) Peter Garland."

''To all whom these presents shall come, greeting: Whereas, Thomas Beech, now remayning att the Dutch Plantations, standeth indebted unto me, Peter Garland, of New England, mariner," &c. GARLAND (;ENEAL0(,Y. 4 ( \ " Names of persons whose land a(lj(Mne(l or was bounded by hinds of Peter Garland, in Charlestown, INIass Hay: Ed. Converse, Jaines Pemberton, Thomas IMollon, (leo. Hepbourn, Ffrancis Wain- Wright, Kobt. liaukness, Abraham Hills, Thomas Caules, Robert Molton, James J. Pemberton."

THEIR CHILDREN (who Settled in the North).

I. b. l)efore 1622 ; d. 2 JoHN^, Jan. 4, 1672 ; m. ist, Oct. 26. 1652. Eliz- abeth m. wid. Chapman ; 2d, 1654. Elizabeth Chase.

II. b. : ni. 3 Peter^, before 1615 Joan ; res, I.oston. 4 III. CrEORCJE^ (possibly). 2.

JOHN GARLAND', son of Peter L Born between l(;2l)-2; died, Jan. 4, 1672; residence, Hampton, N. H. Married first, Oct. 26. 1652, Elizabeth Chapman ; married second, 1654, Elizabeth Cliase, widow of Thomas Chasej and daughter of Thomas Phil brick, of Hampton. After the death of John (Jarland, she again married, will 1674, Henry Roby. His dated Nov. 15, 1671, proved April 'J, " 1672. His wife Elizabeth and son John, executors of his will, the " former till John is twenty-one years old, then he alone." 1st, to John, who has that meadow which I bought of Philip Lewis, and also the homestead. 2d, to Jacob half the laud at Hog-pen Plain 1 bought of Seaborn Cotton. 3d, to Peter who has half of that land given him, being in the Hog-pen Plain, which is in the edge of King- ston, N. H." House, barn and house-lot were appraised at tT5U. John Garland came to Hampton before 1653, his name being on '^ the tax list at that date, and settled in the P^astern part of the town, where some of his descendants of every generation since have lived, on the spot where, till within a few years, stood the house oc- cupied by the brothers David and Jonathan (jlarlaud, l)otli now de- ceased. The present Garland house, in the same enclosure, is a lit- tle farther east." (Dow.) In 1650 John Garland, with others from Hampton, were forbidden from cutting any timber in P^xeter, N. H., but he had a lot granted him if he stay one year in the town of Hxeter. His name ai)i)ears on the books of P^xeter as one qf the first in Aug. 26, 1650. He owned land in Hamjjton, bounded by G. Kifield (now owned by K. A. Knowles), in 1666. In 1663 he sold one share in the cow com-

t Tbotnae Chase and Elizabeth Philbrick Chasse hatl ch. : I. Thomas Chase, b. 1G43;

II. Jo6ev)h, b. 1G45; ill. Isaac, b. 1(»47; iv. Jaine», b. 1(549; v. Abraham, b. 1651. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 5

mon to Robert Smith, the original right to which belonged to Thomas Chase. y THEIR CHILDREN.

5 I. JoHN=^ b. Mch. II, 1655; m. ist, Elizabeth Robinson; m. 2d, Mary Philbrook. II. b. Dec. m. 6 Jacob'^, 20, 1656 ; Rebecca Sears. 7 III. b. Nov. married EHzabeth m. Peter-^ 25, 1659; ist, ; 2d, Sarah Taylor. 3.

PETER GARLANDS Son of Peter I., married about 1650, Joan Boston. He lived in Boston ; residence, 1G54, and was a member of the Dover, N. H., Combination established Oct. 20, 1G40. " Peter Garland owned a house and lot in Hampton, N. H., in 16G6." Very little further is known of him. THEIR CHILDREN.

8 I. Mary-^ b. 1654, in Boston. 9 II. Jabez^ (prob.), b. about 1660; d. 1710; m. 1692, Dorcas Heard. In some cases, Jabez's name is called Jacob. He may have changed his name from Jacob to Jal)ez. Probably other children — names unknown.


§JOHN GARLAND3, son of John H. Horn March 11, 1655;

died after 1715. Married first, Dec. 24, 1673, Elizabeth Robinson ; born 1653; died April 15, 1715. Married second, Sept. 29, 1715, Mary Philbrook, of Greenland, N. H. He took the oath of allegiance in December, 1678, in Hampton, N. H. Was representative to General Assembly in 1693. Im- pressed as a soldier for 28 days at Oyster river, in 1696. Was in service at Fort William and Mary, at New Castle, N. H., in 1708. He was given liberty by the Freeholders, Nov. 18, 1700, to build a corn grist mill upon Taylor's river, in Hampton, N. H., and he also " owned a mill on Winnicut river, in Hampton, called Garland's Mill." Sept 23, 1715, he deeds to his son Peter one-third of all his es- tate, real and personal, and at same date, to his beloved son Peter and Elizabeth both of two-thirds of his daughter Garland, Hampton,— estate, or all the remaining estate I now have one half to Peter and the other half to Elizabeth, as long as she remains single, and at her marriage Peter to pay her 40 pounds (£40) for said estate." He deeds. May 20, 1715 — "to his daughter Mary Clifford, 2 acres 6 GARLAxND GENEALOCiY.

of land in Hampton, wliicli ray son-in-law Israel Clifford liatli dfjued, next my brother Jacob's land." Dec. 2, 1685, he sells to Mary Huse, of Newbury, ^lass.. 10 acres of land and dwelling in Hampton. He lived in liaiiiptou, N. H. Farmer.

THEIR rHiLDKHN (by tirst wife).

lo T. Elizabeth^, b. July i6, 1674. IT II. John"*, b. Oct. 12, 1675; d. Oct. 16. 1676, 12 III. Esther^, b. April 6, 1679; m. June 12, 1702, William Powell; res. Chester, N. H. William Powell settled and boui^ht No. in 14 H. L. lot Chester, X. H., before 1728. Their children :

i. Elizabeth, m. 1728, Jona. (ioodhuc; ii. John. iii. William. b. 1681 13 w. Peter'*. Dec. 10, ; d. Dec. 21, 1755; m. Elizabeth Clif- ford of Hampton. 14 V. Mary-*, b. March 14. 1683; m. Israel Clifford; res. Hampton. VI. Sarah'*, b. Oct. to 15 18, 1685 ; admitted church July 20, 1707.


son of UJafi JACOB GARLAND^ John H. Born Dec 20, ;

to his son Jacob, Jr., three-fourths of .s saw mill on Taylor's river, in Hampton, and Jan. 8, 1729-30, one-eiglitii of stime saw mill to Joseph Sanborn. Aug. 14, 1679, he st-lls to Abraham Green 50 acres of land, the "Cotton" lot, in Hampton. 1721-5 he deeds to " Daniel Emery one-half of my rights in the Township of Chester." Aug. 14, 1679, he sells to Abraham (jn*eu "50 acres of land that Mr. Cotton sold to my ffather, John Gjirland, deceased. Jacob is said to have had eleven children born in Hampton, but there is no account of but nine born in Ham[)ton, and two born in Newbury, Mass." (J. Dow.) THEIR fHILDREN.

16 I. Jacob*, b. Oct. 26, 1682, in Newbury. Mass. ; died young. ( OAKLAND GENEALOGY. 7

II. Rebecca'*, b. Dec. in Mass. died 17 3. 1683, Newbury ; young. III. b. 18 Jacob. JR.^ July 3, 1686, in Hampton; m. ist, Hannah San-

born ; m. 2d, Sarah Drake. IV. b. about in 19 Marv*, 1688, Hampton; d. Feb. i, 1749, in Hamp- ton; m. Dec. 4. 1707. Thos. Dearborn, of Biddeford, Me. Their children, born in Biddeford or Old Orchard, Me.

i. Hannah Dearborn, b. about 17 15; m. Jere. Towle ; o ch. ii. Ann.h. 1720. iii. Tabifha, b. 1723; m. Capt. Jere. Mars- ton, iv. Sarah, b. 1726. 20 V. Sarah*, b. Feb. 24, 1690. 21 VI. b. March d. Thomas^ 9, 1692 ; young. 22 VII. Tabitha*, d. young. VIII. b. 23 Joseph'*, Dec. 29, 1697 ; d. young. 24 IX. John*, b. Sept. 28, 1700; m. Ehzabeth Philbrook, of Green-

land, N. H. ; bap. Dec. 8, 1700, in Hampton Falls. 25 X. Elizabeth*, b. Sep. 28, 1700; m. ist, William Sanborn, of m. Hampton ; 2d, Benjamin Moulton of do.

26 XI. Thomas'*, bap. Jan. 3, 1703 ; m. May 23, 1726, Elizabeth Moulton, of Rye; b. April 9, 1704; dau. of John and Mary Perkins Moulton.


son of John II. Born 1659 PETER GARLANDS Sep. 25, ; mar- 2 ried 1st, Elizabeth ; died Feb. 19, 1688; children; married 2d, 1687, Sarah Taylor, daughter of John and Deborah Godfrey Taylor. She outlived Peter, and Feb. 13, 1708, she married Deacon Samuel Dow, as his 2d wife, and had a son. He settled in Hamp- *' ton, now Rye, it is believed, on the present Garland homestead", lately occupied by Adna Garland. "He sailed a sloop named Sarah Taylor." "Aug. 28, 1693, Peter Garland was cr. account of pow- der money for sloop Nonsuch 15s." He was cr. for powder money

March 13, 1694-5 for Brigt. Adventure £1 . (Acts and Resolves " Province of Mass. Bay, Vol. VIII.) Sloop New Design, 16 tons, was bought in Boston, Nov. '3, 1705, by Peter Garland and Samuel sailed Boston and Samuel Nudd, manners ; ^uween Hampton ; no Nudd, master; cost £106 ; had guns." (Dow.) — THEIR CHILDREN (2 ch. by ist wife 5 ch. by 2d wife).

27 I. Peter^, b. Oct. 4, 1686. res. N. H. 28 II. Samuel*, b. Feb. 2, 168S ; shoemaker; Kington, 29 III. Jonathan*, b. Oct. 28, 1689; d. May 11, 1760; m. Rachel Dow. IV. b. d. m. Elizabeth Dear- 30 John*, April 13, 1692 ; about 1741 ; born. " Little is known of him. Nov. 31 V, s^ J AMES*, b. about 1694. 20, a for- 17 19, he deeded to Simon Moulton one-eighth of farm 8 GARLAND CENEALOCiY.

merly granted or owned ])y Seaborn Cotton." He. with others of Hampton, petitioned for Township of Weare. He was sergeant on muster roll of Col. Westbrook's Co.. in 1724-5- VI. b. 32 Marv*, Sep. 7, 1699; m. Nov. 20. 1722. Henry Moulton ; res.

Hampton. Their children: i. Micali Moulton, 1). 1723.

ii. Mary. iii. Peter, b. 1727. \\. Josiah, b. 1731. \\ Jona- vi. than, b. 1733. Ifenry, b. 1735 ; m. Dctsey Mace. vii. Sa- rah, bap. 1737. viii. James, bap. 1739. ix. David, bap. 1742. VII. b. Feb. m. S. T^T,. Abigail^, 25. 1704; March 1739. Worthington

Moulton ; res. Hampton. .She was liis 2d wife. They moved to Scarborough, Me., and later moved to Standish. Me. " These two sisters married two brothers, sons of Josiah and Elizabeth Moulton. They both lived on homestead in Hamp-

ton, south of the Academy. (Dow.) Their children : '\. Peter Moulton, b. 1742; m. Joanna Shaw; res. Standish. Me. ii. Jonathan, b. 1744. iii. Siijum, b. 1747.

§JABEZ GARLANDS son (pVbhkhly) of Peter II L Farm. r. Killed by Indians in the summer of 1710, in French and Indian war, returning from church, about one-fourtli of a mile from Varuey's Mills; married, 1692, Dorcas Heard, dauujhter of Rev. John and Elizabeth Hall Heard, of Dover; she died in 1(KS^;. He was among the first settlers in Somers worth, N. H., now Dover. Jaliez and his wife deeded, July 7, 1694, to Timo. Hanson 30 acres of land at Dover Neck, near Campion's Rocks, which her father gave to her. He, Ja. Garland (by his mark), with others, witnesse

Jacob. Mass. Hist. Soc'y Coll., page 'd'li\,, calls thi.s Jabez Jacob.

Lived in Dover, N. H. \

THEIR chili)Kp:\ (born in Dover, N. H.).

34 I. Jahez, Jr.^, b. Feb. 19. 1693; d. before 1746; m. Abigail .

35 II. DoRCAS'*, b. April 3. 1698; m. Sept. i. 1720. Ephraim Kicker, son of George; b. 1696; d. 1773. she his ist wife: lived on

Otis Hill, Somersworth. Their children (12): i. Panisen

Richer, ii. Jonathan, iii. Eleanor, iv. Dorcas, v. Nicholas, GARLAND (iENEALOGY. 9

vi. A/ary, vii. Moses, viii. Aaron, ix. Sarah, x. Lemuel, xi. Miriam, xii. EzekieL

36 III. Rebecca^, b. Jan. 25, 1699.

IV. l). 37 El5ENEZER^ April 14, 1703-4; m. March 2, 1720-1, Abigail Powell.

38 V. b. d. m. . Nathaniel^ April 12, 1706 ; 1742 ; Sarah

39 VI. Lydia^, b. Feb. 17, 1707. VII. d. before ; m. Nov. Ricker 40 Elizabeth'*, 1761 16, 1720, Joseph ; d. 1772; son of Maturin; res. Somersworth, N. H. Their

children : i. John Ricker, ii. Sarah, iii. Noah, iv. Joseph, V. Mehitable,\'\. Joshua, v\\. Jabez, viii. Tristram, \x. Joseph. 41 viii. Hannah*, m. before 1717, John Ricker; b. 1682; son of

George. Their children : i. Elizabeth Ricker, ii. Olive, m. Judith, iv. Fhineas, v. Nathaniel, vi. Benjamin, vii. Lydia, viii. Benjamin, 2d, ix. Paul, x. Lydia, xi. Ebenezer, xii. Dan- iel, xm.John, xiv. Hannah. 42 IX. John'*, m. Elizabeth Downs, dau. of Thomas.


son of V. Born 1681 died PETER GARLAND\ John Dec. 10, ; Dec. 1755 N. H. married Dec. 21, ; residence, Hampton, ; planter; 12, 1720, Elizabeth Clifford, of Hampton, daughter of Isaac. Prob- ably lived on the homestead. He sells, Feb. 20, 1732 or 1733, Jacob Garland, of Hampton, one half a saw mill in Hampton. their children (born in hampton).

43 I. IsAAC^ bap. about 1723; d. Sept. 5. 1753, of fever.

44 II. Peter^, b. 1728; d. Sep. 2, 1753, of fever.

45 III. Abkjail^. b. May ii, 1729; m. Feb. 7, 1745, Benjamin Souter,

son of ; b. d. ; res. John Aug. 6, 1715 ; June 6, 1776 Hampton. Their children: \. John Souter, b. Sep. 22, 1746; d. Dec. 3, 1812 m. Susannah Roberts of ; July 24, 1772, Hampton, ii. Betty, b. Aug. 27, 1749. iii. Abigail, b. Feb. 5, 1754. 46 IV. JoHN^, bap. May 11, 1729; m. July 20, 1743, Elizabeth Brown, of Samuel res. N. H. daughter ; Moultonboro,

V. m. Sarah . 47 Joseph^, bap. June 11, 1732 ; 48 VI. Mary^ bap. May 8, 1737. 18. JACOB GARLAND, JR.S son of Jacob VI. Born in Hampton, 1686 died about 1735 married Hannah July 3, ; ; 1st, April 28, 1708, of Josiah mar- Sanborn, born 1684; died before 1720; daughter ; 1686 died Feb. ried 2d, Oct 24, 1723, Sarah Drake, born Nov. 7, ; 1748 of residence at N. H. 15, ; daughter Abraham ; Hampton Falls, He was admitted to full communion to the church in Hampton Falls, N. H. Feb. 18, 1728. His estate was administrated upon Dec. 25, lo GARLAND GENEALOCxV.

1735, by bis wife Sarab and his son Joseph. Inventory (iated Jan.

7, 1736. He was on the tax list of Hampton Falls in 1727, and at Hampton in 1732, for saw mill and grist mill. He probably kept a tavern at Hampton. March 10, 172U, he sells three-(iuarter8 of a saw mill on Taylor's river, to James Basford. THF-:iK CHILDKKX.

49 I. Joseph^ bap. May 27. 171 1 : m. Dec. 3. 1736, Jane Stickney.

II. to ; 50 Rebecca^, bap. Jan. 14, 17 13 ; admitted church 1732 m. Jan.

(»f ; 30, 1735, Benjamin Towle. Jr.. Hampton b. 1713 ; d. 1768 ;

son of Benjamin. Their children : i. Hannah Toiule, b. July

rn. Norris. ii. b. 24. 1735 ; 1756. Jerek Sarah, April 14. 1737. iii. Abigail, b. Aug. 24, 1739; d. Feb. 22. 1S56. iv. Patience,

b. Dec. 16, 1741 ; d. April 15. 1765; m. Thos. Drake. \. Ja- vi. cob, bap. 1744 ; m. Moulton. Ebenezer, bap. April

5. 1747; d. 1756. vii. Benjamin.\)?i\>. Sep. 24, 1749; d. Nov. 16, 1753-

51 in. JACOB^ bap. July 21, 1716; prob. m. Hannah . 52 IV. Haxxah^, bap. June, 1718.

53 V. SIMOy^ bap. June, 10, 1722; m. ; res. Hampton Falls. 54 VI. SARAH^ bap. June 20, 1725.

JOHN GARLANDS son of Jacob VL Born in Hampton, Se)). 1700 married Elizabeth of N. H. Noth- 28, ; Philbrook, Greenland, ing further is known of them, but it is believed that they had two died children — a boy and a girl. The girl young, name unknown ; then the mother died. They may have removed to Durham or vicin- ity. THEIR SON (prob.).

55 I. Gideon'"', m. Mary A. Ayers. of Portsmouth, X. H. 26.

son of Jacob VI. Jan. 1703 THOMAS GARLANDS Baptized 3, ; married May 23, 1726, Elizabeth Moulton, born 1704; daughter of John, of Rye. He lived in Rye, a farmer, until about 1730, when he moved to Biddeford, Me. July 24, 1733. his wife's father, John Moulton, of Rye, gave his daughter Elizabeth Garland, a deed of land then lived in Me. ; they Biddeford, THEIK CHILDREN.

in 56 I. JosiAH^, bap. Oct. 13, 172S; m. July i. 1767. Biddeford. Miri-

am Moore ; res. Ellsworth. Me.

57 II. Hannah*% bap. Oct. 13. 1728. 58 III. Mary^ bap. Sept. 27. 1730. CiARLAND CiENEALOGY. u

59 IV. Thomas^.

60 V. JoHX^, b. about 1734: m. 1765. Joanna Lane, wid. of Isaac

Hancock ; res. Huxton, Me. Probably other children. 29

sun of Born in JONATHAN GARLAND\ Peter, No.^. Hampton, N. H., Oct. 28, 1689; died May 11, 1760; married Oct. 21, 1714, Rachel born 1695 died June 1755 of Dow, Sept. 20, ; 22, ; daughter Deacon lived in on the homestead farm- Samuel Dow ; Hampton, ; er, currier and tanner. He had bark mill, currying shop, shoe shop, tan pits and dwelling house, all of which were standing about but have since been taken others built 1850, down and ; shoemak- ing was continued until as late as 1872, by the family. His will

was dated March 1760 ; 1760 his son Samuel 25, probated May 28, ; sole executor £6564. Selectman of ; inventory, Was Hampton 1727, 1734, 1739, 1776.


I. b. Nov. 21. d. m. 61 Samuel*^, 1716: Jan. 28, 1772 ; Lydia Moulton, dau. Jacob.

62 II. Jonathan^, b. July 16. 1719; d. May i, 1756: m. Jan. 9, 1746, wid. Berthia Tuck Taylor. 63 III. Abigail^ b. March 6, 1722; d, Oct., 1813; m. "Cornet" David Marston; son of Caleb; b. 1716; d. 1779; res. Hampton,

on homestead. Their children : i. Isaac Marston, b. 1742;

d. m. Nudd. ii. h. d. m. 1805 ; Molly Rachel, 1744; 1830; Samuel Brown, iii. Sarah, b. 1746; d. 1828; m. Reuben Lamprey, iv. Molly, b. 1748; d. 1825; m. John Lamprey, V. James, h. \-]^\; m. Elizabeth Brown; res. Parsonsfield, Me. m. Abigail, \). 1754; m. David Philbrick. vii. David^ b. 1756; m. Mary Page. viii. Le7n,h. 1758; d. 1834; m. Abi- gail Fogg. ix. Caleb, b. 1760; d. 1838; m. Rachel Garland, dau. of Joseph, x. Elizabeth, b. 1763; d. 1856; unmarried, xi. Anna,\). i'j66\ m. Moses Lane. x\\. Jonathan, b. 1769; m. Mary Leavitt. 64 IV. Mary^, b. Jan. 20, 1724; d. young. 65 v. Sarah^, b. May 12, 1725; d. April 11, 1764; m. Dec. 7, 1749, Benjamin Tuck. Their children; i. Anna Tuck, b. 1750. ii. Benjatnin, b. 1754; died in army. iii. Rachel, b. 1756. iv. Tabitha, b. 1759. v. Hannah, bap. 1764; m. Joseph French.

66 VI. James^, b. Nov. 23, 1726; d. July 13, 1750. 67 VII. Rachel^, b. May 25, 1729; m. Feb. 14, 1753, Benjamin Johnson, son of John; b. 1715; res. Northwood, N. H. unmarried. 68 VIII. ; d. Anne^, b. July i, 1731 Dec. 27, 1735 ; 12 CAkLAM) (,i:m:.\i.( M,^

09 IX. JdSKlMl^ 1). May ii. 17.V1 : <1. May ^>. 1.S05; rn. Hannali Mai\s-

ton. (lau. of Ohadiali ; n-s. N . I l.iinptoii.

70 X. Simon", 1). J.m. iS. 17/.: d. Mai, li ^. 17J.S.

2i)'\ 1). (1. . 71 XI. Sl.MoN. Oct. 7. i7^S; Da 21. i75«;.

72 XII. M.\i

dren: i. Riiihtl rj(iki\ 1). i7f).v ii. I.ytiia, 1). 1765; ni. Josej)h Redman, iii. Lyd/a.h. \^G^: liv.-d in family of I'rof. I'aik- ard. Unm.swii k. Me. iv. \////<-i>//. h. 1770: m. Marv Towle. \. Jiniitli, 1). 177;,: m. .\.sahel Marston. \\. Jiispn. It. 1775: m. Jane I'rehhle. \\\. John. 1). 1779; m. ist. Molly ( iodfrev. 2d, Hannah Burns, viii. Sniiiiu-I. !>. 17S1. i.\. Xtrthiin. I.. 17S3: m. Ruth Johnson.


son of PeU-r, lo. §JOnN GAKLANDS No.]!, liaptized April in died jiboiit 1711 in lireakfast 1()1»2, Hampton; ; buried Rye, near Hill; married about 171(!, Elizabeth Dearborn, of Kye, born Aug. 31, 161)2; daughter of Deacon John Dearborn; farmer; residence Rye after about 1720. Avery large owner of lands in Ilam[)ton. Kye, Portsmouth, Gilmanton, Nottingham and Barringtou. He, with others, in 1721, petitioned for a new District or Precinct of Rye. He was Ke[)resentative to (lenoral Assembly in 17.')7. Was in service at Fort A\'iHiam and Mary, in 170^<, under the Crown.


7;, I. Ri'.tkk''. 1). Aj)ril 24. 1717; d. June 3. I72().

74 II. John'"'. I). .May iS. i7i(,; m. in Rye Feb. 14. 1744. .Moll\ K.ind. 75 III. Sarah'', ha]). Jan. S. 1724: lu. Dea. Franci.s Jenness, son of

Richard; b. 1715. Their ihildren: i. ICIizaht'tlt h'lnirss, b.

1741. ii. Jojiaihiin. b. 174;,; m. Olive Cate. iii. /muu. 1j.

1744; ni. Mary Haines, iv. Mnty. b. 171(1. v. Sarnli. b. 1749; m. Lieut. Richard !>rown. vi. \)k:a. Jo/i/i. b. 17^1; m. Fli/abeth Cate. vii. I'liviiis. b. 1753; m. R.itchel-

der. viii. .Ihii^tii/, b. 1761.

76 IV, Ahkjaii/'. b. Jan. 11. f723; m. Nov. 15. 174S. Samuel C". Jen-

ness, b. 1724; early res. Kye; son of Richard. ! b- m. 2d

wife, wid. Shaplei^h. Their children ; i. Afttry J<''i/ii'ss, 1).

1749. ii. S(U>nft'/. b. 175- : m. Mary Locke, iii. /'r/r/-. b. 1755; m. Abigail Drake. iv. Li"i>i. b. 1757: ni- ist .Sarah Dearborn, id Flizabeth Wallis. v. Mary. b. r75S; m. .Sam- uel Drake, vi. ICHzalntli. m. Nathaniel Drake, vii. John,

b. 17^13; m. ist I'aij^e. 2d, liatchelder. He had

other children l)y 2(1 wife.

77 V. Elizabeth^, b. March 13. 1724; m. Richard Locke; res. Rye;

Their children : \. John /jhkc.h. i74^>; m. ist Sarali Jones, GARLAND (GENEALOGY. i J

2d Thankful Blako. ii. . //;//<7'. b. d. 'm. 1748 ; young, Rich- b. ard, 1750: ni. Sarah I'ahner: w. Jacob, b. 1752. v. Ab- ner,2d, b. 1754. vi. Jacob, 2d, b. 1757; m. Mehitable Hig- * vii. gins. Tryphoia. b. 1759: d. 1830. viii. /<^/7. b. 1762: m. ist 2d Lang. I'hilbrick, 3d Locke, ix. Sarah, b. 1765; X. Elizabeth, b. 1768. xi. Simon, 1). 1770; m. ist Ab. Mace, 2d Elizabeth Allen.

VI. b. 6. in 78 SiMON^ Jan. 1726: bap. (Greenland. 1726: m. Jan. 3.

1754, Elizabeth lirown ; res. Rye. VII. 79 Mary^ b. April 27, 1728; m. Jan, 3. 1754, Col, Jonathan Brown,

.^^'i son of Be»jamifl : b. 1725; res. Rye. Their children: \. Jo- ^t?' seph Brown, b. 1757; m. Martha Cofifin. ii. Elizabeth, b. 1755; m. Elijah Locke, m. John, b. 1758; m. Sarah Allen, iv, b. d. of small v. b, Jonathan, 1762 ; pox. Mary, 1766: m. Joseph Locke, vi. Abigail, b. 1769; m. Theo, Coffin, 80 VIII. Col. Peter^. I). July 24. 1732: d. April 26, 1816: m. Mary Leavitt.

81 IX. Col. Benjamin", b. Oct. 29. 1734; d. May 2, [802: m, Dec, 5, 1757, vSarah Jenness,


JABEZ GARLAND, JR.% sod of Jabez, No. 9. Born Feb. 19,

in died before 1746 married . with 1693, Dover ; ; Abigail He, Ebenezer Garland and Thomas Wallingford, drew and received one share in 1st Division No, 20, in Rochester, and were required to build on it within three years from May 10, 1722. He was taxed in Dover, 1715-1732; constable 1710; member of 2d Foot Co. in 1740. their children.

82 I, REUBEN^ b, Feb. 20. 1723: m, Eliza Todd: res, Dover. 83 II. Lydia^ (prob). 84 hi. Ebenezer^ (prob). 85 IV. Jahez^ (prob). 37.

EBENEZP:R GARLAND*, son of Jabez, No. 9. Born in Dover, April 14, 1703-4; died about July, 1778; married March 2, of Stratham died 1720-1, Abigail Powell, daughter of Thomas, ; form February 20, 1778. Lived in that part of Dover set off to Somersworth, on the road from Cocheco to P>esh Creek. His will, Abi- diited Aug. 21, 1777, was probated July 8, 1778. Mentions the lat- gail, Dodivah, Rebecca and Margaret in his will, and gives " ter his homestead, containing about forty acres." Names Ebene- ^:er Roberts sole executor of his will.


THEIR childkp:n (all born in Dover).

I. b. Dec. 6. d. 86 DoDiVAH^, 1722; April 19. 1798: m. Mary ; res. Rochester.

87 II. Abigail^, b. Nov. 13. 1724; d. alter 1777; m. Thomas Downs, Jr.

88 III. Hannah^ b. Feb. 18, 1726; d. young-. 89 IV. Rebecca^, m. Alexander Roberts, b. 1725; res. Somersworth.

Their children : i. George Roberts, 1). 1752. W.John, b. 1754. iii. James, b. 1757. iv. Thomas, b. 1760. v. ^ilexander, b. 1765. vi. Ebenezer, b. 1767. vii. Joshua, b. 1770. viii. Abi- gail, b. 1772. 90 V. Margaret^, m. Job Clements; ch. o; res. Somersworth.


NATHANIEL GARLANDS son of Jabez, No. \). Born April 1706 died 1742 married 8arali 1763. in 12, ; ; ; living Lived Do- ver, on the road leading from Littleworth to Barrington, N. H. '' Joyner." Aug. 7, 1735, the town of Dover gave him 10 acres of land, and he sold the same in 1742 to Daniel Hayes. March 8, 1742, he and his son Nathaniel were baptized — he on his sick bed. His estate was administered upon by his widow Sarah, April 27, 1742, and inventory made June 30, 1742 — £332.11. THEIR CHILDREX.

91 T. Ebenezer^, b. about 1737; m. Susannah : res. Madbury. later Middletown. N. H.

m.. 92 II. Nathaniel^, b. July 25. 1739; Bridget : res. Madbury. 93 III. Elizabeth^, m. before 1760 Abraham Johnson, farmer; res. Durham, N. H.

94 IV. Mary*^, m. before 1760 John Stevenson, yeoman ; res. Durham, N. H. Probably other children.


of No. 9. Born before 1716 JOHN GARLANDS son Jabez, ; died before 1763; married Elizabeth Downs, daughter of Thomas; born July 25, 1714. THEIR CHILDREX.

95 I. Jacob^ m. Dec. 25, 1774, Mary Runnells; b. 1755 • ^*^^- Dover. 96 II. Nathaniel^, d. Jan. 24, 1774; m. wid. Phebe Tibbetts Ricker; res. Somersworth. 97 III. Daniel^, m. Sarah Roberts. 98 IV. Ebenezer^, m. Sarah Seavey,

99 v. JoHX'\ d. 1829; m. Jan. 22, 1781, Mary Ham ; bap. 1758. CxARLAND (iENEALOGY. 15



100 I. Hannah*', bap. May 8, 1748. 101 II. Peter6, bap. May 8, 1748; m. Annie Pitman; res. Moulton- boro', N. H.

102 III. d. JoHN^, bap. June 11, 1749 j Oct. 29, 1749. 103 IV. John, 20*^, b. Nov., 1750; d. Jan. 6, 175 1. 47.

JOSEPH GARLANDS son of Peter, No. 13. Baptized June 11, married Sarah ^ she 1732; ; joined church Jan. 22, 1758; resi- dence in Hampton. THEIR CHILDREN.

104 I. Joseph^, h. Oct. 4, 1756; m. Jan. 5. 1796, Sarah Towle of Os- sipee. 105 II. John*', b. May 18, 1759.

106 III. Amos*', b. Aug. 15, 1760; d. Feb., 1832; m. Dec. 11, 1783, ist, Mary James, dau. Joshua; m. Aug. 16, 1803, 2d, Mary M. Fullerton of Tuftonboro, N. H. IV. b. m. Towle of Par- 107 Olive^, Sept 8, 1761 ; Jan. 7, 1790, Stephen sonsfield.

108 V. Sally^, b. Jan. 10, 1763; d. Nov. 3, 1778.

109 VI. Ekenezer", b. March 18, 1769; d. Jan. 19, 1799; m. Jan. 5, 1796, Molly Sanborn of Hampton Falls; b. 1760; dau. of John, no VII. Dolly*', b. Aug. 31, 1771; d. March 8, 1799. 49.

JOSEPH GARLANDS son of Jacob, Jr., No. 18. Baptized 1711 married Dec. Jane of May 27, ; 30, 1736, Stlckney, Hampton ; residence, Hampton Falls, N. H. Land owner in Hampton. One of a number to hire £25,000, in 1743. April 30, 1746, administra- tion granted to his widow Jane. June 14, 1746, inventory sworn to amounting to £1795.3 —old tenor. THEIR children.

111 I. Jacob*', bap. Jan. 29, 1738; d. Sept. 30, 1797; m. Betty Pettin-

gill; res. Salisbury, N, H. 112 II. Joseph^, bap. Feb, 18, 1739.

113 III. Nathaniel^, bap. June, 29, 1740; d. April 5, 1820; m. Elizabeth Woodman; res. Kingston, N. H. 114 IV. Sarah", bap. April 18, 1742; m. Elijah Sweet; res. Kingston,

' N. H.

115 V. Lieut. Moses*', bap. Feb. 17, 1744; d. Nov. 13, 1833; m. Me- hitable Sleeper; res. Salisbury. N. H,

//, i6 GARLAND (}ENEAL0(;Y.

ii6 VI. Hannah^, bap. Jan. 26. 1746; d. June 25, 18381 m. March 8. Tuck b. d. of res. ; son Edward Ken- 1771, Jesse 1743; 1826; ;

sington, N. H. Their children: i. Sarah Tuck, b. March 16,

d. ii. March iii. Ed- 1772 ; Aug. 28, 1825. Jesse, bap. 3, 1774. d. iv. b. ward, bap. April 25, 1775 ; Jan. 2, 1857. Hannah, m. v. April 21, 1776 ; Jereh. Lane, Hampton Falls, N. H. Jo- seph, b. Sept. 26, 1778. vi. Jereh., b. June 22, 1780. vii. Mary

bap. April 25. 1784 ; m. Luther liarter. viii. Samuel, b. Nov. 20, 1786.

51 (See 1565).

JACOB GARLANDS, (probably) son of Jacob, No. 18. Baptized 1716 married Hannah born Dec. 1832. July 21, ; , 20, He may have been the same who was published to Abigail Bradeen, Jan. 10, 1752, in Eliot, Me. Residence in Kittery, Me. Their nine children, all born in Kittery, Me. (See No. 1552.)


SIMON GARLANDS son of Jacob, No. 18. Baptized June 10, 1722; married; residence, Hampton Falls; removed about 1750 to Epping, N. H. May 23, 1743, buys of his brother Joseph, of 50 acres of land in N. H and same time Hampton Falls, Popping, , deeds to his brother Joseph one-fourth of the estate of their father Jacob, of Hampton, deceased. March, 12, 1749, he buys of Samuel Smith, of Epping, 5 acres of laud in Epping. Jan. 3, 1772, lie sells James Norris, of Epping, 40 acres of land in Saubornton, part of No. 74, he bought of Nathaniel Burley, Feb. 10, 1769. This lot was, after Jan. 3, 1792, sold to Simon's sou Jacob, of Sanborutou. THEIR CHILDREN. * I. b. about m. res. after 117 J ACOB^ 1745 ; Nabby ; Sanbornton; removed to Cabot, Vt., about 1795. Three days after the battle of Bunker Hill, Jacob, with others, marched from San- bornton, N. H., and joined the army at Charlestown, Mass. Their children:

wja I. Deborah Garland, and probably other children. 118 II. Haxnah'^ and perhaps other children.


of No. 24 mar- *GIDEON GARLANDS (probably) son John, ; ried Mary A. Ayres, of Lee or Portsmouth, N. H. P'armer. He served in the Revolutionary War six years, and was present at the execution of Major Andre for treason, and helped guard him the


night before. In 1778 he was in Col. Peabody's Regiment, of Dover and New Durliam, N. H. Was assessed for taxes in Lee, 1787. Received wages in Capt. Emerson's Co., 1776. Lived on the Emer- son farm in near the Lee, Durham line. He was an only son. THEIR CHILDREN.

119 I. b. in Lee m. in JoHN«, ; Lee, Comfort ch. res. 1804, Durgin; 7 ; Newmarket, N. H. 120 II. JAMES^ b. 21, m. ch. 8 res. Aug. 1786; 1805, Polly Mills; ; Dur- ham.

121 III. m. Nathan ch. Hannah^, Wiggin ; 8; res. Newmarket. 122 IV. Betsey^, b. April 25, 1790; d. Feb. 6, 1885; m. 1806 Samuel Ferrin; ch. 4; res. Freedom, N. H. 123 V. b. Dec. d. m. Oct. Clara ; Samuel^, 29, 1792 ; 4, 1835; Edgerly

ch. 4 ; res. Epping, N. H. VI. 124 PoLLY«, b. May 7, 1796; d. Nov. 25, 1885; m. Feb. 27, 1812,

ch. 8 res. : i. James Longley ; ; Durham. Their children Ab- igail Longley, b. 1814. ii. Mary Ann, b. 1817. iii. James, b. 1820. iv John O., b. 1824. v. IViiliam D., b. 1826. vi. Olive /., b. 1829. vii. Calesta, b. 1833. viii. Charles F., b. 1840. 125 VII. b. d. Dec. m. Nathaniel^, May, 1805 ; 19, 1893; May 4, 1828, Harriet ch. 2 res. Pickering; ; Newmarket. 56.

JOSIAH GARLANDS son of Thomas, No. 26. Baptized Oct. married 1, Miriam in 13, 1728; July 1767, Moore, Biddeford, Me. ; Union Me. residence. River, Ellsworth, ; went there from Biddeford, Me., soon after marriage. Farmer and hunter. their children.

126 I. Thomas*^, m. Nelly Wormwood; res. Ellsworth, Me. 127 II. Edward*', m. Abigail Frazer, res. Ellsworth, Me. 128 III. Benjamin*', m. Patience Jellison, res. Ellsworth, Me. 129 IV. Josiah", m. Sally Sweet, res. Ellsworth, Me. 130 V. John*', m. Sally Wormwood; res. Ellsworth, Me. VI. m. Townsend res. Me. 131 Betsey*', Gerry ; Ellsworth, VII. m. Moore res. 132 Sally**, Jesse ; Ellsworth, Me. VIII. m. Moore res. Me. 133 Joanna^, Wyatt ; Mariaville, IX. m. res. Me. 134 Hannah^, Jeremiah Brown ; Benton, 135 X. Mariam^ m. Abraham Frazer; res. Ellsworth, Me.

59, THOMAS GARLANDS son of Thomas, No. 2^. Born about married Rachel lived in 1740; (probably) ; Biddeford, Me., and probably moved to Rochester, then to Eaton, N. H. April 7, 1757, on Alarm list in Biddeford. Dec. 28, 1757, ordered by select-


men of Biddeford to pay 13s lOd to support militia. It was this Thomas, probably, who was in Capt. Tristram Jordan's Company, in York Co., Maine, in 1776. Oct. 21, 171)5, he probably moved to Eaton, N. H. He and his wife Rachel, then of Rochester, N. H., sold Oct. 30, 1781, to Peter Horn, 40 acres of land where he then

lived. Lot. No. 3, 1st Div., for £110. Oct. 21, 17'J5, the proprie- tors of Eaton gave him 50 acres of land, in consideration of his set- tlement there. Nov. 8, 1798, he sells to Sylvanus Blossom of Eaton, 50 acres of land in P^atou, No. 92, So. Div., Hersey's Plan. THEIR CHILDREN.

136 I. Nathaniel^, bap. in Rochester Aug. 2, 1767. 137 II. Phebe*5, bap. in Rochester Oct. 6, 1771. 60.

*JOHN GARLAND^ (probably) son of Thomas, No. 26. Born between 1734-40; married, 1765, Joanna Lane Hancock; born Sept. 18, 1738, widow of Isaac Hancock, of Buxton, Me., whom she married in Biddeford, Dec. 15, 1756, and by him had a son John and daughter Mary Hancock. She was a daughter of Capt. Jolm Lane, formerly of Hampton, N. H., and sister of Capts. Daniel, John and Jabez Lane. He lived in Buxton, Me., and kept a tavern where Nathaniel Milliken later lived, on the road from Buxton Corner to Salmon Falls. Was a licensed inn holder 1792. Was in

Revolutionary War. (See Rev. Rolls, Vol. 12, p. 80.) He is said to have had one son and eight daughters. their children.

138 I. Hannah^ b. March 18, 1770. m. Jan. 24, 1793, Samuel Leavitt, Jr.; b. 1770; son of Joseph, of York; res. Buxton. Their

children, born in Buxton, Me.: i. John Leavitt, b. iMarch 20,

1792. W.Joseph, b. Fel). 15. 1795. iii. William, b. May 27, 1797.

II. b. about d. m. 139 Mercy*', 1771 ; Jan. 8, 1840; Sep. 18, 1791, Moses Bradbury, son of Jacob; bap. April 12, 1767; res. Buxton. He m. 2d Catherine Flint. Their children: i. Polly Brad- b. m. F>1). Abraham Kimball, bury, April 8, 1792 ; 2, 181.4.

ii. Jacob, b. 1793; m. Jan. i, 1817, ist Sally Bradbury; 2d Sal- ly Merrill, m. Joanna, b. 1795; m. Nov. 19, 1817, Nathan Goodwin, iv. Catherine, b. 1797; m. rst Elias Banks; 2d

Orrison Burrell. v. Elizabeth, m.111. Rufus Atkinson. vi I

viiii. b. m. John, b. 1801 ; m. Mary Emery, Sophronia, 1803; \ ist A. E. Meserve. viii. Moses, b. 1808; m. Mary Hemphill; \

2d Martha Cunningham, ix. Mercy, m. Moses Emerson. ,


X. Harriet, m. Jona. Purrin

140 III. Joanna'^, b. about 1768; m. Sept. 6. 1789, Cadwallader Gray, son of James, of Saco: graduate Harvard College 1784; taught school in Buxton: bap. in Biddeford Dec. 24, 1760; " res. Buxton, Me. She was the pride and life of her moth- er's house."

141 IV. Bp:ttv*^, b. 1767: m. Dec. 25. 1792, Elisha Andrews. 142 V. Patty*^, b. 1773; d. April 25, 1847; m. Dec. 16, 1792 Stephen son of b. Hopkinson, John; Dec. 4. 1769; d. Aug. 17, 1855; res. Buxton. Me. Their children: i. Rebecca Hopkinson, b. March 16, 1793: d. Sep. i, 1866. ii. Hannah, h. Nov. i, 1794; d. May 22, 1853. iii. Elizabeth, b. Jan. i, 1799. iv. Mary, b. Dec. 9, 1801. w John, b. Oct. 25, 1805: d. Dec, 1855. vi. b. Lydia, Jan. 19. 1810. vii. Stephen, b. Dec. 3, 1813. viii.

Harriet, b. Feb. 19. 1S17. 143 VI. Miriam*', b. about 1777; m. Dec. 18, 1802, Samuel Edgecomb, b, June .22, 1777; Brigadier (jcneral in War of 1812: res. Hol-

lis, Me., on Brigadier Hill. Their children: i, Samuel Ed^QC- cojnb, b. Oct. 25. 1764: d. 1805: m. 1787 Mary Manley. ii.

m. Elizabeth iii. Kobert,h. May 4, 1767 ; 1793 Scamman. John,

b. Dec. 4, 1768: d. 1824; m. 1796 Dorcas Wilson, iv. Elias,

b. June 7, 1770; m. 1796 Abigail Woodman, v. Noah, b. June 4. 1773; m. 1797 Eleanor Stacy, vi. Sarah, bap. June 14. 1778. vii. Eunice, bap. May 6, 1781. viii. Thomas, ix. Mark. X. Mary. xi. Han/iah. 144 VII. JoHX"^, m. Elizabeth Woodman, daughter of Capt. Joseph Woodman: ch. 4; res. Buxton.


§SAMUEL GARLANDS sod of JoDatban, No. 2!J. Born Nov. 21, 1716; died Jan. 28, 1772, suddenly; married Oct. 12, 1743, 1717 died 1794 Moulton born March ; ; Lydia ; 17, Aug. 23, daugh- N. ter of Jacob, cordwainer ; residence, Hampton, H., on home- stead. In 1746 was in militia at Fort William and Henry, Newcas- tle, under Capt. Nathaniel Drake. Selectman in 1766.


145 I. Anna**, bap, July 7, 1744; d. May 23, 1845; unm.

146 II. Dea. & Col. Jonathan**, b. July 3, 1746; d. April 13, 1825 : m. Abigail Fogg. 147 III. Samuel**, b. Sep. 14, 1748; d. Feb. 26. 1756. 148 IV. DoROTHV**, bap. 1750: d. May 13. 1755.

149 V. Sarah**, b. Jan. 24, 1754; d. Nov. 17, 1829; m. Jabez Towle ;

: of res. Their bap. 1747 : d. 1837 son Nathaniel: Hampton.

chiklren: i. Samuel Towle, h. 1778: d. 1852: m. Fanny Jen- 20 GARLAND GENEALOCiV.

ness. ii. Daniel, b. 1780: d. 1843: unm. : selectman 16 years. iii. A^athanieh b. 17S3; m. Esther Davis of Newburyport, Mass. iv. Jabes. b. 1785: d. 1847: m. Elizabeth Dow. v. Jonathan, h. 1799; d. 1832.

b. : 150 VI. Abigail*^, May 20. 1762 m. May 27. 1783. Batchelder Brown : of and res. North Hampton. X. H.


§ LIEUT. JONATHAN GARLAND% sou of Jonathan, No. 2'J.

Born 1716 ; died 17.5G July 16, May 1, ; married, .January 9, 174-, Mrs. Bertbia Tuck Taylor, widow of Anthony Taylor, and daughter of Jonathan Tuck, cordwainer. Lived in Hampton, near Brides Hill saw mills. June, 1776, signed the Declaration of Safety. In 1777 was one of a committee to enlist soldiers. Aug. 25, 1756, adminis- tration of his estate granted to Berthia, his widow. September 30, 1756, inventory of his estate, £2010.11. THEIR CHILOKKX.

151 I. Jp:remiah'% bap. Feb. 11. 1750: m. Oct. 6. 1777. Lydia Cook of Dover, N. H.: cordwainer: res. Chichester, N. H.

152 Ji. James*^, bap. Oct. i. 1752: m. ist : 2d Wid. Hitty Kenison Webster; res. Parsonslield and Dixmont, Me. 153 III. JoxATHAX^, bap. Sep. 22, 1754: m. Oct. 20, 1777. Huldah Batch- elder, dau. of Carter.


JOSEPH GARLANDS son of Jonathan, No. 29. Born May 11, died l

154 I. Olive*', b. April i, 1759: d. Oct. 28, 1803: m. March 27, 1785,

Perkins Philbrick of Epsom, son of Daniel : b. 175S. Their children: i. Afeny P/ii/l?rick,\). \7^6. \'\. Jona..h. 1787. iii. /' Comfort, h. 1789. iv. Perkins, h. 1792. v. Simeon, h. 1794. vi. Hannah, b. 1796: d. 1830. vii. Olive, b, 1799: d. t8io.

viii. Minah, b. 1803 : m. Eben Chase Fogg, son of Chase Fogg: adopted son of Simon Garland 157. Their children: i. Mary Fogg. ii. Martha, iii. Elizabeth.

155 IT. Rachel*', b. May n, 1761 : m. March 3. 1785, Caleb Marston

of and residence Parsonsfield : b. 1760: son of Col. David.

Their children : i. Joseph Marston. ii. Hannah, m. Jereh. CARLAND (;ENKAL()(;^'. 21

Marston. iii. .SW/z^w, m. Soph Sanborn, iv. SaJ/y.m.M^.- son Dorr. v. Caleb, m. Dorcas Durgin. III. b. 156 Comforts April 5. 1763: m. iMay 29, 1786, Chase Fogg of

N. H. Their i. Pittsfield, children: Mary Fo^t^. ii. James. iii. Eden C/iase Fo£-£' (who W2is an adopted son and heir of his uncle Simon Garland, No. 157); m. Minah Philbrick : res. Hampton, iv. Uriah, m. Louise Mason. IV. Simons b. d. 157 April 9, 1765: Feb. i. 1S40: m. Jan. 16. 1793, Mary d. Marston: July 27. 1858 : noch.: res. on the homestead, edge of North Hampton. Adopted Eben Chase Fogg, son of his sister Comfort, No. 156. V. 158 Hannah^, bap. Sep. u. 1768; m. James Marston: o ch. : res. Parsonsfield.

VI. Dec. ; d. : 159 Sarah*^, bap. 29, 1771 Oct. 13. 1842 m. Aug. 3, 1796, Jeremy Doe; d. 1854; res. Parsonsfield; 8 ch. Their chil-

dren : i. Hannah b. d. 1868. ii. Doe, 1797 ; Gideon, b, 1799; d. 1824: unm. iii. Mary G.,h.\'!^o\: d. 1870; unm. iv. Nancy, b. 1804; d. 1875; m. David H. Coombs, v. Oli7>e, b. 1806: m, William Buzzell. vi. Ainasa, b. 1808; d. 1882: m. 1840,

Mary J. Pease. \\\. Joseph G., b. 1810: d. 1868; m. Louisa

viii. b. : d. M. Heard, Oliver C, 1815 1875 ; unm. '160 VII, Mercy**, bap. July u, 1773; m. William Towle; res. Porter.

Me. Their children : i. Hannah Toiule, m. Welch, ii. William, iii. Joseph, iv, Mercy, v. N^ancy. vi. Maria. 161 VIII. AxxA'5, bap. July 6, 1777: m. Daniel Coombs; res. Porter,

Me. Their children : i. Hannah Coombs, ii, David H., m. Nancy Doe, dau. of Jereh. and Sarah Garland Doe. iii. William.

162 IX. James**, bap. privately Sep. 3, 1779, in Hampton.


JOHN GARLAND5, son of John, No. 30. Born May 18, 1719, in N. H. married in Rye, ; February 14, 1744, Rye, Molly Rand; residence. Green Hill, Barrington, N. H. Assessor in 1753, 1755, 1758; moderator of town meeting and selectman 1760, 1761, 1764; 1762-3. moderator 1777, 1778, 1780, 1785 ; commissioner April 13, 1778, he was chosen to "convene at Concord, on the 10th day of June next, for the purpose of forming Government." Nov. 26, 1781, be was chosen ''to represent the said town of Barrington in the General Assembly to be holden at P2xeter for the ensuing year." " ]\rarch 30, 1785, was a candidate for State Senator; had 48 votes from Barrington, a larger number from that town than any other candidate." THEIR CHILDREX.

163 I. Marv*\ b. May 26, 1744: m. Oct. 11, 1762, in Barrington, John 22 (iARLAND GENEALOGY.

Gate, son of Capt. William: res. Barrington. X. H. Their

children : i. John Gate, b. Jan. 12. 1764. ii. Elisabeth, b. April

6. 1765: m. 17S6 Reuben Frost. \\\. James, b. July 4. 1766. iv. Richard, h. Feb. 2. 1768. v. Saiiiiiel^ b. Nov. 6, 1770. vi.

H^////^w. b. June 28, 1772. vii. JA?//>/. b. Nov. 29. 1773. viii. NathanieL b. Feb. 18. 1775. ix. Hannah, b. May 27, 1777.

X. Daniel, b. Sep. 15, 1779. xi. Zy^-Z/Vz and xii. .SV^/v///, b. Oct.

30, 1782. xiii. Abigail, b. Oct. 31, 1784.

164 II. JoHN^, b. March 7. 1746; m. Hannah Gate; res. Gilmantown, N. H. b. 165 III. Elizabeth*^, March ^\. 1748: m. November 15, 1770, Eben- ezer Nock, Jr.: res. Rollinsford. N. H. Their children: i. Elisabeth Nock,h. 1771. ii. /ssaeher. h. 1773. ^'i- Henry. b. 1775- 166 IV. Olev*5, b. April 30. 1750. 167 V. Sarah^ b. March 11, 1752."

168 VI. Richard*^, b. March n, 1754; bap. in Rochester, July 14. 1754; m. Lydia Waterhouse.

169 VII. Susannah^, b. March 22, 1756 ; d. 1805 ; m. Sep. 9, 1784 Thomas Barrows or Burrows; d. May 8, 1834, aged 76. 170 VIII. Nathaniel^, b. Aug. 12. 1758; d. Oct. 13, 1819: m. July 20, Susannah b. d. 1861 res. 1780, Young; 1759; ; Barrington. 171 IX. Abiah^ b. July 16, 1760: m. Jan. 20, 1780, Benjamin Water- res. house ; Barrington.

172 X. Abigail^, b. June 17, 1763. 173 XI. Joseph^, b. Oct. 12, 1765; d. Feb. 25, 1830: m. 1787, Betsey Waterhouse.

174 xii. Ben'JAMIN'', b. July u. 1767 : d. Nov. 18. 1835 ; m. Jan. 18. 1790,

Polly Balch ; res. Barrington.


*S1M0N GARLANDS sou of Johu, No. 'M). Born January 6, 1726; married January 3, 1754, Elizabeth Brown, daughter of Jo- seph; residence Rye. He was in Gapt. Locke's Company, 1746, in Rye. their children.

m. Dec. 175 I. Mary*5, \y^ 1756; d. Oct. 2. 1829; 13. 1781. John Rol)ie: of b. Sept. 21, 1759; d. Sept. 19, 1842; son John: res. in No.

Hampton, on Homestead. Their children : i. Thomas Rohie, b. 1783; m. 1826 Betsey Elkins. ii. Bathsheba. iii. Betsey. iv. Mary. v. Simon: m. Oct. 4. 1845, Lydia Elkins. b. m. Norton. 176 II. SiMOX^, Jr., 1758 ; Abigail 177 HI. Joseph*^, b. May 6, 1760; d. March 8, 1888; m. Patience .Mar- den.

- i\ . Elizabeth^ b. 1763. 178 ^ \ GARLAND GENEALOGY. 23

179 V. JoHX^, b. 1767: d. Nov. 6, 1S26; m. Jan. 28. Abigail Seavey, dau. of Amos.


COL. PETER GARLAND', sou of Jobu, No. 30. Born July 2i, died married or Marah Leavitt 1732; April 26, 1826; Mary ; born Oct. 20, 1736; died between 1770 and 1774; daughter of Lieut Jona. Leavitt. Blacksmith; residence, Rye, N. U. ''A much re- spected man and good citizen." He, with Benjamin Garland and Capt. Joseph Parsons, all of Rye, were three of '-'• a committee of seven to get soldiers and hire men for the Continental Army in 1781." He owned large lots of land in Barustead, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

180 I. Mary*', b. 1758; d. March 17, 1843; unm. 181 II. Abigail*', b. about 1760; m. 1780, Col. "Cornet" Isaac Lane of Chester, N. H.; b. 1760; d. 1834. He was son of John Lane of Rye, and lived on the homestead in Chester, N. H.

Their children: i. Sal/y Lane^ b. 1782; m. Josiah Lewis, ii. Abigail, b. 1784; m. Thos Wason. iii. Molly, b. 1786; m, Dea. Amos Batchelder. iv. b. m. D. Anna, 1791 ; Jona. Lane. \. b. m. vi. vii. b. John, 179- ; Ruth Page. Betsey, Isaac, 1799; m. Caroline Marshall, viii. Peter, b. 1802; m. Sarah Simpson. 182 III. John'', known as and cahed '"Jonnie," b. 1762; d, April 23, 1837; res. unm. ; Rye. 133 IV. Jonathan*^, b. Oct. 11, 1764; d. Oct. 23, 1826; m. May 14, 1797, Betsey Woodman. V. b. d. Feb. m. Nov. Salter. 184 Levi*', 1766; 4, 1857 ; 24, 1789, Lucy 185 VI. Peter«, b. July, 1768; d. July 24, 1804; m. Sept. 30, 1792, Me- hitable Seavey.

186 VII. Anna**, b, 1770; d. Oct. 2, 1842; m. Nov. 13, 1798, Joseph Smith; res. Chester, N. H,; b. 1778; d. 1858; farmer. Their chil-

dren : i. Pete?' Smith, ii. Anna. iii. Joseph. b. d. m. 187 VIII. Bexjamix**. 1772: June 4, 1831 ; May 15, 1803, Fanny res. Seavey ; Rye. 188 IX. Elizabeth*^, b. Sept. 28, 1773; d. Jan.' 16, 1847; unm.; res. Rye. son of 189 X. Sarah^, b. 1779; m. Dec. 3, 1805, Benjamin Dalton,

children : i. Dalton. b. Feb. Michael ; res. Rye. Their Mary

ii. b. 1808 10, 1806: d. of fever Feb 2, 1829. Mercy P., June. ; d. March d. Feb. 2, 1829. iii. Pllizabeth i^\, b. June 20, 1812; iv. b. Oct. 10, 1878; m. March 5, 1829, Oliver Berry, Moses, b. 20, 1815: d. Dec. 14, 1889, unm. v. Annie Leavitt, Sep. 7. 1S18; m. ist Wm. S. Garland of Rye, No. 463; m. 2d Gard- ner T. Locke (and was divorced). See No. 1098. 24 GARLAND GENEALOGY. 4


*COL. BENJAMIN (;AKLAND"', son of Joliu, No. 30. Born

Oct. 2*J, 17o4; died ]May 2, 1802; married Dec. o, 17.J7, 8arah Jenuess born died ; 1786; February LS, 1«03, aged (50; daiigliler of John. Residence, Rye Centre. Innkeeper. Lived on t!ie *' Garland place." He and his v^ife were buried iu the Parsons grave yard, rear of the Congregational meeting house. He own^d a great deal of land and property all over Rye. He was a minute man in the Revolutionary war. May 16, 1775, Col. Benjamin, Col. Peter Garland and Joseph Parsons were '' made three of a commit- tee of seven to enlist, arm, employ, send out and discharge the min- ute men of Rye." Jn February, 1781, Col Benjamin Garland, Joseph Parsons and Peter Garland were '* made three of a comujit- tee of seven to get soldiers and hire men for the Continental Army." It is said that when he returned from the war he brought home a '" black servant, called Black Prince", whom he bought for a keg rum but he ran and a reward was offered for his of ; away appre- hension.


190 I. JoHX*^, b. Oct. 4. 1758; d. March 24, 1844: ni. Oct. i8, 1778, Ab- igail Perkins; res. Rye: dau. of t James Perkins of Rye. 191 II. Elizabeth^, b. Oct. 1760; m. July 17. 1777. Joseph L. Seavey.

b. Jan. 7, 1757: son of Amos: res. Rye. He m. 2d Martha

Patten. Their children : i. Sarah Seavey, b. about 1797; 18. ii. Polly, b. Jan. 5. 1780: m. March 1806. Lieut Simon

Brown, iii. ElizabethA^. March 3. 1786: m. April 26. 1804, ist Jos. Brown: 2d Rich'd Jenness. iv. Theodore J., b. Nov. 21. Stevens, v. b. 15. 1785 ; m. Dec. 1820, Betsey Ephraini, 1816. No. May 15, 1792: m. Nov. 28, Betsey Garland, 460. vi. Martha, b. Sep. 12. 1793: m. Nov. 28. 1816, Amos S. Gar- land, No. 459, vii. Cidiiey S.. b. July 19, 1795: m. Dec. 22, 1813, John L. Seavey. viii. Joseph L..h. Oct. 3, 1798; m.

Nov. 15, 1832, Joseph Langdon. 192 III. Abigail^, b. March, 1763: d. April 23, 1840: ni. Aug. 14, 1785,

Jonathan Jenness. b. 1760: son of Richard of Deerfield ; res.

ni. Locke of live. had seven beautiful f James Perkins of Rye; b. 17;3-2; Abigail They daughters. In the Revolutionary war he

Rye. He m. a 2d wife. Their children : i. Elisabeth Jcii- ness\ m. Nathaniel White, ii. Polly, b. 1790: m. 1816, Uavid \\\. unm. iv. v. Wedgewood. Jonathan \ Benjamin, W'il- liani\ m. Mary J. Saunders. IV. b. died of fall in 193 Sally*' Oct., 1764 ; young lockjaw, from a the barn. V. b. d. 194 Benjamin^, Jan., 1767 ; Jan. 14, 1835 ; unm., became de- lived on the homestead at ranged ; Rye.

195 VL Lieut. Amos'', b. May, 1768; d. Feb. 21, 1833; m. Nov. 18, 1800, Olive Jenness; res. Rye.

196 VII. PoLLY^, b. April 27, 1770; d. April 27, 1857 : m. Nov. 10, 1786, Ebenezer Berry; b. 1766; son of Merrifield; lived in Rye. " " She was called Aunt Polly and lived on the homestead of " her father,—now known as the Ruel Garland place,"—the most of her life. She was an invalid nearly half of her life. Soon after marriage her husband went to sea or to New Or- leans, La., and never returned. She had a son Thomas Gar- land Berry, who became a prominent merchant in Ports- mouth, N. H., having early been in the store of his Uncle " William there. About 1830 he purchased the Garland " place farm in Rye, from the heirs of William Garland, and lived there until he died, Oct. 21, 1870, aged 84 years. Had no children. He was a prominent temperance advocate. 197 VIII. Sarah^, b. July, 1772; d. July 4, 1846; single: lived in Rye on the homestead, and for many years took care of the house, and almost the farm, and was an exceedingly active and ca- pable woman. 198 IX. William'', b. June 10, 1775; d. July 30, 1820; m. July 8, 1808, Elizabeth Howe.

199 X. Thomas", b. Aug., 1777 ; d. young.


RP:UBEN GARLAND\ son of Jabez, No. 34. Born February N. H. 20, 1723 ; married Eliza Todd ; residence, Dover, their children.

b. killed other 200 Ann", Aug. 4, 1765 ; by lightning. Probably children, but they are unknown — no trace of them.


JABEZ GARLAND% sou of Jabez, No. 34. Married Sept. 29, 1760, Elizabeth Blaisdell.


d. 1821 m. 2d d. 201 I. JoHN^ m. ist Betsey Hight; ; Hitty Hight; 1869: res. Gorham, N. H. 26 OAKLAND CiEXKALOC.V.

202 II. Khi-:.\*\ m. Xahljy McCrillis.

203 in. Jahf.z^. ni. ist Sabrina Goodwin : m. 2(\ Thebc Drew; res. Lanca.ster. N. H.

204 IV. Gfor(;f.'5. i^ ;\i^-^y ,- i-j,^2: d. April 11,1844: m. ist Mary Holmes: res. Pittston. Me.

205 y. Hf,tsev'\ ni. Samuel Webster ; res. Lancaster. X. 11. 206 IV. ARifiAiL", m. P>.ra Foster: res. LittL'ton. X. M.

207 All. Sai.i.v*^. m. William Seiejel : res. Jefferson. X. H. 208 \iii. X.-wcv'^ m. John Leavitt; res. Lancaster. X. H. 209 IX. Omvf^. m. James Holmes: res. Lowell. Mass. 210 X. LvDiA^, m. Lyford Mason: res. Littleton, X. H.


§*DOl)lVAH GARLAND% son of Ehpnezcr, No. :]7. Horn Do- in married ceraber 2G^ 1722, Dover, N. H. ; died April 10, 1798;

Mary . Farmer. Residence in Unrliam, N. TJ., 1750-58; sometime in Dover, and in Rochester 1770-7^. Jnly 23, 1740, was in the militia as a private. His father was Corporal at the same time in the same company- In 1740 in Train soldiers of Somers- worth, N. H. P^nsign in Ca])t. Harrison's Troopers in 1745. Tn Col. Waldron's regiment, 1776. Tn Capt. Hubbard's company, ^lay 15, 1775, Rochester, N. H. Tn 1776 sipfned the Test of Committee of Safety. Aug. 30, 1771, he sold to John Sullivan, Esq, one-sixth " " of the Garland mill in Rochester. Sept. 3, 1750, Samuel Per- " kins of Durham deeds to my grandson, Dodipher Garland of Dur- " ham bis homestead estate, situated in Durham, in consideration of £1000 old tenor and support, &c., for and during his life." THEIR CHILDREN.

211 I. Abicjail^, b. about 1749: d. May 13. iS^S: m. Julv 19. 1772. David Cook, who was killed in battle. They had one child.

She m. 2d Richard Perkins, who d. 1832. Thev had 5 chil-

dren. Her children: i. Charity Or^X'. m. Kliakim Hartford,

iii. David, ii. Beiij. G. Perkins, m. Francis Cushinp:. m. v. Miss Hicks, i v. /?/V7/fzrr/, m. Rebecca Dean. Abigail, m. James Stalbird. m. 22. 212 II. Dorcas^, b. about 1762: d. March 4, 1S36: Xov. 1781, Daniel Dore. son of John Dore of Lebanon. Mc.: res. Milton Ridge. Their children: i. George Dore. b. 1798. W.John, m. Lucy Whitehouse: res. Lebanon, Me. Dore. son of 213 in. Rebecca^, m. Aug. 24, 1786, Jonathan John. 214 IV. DODIVAH^. McCrellis of Lebanon. Their 215 V. Mary^. m. Nov. 25, 1765. John h. ni. children: i. Daniel McCrellis. May 17. 1776: Mary GARLAND GP:NEAL0GY. 27

Kicker, ii. Betsey, n\. Henry Ricker. iii. Jo/ui, m. ist Lyclia Shorey; m. 2d Mary Rankins. iv. Mary, m. John Thurs- ton. V. Nabby, m. Feb. 27, 1803, her cousin, Ebenezer Gar- land of Lebanon. 216 VI. Margaret^ (prob.), m. Daniel Hussey of Rochester. Their

children: i. ii. Ezekiel. iii. John Hussey. David. '\\ . Paul. V. Elijah, vi. Mary. vii. Olive, viii. Huldah. ix. Joanna. VII. Hannah"^, m. ch. 6 res. 217 James Boyd; ; So. Berwick. Their

children : i. David d. about Boyd, 1S60, aged 90 years, ii. James, iii. John. iv. Molly, v. Hannah, vi. Sarah. 218 VIII. Mahala'^ (prob.), m. (prob.) Seth K.Carter of Dover. They had three children two of them took ; the name of Garland. in 218^; John Carter", b. Rochester, 1786; m. ist Anna Kelley. 2d Hannah Tibbetts. 218/' Marv Carter'^. These two children were adopted by Dodi- ivah Garland, their grandfather, June 12. 1797. and took the name of (Garland. Their other child, Abigail Carter' m. Richard Ricker of Berwick.


EHENEZP:R GARLAND% son of Nathaniel, No. 38. first Born about 1787; married Susannah ; married sec- ond Home. about Carpenter. Residence, Madbury ; later, 1767, residence in Middleton, N. H. He was Deacon of Congrega- tional Church of Somersworth, N. H. July 3, 1784, he sells to John Drew 50 acres of land, being half of lot No. 53 of 1st Division '' " where 1 now live in Middleton. He bought it of John Keith, April 25, 1771. THEIR CHILDREN.

219 I. *Alpheus*', d. in Revo, war, in Continental army; enlisted

March i, 1776. in Capt. David Place's company.

220 II. Patience*', b. in Madbury, Oct. 4, 1767 ; d. Sept. 27. 1849, aged

82. in Stratham ; m. July 3, 1796, Nathaniel Roberts of Mid-

Their children : i. dleton, N. H. ; tailor; hediedi8i4. J/ary /Roberts, m. Wm. Hammond, ii. Isaac, m. Betsey Evans, iii. James, m. Hannah Pike. iv. Catherine, m. Robert Hayes. V. Mark, m. Sally A. Wiggin, and had 4 children, vi. Abbie,

m. Hamilton Bean. vii. 77/

Elsie ix. b. d. Dec. thaniel, m. Jewell, Maria, 1815 ; 19. 1894, in Biddeford, Me.; m. Charles O'Dell. 221 III. Esther^, m. F'oss.

222 IV. Annie", b. about 1760; d. June 17, 1862. aged 73 ; m. Daniel

children: i. Pinkham ; res. Alton, N. H. Their Branny ox Tanison Pinkham, m. Rev. Wm. Buzzell. ii. Clement, iii. 28 (;arlaxd gexealo(;v.

.{bigaiL m. Tibbetts. \\. Betsey, in. Hayes, v. Daniel, vi. Andrew, vii. J/ace/i.

22J? y. Sakaii*'. m. Aug. i, 17S2. David Tvvambley. 224 VI. Thomas*', b. in Madbury. \w^. 16. 1752: d. Feb. 18, 1832: m. Autj. 6. 1777. Hannah Ham.


NATHANIEL GARLAND% son of Nathaniel, No. 38. IJorn July 25, 1739; married Bridget Kimball. Joiner. Resi- in N. H. Tlie record of his dence, Madbury ; later, Farmiugtou, children is taken from an old Bible.


225 I. Pagp:*^, (?) b. Sept. 15. 1761. Nothing' further known of hini.

226 II. Dorcas*', b. March 9, 1763: m. Jan. 12. 1791, Stephen Pierce: res. Rochester.

227 III. LvDiA''. b. Dec. 20. 1764: ni. Nov. 22, 1787, John Place. Jr.. res. Rochester.

228 i\'. Frank*', b. April 20. 1766. Nothing further known of him. 229 y. Haxxah^, b. April 16. 1768: m. Jan. 26. 1786. Samuel Palmer:

230 NI. Tristram*', b. July 22. : m. April 18. 1799. Elizabeth Roberts.

231 \TI. Jcjseph*', b. Oct. 26. 1773. Nothing further known of him.

232 VIII. Richard*', b. Oct.. : m, July 11, 1810, Mary Hurd: res. Farmington.

233 IX. Ephraim**, b. March. : m. Mary Harrington. 18. 1802. 234 X. Rebecca*', b. about 1779: m. Feb. David Wiggin : res. Farmington, N. H. Their children: i. S(7//y Wiggin, m. Nath'l Watson of Piddeford. ii. Xancy. d. 18 years of age. \\\. Josep/i. h. Nov. 31. 1807; d. Jan. 6. 1885: m. 1836, iv. Paulina A. VV'eltch : res. Farmington. N. H. lllizaheth, m. Ira Tanner.



about 1740 died 1 774. Mariner, Born ; January 24, l^esidence, Somersworth, N. H. ^Married before 17(i8, Pliebe Tibbetts Ricker, widow of Thomas Ricker, who had a daughter, Mehitable Ricker, who was born December 27, 17G4. She, after the death of Nathan- iel Garland, married, November 26, 177r), Robert Swainsou, a land at in surveyor. He ke[)t a scliool in his house Grant's hill, Lyman, Me., about 1805. They had a son, Robert Swainsou, born May 3, 1777. October 21, 177(3, administration on his estate granted to GARLAND (iENEALOGY. 2

-35 I- JOAXNA'^ b. Feb. 27, 1768; d. about 1884, in Lyman, Me.: m.

Joel Littlefield of Lyman, xMe. Their ehildren: i. Saiiuiel Littlejield. ii. P/iebe, m. Aaron Littlefield. iii. Sally, m. Oliver Hooper, iv. /v'tv. NatJuinieL m. Sophia Fluent. V. Polly, m. Robert Gould, vi. Charity, m. Isaiah Parker. vii. Abi^qaih m. Edwin Patterson. 236 II. Ap.IGAIL^ b. May 18, 1770; m. Benjamin Day of Kennebunk.

Me. Their children : i. iXathaniel Day, m. Sally Perkins of Kennebunk, Me. ii. Martha, m. Capt. Israel Crediford of Kennebunk.

237 III. Capt. Nathaniel^, b. Feb. 13. 1774: d. 1848, in Baltimore, Md.; m. Aug. 21, 1798. Lydia Jacobs of Danvers, Mass. Also, as per "Master Tates' Records of Somersworth," Capt. Nathaniel Garland, No. 96, had a son who was—

238 IV. Capt. Nathaniel'', b. June 7, 1765; d. May 23, 1852; m. ist

Feb. 25. 1790, Hannah Wetherell ; m. 2d March 18, 1813, Lucy Mills.


DANIEL GARLAN1)% son of John, No. 42. Born 173o; died about 1812 of palsy. Married Sarah Roberts; d. 1827 her lived where he on May, ; parents nearly opposite lived, the main road leading from Dover to Rochester, N. H., seven miles from Dover. P^armer. Both of them are buried in the First Parish

Bm'yiiig-ground, near the gate, in Rochester, N. H. He signed the Test of the Committee of Safety, 1776. His will was dated Nov. 7, 1809 1812. His son was executor ; probated Nov. 26, Dudley " of his will. In 17«S6, in Dover, his name is written Garling." THEIR CHILDREN.

I. before William Lord res. Milton Three 239 iMercv'', m. 1S09 ; Ponds. They had a daughter Jennie, and may be more children.

240 II. Cai'T. John**, b. 175S; d. 1835: m. ist Sally Blaisdell ; m. 2d Sally Kimbsll; res. So. Wakefield. 241 III. Annie*', m. ist Joseph Hubbard; m. 2d. Jan. 26, 1786. Samuel Rochester. Palmer ; res.

242 IV. Daniel**, bap. Sept. 15, 1776, d. age 19 years. A deafmute.

243 V. Capt. James Garland*^, b. Feb. 25. 1777 : d. July ro. 1810: m. Susanna Wheelwright of Wells. 244 VI. Mary^, m. Nov. 28. 1799, William Kurd. 30 (iARLAND GEXEAL()(iV.

245 VII. L^|)lA'^ bap. April 19, 176;: ni. James Ripley of Buxton, Me. They had a son James Ripley. 12. 246 ^1II. Thomas**, d. 1S52 : m. Sept. 1S06, Widow Dorothy Mendum.

247 IX. DuDLEV", bap. Sept. 6. 1767; d. Nov. 25, 1.S27 : m. Vch. 24. 17S9, Mary Hurd.

24S X. Sali.v". b. April 18. 1787: d. Jan. 2. 1874 : m. a cousin. 1-^ph- raini (larland. No. 2^2. son of I-"benezer


§CORP. EBKNEZEK GARLAND, JI^^ son of .John, No. 42. m. 1st Sarah m. Born about 1730; Seavey ; 2d, Aug. 10, 1770, Lydia Jackson. Lived in Somersworth, 17()4, on the road from Cocheco to Fresh Creek. Res. Rochester, 1776. Carpenter. 1754, a corporal in Thomas Wallingfords company; 1753, assessor of rates at Crown in com- parish ; 175(5, Point; 1776, Capt. Badger's pany in militia of Dover; 1785, soldier in Middleton. October 17, 17^7, he and his sons John, James, Ephraira and Samuel and daughter Patience were baptized in Rochester, N. H., upon con- " fession of faith in Christ. Sold one-sixth ©f '' Garland Mill

Privilege in Rochester, on Salmon Falls river. 1776 he signed Test of the Committee of Safety. THEIR CHILDREN.

249 I. RiCHARD^J. prob., b. May 28, 1763, d. about 1853; m. Sarah A. Watson of Dover; res. Bartlett, N. H.

250 II. Samuel*^, d, Feb. 19, 1849; m. Susan Rhyme, 251 III. James*^, b. 1773; d. Feb. 11, 1853; m. Dec. ji, 1800, Abigail Jenness. 252 i\'. Ephraii\i*\ m. April 26. 1804. ist Abigail Henderson; m. 2d a cousin, Sarah Garland, dau, of Daniel. -53 ^^- JoHN'^, unm. 254 VI. Patience^ bap. Oct. 17. 1787; d. 1830: ni. Jan. 21, 1788, Thmas Howe of Rochester, N. H. 255 vii. Ebexezer^, probably, but not sure. b. Dec. 22. 1760: m. Sept. 20, 1783, Sarah Perkins. He went by the name of Garlin, and some of his family still erroneously spell their name Garlin. l)ut the most of his descendants spell their name (inrland.


JOHN GARLAND%sonof John, No. 42. Born about 1756; d. Feb. 18, 1830; m. Jan. 22, 1781, Mary Ham; bap. Oct. 8, 1758; dau. of Daniel; res. Dover. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 31


I. b.. Dover. : d. 1861 256 AxNiE*^, 1781 May 13. ; m. Jan. 16, 1S16,

Growth Palmer ; one child ; res. Dover.

257 II. PoLLY^, b., Dover, 1786: d. abt. 1870: m., 1813, Aaron Palmer:

res. Dover. Their children : i. Daniel H. Falinei'. ii. Aaron A. m. John G. 'w.MaryA.

258 III. Jacobs b. Feb.. 1788: d. May 5, 1847: m. 1S19, Elizabeth B.

Palmer ; live children ; res. Dover. 101. PETER GARLAND% eon of John, No. 46. Baptized May «, 1748; d. about 1835. Married Anuie Pitmau. He bought, Sept. 10, 1798, 50 acres of land in Moultonboro, N. H. Res. Moultonboro, N. H. Veterinary surgeon and farmer.

THEIR CHILDREN (Born in Hampton, probably.)

259 I. John", m. Nancy Blakey. 260 u. Samuel', m. Polly Blakey. 261 in. Eunice'. 262 IV. Sally', b. May 6. 1772. 104.

JOSEPH GARLAND% son of Joseph, No. 47. Born October 4, 1756. Died about 1830. INIarried January 5, 1796, Sarah Towle of Ossipee, N. H. Residence, Ossipee, N. H., on Lot No. 34, 50 acres of land, in the farm. He was assessed for two*' Mills.' Assessor of Ossipee, 1791. October 4, 1756, he was on first inventory of the Town of Ossipee. their children.

I. d. abt. 1 m. Mrs. Roberts ; Sarah Whitehoiise 263 Shadrach", 187 ; res. Tuftonboro, N. H.; two ch. Their children:

263a I. Nathaniel Colby Garland*^, b. February, 1837 ; m.. 1862. Martha E. Durgin: res. Manchester, N. H. 263^ 11. Havilah^, b. 1844, d. 1895. 264 II. John D." d. 1880: m. Nov. 2, 1851, Betsey Stevens: pub. July no res. Ossi- II, 1857. Sarah Gubit (perhaps Guppy) ; ch.; pee, N. H. III. m. N. H. 265 MosES Colby', 1821, Mary Jane Guppy ; res, Dover,

Their children :

265c? I. Sarah Elizabeth Garland^, b. 1833: d. 1837. ii. A girl.

d. iii. m. Mr. and had one young, A girl , Benshaw, son res. unknown. ; 266 IV. b. d. in N. res. Joseph', abt. 1795 : Rye. H., May 9, 1852; Rye. v. 267 LuciNDA,' umn. ; res. Ossipee.

268 VI. Clara'', m. John Severance of Rochester. Their children : i. Levi Severance. W. Jane. w^.'Wx. Bickford. iii. Kniily. 32 (;arlaxd (;i:.\i:al()(;v.


