Tram Concept for Skåne Basic vehicle parameters REPORT 2012:13 VERSION 1.3 2012-11-09 Document information Title Tram Concept for Skåne Report no. 2012:13 Authors Nils Jänig, Peter Forcher, Steffen Plogstert, TTK; PG Andersson & Joel Hansson, Trivector Traffic Quality review Joel Hansson & PG Andersson, Trivector Traffic Client Spårvagnar i Skåne Contact person: Marcus Claesson Spårvagnar i Skåne Visiting address: Stationshuset, Bangatan, Lund Postal address: Stadsbyggnadskontoret, Box 41, SE-221 00 Lund
[email protected] | Preface This report illuminates some basic tram vehicle parameters for the planned tramways in Skåne. An important prerequisite is to define a vehicle concept that is open for as many suppliers as possible to use their standard models, but in the same time lucid enough to ensure that the vehicle will be able to fulfil the desired functions and, of course, approved by Swedish authorities. The report will serve as input for the continued work with the vehicle procurement for Skåne. The investigations have been carried out during the summer and autumn of 2012 by TTK in Karlsruhe (Nils Jänig, Peter Forcher, Steffen Plogstert) and Trivector Traffic in Lund (PG Andersson, Joel Hansson). The work has continuously been discussed with Spårvagnar i Skåne (Marcus Claesson, Joel Dahllöf) and Skånetrafiken (Claes Ulveryd, Gunnar Åstrand). Lund, 9 November 2012 Trivector Traffic & TTK Contents Preface 0. Summary 1 1. Introduction 5 1.1 Background 5 1.2 Planned Tramways in Skåne 5 1.3 Aim 5 1.4 Method 6 1.5 Beyond the Scope 7 1.6 Initial values 8 2. Maximum Vehicle Speed 9 2.1 Vehicle Technology and Costs 9 2.2 Recommendations 12 3.