i^iW-TJirt*, \• / i. ^ \f ^-^ijt^C^^^ £^C^-:\1(J) I4^tll<_^ Q^iui^^^ ki^-U^c^ THENEW'VORK ' PUBLIC LIBRARY ASTOR, LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS. Ci.Ci>.JL^ O^^ K/^/X^^U^U, ^>^^ (No. 1522.; Garland Genealogy. THE DESCENDANTS [THE NORTHERN BRANCH] — OF — PETER GARLAND, MARINER, ADMITTED RESIDENT OF Charlestown, Massachusetts Bay, y^ IN 1637. By JAMES GRAY GARLAND [No. 1522]. • • ' , . , ••**.- • ! BIDDEFORI), MAINE : 4 «• }••«)•• WATSON'S ILLUMINATOR PRINT. 1897. COAT OF ARMS Of tlie EiigUsli Aiico.-try of the ItAKLANI) Famil'^ of V. S. t t C I t i ICC ABBREVIATIONS, &C. A l)old faced number before m name indicatevS that person's full family record is to be found further on under that overhead number in regular order. One star (*) before a name indicates he was in Revolutionary War. Two stars (**) before a name indicate he was in War of 1812. Three stars (*••) before a name indicate he was in Civil War 1861-5. A section mark (§) before a name indicates he was in Colonial military service. b. for born. ^ d. for died. m. for married. bap. for baptized. wid. for widow. ad. for admitted. prob. for probably. res. for residence. eh. for children. CORRECTIONS. riuif art- sonic errors in dates as first r«:c()r(Ic(l. 'I"h<»sc in connecti<»n N\ it'll names having holcl-faced nunihers have heen corrected in the lull family record further on. under the headinj;^ of its hold-faced nuniber. .Numbers v '*^5- -77- -"^^ should have been i>old-faced numbers. Numbers 79. 95. 112. 1.S6. 2.S2 should itot have been bold-faced numbers. Jonathan. No. 2«> pa«i:e 1 r. is .son of I'eter. No. 7, not No. 6. John. .No. ^o. pa^e \2. is son of I'eter. No. 7. not No. 6. in i'.irsons John. .No. 4.S3. pa^e 51. has note at bottom of paLi:e Joseph died iSTt^: should be died ir>.S3. •'should .Samuel. No. VM- P'^f^<-' 'Av read, born .\pril 4. i7').t. iJet.sey. No. 1073. paj^e 1S3. should be No. 157;,. Clarissa. No. 773. paj;e 1S3. should be No. 733. \\ David .. No. .S65/'. paj^e 1S5, should be No. .S75A. David. No. 1104. pa^e 1X5. should be No. 1105. Frank T.. .No. ^^Y^Y\ pa^e 1.S7. should be No. 6<>iv. Henry D.. No. i.v>4''- P'l^^^ ">o- sliould be No. 1 >3.V'- Josephine. .No. iS7S^'7- P«i^^' "'.v shoulil l)e No. 1575M. I.oren/.o I.. NO. 144.S. pa^Je hm- should be l.oren/.o J. INTRODUCTORY. This record of the Northern branch of the Garland family in the United States begins with Peter Garland, mariner, first found as a resident of Charlestown, Massachusetts Bay, in 1637. It is believed he is the ancestor of all the early settlers named Garland in both the Northern and Southern States. His name is not found in any of the passenger lists of early days, which may be accounted for by the fact that he was a "mariner" and probably came as seaman in a to from \ vessel coming America England. Peter, with his wife, several sons and perhaps daughters, came from Wales between 1620 and 1627. Several of the sous remained in the North, settling in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and others settling in the South, in Maryland and Virginia. They were of the Sussex branch of the Garland family in England and moved into AVales. The other branches being one in York and one in Lan- cashire, It is believed that an ancester in the Sussex branch was John Garland, AVarden of the Cinque Ports in the 15th century. 7 Mrs. Sally Garland Christian, daughter of the late Judge James Garland, of Lynchburg, Va., says: "The Garlands who came to America, some settling in the North, a portion going thence to Vir- ginia, are of the Sussex branch of the Garland family in England." Of the Garlands who settled in the South, John S. Garland, Esq., " of Washington, says : Peter Garland was the son of John, a Welch ^ emigrant who settled in New Kent Co., Va. Said John had six sons and three daughters. One Peter Garland was an officer in the Revo- lutionary War and had land warrants and was given a pension." The John Garland above mentioned was probably a grandson or descendant of Peter, the mariner, of Cliarlestown, Massachusetts Bay. Joseph Dow, Esq., in his history of Hampton, says : "The an- cestor of all the Hampton families bearing the name of Garland was John Garland, who was in Hampton, N. H., as early as 1654. 