§AM08 GARLANU% son of Josei)h, No. 17. Born Aug. l'>, 17()0; died February, 1832. ^Married, 1st, Dec. b. Oet. \7i]i') d. about 11, 1733, Mary James, (I, ; January, 1791); of dau. of Joshua, Hampton ; m 2d, Aug. IG, 1803, Polly M. Ful- Tuftonboro. Farmer. JJved at '' lerton of Drake Side," Ham[)ton ; moved to Ossi[)ee, N. H. 1771, enlisted for three months in A.rmy bushels of month. assessor also for 25 corn per 171)1, of Ossipee ; lived in Tuftonboro. Oct. 22, 171)8, sold 100 acres of land with sawmill and grist mill thereon, being part of Lot No. 33 of 500 acres of laud bought in 171)7.


269 I. John', b. in Hampton. May 9, 1784: d. March 24. 1S24 : m.

Lane: no ch. : res. Pittsfield. X. H.

270 II. Jo-SHUA James", b. Dec. 22. 1785 : d. April 19. 1786. 271 in. Samuel", b. in Hampton March 8, 1787: d. Dec. 6. 186^: m.

Elizabeth Ham: six ch. : res. Hampton. 272 IV. Sally", b. Xov. 25. 1789: d. Aug. 19. 1797.

273 V. Amos", b. May 17, 1791 : d. July 24, 1794. 274 VI. Theodate", b. Dec. 23, 1793: d. Xov. 11. 1879: m. rst Mr.

Dinsmore : six ch. ; m. 2d Isaac Leighton : three ch. : res.

Sandwich. X. H. Their children : i. Mary .1. Dins/norc ; m. John Leavitt. ii. Ellen, iii. Johii\ m. Mehitsible Sals- bury, iv. Atnos: m. Mary (ioodwin. .v. Saiinicl: m.

Lucinda Brown, vi. Charles JV. vii. Geo. E. Leighton :

m. Susan J. Moulton. viii. ElizabetJi ; m. Wm. A. Shack-

ford, ix. Alniira : m. Enoch Lewis.

275 VII. Amos 2D", b. Sept. 6, 1795; d. Dae. 26, 1871; m. June 25. 1820, Betsey Parker.

276 VIII. Marv J.", b. Aug. 22. 1797 : m. Smith Shaw of Pittsfield. N. H.

Tlieir children : i. Betsey J. Shaw. b. 1817: unm. ii. Ahi-

gail\ b. 1822 : m. Plumer (iarland. Xo. 984. son of jsaac. iii. Nathaniel S.\ b. 1822: m. Elvira Leavitt: res. Concord, X\ H. iv. Mary A., b. 1825: m. Moses B. Brown: res. Weirs, X. H. v. John E., b. 1828: m. Sarah A. Brown: res. Pittsfield, N. H. vi. \Villia?n. b. 1833: m. ATary O. Foss.

277 IX. Ja.mes". b. Jan. 8. 1799; d. Aug. 2, 1882: m. ist Sept. 7, 1822, Oct. Elizabeth S.Welch ; m. 2d, 1847. Julia Douglass.

278 X. Sally", b. Jan. 3. 1799.

(By a Second Wife.)

279 XI. Sarah", b. Dec. 4. 1804: m. ist S. Dudley, 2d Tash, 3rd Cook. Her children: i. Ebenezer Dudley, ii. Charles.

280 XII. Betsey", b. July 30, 1806: d. 1861 : m. Dec. 6. 1825. Hanson GARLAND GENEALOGY. jj

Wells, Dover. N. H. Their children: i. IVilliain Wells. ii. Elisabeth, iii. Helen A. iv. Sophronia. 281 XIII. William F.". b. June 21, 1809; m. Olive Keniston. 282 XIV. George Madison^ b. in 1811 d. Ossipee, Aug. 17, ; 1882; m. 1842, res. Joan Moody; Ossipee: two ch. Their children : z'Sza. I. George Abner Garland^, b. in Lowell, Mass., 1850; m. Ida F. no ch. res. 1889, Babb; ; Farmington. N. H. 282<5. II. Georgeianna Garland«, b. in Lowell, 1850; m. George W.

Edgerly ; no ch.; res. Farmington, N. H. XV. b. 283 Benjamin F.', Sept. 21, 1813; m. April. 1837, Mary H. Whittier.

XVI. b. 284 JAMES^ May u, 1816; m. Ehzabeth Russell of Beverly, Mass. He had five children, all dead but 284^:. I. Charles Garland^. XVII. b. Feb. m. 285 Meribah", 17, 1822; Nov. 5, 1840, Lsrael Gray of Wakefield, Mass Their children: i. Georgeianna Gray, b. 1841 : m. Charles Bridges, ii. Emma, m. George Burditt.

iii. Mary L.^h. 185- ; m. William Newhall of Lynn. Mass.

iv. Lydia, b. 1853 : m. Stephen O. Fish. v. Hattie, m. Thomas Harrigan. 2S6 xviii, LvDiA F.'. b. July 27. 1830: m. July 3, 1855, George Adjutant ol Ossipee. Several other children died in infancy.


EBENEZER GAKLANDe, son of Joseph, No. 47. Born March 18, 1769. Died Jan. 19, 1799. Residence Hamp- ton, N. H. Married Jan. 5, 1796, Molly Sanborn; born 1760, (lied about 1817; daughter of John Sanborn of Hampton Falls. They had one daughter.

287 I. Dorothy", b. abt. 1798 : d. Feb. 10, 1868, suddenly of paralysis,

age 69; m. .Sept. 24, 1815, James Lamprey, b. 1797 ; d. 18S5 . He was son of Lieut. Daniel Lamprey. Res. on the home- stead. She was a good wife and mother, very devoted to her

family. Their children : i. T/iomas S. Lamprey, h. i'^is\ d. 1883; m. Harriet S. (Godfrey, ii. Sarah, m. Alfred Godfrey,

iii. Garland, iv. b. 1822 Hannah _/., m. George Jane J/., ; d. 1885: m. K. Marshall, v. Etnily //., b. 1826; d. 1878; unm. vi. Daniel, b. 1828; d. 1890; unm. vii. Mary /., Ix 1830: m. Charles F. Dunbar, viii. AY/rc? ./.. m. Robert B. Laird. 111.

*JACOB GARLAND6, son of Joseph, No. 49. Baptized Jan. 20, 17o5. Died Sept. 30, 1797. Married, about 34 . (iARLAXD GEXEALOCiV.

75 Resi- 1760, Betty Petliugill ; died July IH, 1)S48, uge years, dence Salisbury, N. H. A cooper. *He served in Revolutionary War. Fought at tlie Battle of Beuniugtou aud other battles. In Capt. Ebenezer Webster's company. Was a train soldier drawn ]May 27, 177(1. He signed the Test of 1776. THEIR CHILDREN.

2S8 1. Betsey", b. Dec. 15. 1761:6. Jan. 2. 1843, suddenly : m. Humphrey Webster of Plymouth, N. H. Their children: i. Betfy Webster and a son.

289 H. Joseph', b. July 22, 1765: d. March 7, 1847: m. Oct. 18. 1797, Zaruiah Thibby of Somers, Ct. 290 III. Sarah", m. Moses Tenney of New Chester, N. H. Their children: i. Amos Teiiney. ii. Moses. iii. James, iv. Jaeob. 291 IV. Hannah", b. June 22, 1773; d. June 17. 1817: m. March 14, 1798, Jona Dickerson of New Chester. N. H.; d. in Hill.

N. H., aged 86. in 1857. Their children : i. Kendrick Dick-

erson, b. 1808; d. 1884: m. Nancy Cass; four ch. : res. Iowa. G.. b. 181 1: d. m. ist Getchell W. Jonathan 1875: ; res,

Waterville, Me.: m. 2d Lydia Meserve : m. 3rd E. A. Barry, iii. Hepsey.h. 1799: d. 1870: m. Horace Barney. \\. Jnlia, William of b. 1801 : d. m. Tucker Andover ; four ch. 1857 ; V. Hannah, b. 1803: d. 1880: m. Sewall Dickerson: res. New Chester. N. H. vi. Sarah, died in infancy. 292 V. Jam?:s', b. April 22. 1775: d. July 14. 1856; m. Sept. 10. 1804.

b. ; d. 1818. Jane Greeley ; 1781 293 VI. Jane", b. July 13, 1777; d. Feb. 1836: m. ist June 20, 1799,

Samuel Greeley of Salisbury : m. 2d, Dea. Amos Pettingill

of Salisbury, said to have lived in Maine. Their children : X.Jacob Greeley, b. 1799: d. 1850; m. Martha Bartlett; five

ch. ii. b. 1801 : d. : m. Laura M. Dow four ch. James, 1863 ; iii. Eliza P., b. 1804: d. 1832; m. Daniel Shaw. iv. Samnel, b. 1806: d. 1837: m. Jerusha Mayo. v. Daviith. 1808: d. 1839: m. Phebe Gushing: one dau. \'\. Joseph. \). \'i\\\ d.

: A. two ch. 1890 m. Lucy Cram : 294 VII. Benjamin'', b. March 8, 1783; d. July 11, 1852: m. Feb. 3, 1807, Betsey Ouinby.

295 VIII. Jacob", b. Aug, 29, 1787 : d. Dec. 185 1 : m. Hannah Bartlett. 296 IX. Mehitable", m. Ebenezer Tenney of Concord, N. H. Their children: i. Jacob J^enney. ii. Ebenezer. iii. Mehitable; and two other daughters.

297 viii. PoLLv". bap. March 18, 1793: d. Feb. 27. 1835 : m. Aug. 19,

Phil four ch. 2d William Hill : two ch. 1806, Cireeley: ; m.

Their children : i. Lncy Greeley, m. Ebenezer Wentworth. ii. James, m. Sophronia Dow. iii. Eliza, m. Leander Hussey. iv. Phillip, unm. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 35

(By a Second Husband.) V. MiD-y Hill, m. Alphonso Hoyt. vi. Joseph Hill.


NATHANIEL GARLAND^ son of Joseph, No. 49. Baptized June 29, 1740. Died April 5, 1820. Married p:iizabetb Woodman of Brentwood died Feb. ; 7, 1824, age 77 years. Resi- dence Kingston, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

I. b. d. 298 Nathaniel", June 7, 1771; abt. 1850: m. Dec. 25, 1796, Lydia Garland, dau. of Moses. No. 307.

299 II. Joseph", b. abt. 1774; d. Dec. 3, 1863; m. Sarah Sanborn. 300 III. Elizabeth", b. 1779; d, Nov. 24, 1822. IV. b. d. Feb. 301 Hannah", 1781 ; 10, 1836. V. d. m. Dr. Asa res. 302 Mary", July 25, 1847 ; Sawyer ; Keesville,

N. Y. Their children : i. Joseph G. Sawyer. W.Asa, iii. Daniel, iv. Natha/iiel. v. Anioi G. vi. Sylvester, vii. Maria, viii. Elvira, ix. Betsey Jane. x. Hepsibath. xi. Mary A.

303 VI. Sarah^ b. abt. 17S4; d. July 3, 1877: m. Mr. Rogers of Salis- bury, N. H. 115.

§ENSIGN and LIEUT. MOiSES GARLAND% son of Joseph, No. 49.

Born about 1745. Died Nov. 13, 1833, age 88 years. Married died 78 Mehitable Sleeper ; June 13, 1821, age years. Residence Raccoon Hill, Salisbury, N. H. He is said to have lived formerly in vicinity of Kingston. Surveyor, 1769. *In militia of Salisbury, 1776, and was in the Revolutionary War under Gen. Stark, in Battle " of Bunker Hill as one of the famous Rogers Rangers." He won the title of Ensign in the French and Indian war.** P^nlisted when 16 years of age. ''After the battle of Long Island, Capt. Ebenezer Webster (father of Daniel Webster) called for volunteers to serve with himself as private in Capt. Benjamin Emery's company of Concord, N. H., and Ensign Moses Garland, as one of ten, volun-

' teered his services, participating in the Battle of White Plains.' In the second expedition to Rhode Island he served as Ensign in

' Capt. Webster's company. He was at the Battle of Crown Point,' 1760." ''Assessor, 1776, and Tax Collector, 1789, in " Salisbury." He was a good, generous and agreeable man, favor- 36 (GARLAND CiEXEALOGV. ite with children, and a good singer, and on his return from war got '' many a bowl of bread and milk by his songs' After the Revo- lutionary War he built the now Dennis Leorden house, where he kept a tavern for man and beast," the tavern being situate on the College road. He received a large patr«#nage, especially from old soldiers, who made a tarrying-place wliere they could enjoy their

''' toddy, smoke and tell over war experience." He cleared up a held in front of the house, built a log fort, had a muster held for sham lights, Indian pow-wows, etc." THEIR CHILDREN.

304 I. Mkhitabte", m. Jeremiah Bean; res. Wilmot. N. H. Their

children : i. Folly Bean. ii. Dorothy, m. Caleb Tucker, iii. Polly 2d. iv. Hannah, m. Thomas Brown, v. Mary. vi. Joseph.

305 II. Hannah^, b. Sept. 5, 1767: m. Feb. 5. 1786, Jonathan Calef;

five ch. ; res. Salisbury, N. H. She was a remarkable woman, an affectionate mother, a friend to all in need. He was tavern keeper. 306 III. Dorcas'^, m. Fulsome Bean; res. Wilmot, N. H. Farmer.

Their children: \. David Bean. \\. Mehitable.

307 IV. Lydia^, m. Nathaniel Garland (a cousin). No. 298. 308 v. Asenath", b. Sept. 17, 1782; d. May 30, 1865: m. 1800, Daniel

Calef. b. 1777 ; d. 1837 : res. Wilmot. N. H. They had one son Garland b. in N. H. m. Calef, 1805, W^ebster, ; Nancy K. Calef; res. Warren, N. H., and had nine ch. VI. d. m. Richard Mary", ; Currier four ch. res. 309 1875 ; ; Enfield, N. H.

310 VII. Elizabeth", d. Oct. i, 1847; unm.

311 VIII. Moses. Jk.', m. Dec. 3, 1800, Hannah Hacket. 312 IX. Joseph^ m. Ruth Elkins.

313 X. b. d. 2, in Jonathan", 1785; June 1874, Hanover, N. H. ; m. Dec. 25. 1814, Susan Green.


JOHN GARLAND'', son of Gideon, No. 00. Born in Lee, N. H. Married 1804, Comfort Durgin. Residence Newmarket, N. H. their CHILDRICN.

I. b. d. 12. 314 Maria", Sept. 25, 1805 ; Feb. 1848: unm.

315 II. Sally'^, b. June 14, 1808; d. March 3, 1822; unm.

III. b. 181 1 d. 181 1 316 Emily^ April 15, ; May 31, ; unm. IV. 317 Mary L.", b. March 16, 1813; m. June 14, 1836. Isaac Flagg; res. H. Exeter, N. Their children: i. Caroline A. Flagg, GARLAND GENEALOGY. 37

b. 1838. ii. William H.^h. m- 1843; Emily Tyler ; res. Chi- iii. Elizabeth b. cago, //., 1844 ; m. William Worcester ; res. Lowell, iv. Isaac A'., b. 1846. v. b. i860 Majy E., ; m. O. A. Locke of Dover. V. Hannah b. 318 P.^ Sept. 15, 1816; cl. Dec. 13, 1839. 319 VI. Bp:tsey7, b. Dec. 25. 1819; m. Thomas Lucas of New Bed-

Mass. Their children : i. ford, Thomas B. Lucas, b. 1850.


JAMES GARLANDS son of Gideon, No. 55.

Born Aug. 21, 1786. Died Dec. 29, 1881, in Kittery, Me. Mar- ried, 1805, Polly Mills; died Jan. 31, 1872, aged 86-7. She joined the church Jan. 21, 1827, in Durham, N. H. Residence Durham.


I. Elizabeth b. d. 320 J. S.', 1805 ; 1883; m. Samuel M. Jones; five ch.; res. Lee. Their children: i, Mary A. Jones. W.John. iii. Vaughn, iv. Samuel J., m. Eliza Berry, v. Augustus. vi. Martha /., b. 1839; m. Irving Smith of Biddeford. vii. Charles O. vii. Sarah E.

321 II. Samuel M,", b. July 14, 1808; d, 1808. 322 III. Sally", b. Nov. 24, 1809; d. 1880; m, Sept. 8, 1831, Stephen Reynolds of Madbury. Their children: i. Mary E. Rey- nolds, b. 1832. ii. Marj^aret., b. 1833. iii. Stephi^n //., b, 1835. iv. James A., b. 1S36. v. HaiDiah y., b. 1838. vi. Sarah M., b. 184 1. vii. Charles IV., b. 1840. viii. John T., b. 1845. ix. Josephine, b. 1843. x. George A., b. 1847. xi. Anna B. IV. b. in 1812 d. 323 Dorothy M,'^, Durham, Jan. 12, ; Jan. i, 1892; m. 12. Paul res. Their Dec. 1830. Howard ; Kittery. children:

i. Howard Paul, b, 1832: m. Nelly Champney. ii. Mark

IV. b m. E Walker, iii. Paul, 1834 ; Mary Martha J., b.

m. iv. b. ; m. 18C5 ; H. H. Adams, John A., 1837 Abbie J. Grant, v. James A., b. 1840. vi. George L., b. 1845. vii. Mary C, b. 1848. viii. Edwin A., b. 185 1. ix. Susan E., b. 1855.

324 V. John I.", b. June 23. 1814; d. March 15, 1815.

325 VI. Martha", b. July 5, 1816; m. John Surin, city.

ii. Their children : i. Caroline Surin. Rosa. iii. John. VII. d. i88r m. G. 326 Ebenezer T.", b. Oct. 14, 1819; ; Mary Willey ; res. Exeter. res. 327 VIII. James'', b. Aug. 3, 1S23; unm; farmer; Durham. N. H.; declared insane 1S90.

328 IX. Stephen M.", b. July 17. 1828; drowned April 10, 1840. 3S GARLAND GENEALOGY.


SAMUEL GARLAND'S son of Gideon, No. 55. Born in Lee, Dec. 29, 1702. Died Oct. 4, 1835. Married Clar- issa born died 18G5. N. H. Edgerly ; 1791; Residence, Lee, Tailor. THEIR CHILDREN.

: Blaisdell: 329 I. Deborah", b. April 30. 1815 m. Nov. 14. i840./ohn

res. Laconia. N. H. Their children: i. Clara BlaisdelL h.

1S42. ii. Abby.h. 1S46. iii. E^ui, b. 1855. iv. Ida. b. 1857.

33o II. Abbv". b. March 24. 1817: m. Rev. Nathaniel Goldsmith : no

ch. ; res. Epping.

; m. 2d J J III. Joseph', b. Oct. 5. 1820: m. ist Sarah Cilley of Ep-ping

Ann Pickering of Quincy. Mass.: no ch. : res. Epping. N. H. 332 IV. John", b. May 26. 1823: d. March 27. 1882; m. June 15. 1852, Esther C. Drew, b. 1827; d. 1S70: res. Epping. P^armer.

Their child :

I. res. Meredith. N, H. . farmer: T,T,;},a Samuel Abbot Garland*^, b. April 8. 1856: m. Feb. 22. 1888, Carrie B.Robinson. They have one son, 334^?/ I. Irving Robinson Garland^, b. June 18. 1S90.


NATHANIEL GARLAND,*^ son of Gideon, No. bb. Born in Lee, May, 1805. Died Dec. 19. 1893, 89th year of his age, in So. Newmarket, N. H. Married, May 4, 1828, Harriet Pick- ering. "He learned the Blacksmith's trade in Durham, worked at his trade there and in New Jersey and Laconia, N. H., and lastly in N. H. he was blacksmith foreman for So. Newmarket, ; Swampscot Machine company for many years, until about 1884." "A capable, and man." Came to So. 1826 sober quiet Newmarket ; formerly lived in Popping, N. H. ''He remembered vividly the troops pass- ing his house for Canada, in War of 1812." their children.

335 I- James P.'. b. April 29, 1836: d. Sept. 6, 1872. And a son b. 1854: d. 1855.


THOMAS GARLAND% son of Josiah, No. 56. Born about 1768. Married Ellen Wormwood. Residence Ells- worth, Me. Farmer. GARLAND GENEAL(3(;Y. 3cj


336 I. Eli W.', b. Feb. i6, d. m. 1794; Jan. 17, 1865 ; March 16, 1817, Mary Barks; res. Ellsworth, Me.. II. m. res. 337 Elixor', Jeremiah Brown ; East Benton. Their chil-

dren : i. Alphonso Brown. ii. Charles, iii. Frank. iv. James. III. m. Sarah ch. 338 Josiah", Maddox; one ; res. Ellsworth. 339 IV. Eliza", m. Hartley Boynton: res. Ellsworth. V. m. 340 Abijahs Jane Higgins; sixch. ; res. Ellsworth. 341 VI. Thomas^ d. abt. iS^6; m. Marion Brown; res. Bentor, Me. VII. Eunice^, m. Edward son of 342 Garland, Edward; seven ch. : res. Ellsworth. 343 VIII. Julia". IX. m. David Garland, son of no. Harriet', ; ch. res. 344 John ; Ells- worth.


P:DWARD GARLAND% sod of Josiah, No. 5(3.

Born about 1770. Married, Jan. '2^^ 1796, Abigail Frazer. Resideuce Ellsworth, Me.

345 I. m. Mariam Townsend nine ch. res. Benjamin F.", ; ; Ells- worth. 346 11. Grace^. III. b. m. jst 347 Susan", March 28, 1802; Solomon Brown ; m. 2d

Frazer seven ch. ; res. : John ; Otis, Me. Their children i. Solomon Frazer, b. m. Garland 1825 ; Garaphelia ; three ch.

ii. b. m. Viania Garland four ch. iii, Lewis, 1830; ; Celhiddi,

b. : m. Sabine Watts, iv. b. m. 1832 Ahira, 1835 ; Isadore v. b. vi. b. Saulsbury. Isaac, 1837. Abigail, 184- ; m. B. vii. b. m. Bunker, Watson, 1845 ; Jane Crocker. IV. b. d. Dec. m. 348 George^ Jan. 4, 1803 ; 27, 1857 ; Sept., 1830, Han- nah Maddox residence Ellsworth. ; V. Charles ch. res. 349 Abigail^, m. Maddox; eight ; Ellsworth. 350 VI. William", m. Abigail Frazer: eight ch.; res. Ellsworth. 351 VII. Edward", m. ist Hannah Frazer; m, 2d Eunice Garland; res. Ellsworth. 352 VIII. Josiah" went to Ohio and had one son, 353^ I. Edward Garland*^.


JOSIAH GARLAND^, son of Josiah, No. 56.

Born about 1774. Married Sally Sweet. Seventeen children. Residence P^lls worth, Me. 40 ( ; A R LA N I) C ; 1:: X EALOG Y

riiiaiv cniLDKi'.x.

ist : 2d : nine ch. 354 1. JKMIMA'. m. Jonah Doclj^e m. Jere Hoynton ; res. Declham.

II. ni. tive ch. res. Ellsworth, Me. ^^^ Maria.m\ (ierry Moore; ;

356 III. Sally', m. John Moore: five ch. ; res. Mariaville, Me. ^57 ''^- Joanna', m. Joseph Moore; noch.; res. Mariaville, Me. 358 V. Joseph', m, Ada Moore: eleven ch.; res. Ellsworth, Me.

359 VL Josiah", m, Hannah Smith; eight ch. ; res. Mariaville, Me, 360 vn. Charlotte^, m. Benjamin (iiles; six ch.; res. Ellsworth, Me.

361 vin. LucindaJ m. Samuel Richarc'son : ten ch. ; res. Aurora, Me.

362 IX. Leonard", m. Zuby Moore; eleven ch. ; res. Ellsworth. 363 X. Marv'^. m. Sewall Dunico: nine ch.; res. Ellsworth.

364 XL Barijarv^, m. (George Frazer; thirteen ch. ; res Ellsworth. 365 XI L Asa", m. Sarah Sweet. They had one dau. 365^ L Helen A. CiARLAND*^, m. Mr. Royal, Minneapolis, Minn. 366 xiiL Charles'^, d. inf.

367 XIV. Chares 2d'^, b. April 2, i8iy; m. June 4, 1846, Ada Smith : six

ch. : res. Ellsworth. 368 XV, Reuben", unm.

369 XVL Mehitarle", m. Lorenzo D. Moore; one ch. ; res. Ellsworth.

370 xviL Thankful", m. John Moore; five ch. ; res. Ellsworth. 130.

JOHN GARLAND*', son of Josiah, No. 56. Born about 177G. Died about 1854, aged 84 years. Married Sally Wormwood. Farmer. Residence Ellsworth, Me. — THEIR CHILDREN (i I all dead but two.)

371 I. Davii)'^, m. Harriet Garland, dau. of Thomas : no ch, 372 II. Levi"^, unm.

III. b. 1818 ; d. in 373 Emma', Dec, July 9, 1893, Biddeford, Me. ; m. Capt. Emery N. Wood of Surrey, Me., later of Bidde- ford, Me.; he d. 1896. 374 i\'. Clarissa".

^'' dead m. had two 375 John", ; ; ch., one Dorcas. 376 VI. Daniel'^, d. young. 377 VII. Temperance", m. Alexander Moore.

378 VIII. Carolinp:', m. Mr. Sherman ; three ch. 379 IX, Sylvester", m. Rosannah Moore.

. 380 X. Rachel", d. young. 381 XL Hannah', m, William Freese.


JOHN GARLAND% sou of John, No. 60.

Born in Buxton, Me. IVIarried, June (>, ISOl, Elizabeth Wood- man, daughter of Capt. Joseph, of Buxton. GARLAxND GENEALOGY. 41


382 I. b. Joseph- 10. 1801 ; d. Sept. Feb. 5, 1872: m. 1831 Sarah five ch. res. Berry; ; Buxton, Me. 383 II. Stephen^ b. March 29, 1803: m. Eleanor no ch. Clary; ; res. Portland, Me. He went to sea and never returned.

III. b. : d. 384 John", 1807 Jan. 27, 1840; m. July 19, 1832. Elizabeth H. Knight. (She, after death of John Garland, m. John Wood- man of Buxton, Me.) Their children :

I. William 384^ Garland^, b. June 22, 1835: died in Bonny Eagle, Me. ; m. Helen and had one Knight, ch. ; d. infant : res. Portland, Me. II. Virginia Garland^, b. 384*^ Sept. 14, 1837 ; m. July 23. 1859, Chas. one ch. res. Plummer; ; Portland, Me.

IV. EuDOXY^ b. ; d. i. 385 April 15, 1805 Jan. 1832 ; m. Oct. 5, 1829,

Nathaniel ; Woodman res. Fairfield, Me. They had one ch. Martha VWrndtuau. b. 16. Sept. 1830: d. April 10. 1832.


*DEA. and COL. JONATHAN GARLAND«, son of Samuel, No. 61.

Born July o, 1746. Died April 18, 1825. Married Feb. 23, 1768, Abigail Fogji, daughter of John; she born Feb. 7, 1746; died April 4, 1809. Gordwainer. Residence Hampton, N. H., on homestead. *0n Revolutionary rolls 1775-1777. Lieut, in Capt. Lane's company 1778. Moderator in Town Meeting 1804, in Presi- dential election. Selectman 1776-1782-1784-1790-1794. Congrega- tional church clerk, Jan. 12, 1797. their children.

386 1. Samuel', b. Nov. 28, 1771 ; d. March 5, 1855 ;m. 1794, Molly Batchelder.

d. 1S61 ; 387 II. LvDiA', b. March 9. 1774; Oct. 16, m. Sept. 7. 1793,

; res. Capt. Thomas Ward, her cousin No. Hampton ; son of

Lieut. Cotton, b. 1770; d. 1818. Their children : i. Joseph Ward^ b 1794: drowned Aug. 20, 1819. m. Eliza Burns, ii. d. m. ist Col. Dearborn: m. Sarah, b. 1797 ; 1884; John 2d Dr. David A. Grosvenor of Reading, Mass. iii. A^oah, b.

i8oi iv. b. 1801 : d. m. Benson 1799; d. ; Abigail, 1851:

v. b. ; d. m. Leavitt, son of Thomas, Deborah, 1804 1858 ; T. S. Sanborn ot Hampton Falls, N. H. vi. Marcia G., b. 1808; d. 1839; m. John Perkins; res. Hampton Falls, N. H. his vii. Thomas G., b. 1810; d. 1861 ; m. Jan. 15, 1837, cousin,

no ch. \\n. : d. Dorothy Garland ; Lydia^h. 1817 i876;m. Aug. 12, 1840, Jenness Brown; four ch.

388 III. Daviiv, b. Dec. 10, 1775 ^ d. Aug. 8, 1858; m. Polly Fifield. 42 GARLAXU (;Ex\EALO(}Y.

i. m. ist Thomas 389 IV. Hannah', b. Oct. 13.1777: d. April 1856: Leavitt, b. 1773: d. 1800: m. 2d, Feb. 6, 1803. Rev. Abraham

Randall of Manchester, X. H. Their child : i. Clarissa Leavitt, h. 1800: d. 1879: m. Joseph Ballard of Boston.

390 v.. DoLLV". b. Feb. 7. 1781 ; d. Sept. i. 1809; m. Nov. 27, 1800, Nathaniel Dearborn of No. Hampton, son of Jer"h. After

her death he married again : res. homestead. Their children :

i. Jona. F. Dearborn, b. 1802. ii. Sarah Ann, b. 1803. iii. SaniueL b. 1805. iv. Jesse, b. 1807. v. Hannah, b. 1808. 391 VI, Jonathan", b. Aug. 29, 1782; d. Nov. 6, 1865: unm,

392 VII. Dea. John", b. July 7, 1787 ; d. Feb. 11,1870: m. ist Nov. 13. 1808, Ann Parsons; m. 2d Widow Hannah Mead; res. Parsonsfield. Me.


§*JAMES GARLAND'% son of Jonalhau, No. H2. Baptized Oct. 1, 1752. Died in Effingham, N. H., and was buried there on Green Mountain beside his second wife. Who he married first is not known. He married second, about 1829-30, Widow Hitty Kennison W^ebster, the widow of Elder Webster of Effingham. He lived early in Parsonsfield, then removed to Saco and staid a short time with his son Thomas, but soon went to Dix- mont, Me., to live. §He was a Revolutionary soldier and drew a pension, which his second wife also drew after his death —she living four or five years after he died. He had no children by his second wife. He yearly walked from Dixmont, where he lived, to Augusta, to draw his pension, and the last time he did so he was robbed on the way home. He was in Capt. Dearborn's company in 1775, and in Capt. Sanborn's company, Sept. 7, 1777. It is said he settled early on Lot No. 81 in Parsonsfield, and lived there until about the time his first child was born.


I. d. 393 James", April 3, 1841 ; m. Dec. 29, 1803, Elizabeth Towle.

394 II. Samuel", b. April 4, 1794; d. Feb. 9, 1888; m. ist Sally Stevens; m. 2d Salome Smith.

396 III. John", d. 1846 ; m. Dorcas Staples. 396 IV. Thomas', d. July, 1866; m. Angehne Burnham. v. 397 , Rachel'^, m. Noah Chase; eight ch. ; res. Monroe, Me. Their

children: \. Joseph Chase, m. Felker ; seven ch. ii. Sylvester, iii. Noah., m. Nutter, iv. Samuel, m. Chase, v. Edmund, m. Cook. vi. Oli'^'er. vii. Elmira. \\\\. Julia. GARLAND GP:NEAL0GY. 43

VI. Bethiah". d. m. ; 398 1851 John Nutter; two ch. Their children : i. Betty A'litter. ii. Lorenda. VII. d. 1S61 399 Sai.lv", ; unm. 400 VIII. Huldah". IX. b. 401 Joseph", Sept. 4. 1791 : m. Nov. 20, 1817, Polly Brackett. 402 X. Jonathan", d. abt. 1823: m. Betsey Gh'dden.


JONATHAN GARLAND% bod of Jonathan, No. 62. Born in N. 1754. Died Pittsfield, H., Sept. 'I'l, March 10, 1812 ; killed by falling tree. Married, Oct. 20, 1777, Hulda Batchelder, daughter of Carter.


I. abt. 403 Nathan", b. 1780: d. May 10, 1830: m. Feb. 7. 1S06, Mary Moulton.

404 II. Hannah", d. July 10. 1832.

405 III. Benjamin", b. 1784: d. Feb. 9. 1848: m. Sarah Fogg. 406 IV. Jonathan", b. 1796: d. April i. 186^; m. Deborah Cass.

407 V. Makiam", b. 1799 • <^- Oct.. 1880.


JOHN GAULAND% son of John, No. 74. 1746. Died about 1800 buried in Horn March 7, Aug., ; burying- ground in Iron Works Village. Married Hannah Cate. Residence H. then removed to N. H. His Harrington, N. ; Gilmanton, will, dated Nov. 20, 1808, probated Aug. 16, 1809. 1776, Justice of the Peace. 1782, Representative to General Court, N. H.


408 I. Samuel", d. 1829; m. Jan. 26, 1786, Abigail Drew. 409 II. MoLLv", d. Feb. 20, 1794: m. Joseph Hall of Barrington, b.

d. Their children : i. Hall, m. Rev. 1767 ; 1844. Molly John

ii. b. 1811 d. m. iii. Nutter, Hannah, ; 1872; John Drew. Betsey.

; res. 410 III. John", b. June 7, 1770 m. Polly Ayers ; Albion, N. H.

411 IV. Isaac", b. April 5, 1774: d. Jan. 28, 1867; m. Nov. i, 1795, Lydia Babb. d. 412 V. William", b. 1775 ; 1853; m. Sept. 19, 1799, Betsey Sawyer; Newington, N. H.

: d. m. b. 413 VI. Hannah", b. 1776 1864 ; June. 1796, John Berry, \-]-]'6 ; d. 1836. Representative to Legislature : warden of New Hampshire State Prison. Their children: i. Samuel G. 44 GARLAND GENEALOGY.

Berry, b. 1797: d. 1875: m. Mary Chamberlain: seven ch. ii. William, b. 1799; d. 1857: m. Tamson Locke, iii. Joseph, b. 1802: d. 1872; m. Martha Mills, iv. Polly G.,h.

1806: d. 1854: m. Cyrus H Pierce, v. Abigail //.. b. 1812 :

d. 1847: m. Cyrus H. Pierce, vi. John, b. 1S15 : d. 1887: m. Sally Chamberlain; two ch. vii. Freeman, b. 1817: d. 1874; m. Judith Berry.

414 VII. Stephen", b. March 17. 1779: d. May 6: 1851: m. ist Sally

Lougee : m. 2d Dolly Trickey.

415 VIII. Richard", b. Aug. 19. 1783; d. March 22, 1845; m. Hannah Colbath.

416 IX. Joseph", b. Aug. 19, 1785 : d. Feb. 27, 1858; m. Mehitable Kim- ball.

417 X. Ben[AM1n'. b. Feb. 5. 1788: d. Dec. 12, i8s7 : m. ist Chamberlain: m. 2d Widow Sarah Bickford Gallup: d. 1876.

aged 82 years : no ch. He lived in Alton. N. H.. but removed to Melbourne, P. O., Canada, and died there. By first wife

had one child : died young.

418 XI. LEVi*,.b. 1791 : d. Nov. 15. 1876: m. ist Abigail Sias: m. 2d Rachel Allyn. 168. RICHARD GARLAND% son of John, No. 74. Born March 11, 1754, in Harrington. Baptized July 14, 1754. 1834. Married Waterhouse born Died Nov. 30, Lydia ; April 5, 1753; died Dec. 16, 1825. Farmer. Residence Harrington, then in Northwood, and removed to Poland, Me., in 1800. He signed the Resolution of Congress of March 14, 177(5, and promised to "oppose the hostile proceedings of the British fleets," etc. March 23, 1793, sold to Joshua Foss half a grist mill and land, being part of Lot No. 11 in third range of lots in Harrington, N. H. THEIR children

(First Five Born in Northwood. N. H.: Others Born in Barrington. N. H.)

419 I. Alice^, b. in Northwood, Sept. 18, 1773: d. 1858: m. Nov. 13.

1792, Isaac Hayes : res. Poland, Me. Their children : i. Dennis Hayes, b. 1795: d. 1859; m. Mary Johnson: six ch, ii. Richard, b. 1796: d. 1873: m. Rebecca Greenwood: five

ch. iii. Joanna, b. 1801 : d. 1835: m. Moses Junkins : two ch. iv. Isaac, b. d. Martha .Swett eleven ch. 1804: 1885: m. ; V. William, b. 1808: d. i860: m. Bertha Holt: seven ch, vi. Hezekiah, b. 1810: d. 1874; m. Sarah K. Rand: four ch. vii. SewalLh. 1812: m. Eliza Hoyt: four ch. 420 II. John^, b. Dec. 24, 1776; d. 1838; m. Hannah Hayes.

421 III. Daxiel', b. July 19, 1779; m. June 11, 1801. Phebe Paine : no res, ch, ; Westbrook, Me, GARLAND GENEALOGY. 45

422 n-. Richard", b. March 8, 1782. No further account of.

423 V. PoLL\^ b. 29, d. m. May 1784; 1830; Jeremiah Schillinger ; res. Poland. Farmer. Their children : i. Daniel Schil- b. m. Sarah linger, 1804; Marston. ii. Lydia.h. \%o(i\ m.

Charles Starbird. iii. Joan, b. 1808 ; m. Oliver Wyman. iv. b. 1812; m. Harriet Russell, v. b. Jereniiafu Ellen, 1817 ; m. Charles Worcester, vi. Benjamin, vii. A/ary. m. Nath. Green, viii. /saac. b. 1822. ix. Charles, b. 1824; m. ist Staples; m. 2d Brackett. x. Hemy, b. 1828; m. Lorinia Johnson. b. 424 VI. Dolly', Nov. 23, 1786; d. Dec. ],\^i-l^^\ m. Aug. 6. 1805, William Jackson: res. Poland, Me. Farmer. Their chil- dren: i. Lydia Jackson, b. Jan. 16, 1806; d. 1879: m Mr.

Cross : thirteen ch. ii. b. 1808 d. ; Mary, ; 1876 m. Jona. Lane. iii. Hannah, b. 1810. iv. Daniel, b. 1812. v. Mar- vi garet, h.i^\6. Isaac, h. id>i(). vu. A zariah, h. 1S22. viii. Phehe, b. 1824. ix. Andrew, b. 1829; d. 1848. 425 ^'II. Lydia", b. Aug. 23, 1789. 426 VIII. Betsey", b. May 10. 1792; m. June 4, 1812, Seth B. Hilborn; res. Portland, Me.: nine ch. Merchant.

b. : : 427 L\. Sarah", May 6, 1795 d. Jan. 27. 1872 m. June 5, 1817. John

six : Waterhou.se, her cousin : ch.; he b. 1775 d. 1889.

428 X. Benjamin", b. Nov. 27, 1799; d. Dec. 5, 1850; m. Nov. 29, 1821, Hope Stevens; res. Poland, Me.


NATHANIEL GARLAND^, son of John No. 74. Born in Barrington, N. H., Aug. 12, 1758. Died Oct. 30, 1819. born 1759 died 1861. Jan- Married July 20, 1780, Susanna Young, ; uary 15, 1781, his father deeded to him 84 acres of land in North- wood, and he made his residence there. Selectman in Northwood, 1794-5-6-7. THEIR CHILDREN.

429 I. Patience^, b. Jan. 23, 1783; m. Joseph Batchelder : res. New-

d. Oct. Farmer. Their children : buryport, Mass. ; 11, 1725.

1808. ii. G.. b. i. George Batchelder, b. Oct, 23. Joseph Nov.

iii. b. 1812 d. 8. 1820, m. Sarah O. Bennett, Joseph, Sept. i, ;

Oct. 13. 1818. d. 430 II. Susannah", b. Sept. 5. 1786; Sept. 15, 1825: m. Ephraim

Foss : one ch. : res. Dover N. H. Machinist. d. 1861 m. D. Foss 431 III. Sally", b. Oct. 21, 1789; July 17, ; 1809, Jacob ;

five ch. . res. Barrington. Farmer. 432 IV. Polly". in 433 V. Nathaniel", b. Oct. 19. 1791 : d. Oct. 19, 184 1, Dover: m. Oct. 16. 1S13. Elizabeth Estes: res. Northwood, N. H. 46 (iARLAXD (xEXEALOCiY.

434 VI. ELizAi5KTir. b. 1797 : d. May 27. 1819: ni. Israel Kstes. b. 1785: d. 1864. She was his second wife.


JOSEPH garland;^ son of John, No. 74. Born Oct. 12, 1765. Died Feb. 25, is;30. Married, 1787, Betsey Wuterhouse. Residence Strafford, N. H. His will, dated Feb. 18,

1830, probated March 1(1, 1830. His son, Nathaniel, executor of his will. THEIR CHILDREN.

(First Three Born in Barrington. Others born in Strafford.)

435 I. Bexjamln', b. March 3. 1787 : d. Dec. 13. 1796.

436 II. Marv." b. March 3. 1789: d. Jan. 2. 1794.

437 III. Nathaxiel'^. b. Feb. 10. 1791 : d. April 4. 1855 : m. March 19,

1812. ist Lydia Caverno : d. 1841 : m. 1843. 2d Elizabeth Davis, dau. of Obadiah.

438 IV. Betsey", b. Jan. 31. 1793 ; d. Oct. 31. 1796.

439 ^'- John", b. April, 1794 : d. April 5. 1794. 440 VI. Jo.seph". b. June i. 1798; d. Sept. i. 1800.

441 VII. BEN7AMIN', b. June 29. 1800: d. Aug. 22. 1880: m. Xov. iS. 1819. Anna I) rew. 442 viii. John W.", b. May 18, 1803: d. Dec. 20. 1889: m.Oct. 12. 1828. Sarah Seward.

443 IX. Betsey", b. May 6. 1806: d. March 14, 1890: m. July 16. 1826,

Joshua Hill: res. Nottingham. X. H. : last at Lynn. Mass.

Their children : i. Menta HilL m. Charles H. McLauthlin.

ii. Mary C. m. Jacob Welch of Lynn. Mass. iii. Jflhii. iv. Susan, m. Isaiah D. Edgerly. v. Bradbury, vi. Helen, m. Charles Taylor, vii. Ambrose C. m. Carrie A. Mather,


BENJAMIN GARLAND% son of John, No. 74. Born July 11, 1767. Died Nov. 18, 1885. Married, Jan. 18, 1790, Polly Balch of Mendon, Mass.; born July 17, 1770; died Aug. 1, 1855. Besidence, Barrington, N. H. their childrkx.

444 I. Dexxis", b. May 27. 1790: d. Sept. 20, 1847 : m. Annie Ingley :

two ch.: res. Calais, Me. Merchant. Their children :

444^- I. Mary J. Garlaxd^ : res. 52 Chestnut street. Boston, Mass. 444b II. Eeizaeeth A. Garlaxd^. m. \'alentine: res. Cam- bridgeport. Mass. 445 II. Bexjamix B.". b. Feb. 6. 1793: d. Aug. 8. 1872: m. March 18. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 47

1819, Mary H. Calef ; res. Hampstead, N. H. 446 III. Joaxxa', b. Sept. 23, 1796.

447 IV. Mary', b. Sept. 9, 1799; m. Ezra Davis; nine ch. res. ; Hamp- steaH, N. H.

448 V. Martha', b. March 16, 1802 ; d. 1802. VI. b. d. 449 Susan', 21, 1803 ; m. Asa April Sept. 25, 1838 ; Wing; two ch. dead; res. Johet, 111. Carpenter. VI. b. 21, 1806 ; d. m. 450 John Jay^ July Sept. 30. 1845 ; Dec. 21, 1S31, Nancy Bagley; four ch, dead: res. Joliet, 111.

VIII. b. March ; d. 451 Emily", 24, 1815 March 23, 1842; m. Dec, 1S36, Alanson Harris; two ch. dead; res. Kent, Mich.


SIMON GAKLAND% son of Simon, No. 78. Born in 1758. Married Abigail Norton of Nottingham, N. H. He was from N. H. lived and died at Rye, ; Nottingham, N. H. THEIR CHILDREX.

452 I. Simon', d. 1859; m. Dec. 20. 1781, Mrs. Rachel Morrison.

453 II. Elizabeth', m. April 2, 1812, John McDaniel. III. 454 Joseph", d. Oct. 27. 1864 ; m. Sarah Batchelder.


JOSEPH GARLAND'', son of Simon, No. 78. Born May 6, 17G0. Died March 8, 1846. Married Patience Mardeu, died Sept. 2*J, 1844, aged 84 years. THEIR CHILDREN.

455 I- John", b, Sept. 26, 1784; d. Oct. 28, 1854; unm.

456 II. Betsey Godfrey", b. Jan., 1789 ; d. June, 1791.

III. : 457 Mehitable G.', b. June 12, 1792 ; d. April 26, 187s unm. IV. b. d. m. Eliza- 458 Josp:ph, Jr.", May 9. 1805 ; 1855; Sept. 4. 1836. beth Garland (No. 1052) of Nottingham, N. H.


JOHN GARLAND*', son of Simon, No. 78. Born 1767. Died Nov. 16, 1826. Married June 28, 1700, Abi- gail Seavey, died March 13, 1851, aged 81 years. Residence, Rye. THEIR CHILDREN.

459 I. Amos Seavey", b. 1789; d. Feb. 21, 1832: m. Nov. 28, 1816, Martha Seavey. 460 II. Bstsey Brown", b. T789; m. 1823, Ephraim Seavey; res. Rye.

b. 1826. ii. Their children : i. Frederic Seavey. April 13. 48 (iARLAXD (iENE.VLOCiV.

Joseph William, b. 1N35 ; 111. i.SOi. Mary Abby IMiilbrick. iii. Martha A'., b. 1829; m. Albert Walker, iv. Saniira. v.

Hannah P.. b. 1831 ; m. 1852. Jeremiah H. Robie. vi. Mary A., b. 1828: non compos.

461 III. Simon", b. Feb. 16. 1793 : m. ist. Sept. 11. 1825. Mary Ann Gar-

land. No. io-)8. dau. of John: m. 2d. June. 1829. Sally Knowles.

462 i\". William", b. Feb.. 1793.

463 V. William Seavev', b. Oct, 26, 1800: d. Aug. 11, 1871 ; m. 1st, 1827. Charlotte Garland. No. 477. d. April 11. 1845. aged 42

years : dau. ot Benj. : m. 2d Annie Dalton. dau. of Benj. She afterwards married CJardner T. Locke (and later was divorced), whose first wife was Julia Ann Ciarland, No. 1098.

Their children :

463^^ I. Gideon Garland", b. 1830: d. March 9. 1858, of measks.

463/^ II. Amos R. Garland^, b. Aug. 14. 1850; d. Aug. 31. 1809 (by second wife.) 464 VI. Marv". d. early. 183.

JONATHAN GARLAND'S son of CoL Peter, No. 80. Born Oct. 11, 17G4. Died Oct. 2:3, 18-26. Married, May 14, born 1773 died Jan. l«;i8. 1797, Betsey Woodman, Sept. 28, ; 24, Residence, Rye. THEIR CHILDREN.

I. b. d. 465 Harriet", Aug. 23, 1797 ; young. 466 II. Eliza", b. Sept. 4, 1803; d. abt. 1863; m. ist, abt. 1S26, Thomas

son of six ch. ; b. Marden, Stephen; Aug. 17. 1801 ; d. abt. 1848: m. 2d, June, 1853. David Brown of No. Hampton. Their children, all by tirst husband: i. Daniel Marden, b.

m. Miller, ii. Charles b. m. ist 1827 ; Jane C, 1830; Widow Mary Garland: m. 2d Widow Mary O. Burton, iii. Thomas

Ira, b. 1833. iv. Gilnian, b. 1837 : m. Caroline T. Seavev. V. William, b. 1841; d. 1865. vi. Eliza .Ann, b. 1843; m. Robert Griggs, 2d.

467 HI. GiLMAN^, b. Aug. 14, i8oi ; d. young. 468 IV. Emily^ b. Sept. 4, 1806: d. i860: m. June 6. 1829, Richard Jen-

ness Sleeper, d. 1868 : two ch. Their children : i. Edward D. Sleeper, b. 1829; d. 1832. ii. Martin, h. 1835: m. 1854,

Martha J. Jenness ; four ch.

469 V. WiLLiA.M Cutter", b. March 13, 1810; d. Jan. 15, 1894; m. ist. abt. 1834. Mary ALarden. b. 1814; d. 1856: m. 2d. Aug. 21, i860. Elvira Mc Daniel.


LEVI GARLAND% son of Col. Peter, No. 80. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 49

1766. Died Feb. Born 4, 1857. Married first, Nov. 24, 1789, Lucy Salter, born July 16, 1769; died Jan. 2, 1813; daughter of John. Leavitt died Married, second, 1814, Nancy ; May 7, 1846, aged 64. THEIR CHILDREN.

I. b. 470 Levi", June 14, 1793: d. Dec. 17, i86jj m. ist, Nov. 21, 1811, Polly Perkins: m. 2d, 1838. Mary Watson.

II. 471 John Laxgdon', b. April 13, 1795 ; d. young-.


PETER GARLAND% son of Col. Peter, No. 80. Born July, 1768. Died July 24, 1804. Married, Sept. 30, 1792, Mehitable born Feb. 1775 died 1850. Seavey, 19, ; Residence, Rye. THEIR children.

472 I. Thomas Leavitt', b. Sept., 1792; d. Sept.. 1896.

473 II. William", b. Sept. 9. 1795; d. March 14. 1862; m. Nabby d. 26, no ch. Knowles, Jan. 1852, aged 57 ; 474 III. Sally^ b. March 24, 1798; d. Nov. 8, 1889; m. March 28, 1816.

b. : Jonathan Jenness, Nov. i, 1792 ; res. Rye. Their children

i. Enieliiie b. 1822 d. in ii. Jenness^ ; infancy. They adypted Gihnaii H. Jenness, b. Sept., 1839; m. ist Eliza T. Leavitt:

m. 2d, June 17, 1855, Flmira C. Newell.

475 IV. Polly"^, b. D^c. 12, 1799: m. Dic. 19, 1824," Joseph Jen-

: i. ness, Jr.. b. 1795; one ch. ; res Rye. Their child C/ri

Harvey Jenness, b. July 10, 1827 : m. ist. May 25, 185 1, Mar- tha H. Brown; m. 2d, Feb. 23, 1890, Sarah L. Garland, No. 1066.

V. b. 1801 d ist. 476 Moses Leavitt", March 21, , Aug 24, 1890:111. July 18, 1822, Lucritia Locks: ni. 2d, xNJov. 26, 1871, Nancy Drown.


BENJAMIN GARLAND% son of Col. Peter, No. 80. Born in 1772. Died June 4, 1831. Married, May 15, 1803, Fanny Seavey, b. 1787; died June 17, 1857. Residence, Rye. their children.

d. Wil- 477 I. Charlotte^ b. Aug. 30, 1803: May 11, 1845 ; m., 1827, liam Seavey Garland, No. 463.

478 II. Data"^. b. 1808; m. Leonard Lang; res. Rye. Their children : i. William B. Lang. b. Feb. 18. 1835. ii. Augustus, iii. Elizabeth, b. 1832. iv. Emetine, b. Sept. 28. 1829: m. April

II, 1848, Nathaniel Cj. Jenness. 50 GARLAND GEXEALOCiV.

479 Jii. Sarah Ann", b. April 12. 1S13 : d. May 3. 1844: m. Daniel Brown, son of John, b. May 29, 1808: res. Rye. Their chil-

dren: i. Most's Bro-iUii. b. March 23. 1835: m. Dec. 9, 1865. Henrietta Garland, dau. John Calvin. No. 1534: res. Rye. ii. Cliai-lcs Woodbury Brown, b. Sept. i. 1839: m. Widow Lizzie (iarland Frost, dau. John Calvin. No. 1533: res. Rye. Henrietta Garland and Widow Lizzie CJarland Frost were sisters.

4S0 IV. Hannah', b. Dec. 20. 1814: d. Feb. 20. i'&^y): m. ist Oct. 27, 1834. Ira Brown, son of John; res. Rye; m. 2d. K. S. Wedge-

wood ; m. 3rd Alfred S. Jenness. She had one dau. : i. Etni- lifie Broivii. m. Albert Dana Jenness.

481 \'. MosKs". b. Jan. 13. 1S19; d. March 12. 1885: m. March 8.

1840. Adaline S. Jenness. dau. of Col. .Simon ; hve ch.

482 \i. RuFUS L'. b. July. 1827; d. Dec. 24. 1891 ; m. Samira P. Jen- ness, b. Aug. 6. 1826: d. Dec. 22. 1884: dau Col. Simon.

Their children :

4S2rz I. X'lANNA (}akland^. b. May 27. 1852; m. Nov. 11. 1868. Hor-

ace S. Brown, son of Irving: two ch. : res. No. Hampton.

Their child : i. Irving Brown.

482^ II. Morris J. Garland**, b. April 30. 1858. m. Emma Manson:

one ch. : res. Rye. Their child :

4S2/7/ T. II.\Ri>i,D Gar I. AN!)-', b. June <). 1888.


JOHN GARLAND,*^ son of Col. Benjamin, No. 81. Born Oct. 4, 17.38. Died ]March 24, 1844. Both he and his wife are buried in the graveyard opposite homesrtead. Married, Oct. 18, 1778, Abigail Perkins, dau. of James, b. Oct. 10, 1760; died June 24, 1844. She w^as one of seven beautiful daughters. He lived on the northerly side of Breakfast Hill road in Rye. The place is now- and Ruel the is owned occupied by Shapleigh ; burying-ground opposite the house. He was partially insane for forty years before his death, caused by a brain fever. His son John, who was ap- pointed guardian, tenderly and devotedly cared for him until his death. Tradition says that he, with a pair of his oxen, and some others hauled a load of powder taken from Fort William and Mary at Newcastle, N. H., by the Continentals while the officers were on a ' '* frolic at the old Wentworth Mansion, to the Fort at Newport, R. I., at the time of the Revolutionary War. He was gone several months then, and was in the service of his country. *He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War in Capt. Thomas Parson's company of Rye. In Col. David Oilman's regiment three months and eleven GARLAND GPLNEALOGY. 51

(lays—from Dec. 5, 177G, to March 11, 1777—and went to New York. See Vol. New 15, Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, p. 534. also served in the He Army twenty live days -from Aug. o, 177S, to

Aug. oO, 1778,— expedition to Rhode Island. See Vol. 1."), New

Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, p. 527. He was a minute-man in the Army. THEIR tHILDKMX.

483 1. b. Nov. d. Oct. m. John', 23, 1776; 31, 1865 ; Aug. 15. 1799, Bet- sey Parsons of Rye. dau. of Dr. and Capt. Joseph Parsonsf and Mary Seavey Parsons.

II. Abi'.v", b. ; d. 484 Aug. 14. 1782 Sept. 22, 1857 ; m. Aug. 11, 1803. Dr. John Wilkes Parsons, b. Dec. 12, 1778; d. Sept. 18, 1857, son of Dr. and Capt. Joseph Parsons and Mary Seavey Parsons of Rye; ninech.; res. Rye. Their children: i. TJionias J. J\irso/isA'\ b. Jan. 4. 1804; d. March 4, 1890; m. April 21; Eliza 1824. Brown, dau. of Simon, ii. Emily, b. May 2, 1806; m, March 24. 1829, Joseph Brown, iii. Charles G., b. Feb.

29. 1808 : d. Sept. 9, 1844 ; graduate of Dartmouth College,

iv. Abii^aih b. Jan. 4. j8ji; d. March 21, i8i6; unm. v. IVilliani b. 21. 18 d. in m. Capt. //, July 13 ; Hamburg ; April

fDr. and Capt. .Joseph Parsons married Maj-y Seavey. Served as Captain Jive or six- terms in Revolutionary War at Newcastle, N. II., Onion River, Rliode Island. Was twenty years Representative to General Court, and held office as Justice of the Peace and Quorum. They had children: i. Amos Seavey Parsons, b. 1768. ii. Mary, b. 1770. iii. Samuel, b. 1772. iv. Joseph, b. 1774. v. Betsev,b. 177fi; m. John Garland, vi. Dr. John father Wilkes, b. Dec. I'i, 1778; d. Sept. 2'2, 1857; m. Abby Garland. Joseph Parson's was Rev. Samuel Parsons, b. 1707; m. Mary .Jones, dau. of Samuel Jones and Mary Adams. They had ten children. Rev. Samuel Parson's father was Rev. Joseph Parsons, m. Klizabeth Thompson and had five children. Rev. Joseph Parson's father was Joseph Parsons, b. 1671; m. Klizabeth Strong; they had eleven chililren. -Joseph's father was "Coi'net" Joseph Parsons, m. Mai-y Bliss; had eleven children. He came to America to the Indian from England about 1B3."> and settlc

II. Lieut. Col. tt Thomas J. Parsons served in both houses of the N. legislature. Was of of the First N. H, Regiment in 1836, and at same time on staff Gov.I^aac store in N. H. In Hill of New Hampshire. For .56 years conducted a general Rye, of 1825-28 he was in business in Hayti. He collected and kept a record of names, dates his recor

i8. P. Decatur, in } \\. 1). 1S54. Anna Iaiiil:)ur<^. Jo/iii. Jan. -i, 1816: m. .Aui^'. 8. 1855. Susan Decatur. \'ii. Warren, b. May 28. 1818: m. Kst Jan. i. 1845. Sarah A. Dow: m. 2d Julia A.

Gore. viii. Abby S..\). March 30. 1820. ix. 6V7// //•

27. 1822 : d. Sept. 15. 1829.

485 III. ni:.\iAMi.\". b. July 30. i-yi : d. July 4. 1847: ni. Sarah Phil- Ijrick.

486 i\'. Thomas", b. March 3. 1770: d. 170s: sunstroke.

487 V. James", b. Nov. 15. 1784: d. July 21. 1850. 488 \i. RiRi.". b. Dec. 31. 1798: d. Au^. 28. 186;: ni. June 11. 1826, .Martlia i.ocke.


*A:\I08 (tAKLAND'', sou of Col. Beujamiu, No. si. Born May, 1768. Died Feb. 21, 18;3;3. Married, Nov. 18, 1800, Olive Jeuness. Residence, Rye, at the foot of the hill in froot of the Garland house, which is now parsonage of the Congregational Society of Rye. In Capt. Webster's company, 1781, for 25 days in Army. THEIR CHILDREX.

I. b. i, 1801 : d. 489 Eliza J.', July Aug. 28, 1861 ; m. ;st. May 14. 1818,

son of : b. Jonathan Drake, Jonathan May 18. 1798 : six ch. : m. 2d. Dec. 28, 1834. Benjamin W. Marden: four ch. : b. Julv

27, 1800. Their children: i. Anins G. Drake, ii. Oliver. iii. William, iv. Eliza Ann. m. Benjamin Jarvis. v. Gil-

man H .. b. 1827. vi. Emelitie. m. Richard P. Higgins. vii. Benj. F. Marden. b. 1836. viii. .'

Francis, x. Henry H.. b. 1842 : m. Kate Butler.

490 II, Olive", b. March 25, 1806 : m. June 23, 1825, Simon Moulton. son

of James, b. 1799: d. March 3. 1875. Lived in East Boston, Mass.. removed to Warren. X. H.. where he died. Their

children : i. Olive N. Moulton, b. 1828. ii. Eliza, b June 20. 1833: m., 1873. E. O. Perkins, iii. George, b. April 16.

1837 : murdered on his ranche in Arizona.

491 III. Sarah Ann", b. 181 1 : d. Oct. 11. 1812. 492 IV. Carolinh:", b. Sept., 1816: m. Dec. 23. 1838. Jonathan D.

son of b. 1811 : res. Locke, Asa, April. Rye. Their children :

i. AniosG. b. Locke, June 30, 1840: m. Nov. 5. 1875, Nancy Helmer; res. Chicago, ii. Caroline, b. April 8, 1849: m. Sept. 25, 1878, Azro Willis: res, Chicago, iii. Laura G.. b. Dec. 22. 1851: m. May 12, 1875. Charles H. Hill, iv,

Georgianna. b. Jan. 20. 1854 : m, Nov, 25. 1876. Melvin Hutchins. 393 V. Sarah Ann', b. June 16. 1815: d. infancy. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 53


WILLIAM GARLAND", son of Col. Benjamiu, No. 81. Born 1775. June 10, Died July 30, 1820. Married, July 8, 1808, Elizabeth How, dau. of David How, who was a soldier in the Revo- lution and a prominent man iu Haverhill, Mass., born Feb., 1785; died Aug. 23, 1829, in Dover, N. H. Residence, Rye, N. H. Both are buried in Rye Center. He graduated from Harvard College. Edited a newspaper in Portsmouth. Vv^as a successful merchant, a Federalist was a friend of strong ; early Daniel Webster. THEIR CHILDREN.

4;4 I. William Augustus', b. May 14, 1807; d. March 31, 1S40. II. Elizabeth b. d. 6. m. 4J5 How^ April 9, 1809; July 1835 ; April 24. 1827, Charles P. Hill; one dau., d. Aug. 23, 1829. Their dau. Elizabeth G. Hills m.. 1845, Paul A, Otis. 496 III. David How", b. July i. 1810; d. Dec. u, 1838, in Rye. 497 IV. Alfred Benjamin", b. Feb. 25, 1812; d. Jan. 20, 1840, in St. Louis, Mo.

498 v. Caroline Persis'. b. Dec. 11, 1813; d. Sept. 23, 1857; m. Nov. Rev. Oliver of N. five ch. 25, 1835, Ayer Plaistow, H., ; 499 VI. Thomas Berry", b. Aug. 20, 1817; m. Dec. 11, 1842, Harriet Kimball of Littleton, Mass.


JOHN GARLAND'-, son of Jabez, No. So. died 1821 Married, first, Betsey Hight, ; married, second, Hitty Hight; died in 186'J. Residence, Jefferson, N. H.


b. d. 1881 m. Oct. 10, Eliza 500 I. JOHN^ Feb. 13, 1823; May ir, ; 1844, R. Kennison. chil- 501 II. Mary^ m. George Holmes; res. Uxbridge, Mass. Their

dren; i. Arvilla Holmes, ii. Sabriiia. iii. Nancy, dead, iv. Caroline, dead. v. James, dead. 502 III. Lois", dead; m. Israel Hight; res. Jefferson, N. H. Their children: i. Charles Hight. dead. ii. Willis, dead. iii. Betsey, iv. Nancy, v. Sarah, dead. 603 IV. James^ m. Sarah Cowan; two ch. three res. 504 V. Daniel D.', d. Oct. 1873; m. Rachel Hight ; ch., Jefferson, N. H. Their children: dead. 504f? I. James GARLAND^ 504/? II. Otis Garland*^, dead. dead. 5046- III. Eliza Garland^, m. ist, Oct. Wm. R. 505 VI. MEHiTARLE'.b. July 27, 1817 ; 17, 1842, Fox; 54 (iAKLAND (.KXEALUCi V.

six ch. : res. liridgewater. Mass. : 1). iS 1 1 : d. .\pril 3. 1850 : m.

2d. -May 15. 1 86 J. Ezra Moulton. Their ehildren, all by Fox :

i. William L. h'o.w h. 1843: ni.. 1867. Annie M.Johnson, ii,

Sarah L.. I). 1845 : m. ist. 1862. Alvin W. Collins: m. 2d Carver, iii. Ainw J/.. 1). in Worcester, Mass., 1846: ni.. 1870. (jeorge Foster, iv. Caroline ().. h. in (irafton. Mass.. 1847;

d. 1847. V. Porcas /•'.. b. 1848 : d. 184'). vi. Stephen A\. b. in Lancaster. Mass., 1856; m. 1879, Dorothy Ea.son. 506 VII. Ai'.raham". d. 1826: unm.

507 \'iii. Susan", b. June 14. 1812: d. Marcii 3. 1892: m. ist Joseph

Cotheni . six ch.: res. Lancaster, N. H. : d. April 24. 1843 :

m. 2d. Alonzo P. Freeman. Their children: i. .///// A/.

(j'o/hen/. b. 1832 : m. R. 1). Rounseville. ii. Emily J., b. May

3. 1833: m. C. VVetherbee. \\\. Jolin.h. 1835. iv. Horace, b.

1836; m. Harriet Wesson, v. Sarah, b. 1838: m. Reuben J. Colburn. vi. Elizabeth, h. 1840: m. X'olney French.

50S IX. Eliza', b. Nov. 5. 1803: d. Sept 30, 1867: m. Dec. 25. 1824, David Hicks ;six ch.: res. Jefferson, X. H. Their children: i. Horace D. Hicks, ii. Elizabeth C. iii. cilice J. \\. John A. V. Harriet F. \\. Joseph G.

X. b. : 509 Harriet", Jan. 3, 1823 d. March 2^. 1S85 : m. Sept. 9. 1838,

Moses T. Tate; res, Charlestown, Mass. Their children :

i. Mary E. Tate, b. 1839: m. Henry A. Dodd. ii. Charles

A., b. 1841 : d. 1849. iii- John J/., b. 1842 iv. James Z., b. 1845: m. Sarah VV^alker. v. George A., h. 1847: d. 1849, vi. Chsirles //.. b. 1850: m Susan B. W. (rammon. vii. Al- bert R., b. 1853: d. 1865. XI. 510 Dorcas", m. Lyman Gray: two ch. : res. Lancaster. X. H. Their children: i. Charles L. Gray. ii. Frank N. XII. Paschal B.", m 511. Caroline Pinkham ; noch.: res. Lancaster, N H.


EBENEZER GARLAND'S son of Jtibez, No 80. Married, Feb. 27, 1803, in Lebanon, N. H., Nabby McCrellis, his cousin, dau. of John, who married Mary Garland, dau. of Dodi- pher. Residence, Lebanon, Me. Went to Berwick, Me., where he owned or run a mill then to Kennebec grist ; county, probably AV'aterville, Me. **He served in the War of LSI 2.


512 I. b. Feb. : d. ni. Joiix". 14. 1805 Oct. 4. 1884: Mary McFarlane : res. Xorridgewock. Me. 513 II. Cynthia", m. Calvin Goodrich: res. Canaan, Me. 514 III. Ehexezer", unm. 515 IV. David". GARLAND GENEALOGY. 55

b. 516 V. George", Aug. 20, 1814; d. July 25, 1880; m. Oct. 22, 1843, Mary T. Home. 517 M. William", b. Aug. 10, 1819; m. Mary Ann Fogg; seven ch. 518 vu. Marv". 203.

JABEZ GARLANDS son of Jabez, No. 8.">. Sabrina Goodwin of Vt. Married, first, Georgia, ; two children. of Married, second, Phebe Drew Jefferson, N. H. ; five children. Residence, Lancaster, N. H. **Was in the War of 1812, stationed in Upper Canada. THEIR CHILDREN.

519 1. Mercy Ann", b, in Georgia, Vt., June 16, 1819; d. Dec. 24, 1878: m. Nov. 22. 1844, Rufus Leavitt; res. Lancaster, N. H.

children: i. Their Ejiiily A. Leavitt, b. 1845 ; d. 1887; m. Charles Merrow: eight ch. ii. Ellen A., m. Wiilard Beede.

iii. Williafu b. d. iv. H., Sept. 30, 1852 ; 1857. Ida Jane. b. 1858; m., 1875, William Pratt.

II. b. in 1822 d. 28. 520 William^ Georgia, Vt., Nov. 22, ; Aug. 1889.

Berwick, Me. ; m. Nov. 20. 1856, Angeline E. Folsom : three ch.

521 III. Eliza Jane', b. April 6, 1829; m. April 29, 1856. Gilman Phil-

brick; three ch. : res. Brooks. Me. Their children : i. Flor- ence V. Philbrick, b. 18^7; m., 1880. Frederic Rose; res.

Montana, ii. Roseltha, b. i860; m. 1880 Herbert L. Wing; res. Thorndike, Me. iii. William E.^h. 1864; m., 1890. Mary

Thompson ; res. Montana.

IV. Lucia b. m., Samuel Philbrick six ch. ; res. 522 Ann", 1830; 1848, ; Saugus, Mass. Their children: i. Gilman Philbrick, b.

; res. 1830; m., 1874, y\ddie Philbrick ; six ch. Saugus, Me.

ii. N'elly, b. in Lowell, Mass., 1853. iii. Lucinda, b. 1857 ; d. 1871. iv. Alta, b. 1862: d. 1862. v. Lulu B.,h. 1867, in Low-

ell, Mass. vi. Lillie M., b. 1867, in Lowell, Mass. The last two children were twins.

523. V. Mary Elizabeth", b. Sept. 5, 1833; m. April 12. 1859, Moses

Landers four ch. res. Me. Their children : ; ; Kingfield,

i. Emily I^anders. ii. Etta, b. i860; d. 1884. iii MabeLh. in O. C. Dolbier no ch. iv. 1863, Lowell ; m., i88s, ; Burton, b. in Kingfield, Me., 1867. 524 VI. Harry", died aged 13 years. 525 VII. Orin", died aged 9 years.


GEORGE GARLAND% son of Jabez, No. 85. Bow May 17, 1792, in Dover. Died April 11, 1844. Married, 56 GARLAND GKXEALOCiV. first, Aug. 14, 1814, Mary Holmes, born 17'J5; died 1827. Mar- ried, second, unknown. TUF.IR childkp:n"

526 I. Cai'T. Chakles B.\ b. in Dover, Juie 16. 1815; d. March, 1869;

m. Oct. 2;. 1843 A'arill i Grant. Their children :

526^ I. IsETTE Garland**, b. April i. 1846; d. March 2, 1847.

526.^ II. Charles F. Garland^, b. July 5, 1847.

526^: in. Albion Hovt Garland^, b. March 3, 1854. 527 II. Mary M.^ b. July 27, 1818; d. Dec. 29, 1859; m. Thomas Meady; noch.; res. Pittston, Me.

528 III. Dr. George", b. Oct. 14. 1822; m. Jan. ly, 1847, Lucy Chub- buck, b. 1830; res. Troy, N. Y. Their children:

528^ I. Annie Garland^, b. Feb. 19, 1848; d. Jan. 10. 1890; m.

Stillman one ch. ; res. Y. Henry ; Troy, N.

528^^ II. Lucy Garland^, b. May i, 1856; m. ist, 1877, Joseph Gush-

d. res. x\. Y. ; m. Charles res. ing, 1887 ; Troy, 2d, Draper; Troy, N. Y. 528t III. Mary GARLAND^ b. June 18, 1863; m. June, 1889, Henry

Smith : one ch. ; res. Troy, N. Y. IV. b. Feb. 1821 m. Thomas no ch. res. Pitts- 529 Julia", 28, ; Meadey ; ; ton, Me.

530 V. Capt. James Alonzo"^, b. Aug. 11, 1827: d. in 1S59 at sea; m. Sarah C. Moody. She married second, 1862, Amos P. Rol-

lins. Their children :

I. E. b. March m. 530^: James Garland^, 26, 1855 ; July 5, 18S7,

Sadie Elbridge ; res. Worcester Mass. 530/^ II. Walter A. T. Garland^, b. Nov. 10. 1857; res. Ran- dolph. Me. 531 VT. Franklin P.", b. Aug. 10. 1836.


JOHN CARTER GARLAND', son (probably) of Mahala Gar- land and Seth Carter, adopted by his grandfather, Dodivah Gar- land, No. 86, June 12, 171)7, and took the name of Garland. Born in Rochester, N. H., 1786. Died in Augusta, Me., April 1868. Anna died March 1831 25, Married, first, Kelley, 4, ; eight children. She died at the birth of her eighth child, a girl child, who also died. He married second, 1834, Hannah Tibbetts, born 1801 died 1869. No children. ;


532 I. Mahala^, b. 1816; d. 1836; unm.; res. Belgrade, Me. 533 II. D0DIPHER8, d. young. 534 III. J0HN^ d. young. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 57

IV. b. d. Sarah^, ; m. Simon ch. 535 1824; 1S7-, 1849, Pratt; no ; res. Augusta, Me. V. b. in killed in 536 Seth^, Belgrade April 14, 1825 ; by Indians Bur- lington, Iowa, in 1865; m. Nov. 24, 1849, Martha Ware, b. in Dec. 9, 1830, Readlield, Me. She resides in Chicago, 111. Their child:

536^ I. Florence Anna Garland^, b. Jan. 9, 1852, in Augusta, Me.; m., March 12, 1873, George M. Moulton; res. Chi- cago, 111, Colonel of Second Regiment Illinois National

Guards. They have children : i. Edith M. Moulton, b.

Aug. 31, 1874. ii. Arthur G., b. Feb. 15, 1876. VI. Lucinda^. b. d. unm res. 537 1829; 1863; ; Augusta, Me. VII. Carter*^, b. March m. March Eliza 538 John 4, 1831 ; 15, 1856, H. b. d. 1882 one ch. res. Wade, 1833 ; ; ; Augusta, Me. Their

only child :

I. Fred E. b. res. Me. 538^: Garland^, 1858 ; Augusta,


THOMAS GARLANDS son of EBENP:ZER, No. 91. Born in Madbury, N. H., Aug. 16, 1752. Died Feb. 18, 1832. Married Aug. 6, 1777, Hannah Ham, daughter of Joseph; died May 16, 1844. Residence, Middleton, N. H. *At 22 years of age was in Capt. Titcomb's company. Sixth, Poor's, Regiment, 1775; also a soldier 1785-6. Collectorof taxes, 1796-7. Selectman, 1785. Highway surveyor, 1783-85-6-7-9-90-94. His will was probated May 19, 1832. THEIR CHILDREN.

539 I. John', b. Nov. 28, 1777; d. Feb. 16, 1842; unm.; res. Moulton- boro, N. H. b. d. March m. Nov. 540 II. Nabbv" Sept. 15, 1779: 11, 1845 ; 24, 1802, Nathaniel Watson; res. Alton, N. H. Their children: i.

b. 1801 m. Clements, ii. Samuel Sophia H. Watson, ; Job b.1803; m. Olevia Hayes, iii. Thoinas G.,h.\%o^\ m. Sarah Came. iv. Lavinia, b. 1807. v. Hannah, b. 1810. vi. Lois ch. vii. h. G^., b. 1S14; m. Emery J. Dame; eight Abigail, 1818. vii. Sarah G.. b. 1821; m. Hiram Davis; one ch. ix. Betsey, m. John Bickford. d. March m. Sarah 541 III. Ebenezer", b. Sept. 13, 1^81; 27, 1858 ; d. Thurston ; four ch. ; 18561 d. Feb. unm. 542 IV. Sally', b, March 12. 1^7-4; 4. 1S52;

v. b. 20. d. Dec. 1862 ; m. Samuel Colbath, 543 Mary", April 1787 ; 27, children: \. Neriah b. 1776; res, Middleton, N. H. Their Colbath, b. Nov. 21, 1804. ii. Mary, m. Colmay. iii. iv. b. Nov. Samuel, b. May 15, 1806; unm. Hial, 14, 1S07 ; m. Percival Fernald. v. Lcighton. b. July 3, 1809; m. Han- 58 (iARLAXD GEXEALOCiV.

nah (iraffam. vi. George IV., b. April 15. 181 1: m. Jane V'arney. vii. Mary. b. Feb. 14. 1813. viii. Eliza //., b.

April 2. 1817 : m. Amos Whitehouse ix. Drnsilli. b.

March 9. 1819. x. Franklin, b. March 25 : m. Dolly Gar-

land. No. 1 131. xi. Caroline, b. Feb. 18, 1821: m. George

Downing, xii. Perry, b. Dec. 30, 1822 : d. Au

xiii. Lafayette, b. May 7. 1825: m. Dolly Whitehouse. xiv. Lizzie, b. Dec. 23. 1826: unm.

544 \i. Nancy', b. March 7, 1793; d. April 14. 1864: m. Ebenezcr

Horn: res. Moultonboro. N. H. Their children : i. Thomas

Horn. m. Martha Davis, ii. Lydia. m. Herbert Sturdivant. iii. Hannah, m. Swasey. iv. Rosainiah. m. Xehemiah Bean. v. Ebenezer. vi. Eihvin

545 VII. Ham", b. Nov. i. 1796: d. Sept. 22, 1S81 : m. ist Charlotte

Brackett. d. 1856 : no ch. : m. 2d Charity Dame : no ch. : res. Middleton. X. H. He had the homestead willed to him by his father.

546 viii. Haxxah". b. Feb. 26, 1799: d. Feb. 25, 1867; m. Oct. 23. 1S26,

Charles Pinkham : res. Moultonboro. X. H.. and Madbury. Their children: i. Jeremiah Willey ?. d. 1894: res. Ber- wick. Me. ii. Jacob Pinkham. iii. Charles, m. Caroline Meady. iv. John. m. Dolly French, v. .Sophia, unm.


TRISTRAM GARLANDS son of Nathaniel, No. 92. Born July 22, 1770. Died, 1853, aged 82 years and 9 months. Married, April 18, 1799, Elizabeth Roberts, born June 30, 1777; died 1863, aged 86 years and 7 months. Residence, Farmington, N. H,, on the homestead. Farmer.


547 I. Xathaxiel', b. Jan. 2. 1809: d. Feb. 2. 1894; m. Hannah Downs; no ch. He resided in Farmington on the home- stead. They had no children and he adopted Mary Sullivan, who married Charles S. (iarland, son of Sherebiah Garland.

Xo. 558. He had his father's family Bible. 548 II. Solomon". 549 III. SALLV\b. July 10. 1800: d May i. 1852.

550 IV. Elizabeth", b. Jan. 10. 1S04 : m. Carey of Lowell, Mass. 551 v. Lydia'^, m. Joseph Richardson: res. Rochester. X, H.


RICHARD GARLAND\ son of Nathaniel, No. 92.

Born about 1775. Died Dec. '2d^ 1839. Married, July 11, 1810, GARLAND GENEALOCiY 59

Mary Hurd of Rochester; died, I808, aged 90 years. Residence, Farmingtou, N. H. THEIR CHILDRHN.

I. b. iSii m. 552 Lewis", Jan. 4, ; Hannah Hurd: res. (ionic, N. H. 553 II. Margaret'^, m. PaulSeavey; tench.; res. Rochester, N. H.

Their children : i. Martin Seavey. m. Louise Entwistle. ii. Frank, m. Sarah Smith, iii. Charles, m. Annie Morrison, iv. John, m. Lucy Flynn. v. AV/Zy, m. Horace Eastman, vi. A)in. vii. Etta. viii. Elnora. ix. George, x. Sarah. 554 III. Hannah", b. 1818; d. Dec. 20, 1S86; m. May 10, 1842, Hezekiah Marshall; three ch. res. ; Lowell, Mass. Their children:

i. b. m. ii. Sylul /Marshall, 1844 ; Benjamin Brown, Anna,

b. m. iii. 1846 ; Alden Woodward, George, b. 1856. IV. m. Lucinda two ch. dau. dead res. Far- 555, George", Downing; ; ; mi ngton, N. H. 556 V. Daniel**, m. 1845, Sarah McKenney. They had a son.

I. 556.'z Henry W. Garland" ; res. unknown. VI. m. Charles ch. res. 557 Elizabeth", 1849, Hodges; three ; Sand- wich, N. H. Their children: i. Ellen /lodges, m. Wa.rren Carter, ii. Charles, m. Annie McLean, iii. Elroy. VII. b. Eliza res. 658 Sherebiah", 1820; m. 1847 Hopkins; eight ch. ; Rochester. N. H.

