CONTROL U.S. Orme, at ft ONLY ()debar 1949


TOI Assistant Director for Special operations

?ROM$ Chiefs Foraign Division P

8U/1410T (Weems, wit/C.- _lon 16 and 17 September 1949 ro Albanian Operation

ma following momorandum is based on notes taken by c_ . ] and _Din the course of a oonferenee wiwith C: at the NotaiiStatler on the morning and aftarnoon of 16 Ssptembar sad the nom ing of 17 September 1949. rhose attampulinz this sentsrsnoe inaluded C__ ,] Angletov C _For your assistanos in reading this menorandum, we are attaching joppy of this questionnaire which served as a basis for discussion.

1. In reply to tho question as to what had been told the Greeks with regard to the Albanian operationsC jatated that Anbassador Grady had advisod Foreign Minister Tsaldaris in general term of the formation of the Albanian Oasmaittoa, and that Mt. Burton Y. Berry and Mr. Reber G. Miner had also infonsod Permanent UndarSeorstary of Foreign Affairs Pipinelis. So far as .C. jknew. this was the only official word Joh had been given to the Oreeks. Onoffisialtyl j know of no information which had been passed to thaws and he lf had had no contacts with any Groeks on this subjeart. 64 was uncertain an towhatC- ]Xight or might not have indiostod to Greek contacts. e _jhad himself advised Gametal Van Float and General Jenkins of the operation. and General Van Met planned to brief his U.S 0MB, whom. arrival was expected shortly, and his Chief of Staff. General Tan Float had no contact with the Greeks in re.

a• C j]does not believo that the British diplomat in Athens told the Greeks anything more speoifie about this operation. After Ambassa dor Grady had briefed Tmaldaris. the British Asi seador. Sir 011-recod Norton, aloe spoke with Tsaldaris along the sant lines. opposite nuabor) and C __1(a sort if Assistant ASO from London and chief of the opora ion for the British) arranged to set up a British base on Oorfuj this natter was oloared by _Dwith General Alexander Papaw and the Governor of Corfu. So far as _:l knee. thero had been no other British discussion Of the Operation with the Greeks.

I • CI _ Ostated that he had never approached any Italian officials and said that he believed the British hadnt either. Be commented that the British wore always reluctant to ask the Itaiiians for anything and loft it to DECLASSIFIED AND RELEASED BY C CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SECRET SOURCESMETNODSEXEMPT ION 362B R4t0 TON Tit at NAZ I WAR CR IMES 01 SCLOSURE ACT U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY GATE 2007 IIIISECRET CUNTROt O . AnPIM 011. OWILY the Unitod State tido overything in Italy in eentrast to their attitude in Frans., where they handled overything theasolvos. However, in the end they node the same tort of oppress to Semi in the Italian Foreign °also as madsby the Amo0ean ooprosentativos0 In the Amerioen Ishasey in Ramos both jand L, 1Dhad soon Loppi and disowned with him the fonoation of the Committee, an entry via for Abas ramie tho relator of Abu, Preoni frea prisons end permits slfor members of the C ite.. to re. ointer Italy On c request, a umber of :1 obtained a penal sortifloate for Sajikryosiu about the begiling of Auguiis be did this, howover„ only through a safe cutwo rm and did net go btasolf to the qtspotura.

4 C said that Midhat Fraabori had naintaiaed eontent oath tho Italian ForOig0 Office ter Illems time and OVA riessmsblY be Presumed to he still in contact with it. is for foof Pali, Vasil Andoni and Main Meet, _71believed that they did not go near the Italians because of their dislike-14r mad opposition to thew.

S. As a possible explanation of certain Ore. notion. in Italy which might appear to indicate oonsiderablo knowledge of the operationsC :7 pointed out that a roommendation had been made to the Snooks to issue a statement that on the condition of the oxistoneo of a fro, and deamoratie they would moms any tains against Albania exeopt through VP or ether legal bonnets and by peaceful mesas. the proposed text of this statement was submittod to the Greek Foreign Offieo two or three weeks o- hm the announcement of the formation of the Albanian Committoe was mad. Greek Mini star Copsalis in Hone may then halm Gusted on his own in approach. ing fl el loadors and Narks °Joni and urging support of an orgonisstion for a free Albania.