2 CAR LAX I) (;ENKAL()(;V. There was about tliis time a Peter Garland living in Boston, :Ma8«. We do not know what relation these sustained to eat-.h ollur, but are led to think that they were brothers." I have found tlie family nam*' of (iarland sometimes erroneously as spelled in (Jovernment, Slate, Town and other records Gaklon, Gaklin, Gaklkn and (iAULiNc; A very few of this family now spell their name (jarlin, although others of tiie same immediate pa- rentage spell their name Garland. The name of (iarland is said to have been of Saxon origin, the German signifying ''gleaned from the land*'. Dilligent and persevering etfort has been made to have this record correct and reliable. In a few instances marked ''prob." (proba- In such cases bly), my information may not be reliable and correct. parentage and descendants have been determined by the best means at hand. I am under great obligation to the late Joseph Dow, Escj., histo- rian of Hampton, N. H., and to the late Thomas J. Parsons, Esq., of Kve, N. H., for access to their valuable records and extracts therefrom; and also to Dr. John R. Ham, of Dover, N. H., for ruuch assistance. ^!k>l5fl A. Garland, Jr., Esq., of Chestnut Hill, Mass., is compiling a Genealogy of the Southern branch of the Garland family. JAMES G. GAKLAND (No. 1522). Biddeford, Maine, I^IMk GARLAND GENEALOGY. 1. PETP:R garland^, mariner. Born in England. Married Eliz- died in 88 abeth , who 1687, aged years. Residence, Charles- " " town, Massachusetts Bay. He owned vessels and coasted between " " Massachusetts Bay and Virginia and the Dutch plantations." He died in the South while on a voyage." Before his death he requested his sons to take his body to the North for burial, where he had sons, and perhaps daughters. While his body was being brought North in one of his vessels, a storm arose and the coffin containing his body was washed overboard. *' He was admitted inhabitant to Charles- town, Massachusetts Bay, in 1637, with seventeen others, including John Harvard, founder of Harvard College." He was allotted in " 1637, as inhabitant of Charlestown, five acres of a ten acre lot in " 1st Division Mystic Side, No. 13," and permitted to purchase Mr. Wainwright's house that he bought of Robt. Molton, and to have a meadow between Whitehead's land and Capt. Sedgwick's, in 1638." Extract from Thomas Letchford's Note Book, in Massachusetts 1638-1641, as follows: — \ Bay, '' Thomas Beech, I pray you to pay unto my good tfriend, Mr. Isaac Allerton, the above somme of thirty-three pounds four shillings and six pence. And I further desire you to demand, recover and re- ceive for me the above somme £6 3s 6d of the same partys, who owe the same unto me, and upon payment, give them acquittance, which when you have received, pay over to my said fifriend, Mr. Isaac Al- lerton, according to my Letter of Attorney to him made the Date hereof in that behalf." Witness my hand the twenty-nynth of March, Anno Dni., 1639. (Signed) Peter Garland." ''To all whom these presents shall come, greeting: Whereas, Thomas Beech, now remayning att the Dutch Plantations, standeth indebted unto me, Peter Garland, of New England, mariner," &c. GARLAND (;ENEAL0(,Y. 4 ( \ " Names of persons whose land a(lj(Mne(l or was bounded by hinds of Peter Garland, in Charlestown, INIass Hay: Ed. Converse, Jaines Pemberton, Thomas IMollon, (leo. Hepbourn, Ffrancis Wain- Wright, Kobt. liaukness, Abraham Hills, Thomas Caules, Robert Molton, James J. Pemberton." THEIR CHILDREN (who Settled in the North). I. b. l)efore 1622 ; d. 2 JoHN^, Jan. 4, 1672 ; m. ist, Oct. 26. 1652. Eliz- abeth m. wid. Chapman ; 2d, 1654. Elizabeth Chase. II. b. : ni. 3 Peter^, before 1615 Joan ; res, I.oston. 4 III. CrEORCJE^ (possibly). 2. JOHN GARLAND', son of Peter L Born between l(;2l)-2; died, Jan. 4, 1672; residence, Hampton, N. H. Married first, Oct. 26. 1652, Elizabeth Chapman ; married second, 1654, Elizabeth Cliase, widow of Thomas Chasej and daughter of Thomas Phil brick, of Hampton. After the death of John (Jarland, she again married, will 1674, Henry Roby. His dated Nov. 15, 1671, proved April 'J, " 1672. His wife Elizabeth and son John, executors of his will, the " former till John is twenty-one years old, then he alone." 1st, to John, who has that meadow which I bought of Philip Lewis, and also the homestead. 2d, to Jacob half the laud at Hog-pen Plain 1 bought of Seaborn Cotton. 3d, to Peter who has half of that land given him, being in the Hog-pen Plain, which is in the edge of King- ston, N. H." House, barn and house-lot were appraised at tT5U. John Garland came to Hampton before 1653, his name being on '^ the tax list at that date, and settled in the P^astern part of the town, where some of his descendants of every generation since have lived, on the spot where, till within a few years, stood the house oc- cupied by the brothers David and Jonathan (jlarlaud, l)otli now de- ceased.
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