559 viii. Charles", dead; m. 1846 Irene Hammond; one ch. : res.

Way land, Mass. Police. Their daughter : 559c? I. Nellie Garlani/.


EPHRAIM (K.) GARLAND'% son of Nathaniel, No. 92. Born about 1777. Died about 1«60. Married Mary Harrington, died about 1860, of Durham, N. H. From Rochester, N. H., he went early to Aloa, Me,, then to AVhitefield, N. H., and died in Belfast, Me. **Was a surgeon in the War of 1812.

their children.

560 1. EPHRAiivr, b. Sept. 19, 1819: d. July 17, 1858, in Belfast. Me.;

m. Sarah Dunbar; four ch. ; res. Belfast, Me. She after-

ward married David Durgin. Their children :

l^oa I. William A. Garland**, b. 1844 ; d. 1846. 56o(^ II. Ephraim a. Garland^ b. 1846; d. 1848. 560;: III. Sarah H. Garland^, b. Jan. 26,1849; m. Aug. 6. 1S70.

Charles H. Crosby; no ch. : les. Belfast, Me. 560^/ IV. Ephraim C. Garland*^, b. 1851; d. 1862. 561 II. Octavia". m. Hezekiah Rhines; three ch.; res. Alna, Me.

Their children: i. Mary Rhiiics. ii. Isaiah, iii. Eveline. 6o c;ARLAXO (iKXEALOGV.

b. 21. cl. : 562 111. M AKCiARKT', Oct. 1S21: Jan. 19. iSi;;, m. .Augustu.s

Upton, d. Jan. 20. 1S95 : res North Reading. Mass.; later

Lowell. Mass. Their children : i. Leonora L. Upton, b.

184S : m. 1871. Charles Richardson, ii. Sarah A".. 1). 1851.

iii. Jessie, b. 1854. iv. Abbie. b. 1858 : all res. in Lowell. Ma.ss.

IV. m. Peter Rhines no ch. : res. Aliia. 563 Sarah", ; Me.

564 V. Eli.sha', b. in Whitefield, N. H.. : d. in Belfast, xMe. : unm. in 565 VI. Hannah E.". b. Whitefield. N. H.. March 8, 1841 ; m. Oscar

F. Blake: dead: res. Bucksport. Me. Their children : i. Etta

Blake, b. 1859; m. (ieorge Taylor; rive ch. ; res. Belfast. Me.

ii. Clara, b. 1861 : m. William Lawrence: one ch. ; res. Law- rence, Mass.

566 VII. Narcissa'', m. ***Andrew Savage : fourch. : res. Washington. Me. He was killed in the Rebellion at the Battle of Fair ^"^"^ Oaks. Their children: i. Richard Sava,i^e, soldier in War of Rebellion: died in Washington. Me. ii. HIrani, in Army with Gen. Custer on plains, iii. ***John, was killed in Re- bellion. Battle of Bull Run.

567 VIII. Henrv Martvn", b. in Washington. Me.; d. in Belfast. Me.:

m. Mary J. Hodgdon; res. Belfast. Me. Their children : 567^? I. Ida M. Garland^, b. March i. i860: ni. F. A. Patterson;

one child (Ora A.J ; res. Belfast, Me.

567/;' II. William E. (jARLAND''. b. Nov. 26, 1862: m. Edith Pen-

dleton; one ch. ; res. Islesboro, Me. Their child: ^6jbi I. Earl Garland^, b. Dec. 28. 1887.

5676" III. Nellie Garland^, b. March 6. 1866 : m. John T. Stew-

art; two ch. ; res. Brunswick, Me. Their children: i.

Thomas J. Stewart, b. Feb. 21. 1S85. ii. Maurice E., b. Aug. II, 1886. 567^/ IV. Annie Garland*^.


CAPT. NATHANIEL GARLAND'', soa of Nathaniel, No. Dfi. Born Feb. 13, 1774, in Soraersworth, N. H. Died in 1848 in

Baltimore, Md. Married, Aug. "21, 171)8, Lydia Jacobs of Danvers, she was the of and Sarah Moulton Mass ; daughter Benjamin Jacobs. Lived in the South Parish of Danvers, Mass., on Boston street. The house is now known as the "Garland house," and is now in the limits of Salem, Mass. He was at one time a merchant in also a sea a tanner. Baltimore, Md. ; was captain and Garland (Nathaniel) & Briggs had a shipyard near Frye's mills in Salem in or about 1800. He had built for him, about 1805, Brig Brutus of 130 tons, at Frye s mills; also, about 1835, Brig Baltimore, by Jenks it Taft. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 6i


56S I. Sally", b. 1799. II. Abigail", b. 569 July 17, 1802; m. July 17, 182S, Thomas ^.vl'ingree of Wenham, Mass.

570 III. b. 1806 ; d. Nov. in William", Jan. 26, 10, 1839, Baltimore, Md. : m. Mary A. Jones. IV. Sally b. i8o8 ; d. x\ov. 571 Jacobs", Sept. 7, 1839, aged 30 years : m. Matthew M. son of Keirle, John W. Keirle, d. 1839, aged of 40 years, Baltimore, Md. Their children : i. Nathaniel G. Keirle, h. 1833; m. 1870 Mary E.Jones: three ch.: res.

Md. ii. b. Baltimore, Martha G., 1835 ; d. 1S80; m. Thomas

A. Patterson ; five ch. ; res. Baltimore, Md. iii. John ll\, d. infant. V. Martha b. 572 J.", July 12, 1810; m. Dec. 26, 1827, Rev. J. O.

Choler, D. D., a Baptist clergyman; res. Providence. R. I.

VI. b. d. 1. 573 Lvdia", April 6, 1813 ; Aug., 184 574 viL Mary Ann", b. April 27, 1817.


CAPT. NATHANIELGARLAND% (probably) son of Nathaniel, No. 96.

Born June 8, 1765. Died May 2:i^ 1852, at Naples, Me., aged 87 years. Married, first, Feb. 25, 171)0, Hannah Witherell of Water- born 1764 died Dec. 1810. boro. Me., July, ; 20, Married, second, March 18, I8I0, Lucy Mills, born Jan. 21, 1776; died Nov. 23, 1855. She was the daughter of Eligood Mills of Naples, Me. She, after Nathaniel's death, went to live with her brother, James Mills, of Norridgewock, Me. He moved to Bridgeton, JVEe., from Somersworth, N. H., in 1829. After he married his second wife he went to live with his daughter Rebecca, in Naples, Me. THEIR CHILDREN.

I. 575 James", b. in Waterboro, Me., April 5, 1792 ; d. Nov., 1879; m.. May 12, 1820, Mary Ann Decker.

II. b. Dec. Litdefield of 576 Sarah", April 29, 1795 ; m. 31, 1820, John Shapleigh, Me. Their children: i. Rebecca Littlejield. ii.

John. iii. Jotham. iv. Hannah, m. Dr. L. W. Leighton :

two ch. : res. Ross' Corner, Me. v. Aniaziah, b. 1832; m. Ro.ss' vi. Char- Annie M. Day; one ch. , res. Corner, Me. lotte, m. 1880, Freedon Lord: res. Buxton, Me.

577 III. Rebecca^ b. March 10, 1798; d. 1875 : m. March 8. 1826, John Hill, d. 1875: res. Naples, Me. Their children: i. Thomas P. Hill, b. 1828: dead. ii. John A., b. 1829: m. 1855: res.

: d. 1882. iv. Jersey City, X. J. iii. Charles E., b. 1831 62 GARLAND CKNEALUOW

Kf/>fLC(i, 1). 1832. V. Lizzie P.. 1). March 7. 1.S3S; m. Hasty: res. l\-)nce Park. Fla. vi. Tlioinas /\. 1). 1S35: d. vii. 1865. Reiihen A., b. i

/^/)y ^/ Second Wife.)

578 IV. Xatmanikl". b. Jan. 2. 1814: d. March 17. 1817.


*CAPT. JOHN GARLAND" son of Daniel, No. !)7.

Born in Rochester, N. H., 175^. Died in 1805. Married, first,

Sally Blaisdell, died 1805; seven cliildren. ^INIarried, second, Sept. L' born 1773 died 16, 1810, Sally Kimball, January, ; Nov. 10, 1835. Residence, So. Wakefield, N. H., on 100 acres of land that his father gave him which he came to live on in 1780. He enlisted as Jolin GarUn (the way the name is often called), at 17 years of age, in the Revolutionary War, May 10, 1777, was discharged May 10, 1780. He was in the Battle of Bunker Hill. Wintered at Valley Forge with Gen. Washington. He was also a Captain in tlie State Alilitia. Chosen Surveyor of Highways in 1785.


(The First Seven by First Wife.)

579 I. Abkjail" m. Jan. 10. 1819, Eben Chapman; no ch. P'armer.

580 II. James", b. Oct. 14, 1787: d. July 9. 185 1 : m. Sept. 22, 1808. Annie Young.

581 HI. Sally", m. Nov. 17, 1816, Daniel Merrow ; four ch. ; res. Ossi- pee N. H. One of the children's names was James M rrow.

m. four ch. ; 582 IV. Lavixi a", Robert Merrow; res. Ossip3e, N. H .

Their children : \. John Merrow. ii. Willian!. \\\. J^aniel,

and a girl. 583 v. Mary", b. 1800; d. Sept., 1846; m. Dec. 20. 1821, Benjamin H.

Whitehouse : no ch. ; res. Wakefield. N. H.

584 VI. John R.", m. Lst, Feb. 22. 1846, Mary Leavitt ; m, 2d Hannah

Gile ; res. Ossipee, N. H. 585 VII. Daniel", b. 1804; d. Sept., 1846: unm. 586 viiL Jes.se", b. Oct., 1810; d. May, 1835. 587 IX. Nathaniel'^, b. Oct. 12. 1S12: d. April 19. 1890; m. ist, 1864.

Mary Jones of Wakefield, N. H. ; no ch. ; m. 2d, Nov. 10. 1870, Lydia Ann Cutter of Cambridge, Mass. She married sec- ond John W. Gibbs of Middleton, N. H.; res. Wakefield,

N. H. : no ch.

588 X. John Franklin", b. Sept. 9. 1814 ; d, June 27, 1848; m. Nov. 25. 1841, Mary Goodwin, b. June 27. 1816: res. So. Wakefield, GARLAND GENEALOGY. 6J

N. H. He lived on the homestead of his father. They had

one child :

1. Fraxklin SSSa John Garland, Jr.«, b. Dec. 25, 1844; m. ist, 1866, B. July 3, Netty Waits; m. 2d, Sept. 17. 1S94, Mrs. Louise Turner of Pernambuco. Brazil, S. A. Their chil-

dren (4) :

588^7/ I. George F. Garland^, b. Oct. 9, 1867. II. Clarence SSSa2 Eugene Garland^ b. Aug. 12. 1872. S^Saj III. Mary Anna Garland^, b. Nov. 20, 1874. IV. Frank b. 538.;^ John Garland^, D^c. 27, 1876; d Dae. 2;, 1882.

5S9 XI. Hannah", b. Sept. 7, 1816; d. 1835. xn. b. 1818 d. 590 Jeremiahs July, ; Dec. 5, 1839.

591 XIII. JosiAH', b. Oct. 21, 1819: d. April 12, 1880: m. ist. 1842, Row-

ena Spinner; m. 2d, Nov. 7, 1867, Caroline Gerrish.


CAPT. JAMES GARLANDS son of Daniel, No. 'J7.

Born in Rochester, N. H., Feb. '25, 1777. Baptized Oct. 17, 1778. Died July 10, 1810. Married Susanna Wheelwright of Wells, Me., born April 18, 1778; died Dec. 22, 1858. Residence, where one of his sons was born then to Wells, ; moved Winslow, Me. He was a Tanner by trade. He was Captain in militia in Maine. THEIR CHILDREN.

592 I. Nathaniel", b. in Wells, Oct. 15, 1800; d. Jan. 20. i8s7; m. Lavinia Drew; res. Carmel, Me.

593 II. Daniel", b. in Winslow June 12, 1803; d. Oct. 12, 1805: in his father. , drowned tanner's vat of d. 1806. 594 III. James', b. April 25, 1805 ; Jan. 26, 595 IV. Susan'^, b. Jan. 22, 1807; d. Jan. 19, 1892; m. March 8, 1829,

William Freeman ; res. Winslow, Me. She lived the last of

her life with her dau. Caroline. Their children : i. William

E. Freeinaii, b. 1829: d. 1879. ii. Susan /:., b. 1833 . d. 1887. iii. Ellen, b. 1835; d. 1835. iv. Margaret, b. 1836; d. 1877. V. Mary Ann, b. 1840; m. H. R. Getchell. vi. Caro- line E.,\). 1843; m. T.H.Hamlin: res. Fairfield, Me. vii.

RusselL b. 1846; d. 1852. viii. Jatnes Zf., b. 1S52 : d. 1886.

596 V. John W.", b. Oct. 30, 1809: d. Nov. 16, 1855: unm. ; res. \'as- salboro, Me. 246.

THOMAS GARLAND% son of Daniel, No. 1)7. Born about 1777-8. Died about 1852-3. Married, Sept. 12, 64 (iARLAXD CEXKALCXi V.

1806, AVidow Dorothy Mendum. Lived in Portsmouth, N. H., on Christian Shore, near Almshouse.


597 I. Bkxja.min F.", d. abt. 1S34: m. Clarissa Jones: two ch.

598 II. Makv a.', m. Franklin SVCiarland. son of Hiram : four ch.

599 III. D.axikl" b. March 28, 1S07 ; d. Dec. 2. 1S82 : m. Dec. 25. 1831, Hannah Hasty.

600 i\'. Frank".

601 \'. Thomas".

602 \i. Joseph", d. abt. 1832 : unm. 603 \ 11. William', dead.

604 VIII. Sarah Ann", b. 1816: d. Jan. 25. 1883; m. Nov. 5. 1857. Enoch Lewis: no ch.: res. So. Eliot. .Me.

605 IX. Jamp:s'. m. 1st Miss Cate : seven ch. : m. 2d Widow Julia Col- bath.


DUDLEY GAKLAND% son of Daniel, No. i)7. Baptized Sept. 6, 1767. Died Nov. 27, 1826. Married Mary Hurd, daughter of Reuben, died Jan. 15, 1860, aged 95 years. Residence, Rochester, N. H. Farmer. His homestead was six miles from Berwick, Me., now occupied by Mr. James Jackson, who built a new house thereon, about 1870. He and his wife are buried iu the town burying ground adjoining tlie church lot in Roch- ester, N. H. He and his brother Daniel lived on the home place Bud cared for their parents, Daniel and Sarah Garland. THEIR CHILUREN.

606 I. Stephen", b. June 19, 1790; d. July j8. 1850: m. Lydia Clough.

607 II. James", b. Dec. 14, 1799: m, ist, Dec. 19, 1821, Phebe W. Hayes; m. 2d, April 10, 1S31, Abigail Nichols; m. 3rd, Jane S. Pike.

608 III. Nancy", d. Nov. 2, 1886. aged 96 years : m. ist. Dec. 12, 1810.

Charles Hovt: five ch. : res. Rochester, N. H.: m, 2d Moses

Page. Their children: i. Mary Ann Hoy t. ii. Lewis, iii. Charles L. iv. Rnfns. v. Sarah J. She married, first.

T. Richardson ; 2d, K. Kimball. 609 IV. HiRAM^ b. 1802; m. ist Lucinda Smith; m. 2d Sarah Knox. b. ni. 1st 610 V. Alfred", March 11, 1807; Abigail Home : m. 2d Lydia Waldron; m. 3rd Harriet Gage. 611 VI. Betsey"^, d. Sept., 1S80; m. ist, April 8. 1813. Joseph Cross,

; six ch. ; res. Jr Rochester, N. H. ; butcher: m. 2d (George

Hayes. Their children (Cross) : i. Marv Jane Cross, m. John Reynolds, ii. Richard, iii. Lydia. m. Thomas Hall. GARLAND GENEALOCiV. 65

iv. m. Dollie, Tuttle. v. Nathaniel, vi. Harriet, m. Jones. 612 VII. Sarah Roberts", b. on her fathers homestead June 30, iSo«j; m., Dec. 19, 1830, Bedfield Meserve. b. d. 1807 ; 1891 ; res.

Rochester, N. H. Mason. Their children: i. Amanda b. d. Meserve, 1832 ; 1862; m. Wm. H. Main ; two 1853, ch. ;

res. Mass. ii. Charlestown, George 14\, b. 1834; m. ist, 1856, Laura J. Whitehouse. Married 2d Hayes; 3rd seven ch. Nickerson; ; res. Boston, iii. Afary F., b, 1836; d. iv. 1852. Lucy Ann, b. Feb. 2, 1840; m., 1863, George M. v. Carpenter, Sarah Jane, b. Aug. 10, 1845; d. 1892; m.. ist, 1866, Horn; m. 2d Blaisdell. vi. Charles A., h. m. one ch. 1847 , Churchill; ; res. Boston. viii. Da\i?:l" m. res. 613 Mary ; Bridgeport, Conn. Their chil-

dren :

I. m. a 613^: James Garland^, widow ; no ch. ; drowned in Mississippi river.

II. m. ; 6i2,b Jaxe Garland*, Clapp Spooner ; one dau. res. Bridgeport, Conn. IX. b. 1801 614 JoHx'', May 8, ; d. April 12, 1891 : m. April 11, 1824,

Lydia Durell of Milton. N. H., d. Feb. 9, 1877. He went from Rochester, N. H., about 1832, to Kennebunkport, Me.; lived in the Merrill three to house two or years ; then moved Portland, Me., and removed to Middleboro, Mass., in 1860-5.

Blacksmith. Their child :

6i4« I. Elizabeth M. Garlaxd'*, b. June 18, 182C, in Ken- nebunkport, Me.; d. July 29, 1884; m. Sept. 11, 1854, Lafayette Batchelder, b. 1824; d. 1889; res. Mid- dleboro, Mass. They had children: i. Herberts. Batchelder. ii. A dan., m, Charles Tribeau. iii. A

son., d. young.


RICHARD GARLAND^ (probably) son of Ebenezer, No. 93. Born May 28, 1763, in Rochester, N. H. Died March 5, 1853. Married, Aug. 8, 1783, Sarah A. Watson of Dover, born in 1775; died Feb. 13, 1813, in Bartlett, N. H. Lived in Bartlett, N. H. He and four others, in Dec, 1783, came to Bartlett and had to draw their provisions on a hand-sled from Dover, N. H., 75 miles. He was the first Collector of Bartlett, which was incorporated in 17'JU. He was on the Muster Roll of Dover in 1780, and was in Col. Dunn's regiment, for six months, in 1788. THEIR CHILDREX.

: m. rst. 615 I. Nathaniel', b. Sept. 22, 1783; d. Nov. 30, 1841 Sept. 66 GARLAND (iENEALCXiV.

(iar- 17. 1809, Martha Butler; ni. 2d. March 15, 1829, Abigail

land (635). 616 II. Otis M.', b. 1786; d. in infancy. 617 111. Ebenezer". b. 1790; d. Jan. 30, 1853; m. Feb. iS, 1810, Lydia Hayes.

618 i\'. Ki( iiARiv. b. 1797: d. 1807 ; imni.

619 V. Sarah W.', b. 1794; d. Nov. 8, 1886: m. July 7. 1S25. Lucius

Q. C. Nason : res. So. Berwick. Me.; no ch.

620 \'i. Marv'. b. 1797 ; d. Feb. 18. 1872 ; unni. 621 \ii. Dr. Otis", m. Nov., 1S12, Hannah Fox of Lee. N. H. Their

daughter : 62i(Z I. Almira Garlaxi)**. m. Kennard. In 1834 Lsrael Chesley was appointed her guardian.


SAMUEL GARLAND«, son of Ebenczer, No. 1)8. Born in Lebanon, N. H., July 10, 1762. Died in Brooklyn, Pu., Feb. 19, 1841), at the home of his son Thomas. ^Lar^ied Susan born 17()G died 1833. He lived for a time at Milton T'hree Rhyme, ; Ponds, N. H., and then went to Brooklyn, Pa. THEIR CHILDREN.

622 1. Samuel", b. March 18, 1784; d. Feb. 19. 1812. 623 II. Louisa", b. Feb. 23, 1786; d. 1875; unm. 624 III. Ebexezer". b. Sept. 20, 1788; d, 1820; m. Nov. 21. 1811, Annie Young.

i\\ b. d. 1881 m. : 625 Susannah", Dec. 23. 1791 ; ; John Potts; no ch. res. Brooklyn, Pa.

626 V. Ephraim Blanchard", b. in Lebanon, N. H., Aug. 23, 1794; d. June 10. 1789; m. Jan. 23, 1816, Patty Varney.

627 VI. Thomas", b. Sept. 26, 1796; d. 1882 : m. Judith Tukesbury. VII. b. m. res. 628 Marv'^, Sept. 16, 1798; John Buck ; Tunkahawick,

Pa. They had one child : i. E//a Buck.

629 \'iii. Edmund", b. Jan. 28, 1801 : m. Jan. 23, 1823, in Berwick, Me., Martha Applebee of Berwick, Me. They had one son, 629^3 I. LoREN Garland^, married and went West.

630 IX. Joseph'^, b. Sept. 20. 1804 : d. young.


JAMP:S garlands sob of Ebenezer, No. 1>8. Born in Rochester, N. H., Sept. 14, 1773. Died Nov. 13, 18:)3, aged 80 years and five months, in Rochester. N. H. Married, Dec. 11, 1800, Abigail Jenness, died March 28, 1828, aged 52 years and 5 months. Lived in Rochester. Tanner and farmer. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 67


631- I. John", b. March 3, 1801; d. m. April 30. 1832 ; Feb. 8, 1829, Mary Ham, b. iSoo; d. 1874; six ch.

II. b. 1802 d. i, 632 Sarah", Sept., ; July 1829; unm. III. d. m. 633 LvDiA", Oct., 1883 ; Jan. 24, 1829, Joseph H. Brewster of

Barriagton. They had one son : i. D.ivid J. Brewster.

IV. b. 1S06 : d. 634 Patif:nce", 1889, aged ^t, years : unm. V. b. abt. d. abt. 635 Abigail", 1808; 1870; m. March 15, 1829, Nathaniel Garland, her cousin, No. 615, son of Richard. VI. b. 636 Jacob Jenxess", Jan. 12, 1812; d. Sept. 27, 1856: m. Nov., Sebrina 1834, Brewster; two ch. ; res. Gonic. Their chil-

dren :

636:? I. Irene Garlaxd^, b. Feb. 23, 1836; m. .May 27, 1862,

Ephraim Kimball; no ch. ; res. Rochester. N. H.

6363 II. Roxaxxa Garland^, b. March u, 1838; d. Sept. 2,

1865 ; unm. 637 VII. James M.", b. 1816; d. 1S90: m. 1890, Delancy Henderson;

four ch. ; res. (jonic.


EPHRAIM GARLAND% son of Ebenezer, No. 98 Born about 1776 in Rochester, N. H. Died July, 1826. Mar- two children. ried, fireit, Abigail Henderson ; Married, second, Sarah Garland (a cousin); six children (No. 248), daughter of Daniel (No. U7). Lived in Conway, N. H. P^armer. His will was probated July 13, 1826, dated May 24, 1826. His wife was named executrix. THEIR CHILDREX.

638 I. Sarah", b. abt. 1804 : m. Nov. 1828. Benjamin Bean of Gray, res. in west side of Saco river. Me. ; seven ch.; Conway on

Farmer. Their children : i. Ede/i Bean. ii. Kate. iii. Benjamin, dead. iv. Eliza., dead. v. Abbie. vi. George., dead. vii. Sarah, dead. 1828. Var- 639 Eliza H.', b. March 4, 1807: m. Aug. 10, Downing ney, merchant: one ch. d. in infancy, res. (lOnic. N. H.

111. Charlotte E.", m. ist Hawkins; four ch. ; res. Philadel-

Their children : i. Amanda phia, Pa. ; m. 2d Hewlett.

Hawkins, ii. Henrv. iii. Charles, iv. George.

Ebexezer", m. Abigail Chase; seven ch. : res. Jackson, N. H. Daniel Abigail", b. Jan. 29, 181 1 ; m. March 30, 1829. Chase,

children : ch. : res. Minn. Their b. 1805 ; twelve Minneapolis. m. D. i. Mary Ann Chase, b. April 13. 1830; John Berry, d. iii. ii. Sarah A. H., b. Aug. 25. 1832; 1844. Ephraim G., m. Rufus Chase b. 1834; d. 1835. iv. Martha E..b. 1835: ; 68 GARLAND GENEAI OGY.

res. New Hampshire, v. Julia, b. 1S37 : m. Alonzo Bradeen ; res. Minneapolis, vi. Henry B-.h. 1840; d. 1886: m. Huldah A. Blake; res. Minneapolis, vii. Elisa I)., b. 1842; m. Hart: res. Minneapolis, viii. IFcs/ty.h. 1845; d. 1863. i.\. /sacfore, b. 1S47; d. 1887: m. Edgar Eddy. x. Eu^^c'/w.h. 1853; d. i8s3 xi. Jessie /''.. b. 1855: m. George W. Mead,

xii. Lillian, I), i860: m. Horace Hutchins. 643 VI. Mary Ann", b. deaf and dumb; d. aged 18 years. 644 VII. ErHRAiM', b. 1817. deaf and dumb; d. Oct. 2, 1857. Edu-

cited at Hart'or 1. Coia. Tailor. 645 \iii. Joiix". d. in infancy. 255.

EBENEZER GAKLAND'% called and written by him and some of the family Gaiiln^ but some of the others of the Garland family have so been called and have had their names so written. He may be and probably was, from the best information obtainable, the son of there is no of Pibenezer (No. 1)8) ; this, however, certainty. He was born in New Hampshire, Dec. 22, 1760. Married, Sept. 20, 1783, Sarah Perkins, born in Rockingham county, N. H., ^Nlarch '* 18, 1763. 'Tis said her father went to Maine and lived in Sidney, Kennebec county." 'Tis said that P^benezer, with a brother Richard, came from New Hampshire and for a while lived in ^'Pickwocket" (Pequauket), Me., which was the name originally of that part of Maine in the vicinity of Fryeburg, Me., and then went to Herraon, Me., in the vicinity of which he probably married his wife. His family is put into this Genealogy because there is every reason to believe that he was of the Garland family. THEIR CHILDREX.

646 I. LvDiAS b. Nov. 14, 1784.

647 II. Nathaniel", b. Nov. 28, 1786: d. April 19, 1S34; m. Nov. 10, 1817, Mary Dole. 648 III. Sarah", b. March 6, 1789. 649 IV. Mary", b. July 9 1781. 650 v. Richard^ b. Feb. 26, 1793: m. June, 1S14, Hannah Miller: d.

Aug. I, 1824.

651 VI. Ebexezer". b. July 29, 1795 « d. Aug., 1895.

652 VII. William", b. Aug. 3, 1797; d. Jan. 6, 1858: m. ist Ann Harri- one ch m. 2, Eliza six ch. man; ; 2d, Sept. 1827. Whiting;

653 VIII, Ebenezer 2D", b. Nov. 11, 1801 ; drowned when young.

654 IX. Rachel", b, June 13, 1805; m. Amos Blackman; res. Brad- ley, Me.

X. b. Dec. : d. : m. five ch.; 655 Elmira", 19, 1807 1844 Luther Stone ; GARLAND GENEALOGY. 69

res. Machias, Me. Lumber. He married for second wife Mary Ann Garland, dau. of Nathaniel, a niece of his first wife.


JACOB GARLAND", son of John, No. 99. Born February, 1784, in Dover, N. H. Died May 5, 1849. Married, 1819, Elizabeth B. Palmer, b. 1784; died Aug. 24, 1857. Roisidence, Dover, N. H. Farmer.


I. b. 182 1 d. 656 Amos P.', April [, ; April 19, 1823.

657 II. Elizabeth R.', b. April 6, 1822; d. Oct. 7, 1888; m. Nov. 12, 1854, Asa M. Mallard; two ch.; res. Charlestown, N. Y.

65S III. Jacob P.'', b. Sept. 28, 1823, in Dover; m. June 3, 1845, Eliza Sowerby, b. 1827; d. March 7,1860; three ch.; res. Wolf-

boro, N. H. Their children :

658^ I. ***JoHN W. Garland^ b. May 12, 1846; m. April,

O. ; one ch. res. 1868, Josephine Leighton ; Waltham. Mass. Was one year in the U. S. Navy, 1864-5, under name of George Brown.

658^ II. George A. Garland*^, b. June 3, 1848; m. Lizzie

Hill five ch. res. Mass. Their children : ; ; Medford,

658/;/ I. George F. Garland^, b. July 30, 1871. 658^^^ II. Eliza GARLAND^b. Feb. 17, 1875. b. d. Dec. 659 IV. Sally H.', Nov. 3, 1S25 ; 10, 1843.

660 V. Daniel H.^ b. Feb. i, 1829; d. Nov. 27, 1852; m. Mary Kim-

ball; one ch. ; res. Dover, N. H. Farmer.


JOHN GARLAND", son of Peter, No. 101. Born about 1773. Died in 1835, in Taraworth, N. H. Mar- four children. second, a widow ried, first, Nancy Blakey ; Married, H. in 1830 having a daughter. Residence, Moultonboro, N. ; later, to 1840, in Taraworth, N. H., where he was taxed. Farmer. He married both times before coming to Tamwortb. THEIR CHILDREN.

d. 66i I. JoHN«, b. in Tamworth, Feb. 3, 1798; Jan. 7, 1873: m., 1857, ch. res. N. H., to i860. Hannah Blakey; three ; Meredith, up

Their children : d. 66ia I. Horace L. Garland^, b. Oct. 9, 1827; Jan. 7,

ch. ; res. Meredith, 1873; m, Jane Glidden: one N. H. Hotel keeper. Their child : 70 GARLAND GENEALOGY.

66irt/ I. Ella F. GarlandI*^, b. 1S54 : m. CharlL'S Leavitt ;

one ch. : res, Haverhill, Mass.

66i<^ H. Frank Garland^ b. Jan. 29. 1838: d. June 4. 1S62. 661c III. Mellssa a. Garland'*, b. July 10. 1844; m. May i.

1848. William B. Hutchins; one ch. : res. Meredith,

N. H. Farmer. Their child : i. (Av;. //. Hutchi)is.

b. 1861 m. one ch res. ; 1881, Lucy Smith; ; Chelsea, Mass.

66u/ i\". Pkrflnder (Garland-'. 662 IL Ann**, d. at Old Ladies' Home in Boston. 663 in. Marv^, d. abt. 1889 in Ossipee County House.

664 IV. Margaret^, b. May 12, 1807 : m. March 8, 1835, Samuel Bick-

ford of Alton. N. H.. b. 1807 : d. 1843 : four ch. : res. Whit- *** man. Mass. Their children: i. Charles H. Bickford, b.

1836; m. 1864 Mary Smith: one ch. ; res. No. Abington, Mass. He was in the 22d Mass. Regt. in Civil War. ii. ***Jo/ui E. Bickford, b. 1838; m. 1865, Almira S. Peterson;

two ch. : res. Whitman, Mass. He was in Battle of Port Hudson. La., and with Gen. Sheridan through the Shenan- doah X'alley. He was for three months at Fortress Monroe, in in 4th Mass. Regt. Civil War ; also Sergeant of Co. C, *** 38th Mass. Vols. iii. Samuel C. Bickford, h. 1^40: d. 1864. He was in the Frigate Colorado at New Orleans, and was o/ie of nine that formed the Dead Line Corps at New Berne, N. C. when they all died. iv. Fred A., h. 1842; d. 1845.


SAMUEL GARLAND", son of Peter, No. 101. Born about 1775. Married seven children. Resi- Mary Blakey ; dence, Moultouboro, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

665 I. Betsey*, d. young.

666 IL RosANNAH*^. dead; m. John Mason: three ch. : res. Lowell,

Mass. Their children: i. Afary Mason, m. Hill. ii.

Henrlelta. iii. Enocli.

667 III. Valaria^, dead; m. Melvin Wade: two ch. : res. Moultou-

boro. N. H. Their children: i. Lyman //'^z^-Zt', m. Martha Blakey; res. Sandwich. N, H. ii. I-^rcenian. IV. Dexter b. m. A. five 668 B.», May 19, 1809; Abigail Hanscom ; ch.; res Moultonboro. Mason.

669 v. Ann^, dead; m. .Samuel Merrill ; two ch. : res. Moultonboro.

Their children : i. George Merrill, ii. Josiah. VI. 670 Ephraim M.8, b. March, 1816; d. Jan. 10, 1863 ; m. Nov. 23, 1842, Sarah A. Mudi^ett. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 71

vn. Eliza R.^ b. i8i8 d. ; m. 671 Aug. 25, April 29, 1889 ; John Cook ; four ch. res. Moultonboro. : ; Farmer. Their children i. James .4. Cook^\i. 1844; m. Sarah Mason; three ch.: res. Moulton-

boro. ii. b. m. Alonzo four ch. res. Mary if., 1846; Brag^j ; ;

Moultonboro. iii. b. Ejiima J., 1849: m. John Penniman ; one ch., Fred J. iv. Clara L.. b. 1850; m. ist Edward Gar- land: m. 2d, HoUis B. Smith.


SAMUEL GARLAND", son of Amos, No. lUO. in Born Hampton, N. H., March 8, 1787. Died Dec. fi, 1869, in Haverhill, Mass. Married P^lizabeth Ham. THEIR CHILUREX.

672 I. James H.*^. b. July 12, 1810: d. Feb. 24. 187S: m. Mary A. Hall of Barrington: no ch.; res. Newburyport, Mass. Car- penter. 673 II. Mary O.^, b. Nov. 8, 1812; d. May 21, 1890; m. ist San- two ch. m. Francis Pike live ch. res. born ; ; 2d, Sept. 3, 1S33, ; ;

Newburyport, Mass. Their children : \. John W. Sanborn, b. 1828; dead. ii. George A.^h. 1830; dead. iii. Harriet. b. 1836; m. Carey, iv. Sarah E., b. 1840: m. Navia. v. Georgianna Pike, b. 1844: d. 1848. vi. Williani N., b. 1848. vii. Mary A., b. 1853. 674 III. David^, b. March 10, 1816; went on a whaling voyage and never returned.

675 IV. Sarah George**, b. July 14. 1818; m. Jan. 28, 1840, Benjamin ch. res. Mass. Their chil- H. Poor: two ; Newburyport, *** : in Civil dren : i. Charles IV. Poor, b. March 2, 1843 died War at the Battle of Antietam, May 27, 1863. ii. Benjamin, pyanklin, b. Oct. 28, 1846; m.. 1873, Alvara W. Card: four

iii. Edith T. ch : i. Anna, b. 1874. ii. Ben Perley, b. 1876. b. 1884. iv. George P., b. 1886. b. abt. 676 V. George W.^ b. May 15. 1823; m. Hannah J. Lamprey, 1826, dau. of James and Dolly Garland Lamprey of Hamp- Mass. He from ton, N. H. ; res. Newburyport, separated his wife many years ago. He lives in Prince Edward Island. They had two children. m.. 1868. 676cr I. Georgianna Garlaxd''. b. Sept. 17, 1849: Frank Sloan.

: d. Nov. 676^ II. Sarah Elizarp:th (iARLAMj*, b. Dec. 27. 1851 16. 1892, of consumption.

2. : m. 677 VI. Elizabeth A.**, b. June 15, 1825 : d. March 1891 May

ch. : res. 28, 1844, John A. Merrill, d. 1874: three Newbury- port, Mass. Their children: i. John W. Merrill^h. 1848: \\\. Anna P.-h. d. 1852. ii. ]]'a!liLC S..h.^^s:•>^^ c^-i'"^?'- 1856: lives in Philadelphia. 72 CAKLAXI) (iKNKALOOW


**AMOS GARLAND', sou of Amos, No. 10(5. Born Sept. G, 179r>, in Ossipee, N. H. Died Dec. 26, 1871. Married, June 2.i, 1820, Betsey Parker of Salisbury, N. H. Lived in Topsliam, Vt., aud Salisbury, N. H. Blacksmith. Ran away from home when young. A gunsmith in l-STJ War; was in Battle of Plattsburg, N. Y. Selectman in Topsham. District clerk for many years.


67S I. Marv a.**, b. January 19: m. Abner Currier of Topsham.

\'t. ; seven ch. Their children: i. Mary E. Currier, h. 1S44: m. Albert Battles. \\. Judith, b. 1845: m. William

Burgess: three ch. iii. Amos G., b. 1847 : m. Betsey Smith, iv. Frances, h. 1848; m. Proctor Xorris: onech. v. Charles.

vi. Lois A., b. 18^2 : m. Rodway Blake, vii. Olive T . b. 1857- 679 II. Statira''. b, Feb. 23, 1822: d. Au^-. 1. 1832.

680 III. Elizabeth**, b. Feb. 4. 1823 : d. Feb. 4, 1823.

681 IV. Statira'*, b. Feb. 4, 1823; m. Abbott Russell of Chelmsford,

Mass.; seven ch. Their children : i. Charles A. Russell,

b. March 16. 1850. ii. Z^^z-^; C m. (ieorge Gould : two ch. iii. Bell H.. b. 1856: d. 1865. iv. Fred A., b. 1858; m. p:va Worthen. v. Edwin L. vi. AVzt'^r/^///.. m. Dora Spauld- ing; two ch. Elizabeth. No. 680, and Statira, No. 681, were twins.

682 V. John Parker^, b. March 6. 1825 : m. ist Lucy A. Dix: m. 2d Eliza N. Grow. d. in 683 VI. Amos", b. 1826 : infancy.

684 VII. Elizabeth^ b. Sept. 20, 1829; d. Feb. 5. 1854: m. Charles C. one ch. res. Sawyer; ; Lowell, Mass.

685 VIII. Charlotte H.^, b. Aug. 12, 1833: m. Henry E. Capen : five

ch. : res. Lowell, Mass. Their children: i. Hoiry A. Capen, b. 1855: d. in infancy. \\. James A., d. in infancy, iii. Frank //., d. young, iv. William A., b. 1862. v. Ed-

ward R., b. 187 1 : d. young. 686 IX. Sa.muel JAMES^ b. Dec. 18,1835; m. May 12, i860. Elizabeth Shirley.

6S7 X. ***Edwin P.8, b. Dec. 23, 1839 ; d. March 14, 1864, in hospital at

Brizisth'. La. ; m. Ruth Armington : no ch. : res. Topsham, \'t. He was in Co. I). 8th Regt.. Vermont \'ols.


JAMES GARLAND", son of Amos, No. 106. (GARLAND GExNEALO(;y. 73

Born Jan. in 3, 17'jy, Northwood, N. H. Died Aug. 2, 1882, in Chateaguay, N. Y. Married, first, Sept. 7, 1822, Elizabeth L. born died Welch, 1799; 1841; four children. Married, second, October, 1847, Julia Douglass. Lived in Chateaguay, N. Y.


688 I. Mary Elizabeth^, b. Feb. 24, in N. H. 1824, Northwood, ;

m. i, Peter b. d. June 1846, Lougeway, 1799 ; 1844; lived in

P : Magog, Q., Canada. Their children i. F. D. Lougeway, b. 1847; m. Orpha Rexford. ii. Elizabeth, b. 1848: m.

Frank iii. Jervah. Emma A\, b. 1856; d. 1859. iv. Myron G.,h. 1859; m. Sylvia Bates. \. A;igeli>ia A.,h. 1^6^; m. Hiram Johnson.

689 II. John A.«, b. Feb. 19, 1826; d. Aug. 19, 1890; m. Sept., 1851, Salome Pease Ives, d. 1892; no ch. Music master and painter; res. Somers, Conn. He was a fine musician, good well kind and workman, educated, generous ; member of Congregational church. b. d. 6;o III. Martha C.^ June 26, 1S27 ; Oct. i, 1828, in Northwood, N. H.

691 IV. ***Samuel James*^, b. Oct. 22, 1837, in Franklin, xNT. H.; d. Jan. 20, 1862, at Washington, D. C, in the War of the Re- bellion.


WILLIAM F. GAULAND^ son of Amos, No. 106. Born June 21, 1809. Died Nov. 1,1868. Married Olive Ken- niston. Residence, Vv^olfboro Junction, N. H. their children.

692 I. Albert F.*^, b. Oct. 20, 1833; m. pub. Oct. 8. 1855, ist Mary A

N. : m. 2d Melissa ; res. H. Emery ; three ch, Wolfboro, J.

Drown : two ch. Their children : A. Cook. Their 6j2a I. Frederic J. B. Garland^, m. Mary

children :

692^7/ I. Frederic Garland1'\ b. 187S.

692^7^' II. Arthur Garlandi*^, 5 ^^j^) m. Minnie Colbath three ch. 6q2b II. Augustus W. Garland^, ;

6926- III. Alvah Garland^, d. Aug. 19, 1865.

692^'/ IV. Carrie B. Garland". 692^ V. Arthur A. Garland*^. 693 II. y\MOS^ b. Feb. 10. 1836; d. June 20, 1859. 694 III. John T.^ b. Julv 16, 1838; m. Aug. 21, 1S59. Fanny Ricker, b. 1S40, dau. of John.

b. Feb. d. 1862 ; res. 695 IV. ***Alvah M.^ 4, 1843 ; June 28, Ossipee, ) ( ; ( ) ( ; 74 ( ] A R L A N I F. X i: A L \' .

N. H.: d. in War of Rebellion in 5th X. M. Regt. of In- fantrv. 696 V. (ii:oR(jK'*, b. 1847: unm.

697 VI. Augusta Axx^, b. Sept. 3, 1849. in Ossipee. N. H. ; d. Feb. 15, 18S7: m. John F. Adjutant: res. Brookfield. X. H.: four ch.

Their ^-hildren : i. S. Hurley .UijutcDit. ii. A7/. iii. l-'rcd J\ iv. Aiiiiic 11.


BENJAMIN F. GARLAND" son of Amos, No. 106. Born Sept. 21, 1813. Married, April, 1837, Mary Haven ^Yhit- ten (not Wliittier), born 1810; died 1889. Residence, Nashua, N. H.

']lIi:iK ClllLUKKX.

698 I. Heij:x B.^ b. March 12. 1838: m. 1863. Charles H. Hodgdon :

two ch. ; res. Nashua. N. H. Their children : i. Addle B.

Hodgdo)u b. 1865. ii. J/a/y. b. 1870. 699 II. Charles Zemexdor^ b. March 31. 1840; m. Susan E. Blais-

dell ; six ch. : res. Belmont. N. H. Their children:

699(^7 I. Etta S. Garlaxd^, m. Babb.

699/' II. Charles Z. Garlaxd^. 6996 III. Sadie E. CiARLAXD^. 6ggd IV. Thomas (iARLAxn^. 699^ V. FrAXK T. (iARLAXD^, 699/ VI. RoscoE L. Garlaxd^. 700 III. SinxEY M.. b. July 22. 1S4: m.. Xov. 28, 1867 Jennie M.

Barnard, b. [847 : four ch res. Wolfboro. X. H. Their

children :

700^ I. Alta May Garlaxd^ b. Sept. 4. 1868; d. Maich i. 1889. 700/7 II. Carrie Maud Garlaxd^. b. March 12. 1870.

7oor III. Nellie B. GarlaxiA b. Aug. 25, 1872.

7oo<'z' IV. Lulu Maria Garlaxd^. b. Oct. 2. 1875: d. Aug. 4, 1890.

C.''. 701 IV. Mary b. April 17. 1847: d. Jan. 26, 1882 : m. Alexander H.

Durgin : no ch.


J0SP:PH GARLAND', son of Jacob, No. HI. Born July 22, 1765, in Salisbury, N. H. Died March 7, 1847. Married, in Grantham, N. H., Oct. 18, 1707, Zer .iah Thibby of Somers, Conn. He came to the Township of Lincolnshire, now the Town of Garland, in a two-horse team, first as far as Bucksport, Me., in the fall of the year; the following summer to Lincolnshire, GARLAND (iEXEALOGV. 75 where he lived more than twenty years; then went to Dover, Me., then to Me. to '^ and Bangor, ; then Ann Arbor, Mich. It was in 1802, witli eighteen other men from western Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, they commenced making homes here. June 22, 1802, he moved his family, consisting of himself, wife and three into a cabin his was the first children, log ; family to take up resi- dence here. The others settled the following year here. The To ad of Garland was named after him. He was one of the most public- spirited men among the pioneers of the township. The first summer in his barn the first winter in school was taught ; school his house. He opened both house and barn for public and religious gatherings and entertained religious teachers and others with the most open- handed first in Town of hospitality." Residence, Garland, Me. ; moved to Bangor, Me., then to Ann Arbor, Mich.


702 I. Orenda^, b, July 23, 1798, in Lel)anon, N. H.; m. Longley. 703 II. Timothy K.**, b. March 16. 1800. 704 III. Minerva^, b. July 26, 1802; m. Dougal.

705 IV. Zeraiah**, b. Feb. 3, 1S04, in (iarland, Me.; d. Dec. 13. 1811. in d. 706 V. Converse J.*^, b. Oct. 16, 1805. Garland, Me.; Dec. ;3, 1811.

b. in m. 707 VI. Betsey^, Aug. 18, 1807, C^arland, Me. ; Thayer. 708 VII. Joseph Epaphros*^, b. Aug. 4. 1809, in Garland, Me.: d. Aug. 10, 1819. VIII. b. 181 in Me. d. 1812, 709 Charles B.^ June 24, 1, Garland, ; May 3,

710 IX. Zeraiah, 20"^, b. April n, 1813, in Garland, Me.

: California. 711 X. Converse J.. 2U^, b. May 31. 1816 went to

712 XI. Mary Sexton**, b. June 15, i8r8; m. Voorhees.

713 XII. Joseph E., 2[)^ b. Dec. 4. 1820. 714 XIII. Susan F.^, 1). April u. 1823.


JAMES GARLAND', sou of Jacob, No. 111. Born April 22, 1775. Died July 14, 1856. Married, first, Sept. 22, 1804. Jane Greely of Salisbury, N. H. Married, second, Dec. 28, 1819, Lydia True of Salisbury, N. H. Residence, Franklin, N. H. He built a tavern in what is now Franklin, N. H., formerly Salisbury, N. H., now called the O. K. Moore tavern. He put in the first carding machine into that part of the town. their children. d m. 715 I. Benjamin Franklin**, b. Nov. 2, 1805: June 19. 1890: 76 GARLAXI) CENEALoi ;\'.

Sarah Jane Jewett: three ch. : res. Si. I.ouis. Mo. Their

children :

715^? I. LvDiA J. GarlaniV', b. Dec. 20, 1838: m. D. A. Wisher:

res. Centralia. Ills. Their children : i. Arthur L. Wisher,

b. 1866; m. Etta 'Woodward, ii. flerhert. b. 1S66. iii.

Harry. 1). 1875. iv. Lulu. b. i87(). 715A II. Ja.mks (/ARLA.M)''. b. Auj^. 12. 1841.

111. I'^.MMA b. 715^ (jARLA.\iy\ Aw-r. 11.1842: HI. J ackson Date I

three ch. : res. Patoka. III.

716 II. Feksis'^, b. June ii. 1807. in Franklin. X.H.: d. Feb.. 1891. in St. Louis. Mo.: m. April 16. 1832. James Smith : res. St. Louis. Mo.: no ch. "She was widely known for her gen- erous gifts to religious, educational and other objects. Her husband, during his life, gave half a million dollars for re- ligious and other causes."

717 III. RoxiLANA^ b. Dec. 21. 180,): d. March 15. 1826. 718 i\'. Charles'^, b. April 23, 1813: d. .March 2. 1879; m. Jane Mor-

rison, b. 1812 : d. 1880: six ch.

719 V. Sophia", b. Feb. 10. 1815: d. Nov. 19. 1836: m. Oct.. 1833. Rev.

Winthrop Fifield : one ch.

720 \i. JoHX Pi"rriX(iiLi/, b. April 15. 1817: m. Elizal)eth Hentley: seven ch.


BENJAMIN GARLAND', son of Jacob. No. 111.

Born Marnh 8, 17(S;3, in Salisbury, N. H. Died Jan. 11, 1852, in Levant, Me. Mairied, Feb. 3, 1807, Betsey (^uinby of Salisbury, N. H. She died in Kendnskeag, ]Me., aged 85 years, after her husband died. Residence, first in Kenduskeag, Me., then removed to Bangor, Me.; then, about 1837, moved to Levant, Me. ''He came with his wife on liorseback through the pathless woods to Ban- gor, about 1807, when the population was small. He kept the Man- sion House for a time, and he later built and kept for a time the Frank- lin House in Bangor, Me. He was a merchant in Bangor; also a builder. He was kind and helpful to the needy and distressed, a prominent business man, public-spirited, benevolent, prominent in all enterprises of the day; frank, open-hearted and upright in all his dealings. She was a woman of marked Christian character, and a member of the First Parish church of Bangor for over sixty years. *' She left a memory fragrant with the virtues which dignify and adorn her sex." THEIR CHILDREN.

721 I SoPHRONlA^, b. May 16. 1812: d. May 11. 1829. (;arlaxd (}knealogy. 77

722 II. ELHA^-A^^ b. July 24, 1814; d. April 29, 1884; m. Julia S. Har- riman no ch, res. ; ; Kenduskeag, Me. III. 723 Eliza M.*^, b. June 12, 1816: m. W. R. Cummin<^s : no ch. res. Lafayette, Ohio.

b. 2, 1818. in : 724 IV. HANNAH^ May Bangor, Me. m. Willard Rollins ;

five ch. ; res. East Corinth, Me. Their children : i. George Rollins, h. 1848; m. Catherine L. Steele of Greenbrier, Iowa,

ii. Willie E., b. 1852; m. Mrs. M. E. Alexander of Massil- lon, Iowa. iii. Sitsan E., b. 1858; d. 1889; m. George W. ch. res. iv. Wohrer; two ; Massillon, Iowa. Charlotte A.,

h. 1859: m. George M.Jeffrey; three ch. : res. Massillon, Iowa.

725 V. Benjamin"*^, b. Sept. 10. 1820 ; d. July 9, 1837.

VI. b. : m. Edwin Williams no ch. : res. 726 Susan J.**, July 25, 1823 J. ; Massillon, Iowa. 727 VII. John E.^, b. 1829: dead.


JACOB GARLAND', sou of Jacob, No. 111. 1851. Feb. Born Aug. 21), 1787. Died Dec, Married, 13, 1813, Hannah Bartlett, born P^eb. 17, 171)0; died Jan., 1865. Residence, Baugor, Me. THEIR CHILDKEX.

728 I. Bartlett*^. b. Nov. 22, 1813: d. March 25, 1815. 181 729 II. Bartlett, 20^, b. Sept. 18, 1815 ; d. Nov. 5. 7. III. b. March 182 1 d. March m. Oct. 21, 730 Abigail B.^ 20, ; 17. 1849: 1841, Joseph Nickerson; two ch. Their children: i. Hor-

d. in ii. Erank E.. b. March ace Nickerson, b. 1842 ; infancy,

14. 1849. Marcia L. Ciood- 731 IV. Francis J.^, b. Oct. 23. 1825; m. Jan. 1, 1852,

Me. Their children : ale ; six ch. ; res. Bangor.

73irt I. Abbie Garland^ b. Nov. 20, JS52.

b. : d. i. -jT^ib II. Lilley H. Garland^, Sept. 30. 1854 Sept. 1856. Oct. 1861. 73if III. Sarah H. Garland^, b June 12, 1859; d. 15. 73u/ IV. Mabel Garland^ b. April 22. i860. 731^ V. Jennie L. Garland^, b. April 6, 1862.

; d. 731/ VI. Inez Garland^ b. April 13. 1867 Jan. 14. 1869.


NATHANIEL GARLAND", son of Nathaniel, No. 113. Dec. Born June 7, 1771. Died about 1850. Married 5, 1796, dau. of Moses. Lydia Garland, born Aug. 22, 1771, No. 115, afterwards in Lived in East Plainfield, N. H., and for some time ~S GARLAND GENEALOGY.

Ilooksett, N. H. He operated the first carding machines in Lebanon and in Plaiufiehi, N. H., and opened the first store in Phunfield.


(All born in East IMaintield. N. \\.)

I. b. m. Peter Carr. 732 Bktskv*, June 7, 1797 ,

733 II. Clarissa**, b. Nov. 28. 179S: m. Joseph iilanchard : res. Hook- sett, X. H.

734 III. Mehitable'^. b. Feb. 8. 1800.

735 1^'- Joseph**, b. .May 8, i8oi : d. 1802. of five 736 \'. MakV, b. Sept. 5. 1802: m. Josiah Brown, son John: res. X. H. ch. ; Concord.

737 VI. Joseph, 2D*, b. Feb. 9. 1805; m. Lydia Martin: eight ch. : res. .Manchester, X. H.

738 VII. Ja.mes M.**, b. Sept. 25, 1807; m. Eliza . VIII. b. 20. Cervella E. Bean 739 Moses**, Nov, 4,1808: m. Jan. 1833. ; nine ch.

740 IX. Daniel W.**, b. April 4, 1810: d. July 3. 1889: m. ist Xancy

Thompson, b. 1813 ; m. 2d Rhoda Thompson, a sister of first

wife; res. Hooksett. X. H. Their children : 740^ I. Sarah M. Garland^ b. 1835: m., in Enfield. X. IL. An- drew F. Kendall.

740/; II. Sidney A. Garland^, b. 1849; m. Emma O. Wilson.

740^: III. Rhoda Garland^, d. 1875.

741 X. John L.**. b. Dec. i. 1813: m. Margaret Durrah : noch.; res. Hooksett. X. H.

742 XL Xathaniel C.^, b. Nov. 4, 1816: m. Mary Elkins : onech.;

res. Plainfield, N. H. Their child :

742^ I. Guy W. Garland^, b. Dec. 11, 1844: m. Sept. 13. 1871. Lavinia three ch. res. M. Upton; ; Gardner, Mass.

Their children :

742^7 I. Guy Ernest Garland^'^ b. Dec. 28. 1872; d. Oct. 20, 1885. 742^^ II. Frederic X. (^arlandI''. b. Feb. 19. 1875. 742<7j III. Paul X. Garlani)!'^'. b. Dec. 25. 18S4.


JOSEPH GARLAND', son of Nathaniel, No. 113. Born about 1774, in Kingston, N. H. Died Dec. 31, 1863. Married Sarah Sanborn, born 1798; died Dec. 9, 1828; daughter of David. their children.

743 I. Joseph Sanhorx^ b. Oct. 4, 1823: m. May 5. 1856. Lau- renza W. Mason, his brother Daniel's (Xo. 744) widow;

five ch. : res. Kingston. X. H. Farmer. Their children : GARLAND GENEALOGY. 79

I. 743^ Warrex Mason GARLA^•D•^ b. June 7. 1S58: d. Dec. is, 1863.

743/; II. Nathaniel W.GARLAXD^b. March 10. i860;, m. March 9, 1890, Minnii A. Brown; one son; Waldo.

III. Daniel W. Garland^, b. i. 1862 m. 743(; May ; Sept. u, 1887.

Cora M. Bracket! : one dau. ; dead. IV. 743f/ Rebecca M.Garland^K May 12, 1864: m. July 3, 1886,

William D. Kendall. They have two ch. : i. Mabel Kendall, ii. Mason B. V. 743^' Sarah Garland^, b. May 5. 1867.

744 II. Daniel Woodman^, b. June 22, 1825; dead; m. Jan. i, 1849, Laurenza W. Mason. A carpenter. She afterwards mar- ried his brother, Joseph S., No. 743. They had a dau., b. d. 1855 ; 1856.

745 III. Nathaniel**, b. April 5, 1827; m. Jan. 3, 1866, Ladorna P. two ch, res. Minn. Their children: Dodge ; ; Wasecca, ']^yi I. Harold Garland^, b. June 26, 1867.

745/; II. Ralph Garland^ b. April 19. 1869.


MOSES GARLAND", Jr., son of Moses,. No. 115. Married, Dec. 3, 1800, Hannah Hackett. Lived in Salisbury, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

I. b. 1801 d. Nov. 6, m. Samuel 746 Hannah**, April 17, ; 1886; ch. res. N. H. Flanders; one ; Enfield, 747 II. AsENATH^ b. Sept. r8, 1803: d. in California; m. John Pool: six ch,; res. Bridgewater. Mass.

III. d. in m. 748 Enoch O.^b. June 10, 1805 ; California; Mary Pastor; Cal. three ch, ; res. Cottonwood, Buffam, b. 749 IV. RuTH«, b. March 7, 1S06 ; m. July 27, 1839, Joshua Vt. d. : three ch. res. White River 1804 ; 1837 ; Junction, d. m. Their children: i. Henry G. Buffam. b. 1840: 1883; Mass. ii. G.. Mary E. Morse : one ch.: res. Lowell, Joshua

b. ; d. b. 1842 : d. in infancy, iii. Ruth Ann, 1843 1849. 750 V. Sarahs b. Dec. 8. 1808; m. Josiah Marston : onech.; res. Bridgewater. N. H.

Lorinda Carter ; one 751 VI, Joseph H.«, b, Feb, 27, 1810; d. 1890; m.

ch. ; res. Franklin, N. H, in N. H, m, VII. b. d, Nov, Tilton, ; 752 MosES^, May 10, 1813 ; 3, 1887. Tilton. N, H. ; one ch. ; res. Oct, i"^, 1852, Mary E. Kingsbury

753 viii, Harriet N.**, b. April 24, 1818.


J0SP:PH GARLAND", son of Moses, No. 115. So GARLAND ( ; E X !•: A LO G Y.

Died IH4H. ^Married Kuth Elkius. Lived in Salisbury, N. H., two miles south of his father's place oa Raccoon Hill.


754 I. Erasmus Dkrwin^, b. Feb. i. 1803: d. March 13, 1882, in Man-

; ist : deau. Wis. m. Sally (iates. d. 1835 two ch. ; res. Shel-

burne, N. \'. : m. 2d Martha Porter. Their children :

1. Ira Sfikpard Garla.nd''. b. Oct. in Utica. X. \', 754^z 7, 1830, ; m. May 18, 1858, Stlina L. Frasse; res. 41 Barrow street. New York city. He was on the Police force from 1858 to 1890: now a retired ex-Captain on one-half pay.

Their children :

I. Lkone A. Garland^".

II. Alexander M. (^akl and^".

II. B. b. in 75 V' Jerome Garland", Shelbourne, N. Y.. April 7, 1833: d. June 7. 1894: m.. 1855. Harriet Xichols of Angelica. X. Y.; res. Bucoda, Wash,

755 n. Mary C.^ b. Jan. 5. i8oj: d. Dec. 5. 1890; m.. 1S38, Walter

Merrill; three ch. : res. Methuen. Mass. Their children: i.

NathiUiiel Merrill, ii. Eliza, iii. Ruth.

756 in. 1l DITH Ann**, m. Gilbert. 757 i\'. Mehitable*^. m. Robert Mathews: res. Los An^jeles. Cal. 758 V. Jerome**, went West. 759 VL Moses Elkins**, b. Feb. 22, 1818, in Salisbury; d. June 24.

1881 ; m. Dec, 1847. Lucy Carlton, b. Aug. 15. 1830, dau. of

John : res. Haverhill, Mass. Their children :

759^ L LouLs Brannox GARLAXD^b. Jan. 25, 1859; m. Dec. 13. res. 1882, Annie F. Bagley ; Worcester, Mass. Their

child : 759^^ L (tRACe W. GarlaxdI", b. Feb. 28. 1884. b. n. Bessie W. C^arlaxd^ April 20, 1863 ; m. Sept. i, 1S92, E. M.Allen; res. Haverhill, Mass. 760 VII. Joseph^, m. Louisa Whittier; res. East Canaan, X^ H.; then

removed to Vermont. Their children :

I. Louise Garlaxd^; res. Canaan. X. H.

']6ob II. Joseph Hermox Garland'-*, went West. 761 VIII. Elizabeth^, m. Moses Reed; res. Portsmouth, X. H. Their daughter: i. .irabclla Reed.


JONATHAN GARLAND", son of Moses, No. 115.

Born in 1785. Died June 21), 1874, in Hanover, N. H. Mar- ried, Dec. 25, 1814, Susan Green, died Sept. 15, 1883, aged 80 years. Lived in Salisbury, N. H., until about 1826, then removed " to Hanover, N. H. He went by the name of Dolph Garland." GARLAND GENEALOGY. 8i


I. Mary b. 10. 762 MELVINA^ June 13, 1815 ; m. Nov. 1S42, William

D. Bean two ch. : res. ; Wilmot, N. H. Their children : i. John M. Bean, b. 1843. ii. Mary A/., b. 1846. II. Lucia b. d. 763 Ann«, Jan. 22, 1817; Jan. n, 1891 ; m. Aug. 22, 183S. Moses P. six Thompson ; ch. : res. Salisbury, N. H. Their

children: \. J/ary Ann Thompson, b. 1839; d. in infancy, ii. R.. b. d. 1866 ; m. Henry 1841 ; Jennie P. Godfrey, iii.

Mary Ann, 2d, b. 1843 ; m. Frank A. Buswell. iv, Susan E., b. m. ; (Greene, v Francis 1845 Sylvester W., b. 1847 ; m. Garoline R. Piper, \\. Lucia E//a, h. jS^^; m. George H. Scribner,

764 III. SusAX^. b. May 29, 1S19; d. July 30, 1822. IV. b. March m. 765 Jonathan Sleeper^, 31, 1823 ; April 16, 1848, Lydia A. Stoddard; res. Woburn, Mass. Their children:

765^ I. Franks. Garland^ b. Dec. 15, 1850; d, Feb. 21. 1855. 765^ II. Granville (^arlaxd^ b. Feb. 4, 1854; m. Dec. 20, 18S6, Mary E. Duncan; res. Woburn, Mass.

7656- III. Ida Augusta Garland^, b. June i, 1858: m. Sept., 1882, Charles two ch. res. Lyford ; ; Cambridge, Mass. Their

children : i. Emerson T. Lyford, b. July 9, 1885.

766 V. John AL^ b. Dec. 25, 1825 : d. July 26. 1832. 326.

EBENEZER T. GARLAND', son of James, No. 120. Born Oct. U, 1819. Died, 1881, in Haverhill, Mass. Married, G. born 1822. Lived in Mass. re- 1842, Mary Willey, Haverhill, ; moved to Exeter, N. H., about 1878. their children.

I. : 767 George E,*, b. 1844; m. 1869, Hannah Tuttle ; three ch. res.

Epping, N. H. Their children : 767^: I. Stephen M. Garland^ b. 1870; d. 1870.

767^^ II. Susan A, Garland^, b. 1S71.

767^- III. Edwin T.^, b. 1873. 768 II. Susan H.^, b. 1847; d. 1868.

769 III. Frank^, b. 1851; m. Sarah A. Towle; four ch. ; res. Boston.

Their children :

769c^ I. Frank A. (jARLaxd'', b. 1870.

769/^ II. Lizzie M, Garland^ b. 1873.

7696- III. Bessie P. (^arlaxd^ b. 1874 . d. 18S4. 769^^ IV. Annie Garland*^. 770 IV, MARY^ b. 1854; m. Frank H. Rovvell; four ch. : res. Brent-

wood, N. H. Their children : i. Carrie E. Rowell, b. 1875.

ii. Frank //., b. 1877. iii. Grace G., b. 1881. iv. Sidney T.,

b. 1SS5. 82 (^,ARi.A\i) (;i:m-:alo(;v.

771 V. Hessip: P.'^. h. 1857; m. Harry J. Cole: two ch. : res. Haver-

ii. hill. Mass. Their children : i. Margaret Cole. .Ir- thur H.

772 \i. STEPHE^•^ b. 1S61 : d. 1867.

b. ; at Man- •]-j^ VII. Rev. Frederic M.^. 1864 f2piscopal clergyman chester. X. Pi., in 1890.


ELI AV. GARLAND', son of Thomas, No. 126. Born Feb. 16, 1794. Died Jan. 17, 1865. Married, March 16, 1817, Mary Barks, born 1800; dead; fourteen children. Lived in Ellsworth, Me. Farmer.


774 I. Elisha*^, b. July 13, 1815 ; d. Sept. 13. 1886: m. May 19. 1842. Sarah C. Frazer: res. Ellsworth, Me. The names of their children are unknown. d. 775 II. Newell^, b. July 25, 1819; 1867: m. Hannah Milliken : three

ch. : res. Boston. Their children :

775^- I. Arexena C. Garland-^ m. Levi Marston: res. Deer- field. N. H. 775^ II. Rebecca Garland'*, dead. 775^ III. Telesphore Garlaxd^ dead.

III. b. 182 1 d. m. four ch. 776 Eli^, Aug. 14, ; 1863: Mary J. Dodge; ;

res. Ellsworth, Me. Their children :

776^ I. Charles W. Garland^ m. Miss Jordan; res. Ells- worth. Me.

776'/ II. Melinda Garland^.

III. 776c Caroline Garland-', m. Edward Jordan : res, Or- land. Me 776/ IV. Bertha Garland^. 777 IV. Heman N,^, b. April 22, 1823; m. Minnie Blood: one ch.: res.

New London, Wis. Their child :

777<'z I. Daisy Garland'-'.

778 V. Abijah**, b. April 4. 1825 : m. Nov. 24, 1849. \'incy Mentor: five ch,; res. Ellsworth. Me, Their children:

778^ 1. Mary F. Garland^ b. Aug. 10, 1850; dead. II. Almon W, b. m. Abbie 778^ Garland^ Sept. 12, 1852 ; Allen ; res. Bellows Falls; one ch. III. L. b. Nov. m. 7786- Jennie GARLAND^ 16, 1856 ; June 9, 1880, Charles three ch. res. J. Brown ; ; Ellsworth, Me.

778^^ IV. Mary E. Garland^, b. June 9, 1862. 778^ V, Flora M, Garland^ b. Sept. 12, 1864. 779 VI. Mary E,^, m. Dodge: four ch.: res. Lawrence, Mass. Their children: i. Don B. F. Dodge, ii. Elinra. \\\. Jen- nie K. iv. Ella. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 83

VII. Ciiarlp:.s b. 16. 750 WA March 1832 ; d. June 28. 1S54.

viii. ^ b. Oct. 6, cl. m. 751 Jaxk J. 1830; j8S8; Francis Rose ; five ch. ; res. Kansas.

782 IX. Sarah J.^ b. 1833. X. Lizzie b. m.Wm. ch. res. 783 A.*^, Aug. 25. 1835; Taylor; three ;

Calais, Me. Their children : i. Hciuy Taylor, ii. Charles- Mary Einnia, m. Joseph Quarter.

XI. b. : 784 SiMON*^, April 15, 1837 m. Lizzie Frost; one ch. ; res. Ells- worth, Me. Their child:

7S4<'?' I. Erxest Garland^ m. Miss Carr.

XII. Francis b. Feb. m. : 785 A.**, 9, 1839 ; Kate IJrown onech.; res. Concord, N. H. Their daughter: 785fZ I. Ruth (jArlaxd'-'.

786 XIII. Albert*^, b. March 8, 1841 ; m. Lucia Fairbanks. Their

daughter ;


787 XIV. Rev. George D.**, b. July 29, 1844 : m. Helen Rideout; three

ch. : res. Ellsworth, Me. He is a F>ee Will Baptist min-

ister. Their children :

787^: I. Wilfred D. Garland-', b. 1869; m. Sept. 20. 1889, Fanny Martin; res. Haverhill, Mass. II. b. 787/; Hiram J. Garland^, 1870 ; res. Wolfboro, N. W. 787^ III. Maggie AL Garland'*. 1). 1844: d. i8()i.


THOMAS GARLAND', son of Thomas, No. 126. Died about 187G. ^[arried Marion Brown. Residence, Benton, Me.


788 I. Phebe^. 7S9 II. SARAH^ m. ist Crocker; one ch., who died at sea; m. 2d

Their : i. Trask ; one ch. daughter Licorgiaiuia Trask. 790 III. Henrv M.*^. unm.

791 IV. Martha A.*^. m. Israel Runnells: five ch. : res. Benton ; only child living, Jeanette.

: ist Foss : four ch. ; 792 V. Franklin S.*^, b. Nov. 4, 1845 m. Eunice Their m. 2d Olive Ham ; res. Biddeford, Me. Truckman.

children :

792rz I. Herbert W. Garland'-', b. 1869: d. 1870.

792/>' II. Marion G. Garland'-', b. Aug. 10, 1S72.

7926- III. Charlotte E. Garland-*, b. Aug. 29. 1876. 792^/ IV. Herman A. Garland'-', b. June 10. 1880.

: m. Miss Trask: three ch. 793 V.Jeremiah M.^ b. Nov. 24, 1848 ; res. Benton, Me. N4 (iARLANI) ( ] KN J:AL()( ; V

794 \'i. Miiiav K/ 795 \ii. l^LORA*'. cl. in infancy.


BP:NMAMIN franklin GARLANU', sou of Edward, No. 127. Born about 1800. Married Miriam Towusend. Residence, P^Us- wortli, Me.

llli;iR C Illl.DKKX.

796 I. Labax*^, ni. ist Lucretia Smith ; m. 2cl .Mary Kedman : three ch.: res. Ellsworth, Me.

797 II. Edwin**, m. Charlotte McFarland : tour ch.

III. m. Sarah Maddox four ch. : res. Ellsworth. 798 Benjamin**, ; Me. 799 IV. Elvira*', dead. Soo \'. Ziba**, dead. J>oi vi. Mahala**, m. ist Wheeler: m. 2d Campbell.

\"ii. ist 802 Hannah**, m. Frank (Graves: m. 2d Frank Hastinj^s : six ch.

803 \'lll. AoDlsox^. m. Lena Clary; three ch.


GEORGE GARLAND', sou of Edward, No. 127.

Born Jan. 4, I8O0. Died Dec. 27, 1857. Married, Sept. !), 181^0, HaunaU .Maddox, born 1811. Residence, P^lls worth, Me. Farmer.


804 I. Sarah E.^, b. May 8, 1831 : m. Dec, 1855. Cieorge Boynton;

four ch.: res. Ellsworth. Me. Their children: i. Lottie

Boyuton.h. 1857; m. Edward Chapin. ii. Lillian, iii. Lois. m. John Moore, iv. Frank, m. Helen Moore.

805 II. VVhitmore R.**, b. Nov. 27, 1834 : m. Ella Berry : one ch. : res. Portland, Me. Police. Their son: 805^ I. Charles CiARLANi/-'. 806 in. C;Araldine**, b. May 8. 1838; m. Aug. 22. 1858. Alpheus

Moore; three ch. ; res. Ellsworth, Me. Their children : i.

Charles Moore, h. 1861. ii. Henry, b. 1865. iii. Lei'oy. b. 1878. 807 IV. Charles'^, b. 183C: d. 1837.

808 V. Emeline^, b. March 25, 1841 : m. Aug., i860. Samuel Moore:

six ch.; res. Ellsworth. Me. Their children: i. .Idelia

Moore, m. Charles Quinn. ii. .Irt/inr C m. Frances A. Garland, iii. A^^'/.. m. (ieorge Dority. iv. Samuel J\ v. Rosetta A., m. Charles Webber, vi. Georgia.

809 VI. George^, b. April 23, 1S43 : m. June, 1865. Betsey Reed : six

ch.: res. Ellsworth, Me. Their children : GA R L A N D (} E N E A Y LOG «S

Soja I. Vesta Garland-', m. Scott Moore. 809/; II. Gegrge W. Garland'*, ni. Lorinda Moore. 8096- III. Nelson (jArland''. Soc)d IV. Madison c;akland''.

809^' V. y\LFRED Garland-'. 809/ VI. Clarence Garland^. 810 VII. Hannah b. TA April u, 1845 ; m. Sept., 1863, Billings Mad- ch. dox; eight ; res. Ellsworth. Their children: i. /{//w/

iMaddox. ii. George A. \\\. Jo/i/i. iv. Willis. \. Nettie. vi. Rose. vii. Graee. viii. ]] 'in ifred.

8u VIII. RosETTA A.^ b. July 17, 1S48; dead.


AVILLIAM GARLAND", sou of p:dward, No. 127. Married Abigail Frazer. Residence, P^Usworth, Me.


812 1. b. James L.^ Sept. 15, 1835; d. March 18, 1871 : m. Sept. 11,

1859, Eunice Fulton ; four ch. ; res. Ellsworth. Their chil-

dren :

'S\2(i I. Carrie Garland", b. i860; m.. 1879, Willis L. I'ratt; three ch.; res. Ellsworth.

812/^ II. Richard W. Garland**, b. 1862.

8i26 III. Gertrude A. Garland'-', b. 1864. 8i2c^ IV. Inez Grace Garland^, b. 1867; d. 1880. 812^ V. James E. Garland^, b. 1869. 812/ ^'I. Isaiah L. Garland^, b. 1871. 813 11. William H.*, b. Nov. 11, 1837; d. Aug. 17, 1845.

814 III. JosiAH*^, b. April 9, 1839; d. Aug., 1863. 815 IV. Adelbert*^, b. June 8, 1843; m. Sept. 12, 1874, Eudora Smith;

: live ch. ; res. Ellsworth. Their children

815c? I. Edmund Garland'-', b. Feb. 21, 1S76.

815// n. Irvin(; L. Garland'-', b. June 14, 1877.

8156- . III. Percy E. Garland'-', b. Sept. 2, 1880. 8i5

81 St' V. Albert G. Garland'-', b. Nov. 26. 1888. two ch. res. Ellsworth. 816 V. Garaphelia^, m. Solomon Brown; ; cli. 817 VI. Vianna*^, m., 185 I. Lewis Frazer; four ; res. Ellsworth.

81S ^ti. Letitia**, m. Henry Brown: three ch. ; res. Ellsworth. 819 viii. Sophronia^.

820 IX. Jane^, m. Henry Davis; one ch. ; res. Ellsworth. 351.

EDWARD GARLAND', son of Edward No. 127. Married, Krst, Hannah Frazer; married, second, Eunice Garland, dau^iiter of Thomas. Residence, Ellsworth, Me. 86 GARLAND CiEXLALUGV.


821 I. Zalmoxd*". m. Laura Macldox; three ch. ; res. Ellsworth.

822 II. Am**, b. July 13, 1846: m. Hitty Oarland. dau. of Charles; five

ch. : res. Tilden. Me. Their children :

ii22d I. RALini H. GarlaxiA b. March 30, 1S76.

822/; 11. Aloxzo Percy Garlaxd^, b. Dec. 14, 1878.

8226" III. Charles L. Gaklaxd-'. h. Dec. 2. 18S1.

822c/ I\'. WlI.MOT I). ( iARl.AXI)'', I). Au«:. 9. 1884. 823 III. EinvARi)^ 824 iv. Mehitahlk^. 825 V. FL()RA^


JOSEPH GARLAND", sod of Josinh, No. 129. Married Ada Moore. Kesidence, P^Usworth, Me.

THEIK CHILDREN' (iiorii ill Ellsworth, Me.).

826 I. Naomi*", m. John Richardson; res. Ellsworth, Me. 827 II. Dorcas**, m. Samuel Richardson; res. Ellsworth, Me. 828 III. PoLLY^, m. John Moore; res. Ellsworth, Me. IV. res. 829 Sarah**, m. Eben Moore ; Ellsworth. Me. 830 V. Belixda**, m. Isaac Moore; res. Ellsworth. Me. 831 VI. Dorixda^, m. Seth Garland; res. Ellsworth, Me. 832 vii. Walter*^, m. Melissa Moore; res. Ellsworth, Me. 833 VIII. Gerry**, m. Miss Hodgkins; res. Ellsworth, Me. 834 IX. RosWELL^. b. June 22, 1853; m. Oct. 16, 1867, Thankful Gar-

dau. of Charles ch. ; res. Me. Their land, ; eight Ellsworth,

children :

83 4^ I. Hexrv O. Gar lax I)'', b. .March i, 1864.

834^ II. Helex a. Garland'', b. May 9. 1866. 8346- HI. Herbert C. Garlaxd-'. b. March 19, 1S6S. 834^^ i\'. Roswell C. (jARLAXD-'. b. March 28, 187 1. 834^ V. Aloxzo H. Garlaxd^ b. Aug. 25, 1873. 834/ VI. Lauretta Garlaxd^, b. April 8. 1875. 834^^ VII, Charle.s R. Garlaxd^. b. Jan. iS, 1877.

834/! VIII. Blanche Garland^ b. May 9, 1887. 835 x. Ex'ELVN^, m. Thomas Moore; res. Ellsworth, Me. XI. m. Frazer res. Me. 836 Joseph*", Julia ; Ellsworth,


JOSIAH GARLAND', son of Josiah, No. 129. Married Hannah Smith. Residence, Mariaville, Me. P'armer.

their CHILDKI-X (8).

837 I. Luther^ ni. Mary .\. Carr. GARLAND GENEALOCIV. 87

838 II. Phep,?:^, m. Kenneth Moore. Other children died young,


LEONARD GARLAND", son of Josiah, No. 12U.

Married Zuba Moore ; nine children. Residence, Ellsworth, Me. THEIR CHILDREN.

839 I. Leonard^, m. Annie Maddox. 840 II. Philander**, m, Mary E. Starkey. 841 III. Lizzie*, m. Abner Frazer. 842 IV. Laura^, m. James Moore. 843 V. Louisa^, m. A. P'razer. 844 VI. Edmund**. 845 VII. Jamp:s**, m. Marcia C. Frost. 846 VIII. LoRiNDA**, m. Reuben Moore. (The ninth child died young.) 367.

CHARLES GARLAND", son of Josiah, No. 129. Born April 2, 1819. Married, June 4, 184G, Ada Smith. Resi- dence, Ellsworth, Me. Farmer. THEIR CHILDREN.

I. b. m. March 10, Ada C. Stewart; 847 James S.^ Aug. 6, 1847 ; 1874,

res. Ellsworth. Me. Their children : three ch. ;

847^: I. Mary Ada Garland**, b. Nov. 25, 1876. 847^ II. Charles Owen Garland'', b. April 6, 1881. b. 8476- III. Martin Ashton Garland^, April 28, [885. Ciar- 848 II. THANKFUL^ b. April 16, 1849; m. Oct. 16. 1867, Roswell S. ch. res. Ellsworth, Me. land (see No. 834); eight ;

III. b. Dec. 1 m. Moore : three ch. : 849 Sarahs 6, 185 ; Wellington

res. Ellsworth. Me. Their children : i. Estelle Moore, b.