6 0 It was decided that a joint Amorioan.British approach would be made to the French Govornments on the service level, to permit the members of the Committoo to enter From, in order that the announcement of the formation of the Committee might be made in Forts. (2 ._ jiaid that he bad Wimp soon Ho said that Mibiore e s office apparently obtained visesIOr the molter of the dammittoe without advising the others, got in a Map as a result of obtaining the wrong kind of vises and then went to the British. Mr Matthews, a Britimhors took oars of this matter. Sines _joss worried lest the Committee be a sour., of anent to the Friona Government/ AL was prevailed upon to see _:7and brief him en questions whisk were expiated to to put to tits dammitt0e. E not t in the Pritish Mohassy, at which tinek 2brought up the question of Mani imeivi oho, be said, had arrived in Memo that Tuesday ofternoon. C: DesPritsmid great surprise sod said he did not this

Titowoud l wait Omni Kryesiu to ioavo the country., said that he had Hie s Addys. in Rom, and inquired about the Lieweetiet the t with Yugoslavia. It later appeared that C ahad been in touch with certain royal Yugoslays. who apparently had expressed their views or fears to him. Two days later :jasked to see the Committoe and SECREI , C TWO:. U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY IPPIPSECRET CONTROL atompral cay volunteerod to take them to an apartmont, an altar Usk .00 tly declined, Ihosbulah as 4: _Jhold to so to Raw he IiiNCedL the address of Osai tryesiu therefr -:luas embarrassed and was umabla (or =milling) to Oro him the addilles. C: _:Ialso said that Xing Mar wished to LINA statement of support of the Albanian Oemaittea, an offer ahioh Dhastily deolined with thanks.

Y. C., jtried hard to pump( ._Dgin the relationship of C., to Leon B. Sherman inquiring ifr was handling the natter as a representative of the hate Departmeni-er as a 01A repr.sentativo. protested his ignorance of this question and toldC_ jthat he movid imanubtodiy be able to have this question answered by Sherman him. solf L- ; said that he slither should haw liaison in the Quid dOrsay or that he sho d establish a now branch of hie orrice which would correspond to the ono handling tho Albanian operation

8. With regard to ths question of security of reoruiting and train Lug of intended for operations inside the eountry,C._ .3 stated that, so far 41 he knew, no British Wisers had gem to IRO maps. Be said that HIM Mani and nail Andoni had don the recruiting in the soaps, in order to cover the departure of Albanian agents tram Italy the British had chartered a plan for Cyprus. The Albanians wars offloadod at Malta elan dostinoly and the plane continued en to Cyprus, where the ships passengor manifest was checked in such a way as to indicate that the Albanians had actually arrived and been discharged at Cyprus. In the event that, attar their arrival in Albania, any of those Albanians should be picked up and in. terrogated, too British Government would may that they had boon taken to Cyprus for training for jobs in baurttius but had boon found uneatiefaotory and discharged, and that it did not know hat had bosome of them, attar that. The first group of Albanians from Malta entered Albania about 18 September 1948

8 In connection with The above Mr. Angloton commented that the British had betrayed their operational plans by asking the Creeks for forty Albanian identity cards c- J agreed that this did oonproaise tho operational plan, to a degrees

100 With roference to Mak Major Berbirt, ilasaid that his father was a wealthy man, not oonneetodwith wi the BIS, who served in Albania during the Balkan wars, and eho was subsequently scheduled to be mad King of Albania In fact he became British Minister to Albania, and had estates thong Major Norbert and his mother have been proainent in an AagleAlbanian society and have maintained lose oontaot with Albania, partly through eaten. taming Albanian contacts in the villa of Major . Norberts mother at Genoa, Italy For the past 18 to SA months Major Herbert hag been octavo in effort to persuado the Albanians to organise Bowiveri-( L 7stated that the British were =willing to use Herbert in any way this-oOrstion.



U. In late April and oarly MAy 1940 Pitsroy Waft saw Tito in Belgrade and, in the sours, of oonvorsation with Mao railed the poetics of Albania,. Tito said that ha would not oppose a hangi in the goewroment, but that ony new government would have to b a pooptablo to him and that log maid not b. aseoptabl•. This mooting took place beforoC , 0 SOW to fterliston.

