Mla Selective List of Materials for Use By

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Mla Selective List of Materials for Use By REPORT RESUMES ED 020 686 FL 000 181 1LA SELECTIVE LIST OF MATERIALS FOR USE BY TEACHERS OF MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS. BY- OLLMANN, MARY J., ED. MODERN LANGUAGE ASSN. OF AMERICA, NEW YORK, N.Y. PUB DATE 62 CONTRACT OEC-SAE-8342 EDRS PRICE MF.40.75 HC-$6.80 168P. DESCRIPTORS- *SECONDARY SCHOOLS, *LANGUAGE TEACHERS, *ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES, *MODERN LANGUAGES, *INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS, FLES, TEXTBOOK EVALUATION, INFORMATION SOURCES, LANGUAGE LEARNING LEVELS, ROMANCE LANGUAGES, EVALUATION CRITERIA, MATERIALS GROUPED ACCORDING TO LANGUAGE (FRENCH, GERMAN; ITALIAN, MODERN HEBREW, NORWEGIAN, POLISH, PORTUGUESE, RUSSIAN, SPANISH, SWEDISH) AND SUBJECT MATTER ARE FOUND IN THIS ANNOTATED SELECTIVE LIST. FOR ITEMS IN EACH SECTION, INFORMATION INCLUDES LIST PRICES, GRADE LEVELS, LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY LEVELS, AND CRITICAL EVALUATIONS. APPENDIXES INCLUDE SELECTIVE AND ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES FOR SIX CULTURES (FRENCH, GERMAN, HISPANIC, ITALIAN, LUSO-BRAZILIAN, AND RUSSIAN), CRITERIA FOR THE EVALUATION OF MATERIALS; AND SOURCES OF MATEnIALS. (AF) U.S. DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH. ELiVATION & WELFARE FRENCH OFFICE Of EDUCATION GERMAN ITALIAN THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR OR6ANIZATION ORIGINATIN5 IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS MODERN HEBREW STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. NORWEGIAN POLISH PORTUGUESE RUSSIAN SPANISH SWEDISH MLA selective list of materials for use by TEACHERS OF MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS EDITED BY Mary J. 011mann Prepared and Published by The Modern Language Association of America Pursuant to a Contract with the U.S. Office of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 1962 This Selective List of Materials supersedes the Materials Est published by the Modern Language Association in 1959 "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL HAS 2EEN GRANTED BY 0.Mottaktinu TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATI S °PELTING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITP U.S. OFFICE OF EDUCATION. FURTHER REPRODUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PERMISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER." Copyright 1962 by Modern Language Association of America Printed in the United States of America by George Banta Company, Inc., Menasha, Wisconsin ,_ x.nomon.....1~0..IMMI 1.111111111M010.111MOm CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . ALL LANGUAGES . 1 FRENCH . 7 GERMAN . 27 ITALIAN . 43 MODERN HEBREW. 56 NORWEGIAN 62 POLISH . 68 PORTUGUESE 70 RUSSIAN . 74 SPANISH . 83 SWEDISH . 116 APPENDICES 1. SIX CULTURES . 123 2. CRITERIA . 143 3. SOURCES OF MATERIALS 154 4M4,0,./rM.W.".-....m-,.......,-....,. -=61. INTRODUCTION When the National Defense Education Act was importance. Materials which could be listed under passed in 1958, its Title III provided federal aid, on each of several subdivisions were listed only once a matching-fund basis, for school systems that wished under the heading which seemed most appropriate. to purchase teaching materials in mathematics, sci- Sources for items have been given as code names in ence; and modern foreign languages_ No comprehen- capital letters. In most cases the source is the original sive list of foreign-language materials then existed, S3 publisher or producer or the authorized distributor. the Modern Language Association contracted with the When the item was produced abroad, we have often U.S. Office of Education in mid-June 1959 to provide added the names of one or more domestic distributors such alist by mid-September 1959. Many foreign- to indicate price in dollars. Items can usually be ob language teachers were pressed into service and they tained through other distributors and importers. gave generously of their time and experience in pro- The prices quoted are list prices, without discounts, viding data on items. Douglas Alden of Princeton and may change. We can assume no responsibility for agreed to act as compiler and the Materials List for the correctness of prices or the availability of the ma- Use by Teachers of Modern Foreign Languages terials here listed, although a copy of each entry has miraculously appeared in time for use in the academic been sent to its producer or distributor for verifica- year 1959-60. It was of great help to the profession, tion. The dates given are those of the copyright or despite the shortcomings inherent in a bibliography first publication of a work or its revision. produced in such haste. In the left margins, the arabic and roman numerals The Materials List had scarcely appeared in print indicate grade levels and language proficiency levels, when the MLA began to plan for a revised and en- as explained at the beginning of each language list. larged edition. After some negotiations, we received Both levels are indicated, since we need to know the permission from the U.S. Office of Fdttration to set social acid intellectual lever of the item as well