1885. ii. Goldie F., b. 1887. iii. Gladys, h. 1889.

six ch. ; 850 IV. Orissa^ b. Aug. II, 1853: m. Charles L. McFarland:

res. West Trenton, Me. Their children : i. Mary E. Mc- v. Farland. ii. Eva. iii. Ina B. iv. Florence, Elmer. vi. George F. Abi No. 822, 851 V. Hitties, b. Aug. 9, 1856; m. July 3. 1S75. Garland, son of Edward.

m. two ch. : res. 852 VI. Cynthia^ b. Nov. 6. 1858: Jesse C.Clay: ii. /fV/- Ellsworth, Me. Their children: i. Ina Clay. ford L. 382. JOSEPH GARLAND", son of John, No. 144. Sarah Born Sept. 10, 1801. Died Feb. 5, 1872. Married, 1831, S8 GARLAND i'jEXEALOi'A'.

Berry, born in 1810. Residence, Buxton Corner, Me., opposite Berry's Tavern. His will was dated March 2, 1809. THKIH CHILDREN.

853 I. EuDoxv W.^ b. Sept. 7, 1832; m. .May 11. iS6i, William H.

Eaton : no cli. ; res. Buxton. Me.

II. Ika b. Feb. : m. E. three ch. 854 Sta.nlkv^, 4. 1835 Mary Niles; ;

res. Boston. Mass. Their children :

S>)A(i I. Gk()R(;k C. (iARLANi)'^ b. March 27, 1858: m. Inez L.

Chubb ; res. Boston. Policeman.

854/; II. Laura H. (Lvrland'J. b. Auu". 12. 1861 : d. March 19. 1885. 8546- III. William H. W. Garland-', b. Nov. 6. 1863: m. Joseph-

ine Travis; one ch. : res. Boston. Mass. They have

one son :

854c-/ I.Walter Irving Garland1'\ b. June 2. 1889. III. 855 Stephen Randolph*^, b. May 19, 1837 : m. Elvina A. Wil- liams; res. Providence, R. I. They have one daughter:

855,-? I. Abbv (}arland^. IV. b. 856 Mehitable Jane**, July 31. 1839: m. Edward F. Smith ; no

ch. ; res. Boston, Mass.

857 \'. ***[oHN E.**. b. Jan. 30. 1844 ; d. Aug. 7, 1873 : committed sui-

cide : m. Alartha Owens; two ch. ; res. Buxton, Me. He

was in the War of the Rebellion. Their children :

857^ I. Ida Belle (^arland^ b. Feb. 16. 1869; res. Saco, Me. 857/^ II. Sarah Llella Garland'', d. young.


DEA. SAMUEL GARLAND", son of Jonathan, No. 14(L Born Nov. 28, 1771, in Hampton, N. H. Died March 5, 18.55. Married, June 1, 1794, Molly Batcheldtr, born July 7, 1775; died Nov. 18, 1833. She was the dauu[liter of Nathaniel of Hani})ton, N. H. Residence, Parsonstield, Me. He and his wife are buried in the graveyard of the Congregational church in Centre Parsons- field, Me. Their ten children were all members of Congregational churches when their mother died, and the ten children were all living

when the oldest was 50 yeiirs old. He was candidate for Senator from York County in 1821. In 171)2, Jonathan Garland, the father of Dea. Samuel ('>86), bought three hundred (300) acres of wild 'Sle for his land in Parsonstield, , son Samuel, and he spent the next season preparing for liis wife's removal and their living there. In April, 1794, Samuel, on one horse, with his goods, and Molly, hi> wife, with their son David, 011 another horse, started from Hampton, N. H., at 4 o'clock in the morning and reached their home THE .; jRK PUBL. "^^ARY



*»«,Vd/rf ^-^'^rrfc.

Ct^'r^ec^^K 'sA-^

(No. .S64.) GARLAND GENEALOGY. 89 in ParsoDsfield in the evening of the same day, a distance of sixty miles. Samuel was chosen deacon of the reorganized Congrega- tional church of Parsonsfield, N. H., Sept. 14, 1823, and served " until his death in 1855. He was called the Old Puritan."


d. 858 I. David**, b. Aug. 23, 1794; March 23, 1885 ; m. ist Catherine M. Parsons; m. 2d Miranda Parsons.

859 II. Jonathan'^, b. March 15, 1796; d. Oct. 31, 1873; ni. ist, Feb.

7, 1823. Olive Johnson ; m. 2d Ann Southern. 860 III. Abigaii/, b. March 14, 1797; d. Feb. 23, 1882, in Granville, ch. Ohio ; m. Rev. A. Merrill; no

861 IV. Rev. Edmund^, b. Feb. 15, 1799: d. April 3. 1886, in (iranville, Ohio; he was a graduate of Dartmouth College in 1828; m. ist Mary Sewall; m. 2d. Aug. ii, 1874, Lucretia W. Dor-

rance ; res. Granville. Ohio.

862 V. Thomas L.^, b. Nov. 15. 1800; d. March 11, 1864 ; m. Sibil chil- P. Drummond; three ch. ; res. Winslow, Me. Their

dren :

862a I. Clarissa K. Garland'*, b. Sept. 8, 1833: m. Sept. 25.

1853, Hall C. Burleigh: res. Va.ssalboro, Me. Their

children: i. Anna O. Burleigh, b. 1854. ii. Clara M.,

b. 1856. iii. Sybil Z>., b. 1857. iv. Kate //., b. i860, v.

Abbie J., b. 1861. vi. William H., b. 1863. vii. John //., b. 1865. viii. Mehitable. ix. A^/AV, d. 1866. x. Thomas, b. 1868. y:\. Samuel, h. i8jQ. xii. AW/Zf C b. 1874. xiii.

A'ellie /^., b. 1874. 862^ 11. Mary E. Garland'', b. July 31, 1835.

862^ III. Henry L. Garland^, b. June 4, 1837 ; m. Emily Flagg;

res. Winslow, Me. They have one daughter :

8626/ I. Emily M, Garland1'\ ^ March 16, 1875. ist P. m 1802 m. Rev. ; 863 VI. CLARISSA^ b. Aug. T, ; Henry Kelley ch. res. (Granville, Ohio. 2d Rev. Jason Olds; no ; d. m. 864 vii. JoHN^ b. Jan. 10, 1805 ; July 23, 1883; Feb., 1836, Mary E. Marston, dau. of Isaac; res. Newlield, Me. He was a in hfe of school com- .school teacher early ; superintendent mittee; a strong opponent of slavery, and among the first to

promote temperance. Their children : 86^a I. Samuel Garland^, b. Nov. 16.1839; m. Jan. 2s, 1865,

: B. one ch. : res. Saco, Me. Their child y\my Libby ; 864^/ I. Jesse M. Garlandi*^, b. j^iy j^ ,874. T. 864/^ II. Sarah L. GARLAND^ b. 1844; m. Samuel Bradbury; fivech.; res. Limerick, Me. Their children : i. Marv v. Bradbury, ii. Carrie. iii. Sadie. iv. Henry, John. m. V. Par- 8646- III. Daniel S. GARLAND^b. Sept. 4, 1848; Mary

Mass. Their children : sons ; two ch. : res. i>oston. 90 GARLAND CKX KALCXiN'.

8646/ I. IkKXH S. (iAHLAXI)l'\ S64C2 II. Fraxk H. Gahlaxi)!".

864/-/ i\'. Edmuxd". 1). Sept. 24. 1852: m. ist, March 3, 1875. Sadie

P. Tucker: one ch. : m. 2d Mrs. Mary L. Clement, d

1891 : m. 3d, Jan. 17. 1893. Annie E. Dodge; one ch. : res-

Saco, Me. Their children :

r/yy First wife.) ^Q>\di I. Ka rii; F. (iAKi.Axi)'". (By Third Wife.)

864<'/i' II. AxxiE M. (iARLAXD"', b. 1893. S65 VIII. Makv Axx*", h. March 6, 1808: d. Feb. i, 1868, in Granville. Ohio imm. ;

12. 1 : 866 i.x. Rev. Joseph*^, b. Au^. 181 m . Dec. 10. 1844. Clarissa Lor-

ing. b. 181 1 ; d. 18S3. in Denver. Col.: three ch. He was a

Congregational minister : graduated from Bovvdoin College in and Bangor Seminary ; preached Woolwich. Me.. Sand- wich. Mass.. Tiristol. N. H.. Acton. Mass.. Charlestown.

N. H. He was an in\alid in 1891. and lived in Lovel. Me.; for a while: later he lived in Hampton, N. H. Their chil-

dren :

S66rt I. Joseph B. Garlaxd^. b. Nov. 3. 1845; m. Sept. 8. 1870.

Emma M. Rockwood : two ch. : res. Worcester. Mass.

Merchant. Their children :

866rt/ I. Edmuxd a. (iARLANDi'\ b. May ii, 1874. 866rt;j> II. Arthur R. (iARLAXDi*^. b. Sept. 26, 1878.

866'^ II. Clara^ b. Jan. 28. 1S47: d. April 17. 1848.

866t- III. Edmund^ b. Dec. 30, 1848: d. March 9. 1852.

8667 IV. Clara E.2D''. b. Dec. 30. 1848: m. Dec. 30. 1871. Charles

M. Munroe : three ch. : res. Denver. Col. Merchant. The last two children were twins.

867 X. DoROTHV'*. b. June 15. 1813: m. Thomas Ward of Hampton. N. H.. a cousin, son of Thomas. No. 387. and Lydia Garland Ward: b. [Sio: d. 1861. They lived on the Ward hom > stead in Hampton. N. H.. which she inherited. 388. DAVID GARLAND", son of Jouathan. No. L46. Born Dec. 10, 1775. Died Aug. 8, 1858. Married Polly Fifield, daughter of George, boi-n Nov. 1), 1779; died Jan. 21), 1871. Cord- wainer and farmer. Lived in Hampton, N. H., on the homestead. Town treasurer 1811-14. A selectman in 1847. He was a trustee of Hampton Academy and one of the subscribers to establish it in 1810.


1). 868 I. JoxATHAX**, Sept. 29. 1800: d. Sei)t. 4. 1865 : m.. Nov. 23, 1S26. Luc\' Knowles. \


11. George b. 1802 d. 569 F/, Jan. 27, ; April 2, 1804. b. 570 III. Samuel^, July 23, 1803; d, April n, 1879; m. Feb. 27. 1833, Sarah A. Towle, dau. of Amos, b. 1806; d. 1885. They lived in Lowden, N. H. Their children, all born in Lowden. X. H. :

870^ 1. Sarah A. (jArlaxu-', b. June 29, 1837; m. April 18, 1867,

Edward O. Fisher five ch. : \. ; Their children Helen

A. Fisher, ii. Charles H. iii. Mary. iv. George I). V, Annie H.

870/7 II. Marv E. Garland'-', b. Dec. 29, 1839; m. March 30, 1874, Hiram D, Ellis; two ch. Their children: i. Mary Ellis, ii. Anna.

870^ 111. Augusta A. Garland-*, b. Aus;. 22. 1843.

IV. b. m. David b. 1801 : 871 Mary^^, May 3, 1805 ; Aug. 17, 1823, Towle, d. 1873; son of Amos; seven ch. They lived in Hampton,

N, H., on the homestead. Tiieir children : i. Mary F. b. m. W. Lane. ii. Ann J/., b. Towle, 1830; George 1832 ; m. ist John Lyon; m. 2d Dr. William T. Merrill, iii. George

b. m. Harriet M. Davis, iv. CharUs b. ; IV., 1834 ; A., 1837

d. 1856. V. Sarah, b. 1840. \'\. Joseph /?., b. 1842; m. Nellie F. Burgess; res. Salem, vii. David Amos, h. 1845; m. Abby A. Dow.

872 V. Dea. George^, b. Feb. 20, 1807; d. Dec. 14, 189^^: m. April

24, 1832, Elizabeth M. Marston; res. Gloucester. Mass.

873 VI, Adna**, b. Nov. 28, 1808; d, June 7, 1889; m. Mary Brown; five ch. res. ; Hampton. 874 VII. Abigails b. Aug. 16, 1810; m. Daniel Moulton, b. 1808; d. 1890; son of James; res. Hampton, N, H., on the home- stead,

VIII. b. 1812 d. m., Catherine 87s David^ April 22, ; June 14. 1853: 1843,

b. d. two ch. res. N. H. : later Ray, 1813; 1875 ; ; Manchester, in Candia, N. H, Their children: m. F. 875^: I. Lucv Ann Garland^, b. April 22, 1847; Benjamin H. Haselton ;' one ch. ; res. Manchester, N. b. ni. 875/; II. David William Garland^, Sept. 28, 1848; April

ch. : res. Candia. 2, 1870, Eusebia Almy Wilson; one

N. H. Their son : b. 12. 875/;/ I. William Ralph Garland^", Aug. 1873, d. Dec. 26. in Gloucester. 876 i.x. Nancy^ b. March 13, 1814; 1874, D. Ma.ss., while on a visit there : m. April 24. 1838, Samuel N. H, Jenness, d. 1843; no ch. ; res. Derry, 877 X. Martha^, b. Aug. 21, 1816: d. Feb, 28, 1883; m. ist Sept. 19,

d. three ch. ; res, 1838, Cieorge Dearborn, 1847 ; Newmarket, N. H,; m. 2d Dr. William Folsom. d. 1866: re.s. Newmarket, h. m. N. FI. Their children : \. Francena Dearborn, \'^.\'^\

d. iii. Joseph L. Elkins. ii. Roswell H.. b. 1842: 1845. b. d. George R., 1847 ; 1847. i. r8S8: m. 878 XL SAR^II^ b. I\Liy 22, i8[8; d. March Jan. 27, 1845. 92 (OAKLAND (iENEALOGV.

Morrill B. Smith, d. 1SS7 ; three ch. : res. East Wakefield, N. H. Their children: i. l\irkcr If. Smith, b. 1845;

ii. iii. . d. 1864. Angic P.A), 1S49. Martha I., h. 1851 ; m. 1885. Stillman Rice.

879 XII. I)k. Joseph'', b. Jan. 12. 1822 : m. i.st Oct. 17. 1849. Caroline A.

(ioodhue: tlnee ch. : res. (Gloucester. Mass.; m. 2d May 3,

1S70, Susan Knowlton : lour ch.


DEA. JOHN GARLAND", son of Dea. and Col. Jonathan, No. 140.

Born July 7, 1787. Died Feb. 11, 1870. Married, first, Jan. 19, 1809, Ann Parsons, born Oct. 30, 1787; died June 19, 1828; ten children of Col. ; daughter Joseph. Married, second, Widow- Hannah ]Mead, born 1788; died April 24, 1882; one child. Resi- dence, New'field, .Me. Farmer.


(Born in Newfield, Mc.)

880 I. Samuel*^, b, Jan. 26. 181 1 ; d. F>b. 21. 1833.

881 II. Joseph P.^, b. May 8, 1812: ni.. 1838, Lucy Kendall : res. Low- ell. Mass.

111. b. : m. ist 882 Dea. Jonathan A.'', Sept. 13. 1813 Joanna Towne ; m. 2d Elizabeth Towne: res. Newfield, Me.

883 IV, Rev. David*, b. March 22. 1815: d. Oct. 16, 1887 : m. ist Sept. E. dau. of Col. Thaddeus. d. 19, 1849, Mary Twichell 1S67 ;

no ch. ; m. 2d Dec. 17, 1867. Mary J. Baker of Dalton. N. H., dau. of Elijah: no ch. He lived and preached for 3S years in Bethel, Me., and died there. He graduated from Amherst College in r843, and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1846. He preached in South Salem, Me., for si.\ months; in Sweden, Me., one year; in Burlington. Mass., one year. He went to Bethel, Me., in April. 1849, and was installed pastor re- of the Congregational church. Aug. 15. 1849, where he mained and continued his faithful ministerial labors until his death. S84 V. LvDiA WARI)^ b. Dec. 20. 1S16: d. Dec 21. 1816. ist 885 VI. John UsHEK^ b. Aug. 15. 1818: d. April 20, i86(3; m. Mary

; ch. ; res. Wins- A. Ellis . two ch. m. 2d Mary Flagg; four low. Me. 886 VII. Ahigail ANN**, b. Sept. 28, 1820: d. June 16. 1836. four 887 \ III. Asa B.^ b. Feb. ri, 1823 : m. Aug. 23, 1S53. Elsie Kimball;

ch. ; res. Portland. Me. Smith 888 IX. Lydia W.8, b. Oct. 17, 1824 : d. May 11, 1873: m. Philip

Severance: no ch. : res. Lowell. .Mass. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 93

X. Edmund b. 16, d. 889 T.^ July 1826; Sept. 2, 1S63 : m. NLirtha

Swan no ch. ; ; res. LsLind Pond, Vt.

XI. Charles b. : 8yo T.^ June 17, 1832 d. March 14. 1S33.


JAMES GARLAND", son of James, No. 152. Died April 3, 1841. Married, Dec. 29, 1803, Elizabeth Towle, born 1783. Believed to have lived in Freedom, N. H., then in N. H. a trader there then in Effingham, ; ; Dixmont, Me. THEIR CHILDREX.

I. Hannah B.**. b. in 1806 891 Effingham, Aui^. 6, ; m. James Pearl ;

six ch. ; res. Porter, Me. Farmer. Their children : i. IVi/~

liain Pearl, ii. Joshua, iii. Nanna/i. iv. I'llizabetli. \'. iVa/icv.

II. b. in 892 Elizabeth^, Newbury, Me.. Sept. 17, 1807 : m. Asahel Brooks; four ch. res. Porter. ; Me. Farmer. Their chil-

dren: i. Asahel Brooks, ii. Samuel, iii. Lucy. iv. Bet- sey Aim. 893 III. Sarah T.^, b. in Effingham, May 4, 1809; m. William Hub-

bard : seven ch. res. Me. Farmer. Their chil- ; Porter,

dren: i. Albert Hubbard, ii. James, iii. Alonzo. iv. Joshua. V. Isaac, vi. Rhoda. vii. Jennie.

894 IV. Ja:\ies'^, b. in Effingham. Oct. 4, 181 1 : m. Jan. 29. 1840. Sarah

T. Towle : five ch. ; res. Kezar Falls. Me.

895 V. Nancy B.*^, b. in Effingham, June 22, 1814 ; m. Dec. 23. 1836,

Phineas Colcord ; no ch. ; res. Dixmont, Me. in 896 VI. Abigail^, b. Effingham, Dec. 3,1816; m. John Bickford ;

: i. four ch. ; res. Dixmont, Me. Their children Horace

Bickford. ii. Helen, iii. Frances, iv. Elizabeth. 897 VII. William T.**, b. in Porter, Me., Sept. 7, 1820; m. ist Lois no ch. res. Me, Brown; m. 2d ; ; Simpson's Corner, 898 VIII. Sophia A.8,b. in Porter, Me,, Nov. 8, 1823; m. William Simp-

son; four ch. : res. Bangor, Me. Their children: i. Au- gusta Simpson, ii. A)inaF. iii. Annie, iv. Ella.


**SAMUEL GARLAND" son of James, No. Lo2. Born April 4, 1894, in Parsonsfield, Me. Died Feb. 0, 1888, in Dixmont, Me. Married, first, Sally Stevens, died 1840. Married, second, Salome Smith. Lived in Dixmont Centre, Me. He was a soldier in the ^yar of 1812; was stationed at Portsmouth, N. H., for one after his returned to Dixmont, Me. year ; discharge 94 GARLAND (iEXEALUGY.


I. Ahbie**. b. Dec. 1822 m. Feb. Luce: no ch. : S99 7, ; 26, 1S45, Henry res. Dixmont, Me.

II. b. d. 1882 m.. Gerrish . 900 Simeon E.^. Aug".. 1824: ; 1850. Mary

no ch. : res. Dixmont, Me.

tjoi III. Marv O.^ b. 1827; d. 1848.

902 IV. Data^. 1:). 1829 : m.. 185 1, Daniel Nason : twoch.: res. Dixmont.

Me. Their children: i. Ida Ahison. ii. Simeon G.. m. Carrie Tasker.

903 y. S.\MUEL D.^. b. 1831 : m.. 1S55. Laura Gerrish : twoch.: res.

Dixmont, .Me. Their children :

903CZ I. Charles Garland^, m. Carrie Mclntire.

903/^ II. Emma Garland^ m. George Day.

904 VI. .Sarah Rose**, d. 1890: m.. 1S60. Henry Reynolds: no ch. : res. Dixmont, Me.

905 VII. Lottie^, b. 1S39: m.. 1861, Winslow W. Whittaker : fourch.: res. Troy, Me. Their children: i. Lottie Whittaker. ii. Lydia. iii. Katie, iv. Rodney.


JOHN GARLAND" son of James, No. LV2. Died in 1846. Married Dorcas Staples. Residence, Dixmont, Me.


906 I. Elizabeth**, d. 1830: unm. 907 II. Joseph^, b. Feb. 11. 1811: d. March 30. iS6g: m.. 1833, Sally

Stevens, b. i8u : three ch. : res. Dixmont. Me. Farmer. Their children:

907*7 I. Eliza A. GarlaxiA b. May 2. 1834.

907/; II. Amos Garland^ b. April 17, 1837 : m. fune 30. i860.

Anna M. (rctchell : one ch. : res. Hermon. Me. Their child:

907/?/ I. Mix.xiE J. GarlaxijI", b. June 8. 1863.

907<; III. Martix Garlaxd^.

Jii. 908 James**, d. 1864: m. Lucy York; six ch. ; res. Dixmont, Me.

Their children :

9o8rt I. Marilla G.\RLAXiy-', b. 1835 : m. .

908/7 II. Eliza J. Garlaxo^, b. 1838; m. Horace Moore: five

ch. : res. Dixmont. .Me.

9o8£- III. Laurett.\ Garl.-vxd^. b. 1841 : m., i868. Barker Emery: res. Kansas.


909 IV. Htldah^, d. 1890: m. Edmund Reed: : five ch. : res. Dixmont. Me. (GARLAND GKNEALOCiV. ,^5

910 \'. Caroi/. d. iS4T,. ni. y\. CnARLKs^ Elizal^eth Nason three ch. : res. 911 ; Winterport.

xMe. Their children :

(jiia I. Emma (iARLAxi)'', b. June 3, 1848: m. Charles E.

Clement; three ch. ; res. Monroe, Me.

911/'' II. Carol Garlaxd'*, b. March n, 1850; d. Oct. 2^. 1869.

912 \'ii John*", d. March 1, [844: m. i.stMary Nason: m. 2d Hannah

E. Barlow : two ch. ; res Monroe, Me. Their children :

I. Thadijeus E. b. res. 912c; Carlaxd", April 9. 1855 ; Boston, Mass.

II. b. 912/.' Maxtor (iARLAxi)-'. March 5. 1863 : res. Monroe. Mc.

913 VIII. George**, m. Phebe Bickford : no ch.; res. Dixmont. .Me.

914 IX. CvRUs^, m. Phebe Higgins; two ch. ; res. DLxmont, Me. Their

children :

914^? I. William B. (jArlaxd^.

914/; II. Fred d. Garlaxd-'. 915 x. Otis^, m. Eliza Smith; noch.; res. Dixmont, Me. 916 XI. Orlaxdo^, b. Feb. 29, 1830; m. Nov. 29, i860. Ellen Ecimin-

ster ; two ch. ; res. Dixmont, Me. Their children:

916:? I. Mabel L. (iARLAXiy\ b. i860; m. Jan. 20, 1884, Charles

H. Peaslev : two ch. ; res. Dixmont, Me.

916/' II. Agxes V. Garlaxd^ b. Dec. 22, 1861; m. Reuben Ed-

; minster ; two ch. res. Dixmont, Me.

917 XII. Frederic B.^ b. Jan. 16, 1833; m. April 19, 1859. Cassandra

Bean; twoch.; res. Dixmont, Me. Their children :

I. (iARLAXI)-'. 91 7^/ AXXIE K. b. 917/; II. Edwix T. Garlaxd'*, Dec. 2r, 1869.


THOMAS GARLAND", son of James, No. 152. Died July, 1866, in Boston. Married Angeline Burnham. She Me. was living, in 181):3, in Bradford, THEIR CHILDREX.

b. m. 918 I. Andrew MAXFIELD^ Aug. 27, 1S43; July 4- i^%5' Mary

Me. Their children : S. Soule ; res. So. Dover, b. m. Leonard 918^ I. Agxes M. Garlaxd", June 24, 1866; Skillins. b. m. Amasa Clark. gi8d II. Alice M. Garland^ July 27, 1868; L. b. 9186- III. Gertrude Garlaxd", Aug. 15, 1870. giSd IV. Harry S. Garlaxd". b. April 15, 1872. b. Feb. 918^ V. Herbert G. Garlaxd", 22, 1877. M. b. 7, 918/ . VI. Minnie Garland", July 1879. b. March 918^ VII. EvERETH Garland", 25, 1884.

b ; d. 8, 918//. VIII. Ruth Evlyn Garland", April 29, 1887 Sept. 1887. ij6 cAKi.Axi) (;i:m:.\L()(;n'.

919 II. Jami:s\

111. lii:\ 920 I \.Mi\\ went West.

921 i\. R()\ AL\ dead : wlmU West.


.I()8KPH GAKLANDt, son of James, No. 152.

Born Sept. 4, 1701. Married, Nov. 2(1, 1817, Tolly Hrackelt, born 17'J

1111:1 K t Illl.DKl.N.

922 I. Jam". 1).'\ b. in Freedom. X. II.. Xov. 9. iSiS; m. Samuel

liaker; four ch. : res. Xewhuriih, IVie. Tiieir children: i.

Dai'id liakcrA^. 1S42. ii. W'illiain />'.. b. 1N45. '\\\. Jolni.h. 1847. iv. Eihvard. b. 1S50. v. Mary Jinic. b. 1S52. vi. Joseph. 1). 1S54. vii. Elloi. b. i860. 923 II. Danh) A.^ b. in Parson.sfield. Me.. Nov. 30. 1S20: m. ist Nancy Fisher: m. 2d Matilda Barber: res. Xewburgh. .Me. Their

children :

923r^ 1. Frank L. (iARLAXi)'-'. b. 1S52 : m. Mattie Hastinp;s: one

ch. ; res. Boston. Mass.

II. I). 111. . 923/^ Xkllik (JAKLANi)'-'. 1S64 : Lester Kitson one ch. : res. Bangor. Me.

111. William T.^ b. in Parsonstield. Me.. 1S22 : d. 924 .May 14. 1S91 ;

m. Lorana Leighton : res. Oldtown, Me. Their children : 924^ 1. H i:\KV Garland'', b. 1855.

Q)2^b II. Charles A. (^arlaxd^ b. 1857: m. April 8. 18:^1. Katie Garland, dau. of Joseph; res. Hampden, .Me.

9246" III. WiLLLWi Garland'', b. 1S61 : m. Xov. 13. 1881. F^lla

Smart: two ch. : res. Cireenfield. .Me.

924^/ IV. George Garland"', b. 1862; res. Oldtown. Me.

924^' V. LuCELLA (Oakland'', b. 1866: m. Oct. 23. 1882. Samuel Perkins: res. (ireenheld. .Me.

924/ \i. Alice Garland^, b. 1876. 925 i\. Hi'LDAH'^, b. in Parsonstield, .Me., Oct. 16, 1824; d. 1886: m.

Hugh Smith : res. Xewburgh, Me. Their children : i. War- ren Smith, b. 1855. ii. l-llleii. iii. Horace, b. 1857. iv. Julia, b. i860. 926 V. M.ARV T.^. b. in Cape Elizabeth, .Me.. .Xov. 26. 1826: m. Aaron

White. Their children: i. Aaron White, h. 1855. ii.

Edward, h. 1857. iii. Williaiii.h. 1851). \\ . I-lniina.h. 1861. V. Edward, b. 1864. vi. l^llla. b. 1865. vii. .Ihby. b. 1866. viii. Erank. b. 1867.

927 VI, SaR/VH a.'', b. in Cape Elizabeth, Me., Feb. 14. 182S: m. Saben

Cole. Their children : i. /uir/ia/>us Cole. b. 1855. ii. Simon, b. 1858. iii. Mary. b. i860, iv. Cora, b. 1876.

928 \n. Laurknda A.^ b. in Xewburgh. .Me.. .April 30. 1831 : m. Alec (GARLAND (iENEALOCiV. ^7

i. Leiditon. Their children: Flora LcioJiton. h. i86r :

dead. ii. Delia, b. 1.S63. iii. Marilla, b. 1864.

\iii. b. in South i r. 929 Joseph J()H^S().\^ Xevvburoh, Me., March 1S34 ; m. Syrena Kicker: eight ch : res. South Ne\vl)uru,h. Me.

Their children :

1. AxxiK 1). 929'' (iARDAM)''. March 29. iSGi : m. 1879. Josiah Smith. 2d: two ch. Their children: '\. Jasper Sfiiith. ii. Leonard.

92C)b II. Meoora GarlamV*. b. Sept. 12. 1862: m., 1879. Christo-

pher Leonard : four ch. Their children: i. Leon Leon-

ard, ii. Leonard, iii. Priseilla. iv. Roval.

III. b. 929^ Nellie Garland-*, April 5, 1864: m.. 1888, Jere Don-

aldson: two ch. Their children : i. W'iUiani Donald- son, ii. Jo/in. b. 1891.

929*'?' IV. Melissa Garland'*, b. Jan. 29, 1866: m., 1885. Edwin Delany: one ch. Their child: i. Ralph Dela/iy.h. I'S'SG. 929^ V. Sarah CiARLAND-', b. Nov. 4. 1869.

929/ VI. Jennie Garland^, b. Dec. 15, 1874.

y29i^ VII. GEORCiE Garland^, b. March 7, 1876. 929// VIII. Mabel GarlanD'*, b. July 8, 1879.

929/ IX. Joseph J. C^arland-', b. Sept. 22. 1883. ix. b. in 930 Henrietta E.^ Newburgh, Me., June 5, 1837 : m. Solomon (jray. in 931 X. Johx C.^, b, Newburgh, Me., Nov. 15. 1839; d. Sept. 10, 1840. 932 XL Daniel C,^, b. in Newburgh, Me., June 10, 1842; m. Mary

; res. Pleasant Whitney Grove, Wisconsin. Their children : b. 932<'Z I. Annie CiARLAND-'. 1865.

932/; II. Lalra Garland'-', b. 1874: d. 1888.

9326- III. Frank CjARLaxd'-'. b. 1876.


JONATHAN GARLAND', sou of James, No. 152. 1823. Married Gliddeu five Died about Betsey ; children. She married for a second husband Noah Weeks of Parsousfield, Me. Residence, Tamworth, N. H. Carpenter. He was drowned in " Swift river in Tamworth wliile river-driving." THEIR CHILDREN.

933 I. Sallv**, b. Aug, 17, 1807; m. Feb. 12, 1829, Joseph E. Seavey,

ch. res. Parsonsfield. Me, Their children : i, eleven ; Sarah

E. Seavey, b. 1829; m., 1855, Charles Coffin; res. Buxton, ii. Nathaniel, m. Mary Thurston, iii. Snsan, b. 1834; d. 1842. iv. Hannah, b. 1836; m., 1857. Isaac Lord, v. Joseph, b. 1839; d 1861. vi. Charles, b. 1840. vii. y^rr/zm;/, m. Mary • A. Robinson, viii. Rowena, m. Thaddeus Thurston, ix. Eliza Weeks, x. b. Asa, m., 1867, Caroline, 1846 ; m., 1S63, (>S GARLAND ( ;i-:XEALO(]V.

(a cousin) r/eor<;e (iarland, son of James, xi. C'/iai'/iW-.h. 1848. ni. Hannah Redmond. 934 II. JA.Ml•:s^ h. May 10. 1810: d. May 8. 1857: m. ist Marv Martin;

m. 2d Sarah Johnson: twelve ch. : res. I'arsonsfield. Mc.

9-^5 III. Vaa/.a^: she lived with her brother James.

936 IV. Jo.SKPH (iLiDDKN*'. 1). Oct. 13. 1813: m. March 31. 183), Abiiia'l b. i8oS two ch. res. chil- Cooper, ; ; Kennebunkport. Their

dren :

I. 93'3rz Sarah E. (iAKLAXi)''. )>. June 24, 1842 : d. March 6. 1843.

936/; II. Mary Abhv (iAKi.Axi)^. b. Dec. 22. 1846: m. March 25.

1871. Joseph H. Knight: six ch. : res. Kennebunkport.

Me. Their children : i. Eugene F. Knight, b. Sept. 9.

1871 : drowned Aus;. 15. 1S92. ii. Lottie .1/.. 1). Xov. r. 1873. iii. [)a T.. b. Nov. i. 1876. iv. Henry //.. b. Dec.

13. 1879. v. /. Areher. b. Feb. 21. 1882. vi. lufit/i L.. b.

Jan. 4. 1884.

937 V. Ira**, b. in Tamworth. N. H.. April 7. 1821 : d, Aui(. 31, i860:

m. Mary Ann Plastman : eii^ht ch. : res. Parsonsfield. Me.

Their children :

937^ I. Louisa Garland'', b. in Limerick. Me.. .April 11. 1849: d. May 6, 1S76: m. James Powers: res. Browntield, Me. 937/^ II. Moses S. GarlaxiA b. April 20. 1850, in Limerick, Me: res. Brownfield, Me.

9376- III. Samuel W. QarlaxiA b. Jan. 28. 1852. in Limerick.

Me.: m. Widow Lougee : res. Brownfield, Me. ^y]d IV. Timothy E. Garland'', b. April 6. 1853. in Limerick,

Me. :m. Cartland : res. Lvnn, Mass.

937^ V. Bessie L. (iARLAXD^. b. Dec. 25. 1854. in Par.sonsfield. Me: m. Elden Hamlin: res. Parsonsfield, Me.

937/" VT. Ira Garland, Jr.^, b. April 7. 1856, in Parsonsfield, Me. 937.f ^'11- Daniel E. Garland^, b. Dec. 8. 1857. in Par.sonsfield.

Me. ; imm.

937// VIII. George W. L. (Larland''. b. Aui;. 26. 1859. in Parsons- field, Me.: d. \\\%. 20, 1861.


**NATHAN GARLANDv son of Jonathan, No. 153. Born about 1780. Died May 13, 1830. Married, Feb. 7, 180G, born 1784 died Mary Moulton, May 25, ; Aug. 3, 1870; daughter of John Mobbs IMoulton. Lived on Shaw's Hill in Hampton, N. H. He was in the War of isi-i. THEIR CHILDREN.

938 1. Mary Ann*^. b. P>b. 12, 1807: d. Oct. 28, 1832: m. Sewal a Brown, son of John : she was his second wife. They had daughter: i. Sarah Ann Brown, b. Aug. 26, 1830; d. Sept.

2, 1891 : m. Oliver Lane of Flampton: six ch. GARLAND GENEALOCiV. 99

939 II. HuLUAH*^, b. Dec. 28, 181 1: ci. Jan. 18. 1889; m. Samuel

Brown; five ch. ; res. Newburyport, Mass.

940 III. Ei.izA**, b. May 11, 1814; m. Joseph Ma:e, b. D c. 5. 1S07 : d.

May 6, 1892; son of [oseph : res. Hampton. xN. H. They live on the homestead. Their children (See Dows' account,

page S^z, History of Hampton) : i. Alyig.iil F. Mac2, b.

ii. b. April 28, 1837 ; m. Charles Marsh, Joseph IV., April 7, 1839; m. Elizabeth E. Locki. \\\. John IV., h. April 15, Butler, iv. 1841 ; m. Jan. i, 187 1, Mrs. Ellen K. Francis J.,

b. April 29, 1843. V. Horace O.. b. March 17, 1845 : m. ist

Louisa J. Leavitt : m. 2d Meribah A. Brown, vi. Henry A^.,

b. July 23, 1847 ; resides on the homestead, vii. Charles F., b. 1849; m. ist Chloe Page; m. 2d Abby Spinney, viii. .lustin /)., b. Nov. 8, -1853. ix. Anna Augusia. m. Rev. Enoch Morrill, x. Flizabeth M. (a twin of Anna Au2;usta),

xi. b. lo. m. F. b. 1855. Marcia A., May i8s8 ; Henry Palmer. 941 IV. Olivkr*^ b. Nov. 8, 1819; res. on homestead.


BENJAMIN GARLAND', soQ of Jonathan, No. 153.

Born Dec. 2;"), 178:3. Died Feb. 19, 1848. Married Sarah Fogg, 1781 died of a born April 30, ; May 2, 1867, daughter *Jonathan, soldier in the Revolutionary War, who was killed in the Battle of Bunker Hill. Residence, Pittsfield, N. H., on the Garland farm. THEIR CHILDREN.

942 I. Abigail C.^. b. July 27, 1806; d. 1880; m. John Caldwell; two

ch. res. Mass. Their child: i. ; Fitchburg. George Cald- well; res. Elgin, 111. 943 II. NANCY^ b. May 22, 1808; d. Oct., 1814.

181 1 : d. 944 HI. Sophia**, b. July 5, Dec. 15, 1841 ; m. Asahel Chase; three ch.; res. Pittsfield, N. H. Their child: i. John Henry Chase.

b. ; d. ; m. ist Eliza 945 IV, James^. July 17, 1813 July 2, 1875 Beaman ;

ch. 2d unknown ; m. Frances two ; m. 3rd Owen. Their

children :

I. d. unm. 945(7 Elizabeth Garland^, April 22, 1845 ; 945(^ II. Ella Garland^, b. July 30, 1849; m. July 30, 1882, Myron no ch. res. ; Me. K. Chandler ; Gardiner,

946 V, Sarah Chase^. b. March 3. 1818; m. 1st, Oct. lo, 1841, Ira D. three ch. m. Samuel Meserve; ; 2d, June 3, 1866, H. Hall; res. Newton Upper Falls, Mass. Their children: i. *** killed at James D. Meserve, b. 1842 ; Fort Wagner, S. C. \\. Jared IV., b. 1847: m. Dora Hinckley; res. Watertown, Mass. iii. Adln'e /., b. 1849. ^<^0^ 00 V ^ lOo GARLAND ( ".KXKALOC; V.

^''- d. 947 I'l

shire. He was a stage driver. Their children :

947^5 1. AiJt E M. (iARLAXi)''. b. Ma\ 31. 1S45: d. Jan. 19. 1.S70: m.

1868. Augustus Townsend : no cli. : res. Charlestown, Mass.

947/' II. .Moxrop: T. (iARi..AM)''. b. Dec. 19. 184S: m. Oct. 11. 1882.

Adelaide Rockwood : res. Boston. Mass. Policeman in Boston.

948 AM. Jaxk*". b .\rarch 31. 1823; m.. 1865. Philip Lagrange, d. 1890:

no ch. : res. 1700 Lexington .\ve.. .\. N'. Citw


JONATHAN GARLAND", son of Jonathan, No. \')o. Born in IT'.KL Died April 1, ISO.S, Married, 1821, Deborah Cass, born 18U1. Residence, AVest Campion, N. II.

rili:iK (.lllLDREX

949 I. William^ b. J822. in Pittstield, N. H.: d. July. 1826. 950 11. AL\RV E.'*. b. in Holderne.ss, N. H.. May 6, 1824: d. May. ist 1876: m. 1851. Samuel Randlett. d. 1S87 : no ch. : m. 2d 1854. (Godfrey. 951 III. Hkxrv R.*^. b. May 20. 1826: d. Sept. 6. i85i. 952 IV. HuLDAH B.^ b. April 16. 1827: m. Sept., 1849, David C.

Moore: four ch. : res. Earlsville. 111. Farmer.

i. i. 953 '^- William P.^, b. May 1829: d. March 1887 : m. .Aug. is'4S, Louisa Avery; four ch.: res. West Campton. X. H. Their

children :

953^7 I. Jp:xxie D. Garlaxd^. b. April 16. 185 1 : m. Xov. 28. 186S,

John C Berry: six ch. : res. Plymouth, X. H. Insur-

ance. Their children : i. Albert L. Berrv, b. 1875. ^i- Herbert E., b. 1877. iii. Artliiir G.. b. 1883. iv. Ethel /,.. b. 1885. V. Leon H..h. 1887. vi. Elsie Af.. b. 1891.

953/^ II. Sarah L. Garlaxd-', b. March 8, 1855 : m. June. 1879, Moses C. Sopesfield: three ch.

953^ 111. Hexrv R. CiARLAXD^ b. Nov. 23, 1858: m. Jan. 1. 1S80,

Clara B. Rowe ; one ch.

953'/ IV. Albert F. Garlaxd^. b. June, i860: d. June. 1863. in 954 VI. George W.^, b. Holderness. X. H.. July 19. 1832 : m. April

19, 1864, Eliza A. Batchelder: one ch. : res. Campton. X. H,

Their children :

954^; I. Dr. W. R. (Garlaxd-*. b. March 22. 1865. in Thornton,

N. H.: m. May 19, 1886, Sadie A. Clough. Their child : 954^:/ L Mary Blaxche Garlaxd^'^, b. Nov. 6. 1886. 955 ^'11- Jaxe H.^ b. in Holderness, N. H.. March 11. 1834: m. Oct. GARLAND GENEAL0(;Y. loi

res. Cal. llot.l 1853. Hjiiry C. Randall ; no ch. ; Oakland keeper. m. Samuel 956 VIII. Climexa F.^ b. in Campton, N. H., March, 1S36; 111. Heard: one ch. ; res. iMendota, ia-mer. m. 957 IX. MARILLA^ b. in Campton, N. H., May, 1838; May, 1S63, Russell F. Shaw; noch.; res. Mendota, 111. Merchant.

: Russall 958 X Emily^ b. in Camptoa, N. H., Ju 1^ 4, 1S40 m.. 1859, (jlover; three ch.: res. Longmont, Col. Farmer.

959 XI. SiLAS^, b. in Campton, N. H., Aug.. 1842 : d. Dec, 1842. 960 XII. Elmira**, b. in Campton, N. H., March, 1844: m. Dec 186;;. John I'attLrson: noch.: res. Denver, Col. Merchant.


SAMUEL OAKLAND', sou of John, No. 164. Born July 28, ITGO. Died Nov. 27, 1'S2:L .Alarried, Jan. 2(>, 1786, in Harrington, N. H., Al)igail Drew, born in 1764; died Jan. 12, I808. Lived in Harrington, N. H.

.their CH1LI3REX.

m. Isaac 961 I. Betsey^, b. Aug. 5. 1787; d. July lo, 1840: Dec, 1807, Holmes; two ch. Their children: i. Rev. Daniel Hohnes^ res. Chicago, ii. Sally, m. Joseph Chamberlain; three ch.

962 II. Abigail*^, b. Dec 5. 1789; d. Oct. 11. 1867; m. Daniel McNeal;

: i. live ch. ; res. Chicago. Their children Garland Mc-

d. ii. b. 1818; d. m. Hannah Neal, b. 1815 ; 1849. John, 1889; Garland, dau. of Isaac, No. 411. iii. A?;//.?/, d. in infancy,

b. ; d. 1881 iv. Samuel, d. in infancy, v. Hannah, 1827 ; m. Aaron Reed of Hot Springs, Ark. d. 963 III. Rev. David*^, b. Dec 18, 1791 ; Feb. 6, 1863; m. ist, Feb. 14, 1814. Abigail Daniels; m. 2d Sarah P. Clough. IV. b. Nov. d. m. Shacklord, 964 Mary^, 16, 1796: Nov., 1867 ; Josiah

Their children: i. Samuel G. Shackford. \\. Sylvanus. iii. Leonard, iv. George, v. Emma. vi. Mary. vii. Francis. b. d. m. 965 V. Samuel^, Nov. 24, 1799; Jan. 3. 1874 ; Feb. 5, 1824,

Lois Daniels. <,'*-

966 VI. JoHN^, b. Nov. 25, 1803; d. April 12, "i860, m. Sophia Adams. 967 VII. Hannah^, b. Aug. 29, 1808: d. March 8, 1823. d. 968 VIII. Daniel^, b. Aug. 13, 1807 ; July 7, 1809.


JOHN GARLAND% son of John, No. 164. Born June 7, 1770, baptized in Rochester, N. H., Aug. 26, 1770. Died in 1824. Married Polly Ayers. Lived in Alton, N. H. On Jan. 3, 1824, Polly Garland was appointed administratrix of the I02 GARLAND (iKN EALOC V. estate of John Garland. April 9, 1824, P^benez t Cute was ap- pointed guardian of Rice, Polly and Asa Garland. THKIK CHlM)Ki:\.

969 I. John'', b. Aug. 30. 1792: d. abt. 1S44 : insane: committed sui- cide.

970 II. Thomas*', 1). Aug. 26, 1754: m. Mahala X'arney: res. Alton, N. H.

III. b. I. m. Rachel three ch. res. North 971 IsAAC^, Aug. 1796: Lary: ;

Barnstead. N. H. Their children :

97irt I. Daniel (jArlaxd^ res. Methuen, .Mass. 971// II. John L. Garland'-'. 97 ir III. Rachp:l Garland^, res. Rochester, N. H.

972 IV. Lemuel**, b. May 10, 1798: d. June 15, 1811.

973 ^'' Sally**, b. March 15. 1800: m. Dec. 8, 1824. Samuel West; seven ch.

974 VI. RiCE*^, b. May 23, 1804; went West; nothing known of him. 975 VII. Polly^, b. Sept. 17, 1809; died young.

976 VIII. Asa B.^ b. July 15. 1813: d. May 13. 1882 : m. Betsey Chesley; six cli.


*ISAAC GARLAND", son of John, No. 164. Born April 5, 1774. Died Jan. 28, 18G7. Married, Nov. 25, of born in 1776 died in 1865. 1795, Lydia Babb, daughter William, ; Lived in North Barnstead, N. H. *\ie was a volunteer in the Rev- olutionary War. He was blind in his last years. He could repeat, verbatim, more than one hundred entire Hymns and Psalms after he was 90 years of age. His farm was taken from the forest more than 95 years ago. THEIR CHILDREN.

977 I. WILLIAM^ b. Feb. 25, 1796: d. March 2, 183S: m. May, 1S26, Mary Jane Hall: six ch.

978 11. Richard^ b. April 18, 1800 ; d. July 15,1868; sunstroke; m, 18. no ch. res. Aug. 1825. Mary Durgin ; ; Barnstead. N. H. He was a school teacher for 25 years. At the age of 40 he mastered the Greek and Hebrew languages. He was a representative to the General Court. He was a man of great piety and virtue.

979 III. IsAAC^, b. Oct. 19, 1802; d. Dec. I, 1884; m. March 31, 1830,

Mary A. Rollins: one ch. : res. Barnstead, N. H. Their

only son :

979^ I. Albert Garland^, b. Aug. i, 1857: m. ist Sept. 15.1876,

Sarah E. Courtland : m. 2d Dec. 6. 187S, Laura E. GARLAND GEXEALOCiV. 103

Cater; res. P^armington, N. H. Dentist. Their chil-

dren :

CiAULAXDi". b. Oct. 6, 1880. (.)-]qai I. Eva Maud GaklandI'^'. b. 1882. c)-]()a2 II. Effie May May 20, b. March 16. C)-jv)a^ HI Albert Raymond Garlaxd1'\ 1884. 980 IV. Marv^ b. Aug-. 9. 1806: m. Feb. Feb. 4. 1829. Thomas P. Hodgdon, b. 1800: d. i860: no ch.: res. Barnstead. N. H. 981 V. Maria*^, b. Nov. 25. 1808: d. Jan. 17, 1819; res. Barnstead, N. H.

982 VI. JoHX B.**, b. Nov. 20. 1810 : unm. He lives on thehomestead in North Barnstead. By imprudent bathing in a cold stream of water he made a partial wreck of himself. At 24 years of age he taught school with fair success for ten years. In 1856 he assumed the care of his aged parents and the man- agement of the homestead. During the last 35 years he was

a successful farmer. His mottoes were : "Owe no man " anything."" Never seek an ofifice.'" He never took illegal interest and never lost a debt. b. d. 1881 m. 983 vii. George Waterhouse^, Jan. 3. 1813; May 5. ;

Elizabeth Bowker : three ch.

m. : two ch. res. 984 viii. Plummer'^, b. May 12,1816: Abby Shaw ;

Pittstield, N. H. Their children :

984^7 I. Amanda GARLAND^ dead. 984/; II. Isaac Smith GarlaniA dead. he was a son 985 IX. Hannah^, b. March 5. 1820: m. John McNeal:

of Daniel and Abigail Garland McNeal; one ch. ; res. Chi-

cago.'&^ 111.


WILLIAM GARLAND,- son of John, No. 164.

Born Sept. 19, 1776. Died Jan. 13, 1854. Married, Sept. 11), 1799, Betsey Sawyer, died Jan. 27, 1858, aged 82 years. Lived first at Newington, N. H., moved to Barnstead, and later returned to Newington, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

986 I. CoTTox*^, b. Feb. 27, 1800: d. Sept. 11. 1866; m. Sept. 27. 1826, Mehitable Pickering; three ch.

987 II. Eliza^ b. May 12, 1804; d. July 26, 1S82 : m. Sept. 27, 1829,

Their children : Joshua Brewster ; res. Boston. Blacksmith. ist Maria Coffin i. Charles H^. Brewster b. 1829 ; d. 1886; m. ;

iii. m. 2d Mary Spinney, ii. Joshua, b. 183 1 ; d. 1874. George, b. d. iv. b. d. 186S. v. vi. 1833 ; 1887. James, 1835 ; John. Alonzo. vii. Edtuhi.

988 III. William Cate«, b. Feb. 24, 1810; d. Dec. 15, 1867; m. Sept. 16. Belinda Rines hve ch. 1833^ ; I04 (;arlam) (;kni:al()(;\'

20. 989 iv. Lj:\i\b. Aug. 5. 1812; d. Jan. 22. 1S74: m. .Sept. 1.S41, Maria

ICila Adam.s : seven ch

990 y. Lf:()\ai

ICS76: ni. Sept.. Ahiiira II. Whitcomb ; live ch.


8TP:PHEN GARLAND', son of .lolin. No. Kit.

P>orn March 17, 1771>. Died May (>, I'S")!. Married, first, 8:dly Loiigee, born 1774; died -Inly 12, lfsi;3. Married, second, Dolly

in 1 7.S« died l«(;s. Lived in Dur- Trickey, born ; March 29, New to INIe. ham, N. H. ; removed to Exeter, Me., and then Sebec, Farmer. THEIR CfllLDREN.

991 I. l'()i-LV\ b. iSoo: dead: m. Jan. 24. 1820. in New Durham,

N. H., Lsaac B. Shaw; four ch. : res. Sebec. Me. Car- penter.

992 II. William^ b. 1802 : m. Martha Cook: eight ch. : res. Charles- ton, Me.

993 iiJ. Stephen*, b. Sept. 23, 1814: m. Dorothy Cook : three ch.: res. Sebec. Me.

994 IV. LUCRETIA*, m. Oct. 12, 1834, Capt. Smith Libby: five ch. : res.

Wolfboro, IV. H. Their children : i. Edivin Libby, b. Nov. 14. 1835. ii. Elbridgc. h. Jan. 30. [841. iii. Abbie, b. May i.

1843. iv. Byron, b. Aug. 26, 1845. v. Rciibcn. b. Aug. 19. 184S. 415. RICHARD GARLAND", son of John, No. 164.

Born Aug. 11), 1783. Died March 22, 184."). Married, Sept. 1!), 1814, Hannah Colbath of Farmiugton, N. H.


1. b. d. : Elizabeth Tilton 995 David Emerv«, 1815; 1853 m.. 1845, ;

no ch. : res. Medway, Mass.

996 11. Isaac WooDBURV*^. m., 1845. Eliza M. Lampher: one ch. : res.

New Boston, N. H. Their only child : 996

1866, Clara O. Page: three ch. : res. Chicago, 111. Their

children :

996^;/ I. Lillian Garland1'\ b. 1868: m. 1885, FredCi. Saw-

two ch. res. i. yer: : Chicago. Their children:

\ Writer Sawyer, b. 1886. ii. Perley, b 1889. v^c^a2 II. Mvra Garlaxi)^". b. 1870. 996<^?j iiL Fred S. GaklandI", b. 1874. 997 III. Makl\ J.^ b- 1824; d. 1832. OAKLAND (;ENKA].()GV. 105

in (iilmanton. M. H. : d. 8. 998 i\'. (".i:<)K(.K C.\ h. Sept. 30. 1826. Jan. Harrit^t Ellis. 1892. in Dedham. Mass.: ni. Nov. 30, 1848. chil- h. 1830: three ch. ; res. East Dedham, Mass. Their

dren : b. Dec. d. Nov. 10. 998cz I. Emma (.aklaxd'', 15. 184 j: 1850. b. 16. m. 998/; II. Cap']". (iKoRCiE F. Garland'*, Marci 1852: Sjpt. of Mass.. a 3, 1891, Sarah L. Smith Newton Center. missionary of the South Pacific Islands. He is captain of the Missionary Barkentine Mornini; Star, belonging" to the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, engaged in missionary work among the Mar- shall, (jilbert and Caroline Islands of the Pacific Ocean, with headquarters at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. This is the fourth Morning Star vessel. Capt. Garland took charge of this vessel in 1887. He is a man of fine appearance and excellent address, a perfect gentleman, and is devoted, mind and heart, to this work of carrying • " the good news of the Gospel to the Islands of the sea. His wife belonged in Newton Centre, Mass., and at the early age of 21 responded to the call for mission- aries to supply a school for women in the Gilbert and Marshall Islands. She was located at Kusaie for five years from 1886, They have a daughter, b. m. 9986- HI. Carrip: L. (}arland^, Aug. i, 1857; Aug. 2, 1884. Albert F. Daniels.


J0SP:PH garland', sod of John, No. 1(U.

Born Aug. 1*J, 1785. Died Feb. 27, 1858. Married, March, born 1779 died 1864. 1812, Mehitable Kimball, May 14, ; March 24, THEIR CHILDREN.

999 1. Mehitable^, b. Oct. 22, 1814; m.. 1844. Thomas Dolliff: three

res. Their i. ch. ; Jackson, N. H. children: David G.

b. : m. Amelia Leavitt. ii. Sarah E.. b. Dolliff, 1845 1852 ; m. Alfred M. Allen, iii. Ruby L.. b. 1853: m. Benjamin Y. Hayes.

1000 II. Dolly K.*^. b. July 15, 1816; m. Samuel Haseltine, b. 180S ;

five ch. : res. Jackson, N. H. Their children: i. Clieslcy J. Haseltine, b. 1837; d. 1839. ii. John A'., b. 1S39;

Lovinia Perkins six ch. res. \\\. m. ; ; Jackson, N. H. Alice B.,

b. d. m. six ch ; res 1841 ; 1886; Hermon D. Wilson; Jack- son, N. H. iv. Amanda, b. 1843; m. Lorenzo Hatch; two ch. V. Jane /J., b. 1848.

looi III. Lovinia*^. b. July 15, 1818; unm. b, 1821 d. 1002 IV. Joseph Kimball^, Jan. 24, ; July 15, 1889; m., 1885,

Dorcas A. Pitman; res. Eaton, N. H. Their child : io6 GARLAND GENEALUGV. .

looza 1. Ida J. Garland-', m. Jan. 6, i860, Silas M. Snow ; res: lUuiinj^ton. Mass.

Had other children : dead.


LEVI GAKLANU", son of John, No. 164.

Born in 171)1. Died Nov. 15, 1876. Married, first, Abigail Sias of Barton, N. H. ; two children. Married, second, 1838, Widow of \t. died in 1882. children Rachel Allyn, Irasburg, ; She had two before marrying Levi Garland. THKIK CHILDKKX.

J003 I. Aloxzo N.**. b. June 14. 1823; d. Sept. 30, 1876: m. ist Emily

Buzzell : m. 2d. May 4. 185 1, Abigail J. Piper; four ch. : res.

West Charleston. Vt. Their children :

\oo^a I. Annie E. Garland^ b. Feb. 12, 1852; m. A. F. Brock-

way : two ch. : res. Pasadena, Cal.

1003/; II. Mary A. Garland^ b. Feb. 25, 1856: m. O. W. Baker.

one ch. : res. Boothbay, Me. Their child : i. Edith R. Baker, b. Nov. 10, 1875.

10036- III. Ada M. Garland^ b. April 17, 1861 ; m. Arthur E. Ord-

: no ch. res. way ; Barton Landing, Vt.

ioo3<'Z' IV. Emma D. Garland^, b. Nov. 17, 1863; d. Feb. 5, 1871. K.*^, b. 6. 1004 u. Lucretia April 1826: m. David Driver ; nine ch. :

res. West Charleston. Vt. Their children : i. Geor^t- A.

Driver, b. 1850: m. .Mina Lawrence: three ch. ii. E//a J/., b. 1852: d. 1865. iii. Le7'i G., b. 1853. iv. .lN)y E.. b. July 15. 1856; three ch. v. I.illa A., b. Sept. 28, 1858: three

ch. vi. Ida J/., b. Aug. 9, 1867; two ch. vii. Everett H.,\^.

Aug. 24. 1863. viii. Myrtie M., b. Jan. 4. 1866. i.\. Minnie

M.. b. March 4. 1868.

1005 III. Stephen Allyn**, b. Jan. 27. 1840: unm.: res. West Charles- ton. \'t.


JOHN GARLAND', son of Richard, No. 168. Born in Northwood, N. H., Dec. 24, 1776 Died in 1838. Mar- ried Hannah Hayes, born 1777; died 1838, in Greenwood, Me. in later in He lived Poland ; Greenwood, Me. THEIR CHILDREN.

1006 I. Olive'^, b. in Barrington, Nov. 16, 1798: d. 1870: m. Nov. 10,

1818, Francis Shaw, b. 1795: d. 1864: five ch. ; res. Green-

wood. Me. Their children : i. Albert M. SJiauKh. \'^\<^: GARLAxND GENEALOGY. 107

ii. b. m. Olive Martin, m. Caroline D. Emery, JJa/iiel, 1827 ; Eliza Whittle, iv. b. iii. Francis E., m. Ann Mary O.^ 1837 ; m. Willard G. Whittle. One child died in infancy. 1007 II. Daniel L.^, b. in Poland, Me., Eeb. 12, 1801. 1008 III, William^, b. in Poland, Me., Feb. 2, 1803: d. 1836.

1009 IV. Richard^ b. in Poland. Me., Aug. 25. 1895 ; m., 1827, Harriet

b. 1810 d. 1 four ch. res Onalaska. Wis. Mer- Roberts, ; 187 ; ; chant,

in 1808 m. 2. Ben- loio V. Maria*^, b. Poland. Me., June 13, ; Aug. 1826,

b. 1801 d. ; eleven ch. res. No. jamin Herrick, ; 1856 ; Norway, Me. Their children: i. Dennis Herrick. b. 1827; d. 1890;

m.. 1859, Esther Brown; three ch. : res. Greenwood, Me. ii.

Stephen S., b. 1829; d. 1841. iii. Abner H., b. 1831 ; m., 1856, Hanrah Oant; eight ch. iv. Lydia S.,h. \%y.\ m, 185s, Amos Packard, v. Benjamin R., b. 1834; d. 1861. vi. Hannah J/., b. 1836: d. 1888; m. Charles Milliken. vii. Lucinda, b. 1839; m., 1857, Nathan M. Small; three ch, viii.

R. : Harriet E., d. 1887 : m., i860, Lyman Martin ten ch. ix.

Dealbert S., b. 1844: d. 1882; m. Maggie Richards ; res. Boston.

ioi[ VI. Samuel**, b. March 15, 181 1. 1012 VII. JOHN^, b. June 14, 1817; d. Dec. 28, 1880; m. ist March 20. 1838, Nancy Young; m. 2d Adaline B. Whittle, daughter of

Richard. He lived in Greenwood, Me. Their children :

]oi2a I. Willard H. GARLAND^ b. May 24. 1861 , m. June 16,

1883. Blanche R. Dustin; two ch. ; res. Portland, Me.

Their children :

ioi2rtr/ I. EuiTH M. Garland1'\ b. March 20, 1885.

ioi2a2 II. Clyde D. Garland^i^, b. June 25, 1890.

1012/^ II. Winnie J. GARLAND^ b. Feb. 16, 1864; d. .Vug. 17,

1888 : unm.

viii. b. 1821 d. 1013 Eliza"^, Feb., ; 1884. 428.

BENJAMIN GARLAND (Major)', son of Richard, No. 168. Born Nov. 27, 1799, at Barrington, N. H. Died Dec. 5, 1850. born 1802 died 1883. Married, Nov. 29, 1821, Hope Stevens, ; He

a merchant ; a sheriff for lived in Poland, Me. ; was deputy eight 1835-1849. years. He kept a hotel in Poland their children.

(All Born in Poland, Me.)

d. 1014 I. Daniel*, b. June 24, 1823: Dec. 28, 1851 ; m. Nov., 1844. PameliaBray; two ch. Their children:

1014^? I. Harrison B. Garland^ b. Oct. 3. 1845 ; d. Oct. 7. 1862. d. 1014/; II. Ella M. Garland^ b. July 10, 1849: July 14. 1865. ) . I OS GA R LA X I G K X E A L C) G \'

1015 II. Harrison^ b. Jan. 17, 1824: d. Aui^. 14. 1S49. 1016 111. AiAAN I).^. I). July 4. 1827: m. June 6, I.S52. Adelia C. Her-

rick : one ch. ; res. Poland, Me. He lives on the homestead

of his father. Their child :

ioi6^r I. Florkxce F. (iAKi.AM)''. b. Sept. 5. 1^53: m. 1st Oct. 29.

1878. W. W. Lunt. b. 1S51 : d. 1879: res. Poland. Me. Tailor. Married. 2d. .March i. 1890. Edgar A. Hall; res. Poland. Me. She was a teacher.

1017 i\. Richard E.^. b. May 22. 1829: m. Feb 24, 1869, Sylvia Scott ;

five ch. : res. Quincy. 111. Their children :

1017^' I. Svi.\iA Garland'', b. Aug. 29. 1871.

1017/^ 11. Rov E. (iARLAXD-', b. June i, 1873.

1018 \". Hkniamix H.^'.b. Aug. 8. 1831 : d. Sept. 6. 1849.


NATHANIEL GARLAND", son of Nathaniel, No. 170.

Born Oct. li), ITIH. Died Oct. ID, 1841. Married Oct. IG, I8I0, Elizabeth Estes, born 1792; died IHdil. She married, Sept. his third wife. N. H. 1854, Elisha Tasker ; Residence, Harrington,


1019 I. GtioRGE^, said to have died in Lowell. Mass. 1020 II. Samuel^, went to California 30 years ago. 1021 III. Olive Thurber*'. b. Feb. 10. 1819; d. Oct. 16, 1858: m. April

30. 1843. L)r. Thomas Tuttle. b. P^eb. 23, 1817 : d. May 28, 1873. res. Xorthwood, X. H. Their children: i. Mary

Elizabeth Tuttle. b. June 3. 1848: d. Sept. 5, 1858. ii. Dr.

George Thomas, b. March 18. 1850: McLean Asylum : res.

Somerville, Mass. iii. Olive Ann, b. Oct. 7. 1852: d. March

30, 1874. iv. Charles Francis, b. Dec. 15. 1856: m. Sept 12.

1887. Emeline Smith, b. .March 21. 1876, no ch. ; res. \'an- derbilt. Mich.

1022 w. SlsAX E.^ b. April 30. 1821 : d. .April 17. 1823.


NATHANIEL GARLAND', son of Joseph, No. 17:5. Born P^eb. 10, 171)1, in Strafford, N. H. Died April 14, 1855. Married, first, March 11), 1812, Lydia Caverno, born 171)5; died 1841. Married, second, 1843, Elizabeth Davis of Lee, daughter of Obadiah.


b. 1023 L SUSAN Huzzell". July 19, 1812: d. .March 13. 1831 : m. Xov.

18. 1830. Joseph Gate. b. Feb. 18. 1810: one ch. : res. Bar- (^.ARLAXI) (;ENEAL0(;V. 109

rington, N. H. Their daughter : i. S//sa)i ii. Catc. b. March ni. 4, 1831 ; Willev of Northvvood. N. H.

1024 11. Jp:remiah Caverno**. b. Sept. 23, 1814; m Dec. 5. 1849, Harriet C. Woodman, b. May 31, 18 18. dau. of Theodore, of Roches-

ter. N. H. ; live ch. : res. Nashua, N. H. Their children: \02\a I. Celia Tukxi:i< (zARLAXd-*, b. Sept. 8. 1850: d. May 11, 1889. 1024/; II. Wii.LARi) Parker (iARLAXO-'. b. May 6. 1853; d. May 25, 1880. I0246- III. ()eor(je Lixcolx (iARLAxiy. b. May 29, 1855.

\02\d IV. Theodore Woodmax Garlaxd'^. b. June 9, 1859: m.

April. 1888, Sylvia E. King: no ch. : res. Chicago. 111.

10246' V. Claudius W. Garlaxd", b. April 25. 1863: d. Feb. 15, 1867.

1025 III. Eliza A.**, b. Feb. 13, 1817; d. July 16, 1837 : ni Jan. i\. 1837, George W. Knowlton.

1026 \\. b. Oct. 1821 m. 20. Olive Bu/.zell : fi\'e Joseph*^, 5, ; Sept. 1848.

ch. : res. Bow Lake, N. H. Their children:

\02(ia 1. SuiAX B. Garl\xd^. b. Dec. 19. : m. Oct. i. 1871,

Daniel \V. Gale : one ch. ; res. Belmont, N. H.

1026.''^ II. Eliza A. Garlaxd-'. b. May 29. 1851 : m. July 4. 1871,

Daniel S. Woodman ; two ch : res. Strafford. N. H.

Their children: i. Byron J. Woodinan, b. Jan. 25. 1872. ii. Herbert C. b. Dec. i. 1873.

10266 III. VixA Garland^, b. April 3. 1858 : d. 1880: m. Charles W. Waldron.

1026.'/ IV. Charles F. (jAKLAXiA b. May 19, 1859 : m. i88r, Ada M. Thompson; three ch.; res. Strafford. N. H. Their

children :

1026c// I. Vixa M. Garlaxd1'\ b. 1881.

io26t:f2 II. Lucia E. GarlaxdI". b. 1883. i02649 m- Helex V. Garlaxd1'\ b. 1885.

1026;? V. CiEORGE Nathaxiel Garlaxi)^. b. Sept. 7. 1867 : m..

1888, Emma D. Buzzell : one ch. Their child:

1026;^/ I. Russell W. Garlaxd^'. b. 18S9. V. b. d. 20. 1027 George W\*, March 15, 1S23 ; Aug. 1824.

1028 VI. George W. 2D*^, b. Aug. 23, 1824; m. May 14. 1866, Melvina

T. Tovvle ; no ch. ; res. Boston. Restaurant.


BENJAMIN GARLAND', sou of Joseph, No. 173. Born June 29, 1800. Died Aug. 22, 1880. Married, Nov. 17, 1819, Anna Drew, born Aug. 26, 1802; died Feb. 14, 1881. Resided in Charleston, ]Me. Farmer. their childrexv

1029 I. Joseph*^, b. Jan. 28. 1821: m. Abigail J.Rollins: three ch. ; no GARLAND GENEALOGY.

res. Bangor, Me. Farmer. Their children : 1029^? I. Esther F. Garland^ b. Jan. n. 1844. lozoh II. Ahbv a. GARLAxry-*, b. Nov. 20. 1849.

1029^: III. Clarence A. Garland^ b. Dec. 30, 1853: m. April 28,

Monahon ; one ch. res. Me. 1878, Mary j. ; Bangor, Their

child :

10296/ I. Clarence L. Garlaxd^", b. Feb. 19, 1882.

II. b. ist : 1030 Marv A.*^, March 6, 1824; m. Stephen Foss four ch. : 2d Orin Sturtevant res. F'armer, m. ; Pennsylvania. Their

children: i. Franklin Foss. ii. George, iii. Flla. iv. Hannah.

1031 HI. Elizabeth H*". I). June 11, 1830, in (iarland. Me.: ni. Jackson

six ; res. : Lyford ; ch. Milo, Me. Their children i. Royal J. Lyford. ii. Louisa. iii. Florence, iv. LJzsie. v. Charles J. vi. Frank J. IV. b. m. Melissa Witham no ch, res. 1032 Frank^, Jan. 14. 1833: ; ; Garland, Me. Farmer.

1033 V. Martha S.**, b. March 18, 1835 : m. losiah Roval : seven ch.:

res. Garland, Me. Farmer. Their children : i, Sarah

Royal, ii. Emma, iii Charles, iv. Benjamin, v. Lizzie. vi. Nettie M. vii. Lester.

1034 VI. John D.*, b. in Bangor, Me., Aug. 13. I'^yj \ m. ist, 1861, Al-

d. ch. : : bertina Shaw, 1872 ; one m. 2d, 1873, Ella Shaw one

ch. : ch. ; m. 3rd, 1884, Emma Richardson: one hotel keeper: res. Rowland, Me.: later removed to Bangor, Me. Their

children :

\Ql\a I. BuRDETTE E. Garlaxu^ b. Nov. 5, 1866, in Orono. Me. io34(^ II. George M. Garland^ b. April 18, 1877. 10346- in. Benjamin H. Garland^ b, Feb. 24. 1888.

1035 vii. Sarah J.^, b. April 22, 1840: dead. 1036 viii. George H.**, b. April i, 1842: dead. IX. b. 2, m. Feb. 26. Cleaves 1037 LuTHER^ June 1846; 186S, Mary A ;

one ch. : res. Foxcroft. Me. Their child:

10376? I. Claudius L. Garlaxd'*, b. April 15, 1875.


JOHN W. GARLAND', son of Joseph, No. 178. Born May 18, 1803. Died Dec. 20, 1889. Married, Oct. 12, 1828, Sarah Seward, died 1889. Residence, Strafford, N. H.

Til HI K Cini^DRF.N

1038 I. Mollis^. 1039 II. Emily*^. 1040 III. John L.**, b. June i, 1838; m. ist May 22, 1866, Emily Babb. 2d d. 1884. aged 48 years: one ch, : res. Eliot, Me.: m. Dec.

7, 1893. Olive A. Parker. Their child : GARLAND GENEALOGY. iii

: Charles P. lo^oa I. Emily B, Garland'', b. June 20, 1867 m Frost one ch. ; L. and 1041 IV. George^, b. June i, 1838; res. Strafford, N. H. John George were twins.

; m. Robert Faulkner 1042 V. M \RY E.*^, b. Jan. 30, 1844 April 22, 1864, ;

H. Their children : \. Emma seven ch. ; res. Keene, N. J.

ii. b. Oct. 21, 1866 Faulkner, b. 1865; d. 1866. C^^^/x-^' //., ; three ch, res. m. Nov. 15. 1888, Sarah Patterson; ; Lawrence, Mass. iii. William //., b. May 22, 1868; m. Oct. 12, 1892, Mary Nourse; res, Harrisville, N. H. iv. Charles A., h. Biltord res, Har- Oct. 14, 1870; m, Sept. 17, i8gi, Nellie ; risville, N. H. v. Fred, b. 1872, vi, Robert is., b. 1876. vii. John G.. b. 1877. 1043 VI. Horace A,^ b. July 30, 1840; d. April lo, 1885. 1044 VII. Sarah Jane^.


BENJAMIN B. GARLAND", son of Benjamin, No. 174. Bom Feb. 6, 1793. Died Aug. 8, 1872. Married, March 18, died 1879 she was 1810, Mary H. Calef, born 1796; March 25, ; the daughter of William and Mary Little Calef. Residence, Hamp- stead, N. H. He was a cooper. THEIR CHILDREN.

1045 I. Mary Ann«, b. Aug. 28, 1820; m. Oct. 23, 185 1, Fred A. Pike : no ch. res. N. H. ; Hampstead, 1046 II. John W.^. b. Feb. 15, 1828; m, Dec. 25. 1855, Emily A. Ring;

one ch. res. N. H. Their child : ; Hampstead, 1046^ I. Charles W. Garland^ b. July 13, 1859; m. April 21, three ch. res. 1885, Ada E. Emerson; ; Hampstead, N. H. She is the grand-daughter of Hannah Smith Garland Dimond, No, 1458, Their children: 1046:11 I. Leona C. Garlaxd1'\ b, April 22, 1886,

1046^?^ II. Mildred R. Garland^'^, b. Aug. 5. 18S7. losGaj III. John A. Garland^'', b. Aug, 6, 1889,


SIMON GARLAND", son of Simon, No. 17(3. Died in 1859. Married, Dec. 20, 1781, Mrs. Rachel Morrison. Lived in Rye, N. H. It is said he was married three times, but I have no knowledge of the others' names. THEIR CHILDREN.

1047 I. JoHN^, b. Oct. 28, 1806; d. July 30. 1887: m, March 27, 1839, 112 GARLAND GENEALOGY.

res. Nancy Doe, d. 1859: two ch. ; Nottingham, N. H.

Their children, one died in infancy :

1047^2 I. Mary Abby Garland'-', b. Jan. 23, 1S42 ; m. Dec. 9, 1858,

George H. Jenness. b. 1835: three ch. ; res. Nottingham,

N. H. Their children: i. Walter G. Jc/uicssA'). i^^G.

ii. Loin's, b. 1869. iii. Jennie B., b. 1871 ; m. William Foye. ch.: res. J04S II. Samuel^, d. Jan. 10, 1S92 ; m. Clara Evans; no Not- tingham, N. H. 1049 III. Daniel'^, d. July 14, 1886. aged 73 years: m. ist Elizabeth

Burnham: six ch. : res. Nottingham, N. H.; m. 2d, Mrs. Butterfield.

IV. d. : m. 1050 David*^, July 17. 1888, aged 73 years Mary Jane Doe ; one ch.; res. Nottingham, N. H. Their child: lo^oa I. Lorenzo K. (jArland-*. ch. res. 1051 V. Mary C.^. d. March, 1864; m. George Marston: no ; Nottingham, N. H.

VI. m. Garland seven ch. ; 1052 Elizabeth^, Sept. 4, 1836, Joseph (458) ; res. Rye, N. H.


JOSEPH GARLAND", son of Simon, No. 176. Died Oct. 27, 1864. Married Sarah Batchelder. He lived on the Garland farm in Nottingham, N. H. their children.

1053 I. JosiAH B.^, m. Susan Hall: two ch. died in infancy.

II. b. 1054 Sarah J.^, Jan. 10, 1827; m. Sept. 7, 1852. Ezra Willard : one ch. died in infancy; res. Pittsfield, N. H. III. five 1055 Clinton C.^, m. Jennie Witham ; ch., only one living ; res. Deerfield, N. H. Their child:

1055^^ I. Grin Garland-'; res. Texas.


JOSEPH GARLAND Jr.", son of Joseph, No. 177. Born May 9, 1805. Died in 1855. INIarried, in Durham, N. H., Sept. 4, 1836, Elizabeth Garland, No. 1052, daughter of Simon. their children

1056 I. Elmira^, b. June 22, 1838; d. Aug. 31, 1S75. 1057 II. Clara D.^, b. May 22. 1840; d. Oct. 21, 1866; m. Thomas Marston: two ch.: res. Portsmouth, N. H. She was

divorced from Thomas Marston. llieir children : i. /(/a

Bell Marston, b. Feb. 21, 1861 ; d. March 21. 1862. ii Ida

Bell. 2(1 b. Aug. 14. 1862; m. Oct. 6, 1880, Robert Heme: res. Rockport, Mass. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 113

III. Alfred b. March 12, d. Dec. de- 1058 Curtis^, 1S49; 5, iS6g ; ranged. IV, b. Dec. m. Nov. William 1059 Laura S.^, 25, 1851 ; 18, 1869, Stacy-

Brown, b. June, 1848; one ch. . res. Hampton, on home-

stead. Their child : i. Carrie A. Brow/i, h. Junt 14, 1872. b. d. 1060 V. Emeline A.^, July 14, 1855 ; Jan. 7. 1875. 1061 VI. Jose:ph C.^, died, aged about 10 years. 1062 VII. Ivory*', died young.


AMOS SEAVEY GARLAND", son of John, No. 170. Born in 1789. Died Feb. 21, 1843. Married, Nov. 28, 1816, Martha Seavey, born 1703; died March 13, 1851; she was the daughter of Joseph L. Residence, Rye, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

1063 I. LucixDA R.**, b. Sept., 1817; m. July 3, 1850, Alfred G J en-

ness , no ch. : res. Rye.

1064 II. Mary P.^, b. Feb. 5, 1821.

III. m. Alfied G. one ch, res. mar- 1065 Martha**, Jenness ; ; Rye. He ried two sisters.

1066 IV. Samuel Patten^, d, Sept. 3, 1878; m. April 5, 1850, Eliza D,

dau, of b. ; d. seven ch. ; Marston, Josiah, 1825 Nov. 24, 1891 ; res. Rye, N, H. Their children:

1066a I. Martha H. Garland^, b. Aug. 18, 185 1 : d, March 21, 1882,

1066I? II, Amos S. Garland^ b, April 7, 1853; m. Ida Mayo;

three ch. ; res. Gloucester, Mass, 10666- III. Mary Patten Garland^ b. Dec. 22, 1855 or 6; unm.

io66c^ - IV, b, 12, m. Eliza Ella Garland^ Jan. 1858 ; July 8, 1882,

Clarence A. Goss: two ch, : res. Rye, N, H. Their chil-

dren : i. Harriet Goss. ii. Aiuiie.

\do6c V. Sarah L. Garland^, b. May 9, i860; m, Feb. 23, 1890, Uri Jenness, son of Joseph. 1066/ VI, Samuel Austin Garland^ b, Aug. 11, 1867.

1066^ VII. Gertrude Garland^, b. Feb. 5, 1870.

1067 V. Samira^, b, Dec. 23, 1828; d. Nov. 24, 1884. 1068 VI. Mary Langdon^, b. Nov, 1832, VII. fever 1069 ***Cilden^, b, Aug. 12, 1835 ; d. June 30. 1S64. of yellow in the army.


SIMON GARLAND", son of John, No. 171).

Born P'eb. 16, 1793. Married, first, Sept. 11, 1825, Mary Ann Garland, No. 1098, born March 25, 1800; died Oct. 13, 1826; she 114 GARLAxND GENEALOGY.

of John had one child. was the daughter ; they Married, second, June, 1821), Sally Kuowles, born April 29, 1S07; died April 21, 1876; she was the daughter of Nathan; they had five children. Lived in Rye, N. H. Farmer. He was a very able naan, indus- trious and economical. He, with a few others, built the Methodist church of Rye and generously aided in its support. He was in poor health for many years before his death. THEIR CHILDREN. In 1070 1. Elbridge Alvah (the first wife's son)**, h. Nov. 25. 1825. 1849 he went to California as one of the pioneers of that then famous land of gold and is there now, residing at Angels Camp, Calaveras County, Cal., in poor health. He has never been East since he left home in 1849, He was a gold miner for many years.

II. b. March 26. m. Frances E. 1071 Oliver Perrv^ 1S32 ; P'razcr,

d. Oct. 9. 1876: three ch. He lives on the hom.-stead in Rve,

N. H. Their children :

ioj\a 1. Melissa Garland^, b. June 16, i860; m. Horace Mace: no ch. res. West N. H. ; Rye, 16. 1071/; II. Fanny E. Garland^, b. April 1870.

lo-jic III. Lizzie Junkins GARLAND^ b. Nov. 12, 1873; ^^- ^Qc. 15, 1876.