12. Tho only thin thing doh J know about Tugoslav upsets of tit question was that ths British Ambassador to Bel grade wt.O la I:WAS About Si . 24 August 1940, at,the seme tin. thaK -3 arrived there omg than aeappoorods jsuggosted that C. _light hove goo. to Trieste to brief the British Anbassodor an the situation. ,r- 3 krare of no other oasis then the British had dlsoussod the mattor.--

12. To the boot 40(1, in there had been no eentset by any of the Committee members with Albaniansans in Tueoslavia. Xi said that Said Wrresiu has resolved a soup). of letters Irma his the WU. of Gaol Lryosiu„ saying that ehe had mover been able to vorify the fast of Omi ts release from prison. belimmtly Sajdiryosiu also method word trek Ambassador Conned to the afoot that ore had been reports of Osallos roleassi_but no proof. Sajd mere that he has had no oontaot with his brat en. Joeproseed the view that the British would over trust the Committee members to 40 anything without the knowlodge of the Smoricans. Ms added that thoso Albanian leaders reported to have net with Yugoslav reprosentativee in bloats under British auspices bad not boon absent long enough from ROMO :3 absent to go to Trieste for suoh a meeting, and that the persons alleged to hors gone, to Triosto had not been may from Homo at the Same Um..

C 3stated that he knew of no Major Wilkerson or Wilkinson, nor of any Drip/4,w- Format Wolkor. MO stated that woo • Wave in thie,wooration mad 40aar him so a big, C411, husky fellow. Ho said that of the Life Guards, was in thane at Malta. BO British Srisadier has ng to do with the British base on Corfu, whioh Is being sot up as an RIP weather station. The operational hoot Si the MARIA MILO, the former olgaretto.sauggling set4vitios of whiob are be. lag cued as cover; it is run by Ionas. Squadron leader C. who on clo oe. coition took the boat to Siefly, possibly Palermo, for moire. Other Britiohore ruminant in this operation aro L_ 2•C 3and C! jit not inwelrod, or at least he has asia n been menti and no approach has ever been mad. to Albanians in . CI _lad no knowledge of Strout/mays in Athens; ho described his as 11.1 hie of Army Group during the war. ParonthetioallyC sj mentioned Charlie Lenin., a fro..lanes writer married to a Turkish giri out with no known means or suovorte since littlo or nothing of his work appears to be published; C, 7)uggests that he may be in the employ of the EIS in Grose,.

stated that, on 17 July 1949, he had read a report dated 18 July, fron an Italian intelligono, service, an United States and British activities in oonneotion with Albania. Later he sue another ropqrlitong the SECRET, CO N TWO u.S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECRET CONTROLR MS OFFICIALS ONLY some lines In addition to these too reports whieh were made available to hiii by the British, he also reeeived from the British information on Pimp. Obleh he passed on to OPC. From the British ho also obtained overlays of Albanian mutate defenses and airfield informations In this eon.. WatitiOWC— :10tetted that the British gave him eonsiderab/y more infer.. mattes than he reeetved from our people

16. C- 30.44 that Verlael himself had never boom invited to pi:UAW in the Comnittee for /tee Albania,• With regard to the meeting at Loh Adue Marks Cjoni had been invited to Join the Committee as an 4edivid004 he said that Nue know thatC: Jess present saiVal; have ksasfl Ai nationality in view of j reformats to C as NW Britt" oolleoguell he said that he also used such expressions as °WO Amerioans and MeV 0044 so that Ildue Marks Ojeni must have known that the Amerieens as well as IL British were interested in supporting the Oomaitteo. Aimord.. tag to 41 1 the idea of a Committee originated with the United States, sine the Dritiih had previously Won working only with the Belli Kombetoro 3believed that the British did not think in terms et 4 Committee until 4 or a oune or (acoording to Mr. Angleton) until 21 Day, whet( advised London that a Committee was in the wind. Mr. Derry and7Mr, Miner had taunt oisatiisite tho idea in HOMO and ones in Cairo (with Beg) before this date, suggesting Prasheri as chairman of an eventual oemmittee. log agreed on it °moat.° in principle but felt that it Should be under his °entre and aimed at his restoration. W)nh. Committee was announced, he was disappointed ever its compottition.f: Jsuggeatod that Bog might be behind the rumors of a deal between the Atatant Allies and Yugoslavia over the disposition of Albania.

