5 APRIL to 3 MAY 2011 14 Collins Street Melbourne 3000 LETTER FROM CANBERRA LETTERSaving you time. ThreeFROM years on. After Letter from Melbourne,CANBERRA established 1994. Saving you time. Three years on. After Letter from Melbourne, established 1994. AFFAIRS OF STATE P 03 9654 1300 A monthly newsletter distilling public policy and government decisions which affect business opportunities in Australia and beyond. A monthly newsletter distilling public policy and government decisions which affect business opportunities in Australia and beyond. F 03 9654 1165 A PUBLIC AFFAIRS FIRM E
[email protected] W affairs.com.au Lobbying 101 Getting what you want for your community or organisation. The change of government might bring new NOT FOR PROFITS opportunities. Perhaps the chance for a new BUSINESSES approach by your team to a new team. INDIVIDUALS A training course on lobbying and communication. INTEREST GROUPS A one-day, interactive workshop educating and training you so that you can more easily clarify perspectives and achieve your objectives with government and stakeholders. Designed specifically for your team. Stakeholder Relations Advocacy Toolkit Planning Your Strategy Timeframes The Messages Campaign Management The Targets The Law and Ethics FLEXIBLE TIMING FLEXIBLE LOCATION PRICE BY NEGOTIATION presented by ALISTAIR URQUHART Alistair Urquhart is Managing Director of independent public affairs firm Affairs of State , which operates in Melbourne, Canberra and beyond. He works with businesses large and small, professional associations and industry groups on a wide range of issues. He also publishes two monthly public policy digests, Letter From Melbourne and Letter From Canberra, and various state and federal government charts and directories.