1072 III. Nathan W.>^, b. Feb. 26, 1835 ; d. Feb. 3, 1836. 1073 IV. Orlando*', b. May 31. 1837; m. ist Oct. 18, 1862, Elizabet'i b. d. dau. of m. 2d Rand, 1835 ; Oct. 15. 186S, Jedediah; Dec.

20, 1869, at Gloucester, Mass., Mary Lowe : five ch. Resi- dence, Gloucester, Mass. He is a contractor and builder, a business man of marked ability, an expert in matters per-

taining to the construction of buildings. Their children :

1073^; I. Simon Garland^, b. Nov. 8, 1870. 1073'; II. Jennie Garland^ b. April 19, 1874. loyy III. Sally GARLAND^ b. July 14. 1884.

1073^^/ IV. Betsey Garland^ b. July 30, 1886.

Infant, b. 1875 : d. 1876.

1074 v. Mary Ann^, b. Oct. 6, 1840; m. June 19, i860, Jenness Mar-

; d. 1 1881 a of Wil- den, b. July 9, 1837 Sept. 1, ; he was son

liam ; four ch. ; re.s. Rye, N. H. She now lives at 36S Essex

street, Lynn, Mass. Their children : i. CJuirles T. Mar-

den^ b. Aug. 4, 1864; m. Julia S. Brown ; res. Albany, Me.

ii. Sadie A., b. Sept. 6. 1870. iii. Nellie J., b. Sept. i, 1873.

iv. Theresa /:\, b. March, 1879.

1075 VI. Horace W.*^, b. Jan. 4, 1844; m. Dec. 27. 1869, Anginette

Whidden, b. Oct. 6, 1848 ; she was the dau. of Samuel; two is ch. ; res. Rye, N. Y., for last 25 years. He a contractor and builder, and a member of the firm of Garland & Wilson, lumber dealers. GARLAND GENEALOCiV. 115


WILLIAM CUTTER GARLAND", son of Jouatban, No. 183.

Born March 30, 1810. Died Jan. 15, 1894. Married, first, Oct.,

born died 185G four children ; she 1834, Mary Marden, 1814; ; was the daughter of David S. ^Married, secoud, Oct. 21, 1860, N. born 1810 died Almira McDaniel of Nottingham, H., ; July 3,

1884. Lived in llye, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

I. b. d. m. 1076 Delia Elizabeth^, April 26, 1S35 ; Sept. 16,1864; Charles E. b. lo, he was the Jan. 31. 1861, Seavey, June 1834 ; son of Joseph W.; res. North Hampton, N. H. They had

one son : i. A rtJiur Seavey . 1077 iL William Harvey**, b. April 24, 1839; "''• Nov. 26. 1867, Mary

W. Dalton ; no ch. ; res. (Gloucester, Mass. 1078 III. Emmons Cutter^, b. Oct. 30, 1840; m. Lizzie S. Roberts, b. d. one ch. res. N. H. Their 1847; 1875; ; Portsmouth,

daughter ;

1078^? I. Minnie L. Garland^, b. Feb. 1875.

1079 IV. Charles David^, b. Oct. 13,1849; m. Nov. 3, 1869, Eliza J. dau. of L. res. Garland, No. 10S5, Edward ; tvvoch.; Rye, N. H. Their children:

1079c? I. Susie Emma Garland-*, b. Sept. 12, 1873. 1079/j II. Willie E. Garland'\ b. 1880.


LEVI GARLAND", sou of Levi, No. 184.

Born June 14, 171)3. Died Dec. 17, 1862. Married, first, Nov. 21, 1811, Polly Perkins, died Jan. 27, 1821), daughter of James. born 1791) Married, second, M ly 21), 1838, Mary Watson, Sept., ; died April 3, 181)2, aged 1)2 years 7 months. Lived in Rye, N. U. THEIR CHILDREN.

I. b. 1812 d. 1080 Lucv Ann*^, Jan. 8, ; Aug. 24, 1870; m., 1832, William

live ch. : res. Marden, b. Dec. 24, 1810 ; Rye, N. H. Their

children : i. James L. Mardeii. b. Dec. i, 1832 ; d. July 6,

1837. ii. Jeiiness, b. July 9, 1837 ; m. July 9, i860, Mary Ann (Jarland, No. 1074, dau. of Simon, iii. James, b. Oct. 2, 1839; m. Harriet Jenness. iv Le7>i \V., b. March 27, 1843; m. Emma Downs, v. E/nery />'., b. Oct. 14, 1849; dead. 1081 II. Mary Jane*^, b. 1814: d. Nov. 18, 1826.

1082 III. LucRETiA Emeline^. m. Horatio Hobbs; two ch. ; res. No.

Hampton, N. H. Their cliildren : i. Edwin Hobbs. ii. Jloralio. ij6 GARLAND GEXEALUGV.

1083 IV Sarah AI)AIJ\I:^ b. 1816: m. April 1838. Moses C. Phil- brook, b. April 6. 1813: d. April 8.1875; he was a son of

Ephraim : no ch.

10S4 Julia H.**. m. P2ben W. Marden. b. July 22. 1818; one ch. : res.

Canada. Their son : i. Charles Afarden.

1085 VI. Edward L.*^, b. 182 1 : d. Julv 7, 1872 : m. July 2. 1845. Elvira Dalton. dau. of Daniel P.: three ch.: res. Rye, N. H. The'r

children :

1085^ I. I\L\RV Watsox Garland'', m. April 9, 1866. Samuel

Smart; three ch. Their children: i. I-^rcd L. Smarts b. Nov. 27. 1S66; m. Dec 28. 1885, Mary A. Mace. ii.

Sophia J., b. May 20. 1871 ; m. P>b. 14. 1891. Elmer \V. Caswell, iii. Emma L.

J 085'; w. AxGiXETTE Garland-'.

IOS56 III. Eliza Jaxe GARLAXD^ m. Nov. 3, 186,) Charles David Garland. No. 107;.

iob"6 VII. IzETTE^ b. 1824 : d. March 8. 1850: ni. Lemuel J Bunker, b. 1823; two ch.: res. Rye. H e later married Ann R. Towle.

Their children : i. . /<^/<^.> />'//;//&

1823 : he was the son of William : two ch.: res. Portsmouth.

i. 1). 11. 1 N. H. Their children: Eboi G. Rand. .Mav 185 ; m. June 14. 18S2. Annie Hodgdon. ii. Aiuiic, b. April 26. i860; dead. "A son of a woman named Downs of the Isles of Shoals, Me., lived in his youth with Levi and Polly Garland and took the name of George W. Garland—whether adopted by

them is not known : his record is below : 1088 IX George W.^ m. Sarah Batchelder of No. Hampton, dau. of

Chapman. Their children :

loSSrt I. Moses C. (}arland^, m. Eliza Downs ; res. Little Boars

Head. North Hampton. N. H. Their child :

ioS8rt:/ I. FranklIxV N. Garland", m. Mary S. Fletcher : res.

No. Hampton. Their children : loHSa/a I. Ralph R. (Garland", b. .April i. 1886: res. Ports- mouth. N. H.

II. EiKiAR F. Garland*', b. Aug. 2, 1887: res. No. Hampton, N. H. io88<^ IL LvDiA A. Garland-', m. Osgood; res. California. io88f ilL Sarah Garlaxd-', m. Asa \V. Feltis; res. Boston.


M0SP:S LEAVriT GARLAND', son of Peter, No. 18-"). Born March 21, I.SOI. Died Aug. 24, 1890, in Portsmouth, N. H. Married, first, July 18, 1822, Eucretia Locke, born June 8, GARLAND GENEALOGY. 117

died Dec. 1

1089 I. Charles^, b. Sept. 11. 1822; m. May 26, 1852, Sophia P. b. 6. d. res. Jenness, Aug. 1S26; 1858; one ch. ; Rye, N. H. She was a twin sister to Samira, who married Rufus I. Gar-

land. Their children :

loSga I Everett L. Garland-', b. April 22, 1855. io8cy; IL Walter Garland-*, b. April 27, 1858; d. Dec. 22, i860, in Rye.

1090 IL GiLMAN^, b. Nov. 22, 1825; m. Sept. 26. 1851, Martha J. Jen-

b. d. ch. child : ness, 1829: Feb. 25, 1854 ; one Their

1090^; I. Millard Fillmore Garland'*, b. Dec. 15, 1S52 : d.

Jan. 15, 1854, at Palmyra, 111. III. Mary b. m. Warren G. 1091 Abhy^, June 3, 1841 ; May 24, 1865,

b. : d. one ch. ; res. N. Brown, 1836 1872 ; No. Hampton, H.

Their child: i. Howard G. Broivii, b. April 6, 1867.

1092 IV. Melvina G.*^, b. Dec. 1, 1844; unm.


MOSES GARLAND", son of Benjamin, No. 187. Born Jan. 13, 1819. Died March 12, 1885. Married March 8, Adaline S. born Oct. died 1884 1840, Jenness, 27, 1820; Aug. 18, ; she was ihe daughter of Col. Simon. Lived in Rye, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

1093 I. Charlotte Ann*^. b. June 30, 1840; d. March 10, 1869: m. Jan. 31, 1861, Alfred V. Seavey. b. July 31. 1836; res. Rye. Their children: i. Albert IV. Seavey, b. July jo, 1862; d.

ii. Aug. 19. 1891 ; m. Jan. 6, 1886, Flora Seavey. Charlotte A., b. Feb. 22, 1869. II. H.,'^ 1094 Albert b. June 19, 1S42 : d. March 8, 1862. III. 1095 Clara J.*^, b. April 14, 1844; m. Dana Jenness. b. 1834; three

ch. : ; res. Rye. She was his second wife. Their children

i. Et/ner Jenness. h. June 23, 1866; dead. ii. JVillard. iii. Died in infancy.

1096 IV. Irving W.^ b Feb. 10, 1850; m. Dec. 19, 1877, Anna D.

Whidden, dau. of Samuel: one ch. ; res. Rye. Their child : ioc)6a T. Data Garland-', b. July 24, 1878. V. 1097 Maria A.^ b. Jan. 30, 1854; d. April 7. 1856.


JOHN GARLAND" ("Ensign"), son of Johns No. 100; Col. iiS GARLAND GENEALOGY.

^il Benjamin*"', No. ; Jolui^ No. 30; Peter^ No. 7; John"-, No. 2; Peter^ No. 1.

Born Nov. 2o, 177(). Died Oct. .'>!, 18(5.^. Married, Aug. 1."),

171)lt, Betsey Parsons, born 177(1; died Feb. 20, 184^; she was the daughter of Dr. Joseph and Mary Seavey Parsons of Kye. (See note, page ol.) Farmer. They first lived in a house he built on a ^' lot of land given him by his father, on the corner of Breakfast " '' Hill road and West road "in Rye (now West Rye). All of their children, except Julia Ann, were born there. He then built the '• " two-story house on West road about an eighth of a mile from Breakfast Hill road, where he afterwards lived, and where he and his wife died. They both are buried, and also some of their chil- dren, in the family grave-yard directly behind the house, about twenty-live rods distant from the road. His large farm was mostly in the rear of his house. His son, John Calvin Garland after his father's death, lived and died there, and now (181);>) .lohn Calvin's son, C. Thompson Garland, owns the place and lives upon it. THEIR CHILDREN.

109S 1. Marv Axn^ b. March 25, 1800: d. Oct. 13. 1826; m. Sept. 11,

1825, Simon (Garland, No. 461 : one ch.; res. Rye. 10/; II. Hanx.\h Perkins^, b. in Rye, Au^^. ii. 1802: d. Jan. 12. i88> in Portsmouth; ni. May 7. 1824. Reed V. Rand, son of

Samuel, b. Nov. 10. 1797: d. Dec. 28. 1879 : five ch. : res. 27 Cabot street. Portsmouth, N. H. He \va.^ a master carpen- ter and builder, a good workman, industrious, and a good citizen. They lived at Newcastle until about 1840, then re- moved to Portsmouth, where they both died, and ware buried

in the old cemetery. Their children : i. Mary Abby Ratid, b. Aug. 16. 1826: unm. vShe has been a great and patient

sufferer from rheumatism for many years : now (1896) almost helpless: res. 27 Cabot street, Portsmoutli, on the hom;?- stead. ii. Mary .-/////. b. Feb. 2. 1830: d. 1832. iii. Edwin Reed. b. April 6. 1833; ni. Jan. 6. 1864. Lydia AL

Stoney, no ch. : d. June 7, 1885: res. Boston. Mass. iv. Louis Henry, b. April 2, 1836: m. June 28, 186;, Elizabeth M.

five ch.: res. children: i. Frye ; Marysville, Cal. Their Annie Lizzie Rand, b Aug. 18. 1870. ii. .Mary Abbie. b. Oct. 6, 1873. iii. James Edwin, b. Aug. 16. 1875. iv. Maude May, b. Jan. 12, 1878. V. Ida Frances, b. Nov. ig, 1881. 1100 in. Joseph PARS()\s^ b. Dae. 20, 1804, in Rye, N. H.: d. Au;-. 22, 1881, in Biddeford: m. Sept. 24, 1826, Eunice Kenney. dau. of Samuel and Patty Bradbury Kenney, b. Sept. 27,

1809: d. Nov. 25. 1891 : li\-e ch. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 119

I IV. b. Nov. 1806 ; d 20, m. [01 Oliver^\ 25. April 1887 ; May 6, 1829,

ch. ; Mary E. Tarleton, d. April 24, 1882, aged 72 years ; one res. Rye. He lived in a house on a place adjoining his

lather's, on West road, West Rye, N. H. Their son :

iioia 1. Lpiaxdkr (^arland^, b. March 4, 1S30; m. Dec. 9. 1855, res. Haver- Ann M. Yeaton. b. Dec. 30, 1832: two ch. ;

hill, Mass. Their children:

iiouu I. LizziK W. (jARLAXI)I". b. June 30, i860: ni. Oct. 14. 1SS6, Ivan L. Maloon, sup^^rintendent of street rail- res. road ; Bangor, Me.

i\oia2 II. AxxiE M. Garlaxi)!", b. April i, 1868.

1 102 V. ABiCiAii/, b. Jan. 13. 1809: d. Dec. 22, 1828.

1103 VI. Samuel*^, b. April 30. 1811; d. Jan. 1,1885; m. ist Sept. 3,

b. 181 1 d. in Boston : 1833, Hannah Marston. : Jan. 30, 1848, ch. res. No. she was the dau. of Thomas; four ; Hampton,

N. H. Married, second, Feb. 7, 1850, Sarah Leavitt of Bos- children in ton, d. 1888, aged 70 years: three ch. ; two died lived infancy. He was a carpenter : later a farmer. They

in Portsmouth, N. H. : then in Boston for a while, then, and

lastly, in North Hampton. N. H., where he died. Their

children :

iio3<7 I. Mary Ahiu' GarlaxiV', b. March 5, 1834; unm. d. 1103'^ II. Sarah Elizabeth C^arlaxd'', b. May 29, 1836; Sept..

in N. H. m. i, H. 1892, Portsmouth, ; Jan. 1866, John

(lilpatrick ; no ch. ; res. St. Louis, Mo. ' iioV III. Haxxah Maria Garlaxd^, b. June 29, 1839 : m. Nov.

27. 1862. Simon O. Lamprey, son of John, b. 1838; •' H. three ch. ; res. Pagetown," No. Hampton, N.

Farmer. Their children : i. Hattie R. Lamprey, b. June 12, 1863. ii. Willis Oliver, b. Oct. 25, 1867. iii. Grace Abbie. b. June 11, 1873. ii03r/ IV. George Leavitt Garlaxd'\ b. April 22, 1854; m. April res. 22, 1874, Isadore Page; four ch. ; No. Hampton, N. H. Carpenter on railroad. Their children: woyii I. BE.SSIE Frances Garlaxdi*^. b. Dec. 22, ,^7^; ni. res. N. H. 1894. Hobbs ; Hampton,

\\o^d2 II. Flora May CiARLANi)i", b. March 5. 1876.

1103^/3' III. George Ella (^arlaxdI'^, b. Nov. 30. 187S. wQyU IV. Parsox.s Samuel GarlandI'^, b. July 19, 18S1. Lst 1104 VII. John Calvix**, b. Nov. 26. 1813 ; d. April 28, 1889; m. Jan. 4. 1835, Elizabeth Speed; m. 2d Caroline Foss; res. Rye. N. H. in Mass. 1 18 16 ; d. I'oston, 105 VIII. David^ b. March 6, April 29, 1846, ;

ch. ; res. Boston. m. Oct. 22. 1839, Mary A. Trickey ; three Fie was a truckman and jobber. She married second Charles E. Marden. Their children:

1105^^ I. Ax(;txette Gaklaxi)'*, b. Dec. 2, 1841 ; d. July 29, 1858. I20 GARLAND (iEXEALOGV.

1105/^ II. **'*'Alkekt Somers (jArlaxi)". b. April 9. 1843: m. Xov,

26, 1863, Anna M. Streeter: fourcli.: res. Ipswich, Mass. He enlisted in the iith Mass. Light Battery Dec. 29, 1863. in Civil War and was mustered out June 6. 186^.

Their children :

J 105/^/ I. Hkxrv S. (iARLAXi)'". 1). March 30. 1866. Mo^h2 II. Charles W. Garlaxd^'^. b. Aui^. 12. 1867. 1105/^ III. Llorexce a. Gaklaxi)1'\ b. Aug-, i, 1870; d. Xov. 22. 1886.

J105/V i\'. Leslie M. Gakla.nk'". b. March 13. 1879.

11056- III. Estelle Garlaxd'-*. b. June 2. 1845: m. Jan. 28. 1869,

John W. Warner: three ch. : res. Xo. Hampton. X. H. Their children: i. l'\i)niy E. W^arncr, b. Dec. 23. 187] •

d. April I. 1S73. ii. /.//tK J/., b. Aug. 15. 1874. \\\, Marion

/\. b. May 18, 1884; d. Aug. 19. 1885.

1 106 IX. Julia Axx"^, b. Xov. 4. 1821 : d. July 14. 1873 : m. Dec. 29, 1S44. Gardner T. Locke, b. 1816: son of Asa: three ch.: res. Rye. X. H. Farmer. He married, second. Widow Annie Garland. They lived on a farm near Rye Beach. She was a woman of unusually large intelligence and abilitv. a good

wife and devoted mother. Then- children : i. t ***. ///^'//.v-

tus Woodbu)-y Locke, b. Feb. 26. 1846: d. Mav 14. [893. in Xo. Adams, Mass.: m. Feb. 24. 1876. Martha V. Perkins, dau. of Moses, of No. Hampton, X. H. ii. David Parsons, b. April 28, 1850: m P^eb. 12. 1877, Annie Goodwin; one ch. iii. b. is Fra7ik Buchanan, March 23. 1857 ; unm. He a mem-

ber of the firm of A. W. & V . B. Locke, Civil Engineers, of Boston, experts in railroads, sewage drainage, etc. 485.

BENJAMIN GARLAND', son of John, No. IDO.

t AugU!?tu9 Woodbury Locke was educated at the Institute of Tt'c,hnol()g:\ in Bo.-ston. He was assistant engineer on construction of the Hoosac Tunnel; chairman of Massa- chusetts lioard of Coinmissioners on (jrade Crossings; was Manager of Troy & Grpen- lield Railroad and Hoosac Tunnel. He served on special engineering conimissions in Springfield, Northampton, Worcester, Uuffalo, N. Y., and otlier cities. He served a year and a half as seaman in U. S. Navy in 18(t2-:^. He was head of the firm of A. W. t\c ¥. H. Locke, Engineers, of Boston. He was a member of the American Society of Engineers; the Boston Society of Engineers, C. D. Sanford Post, No. 79, (i. A. R., and Greylock lodge, F. and A. M. He traveled extensively in Europe in the interest of en- " gineering and for foreign experience. He was a man of strong convictions and plain speech. He had the courage to advocate and defend the principles and measures he believed in, whether tliey were v^opular or unjjojjular, and his intelligence and honest}'- to his ns and words. In manner he was and reserveil those gave weight opini dignilied ; who knew him well knew hrm as a man of kind lieart and purposes, friendly and oblig ing to an unusual degree." Tiieir children : i. Eugenia Locke, b. Aug. 14, 1879. ii. b. 1881 d. 1882. iii. iv. b. .Tames P., .July 17, ; .July 14, Augustus, b. Aug. 22, 1883. -Julia, b. 188!i. .July -20, 1887. V. Harriet, March 14, Residence, No. Adams, Mass. GARLAND GExNEALOCxY. i2i

Bom July .jU, 17*Jl. Died July 5, 1847; drowned at Newcastle, N. H. Married Sarah born Oct. 1794 died Philbrick, 24, ; April 5, 1828 three children she was the ; ; daughter of Joses. THEIR CHILDREN.

I. b. d. 1107 Marv*^, Sept. 12, 1817 ; Jan. 24. 1892; m. George no ch. res. Blaisdell; ; Epping, N. H.

1 108 11. THOMAs^ b. Sept. 15. 1819; m. ist March 20, 1843, Mary Wil- liams, d. two ch. m. 2d Sept. 15, 1864; ; Aug. 26, 1865, Lucy

Furber ; no ch. ; res. Newmarket N. H. Their children :

uoSa I. Abby O. Garland", b. d. April 30, 1848; July 30, 1873 ; drowned in Newington Bay.

1108^ IL Ann M. Garland^, b. Aug. 24, 1850; d. Feb. 3. 1875. 1 ILL Charles D.*^, b. 1S21 m. Nov. 109 Sept. 10, ; 6, 1844, Lucy F. Dearborn of N. H.; one ch. res. Durham, ; Newmarket,

N. H. Their son :

1109^: I.Charles Barrows Garland'\ b. Feb.. 1870; died in infancy.


RUEL GARLAND,' son of John, No. lUO.

Born Dec. ol, 171)8. Died Aug. 28,1861). Married, June 1 1, 1826, Martha Locke, b. May 14, 1801; died Feb. 17, 1866; she was the of four children. lived in daughter Joseph ; They Rye. Farmer.


1 1 10 I. El\ ia b. d. Oct. Locke^, Oct. 23. 1827 ; 13, 1864; m. April 18, G. b. 1857. Joseph Jenness, March 21, 1825 ; one ch. ; res.

Rye. N. H. Their son: i. George M. Jenness. b. Jan. 28. 1864: d. July 16, 1884. of consumption.

Ill I iL Abbv Perkins^, b. Feb. 11, 1833; d. Dec. 22. 1865. of con-^ sumption. II 12 III. Joseph William**, b. Sept. 4, 1836; m. Oct. 22, i860, Annie D.

Drake, dau. of Joseph : four ch. : res. Rye, and later in P'armington, N. H. He was selectman for three years; treasurer for three years and town clerk for two years, in

Rye. Their children :

I. 1112^? Joseph Oris Garland^, b. March 26, 1861 : m. Jan. 16,

1889, Emma R. French; no ch. ; res. Farmington, N. H.

II 1 2/; II. Elvira J. Garland^ b. Nov. 18, 1868; d. Aug. 18, 1872. III26 III. James Weston Garland^, b. Mayi7. 1871; m. Sept. 20, 1893, Edna M. Chesley, b. Jan., 1871; she was the

dau. of lohn : res. Farmington, N. H.

iii2<'/ IV. RuEL W. Garland^, b. Dec. 10. r877 : d. Dec. 25. 1877. 122 (iARLANI) ('.\:\\:.\L()C.\.

iri3 i\'. Thomas Rl'KI/. b. Feb. 7. 1.S3;: d. Oct. 9 1.S54 : accidentally

shot himself : res. Fai"min,L;:ton. X. 11.


TH():srAS r.KIx'RV CAKLAND', son of William*', No. 1118;

81 : )() lk'njamiir% No. John% No. ; Peter', No. 7; John-, No. 2; PeteH, No. 1. Horn Aug. 20, 1817. Married Dec. 11, 1842, Harriet Kimball of Littleton, N. H. Residence, No. 2.') Second street, Dover, N. II. He graduated at Haverhill, Mass., Academy— a schoolmate of the Poet Whittier. Was early in life a clerk in D. Appleton & C'o.'s book establishment. He went two voyages to sea, to Liverpool and Canton, China. Since 1845 he has lived in Dover, N. H., and was clerk for the Cocheco Print Works 3.') years. In 186i> he was made Treasurer of the Dover Gas Works, and still holds that otfice. He is Treasurer and a Director of the Dover Association Improvement ;

Treasurer of the Eliot Bridge company : President of Dover Navi- Trustee of the its gation company ; Dover Public Library from beginning. He was for a long time, and is now, a member of the School Committee of Dover. He is a member of the Baptist church and has been the church clerk for 28 also the clerk years ; society and Sunday School superintendent for 17 years. He is a man of extensive reading and research, and enjoys the esteem and con- fidence of his fellow-citizens. He is a fine penman, a i)leasant gen- tleman, a staunch, good citizen and a successful business man.


1114 I. ***WiLLiA.M AfCiUSTLS*^. b. Jail. 3. 1844. in Lunenbu'-jt;. \'t. He j^raduated at West Point .Military Academy in 1865 and received a first lieutenants commission in the 19th U. S.

Infantr\ ; d. at Augusta. (Ja.. Dec. i. 1865.

1 1 15 Ji. Elizai'.kth HoW. b. March 31. 1845. in Lunenburi;-. \'t. : m.

Feb. 25. 186S. David Hall Rice: two ch. : res. Brookline,

Mass. Their children : i. Lcpinc Hall Rice, b Feb. 22.

1870. ii. William A., b. July 28. 1871 : d. Oct. 2. 1871. iri6 in. Ai.KKi:r) Ki.mijall**, b Oct. 24. 1849. in Dover. N H.

1117 IV. Cakoi.ixk HAin\<)()i)-\ b. Jan. 25. 1854: she is librarian of the Dover, Public Library: an interesting author and writer of considerable note for magazines, papers, etc. 11 18 V. ClIAKLI:s^ b. .April 16. 1856: d. -Aug. 18. 1856.


JOHN OAKLAND', sou of John. No. 201. THOMAS B. GARLAND.

(No. 499.) THE • ORKJ



Bom Feb. lo, 1«23. Died May 11, 1881. Married, Oct. 10, II. born in 1824 five children. 1844, Eliza KennisoD, ; Residence, Gorham, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

b. in N. H.. ; m., 1 119 I. Jennie M.*^, Jefferson, Sept. 5, 1847 1871,

no cli. : res. N. H. Miller. Samuel R. Bartlett ; Gorham,

b. in N. H., 12, m. 1120 II. John W.^ Thornton, April 184S ; Sept. 17. three ch. res. (iorham, N. H. Their 1881, Ella Hubbard; ;

children :

ii20rt' I. Ernest H. Garland^, b. June 12, 1886.

1120/^ II. Harrv J. Garland'-', b. June 13, 1887, 11206- III. Ralph W. GARLAND^b. May 2, 1889.

1121 III. Dorcas H.*^. b. in (xorham, N. H., Dec. 24, 1850 ; m., 1872,

y\sa G. Evans: five ch. ; res. (iorham. Farmer, in Dec. d. Oct. 1 122 IV. SvLViA A.^ b. Gorham, N. H., 3, 1852 ; 25, 1870. 1123 v. Hattie E.^ b. in Jefferson, N. H., Feb. 11, 1858; m., 1888, one ch. res. N. H. Farmer, Wm. A. Crawford: ; Jefferson,


JAMP:S GARLAND', son of John, No. 201. in H. later in Married Sarah Cowan. Lived Jefferson, N. ; Boston. their children

1124 I. James Henry*^, went to sea from Portland, Me., as first mate of the ship Mary Jane and has never been heard from since. 1125 II. ***Charles Augustus^, b. in Boston, July 16, 1839: m. March

25, i860, Mary E. Richards; one ch. : res. Worcester, Mass, He was on the Worcester, Mass., police force for 27 years. He was in the 25th Mass. Volunteers in the Civil War.

Their child :

I. b, March 1861 m, Sarah 1125^? Frank Henry Garland^, 30, ;

C. Doherty: four ch. : res. Worcester, Mass, Printer.

Their children :

1125^?/ I. Melly Mabel Garland^", b. March 16, 1881.

]i2sa2 11. Charles Frank Garland^'', b. Nov. 5, 1885.

ii25fzj> III. Emily Frances Garland^'', b. April 7, 1890, 1125^^ IV RocER James Garland1'\ b Nov, 10, 1893,


JOHN GARLAND', sou of Ebenezer, No. 202. Born Feb. 14, 1805. Died Oct. 4, 1884. Married, 1831, Mary McFarlane, died March 7, 1892, aged 81 years 10 months; she was 124 (iARLAXI) (;EXEALO(iV. tlie of William. AVaterville later daughter Residence, first, ; Xor- ridgewoek, Me. Farmer and merchant.


1126 1. ***JOHN^ 1). Feb. 9. 1833: m. Dec. 29. (863. Ellen ]. Snell : five ch.: res. Oakland, Me. Farmer. He was in the Civil War.

Their children :

1126c? I. Walter Jamks (iARLAxn-*. b. June 29. 1865 : m. Ada M.

Bean : one ch. ; res. Bin<>"ham. Me. 1126/v II. Carrie S. Garland'', b. fan. 18.1867: m James W.

IMiilbrick : two ch. : res. Winslow. Me.

11266 III. Albert C. Carlaxd'-'. b. July 30. 1872

1126c?' IV. Marv x-\. CarlaxiA b. March 5. 1874. 1126^' \'. Frank S. Garl.\nd'', b. Au"-. 21. 1877. 1127 II. ***Jame.s S.^ b. March I. 1835; d. in prison. probaI)ly. He was in Co. li. nth }*cnn. Regt.. in Civil War, and taken pris- oner at the cutting of Welden railroad.

1 128 III. Jane C.^ b. Feb. 5. 1837 : d. Aug. 16, 1857.

1129 IV. Daniel McCRILLIS^ b. July 9. 1839: d. Nov. 16. 1856.

1 130 \". !\L\RY F.**. b. March 22. 1841 : unm. : res. Xorridgewock. Me

1131 VI. Sarah E.**, b. May 18. 1844: m. R. Alonzo Davis: no ch. : res. South Norridgewock, Me.

I [32 VII, \'u)LA*^. b. June 11. 1848: m. March 9, 1873. Marion Jones :

two ch. : res. South Norridgewock. Me. Stone-mason.

Their children : i. Mahcl I\. Joucs. b. 1881. ii. I.oitic E., b.

J 883.


GEORGE GARLAND", son of Ebeuezer, No. 202. Born Aug. 20, 1814. Died July 25, 1880. Married, Oct. 22, 1843, Mary F. Home, died July oO, 18!>2. Residence, Pittstou, .Ale.


1 133 i. Melvina J.\ 1). July 8. 1844 : d. April 28. 1864 : res. Augusta. Me.

1 134 II. Geor(;e .Mercvlis**. 1). Feb. 12. 1846: d. Sept. 6. 1864. at Pen- sacola, Fla.

ir35 iiL Hester A.nn^. b. Aug. 17. 1847: d. March 21. 1849.

1 136 IV. James D.^ i). Oct. 21. 1850: cl. Oct. 23. 1850. 1137 V. Ann Eliza*^. b. Oct. 21. 1850: m. June 10. 1868, Chas. H. (lood-

win : four ch. : res. West ( Gardner, Me. Their children : i.

Mabel Goodwin, ii. D-istra///. James I), and Ann Eliza were twins.

1135 VL Mary Ar.Kivn/, 1). July 24. 1852 : m. Oct. 8. 1870, George W.

(ioodwin : nine ch. : res. W^est (iardiner. Me. Their chil-

dren: i. /o/i/i //. Goodivni. ii. Maiy E. iii George E. iv. I-'rank If. v. IfafticG. vi. Elhcl }f. C}ARLAx\D (iENEALOGY. 125

1139 VII. GusTAVus A.^ b. July 25, 1854: m. Mary 23, 1S7S, Ada A.

six res. : Kimball ; ch. ; West Gardiner, Me, Their children 1139^; I. Mary H. Garlaxi)-\ b. May i, 1881. ii3g<^ II. Melinda J. (iARLANiy''. b. May 6, 1883. 11396- III. LiLLiAX May CSarlaxd^, b. March 24, 1884.

ii39<'/ IV. 'Estp:lle N. Garland*^, b. Nov. 7. 1886.

1139^' V. Geor(;e M. Garland-', b. Oct. 2, 188S. 1139/ '^'i- Arthur Dean (rARLANi)-', b. Dec. 11, 1892,


ANHLLIAM GARLAND", son of Ebenezer, No. 202. Born Aug. 10, 1811). Married Mary Ann Fogg. Residence, Gardiner, Me. 'rHEIR CHILDREN.

I 140 I. LvSAXDflR^.

1 141 II. Mary"^, m. Frank Palmer; two ch. : res. Gardiner. Me.

1 142 III. Abihe^.

J 143 IV. Lizzie:^.

1144 V. Sarah^, m. (iustavus Mann: six ch. : res. (iardiner, Me.

1 1 45 VI. Etta**.

1 146 VII. Fanxy^.


WILLIAM GARLAND', sou of Jabez, No. 2015. Born Nov. 22, 1822. Died Aug. 28, 1889, in Berwick, Me. E. born Jan. 1839 Married, Nov. 20, 185G, Angeline Folsom, 23, ; in Me. three children. died Aug. 10, 1880, Berwick, ; Residence, lived in from to Berwick, Me. He Haverhill, Mass., 1860 1872 ; also lived in Hallowell, Me., for a time. their children.

1 147 • I. Frederic Clarence*^, b. Aug, 24, 1S5S, in Lancaster, N. H,; d, Sept. 26. i860.

1 148 II. Geor(;e Herbert*^, b. July 12, i860, in Haverhill, Mass.; m. Oct. A. Hurd of N. no ch. I, i886, Julia Farmington, H.; ; res. Oeat Falls, N. H. Merchant.

1149 III. Charles Eugene^, b. June iS, 1864, in Lancaster, N. H,; d.

March 12, 1891 ; m. May 10, 1886, Isabella T. Grossman of Prince Edward's Island; three ch.; res. Berwick, Me. Their

children :

ii49« I. Fred C. Garland-*, b. Dec, 1887,

1 149/7 II. Walter CjArland^, b. Sept. 1889. 11496 III. (lEOKfiK H. Garland", b. March. 1891. 126 c;aklaxu c;exealuc;y.


EBENEZEK GARLAND-, son of Thomas, No. 224. Born Sept. lo, 1781. Died May 27, 18.')8. Married Sarah

.')') H. taxed Thurston, died, aged years. Residence, Middleton,N. ; there from 1824 to 1841, inclusive. THEIR tniLDKKX.

1 150 I. Hp:\rv Fikk*^, b. Feb. 13. iiSoS: d. May 19, 1S43: m. Martha I>. • Whitehouse: three ch. : res. Middleton, N. H. Their chil-

dren :

ii5o<^r I. (iiLMAX T. (iARLAXD-'. b. Julv3i. i

MSo/j II. Sarah Jaxe Garland-', b. June 7. 1831 : m. Jonathan B.

Stevens: five ch. : res. Union. N. H. Their chil-

dren : i. Arabella E. Stevens, b. March 24. 1857 :

m. Jan. i. i860, John C. Fenney: two ch. : res. Union. N. H. ii. Henry G., b. Nov. 24. 1853. iii. Alma L..

b. Nov. 21. 1863. iv. Mattie. b. Nov. 28. 1867 : m.

H. B. Hart: res. Milton. N. H. v. Frank />'.. b.

Oct. 16. 1869.

1150c: III. ***Bexjamix Fraxklix Garlaxi)'-'. b. Aug-. 27. 1833:

d. June 3, 1864. in the Army, in the Civil War.

1151 II. Dorothy T.*^. b. Jan. 16. 1801 : m. Franklin Colbath, b. 1815. son of Samuel: res. Middleton, N. H.

1152 III. Haxxah H.^. b. Aug. 28. 1814: unm.

I f53 i^'- JoxATHAX Thurstox'^. b. Nov., 1818: d. July 19, 1856: m.. A. d. in one ch. res. 1842. Mary Cook. 1844: ; Middleton,

N. H. Their daughter :

1153^ I. Sarah Thurston Garland-', b. Sept. 3. 1839: m. Aug.

20, 1856. John \V. Home, five ch. : res. Middleton,

N. H. Their children: i. .Irlsla Home. m. Clara

J'arker: res. Farmington, N. H. ii. .\fary li..\x\. Kric

J. Twanibley : res. Middleton. N. H. iii. Leonora E.. m. I)r. William Blake: res. Farmington. '\\. Everett.

unm. \'. //<76'//./., m. Irving C race.


LEWIS GARLAND", son of Richard, No. 2.12. Born Jan. 4, 1811. Married Hannah Elurd. Residence, Gonic, N. II.

THEIR cniLi)Ri-:x.

1154 I. ***Johx We.slev^. b. Nov. 30, 1839: d. Nov. 26, 1862, in Knox- ville, Tenn. He was in Co. H. 9th Regt. in War of the Rebellion.

1155 II. James^. b. in 1843 : dead: m. ist. 1843. Abbie Littlefield of GARLAND (iENEALOGY. 127

Kennebunk, Me. : m. 2d, Feb., 1853, Sarah Dearborn of

Hill, N. H.; no ch. ; res. Bristol, N. H.

1156 III. Ida J.^, b. Oct. 5, 1850: m. Feb. 17, 1870, James F. Otis; nine

ch. : res. Gonic, N. H. Their children: i. Russell B.Otis,

b. Sept. 6. 1870. ii. Idella, b. Aug. 9, 1S72. iii. Mijuiie, b. Sept. 2, 1874. iv. Carrie, b. 1876. v. A^elly, b. 1879. vi. LJbbie. b. 1882. vii. Ef/icL b. 1885. viii. Frank, b. 1S88. ix. Edwin, b. June 18. i8qi.

1157 IV. Franks b. Feb. 19, 1852; dead.


8HERP:BIAH GARLAND-, son of Richard, No. 232. Bora in 1820. 3Iarried, 1847, P^liza Hopkins. Residence, Rochester, N. H. THEIR CHILDRP:N.

1 158 I. GEUR(iE^, b. 1850; m. Lucy Varney, d 1863; res. Rochester, N. H.

1 159 II. Charles Horatio^, b. 185 1 ; m. Mary Sullivan, an adopted dau. of Nathaniel No. six ch. res. Garland, 547 ; ; Farming- ton. He lived with Nathaniel for a long time and until his

death. Their children :

1159^? I. Mary E. GrARLAxi)''.

1159/' II. (ii:<)R(;E F. (iARLAXI)'-'. 1159^ 111. Alice M. Garlaxd-'. 1159c/ IV. Bertha F. (}arlaxi)-'. 1159c v. Charles H. Garlaxd-'. 1159/ ^'i- Lizzie G. Garland^.

1 160 III. JoHN*^, b. 1854 m. : one ch.; res. Farmington, N. H. ii6r IV. Irven*^, b. 185S; m. Ada Horn; res. Rochester, N, H.

1 162 V. Elmer*^, b. i860; res. Farmington, N. H.

1 VI. b. 1862 m. ch. : res. 163 Mary^, ; Frank Lucier ; two Rochester, N. H. vii. b. m. one ch. res. 1164 Sarah^, 1866; Wyman ; ; Farmington, N. H. 1165 VIII. P^RAXK^, b. 1869; m. Hussey; res, Rochester, N. H.


VYILLIAM GARLAND", son of Capt. Nathaniel, No. 237. Born Jan. 1^, ISOG. Died Nov. 10, 1839, in Baltimore, Md. Married Mary Alexander Jones, born in Boston, Aug. 13, 1810; died in New Hampton, N. H., Aug. 25, 1851. She was the daugh- ter of John B. Jones of Boston. He came from Paris, France, in 1788. Residence, Dan vers, Mass. ; then Baltimore, Md. THEIR CHILDREX.

1166 1. Johx Joxes^ b. Aug. 26. 1831 ; d Oct. 8, 1832. 128 GARLAND GENEALOGY.

1 167 II. John VVILL1A.M^ b. Nov. 7. 1832 : d. Jan 22, 1888.

1 168 111. Mary Alexaxder"*, b. Dec. 30, 1833; d. July 26. 1834.

1 169 IV. Martha JACOBS^ b. Feb. 13, 1835 ; d. Aug. 22. 185 1.

1 170 V. Mary Axtioxette^, b. Dec. 31, 1836; d. Aug 15, 185 1. 1 171 VI. Ida^ b. Aug. 28. 1839: m. April 6. 1864. in Boston, Henry Har-

1"). in rison Fay. New I'altz. X. Y, ; noch.: res. Newport, R. I. Postmaster.


JAMES GARLAND', son of Capt Nathaniel, No. 238. Born in Waterboro, Me., April 5, 1792. Died Nov., 1879, in Portland, Me. Married, March 12, 1820, Mary Ann Decker, born in 1797; died Dec. 11, 1847; six children. Residence, Portland, Me. Jobber. rHKIK LHILIJRKX,

1172 1. Haxnah^. b. in Westbrook. Me.. June i. 1822: m. Oct. 8, 1840: Ezekiel Wormwood, died 1886: seven ch.: res. Portland, Me. "*** Carpenter. Their children : i. Arthur IVoruiwoott. b.

March 7. 1841 : d. abt. 1864 in Andersonville Prison. He was a sergeant in Co. E, 8th .Maine Regt., in Civil War. ii.

Alfred R., b. Oct. 9. 1842 : m. Hannah Jenkins, iii. Ahfiore,

b. Sept. 3. 1844: m. Susan Linnell. iv. Edwina A., b. July 10. 1847: m. Jere Walker, v. Addie. b. Oct. 20, 1859; m. Walter Cummings. vi. Alice, b. Oct, 20: m. ist Thomas Haskell: m. 2d Jeremiah Doughty.

1173 11. Nathaxiel^. b. in Portland, June i, 1824: d. March, 1881 : m. Dec, 1851, Julia Lemming, b. Jan. 6, 1829; two ch. Printer. He died in a hospital in N. Y. City. Their children: 1173(7 I, Isabel V'ax Horx Garlaxd^ b. March 12, 1853: m. March Perkins: three ch. res. 7, 1875. George W. ; Wap-

pinger Falls, N. Y. Their children : i. Laura Perkins,

b. 1877: d. 1S80. ii. Justiiia H .. b. Sept. 15. 1882. iii.

George H ., b. Jan. ii. 1884. 1173/^ II. Fraxce.s xMakia (iARLAXi)'^ b. Nov. 21. 1854.

1174 111. Dexter D.*^, b. in Westbrook, Me., Feb. 15, 1827: d. April 13, 1890; m. March 16, 1S48, Julia C. Dennis, b. April 16, 1829:

four ch. : res. Chicago. 111. Printer. He was county super- intendent of public schools for six years and clerk of Circuit chil- court for hve years in Kewannee county, Wis. Their .

dren :

1174^ I. P^RAXK C. Garlaxd^. b. in Boston, May 4. 1849: d.

March 14. 1850.

1 174/'' II. Fred A. Garlaxd'*. 1). in HoUowell. Me.. Dec. 9, 1853:

m. March 22. 1880, Mary A. Smith: two ch. : res. Clyde,

111. Rnilroad. Their children : GARLAND GP:NEAL0GY. 129

1174Z'/ I. Edna S. GarlaxdI", b. Nov. 28, 1884; d. July 18, 1887.

1 174/;.? II. Myrtle Garland^", b. Nov. i, 1888. 1174^- III. Thomas Henry Garland^, b. in Augusta, Me., Dec. 10, m. Annie E, no ch. res. 1855: May 14, 1883, Tracy ; ; Ingle wood, 111. 1174^' IV. George W. C. Garland^, b. in Kewanee. Wis., Dec. 23, 1863; res. 1 137 Bonney Ave.. Chicago, 111.

in ; 1175 IV. James^ b. Portland, Me., Sept. 22, 1831 d. Sept. 15. 1851 : killed by accident in Portland, Me. 1 176 V. Mary Jane^, b. in Portland, Me., May 18, 1839; d. Nov. 28.

1856; m. istCapt. Joseph Gray, d. 1S57 ; one ch.; res. Bristol,

Me. Sea captain. Married, 2d, ***Stephen Brown, d. 1890 ; three ch. res. Portland, Me. Printer. He served in ; the

War of the Rebellion. Their children : \. Louis J. Gray, h. 1857: m. ist Kitty Clark: m. 2d Gertrude Clark, ii. Ger-

trude, iii. Catherine Brow11, b. 1870.

1 177 VI. Emily Ann*^, b. in Portland, Me., Oct. 18, 1839; d. Aug. 10, 1S86; m. ist Nov. 1859. Alonzo Loring; divorced: res. New (iloucester. Me. Farmer. Married, 2d. Amos Meserve, d.

1890; res. Portland, Me. : custom house employe.


JAMES GARLAND", son of Capt. John, No. 240. Born Oct. 14, 1787. Died July 9, 1851. Married, Sept. 22, Annie four children. N. H. 1808, Young ; Residence, Wakefield, Farmer. their children.

1 178 I. Sally B.**, b. March 10, 1809; d. April 29, 1894; m. 1832, Rob-

ert Moulton ch. Their children : i. Moul- ; eight Mary M.

ton, b. Sept. i, 1833; d. Aug 21, 1885: m. Jan. i, i860. Dr.

S. M. Mitchell, ii. G^^^^r^^? W^., b. July 6, 1835 : d. Sept. s,

1838. iii. Alfred M., b. Sept. 9, 1837; m. April 13, 1868, Mary E. Spinney; res. Illinois, iv. Susan A.., b. Jan. 26,

1840; m. Jan i, 1870, Dr. A. B. Hanna; res. Tennessee, v.

Herschell, b. Jan. 15, 1842: m. Jan. 8. 1863, Mary E. Thomp- son, vi. leaiah, b. April 11, 1854. vii. Amasa., b. July 4,

1846; d. March 29, 1848. viii. George A., b. July i, 1848: d. June 16, 1858,

1 179 II. MARY^ b. Jan. 10, 1811 ; d. Oct. 10, 1828.

1180 III. Georgf:*^, b. Dec. 19, 1813: d. Oct 21, 1828.

1 181 IV. Maria*^, b. Feb. 21, 1815 : d. Nov. 9. 1828.


JOHN R. GARLAND', son of Capt. John, No. 240. 130 GARLAND GEXEALOCiV.

Married, first, Feb. 22, 1840, Mary Leavitt. Married, second, Hannah Gile, born 1712. Residence, Ossipee, N. H. Farmer.


1182 I. Maria\ 1). April 6. : m. Charles L. Connor: one ch. : res.

Moultonville. N. H. Carpenter. Their child: i. Charter E. Connor, b. 1873; res. Moultonville. N. H.

1 183 11. Mary L.*^, b. July 4. 1S4S : ni. Daniel E. Heath : one ch. : res.

Moultonville. \. H. Mill-man. Their child : i. Gertrude E. Heath, b. 1876: res. Moultonville, N. H. b. 1184 ni. Laura E. *', Jan. 14. 1850: m. John Hod^re: tour ch. : res. Moultonville, N. H. Railroad. Their children: i. Edgar C. Hodge, b. 1869. ii. A'ellie />'.. b. 1870. iii. Hej-tie C. b. 1872. iv. Aland: E.. b. 1876.

1 185 i\'. AKA^.^:LLA^ b. July 30. 1851 : d. Dec. 4, 1866.

1186 V. SuMXKR (i.\ b. July 31. 1831 ; m. Auj^usta Chick : three ch. : res. .Moultonville. N. H. Farmer. Sumner (/. and Arabella

were twins. Their children :

1186^7 I. Albp:rt B. Garland^, b. June 8, 1873.

1186/' II. Frank F. (i.A.RLAND-\ b. Sept. 25. 1874. ii86r III. .Mkrtii: B. (iARLAXi)-\ b. April 20. 18S1. ,o _ \ 'V.Ac.'^


JOSIAH GARLAND", son of Capt. John, No. 24U.

Born Oct. 21, 1810. Died April 12, 1880. Married, first, Jan. 26, 1842, Rowena A. Spinney, died in 1863. Married, second, Nov. 7, 1867, Caroline Gerrish of Northwood Narrows N. H., died Aug., 1891. Residence, Wakefield, N. H. THKlR CUILDRHN.

1 187 I. Jerkmi.ah", b. Nov. 20. 1842 : d. Feb. 5. 1850.

1 188 II. Joseph Paul^, b. Jan. 29. 1845 : d. March 15, i86o. 11 89 III. Mary Ellen'*, b. Sept. 25. 1846; d. July 10, 1867.

1190 IV. Alvah Spinney^, b. June 8. 1849: m. Nov, 17, 1873, Priscilla b. ch. res. L. Lathrop. 1849: four ; Wakefield, N. H. Farmer.

Their children :

iigort; I. George Lathrop Garland'*, b. May 24, 1874. 1190^ II. JcsEPH Paul Garland^, b. March 16. 1876: d. Oct. 5, 1877.

iKjof III. Ruth Butler G.-vrland'-', Ix Au.u;. 23. 1881. 1190c/ i\". Joseph Spinney (rARi.ANi)''. b. Aup;. 20. 1883.


NATHANIEL GARLAND', son of ("apt. James, No. 24;L GARLAND GENEALOCiY. ivj'

Born Oct. 15, 1800, iu Wells, Me. Died Jan. 20, 1857. Mar- ried Lavinia Drew. Residence, Carmel, Me. Farmer.


1 I. b. in Oct. US26 : d. 22. 191 Warren^, Winslow, Me., 28, June 1857 ; res. lone City, Cal. 1 192 II. James^, b. in Winslow, Me.. June 28. 1828; d. May 10, 1876;

m. 6. Catherine b. ; d. June 1857. Adams, 1834 April 17. 1885 ;

four ch. ; res, Carmel, Me. Farmer. Their children :

1192^- I. Eannie Garland'^, b. Oct. 29, 1859: d. April 29, 1881.

1192/;' II. James W. Garland'*, b. Aug. i, 1861 : d. April 15. 1890, in San Diego, Cal.

i\i)2c- III. Lizzie B. CiARLAND'\ b. Aug. 22, 1864.

1192^!' IV. Herbert W Garland^ b. Oct. 15, 1870. III. b in 1193 John Drew^ Winslow, Me.. Aug. 19, 1S30 ; m. Jan. 6, V. Lemon ; five ch. res. 1864, Jennie ; Murphy's, Cal. Mer- chant—a member of the firm of Manuel & Garland. Their

cliildren :

ii93<'? I. Warren Garland'-'.

1193/? II. LiLLIE (iARLAND'-'.

11936- III. V'iNNiE Garland".

ii93<';' IV. Annie Garland".

11936' V. George Garland".

1 in 194 IV. Henry C.*^, b. Winslow, iMe., Sept. 19, 1832; d. June 11, m. Sarah H. b. d. 1861 1865; June 14, 1859, Trickey, 1840; ; res, Belfast. Me. Merchant.

1195 V, Fannie*^, b. in Carmel, Me., Oct, 19, 1834; m. June 26, 1856, Robert B. b. ch. res. Dunning, 1827; eight ; Bangor, Me. Merchant. Their children: i. /o/i// G. Dunning, b. 1857; m. Hattie S. Phillips, ii. George W., b. 1858. iii. Fanny, h. 1862; m. W. H. Edwards, iv. Az«

1 VI. Daniel W.*^, b. 21, : m. i, 1861, E. Pratt 196 Jan. 1836 Jan. Mary ;

b. : 1838 four ch. ; res. Carmel, Me. Farmer. Their chil-

dren :

11966? I. Lizzie Garland^ b. Feb. 4. 1862, in Bangor. ii96/>' II. Allen Garland", b. April 21, 1864, in Bangor; d. May 25, 1864.

11966 III. RoscoE p. Garland", b. April 16, r866: m. Nov, 11,

1890, Alice Tibbetts ; one ch.. b. Oct. 29, 1891 ; res. Ban- gor, Me.

iig66if IV. Herbert F. Garland", b. Oct. 17, 1868; d. Jan. 10, 1869.

1197 VII, Albert Eugene^, b, Sept. 28. 1838; m. Sept, 9, 1871, Lucia b, M, Chandler, 1847; two ch, ; res, Minneapolis, Minn.

Their children :

11976? I, Albert E. Garland", b, Dec, 17, 1872, 132 GARLAND CiEXKALOCiV.

\\()-]b II. HaKKV C. (iAKLAMV. b. Oct. 16. 1880.

1 198 VIII. ***Amasa Stetson^ b. Oct. 2, [841 : m. Oct. 25. 1864. Roxie Sargent: two ch.; res. Monson, Me Merchant. He was in the War of the Rebellion at the blockade and bombard- ment of Charleston, S. C. and was in the boat expedition to take Fort Sumpter and Fort Wagner on Morris Island.

Their children :

1198^; 1. Fay Garland^ b. Oct. 9. 1S66: m. Dr. A. H. Harding: res. Monson, Me.

1198^ II. Al.DMX W. (iARL ANF)'-'. Ix Xov. [5. [872.


BENJAMIN F. GARLAND", son of Thomas, No. 246. Born about I'^O^ Died about 1834. Married Clarissa Jones. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

1199 1. Frederic Joxes^ b. in Portsmouth. X. H.. March. 1832; d.

in : July, 1890, Lowell, Mass. m. ist, 1855. Jane Stacy, d. 1861 ;

res. Lowell. Mass. : m. 2d. 1863. Emma Rogers, d. 1861^ : m. 3rd. 186S, Mary E. Chapman, m. 4th, 1878, Abbie Parker. He and his brother were left orphans at 7 and 9 years of age. They were brought up by their Aunt Mary of Great Falls, N. H. He was overseer in cotton mills in Manchester and

Lowell 17 years and superintendent of a cotton mill in

Columbus, Ga. Their children :

ii99<2 I. Clara Ja.ne (iARLAXD^, b. 1856: m. May 25. 1896. True

E. Goodwin of South Berwick, Me. ; res. Boston.

1199/^ II. Fannie Au(;usta Garland'-*, b. 1858: m.. 1833. Edwin Ferrin. b. 1858: res. (ionic. N. H.

(By Third Wife.)

1199^ III. GfioRGE F. Garland^ b. 1869: res. Lowell, Mass. 1199^^ IV. Marv E. GarlaniA b. 1876: res. Lowell. Mass.

(By Foil rill Wife.)

iiqge v. Claude Garland^, b. 1879: res. Lowell, Mass.

1199/' VI. Lillian Garland^ b. 188 1 : res. Lowell. Mass.

1200 II. Benjamin F.^, b. June 19, 1834. in Portsmouth. X. H.: m.

March 22, 1856, Martha Skillings: two ch. ; res. Manchester,

J\.H. Their children :

1200^ I. Charles F. Garland'-' b. Sept. 30. 1857: d. .May 28, 1889: m. Xov. II. 1880. Lucy A. Hodge: res. Man- chester. X. H. 1200^ II. Frank W. Garland^ b. Aug. 8. i860: m. June 16, 1884,

Edith E. Fraker : res. Manchester. X. H. (OAKLAND GENEALOGY. 133


DANIEL GARLAND', son of Thomas, No. 246.

Born March 28, 1807, in Portsmouth, N. H. Died Dec. 2, 1882. Married, Dec. 25, 1881, Hannah Hasty of Portland, Me., born Sept, 25, 1812; died March 7, 1877. Residence, Portland, Me. THEIR CHILIJKEX.

(All Born in Portland, Me.)

1201 I. JoHX W.**, b.. Nov. iS, 1832 ; d. Feb. 16, 1870; m. Sarah Loth- rop.

11. b. d. 1202 Mary A.*^, July 12, 1835 ; June 22, 1836. III. Sarah b. d. 1203 E.^, Sept. 17, 1837 ; May 3, 1854. b. 1204 IV. Harriet M.^, Sept. 22, 1845 ; m. Nov. 2, 1890, in Boston, S. A. Kennelly; res. 15 Mystic street, Charlestown, Mass. Brush-maker. She is the only one of the family living in


1205 V. Benjamin F.*^, b. May 16, 1847 : d. Nov. 22, 1S49.

1206 VI. Franklin H.^, b. luly 3. 1849; d. Aug. 13. 1872.

1207 VII. Mary W.**, b. y\pril 4, 1840; d. Feb. 9, 1887.


JAMES GARLAND^, son of Thomas, No. 246.

Born 1816, in Portsmouth, N. H. Married, first. Miss Gate. Married, second, April 12, 1860, Widow Julia A. Colbath. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

1208 I. Josp:ph H.^, b. 1845; m. Ellen J, Holmes; res. Dover, N. H. 1209 II. James M.^, m. Miss Hodgdon; res. Portsmouth, N. H. 12 10 III. Frank P.*^, m. Widow Swan; res. Kittery, Me.

1 121 IV. Charles A. ^, unm. ; res. Portsmouth.

12 1 2 V. Anna**, dead. 1213 VI. John**, dead. 1214 \'ii. Sarah^. dead.

(By Second ]]'ifc.)

1215 \'iir. Harry**, unm. 12 16 IX. Albi:r'I**, unm.

12 1 7 X. (iF:()RGE**, dead. 1218 XI. Carrie**, dead.


**STEPHEN GARLAND", son of Dudley, No. 247. Born June 19, 1 7M0. Died July 18, 1850. Married Lydia 134 GARLAxND GENEALOGY.

Clough. Residence, Rochester, N. H., later Hampden, Me. He was in the War of 1812, was taken by the P2nglish and carried into a port in Denmark and claimed as an English subject. He kept a store in Rochester, X. H., moved to Waterford, Me., and later to Hampden, ]Me. THEIR CHILDKKX.

1. Stephen b. u. ; m. A. ten 1219 W.^ May 1815 Mary Holmes; ch. ; res. Augusta, Me.

1220 II. Samuel S.^. b. in Salem. Me.. April 13. 1817: m. ist. Sept. i. m. 1841, Margaret Otis; 2d, Sept. 30, 1857, Mary (cordon : six ch.: res. Hampden. Me. Their children (all born in

Hampden, Me., except the first) :

I. in 220^? Roscoe (jARLAXd^. b. Belfast, Me., June 13. 1841 : d. March 6. 1847.

220b II. Ann Frances Garland^, b April 10. 1846: d. April 24.

1874; m. William Sherman: one ch. : res. Boston. Mass.

[2206 III. Juliette E. GarlaniA b. May 25. 1850: m. S. Y.

Smith: two ch. : res. Hampden, Me. 22o<'/ IV. Nellie L Garland-', b. Aug. 12, 1858: d. April 1. ]8Si:

m. A. P. Sargent: no ch. : res. Brewer, Me,

220^' V. William L. Garland^, b. May 7. 1865. 220/ VI. RoscoE S. Garland^ b. Sept. 17, 1873.

:22i III. Mary Jane*', b. in \'assalboro. Me., Dec 29, . in 222 IV. Joseph C.^. b. New Hampshire: m. Eliza Gordon : res. Hampden. Me.

223 \'. LvDiA J.^. b. in Vassalboro, Me. : m. Sargent French : four

ch. ; res. Oldtown. Me, 224 VI. Henry D.**, m. Rose Cunningham: four ch.: res. Rockland, Me.

225 VII. Mary P.^, m. Lemuel Morse : one ch. ; res. Plymouth. 226 viiL Elizabeth A**, b. in Winslow. Me.: m. Hiram (jordon: one

ch. : res. Boston. Mass. 227 IX. John L."". 228 X. Harriet E.^.


JAMES GARLAND," sou of Dudley, No. 247. Born Dec. 14, 17!)0, in Rocliester, N. H. Died May 26, 1875, in Dec. Phebe ]M. of Boston Boston. Married, first, ID, 1821, Hayes ; two children. Married, second, April 10, 18;31, Abigail Nichols ; one child. Married, third, Nov. 2G, 1835, Jane S. Pike of Ports- mouth, N. H. ; two children. Residence, No. 15 Beach street, Boston, Mass. Carpenter. He learned the cai'penter's trade with GARLAND GENEALOGY. 135 his brother-in-law, Charles Hoyt, in Kochester, N. H., and wont to Boston in 1811). He died in his house where he had lived more than


122 J I. Ann**, b. abt. 1S23 : m. John McElroy. 1230 II. Jaxi:^. died in her teens.

1 23 1 III. Amanda^, died ag^ed abt. 2 years. 1232 IV. ***James W.*. b. Oct. 6, 1838; d. Nov. 28, 1892, suddenly; he

was buried the G. A. R. ; m. ; one ch. res Beach by ; 51 street, Boston. Plumber. He was in the Civil War. Their

son :

1132.'/ I. James C. Garlaxd'*. b. 1872; res. 51 Beach street, Bos- ton. Vocalist.

y. b. d. F'eb. 16. 1233 SvREXA*^, 1841 ; May 18, 1874; m. 1864, Randolph

C. Getchell ; res. V'^assalboro, Me. Printer.


HIRAM GARLANDt, son of Dudley, No. 247. Born May 8, 1802. Died about 1S1)2. ^Married, first, Lucinda Smith. Married, second. Widow Sirah Knox (Clemens). Resi- dence, Great Falls, N. H. THEIR CHILI3REX.

[234 I. AxN Maria*^. dead; m. March 2, 1837, John Pitman. Their

children : i. Jacob Fitumn. m. Sarah Bodwell. ii. John, m. Annie Bamford. iii. McJiitable, m. Pearl Sanborn, iv. Helt'iu m. B. F. Stevens.

1235 II. Franklin S.*^,b. 1819; d. 1864; m. abt. 1840, Mary A, Garland (No. 598); res. Great Falls, N. H. Their children:

I. b. 1 d. 1235^ Sarah Garland^ 184 ; July 30, 1842. 1235^ II. George E. Garland^ d. Nov. 24, 1869. 12356- III. Manthano'S. Garland^, b. abt. 1850; m. ist Hannah

J. Fletcher ; two ch. ; res. Rochester, N. H. ; m. 2d April 28. 1881, Marianna Lord; m. 3rd Hannah (^racey.

Their children :

12356-/ I. Benjamin F. Garlaxd1'\ b. abt. 1870.

12356-.5' II. Edgar S. Garland^'', b. abt. 1872. 1235^/ IV. Faxny Garland^, b. abt. 1857; unm.; res. Great Falls, N. H.

III. ch. : i. 1236 AxGELiNPL'^.m. Alonzo Thurston ; three Their children

Fred TJiurstoii. ii. Laura, m. Fred York, iii, Anmiida, m, George Chellis. 1237 IV. Dudley A.*^, b. Oct., 1828; m. ist Sept. 25, 1853, Rose Helen

Cole of Ehot Me., b. 1828; d. 1886; m. 2d Oct. 17, 1889. H. res Great Mary Jane Emerson of Exeter, N. ; Falls,

N. IL Their cliildrcn : 136 GARLAND GENEALOGY.

12371^ I. Ella Lucinda Garland^ b. Dec. 25, 1854; m. Merrill B. Hill; res. Great Falls, N. H. Butcher.

\2y]b n. Frank Wilbur Garland^, b. Jan. 4. 1861 ; m. Mary A.

How: fourch.; res. Great Falls. \. H. Their children :

\2y]bl \. (iEORGE Garlaxi)^", \\y]b2 w. Grace Garlaxd1'\ izTfjbj in. Alice Garlaxd1'\ \zyjb4 IV. RosAxxAH Garlaxd^*.

1237^- III. AxxA Belle Garlaxd^. b. Feb. 2. rS6o: m. Aug. 2, 18S3. Samuel D. Edgerly: one ch.: res. Newmarket,

N. H. Mason. Their child : i. Roscoe D. Edgsrly. \2y]d \\\ Lizzie Smith Garlaxd". Ix Dec. 20.1862: d. Dec. 25. 1863. 1238 V. Joseph C.^, went West and married there. 1239 VI. ***WixsLOW O.*, m. Mary A. Berry: res. Kittery, Me. He was killed in battle in the Civil War. James T. Berry was appointed guardian of their son (York County Records), on application of Mary A. Berry, late widow of Winslow O.

(iarland. Their son :

1239^7 I. Herbert Garlaxij'*.


ALFRED GARLAND', son of Dudley, No. 247. Born March 11, 1807. Married, first, July 9, 1826, in Middle- ton, N. H., Abigail Home, born 1805; died 1840; she was the daughter of Jacob. Married, second, Lydia Waldron, daughter of John. Married, third, March 14, 1862, in Middletou, Harriet B. Gage, born l'S4o, their childrex.

res. Far- 1240 1. Marv A.^ dead: m. iMay 31, 1852, John Kicker: mi ngton, N. H.

1241 II. HARRIET^ b. Jan. 13. 1830: d. Au^ 5,1889: ni.. Nov., 1847,

: N. H. John D. Perkins, b. 1822 : four ch. res. Milton,

Shoe. Their children : i. Ainrustus J. Perkins, m.

Josephine Wallace: seven ch. : res. South Wolfboro', N. H.

: ch. ii. Francis E.. b. 1849: m. John (}. Aspinwall three ;

1 ist Ches- res. Farmington. iii. Charles J/., b. 185 ; m. iv. Caro- . : res. ley . m. 2d Clark two ch. Farmington.

ch. : res. Wolfboro'. line C"., b. 1854: m. C. W. Hicks: one N. H.

1242 III. jACor, Dl:iJLi:\'^. res. Farmington. N. H. 1243 IV. Aloxzu E.'', m. Dec. 31, 1868, Eliza E. Mains. 1244 V. George F,^.

: Me. 1245 VI. Edgar W.^, b. abt. 1864: m. Jessie res. Portland,

1246 VII. Charle.s H.^ m. : res. Portsmouth, N. H. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 137

1247 VIII. Willie P.*^, res. Farmington, N. H, 1248 IX. James H.**. 1249 X. B?:rtie*^, b. 1877. 1250 XI. Orlando**.


NATHANIEL GARLAND', son of Richard, No. 249. Born Sept. 22, 17«3, ia Eaton, N. H. Died Nov. 30, 1841. Married, first, Sept. 17, 1801), Martha Batler of South Berwick, Me., born 1781; died Aug. 9, 1827; she was the daughter of Arraine two children. ; Married, second, March 15, 1829, Abigail Garland (No. 635), daughter of James. Residence, Berwick, Me. He was clerk of the Second Baptist society in Berwick, Me., March 19, 1810. His will, dated Nov. 30, 1841, South Berwick, Me., gave all his estate, real and personal, to his wife Abigail, and men- tions in his will Homer Harrison Garland, and Martha Maria, Mary Elizabeth, Francis B., Nathaniel VV., Sirah Abigail and Freeman Augustus Garland. He hcdd some minor offices in the town in 1812. THEIR CHILDREN.

1 25 1 I. Frederic A.**, b. in South Berwick, Me., Sept. 16, 1810; d. Feb. Feb., i860; m. 16, 1834, Mary P. Getchell ; two ch. ; res.

Castine, Me. Their children :

1251^: I. Mary T. B. Garland^, b. in Castine, Me., Oct. 24, 1834; m. ist Otis Grindle res. Mt. June i, 1855, ; Desert, Me. ;

m. 2d George Bracy. Their children : i. Georg2 Grhidle. b. 1856; d. 1877. ii. Herbert, h. 1862; d. 1862. \\\. Min-

nti, b. May 30, 1867. iv. Charles H.^ b. July 9. 1871. 1251^ II. Armine A. Garland^, b. in Castine, Me., June 30, 1836; ist m, July 13, 1856, Capt. Thomas Martyn; two ch. ; res. Castine, Me. He was lost at sea in 1867. Married

2d Oct. 4, 1893. David Harding. Their children: i. Themas Martyii, b. July 4, 1S58. ii, lVilIia}>i, b. Aug, 16, 186 1. 1252 II, Martha W,^, b, March 23. 1820; m. Rev. Howard Moody of York, Me.; two ch. Settled in Canterbury, N. H, Their

children : i, John //. Moody, ii. Martha H 1253 III Francis B.^, b. June 20. 1823; d. 1823.

•1254 IV, Annie*^, b, Oct, 7, 181 3; d. Oct, 27. 1814. 1255 V. Theresa M.^, b. March 23, 1816; d. May 20, 1818. ni. 1256 VI, Nathaniel Watson^, b, June 23, 1829; d, Nov. i, 188- ;

; ch, res. Ann d. Nov. 12, 1890; one ; Boston, Mass.

Their son :

1256.'? I, Nathaniel (jARLand-'. res. Boston, i3,S GARLAND GEXEALOGV.

1257 \n. Mary E/. b. Oct. 23, 1S30; m. April 10, 1.S52, Samuel A. Mor-

rill, Jr.. : no ch. ; res. Canterbury. N. H. 125S VIII. Sarah A.^, b. Feb. 16, 1832. 1259 IX, Christiana B.**, b. July 2, 1S33.

1260 X. Sarah A.. 2i)\ b. April 7, 1835; m. ***Charles S. Emery: no ch. He wa.s killed in the Civil War, at the Battle of Cold H arbor.

1261 XI. Christiana B.. 21)'^. b, Feb. 7, 1837.

1262 XII. Freeman Augustus^, b. July 17. 1S39: m., t86i. Sarah E.

Moore: two ch. : res. Nashua, N. H. Their children :

1262^? I. Edwin F. (^.arlaxd-'. b. 1865: m. Sept. 6. 1887, Alice

Lusier: one ch. : res. Brattleboro, \'t. Their child:

1262(11 I. Sadie M. (tArland^''.

1262''^ II. (iRACE M. Garland'-', b. Dec. 1. 1873.


EBENP:ZER GARLAND", son of Richard, No. 24:». Born in 1790. Died Jan. 30, 18')8. :\Iarned Feb. 18, 1810, Lydia Hayes of Bartlett, N. H. Residence, Bartlett, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

1263 I. Alexis'', b. April 18, 181 1 : d. Feb. 22. 18:^7: m. April 15, 1S43,

Nancy Cummings. b. 181 5 . two ch. Their children : 1263C7 1. ***Benjamin C. Garland-', b. April 12. 1S44: m. March

II, 1867. Emma Damon: no ch. : res. Whitefield, N. H. He was in the War of the Rebellion, in the i6th N. H. Infantry. 1263^ II. Lydia H. Garland'', b. Nov. 24, 1846; m, Samuel Page.

12636- III. Eben O.Garland-', b. Sept. 30. 1848: m. Cynthia

children : Boyce : res. Bardett. N. H. Merchant. Their 12636V I. Fred L. Garland^'^, b. Nov. 20. 1886.

1263^.? II. Bertha M. GarlandI'^'. b. Dec. 15. 1887 : d. Aug. 24. 1886. 1263^^ III. Clifton R. (iARLand^". b. June 21. 1890. m. Herbert 1263.'^' i\'. Drusilla K. Garland^ b. June 9. 1851: Blake: res. Portland. Me. Conductor on the P. & O. Railroad

\26y v. Richard A. Garland-', b. Feb. 15. 1854: d. Nov. 20, 1885.

1263/ \t. P^red E. CjARLAND'-', b. April 2, 1857 : m. Emma (iray.

1264 II. Louise H.^. m. Isaac .Meserve : res. Bartlett, N. H. 1265 III. Richard^, died young. 1266 IV. Theresa A.^ m. Joseph Hayes. 1267 V, Rachei/. m. James Hayes. 126S VI. Otis^, died young. 1269 VII. LVDIA''. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 13.J


EBENEZER GARLAND", son of Samuel, No. 250. Bora April 20, 1788, in Lebanon, N. H. Died in 1820. Mar- ried, Nov. 21, 1811, Annie Young, born 1700; died Sept. 21, 1867; six children. Residence, Milton Three Ponds, then removed to Brooklyn, Pa. She married, second, William B. Wentworth at Barnstead, N. H., and married, third, John Hill, whom she sur- vived.


1270 ]. Mary Axx^, b. June 9, 1812; d. March 6. 1832. 1271 II, Susan E.**, b. Oct. 23, 1814: m. James Wallace; res. Alton, N. H. Carpenter. 1272 III. Ebkx Crocket'^, b. April 24, 1817, in Durham, N. H.: m. ist

April 5. 1840, Marcia C. Edgerly; m. 2d Dec. 12, 1858, Lydia

W. H. Willev : m. 3rd |uly 9, 1865. Sarah A. Littlefield ; res. Grange, N. H. Lumber manufacturer. Their children:

i272rt I. Mary J axe Garland^, b. Aug. 24, 184 1. in Wolfboro, N. H.; d. Sept. 14, i860.

i272<^ II. GEORCiE S. Garland*^, b. June 19, 1844, in Lancaster,

N. H. ; d. April 19, 1S49.

12726- III. Ebex Francis (^arland^, b. July 26, 1847, in Lancaster,

m. E. : three ch res. N. H.; Jan. 7. 1876, Mary Pingree ; Lynn, Mass. Photographer. i272i^ IV. George W, Garlaxd^, b. Aug. u, 1849, in Lancaster, N. H.; res. Chatanooga, Tenn.

1272^? y. Charles Wesley Garland^, b. April 3. 1853. in Lan-

caster, N. H.; m. Nov. 5, 1890, Rachel E. Thomas: one ch. res. Tenn. manufacturer. ; Chatanooga, Lumber

Their child :

1272^/ I. Charles Ralph Garland^'^ b. Nov. 19, 1890. VI. b. Oct. in N. H. 1272/" Ahby M. Garland^, 2, 1859, Lancaster, ;

m. March 26, 188 r, Chester P. Brown : two ch. : res.

Bradford, N. C. Engineer. Their children : i. IValh'r

C. Brown, ii. Harr2\ /:.


EPHRAIM BLANCHARD GARLAND', son of Samuel, No. 250. Born Aug. 2o, 1794. Died June 10, 1879. Married, Jan. 23, of N. born 1793 died 1852. Pub- 1816, Patty Varney Milton, H., ; lished in Milton, N. H., Nov. 3, 1811. Residence, Owego, N. Y. Hotel-keeper. I40 (iARLAND (iEXEALOGV.


1273 I. Jasper J.^, b. Nov. 20. j>Si6: d. June 3. 1848: m. Dec.

27, 1837, Lucy Saunders; three ch. ; res. Southboro, N. Y.

Carriage builder. Their child :

1273^ I. Ira Jaspp:r Garland^, m. Madeline Neiderhopper :

two ch. : res. Englewood, Chicago. 111. Blacksmith.

X".'^. 1274 II. Ja.\[ES b. April 17. 181S: m. Emeline Emerson: one ch. :

res. Alpine, Pa. Their child :

i2j4a I. Ellex Louise Garland^, m. I^rof. La Barr : res. Alpine. Pa.

1275 III. Samuel T.*^, b. June 30. 1S20: d. July 2. 1877: m. Dec. 30. 1844. Lovinia M. Barnes: no ch.: res. Owego. X. Y. Black- smith.

1276 IV. Elizabeth D.^ b. March 8. 1822: d. Aug. 3. 1850: m. Sept. 16. G. one ch. res. 1841. Royal Brown ; ; Binghampton, X. Y. Hotel.

1277 V. Martha M.*^, b. June 12. 1824: m. Oct. 3, 1849, Charles W.

Bartlett ; five ch. : res. Toledo. Ohio. Carpenter. Their

children: i. Ja?nes R. Bartlett. b. 185 1: m.. 1882. Kate Smith, ii. Oscar, b. 1854. iii. Hcrjuan S..h. 1857: d. 1S76. iv. Sarah //.. dead. v. Eugene B., b. 1866: m. Julia Perry. 1278 VI. Thomas Chapman^, b. Jan. 8, 1826: d. suddenly in 1892; m.

Feb. 3. 1848, Mary Ann Clark, b. 1830: nine ch. : res: Chi-

cago. 111. Their children :

i2ySa I. Delphixe E. Garlaxd'*. b. March 24, 1849: d. July 9,

1880; m. Sept. 6. 1867, E. E. (iilbert: three ch. : res. Chi-

cago. 111. Their children: i. CJiarles Gilbert, b. 186S. ii, Adelaide, b. 1869. iii. Carrie, b. 187 1.

1278^ II. Mary A. Garlaxd^ b. Oct. 23, 185 1 : m. June 1 f. 1873. Joseph Stover; two ch.; res. Austin, 111. Their chil-

dren : i. Evan Stover, b. 1875. ii. Arthur, b. 1880.

1278^ III. Charles H. Garland^, b. July 14. 1858: d. Nov.

30- •

1278// IV. Arza Thomas Garlaxd^ b. Oct. 6. 1857 : m. Feb. 9,

1880. Mary J. Daley; three ch. : res. Escanaba. Their

children :

\2-]'^dT I. Charles Hexkv GarlaxdI'^. b. 1881 : d. 1891. i2-j^d2 II. Agxes M. Garlaxi:)!'^, b. 1886. \2j'6dj III. Thomas R. (iARLAxni''. b. 1888.

1278.^ V. Etta S. Garalxu^, b. March 16. i860: m. Nov. 7, 1888, Frank W. Benedict; res. Chicago. 111.

1278/ VI. AxGiE L. GarlaxiA b. Sept. 18. 1862 ; m. Oct. 26.

1878. Evan T. Stover: seven ch. : res. Chicago, 111.

Their children : i. Maud Stover, b. 1879. ii. IVilliani

//., b. 1880. iii. .V/f//^?.b. 1882. iv. Walter, h. \^'^\. v. Nettie, b. 1887. vi. Ralph and Roy (twins), b. 1890. 1278^ VII. AxxiE L. Garlaxd^, b. Sept. 18. 1862 (twin). GARLAND GENEALOGY. 141

1278/? VIII. Cora May Garland^, b. Sept. 8. 1866.

1278/ IX. Sarah Garland^ b. March 3, 1869; dead. VII. b. unm. res. N. Y. 1279 Anguine J.^, June 19, 1830; ; Austin, 1280 VIII. Sarah Abigail^, b. Sept. n, 1832: d. May 5, 1852 : m. Nov.,

1851, Oscar F. Saunders ; res. Aurora, N. Y.


THOMAS GARLAND', son of Samuel, No. 250. Born Sept. 26, 171)6, in Lebanon, N. H. Died in 1882. Mar- ried Judith born 1791) died 1868. Brook- Tukesbury, ; Residence, lyn, Pa., since 1821. He was Postmaster there from 1821 to

1824 and from 1826 to 18:38. 1 THEIR CHILDREN.

I. b. 1821 d. P. 1281 Susan M.^, ; 1867; m., 1841, Galen Adams; seven

i. ch. ; res. Harrisburg, Pa. Railroad. Their children: Alary Adams, ii. £"7^?. iii. Emniett. iv. John. v. Lilly. vi. John. vii. Cramer. 1282 II. Edward Pavne^ b. 1824; m. ist. 1851, Helen McAustin; one

ch.; m. 2d Sophia B. Smith; res. Kingland, N. J. Railroad.

Their children :

i282<:z I. Jav T. Garland*^, b. 1852: d. 1868.

1282^ II. Helen J. Garland^, b. 1853; m. Charles D. Rockwell; one ch. 1282^- III. Frank A. Garland", b. 1855; m. Kate Van Piper: four ch. i282

VI. B. b. : m. Frank P. 1282/" Ella Garland^ 1863 Galloway ; two ch.

1282^ VII. Wallace Garland'\ b. 1867.