17.1 C_ __laid that Loose Duke was working for .X-king Zoe, who, he said, was putting out feelers to all. 24 thought that,Albas Du4 probably was not working with the Greeks, although ituka might be. (4„;._Jhad never heard of Baku Gogo her of Bodo Motailk A000rding toC Ismajl Seta was °w- itting entirely on his own. De said that the Committee would net authorise on spproseh to the Italians (and felt that the Belli Keibetar probably mould not authorise such an approach) Luria, of the relations of the Committee with the Italian at the present time, as for exemplel, the arrest of Ana Armeni and the enti.ItalLan position of the Nall Amabeterw _27hed no knoeledge of any discussion with Roadie regarding the partitioning of Ali/anis 20 stated, however, that some Britisher, favor partition, as for example, Godfrey Hobbs, who has his °Moe next door to Creek CemmanderopimpChiof Pepsis.

10, Abas Hupi, aceordins to (1 -3 is eerteinly under British control, since he owes his life toC: D and however, he is also aware of the power of the United States. Amjd Dryesiu, amuse of the finanoial help which he has received from the British, may also be considered to be under British control but to a lessor extent than Dupl. FraahorieL 27 said, has no loyalty but to himself, and has no funds, he had been denounced by BBC as a collaborator. Qraels that he probaoly has as much influence with SECRET CO .TROst: U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECIFT C 0 N T . 11 vose " I 1014V Freaheri as the British. Be said that Fresher/ was delighted to loam that the seat of the Committee would be in Bev York. Sof Pali hat no British influents and no British oentasts. lust KottaL joonsidore to be definitely prooktmeritans he has au uncle in California who is a beaker.

BO. . Ifl C lvisw, the %moral Committos is net important 1140 oenmented that Abaft trneni, like Zoof Folio is a young and tough idealist and not prowBritithi it was the Americans who obtained his visa for him, provided his transportation, and got him out of jail, and oonsequently Amerloan prestige is probably higher with hit.

Bl. The British tkonied giving any mandate to the Crooks to reeruit, and _:lboard nothing from the Albanians to support any such alai. said that soh party roprosentod on the Oomaitteo recruits for its own area,

U. Muharret Bairakteri, aocording to _ is grateful to the British and the Crooks for their attitudes towards him; he is an opportunist and a negaleaaniat.

216 Log mistreated Xupi at Cairo, and Kupi shoved clearly that he would leave Log if we undertook to beak him, but we advised against. Lupi may hive understood that he had olaaranoto to approach the BILI people on t July, although the lalli Konb•tar would- have no talk of the OKI. C ilbelieved that Salim Deaani so translated inatruotions that Lupi was nisi into making the contact with the SKI people and that Domani probably had Soes orders to get the BKI leaders in*

• 24. Abu men/ flatly refused to join as military loader if the XI or Marks gjoni were included boeause the BET vas too tainted WI traitors and eollaborttors to put on the Committee. C._ __statood thin. has mover been :: intontion of bringing any Kosovar into the Committee. Asoording to :.3 Marks Ojoni was in fervor of including Utter Peva and theKo sovo i up in the Committee, oentrary to a report vitieh we received,

26. Mhen Bratoni went to Triosto he was sent up from Rome by the British in an Babas!, ear to the border, raised over on his ova, and then was taboo in a ear again within Trieste to a British safefthoues. this was done to avoid his arrest since the Ito-lists were describing him (in eirculare which they distributed) as "lot dangerous British smut". Brasni is arrest while hA was in Italy on valid Greek doemstents, CI_Doraid, was a polies mietakeL, _.] t ,jandC. 23re sent to Tr est about the 4th or August to reassure monis they stayed quit openly with General Aim,

26 0Bala Fresher/ is not in the picture. Ths two top people are Midhat Fresher and Abas TWO, while Abas Brooni is third in importance.