as its up, under an existing contract, a conference in Oc- linguistic level. Level I may represent one year's ac- tober 1960 to establish criteria foi a new evaluation complishment in senior high school, two years in of all teaching materials (including textbooks, which grades 7 and 8, or three or four years in the lower were not evaluated in the first edition). The criteria grades. Level II may therefore be attained anywhere were accepted in principle by the Office of Education from grade 7 to 12. in January 1961 and they appear here, in slightly re- As the full title states, the present list, like its first vised form, as Appendix 2. In February 1961 we f,ub- version, is intended for use by school and not college mitted a proposal for a revised Materials List. It was teachers. The latter will nevertheless find the list quite accepted in March 1961. We enlisted the cooperation useful in most categories. For them, it will be weakest of the five AATs (Amer. Assn. of Teachers of French, in Basic Texts, where there is (and should be) a clear of German, of Italian, of Slavic and East European divergence between the book written for a secondary- Languages, and of Spanish and Portuguese), who ap- school freshman and a college freshman, and in Liter- pointed Chairmen and committee members. We ex- ary Texts, where for the college student, the level of tended the coverage to five other languages being literary sophistication can be higher and the amount taught in U.S. high schools (Modern Hebrew, Nor- of pedagogical aid lower than for the secondary-school wegian, Polish, Portuguese, and Swedish) and we made student. direct appointments of Chairmen and committee mem- Items here listed may or may not be eligible for bers. purchase under Title III of the NDEA, depending on Membership in the ten committees totals 184 teach- the individual state plans. But in no state may ma- ers and they evaluated nearly 2400 items. Eachitem terials be purchased under Title III for distribution to was normally judged by three evaluators, who rated each student in a class. it excellent, acceptable, or unacceptable in from two The annotatedbibliographies of Six Cultures, to fifteen aspects. If the item was deemed generally which appear as Appendix 1, were prepared under unacceptable, it does not appear in the present list. .e general direction of Laurence Wylie of Harvard as Each of the 1850 items that do appear here was rated part of another MLA contract with the U.S. Office of at least minimally acceptable. Education, to make surveys and studies of benefit to The items are grouped by language and type of ma- language teachers. These bibliographies complement terial. Users of the list are urged to read the evalua- the sections on culture and civilization in six of the tions of all the items in the languages they are inter- ten languages here represented. ested in and also to read the All Languages section. As part of our present contract with the U.S. Office Cross-references have been avoided. Sets of materials of Education we are making free distribution of the that includefilmsor filmstrips,recordings, and Selective List of Materials to the National Association printed matter are listed under Integrated Programs. of Secondary School Principals, the American Associa- Recordings with accompanying texts and textbooks tion of School Administrators, the Chief State School with accompanying recordings are listed under the Officers, the Department of Audio-Visual Instruction heading for the part of the set which seemed of prime of the NEA, teachers of modern foreign languages in ink INTRODUCTION jiwrinr and cenifT high schools; thecrate foreign lan- ney, and Frank White: to Jeannette Chao. for her guage supervisors, the U.S. Office of Education, the effective management of all the financial details; and evaluators, and miscellaneous individuals andagen- finally, to Mary J. 011mann, the editor, whose patient cies. The total free distribution is 53,000 copies. persistence brought order out of chaos and tracked The MLA has made an independent printing of down, by a mountain of international correspondence. the List and copies are for sale at the MLA FLP Re- nearly all the missing bibliographical data. search Center, 70 Fifth Ave., New York 11,at $1.00 each. Like all other compilers, we aresure that our list We here express our gratitude to the innumerable will prove to have errors of commission and of omis- people whose wisdom, devotion, and zeal made this sion. Some excellent materials were published too lac edition possible: to the 184 evaluators and especially to be included; others were omitted because they are to theten Committee Chairmen, Elvira Adorno, not generally avAable; a few others were left out Alrik Gustafson, Jacques Hardre, Einar Haugen, through ignorance or neglect, despite the diligence of Abraham Katsh, Edmund Ordon, Karl-Heinz Planitz, most evaluators. We will be grateful for your criticisms Raymond Sayers, Lurline V. Simpson, and Leon of the list as a whole and for titles and publishers of Twarog; to the Research Center staff, who checked materials that you believe should be in the next edition, catalogues, called publishers, and typed all the evalua- tho'igh they failed to appear in this one.
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