1283 III. Caroline Mills*^, b. 1825; m., 1849, Louis A. Townsend ;

child: i. one ch. ; res. Mechanic Mills, N. Y. Their S. five ch. Thomas Townsend, m. Sarah Lothrop ;

1284 IV. Louise J.**, b. 1827; m. John C. Lee; sixch.; res. Brooklyn,

Pa. Farmer. Their children : i. Mary H Lee. ii. Eva. iii. Hattie. iv. Edward, v. IV2 His. vi. Alice. 1285 V. Lucy Grace'^. b. 1832; m. 1852, George W. Sterling; three

: i. ch : res. Brooklyn. Pa. Farmer. Their children

1 T. Case. ii. Helen Erances Sterling, b. 185 ; m. Benjamin

iii. Willis b. d. G., b. 1853: m. E. S. Eldridge. (^7., 1855 ; 1S64. 631.

JOHN GARLAND', son of James, No. 251. Born March 3, 1801. Died April 30, 1832. Married, Feb. 8, 142 CARLAXI) (;KXEAL()(;V.

born IHOO; died 1«74 she 18'2U, Mary Ham, ; was the daughter of Dodivah. Residence, Farmington, N. H. Farmer. THEIR CHILDREN.

1286 1. b. 11. in Sarah A/, July 1829, Barrin^ton. N. H.: n-.. Nov. 15,

Orin Otis. b. si.x cii. : 1846, K. 1827: res. Farmin,i>:ton, .\ . H.

children: \. Their Ja/zics F. ()tis. b. 1847: m. Ida J. (iar- of land. No. 1156. dau. Lewis: nine ch. : res. (ionic, N. H.

ii. Rosetta S., b. 185 1 : m. Jesse M. Elliot: fivech.; res. Farming:ton, N. H. ill. }fary lu, b. 1856: m. Samuel Jones:

one ch.: res. Strafford. .\. H. iv. liinnia J., b. i8:;6: d. V. 1865. Herbert I\..h. 1870: m. Katie Hamilton: one ch : res. Dover. N. H. vi. Georg: E.. b. 1872. 1287 II. Naxcv*^, b. July 10. 1830. in Harrington. N. H.: m. Georjje

Ham: four ch. : res. Haverhill. Mass. Shoemaker. Their

children: i. Xapoleon Ham, b. i860: d. 1864. ii. Frank, b. 1863. iii. Joseph, iv. George, d. 1874.

1288 III. Ephraim^, b. Dec. 18. 1831. in Farmington. N. H.: d. Dec. 25,

18S1 : : m. Hannah E. Garland, dead no ch. : res. Farming- ton, N. H.

1289 IV. Hannah E.^, b. Feb. 8. 1833, in Farmington. N, H.: m. jolin

F. Chesley : two ch.: res. Farmington. X. H. Their chil-

dren : i. Frank />. Chesley. m. Sadie Foss. ii. Mary /,.. m. S. V). Thompson.

1290 V. William L.**, b. March 4, 1834, in Farmington, X. H.: m. Ann

d. : Rogers, 1876: ten ch. : res. Gonic, X. H. Their children 1290^' I. Emma E. (iARLAxn^ b. 1855: dead: m. William Mc- Duffee. Farmer.

1290/; n. Willie H. (J^arland''. b. 1857.

i290(;- III. Anna B. Garland^, b. 1858

i29o<'/ IV. Edward Garland^, b. 1858. Anna B. and Edward were twins.

1290,;' w Chalres W. (iARLANi)''. b. Jan. 14. 1861 : m. March 31, 1892, Emma Pitman: res. Farmington, N. H.

1290/ \i. John J. C^arland^, b. 1862. 1290^^ VII. Mary L. (iARLAND^ b. 1864.

1290// VIII. Lizzie CiARLAND'-^. m. Charles Wentvvorth : two ch. : res. Haverhill. .Mass. 1290/ IX. Clara Garland-'.

1290/' x. Bertha (jArland-'.

1291 VI. .AL'VRY a.**, b. April 13, 1836, in Farmington. X. H.: d Feb.,

i860: m. John Leighton: four ch. : res. Haverhill. Mass.

Their children : \. James Leighton. ii. /-'rect. iii. Acta. iv. Mary.


JA^[ES M. GARLAND', sou of James, No. 'lb\ . GARLAND GENEALOCIY. 143

Born in 181 G. Died m 1800. Married, March, 1839 (error in previous year of marriage), Delancy C. Henderson; four children. Residence, Gonic, N. H. Farmer. THKIK CHILDKEX.

: in 1292 I. ***George W.^, b. Sept. 22, 1842 d. Aug. i. 1863. New Orleans. He was a member of Co. I, 26th Mass. Kegt., in the Civil War.

II. N.*^, b. m. Sarah two ch res Straf- 1293 Charles 1844: iMoody: ; ford, N.H.

III. b. m. Lavinia W. one ch, res. 1294 John M.^, 1846; Savory: ;

Amesbury. Mass. Their daughter : 1294^ I. Alice V. Garland'*, b. Oct. 10. 187 1.

129s IV. Melvina**, b. 1848; m. William Dawley; no ch. : res. Roches- ter, N. H.


EBENEZEK GARLAND', son of Ephraim, No. 252. Born in Conway, N. H., 1812. Died in 187{). Married Abigail Chase. Residence, formerly in Jackson, N. H., later, in 1892, in Lower Bartlett, N. H. their children.

(All Born in Conway, N.H.)

I. b. 1296 Charlotte^, 1836: m. Charles Woodis ; three ch.; res.

Bartlett, N. H. Their children: i. Carrie IVood/s, m. L.

Babb. ii. Florence, iii. Delia, dead.

1297 II. James M.*^, m. ist Martha Babb; m. 2d, 1877, Laura Hayes;

six ch. : res. Jackson, N. H. Their children:

I. b. m. Dec. 1297^? James Garland^, 1871 , 24, 1891, Betsey J. Davis: res. Jackson, N. H, 1297/^ II. Charles E. CtArland^ b. 1872. 12976- III. Annie L. Garland'*, b. 1876. IV. Elvira i297<'/ Garland^ m. Henry Davis; three ch. : res. Conway, N. H.

1297^' V. Geokge W. Garland'*, m. Lillie Towle : one ch. : res. Bardett, N. H. 1297/ VI. Edwin Garland^.

1298 III. George DARIus^ b. Dec. 1. 1839; m. ist Oct. i, 1867. Jennie C.

Ross, d three ch : m. 2d i. 1876 ; Jan. 1878, Hannah E. Fogg

of Sandwich. N. H. ; one ch. m. E. ; 3rd May 31, 1882, Mary Hammond of Ossipee, N. H.; three ch.; res. Tamworth,

N. H. ; later in No. Sandwich, N. H. Their 8 children b. in

Tamworth, N. H. :

1298^? I. Sarah M. (Garland-*, b. Sept. 27, 1870; m. April 26, 1891. Fred M. Hammond: res. Tamworth, N. H, 144 GARLAM) ( lEXKALOCiV.

j2q8/7 II. (iK()K(iK E. (jAKLAM)-', b. Au.^. I. 1S74. » 1298^ III. Willie (jARLAND^. b. June 20, 1876: d. Aug. 23, 1876. 1298^/ IV. Jame.s M. Garlaxi/^. b. Nov. 14. 1878. 1298^ V. Jkxxte C. Garlaxd-'. b, June 30, 1885. 1298/ VI. Charles W (jArlaxd^. b. Dec. 28, 188S.

1299 i\'. Lois**, b. Jan., 1841: ni. Cyrus Mud.<2:ett : two ch. : res. Con-

way, N. H. Their children : i. Willmni Mudo^ctt.

1300 \'. Ephraim*, 1). July 2. 1843: m. Ellen Meserve: seven ch. ; res.

Jack.son. X. H. Their children :

I300rZ I. HeRP.ERT (xARLAXn^.

1300'';' II. AOELHERT (iARLAXI)^.

1300(1- III. SlDXEV (iARLAXI)^. I300

1300^' \-. ALV.\H (iARLAXI)''. [300/ VI. Clara Garlaxd''. [300^ VII. Ephraim p. Garlaxd^. 1301 \'l. Sar.\h E.**, b. Aug., 1846: m. Howard Hurd: three ch.: res.

Eryeburg. Me. Their children : i, Frank llurd. ii. U'illic. iii. Herbert.

1302 \ii. Jam-: .Makv^ died in infancy.


NATHANIEF. GARLAND'( Garlin), son of Ebenezer, No. 255. Born Nov. 28, 17.S6. Died April 19, 1834. Married, Nov. 10, 1817, Mary Dole, born May 5. 1790. THEIR CHILDREX.

(All Born in Hermon, Me.) 1303 I. Matilda Dole**, b. Aug. 18, 1812: d. Nov. i, 1843: m. Asa

Crocker: four ch. : res. Hermon. Me. Their children: i.

George Crocker, ii. Frank, iii. FJisaheth. iv. Sarah.

1304 II. Fraxcis Bovxtox^. b. April 3, 1814: d. Dec, 1884: m. Louisa

D. Wooderson : nine ch. ; res. Hermon. Me. Their children :

I. 1304^ Naxcy Garlaxd'', m. William Derry; four ch. : res. Hermon, Me.

1304'' II. JoHX Garlaxd-'. m. Eliza Foster: one ch. : res. Her- mon, Me.

13046" III. ***Axdrew Garlaxd''. d. in hospital during the Civil War.

1304'/ IV. E.M.MA Garla.xd''. dead: m. David Tarr: one ch. : res. Bangor. Me.

1304^' V. EuGEXE Garlaxd'-', dead.

1304/" vi. Clara Garlaxd^. m. George Carver: four ch. ; res. Camden, Me.

1305 III. George WA.SHixfiTox**. b. Aug. 14. 1816: m. Dec. 11. 1845.

Lydia Thompson, b. Oct. 12. 1826: d. 1888: seven ch. : res.

Oldtown. .Me. Their children : GARLAND GP:xNKALOGY. 1^5

1305(7 I. Helen Garland^, b. Sept. 13, 1846; d. May iq, 1849,

1305/' II. George M. GARLAND^ b. Aug. 9, 1849: res. Oregon.

1305^ III. Henry A. Garland^, b. March 19, 1852; res. Oldtown, Me. Mason.

i305<'/ IV. Frank C. Garland^, b. June 6, 1854; res. Utah. Miner.

1305^ V. Charles C. Garland^, b. Sept. i. 1859; m. Sept. 26,

1888. Carolyn Townsend; one ch. ; res. now Providence, R. 1.; formerly of Minneapolis, Minn. Banker.

^'i- Ln.LiE A. b. 1862 m. 1305/ Gakland-\ Dec. 5, ; Nov. 4, 1896,

Arthur B. Smith; one ch. : res. Manchester, N. H. Tailor.

1305.^ ^'n. JosiE A. CiARLANi)^, b. March 5. 1866; m. Dec. 23, 1885, Melvin L. Emerson: res. Oldtown, Me. Grocer.

1306 IV. Mary Ann^ b. April i, 1819; dead: m. Luther Stone : three

ch. ; res. Oldtown, Me. Their children : i. Endora Stone.

ii. George, iii. Mary. 1307 V. Amos Dole^, b. Feb. 26, 1822: d. 1870: m. Martha Dawes;

four ch. : res. Skowhegan, Me. Their children :

1307^7 I. Lillian G. Garland^, b. Feb. 25. 1853: m.. 187 1, T. B.

(lilman: two ch. ; res. Embden, Me.

II. H. b. 1307/; William Garland'^, Aug. m, 1S55 : m. Alice

: one ch. res. Rawlston ; Oregon. III. 1307^ Jennie W. Garland'-*, b. May 26, 1857 ; m. Thurs-

ton ; one ch. ; res. Amherst, Nova Scotia.

1307c/ IV. Mary C. Garland^ b. Jan. 24, 1861.

VI. Sarah b. Oct. : m. Oliver 1308 P.^ 15, 1825 Nov. 26, 1846, Perry ;

fourch.; res. Carmel, Me. Their children: i. IVilbni' T.

b. ; Mosher : four ch. Perry, June 10, 1848 m., 1868, Mary J. ;

res. Boston, ii. Carrie M.. b. Dec. 22, 1850; d. Jan. 19, 1857.

iii. George M.. b. Dec. 22, 1857 : d. Jan. i, 1S81. iv. Jennie

b. i86r : res. M , Aug. 29. m., 1880, Howard Dassell; Boston. 1309 VII. William Dole^, b. Sept. 27, 1828: m. Sarah Dorr: res. San

Francisco, Cal. Their son :

1309CZ I. Francis D. Garland'*, d. 1854. in Anthony, Minn,


RICHARD GARLAND" (^'Garlin"), son of p:benezer, No. 255.

Born Feb. 26, 17i):3. Died March 7, 1838. Married, June, 1814, Hannah Miller of died 1824 six children. Hampden, Me., Aug. 1, ; He is said to have married a second time. Residence, Hampden, Me. THEIR CHILDREN.

1310 I. Caroline H.**, b. July 19, 1815 : m. Nov. 2. 1834, in Eddington. 146 GARLAND (iEXKALOGY.

Me., Thonias A. Cram: nine ch. ; res. IJradley. Me. She went to live with her j^randni other in Eddington. about 1820,

Their children : i. //. E. Cratn. b. 1S35. ii. A.C.h. 1S38. iii.

Ashiii/iaii. b. 1840. iv. Delow /•".. b. 1842. v. Octavia S.. b, 1844. vi. Richard J., b. 1846. yii. Ebe/i G., b. 1849. viii. George F.. b. 1852. Hattic M.. d. 1862.

J311 II. Sarah P.'^, d. 181^9: m. Capt. Abi.sha Higgin.^: two cli. : re.s. Hampden. Their children: i. Georgie .1. Higgi)is\ m.

Frank Rogers, ii. Cyrus, m. .

1312 III. Georgp: Washington'', b. March 5. 1817: res. Blue Hill. .Me. About 1832 went to Catskill, X. Y.. and have no turther news of him. He was a tanner and currier by trade. 1313 IV. Ehex M.**, b. Jan. 22, i82f, in Hampden. Me.: m. Elvira (jregory, d. 1885: res. Blue Hill. Me. Their children:

I3^v^ I. William Alkert GAULAMy, b. May 16. 1841 : d. Aug. 6. 1866.

1313/p II, Sarah Eliza Garlam)''. b. May28. J847: m. Sewall

Stone: one ch. : res. Machias, Me.

1314 V. Reube.v Stetson*, b. Sept. 22. 1822 : d. Dec. 1890: m.. 1850,

Lucinda Rowells ; three ch. Their children :

1314^? I. (}eorge Gerard Garland^, went to Wisconsin.

1314/; II, Anna Garland^, b. Aug, 12. 1863 : m. Edward Emerson : res. Bangor, Me. 1314^ iiL Roderick E. (jArland^. b. July 18. 1866. 1315 \\. Frank .M.'^. Ij. July. 1824: res. Xew'i)urgh. Me


WILLIAM GARLAND" (they write it Garlin), son of Ebeu- ezer, No. 2.35.

I. Born Aug. o, 181)7. Died Jan. (I, 1858, in Providence, K,

Married, first, AnnHarriman. Married, second, Sept. 2, 1827, Eliza Whiting, born Nov. 15, 1798; died Sept., 1871). Residence, Provi- I. write their of the dence, R. His children name Garlin ; others same ancestry write their name Garland. THEIR CHILDKKX.

1316 1. ***Francis Warren** ("Garlin"). b. 1817: d. 1870: m. May

15. 1844, Nancy M. Carpenter: lourch.: res. Providence, R. I. He was in the Civil War, on board the Mississippi at

the taking of New Orleans. Their children : 1316^? L Lie V Hale (^arlin^, b. 1845.

1316/^ II. Edgar Warren Garlin''. b. 1847 : m, 1844. Hatiie F, '^ Himter: three ch,

13166- 111. Ella C. (Garlin'*. b. 1849.

i3i6<'/ IV. Anna C. Garlin-' (Rev.), b. 1854: m. Wm. H. Spencer ;

twoch.: res. Pro\idence. R. I. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 147

1317 II. Sarah D.^ (•"Garlin"). b. 1829: m., 1846, Mosss H. Knight;

four ch. ; res. Tacoma, Wash. Their children : i. Moses

C. Knight, b. 1847. ii. Ella K, b. 1S51. iii. Ednak K, b. 1853. iv. Frank .//., b. 1865. 1318 III. Henry C.« (''GarHn"), b. 1830; d. 1884; m.. 1851, Matilda Hat-

ch. res. children : field; two ; Providence, R. L Their 1318^ 1. AxxA Garlin^. 1318/^ II. Eliza Garlin^. 1319 IV. William H.'^ ("Garlin"), b. 1831; d. 1884; m. Esther C.

Luther; four ch. ; res. Providence. Their children:

i3u>z I. Emma Garlin''. 1319^ II. William H. Garlin^, b. 1868.

13196- HI. Frank L. Garlin^, b. 1876.

i3i9.r/ IV. Lottie Garlin^, b. 1877. M.*^ b. 1320 V. Helen ('• Garlin"), Nov. 4, 1833; m. May 3, 1854, Alden H. Albro; three ch. res. New N. Y. Their chil- ; Rochelle,

dren : i. Carleton IV. Albro^h. 1855 ii. George A.^h. i860. Helen, b. 1867.

1321 VI. John J.s "(Garlin"), b. 1836; d. 1889. 1322 VII. Edwin S.^ (" GarHn"), d. 1880.


DEXTER B. GARLANLr, sod of Samuel, No. 260.

Born May 11), 1809. Married Abigail A, Hanscom, born 1807; died 181)0. Residence, Moultonboro, N. H. Mason. THEIR children.

1323 I. Nathaniel B.^, b. Jan. i, 1830; m. ist Lydia Bennett;

two ch. ; m. 2d foRr ch. res. Canada. Their Mary Ward; ;

children (6) :

1323^; I. Dexter Garland1*\ res. Canada.

II. Estelle Hanson one ch. ; res. 13231!^ Seth D. Garland1'\ m. ; Center Harbor, N. H. Their child:

1323/;/ I. Grace E. Garland^i, b. March 7, 1890.

13236- III. Curtis C. Garland^'^ 13236/ IV. LvDiA Garland^*^.

II. two ch. res. 1324 Sarah A.-^ b. Nov., 1832; m. George Proctor; ; San Francisco, Cal. 1325 III. Larov C.^, b. 1834; m. Sarah E. Leach; one ch.; res. Dor- chester, Mass. Their child:

I3256Z I. Curtis (tArland^'^ IV. b. m. ist onech. m. 2d 1326 Amanda'', May 7, 1837; Jason Berry; ; no ch. m. Leland Cram six ch. res. Henry Clark; ; 3rd ; ;

ii. Moultonboro, N. H. Their children : i. Nellie Cram.

Fred. iii. Charles, iv. Louis L. v. Eva M. 1327 V. ***Charles F.^b. Oct. 21, 1842; m. Sarah E. Yeaton; four ch. N. H. He was a member of the New ; res. Sandwich. 145 GARLAND GENEALOGY.

Hampshire Heavy Artillery in the Civil War. Residence,

Moultonboro. N. H. Their childrsn :

i2,2-/a 1. Lizzie (jARLaxdI". b. Feb. 16, 1867: ni. James 15. Dow:

three ch. : res. Moultonboro. N. H. Their children : i. Efta Dow. ii. Bernice. iii. Fanny E.

1327/; Ji. Edith AL Garlaxd1'\ b. Au^. 3, i86j; m. Otis iM, Evans; res. Moultonboro. N. H.

i327<:- III. Alice GarlandI"^, b. 1871: d. 1872; res. Moultonboro, N.H.

i327<'i' IV. Charles A. GarlaxdI", b. Sept. 21. 1876: res. Moul- tonboro, N. H.


EPHRAIM M. GAKLAND% son of Samuel, No. 2GU. Born March, 181G. Died Jan. 10, 18(53. Married, Nov. 23, A. born 181'J died 1842, Sarah Mudgett, ; 1867; seven children. Residence, Moultonboro, N. U. Painter. THEIR CHILDREN.

1328 I. Eliza M.^, b. May 8, 1846 (twin); m. Dec. 24, 1868, John S.

Clement: fourch.: res. Laki Village. N. H. Their childr^in :

i. Carrie Clement. h. 1871. W.Jennie, b. 1873. iii. Adby.h. 1876. iy. Era/ik. b. 1880.

1329 II. Sarah F.^, b. May 8. 1846 (twin) : m. Aug. 4, 1872. George E.

Perry; three ch. : res. Wellesley, Mass. Their children : i. Edith S. Perry, b. 1874. ii. IWilter A., b. 1876. iii. Ernest G.. b. 1888.

1330 III. Mary E.^, b. April 17, 1848: d. Aug. 24, 1851. 1331 IV, Frank E.^, b. May 12. 1853: res. Newton, Mass. 1332 V. Ezra 0.^ b. Jan. 22, 1855: m. Oct. 27, 1886. Willetta Davis;

one ch. : res. Everett, Mass. Clerk in Boston. Their child :

1332^; I. Eleanor D. GarlandI*^, b. March 8. 1889.

^333 VI. James B.^ b. Feb 5. 1857; m. July 30, 1885, Annie L. Buckley;

two ch. ; res. Belmont, Nass. Their child:

1333a I. Henry D. Garland1'\ b. May 13, 1886.

1334 VII. Lizzie J.^, b. April 23, 1862: m. Nov. 21. 1877, Edward B.

Smith: two ch, ; res. No. Wayne. Me. Farmer. Their children: i. ArtJiur B. Smith, b. 1879. ii. Ezra J., b. 1885,


JOHN PARKER GARLAND% son of Amos, No. 275, Born March 6, 1825. Married, first, Lucy A. Dix of Billerica, Mass; one child. Married, second, Eliza N. Grow of Topshara, five later Vt. ; children. Residence, South Chelmsford, Mass. ; GARLAND GENEALOGY. 149

Newbury, Vt. Blacksmith. He has served the School District of Newbury, Vt., as prudential committee for several years. THEIR CHILDREN.

I- b. m. Etta res. 1335 George DIX^ March 9, 1851 ; Lane; Stone- ham, Mass. Commercial Traveler.

iT,26 II. Harry^, b. Nov. 18, 1865; d. same day.

III. b. Oct. d. 1337 Clarabelle^ 15, 1867 ; Maixh 17, 1872.

1338 IV. Harry j.^, b, Jan. 20. 1869; d. 1869. 1339 V. Alfred C.^, b. March 20. 1872.

1340 VI. Florence E.-', b. Aug-. 7. 1875; d. May 25, 1882.


***SAMUEL JAMES GARLAND«, sou of Amos, No. 275. Born Dec. 18, 1835. Married, May 12, 1860, Elizabeth Shirley, born 1839. Residence, South Chelmsford, Mass. He was in the Civil War for three years as a member of the 10th Conn. Vols, and was wounded in the Battles of Roanoke Island and Kingston, N. C. was Town School Committee for three also He years ; Town Con- stable seven or eight years. THEIR CHILDREN.

I. A.'-', b. Feb. 16. 1861 ; m. E. 1341 Jennie Jan. 12, 1883, George Byam ;

four ch. ; res. Chelmsford. Mass. Their children: i. Mabel

C. Bynm, b. Oct. 5, 1883 : d. April 22, 1887. ii. Grace G., and iii. Elizabeth A. (twins), b. March 10. 1887. iv. Maml E., b. April 10, 1888.

1342 n. Edwin A.^ b. Dec. 27, 1865. 1343 III. Ernest A.^, b. May 6, 1S67. 1344 IV. Stella R.^ b. Jan. 27, 1869.

1345 v. Lizzie P. 9, b. Nov. 27, 1870. VI. b. Feb. d. 1346 Edwin H.,^ 23, 1875 ; Jan. 6, 1876.

1347 VII. Grace^, b. Sept. 4, .


JOHN T. GARLAND% son of William F., No. 281. Born July 16, 1838, in Ossipee, N. H. Married, Aug. 21, 1859, Fanny Ricker of Dover, N. H., born 1(^40; she was the daugh- ter of John seven children. ; Residence, Wolfboro' Junction, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

first two born in N. H. the others in (The Tuftonboro, ; Brookfield, N. H.) I50 GARLAND GEXEALUCiV.

134S I. CfLAKLKS H.-'. b. June 2, i860: m. Dec. 16. 1S8S. Sophia

Drisco: one ch. : res. Wolfboro" Junction. N. H.

1349 Ji. Edwin^ b. Dec, 19. 1862; m. April 11, 1883, Medora CJoocl-

win : res. Wolfboro' Junction, N. H.

1350 III. Fred S.'*, b. May 15. 1865: d. Sept. 10. 1869.

J351 IV. Gp:oRfiE-*. b. Sept. 5. 1867: m. Aug. 25. 1889, Nellie Stillings; res. Wolfboro" Junction, N, H. V. Wilbur^ b. 26. m. Hattie 1352 Jan. 1870: Sept. 17, 1893, Avery ; res. Wolfboro' Junction, N. H.

135.3 ^'^- ^^AK\'\ h. Jan. 14. 1S75. 1354 VII. Frki)-'. b. June 16. 1878.


CHARLES GARLANDS son of James. No. 292. Born April 23, 1813. Died March 2, 1879, in St. Louis, Mo. Married, Nov. 24, 1840, Jane Morrison, horn June 12, 1812; died 1880 she was the of Aug. 15, ; daughter Bradbury. Residence, H. later St. a P^ranklin, N. ; Louis, Mo. He was Representative to the General Court of New Hampshire. THEIR CHILDREN.

(Born in Franklin, N. H.)

'355 I- James Smiths b. Sept. 14, 1842 : m. Sept. 14. 1869, Kate Agnes

Howard of Watertown, Mass.: five ch. : res. Concord. Mass.

Their children :

I355r^ I. William Howard Garland^"', b. Aug. 14. 187 1. 1355^ II. Catherine Morrison Garland1'\ b. March 24. 1874

1355^- III. Louise Garland^'', b. Nov. 13. 1876. 1355^/ IV. Charles Garland^o. b. Nov. 29, 1878.

1356 II. Charles F.^, b. Nov. 17, 1844: d. Aug. 3. 1859.

1357 m- J^>HN LowE^, b. Nov. 9. 1846 : died in infancy.

135^ 1^'- John True^ b. March 1, 1849: m. ist Ella C. Wellhouse : m.

2d Elizabeth M. Richardson : four cli. : res Minneapolis. Minn. Their children:

1358^; I. John James Garland1'\ b. Aug. i. 1881. in San An- tonio, Texas.

1358/; II. Frank (}arland^". 1). lune 16. 1882. in Webster Groves. Mo.

1358^ III. William W. Garland^", b. July 17. 1883, in Webster (iroves. Mo.

1358^/ i\'. Nathan K. Garland^'^, b. Sept. 18, 1888.

1359 ^'- Jennie Persis'', b. April 7, 1859: m. James K. Hosmer: three

ch. : res. 3418 Lucas Ave.. St. Louis, Mo.

1360 VI. Nathan M.^. b. June 3, 1856: m. Blanche Billon: res. 10 East 14th street, New York, N. V. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 151


JOHN PETTINGILL GARLAND% son of James, No. 292. Born April 15, 1.S17. Married Elizabeth Benlley. Residence, Greenville, 111. THKIR CllILUKKX.

1361 I. Lydia E.-*, b. Sept. 11, 1849: d. Sept. 9. 1850.

1362 II Charlp:s Richard^, b. (Jet. 19, 1850. 1363 III. Persis Jaxp:^, b. iMarch 12, 1852. 1364 IV. James Madison^, b. xMarch ir, 1854; m. Jeanette Dyser; two

ch. ; res. Decatur, 111. Their children :

1364c? I. James Richard Garlaxd1'\ b. Dec. 19, 1883.

1364/; II. Edith E. Garlaxd^'I b. Jan. i, 1890. ^3^5 ^'- JoHX Haxsox^. b. Dec. 2. 1855: d. Oct. 20. 1878.

1366 VI. Elizabeth^, b. Aug. 9. 1S58. 1367 VII. William Lixcolx^ b. Feb. 6, 1861: m. Hattie M.Johnson:

res Greenville. 111.


JOSEPH GARLAND, 2d\ son of Nathaniel, No. 298. Born Feb. 1805. Married Martin children. *J, Lydia ; eight Residence, Manchester, N. H. their childrex.

1368 I. Mary S.^, b. Dec. 29, 1829; ni. Aug. 4, 1856, John Remington;

two ch. : res. Londonderry, N. H. Their children: \. John

H . Rc)ui)igto)i. ii. Mary Ann.

II. ; : 1369 AsEXATH C.^, b. June 10, 1832 : m. Johnson no ch. res. Manchester, N. H.

1370 III. Daxiel W.^ b. July, 1834; d. Aug., 1882 : m. Francena Dow;

two ch. : res. Hooksett, N. H.

1 IV. b. d. : L. 137 Pamelia a.'*, Sept., 1837 ; Aug., 1887 m. M. Moore ;

four ch. ; res. Derry Depot. N. H. Their children: i.

Addie Moore, ii. Frances J. iii. Estelle. iv. Minnie. V. 1372 Marti.v V. B.^, b. May 22, 1839; m. Coraette E. Williams ; no ch.; res. Manchester, N. H.

^373 '''I- JoHX T.^, b. Jan. 29. 1842; d. Aug. 19, 1887. 1374 \n. Joseph^ b. June 23. 1843, d. Dec. 1843.

1375 VIII. James M.^ b. Aug.. 1845 ; d. July. 1846.


MOSES GARLAND'^ son of Nathaniel, No. 21)8.

Born Nov. 4, 1808. Married Jan. 20, 183o, Cervella E. Bean of Hopkinton, N. H. Residence, Henniker, N. H. Cooper. 1^2 GARLAND GENEALOGY.


1376 I. Ann M.^ b. in Wilmot, N. H., March, 1834; d. Nov.. 1S71. in Pioche, Neb.

1377 II. LvDiA Jaxe-\ b. in Salisbury, A't.. June 23. 1836: d. Sept. 27. 1838.

137S III. Hp:n'KV^. b. in Salisbury. Vt., Jan. 7, 1837; d. July 24. aSs6. ^379 1^'- J(JH^' I-'*" b. in Salisbury, V^t., April 7, 1838; m. Jan. i. 1857, Ann AL Dow, dau. of Jonathan, died 1879; eight ch.; res. Henniker, N. H. Their children:

i379^z I. John Fred (^arlandI*^, b. June 26. 1858: m. April 13,

1885. Louise E.Dodge: one ch. ; res. Henniker, N. H.

Their child :

l379/^/ I. Agxes Garland^i. b. Oct. 10 1890.

1379/; II, Eliza C. GarlandI'', b. April 17, i860: m. Dec. 9. 1S80.

Fred Flanders: one ch. : res. Henniker. N. H. Their

child : i. Myrtie Flanders.

13796- III. Hattie M. Garland1'\ b. Dec. 11, 1862. \y]Cjd \\. Oliver H. Garland^"^'. b. June 18, 1S68: d. Dec. 24, 1890.

1379^ V. Frank C. GarlandI'^. i-, Q^t. 23, 1S69.

'379/ ^"^- AxxiE AL GarlaxijI'', b. Feb. 5, 1873.

'^yi'^S ^'^^- Gertrude L Garlaxd^^ b. Aug. 26. 1875.

1379-^^ '^'^i^- Harrisox T. GarlaxdI'^, b, July 28, 1877. 13S0 V. Cervella**. b. Aug. 18. 1839. 1381 VI, Charles W.^ b. Oct. 10. 1840: m, Augusta W. Allen; three

ch. : res. Groveland. Mass.

1382 VII. Marv E.^, b, in Harville, N. V.. July 13, 1847 : ni. ist Sept. 10.

1868, Dr. Fernando C. Sargent; no ch. ; U.S. Army; m.

2d, June 9, 1883. Elmer French. 13S3 VIII. Fraxk M.^, b. in Hopkinton, N. H., Feb 17, 1850; m. Ger-

trude Fisher; one ch. ; res. New Haven. Conn.

1384 IX. Warrex M.^ b. in Henniker. N. H.. Feb. 13, 1852; m. ist 2d- July 12, 1869, Angeline M. Tuttle ; one ch.. d. 1873: m.

1880. Abby A. Nutting. His child (by first wife) : 13X4^? I. (tUV H. GarlaxdI'. b. March 6. 1871.


DAVID GARLAND% son of Deacon Samuel, No 38G. Born Aug. 23, 1794, in Hampton, N. H. Died March 23, 1885, in Winslow, Me. Married, first, Feb. 12, 1821, Catherine M. Par- sons, died 1831, daughter of Joseph; four children. Married, sec- ond, Dec. 12, 1831, Miranda Parsons, died 1884, daughter of Joseph; five children. Residence, Parsonsfield, Me; in 18 1



^,<3t— x^'

(No. 858.) THE . j^ VORK [PUBLIC M3:^aryI

ASTO.i HNOX AND TILDEN rOUNDATlONS. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 153 years. He was a member of the Maine Legislature for a number of years and a surveyor of laud for Kennebec county. Farmer. THEIR CHILDREN.

I. b. 1822 : m. Col Britton four ch. : res. 1385 ABKiAiL'^ May 14, J. W. ;

Winslow, Me. Their children: i. Isaac Britton, b. 1847; m. ist Mary E. Wheelwright; m. 2d Kate Douglass, ii.

b. d. 1881 iii. Abbie IV., 1854; ; m. C. F. Johnson, I/ar/y, b. d. 1881 iv. 1858: ; m. Adelaide Gould, Hattie, b, i8s8; m. W. Joy. Harry and Hattie were twins, II. Samuel^, b. m. Catherine P. dau. of 1386 May 16, 1824 ; Wiggin.

Lot of Limerick, Me. ; two ch. ; res. Gorham. Me. Their

children :

1386^7 I, Clara B. Garland^'^, b. May 7, 1854; m. Charles W, Harding; res. Gorham, Me,

1386^ II. Mary K. Garland^'^, b. Jan, 3, i86r.

III. 1387 Mary Batchelder'^, b, April i, 1826 ; m. Elijah or Thomas

six : Varney; ch. ; res. Windham, Me, Their children i,

TJioinas m. Florence Goodrich two ch. ii. Varney, ; Marc/a, m. M. S. Hall, iii, Da^'id G. iv. IVinsloia and v. Willis, (twins), vi. Nellie.

1388 IV. Sarah'', b. Nov, i, 1830; d, July 8, 1831. 1389 V. Joseph Parsoxs^ b. May 26, 1833; ra. Ellen R. Drummond;

: two ch. ; res, Winslow, Me. Their child 1389^: I, Ruth Ellen GarlandI*^, b. March 21, 1865, 1390 VI. David B.^, b. Jan. 21, 1836; d. May 29, 1870. 1391 vii, William Swan^, b. May 20, 1839; m. Aug. 14, 1864, Lola

one res, Their child : Murphy ; ch,; W^inslow, Me,

139m I, Frank Swan Garland^'', b, Sept. 5, 1865.

VIII, b. ; m. Louise 1392 Charles Parsons^ April n, 1841 Torrey ;

res. Portland, Me, Their children :

1392^: I, Cpiarles Torrey Garlandi*^, b, Feb, 9, 1867. in Port- land ; d, Feb. 23, 1867. 1392/; II. Mabel Louise Garland^", b. Oct, 10, 1S71. in Portland;

d, Feb. 23, 1879. 1393 IX. Catherine M.'\ b, Feb. 28, 1846; d. Jan. 12. 1857.


JONATHAN GARLAND^, son of Dea. Samuel, No. '^m. Born March 15, 1796, in Parsonsfield, Me. Died Oct. 31, 187o.

Married, first, Feb. 7, 1823, Olive Johnson. Married, second, Ann Southern. Residence, Parsonsfield, Me. Joiner. THEIR children,

: res, 1394 I- Edward F,^ b, April 3, 1824; d. May 14, 1887 Ashland, Me, 154 OAR LA XI) ( ".KX I:A L( )(". V.

'I'lio.MAs il. I'eb. :22. i>S — : 1395 II. A. J.'', b. Apiil 24, 1S2O; res. W'inslow. Me.

1396 111. Lt)Ki:N/() 1>.'', b. Nov. 2z. 1828: d. lune 9. 1857; res. Winslow, Me.

1397 i\'. Kkv. Jonathan M.''. b. Sept. 7. 1.S33 : ni.. 1.S62. Rcl)ecca H,

Jewett: three ch.: res. Datonia. Fla. A .Methodist clerti^y-

man. Their children :

1397^ 1. CiKORGE E. Garland^", b. July 30. 1S63: d. Oct. 24. 18S4.

i397<5' II. William M. CI.vki.and^'. b. March 31, 1S66: res. Los Angeles. Cal. J397t III. Olive R. Oakland^'', b. June 26. 1870: was in Smith College. Xorthampton, Mass. J398 V, Erastus p.''. 1). .May 27. 1838: d, Oct. 31. 1861. Three other children died in infancy.


JONATHAN GAKLAND^ sou of David, No. :^8,s. Boru Sept. 29, 1800. Died Sept. 4, 186.^. Married, Nov. 2o,

dead ; she was the of Lieut. Amos 182G, Lucy Kuowles, daughter ; ITD'J died Jan. 186.>. born Sept. L4, ; 27, Residence, Newmarket, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN

(Horn in Lowden, X. 11.)

1399 L Lucv Ann^. b. March 30. 1831 : d. July 5. 1832. 1400 II. Jonathan F.''. b. May 28. 1833: m. Nov. 29, 1858. Sarah A. Meserve. b. in Rochester, N. H., 1835: res. Xewmarket, X H.: tour ch. He was Postmaster of Newmarket. N. H..

from 1862 to 1884. Their children:

( i400<'7 L Martha Ann iARLAND^". b. March 9. 1862 ; d. Oct. 25. 1874.

1400/^ II. Carrie B. CiARLANi)'". b. .April 3. 1864: d. Jan. 29. 1884. 1400^ III. .Amv (Gertrude C}arlaxd1", b. Dec. i. 1865.

i400<'?' i\'. Lucv Maijel (jARLANI)!''. b. July 10, 1868; m. May 11, 1890. John Fred Hurd: one ch.: res. East Alton. N. H.

1401 III. .Martha .\nn''. 1). Dec. 28, 1834: d. Dec. 9, 1859.


GEORGE GARLAND^ (Deacon), son of David, No. :\^^. Born Feb. 20, 1807. Died Dec. M, 181)1. ^farried, April 21), Elizabeth M. of Oliver of N. H. 1832, Marston, daughter Hampton, ; born Feb. 29, 1808; died Oct.:), 1882. Residence, Gloucester, Mass. He was superintendent of schools for many years in Glouces- " ter, JMass. A pure-minded, eflicient and God-like man." The nzw yohk PUBLIC LIBRARyI




1402 I. Ge(jr(;e Lamsox^ b. May 31, 1836: m. Claribel C. Sanborn;

one ch. : res. Gloucester, Mass. Their child:

1402^ I. Elizabeth Mabel (^arlandI'^, b. March 8, 1888.

II. b Oct. m. Annie Follansbee 1403 Dr. Albert Stone^, 2, 1840; ;

two ch. res. Gloucester. Mass. Their children : ;

i403<'z I. Gertrude Garlaxdi^-. b. Oct. 13. 1876.

1403/-' II. Agnes Garland^'^ b. Dec. 22, 1S84.


ADNA GARLANDS sou of David, No. 388. Bora Nov. 28, 1808. Died June 7, 1881). Married Nancy 1811 she was the of Brown, born April lo, ; daughter Gapt. David. He lived on the homestead in Hampton, N. H. He was Major of the 3rd N. H. Regiment. He was a Representative to the N. H. Legislature 1861 -(;2. their children.

1404 1. Lvdia Ann'*, b. March 16, 1837 : m, Jan. 3, 1867, Joshua A. son of three ch. res. Lane, Gapt. Ebenezer; ; Hampton,

N. H. Merchant. Their children: i. Howard G. Lane, h.

Dec. 14, 1869 ii. Ilia J/., b. Dec. 24, 187 1. iii. Sadie B., b.

Sept. 4, 1876.

1405 II. David' JoNATHAN^ b. June 13, 1839; m. ist Harriet N. Chase of Seabrook. N. H.: d. 1864, aged 24 years; one ch.; m. 2d April 29, 1867, Mary A. Batchelder, dau. of James L.. b. 1844; ch. res. two ; Hampton, N. H. He was Deacon of the Free

Baptist church. Their children : 1405^; 1. George H. Garland^o, b. May 12, 1862; d. June 14, 1864.

x^o^b 11. George Ervin Garland^'^ b. May 25, 1869; m. May 26, 1892, Annie E. Lamprey, dau. of Jonathan.

1405^- III. Marcia Agnes GarlandI^^, b. June 5, 1870.

111. 1 I. 1406 Sarah Marilla^: b. April 24, 185 ; m. June 20. 1877, John

ch. res. child: i. Page; one ; Hampton, N. H. Their

Annie M. Pagj, b. Feb. 13, 1881. 1407 IV. Marcia A.'*, b. Sept. 11, 1849; d. March 8* 1853. V. 1408 Adna Dana^, b. Aug. 11, 1852 : unm. He lives on the home- stead in Hampton, N. H.


DR. JOSEPH GARLAND^ sou of David, No. 388.

Born Jan. 'I'l, 1822. Married, first, Oct. 17, 1849, Caroline Goodhue, born 1829; died 1808; she was the daughter of Jona- 156 GARLAND (lEXKALOCY. than of Amesbury, Mass; three children. ^larried, secoud, Mtiy o,

1870, Susan Knowlton of Deerfield, X. H., born in 18o(). Resi- dence, Gloucester, ]\rass. Physician. Graduated from Bowdoin in 1844 school at South College ; taught Hampton Academy, N. H., one year, and at Atkinson Academy one year. Graduated from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1841); was President of the Essex South ^ledical Society in 1871); Mayor of Gloucester, Mass., in 1880 and 1881, and a member of the Gloucester School Board for several years.

THiciK cniLi)i

140; I. Dk. Joseph E\-kkett'*. b. Nov. 17, 1S51: m. Sarah M.

Rogers, b. 1S62: two ch. : res. Gloucester. Mass. Physician.

Their children :

]40()a I. AiJCK (iAKLAM)i", b. May 20. 1S8S. i40(y^ II. Kimball Ro(;krs Garland^", b. Dec. j8. 1S89.

1410 II. Elleslv Stearn.s". b. May 15, i8s5: d. May 9, 1861. 1411 III. Otis WariA b. Oct. 31. 1856: d. March 30. 1877.

14 1 2 IV. Edith Augusta-*, b. Jan. 30. 1871. 1413 V. Ethel Susan^ b. Jan. 30, 1871. Edith Augusta and Ethel Susan were twins.

1414 VI. Alric'\ b. Jan. 6. 1873.

1415 \"ii. Rov''. b. Feb. 19. 1878.


JOSEPH PARSONS GARLAND% son of Dea. John, No. 31)2. Born May 8, 1812. Married, l


1416 L Nanxte-', b. March. 183): m. Sept.. 1866, Henry E. Swan:

three ch. : res. Lowell. Mass. Their children : \. Herbert

E. Swan. b. May. 1S65 ; m. Nellie Hardy, ii. Levi G..h. Nov., 1872. iii. Mabel L., b. Aug., 1874.

II. b. : unm. served three in the 1417 ***JoHX A.^, June, 1841 ; years Civil War in Co. A. Ma.ss. Regt. 1418 III. Leonora^ b. Aug., 1850: d. May 6. 1854. 1419 IV. Ellex F.^. b. .May. 1854: m. Nov. 17. 1875. John C. Parker; res. Lowell. Mass.


JONATHAN A. GARLAND*^ (Deacon), son of Dea. John, No. 392. GARLAND GENEALOGY. 157

Boru Sept. lo, LSl-'L Married, first, Nov. 1(3, 184:3, Joanna children. Elizabeth sister Towne ; two Married, second, Towue (a of first two chihlren. ^le. wife) ; Residence, West Newfield, Farmer. THKIR CHTI.DRICX.

1420 1. MlKIAM-'.b. Nov. 16. 1844.

1421 II. Ha\xah'\ 1). April 27. 1847.

1422 III. Clara J.^, b. Nov. 8, 1850; m. Charles Moiilton. son of Samuel: seven ch.; res. Adams' Mills, Newfield. Me. Mill-

man. Their children: i. Madison Moulton, b. May 13,

1873. ii. Lizzie, b. May 5, 1875. ill. Olive, b Oct. 20. 1877.

iv. Sara/i, b. July 8, 1879. v. Alice /?., b. Oct. 3. 1881. vi. George B., b. Oct. 25. 1S83. vii. Charles //., b. July 11, 1887.

1423 IV. Ben'JAMix I.'\ b. Sept. 6, 1853: m. Abby J. McLellan : res. Newfield. Me. Farmer.


JOHN USHER GARLANI>, sou of Dea. John, No. ;302.

Boru Aug. l,"), 1818. Died April 20, 1806. Married, first. May 25, 1846, Mary A. Ellis, born 1824; died 1849; two children. Married second, Dec. 19, 1850, ^lary (Fla^^g) Burns, born 1823; Residence, Winslow, Me. THEIR CHILDREN.

1424 I. Martha J.^, b. Jan. 24. 1847: m. May 28, 1876, Silas H.

Rhodes; twoch.; res. Winslow. Me. Their children : i.

Hermo)i S.. Rhodes, b. 1878. ii. Charles, b. 1879. 1425 II. Mary Axxie^, b. March 20. 1849: m. March 24. 1870. E. Fletcher Nye; three ch.; res. Warren, Mass. Their chil-

dren : i. Harry IV. Aye,h. 1872. ii. Mabel F.^h. 1873. iii. Edwin F.. b. 1890. III. Hermox S.^. b. m. Dec. Lillie D. 1426 Jan. 4, 1852 ; 1878, Perkins;

five ch. : res. Winslow, Me. Their children : 1426^: I. Rose M. Garland^'^, b. March 21, 1879. 1426/7 II. Gp:or(;e GarlaxdI*^, b. Feb. 24. 1880.

i426<: III. Chester Garland^'^ b. June 4, 1881. 1426^^ IV. Grace B. Garlaxi)1'\ b. March r8. 1884. 1426^ \. Usher P. GarlandI^ b. Nov. 8, 1889.

1427 IV. Edmuxd T.-\ b. Sept. 8, 1853: d. Sept. 13, 1874.

1428 V. Charles F.^. b. March 5, 1856. 1429 VI. Fraxk'\ b. Dec. 22, 1858; m. March 27, 1879, Eva Fuller.

1430 \-ii. EuxiCE E^, b. June 13, 1862.


ASA B. GARLAND% son of Dea. John, No. ;>1)2. 158 GARLAND OEXEALOGV.

Born Feb. 11, 182;i, ia NewtieM, Me. Married, Aug. 23, l«5o, P^lsie Kimball of Stratford, N. H., born ^lay 2G, 1830. Residence, rortland, Me. Conductor on (irand Trunk railroad.

THKIR ( 1I1L0K1:N\

1431 I. Anna M.^, b. April (5. 1854; d. March 2. 1802. 1432 II. Geor(;e WA b. Dec. 23. 1856: m. July 12, 1881. Fannie B. Sargent; res. Rockland, Me. He is or was Secretary of the

Young- Men's Christian Association. Their children : 1432^ I. John Hkxrv (iAKLANi)^*^. b. Oct. 30. 1885, in Brockton. Mass.

1432/; 11. Marion Garland^', b. Nov. i. 1887. in Brockton, Mass, 1433 III. John Hp:nrv^ b. Oct. 15, 1857. in Island Pond, Vt. 1434 IV. Edmund T.^ b. June 23. 1867: m. June 11. 1888. Mary A.

Young, b. Sept. 25. 1866: one ch. : res. Arcadia. Xeb. He is Cashier of the State Bank of Arcadia. Neb. Their chil-

dren :

1434^ I. ED.Mrxi) T. (rARLANi)i". b. Sept.. 1889: d. July. 1890.


JAMES GARLAND% son of James, No. 3t)3. Born Oct. 4, 1811, in P:ffinghara, N. H. Died Aug. 4, 1895. Married, Jan. 2'J, 1840, Sarah T. Towle, born 1880; died March 24, 1895. Residence, Kezar Falls, Me. ^Merchant. thp:ir children.

I. William H.'-'. b. m. ist 6. Eliza 1435 Jan. 13. 1841 ; Jan. 1858, J.

Rice; three ch. ; m. 2d Dec. Sarah B. 25. 1879, Bragdon ; res. East Wakefield. N. H. Their children;

1435^- I. Grace E. GarlandI'^, b. March 4, 1859; d. Sept. 13,

1885 ; m. Sept. 26, 1882. Moses Libby; res. Portland, Me.

1435*^ II. Elias Rice Garland^'', b. Aug. 14. 186 1 ; m. March 18. ch. res. 1883. Nelly M. Stacy: three ; East Boston,

Mass. Their children :

1435/'/ I. David Ravmond C^arland^^ b. Dec. 29, 1883. II. Ralph Merton 2?. d. 1435/^i' C^arland", b..Sept. 18S5 ; 1888.

1435^.? III. Alida Rice Garland'^ b. 1888; d. 1889. i435t III. Charles Roscoe Garland^", b. Aug. 2. 1864: m. Sept.

5. 18S8, Kitty C. Ripley; onech.; res. Calais. .Me. Their

child :

i435tv 1. Alice Laura Garland^i. 1). Felx 15. 1890. 1436 II. David A.^b. in Dixmont, Me., Feb. 27. 1843, d. Sept. 25. 1843. III. K.^ b. in Porter. Feb. 1437 Charles Me.. Jan. 27. 1846; m. 5. 1871^

Lestina E. Howard: three ch. : res. Porter. .Me. Their chil-

dren : (iARLAND GP:x\EALOGY. 159

1437^; I Anna L. (iAKLAxni", b. Jan. 9. 1872. 1437;^ II. Gertkude M. (jAREAXi:*!", b. Jan. ji. 1877. i437f III. EvEEVx A. (;arlaxd1*\ b. Aug. 31, 1882. IV. b. in 1438 Samuel T.'*, Porter, Me., Sept. 20, 1848; d. July 19, 1882 ; m. Oct. Elcena M. one ch. res. 4, 1871, Blake; ; Lynn, Mass.

Their child :

1438c? I. Idcjlvx Gareaxi)1", b. Oct. 4, 1872.

1439 V. David T.'-', b. Jan. 6, 1850: d. Jan. 16, 1881. Farmer.


JAMES GARLAND% son of Jonathan, No. 402. Born May 10, 1810, in Parsonsfield, Me. Died May 8, 1857. Married, tirst, Mary Martin. Married, second, Sarah Johnson. Residence, Parsonsfield, Me. Peddler. He wa8 a lame man. He is said to have lived in Ivennebunk many years ago ; then removed to p]ast Parsonsfield. THEIK CHILDREN.

1440 I. William'-', b. June 5, 1835.

II. G.'*, b. 1441 James x\ov. 24, 1837 ; m. ist April, i860, Zylphia B.

of : m. of Gray Lovell, Me. 2d, 1888, Mary A. Rice Missouri ;

eight ch. ; res. Bierne, Ark. Merchant. Their children :

I. b. Clara 1441^ Frederick Garland^", Dec. 2, 1863 ; m., 1885, Miller; res. Monroe, Wis. Inventor. 1441/^ II. Eugene GarlandI"^, b. March 18, 1869.

III. 1 i-[4ic Martin (^arlandI'', b. Oct. 5. 187 ; dead.

1441c/ lY. RoscoE Garland^", b. April 14, 1873. 1441^ V. Mary A. Garland^", b. Sept. 12, 1876.

1441/ VI. Scott Garland^", b. July 9, 1880.

1441^ vii. Jessie (jARLAXd1'\ b. April 2, 1888.

1441// VIII. Myra Garland!'*. [3 a^o- 17, 1889. III. Alhra or b. m. ist 1442 Bertra^, March 4. 1840; Nancy Seavey ;

one ch. ; m. 2d Clara ; four ch, Per- Hatch ; m, 3rd Mary

kins: one ch. : res. Conway, N. H. Peddler and farmer.

Their children :

1442c? 1. William E. (jArlaxdI', m. ist Thompson: one

ch. : m. 2d three ch. res, N. H, Hall: ; Conway, Farmer.

1442/^ Ida M. (iARLAXD^". AxxA M. (iArlaxdI". GE()R(iE E. Garlaxd^'^ John Ali'.ra CiARLAND^". Susie Garlandi*^.

George Martin^, b. Feb. 4, 1841 ; m. Feb. 21, 1863, Caroline

a of ; res. Par- Seavey, dau. Sally Garland. No. 933 : nine ch.

sonsfield, Me Farmer. Their children : i6o (;ARLAND (iEXEALOCiV.

b. : m. 1443^ 1. Makv Klla CiARi.AM)'". Dec. 26. 1864 Nov. 27. 1882. James W. Perry; twoch.: res. So. Parsonsfield. Me. Their children: i. .irthur />'. Ferry. ii. George VV.

J443'; II. Herjip:rt E. Gakland^", b. July 13, 1866: m. Oct. 6,

1889, Mary E. Makin : two ch,

J4436- III. Charlotte M. (iARLANi)!'^. b. Oct. 21. 1868: m. Feb. 2. 1888. William A. Weeman.


\i,\y. V. George W. GarlaxuI", b. May 8, 1873.

1443/* VI. Li.N'DA C. Garland^", b. Sept. 7, 1874.

1443^ \ii. Lois A, Garland^", b. Dec. 8, 1878: d. Sept. 7. 1S79.

1443// VIII. Jennie Garland^'^, b. Dec. 5. 1S87. 1443/ IX. Edith A. GarlandI''. b. May 8, 1888. 1444 V. Louise Ann-\ b. June 7.1842: d. May, 1872; m, Zachariah

Miller: one ch. ; res. lirownfield. Me.

1445 ^'i- Charles E.-*. b. April 8, 1845 : m. Nov., J871. Catherine Con-

nors: no ch. : res. Limerick, Me.

1446 VII. Ira'', b. June 2. 1846: m. Dec. 16. 1868. Mary E. (ireeley: one ch., died in infancy: res. Conway Centre, N. H. Merchant.

1447 \iii. John A.'-', b. xApril 30. 1847: m. July. 1866, Alice J. Allen :

three ch. : res. l^arsonsfield. Me. Their children :

1447^? I. John Henrv (iARLANoi", b. Dec. 23, 1867: m. May 1. Rose A. one ch. res. Post- 1890. Turner: ; Conway. master.

1447^ II. Walter E. GarlanuI". b. May 15. 1872.

14476- III. May Emma Garland^'*, b. Oct. 9. 1875. ix. b. 1881, 1448 Lorenzo J.'-', Nov. 25. 1852: m. March 28, Mary Ann

Day of Cornish. Me.: res. Pawtucket, R. 1. Their chil-

dren :

\\\^a I. Esther S. C^arlandI", b. in Cornish, Me., Oct. 5, 1872 : d. May 28, 1881. 1448/^ II. LvDiA O. CiARLAXi)!". b. in Parsonstield, Me.. March 8. 1874. 14486 III. Albert H. C/Ari.axd^". b. in Littleton. X. H.. June 22. 1880.

J4486/ iv. Frank T. M. (;arlaxi)1". b. in Littleton. X. IL. .Aug', i. 1884. 1449 -^- Joxathax'*, called John Prackett. When he was si.x weeks old he was taken and brou.i^ht up by vSally Brackett in Lim- erick. Me. W'lien last heard of he was in Chicai>:o. 111.

1450 XL .Marcta'-', m.JohnCireeley : one ch. : res. East Browntield. Me.

1451 NIL Emma'', d. abt. 1882: m. Lewellyn Cole: one son: res. East Parsonsfield. Me. 1452 xiiL Elizabeth''. ni. Josluia Stanton: res. Peabody. Mass. GARLAND GENEALOGY. ibr


DAVID GARLAND^ (Rev.), son of Samuel, No. 408.

Born Dec. 18, 171)1. Died Feb. 6, 1863. Married, first, Feb. 14, 1814, Abigail Daniels. Married, second, June 9, 1851, Sarah P. Clough. Residence, Barnstead, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

1453 I. Rev, Oilman Daniels^, b. Aug-. 13, 1815; d. March 20. 1875;

m. Mrs. Mary Farrington ; three ch.: res. Boston. 1454 II. CvRUs Frank'*, b. Jan. 4, 1817: d. July 4, 1846: m. Emily

Smith ; two ch.; res, Portland, Me. Merchant, Their chil-

dren :

1454^2 I. CvRUS Frank Garland^'^ b. Oct.. 1844: res. Kalama- zoo, Mich.

II David F. b. , in 1454/7 Garland^'^ Sept Barnstead, N. H. ; res. Chicago, III.

1455 HI. Abigail'-^, b. Sept. 9, 1818; m. Nov. 27. 1845, George W. Short:

four ch. ; res. 577 Dorchester Ave., Boston. Mass. Their children: i. Francis C. Shorty b. 1846; d. 1867. ii. George. A., b. Dec. 14. 1848. iii. Mary L.. b. July 12. 1852. iv. Fred G., b. Feb. 12, 1858. 1456 IV. David Drew^, b. Sept. 10, 1820. d. Feb. 21, 1882: m. 1st Olive 2d three Haley: m. Sarah J. Riggs ; ch.. dead: res. Chi- cago, 111. 1457 V. Sarah Jane'', b. March 4, 1822; m. istSept. 22. 1844, John

McNeal; two ch. : m. 2d April 15. 1885, David B. Davis of

Pittsfield, N, H.: one ch. Their children : i. Mary Abby McNeal, b. Jan. 24, 1846: m, Frank Sleeper; three ch.; res.

Rochester, N. H. ii. Albion^ b. Aug. 18, 1S54 : m. Ida J.

Copp : twoch. : res. Rochester, N. H. 1458 VI. Hannah Smith'-*, b. Nov. 26, 1823: m. Nov. 26, 1845, Israel

Dimond; twoch,: res. Danville, N. H. Their children : i.

Francena S. Dimond, b. Oct. 12, 1846: m., 1864, Alfred P.

Emerson: seven ch. : res. Hampstead, N. H. One of their children, a daughter, Ada E. Emerson, born in i86s. married

Charles W. Ciarland, No. 1046^?. ii. Milburn J.,h. ]^\\. 2^,

1858; m. Sept. 9, 1880. EmmaM. Davis: three ch. : res. Dan- ville, N. H.

1459 VII. Horace Hatch"', b. Sept. 2, 1825: d. April 21. 1888: m. 1st Feb., 1854. Catherine Webster: two ch., d. i860: m. 2d Nov,

12, 1863, Annie Frink : one ch. : res. Harper. Kan.

1460 VIII. Marv Sanborn**, b, Dec. 10, 1832: m. March 7. 1857, John C/.

Evans, b. 1837 : twoch.: res. 259 East 4 ist street. Chicago.

111. Their children: i. Martha Fvans, b. March 15. 181^8: d. Aug. 25, 1858. ii. Fred G.. b. April 12, 1864: d. Aug, 11. 1887.



SAMUEL GARLAND% son of Samuel, No. 408. Born Nov. 24, 1791). DiedJan. o, 1874. Married, P^eb. 5, 1824, Lois Daniels, born 1800; died 1864. Residence, Barnstead, X. H. Farmer. THEIR CHILDREX.

1. b. 1461 Calvin D.-', July 24, 1827; m Betsey Drew; five ch. ; res. Barnstead, N, H. Their children:

146U? I. Martha Drew Gari.axd1'\ b. May 22. 1855 : m. Austin Randall: one ch.: res. Pittsheld. N. H.

1461/^ II. Lizzie E. Garlaxd^'^. b. Sept. 13, 1857. 14616- III. Maria A. Garlaxd^'^ b. July i. i860.

146U/ IV. Clara M. Garlaxdi^. b. Oct. 10, 1862 : m. Clarence O. Emerson; res. Pittsfield. N. H.

146U' V. Horace Melvix Garlaxd^'^. b. March 7. 1864: m.,

1890. Widow Nelly Bunker (/,'<;'6' Green) : res. Pittsfield. N. H.


JOHN GARLANDS son of Samuel, No. 408. Born Nov. 25, I8O0. Died April 12, 1860. Married Sophia Adams. Residence, Barnstead, N. H.


I. b. : ni. : 1462 J. Fraxk^. Nov. 27, 1832 Mary Susan Hall three ch. ;

res. No. Barnstead, N. H. Farmer. Their children : 1462^? I. Herbert A. Garlaxd^'^. b. Jan. 28, 1858; m. Ida M.

Scott; no ch. ; res. No. Barnstead, N. H. Farmer.

1462^ II. Oscar J. GarlaxdIo, b. Nov. 20. 1861 : m. Eliza Mc-

Vean : one ch. ; res. Dexter, N. H. Their child:

. 1462/--/ I. Wilbur J. Garlaxd^i. b. April 8, 1888.

14626- III NoRMAX F. (iARLAXDi'\ b. Oct. 23. 1865 : m. March 12,

1889. Carrie McAllister ; res. Boston, Mass. Their child : 1462^/ I. Earl N. Garlaxd^i. b. Oct. ii. 1890


THOMAS GARLAND% son of John, No. 410. Born Aug. 26, 1794. Died Sept. 15, 1877. Married ^lahala Varney. Residence, Alton, N. H. THEIR CHILDKKX.

1463 I. Eli'*, b. July 4. 1826 ; m. ist Abigail Corson : m. 2d Sarah Jane (iARLANU GENEALOGY. 163

Corson; m. 3rd Adaline Tibbetts ; res. Wolfboro', N. H. Their children:

1463^ I. Arthaxa (iARLAXi)i'\ b. 1S57 ; m. Frank P. Corson; separated about 1892.

II. b. Dec. 1861 m. Rob- 1463/'' JOSEPHINE (}arland1'\ 9, ; George inson: dead: res. Farmington, N. H.

J463t- in. Elizabeth GarlandI'^, b. April 15, 1864; d. July 13, 1866.

IV. Eli Garlaxi)!". b. 12. res. 1463^' Aug. 1867 ; New Durham, N. H. Farmer.

b. 12. d. res. 1463^ V. John W. GarlaxdI". Aug. 1871 ; abt. 1886; New Durham. Farmer.

1463/" VI. Lester Gaklaxi)^\ b. April 15, 1874; res. New Durham. 1463^ VII. Addie Belle CjArlaxd^'^ b. April 12. 1878; res. South Wolfboro\ N. H.

.S. 1463// VIII. WiXFiELD (^ARLAXiji", b. Oct. 22. 1880 ; res. South Wolfboro', N. H. IX. H. b. Feb. 12, res. South 1463/ Charles Garlaxd^'^ 1885 ; Wolfboro\ N. H.

II. b. ch. res. 1464 Hannah^ 1829: m. Jason Mclntire; one ; Great Falls, N. H.

III. b. ; m. one ch 1465 Arthaxa'\ April 20, 1831 Hartley Chapman; ; res. Cjreat Falls, N. H. 1466 IV. Darius^, b. 1836; m. Elnora Corson: res. Alton, N. H.


ASA B. GARLAND% son of John, No. 410. Born July 15, 1813. Died May 13, 1882. Married Betsey Chesley. Residence, North Byrnstead, N. H. THEIR children

I. b. 10, m. H. S. seven ch. res. 1467 Mary J.^ May 1840: Forbes; ;

Vt. Their children ; i. E/;/ier Sutton, /^ordes,b. iS6y ; m.,

ch. ii. b. 1890, Lydia Heath ; one Charles Z., 1S68. iii. Arthur^ b. 1869. iv. Z/////. died in infancy, v. Ada., b. 1875. vi. Waldo, b. 1878.

II. b. : m. O. F. Willard two ch. res. 1468 Emma^, Feb. 6, 1842 ; ; South

Barton, Vt. Their children : i. Ora B. Willard, b. 1868.

ii. Ursula, b. 1872.

III. b. m. N. ; two ch. res. 1469 Asa J.**, Nov. 21, 1843: Lucy Owen ;

Barton, Vt. Their children :

1469^: I. Asa O. (iArlaxd1'\

II. B. Garlaxd^". 146/ . JOHX 1470 IV. Charles H'\ b. Aug. 29, 1846; m. ist Ursula Goodell; m. 2d Helen Anger; twoch.: res. St. Johnsbury, Vt. Their chil-

dren : i64 (iAKLAXD CiEXKALOGV.

1470^ I. Leox H. Garland^", b. April i. 1871. 6. 1881. j47o/>' II. Ernest GarlandI^. b. Feb. 1471 V. Josephine B.^. b. July 24. 1856. She was a teacher in Brim- mer school, Boston. Mass.

1472 VI. Martha A.^ b. Nov. 10. 1851 : m. Nov. jo. 1876. William H.

Berry: two ch. : res. No. Barnstead. N. H. Selectman. Their children: i. Mary G. Berry, b. Oct. 16. 1881. ii. J'/ii//ip Ray. b. Oct. 14. 1885.


WILLIAM GARLANDS son of Isaac, No. 411. Born Feb. 25, 171»6. Died March 2, 1888. Married, May 11, Jane born 1808 six children she was the 1826, Mary Hall, ; ; daugh- ter of Israel of Strafford, N. H. Residence, Barnstead, N. H. March 24, 1838, Mary Jane Garland was appointed Guardian of the minor children of William Garland. THEIR CHILDREN.

1473 I- Lydia Maria^, b. 1827: d. 1841.

1474 II. Abbie H.9. b. March 30. 1829: d. March 13, 1886: m. David

Drew, son of Aaron ; res. Barnstead. N. H.

III. F.^, b. 1475 William 1831 ; d. 1836.

1476 IV. Emily J.^. b. 1833: d. 1838. 1477 V, Laura A.^ b June 27. 1835; m. ist. 1857, Frederic C. Tripp, d. i860: m. 2d Sept. 27. 1864, Norman G. Carr. son of Capt.

William: one ch. ; res. Concord, N. H, Jeweler. She is an authoress of considerable note, and writes for magazines,

etc. She has issued a Book of Poems. Their children : i.

Mary G. Carr, b. May 23, 1870: d. April 19, 1886.

1478 VI. Mary Hodgdon". b. July 15. 1837: m.. 1856. Dr. John

WHieeler. son of Hazen: no ch. : res. Pittsfield. X. H. He

graduated from Dartmouth College in 1850.


GEORGE WATP:RH0USE GARLAND% son of Isaac No. 411. Born Jan. o, 181.'i. Died May 5, 1881, in Lawrence, Mass. Married Elizabeth Bowker, born 1818; died February, 1894; she was the daughter of Robert of Brunswick, Me. Residence, in Laconia, N. H. ; later Lawrence, Mass.


1479 I. Annie E.^ b. May 27, 1842; m. Jan. 16. 1864. Dr. Cyrus N,

Chamberlain; three ch. ; res. Lawrence, Mas.s. Their chil-

dren : i. Helen CJianiherlain. b. April 29. 1865. ii. Afarf/ia (OAKLAND GENEALOGY. 165

/... b. d. Oct.- iii. b. Oct. April 21, 1867 ; 21, 1S76. Mary A., 21, 1870.

1480 II. Dr. George Mi.vot^, b. Oct. 14. 1848: m. Jan. 16, 1883, Char- lotte one ch. res. Boston. is a Smith Donald; ; He graduate of Harvard College; was made an A B. in 1871. and an M. D. in 1874. He is Assistant Professor of Physiology and Assistant Professor in Clinical Medicine in the Harvard

Medical School : also a physician in the Massachusetts Gen- eral Hospital. Their child:

1480^? 1. Alice M. Garland^", b. Dec. 3. 1888. 1481 III. Ror.KKT H.^, died in infancy.


COTTON GARLAND% son of William, No. 412. Born Feb. 27, 1800. Died Sept. 11, 1866. Married, Sept. 27, 1826, Mehitable Pickering. Residence, Newington, N. H. He was a farmer. THEIR CHILDREN.

1482 I. Albp:rt S.-', b. 1833; died in infancy. IL b. Walter Scott res. Ports- 1483 Annie L.^ 1836; m. April 16,1854. ;

mouth, N.H.; five ch. Their children : i. Daniel W. Scott^

b. Jan. 26, 1855. ii. W^iujield, b. 1856; d. 1875, iii. Fannie,

b. Feb. 6, 1859. iv. Ida ;!/"., b. Feb. 23, i860, v. William A\, b. Dec. 28, i86l

1484 iiT. Mary Frances-*, b. 1839; m., 1865. Charles H. Tucker of

York; five ch. Their children: i. Annie Tucker^h. i-866. ii. Charles F.. b. 1870. iii. Mary M., b. 1874. iv. Fred C, b. 1876. V. Florenc: H., b. 1880; d. 1883.


WILLIAM GATE GARLANDS son of William, No. 412. Born Feb. 24, 1810. Died Dec. 15, 1867. Married, Sept. 16, H. 1832, Belinda Rines of Exeter. Residence, Newington, N. ; removed to Medford, Mass. Stone-mason. THEIR CHILDREN.

14S5 L George William'\ b. Nov. 24, 1833, in Medford, Mass; m.

1 nine ch. Reside in June 30, 85 1, Margaret Parsage ; Jordan,

N Y. Stone-mason. Their children :

1485^ I. George Frank Garland^'^, b. Jan. 30, 1853, in Barton,

N. Y. ; d. Aug. 10. 1870. 1485// XL Cart. Ellery O. Garland^'*, b. Jan. 27, 1855, in New-

ington, N. H.; unm. ; res. Nev^ington, N. H. 14856 III. John R. GarlanijI^, b. Aug. 28, 1856, in Newington, N. H.; res. Jordan. N. Y. i66 GARLAND OEXEALOGV.

1485^/ IV. Nathaniel B. GarlaxdI'^ b. Nov. 29. 1858. in Xewing- ton. N. H.: d. Nov. 28, 1862.

1485^' V. Hattie Mary GarlandI'^. b. Dec. 24. i860, in N'ewing-

ton, N. H. : m. Simon Bristol, d. 1880.

1485/ VI. Belinda Estelle Garlandi*^. b. Feb. 19, 1S63, in Xew-

ington, N. H. : m. Alfred Seeley : five ch. ; res. Jordan,

N. V. Their children : i. Frank Oscar Seeley^ b. 1880. ii. Elesia, b. 1882: d. 1883. iii. Florence Eliza, b. 1884. iv. Edith J/., b. 1886. v. Jennie O., b. 1887. ^A^hS ^"^^- Olevia B. Garland^o, b. March 2, 1865. in Newington.

X. H. ; m. Edward J. White ; res. Jordan. X. V.

1485// VIII. William Gate Garlaxi)1'\ b. March 7. 1S68, in Ben-

nington. X. J.

1485/ IX. Margaret J. Garlaxd1'\ b. July 7. 1870, in Benning- ton. X.J. 14S6 II. Martha Eliza'*, b. July 22, 1836, in Exettr. X.H.; res. Charlestown. Mass.

1487 III. Albert Brewster^, b. Oct. 16. 1840, in Exeter. X. H.: d. Sept.

4, 1880: m. Feb. 18. 1867. Xelly M. Buswell, dau. of William

of Gilmanton. N. H.: live ch. : res. Boston, Mass. Garpen- ter. He was accidently killed at Constitution wharf, Bos-

ton. Their children :

1487^ I. Nettie Belle Garland^'^ b. March 22, 1868. in New- ington, N. H.: d. Oct. 10. 1868.

1487/? II. James Henry Garland^^ b. Oct. 31. 186^, in Xewing-

ton. N. H.: m. Jan. 2. 1892. Rossie Maud Webb : res. 224 Broadway. Somerville. Mass. A clerk at 116 State street, Boston.

1487^ III. Fannie Ann (^arland^'^. b. Dec. 22, 1872, in Charles-

town, Ma.ss. : m. Sept. 22, 1891, Edward M. Gilley: res. Charlestown, Mass. \\^-]d IV. Myrtle Blanche Garlaxd^'^ b. Dec 21, 1876: res. Charlestown. Mass.

14876' v. EI3WARD Albert GarlanuI", b. Dec. 25, 1879: res. Charlestown, Mass.

1488 IV. Frances Axn^. b. June 14, 1847. in Lawrence, Mass; d. Sept.

8, 1870: m .March. r86o, Richard K. Edgerly : one ch.; res.

Durham, N. H. Their dau:£hter : i. Ida Ed^^:rly, b. 1868.

1489 V. Leonora ADALINE^ b. July 23. 1855, in Durham, N. H. : m.

Jan. 15. 1S78. I-^red L. Hatch: three ch.; res. Melrose. Mass.

Their children: i. George F. Hatch, b. June 19, 1879; d. 1881. ii. Marion, b. Dec. 21. 1882. iii. Ralph /... b. Oct. ic. 1887. 989.

LEVI GARLAND% son of William, No. 412. Born Aug. 5, 1'S12, in Portsmouth, X. H. Died Jan. 22, \^1\. (lARLAxND GKiNEALOGY. 167

Married, Sept. 20, 1^41, Maria Ella Adams of Newington, N. H. Residence, Lawrence, Mass., and Newington, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

I. Albert^, b. in N. 28, m, 1490 JoHX Newington, H., Sept. 1842 ; ist,

Lillian A. d. ; m. Marden 1869, lirown, 1871 2d, 1873, Mary ; res. Somerville. Mas.s. Their children:

1490(2 1 Harrv Clark (^arland^'*, b. July 10, 1873, in Charles- town, Mass.

1490/? 11. Guy Bertram (tArlaxd^'*, b. Dec. 26, 1877, in Charles- town, Mass.

i490i:- HI. Helex May Garlaxd^", b. May 10. 1880, in Charles- town, Mass.

1490c/ IV. Le Roy GarlaxdI". b. Jan. 30. 1882; d. July, 1883, in Charlestown, Mass.

14906- V. Chester (}arlaxd^'\ b Sept. 28, 1883, in Charlestown, Mass.

1490/ VI. Edward Garlaxd^", b. July 26, 1887, in Somerville, Mass.

14904:^ VII. Robert C^arlaxdI", b. July, 1891, in Somerville. Mass. 1491 II. Charles Levi'*, b. in Lawrence, Mass., 1843; d. 1846. 1492 III. George Albert", b. in Lawrence, Mass., Feb. 18. 1846; m. Martha two ch. Dec. 25. 1873, J. Mitchell: ; res. Charles-

town, Mass. Their children :

1492^? I. Prentice Levi GarlaxdI", b. July 16, 1875. 1492/; II. Ernest Frost Garland^", b. June 18, 1881. IV. b. Nov. in Mass. m. 1493 Elizabeth^, 22, 1847, Charlestown, ; May

15, 1871, Charles S. Stone, d. Dec. 3, 18931 res. Everett, Mass.

Carpenter. Their children: i. IJ/lia/i A. Sfone,b. AMg.,

1872 : m. Sept. 6, 1893, Fred H. Dickey, ii. Earl H., b. Jan.

26, iii. Laura A/., b. Dec. 1874. 28, 1875 ; m., 1894, George iv. b. E. Drew. Walter S , Oct., 1877. v, Charles S., b. Feb., 189-.

\'. Charles Franklin", b. 22. in 1494 Sept. 1850, Lawrence, Mass. ; d. m. 21, 1880. Jan. 9, 1895 ; Aug. Hattie E. Frost; two ch. ;

res. Charlestown, Mass Stone-cutter. Their children :

1494^7 I. Arthur Winfred GarlandI"^, b. April 26, 1883.

1494/; II. Bertram Franklin GarlandI*^, b. June 27, 1889. 1495 ^'i- -^i^A Maria", b. Dec. 2, 1853, in Newington. N. H.: m. Dec. B. 18, 1872, James Worcester: four ch. : res. Somerville, Mass. Their children: i. John A. lVoreesler,b. Nov. 10. 1875, in Warren, N. H. ii. EtheLh. Oct. 28, 1882, in Charles- town. Mass. iii. DanieL b. June 6, 1S86, in Charlestown. Mass. iv. Helen, b. June 30, 1888, in Somerville, Mass.


LEONARD S. GARLAND% son of William, No. 412. i68 GARLAXU GENEALOCiY.

Born March 4, 1815, in Portsmouth, N. H. Died May 10, 1876. H. Married, Sept. 26, 1841, Almira Whitcorab, born 1815 ; died 1880. Residences, F^xeter, Portsmouth and Newington, N. H.

thp:ir childrkx.

1496 I. ***Fraxk L.". b. March 20, 1S42, in Exeter. N. H. He en- Hsted in the Navy Nov. 20. 1861. and never was heard from. 1497 II. Anxie E.*^. b. June 15. 1844; m. Nov. 23. 1864. Ira C. Sey-

mour, b. 1842 : seven c-h. : res. 24 Dennett street, Portsmouth,

N. H. Blacksmith. Their children : i. Ebiia G. Seyf/iour,

b. 186;; ; m.. 1891. Rufus Wood : one ch. : res. Portsmouth.

N. H. ii. Solomon /•".. b. 1869: m. Dec. 12. 1894. OHve Buch- anan, iii. Maftit\h. 1872. iv. Louis H..h. 1875. v. Carrie

A., b. 1880. vi. JVi//it' S.. dead. vii. Grace IV., b. 1882 : d. 1882.

1498 III William A.^ b, in Newington, N. H., Aug. 14. 1846; m. Aug.,

1873, Annie Leighton : one ch. dead : res. Kittery. Me. Teamster. 1499 IV. LucRETiA W.^. b. in Newington, N. H.. April 20, 1852: m.

Sept. 5, 1872, Frank Randall: no ch.: res. Portsmouth, N. H. 1500 V. Amanda Melissa^, b. in Newington, N. H.. Sept. 28, 1859:

m., 1884, Frank Grant: two ch. : res. Ehot, Me. Farmer.

1501 VI. Emma^. b. June 22, 1861. in Newington, N. H. : m. Feb., 1879,

Willie Patch : five ch. : res. Me. Their children : i. — Kittery, — Gertrude Patch, h. [8 . ii. Myra.h. 18 . iii. JosiaJi. iv. Emma /... and one died in infancy.


WILLIAM GARLAND^ son of Stephen, No. 414. Born Aug. 16, 1802, in New Durham, N. H. Died Oct. 21, 1876.

Married, Jan. 26, 1827, Martha Cook ; born 1804 ; died Dec. 8, 1885. Residence, Charlestown, Me. Carpenter.


1502 I. Leoxora R.^, b. Nov. 24. 1828: d. Jan. 5, 1859: m. Dec. 31, 185 1, Aaron L. Morrison.

1503 II. Lorexzo D.^, b. March 9, 1830: d. March 27. 1855.

1504 in. William F.^, b. May 29, 1832 : d. Oct. 28, 1852. ^505 IV. JoHX F.^, b. May 29, 1832: d. Jan. 21. 1858. William F. and John F. were twins.

J506 V. Martha A.^, b. March 14, {836; d. Aug. 9, 1854. 1507 \\. Emily^, b. July 14. 1838.