270 Steer° Bkendi is a teacher at Columbia and, in C- j view, is probably the outstanding Albanian in the United States. foo speaks English

6 SECRET CONTROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY I, ‘ 00 Akio. y fluently. $e refused to join the Gemmel Comettinis moo he was not °moulted. Ne is not a politician and does not have a strong following inside Albania.

BS, Bison Desti hes been tm Amorist 4 menthe. A founder of the Belli Kombetara he oarries weight inside Albania.; however, be would not be aosepted by the Oommittee beamse to do se would upset the political balsas, in favor of the Belli Km/miter. Fresheni opposes hi for reasons of personal prestige.

XS. Colonel Q0Ou4 who was on Zogs general staff and a graduate of Bt. Oyr but during the occupation did little fighting, has been in evidence lately. Said Kryesiu knows him well and thinks ha 000peteat. fip has tried to eontaet OPO, probably through the State Department

BO, Net Polio Presheri and Bail Snot gave information about en OSO operation with Italian Nary people, They said they had amen an the teem and had arranged a ode with him so that they eoUld get information trait hi, Net before the mao left, however, something vent wrong in the arrianeimsnt! for giving him the code, and he tailed by BO minutes to got it. does not believe that the Albanians mentioned this in order to get a reaction from the Britieher printout but thinks it may have been an inadvertence. Pali mentioned it but then stopped to cheek with Pratheris however, Bare aught a few words and ease right over and, in Met, asked for a repetition of the story. The British ars aware, according tor 3, that we are running operations with Verlimi and the Italians.

$1. _ :3stated that he had no reason to think that Greeks, Italians or French have their controls an the Committee but considered it quite possible.

(1 =_Isaid there vere many signs of Greek and Italian opposition to the Committee. Kyrkos is one sour of rumors designed to discredit the Oammittee by linking it with the Yugoslays, and reports to the Greek Government as a paid agent. He is very close to Verlaei, who was trying to sabotage the oommitboo, The Italians will be increasingly difficult about our recruiting in Italyji lobserved, and said that it was not in the Greek interest for the Committee to succeed. If we tried to run the Albanian show alone, the British would also be against us,

BB. The British operations going into southern Albania are not straight intelligence operations, but they eon run separate intelligence operations, just as we. All British intelligence produeed is given to the ASO for his use in connection with the operation. The Rome Valuable man gets all the ssorst intelligence that Roes has to help him in his operations.

$4, The British in Italy are being very careful not to antagonise the Italians. They have, however, oome up with OB reports obleh look like the produetien of a penetration, The British petal interoept servise in Italy and Grose (sic) is very good, IIncidentally, -)toldC )that if he gave names to the Americans and they checked vi .9g the Italian 4, Jithe latter would know immediately of American interest in the operation. at SECRET CO NTROL - 7 aft, oirrentAL ONLY II/SECRET C NTROL: U.S. OFPICIALO ONLY 1115. In Smoot, the British worked closely with Godfrey Hobbs, who it very close to Pepagos and thus a good intolligens, shame. On the 22 sift, the British hare epparentlymaintained fraa their pre semar imorriot peopl, who have been working for them for more than XS year OPO worked through a Oonatas, apparently an old-time British agent, in an effort to +Roguing a Norwegiangotypa cutter of 8 knots" ovoid; Oonatat was proposed by the British as a safe eut.out

SG The to/lowing Britishors were montionod by k:: in the °ours, of the difoustion# a.. anew with this operation on Malta or Corfu, was in Cibanta lig the war

b c ...) in London, is in eharg• of Middle Nast production.

Cz__ WC a. jig; He 2 man -D

d C _lion Malta, was for a tisk with SIB, Cairo e C__ on Malta ,,lis on f C Melte -]replaced C__ lit head of S.I.3 for IC. Criddie-- Bast in the field

h. (1._ "ps apparently the(1 3 P2J. I. C___ _Was J opposite number, so to amok J worked with ,C who was responsible to 2(1 out was lent bY t _D t4(,: ,D. J. ( ::1 the top 11:,3 eceempanied C___. to Baldwins office. suraC k, IL jaeosars to bm the too -:I had to oontset 1 was not sure of thi naAA) apparently is his assistant, he wall in Paris reetntly 1 tho oontant man for Valuable in Rome