1508 VII. Harriet Orissa^, b. April 10, 1843, in Exeter, Me.: m . 186S, Alvin Dorrity: three ch.: res. Charlestown. Me. Butcher. Their children: i. Callie Dorrity. b. 1869; d. 1878. ii. John J., b. 1874. iii. Harry //.. h. 1879. (OAKLAND GENEALOGY. 169

viii. b. d. m. Dec. 1509 Mary Ellkn". June 29, 1845 ; Jan. 31. 1892: 24,

1868. James Dunning:, b. 1837 ; one ch. : re.s. Santa Cruz, Cal.

Their child : i. Ralph G. Dinuivig, b. Aug. 8, 1873.


STEPHEN GARLAND% son of Stephen, No. 414.

Born Sept. 2.3, 1814, in New Durham, N. H. Married, Jan. 10, 1886, Dorothy J. Cook, horn Nov. 1, 1812. Residence, Sebec, Me.


(Horn in Sebec. Me.)

1510 1. Olevia^, b. Jan. 4. 1842: m. March 6, 1864. Benjamin F,

: six Dumphey ch. ; res. Sebec. Me. Farmer. Their chil-

dren : i. Lucy K. Dn/np/ity, xn., 1884, William H. Jenkins,

ii. Charles E. iii. Mabel F. iv. Lewis E. v. Sarah M. vi. Stephen A. 1511 II. Alhina S.*^. b. June 2 1850.

1512 III. Frances J.^ b. Feb. 5, 1854: m. i.st Charles W. Pratt; three

ch. : res. Foxcroft, Me.: m. 2d Ruel H. Parkman; res.

Sebec. Me. Their children: i. Lillian M. Pratt, A^2i6.. ii. Florence AT., b. 1879. iii. .Stanley, dead.


RICHARD GAREAND% son of John, No. 420. Born Aug. 2';, 180.5 (not 1895, as given on page 107). Died in 1886 in Onalaska, VYis. Married, 1827, Harriet Roberts, born in

1810, in Portland, Me. ; died in 1871. Residence, Onalaska, Wis. Merchant. He lived in Greenwood, Me., until 1850; removed to Burns, Wis., and then, in 1861, to Onalaska, Wis. IHEIR CHILDREN.

1513 I. Addis(^n^. b. Oct. 13, 1828, in Greenwood, Me.: m., 1855,

Hannah A. Noble of Norway, Me. ; five ch. : res. Santa

Barbara. Cal. Merchant. Their children :

1513^ I. Arthur Addisox Garland1'\ b. Aug. 22, 1857; m.

Sept 6, 1882, IdaM Paddock: four ch. : res. Santa Bar-

bara. Cal. Merchant. Their children :

15 13^/ I. RUBV (jARLANIjll, l). Sept. 7. 1883. 15 13^^" 11. Eldon Addison Garland", b. July ii, 1885.

1513^:? III. Arthur Henry Garland^i. b. Oct. 16, 1886. 1513^^ IV. Ray Paddock Garland", b. Sept. 6, 1889: d.

- May 28, 1890. 1513^ II. Rebecca (iARLANi)i'\ b. Jan. 18, 1859.

i5i3<:' III. R<)Wi:na (iARLANDi", b. Sept. 24, 1869. fT- '^JtWHW


15 14 II. Richard Hy, b. Sept. j. 1830. in Norway, Me.; m., 1856, res. Isabella McClintock of Neshonoe, Wis.; four ch. ; Ord-

way. Dakota. Their children : i5i4^z 1. Hattie Edith GarlaxdI", b. 1859; d. 1875. - 1514(6 II. Haxnibal Hamlin Garland^^^ b. i860. in Wisconsin." ''His father, a farmer, removed from Wisconsin to Iowa, where "Hamlin" worked on the farm. He grad-

uated in 1 88 1 from a local academy. In 1882 he went to Maine: next taught school in Illinois. In 1884 he was in Boston and vicinity as a teacher and lecturer. His first book was short stDrits, 'Main Travelled Roads': also "A Little Norsk.' and \Spoils of Office'; also a book of poems. He lived in New York city in 1894: afterwards went West." He writes stories, etc.. for

magazines. Scribner's, Arena, etc., under the name of '• Hamlin Garland."

15146 III. Franklin Garland^", b. 1862, Teacher in Boston, Mass.

1514^/ IV. Jesse Viola Garlaxd^'^ b. 1868: d. 1890.

1515 III. Rebecca McK.^ b. in Greemvood. Me. July 13. 1832 : d. in 1842 in Greenwood, Me.

1516 IV. Susan Mary>\ b. in Greenwood. Me., Aug. 4. 1836: m., 1866,

Richard Bailey of Mechanics Falls. Me.: no ch. : res. Ona- laska. Wis.

1049. .

DANIEL GARLAND^ son of Simon, No. 452. Born about 1813. Died July 14, 1886, aged 73 years. Married, first, Elizabeth Burnham. Married, second, Mrs. Butterfield. Residence, Nottingham, N. H. THEIR CHILDREN.

I. : : I5I7 George V.^, m. ist Ann O'Leary ; m. 2d Belle two ch. res. Nottingham, N. H. Their children:

I. Geokgianna Garland^'', b. 1867: m. Abbot Jones : two ch.

11. Willie Garland^", b. 1869: m. Mary S. Langley : two ch. n. m. ch. res, Eugene-', Nelly' Bean: one dead; Nottingham. N.H.

III. Frank^, m. Ella Batchelder: twoch. : res. Nottingham, N. H.

Their children :

I. Herbert Garlaxd^". b. 1874. II. Alice Garland^o, b. 1890. Tuttle. IV. Olive Axx^ m, ist James W. Smith : m. 2d Granville

: i. v. Addie^, m. Lorenzo Tuttle : three ch. Their children

Freds. Tuttle. ii. Hattie B.-xw. Mackie. iii. Ilcnuard. HAMLIN GARLAND,


Won Pulitzer Prize in 1921 for Best Biography, 'A Daughter of the Middle Border'


Son of a Farmer, He Took Dakota Claim, Eventually! Resided in New York '

HOLLYWOOD. March- 4 UP)\ Hamlin Garland, novelist and biog- rapher, known as the "dean of American letters," died at his home here tonight of a cerebral hemor- rage at the age of 79. He had been HAMLIN GARLAND Associated Press, 1931 critically ill since Friday At his bedside were Mrs. Garland and their two daughters, Mrs. Con- and Mrs. Mindret stance Harper Born in Wisconsin Lord. Richard Mr. Garland, when stricken ill, Mr. Garland's father, was completing the final chapters Garland, was a "Down Easter;" of a book, "The Fortunate Exile," his mother, Isabelle Charlotte Mc-j native of Ohio. describing his ten years in South- Clintock, was a ern California, and had instructed They had moved on to Wisconsin, on the his family that he wanted it pub- where they made a farm lished after his death. site of what is now West Salem. There Hannibal Hamlin—named Deserted the Farm Country for the Maine man who was Lin- coln's vice president—was born on In 1884 Boston had not lost its Sept. 14, 1860. When he was 8 years glory as the "Athens of America" old the family, seeking better land, and it was natural that a young crossed the Mississippi into Winne- man who wanted to be a writer shik County, Iowa, and a year later established another farm on the should sell his land claim in Dakota prairie of Mitchell County, Iowa. Territory (the part that afterward On the farm where he was born became North Dakota) and head and in the bleak Iowa country,i New Englandward in his search of Garland was brought up on' Boston was young knowledge and culture. Longfellow and Whittier and all the where both be had. j place might the old New England hymns. When Garland Young Hannibal Hamlin he was 16, he entered the Cedar old he back- was 23 years when Valley Seminary at Osage, attend- over the route his had trailed family ing for the six months of the year followed restlessly from Oxford, he did not work on the farm. Me. All he had to recommend him When he was graduated in 1881, he to Boston was hisf ambition. The spent two years tramping through^ $200 he got for mortgaging his land the Eastern States, but in the claim was his stake; that and a Spring of 1883 he headed West queer Gopher Prairie outfit of store again and took up a claim In Mc-; clothes. He lived in bleak attic Pherson County, where he lived for rooms and spent hours in the Pub- a year on unsurveyed land. lic Library, reading and writing lec- Then came his Boston experience, tures on Browning or the Art of which included studying and teach- Edwin Booth, which he delivered ing at the Moses True Brow^n to high school girls and staid, cul- School of Orator^^^ ^_^_i Iture-loving Roxbury matrons. isecame a jyew lorKcr

Few of these books, in perspec- tive, measure up to the book he was to write after he moved his family to New York and settled down in His People Revisits the city that at last really was what his people he had to find in Boston In 1887 he revisited Da expected eoing to Wisconsin, Iowa and thirty years before. "A Son of the with i'- kota and seeing familiar sights Middle Border" was published could of the Middlt a nev/ eye, one which give 1917 and "A Daughter loved the the Pulit- them perspective. He Border," which received , could see them Prize for the best in^ pioneers, but he zer biography On this tell the only as defeated people. 1921. These two books story to write his the McClintock trip Mr. Garland began of the Garland and stories of the Mississippi Valley. families and their successive west- "Main Traveled Roads" was pub- ward movements. im- lished in 1890, and was followed One of the results of these books mediately by "A Spoil of Office, &vas Mr. Garland's election to the his first novel. Most critics agree American Academy of Arts and Let- I that his novels were commonplace; ters, to which he devoted much at- not that he shone best in autobiographi- tention for many years. He did writing. He cal and biographical igfive up writing, however, but turn- and 1893, wrote, between 1891 ing inward, wrote more and more Member of , "Jason Edwards," "A out of his own past, which was rich

"Prairie | the Third House" and in literary associations here and

, times. Songs." , , ,. , ^ abroad, experiences, good Mr. Garland's next book, published One of his diversions was writing of in 1894, was a volume fleeting "The Book of the American In- Idols." A essays called "Crumbling dian." year later, however, he pubhshed The University of Wisconsin hon- 'Rose of Butcher's Cooley," which ored him in 1926 with the degree to be his best -^enerally is conceded of Doctor of Letters, and that year which his v/ork of fiction, and from he published "Trail Makers of the earlier reputation as the Thomas Middle Border." This Hardy of Wisconsin arose. This was followed by further the life of was an authentic story of biographical material in "Roadside frontier and her a girl born on the Meetings" in 1930, "Companions soil to eventual removal from the of the Trail" in 1931, "My Friendly the metropolis of Chicago. Contemporaries" in 1932, "After- Gar- For the next two years Mr. noon Neighbors" in 1934 and Bos- land abandoned the frontier, "Forty Years of Psychic Re- to devote ton, Chicago, and all else search," 1937. himself to the preparation of his This was followed by "The Mys- U. S. two-volume Life of General tery of the Buried Crosses" in after Grant, which was published, 1939. This last book was a record much travel and personal research, of his adventures in psychic, re- he went in 1898. This finished, search and told of his communing Yukon tak- overland to the Valley, with departed spirits. six months, and gaining mate- ling Gold Book Praised Howells rial for "The Trail of the by ' Seekers." Upon his return, in 1899, William Dean Howells reviewed Zulime Taft, the daugh- now he married I "A Son of the Middle Border," Professor of of all ter of Don Carlos Taft, ! widely accepted as the best of Illinois, I Geology at the University of Mr. Garland's books, in The New and sister of Lorado Taft, sculptor. York Times in 1917. one of 'They had two daughters, "From the outside, counti-y life whom, Constance Garland, inherit- has been seen by the poets who illus- ' ed his love of the frontier and have never practically known it or later books on trated several of his it, but here have forgotten country } this subject. life is shown as it is, or was, in Gar- Between 1900 and 1916 Mr. the course of empire," Mr. Howells and his fam- land supported himself wrote. "The toil of it, early and that he ily by writing. In period late, in heat and cold; the filth of books: wrote and these it the cattle and the published among horses; | Horse "The Captain of the Grey helpless squalor and insult of it in "Her Mountain Lover," the unwashed bodies of the men Troop," "The "The Tyranny of the Dark,'-' reeking with the sweat of the har- [Light of the Star," "Hesper,' vest fields, and served in their '"Monev Magic," "The Shadow steam and stench at where "Ca- table, World," "The Eagle's Heart," the hapless women wearily put vanagh. Forest Ranger," "Other their meat and drink before them, Main Traveled Roads," "The Long are facts which have not been con- Trail," "Victor Olney's Discipline." or even and fessed, suggested before, "The Forester's Daughter" except perhaps in the gruesome "Boy Life on the Prairie." chapters of 'La Terre,' but which not to jkxe allowed escap-- our senses ma. Mr. Garland's unsparin|^^geaj" The: r vV YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY

ASTOR, LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS. fosi-:rii r. c.iri..\\i\

(No. 1100.) MA\S. JOSEJ'H P. GAKLAAI).

(No. 1100.) jPUBLi '~'\\M



JOSEPH PARSONS GARLAND% sou of John', No. 483; No. «1 Jobn% No. PJO; Benjamin% ; Jolin\ No. 30; Peter% No. 7; John-, No. 2; PeterS No. 1.

Born Dec. :^0, 1804, in Rye. N. H. Died Aug. 22, 1881, in Bid- deford. Me., and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Married, Sept. 24, 1826, Kuuice Keuuey, born in 1809; died Nov. 25, 1891. She was the daughter of Samuel Kenney of Portland, Me., and Patty Bradbury, who was the daughter of James of Biddeford, Me. Mr. Garland lived, when married, in Saco, Me., and removed, in 1827, to Rochester, NY. In 1830-33 he lived in Medina, N. Y. Returned, by canal-boat and sailing vessel, to Saco, Me., in 1833. In 1839 he moved into liis own house in Biddeford. He was Master Carpenter and Joiner in building the shop and mills of the Saco Water Power company, the Laconia Manufacturing company and the Pepperell Manufacturing company in Biddeford from 1841 to 1850, when he retired from business. He was a skillful and accu- rate workman, an honest, honorable man and a good father. THEIR CHILDREM

1522 I. James Gkav^, b. March 31, 1827, in Saco, iMe. : m. Jan. i, 1857,

Elizabeth L. P. Adams ; seven ch. : res. Biddeford, Me.

II. b. in Y. 1523 Joseph Parsons^, April 30, 1831, Medina, N. ; m. six res. Dec. 15, 1850, Sarah Buzzell; ch. ; Emporia, Kan. III. b. in Y. ist 1524 Jerome^, June i, 1833. Medina, N. ; m. March 24, in b. d. P"eb. [864, Biddeford, Me.. Maria Gilmore, 1842 ; 22, 1870: two ch.; m. 2d May 25, 1872, in Biddeford, Me., Lucy A, Kimball; res. Cohoes, N. Y. Machinist. Manager and Agent of the Cohoes Iron Eoundry and Machine company

in Cohoes, N. Y. Their children :

1524^ I. Cora Martha Garlaxd1'\ b. Sept. 27, 1865 : d. Aug. 8, 1867, in Biddeford, Me.

i524<^ 11. WiLEiAM Stetson Garland1'\ b. Jan. 3, 1869. IV. b. in d. in 1525 OiiLANDO^, April i;^. 1836, Saco, Me, ; April 4, 1837, Saco.

v. Elizabeth'-', b. in m. 1526 June 26, 1839. Biddeford, Me ; May i, 1S62, Samuel VV. Perkins of Kennebunkport, Me.: res. No. 215 7 th street, Jersey City, N.J. He was a fruit and provision merchant for many years in Washington Market, New York. Their children: i. Gertrude Perkins, b. Jan. 17, 1864, in Bid-

deford, Me.: m. Jan. 7, 18S6, William H. Clark, d. Sept. 27, 1893, \\\ Colorado, of consumptioi. He was in the wholesale

Dry Goods business in New York city. The}^ lived in Jersey 172 GARLAND GENEALOGY.

City. X. J. After her husband's death Mrs. (ilark took her two children to her father's and Hves there, ii. Georfrc, b.

1866: d. April, 1869. iii. roh- A., b. June 25, 1868. iv. Charles Oliver, b. Oct. 6. 1870. v. Fred, b. May 1. 1873. vi. Jay J>'.. b. Oct. 9, 1875.


JOHN CALVIN GARLAN^^ son of John, No. 48:3. Born Nov. 26, 1813, in Rye, N. H. Died April 28, 1889, in Rye, N. H. ]\Iarried, first, Jan. 4, 1835, P^lizabeth Speed; nine children; died Oct. 11, 1851, aged 37 years. Married, second, Caroline P^oss died 32 ; Aug. 31, 1857, aged years. Residence, Rye. Farmer. He lived for some time in Newcastle, N. H., but after his father's death he lived on the homestead of his father, where he died. He was an industrious farmer.


(Nine by first wife. He had several children by his second wife, but they died young.)

1527 I. Elizabeth R.". b. April 2. 1836: d. next day.

1528 II. John Wesley^, b. Sept. 2, 1837; d. April 9, 1850.

1529 III. Calvin Thompson^, b. June 15, 1839; m. May 21, 1877, Eliza- beth M. Evans: no ch. He lived for some time in Texas, and owns property in Austin, Texas. He bought the old homestead in Rye and is living there in 1897, being com- pelled to stay North on account of his health. He was a

lawyer and a circuit judge in Texas for many years : was a Union man in Texas during the Civil War. He is now en- gaged in literary work.

1530 IV. ***Marshall W.". b. May 17, 1841 : killed in the Civil War at Olustee. Fla.. Feb. 22. 1864. 1531 v. Charles William-', b. April 6. 1843: m. July 12, 1871. Mrs.

Helen McKee; three ch. ; res. Leoti, Kan., 1893, where he was Probate Judge, and res. later Seward, Oklahoma. He has been all over the West and Pacific slope, living in many places. Their children 1531^: I. Coral W. GarlaxdI". b. Feb. 14, 1875, in Rye, N. H.; m. Nov. 27, 1891, in Sacramento. Gal.. Robert Lee Har-

grove: two ch. : res. Madera, Cal. b. in r53i/>' II. Benjamin Parsons (jARLAni)I". Nov. 7. 1878,

Arkansas City, Ark. : d. Dec. 29, 1882, in Arkansas City, Ark

I53U- iiL Ivv Ahbv Helen Garlanij^", b. July 6. 1881. in Arkan- sas City, Ark.

1532 VI. Mary Abhy'^, b. June 17, 1845: d. Feb. 12, 1848. ^^


\^. -




1533 \ii. Lizzie'^ b. June 17, 1S45: m. ist Aug. 10, i86i>, John C. P^rost in iS— of Sanford. Me., who died ; two ch.; m. 2d Charles W. Brown, son of Daniel and Sarah Ann Garland, No. 479, of Rye; no ch. They live in West Rye, N. H., near her

fatiier's homestead. Their children : i. Lucy Etta Frosty I). Jan. 21. 1870: died in infancy, ii. Marshall G., b. Dec. 10.

1 87 1. Mary Abby, No. 1532, and Lizzie, No. 1533, were twins.

1^34 VIII. Henrietta-^ b. July 15. 1846; m. Dec. ir, 1869, Moses Brown, son of Daniel and Sarah Ann Cxarland, No. 479. They live in West Rye, on thtir farm, adjoining her father's homestead. In summer they live in Newburyport, Mass., to enable their children to attend the Putnam school in that place. Their

i. d. children: Alice S. Brown, b. March 30, 1871 ; Dec, 10,

1893: m. Nov., 1888. Frank Graves, ii. Mattle A., b. July 7,

1872; m. July, 1889, Frank Boyce : one ch., Gladys, iii.

Warren D.. b. July 15, 1874. iv. Marietta, b. March 10, 1880. V. Charles T.. b. 1883. vi. John IV., b. July 23, 1887.

vii. Harrison G.. h. March i, 1889. 1535 IX. Annah A.'\ b. Aug. 21, 1849; d. Oct. 24, 1894; m. Nov. 24, 1868, Charles N. Knowles; res. Rye. Farmer. Their chil-

: i. 1). Oct. 6. 1 dren IJzzie A. Knowles, 187 ; m. Oct. 5, i8go, res. Fred A. Brown: one ch. ; No. Hampton, ii. Annie L., b. Jan. 30. 1874. iii. Clintie Clc7'ela/i(l. b. Dec. 11, 1882.


STEPHEN W. GARLAND% son of Stephen, No. 606. Born May 11, 1815. Married Mary A. Holmes. Residence, Angusta, Me. THEIR CHILDREN.

1536 I. Charles B.'\ b. April 14. 1837; d. June 18, 187-; m, Adelaide

four ch, res. Me. Their : Stephens; ; Brewer, children

I. 1536c? ODELLAGARLANDi*^,m. Charles Harriman : fourch,; res. Brewer. Me, 1536^ II. Everett H. (jarlanijI'^. 1537 II, Melinua^, 1). Jan. 14. 1839; d, Aug. 4, 1842.

1538 iiL RosiLLA^, b. Aug. 27, 1841 ; d. July 25, 1842, 1539 i^'- Melixda a., 2D^, b. July 17, 1843: m. Henry Goss; thirteen

ch. : res. Holden. Me. Their children: i. Cora Goss. ii. Henry E. iii. George, iv, Arthur A. v. Lila B. vi. Minnie E. vii. Fred, viii, Emma. ix. Harry, x. Ralph. xi. Bert. V, Calvix H.-\ b. m. Nellie 1540 Aug. 2, 1845; Bumpus ; fivech.;

res. New Sharon, Me. Their children :

1540^; I. MiXXlI': L. (iAKLAXI)l". 174 CARLANI) (".KXLALOC;^

1540^ II. CHARLHS C. (iAKI.AXl)!". »

J541 \'l. RosiLLA A.^ b. July 14, i84

1542 vii. Ellen M.^ b. March 17, i

res. Augusta. .Me. Their children : i. /vtv/ Kimball, ii. May, b. 1877.

1543 VIII. Charlotte^ b. Feb. 20, 1S52 : m. Thomas Routh : no ch. ; res. Augusta, Me. 1544 IX. Makv L.^ b. Sept. 10. 1855: m. Kred Scott; no ch.: res. Augusta, Me.

1545 X. Henry S.^, b. Dec. 22. 1859: m. Etta Robinson: no ch. : res. Augusta, Me.


OILMAN DANIELS GARLAND" (Rev.), son of Rev. David, No. O60. Born Aug. Li, 1815. Died March 20, 1875. Married Mrs. Mary Farrington. Residence, Boston. A Free Baptist clergyman. THEIR CHILDREN.

1546 I. Pharcellas B.!*^. b. Sept. 10, 1847, in Deertield. N. H. : m

Au^. 3, 1866, Flora A. Tnomas; four ch. : res. East Auburn,

Me. Carpenter. Their children : 1546^ I. LiNwooD Elmer GarlandIi, b. Feb. 24. 186.S. in

Winthrop, Me. ; m. Aug. 24, 1S92. Emily C Allen. in 1546'^ II. Maud Marion Garlaxd^i, b. July 10. iS6> Auburn, Me.

1546^- III. Herbert Willis Garland^^. b. May 3, 1872, in Boston, Me.

1546;-/ IV. Walter Creston (iARLAXD". b. July 7, 1891. in Au- burn, Me.

1547 II. Kirk Alberto^*^, b. May 10, 1849, in Boston: m. May 10. 1875,

Annie F. Holland: no ch : res. South Boston. Mass. Dent-


154S III. Marv Abhv^", b. Sept. 10, 1853, in Livermore, Me. : m. Feb. 16, 1888, Albert H. Baker: no ch.: res. Minneapolis, Minn.


HORACE HATCH GARLAND", son of Rev. David, No. 963.

Born Sept. 2, 1825. Died April 21, 1888. Married, first, Feb., 1854, at Manchester, N. H., Catherine Webster, died July o, 1860. Married, second, Nov. 12, 1868, Annie Frink. Residence, Har- per, Kan. (OAKLAND GENEALOGY. 175


1549 1. Horace Websti:k1'\ b. May 5, i(S55 ; m. Dec. 25. 1877, Flora

A. Gilpatrick : res. Harper. Kan. Tlieir children: 1549CZ I. Cakkik 1>. (iAKLAM)ii. b. Oct. 23. 1878.

1549/; 11. LlLLIK E. (rARLA\I)ll. b. Nov. 28, 1880. 15496 III. Florence M. Garlaxd^^ b. May 8, 1882.

i549<'/ IV. Oli\e J. (^AHLAXiji^ b. June 14, iS8.^.

1549^ V. Horace h'. (iARLAM)ii, b. April 15, 1886.

1549/" i\'. Thurl Garlaxd^i, b. July 7, 1889: d. Feb. 16, 1890. 1550 n. EiKtAR Frem()Xt1'\ b. Au^. 21, 1857; m. March 28, 1887,

Annie King: three ch. : res. Berrien Springs, Mich. Their children:

iSSoa 1. En(;AR Jasper Garlaxd'^ b. May 23, 1888; d. Sept. 4, 1888.

'[550/'' II. Walter Evans (iARLAxn^^ b. May 25. 1889.

1550c- III. Allex Horace (iARLAxn'^ b. Dec. 21, [892.

1551 III. Louise Helle^", b. Feb. 17, 1866; m. July 8, 1890, Rev. L. W.

Warren, Their children: i. Garland L. ff Vz/vr//, b. July

6, 1891. ii. Annie L.. b. Jan. 29, 1893.


JAMES GRAY GARLAND-' son of Joseph P.«, No. 1100; No. 81 No. John", No. 483; John% No. 190; Benjamin% ; JohnS 30; Peter\ No. 7; Joiin-, No 2; Peter\ No. 1. Horn in Saco, Me., March 31, 1827. Married, Jan. 1, 1857,

Elizabeth L. P. Adjims, born April 5, 18:)(), daugliter of fGeorge H. and Mary (Bradbury) Adams of Biddeford, Me. Mrs. Garland

tGeoige 11. Adams luanied Mary Bradbury, daughter of Moses Bradbury of Bidde- ford. George H. Ailauis' father was Samuel Adams, who died in the Army in 1812, and mar- ried Elizabeth Lemon Prentice, Samuel Adams' father was Rev. John Adams of Durham, N. H., who married, tirst, Sarah Wheeler; married, second, Hannah Chesley. He whs a graduate of Harvanl College, in the class of 174.'). Rev. John Adams' father was Matthew^ Adams, who married Katherine Bridgton. Matthew Adams' father was John Adams, who married Avis.

Elizabeth Lemon I'rentice (.the wife of Samuel Aiiains) was the daughter of Hon. John Prentice, who married Ruth Lemon. He was a grailuate of Harvard College in the

class of 17(56. Hon. John Prentice's father was Henry Prentice. Henry Prentice's father was .John Prentice, who married Mary Smith. John Prentice's father was Henry Prentice, who married Mary Gi)ve. Henry Prentice's fattier was Henry Prentice of Cambridge, Mass., born in England before 1640, and who was a member of the tirst church in Cambridge, formed in 16:^6. Ruth Lemon's (the wife of Hon. John Prentice) father was Dr. Joseph Lemon of Mar- lilehead, Mass. 176 GARLAND GENEALOGY. was the first classical graduate of the Biddeford High Scliool, and is a member of the Society of the Daughters of the American Revo- lution, admitted a member by descent from Moses Bradt)ury of Biddeford, Me., and Hev. John Adams of Durham, N, H. In 1841 the subject of this sketch began to learn the Car- penter's trade with his father, working for the 8aco Water Power Company in Biddeford, and later, and up to l0, was Assistant Civil Engineer and Office Clerk with the same company. He was Book-keeper, Paymaster and Clerk of tlie Laconia Manufacturing company from 1850 to 1854. Was I^oston Clerk for the York Man- ufacturing Company, Saco, in the office of William Dwight, Esq., Treasurer, in Boston, in 1854. ]\Ir. Garland was Superintendent of the Laconia Company's mills in Biddeford from 1855 to 1872. He was the incorporator and manager of the Loom Picker Company up to 1885, when he gave it up to his son, Harry P. He is tiie inventor and manufacturer of the *' Garland Apparatus for Moisten- ing Mills," introduced into and successfully and profitably used by hundreds of textile mills in the United States, Canada, Europe and India. He has made two tours to Europe— th'* first time in 18G0 his in 1884 have traveled over and again (wiih wife) ; they largely the United States and much in Canada and Cuba. He is a Trustee of Thornton Academy, Saco; a member of the Maine Society of tiie

Sons of the American Revolution ; admitted a member by descent * from *John Garland*^, No. 100, Benjamin Garland'% No. 81, and Parsons note to No. has held several **Capt. Joseph (see 483) ; offices of the is a Deacon of the Second city ; Congregational church. He is the Compiler of Garland Genealogy. Residence, No. 10 Adams street, Biddeford, in the house he built in 1856-57, and has lived there ever since.

rilKIR ( llIl.DKKX.

(All Horn in Biddeford.)

1552 I. George1'\ b. March 28, 1858: d. Nov. iS. 185S.

1553 II. Harry FarsonsI*^, b. Oct 19, 1859: m. Dec. 3. 1884. in Gloucester, Mass., Edith M. Few. dau. of Charles H. Few of Gloucester, Mass. He was educated in the Biddeford public schools. Phillips .Academy, Exeter, X. H.. and is a grad- uate of Yale College, class of 1881. He is Treasurer and Manager of Loom Ficker company's works in Saco, Me. He

has traveled extensively at home and abroad : is a Trustee of Saco and Biddeford .Savings bank. Saco, Me., and a niember of the .School Committee of .Saco. He lives at the GARLAND GENEALOGY. 177

corner of North and Nott streets, Saco, Me. Their chil-

dren :

1553^ I. Charles Pew Gaklaxd^^ b. March 15. 1886. 1553/^ II. James Prextice (iARLAXoii. b. March 14, 1889. 1553^ 111. Lawrence (jAklam>ii. b. July 30. 1890.

1553/ IV. Marjorie Garlaxd". b. July 7. 1892.

1554 III. Grace ActXES^'. b. Juni 10, 1862 ; m. Dec. 6, 1882, William F. Etherin^ton. Pap^r Dealer, office. Times Building. New York city, hhe was educated at Lassell Seminary, Auburn-

dal '. Mass. They lived, until 1895, at No. 3, First Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Now at No. 57 Munn Ave., East Orange,

N J. Their children : i. Sandford Garland Etheyi}igtoti. b. Jan. 27, 1884. ii. Elizabeth, b. April 16, 1888.

1555 i\-. pREXTichi", b. Sept. 27. 1865 : d. March 28. i88q, of an affec- tion of the brain.

1556 V. Marv B.i". b. March 7, 1867: d Aug. 11, 1867.

1557 VI. Mary E.1'\ b. March 26, i86j; d. Aug. 3, 1869.

1558 \'ii. Lizzie A.^'. i). March 3. 1873: d. July 20. 1873.


.JOSEPH PARSON8 (tARLAND'\ son of Joseph P., No. 1100. Born April oO, 1831, iu Medina, N. Y. Married, Dec. 15, 1850, Sarah Buzzell, in Biddeford, Me. Lives in P^raporia, Kan., for- merly lived in St. Jolinsbury, Vt. A Carpenter and builder. He has owned and carried on a Cabinet manufactory in P^mporia. their childrex

(All born in St. Johnsbury. Vt., except the first.)

1559 I. Fraxk^'^ b. Feb. 23, 1851, in Biddeford, Me.: m. July 14, 1874, Railroad. Sarah A. Lord: five ch. : res. Emporia. Kan.

Their children (two died in infancy) :

1559(^7 I. Eunice Garlaxd^i b. June 5. 1876.

1559/' II Fraxk (iARLAXD^i, b. July 18, 1878.

1559^- III. Mabel Garlaxdii, b. May 24, 1887. Ran- 1560 II. Elizabeth!'*, b. July 4. 1855: m. Nov. 4, 1875, John L.

Their children : i. Loiiis dall : res. Emporia, Kan. Farmer.

. ii. b. Feb. P. Randall, b. June 24, 1877 : m., 1896, Cora, 8. 1880. iii. Harry P.. b. Dec. 12, 1881. iv. Maggie, b Nov.

4, 1883. V. Sarah W., b. April 24, 1886. vi. Evanstine,

b. May 15. 1888. Other children. 1561 HI. FredI'I b. Aug. 26, i860: m. Dec. 16, 1886, Hattie Bowser : Their child: one ch. : res. Emporia, Kan. Cabinet-maker. 156 re? L Clarexce (tARLAxd^^ b. July 30, 1888. 1562 IV. James P.^. b. Feb. 18, 1862: m. Feb. 28. 1884, Mary Cote: one

ch. Separated in 1890. Their child :

I3 d. 1^562^? I. Glexx y. Garlaxi)!!, Sept. 13, 1885 ; Sept.. 1896. 178 GARLAND GENEALOGY.

J563 ^'^ Jeromp: W.^". 1). Aug'. 22. 1S64: d. Sept. 24. 1875. in Emporia.

1564 \i. Ek.nkst E.^*^'. b. Jan. 2S. 1S71 : d. Sept. 30, 18S6. in Emporia.

51 and 1565.

JACOB GAKLAM)", sou of Jacob, No. 18. Bai)tized July 21, 171(3. He is the Jacob who probably married

Hannah , born Dec. 20, 1732, admitted to the church in Eliot, May 10, 1761. He is perhaps the same who was published Jan. 11, 1752, to Abigail Hradeen, and may have married her. Residence, Kittery, Me. THEIR CHILDRICX.

(All liorn in Kittery. Me.)

1566 I. H.WNAH*^. b. June 5. 1755: ni. April 14. 1776. Amos Williams:

res. Kittery, Me. Their children: \. John Wllliaiiis. ii. Solomon, iii. Rithai-ii. iv. William. \. Josia/i. vi. Sam- uel, vii. Hannah, viii. Esther, ix. Polly. Martin Wil- liams, now li\ing- at Kittery Point. Me., is a son of Solo- mon.

1567 II. JoHX*^. b. Feb. 26. 1757.

1565 III. Sarah'\ b. July 4. 1760.

1569 i\'. Mary*\ b. Jan. 17, 1762: published Sept. 24. [78!^. to Nathaniel Wilson res. ; Kittery. Me. \. WiLLiAivr*^. b. 1570 Jan. i, 1865: m. Aug. 28. 1787. Olive Ehvell : she

renewed the baptismal covenant May 15. 1791 : res. Kit-

tery, Me. Their children :

1570^/ I. Hannah Garland", bap. April 5. 1791.

11. — 1570/;' Eleanor (Garland", bap. June 5. . i570(;- III. Sally Liriu' Garland", bap. June 2. 1793.

1 57 1 \i. J{).siAH'\ b. March 23. 1767. 1572 \n. Daxikl'\ bap. Aug. 6. 1769: m. Nov. 12. 1791. Sally Kennard. 1573 viiL Elizaheth'', called Betsey, bap. Oct. 30. 1774: d. al)t. 1N50.

aged about 81 years, in Eliot, Me. : unm. She lived in Eliot on the Fore road, near the Meeting-house. She made her will Jan. 20. 1850, and gave her property to Roscoe G. Shap- leigh, son of Levi W\ Shapleigh. and to Samuel and Mary Hrooks. children of Levi Lrooks. of Eliot. Me.

1574 IX. Jamks''. b. June 8. 1777. 1572.

DANIEL GARLAND% son of Jacob, No. ol.

in 1761). 1 7!M Baptized Eliot, Me., Aug. 6, Married, Nov. 12, , Sally Kennard. Residence, Eliot, Me. their CIIII.DKKN.

1575 I. Daxill". d. Feb. 24. 1865: m. Charlotte Caswell d. r885: nine ^SIS^^ iSo (;ARLAM) (iKNKALOGV.

'5^4 ^'^- Jkffkksox''

15S5 Nil. J \\i;" m. John Downer; res. Charlestown. Mass. 1579.

JOHx\ L. GAKLAND'% son of John, No. l.>7«.

Born in Eaton, N. H. Married P^lizabetli Klwell ; seven children. Residence, Andover, Me. THEIR CHILDRKX.

1586 I. John L.', m. Clara Rawson : res. Paris, Me. Their children : 1586^ r. Clara (JARLA^I)^ m. VVaterman(.^).

1586/' II. Chandler (Garland**, res. Paris. Me. Sheriff. i586f III. Belle Garland*, m. MerrilK?). 1586^' IV. Willie Garland*^, dead. 1587 11. George W.'^ b. in Andover. Me.: m. ist Clara Jackson.

d. 1S79: m. 2d Maria Newton. Their child : 1587^ I. Georgie Maria Garland*, b. in 1881. in Fans, IVIe.

1588 III. Mary Elizabeth", b. April 8, 1827: m. J. H. Rawson; six

ch. Their children : i. Sanmel Rawson. ii. Faniiie. iii.

Nellie, iv. Charles, v. Annie, vi. Hiram. 1589 IV. GiLMAN Brown", b. May 28. 1S30: m. Ann Barker; five ch.

Their children :

1589^/ I. Adelbert Garland*, b. June 27. 1859. II. LuELLA Garland*, b. Dec. 31, 1861.

III. Josephine Garland*, b. Oct. 31, 1863. IV. Stella Garland*, b. May 24, 186S, in (iardiner. Me. V. Roger Garland*, b. Nov. 29, 1870, in Gardiner. Me. Theodosia^, b. May 17, 1832; dead. Sarah", res. Cambridge. Mass. \n. Kate', m. H. M. Phinney. INDEX OF GARLANDS — AND — WHOM THEY MARRIED.

No. NO. A. Almira, m. Mr. Kennard, 62 1^ Abigail, m. N. (Garland, 635 Abigail, m. W. Moulton, 33 Abigail, m. Daniel Chase, 642 Abigail. 111. B. Souter. 45 Amos P., 656 Abigail, m. D. Marston, 63 Ann, 662 Anne, unm., 68 Ann, m. Samuel Merrill, 669 Abigail, m. S. C Jenness. 76 Amos, 683 Abigail, m. Thos. Downs. ^7 Albert F., m. Emery— Drown, 692 Amos, m. James— Fullerton, 106 Arthur, 6g2a2 Anna, 145 Augustus, m. M. Colbath, 692/; Abigail, m. B. Brown, 150 Alvah, 692c; Anna, m. D. Coombs, 161 Arthur A., 692^ Abiah, m. B. Water house, 171 Amos, 693 Abigail, unm., 172 Alvah M., 695 Abigail, m. Isaac Lane, 181 Augusta A., m. J. F. Adjutant, 697 Anna, m. J. Smith, 186 Alta May, 700^ Abigail, m. J. Jenness, 192 Abigail B., m. Jos, Nickerson. 730 Amos, m. O. Jenness, 195 Abbie. 73i^ Ann, 200 Asenath, m. John Pool. 747 Abigail, m. E. Foster, 206 Alexander, M. 754^-? Abigail, m. D. Cook. 211 Annie, 769c/ Alpheus, 219 Arexena C, m. L. Marston, 775^: Annie, m. D. Pinkham, 222 Abijah, m. V. Mentor, 778 Abigail, m. Benj. Day, 236 Almon W., m. Abby Allen yjSd Annie, m. Hubbard— Palmer, 241 Albert, m. Lucia Fairbanks, 786 Annie, m. (i. Palmer, 256 Addie M., 786^ Amos. 273 Addison, m. L. Clary, 803 Amos. m. B. Parker, 276 Alfred, 809^ Asenath, m. Daniel Calef, 308 Adelbert, m. E. Smith, 815 Abby. m. N. (roldsmith, 330 Albert G.. 815^ Abijah. m. J. Higgins. 340 Abi, m. Hitty Garland, 822 Abigail, m. C. Maddox, 349 Alonzo P.. S22d Asa, m. S. Sweet. 365 Alonzo H., 834^ Alice, m. Isaac Hayes, 419 Abby, 855*^ Amos S., m. M. Seavey. 459 Abigail, m. A. Merrill, 860 Amos R.. 463/; Annie M.. 864^'.? Abby. m. Dr. J. W. Parsons. 484 Arthur R., ^66a2 Alfred Benjamin, 497 Augusta A.. 870c- Abraham, 506 Adna. m. Mary Brown, 873 Albion H.. 5266- Abigail, m. D. Moulton, 874 Annie, m. H. Stillman. 528^7 Abigail Ann, 886 Annie. 567^/ Asa B.. m. E. Kimball. 887 Abigail, m. T. J. Pingree, Abigail, m. John Bickford, 896 Abigail, m. E. Chapman. 579 Abbie, m. H. Luce, 899 Alfred, m. ist. Home; 2d. Amos, m. A. M. Getchell, 907^ Waldron : jjrd. Cage. 610 Agnes v.. m. R. Edminster, 916'? I.S2 IXDKX OF (;arlaxds.

No. No. Annie K.. 9i7« Agnes M., \2yH(^2 Andrew M.. ni. .M. S. Soule. 918 Angie L., m E. T. Stover. 1278/ Agnes, m. L. Skillins, Annie L.. 1278^ Alice, ni. A. Clark. 918/; Angeline J.. 1279 Alice. 924/ Anna B., 1290^ Annie, m. J. Smith. 929^7 Ali:e v., 12^4(1 Annie. 932^ Annie L., 12976- Abigail C. m. J. Caldwell. 942 Adelbert. 1300;^ Alice M.. m. A Townsend. 947^ Alvah. 13006' Albert F.. 95 j^^' Andrew, 1304^ Abigail, m. Daniel McNeal, 962 Amos Dole, m. M. Dawes, 1307 Asa B.. m Betsey Chesley. 976 Anna, m. Ed. Fmerson. 13 1 4/' Albert, m. Courtland— Cater. 979^7 Anna C. ((^arlin). m. W. H. Albert R.. 979^^ Spencer. 13166/ Amanda, — 984^ Anna (Garlinj, 13186/ Alonzo i\., m. Buzzell Piper 1003 Amanda, m. ist. Berry: 2d. Annie E.. m. A. F, Brockwav, ioo3« Clark : 3rd. Cram. 1326 Ada M. m. A. E. Ordway. ioo3r Alice. 1327^" Alvan D., m. A. C. Herrick 1016 Alfred C, 1339 AbbyA.. 1029/; Asenath. m. Mr. lohnson. 1369 AlfieiC. 1058 Ann M., i37^ Ames S., m. Ida Mayo, 1066/' Annie M.. 1379/ Anginette. 1085/; Abigail, m. J. W. Britton, 1385 Alb. rt H.. 1094 Amy (icrtrude. 1400(' Annie M., iioia2 Albert Stone, Dr., m. A. Fol- Abigail. 1 102 lansbee, 1403 Anginette. I lo^a Agnes, 1403^ Albert S.. m. A. M. Streeter 1105^ Alice, 14096/ Abby O.. 1 108^ Alric, 1414 Ann M., 1 108// Anna M.. 143' Abby Perkins. I [ 1 1 Alida Rice, '435'{? Alfred Kimball. J 1 16 Alice Laura, i43S^/ Albert C.. 1 1 26^" Anna L., 1437^ Ann Eliza, m. C. H. Goodwin, 1 137 Albra. m. ist. Seavey: m. 2d. Arthur Dean. 1139/ Hatch: 3rd. Perkins. 1442 Abbie. 1 142 Anna M.. '442'" Alice M.. ^'59^' Albert N., 1 4486" Arabella, 1/85 Abigail, m. G. VV. Short. I4S5 Albert B., iiS6a Arthana, m. F. P. Corson. 14636/ Alvah Spinney, m, Lathrop, 1 190 Addie Belle. 1463^ Annie, 1193^ Arthana, m. H. Chapman. 1465 Allen, 1 196^ Asa J., m. L. N. Owen. 1469 Albert Eugene, m. Chandler, 1 197 Asa O.. 14696/ Albert E . 1197^ Abhie FI m. D. Drew. 1474 Amasa Stetson, m. R. Sargent, 1 198 Annie E m. Chamberlain. •479 Alden W.. 1 198/; Alice M.. 14806/ Anna. 1212 Albert. 1482 Albert. 1216 Annie L.. m W. Scott. 1483 Ann Frances, m. W.Sherman, 1220/^ Albert Brewster, m. Buswell. 1487 Ann. m. J. McElroy, 1229 Arthur W.. 14946/ Amanda. 1231 Ada Maria, m. J B. Worcester - 1495 Ann Maria, m. J. Pitman. 1234 Annie E., m. I. C. Seymour. 1497 Angeline. m. A. Thurston. 1236 Amanda M., m. F. (irant. 1500 /Mice. 1237^.? Albina S.. 1511 Anna Belle, m. S. D. Edgerly. 12376- Addison, m. H, X oble. 1513 Alonzo E., m. E. E. Mains, 1243 Arthur M.. m. I M. I^addock, 1513^^ ArmineA., m. ist, Martin: 2d, Arthur H.. i5'3«? Harding. 1 251/; Alice. 1519/? Annie, 1254 Addie. m. L. Tuttle 1521 Alexis, m. i\'. Cummings, 1263 Annah A., m. C. X. Knowles. •535 Abby M.. m. C. P. Brown. 1272/ Allen Horace. 1550^' Arza Thos.. m. M. J. Daley. 1278^/ Abio:ai]. m. S. Hanscom •577


No. No. Adelbert. Bertie. 1589^7 1249 Benjamin C, m. E. Damon, 1 26yi B. Bertha M., i26y2 Bertha. 1290/' Benjamin, m. S. Jenness, 81 m. Benjamin, A. J. McLellan, M23 m Samuel Ferrin, JOT Betsey, Belinda E., m. A. Seeley, 1485/ Benjamin, m. P. Jellison. 128 Bertram F.. m. G. 1494/7 Betsey, Tovvnsend, Benjamin Pansons, id Betty, m. E. Andrews. 141 Betsey, 10 /j m. P. Balch. 174 Belle. Benjamin, 1586^ Benjamin, m. F. Seavey. 187 Benjamin, unm.. 194 C. Betsev, m. S. Webster. 205 Betsey, m. H. Wells. 280 Comfort, m. C. Fogg, 156 Benj. F.. m. M. H. Whitten, 283 Clara, m. J. Severance, 268 Betsey, m. H. Webster, 288 Charles, 284^: Benjamin, m. B. Oiiinby, 294 Charlotte, m. B. Giles, 360 Charles. Betsey, m. Thomas Lucas. 319 366 Benj. F., m. M. Townsend, 345 Charles, 2d, m. Ada Smith, 367 Barbary, m. (ieorge Frazer. 364 Clarissa. 374 Mr. Bethiali. m. J. Nutter. 398 Caroline, m. Sherman, 37ii Benjamin, m. S. Fo^g. 405 Charlotte, m. W. S. Garland, 477 Benj. m. Chamberlam—Gallup. 417 Caroline, m, Jona D. Locke, 492 Betsey, m. S. 13. Hilborn. 426 Caroline P., m. Rev. O. Ayer, 498 Benjamin, m. Hope Stevens, 428 Cynthia, m. C Goodrich, 513 m. Benjamin, 435 Charles B., M. Grant, 526 Betsey. 43^ Charles F.. 526^^ Benjamin, m. Anna Drew. 441 Charles, m. Irene Hammond, 559 Betsey, m. Joshua Hill. 443 Clarence Eugene, 588^7^ Benjamin, m. M. H. Calef, 445 Charlotte E.. m. ist, Hawkins; Betsey G.. 456 2d, Hewlett, 640 Betsey B . m. E. Seavey, 460 Charlotte, m. Henry E. Capen, 685 Benjamin, m. S. Philbrick, 485 Carrie B., Oqzd Benjamin F.. m. C. Jones. 597 Charles Z.. m. S. E. Blaisdell, 699 Betsey, m. Cross— Hayes. Oil Charles Z., 699^ Betsey. 665 Carrie Maud, joob Betsey, m. Mr. Thayer. 707 Converse I., 706 Benjamin F., m. S. J. Jewett, 7'5 Charles B., 709 Benjamin, 7^5 Converse I., 2d, 711 Bartlett, 728 Charles, m. Jane Morrison, 718 Bartlett. 2d. 729 Clarissa, m. J. Blanchard, 773 Betsey, m. P. Carr, 732 Charles W„ m. Jordan, TjOa Bessie E. W.. m. E. M. Allen, 759^^ Caroline, m. Jordan, 176c Bessie Charles P., 7696- W , 780 Bessie P.. m. H. P. Cole 771 Charlotte E., 7926^ Bertha. 776^/ Charles, 805^; Benjamin, m. S. Maddox, 798 Charles, 807 Belinda, m. I. Moore, 830 Clarence, S09/ Blanche. 834/^ Carrie, m. W, L. Pratt, 812^ Benjamin. 920 Charles L., 8226- Bessie L., m. E. Hamlin. 937^ Charles R., 834^ Betsey, m. Isaac Holmes. 961 Charles O.. 847/; Benjamin H., 1018 Cvnthia, m.J. C. Clay. 852 Burdette E., Clarissa m. H. C. 862^? H 1024a K,, — Burleigh, Benjamin , i034d- Clarissa, m. Kelley Olds, 863 Betsey, 1073^ Clara, 866/' Bessie Frances, m. Hobbs, 1103^'/ Clara E., m. C. M. Munroe, 866^/ Benjamin Franklin, 1150^- Charles T., 890 Bertha F.. Charles, m. C. Mclntire, 903^ Benjamin F., m, M. Skillins, 1200 Carol, 910 Benjamin F., 1205 Charles, m. E. Nason. 911 Benjamin. F, 1235^"^ Carol, 91 \b i84 INDEX OF GARLANDS.

NO. Cvrus, m. P. Higgins. INDEX OF GARLANDS. 185

No. No. Dorothy, m. J. Drusilla Lamprey, 287 K., m. H. B. Blake, 1263^/ Dorcas, m. F. Bean. 306 Delphine E., m. E. E. Gilbert, \2-jM Dorothy, m, Howard Paul. 323 Dexter, 1323^? Deborah, m. Blaisdell. John 329 Daniel W.. m. F, Dow, 1370 David, m. H. Garland. .371 David B., 1390 Daniel, 376 David J., m. Chase— Batchelder, 1405 David, m. Polly Fifield, 388 David Raymond, '435'^''/ Dolly, m. N. Dearborn. 390 David A.. 1436 DanLl, m. Phebe Paine. 421 David T., 1439 Dolly, m. William Jackson, 424 David F., Dennis, m. Annie 1454/; Ingley. 444 David Drew. m. Riggs— Haley, 1456 Data, m. L. Lang, 47« Darius, m. E. Corson. David 1466 How, 496 Daniel, m. S. Kennard, 1572 Daniel D., m. R. Hight, .S04 Daniel, m. C. Caswell. 1575 Dorcas, m. L. Daniel Cjray, 510 L.. m E. Stone, 1575'^^ David. 515 Dodiphi^r. 533 E. Daniel, m. Sarah McKenney, 556 Daniel. 5^5 Elizabeth, 10 m. Wm. Danitl. 593 Esther, Powell,— 12 Daniel, m. H. Hasty, 599 Elizabeth, m. Sanborn xMoulton. 21; Daniel, m. A. Powell. m. Mary . 6/3 Ebenezer, 37 DaniM H., m. M. Kimball. 660 Elizabeth, m. Joseph— Ricker, 46 Dtxter b.. m. A. A. Hanscom, 668 Elizabeth, m. Rich Locke, 11 DaviL 674 Ebenezer, 84 Dani 1 W., m. jst. R. Thomp- Ebenezer, m, Susannah, 91 son; 2d, N. Thompson. 740 Elizabeth, m. A, Johnson, 93 Dani -1 m. S. W., m. C. M. Bra^ kett 743^" Ebenezer, Seavey, 98 m. Drniel W., m. S. W. Mason. 744 Ebenezer, M. Sanborn, 109 m. A. Daisy, 111(1 Edward, Frazer, 127 Dorcas, m. S. Richardson. Elizabeth, m. E. Nock, 165 827 ^ Dorinda, m. S. Garland. Elizabeth, 178 David, m. Parsons— Parsons. 858 Elizabeth, 188 Daniel S., m. M. V. Parsons. 864^ Elizabeth, m. J. L. Seavey, 191 Dorothy, m. 71ios. Ward. 867 Eben. m. N. McCrillis, 202 m. Davis, m. Catherine Ray. ^IS Esther, Foss, David m. W., m. E. A. Wilson 865/; Ephraim, M. Harrington, 233 David, Rev., m. Twitchell— Ephraim, m. Henderson—Gar- Blake. 883 land, 252 Data. m. Daniel Nason. 902 Ebenezer, m S. Perkins, 255 David A., m. Fisher— Barber 923 Eunice. 261 Daniel C.. m. AL Whitnev, 932 Elizabeth, 300 Daniel E.. 937^ Elizabeth, 310 David, Rev m. Daniels— Emily, 316 Clough, 963 Elizabeth, m. Samuel L. Jones, 320 Daniel. (,68 Ebenezer F., m. M. G. Willey, 326 Daniel, 97 u? Eli W., m. M. Barks, 336 David E.. m. E. Tilton. 995 Elinor, m. J. Brown, Zll Dolly K., m. S. Haseltine. ICOO Eliza, m. H. Boynton, 339 Daniel. 1007 Eunice, m. E. Garland,— 342 Daniel, m. P. Brav. 1014 Edward, m. Frazer Garland, 351 Dani 1, m. E. Burnham. 1049 Edward, 353 David, m. M. J Doe. 1050 Emma, m. E. N. Wood, yiz Delia E., m. C. E. Seavey,^ 1076 Eudoxy, m. E. Woodman, 385 Data. ioq6<7 Plizabeth, m. Israel Estes, 434 m. M. David, A.Trickey. 1 104 Elizabeth A., m. Valentine, 444<^ Dorcas H.. m. A. G. Evans, 1 121 Emily, m. A. Harris. 45' Dani: 1 McCrillis, . I 129 Elizabeth, m. J. McDaniel, 453 Dorothy, m. F. Colbath. "51 Eliza, m. Marden—Brown, 466 Dexter D.. m. J. C. Dennis, Emily, m. R. Jenness, 468 Dmiel II74 — W., m. Marv E. Pratt, I it^6 Eliza, m. Drake Marden. 489 Dudley A., m. CoL—Emerson, 1237 Elizabeth H., m. C. P. Hills, 495 1 86 INDEX OP^ GARLANDS.

No. No.

Eliza. 504^" Eliza A.. 907^? Eliza, m. D. Hicks, 508 Eliza J., m. H. Moore, 908/* Ebenezer. 514 Emma, m. C. E. Clement. giia Eliza Jane. m. G. Philbrick. 521 Edwin T., 917/; Ebenezer. m. S. Thurston, 541 Evereth. 91^^ Elizabeth, m. Mr. Carey, 550 Eliza. 935 Elizabeth, m. Chas. Hodges. 557 Eliza, m. Joseph Mace. 940 Ephraim. m. Sarah Dunbar, 560 Elizabeth, 945^? Ephraim A.. 560/-' Ella. m. M. K. Chandler, 945/7 Ephraim C, 56o<'/ Emily, m. R. (jlover. 958 Elisha, 564 Elmira. m. J. Patterson. 960 Earl, 567<^7 Eva Maud. 979^^ Elizabeth M.. m. L. Batchelder. 614a Effie May. 979^^ Ebenezer. m. L Hayes, 617 EHza, m, Joshua Brewster, 987 Ebenezer, m. Annie Young, 624 Emma, ggSa Ephraim, m. Pattv Varney, 626 Emma D.. 1003^^ Edmund, m. Appfebee, 629 Edith ]\I., 1012a/ Eliza H.. m. D. \'arney, 639 Eliza. ior3 Ebenezer, m. Abigail Chase, 641 Ella M., 1014/; Ephraim, 644 Eliza A., m. G. W. Knowlton. 1025 Ebenezer. 651 Eliza A., m. D. S. Woodman, 1026^ Ebenezer, 2d, 653 Esther F.. 1 029*7 Elmira, m. L. Stone, 655 Elizabeth H., m. J. Lyiord, 1031 Elizabeth R., m. A. iM. Mallard. 657 Emily. 1039 Eliza. 6^S('2 Emily B.. m. C. P. Frost. 1040^? Ella F., m. Charles Leavitt. 66ia/ Elizabeth, m. jos. Garland, J052 Ephraim. m. S. A. Mudgett, 670 Elmira. 1056 Eliza R . m. John Cook. 671 Emeline A.. 1060 Elizabeth A., m. J. A. Merrill. 677 Eliza, m. C. A. Goss, io66<'/ Elizabeth. 680 Elbridge Alvah. 1070 Elizabeth, m. C. C. Sawyer. 684 Emmons Cutter, m. Roberts, 107S Edwin P.. m. R. Armington, 687 Edward L., m. E. Dalton. 1085 Etta S.. m. Babb, 699^ Eliza J., m. C. D. Garland. io856- Emma. m. J. Date. 7156' Edgar F., 1088^//^ Elnathan, m. J. S. Harriman. 722 Everett L., 1089^' Eliza, m. W. R. Cummings. 723 Estelle, m. J. W. Warner. 1105^- Enoch O., m. Pastor. Elvira L.. m. G. mo Mary — 748 J. Jenness, Erasmus D., m. Gates Porter, 754 Elvira J.. iiizd Elizabeth, m. Moses Reed. 761 Elizabeth H., m. D. H. Rice. 11 15 Edwin T., 7676- Ernest H., 1 120a Elisha. m. S. C. Frazer, 774 Emily Frances, i^-5^U Eli. m. M.J. Dodge, 776 Estelle N,. 1 139<'/ Ernest, m. Carr, 784^ Etta, 1 145 Edwin, m. C. McFarland, 797 Elmer. J162 Elvira. 799 Emily A., m. Loring— Meserve, 1177 Emeline. m. S. Moore, 808 Elizabeth A., m. H. Gordon. 1226 Edmund, 815^ Edgar S.. ^-3^^'^ Pldward. 823 Ella Lucinda, m. M. B. Hill, 1237^: Evelyn, m. T. Moore, 835 Edgar W., m. Jessie. 1245 Edmund, 844 Edwin F., m. A. Lucier, i262

No. No. Elvira, m. H. Davis, i297<'/ Edgar Fremont, m, A. King, 1550 Edwin, 1297/ Edgar Jasper, m. Ephraim, E. Meserve, 1300 Eunice, 1559^^ Ephraim P., Elizabeth, m. J. L. Randall, 1560 D. 7 Emma. m. arr, 1304^/ Ernest E., 1564 Eugene, 1304^' Eleanor, 1570^ Eben M.. m. E. Gregory. '313 Elizabeth, called Betsey, 1573 Edgar W. (Garlin). m. Hunter, 13 iG/; Edward, 1575^-^ Ella C. (Garlin), i3i6t Eliza (Garlin), 1318^ F. Emma (Garlin), 1319^ Edwin S. (Garlin), 1322 Frank, 228 Edith M., m. O. M. Evans, 1327'^ Franklin P., 531 Eliza M., m. J. S Clement, 1328 Florence A., m, Moulton. 536^? Ezra O., m. W, Davis, 1332 Fred E., 538^ Eleanor D., 1332^? Frank, 600 Edwin A., ^342 Frank. 661/7 Ernest A., 1343 Frederic J. B., m. M. A. Cook, 692^z Edwin H., J 346 Frederic, 6c)2ai Edwin, m. M. Goodwin, 1349 Frank T., 799^ Edith E., 1364*^ Francis J., m. M. L, Goodale, 731 Elizabeth, 1366 Frederic N., ']42a2 Eliza C., m. F. Flanders, 1379^ Frank S., 765^ Edward F., 1394 f>ank, m. S. A. Towle, 769 Erastus P., 139^"! Frank A., 769^ Elizabeth xMabel, 1401^ Frederic M., Rev., Ellesley S., 1410 Flora M., ll'^e Edith Augusta, 1412 Francis A., m. K. Brown, 7«5 Ethel Susan, 1413 Franklin S.. m. Foss— Ham, 702 Ellen F.. m. J. C. Parker, 1419 Flora, 795 Edmund F., 1427 Francis A., 815^ Jiunice E., H30 Flora, 825 Edmund T., m. M. A. Young, 1434 Frank B., 864^;^ Edmund T., 1434a t red G., 914/^ Elias Rice, m. A. M. Stacy, 1435^ Frederic B., m. C, Bean, 917 Evelyn A., 1437^" Frank L., m. M. Hastings, 92 3^^ Eugene, 1441/;' Frank, 932^ Edith A., 1443?' Fred S., 996^^ Esther S., i44Sa Florence F., m. Lunt— Hall, loida Emma, m. L. Cole, 145 1 Frank, m, M. Witham, 1032 Elizabeth, m. J. Stanton, 1452 Fanny E., lojib Earl N., 1462^7 Franklin N., m. Fletcher, io88c?7 Eli, m. Corson—Corson—Tib Flora May, i\o3d2 betts, 1463 Florence A., Elizabeth, 1463^ Frank H., m, S. C. Dorothy, 1125^7 Eli, 14631'/ Frank S., I r26^ Emma, m. O F. Willard, 1468 Fanny, 1 146 Ernest, 1470/7 Frederic C, J 147 Emilv J., 1476 Fred C, 1149^7 EllerV O., 1485^ Frank, 1157 Edward A., 1487^' P'rank. m. Hussey, 1 165 Edward. 1490/ Frances Maria, 1 1 73/7 Ernest Frost, 1402^ Frank C, ii74« Elizabeth, m. C. S. Stone, H93 Fred A., m. W. A. Smith, 1174^ Emma, m. W. Patch, 1501 Frank F., 1 186/^ Emily, 1507 Fanny, 1 192^7 Eldon Addison, 1513^2^' Fanny, m. R. B. Dunning. 1 195 Eugene, m. N. Bean, 1518 Fay, 1198^ m. — EHzabeth H., S. Perkins, 1526 Frederic J., m. Stacy Rogers — 1 Elizabeth R., 1527 Chapman Parker. 199 Everett H.. 1536/^ Fannie A., m. E. Ferrin. 1 199/) Ellen M., m. W. Kimball, 1532 Frank VV., m. E. E. Fraker, 1 200/7 i88 INDEX OF GARLANDS.

No. No. P>anklin H.. 1206 George, 696 Frank P., m. Swan, 1210 Guy \V., m. L. M, Upton, 742a Franklin S., m. M. A. Garland, Guy Ernest, 742«/ Fanny. Grace W., 759^'/ Frank VV., m. M. A. How, I237(^ Granville, m. M. E. Duncan, 765'^ Frederic A., m. Getchell, 1251 George E.. m. H. Tuttle, 767 Francis, 1253 George D.. m. H. Rideout. Freeman A., m.,S. E. Moore, 1262 Geraldine. m, A. Moore. 806 Fred L., 1263c/ George, m. Betsey Reed, 809 Fred E., m. E. Gray, 126j/ George W., m, S. Moore, 809/'' Frank A., m. K. Van Piper 12^26 Gertrude A.. Sl2C Florence, 1 300c/ Garaphelia, m. S. Brown, 816 Francis B., m. L. Woodman, 1304 Gerry, m. Hodgkins, ^33 Frank C. 1305^^ George C.. m. I. Chubb, 854'Z Francis D., 1309^ George F.. 869 Frank M. 13^5 George, Dea.. m. Marston 872 Francis W. (Garlin), m. Carpen- George, m. P. Bickford, 9'3 ter, 1316 Gertrude, 9i8f Frank L. (Garlin), 1319^ George, 924^^ P>ank E., 133 1 George, 929.r Florence E., 1340 George W, L., 937/2 Fred S., 1350 George W., m. Batcheldej", 954 Fred. 1354 George W., m. E. Bowker, 983 Frank, ^35^^ George W., m. C. O. Page. 996^? Frank C., ^379^ George C, m. Harriet Ellis, 998 Frank M.. m. G, Fisher, 1383 George F., Capt., m. Smith, 998<^ Frank Swan, 1391(1 George, 1019 Frank, 1429 George Lincoln, I024f Frederic, m. C. Miller, 144 1^;/ George N.. m. E. D. Buzzell, I026t' Frank T. M., 1448^^ George W., 1027 Fannie A., m. E. W. Gilley. I4876' George W.. 2d. m. Towle, 1028 Frances A., m. R. K. Edgerly, 1488 George M.. 1034/; Frank L., 1496 George H., 1036 — 12 Frances J., m. Pratt Parkman, 15 George. I04I Franklin, 1514^' Gertrude. 1066^ Frank, m. E. Batchelder, 15 19 George W., m. Batchelder, 1088 Florence M., 1549^' Gilman, m. IVL J. Jenness, 1090 Frank, m. S. A. Lord, 1559 George L.. m. Isadore Page, iio2(/ Frank. 1559^' Georgie Ella, Fred, m. H. Brown, 1561 George Mercylis, 1 134 Friend, 1582 Gustavus A., m. Kimball, '139 George M., 11396' G. George H., m. J. A. Hurd, 1148 George H., 1 1496" G'eorg-e, 4 Gilman T., 1150^: Gideon, m. M. A. Ayers, 55 George, m. Lucy Varney, 1158 George, m. M. Holmes. 204 George F., 1159^ George M.. m. J. Moody, 282 George W. C. ii74<^/ George A., m. F. Babb, 282^ (jcorge, 1 180 Georgiana, m, G. W. Edgerly, 282/^ George Lathrop. 1190^ Grace, 346 George, 1193^ George, m. H. Maddox, 348 George F., 11996" Gideon, 463^ George, 1217 Gilman. 467 George E., 1235^ George, m. M, T. Home, 516 George. 1237^/ George, m. L. Chubbuck, 528 Grace. 1237^^ George, m. L. Downing, 555 George F., 1244 Grace M 1262^ George F,, 588^// , George A., m. Lizzie Hill, 658^^ George S.. \z-]2b George F., 658^/ George W., 12-]2d George W.. m. H.J. Lamprey, 676 George W., 1292 Georgianna, m. F. Sloan, 676^^; George W.. m. L. Towle. 12976' INDEX OF GARLANDS. r8(j

No. No. m. — — George D., Ross Fogg Hannah, m. J. Calef, 305 Hammond, 1298 Hannah, P., 3i« George E., 1298/; Harriet, m. D. Garland, 344 George W., m. L. Thompson, '305 Helen A, m. Royal, 365^2 George M., Hannah, m. W. Freese, 3S1 George W., 1312 Hannah, m. Leavitt— Randall, 389 George Gerard, 1314^? Huldah, 400 Grace E.. 1323^/ Hannah, 404 George Dix, m. Etta Lane, 1335 Hannah, m J. Berry, 413 Grace. 1347 Harriet. 465 George, m. N. Stillings, '351 Hannah, m. Brown—Wedge- Gertrude L. 1379^ wood—Jenness, 480 Guy H.. 1384^ Harold. 482^/ George E.. 1397^ Harriet, m. M. T. Tate, 509 George L., Dr., m. Sanborn, J 402 Harry, 524 Gertrude, 1403^; Ham, m. Brackett—Dame 545 George H., 1405^ Hannah, m. C. Pinkham, 546 George E., m. Lamprey, 1405^ Hannah, m. H. Marshall, 554 George, 1426;^ Henry W., 556 Grace B,. 1426^/ Hannah E., m. O. F. Blake, 565 B. George W., m. F. .Sargent. 1432 Henry M., m. M. J. Hodgdon, 567 Grace E., m. Moses Libby, '435^^ Hannah, 5''>9 Gertrude M.. 1437''^ Hiram, m. Smith— Knox, 609 George E., 1442^/ Horace L., m. Jane Glidden, 66 1 a George M., m. C. Seavey, 1443 Helen B., m. Hodgdon, 6 58 George W.. 1443^ Hannah, m. Willard RoUins, 724 Gilman D., m. Farrington. 1453 Harold, 745'^ George M., Dr., m. Donald. 14S0 Hannah, m. S. Flanders, 746 George W., m. M. Parsage, 1485 Harriet. 753 George F., 1485^? Henry L., m. E. Flagg. 86 16- Guv Bertram. 1490^ Heman N., m. M. Blood, 777 George A., m. M. j. Mitchell, 1492 Hiram J., 7^7b George V., m. O'Leary 1517 Henry M., 790 Georgianna, m. A. Jones. 1517^ Herbert W., 'j()2a (ieorge, 1552 Herman A., 792

No. No.

Hannah A I., m. Lamprey 1 io3t- Isaac, m. L. Babb. 411 Henry S.. 1105/^ Izette, 1 120/^ Ida m. F, A. Harry J.. M., Patterson, Hattie E., m. W. A. Crawford, 1 123 Irene, m. E. Kimball. 636.? Hester Ann. 1 135 Inez, 731/ Henry P.. m. Whitehouse, 1 150 Ira S.. m. S. L. Frazer. 754'? Hannah H.. 1152 Ida A., m. Chas. Lyford, 765'" Hannah, m. E. Wormwood, 1172 Inez Cirace, 812^/ Herbert W.. 1 192^^/ Isaiah L., 8,2/ Henry C, m. S. H. Trickey, 1194 Irving L., 815/' Herbert F., 1 1 96c/ Ira Stanley, m. M. C. Niles, <'>54 Ida Harry C, 1197/^ Belle, '"^57'? Harriet M., m. Kennelly, 1204 Irene S., 864^/ H arry, 1215 Irving, 9o8t^' Henry D., m, R. Cunningham, 1224 Ira, m. M. A. Eastman, 937 Harriet E., 1228 Ira, Jr., 937/ Herbert, 1239^? Isaac, m. R. Lary. 971 Harriet, m. John D. Perkins, 1241 Isaac, m. M. A. Rollins, 979 1282//' Helen J., m. C. D. Rockwell. Isaac S , 984/y' Hannah, m. J. F. Chesley, 12S9 Isaac W., m. E. M. Lampher, 996 I0026Z Herbert, I 300<-7 Ida J., m. S. M. Snow. Helen, 1305^? Ivory. 1062 1086 Harry A., 1305^" Izette, m. S. J Bunker, Henry C. (Garlin), m. Hatfield. I3I7 Irving W., m. Whidden, 1096 Helen M. (Garlin), m. Albro, 1320 Ida J., m. J. F. Otis, II56 Henry D.. 1334'? Irven, m. Ada Horn, 1 16[ Harry, 1336 Ida. m. H. H. Fay, 1171 Isabel V. m. Perkins, 1 1 Harry J., 133^"^ Horn, 73^/ Henry. i37« Ira Jasper, m. Neiderhopper. 1273'? Hattie M., 1379^" Idolvn. 1438^7 Harrison T., 1379/-^ Ida'AL. 1442/; Hannah. 1421 Ira. m. M. E. Greeley, 1446 Herman, m. L, D. Perkins. 1426 Ivv A. N., 1531^- Herbert E.. m. AL E. Makin, 1443^^ Hannah S.. m. Dimond, 1458 Horace H., m. Webster— Frink, 1459 John, m. Chapman— Chase. 2 —Philbrook 5 Horace AL, m. N. Bunker. I 46 I 6' John. m. Robinson Herbert A., m. Ida M. Scott, 1462CZ Jacob, m. R. Sears, 6 Dorcas 9 Hannah, m. J. Mclntire, 1464 Jabez, m. Heard, Hattie M.. m. S. Bristol, 1485^ John, 1 1 Jacob, 16 Harry Clark, 1490^; — 18 Helen May, 1490^ Jacob, m. Sanborn Drake, Harriet m. A. unm.. 23 0., Dorrity, 1508 Joseph, 24 Hattie Edith. 14^- John. m. E. Philbrook, 15 29 Hannibal Hamlin. 1514/^ Jonathan, m. R. Dow, Herbert, iSi9^i John, m. E. Dearborn, 30 Henrietta, m, M. Brown. 1534 James, unm., 3^ Henrv S.. m. E. Robinson, 1545 Jabez, m. Abigail, 34 Herbert Willis, '546r John. m. E. IJowns, 42 Horace W., m. John. m. E. Brown. 46 Gilpatrick. 1549 47 Horace F.. 15496' Joseph, m. Sarah, m. E. M. Pew\ m. 1. Stickney, 49 Harry P., 1553 Joseph, 61 Hannah, m. A. Williams, 1566 Jacob, m. Hannah, Hannah, Josiah, m.M. Moore. 56 1570^? 60 Herbert. 1575'''-^ John. m. Hancock, B. 62 Hannah A., 1575^^' Jonathan, m Taylor, James. 66 I. Joseph, m. H. Marston.. 69 John. m. Molly Rand. 74 Isaac. unm.. 43 Jabez. 86 Irving R.. 334'?/ Jacob, m. M. Runnells, 95 INDEX (3F GARLANDS. 191

No. No. John, m. M. Ham, 99 Josiah, m. H. Smith, 359 John, 102 John. 375 John, 2d, 103 Joseph, m. S. Berry, 382 Joseph, m. Sarah Towle, 104 John, m. E. H. Knight, 384 John, 105 Jonathan, — 391 Jacob, m. B. Pettingill, 111 John, m. Parsons Mead, 392 Joseph. 112 James, m. E. Towle, 393 Jacob, m. Noble, 117 John, m. D. Staples, 395 John, m. C. Durgin, 119 Joseph, m. P. Brackett, 401 James, m. PoUv Mills, 120 Jonathan, m. B. Glidden, 402 Josiah, m. S. Sweet, 129 Jonathan, m. D. Cass, . 406 John, m. S. Wormwood, 130 John, m. P. Ayers, 410 Joanna, m. W. Moore, ^33 Joseph, m. M. Kimball, 416 Joanna, m. C (iray, 140 John, m. H. Hayes, 4;40 John, m. E. Woodman, 144 John, • 439 Jonathan, m. Fogg, 146 Joseph, 440 Jeremiah, m. L. Cook, 151 John W., m. wSarah Seward, 442 James, m. Webster, 162 Joanna, 446 Jonathan, m. H. liatchelder, 153 John J., m, N. Bagley, 450 James, 162 Joseph, m. S. Batchelder, 464 John, m. H. Gate, 164 John, 455 Joseph, m. B. Waterhouse, 173 Joseph, Jr., m. E. Garland, 458 Joseph, m. 1\ Marden, 177 John Langdon, 471 John, m. A, Seavey, 179 John, m. B. Parsons, 483 John, unm., 182 James, 487 Jonathan, m. B. Woodman, 183 John, m. E. R. Kennison, 500 John, m. A. Perkins. 190 James, m. Sarah Cowan, 603 John. m. Hight— Hight, 201 James. 504^ Jabez, m. Goodwin— Drew. 203 John, m. M. McFarlane, 512 John C.. m. Kelly—Tibbetts. 218a Julia! m. T. Meady, 529 Joseph. James A., m. S. C. Moody, 630 S. Joanna, m. J. Littlefield, 235 James E , m. Eldridge, 530.^ John, m. Blaisdell— Kimball, 240 John, S34 James, m. S. Wheelwright, 243 John C, m. E. H. Wade, 538 James, m. A. Jenness, 251 John, 539 m. M. A. John, unm , 253 James, Decker, 576 Jacob, m. E. B. Palmer, 258 James, m. A. Young, 580 John, m. N. Blakey, 259 John R., m. Leavitt—Gile, 684 John D.. m. Stevens—Guppy, 264 Jesse, 586 Joseph, unm., 266 John F., m M. Goodwin, 588 John, m. Lane, 269 John F., m. Watts—Turner, ^6Ha Joshua James, 270 John Frank, 588^7:^ James, m. Welch— Douglass, 277 Jeremiah, 590 James, m. E. Russell, 284 Josiah, m. Spinner— Gerrish, 591 Joseph, m. Z. Thibby, 289 James, 594 James, m. j. Cneeley, 292 John W,, 596 Jane, m. Greeley— Pettingill, 293 Joseph, 602 Jacob, m. H. Bartlett, 295 James, m. Gate— Colbath. 606 Joseph, m. S. Sanborn, 299 James, m. Hayes— Nichols— Joseph, m. Ruth Elkins, 312 Pike, 607 Jonathan, m. S. Green, 313 James, m. a widow, 613^ John L, 324 Jane, m. C, Spooner, ^^3^ James, umn.. 327 John, m. L. Durell, 614 Joseph, m. S. Cilley, 331 Joseph. 630 John, m. S. C. Drew, 332 John. m. Mary Ham, 63l James P., 335 Jacob J., m. S. Brewster, 636 Josiah. m. S. Maddox, 33^ James M., m. D. Henderson, 637 Julia, 343 John, 645 Josiah, 352 Jacob P., m. E. Sowerby, 658 Jemima, m. Dodge—Boynton, 354 John W., m. Leighton, 658^; - Joanna, m. Joseph Moore. .357 John, m. H. Blakey, 661 Joseph, m. Ada Moore, 358 James H., m. M. A. Hall, 672 19- IXDEX (^F (;ARLAXr3S. — No. No. John I'.. ni. l)ix Orow, 682 John. m. Sophia Adams. 966 Pease, 6S John A., m. S. () John. 96; John T.. m. Fanny Kicker. 694 John E.. ^y]\h Joseph E., 70S John B.. unm., 9.S2 Joseph E., 2d, 713 Joseph K.. m. D. A. Pitman. 1002 James. 715'; John. m. Young Whittle. 1012 John P.. m. E. Bentley, 720 Jeremiah C. m. Woodman. 1024 John E.. 727 Joseph, m. O. Buzzdl, 1026 E.. m A. Rollins. Jennie Joseph, J. — 1029 Joseph, 735 John D.. m. Shaw Shaw— Rich- Joseph, 2d, m. E. Martin, 737 ardson. 1034 "James M., m. EHza. 73>^ John E.. m. Babb— Parker, 1040 John L., m. Durrah. 741 John W.. m. V^. A. Ring. 1046

A.. 1 Joseph S., m. Mason. 743 John 046(^/j> Joseph H., m. E, Carter. 751 John. m. Nancy V)oi. 1047 Jerome B.. m. H. Nichols, Josiah B.. m. Susan Hall. '053 Judith Ann. m. Ciilbert, 756 Joseph C. 1061 Jerome. 75^ Jennie, 1073/' Joseph, m. E. Whittier, 760 Julia H.. m. Marden. 10S4 Joseph H.. Joseph Parsons, m Kenney. 1100 Jonathan S., m. Stoddard. 765 John C. m. Speed— Foss, 1104 John M., 766 Julia Ann. m. Eocke, 1 106 Jennie E.. m. Brown. Jo.seph W.. m. Drake. 1 1 12 Jane J., m. F. Rose, 781 Joseph Oris. m. French. 1112^/ Jeremiah M., m. Trask, 793 James Weston. 111. Chesley. I r i2(" James E.. m. E. Fulton, 812 Jennie M.. m. Bartlett. I 1 19 James E., 8 [26' Jolin \V.. m. E. Hubbard. I 120 Josiah. 814 fames Henry, I 124 Jane. m. Henry Davis, 820 John, m. Ellen J. Snell, 1 126 • Joseph, m. J. Frazer, 836 James S.. 1 127 Jam s, m. M. C. Frost. 845 JaneC. ir28 James S., m. A. C. Stewart. 847 James D.. 1 136 John E.. m. AE Owens. 857 Jonathan T.. m. AE -A. Cook. Jonathan, m. Johnson—South- John Wesley. i'54 ern, 859 James, m. Eittletield— Dear John, m. M. E. Marston, S64 born, Jesse M.. 864?/ / John. 1 160 Joseph, Rev., m. Eoring, 866 John Jon s. 1166 Joseph B.. m. Rockwood. S66^r John W., 1 167 Jonathan, m. E. Knowles. — 868 James. I !75 Joseph. Dr.. m. (Goodhue Jeremiah. 1187 Knowlton. 879 Joseph Paul. 1188

P.. m. Kendall. 881 Paul. I Joseph Eucy — Joseph 190'' Jonathan, m. Townc— Towne. 882 Josjph Spinney, I I O'f John U., m. Ellis Flagg, 885 Jamc:s, m. Catherine Adams. 1 192 James, m. S. T. Towle, 894 James W. 1 1 92/; Joseph, m. Sally Stevens, 907 John D., m. Eemon. I '93 James, m. Eucy York. 908 John W , m. Eothrop. 1201 James E.. m. H.—Sawyer, 908^/ Joseph H., m. Holmes. 1208 John, m. Nason Barlow, 912 Jamcs.M.. m Ho:lgdon. 1 209 James, 919 John. 12 r3 Jane B.. m. S. Baker, 922 Juliette E.. m. S. F. Smith. 1220." Joseph J., m. Syrene Ricker. 929 Joseph C. m. i^. Cordon. Jennie. 9^9/ John L.. 1227 Joseph J., 929/ Jane, 1230 John C. — "3 1 James W., 1232 James, m Martin Johnson. 934 James C. 1232^^^ Joseph C, m. A. Cooper. 936 Joseph C, 1238 James, m. Beaman—Owen, 945 Jacob Dudley, 1242 Jane. m. P. Eagranp^e, 94S James H.. 1248 Jennie D.. m. John C. Berrv, 953^? Jasper J., m. Saunders, Jane H., m. H. C. Randall.' 955 James V.. m. Emerson, 1274 INDEX (3F (;ARLANDS. 193

No. Jay T., John J., John M., ni. Savory, [ames M.. m. Babli—Hayes, James, m. Davis, James M , Jennie C, Jane M., John, Josie A., m. Emerson, Jennie W., m. Thurston, John J. (Garhn), James B., m. Buckley, Jennie A., m. Byam, James S.. m. K. A. Howard, John Lowe, John T., m. Wellhouse— Rich- ardson, John James, Jennie Persis, m. Hosmer, James M., m. Dyser, James Richard, John Hanson, John T., Joseph, James M., John L., m. Ann M. Dow. John Fred, m. L. E. Dodge, Joseph P., m. Drummond Jonathan M., Rev., m. Jewett, Jonathan F., m. Meserve, Joseph E., Dr., m. Rogers, John A.. John Henry, John Henry, James G. m. Gray—Rice, Jessie, John Albra, Jennie, John A., m. Allen, John H., m. R. A. Turner, Jonathan, J. Frank, m. M. S. Hall, Josephine, m. G. Robinson, John W., John B., Josephine B., John R., James Henry, m. Webb, John A., m. Brown— iMarden, John F., Jesse Viola, James Gray, m. Adams, Joseph Parsons, m. Buzzell. m. — Jerome,^ (iilmore Kimball, John Wesley, James Prentice. James P.. m. M. Cote, Jerome W., John, Josiah, James, 19+ INDEX OF GARLANDS. INDEX OF GARLANDS. i95

No. No.