ST rinelly, rat nor. to the following effrets All interested persons are aware t sosthing is cooking and whats cooking is more than propaganda This Le fidget from the toponym exhibited and the statements made by Vaudrioull and Nikolopoulos Security is not possible in an absolut seams on a thing like this. However, security oan be maintained„ and, in my sting. tion, has bean closely mainhinod on the important factors of how, when and where It amounts to the same thing as our knowing that the Russians hays ben behind the Greek business, but not having evidence to prove it SECRET oos ADPC C"O NTATIC 11. •0 „,„„, 4a..3.,404/6■00°


Z. What have the British told the Crooke, in view of their understanding and support of the Albenian Olemitteel (Ca 11 June walls, Week Minister in Bee., told NEI loaders that the Greeks regarded united Albanian pelitioal sanadttes as very inperteat, riposted NNW at the views of Nljor Norbert and stressed the desire of the Greeks that Presheri be on the eenoittee in vise of his strong support teen the British Foreign Oftlee .47 A. tio35ta6) Oa 4 July we yore advised that Mori irellik -Ooasul Masi, lasing his visit had tell British approvelit eked a neMber at Albanians in the ISO bensit Oaep at Bari to return to Breese, we they would be well treated and have an opportunity to serve their wintry in pedal °P0,11"011 "C 7, 11116721 About 6 Moist 1.$1$9 Ofteatts Beats OStni and asked- hia to support the Vies Albania Ooneitto. - (2_ 210 IS-423774) 2. Ito what intent hare the Italians been taken in on this operation? (On 27 August 1ame41 Betio a $11 4t1 approached an Italian official and said that ho wee ordered by the Nalli loibetar leaderelkip to approach Italian satheritisoend to laveetigate the possibilik0 of ecoperetingwith the Italians in parfroilitery speratisse airiest Albania; Bois, without so stating, oenveyed the impression that he had ressivad his orders frea persons new on the Albanian Liberation Osamittes 3 in041 ) 3. To what extent have the Iron been advised of the Albanian operation?

44 MO (: :laid any contests with representatives of Italian, Greek, or Proneh intalligemee services/ 1. Nave there been any deals Car dieeusePane) with Tito or his nepr.sont.. attoos by Asorieans. Britisher. or Albanias? Ohio question La eked in Vie, of repeated reports of meting. between Albanian leaders and reprossetatires of Tito.)

6. Nave there boon any nogotistions with Omni Draft, Do Plans so now envisaged call for the cooperation of Oani Eryonin at any time What is the present statue of operations? Renew Albanians have boon recruited to date? Where ere they imitated? the is training and falai then? When ere they to be sent in? Where/ What will be their assigned tasks? What is the division between the British and OPO as regards operations? Dees OPO have, or plan, any operations independent of the British? SECRET CON TROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 111 MET GCNTROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY

8. What are plans for future recruitment of Albanians? Now many will be recruited? Where? Will all recruiting be done by the British? What measures are contemplated to make recruiting more secure? 9. Is the North African training base still planned? When will it be in operation? Will it be restricted to OPO personnel and agents, or will it be operated jointly with the British?

10. Is the propaganda broadcast ship still planned? When will it begin operating? Where?

11. With what Dritishers doesC4, 3 work? What are the roles oft! Herbert, C JC J C. 12. What is the basis for the report, that, haat 4 August 1949, C,_ and Norbert met in Trieste with Vidhat Frasheris Abes Kupd4 Sajd Kryoein and Alms pea fres Italy and Osni Kryesisi fel Ojelosh and two representatives of Tito to disease plans for the overthrow of the Albanian resins? (Bee j 3 I/440217) 13. What knowledge does (7_ have of any plans for /Coco Atka, Abas Kepi or Baku Ooge to go to Athens to confer with the Greek Government onnnestion with a proposed Groak-Albtudan confederation? (Soo ni43,008) 14. Does t have any knoeledge of a visit by a "significant British pwrsonalite to Greek Minister of Public Order Bondi. an 19 August at which the Britisher stated that the best solution for the AlLies is cooperation with Tito on condition that Albania be divided into three parte, the northern part to go to Tito, the southern park to the Greeks, and the central part to be left to the Albanians? (SeeC jrmai.owle)