Moses, m. Hannah Hackett. 311 Maggie M., 7876- Maria, unm., 3'4 Martha A., m. Runnells, 791 Mary L., m. Isaac Flagg, 317 Marion G,, 792/7 Martha, m. John Surin, 325 Mercy R., 794 Miriam, m. (i. Moore. 355 Mahala, m. Wheeler— Campbell, 801 Mary, m, S. Dunico. 363 Madison, Mehitable. m. L. D. Moore, 369 Mehitable. 824 Mariam, 407 Marv A., 847^ Molly, m. Joseph Hall, 409 Martin A., 847^- Mary, 436 Mehitable J., m. Smith, 856 Mary }.. 444a Mary E., 862^ Marv, m. Ezra Davis, 447 Mary Ann, 865 Martha. 448 Mary E., m. H. D. Ellis. 870^ Mehitable G., 457 Mary, m. D. Towle. 871 Mary, 464 Martha, m. Dearborn— Folsom, 877 Moses L., m. Locke— Drown, 476 Mary O., goi Moses, m. A. S. Jenness, 481 Minnie J., 907*^/ Morris J., m. E. Manson. 482/; Martin. 9076 Mary, m. (George Holmes. 501 Marilla, 908^ Mehitable, m. Fox—Moulton. 505 Mantor, 912/; Marv, 5i« Mabel L., gi6a Mercy Ann. m. Leavitt, 519 Minnie M., 918/ Mary Elizabeth, m. Landers. 523 Mary T., m, A. White, 926 Mary M.. m. Thos. Meady, 527 Medora. m. C. Leonard, 929^^ Mary, m H. Smith, 528f Melissa, m. E. Delaney, 929*/ Mahala, 532 Mabel, g2g/i Mary, m. S. Colbath. 543 Mary Abby, m. Knight, 936^^ Margaret, m. Paul Seavey, 553 Moses S., 937^ Margaret, m. A. Upton. 562 Mary Ann, m. S. Brown. 938 Martha J., m. Choler, 572 Monroe T.. m. A. Rockwood, 947^ Mary Ann. 574 Mary E., m. Randlett—God- Mary, m. B. H. Whitehouse, 5^3 frey, 950 B Mary Anna, Mary , 954^^ Mary A., m. F. S. Garland, 59S Marilla, m. R. F, Shaw, 9157 Mary, 620 Mary, m. J. Shackford, 964 Mary, m. John Buck. 628 Mary, m. T. P. Hodgdon, 980 Mary Ann, 643 Maria, 981 Mary, 649 Myra, gg6a2 Melissa A., m. Hutchins, 66 It" Maria J., 997 Mary, 663 Mehitable, m. T. Dolliff, 999 Margaret, m. S. Bickford, 664 Mary A., m. O. W. Baker, 1003^ Mary O., m. Sanborn— Pike, 673 Maria, m, Benj. Herrick, loio Mary A., m. A. Currier, 678 Mary A., m. Foss—Sturtevant, 1030 Mary E., m. P. Longeway, 688 Martha, m. J. Royal, 1033 Martha C. 6go Mary E., m. R. Faulkner, 1942 Mary C, m. A. H. Durgin, 70 [ Mary A. m. F. A. Pik2, 1045 Minerva, m. Dougal, 704 Mildred R.. 1046(12 Mary S., m. Voorhees, 712 Mary Abby, m. G. H. Jenness, 1047c; Mabel. 731^ Mary C, m. George Marston, 1051 Mehitable. 734 Mary P., 1064 Mary, m. Josiah Brown, 73(^ Martha, m. A. G. Jenness, 1065 Moses, m. C, E. Bean, 739 Martha H,. io66('Z Moses, m. Kingsburv. 752 Mary Patten. io66r Marv C m. W. Merrill. 755 Mary Langdon, ic68 Mehitable. m. R. Mathews, 757 Melissa, m. H. Mace. loyia Moses E., m. L. Carleton. 759 Mary Ann, m. J. Marden, 1074 Mary M., m. W. D. Bean, 762 Minnie L., lojSa Mary, m. F. H. Rowell, 770 Mary Jane, 1081 Melinda. 776/.- Mary W., m. S. Smart, 1085^ Mary F.. 778^ Moses C. m. E. Downs, 1088^' Mary E.. 778^/ Millard Fillmore, looo^z Mary E., m. Dodge, 779 Mary Abby, m. Brown, 1091 l'/> INDEX OF GARLANDS.

No. No.

Melvina (i., I eg 2 -Martin. 1 44 1 1" .Maria A., ioc)7 .Mary A.. J 44"'

.Mary Ann. m. (larland. 1 09.S Myra. 1 44 1 // .Mary Ahhy. J loyi Mary Ella. m. I. \V. i't-rry •443^' .Marv, m (ico. IJlaisdcll, 1 107 May'E.. '417'" Mar'v A.. 1 126^/ .Marcia. m. J. Greely, 1450 Mary F.. 1 1 30 .Mary S.. m. J. G. l^yans. 1460

.Mclvina J.. Martha L)re\v. m. Randall. 1 46 u^ Mary Abigail, m. Ciooclwin. 1 138 Maria A.. 146U" MarV H.. 1 1 y)a Mary J., m. H. .S. Fobes. 1467 .Mclinda J., I iy)b ALirtha A., m. W. H. Berry. 1472 Mary, m. Frank Palmer, 1 141 Mary H.. m. Dr. J. Wheeler. J 478 Mary E., 1159^? Mary Frances, m. Tucker, 1484 Mary. m. F. Lucier, 1163 Margaret J., 14S5/ .Mary Alexander, 1 168 Martha Eliza, 1486 Martha Jacobs, 1 169 Myrtle Blanche. 1487^'/ Mary Antoinette, — 1 170 Martha A.. 1506 Mary |ane, m. Gray Brown. 1 176 Mary Ellen, m. j. Dunning, 1509 Mary. 1 179 Marshall W.. '5.30 Maria, 1 181 Mary Abby, 532 Maria, m. Connor. 1182 Melinda 1537 Mary L.. m. Heath, 1 183 Melinda. A m. H. Goss, 1539 .Mertie B., 1186^; Minnie L., 1540^? Mary Ellen. 1189 Mary L.. m. Fred Scott, '544 Mary E.. 1 1 99^/ Maud Marion. 1 546''; 1202 m. A. H. Baker. -Mary A.. Mary Abby, i54>'^ Mary W., 1207 Marjorie, '553"^ Mary Jane, 1221 Mary B., 1556 Mary P., m. L, Morse, 1225 Mary E.. 1557 Manthano m. P'letcher- — S., Mabel, '559'" Lord (iracey. •235'" Mary, m. X. Wilson. '5^9 A., m. Ricker, A., m. W. Mary J. — 1240 Mary Saunders, '575'' Mary T. B., m. Grindle Mary. m. J. Tucker. '576 Bracey. 125 U7 Mary E.. m. J. \\. Rawson, SS Martha VV.. m. H. Moody. 1252 Mary E.. m. S. A. Morrill, Jr., 1257 N. Mary Ann, 1270 Mary Jane. \2-]2a Nathaniel, m. Sarah. 38 Martha A., m. Bartlett, 1277 Nathaniel, m. Bridget. 92 Mary A., m. J. Stover, 1278^^^ Nathaniel, m. Phebe Ricker. 96 Mary L.. 1290^ Nathaniel, m. E. Woodman. 113 Mary A., ni. J. Leighton, 1291 Nathaniel, m. H. Pickering. 125 .Melyina. m.W. Dawley. 12Q5 Nathaniel, 136 Matilda Dole. ni. Crocker, '.303 Nathaniel, m. S. Young. 170 Leayitt. 208 Mary Ann., m. L. .Stone, 1306 Nancy, m. J. Mary C, 1307^/ Nathaniel, m. L. Jacobs. 237 .Mary E., '330 Nathaniel, m. Wetherell— Mary, '353 Mills. 238 26 Mary S., m. J. Remington, 1368 Nathaniel Cm. Durgin. 3^7 Martin V. B.. m. Williams, 1372 Nathaniel, m. L. Garland. 298 Mary E., m. F. C. Sargent. 13S2 Nathan, m. Moulton, 403 Mary B., m. Varney, i3'^7 Nathaniel, m. E. Estes, 433 Davis, Mary K., 1386/; Nath.aniel m. Caverno- 437 Mabel Louise, 1392/; Nabby. m .\. Watson. 540 Martha Ann. 1400^7 Nancy, m. Eben Horn. 544 Martha Ann, 1401 Nathaniel m. H. Downs. 547 Maria Agnes, 1405^- Nellie. 559^' Maria A.. 1407 Narcissa. m. A. Savage. 566 Miriam, 1420 Nellie, m. Stewart. 5<^7^" Martha, m. S. H. Rhodes, 1424 Nathaniel. — Mary Annie, m. E. F. Nye. 1425 Nathaniel, m. Jones Cutter. 5^7 Marion. 1432/; Nathaniel, m. L. Drew. 592 INDEX OF GARLANDS. [97

No. No. — 6ocS Nancy, m. Hoyt Fage, Olevia, m. B. J. Dumphy. 151O Nathaniel, m. Butler—Garland, 615 Olive Ann, m. Smith—Tuttle, 1520 Nathaniel, ni. Dole, 647 Orlando, 1525 Nelly B., 7006" Odella,m. C. Harriman, i536<'^ Nathaniel, m. Elkins, 742 Olive J., 1549^/ Nathaniel W.. m. Brown, 743'^ Nathaniel, m. L. P. Dodge, 745 P. Newell, m. H. Milliken, 775 Nelson, Sogc Peter, m. Elizabeth, 1 Naomi, m, J. Richardson, 826 Peter, m. Joan, 3 - Nancy, m, S. D Jenness, 876 Peter, m. Elizabeth —T aylor. 7 Nancy, m. P. Colcord, «95 Peter, m. Clifford, 13 Nellie, m. L. Kitson 923<^ Peter, unm., 27 Nellie, m. J. Donaldson, 9296- Peter, unm., 44 Nancv, 943 Peter, Nathan W., 1072 Peter, Col, m. Leavitt, 80 Nelly Mabel, i 125^/ Peter, m. A. Pitman, 101 Nathaniel, m. J. Lemming, J173 Polly, m. James Longley, 124 Nellie L., m. A. P. Sargent, \220d Phebe, unm., 137 Nathaniel W., m Ann, 1256 Patty, m. S. Hopkins, 14: Nathaniel, i256cz Peter, m. M. Seavey, 185 Nancy, m. G. Ham, 1287 Polly, m. E. Berry, 196 Nancy, m. W. Derry, 1304^ Patience, m. N. Roberts, 220 Nathaniel B., m. Bennett— Page, 225 Ward, Patience, m. T. Howe, 254 Nathan R., 1358^ Polly, m. A. Palmer, 257 Nathan M.. m. B, Billow, 1360 Polly, m. Greeley— Hill, 297 Nancie, m. H. E. Swan, 1416 Polly, m. J. Schillinger, 423 Norman F., m. McAllister, 14626' Patience, m. J. Batchelder, 429 Nathaniel B., 1485^ Polly, 432 Nettie Belle, 1487^ Polly L., m. J. Jenness, 475 Paschal B., m. C. Pinkham, 511 Patience. 634 Perfender, 66 k/ Olive, m. S. Towle, 107 Persis, m. J. Smith, 716 Olive, m. P. Philbrick. 154 Paul N., 742^^ Oley, unm., 166 Phebe, 788 Olive, m. J. Holmes, 209 Percy E., 8156 Olive, m. S. Moulton, 490 Polly, m. J. Moore, 828 Otis, 504^ Phebe, m. K. Moore, 838 Orin, Philander, m. Starkey, S40 Octavia, m. H. Rhines, 561 Polly, 975 Otis M., 616 Plummer, m. A. Shaw, 984 Otis. 'Dr., m. H. Fox, 621 Polly, m. Isaac B, Shaw, 991 Orenda, m. Longley 702 Polly Jane, m J. J. Rand, 1087 C. Orissa, m. McFarland, 850 Parsons S., 1 103^/^ Otis, m. Eliza Smith, 915 Persis Jane, 1363 Orlando, m. E. Edminster, 916 Pamelia, m. Moore, 1371 Oliver. 941 Prentiss Levi, 1492^^? Olive, m. Francis Shaw. 1006 Pharcellus B., m. Thomas, 1546 Olive T., m. Dr. T. Tuttle, 1021 Prentice, 1555 Orin, 1055^^ Oliver Perry, m. F, E. Frazer, 1071 R. Orlando, m. E. Rand, 1073 Oliver, m. M. E, Tarleton, IIOI Rebecca, unm., 17 Orlando, 1250 Rebecca, unm., 36 Otis. 1268 Rebecca, m. Benj. Towle, 50 Oliver H., 1379^^ Rachel, m. B. Johnson, 67' Olive R., 1397^ Reuben, m. E. Todd, 82 Otis Ward, 1411 Rebecca, m. A, Roberts, 89 Oscar J., m. E. McVean, I462<^ Rachel, m. C. Marston, 155 Olevia B., m. E. J. White, i485.(^ Richard, m. L. Waterhouse, 168 19^ INDEX OF GARLANDS.

No. No.

Rebecca, m. J. Dore. Richard, m. Hurd. INDEX OF GARLANDS. 199

No. No. Sally, 399 Sarah, m. G. Boynton, 804 m. A. Samuel, Drew, , 408 Sophronia, 819 Stephen, m. Lougee—Trickey, 414 Sarah, m. Eben Moore, 829 Sarah, m. J, Waterhouse, 427 Sarah, m. W. Moore, 849 Susannah, m. E. Foss, 430 Stephen R., m. E A. Williams, 855 Sally, m, J. D. Foss, 431 Sarah Luella, 857/. Susan, m, Asa Wing, 449 Samuel, m. A. B. Libby, 864^ Simon, m. Morrison, 452 Sarah L., m. Bradbury, 864^ Simon, m. Garland— Knovvles, 461 Samuel, m. S. A. Towle, 870 Sally, m. J. Jenness, 474 Sarah A., m. E. O. Fisher, 870^ Sarah Ann, m. D. Brown, 479 Sarah, m. M. B. Smith, 878 Sarah Ann, 491 Samuel, 880 Sarah Ann, 2d, 493 Sarah, m. W. Hubbard, 893 Susan, m, Gothem—Freeman, 507 Sophia A., m. W. Simpson, 898 Sarah, m. S. Pratt, 535 Simeon E., m. M. Gerrish, 900 Seth, m. M. Ware, 536 Samuel D., m. L. Gerrish, 903 Sally, 542 Sarah R., m. H. Reynolds, 904 Solomon, 548 Sarah A., m. S. Cole, Q?7 Sally, 549 Sarah, 29^ Sherebiah, m, E. Hopkins, 558 Sally, m. J. E Seavey, 933 Sarah H., m. C. H, Crosby, 5606" Sarah E., 936^ Sarah, m. P. Rhines, 563 Samuel W., m. Lougee, 937^" Sally, 568 Sophia, m. Asahel Chase, 944 Sally J., m. M. M. Keirle, 571 Sarah C., m. Meserve, 946 Sarah, m. J. Littlefield, 576 Sarah L., m. Sopesfield, 953''^ Sally, m. D. Merrovv, 581 Silas, 959 Susan, m. W. Freeman, 595 Samuel, m. L. Daniels, 965 Sarah Ann, m. E, Lewis, 604 Sally, m. S. West, 973 Stephen, m. L. Clough, 606 Stephen, m. Dorothy Cook, 993 Sarah R., m. B. Meserve, 612 Stephen F., 1005 Sarah W., m. L. Q. C. Nason, 619 Samuel, lOII Samuel, 622 Sylvia, 1017^! Susannah, m. J. Potts, 625 Samuel, 1020 Sarah. 632 Susan E., 1022 m. Susan m. Sarah, Benj. Bean, ' 638 B., Jcseph Cate, 1023 Sarah, 648 Susan B., m. D. W. Gale, 1026^7 Sally H., 6t;9 Sarah J., 1035 Sarah George, m. Poor, 675 Sarah Jane, 1044 Sarah Ehzabeth, 676(5' Samuel, m. C. Evans, 1048 Statira, 679 Sarah J., m. Ezra Willard, 1054 Statira, 2d. 68 r Samuel P., m. E. D. Marston, 1066 Samuel J., m. E. Shirley, 686 Sarah L., m, Jenness, 1066^ Samuel J., 691 Samuel F., 1066/ Sadie E., 6ggc Samira, 1067 Sidney M., m, J. M. Barnard, 700 Simon, J 073^2 Susan F., 714 Sally, 107V Sophia, m. W. P'ifield, 719 Susie E.. lojga • Sophronia, 721 Sarah Adaline, m. Philbrook, 1083 Susan J., m. E. J. Williams, 726 Sarah, m. A. W. Feltis, 1088^ Sarah H., 73i(f Samuel, m, Marston— Leavitt, 1 103 Sarah M., m. A. F. Kendall, 740^; Sarah E., m. J. H. Gilpatrick, 1103^ Sidney A., m. E. O. Wilson, 740^ Sylvia A., 1122 Sarah, 743^ Sarah E., m. R. A. Davis, 1131 Sarah, m. J. Marston, 750 Sarah, m. G. Mann, 1144 Susan, 764 Sarah Jane, m. Stevens. ii50('> Stephen M., ySja Sarah Thurston, m. Home, ii53<^z Susan A., jSyd Sarah, m Wyman, 1164 Susan H., 768 Sally B., m. R. Moulton, 1178 Stephen, 772 Sumner G., m. A, Chick, 1186 Sarah J., 782 Sarah E., 1203 Simon, m. Lizzie Frost, 784 Sarah, 12:4 Sarah, m, Crocker—Trask, 789 Stephen W.. m. Holmes, 1219 :oo INDEX OF GARLAxXDS.

xo. No.

Samuel S.. m. Otis—('.ordon, 1220 Thomas L., m. Dnimmond. S62 Syrena. m. K. C. Cietchell. 1233 Thaddeus E.. 9I2


Thomas. 21 Tabitha, 22 Thomas, m. E. Moulton. 26 Thomas. 59 Thomas, m. N. Wormwood. 126 Thomas, iqq Thomas, m. H. Ham, 224 Tristram, m. E. Roberts. 230 Thomas, m. D, Mendum, 246 Theodate. m. Dinsmore— Leigh- ton. 274 Thomas, m. M. Brown, 341 Thankful, m. J. Moore. 370 Temperance, m. A. Moore. 377 Thomas, m. A. Burnham. 396 Thomas Leavitt, 472 Thomas. 486 Thomas Berry, m. Kimball. 499 Thomas, 601 Thomas, m. J, Tukesbury. 627 Thomas, 699^/ Timothy K., 703 Telesphore. 775^: Thankful, m. (J aria nd. 848 INDEX OF GARLANDS. 2or

No. Walter, m. M. Moore. William H. VV., m. J. Travis, Walter Irving, William Ralph, William T., m. Brown. William B.. William T., m. Leighton, William, m. E. Smart. William. William P., m. L. Avery, W. R.,Dr., m. Clough, William, m. M. J. Hall, William Gate, m. B. Rines, William, m. M. Cook, William. Willard H., m. Dustin, Winnie J., Willard Parker, William Harvey, m. Dalton, Willie E., Walter, William Augustus, Walter J., m. A. M. Bean, Walter, Warren, Warren, William L.. Winslow O., m. Berrv, Willie P., William B., Wallace, William L., m. A. Rogers, Willie H., Willie, William H., m. A, Rawlston. William Dole, m. Sarah Dorr,


No. No. No. A. Brown Jeremiah, 134 Brown Jenness, 387 Bradbury Moses, ch 139 Ballard Joseph, 380 Avers Mary A., 55 Bradbury Sally, 139 Burnham Angeline, 396 Allen Elizabeth, 77 Banks Elias, 139 Brackett Polly, 401 Allen Sarah, 79 Burrill Orrison, 139 Babb Lydia, 411 Atkinson Rufus, 139 Brown Batchelder, ISO Berry John, ch. 413 Andrews Elisha, 141 Batchelder Huldah, 153 Berry ludith, 413 Adjutant George, 286 Buzzell William, 159 Brackett, 423 Adams H. H., 323 Barrows Thomas, 169 Batchelder Jos., ch. 429 Avers Polly, 4J0 Balch Polly, 174 Bennett Sarah O., 429 Allyn Rachel, 418 Batchelder Amos, 181 Bagley Nancy, 450 Adams M. A. (Note) , 484 Berry Oliver, 189 Batchelder Sarah, 454 Ayer Rev. Oliver, 498 Brown Simon. 19' Brown David, 466 Applebee Martha, 629 Brown Joseph, 191 Burton Widow M. O .,466 Armington Ruth, 687 Berry Ebenezer. 196 Brown Martha H., 475 Adjutant J. F., ch. 697 Berry Merryfield, 196 Brown Daniel, ch. 479 Alexander M. E.. 724 Boyd James, ch. 217 Brown Ira. ch. 480 Allen E. M.. 759/^ Bean Hamilton, 220 Brown Horace S., ch. 4^2(1 Allen Abbie, 778/; Buzzell. Wm.. 222 Brown Eliza. 484 Avery Louisa, 953 Blaisdell Sally, 240 Brown Joseph. 484 Adams Sophia, 966 Blakey Nancy, 259 Butler Kate, 489 Adams Maria Ella. 989 Blakey Polly, 260 Beede Willard, 519 Allen Alfred M.. 999 Benshaw Mr., 265^: Bickford John, 540 Adams Catherine, 1 192 Brown Lucinda, 274 Bean Nehemiah, 544 Aspinwall John G., 1 24 1 Brown Moses B., 276 Brackett Charlotte, 545 Adams Galen P.,ch. 1281 Brown Sarah A., 276 Brown Benjamin, 554 Albro Alden H.. ch. 1320 Babb Ida F., 2S2a Blake Oscar F., ch. 565 Avery Hattie, 1352 Bridges Charles, 285 Blaisdell Mr., 612 Allen Augusta VV., 1381 Burdett George, 285 Batchelder L., 614a Allen Alice J., 1447 Barry E. A., 291 Butler Martha, 615 Anger Helen, 1470 Barnev Horace, 291 Buck John, ch. 628 Adams E. L. P., 1522 Bartlett Martha, 293 Brewster J. H., ch. Allen Emily C, i 546^ Bartlett Hannah. 295 Brewster Sabrina, 636 Bean Jeremiah, ch. 304 Bean Benj.. ch. 638 B. Brown Thomas, 304 Berry John D., 642 Bean Fulsome, ch. 306 Bradeen Alonzo, 642 Brown Elizabeth, 46 Berry Eliza, 320 Blake Huldah A., 642 Brown Samuel, 63 Blaisdell John, ch. 329 Blackman Amos, 654 Brown Elizabeth, 63 Barks Mary, 336 Blakey Hannah. 661 Blake Samuel, ch. 72 Brown Jeremiah, ch. 337 Bickford Samuel, ch,. 664 Burns Hannah, 72 Boynton Hartley, 339 Blakey Martha, 667 Brown Richard, 75 Brown Marion, 341 Bragg Alonzo, 671 Batchelder Miss, 75&76 Brown Solomon, ch. 347 Battles Albert, 678 Blake Thankful, 77 Bunker B., 347 Burgess William, 67S Brown Elizabeth, 781 Boynton J ere, 354 Blake Rodway, 678 Brown Jona., ch. Bates Svlvia, 688 79 j Berry Sarah, 382 Brown Benjamin, 79 1 Batchelder Molly, 386 Blaisdell Susan E., 699 Barter Luther, 116 Burns Eliza, 3^7 Babb Mr., 699^ ?04 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES.

.No. No. No.

Barnard Jennie M.. 700 Bodwell Sarah, '234 Cook David. ch. 21 f Bentley Elizabeth. 720 Bamford Annie, 1234 Gushing Frances, 21 I Blanchard Joseph. 733 Berry Mary A., '239 Carter S. K.. ch. 218 Brown Josiah. 736 Bracy Cieorge. 1251^ Carter Abigail. 218/^ Bean Cervella E., 739 Boyce Cynthia, 12636- Crediford Tsrael. 236 Brown Minnie A.. 743/^ Blake Herbert, 1 263^/ Cass Nancy. 291 BrackettCora M., 743^" Brown C. P., ch. 1272/ Gushing Phebe, 293 Buffurn Joshua, ch. 749 Barnes L. M.. '275 Cram Lucy A., 293 Bagley Annie F., 759^ Brown Royal G 1276 Calef Jonathan, ch. 305 ch. Calef Daniel. ch. Bean Wm. D , ch. 762 Bartlett C. W., 1277 Buswell Frank A., 763 Benedict F. W., 12786' Calef Nancy K., 308 Blood Minnie, 111 Babb L.. 1296 Calef Garland, 308 Currier Richard. Brown Chas J., 778^ Babb Martha. 1297 309 Brown Kate, 785 Bennett Lydia, 1323 Champney Nelly, Boynton Geo., ch. 804 Berry Jason. 1326 Cilley Sarah. Berry Ella. 805 Buckley Annie L.. 1333 Crocker Jane, 347 Brown Solomon, 816 Bvam Geo. E., ch J 34 1 Clary Eleanor, Brown Henry. 818 Billon Blanche, 1360 Cook Mr., 397 Burleigh Hall C, 862rt Britton Col. J. W., i3«5 1 Chase Noah. ch. 397 Bradbury S. T., 864^ Batchelder M. A.. M05 Cass Deborah. 406 Burgess Nellie F., 871 Bragdon Sarah B.. J 435 Chamberlain Mary. 413 Brown Mary, Blake E. M.. 1438 Chamberlain Sally. 413 Colbath Baker Mary J., 883 Bunker Nelly, 14616' Hannah. 415 Brooks Asahel. ch. 892 Berry Wm. H ch. 1472 Chamberlain Miss. 417 Bickford John, ch. 896 Bristol Simon 15., 14856' Cross , 424 Brown Lois, 897 Buswell Nelly M., 1487 Caverno Lydia, 437 Barlow Hannah E., 912 Brown Lillian A., 1490 Calef Mary H., 445 Bickford Phebe, 913 Buchanan Olive, 1497 Cowan Sarah.. 503 Bean Cassandra, 917 Bailey Richard. 1515 Collins Alvin B.. 505 Baker Samuel, ch. 922 Bean Nelly, 1518 Carver Mr. 505

Barber Matilda. 923 Batchelder Ella, 1519 . Colburn Reuben J., 507 Brown Sewall, 93« Buzzell Sarah, 1523 Chubbuck Lucy, 52S Brown Samuel, ch. 939 Brown Charles W\, 1533 Gushing Joseph, 528/; Butler Mrs. Ellen K . 940 Brown Moses, ch 1534 Clements Job, 540 Brown Meribah A., 940 Boyce Frank, 1534 Came Sarah, 540 Beaman Eliza, 945 Brown Frederic A., 1535 IColmay Mr., 543 Berry John C, ch. 95 3« Bumpus Nellie. 1540 'Colbath S.. ch S43 Batchelder Eliza A., 954 Baker Albert H., 1548 Carey Mr., 55c Bowker Elizabeth, 983 Bowser Hattie, 1561 Carter Warren. 557 Brewster J oshua, ch 987 Bradeen Abigail '565 Crosbv Charles H., 5606- Buzzell Emily, 1003 Blackman Amanda, 1575/ Cholef Rev. J. O.. 572 Brockway A. F \ooyi Barker Ann, 1589 Chapman Eben. 579 Baker O. W., 1003/i' Cutter Lydia A.. 587 Brown Esther, lOIO C. Cate Miss 605 Bray Famelia, 1014 Coll:)ath Julia. 605 Buzzell Olive, 1026 Chapman Elizabeth, 2 Clough Lvdia. 606 Buzzell Emma D., 10: 66- Chase Elizabeth, 2 Cross J.. Jr.. ch, 611 Babb Emilv, 1040 Chase Thomas 2 Carpenter (^eo. M., 612 Bilford Nellie, 1042 Clifford Elizabeth, 13 Churchill Miss, 612 Burnham Elizabeth, 1049 Clifford Israel, 14 iChesley Israel, 6216? Butterheld Mrs., 1049 Cate Olive, 75 Chase Al)igail, 641 Brown Wm. S., ch. 1059 Cate Elizabeth, 75 Chase Daniel, 642 Brown Julia S., 1074 Coffin Martha. Chase Rufus. 642 79 j Bunker L. J., ch. 1086 Coffin 1 heodore, 79 Cook John, ch, 67.

Balch Edward, 1086 Clements Job, 90 i Carey Mr.. ^IZ Batchelder Sarah, 1088 Cunningham M.. 139 Card A 1 vara W 675 I Brown W. (i., ch. 1091 Cook Lydia. 151 Capen H. E.. ch, 6S5 Blaisdell Oeorge, 1 107 Coombs David H.. 159 Currier Abner, ch. 678 Bartlett S. A„ U19 Coombs Daniel, ch. 161 Cook Mary A.. 6c, 2 6Z Bean Ada M., 1 1 26^7 Cate John. ch. 163 Colbath Afinnie. 692*^ Blake William, Dr., 1 153^ Cate William. 163 Cummings W. R., 723 Brown Stephen, ch. 11 76 Cate Hannah, 164 Carr Peter. 732 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES. 205

No. No. No.

Carter Liitinda, 751 Chase Harriet N.. 1405 Dalton Annie. 463 Carleton Lucy, 759 Connor Catherine, 1445 Drown Nancy. 476 Cole H. J., ch. 771 Cole Lewellyn, '45^ Decatur Anna P., 484 Carr Mi.ss, 784^/ Copp Ida J., 1457 Decatur Susan, 484 Crocker Mr.. 789 Corson Abigail, 1463 Dow Sarah A., 484 Campbell Mr., 801 Corson Sarah Jane, J 463! Drake J.. ch. 489 Clary Lena, S03 Corson F^rank P., 1463^71 Dodd Henry A., 509 Chapin Edward, 804 Chapman Hartley, 1465 Dolbier O. C, 523 Carr Mary A., «37 Corson Elnora, 1466! Draper Charles, 528/; Clay J C, ch. 852 Carr N. G.. ch. 1477 Dame Emery J., 540 Chub Inez L., 854^ Chamberlain Dr. ch, 1479 Davis Hiram, 540 Clement Mary L., 864^ Cote Mary, 1562 Downing George, 543 Colcord Phineas. 895 Caswell Charlotte, 1575 Davis Martha, 544 Clement Charles E., 91 1/7 Dame Charity. 545 Clark Amasa, 918/; D. Downs Hannah, 547 Cole Saben, 927 Downing Lucinda, 555 Coffin Charles. 933 Dow Samuel, 7 Durgin David, 560 Cooper Abigail, 936 Drake Sarah, 18 Dunbar Sarah, 560 Cartland Miss. 937^^ Dearborn T., ch, 19 Decker Mary Ann, 575 Caldwell John, ch. 942 Dow Rachel. 29 Day Annie M., 576 Chase A., ch. 944 Dearborn Elizabeth, 30 Drew Lavinia. 592 Chandler Myron K., g4S^ Downs Elizabeth, 42 Durell Lydia, 614 Clough Sadie A., 954*^ Drake Thomas, 50 Dole Mary, 647 Chamberlain Joseph, 961 Drake Abigail, 76 Dix Lucy A.. 682 Dearborn Drown Mehssa Clough Sarah P., 963 Sarah, 76 J , 692 Drake Nathaniel, Durgin Alex H., 701 ChesTey Betsey. 976 ^% Courtland Sarah E., 979^ Drake Samuel. 76; Dougal Mr., 704 Cater Laura E., 979^ Downs Thomas, Jr., 87 Date Jackson, 715^'

{ Coffin Maria, 987 Dur^in Comfort. 1191 Durrah Margaret, 741 Cook Martha, 992 Davis Esther. M9i Dodge Ladorna P., 745 Cook Dorothy, 993 Dow Elizabeth. 149 Duncan Mary E., 765^ Cate Jos., ch 023 Durgin Dorcas, 155 Dodge Mary J., 776 Cleaves Mary A.. 037 Dorr Mason, 155 Dodge Mr., 779 Caswell Elmer W., 10^ Doe Jeremy. ch. 159 Dority George, 808 Cotton George H., 086 Doe Nancy. 161 Davis Henry. 820 Chesley Edna M., f2t: Dalton Beni., ch. 189 Dorrance L. W., 861 Crawford Wm. A., 123 Dalton Michael, 189 Drummond S. P., 862 Crossman L T., 149 Drew Phebe, 203 Dodge Annie E., 864^1^ Colbath Franklin, 151 Dean Rebecca 211 Davis Harriet M,, 871 Cook Mary A., J53 Dore Daniel, ch. 212 Dow Abby A., 871 Cummings Walter, 172 Dore John. 212 Dearborn Geo., ch . 877 Clark Kitty, J 76 Dore Jonathan, 213 Day George, 903

Chesley Miss, 241 Dickerson Sewall, 291 Driver David, ch , 1004 Clark Miss, 241 Dow Laura M„ 293 Dustin Blanche R., 1012/7 Cummings Nancy, 263 Dow Sophronia, 297 Doe Nancy, 1047 Clark Mary Ann.' 278 Drew Esther C, 332 Doe Mary Jane, 1050 Case Benjamin T. 285 Dod^e Jonah. 354 Dalton Mary W.. 1077 Chesley J. F.. ch. 289 Dunico Sewall 363 Downs Emma, 1080 Crocker Asa, ch. 303 Dearborn John, 3^7 Dalton Elvira, J 085 Carver George, I 04/ Dearborn N., ch. 390 Downs Eliza, Cram T. A., ch. 3fo Drew Abigail, 408 Dearborn Lucy F,, 1109 1112 Carpenter N. M 316 Drew John. 409 Drake Annie D , Clark Henry, 326 Davis Elizabeth, 437 Doherty Sarah C, 1125^: Cram Leland, ch. 326 Drew Anna, 441 Davis R. Alonzo, 1131 Clement J. S. ch. 328 Davis Ezra, 447 Dearborn Sarah, 1155 io6 IXDKX ()F OTHKk NAMKS.

No. No. No. Edminster Reuben. P>eeman Wm. ch. Doughty Jere,^ T172 cjiG/? 595 Dennis Julia C, 1 174 Eastman .Mary A.. 937 Fox Hannah. 621

• Ellis Fifield Rev. W.. Dunning- K. B , ch 1195 Harriet, 998 719 Damon Knima. 1263^7 Emery Caroline D., 1006 Flanders Samuel 746 Frasse Selina L.. Dalev Mary J.. 1278^/ Emerson Ada E., 1046^; 754^? Dawley William, '295 Evans Clara, 1048 P^razer Sarah C. 774

1 1121 P^rost Davis Betsey J., 297^; Evans Asa G., Lizzie. 784 Davis Henry. I2()j(f Ldwards W. H,, 1 195 P^airbanks Lucia, 786 Foss Derry William. Emerson Mary J.. 1237 Eunice, 792 Dawes Martha, "1307 Edgerly S. D.. ch. 12376- P^ulton Eunice, 812 Dassell Howard, I30S Emery Charles S., 1260 Frazer Lewis, 817 Dorr Sarah. 1309 Edgerly Maria C, 1272 Frazer Julia. 836 Dow J as., ch. 1327^7 Emerson Emeline, 1274 Frazer Abner. 841 Davis Wilktta, Eldridge E. S.. 1285 P razer A.. 843 Drisco vSophia, 1348 ElHot Jesse M., 1286 Frost Maria C. «45 Dyser Jeanette. 1364 Emerson M. L.. 1305,^ P^lagg Emily, 8626- Dow l^rancena, 1370 Emerson Edward. 1314^^ P^isher E. O ch. 8706Z Dow Ann M., 1379 Evans Otis M.. 1327/^ P^olsom Dr. William. 877 Dodge Louise E., i379« Emerson A. P.. 1458 Plagg Mary, 885 L)ouglass Kate, 1385 Evans J. G.. ch. 1460 P'isher Nancy. 923 Drummond E. R., 1389 Emerson C. O., 1461(1 Foss Stephen, ch. 1030 Day Mary Ann, 1448 Edgerlv R. K., ch. 1488 Frost Chas. P., 10406/ Davis David B., 1457 Evans Elizabeth. 1529 P^alkner R.. ch. 1042 Davis Emma M., 1458 Etherington W. ch. 1554 Poye William, 104762:

1 Dimond I.. ch.. 1458 Elwell Olive. ii;70 P'razer Frances E.. 107 Drew Betsey, 146J Elwell Elizabeth, 1579 Pletcher Mary S.. 10886?/ Drew David. 1474 Feltis Asa W'.. io88t- Donald Charlotte S . 1480 F. Frye E. M.. 1099 Dickey Fred H., 1493 P'oss Caroline. 1 104 Drew (ieorge E., 1493 Fogg Abigail. 6-? Furber Lucy. 1 108

\ I Dorrity A., ch,. 1508 French Joseph. ^5 P>ench PLmma R.. 12(1

Dunning J.. ch.• 1509 Fullerton Mary M.. 106 Fay Henry H.. nyi o o J 1 1 Dumphy B. F., ch., 1510 Ferrin Samuel. P'errin Edwin. 99/^ Downer John, Frazer Aljigail. 127 P' raker liidith E,. 1200'; Frazer Abraham. 135 French Sargent, 1223 E. F^lint Catherine. 139 Fletcher H. J. 1235'' Fogg Abigail. 146 P^oss Sadie, J 289 Edgerly Clara, i23 Fogg E. C. ch. 154 &156 P^ogg Hannah E., 1298 Emery Mary, 139 Frost Reuben, 163 Foster Eliza. 1 304/^ Emerson Moses, 139 Frost Ezra. 206 Flanders P>ed, •379/^ Edgecoml) S., ch. H3 Fluent Sophia, 235 P^rench Elmer. 1 382 Elkins Betsey, J75 Foss Mary O., 276 Fisher (Gertrude. 1383 Elkins Lydia, 175 f^ish Stephen O.. 28 s P^ollansbee Annie. 1403 Evans Betsey, 220 Flagg Isaac. ch. 3 '7 Fuller P'va. 1429 Edgerly Geo. W., 282/^ Frazer Joim. ch. 347 P'arrington Mary, '453 Elkins Ruth, 312 Frazer Abigail. 350 Krink Annie. '459 Estes Elizabeth, 433 Frazer Hannah. 35' Fobes H. S.. ch. 1467 Estcs Israel. 434 Frazer George. 364 P^rost Hattie. E. 1494 Edgerly Isaiah D., 443 Freese William. 381 P>ost John C. ch. '533 Eason Dorothy. 505 Fifield Polly. 388 Eldridge .Sadie, 530^? P^ogg .Sarah. 405 G. Entwistle Louise, 553 Foss Ephraim. 430 Eastman Horace, 553 Foss Jacob I).. 43 • (ioOdhue Jona, 12 I''ddy Edgar. 642 Fox VVm R.. ch. 505 (jodfrey Alolly. 72 Emery Mary A., 692 Foster George. 505 (ioodwin Nnthan. '39 Elkins MaiT. 742 Freeman Alonzo P.. 507 (iray Cad waller, 140 Eaton William H.. 853 P'rench X'olney. 507 (iray James. 140 Eilis H. D.. ch. 870//' Fogg Mary Ann. 517 Cioodwin Sabrina. 203 Elkins Joseph L., Folsom Angeline E,„ 52c (iould Robert, 235 Ellis Mary A.. 885 Fernald Percival, 543 (iuppy or (Uibit S.. 264 Emery Barker. 9o8<:" P>ench Dolly, 546 (luppy. .Mary J.. 265 Edminster Ellen. 916 Flynn Lucy, 553 Goodwin Marv, 274 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES. 207

No. No. No Gray Israel. ch. 2851 Gilbert E.E, ch. 1278^/ Hoyt Eliza, 419 Godfrey Harriet S., 287 Galloway F. P., 1282/' Haves Hannah, 420 Godfrey Alfred, 287 C Oilman T. B., 1307^ Hilborn Seth B., 426 Greeley Jane, 292 Gregory Elvira, ^3^3 Hill Joshua. ch. 443 Greeley S., ch. Goodwhi Medora. 1349 Harris Alanson, 451 (ireeley Phil. ch. 297 Gould Adelaide, i3^S Hill Estelle, 484 Green Susan, Gray Zylphia B,, 1441 Higgins Richard P., 489 (jrant Abbie J., 323 Greely Mary E., 1446 HasKell Charles A., 489 Goldsmith N.. 329 Greely John. 1450 Helmer Nancv, 492 (]iles Benjamin. 360 Goodell Ursula. 1470 Hill Charles H.. 492 Grosvenor David A. Gilley Edward M., 14876" Hutchins Melvin, 492 Glidden Betsey, 402 Grant Frank, 1500 Hill Chas. P.. ch. 495 (lallup Sarah B.. 417 Gilmore Maria. '524 Holmes George, ch. 501 (jreenvvood Rebecca 419 Graves Frank, 1534 Hight Israel. ch. 502 Green Nathaniel, 423 Goss Henry. ch • 1539 Hight Rachel, 504 Flora A. Hicks David ch. (iriggs Robert, 466 Gilpatrick , 1549 508 Gore Julia A., 484 Home Mary T., 516 (iothem Jos.. ch. 507 H. Hayes Olevia, 540 (Jammon S. B. W.. 509 Horn E.. ch. 544 CJray Lyman. ch. 5JO Huse Mary, 5 Flurd Hannah, 552 Goodrich Calvin, 513 Heard Dorcas, Hodges Chas., ch. 557 Grant 9| Manila, 526 Heard Rev. John, 9, Hopkins Eliza, 55^ (iraffam Hannah, 543 Hancock Widow, 60; Hammond Irene, 559 Gile Hannah, 5«4 Hancock Isaac, ch. 60 Hodgdon Mary J., 567 (iibbs John W., 5S7 Haines Marv. 75 Hill John, ch. 577 Goodwin Mary. 588 Higgins Mehitable. 77 Hamlin T. H., 595 Gerrish Caroline, 591 Ham Mary. 99 Hasty Hannah, 599 Getchell H. R.. 595 Hemphill Mary. 139 Hayes Phebe \V.. 607 Gage Harriet. 610 Hall Mary M., 139 Hoyt Charles. ch 608 Ghdden Jane, 66 1 ^? Hopkinson S., ch, J 42 Home Abigail, 610 (iould George, 681 Hopkinson John, 142 Haves George, 611 (jrow Eliza N., 682 Heard Louisa M., 159 Hall Thomas, 611 Goodale Marcia L., 73^ Howe Elizabeth, 198 Hayes Mr., 612 Gates Sally, 754 Hight Betsey, 201 Horn Mr., 612 Gilbert Mr.. 756 Hight Hitty, 201 Hayes Lydia, 617 Godfrey Jennie P., 763 Holmes Mary. 204 Ham Mary, 631 Greene Sylvester, 763 Holmes James, 209 Henderson Delancy, ^37 Graves Frank, 802 Hartford Eliakim, 2ri Hawkins Mr., ch, 640 Goodhue Caroline, 879 Hicks Miss, 21 1 Hewlett Mr., 640 Gerrish Mary, 900 Hussey D., ch. 216 Hart Mr., 642 Gerrish Laura, 903 Hammond Wm., 220 Hutchins Horace, 642 Cietchell Anna M., 907/; Hayes Robert, 220 Harriman Ann, 6s2 Gray Solomon, 930 Hayes Mr., Hill Lizzie, 658-^ Godfrey Mr., 950 Ham Hannah, 224 Hutchins W. B., ch. 66 u" Glover Russell, 95H Hurd Mary, 232 Hill Mr., 666 Grant Hannah, lOIO Harrington Mary, 233 Hanscom Abigail A. ,668 Gale Daniel W.. 1026c? Hooper Oliver, 235 Hall Mary A., 672 Goss C. A., ch. io66(/ Hubbard Joseph, 241 Hodgdon C. B., ch. 698 Gilpatrick John H., 1102^ Hurd William. 244 Harriman Julia S., 732 Goodwin Annie. 1 106 Hurd Mary, 247 Ham OHve, 792 Goodwin C. H., ch • 1137 Henderson Abigail, 252 Hastings Frank, 802 -* ^ Goodwin G. W., ch • ii3« Howe Thomas, 254 Hodgkins Miss. 8 Grace Irving, fi53^z Ham Elizabeth, 271 Haselton Benj. F. 875c?'

Gray Jos.. ch . 1176 Harrigan Thomas, 285 Hubbard Wm., ch, 893" Gordon Mary, 1220 Hill William, 297 Higgins Phebe, 914 Gordon Eliza. 1 222 Hussey Leander. 297 Hastings Mattie, 923^? C/Ordon Hiram, 1226 Hoyt Alphonso, 297 Hamlin Elden, 9376' Getchell R. C, J 233 Hackett Hannah, 311 Hall Samuel H., 946 (jracev Hannah. I :35^" Higgins Jane, 340 Hinckley Dora, 946 Getchell Mary P., 1251 Hall Joseph, ch. 409 Heard .Samuel, 956 (jrindle Otis, ch. I25U7 Haves Isaac, ch. 419 Holmes Isaac, ch. 961 Gray Emma, 1263/" Holt Bertha, 419 Hall Mary Jane, 977 20S INDKX or OTHER NAMES.

No. No. No.

Hodgdon Thos. P., 980 Ives Salome Pease, 689 Jones Samuel. 1286 Hayes Benj, F., 999 Johnson Hattie M.. Haseltine S., ch. 1000 J. Johnson Mr., 136; Hatch Lorenzo. 1000 Johnson C. F., J 385 Herrick Benj. ch. lOIO ohnson Benjamin, 67 JoyW., 385 Herrick Adelia C„ 1016 ohnson Ruth, 72 Jewett Rebecca H. '397

1 enness Francis, ch. Hall Edgar A., 1 6rt 75 Jenkins Wm, H., 1510 Hall Susan, 1053 enness Ricliard, 75 Jones Abbot, '5'7'^ enness S. ch. Heme Robert. I057! C, 76 Jackson Clara, '587 Hobbs H., ch. 1082 ones Sarah, 77 Hodgdon Annie, 1087 enness Sarah, 81 K. Hobbs Mr.. iio3<'// ohnston Abraham, 93 Hubbard Ella, 1 120 ames Mary, 106 Kimball Bridget, 92 ames Hurd Julia A., 1 148 Joshua, 106 Kimball Abraham, '39 Hart H. B., ii50(^ [ellison Patience, 128 Kelley Anna, 2l8<'? enness Home J. W., ch. Fanny, 149 Kimball Sail v. 240 Horn Ada, 1 161 enness J., ch, 192 Kenniston Olive, 2cSl enness Hussey Miss. 1 165 R., I9r&i92 Knight Elizabeth H .. 384 Haskell Thomas, (172 enness Olive, 195 Knight Helen. 384^/ Hanna Dr. A. B., 1178 ewell Elsie, 220 Kimball Mehitable, 416 Heath D. E., ch 1 183 acobs Lydia, ^37 Knowles Sally, 461 enness Hodge John, ch 1 184 Abigail, 251 Knowles Nabby, 473 Harding Dr. A H., 1198^ ones S. M., ch. 320 Kimball Harriet, 499 Hodge Lucy A., 1200a ohnson Mary, 419 Kennison Eliza R., 500 unkins Holmes Ellen J., 1208 Moses, 419 Keirle M. M., ch. 571 Hodgdon Miss, 1209 ohnson Lorinda, 423 Knox Sarah, 609 Holmes Mary A., 1219 ackson Wm.. ch. 424 Kennard Mr., 62 la enness Hill Merrill B., 1237^ Martha J., 465 Kimball Ephraim, 6t,6(1 enness How Mary A., 1237^ J., ch. 474 Kimball Mary, 660 Hicks C. W., 1241 enness J. Jr., ch. 475 Kendall Andrew F,, 740a enness N. G Kendall D.. Harding David, 1251^ , 478 W. ch 7^3(i enness Alfred Hayes Joseph, 1266 S., 480 Kingsbury M. E , 752 Hayes James, 1267 enness Albert D., 4S0 Kelley Rev. H. P., 863 Hamilton Katie, 1286 enness Adaline S., 4S1 Knowles Lucy, 868 Ham (ieorge, ch. 1287 enness Samira P., 482 Knowlton Susan, 879 Hayes Laura, 1297 enness Martha S., 484 Kendall Lucy, 881 arvis Hammond M. F., 1298 Benjamin, 489 Kimball Elsie, 887 Hammond, F. M., 1298^: ohnson Annie M., 505 Kitson Lester, 923/; Hurd ch. ones A., H., ch. Howard, 1301 Mary 570 I Knight J. 936/^

ones 1 Higgins A, ch • 1311 Mary E., 571 King Sylvia E., 024c/ j

ones ! Hunter Hattie F., 13T6/; Mary, 5^7 Knowlton Geo. W., 1025 Hatfield ones Clarissa, Eunice. \ 100 Matilda,' 1318 597 I Kenney ones 611 1 100 Hanson PIstelle, Mr., i Kenny Samuel, ervah Howard Kate A., ^355 Frank, 688 Kimball Ada A., 1139- ohnson Hosmer James K., J 359 Hiram, 6SS Kennelly S. A., 1204 Harding Chas. W., 1386^ ewett Sarah Jane, 7'5 Knight M. H., ch. 1317 Hurd John F., i^ood effrey (ieorge M , 724 Kimball Lucy A., 1524 Hardy Nellie, 1416 ordan Miss, 7j6a Knowles Chas. N., i535\ Howard L. E., 1437 ordan Edward, 7766- Kimball Wm., ch. •542 Hatch Clara, 1442 ohnson Olive, 859 King Annie. 1550 Hall Miss, 1442^ enness Samuel D., 876 Kennard Sally, '572 Haley Olive, 1456 ohnson Sarah, 934 Hall Mary S., 1462 enness Cjeorge H 1 04-7(1 L. Heath Lydia, 1467 enness A. G 1063*^:1065 enness io66(f 60 Hatch Fred L., ch . 1489 Uri, Lane Joanna, Hargrove R. L., i53ia enness Harriet, 1080 Lamprey John. Harriman Charles, 1536^ enness Sophia P., 1089 Lamprey Reuben, Holland Annie F., ^547 enness Martha J., 1090 Lane Moses, 63 Hanscom S.. ch. 1577 enness Dana ch. 1095 Leavitt Mary, 63 enness J. G., ch. II 10 Locke Mary, 76 I. ones Marion, ch. 1 132 Lang Mr., 77 Ingley Annie, 444 enkins Hannah, 1 172 Locke Mr., 77 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES. 209

No. No. No. ch. Locke Elizabeth E. Locke Richard, 77 , ^:4o Manly Mary, 143 Locke Elijah, 79 Leavitt Louisa J., 940 Maiston Caleb, ch. J55 Locke Joseph, 79 Lagrange Philip, 948 Marston David, '55 Leavitt Mary, 80 Lary Rachel, 971; Marston Jeiemiah, '55 Lane Jeremiah, 116 Libly Smith, ch • 9^y4 Mason Louise, 156 Longley James, ch. ]24 Lampher E. M., 996 Marston Mary, 157 Leavitt Marston Leavitt S. Jr., ch. Amelia, 999! James, '58 Lane Isaac, ch. 181 Lawrence Mina, 1004 Marden JPatience, 177 Lane John, 181 Lunt W. W., ioi6rt Marshall Caroline, 181

• McCnllis 202 Lewis Josiah, 181 Lyford J., ch 1031 Nabby, Lane Jonathan D.. j8i Lowe Mary, 1073 Mason Lyford, 210 Leavitt Nancy. 184 Leavitt Sarah, 1 103 McCrillisJ., ch. 2'5 Mills Langdon Joseph, 191 Lamprey S. O., ch. iio3r Lucy, 238 -=- Leavitt John, 208 Locke G. T., ch . 1 106 Mendum D., 246 C. 1 106 Moulton Susan Littlefield J.. ch. Locke W. (Note) , J., 274 Littlefield Aaron, Littlefield Abbie, Moody Joan, 282

1 Marshall Lord WilHam, ch, • 239 Lucier Frank, 163 K., 287 Lane Miss. 269 Linnell Susan, 1 172 Meserve Lydia, 291 Leighton Isaac, 274 Lemming Julia, Mayo Jerusha, 293 Leavitt John. 274 Loring Alonzo, Maddox Sarah, ^38 Lewis Enoch, 274 Lathrop P. L., 1 190 Maddox Hannah, 348 Leavitt Elvira, 276 Lemon Jennie V,, 1 193 Maddox Charles. 349

Lamprey Jas., ch , 287 Lothrop Sarah, 1201 Moore Gerry, 355 Laird Robert B., 287 Lord Marianna, 1235^ Moore John, 356 Lock O. A., 317 Lusier Alice, 1262^ Moore Joseph, 357

• Littlefield Sarah A. Moore Ada. Lucas Thomas ch 319 , 1272 358 Leavitt Benson, La Barr Prof., 1274^ Moore Zuby, 362 Moore Lorenzo Leavitt Thos., ch . 3^9 Lothrop Sarah, 1283 D., 369 Locke Tamson, 413 Lee John C, ch . 1284 Moore John, 370 Lougee Sally, 414 Leighton John, ch . 1 29 1 Moore Alexander, Z77 Lane Jonathan. 424 Luther Esther C, 1319 Moore Rosanna, 379 Leavitt Eliza T., 474 Leach Sarah E., 1325 Mead Hannah Wid., 392 Locke Lucretia, 476 Lane Etta, 1335 Moulton Mary, 403

. Mills Lang Leonard, ch . 47^ Lane J. A., ch 1404 Martha, 413 Locke Martha, 488 Lamprey Annie E., 1405'^ Marston Sarah, 423 Carrie Le Frances, Thos., . 489 Libby Moses, 14.35^ Mather A., 443 McLauthlin C. Locke J. D., ch • 492 Leighton Annie, 1498 H., 443 Morrison Leavitt Rufus, ch • 519 Leary Ann O.. Rachel, 452 McDaniel Landers Moses, ch • 523 Langley Mary S., 1517/; John, 453 Lawrence William, 565 Lord Sarah A., 1559 Marden Thos., ch. 466 Miller Littlefield John, ch • 576 Jane, 466 L. W. Dr. Marden Leighton , 576 M. Mary, 469 Lord Freedom, 1^76 McDaniel Elvira, 469 Leavitt Mary, 584 Marston J ere, 19 Manson Emma, 482^* Lewis Enoch, 604 Moulton Benj., 25 Marden B. W., ch. 489 ch. Leighton J. O., 658^ Moulton Elizabeth, 26 Moulton Simon, 490 Leavitt Charles, 66\ai Moulton John, 26 Moulton Ezra, 505- Lamprey H. J., 676 Moulton H.. ch. 32 McFarlane Mary, 512 Charles. Longeway P., ch . 688 Mace Betsey, 32 Merrow 519 Langley Mr.. 702 Moulton W.. ch. 7,3 Meady Thomas, 527&529 Sarah Lyford Charles, 765^ Moulton Josiah, 33 Moody C, 530 Libby Amy B., 86 Art Moore Miriam, 56 Moulton G. M., ch. 536^ Loring Clarissa, 866 Moulton Lydia, 61 Meady Caroline 546 Lane George W., 871 Marston David, ch. 63 Morrison Annie, 553 Lyon John, 871 Marston Hannah, 69 Marshall H., ch. 554 Luce Henry, 899 Marston Asahel, 72 McKenney Sarah, 556 Leighton Lorana, 924 Mace Abigail, 77 McLean Annie, 557 Leighton Alec, ch. 928 Mills Polly, 120 Merrow Daniel, ch. 581 ch. Leonard C, 929/^ Moore Jesse, 132 Merrow R., 582 Lord Isaac, 933 Moore Wyatt, 133 Meserve B., ch. 612 612 Lougee Widow, 937^' Meserve A. E., 139 Main Wm. H., Lane Oliver, 938 Merrill Sally, 139 Mead George W., 642 lO JNDEX OF on IKK .\AMi:s.

No. No. No.

Miller Hannah. 650 Mayo Ida. J 066^ N orris I'roctor. 678 Mallard Asa M.. 657 Mace Horace. 107 1 C7 Nickerson Jos., ch. 730 Mason John. cii. 666 Marden J., ch. 1074 Aid ols Harriet. 754/' ch. Merrill Samuel, 669 Marden Wm., ch. 1080 Mies Mary E.. >\S4

Mudgett Sarah A.. 670 Marden l^ben W., 10S4 Nason Danirl. ch.. 902 Mason Sarah. 671 Mace Mary A.. [ 085^7 Nason Elizabeth. 911 Merrill J. A.. ch. 677 Maloon Ivan L.. i io\ar Nason Mary. 912 Morrison Jane, 718 Marston Hannah. 1 1 03 xNourse .Mary. 1042 Martin Lydia. 737 Marden Charles E., 1 105 Neiderhopper M.. i Mason Laurenza W ' 743 Mann (Justavus. 1144 .Nutting Abby A.. i3«4 K.. Morse Mary 749 Meserve Amos, 1177 Nye E. F.. ch • 1425

Marston . ' Josiah. 750I Moulton R.. ch. 1178 Noble Hannah .A.. 5 ' 3 Merrill Waller, ch. 755 Mitchell Dr. S. M.. 1 178 Newton .Maria, J3071^8/ Mathews Robert, Morse Lemuel, 1225 Milliken Hannah. 775 Mains Eliza E. '243 O. Marston Levi. ch. j Thos. 775'? I Martyn ch. Mentor Vincy, 77^1 Moodv Rev. IL. ch.• '-52| O'Dell Charles. 220 Martin Fanny, Morrill vSamuel A.. '257 Otis Paul \.. 495 McFarland C. 797 Moore Sarah E., 1262 Owens Martha. 857 Maddox Olds Rev. Sarah, 798 i Meserve Issac, 1264 Jason. 863

Moore John, 804 iMcAustin Helen, 1 282 Owen Frances. j 945 Moore Helen. S04 McL)uffee Wm.. 1 290^; Ordwa\- .Arthur E.. 10036" j Moore A., cli. 806 Moody Sarah. '293 O.sgood Mr.. 1088^ Moore Samuel, ch. 808 ch. Otis F.. ch. Mudgett Cyrus, 1-99! James 1156 Moore Scott. Meserve Ellen. 1 ^co Otis .Margaret. 1220 . I Otis Oriii K.. ch. 12N6 Moore Lorinda, 809/y Mosher Mary J.. 1308! Maddox li., ch. 810 Moore M. L., ch. 1371 Owen Lucy .\.. 1469

i Maddox Laura. 82 1 Lola. 1.39 J Oswell James. '575/' Murphy I Moore John. 828 Meserve Sarah A.. 1400!

Moore Eben. 829 i\]oulton Chas., ch • '4^2 Isaac. Mcore 8^0 McLellan Abby J., '423 Moore Melissa, 832 Miller Clara, 144 R? Phili)rook .Mary. 3 Powell William, ch. \2 Moore Thomas, Makin Mary E., 1443^^ Moore Kenneth, 838 Miller Zacharia. 1444 Philbrook Elizabeth. 24 Powell Maddox Annie, «39 McxVeal John ch 1457 Abigail. :->7 Philbrick David. -Moore James, 842 McX'ean Eliza. 1 462/6 63 Moore Reuben, 846 MciMlister Carrie, ljf62c Page Mary. 63 Moore W., ch. 849 Mclntire Jason. 1464 Prebble Jane. 7- McFarland C. L.. ch , 850 Marden Mar v. 1490 Palmer Sarali. 77 Merrill Philbrick Mr.. Rev. A.. 860 Mitchell Martha J., 1492 77 Marston Mary E., 864 Morrison Aaron L., 1502 Pitman Annie. 101 Munroe Chas. M.. 866J McClintock I., 15 14 Pettingill Betty. 1 1 1 Harriet. Merrill Dr. Wm.. 871 Mackie Mr.. 1521 Pickering 125 Marston E. AL. 872 McKee Helen. I53I Purrington Jona.. 139 P :h. -Moulton Daniel, 874 McConnell George, '575^ Philbrick '54 Mclntire Carrie, 903 rz Philbrick Daniel. 154 Moore Horace, 908^ Philbrook .Minah. 156 ALartin Mary. 934 Pease .Mary J.. '59 181 Mace Joseph. ch. 940 Nudd vSamuel 7 Page Ruth. Marsh Charles, 940 N orris J.. 50 Perkins Abigail, 190 Morrill Rev. Enoch, 940 Nudd Molly, 63 Perkins James, 190 Meserve Ira I)., ch. 946 Nock E.. Jr. ch. .65 ! Patten Martha. 191 Richard. 21 1 Moore David C, 952 Norton Abigail. 176 i Perkins McXeal Daniel, ch. 962 Newhall William, 2^S jPike Hannah. 220 O O T MciNieal John, 9«5 Nutter Mr., 307 i^inkham Daniel, ch. Mnrtin Olive, 1006 Nutter John. ch. 39« Pierce Stephen. 226 Millken Charles, ]0I0 Nutter Rev. John, 409 Place John F.. '^27 Martin Lyman R., 1010 Newell Elmira C. 474 Palmer Samuel. 229 Isaiah. Monahon Mary J.. 10296" Nichols Abigail.---... 607 Parker 2.15 Marston George, 1051 Nickerson Mr. 612 Patterson Edwin, Marston i hos., ch 10^57 Nason Lucius O. C. 619 Perkins Sally. 236 Marston Eliza D., 1066 Navia. Mr.. 673 Palmer Samuel. 241 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES. 1 1

No. No. No

Perkins Sarah. 255 Philbrick Moses C, 1083 Reynolds S., ch. 322 Palmer Growth, 256 Page Isadore. 1103^/ Robinson Carrie, 333^ Pahner Aaron, ch. 257 Perkins Martha P., 1 106 Richardson Samuel, 361 Pah-ner E!lizabeth Philbrick 1 1 26/' B , 25cS Jas. W., Royal Mr., 365^ Parker Betsey. 275 Palmer Frank, J 141 Randall Rev. A., 3«9 Pettingill Dea. A., 293 Penney John C, 1150^ Rand Sarah K., 419 Paul Howard. ch. 323 Parker Clara, ii53« Russell Harriet, 423 Perkins Geo. Robie Pickering Ann, 33 i W., 1173^ Jeremiah H., 460 Plummer Charles, 3S4/7 Phillipps Hattie S., 1 195 Rounesville R. D., 507 Perkins John. Pratt Mary E., 1 196 Rose Frederic, 521 Parsons Ann, 392 Pitman John, ch. 1234 Rollins Amos P., 530 Pierce Cyrus H., 413 Perkins J. D., ch. 1241 Richardson Joseph, 551 Paine Phebe, 421 Page Samuel, 1 263/; Rhines Hezekiah, 561 Philbrick Mary A., 460 Pingree Mary E., 1272c; Richardson Charles, 562 Perkins Polly. 470 Perry Julia, 1277 Rhines Peter, 563 Parsons Betsey, 4«3 Pitman Emma, 1290^ Richardson T., 608 Parsons Capt. Jos., 4«3 Perry Oliver, ch. 1308 Reynolds John, 611 Parsons Dr., ch. 484 Proctor Cieorge, 1324 Russell Abbot, 681 Philbrick Sarah, 485 Perry Geo. E., ch. 1329 Rexford Orpha, 688 Perkins E. O., 490 Page John I., ch. 1406 Ricker Fanny N., 694 Pinkham Caroline, 511 Parker John C, 1419 Rollins Willard, ch. 724 Pratt William, 519 Perkins Lillie D., 1426 Reed Moses, ch. 761 Philbrick G., ch. 521 Perkins Mary, 1442 Rowell F. H., ch. 770 Philbrick Addie, 522 Perry Jas. W., ch. 1443^ Rose Francis, 781 Philbrick S., r 22 Parsage Margaret. 14B5 Rideout Helen, 787 Pratt Simon, 535 Patch Willie, ch. 1501 Runnells Israel, ch. 791 Pinkham Chas., ch. 546 Pratt Chas. W.. ch. 1512 Redman Mary, 796 Patterson F. A., Parkman Ruel H., 1512 Reed Betsey, 809 Pendleton Edith, 367/? Paddock Ida M., 1513^ Richardson John, 826 Perkins S. Pingree Thomas J., 569 W., ch. 1526 Richardson Samuel, 827 Patterson Thos. A., 571 Pew Edith M., 1553 Rockwood E. M., 866^ Pike Jane S., 607 Phinney H. M., 1592 Ray Catherine, ^75 Page Moses, 608 Rice Stillman, 87S Potts John, 625 Q. Reynolds Henry, 904 Peterson Almira S., 664 Reed Edmund, 909 Ricker Penniman John, 671 Quinby Betsey, 294 Syrena, 929 Pike Francis, ch. 673 ()uin Charles, 808 Redmond Hannah, 933 Poor Benj H., ch. 675 Quarter Joseph, 7^3 Robinson Mary A., 933 P'ool John, 747 Rockwood Adelaide, 947/; Pastor Mary, 748 R. Randlett Samuel, 950 Porter Martha, 754 Rowe Clara B., 953^" Piper Caroline R., 763 Robinson Elizabeth, 5 Randall Henry C, 955 Pratt Wilhs L., 812a Ricker E., ch. 35 Reed Aaron, 962 Parsons C. M., 858 Ricker Joseph, ch. 40 Rollins Mary A., 979 Parsons Miranda, 858 Ricker John, ch. 41 Rines Belinda, 988 Parsons Mary V., 8646- Roberts Susannah, 45 Roberts Harriet, J 009 Pearl James, ch. 891 Redman Joseph, 72 Richards Maggie, lOIO Peasley Charles H., gi 6a Rand Molly, 74 Rollins Abigail J.. 1029 Perkins Samuel, 9246' Roberts A. ch. 89 Royal Josiah, ch. 1033 Powers James, 937a Runnells Mary, 95 Richardson Emma, 1034 Pa^e Chloe, 940 Ricker Wid. Phebe 96 Ring Emily A„ 1046 Palmer Henry F., 940 Roberts Sarah, 97 Rand Elizabeth, 1073 Patterson John, 960 Robie John, ch. 175 Roberts Lizzie S., 1078 Pickering Mehitable, 986 Ricker Mary, 215 Rand John I., ch. 1087 Page Clara O., 996^: Ricker Henry, 215 Rand Reed V., ch. 1099 Perkins Lovinia, 1000 Rankins Mary, 215 Rice David H., ch. 1115 Pitman Dorcas A., 1002 Ricker Richard, 218^ Richards MaryE., 1125 Piper Abigail J., 1003 Roberts N., ch. 220 Ricker John, 1240 Packard Amos, 1010 Roberts Elizabeth, 230 Rockwell Chas. D., i 282/? Parker Olive A., 1040 Rhyme Susan, 250 Ross Jennie C, 1298 Patterson Sarah, 1042 Russell Elizabeth, 284 Rawlston Alice, i 307^ Pike Fred A., 1045 Rogers Mr., 303 Rogers f>ank, 1311 21. INDEX OF OTHER NAMES.

Xo. No. Rowells Lucinda. 1314 Surin John. ch. 325 .Smith Eliza. 915 Richardson E. M,. Saulsbury Isadore, 347 Soule Mary S.. * 18 Remington J.. ch • 1368 Smith Hannah, 359 Skillins Leonard. giiia Rogers Sarah M.. 1409 Sweet Sarah, 365 Smart Ella. 924^

Rhodes S. H., ch, • 1424 Smith Adn, 367 Smith Hugh, ch. 1,25 Rice EHza J., H35 Sherman Mr., 378 Smith Josiah, 2d.. gzi-^a Ripley Kitty C. 1435^' Sanborn T. S., 387 Seavey Jos. E.. ch. 933 Rice Mary A.. 1441 Stevens Sally. 394 Spinney Abby. 940 Riggs Sarah J.. 1456 Smith Salome. . 394 Scruton Lydia N,. 947 Randall Austin, 1461^ Staples Dorcas, 1>^^ Sopesfield Mos-s C, 953*^ Robinson CJeorge, 1463^^ Sawyer Bttsey, 4J2 .Shaw Russell F.. c,57 Randall Frank, 1499 Sias Abigail. 418 Shackford J.. ch. (^64 Rackhff P. ch, 1541 Swett Martha. 419 Shaw Abby. 984 Routh Thomas, 1543 Staples Mr . 423 Spinney Mary. 987 Robinson Etta, 1545 Schillinger J.. ch, 423 Shaw Isaac B., 991

Rawson J. H., ch, ^ 1588 Starbircl Charles, 423 Sawver F. C. ch. g

No. No. No. Swan Henry E., ch. 1416 Thompson Rhoda. 740 Varney Mahala, 970 Sargent Fannie B., 1432 Thompson M, P., ch. 763 Varney Lucy. Stacy Nelly M., 1435^ Tuttle Hannah, 767 \' an Piper. 12826" Seavey Nancy, 1442 Towle Sarah A., 769 Varney Elijah, ch. i3«7 Seavey Caroline, 1443 Taylor WTlliam, ch. Stanton Joshua, 1452 Trask Mr., 789 w. Smith Emily, 1454 Trask Miss. 793 Short Geo. W., ch • 1455 Travis Josephine, 8546- Wallis PLlizabeth, 76 Sleeper Frank, 1457 Tucker Sadie P., 864^'/ Woodman Elizabeth, 113 Scott Ida M., 1462a Towle Sarah A., 870 Wiggin Nathan. 121 Scott Walter, ch • 14^3 Towle David, ch. 87 1 Wormwood N elly, 126 Seeley Alfred, ch. 14^5/ Towne Joanna, 882 Wormwood Sally, 130 882 Stone Chas. S., ch i493i Towne Elizabeth, Wilson Dorcas. 143

Ira , Twichell Seymour C ch i497i Mary E., 883 Woodman Abigail, J 43 Smith James W., 1520 Towle Sarah, T., 894 Woodman Elizabeth, 144 Stevens Adelaide, ^536 Thurston Mary, 933 Woodman Joseph, 144 Scott Fred. 1544 Thurston Thaddeus, 933 Webster Hitty K., 152 Stone Elizabeth, Townsend A., 947^ Waterhouse Lydia. 168 Saunders Tilton Elizabeth, Waterhouse West, 1575^ 995 , Benj., 171 Tuttle Dr. Thos., ch io2i!Waterhouse Betsey, 173 T. Thompson A. M., io26« Wason Thomas, 181 1 028 Towle Melvina F., Woodman Betsey. '83 1 Taylor Sarah, 7 Towle Ann R., io86| Wedgewood David, 192 iioi Towle Jere, 19 Tarleton Mary E., White Nathaniel, 192 Towle Benj., Jr., ch. SO Trickey Mary A., 1 105 Webster .Samuel, 205 Taylor Bertha. 62 Twambley Eric J., 1^53^ Whitehouse Lucy, 212 Tuck Benjamin, ch. 65 Tracy Annie E., 1174^ Wiggin Sally A., 220 E 1 Towle Mary, 72 Thompson Mary , 178 Wiggin David. ch. 234 Todd Eliza. 82 Trickey Sarah H.. 1 194 Watson Nathaniel, 234 Towle Sarah, 104 Tibbetts Alice, 1196^1 Welch Pauhna A., 234 Towle Stephen, 107 Thurston A., ch 1236 Wetherell Hannah, 238 Rachel Tuck Jesse ch. 116 Thomas E., i272^j Wheelwright S., 243 Tuck Edward, 116 Townsend L. A., ch 1283; W'atson Sarah A., 249 Townsend Gerry, 131 Thompson S. B., 1289 Whitehouse S. R., 263 Towle Jabez, ch. '49 Towle Lillie, 1297^ Welch Ehzabeth S., 277 Towle Nathaniel, 149 Tarr David. 1304^ Wells Hanson, ch. 280 Towle Wm.. ch. 160 Thompson Lydia, J305 Whitten Mary H., 283 Thurston John, 215 Townsend Carolyn, 1305^ Webster H ch. 288 Tibbetts Hannah, 218^7 Thurston Mr., 1307^" Wentworth E., 297 Tibbetts Tuttle Angeline M., 1 3^4 Worcester Mr., 1 William, 317 Twambley David. 2 '^ 7 Torrey Louise, 1392 Walker Mary E., 323 Tanner Ira, 234 Thompson Miss, 1442^7 Willey Mary G., 326 Thibby Zeruiah, 289 Turner Rose A,, i447<^ Watts Sabine, 347 1 Tenney Moses, ch. 290 Tibbetts Adaline, 463 1 Wood Emery N., 373 Tucker William, 291 Tripp Frederic C, 1477 Woodman N., ch. 3S5 Tenney E., ch. 296 Tucker Chas. H., ch • 1484 Ward Thos.. ch. 3^7 Tucker Caleb, 304 Tuttle Granville, i52o,Wyman Oliver. 423 Tyler Emily, 317 Tuttle Lorenzo, 1521; Worcester Charles, 423 Townsend Miriam, 345 Thomas Flora A.. '546 Waterhouse John,- 427 Towle Elizabeth, 393 Tucker John. ch. 1576 Welch Jacob, 443 Trickey Dolly, 414 Wing Asa. 449 Taylor Charles, 443 U. Walker Albert, 460 Tate Moses F., ch. 509 Upton A., ch. 56 Watson Mary, 470 Thompson Mary, 521 Upton Lavinia M. 742<^?iWedgewood E S., 480 Thurston Sarah, 541 Willis Azro, 492 Taylor (reorge. 565 V. Wetherbee C, 507 Turner Mrs. Louise, 588^/ Wesson Harriet, 507 Tuttle Mr., 611 Valentine Mr., 444(^ Walker Sarah, 509 Thibeau Charles, 614^; Varney Jane, 1543 Wing Herbert L., 521 Tukesbury Judith, 627 Varney Patty, 626 Ware Martha, 536 Thayer Mr., 707 Varney Downing, 639 Wade Eliza H., 533 Thompson Nancy, 740 Voorhees Mr., 712 Watson N., ch. 540 :i4 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES.

So. No. No. Whitehouse Amos, 543 Wilson Hermon D., 000 Williams C. E..

Whitehouse Dolly. 543 Whittle Eliza Ann, 006 Wheelwright M. E. '3>^5 Woodward Alden. 554 Whittle Willard (}.. 006 VViggin C. P.. 1386 Whitehouse Benj. H. •5'^3 Whittle Adaline B., 012 Weeman Wm. A.. M43t' W^atts Nettie B., 588rt Willev Mr.. 023 Wentworth E.. 1443^/ Waldron Lydia. 6io Woodman H. C. 024 Webster Catherine. 1459

Whitehouse L. J.. 6l2 Woodman D.. ch. o 66- Willard O. F.. ch , 1 468 Eliza. W^aldron Chas. W^ )26c Whiting 652 , Wheeler Dr. John, 1478 Melvin. Melissa. Wade 667 WMtham 032 White Edward J , 1485^ Worthen Eva. 68 r Willard Ezra. 054 Webb Rose M.. 1487^ Wisher D. A., 715^^ •Witham Jennie. 055 Worcester J. B., ch 1495 Woodward Etta. 7^5^ Whidden Anginette. 075 Wood Rufus, 1497 Wohrer Oeorge W,, 724 Whidden Anna D., Oj6 Warren L. W.. ch '5Sr

Williams Edwin J., 726 Warner J. W.. ch. 05'" Williams Amos, ch • 1566 108 Wilson Emma O ., 740^ WilHams Mary. Wilson Nathaniel, 1569 Whittier Louisa. 760 Whitehouse M. B., f5o Wheeler. Mr.. 801 Wyman Mr., 164 Y. Webber Charles, 808 Wormwood E., ch. 172 Williams E. A., 855 Walker Jere., 172 Young Susannah, 170 Ward Thos., ch. 867 Wallace Josephine, 241 Young Annie, 580 Wilson E, A., 875^ Wallace James, 271 Young Annie, 624 Whittaker W. W., ch 905 Willey Lydia W. H., 272 York Lucy, 908 White Aaron ch. 926 Wentworth Chas., 12 go// Young Nancy, 1012 Whitney Mary, 932 Woodis Chas,, ch. 296 Yeaton Ann M., IIOu^ Weeks Eliza, 933 Wooderson L. D., 304 York Fred, 1236 West Samuel, 973 Ward Mary. 323 Yeaton Sarah E. 1327 Whitcomb A. H., 990 Wellhouse E. C, 358 Young Mary A.. 1434

^.r-c H^