13. What British or combined operations are planned from, Corfu? Who is in charge? What is We cover for these operations? What have the Greeks been told? (See f; 3 IN.040521, Part 9, Para. 10, Ludt: 3, I14.390689 Para. 0 16. What are the real romans for Zogfe repudiation of the Albanian Liberation Gmemittor? Mew generally is his repudiation known? Are there any prospects of obtaining his support of the committee? 17. What doss Ahem lag now represent, after Zog has withdrawn his ascroditatiOn? Dees Kupi have any personal following in the Legaliteti Party? Wes the approach of Abas KUpi to BKI leaders on 7 July an instructions from the British or Ono or did he act independently? (8.6C , n4.36632) alkSECRET O t ROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY UCIET Cur4TROL Mt OFFICIALS ONLY

16. Tait. of goes repudiation of the committees at imperious is now attached to obtaining tho participation we moppert of the Bgl? Are any farther stops planned to insure the portleipation of BCC roPresentativos in the committoo? It so, what reprocomtatives would be oeseptablo to tho other membore of the committee?

14. Is there any intontion of mammiNg the committee to inolmde 44tiVO gosevar participation? 20. What evidence doesC___ -3beve of Itolimn opposition to the Albanian committee or plans for tarrying out the Albanian operation? 21. Are there any indications of Ore opposition to the aemmitteo or to on? Are awls operations in Albania likely to coogtooto the plan drown up by OM and the Britt?

Which Albanian leaders in or out of the sammittoo, are considered of meet importance, and eihe 23. Are all deals. with Vidhat Freshest, or does MOW freshori also enter the Asters?

24. What dealings have then, boon with rinse Marko Nage and what dealings with his son Ndne What are the moons for dealing with the son, and not exolusivellyedth the father?

25. Which goobers of the easerittie deseL :3 eonsider as being British. controlled?

26. Has the arrest of Abs. Ermeni caused any great emberrassment, or is it likely to affect adversely the cork of the committee

27. Bees 4:_ :3know of any eontoot Waleson Albanians in Italy or sees and Omni Kryesiu $ Lnfti Spohia, or other Albanians in ritioalarrill

28. Is any serious consideration being given to the partition of Albania between TOgeolavia and Oreesca or otherwise? Is there any discussion of plans for a political and/Or sesteme union between Albania and Moir of her t neighboring ototool gO, Movers the two persons who invited Idno Marks %Joni to join the Albanian committee as an individual? ClovS 1111497,11)

30. TO what Morison officials in Italy., Tricots and dimes isCl, identity known?

31. Hac,(1 J sent any reeemnaissanor agents into Albania? How soon dos he plan to? Unw many will there be, and in what areas will they operate J, 114.30579) SECRET 1) I Ft 0 u.s. OFFielALS ONLY firSECIET CONTROL U.S. esrorlotAug ONLY 32. lkos L hot ear ladieetion fro hie British colliers that tite say be alleged plans to overthrew Ruh and to impose his owe rale ow Albania,

33. Aro there any indications that lhillarres grater/ would, given the opportunity go to YUgaslaris to work with his brother Wren, (see _30 1110031. Pert 11, 4) 34, To what ettont do Albanians in the know baLters the Albanian Liberation Otooittso is British sponsorial and controlled or that it le o Mitt Aodboakeariean ereetisal 35. Who were the members of the Barii Iteobstar who interned Aldordioas las the protease of his British aolloollowts on 29 Jw17 of the visit in early Joao of Italian Navel isitsittion a AThintin reuses amp wear Wes sad of the revelation bytom the to latter an of operations allegedly bItig eandnetid in Albania? Does C_ resellthename of say at the Italian Naval intelligenee erne in quoetiaa,

36. Whet objestiewis de the British have to including representativos of the 11/Z1 on the Albanian eardtteot What objections do other rembers of the essosittee have, 37. Does IC --Imre any intonation regarding report that Umberto Mager was sent to Italy at the end of Bay 1949 as an onissary of ex-ring thos to maks contest with amoral Albert Pariani to disease a possible Italiamitegiet operation to liberate Albania, - 4 d

1U 39. Does have say knowledge of an7 present activity on the part of Bode lietatt